Sunday School - June 16

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Adam's disobedience brought sin into the world and caused God to drive Adam and Eve
from the paradise Garden of Eden.
Cain and Abel were brothers. God is more pleased with Abels Offering than that of Cain.
Cain was so jealous and got furious, attacked and killed. His rebellion against God caused
the first murder and the first broken family.
Years later, mankind again proved disobedient to God. A great flood was sent in
judgment that covered the whole world. Because Noah was obedient, God spared him
and his family and the animals which God brought to the ark.
Presentation of the Bible Story: Noahs Ark and the Great Flood
Noah had a wife and 3 sons and each of them had a wife of their own
Yes, Lord yes! Yes, Lord Yes!
Yes, Lord yes! Yes, Lord Yes!
Lord God Almighty!
True are your judgements in all of the Earth
We are grateful to you always
And true are your judgements in all of the Earth, without doubt
in your presence today (Refrain)
Oh, Yeah!
And just are your judgements in all of the Earth
We are grateful to you always
And just are your judgements in all of the Earth, without doubt
in your presence today (Refrain 2x)

Memory Verse:
God is just and must punish sin (Genesis 6 v6).
God is faithful and always keeps His promises (Genesis
6 v7; 6 v18:7 v21; 8 v1, 18, 21, 22).
God cares for and looks after those who obey Him
(Genesis 6 v18; 8 v1).
God is powerful and can do anything (Genesis 6 v13; 7
v11, 12; 8 v1).
God wants you to obey Him as Noah did (Genesis 6 v22;
7 v5 etc).

God instructing Noah Genesis
6:9, 1314,
17, 22

9 This is the account of Noah. Noah was a righteous man,

blameless among the people of his time, and he walked with
God. // 13 So God said to Noah, "I
am going to put an end to all people, for the earth is filled with violence
because of them. I am surely going to destroy both them and the earth. 14 So
make yourself an ark of cypress wood; make rooms in it and coat it with pitch
Preschool 24
inside and out. // 17 I am going to bring floodwaters on the earth to destroy
all life under the heavens, every creature that has the breath of life in it.
Everything on earth will perish. // 22 Noah did everything just as God

commanded him.
God asked Noah to do a strange job. He asked him
to build a boat when there wasnt even a lake or an
ocean around. God told Noah that He was going to
flood the whole earth with water. The boat that God
asked him to build was to be huge! It was to be large
enough to hold Noah and his family and also some
of each kind of animal that lived on the earth. It may
have seemed like a strange request from God, but
Noah obeyed.
Sometimes we (your parents) ask you to do things
you dont understand, such as Dont touch that,
or Dont play over there, and you wonder why you
have to obey. Even though the requests seem strange,
it is still very important for you to obey your parents
instructions. Disobeying can be the difference
between life and death

Through one man to the world

From the time of the earliest recorded covenant (Gods covenant with Noah, and with the human race through him),
features of grace are prominent. The covenant originated in Gods grace and depended upon Gods grace for its fulfilment. The
rainbow was the sign, or witness, that sealed the covenant (Gen 6:18; 9:8-17; see GRACE).
Having promised to preserve the human race (Gen 9:15-16), God then revealed that he had a plan of
salvation for it. This plan again was based on a covenant that originated in Gods grace.

Noahs Ark
And the Great Flood
Genesis 6:5-22, 7, 8, 9:11-17

Complete the activities on all the four boxes.

Cut and rearrange by pasting them on the next provided page, according to the
correct sequence of events.
Finally, color your work to make it more beautiful.

Noahs Ark
And the Great Flood
Genesis 6:5-22, 7, 8, 9:11-17

Paste here neatly the

Paste here neatly the



scene that happened in the story plot.

scene that happened in the story plot.

Paste here neatly the

Paste here neatly the



scene that happened in the story plot.

scene that happened in the story plot.

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