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#include <stdio.

#define LEAST_SEMNIF 55607
#define SEMNIF 1
//Sa se scrie codul in limbaj de asamblare care calculeaza suma: 1+2+3+...+n, unde n = 92682
//Atentie, aceasta suma nu se poate reprezenta folosind doar 32 de biti.
void main(){
int n;
n = 92682;
int least_semnif,semnif;
ov eax, n
ov ebx, eax
nc ebx
ul ebx
hr eax,1
ov ebx, edx
hr edx,1
hl ebx,31
r eax,ebx
ov semnif,edx
ov least_semnif, eax
if( least_semnif == LEAST_SEMNIF && SEMNIF == semnif){
printf("Failed! Your result is: %d*pow(2,32)+%d\n",semnif, least_semnif);

#include <stdio.h>
//Sa se scrie codul in limbaj de asamblare care inverseaza bitii unui numar
void main(){
har number;
umber = 140;
mov al,number
xor cl,cl
mov bl,al
and bl,00000001b
shl bl,7
or cl, bl
mov bl,al
and bl,00000010b
shl bl,5
or cl, bl
mov bl,al
and bl,00000100b
shl bl,3
or cl, bl
mov bl,al
and bl,00001000b
shl bl,1
or cl, bl
mov bl,al
and bl,00010000b
shr bl,1
mov bl,al
and bl,00100000b
shr bl,3
mov bl,al
and bl,01000000b
shr bl,5
or cl, bl
mov bl,al
and bl,10000000b
shr bl,7
or cl, bl
mov number,cl

if( number != 49)

printf("Failed! Your result is %d \n",number);

#include <stdio.h>
//Completati exemplul urmator astfel incat functia max sa returneze maximun dintre a si b
int max(int a, int b){
int maxim;

mov eax, a

mov ebx, b

cmp eax,ebx

jg a_is_greater

mov maxim, ebx

jmp _done

mov maxim,eax
return maxim;
void main(){
int a,b;
printf("a = ");
printf("b = ");
printf("MAX(a,b) = %d",max(a,b));

#include <stdio.h>
//Sa se scrie codul in limbaj de asamblare care oglindeste bitii unui numar
void main(){
nsigned int number;
umber = 140;

/* Completati */
mov ebx, number
xor eax,eax
mov ecx,0
cmp ecx,32
jz _done
shl eax,1
shr ebx,1
jnc _next_bit
or eax,1
inc ecx
jmp _loop
mov number, eax

if( number != 822083584)

printf("Failed! Your result is %d\n",number);

int f(int n){


mov esi, [ebp+8] //n
mov ecx,1 // counter

xor edi, edi //rezultat final
mov eax,1 //factorial

cmp ecx, esi
jg gata

mul ecx //factorial* counter

add edi, eax //noul rezultat partial
inc ecx
jmp _while

mov eax, edi
shl eax,1

#include <stdio.h>
//Calculul factorialului unui numar - recursiv
unsigned int fact_rec(unsigned int nr){

mov esi, [ebp+8] //se pune nr in esi

cmp esi, 2
//comparare nr cu 2

jnb apel_recursiv //Daca nr >= 2, se face saltul, altfel:

mov eax, 1
// se returneaza 1
jmp gata //gata
dec esi // nr-1
push esi
call fact_rec

add esp,4 //eax = fact(nr-1)

mov esi, [ebp+8] // esi = nr

mul esi //return fact(nr-1)*nr
void main(){
int nr,fact;
printf("nr = ");

push nr

call fact_rec

add esp,4

mov fact, eax
printf("%u! = %u",nr,fact);

#include <stdio.h>
//interschimbati valorile variabilelor a si b
void swap (int *a, int *b)

mov eax,[ebp+8]//&a

mov ebx,[ebp+12]//&b

mov ecx,[eax]//a

mov edx,[ebx]//b

mov [eax],edx

mov [ebx],ecx
void main()
int a=2, b=3;
printf("%d %d", a, b);

#include <stdio.h>
//Calculati suma elementelor pare dintr-un vector.
int suma_pare_vector (int *, int )

mov esi,[ebp+8]//v

mov edx,[ebp+12]//nr

xor ecx,ecx//index

xor eax,eax//suma = 0

cmp ecx,edx

jz _final

mov ebx, [esi]

test ebx,1

jnz _impar

add eax,ebx

add esi,4

inc ecx

jmp _while
void main()
int v[5]={5,1,2,3,6};
int *p=v;
int s;
push 5
push p
call suma_pare_vector
add esp,8
mov s, eax

printf("Suma: %d", s);


#include <stdio.h>
#include <malloc.h>
//Construiti matricea unitate (1 pe diagonala, 0 in rest)
void matrice_unitate(int **, int )
mov esi,[ebp+8]//mat

mov edx,[ebp+12]//nr

xor ecx,ecx//index

cmp ecx,edx

jz _finish

mov edi,[esi]

xor eax,eax//index in vectorul de int-uri

cmp eax,ecx

jz _finish_while_2

mov dword ptr [edi],0

inc eax

add edi,4

jmp _while_2

//suntem pe diagonala principala

mov dword ptr [edi],1

inc eax

add edi,4

//continuam pe linia curenta

cmp eax,edx

jz _finish_while_3

mov dword ptr [edi],0

inc eax

add edi,4

jmp _while_3

inc ecx

add esi,4

jmp _while
void main()
int n=5,i;
int **mat;
mat = (int**)malloc(n*sizeof(int*));
mat[i] = (int*)malloc(n*sizeof(int));

push n
push mat
call matrice_unitate
add esp,8
for(int i=0; i<n; i++)
for(int j=0; j<n; j++)
printf("%d ", mat[i][j]);
printf ("\n");

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct Str1{
char c;
short s;
int i;
struct Str2{
char c;
int i;
short s;
void generate(char,short, int, Str1*)
mov esi,[ebp+20]
mov eax, [ebp+16]
mov [esi+4],eax
mov ax, [ebp+12]
mov [esi+2],ax
mov al, [ebp+8]
mov [esi],al
void generate_2(char,short, int, Str2*)
mov esi,[ebp+20]
mov eax, [ebp+16]
mov [esi+4],eax
mov ax, [ebp+12]
mov [esi+8],ax
mov al, [ebp+8]
mov [esi],al
void main()
tr1* s1 = new Str1;
tr2* s2 = new Str2;
push s1
push 4
push 3
push 'a'
call generate

add esp,16
push s2
push 2
push 1
push 'b'
call generate_2
add esp,16


printf("%d %d %c\n",s1->i,s1->s,s1->c);
printf("%d %d %c\n",s2->i,s2->s,s2->c);

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <malloc.h>
unsigned nrBits( int ){
mov eax,0
mov ebx, [ebp+8]
shl ebx,1
jnc next
inc eax
jmp _while
jz finish
jmp _while
unsigned nrBits2( int ){
mov eax,0
mov ebx, [ebp+8]
cmp ebx,0
jz finish
inc eax
mov edx,ebx
dec edx
and ebx,edx
jz finish
jmp do_while
unsigned isPrime( int ){
push [ebp+8]
call nrBits
add esp,4
mov ebx,eax
shr ebx,1
mov ecx,2
mov esi,eax
cmp ecx,ebx
jg prime
mov eax,esi

xor edx, edx

div ecx
cmp edx,0
jz not_prime
inc ecx
jmp _while
xor eax,eax
jmp finish
mov eax,1
unsigned int fib(unsigned char n){
push ebx
movzx eax, byte ptr [ebp+8]
cmp eax,1
jbe finish
dec eax
push eax
dec eax
push eax
call fib
add esp,4
mov ebx,eax
call fib
add esp,4
add eax,ebx
pop ebx
int palindrom( unsigned int ){
mov ebx, [ebp+8]
mov esi,ebx
xor edi,edi
mov ecx,10
cmp ebx,0
jz start_compare
mov eax, edi
mul ecx
mov edi,eax
xor edx,edx
mov eax, ebx
div ecx
mov ebx,eax
add edi,edx
jmp _while

cmp esi,edi
jnz not_palindrom
mov eax,1
unsigned short powerOf2( int , int* ){
mov esi,[ebp+12]
mov ecx,[ebp+8]
xor ax,ax
dec ecx
cmp ecx,0
jl finish
mov edi,[esi+4*ecx]
cmp edi,0
jz _loop
mov ebx,edi
dec ebx
and ebx,edi
jnz _loop
inc ax
jmp _loop
int progresie_aritmetica(int, int*){
mov esi,[ebp+12]
mov edi,[ebp+8]
push ebp
sub esp,4
cmp edi,3
jl not_pa
jz is_pa
mov ebx,[esi+12]
mov [esp],ebx
sub ebx, [esi+8]
mov ecx,3
add ecx,2
cmp ecx,edi
jge is_pa
mov ebp,2
mov eax, ecx
shr eax,1
cmp ebp,eax

jge is_prime
mov eax,ecx
xor edx,edx
div ebp
cmp edx,0
jz _loop
inc ebp
jmp inner_loop
mov eax,[esp]
mov edx,[esi+4*ecx]
add eax,ebx
mov [esp],edx
cmp eax,edx
jz _loop
xor eax,eax
jmp finish
mov eax,1
add esp,4
pop ebp
int toUpper(char* ){
mov esi,[ebp+8]
xor eax,eax
mov bl,[esi]
cmp bl,0
jz finish
cmp bl,'a'
jb _next
cmp bl,'z'
ja _next
and byte ptr [esi], 11011111b
inc eax
inc esi
jmp _loop
int nrTok( char* ){
mov esi,[ebp+8]
xor eax,eax
xor ecx,ecx
xor edx,edx

mov bl,[esi]
cmp bl,0
jz finish
cmp bl,'.'
jz sep
cmp bl,' '
jz sep
cmp bl,'\t'
jz sep
cmp bl,','
jz sep
cmp bl,';'
jz sep
cmp bl,'('
jz sep
cmp bl,')'
jz sep
mov ecx,1
xor edx,edx
inc esi
jmp _loop
cmp ecx,1
jnz not_started
inc eax
xor ecx,ecx
mov edx,1
inc esi
jmp _loop
cmp edx,1
jz _exit
cmp ecx,1
jnz _exit
inc eax

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