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The Tree of Life

The history of life has not unspooled as a simple line. As Darwin proposed, it has grown like a tree
over time, as new species have branched off from old ones. Most of those branches have been pruned
by extinction, but not before they gave rise to life as we see it around us on Earth today.
Scientists have been drawing and redrawing the tree of life for decades. At first they could only compare different species by looking at their anatomy, such as the sutures of skulls and the twists of
wombs. But this method failed when scientists tried to step back and look at life on its broadest scale.
You can compare elm leaves to the leaves of maples or pines, but there are no leaves on humans to
compare them with. Fortunately, elms and humans are both based on DNA. By sequencing snippets of
genetic material from hundreds of species, ranging from frogs to yeast to cyanobacteria, scientists over
the past 25 years have assembled the tree of life. The latest version appears below.

This tree is not an icon, but a scientific hypothesis. It offers the simplest interpretation of the genetic
sequences that scientists have studied, how genes have mutated from one form to another. As new
species are discovered and new genes are sequenced, the simplest interpretation may demand that some
of the branches be rearranged. But despite a surge of new data, this tree has retained its basic structure,
which suggests that it is fundamentally sound.
This tree is a strange thing to behold. In the late nineteenth century, evolutionary biologists drew the
tree of life as if it were a mighty oak, with branches coming off a main trunk. The simplest organisms

2001 WGBH Educational Foundation and Clear Blue Sky Productions, Inc. All rights reserved.

such as bacteria sprouted near its base, and humanity was placed at its very crown, the pinnacle of evolution. But instead of a single shaft of evolution ever ascending, scientists now see life splayed out into
an unruly thicket.
The tree is split into three main branches. our own, the eukaryotes, includes plants, fungi, and animals,
as well as single-celled protozoa, such as amoebae that live in the forest soil and the oceans, and parasites that cause diseases like malaria, dysentery, and giardia. Eukaryotes all have a distinct sort of cell.
They keep most of their DNA balled up in their nucleus, and their cells contain many other compartments where new proteins are built and energy is generated.
Biologists once thought that all of the species that were not eukaryotes fell into a single group, known
as prokaryotes. After all, they all seem to look the same. Their DNA, for instance, floats loose inside
their membranes, not coiled in a nucleus. But the genes tell another story. Bacteria form their own
branch, while there is a third major branch on the tree of life that is more closely related to us than to
bacteria. First identified in the 1970s by University of Illinois biologist Carl Woese, these organisms
may look like bacteria, but they have cellular machinery that is radically different. Woese named these
microbes archaea, meaning "first," for the branch on which they appear.
Another great surprise of the new tree of life is just what a small space we multicellular eukaryotes
take up in the story of evolution. It's almost impossible to make out the difference between ourselves
and the elm trees. And meanwhile the diversity within the bacteria, archaea, and single-celled eukaryotes turns out to be stunning. Microbiologists are continually dredging up new species, new families,
even new kingdoms of microbes, which have colonized the deepest reaches of Earth's crust, the boiling
water of hot springs, and the acid-drenched warmth of the human gut. Most of the diversity of life, not
to mention the sheer physical mass, is microbial.
The base of the tree of life represents the last common ancestor of all life on Earth today. All living
species share certain things in common. All of them, for example, carry their genetic information as
DNA and use RNA to turn them into proteins. The simplest explanation for these universal properties
is that all living species inherited them from a common ancestor.

2001 WGBH Educational Foundation and Clear Blue Sky Productions, Inc. All rights reserved.

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