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diag a SPT Sse] Dae CeAPP Try ner nad stems abet Ce AOL ea aagellg ae CLYary ep ene eet el Pao Roemer grt uUez OSS Pe ae Te a gl Palen saul Rees raed ai 2015 52 Amst Py hb byl uf PPPs Apviphs Yael Satya. Piet = poe Mracury Srey fost 7 iy LLyth ce LGbelerciee WL Fhe us, Ads Ebr Agset wsbs 24g aortoryy £1450/-20- 0412500 Lhlyg (2014 323.8 PLL Pike ENGLISH SECTION ee Surah AL-Naba (4s!) —Durus-al-Qur’an By G.A.Parwez Shad 3082-7 | | para 30: Chapter2 ‘Translated by:Dr. Mansoor Alam 55 Skit OP 54660_102LS 25-B = 6 Ps 042-35714546: 09 ' f ane (0465 3/6 cs E-mail: ebeSG AL Hu Ab ute re obi [G2 ) HIGH Ota ni Lr5-B Mike FSIS 2 NAVEED GRAPHIC 5.5x8 2015 52 o Mega] (ese) Cate Coe Ceo AO Ce Soha Fee Y Oe py be a ro ous F at UL Ue S ott oe Ft ot SIS Us B ot ba 2 dvi es Oey bu 2 ESR Uy eX WEE oF Get ge ing ge Koh oF Cw op Ht AT be bet Lr oe SF Uk Le Sul bs Bw Bue Jur Sin Btu i Bs a Fg oe at wt on bus Lupe oe » wt dee tees & wu ti ot be wh 7 et Se du sr beg UB tet SG BUC lg EW Ost gsdbe ee ASF > a 72015 5% 4 (edetas} PAgtane pslyl Ce PLS eer Spal Be A tred ye cut Bbc Pir tll PERL ile We py teicks Seed aL btu Bedi ehieer bout ulster lols ap Ccit ies ns? PELE UL WE tL eA yh Sok Stull bA ole SOME gern Po th BUG Mate AI RE MISE LF BoA LE Die SUI Frc LANL WI Wifi or tovl Sug Bet 1837 Ag SUobir POnCt e792 tA Wubi pth Pz, ee ty E ty ser bie€ bob F ry ttn€ wide tw lL egdt CEP ail Soslingk Ueiertor ty G Awl Moultby thy AZ 2 Tora 22 Wo SECL WEL IIS LIL ieee wif Gel AU EL Ur OWL Pr Socb Sie SulL ould Fi GEASS IAAT IA SIV PS he Ieee Lip wwe wnt Ketone tinge & by indjve Seine a OOrL LI Moe Hutit 1856 SiS li She pobre pen L uit Pz Meals ab Sue ABST IGE GCA AL Ate eid sit ued utc N83 ie eu pedule ih SU5-L & eed gerd Sulla Bo Eg ule uly CMA Tp LARUE P2015 52 5 (edetas} Grob Ut Ble etl MewtL tes U el te le Une ut Fb Ct Un Me Une 6 NG dl pS bre the Ub Ma SUIS Ule sleet BLE hy Post UL Unt te sbi 78. = ool Tae ite 1888-Un sb 6S Happy Cb-L. 2014 S12 24 sur" “See Ss WA EI S1914 531 F3ULe Exactly SBP AC SEK AU Uae FL PE Sor brL LL Home School Hype SUP AKL Centenary str Cults dh IOS, A Ueut- 1937 wir F-18387 ig Sle NP sry BEL Up al sbaleL eel UWE Ole ac FU FUT eek LUC Bt usiire Mh edd 2 at tet Se A9-E-E Bombay Chronical wis ez yeadtule LSP OSASBT ele Sac Bt-& es Education Secretery2-L sti Teukilal tur tea of aie PRAHA L to ULNA Sit ok bout beh etenite Lehi Iola he AUG ote Lathe tbe Me bet Ute IAA te VEG tee nF SA unl poestebedsrolns Sle ALP Uti Sete Were dh AIL Yael se Jue teed pt hes AUP! AT AOL PU te ile ale at sii, Searenb iF a AOE ec Sve NPL pit Hblutethe ebay 12 rut ses hn oF LSSpile be te Ste eC The etal Cece ih i Se MPC beg tse tld bess P2015 52 6 (edetas} Pagans Sour Wels bur Lol C att unl Seg bb un th Ser ot Unb be eo Ue Ie EL Use ol Up ore pa J le LITE &yYLIE rg Us File ot ot Bt Le § vast A ie oh Bt furs e BL Ue yt Lil oft 6 ML ei SM Ups ule S th yy 6 urd 2 OS uty Lo & Ui ut 6 use S bur fe ut ut 6 Air 2015 52 7 (Hese-«| de a3 Sty Ul b sel ot beige SRS wh 0 fer sy Ss Ub Ub » wh 6 eh wg F et ” Wf Sox & bul Lu db» Ue Ueus Y eee & Sue De EF ter Lb Ze Sg ok Got ol & Goh Lt 6s go B hk xz bee CPL wee dew SSE MS y GLP fee SUS ot Futi fy ¥ ZL Si yw fuk £6 ZL ne Seti» 2015 52 (Hese-«| dice Mak wees 2 Je Be ents ca Sol px bs dsl At os des PE UW a gee ee UF bide pt £2 6S Gs bw 6 bb pe & Siete Ole pt oP artery hee pt 6 Bee 6 oe Forze Pie SUI wl bares Fis th Es Gk UW Gre Boe Fat Ge av ff de br 2 Peon Tuc P2015 52 9 (Hedetas} Fhe th 0332-7636560 fe Sj : Pee theeride ther Mel Ale bo gurheep wit.) FEbE UP Se eset title Hts ehePiriseut niet Jbect he Uefa dail Be stligeuy SLURS Cu thu ep eue we RE Pete MEL SPIE IAT AWL sar) Shetty Tee SAO. Pee sate be LaF Re She er RL Se WIL EE PIU Grady 2 ele VIP NEL el? eco thi We sEn tn tg slr babi Gar le Gece AB Melita Ad bbe IUL Lose oiler trp wlu() rate nb Eng 6L or nS EE Irie r WSC LS of G1 he Serbifuoler ore ZF Bt yo HEL tte L ithe ALI eB autftg leis eke Sb pbreS Sm citolen en2rSheT IVE UAE Luitiiegeout ek eth wtih Otis ie ore Miia de LE Lee NEG SS GE LOI LL a eG Lub SpnO ree aber eue whe calererP WAL REE LGU La iL itl? IRL BU BIE rp LION LEY PAL ie Py ibe Aa lie Une SL stl Ove burtie (2015 52 10 (Hedetes} Mot} eyed wnipo SSL brah Sex Sf ME be yi bse SAAR OIC HAN eg be Se ew RLLL L SBP OIL “ph hee ELIFIWE SUlt ale Upre Se bbe etal ee cre Or At sed Sire Ursa LEIA RP Oe ee BETAS” wt Sis Srerblut pe (Merl Sri Sher Su Bh Mi atta el ECE uP Eee SGU 2 Ser Sis CE tre MPMI MASE Lf ZL Sle Me ne Ser bls ea) 47 FeS (worship eh ey Sie F GS eee PP Oe AUS ed pos ar LE ee Pr Ste Gut gi Sper Pat Prob BPR 2 oye tebe Kerb! NEL Fb Su SAP bn IS eet BA tele ASDF Se SS Ot diye EI pr witli FO OG Li eh FE Fle HEP He AE AG, (Be FFE pws Se SF yee UA ae RSF Ube HIE ESL ert SI FEE Ur Bu jPod BE tine wei ete aecrtl SFE be bE aR pew Seri Sure eblaS EE Ir at Ae barn baths bork Pe Gres SL by iedn ter SU fase Ul Sle Mite PU Le teh ocr tr gla to BAL Se te SFE RB rit eo 619. (4:80) WIFE SED ad SS three de peru S ie 6S Ur ile Beri Suayeuter i SEE JriyInl Loos Cibo S UrArtadie feliC er ble ter bi Sagas bur ike UL bo Bok tee toupee HL ithe ie AGL Rabe MCS eNSRLMC EAE se ec hese) (6:33) 88 2156 52S ONG Gs PU eS ales oh AS 72015 52 11 (Hede-cas} Littl AL ALU HL IR SUNY Le gt 7p beat! heer UL MEME GLE Zr eee yet LAL WL Ped lu siete brite Loy eb pst ttcees ANIL Sy tthian ATE TWL GEL Jr tute Geol tt Hoe L AGUA bet LU LEAL IBL eB Suey SAF AMSA a bral eta Yelle Pe ALMIEL GS ebu? Mh ter hedr SPLOF WNBA orb) ACI PEE Bet bediLibuptilesiye pre Ale ulus n£ ye LUM ELE APU WI Ula OTL IMG ULE be tnt SCSbad totais PEM Gabor Gila RL ie sleek IU! Le ignes SLi etre Sl Moire LA APUG) tel SCALE ASW ALE SRL Slop IL Ne Urea at SL ee SBE Jr illb- SUL LNA IE bn PRAIA a Bl Hs PG DL IVE heh Soa bclessr 2 Pa tach Pte Sle Sle be Uts17¢4 © (waging war against the king) “O26 L ole Ce or sudan Gl spa filth sesh ESVL GLU Lite GlavalSL HS Uruslle ted We Cheek Sul inate made sue oT a pert he VEIL Fue bar Kerb [Sete e eB Sirly SeP ted ter Storer SA ie eA Sane Med se Le der Sipe lier igneruS SIL Gite pyc re bree Cl he hee ER REP MP OIE We bred Set 72015 2 12 (Hedetas} SSR UIL othe Beit b Sle Fe VL eBid VFL lot ett esl te S| Chto RE AY tn EP) bSeolks LAA AG BTL FB LTUILP 8:17) LENG EES ele Fee Nes RBar” (B17) NEG SELIG Se by YE ret (Sit Dy BL gx CPR ple baa bs Uplalg LM EPO oS, SS MINE Pose CE Srob GI LL LY Mb HEME wut Lon A Lordy Zé LT edb SAS GOA DG Seto sr Lec ex BP hee leh L Lee QR Lape, Bre sll set” (48:10) BAL Ke Kota te KET GH CsA rE AL Peale PL Pdr pore Lies She Sal tl JF Ii¥l Set Lela Ne ou eS Re be (4:80) BI E13S Osis abe Pe Se K Sn Pete Neha Lek iteuinetune Sal Spe ec thbea SO Peer PS tN NEE Hy Sn SWS SIS MS PRL GOI See Ve PAL ise bore SI PAL us ig phetyne tL SE BUI tet BL ple tAIbL ustiuls argh PLAID S Er hoe An SP ee Igor tS Uo tet FE SL Ces pi pe BRL Sos SE oUt ie reb tier c Bebe selon ect KALE Sen Fba ee tl L ee PLB SL devas”) Ser Jour 0 ASLO, FEL BBL ruta” Usi2(9:107).... (3255) ele BAS rssh 9 (2:279) on A aH Rye SE IL ote EA 72015 52 13 (edetas} AL, Bed preg ZL ris JiSe Ye (Lot edi gut eeu fe UU bITPL IeL Ueto l LSP ile ie Creve Lo Mi Pein loty Se Lust PL act epi wt ei Ce BS MPU “Uris Abba tate Sie UL aliine Eire a Sr tsb Set ALLE het ce ber eet hB2UL he bn rly HLS LL Url Se PL he Ae Asari put PUA A FO si BIL URE Uncle t Your) ire SETA SBE Uris Le SBI By SWE 69:4). 2 BNE AIA th hoes UrrL yal L2” (33:57) —- GEM ut (ESN ae the Puteri Meth tee ted Bair iye ether hb ple HLL ZL ME bb Gre LIA SPI L eM LL Banlt (0) ONS MERE CHIMES sw 7 Wom rere Abo) FLAP AI) SKE VBE NASI DS OIG NBES LFW RUBE MLE MS Sir Se Seper iL Ui BU 6OLF FL ye Se bt Mi teeta L Mle bre ol Jpeoltheger 1h Ueval CPO Ural tee bbb SS Fo ol th be SASF etext! My nde Wokse2 Lt te bw L Yeu trustee tet) ve Uris Se Cnc Sayre € 22 £ he fe wi Lolig Ae 72015 52 14 (ede-tes} A Lit or OA) 20 Senki Rey & Db PbS Hi UrL SaldtPice ser eet (8:20) IBGE SG iss MIS IEE LNMSCSSI te tA ELE Lhe se bie a Vur Leo i ZO Ses Mad MEM NE -< APL titi SEAR PEPSI elrrte or Beet S Ursa Poti erlact" (8:24) See Sash NESS ce Utter (Cet 2) he eo tt ee Svat SP ra_2"-(24:48-49) Ce SNEG AIM 0635s BS phe ASEM Ite Bulie Le werd cL Wolese os Ste telus Ue eee ete ua toi MSE Bae chs Slge Ailes Os Ce se SSS cS ONL IMLS ALT ah La iy Ser iS Uris Sr fe Svs (24:54) RAIS 58 EGS (OIF aisha Sri ISU! 32 obese PAIL SES oobi Leb evE Is Seri Conse Sd Ut Sens Sole dale Case Up LL SerIL oly Aeol KUEe HW L Uru I teeligh iL ee SIL pre Ube eat Se? Pee e GOS BE ISG Beco A sec UUW eI (LF Pte Pur fi rei pied hie Wal SUL san Sol WALL grt be ut Sre due! C66 Tre ele Ie nady oP a eee ee ee ei saSDaNSS GSI: Se pon ees ae De BIE IC arlry Se SE tbh SAG ili then” (24:51) - ET agai at 2015 552 15 (Hedetas} telne Gey tlt Shee Ly Serb fule leh Fue Lido mb auteur SLOGE BIG HL rnPal dre baPtn 6bener GAL yt: be Went J berks ee ueypfewel Sigur e Abner Aa Pil ry fo LE PZ F Git Ply SorviSoib teint of LEMP Ia Aer Bora Grdne abla SG Gis Lase bi San PG ties CLUE ONG AL L erbllcb rterbees Gre Lbs Ge TL error PAL re ba Ind iitie bo Ke IPS ge RL PLU eM ML ARAL Stree elute sie Guf6 ee BO Uris te SITU then NS LEL LE MPS Mle DB PURE SRSA et Lis Bi Pb tec alee SHORE WL ELL rte wow Loe T rl Se Ao SG “BN ESSE BENS, B olstss ath Dial ai te AE Os Saag ESTES Ua Aga Pinot bgsottp ee pre he Se ft Siar (4:100) Casts obs BOP pi tibie. See WL Ebi So lronide PR So edad Seles Leber WEL bby Me le LIE her LEE ve Wie} LUE Se AGS BURP EVLA Lut Lavarulbe el (Berrie SBE YA Tee Ur WARE WIE LE GAS Uri SUE yale CAL Irie che EEA Ue Cs) USI Url Z bbs hPL b SAS oN E ne TIE OU Sas La sh SIS tesUL--BUa Pope eA SAGE BB Bales ALalin i hea Soler habe Ue Le As SELLLL AIDS Uri hit SOE eA nb up iS ASL heat Libre DT OANG TRG LS orb Sra L ye ty yt 72015 2 16 (Hede-tes} S Urb SAY INL Sot e2F Un Pop BIS Up TUR tule (Dent FU WE Me LUM LUI L app haf Se Asp ee Ubi nSESANG Chee: sul bar SileeF ELBE YM EK Iter EE PL iL piu IIL Bebb BSS AL ruled hi cous ep WIS tetecthea SHS rt Sb LrF Bhar oiSUrisle Shes bi Gant Urabe ase nl SI oosost tobe IO Gabe Vet be Men ASL Aye FLW LE LS Inch y at flop einltoncl ie MU Se ee (tug OMEN Ye SIS he L pete ec Wika ELE To! ve DAP nbe We brIme Urrdb PAL Iihuratie tri bugl Fe tt RAL SS titre be tinliea eds ltl le Updo Beet Sgn Oe bbs bot lS cra ete SLE EYE purse ye Uh t SY Kew Sifurtoiue, seethe Yi Jie & (Profession) um ut bake SK CAS ITIL we CS GAL NpresteelelotGef soe Ue be BOG SAL AL pb L yh onb sie tena SES by brSv PEWS RN ort EE Nf Pie cgerLyteicoror| dri Se BP, (83:21) AE Eh abl 353 NIE Sic eet bie Pe Br HE Gee UME De eh A OWI I Dore chi ert terte ule Ebb te 2 Ee whee SL air So beh bee 5 eve tga iA S84 sa LSE WEE tire Crirg Ce ort L ose Oe BW STM be SRE PL LE SPL ABIL ban F Sis ols ORES bie tue bebe bate th ectigy ne So 72015 5% 17 (edetes} decried Servo bet 2Bime btuliobl/Le yiiewuy eh Wyner ble Ube SL Meet re EU bref io WeriSpbe Bsus lores WIPO Lolak CAs SS SP ag Gebel t£ Un PEAS bere So tea CLS Ips Sas S Sa KG NGI a SAL eho file hE Mesure ZL ete BU cre thc tale eel ILL eZ St A ArruiS Soler las kU beet tL a fotki bly-g Ht “Se Siin vn IL ES es tebe TnL ee SU! Uf LAE Serer LSU Saf 00 fone Feith AE raertbl MGs _0_< te A rout Wiel ULE bb Ube celal Sep Ser SNAP L Goss ie bot yw 2(4:64)bhosh F035, is Sr GerbiSed iferbis rd 7 (4:80) A ALI 3B A528) abe le iF Je whe dye tytic ebigie bet (bb tyleade) ed” wee BE ot rife HBL pine et UPL SiS -- en ABS RE Chet bt tSe Ke Be WIL AS abs se gl Sete AL Soe PB YeteUpetd Li Mttae rerus Aint iterbiS te uinde Us, MALL Ceti tye Le veel Spiele ee fue heehee emis Re deeb teil can SGU YI to Cb rvs Susieal bie tLe tesblsuse et Uti perfil Ne gsoueBtbdtle Lt the bre SOA LLE Ler bi fy Ler ig IbwL Sug Leonor iS ole Ve Ie De Br FL Glee 72015 U2 18 (ede-tas} Pre VBL rrr UEIE SEN YEE OAM MW erp eg? Bere er IS i team Reb folie tery iL EE eh PLE Yt te Oh Php be le Ue ebm SELLS NEE AVG PL es UIC SICA) Gert Sed wiSerw Li Ser WIG eh? (EV AED TUBS 16 We SIE WIS ble SLA wh EEAIML Ne Selo hfe 2b Puifer vi iL tp cee) eg ple ZL KUM FEW AK TL Perlite? My Abele ph Lari yoy bn Se Mey Foner SEN broom BAe deer iS uid Wher blyA he tore AW 6is nin BBSFL SN fe AMIDA St Lotte PY Oat Tet Sle Woe S biti LL Ves S is hnrisler fe AILY CP Pe bul Fa tyes er bot Ut Uy Sib eal Stay NE be lesa SHUSU Fisle WoL AIL Foe” (6:7) CBR BB YE ruse Febu Le A they Lltiate etter le tur Ly t Vp ce SE tN Ly Les iSite L "2 (24:51) bagi ut Los Fog tiee dora 6g theaderine tel Whe Wisc Ubilala I te SES i Arte bese wk Se te Sn Ph Unable (ey) the bx Si NiyBed he eu Stile Serer Sale ture SE v2 lg GUL PUM up th ybee Ip foe WB i PY Sa iayet Uy EUSP WI blige Ey CAL Ge LUA CE uid bIC A ers tL ne “pede hee Tp Seka Meer SOA LE Epa pte L sewrg BE loys 29) ECAP Ib 6 eeu be ERIC Heros al ely Pn he 72015 U2 19 (Hedetas} ust GP iteSe ergo Dynamic Psychology tein ed ero tediSWL Are sle Mite drt EL Uirte be ally te bige Ble J iL ite Sita i Sir HL ebek tig efreve bedi dustbLalg ut 2 £i(Reinforcement) beac Ft. g & xdt /5¢ (Conditioning) 4 sretey Visual Images) BALL keibe iid sul eget Poth PULL FE LOL tess SSM Nite Lei Purl nlio Bl As Yikes Sele oe 72015 i? 26 (Hedeces} Let WMoutert Aue tnt Von BEAR Cube Hiseyan UE Tee Ste nL PUL lwlere drut We HA phe pe bach e Wi bre Sereir-< BEL eral US bo AL Pigs CL bier Se Sy KN Eg ue nye bribe Grate iSe de ety Soyo SB PEL otter Vous hE LP Hor Oita Merville ustorhe tui ft SiS tel eee ail 2 LS IPC rele Prost ols Sub/-e th eV (Naught) ub Ue Ure a teror se trtlbe ei sor eewelie Si (PU Us nie bree SIA le te ele Gael ASSIS Letty LMA ILL ties tly (Anninilism) Ueber i fete Frat ni tperwd pLuthen eth IL EL ur dee 3L re Si5e(Imagination) B19 ese thiysl Senistyt ebb Ge Et IP Se Fp LF oP esteg 2 er Pe iL SIG GL LG LINEN ELL o SF er Nn Esser e SES A CoS. A ihe hy FF Us!r<- (Concepts) Usual NL ith olf tee “neil baat POCA ESE Lt rcsbyg oh SETAE tut tyes DLL bor Munroe h fret tie Ake ya tetoct6tz LP GEL cts BR WIPO PL Ae tne UL As SOBEL Sibel SP Sota ung We uP LEGA Ure cbo LPL BOENST Sins Uv! Wl A Ser ASH Lh leg SH Sud ITS U8 UE rashes Lib» Ut» iter Sue beef ie 72015 5% 27 (Hede-tas} SENSI ABS Rata CPI Mabe ber PSL bd ficr-telet Lyf abet LOL By ale bre tier Sule ¢BoageLi6r/ (Instinct) ole Bee ou At rere eG AUE inh gM a barr tly NLES PIMP ELE se LobeMBL ng GP pel Jalen S em Mgite eu L ie tze Aino Lye Ll elit tees IS tA (ID) 3} utd L(derives\ Bagh BW Lee tL ret our dg (tension and Unpleausre) 72st OIL ot podo® Prop £ iter bSebulebebd Yhe detige Ke bal Gol Sauih% Sirs gerd UWIRFATL Sue paibul (KE (Hypnotism) AF uerty MSIE Lrg PSAP PE let re Je sKAnton Miser) ALi6, +7 PLN gale FSO Foe May sleaze (Ether) Zia vent LMP Fe ANSON GALA tt Iie p CAL. hirtatr AL pete Berens ete tte dyslg Lett Pibe hl PU PLM At UEI, Leet bird (WK PCEG SALE Le SZ pall LHS EUGAL eI PRGA PL ch SL feel HL IIL FL Bboy SEAL PL A 1831 Py UI L£ Se Lit A878- BL Se eS Sut iuy i Se1S Hypnotic Suggestion) Ort SFL tel ES RUE MLA CULL Ue hibel Bs uti) UDG ere heaL Sn eS Site SPA SSG, SOL OY ce BAS LM LANBISL Sesh uni ste KBs Med te POS BW Fou Wee Kee 72015 iu? 28 (edetas} Feitane RUB RL PPM PUB EU Lobos Olle Pie Pb IB Lobe Pe utes NL Ie LAtypuesie(tur) HL We SOE Pur WILE G Opi eeat ea utedl Sur LAM be Ft Wu Lew VFL Le BeBil iewnlul Zped Mus a PLuMite Le Colle Kui Sule UF tsb py Ao tun (abr OC tT Bite EINES SSP LL Ee LAL IL ig tet (GUL 60) Fb § a Sty (tt CL ere rhed Se ood MIL AL ibn er LS EE IL il Soe Fe bor dt Soden PL Poole eR ANB pe 2 4 PELL Ws see BASF he PSM Se PLCS rtp BAIL IG PP Be LLP eM eM IL MAL tp BLES Wwurws ALIS WPL mob’ tut wrt sf ibe Pf Dol tutor ZLL ANB ret eur Kec S bbl BL oll EMBL Sone Soo PLASC UB UE OP BNE TWA L oe ool Lb ef SCL ete Cala Ate le Mee Seni Lhe RIV bef col BILLS AI SCORE ie Bec AS arte BSB (OD Wedd GebliL tie a Sezuzre Mls bee JE ute Bat ROL LESAN gle sete rg PHELL 2 sho AG BING (2015 52 29 (Hedetes} Kdesebol eELuuté te Ley ACL IU Lk bie bos Bette WBE Mt ey sie £7 Pol Fe Untitled unic6usIue pb eae LP sss WP yr 2 Ln BOL Plot iL J BIE PSI Fc Sturt ds bp MoaidritGe telby Abbr RP Lab DPE MEISEL Virb tte le yd Meelis Spire rin he JAH ¥. ME nS, YL eit Usuipise iis isu Lue Ln PAbtirl vl ase ne. i Ebr J ert Were tbe pL LLM PIG PEI VL tr AE Mt Le Pe Kn Tie 2 Ve bnthL yr ebb stleWntex LIME EL UL Aura 2S IL EE POF Prey SEP SUNG SIEGEL TAB IL IPL Sob L Ed FM sh AS BGIIL Sip Lew TIVE La tod ole MILL nL Lire Sout 6h LiL 7 Le le rtS crear fUseie Vb CASK Cord p/E bests Bett Ee UO Gusta Sept OI SAS FEU seta SiPsL U2 VL wl bio e bie 2k UO AS tt HSE n Puke Meg ey So ttedt el Sif IL UP wl debe yes UrFal eh Ug ced ecu KR Ue sl tA TF SL bre ies ta Wife Lee FL Js Woe Sf ALDIL NIRS PL rt Ye BAS PL WL UP ade IL Un Lulg re trie PHL Ux wlstes (HED AE OLL KG pay a Meee AeA LOL salle Metis GE nE EL Biwi L Lx stitch sere? Ur JEL PAUL REL Bulle US it het RES? 72015 2 30 (Eedetas} AB SBL ery eB Pe TTL Ly ATR EPR Lathe tba ILS 0b eile ph KMet La LA Jevorhietizerl Poe ASP ES bo e oS UL N Crap LOT Lie RUS Me SAR UL ALL lt Sei LN heue chek d nliprnbic HRP Ute dS UL Stet» edt B Fbnclt Cle pee Anh NL tint SPL Se eee nL Wi Se Ue Pe IWE AL der eL Sor PELE ASV Ye NEN Ae eLLI ZL Sie REL AG PLIES SR ABLUALE PHEAP UNE Mite oly fret Lei GbAL re dt be eh zie Eye slg Ped Lypeleh wep Soph kel thle Ae titteteS SPM SLE ry Ap eo ILL se BL or Tt tae MSP OS wel Mex Wile Segre sot OP Leh, Bagh te Spb toe t tbe FLSA bOlyh Merle ER AL pre par KIEL wl Me APU eI ROEM SUI SLL byte SWE WS Md Mee SIAMESE SuitAuperd sulted wern, Ufo le Notary Ve HBS AL Se te Whol tect SP Ui PES SL we wl Pah BB aby Soba alba FAIS ede KEL SUIS Up uie EM AR SEL Gp VOW UIL UBleUewe ps MGS AL ASAL SIS rer ll ole ceie Fe BUI AL Mire TIM AIL fale fly Ide BE NBG Pig SW AUG BIS 2 exe Abn Moe ree Solede lle (2015 52 31 (Hede-tas} Mg Bec NAL Tote glo Vord I thrE SIS iy Sigh ECSU LEH Sb Bite Ae SASLAIL Uber Stuer sa piper SRE PL ULB pital ntye™ MefLea sMedinidr Ser Anate By uiPeriuiriuLLAZub6suletpur le Blase He Gee SUublre ele eer Epil JE Seutde SBI Supt PU Sg ABW tr Sz Sor L vin ible bere Gsd pep Cu Si By Aeon PS GAL pw deer Sell be Ln MOET SU IG lostb Sere yl uf eS rbe MAAR Ue AILL Wo esl Pine fale SA INSCAG RE pie eB Fre |L WG tewtL Ai Sie op sl Ce) SSAHGAL Pipe ib biper ha Lee PL Mees hotugs Bet ALE WAZA Molo Le Ly Bt ebelbuled edl eghiotd (PCL PAL etd nda tor EP PGL susp poured ford PMSA PENI MON Lect ernlal stoutnpectty ti) abe Sift Le abel me CA ty Fobinetb ee LPL Ibe ter6L AM Liat Ge ulate seh a SEV Gg Ste ser tetlpihedeytle th pert ene NSP AA DSPLL Le LSM NL Le Gye PL ID ML LIAN ELSIE PL pry WILL bh RISE L ote WL pte otletiitsed BPC a ortchutturl eilriL ui vile pelt SU tu FFL AU ce elt 2 SOME en ORS wt bre CLI ASAL (eb) Wee Be HT 72015 iu? 32 (Hede-tas} FILE Bus, “ (,20147923'220) ert Sel 6 er uk Uf Zu tas JOG See ule hee Spesrndspe Sle Gun rte Eee Suen stor eti- Be vid phe aS Fee wiSbE Hines Phe tr oudieyyut LEE P AN LAM sib mbes Mae KO WIM LAL PCL SEW UF EweL pith Ce bigtn Lite ee TnI Soy eter se Se Pr be Goyette re SSMS ret SL SSE tite zal UL nL SiaZi Su LG As€ Csiro wil yt Pest BY Up wit 2S E3252 £ url iOHE ez Sete du! 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Lue tutte 1A A ENGAC PEE AOL F. Bie StU Lire Hib ebitecoll 2rO923 Li ferete Ly tiresolyleptire tie cbe nb Ad lest wos ZlLQGABIE Pi tot Te BBL lit niet BAM Fo! ed eA ip Ain BIE be BE BIL oo Aevipie ey Lele th Pui Vole iL ee nl A ef WL PVP bras ti tub te WHR LUD Le ubin Kohn hed) Lele SL oll slo Pelz hp fel S223 lyse rete doloss win PAL tO Rlsl wh Lit oh le Kos bi» Ne gb We we de A Mgt Ahad be Ut uiS Sena Ap UF ed Jr wtet rei Aiucai eK Te A AE 72015 52 72015 U2 2015 5% (2015 52 37 (gse-tas} omL dears Lk Spl wth En ABU bie be 12015 i? 38 ree ony Bry J er 2015 52 LAL COAL Lien tae eat Pig 7 Foi Pincus usbary seit Pipfibrsoich Fuibhes Pvirbere 72015 52 Ener IGE 2015 52 End SGU ub Pb 29h 72015 5% 42 (edetas} Pi hé (HAC Mast Ae fee SI TAI FG Lr Leet Linea Spe Prkiaey UO RM PLL OA ie ME DmEeep e pt bVE BLT fe Shep beheld Mle My Se So sistip Sa Ft le ge GF SF Fs uF az fH ct LAS AWL sB zn APE LAI AIBA SEL IES SBOE Al Ab he SG Tun ges? base ao FS1940 oh S Bt e ITAL eel pt POA SOI bbe Ste BL STA inti En PB APA tEL WEEKS ie wl ip be PEt fect fer SURIE Byte (AWA LA Be sled er PUIG Lap RVILbEP Gale BUFL LG Fe lete ut! le CPL it Ent ne Miner 2 bl eSB Pe MUL she Site welder ol IIF TL bY Cinbig weer SENOS we Ae bs ui SUKI bn PefnL Sp Mn PASM te fee ndheo in Pe LG KIL t)1./20 he Botta Ley SE Ue Se bt AM oe Anahi tele Kt RE No WW NTE btn he Seg 2b Led ieusthe 72015 5% 43 (edetas} Stet AAS Pe Sr les GL Sali e Ulaltg rol s oP Unk ALS oP lege ein RAM Shel Jrighe tf ces yal sacl gt ulyos oy id Luke Sut} igure i Sunpbit bp nL IPRS prt ra L dog elite ely Bel HLA Ve 2L20x3018 sey But usslet Gree fS6F eto SP UP os LOK it Pe Jaw! nur] eur eg paur| POET] url (37,38,39)} PIS ehh] 40,41,42)| Gir ueferrnr| EAS eu oth eit dio ania Cler Aur (FF) uyun29| (HF) ujus30l bake 4#92-42-3571 4546: Au diatv'255251B 22.) OMe sbsling 6 br bE SAM SE Grecslz tee ye PzraIriode tex P2015 52 44 (Hedetas} Meri wi Gite A Lote =r - -_ Tone Sig kein Sg Pe pbre Lvl uy ree Z Ut SYeenane Sup hete Gfeine Suse Pn le Apo cihh Wen ry< tly E Pr SbeSevre BLS le Muse tr LE Le SSE EIS Endy til pul Laie tSieortiak ele SPW Sre fat PEL BE Le eh MI PE aL Ut Se ap he BALE NE Nie IRR L WE Se th Ye Ubuisulg® ArH Sis feerbse 2 WIP EIS CE Sige Be eh Uefa 4 SUD ire BWVL Le ele OIE, Awl ye thy tut ne Oe FH bi SAL SAI ASI ghia belie WB MLSE tet She re eS Abit BIE CUES Els ssobg iL lbh Newry AE Mosh JE hil WAG aE it Lapp Egil a prhorre bec iig 1 KOWAL in Mod 22thts Al une pte HOSS Cg Le byez ti Pha its PB MERLE Uyoh JEL ln epi SUIS At Al une bet Sot She Kero d esa Son Tics » tet Mots (2015 2 45 (Hede-tas} FSi bbe bassin bel Me Sez LCG er Te 6 ee ea MNES TL A ALLE INL Utiit nc ML hp bLS Aybar eb Wie IAL UA LL tH a Pate JL BL & en S Ut ten P2 ISL AWE OL UA SII SLO L EL Ut Sb de Sp Hla le SAS JL LAK SEP HSE lah Se L ALG efeWL REEL gust Bu tee Swish son Ye IL LL SP CMs he RE PALI Se dete LL ol SME Tew He eS ISG SUE LH twuole Fey! wth Sled tbetble With Sebbre VIL KIL Mable it MWA Huatgtnurle ote discs S et bE te teste te Al SBI AL of MeL oth £16 DL ee Lh ery CIV E UN PU ten l Un Sieh 5 Pobierz test ne Sebo Ph Syn hf eE ye SS yuige Wied ML be SIRE IL ILE tenn dren Are spe Le nuir6 buon, he pds Bab ML rl PLL SL stead Unter LAB fr Mo SPM ke WEL herldabsbe Week Et PretteSahiosle Pa te wl Ie crt Gul Je pe dF TPE wad tiene Auld Sobedl nid “Ue BNL ASW NE ELK yea Rorrulyi th Seite VIEL Sort Kt Sb wip LL2 Sub douuil bedy abst 6 Glee lh Mig etre mil Ho SUS try 2b WUC IL b Oe Ure CULE teen hee SE Aes Sian pea Latinsete Wurrtog eb Such ie (2015 52 46 (Hedetes} MUM Re SIGE eM SUM vitae wee phase oe i Ute bai ie tee LUG te uth eS Atay agian tLe sl tfc ute wen f GILL Let fe Le tont yp visovenite by aft dle me PULAB IAP Ee SL LAR ind tht se iikep Lobe Abie zn Unf Lei Ute Su! Seed Sut LS ei See fepuh We wile ty Bape Gy Ce GUL ety prJes Bit L wut ALL Luci BS EMA Geto he WAST A ulm awh Le wt ade be pe EL GSS Le Sse fuyole ten Pelt te SiSr i o2SA€ soon Pewee Mile oF Abn tbiba telnet te EL silghutz sic oso UL ne Sie 2bPL Gut hence lly! Sense Lb the S Sem PAIL WO pen7L ol folie Are Ue abd 5 PE SCALA te 6 3L bE RSE ete bee eek UL bnppfe SinfendOi thre Anh aegt SEL Se WA LESAN SL fe betel Gitte -¢ Horlreonle desi Pop SL Wd Sot SLAP AMALIA HM WAL & bt Gp hip SaEQoet Bhai KemE lee tet bud te fine 2 1E ks SILAS tet AIL ee L th SES BML Sie 18 72015 5% 47 (Hedetas} Pes ehwa tele Sree Ake GPa tee pet gota SSO SPEEA Fe-mile oI Ae Milifel ic en a Wife bleh fatale Png btn AWC SUPT ere Pope BETO et ee WLU Lhe MeN ASL Sb ete SR Aen SLL NASI EL HSU SL pe PASE eine Bulb dr 6 PRE Se Wed ud NPB Ne Len LeP Led bupuilad Sibir ber LM Rf Hh GIESL NEI VIMAR EW pe i Pl tah WEI he ud yutere GUILE HE nd Sooke pind npr G SRSA LSL NP Gut eA SASS IAG AL NCL Ye BIE Fe heb iS tire the SAG RAST EIPL obey rin Me oF BEM MA AS ten pp MSuiI OL 2 Be nee Eb Me te rhe Austtr TA tae! ed ibe Cub dele Wise Saber Sed Aare! BLM ELIE ee vubburt Aer (LL Wig FA AVE eye PL —Suntu rhe ihseotita re iti ur SiwiynAtt ae Dre Susi te Mee ohope Poe tire er OiN te tors Se yh se, pS Enel Salih Phreh on 2 2b a SF poe IEA Th Sunt es bart 2 Ebb Abbe dct elle bP eh pre Fup tr Ee UL pr tralife ele be Palbe tir (2015 52 48 (edetas} epee Leyte PSL baete te bottle wie bite bbe Sei ptt ELAS SY Bebe esl pda tte bie Mele iL ee ite Ebb geth SAL IL it BL seh Sb sre pymbic Lh ite Spd ge To pente yA ta Penh see ume SV Uta ey bie eS bike BL yo tir a bboger hele lien (rites Boma Ke se suey Se | he LUA GFL SLs tee Mle el AL Sit t SL wits Loot re Sul uywitaZ ES gg esi Lethe Vie tin CA Bede tilt Puan NCE IT ASE RIG no IGE eth Soll ALLL vet oant brad Prie Abn TS SP wL TALL atl ul Sb due wie GEE ri tile Poe rBIvL ide ~Pisbeas (14.1959 7 pio Hotel) P2015 52 49 (Hede-tas} Feviyis £2014 2923 PL LP eA wipe Aut PBR ALES Lee SL PENNE L Ut Sune Dg CASH ett LACS WIR Sr the pine fer Pi peli eo tet ot Me IA LEWIN wl Ae PW baci L ep beh wi SUntotee vel fs AL thine AGvitse CUA TA Kewl of Ppt BUS bre id WIS uel SEAL gree Pi WG $L Sil Pho Gurley PL bth YS dli PLM Te Sws hele np Ete Le tLuers fe Biel O LAP eA ILS SWE Ph Hee ts iuF Ibe URE SEI Reig pL Let Hoi RoW ABELL VL te PEM LIME AS, TnL ablab VL ole dl a endl Eyelet PREM pte bOI SL IRM HUI LUE ele ent mole GAL WEA Lae STII Geil ieee tel Lb Moule Ble p PLE Sy Sun Auer Gita ee SUG Leigh e PE war te UL Ae UTIL gfe en iL Lofpoibnle GISNE Atte Pre sl yp Bh bute UCI dethe ol Shey LMF SF ese fa ret, SLi gt PW edi -tyF SA de it 72015 i? 50 (Hede-tas} AIS Sep eb epee yrh yz det CUSK EA Ulzthe bl Fate ube LMT AEH LIS globalvillage LYGUILIAC AP be PN pT pI PU BEL hei Fa essicaa Se tH AL bebnbsptest LEP prre Hep Ar ASUS EAS pom E SAUL E Jo SE Po Sep esha pli WSL VIL Ut igs err pheg SOP Sole yslip het Sh phe ci AKG SST ARP Le Sule t Oi SA NIL bred AIS or ler FRL UY enti tui Pisd Bigot le the L ASW BEA Pot Ute ha GUOA LZ EL oz Pete Aor Hoe? eI G Pe Drala ee pL we Feit PEAS ZL CLM PPh te he SPU PIL ele tne irate! ete ES Cb by poo S ple AEH CRN Ei th Gy canes eed Ve eS 2c 25 Lah od G3 NA Os 7179) ADIs KALI Zo tec Pu Lite Gein bebe une heir Se bog bec PSUs ES ote toe ight bn Loh pe re ihut tio Ke thud noe ty, ie vik Leribe ntitorhyfe tiyiLyeSCuwttc 43:3) CAs ATI, 2b hee Sha he SP Ef te eo iChat A Fee Lp eh b Wentet tbe PIR Ce Vien rte Re ecu ALL nWL L nenge ese Wome LAIR te? th Ged ahe pede peg AL Lito ol DY AZUL BV pig il PPET 2015 U2 51 (Hede-cas} SE USA Lae TA Le rf OWL pL pb he a Sed tee wi Seu CLHiSvién 2 Sita eH whe find Exes rh Puss It is too good to believe. SLs PSs Bus? PU ez PIRIM AVAL CINE Sea FAG AE ew Feu! Stent CL SBLL GSE melsdg intra LAA be Ste bade-L KG alle SAS LGC en ea rent? AO be Prt IPL A tbe SHSM nL Sebastes Lp Sder a rth we Nile Sei rll Lup ALL BIL MU eS dg L tel Le PoE pA tae vig Ect CP eee 45% pepe Palle ec Sire SST der the Phole Pb VRE WFe Ke SOE 16 nCoprurnse iilelcbales fe Up tN ole Pp FL Phe fi Atueieet ected He ele fhe ASST Sig tee Herr L ABs a snd SMe tehtcsre UiScut Sault Gusce shed Sug fhe eS Agim Me eugte PEP ot bg UA fue Jue Wola PILE SIUM SE beer Sl toierheobyzp Feber Ceti Se UE fut Un Lee LAGE 22 Soltero wl DAS NGL 2 LS POMEL GL rl pl L Se uy Ae) cid Sdustify Ly UII ef StS wifi nies Ye LIS Mesh NS te Sieh Moab Vee WR bay mer Ui dt 7 72015 iu? 52 (edetas} YL Unf rke ee LEAs ihgle wus buby Sebbatlall LL bx disbelief TUL Col bl trl ole BOF ey et EW EAL LGB SSI UA GG ee yt Ee betcne iit Poodhe SIL pote NE brn Fie Lb LT eb te6L SLel Ube PL (Socraticmethods) Fuse Set 6 TE la bee F St (Definition er. »Z Sule PPL ie LPL E et cent salt Bbe terre nk AUty6b SILL ul ats BORE AKL Sib ee yf ML np tile Sip GALE bry bso we Lcolobie ier A Lne Marthe A fe ap breil ole Pb # Cp FL thee SEB a CMTTAL Jew FL Ve LURE ELM BALL LAG le wt olny Fe Pusshit iw terL be inte batter GA eis be KAI tL BL yf Sephes6 Uf Ua FAB ee US Ue eek i Sot,e ue SF ear Pr SL ub peri APNE yan HE bs UG tee LIL GUN Je tbL 23 eS eOut GL RL Msi Loe, AFIS Sg Bale Uy UF iin Se BF 2b kb it oe bY Le Guyt (76:30) = wlth este (2015 52 53 (edetas} ansegelhastats eK Lasley IE Lene tes? PP G6L SLs PSN MAGITL Ut TP teow S bibs ter gibt LAL clothes ML nha iely fl he pe Af wR Gee © pup Se EPA oberg AE Re SOE feet FL MBI uL uni SRE Me MBLL Sub LELNGL ntl Spor dL pot Sax S sie Wildes LIL yelp Soke pie nuke ghz Arr ye djt aye Aerwi€ vf PULL SL PE ne IS Gs sl SEZ haut ipods LAL wright bn: 2 ew ClSEaK ur bey BML Be EE SE eK tit ele Te Su tees fe Suz eo disadvantage fie sis tS A atti cnt SFL LUEeL Pepi t Well ured UIA Bele ys Lunvol Eu Ler LUe bh Shab UB ato Are ike oye td nk Lye hf Sethe JGlw SET LIL UL tigre nth See tng Fe 2G See ROLE Wg AL oes yu suntibeMS Fee SNe th Se pL AOU LB -unte yEblisc Loe CoP nh Ab Wert fo SPS Sette SSC wR boom hilezats (2015 52 54 (edetas} 42:2) CIBIYS we SEB Uies Ayo Gor SSoae ba Be NIRS Mole eub AVL L prt BL a IPL eh U6 Wa FUE tulle Ue vin PL Ae ct Are AVS ML AG Se slindt Leh Kei PLL SILL bo WAVE pI HUG Ff Le Sol eb tel fle erase nL Bhi ei LL br fsivlel SVS Li LI ee Le Lyfe Pen SNAWE WE ese Lote SUGALASL BaIL LIL Me AS be SALI SW uLl cbsrbie A 6L ILI She JWI EW AUT CaP Seba Kou Ke oer SL ENN GE Era PS pwULbe BEES Ns SOS HE SA Woe Bah IER AES LAP A Le bog ech Le SMe Saute ie spb yibec hE eA ke i Gulgens StF ene bbe Men ASL Ur HW Le Mi twie us we Sl pec Mel Pile Deol Men E Be Ser KB tse SPA Seta SER FRAT Webs Peles PUP ere tt hue cd Se basedes iS tune? Bathe dnc pudh(ts wie ler (16:32) es eS GE ke cderha nieces SpLe wht NAR bs tthe duntpedifer oP uhh) Ponto wher th o£ Sule le 17:70] 2S Ss eg Aa Usdreutisy IDOL A (Agrigh)) Slat cgurells 5 ygdyge 52015 92015 G2 55 Surah Al-Naba ($4) — Durus-al-Qur’an Parah 30: Chapter 2 By G. A. Parwez (Translated by: Dr. Mansoor Alam) My dear friends! Today is May 25, 1984 and today’s lecture starts with verse 6 of Surah Al-Naba (sill) (78:6). Gist of the previous lecture My dear friends! I had mentioned in connection with “ell” that the confrontation between Truth (Hag 3+) and Falsehood (Baatil Jt.) that had started with Prophet Noah (PBUH) entered its last phase during the period of Prophet Muhammad (PUBH). His entire 23 years of life as a Prophet was consumed in this struggle and it seems part 29 and 30 (j= 29 and 30) of the Quran are related to the last phase of this struggle. I had also mentioned that verses &s 2% $ (78:1) and eID (78:2) point to the great news that a huge revolution will occur at the hands of the Prophet (PBUH) and his companions. Although I presented the details about it in the last lecture I will start today’s lecture with the word “”. Meaning of word “4"(Naba) My dear friends! The word “L*” (Naba) needs some explanation. According to Arabic language it has two roots. As you know by now that foundation of Arabic language is built on word-roots just as a plantis built on its plant-roots. There are two roots of the word “3”; 1-<3- yand 5-+- &. The root meaning of J -- wis news and the word “4” —meaning bearer of news — is derived from this same root. The high priest ofa Jewish temple used to give news about future events and make prophecies about people's destiny. He was called “..8” and thus the word “.,4” was translated as 72015 i? 56 (Hedetas} prophet, i.e., one who makes prophecies. And the word “<3” (Nabuwwat) started being translated as prophethood or prophecy. The Quran has used the word “css!” (Nabi) with its second root »- 3-0. According to this root the meaning of “..” is one who stands on an elevated place. From this one can understand the meaning of the word “5” (Nabuwwat) and “.58” (Nabi) which means: One who stands elevated, one who occupies an elevated position in the society compared to others. This was practically demonstrated by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) when he explained his very first message to the Quresh. He stood on top of a hill and called the Quresh. Since he was known as the trustworthy (o+! Amin) Quresh came running towards him to find out what he had to say. He said to Quresh: If] tell you that a large army is coming to attack and destroy you, would you believe me? They said: Yes! We will believe you because we know you are truthful and trustworthy. And also because you can see both sides of the hill from your vantage position whereas we can see only one side and not the other side. You can see how his action explains this very important point. My dear friends! This is the position of “..” (Nabi): He stands on a high place from where he is in touch with the upper world — that is the world of Allah's directive forces, the world of Amr (J!) — from where he receives revelation and then conveys it to the world of Khalg (3!5), the created world, our human world down. Nabi Akram (¢S! 54), the most revered, thus explained the position of Allah’s messenger in his very first message. He did not make prophecies. It is our misfortune that this exalted position has been (mis)translated as Prophet and Nabi Akram (¢S!.,4) has been called Prophet Muhammad which you will hear on everyone's lips (and here too as this has now become synonymous with Nabi Akram ¢S! 55). No one thinks which Arabic word the English word “Prophet” is translation of? By doing this we are in fact translating 72015 U2 57 (Hedetas} the Jews' Nabi (s+), not the Quran’s Nabi («) which is quite different. For this reason I named my book about on the life of Nabi Akram (¢S\..4) “The Pinnacle of Humanity”, the highest position in humanity that he indeed occupies. This is what I could do best. Otherwise, the position of Nabi Akram (¢.S\.«8) is much more exalted than this. Anyway, please understand that the word “Nabi (.5)” in the Quran does not mean “Prophet” and he doesn’t make prophesies but one who stands on the highest pinnacle of humanity. Otherwise, it was this prophecy that made Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (1835-1908) a “Nabi (s3)”. He laid the entire basis of his ““38” (Nabuwwat) on prophecies and claimed openly that my prophecies came true, although these prophecies were of such type as earthquake will happen, that flood will come, that storm will arrive. Reality behind prophecies The miracles of our great Sufis (aka al «ls! or revered saints) are all based on making prophecies about people’s kismet and telling things about the unseen. But prophecy as a tradition has come down to us from the Jewish tradition of priesthood's position in their temples. There is no question of prophecy in Islam. If it is something about future that cannot be obtained through human knowledge then it is knowledge of the Ghaib (<+#) or the Unseen which no one (Nabi Akram eS! , included) except Allah has. Anyway, this was the peal yt (78:2). My dear friends! As mentioned the root meaning of | - & - u is news, great revolutionary news. Our discussion continues regarding the confrontation that had been going on and was entering its last phase. When the Quran makes a claim that a wrong system of life will produce bad consequences then it really means that it will happen according to law — the law of requital. The entire system runs on the basis of (2015 iu? 58 HER law; and the law is: what you sow is what you reap; whatever the type of action similar will be the type of result; whatever type of life system similar will be the type of society. This is the principles that the Quran enunciates. Please remember! From the beginning to the end this is what the Quran keeps on repeating. Its reasoning and proof, its explanation and literary style may be different in different situations — but at its heart the central point is always this: every action produces its result. What happens in life is that most of the time the results do not appear in this world, and this produces a false sense of belief that this law does not work. To counter this, the Quran says that human life is not only the life of this world; that life continues and moves on after death carrying the baggage of all its actions; that life is composed of the very actions performed in this world and will manifest itself in the afterlife in the Hereafter. This is the essence of Quran’s teachings. So, in the very first verse of this chapter, Oye (78:1), the Quran says that doubt has taken over Quresh and they have started questioning themselves. Importance of suggestiveness I had pointed out in the last lecture that suggestiveness, a literary tool, is very powerful in conveying a message without explicitly mentioning it. This is used quite effectively more so in poetry than in prose. The idea is to convey a message implicitly by giving some subtle hints and leaving the reader to figure out the actual message on his own. This style is very attractive and appealing to the conscious mind. The style of the Quran is unique and unparalleled also in this respect. The verse obs “hs (78:1) is an example of this style and is very beautiful: what it is that they are asking about? The Quran wants to say that these Quresh are doubtful about their mission to crush the Messenger (PBUH) and his companions of which they were so certain in the beginning; they were so boastful of their tribal strength and power; and they were 72015 i? 59 (edetas} so determined and united in their mission like a solid rock. The Quran is saying that after suffering defeat after defeat in this long confrontation and battle the Quresh have started doubting themselves and questioning the integrity of their mission. And not just that they started doubting their mission but that differences have started among them as well: GHB gas (78:3). The Quran essentially wants to convey this message: if a situation arises that a people start doubting and questioning their mission and start arguing and differing then understand that their defeat is certain. Did you notice how great is this principle that the Quran wants to convey using suggestiveness and leaves it to the reader to come to this conclusion himself? The Day of Judgment and its arrival time My dear friends! Our concept of the Day of Judgment or Al-Qiyamah (4«Lill) is that mountains will be crushed, that the Earth will be rent asunder, that planets will collide and disintegrate. It is okay that one day this will happen. But the Quran is not talking about that Day of Judgment or that Al-Qiyamah (4«L:i!!) because it says: 9S ssl (78:4) — Verily, they shall soon (come to) know! [Yusuf Ali]. And itis repeated with such a force and certainty: GEESE ; GELS (78:4-5) — Verily, they shall soon (come to) know! Verily, verily they shall soon (come to) know![Yusuf Ali]. But, as for that Day of Judgment or Al-Qiyamah (4+!) where the world will physically end the Christian's priests went so far as to give actual dates: first it was 1740 and didn’t materialize; then a German priest recalculated and said it would happen in 1836. When 1836 started approaching people left their cities and went to the jungles as if that Al-Qiyamah (4!) will come in cities, not in jungles. Throughout Europe there was chaos and 1836 came and went but nothing happened. Then other priests came to tell that there was a mistake in the calculation; that it will 72015 i? 60 Het come 1843 and nothing happened even. Then they said it will come in 1847 and again nothing happened. Then they said it will come in 1986 and again nothing happened but how could they accept that the first one had made it up. They continued this but after a while they gave up and no one tried to predict any dates again. When we were children I still remember similar prediction used be made by the great Mufti of Ka’aba and big posters used to be posted all around about how the Al-Qiyamah (ail!) is going to come and that everything will be destroyed. At the bottom of the posters it used to be written that that it was based on a dream of someone named Ahmad whom the Prophet (PBUH) told that tell my Ummah to pray and fast so that this Al-Qiyamah (4«Lll) and the end of the world could be postponed for some other time. After a while this also fizzled out. My dear friends! There are books on the signs of Al-Qiyamah (4«\il!) written by Muslim scholars. But they did not pay attention to the Quran which says: ball Bleé (78:2) — the great news, the news about the confrontation between Truth (Hag 5+) and Falsehood (Baatil Sku). And then it says to Quresh that they will soon know it: GLEE 78:4) —Verily, they shall soon (come to) know! [Yusuf Ali]. This the Quran said to Quresh 1400 years ago and we are still searching for signs of Al-Qiyamah (4-Lal/) that is going to come! Anyway, this was that great news, that great revolution that occurred at the hands of the Prophet (PBUH) and his companions 1400 years ago. After this the Quran again returns to the same style of suggestiveness. The external Universe works on the basis of laws and that is why the Quran presents it as evidence in support of its argument. Also, as further evidence in support of its argument, it presents the histories of past nations. It says: GRES GREE (78:4-5) — Verily, they shall soon (come to) know! Verily, verily they shall soon (come to) know![Yusuf Ali]. To understand the revolution that was going to come 72015 U2 61 (Hede-tas} soon the Quran directs the attention to external Universe. It says do you ponder how beautifully our laws are working in the external Universe? First ponder on the Earth on which you live: igs 5 Jad Sf (78:6) HAVE WE NOT made the earth a resting- place for you [Asad]. Ponder on the soundness and effectiveness of Our laws. Ponder on the fact that although the Earth is round and is moving very fast it is a resting place for you; and you do not even notice it! Revealing Quranic realities centuries ago It was impossible to say about Earth’s rotation and its movement 1400 years ago anywhere in the world let alone in Mecca which was steeped in ignorance and superstition. There are three or four verses dealing with Earth's movement. One is: BSS SG 2S é ah GBS we eed SE (31:10) — He created the heavens without any pillars that ye can see; He set on the earth mountains standing firm, lest it should shake with you [Yusuf Ali]. “#4 44” means that it is moving and taking you along with it. We are on the surface of this large round object spinning on its axis and moving fast in space at the same time, and we don’t even notice it? Our common experience is that if we try to do the same on any round object we will feel giddy and collapse even at much less speed. But on the Earth we feel relaxed and rested: \ige2591 Se gif (78:6) - HAVE WE NOT made the earth a resting-place. Who is saying this more 1400 years ago? A person who was illiterate before he became a Messenger and Prophet (29:48)! The fact of Earth being a resting place while being in motion has been repeated at several places in the Quran. Humans are resting on it peacefully just like a baby who sleeps comfortably and peacefully inside the baby swing while it is in motion. The Earth provides for human beings a similar comfort and peace to sleep at night comfortably and to rejuvenate their energy while all the while moving at a high speed with the Earth. (2015 52 62 (Hedetas} My dear friends! After calling the Earth “S\g»” — resting place - the Quran immediately follows with: 56% O65 78:7)- and the mountains [its] pegs [Asad]. We have not paid much attention as to the role of mountains on the state of dynamic stability of the Earth but Western geologists have started doing research on this topic. Whenever the Quran talks about Earth’s movement it mentions mountains and the important role they play in its stability and balance. Only scientific research can reveal concrete details of this role. Fatwa of Medina’s university’s Chancellor regarding the shape of Earth But our scientific research has been next to nothing in this area, or for that matter in science as a whole. Few years ago the Chancellor of Medina University Bin Baz gave a fatwa that if anyone believes that Earth is round and is moving, then: first, his wife is considered divorced; and, second, he becomes “i (Murtad), i.e., he has become infidel. This is coming from the center of Islamic knowledge, my friends! According to him, nothing remains of one’s marriage if one believes that the Earth is round and moving. On top of being a 4» (Murtad), the punishment for him, according to Sharia, is death. Leave us aside, because we are still leaving in dark ages. The Wester scientists have also not done much research into this aspect of geology: of what role the mountains play in Earth’s stability and balance. Every Quranic claim wil! turn out to be true My dear friends! The Quran has unequivocally stated: MBB MGleg fo sg 2 eet (41:53) — We shall show them Our portents on the horizons and within themselves until it will be manifest unto them that it is the Truth. [Pickthall]. Every curtain that lifts either in the outer world or within the human world will become the evidence of the Quranic truth. The Quran provides the objective test from 72015 2 63 (Hedetas} these two sources to prove that whatever it claims wil/ turn out to be true once the curtain lifts from them. Time will prove what the Quran says about the role of mountains: to stabilize the Earth while it is moving so fast. Anyway, let us move on. As itis, this is not our field of specialization. Our thinking about women’s creation and their rights My dear friends! The next verse is: Gers Maes (78:8) —And We have created you in pairs [Asad]. There are just two words in this verse. Now, coming to its meaning — please forget what happened in the past. In this modern age the issue of women’s tights has intensified greatly. There are debates, seminars, workshops, conferences, and women’s studies all around the globe. Laws are being formulated. But Muslims believe that women’s evidence in court is not acceptable. We are focusing on rights but in Muslim countries — it is as if what to say of mouth, her head has disappeared from their bodies. They are not even humans. Her value is half compared to men when it comes to compensation for life. Women come to me about this inherent injustice to women in society. I tell them please ask the enforcers of Sharia point blank about the UNO’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights of which our government is a signatory: Do you think in this word “human” mentioned in this declaration, are women included or not? I tell these women who come to me: You are unnecessarily taking out processions in protest of Sharia laws. If you are not getting your rights then, instead of approaching these Sharia people, please raise this issue with the UNO: that our government —which has signed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights — is actually in violation of these rights. UNO cannot dismiss accepting women as human beings. The determination of these rights was not done by our Sharia courts but by UNO and our government signed it. So, our government is bound by it. So, please listen! First, as women there are human rights for you; and, (2015 52 64 (Hedetas} second, as wife there are spousal rights for you. In Islam marriage is a contract. Whatever conditions you want you can get that written down in your marriage contract. For this, there is no need of demonstration, no need of taking out processions. The Quran here in verse (78:8) says: ers Maes —And We have created you in pairs. The word “ts!'s'3" (dzwanjan) is in fact the plural of the word “Z's” (Zauj). First notice that here 84313 (Khalaqnaakum) has come, where +§ (Kum) means all of you, i.e., the entire humankind. The word “Zs'3” (Zauj) implies both men and women My dear friends! In our culture “’3'3” (Zauj) is only used for women but in Arabic language it means a pair where one remains incomplete without the other. The two wheels ofa cart are called “13” (Zauj) of each other. That is, Allah created you all & (Kum) in pairs such that one is incomplete without the other. The wheels of a cart have to be equal and similar (in radius) in order for the cart to move properly. If one wheel is round and the other square then it wouldn't move. Since our pair of wheels is not equal and symmetrical our entire society’s train is at standstill. Without proper understanding of “Z's” (Zauj) our society will remain non- Quranic My dear friends! Don’t ask what our society has done to women? This is not done to women but, in fact, it is done to Allah’s creation. It is as if our society challenges Allah: You can make men and women “'3.5’(Zauj) but we won't! Ok! Don’t. Nothing will happen to Allah but you will see what happens to your society. But this simple little ¢&& (Kum) has solved all the problems. The Quran has its own unique style. Determining separate rights for men and women is out of the question according to the Quran. If you do not want to give equal rights to women then don’t: Your train of 72015 2 65 (Hedetes} humanity won’t move. Did you notice how the Quran solves such big issue in just one word “(3 (Azwanjan)? And if in a society, or in a system, or ina constitution, both men and women are not “€3')”(Zauj) then that society is against the Quran; then that society is against the will of Allah; and that society is against His creation. The punishment and suffering of nations just does not happen without any reason. These things happen by challenging Allah. My dear friends! These are not problems. These are basic realities of life; these are the basic rights of life irrespective of sex or gender. \I5f SURI (Wa Khalaqnaakum Azwaajan) —is a foundation of life. To go against it is to challenge Allah. If we do, nothing happens to Allah. It is our own loss and the results prove it. Theimportance of night My dear friends! After calling the Earth “44+” — resting place—Allah further says: Ble ESS (7:11); CG CEH ES (78:10); BCL AGS CheSS (78:9)-And made your sleep for rest; And made the night as a covering; And made the day as a means of subsistence [Yusuf Ali]. When night comes then darkness puts a type of curtain on it. Good sleep occurs when there is darkness which acts as a curtain for light. Allah’s creation provides this darkness on Earth for people to have good sleep. “tts means that not only you sleep but also that your energy comes back which is lost in the day due to work. If one does not get good sleep then one feels tired in the day. What does the sleep do that one feels tired if one does not have good sleep? — The energy (both mental and physical) spent while working during the day comes back during sound sleep and one feels refreshed in the moming; and he is ready once again for the day’s work. Do you see the beautiful harmony and order within these verses? — Sleep vs. Rest; Night vs. Cover; and Day vs., Livelihood. All this happens 12015 2 66 Het according to unchangeable laws — the laws that hold all the celestial objects under their grip. After this the Quran says: 'Si3(@2. 56S (78:12) — And we built in the outer Universe many heavenly objects and planets. Their operating system is such that everything happens precisely; the alternation of day and night on planets; the solar system and stars and galaxies function precisely subject to Our laws. Such are these laws that one can precisely calculate timings of sunrise and sunset for all times and for all places. Sunrise and sunset always happen exactly as calculated, never late or early unlike human systems where nothing happens on time. When questioned about it — the reply is: Well! things went out of control; so, what we can do. Don’t ask what would happen if the sun and the moon were under human control? Now the Quran says: ease, Ges (78:13) —and we have placed [therein the sun,] a lamp full of blazing splendor [Asad]. 66 £l esrgaal Gs (78:14) —And from the wind-driven clouds We send down waters pouring in abundance. My dear friends! We read these verses and maybe their translation, and then we move on. We do not think how intimately connected these things are to life and its sustenance! Meaning of Sun being Khazeena— ~1)4 and meaning of »<= Ask scientists how deep the connection of light and heat with life is. I remember a textbook that we used to study in grade 4 or 5 where the relationship of life with light and also with heat was given. It is a simple matter to see how important these are to plants. My dear friends! Both light and heat are essential for life and its sustenance. We get both from the Sun. the Sun rises and sets at precise times. What evidence does it provide about the law that governs it? Is there any chance of chaos and corruption in this system? Is there a chance that someone can rig its system? No, not all. There are other words for clouds in Arabic but saying them s-=*4!l in verse (78:14) brings (2015 2 67 (ede-tas} into focus the entire water cycle and Allah's global system of waterworks. Its root is: J-v2-€ which means to extract useful elements from something and leaving behind useless things and discarding them. Saying clouds as +! »<%4!| 1400 years ago is worth pondering — clouds which are composed of pure distilled water extracted from the oceans leaving behind toxins and other elements. And this global distillation process is done by the Sun’s heat. If one drinks ocean water one may die. One cannot also filter the ocean water for drinking purposes because filtration may remove dirt and other solid particles but it does not remove harmful chemicals that are dissolved in the ocean water. My dear friends! Do you see how the Sun plays a critical role in providing us clear sweet drinking water from the oceans which rises above in the form of clouds which the Quran calls +\»<%4l!, There are other words in Arabic for clouds but calling them solj+e44ll has all the meaning associated with the distillation process embedded in this one word. What a miracle of Arabic language which conveys so much information in just one word? No wonder Allah choose this language to convey His final message, the Quran, to humanity. No other language would have been fit for this final message that contains so much information in single words. And these clouds carry this distilled water where it is needed and then falls down in the form of rain — \QiSS ote, And then the Quran says: G@ifgiZ$; BCE 4.22 (78:15-16)—so that We might bring forth thereby grain, herbs and vegetables; and (fruit-laden) gardens dense with foliage. We observe that all these different kinds of fruits and vegetables growing from the same water. Do you see that there is a system at work behind all of this? The Quran says that there is a law at work in the outer Universe; so are you outside this that you are exempt from this law? After providing all this as a backdrop the Quran then cameto its main point: Bléts 66 Jue! 4% 6) (78:17) - VERILY, the Day 72015 U2 68 (Ede-tas} of Distinction [between the true and the false] has indeed its appointed time. All this you have been told because this is «ill ¢'5;— the Day of Distinction. My dear friends! What a beautiful way to explain this? — Fruits and vegetables, gardens dense with foliage, farming and grains. We use the word J! (Fas/) in our language for harvest. But in Arabic it means: to separate things clearly. This means the results get completely separated from the actions. The Quran then asks: After all this—process and action — what result do you derive? What is Day of Distinction (J) 2'3 Yaurmul Fasl)? The Quran has said that after sowing the seeds (of action) the Day of Harvest (appearance of result) is a time appointed — “is O'S — that is, time of appearance of result is determined according to law. Farmers know this very well — between sowing of seeds and harvest there is an appointed time (“x (5). In old days climate change used to follow a predictable pattern (according to natural law) and a farmer could forecast the weather pretty much by looking at the sky and based on his experience of different seasons. But, now, with large scale human interference leading to climate change, even the seasons are getting unpredictable. But the appointed day for the appearance of result of human action happens according to law (of requital) — bee, ob Lal og 8 (78:17). This was the reply to Quresh’s questions: why the destruction is not coming soon about which you (PBUH) are warning us? Why it is taking too long? What is the reason for this delay? Then the Quran says: CHS sha kag (78:18) — A day when the trumpet is blown, and ye come in multitudes [Pickthall]. Why this period of respite? And the meaning of blowing the trumpet Allah says that We do not change this period of respite despite your taunts and 72015 2 69 Het objections and calling for hurry. It is not that We get upset and become angry because of your daily taunts and display of extreme hubris; and thus hasten your destruction. The period of respite is embedded in the law of requital, and We do not change Our laws. This is very important aspect of the law. It tested the patience of the messenger who was being subjected to all these taunts and hubris from the Quresh. But He is Allah of laws, not subject to emotion. He does not get angry or happy. He says in the Quran to the Prophet (PBUH): 65158. ‘yAol"; (78:10)— and endure with patience whatever people may say [against thee][Asad]. He says that the Day of Distinction (#3 Seaill Yaumul Fas) is, in one word, “d« (Migaat); that it is based on law and — although We being Almighty and creator of everything and every law— even We do not violate Our laws. And whichever nation implements a system and authority in the name of Allah will have to reflect this attribute of Allah —i.e., it must not violate His laws. These laws are eternal and unchangeable and are determined by Allah — ts 06 j.aill 2% G1 - VERILY, the Day of Distinction [between the true and the false] has indeed its appointed time (78:17). And when that Day arrives what will happen? The Quran says: estates gh S78 (78:18) — A day when the trumpet is blown, and ye come in multitudes [Pickthall]. The words »s+=l ,,444 has come in the Quran at other places which means (literally) “When the trumpet is blown”. In olden days bugle or trumpet was blown during battles as there were no loudspeakers then. So, to amplify the sound bugle or trumpet was used. Still they are used but more as a symbol. The traditional interpretation of this is: An angel will blow the trumpet on the Day of Judgment in the Hereafter, and all the dead will rise from their graves and gather together. We all have to believe in the Hereafter my friends, but it is beyond our conscious mind to understand its reality, That is why the Quran explains it by examples. The Day of Distinction (¢'# 72015 52 70 (Hedetas} teil Yaumul Fasl) is not just related to the life of the Hereafter but it is also related to the life of this world. Allah wants us to believe in these things because they affect our individual life; they affect our collective life; they affect our universal humanity. If this was not the case and the results were to come only in the Hereafter then what is the benefit of that for us here, in this world? My dear friends! You know the word “)~” (Surat) which means form or shape. Its plural is “52”. It is mentioned in this verse (78:18) that those human forms which had been deprived of energy and had become weak and fragile — they will be replenished and refreshed by blowing fresh energy into them. The impending revolution would inject fresh energy into them — the oppressed and downtrodden people of the society. My dear friends! This is the meaning I take of these verses. And the next Surah (Chapter) will reinforce this meaning. But the nation which will be infused with new energy by this revolution would not use its success and authority for its own benefit which is normally the case with any nation. I will present the details of this when we get there. But I will provide an example here as an illustration. You know that there is always a tussle between Sufis (proponents of Muslim mysticism) and Mullahs (proponents of Sharia). Sufis say that Mullahs jump in the river and swim to get to the other shore but we jump in the river to save the drowning ones and bring them to the shore. This is very appealing to people, especially children. Fruits of Quranic thinking My dear friends! We were talking about success and authority. The Quran says that this victory and authority is not meant for its own sake but to help those get to the shore who are drowning in a world of injustice, oppression, and exploitation. The 72015 Ss? 7 Hepecl authority bestowed by the Quranic revolution will be used to infuse new energy in those nations which have been trampled and crushed; those that have been weakened and marginalized; those whose blood has been sucked out from their bodies; those which has been tortured and persecuted. And: esas (78:18) —they will come in multitudes. Those who could not walk would come running in droves to this new Quranic system: Qy3F, eilebs 8038. (110:2) —And you do see troops and troops of people enter Allah’s Deen (the system of life based on Quranic laws). This will be the result of gaining authority: RA duressl 1§| (110:1)—When comes the Help of Allah, and Victory. The proper method of pondering in the Quran My dear friends! To grasp how the current topic in a verse fits in within the current context and how it is supported by references to other verses on the same topic and therefore to find out which meaning out of the many meanings of a word is the most appropriate in this context — this is cil si!) .,4 5% (tadabbur-fil-Quran) pondering in the Quran. Now take for example this verse — Craiosts (78:18)—where the mind turns towards the fact that these are the people who were made weak and helpless and could not walk but, now, they will be given a shot of new energy that will make them rush in multitude. What would happen then? — Og E965 2)¢38$ (78:19) And the heavens shall be opened as if there were doors. Today we know that the doors of heavens have been opened on the moon and Mars. This is one meaning (literal). The other meaning of +t which is metaphorical could be that those big and powerful leaders who think they are on the skies — their doors of will be opened up and they will be crushed. Oy EEG nS (78:20) —And the mountains shall vanish, as if they were a mirage [Yusuf Ali]. Let me remind you once again that big and powerful leaders are called U4= (Jibal) in Arabic who think no one can shake them, that no can (2015 52 72 (Hedetes} touch them. The Quran is saying that they will be shaken from their place and they will be crushed and they will become like particles of sand and vanish in thin air—and they will become like a mirage. What to say of GI! (mirage) — a very beautiful metaphor for describing the fate of these powerful leaders. You know that\1>« (mirage) is a total deception. If you are traveling on a road during extreme heat you see as if water is shining in a distance. But it is a visual deception which is very common in desert areas and poses a real challenge to travelers in search of water. It becomes a life and death issue in deserts. A thing that deceives like this and in reality it is a desert but to travelers it gives the impression that it is water — is called (1 (mirage). This is a beautiful Quranic metaphor to describe the fate of the big leaders that they will vanish as if they were mirage — they will turn into an ocean of deception. They will be shaken from their places and will become visual illusion. This is because— \Sla4sE5¥ ee G (78:21) —Lo! Hell lurketh in ambush [Pickthall]. Whata way to describe this! Hell (“¢>) is watching all the time My dear friends! Here verse (78:21) says that Hell is watching these people and waylays those who thought they were untouchable before this Day — Jail a's:— the Day of Distinction. The Hell of the Hereafter will happen there no doubt; but, as it is, it is watching and waylaying these evil people here. And we know that Hell (4¢>) means the place where humanity is burnt. There was deity in a valley called Jahannam (#¢>vh erd ivehuna nb ei mgwe reburnt ands acrificedt ch onori t.Bverys ocid where leh una ni tyo fhuna nb eirgsi sburrt ands acrifieedi si rf act He 11( “eeeAdit ishbneinwythaittecones Jaheen{, ehumani tygt sstuck nt li spit offel 1 andisn d abl et amo e . Rega rdingour conceptthatEl | (“e “Set 1 2015 5152 73 (HEfe-t come only after death — let me mention once again that wonderful couplet that we saw in the last lecture: He is giving long sermon about accountability and balance of the hereafter’s Hell; But how very sad! That the preacher does not see, here and now, the existing Hell! Our eyes do not see the current Hell in which we are living. But:@2S0) Sha) Se B15 (29:54) — Hell is surrounding those who deny the law of requital from all sides. Gl Ge 2s (82:16) — and which they shall not [be able to] evade [Asad]. That is, they are not seeing the Hell but the Hell is seeing them. Do you see where the Hell, according to the Quran is? — Well! It right around us; it surrounding us. Does this cause to bother us enough that we shudder?, Sted (79:36) —and the blazing fire [of hell] will be led open before all who [are destined to] see it. Jaheem (e+) is present even today but it is in a latent or hidden form but will become transparent to those who are able to see it through their mind’s eye; those who have developed their visionary power of their minds enough. This is the Hell (¢>) about which the Quran says: Ge cielEll s1\232e% EH) (78:21-22)-[On that Day, ] verily, hell will lie in wait [for those who deny the truth] — a goal for all who are wont to transgress the bounds of what is right. My dear friends! The time is up for today’s lecture. We have covered up to verse 22 of Surah Al-Naba (cls), We will start from verse 23 in our next lecture. Aa ether OBE, O our Sustainer! Accept our humble efforts because you are fully aware of what we speak and what is hidden in our hearts. (2:127) Wess Wace WE FOUNDED IN 1938 AT THE BEHEST OF ALLAMA. IQBAL‘AND QUAID-E-AZAM"| onno at | Monthly T'OLU-E-ISLAM ISSUE 25-B, Gulberg 2, Lahore, Pakistan Phone, 042-35714546 , 042-35753666 , 042-35764484 1 ae Be 117 ie lee of ee ie aa Vin = st fh Ue ‘ies

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