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Arriving at Kyiv (Kiev) Boryspil Airport you will pass through customs and enter
through some double doors into the main terminal. Through the throngs of people you
will be asked if you need help with your bags and if you need a Taxi….constantly.
From our own experience with friends arriving at Boryspil the help with the bag will run
you $20 USD to carry or wheel it across the street into the parking lot.or to the
curbside loading area, vf bmaybe a total of 20 or 30 yards. These people are “private”

hustlers. The Taxi from Boryspil to Central Kyiv will run you
about $40 to $45 USD.There is also a Bus (big one, or a mini van,
depends on the time of the day) that you can catch very easily right
out the front terminal door off to the right.You can’t miss it.It runs
approximately every 30 minutes or even less, so if it’s not there when
you walk outside just wait a few minutes and you’ll see it pull up. It
will have “Boryspil” and "Polit" written on the side.You can take it with your bags for
about 20 Hryvnia (approx. $4) to/from the first Metro Station "Kharkivs'ka" or for 25
Hryvnia (approx. $5) to Kiev's Southern Railway Station Terminal. It is a modern and
comfortable ride. There are usually Taxis waiting at the Bus’ final stop you can take to
your final destination for 7-10 dollars.

Ukrainian Time is +2 GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) Bus route: Central Railway
Terminal - Kharkivs'ka Metro Station - airport.
Available Time: 04:40 - 01:20
Time of transportation: approx. 1 hour 10 min.
You can find Bus Schedules to and from Boryspil Airport (KBP) !HERE!

Ukrainian Currency is called Hryvnia (UAH), which was introduced on the 2nd
of September 1996. One Hryvnia equals 100 kopiykas. There are 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100,
200 and 500 Hryvnia bills Don’t change money with strangers on the street!! You will
probably be tricked into losing your money and it’s ILLEGAL!!You can change money
at the airport but the rate is not as good as in town. However you will need to have
some local currency to get you to your Hotel. You should be able to get by changing
$70 or $100 at the airport, then the bulk of your monetary needs at a local money
exchange point or at the bank later in town.

Banks in Ukraine are normaly open to the Public Monday through Thursday from
9:00 a.m. until 5 p.m., and on Fridays from 9:00 a.m. until 4 p.m. Please note however
that the Cashier's will close their windows an hour earlier. They will also close for
lunch from 1 p.m. until 2 p.m. ATM machines are a safer option at or near the Bank, or
at large shopping centers. It's better to avoid using ATM's at the local "bazar" (market)
areas or next to little street kiosks and stores.

Currency Rates from UFS

(Ukrainian Finance Server)

Money Transfer If you need to transfer money to or from Ukraine, there are
several International Money Transfer Companies like Western Union and MoneyGram.
You can find them at many local banks or at major shopping centers and Malls.

Western Union is the largest in Ukraine and can easily be found even in smaller towns.
MoneyGram rates are more affordable but it's availability is not as widespread. Your
other options for sending or receiving money is to do a funds transfer by bank-wire or
by Money Postal Order at the Post Office. These are cheaper options but will take more

Credit cards Credit Cards are widely accepted in Ukraine, however fraud and
theft is organized and not uncommon. For your own benefit, we would recommend
using cash for all purchases while in Ukraine and only use a Card to debit for cash at a
safe location. If you do use your Credit Card, don't ever let it leave your site when
handled by the seller.

Learning the Metro system will be key to enjoying all that Kyiv has to offer.
It’s cheap (10 cents), safe, on time, and fairly simple to learn. We would highly
recommend the translated “bi-lingual” Metro plan available on this site as nearly all
signs here will be in Ukrainian or Russian only.

Hiring a translator/assistant can be money well spent especially on your first

day in Kyiv if you are a bit concerned about making your way around on your own. It
can also save you the embarrassment at your favorite restaurant of having to revert to
animal noises in a last gasp attempt to explain exactly what cut of meat you are talking

OR, you might prefer the "non-human" variety . Check it out here: English-Russian-
Ukrainian Electronic Talking DictionaryIf you should decide to hire a translator we will
be happy to help you. See more in Services.

Having a Mobile Phone in Kyiv can also be a bargain for the first time traveler,
taking advantage of our “English helpline”. With just the push of a button a translation,
or directions, or perhaps just “calling you a Taxi” are available through our bi-lingual
operators. This service can truly save you a lot of money and grief. We will be happy to
provide you with the details of this very helpful service.

Having a Security Belt while traveling might be wise :)

Information Booths in Kyiv (Kiev) can be found throughout the city. For
example, you'll see them on Peremohy Square, near by Teatral'na Metro Station, on
Artema street opposite Kievs'ka Rus' cinema, and a lot of other places. You'll be able
to find there a detailed map of Kiev, sightseeing places with a short historical review in
English and Ukrainian. Very useful information indeed.

Taxis in Kyiv are cheap.The most you should pay for a trip across town is 35 to
50 Hryvnia ($7 to $10 USD). The problem with Taxis are their drivers' lack of foreign
language skills. Agree on the price beforehand or your Taxi fare will skyrocket.

Water in Ukraine It's not recommended to drink tap water unless you boil it. The
better choice will be to just buy bottled water for drinking. You should be aware
however that some bottled water from the smaller Kiosks can be counterfeit. The brand

BonAqua or Morshins'ka seems to be the best bet as far as getting the genuine

Water Wells (byuvyet) are located throughout Kiev and are popular especially with
the Seniors of the City. They are usually built in a park like setting with several old
style hand pumps to accommodate whoever may want to fill up from their favorite
Aquifer. Information concerning each Well is posted onsight.

Tipping in Ukraine Tipping used to be non-existant. In recent years the

introduction of modern restaurants and entertainment establishments with
thier Western clientele have changed all that. Today you can expect to tip in an average
Ukrainian establishment between 5 and 10 percent. In the more
upscale enviornments tipping will be more in line with western standards. Sometimes
it's included in the bill. Drivers are normaly not tipped, unless you feel he deserves it,
then it's greatly appreciated.

Myths and Truths about Russia

New: on President Putin, Privatization, and Khodorkovsky...

Sometimes we hear and see so many striking, odd and new things about Russia on TV
or in newspapers or from the people we meet, that I think I'm missing something!
Really, it turns out I live at such a dangerous place flooded with mafiosi, catastrophes,
bombings happening all the time, with deadly cold winters, demolished economy,
depressed people that I'm really surprised I'm still alive and living here. The point is
that all those things about Russia are either not true or very much exaggerated.
Truth: Really, many people think that Russia is some place filled with Mafia and it's so
dangerous to come here. Well, there is Mafia, but the wild west nineties are left in the 20th
century. Nowadays it's like any place in the world and Russia is not more dangerous than
anywhere else. The Mafiosi spend all their time making business, the gangs spend all their
time dealing with each other, so you certainly will not experience any of that. Also there's so
much police on the streets of Moscow it seems like the safest place in the world.
Truth: If you know how it's done then it's no problem. All the paperwork you need are your
passport and an invitation from Russia. It's easy now to get the invitation, and you don't need
to book a hotel for the whole period of your stay. The invitations can be made through
hotels/hostels (which will ask you to book one night), or travel agencies (which will ask only
your money), and the price in both cases will be $25-$35 US for an invitation. The
invitation can be sent to you by fax. After you received the invitaiton, you just need to
bring it to Russian consulate to get your visa. A Russian visa costs around $50-$60 US
(for this price it's ready in 7-14 days), and if you pay more it takes only one day to
process. See more about invitation, Russian visa and registration in our Russian Visa
Now, some people say it's too long and expensive to get here, but if you travel to Eastern
Europe, Russia is really close and not exspensive to get to. A return flight to Moscow from
most European capitals costs $350 US, and if you're on a tight budget, you can get one of
those EasyJet or RyanAir flights from London or Berlin to Riga (Latvia) or Tallin
(Estonia), and then get a bus or a train to Russia for $10-$25 US.
If you want to know more about these and other better options to get to (and from) Russia,
check out our Transportation section.



Truth: Well, it's not quite true, though many people think so and they have their reasons. The
economy is rising now, becoming more and more independent and stable, but unfortunately
there's a temptation to do it at the cost of heavy industries (like oil & gas, resources etc.)
which turns Russia into a country, that sells resources only. At the same time Russia tries to
keep up with the latest technological advances, and to improve the side of the economy that
workes especially for people. It can be seen: I traveled around Europe a lot and to my mind
the quality of services in Russia is among the best. Almost all shops are opened 24 hours
here, there are currency exchanges on every step (even in smaller towns), cell phone
providers offer much more attractive and less expensive deals. Russia is becoming very
capitalist and consumer-friendly.
Also, the government is starting to understand that it's there not to suck money, but to help
people and the country, but there's a high level of corrution and a high dumb-head factor still.
At the same time the increasing gap between poor and rich people intensifies social tension in
society; there are broken down towns and villages (with dead industries); there are lost

people not required in the new system and having nothing to do - therefore drunkenness,
narcotics and crimes; low paid old people are really just trying to survive; low salaries in state-
employment result in bribes to customs, police...The good side is that there are more and
more people who adapt to the new system, and who understand that they depend not on the
government (like in old Soviet times), but on themselves now, and what can be seen and felt
now is that the people are changing, their attitude is changing, they understand that only by
acting themselves will they achieve something, they look quite optimistic to the future and that
means everything is going to be all right. There are young people who want to change how
things are and people are trying to do something to make their life better. It works, there are
more and more "middle class" people. But the problem with poor, old and "lost" people


Truth: It's not very cold, though sometimes it might be quite freezing. But if you have warm
clothes, you'll be ok. Generally, the lowest is minus 10 or 15 Celsius in the winter, though
it might sometimes (rarely) go as low as minus 25 or 30, but even that is not very cold,
because it's not humid. And the true thing about Russian winter is that it's very beautiful,
that is right. I like it!


Truth: Russians are not racists Just don't hurt anybody's patriotic feelings.
Anyway, Russians are more often than not very open and generous to the foreigners.

Truth: Maybe, but after ages of driking they have a strong immune against alchohol, so they
don't become drunk too fast. Also vodka is considered to be the best thing to warm oneself up
with in winter. And, in fact, I have the same stereotype about .. uhm... British. Do they really
drink as much beer every day as they say? Seriously, alchoholism is a big problem in
Russia, especially among older people. they decided to escape their problems through
drinking. Because of that, families are unhappy, many people are unemployed, people
don't want to build something new, but want to drift into the 'careless' state of mind and not to
do anything.

Truth: Putin is just a very popular politician in Russia and he acts accordingly. Many people
in Russia truly believe that we need centralized government, because the country is too big
and loose, because there are too many changes that need to be done very fast, and that
there's no time for demagogism anymore.. So, the elected president is the person who used
to be a director of former KGB (now FSB) and he has nothing to hide, because he actions are
approved by the majority. Perhaps, if you are in big business you will feel it, otherwise - it
seems the same as anywhere else.


Truth: It's a myth. During the privatization in the 90s every single Russian person (even
children) got a "piece" of the country in the form of a voucher. Most of them didn't have
anything else. So, a director (who was not paying them any salary) told them: "you'll get your
salary, but you need to give me the voucher you have".It's like you are invited to a casino and
you are given a chip. But you don't have any money. Then the manager comes up to you and
tells you not to risk and just give you your chip and get 10 bucks instead.
The same thing happened in Russia: the vouchers (or shares) accummulated in the hands of
directors who were then selling it to big players. The big players would make their stakes and
only 1% survived and now own the majority of production in Russia. The people who sold
their vouchers stayed where they started and that's why there's a lot of social tension in
Russia nowadays.
At least one positive thing is that the middle class is now forming in our country, so the gap is

not that huge anymore. But this little story explains why so many people approve that even
such an intelligent and charming man as Yukos' former Khodorkovsky is made into criminal.
What they don't want to understand though is that the "casino managers", those who
gave them the chips first place, and they themselves are responsible, too.
Comment (received 10/09/02

Sure, some things may be a little run down and old, but nothing serious. The first time I went
to my wife's flat, I was a little shocked at the crumbling appearance of the building, but
once inside her family's flat things were bright and new! Oh, I noticed many new
buildings being built.
The trains can be quite shocking to a spoiled westerner...broken windows, Soviet-era green
rust-stained paintjobs, very hard wooden benches(no comfy unholstered seats), and a non-
ending succession of salespeople hawking their wares in each car. The first time I rode the
train, a man came into the car, opened a case, took out a large kitchen knife, and began
yelling at the crowd.
Not knowing Russian, I thought the guy was going to freak and do a "Jason" (Friday 13th, if
anybody remembers or cares), but my wife assured me he was just selling knives.Capitalism
is alive and well in Russia...there are an incredible number of small kiosks selling anything
you need. I went into a brand new Walmart-style superstore, but everything was

And ahhh, the joy of drinking a beer, anywhere anytime! Think you have to wait until you
get home to savor a cold one? Naww, just buy a Baltika or six and crack them open on the
metro and drink! And if you're a vodka lover, every store seems to have a selection of at least
20 different vodkas...I
thought it was tasteless...why so many brands wonder?
Oh, the metro is like most others...not much fun but gets you from A to B.
It's difficult not to look like a foreigner, but it seems that a black leather jacket and black
trousers and shoes might help you fit in(for the guys). Never had a problem with streetcrime,
although I'm a fairly big guy. I did hear about an elderly American couple who were accosted
by pickpockets... nothing serious though. A baseball cap seems to be a sure way to stick
out...didn't notice many at all.
Lots of McCrap restaurants if you like that shit, but I prefer to do my own cooking. Basic
food staples are quite cheap comparatively)...dollars will go a long way in Russia.

Russian people are great! Very hospitable(if you know them). Always ready to
celebrate anything with a bottle of wine or cognac. Great conversationalists! Like to have
fun! Some can resent foreigners a bit, but usually only the asshole tourists. If you're decent to
them and don't brag too much about your country and certainly don't put down Russia, you'll
make friends easily. I don't where our image of the stern, unemotional Russian came from
during the 80's and before, but they're anything but!
I noticed that on buses and metros and any kind of public transport, people are very quiet and
don't talk much.

I think a few Russian men resent western men being with Russian women, but I've only
experienced it once, and he was completely drunk. "Look, a Russian woman with a foreign
man!" Yeah buddy, so what?
All in all, I like Russia and Russians very much! I just wish I could speak the language. "I
LOVE RUSSIA. I recently returned from teaching English in Moscow for 5 months and I
absolutely loved it. I lived with a Russian host family. The Russians that I met there have
been some of the most thoughtful, wonderful, and kind people with the biggest hearts that I
have ever met. I am fascinated with Russia. This past summer I have taken some Russian
language classes, and this January I am planning on returning to Moscow to be a head
teacher for the same program. Thanks so much for your site. It is really helpful! RUSSIA
RULES!!!!!!!!!!!" Comment MAFIAS: Everyone there agreed that a good part of business was
ran "underground". Meaning, mafias. It may also seem suspicious how so many russians in
Moscow came to be SO FUCKING RICH. However, you will not have to deal with any mafia
people, unless you're trying to open a business there! As a tourist, we never came across
any. Don't worry about this. There are more mafias elsewhere and the mafia level is not

proportional to the security in the streets. For example, the YAKUSA is the world's largest
mafia and it is based in Japan, supposedly a very safe country.

ECONOMY: Central Moscow seems richer than Mayfair. I've never seen so many Mercedez
in my life, there are more S500s in Moscow than in Berlin! BMWs, Jaguars... The women are
exquisitely dressed up and the luxury is imminent in Tverskaya St. The rest of the city is not
that rich, but to say DEVASTATED is unpardonable. St. Petersburg is not so posh, but
Nevsky Prospect seems to have a bustling economy. Plus, why do would you car about the
economy if you are just travelling? It should not be a drawback. Peru is venerated by tourists
and people are starving here.

DANGERS: When I asked the lady at the reception if the area around the hotel was safe, she
laughed, almost indignated. Central Moscow (where you will ussually be because there is not
much to see in the suburbs) is VERY
SAFE. Plus, there are policemen EVERYWHERE. The Moscow police is only paralleled by
the NYC police and that is a proven fact. I cannot speak for the suburbs, but most of it is
residential areas which are tranquile. Perhaps you would like to avoid the metro late at night...
I took the metro at 10:30pm and it was very peaceful though, and there were policemen in the
lavishly decorated with marble. Ubbelievable. They even have statues inside. And most of
them are IMPECABLE, not a trace of graffiti or anything of the kind. The best examples are

VISA: You will need an INVITATION and around $40. Nothing else. The invitation, if you are
travelling with a tour is free. If travelling independently you will need to buy one from some
agency. You can buy one from this page, or from lots of other reliable ones. Try yahoo and
you will find quite a few. Sometimes your hotel can send you one. If you are travelling to a
hostel or youth hostel, you'll have to buy one from them.
. With this invitation, our passport and $45, we got our visa in 3 days. Not difficult at all. YET,
if you are a US or UK citizen, the process is different. I met an American who said visas for
them IS a hastle - as is a tourist visa for a Russian to go to the US. Another UK guy said he
was denied the russian visa BOTH IN LONDON AND IN AMSTERDAM.

- Registering your visa is no problem at all. It takes about 2 hours and your hotel will do
that for you. You see, it sounds difficult, but its just paperwork. ***Some policemen
will try to tell you that you need to register your visa in every city you go to.
BULLSHIT. That's just an excuse for bribery. They tried to trick us into that like 3
times. We told them politely that we knew the regulations and that "Russian Council
in our country said only 1 stamp". They'll know fair amount of english. Do not take it
personal, its just underpaid ordinary people.

CATASROPPHEES AND BOMBINGS. It is a fact that Chechen Rebels have carried

out a fair number of bombings in Moscow. The theatre hijack last year is another
example. I certainly have no idea how you can prevent any of these. I guess its just
bad luck. Its not much more of a problem than in Ireland or Spain or the US... just that
in big, Russian proportions. Yet there has never been something nearly as striking as
September 11th if you want a comparison with the understood civilized-world.

WINTER: It does seem to get dead cold in January or February, around minus 15,
minus 20. I was in March though, and neither in Moscow nor St. Petersburg were we
lower than minus 2, which is quite bearable. Those astonishing temperatures are
ussually recorded at night, while you'll sleeping or partying like a mad-man in some
hot disco. St. Petersburg has a warmer cimate for the closeness to the ocean.
RACISM: This is the most delicate issue. Russians are racist, and for this you must
blame the diversity of the country. We were so frightened of the Skin Heads that
instead of going to a youth hostel in a not so centric area, we went to HOTEL
ROSSIYA. (Please, don't go to this hotel, it sucks. It has the less friendly staff I've
ever seen and it is a rip-off and urrrrrgh, though if you want a better location try
booking a bed in the Kremlin or next to Lenin!). For a good review of the skin-head

problem try, the page of a semi-underground newspaper which is the

closest to the truth. The skin-head problem is basically teenagers (some as young as
13) who believe the neo-nazi shit of a bunch of grown-ups. Some of the beatings (and
even shootings) are done at random metro stations at random hours, but the huge
majority are pre-planned massacres on poor immigrant communities and lots of them
after football matches. We did not read one single attack on a tourist. I am a white
peruvian, but to those skins everything but arian or slav is black.
Our experience in Moscow was totally different however. Everywhere we went there
was someone darker, more asian or more arab than us. It is a 5 millions people city, it
is damn cosmopolitan!! We never saw any kind of harassment. I don't know what
happened. One article read a declaration from a gov. official saying: "Boys will be
boys". What a pity.
Having met no harassment at all in Moscow, we felt very relaxed in St. Petersburg,
and we had 10 times more fun.
Nevertheless, policemen are on the look for dark/arab people for the chechen rebel
threat, and if you look arab like me, you'll have to loose some minutes showing your
passport to officers. Bear this in mind, that if poeple are suspicious of foreigns is
because chechens and mid-east rebels have represented a threat to them in the past.
The most extraordinary thing was when we went to MetroClub the women at the door
noticed we were foreigners and asked where we were from. We said "Peru" and she
either understood that, or "Beirut", and said "Oh no, terrorists. Please leave". You
must also understand that russian youth dress up for everything like there's no
tomorrow and we looked just like we were, backpackers who hadn't worn clean
clothes in a week.
However, the last night before leaving for Helsinki, we spoke to latin people at a club,
who said they knew people who had had their brains smashed by skins. When we
asked them what you could do to prevent a skin-head attack, they just said "its a
question of luck".
I guess we had real good luck, then.
- DRINKING: Yes, they drink a lot. Does it bother you?? Just tag along and drink, drink
and drink. It seems that if you are russian and you want to get from point A to point B,
you do it with a beer in your hand. Vodka is getting out of fashion it seems, and beer
is quite cheap and its legal to drink it any where you want.
- I really hope this was helpful. Head to Russia for the time of your life, but do not
expect river-side cafàs or Italy, expect a plush kingdom that lived communism for 74
years and is not experiencing one of the most fierest capitalist economies histories
has seen. And the most beautiful women too."

I saw some of the best works for art in the Hermitage and the most beautiful metros.
Everyone has a mobile phone AND clear reception everywhere unlike California. And
the myth that motivated me to come to Russia, other than my intellectual curiousity:
THE WOMEN. Yes, many of the women I saw, young and middle aged, were
beautiful! The club scene was fun, young gorgeous women! But they certainly were
more interested in partying. Got many friendly smiles but saw no motivation to
overcome the language barrier. For dating, it's more fun to go where you speak the
language. But if you are looking for a life partner, I found a gorgeous, intelligent,
kind, humble and caring woman who can cook the best food! And with flights costing
$500 round trip, nice flats for less than $100/night, good food for $5 or less, friendly
people, and was not required to walk nearly naked through every airport security gate,
it was a great vacation for someone from the beautiful but insanely expensive San
Francisco Bay Area! "

Young Russian Women – "Devushkas" – Who Are They?

Russian women are said to be 'the most beautiful women in the world'. Many of them have
almond eyes. They are tall and thin with long legs; most of them are blond, and they have
pink cheeks in Winter. They like to reveal their beautiful bodies as you will be able to witness
if you go to Russia in summer or visit a night club. As stupid as these generalizations may
sound, they are mostly true. It is much harder to describe the character of a "typical" young
Russian woman, because it depends so much on subculture she comes from. It may be
easier just to point out some inherently "Russian" traits, which may explain some of the
unexpected behavior you will get. A typical Russian woman seems like she knows what she's
doing and affirms herself. Russian women, especially young women, are quite pushy in
everyday life. Perhaps the fact that you have to be a "fighter" in Russia to succeed make this
side of their character come out more often. But it doesn't mean they are straightforward and
independent in a relationship. For example, it's considered a bad tone for a woman to come
up to a man as the "old-school" morals are still quite strong. Flirting often becomes a game
where you are expected to make the first moves.
If you have a Russian girlfriend, she will expect you to nurture her, to accompany her
everywhere, to open a door for her, to pay her bills, in short, to be very courteous – a
real gentleman. On the other side, she will be happy to help you push through a long
queue, win an argument with a policeman about your outdated visa registration, drink
more vodka at one night than you did during the last 3 months, and hit you hard if you
behave bad. Russian girls want to succeed in life, but they are very romantic. They will
plunge into relationship without having a second thought if they feel like it. They will spend all
day walking around aimlessly holding your hand even if they have an important exam to take
the next morning. They will go to the end of the world to stay with their lover. They will expect
much of you, but will give even more in return. Don't expect the practicality you may find in
the West. According to statistics (2005) only 25% of women in Russia use contraceptives.
The most common way to avoid pregnancy (> 50%) is abortion. AIDS and STDs are on the
rise. Russian girls in general are very lax about protection when having sex, so think
about it unless you want to plunge together.
Some people ask why so many Russian girls are looking to meet a man from the West. First
of all, it's not true any longer. Ten years ago when the economic conditions were really bad,
some women saw it as a way out of poverty and daily struggle. But nowadays life is better
and people want to stay in their own country. Some women also have this belief that Western
men are much more gentle, attentive and amiable with women than Russian men. So if you
manage to demonstrate these qualities, you have chances.Russian Middle-Aged

Women–"Zhenshchiny"–How Are They?

Middle aged women are very different in Russia. Some of them are very intellegent
and well educated and have a nice life and a strong family, some are very
miserable and poor. During the period of big changes in Russia in the 90s, people
had to adapt to a new way of life. The generation that was born in the 50s or 60s faced
the biggest challenge perhaps. There was one kind of life before and suddenly they
had to change... it was like having two completely different lives.
Middle aged women don't seem as provoking as the young women are, even though
they also wear outstanding clothes, transparent tops, short dresses. There is a contrast
between the women who follow the latest western fashion and the ones still wearing
clothes as in the eighties.
For example, the ladies working in Sheremetyevo international airport in Moscow,
wearing khaki uniforms are particularly funny as they didn't change them since
Soviet times.Most of middle class women live in Soviet flats in the cities with their
family, and sometimes with their parents or parents in law. They don't travel
often, except for going to their family datcha, or little wooden country house (if
they have one). They spend time there in the Summer, close to nature, growing

vegetables, making hand crafts, swimming, looking after their children. Many
Russian middle aged women go camping with their families, they're used to
conditions not as comfortable as in the West.
Women working in cities can be very stressed and shouting for nothing. Some women
still have the 'Soviet style of working' e.g. they don't care about being polite, or
about selling more or less, because anyway they get paid the same. It changes
slowly and workers are trained to do services in a more kind way. But still if you ever
phone for train times for example, you're likely to have the phone hooked on your ear
before you had a chance to ask your second request.
In villages the ambience being generaly much more calm, the temperament of ladies
is calmer too.

Old Women in Russia – "Babushkas" – Who Are They?

The old ladies are very noticeable in Russia, they're called 'Babushkas'.
You can't come to Russia without meeting them, as they seem to spend their days outside.
They join together for a chat on the benches in

front of their homes, or they walk their dog

in the parks. Because they are in every
public place, they contribute to making
the cities feel safe, even in the evening.
In the West, the grannies are often seen as
feeble and afraid of crossing the street
alone, or getting stolen their handbag.
In Russia, Babushkas manage by
themselves and make themselves
respected. They often tell people off in the
metro, fight their way to get a seat in a
crowded bus, pass in front of the others in
the lines at the bank. They grew up during
the hard times of the war and never miss a
chance to remind people about that.Most of
them live still with their children and grandchildren, homes being expensive in big cities. They
take care of their grandchildren, and sometimes work also for other families as nannies or
home-help. They get a very low State pension (1500 R =$50 US per month), so they
often find small jobs, which will let them earn a bit more. Some Babushkas choose to do
government jobs in public places, which let them earn something like twice more than if they
were only on their pension. So you will see them keeping the metro, sitting in the museums,
cleaning the railways..
And some Babushkas find other ways of making money.
-- For example, they wait for travelers arriving at railway stations in St Pete, and
propose them to live at their apartment. Sometimes they are honest nice grannies who
let you sleep in their cozy Soviet flat, sometimes they give you a false set of keys and
when you get to the flat, it seems to be the wrong door, but the Babushka is already far
away with your money.. -- In big cities, many Babushkas grow vegetables in their garden
outside of the city, and sell them in the streets or next to Metro stations. In Summer, they sell
fresh stuff like cucumbers, parsley, berries and in Winter: jarred mushrooms, cucumbers,
tomatoes, jams. -- On the transsiberian stops, a lot of Babushkas come and sell to the
travelers: warm home-baked cakes filled with potatoes or cabbage, special sweet waffles,
bags of tomatoes and boiled potatoes, smoked or salted Baikal fish... It can be very tasty.In
Moscow, on weekends, they dress up well and meet in Izmailovski Park for dancing and
singing parties. Old men 'Dedushkas' play accordion, and Babushkas sing and dance
traditional Russian songs. It's worth to go and see how they party outdoors in the park.
To know more and listen to some recordings see our report at Russian Folk Music

Russian Brides or How to Marry a Russian Woman

WHAT IS IT ABOUT? In the 90s Russia became popular not only as a new
"unexplored" travel destination, but also as a place to find a "perfect" wife (not a
husband, unfortunately for Russian men..) It's not a secret that some male travelers
who come to Russia are also interested in finding a woman, or that a lot of Russian
women are not against marrying an interesting foreign man. There are many reasons
for that: Russian women are considered to be very attractive, and foreign men
have an image (among many Russian women) of being intelligent, wealthy, and
interesting partners. It can be quite a good thing in itself: there are many examples
of people who found each other and lived happily after... However, a huge demand
from both sides gave a rise to a new "Russian brides" industry that is gaining

popularity, and a lot of individuals found many dishonest ways of making money out
of bringing people together. So, if you want to find a partner abroad, you should
be really aware: there are a lot of opportunities, but also there's a lot of scam.
DISCLAIMER. We wrote this text in order to help you understand what all this new
international "marriage race" is about, and how to make your way through all the
haze, if you decide to. The information on this page tends to be more about Russian
women for foreign men, than about Russian men (after all, this section is called
"Women in Russia"), however, it might be interesting for western women as well.
Finally, we apologize, but when writing about such a matter, generalizations are

WHO ARE THE "RUSSIAN BRIDES"? It should be pointed out that here we talk not
about all Russian women, but only about the women, who deliberately engaged into
looking for a foreign husband (either through the internet or newspaper ads or by
attending parties etc.).
Generally, the women who decide to find a foreign husband can be very different and
can have completely different motivations. Some women are sincerely looking for a
partner to create a family together, some women just want to have fun, others want to
make money. So, the following classification might be helpful
• "Family-Oriented" Woman. She is looking for a sincere relationship and wants to
create a real stable family with a husband who will love her, understand her, and care
about her. Usually, she's about 25 to 50 years old. She would like to have a safe
enviroment for her family and - partially - this makes her look for the future husband
abroad, because it is considered that a foreigner can have a much more stable situation
(socially and financially), than a Russian. Perhaps, she had already had a husband, but
the first marriage didn't work out very well...
She doesnt necessarily want to leave home country, usually, the main criteria is well-
being of the future family, the place is not so important.
• "Russian Lover". She's not family oriented, but she's open and she wants to have
nice time and to find an interesting man to spend time with. It doesn't matter if he's a
foreigner or not, the main thing is that he's pretty, charming, and interesting to talk
with. A man might have a lot of nice time with such a woman, and perhaps, it would
be an ideal introduction for an interesting relationship, that could maybe grow into
something more serious in the future... The only problem is that this kind of women
do not usually look for a husband deliberately. There's more chance to meet them
accidentally or at a party.
• "Russian Blonde". This is a special kind of woman. When she was a young (17-20)
pretty woman, she met a handsome "new Russian" with a lot of money, and fell in
love with him and with the ambiance of success around him. She got used to indulge
all her needs and to get what she wanted. However, their "new Russian" man was
letting himself too much: having so much money, power, and charisma, he was
getting with many other women. At one moment, the "blonde" had enough of being
just "one of many", and broke the relationship with her rich friend. However, such a
"beautiful girl" shouldn't be alone, so she's settled to find a worthy substitute to her
old friend, who will worship only her, and will let her indulge into her old habits.
She will most likely not want to leave Russia, because it is very important for her to
be able to show the new husband to her girlfriends and to be seen.
• "Russophobiac". She despises Russia and Russians, so her main goal is to
emigrate. Usually, her first and main condition is to be able to live abroad, and deep

inside she doesn't care about the relationship. If necessary, she will be a slave to her
future husband, only to be able to leave Russia.

• "Money Maker". This is a dangerous type. Her main goal is to make money, so a
long-term relationship is not on her agenda. The most important is to get a regular
allowance from the future husband. Usually, this kind of people come from poor
families and are not able to do anything by themselves. However, some of them are
just "players": they get pleasure in sucking out the money, and then dissappearing.
There were a lot of cases, when a woman like this would engage into writing over the
internet with a foreign man, and then at one moment ask some money to buy a plane
ticket to be able to meet. So, a naive "husband" would send his "future wife" a check
for $1000 US and never hear about her again...

HOW TO FIND A BRIDE? In general, a man can either use one of many marriage
agencies' services or start looking for a future wife on his own. Usually, the search
starts from writing a personal ad about yourself, which is intended for women. This
ad can later be placed in special publications (offline and online), sent directly to
women, or submitted to a marriage agency, which will distribute the information
among its women-subscribers.
• Traditional Marriage Agencies. There are a lot of marriage agencies in the world
that offer introduction services. In most cases, these agencies have a database of
women who want to find a foreign husband and a database of men who want to find a
wife from another country. The marriage agencies make money by selling entries
from these databases to men and women, who want to find a partner. However,
usually, it is men paying to have their data submitted to the database, or to have
access to some data from the "women" database.
Pro: a possibility of making a sample from this database based on such criteria as age,
occupation, interests -- it makes it easier to find a kind of person you're looking for.
Contra: This approach seems quite general and time-consuming. Even if the database is
quite comprehensive, it will never give a complete representation of a person. Also, the
woman doesn't choose the man at all. Also, there's a high possibility that the woman was
already contacted by many men, which lessens your chances. Also, the women who submit
their profiles to marriage agencies are marriage-oriented by default, so there's a risk of getting
into a "Money Maker" or a "Russophobic"...
• Internet Marriage Agencies. Generally, they employ the same concept as
traditional ones, except that they use internet. It allows easier access to their
databases, online search on various criterias, and makes the services more versatile
and less expensive. It's better to find the agency, which operates its own database --
many marriage agencies just buy databases of other marriage agencies and these
databases become outdated and old...
What services do they offer: (a) Submitting your data to marriage agencies (about $50 US
per month); (b) Listing your ad in a special catalogue, which is then distributed among
interested women (about $150 US); (c) Ads in Russian newspapers and magazines (the price
depends); (d) Selling e-mail, postal addresses and phone numbers of women from the
database (about $10 US for one address); (e) E-mail forwarding. Many ladies don't have an
e-mail access, so you submit your e-mail, it is printed out and forwarded to the lady you're
writing to. (usually it costs $5 US for a letter).
Things to be aware about:
(a) There's much scam on the internet related to "marriage business", be aware about it,
choose only reputable agencies or the ones, that were recommended to you by a person who
had his own positive experience at a specific agency.
(b) E-mail forwarding is a big business: most of the ladies don't have internet access, so the
agencies make money out of it: every letter costs $5. Ask the lady you're writing with if the e-
mail is her personal, and if it is not, ask for a post address or phone number.

(c) Sometimes, it's not even real women writing the letters, but agents (there were cases
like this in Russia). So one should always be aware of it. The best way to check is to ask for a
post address (no P.O. boxes) and a home phone number and check personally.
(d) Never send money. If you need to meet, better buy a plane ticket for yourself and come
to Russia.
What agencies to use: There's a myriad of different agencies and it's hard to recommend
something, but the most popular internet marriage agencies that have Russian women's
profiles in their databases are: (please, note,
we do not recommend these agencies, just give information about them)
- Foreign Affair -- one of the biggest introduction agencies, it is based in Arizona, USA. Has
databases of emails ($9 US for an address, $95 US for more than 20), offers a 3-month ad
placement in a catalogue, magazines, newspapers ($145 US), has open access to profiles.
Accepts credit cards.
- Elena's Models -- a quote from their site: "specializes in introducing Russian and Eastern
European women of models quality who seek contacts with western men with the purpose of
future marriage". Based in South Africa. Has online profiles, sells e-mail addresses ($9 US
per one), does ad listing in special publications, e-mail forwarding, submitting data to
marriage agencies.
- A Pretty Woman -- a US based small dating agency, features profiles on Russian women
- Bride.Ru -- a Russian based introduction agency. Features online profiles, sells e-mails and
phone numbers of Russian marriage-minded women for $20 US for about 1800 addresses.

• Internet Dating Sites. These kind of sites are not marriage agencies. They are free
both for men and women who want to find a partner. Usually, a person submits his /
her profile and a photograph to a searchable database. Once the profile is in the
database, everybody can have access to it. A good thing about this service is that it's
free and opened to everybody, however, it is not targeted specially to marriage-
minded people. To be able to present yourself to Russian women, it's better to use
Russian dating sites. Most of them are in Russian language, however, if you have a
Russian-speaking friend, it's very much worth to try to place an ad in Russian there or
surf through the existing ads. Among the most popular Russian dating sites are:
- Omen.Ru - A popular Russian entertainment portal, dating section.
- Dating.Ru - Another Russian dating portal
- Aslanova.Ru - Personal ads posted by Russian girls from Moscow, St. Petersburg,
Novosibirsk, and other Russian cities. Careful: there are some erotics links inside. The site is
fully in Russian, but you can click through to get to e-mails.

Placing Your Own Ad. Doing things yourself, you bypass all kinds of
intermediaries. The best thing to do is to put a personal ad in a newspaper or a
magazine which is published in Russia. You might do it in English, but to increase
your chances, you can try to find a Russian friend, who'll translate your ad for you.
The only problem with that is that your ad will be most probably targeted to people
from Moscow and St. Petersburg only. It'll be hard to put a personal ad in a
newspaper or a magazine issued in a provincial Russian town. In that case, the best is
to find special publications for marriage-minded women and to place an ad there, or
use the services of introduction agencies.
Anyway, here's a list of some Russian publications, which might be interesting for
placing an ad in:
- The Moscow Times ( -- a daily English-language
newspaper published in Moscow. Very popular among expats and middle-class educated
Moscovitans. There's a classified section, where you can put a personal for about $10-
$20 US.
- The St. Petersburg Times ( -- a daily English-language
newspaper, a twin of the Moscow Times, published in St. Petersburg.
- The Russian Journal ( -- a daily and weekly English-language

- Afisha Magazine ( -- a very popular Moscow listings publication in
Russian language, features culture, arts, what's on listings, cinema and more. A kind of
TimeOut Magazine for Moscow. Features "Personals" section in classified. Popular
among young people, people, who want to be "in fashion", Moscow intelligentsia.


Introduction to Marriage in Russia. The most important thing if you marry in

Russia is the documents (of course, apart from your mutual willingness to marry
each other). Surprisingly, this time it's not Russian bureaucracy needing them, but a
native country of the foreign husband or wife.

Two Russians who want to marry in Russia, need to come to any ZAGS (an
organization that registers all marriages, births, and deaths in Russia) only with
their passports, where they have a propiska (registration). They will fill in an
application form and have a date booked after a 30-day waiting period.

When one of the future spouses is a foreigner, ZAGS is required to act according
to international agreements, that is, require additional documents that are needed
by the embassy of the foreigner's native country. Below we describe the process in
detail. Generally, you'll need to stay in Russia at least for 2 months to be able to
get all the documents needed and to book a wedding date, alternatively, you'll
need to come at least twice for a couple of weeks. In all, you'll go through about 6
organisations and spend about 12 hours waiting in queues. The process should
cost not more than $120 US for everything.


For a Russian person: a Russian passport with permanent registration ("propiska") at

the place of marriage (e.g. Moscow) or temporary registration (made in UVIR).

For a foreigner: a Russian visa (any kind – tourist, business, private, student), a
passport, a marital status paper from the embassy (also called "Certificate de
Marriage" in France or "Certificate of No Impediment to Marriage" in England).

The first page of the foreigner's passport (where the personal information is) should
be translated into Russian and should have a Russian notarial proof (stamped and
signed). If the passport is translated in the foreigner's embassy, a consul should sign
the translation, so that it's legitimate.
If you make a translation with notarial proof through a translation bureau, it'll cost
about 450 R ($15 US) and takes about 2 working days.

The marital status paper can be obtained through the embassy or through your local
authorities (Superintendent Registar's Office in England).
In case you do it through your local authorities (outside Russia) the notice of
marriage will be given in the area of your usual residence and if in the period of 14 to
21 days (depending on the country) there's no objections to it, the Certificate of No
Impediment will be issued. The Certificate should be then legalized by attaching a
Foreign and Commonwealth Office certificate, also called "Apostille".
In England, "Apostille" can be obtained at the Legalisation Office, Foreign and

Commonwealth Office at Old Admiralty Building, Whitehall, London, SW 1A 2LG

(Phone: +44 (0) 20 7008 1111, Fax: +44 (0) 20 7008 1010).
The Certificate of No Impediment is valid for 3 months after the day of the issue (for
English citizens) and for 12 month after the day of the issue (for French citizens).

In case you do it through your embassy (in Russia), you should apply at your
embassy for the marital status paper. (See the addresses and contacts of embassies in
the Moscow Guide / Practicalities section). The embassy will issue a 'publication' at
the place of your usual residence and if during a 14 to 21 day period (varies for
different countries) nobody objects to this 'publication' then the embassy issues the
needed paper. Add another week for the embassy to send this publication to your
French embassy doesn't charge anything for the Certificate, English embassy asks 35
pounds for this. This paper should be signed by the embassy and then it should be
legalized by the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA), Consulate
department. It usually takes about 5 working days for the MFA to legalize the
certificate and costs about 120 R ($4 US). So, in all it'll take you at least 1 month
to get the legalized Certificate.
If you were married before, you'll need another paper from your embassy. Contact
them for further information.
The Certificate of No Impediment validity depends on the country-issuer: 3 months
for England, 12 months for France.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Consulate Department address is: Moscow,
Neopalimovski pereulok, #6 (metro Smolenskaya). Open: 10.00-17.00 (lunch break
13.00-15.00), closed Sat & Sun.

It's important that some embassies will require some documents (in addition to your
passport) to be able to issue the Certificate. For example, a French embassy requires a
Birth Certificate of your future spouse and a testimony of the future spouse
saying he / she sincerely wants to marry (can be made in any Notary office, costs
about 120 R ($4 US), takes about 10 minutes). Both papers should be translated
in French and apostilled.
The translation with notarial proof usually takes about 2 working days and costs about
450 R ($15 US) for 1 document.
The translation with notarial proof can be made, for example, in "Tolmach"
translation bureau: Moscow, Zemlyanoy Val St., #58/23, office 1 (in the courtyard),
metro: Kurskaya. Telephone / fax: +7 095 915-5784, email: Open:
10.00 to 18.00 Mon to Fri.
Apostilles should be put on the translated copies of original documents, and can be
made at the Russian Federation Ministry of Justice located at Moscow, Novy Arbat
St., 21 (a tower), 2rd floor, room 310. Open: Mon-Fri 9.30-12.00 (receives doc's),
12.00-13.00 (gives out the doc's).
It costs 50 R ($1.6 US) for 1 document to be apostilled and usually takes about 3

So, to summarize what has been said above, here's a helpful table:

Step: Document: How to make it: Time: Price:

1. The Russian spouse's passport Already exists. 0 0
with registration (propiska or

temporary registration).
2. The foreigner's visa, passport, A translation bureau, which 2 w. days 450 R
a copy of the first page of the can make a translation and a ($15)
passport, translated and notary notary will take care of it.
3. For Certificate of No A translation bureau, which 2 w. days 450 R
Impediment: the Russian can make a translation and ($15)
spouse's Certificate of Birth notary proof.
translated and notary prooved.
4. Testimony of a future spouse and Notary office and translation 10 mins 120 R
its translation. bureau + 2 w. ($4) + 300
days R ($10)
5. Apostille of the translated and Ministry of Justice 3 w. 50 R
notary prooved copy of the Birth days. ($1.6) for
Certificate and Testimony 1 doc
(Russian spouse)
6. The Certificate of No Impediment Your embassy 21 to 30 free to
days $50
7. In case you were married before, same as up to $50
another paper is needed (contact above
your embassy):
Total (before you applied to up to 35 up to $97
ZAGS): days

What is the Process:

1) Future spouses should come to a 'consulation' in ZAGS #4 that processes the
international marriages. Its address is Moscow, Butyrskaya st., #17 (metro
Savelovskaya), phone number: 285-1960. Open: 9.00 to 14.00 and 15.00 to 18.00
except sunday and monday. No prior booking is required. It's not necessary to come
together, one of the future spouses may come.

2) The ZAGS official (speaks Russian only) will give all the information about the
papers needed, and also provide a bank account number, where the wedding
registration fee of 100 R ($3.3 US) should be transfered (through any SberBank office
-- there's one just next to ZAGS, Savelovskaya metro).

3) The future spouses should prepare all the documents needed (Russian passport with
registration, Russian visa, foreign passport translated and notary proved, certificate of
no impediment to marriage), and pay the registration fee of 100 R. This fee can only
be paid through SberBank bank and the receipt should be bought along with the
documents to ZAGS.

4) When all the documents are prepared and the fee is paid, the future sposes bring the
documents and fee receipt to ZAGS. If all the documents are all right, they will be
given an application form, where they need to fill in their personal data. This
application form is an official request to process the wedding and should be signed by
the both spouses.

5) When the application form is filled in, the spouses bring the application form to a
ZAGS inspector, who book a wedding day for them.

6) By Russian laws the wedding should take place between 32 and 60 days after the
application form is handled to ZAGS. So, somewhere between 32 and 60 days after
the application is handled, a ZAGS official will book a wedding. This 32-day waiting
period can be shortened only in cases of emergency (see below how you can shorten
this waiting period).

7) Between 32 and 60 days from the application date, the wedding takes place.

8) In the day of wedding the spouses will be given an Government Wedding

Certificate. They will also be given an address of the government office, which can
stamp this certificate with 'Apostille' stamp (Central ZAGS Archive). This stamp
gives this certificate international legitimacy (not only in Russia) and will be the proof
of the marriage in the country of the foreigner-spouse.

9) For all questions of getting each others' nationalities or permissions of stay, a

Russian spouse require the embassy of the country where the other spouse is from,
and a 'foreign' spouse should inquire in UVIR.

How to Get Around the 32-day Waiting Period.

You may need this if you have a tourist visa that is valid only for up to one month or
don't have time to wait.
The easiest way is on the day of your wedding date booking to ask the official, who
received your papers, to book an earlier date. You can say that your visa is expiring
and that you won't be able to come back to Russia soon. As a proof of this, you should
have a copy of your Russian visa ready and a copy of your plane ticket. You will be
then sent to the director of ZAGS (directly) and after a short explanatory
conversation, be asked to write a detailed claim expaining why you want your
wedding date to be earlier than 32 days (say about your visa etc.). Directly after this
the director will read it (it should be in Russian, of course) and if she's satisfied, she'll
book an earlier date for you. You'll be given an appointment. To increase your
chances, don't book any ceremonies, just the simpliest possible form.
But even if you were refused -- don't worry. The certificate to no impediment is valid
for at least 3 months, so you can always book a later date and come back to Russia
especially for wedding.
The way described above worked with us (because it was true), but might also not
work. If you don't want to talk to the director of ZAGS and don't want to come to
Russia 2 times, here's what you can do:

1) One of the spouses should come to a consulatation to ZAGS and obtain an

application form saying that the other spouse is abroad at the moment and can not

2) This application form should be send to the other spouse abroad.

3) The spouse who's abroad should fill in this application form on his side and sign it
at the presence of a representative of a Russian consulate. Russian consulate should
sign and stamp the application form on the reverse side to proof that their
representative saw the person signing the paper.

4) After that, the spouse who's abroad should get a marital status paper (Certificate to
No Impediment). This paper can be obtained in a townhall (France) or your local
Superintendent Registar (UK). After the initial publication and a waiting period
(about 21 days) this paper will be issued. It should be legalized with Apostille stamp.

5) The ZAGS application (proved by Russian consulate), the marital status paper
should be sent to Russia to the future Russian spouse. He / she should fill in her part
of an application form. He / she should bring the marital status paper of a foreign
spouse to the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Consualte Department to legalize it
there. After these documents are ready the future Russian spouse can bring all these
papers (along with a fee payment receipt) to ZAGS and book a wedding date. [see the
explanation of the process and information on the documents needed]

6) The foreign spouse should come for the wedding in Russia, not forget to translate
his / her passport in Russian, and put a notarial proof on this translation.

What to Do After the Marriage?

After you marry and spend you first night, you'll need to take care of a few more
formalities. You will already have a Russian Marriage Certificate, however, you need
to make it legal abroad. In order to do that, you need to put Apostille on it (yes,
another one). To get it, you should go to Malaya Kharitonievskaya St., #10 in
Moscow (ZAGS Central Archive), metro Krasnye Vorota or Chistye Prudy, phone:
923-7089, open: 10.00 to 18.00 mon-fri. You'll queue for about 1 hour and then will
have your documents checked. If everything is allright, they will give you their
bank account where you should transfer apostille fee (about 100 R - $3.3). One of
you can go to SberBank office directly after (located about 15 mins walk) and
pay the fee. When you come back with the transfer proof (kvitanstiya), the Archive
will accept your documents and in 3-7 w. days they'll be ready. You'll only need to
bring them to your embassy, to have your marriage certificate recognized

In any case, ALWAYS contact your embassy and local authorities to get the
directions on how you should act in order to marry. The information here is useful,
but may not apply to everybody, so check beforehand.

What do You Think?

If you have any questions, additions or corrections to this section and want to share
your experience, please, fill in the form below (you may leave your contacts as well):

Comment (posted 25/10/02): " I married a Russian woman in

Finland and was very surprised by how easy and cheap it was. The marriage was free, and
the notarization of the document was just eight euros. The waiting period is just seven days!!!

You must bring official documents from your home countries proving that you are
single and able to be married, and if they are not in Finnish or English, they must be
accompanied by notarized translations.
When we applied to get married, one of the clerks spoke to the other in Finnish, and I
distinctly heard her say "Las Vegas" to the other.
I suppose she might have been saying how Helsinki may become the "Las Vegas" of Europe,
with such easily performed weddings.

I cannot stress enough how EASY and CHEAP it was. Of course, Finland itself is not cheap to
visit, but there are a few quite affordable hotels
in the city(Hotelli Ava, Fenno, Arthur, etc).

And lastly, bring your own beer!!!!! Finnish beer doesn't impress me very much."
Answer: Thank you for the valuable information. Are you sure that this marriage is valid both
in Russia and in your country? Or you needed some other paperwork to legalize it?

Comment (posted 23/11/02): "Hello, I am a Russian girl married with a European. Marriage
in Russia is NOT complicated. Do you know,
that to marry in Spain, for example, you need the same documents (they are similar in every
country if you marry a foreigner) + more documents and there is a JUDGE who decide, can
you marry this person or not. This takes about 3 months. In Russia, only YOU decide about
your marriage. Also, some consulates do not need APOSTILLE and some Zags do not ask a
notary certification of passport translation. Also, you can write an Application for Zags (in
Russian) already in Russian Consulate in your country, they have this special form there."

Comments (posted 31/12/02): "Thank you very much for saving anyone else all the trouble
of running around and repeating the "burning hoops of fire perfomance" to be married in
Moscow. Well done.
BRT : ' )"

Comment (posted 14/01/03): "Are there any Belgians who have gotten married not so long
ago with a Russian woman in Russia? Please contact me, I need some advice. Greetings!"

New: Comment (posted 29/02/03): "Can an American and Russian marry legally without
going to Moscow. I plan to move to Siberia very soon on a work visa. My future husband and I
would like our marriage in Siberia, as it can be quite costly fying back and forth to Moscow. I
desperatly need advise. Thank you all. You can email me at"
Answer: You should inquire it in the local ZAGS in the town where you're going to marry. I
think it should be possible, of course. Ask your Russian friend to inquire in Siberia.

Comment (posted 14/02/03): "this is a very helpful information! a question: if i am

russian citizen but not from moscow, can i marry my canadian fiance in my native
town, or i have to proceed it in moscow?
any help would be appreciated, mailto"
Answer: Hello. You should contact your local city ZAGS and ask them if they can process
your marriage. If they say they can't, you should do it in Moscow, but Moscow ZAGS will
need you to be registered in Moscow over the date of your marriage. I think you can
surely marry in your native town, though. If it's not possible, maybe it's better to do it
in Canada. (Dmitri)

Comment (received 5/03/03): "My situation is extremely complicated and I was hoing that
maybe you coul ffer some advie. I am a German national living in England, and I plan to move
to Russisin he summer an marry a Russian national. I seem to be going to and fr between the
German embassy and the Russian, and no one seems to kno exactly what I need to do. Any
Answer: Ok, just get any visa (tourist, business, private, or whatever), come to Russia,
and apply in ZAGS for marriage (see above what papers are needed and how to do it). If
you would like to apply for a permit of stay in Russia (or nationality), it is really complicated,
and you're better off coming to your wife (or even living in Russia) on a long-term business or
private visa.
So, everything is simple,no?

Comment (posted 12/03/03): "I disagree with the advice to the German National do it all in
England before you go, you need the following.
1) Copy of the last page of your passport

2) Certificate of no Impediment, (you can get this in the UK as an EC citizen)

3) Copy divorce certificate if divorced
4) Application for marriage MUST BE HANDWRITTEN (your fiancee can get the wording for
this from the ZAGS for you. or leave a note and I'll email it to you.
Take ALL documents to a Notary Public (not a solicitor or Commissioner of Oaths) and
have them notarised.
Send ALL documents to the FCO legalistaion section and have an apostile attached.
(see above)
Send ALL documents to the Russian Embassy and have them officially translated and
You can then courier the documents to Moscow and your fiancee can book a date for
the wedding well in advance of your travelling to Moscow.
Much easier than doing anything in Moscow which merely costs you many $ and much

Comment (posted 30/03/03): " I disagree with the advice given to the German national. The
local ZAKS (Russian Standesamt) will most likely require the certificate of no impediment
(Ehefaehigkeitszeugnis) certified by the GERMAN embassy in Russia. It has obtained
accoring to the German and not the UK rules. To obtain such a certificate, you need to
contact the German Embassy in the UK. Most likely, they will request additional paperwork
from your spouse, such as birth certificate and the proof of her marital status. The latter is
very hard to get in Russia, so please consult both your embassy and your future spouse to
determine what can constitute such proof. In Germany, it is often suggested that such proof is
issued by the local ZAKS. However, most ZAKS's in Russia do not know anything about it
and do not issue anything of this kind. In some cases, it is possible that a sworn statement
before the notary public from your future spouse (or her parents) is sufficient. In any case,
have your future spouse contact the local ZAKS and find out what you will need. In Moscow
there is only one ZAKS that performs wedding ceremonies involving non-Russian citizens:
ZAKS number 4 (or wedding palace number 4??). In St.Petersburg, s/he would have to go to
the Cental ZAKS responsible for weddings with foreign citizens (Tavricheskaya 39, phone
271-39-85). You can also check
to find out some general information. Good luck.
P.S. If you are lucky, her/his ZAKS will only require the proof of your marital status (in
Germany it would be Meldebescheinigung confirming also that you are not married, I do not
know where to get this in the UK)."

Question (received 27/04/03): " Do all ZAGS require the famous "certificate of non
impediment" .Do I really have to wait 2-3 weeks in order to get this certificate ? I'am divorced
since one month in Belgium and I want to marry my russian fiancee in Russia AS SOON AS
POSSIBLE. How can I make the administrative procedures les time-consuming ? Thank you
for your ideas and answers."
Answers: Yes, all ZAGS require the certificate and it is even longer you will have to
wait. The thing is that some ZAGS will be more "flexible" than others, if you choose to
talk personally to the director, if you know what I mean... Just don't offer the money
straight away! :-)

Question (31/05/03): "Hi, I'm mexican and my girlfriend is in Kamchatka (but I don't think she
has the permanent registration or "Propiska", because she originally was born in Kazakhstan
and then she changed nationality and got her russian passport in Chelyabinsk). We want to
get married, but it's almost impossible to bring her into Mexico without getting married outside
first. Some people have suggested Cyprus as a quick place for marriage, but it's quite far
from Kamchatka and we'd rather not travel and spend so much (because I also need to prove
solvency before I can bring her to Mexico, so we need the fastest and cheapest possible
way). Any suggestions? WE would really appreciate any help. Please e-mail: "

Comment (16/06/03): "Hi Chaps

I have met a really nice Russian lady after 2 previous unsuitables. I arranged to met her in
Cyprus in December 02 and she visited me in England in February 03 (I got her a 6 month
multi visit visa). Met her again in April 03 in Cyprus for another holiday and she is coming over

on 23 June for 5 weeks. Everything is good but I have heard such horror stories about getting
married in Russia, that I am thinking of getting married in Cyprus. There are alot of Russian
people in Cyprus and the weather is guaranteed. HAS ANYONE GOT EXPERIENCE OF
I used a specialist agency for the tourist visa and I can advise on the arrangments/experience
of meeting a russian lady for a holiday in cyprus if anyone needs help."
"Forgot to mention in my last note that this is a VERY USEFUL SITE. I have used a specialist
agency but it costs alot of money. This site is FREE and very helpful. KEEP UP THE GOOD
WORK. Mahesh"

Question (22/06/03): "My question is, if I am a U.S. Citizen and marry a man in russia. If I
die, who receives the money, the people i listed in my will in America or will he? Please
Answer: To avoid any misunderstanding, I advise you to translate your American will to
Russian (through a certified translator in Russia) and get a notary proof on this letter.

Comment (9/01/04): "Dear Way to Russia,I'm Italaian and I intend to marry a Russian citizen,
we filled the application form c/o the Rostov-Don ZAGS, and we booked the wedding after 30
days (10 of january 2004), unfurtunately we need to postpone the date of 2 months on 10
april 2004. Are my documents right translated and legalizated yet valid for ZAGS or I need to
repeat all procedure from the start.
Thanks a lot
Answer: Dear Marco, usually the documents are valid for 6 months (depends), so you should
be OK.

Question (21/01/04): "does anyone have any answers to how i do a marraige to a russian
woman, i am from the USA. she says marry in her country then again in the USA. I have been
told, i needed to go to her first. and meet and show proof of being together. then do papers for
a fiance visa to come to USA. good for 90 days. if we marry , then she can stay. if not, she
goes home. i have read all the post in here.and find it very confusing. i have never been over
seas, and that alone scares me!! but all in all, im under the impression even after applying for
her visa, it will take months? could use some advice. thank you. PS. i am writting this in
simple form, so i hope someone can see what i mean."

Ukrainian Etiquette (Following these rules).

• If invited into a family home, it is traditional to bring a gift. A bottle of
wine, a cake, chocolates or a bouquet of flowers is customary. If there
is a child in the house, it is appropriate to provide him/her with a small
gift as well.
• Do not shake hands across the threshold of a door. It is considered
bad luck.
• When shaking hands, take off your gloves.
• In Ukraine it is not a custom to shake hands with a woman. Kissing
her hand will make you very gallant.
• Be prepared to remove your shoes upon entering a home. To keep
apartments clean, most hosts will provide you with a pair of slippers.
• On public transportation, give up your seat to mothers with children,
the elderly, or the infirm.
• At the entrance of upscale restaurants, expect that your coat,
briefcase or baggage will be checked.
• Be sure to have business cards printed in Ukrainian on one side
and English on the other.
• When eating dinner at someone's home, casual dress is accepted.
• If you bring flowers, make sure it is an uneven number (even are
for funerals) of flowers.
• Be ready to give toasts at dinner, for guests are often asked to do so.
• Offer to share your snacks and cigarettes with those around you.
• Be prepared to accept all food and drink offered you when visiting
• Ukrainians are known for their generosity when it comes to feeding
others. Turning down food may be considered rude.
• For business, dress should be conservative. Men should not take off
their jackets unless asked to do so.
• In Orthodox churches women wear scarves or hats, and men take off
their hats.
• Don't put your thumb between your first two fingers - this is a very
rude gesture.

Common advice for tourists to Odessa Ukraine

It is understandable that arriving to an unknown country a person could feel

himself lost and maybe even unsafe in different situations. Actually Odessa is
very similar to many other larger cities of the World. Odessa has about 1.5
million residents in the city and in the surrounding areas.
You can be safe here if you follow common rules of behavior that are similar for
all cities.

1. Don't walk along dark streets in the late night;

2. Don't visit apartments of people that you just met;
3. Don't go with with anyone you just met far from where you
are at the moment;
4. Don't get into cars of unknown people who invite you to
do this;
5. Don't invite people that you just met to the apartment;
6. Don't provide your address to strangers;

7. Always be aware of your surroundings and where you are;

8. Don't walk around late at night after a good night of
9. Don't leave your hotel or apartment with out a cell phone
and our contact info as you will never know when you might need
some help;

But if you still feel uncomfortable, someone from our staff can be with you any
time you need it. Our staff, interpreters and drivers are helpful and become
caring and supportive friends. You can always feel safe any time you are with
them here in Odessa Ukraine.

Can I use my credit card in Ukraine?

Yes, however, we recommend that you bring a combination of cash and credit
cards. Visa and MasterCard are accepted at many restaurants, but not at all.
Discover and American Express credit card and Traveler Cheques are not
recommended. If needed, cash advances (often with a 3-5% fee) are available
at many hotels, banks and currency exchanges.
But keep a few things in mind:

1. In general, Ukraine operates as a "cash economy". In most

situations you will be expected to pay for goods and services in local
currency, not with dollars or credit cards. However there are many
currency exchange offices available. It is easy to exchange dollars for
hyrivnas (UAH).
2. The banking situation had been unstable in both Russia and
Ukraine. In 1998, the August banking crisis hit with no warning, making
credit cards useless overnight. Don't get caught short! Always have $
300-500 cash in reserve, in case your credit cards suddenly don't work.
3. Travelers Checks are for security and are not convenient!
Unlike in the States and many European cities, there are a very limited
numbers of places to cash traveler's checks. There is a fee for cashing
traveler's checks. It can take several hours.
4. We recommend wearing a money belt and bringing mostly
cash. Of course, it's completely up to you.
5. We also want to remind you to also check with the Ukraine
Embassy on how much cash you are allowed to bring into the Ukraine
as if you go over that Limit you can and will loss that cash at customs
before you leave the airport.

What will the weather be like in Odessa Ukraine?

It depends on the time of year that you travel, but generally the weather and
temperatures in Odessa will be about the same as many cities in Europe.
In both spring and autumn, you will need to bring some warm clothes. Expect
daytime temperatures to be in the mid 50s-60s, and the night temperatures to
drop into the low 40s or even 30s on occasion.
In wintertime, the coldest days hover around 32. However, snowfall is minimal
so heavy snow boots are not needed.
Summertime weather is usually fantastic, with daytime temperatures in the
upper / mid 80s to lower 70s, and night time temperatures in the mid 70s.
What kind of clothing should I bring?
Weather considerations aside, be yourself and be comfortable. Bring a mixture
of both casual clothes for daytime and clothes you would normally wear out on

a date. There is no "right" or "wrong" way to dress, so relax and wear what you
What kind of electricity do they have in Ukraine?
Electricity in Ukraine is 220 Volts, 50 Hz AC. You will need an Eastern
European plug adapter (with round pins) to plug into electric sockets. Adapter
kits can be purchased at Radio Shack, Wal-Mart, K-Mart and luggage stores.
American electrical appliances will also require a "step down" converter that
adjusts the electricity from Ukraine's 220V down to 110V.
Note: Most new video camera Battery Chargers and laptop computer adapters
can be plugged into 220V or 110V sockets. Consult your Operating Manual for
details for your camera and computer model.
Check with the airlines since many are modifying their baggage allowances.
NOTE: We recommend that your carry-on bag contain a full change of dress
clothing and toiletries. In the unlikely event that your check-in luggage doesn't
arrive with you, you will need clothes for your first contacts. Occasionally, one
of our clients has a problem with his luggage arriving late. This is normal for all
international airlines, and luggage is usually delivered within the following 24
hours. If this happens, we will work to expedite the return of your luggage.
If you have other questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at and we hope you will enjoy your trip to Odessa and we
look forward to meeting.

Things to do in Odessa
Address: Shevchenko park
Telephone: 728-72-05
opening hours 11.00 - 22.00
new carts CRG Spitfire 10 min - 70 grn. 5 min - 40 grn.
old carts MsKart 10min - 60 grn. 5 min - 35 grn.
ODESSA ZOO Address: Odessa, Novoshchepniy St 25 (close to
Privoz Market)
Telephone: 0482 251473

Visiting Hours 9.00-20.00 in Summer

9.00-17.00 in Winter
Dolphinarium "Nemo"
Address: Lanzheron beach
Telephone: (048) 787-20-10, (0482) 35-24-44

Performances - Tue-Fri - 12.00, 15.00, 18.00

Sat, Sun - 12.00, 15.00, 18.00
Monday - Closed
Ticket Prices
Weekdays - children - 20 grn. adult - 30 grn.
Weekend - children - 30 grn. adult - 40 grn.

Children up to 5 y.o. - free admission

night show - 60 grn.
Various boat trips are available from a trip down to Arcadia and back,
to a trip on a luxury cruiser down to the Crimea. Prices vary from $50
per hour to $150 and even higher depending on the size of the boat.
Cruise off the coast of Odessa in a 14 meter Yacht with capacity for 8
passengers plus 3 crew members.Price is approx $80 per hour incl
(for the boat).Departures are from Otrada Yacht club.Duration of the
trips is by arrangement.Food is not included in the price.Availability is
between 1st May and end of October.
A trip from Odessa to Yalta and finishing in Simferopol in the
Crimea.Titled "Unknown Crimea" the trip takes in Balaklava and Cape
Faros,a total of 380 miles and lasting some 7 days.Price is approx
$1200 one way. Available between the 1st May and end of October.
Vessels are typically between 8 and 12 meters long and 2 and 4
meters wide. Crew members normally number 2. Passenger capacity
varies between 5 and 10 persons.
Further information:
Katamaran Tour company
Address: 9b Fontanskaya Doroga St
Telephone: +380 48 7178740
A trip across the Black Sea to Istanbul.Typical itinerary is to depart
Odessa Seaport at 19.00.Cabaret and Disco are part of the
entertainment available on board the Caledonia.Day two en route to
destination.Day three arrive 09.00 at Istanbul.This and day four spent
enjoying the city.The vessel returns on day five and arrives back in
Odessa between 13.00 and 14.00 on day six.Availability is all year
round.Fares are around $207 Second Class return and $538 First
Class return.On board meals are included.
Departure from Odessa - Saturday, 18.00
Arive Istanbul - Monday, 08.00
Depart from Istanbul - Tue, 00.00
Arrive Odessa - Thu, 12.00
"Yuzhnaya Palmira"
Departure from Odessa - Mondays, 16.00
Arrive Istanbul - Tue, 16.30
Depart Istanbul - Fri, 10.00
Arrive Odessa - Sat, 11.30
Further Information: Ukr ferry Head Office
Address: 4a, Sabanskiy lane, Odessa, 65014, Ukraine
Telephone: +380(482)344-059
Fax: +380(482)348-297; 348-108
Telex: 732124 FERRY UX
Inmarsat-C: (581)492558010

Museums in Odessa

Fine Arts Museum The Odessa Fine Arts Museum houses one of the
largest collections of Russian, Ukrainian and Soviet masterpieces in
the Ukraine. The collections of the Museum boast magnificent and
artistically unique works of great masters reflecting the development
of national art from icon-painting of the 15th-18th centuries to
contemporary painting, graphic art, sculpture, and decorative and
applied art.

5-A Sofievskaya Street Odessa, Ukraine 65026

Telephone: (8-0482) 238-462, 238-272
Fax: (8-0482) 238-393 Hours: 11.00 to 18.00
Odessa State Literary Museum Is located in former palace of
Princes Gagarin. In original registration the style XIX centuries with
modernity design is synthesized. The interesting exhibits tell about a
literary heritage of Odessa.

2 Lastochkina Street Odessa, Ukraine 65026

Telephone: (8-048) 722 - 0002, 722 - 4201, 731 - 4685
Hours: 10.00 to 18.00
Day-off: Monday
Odessa Archeological Museum of National Academy of
Science of Ukraine
The oldest in Odessa and has 170 exhibits from time Paleolithic up to
a middle ages, the rare coins and ornaments are stored in a gold
pantry of a museum.. 4 Langeronovskaya Street
Odessa, Ukraine 65026 Tel / fax: (8-048) 722 - 6302, 220 - 171 Hours: 11.00 to 18.00
Day-off: Monday
Odessa Museum of the Western and Eastern Arts
Is located in a building being monument of architecture. The
exposition is shared on departments of antique, western and east art.
At a museum the exhibition of foreign applied art works.

9 Pushkinskaya Street Odessa, Ukraine 65000

Telephone / fax: (8-048) 722 - 4815, 246 - 746
Hours: 10.30 to 18.00
Day - off: Wednesday
Wax Works Museum
They have about twenty-six wax sculptures of a very historic people
of Odessa, such as Second Ekaterina, A.S.Pushkin and others.

4 Rishelievskaya Street Odessa, Ukraine 65026

Telephone: (8-048) 722 - 3436
Hours: 08.30 to 22.00
K. G. Paustovskogo Museum
Paustovskiy was living in Odessa since 1919 till 1922. You will learn
how he lived in war times. After getting to know his life story, you will
know why he is famous and why people talk about him as he is a
very interesting historical person. You can see documents and
newspapers articles about him.

6 Chernomorskaya Street Odessa, Ukraine 65014


Telephone: (8-048) 722 - 8447, 731 - 4597

Hours: 10.00 to 17.00
N. K. Rerich House-Museum
This is cultural center where you can see a lot of pictures of Rerich
pupils. But we also organize concerts and excursions.

47, room 2 Bolshaya Arnautskaya Street Odessa, Ukraine 65012
A.S.Pushkin Literary Memorial Museum
You can see the hotel where Pushkin lived for a month and Visit our
museum about Pushkin's life.

13 Pushkinskaya Street Odessa, Ukraine 65000

Telephone: (8-0482) 251 034, 251 - 134, 227 - 453
Hours: 10.00 to 17.00
Museum of Rare books of the Odessa National University of I.
I. Mechnikov
24 Preobrazhenskaya Street Odessa, Ukraine
Telephone: (8-0482) 348 011, 347 789
Hours: 12.00 to 17.00
Military Historical Museum of the Southern Order of the Red
Flag of Command
2 Pirogovskaya Street Odessa, Ukraine
Telephone: (8-0482) 298 - 125, 298 - 730
Hours: 10.00 to 17.00 (also in accordance with clients' requests)
Municipal Museum of the Private Collections of A. V.
The only museum in Ukraine with a collection of A.V. Bleshunov.
Sometimes there are exhibitions of other famous artists of Ukraine.

19 Polskaya Street Odessa, Ukraine 65014

Telephone: (8-0482) 221081, 250 453
Hours: 10.00 to 18.00
Zoological Museum of the Odessa National University of I. I.
Is the biggest museum and the most famous in Ukraine. You can see
a skeleton of a whale which is more than 100 years old. And many
other things you can see in our museum.
2 Shampanskiy Lane Odessa, Ukraine 65058
Telephone: (8-0482) 684 547
Hours: 10.30 to 18.00
Mineralogical Museum of the Odessa National University of I.
I. Mechnikov
2 Shampanskiy Lane Odessa, Ukraine 65058
Telephone: (8-048) 746 - 5713
Hours: 09.00 to 15.00
Paleontological Museum of the Odessa National University of
I. I. Mechnikov
2 Dvoryanskaya Street Odessa, Ukraine
Telephone: (8-0482) 230 - 208

Odessa Museum of Local Lore

4 Gavannaya Street Odessa, Ukraine 65026
Telephone: (8-0482) 255 202, 228 - 490
Hours: 10.00 to 17.00
Show room of Odessa History and Local Lore Museum
24 ?A Lanzheronovskaya Street Odessa, Ukraine
Telephone: (8-0482) 224 867
Hours: 10.00 to 17.00
Museum of the De - Volaan of Odessa Sea Port
Our guides will tell you the history of Odessa?s Sea Port, past and
2 Lanzheronovskiy Slope Odessa, Ukraine 65026
Telephone: (8-048) 729 - 3857
Hours: 10.00 to 17.00
Migdal Shorashim. Museum of the History of Jews of Odessa
66 Nezhinskaya Street Odessa, Ukraine
Telephone: (8-048) 728 9743
Hours: 13.00 to 19.00, Sunday: 11.00 to 17.00
Hellenic Foundation for Culture
16 -20 Krasniy Lane Odessa, Ukraine
Telephone: (8-0482) 357 136, 357 - 137, 357 - 138
Fax: (8-0482) 346 640
E mail: /
Odessa Scientists? House Museum
See interesting pictures and other things of very famous scientist's.
4 Sabaneev Bridge Street Odessa, Ukraine 65026
Telephone: (8-0482)236 - 191, 236 - 096
Hours: 09.00 to 18.00 (also according with clients 'requests)
Odessa Regional Center of Ukrainian Culture, Show room ?
Ukrainian Riches?
24 A Lanjeronovskaya Street Odessa, Ukraine
Telephone: (8-0482) 221 013, 760 1926
(8-048) 711 7850 (Show room)
Hours: 10.00 to 17.00
Botanic Garden of the Odessa National University of I. I.
48 / 50 Frantsuzskiy Boulevard and 87 Frantsuzskiy Boulevard (the
2nd Botanic garden)
Odessa, Ukraine
Telephone: (8-0482) 639 276
Hours: 10.00 to 16.00
Heroic Odessa Defense Memorial
Memorial was opened in 1975, by political leaders of Odessa. When
you come, we can organize you not very long exhibition and tell you
about Odessa some interesting historic moments in war time.
150 Dacha Kovalevskogo Street Odessa, Ukraine 65038
Telephone: (8-0482) 401 833, 444 - 527 Hours: 10.00 to 17.00
Odessa Opera House - 2nd most beautiful opera house in
The Opera House is one of the best in Europe, goes after Vienna
Opera House from architecture standpoint. Exquisite inside decor in
the style of Viennese baroque blended with elements of the Italian

Renaissance and French rococo, sculptural groups taken from Greek

mythology, the stucco moldings and guilt friezes combined with the
red velvet of the seats and boxes ? all this tends to create a special
atmosphere. There is a viewing platform on the roof of this
tremendous building from which the whole city could be observed.
Address: 1 Tchaikovsry Street
Information by phone: 780-15-09
(Ticket Office) 725-24-08
Information on line
Odessa State Regional Musical Comedy Theatre by name M.
Address: 3 Panteleymonovskaya Street.
Ticket Office Telephone: 25-09-24
Russian Drama Theatre by name Ivanov
Address: 48 Grecheskaya Street
Theatre Office Telephone: 22-72-50
Ticket Office Telephone: 22-45-04
Odessa Regional Puppet Theatre
Address: 15, Paster Street
Telephone: 23-72-93 or 23-20-58
Odessa theatre of young spectator in name N. Ostrovskiy
Address 50, Grecheskaya Street
Visitors room Telephone: 22-27-58
Ticket Office Telephone: 22-48-51
Ukrainian musical - drama theatre by name Vasilko
Address 15, Paster Street
Telephone: 23-53-18
Ticket Office Telephone: 23-89-77
Central theatre cash department" (Tickets sales for all
Address 28, Preobrazhenskaya Street
Telephone: 22-02-95

Odessa Movie Theaters / Cinemas

Odessa Movie Theater / Cinema
Address: 1/3, Gorkiy Street Telephone: 26-59-58 or 26-59-87
Vimpel Movie Theater / Cinema
Address; 31 Admiralskiy prospectus. Telephone: 68-44-79 or 68-22-
The house of the officer?s southern operative command
Address: 7/9, Pirogovskaya Street. Telephone: 29-89-84
Zvezdniy Movie Theater / Cinema
Address: 60-a, Geroev Stalingrada Street Recorded Message: 55-31-
Ticket Office: 55-31-16
Zolotoy Duk Movie Theater / Cinema
Address: 11-e, Academician Glushko prospectus Telephone: 45-98-33
or 45-98-34
Starostin Movie Theater / Cinema
Address: 26, Academician Vorob"eV Street
Telephone: 733-91-45
Moscow Movie Theater / Cinema
Address: 4-a, Varnenskaya Street
Telephone: 66-61-79 or 66-61-59

Rodina Movie Theater / Cinema

Address: 104, Mechnikov Street
Recorded Message: 37-17-17
Ticket Office: 34-62-51
Serp I molot Movie Theater / Cinema
Address: 28 Stepovaya Street
Telephone: 733-97-50
Kino ? Utochkino Movie Theater / Cinema
Address: 22 Deribasovskaya Street
Recorded message: 37-70-71
Ticket Office Telephone: 37-28-72

Odessa Beaches
There are hundreds of beaches available for you enjoyment in the
Odessa Area. Each is distinct and has its own character. Below is a
mini guide to Odessa's main beaches:

ARCADIAThe Biggest of all Odessa's beaches ? Arcadia. Is a 15

minute cab ride from the city
center and brings you to the largest
and most developed beach in
Odessa. The main entrance is
clearly labeled by two pillars with a
sign that reads Arcadia. Behind the
sign is a long, shaded boulevard
which boasts dozens of
entertainment options ranging from karaoke while on a horse to go
cart riding. Along this path, you will also notice dozens of cafes,
restaurants and kiosks. After about a 200 meter walk you will see a
nightclub Ibiza which sits slights before the entrance to the beach.
From here you can choose to either go downstairs onto the main
Arcadia beach or take a left or a right and choose numerous
surrounding stretches of sand that all fall within Arcadia's premises. It
is our personal recommendation to walk left until you see large water
slides. Here is a full serviced part of Odessa's Arcadia beach, which
offers umbrellas and lying chairs for a fee. There is a bar on this part
of the beach, soft music and waiter service. Changing rooms and
showers are all included with the price. Other activities you can do on
this beach range from Jet Skiing to relaxing massages from
wondering masseuses.

OTRADA Steep walk downhill is required to access most of Odessa

beaches. However, this is not the case
with Odessa's Otrada which is known for
its Soviet Time constructed cable cars.
Save yourself the walk and take one of
these cable cars down to the water. Enjoy
the beautiful view of coast from atop of
the ride. Careful exiting the cars, as they
were not built with safety as number one priority. Otrada consists of
numerous beaches ? almost all of which are fully equipped with bars,
waiter service, changing rooms, showers, kid play rooms and various

other facilities. Take a walk along the water and see which beach
appeals to you most. Some of the more popular beaches here are
Riviera and Treasure Island. Both are fully equipped and for a small
fee you will gain entrance which includes a beach chair and access to
all the facilities. It is also possible to gain free access; however, you
may not be able to use all the facilities on that basis. This is one of
our personal favorite beaches of Odessa. Here you can also try out
Wind Surfing or Jet Skiing. Numerous places along Otrada's waters
will rent these out as in most other Odessa's beaches.

Schevchenko)Lanzheron is a popular
Odessa beach among the locals and tourists
alike. Located next to Park Schevchenko, one
can enjoy the greenery of the park and take
a dip in the warm black sea at the same time. This is the closest
beach from Odessa's historical City center it's about a 15 minute
walk from the Opera House. Lanzheron stretches over many different
beaches, each with its own unique Odessa flavor. Some are fully
equipped while others were left alone in their natural state. There are
even numerous water slides available for your entertainment along
the water, just in case you get bored while in Odessa. If you get
bored, you can visit a large newly built Dolphinarium which will also
allow you to either watch a show or swim with the dolphins (certain
hours). Other popular entertainment options include Jet Ski Rentals,
speed boat rides and various other water related activities.
Lanzheron is located parallel to park Schevchenko.

CHKALOVO Named after the famous

Russian test pilot, this sanatorium has
gained notorious reputation that the Soviet
Hero never could have predicted. It has for
some time been the official nude beach in
Odessa. While there are others, this one is
located close to the center and usually has a significant presence of
beach goers. While both nude and clothed patrons can have equal
fun at this Odessa beach be prepared to see most of the male visitors
fully nude. While hawkers should not rush to see, given it is in the
norm for most girls at Odessa beaches to be topless. Sanatorium
located on the premises of the beach is also something one may
consider if looking for a quiet Soviet Style Hotel experience by the
Black Sea.

LUZANOVKA Odessa's Luzanovka is one of

the more 'genuine' beaches in the sense that
it does not offer the quality and array of
services that most central Odessa beaches
such as Arcadia and Lanzheron do. While this can be seen in negative
light, consider that this Odessa beach is intended for the large
population concentration located at an Odessa area called 'Poselek
Kotovskovo'. While Luzanovka has a number of quality restaurants

and nightclubs do not expect to receive Western quality service or to

find many English speakers as the tourist are virtually entirely absent
from this area. However, if looking for a different feel from one of
Odessa's less developed beach fronts, this may just be the perfect

Located just fifteen minutes away from City center, makes it easy to
get there Taxi or public transportation.

CHAIKA (10th Fontana)

This Odessa beach, which is located just south of Arcadia, is a
standard beach offering various facilities, and small cafes alongside.
Most beaches offer surprisingly good food options along with full bar
Aplication form for permanent residence in Ukraine (English version)

Embassy of Ukraine in the Kingdom of the Netherlands

Consular Division
Zeestraat 78, 2518 AD Den Haag
Посольство України в Королівстві Нідерланди
Консульський відділ


Request for entry into Ukraine for Photo

Authorized Permanent Residence /Passport-

All other last names
Previously used, if any
First and middle names, maiden name,
father's first name for patronymic


Date of birth (month, day, year) _______________________ Sex


Place of birth (city, state,


Marital status (single, married, divorced, widowed)

If married, state the full mane and citizenship of your wife/husband and legal dependents
Full names, including patronymic, place and date of birth of each person accompanying
(A QUESTIONNAIRE must be completed by each adult individual)
Education, including all diplomas obtained, date of issuance, name and address of
educational institution or school, major field of study
Employment history for the 7 last years, including name and address of employer, your
title and job
Where and with whom you will be residing in Ukraine, including the residence owner's
full name and patronymic, address of the residence owner, if different from above

Do you have sufficient funds to live in Ukraine? Do you intend to obtain financial
Who will provide such assistance?

Do you have any relatives in Ukraine? If so, please state their names, addresses and
relationship to you, using a separate sheet of paper, if necessary

Have you ever visited Ukraine? If so, state where, when and for what purpose

In which countries have you lived for more than half a year? State where, when and for
what purpose

Have you ever been deported from any country? If so, please state which country, date of
your deportation and the reason thereof, using a separate sheet of paper

Have you ever been arrested or convicted of any felony, crime or misdemeanor, even if
you were later guilty? If so, give a full explanation of the nature of such arrest or
conviction, using a separate sheet of paper

Do you have or have you ever had an infection disease which is dangerous to society or to
your physical of psychological well being? Do you use or have you ever used narcotics or
illegal substances?

"I hereby certify that I have read arid understand all the questions in this questionnaire
and have replied truthfully to each such question. I understand that any untruthful or
incomplete answer to any question in this questionnaire shall be grounds for the refusal
"or the revocation of a grant of permanent residence and the right to enter Ukraine. I
understand that, regardless of visa availability, I may be denied entrance to Ukraine at the
border entry point if there is any such reason for so doing".

Date of completion of Questionnaire _________________ Signature


Your home address


Passport or other identification that duly substitutes the passport №:


Name Map
10th of April Square (10
Апреля Площадь) Information Armeiskaya (Армейская)
on the square
10th of April (10-го Апреля) 1
25th Chapayevskoye (25-й
Astashkina (Асташкина) 1, 4
Чапаевской дивизии)
A (Авиационная)
Azarova Vitse-Admirala
Admiralsky Ave 10,
29 (Азарова Вице-
(Адмиральский проспект) 11
адмирала )
(Агрономическая) B
Akademeka Filatova
Babelya (Бабеля)
(Академика Филатова)
Akademeka Garkavogo Babushkina
(Академика Гаркавого) (Бабушкина)
Akademeka Glushko Ave.
(Багрицкого) Origin of
(Академика Глушко проспект)
Akademeka Koroleva Baikalskaya
(Академика Королева) (Байкальская)
Akademeka Kurchatova Balkovskaya
(Академика Курчатова) (Балковская)
Akademeka Pankratova
Baltskaya (БалТская)
(Академика Панкратовой)
Akademeka Saxarov
Banny (Банный) 4
(Академика Сахарова)
Akademeka Vorobyova Bashtannaya
(Академика Воробьева) (Баштанная)
Akademeka Yoridicheskaya
Basseinaya (Бассейная) 8, 9
(Академика Юридическая)

Akademeka Zabolotnogo
Basseiny (Бассейный) 9
(Академика Заболотного)
Aleksandrovsky Ave. 4, 5,
5 Bazarnaya (Базарная)
(Александровский проспект) 6
Alekseevskaya Square
8 Behtereva (Бехтерева)
(Алексеевская Площадь)
Amundsena 1st (Амундсена 1-
Belniskovo (Белинского) 6, 10
ый переулок)
Amundsena 2nd (Амундсена
Berezovaya (Березовая)
2-ой переулок)
Amursky 1st (Амурский 1-ый
Blagoeva (Благоева)
Amursky 2nd (Амурский 2-ой
Bogatova (Богатова)
Bogdana Khmelnytsko
Amursky 3rd (Амурский З-ий (Богдана
переулок) Хмельницького) Origin
of name
Amursky 4th (Амурский 4-ый
Bogdanova (Богданова) 1
Ahmatovoi (Ахматовой) 8
Bolshaya Arnautskaya 4, 5,
Aprelskaya (Апрельская)
(Большая Арнаутская) 6
Bondareva (Бондарева)
Arkadysky (Аркадийский Borodinskaya
переулок) (Бородинская)
Ch (Ботанический
Chaikovskovo (Чайковского Botanichesky Sad
переулок)[1] (Ботанический сад )
Chapaeva (Чапаева) Bogenko (Боженко)
Bratev Achkanoveh
Chehova (Чехова переулок) 9
(Братьев Ачкановых)
7, 11 Breusa (Бреуса)
Chernomorskovo Kazachestva
Brigadnaya (Бригадная)
(Черноморского казачества)
Chernyahovskovo 29, Bugaevskaya
(Черняховского) 30 (Бугаевская)
Chernehshevskovo 2, 5,
8 Bunina (Бунина)
(Чернышевского) 6
Chubaevskaya (Чубаевская)

Dacha Kovalevskovo (Дача
Efimova (Ефимова)
Ekaterininskaya 2, 3,
Dachnaya (Дачная)
(Екатерининская) 5

Ekaterininskaya Ploshat
Dachny (Дачный переулок) (Екатерининская 2, 3
Dalnitskaya (Дальницкая)
Degtyarnaya (Дегтярная)
Dekabristov (Декабристов)
Derevyanko (Деревянко) Evreyskaya (Еврейская)
2, 3 Efimova (Ефимова)
Devolanovsky Decent Ekaterininskaya 2, 3,
3, 6
(Деволановский спуск) (Екатерининская) 5
Ekaterininskaya Ploshat
Didrihsona (Дидрихсона) 1 (Екатерининская 2, 3
Dmitriya Donskovo (Дмитрия
Dnepropetrovskaya Doroga Elisavetgradsky
(Днепропетровская дорога) (Елисаветградский)
Dobrovolskaya Елисаветинская
(Добровольского) (Elisavetinskaya)
Dokovaya (Доковая)
Dolgaya (Долгая) Evreyskaya (Еврейская)
Dyukovsky Park (Парк
Дюковский) H
Dovgenko (Довженко)
Hersonsky Square
Dvoryanskaya (Дворянская) 1, 2
(Сквер Херсонский)
Doomskaya Square (Думская Himicheskaya
Площадь) (Химическая)
Hvoiny (Хвойный
Dyukovskaya (Дюковская)

Ilfa e Petrova (Ильфа и
Flotskaya (Флотская)
Fontanskaya Doroga Ilicha Park (Парк
(Фонтанская дорога) Ильича)
Frantsuzsky Blvd. 10,
(Французский Бульвар) 11

Iskusstv Blvd. (Искусств

G 2
Gararinskoe Plato (plateau)
Ispanskaya (Испанская)
(Гагаринское Плато)
Italyansky Blvd.
Gagarina Ave. (Гагарина
(Итальянский Бульвар)
Ivana Franko (Ивана
Gaidara (Гайдара)
Garntsa (Гарнца)
Garshina (Гаршина переулок) K
Gastello (Гастелло) Kachalova (Качалова)
Gavannaya (Гаванная) 2 Kamanina (Каманина)
3, 6,
Gazovy (Газовый переулок) Kanatnaya (Канатная)
Generala Bocharova Kanatny (Канатный
(Генерала Бочарова) переулок)
Generala Petrova (Генерала Karantinny Decent
Петрова) (Карантинный спуск)
Generala Shvygina (Генерала
Karetny (Каретный) 1, 4
Generala Tsvetaeva Kapitana Kuznetsova
(Генерала Цветаева) (Капитана Кузнецова)
Generala Vatutina (Генерала Karantinnaya
Ватутина) (Карантинная)
Genuezkaya (Генуэзская)
Geranevaya (Гераневая) Name Map
Geroev Stalingrada (Героев Kaspysky (Каспийский
Сталинграда) переулок)
Geroev-Pogranichnikov Kedrovy (Кедровый
(Героев-Пограничников) переулок)
Gimnazicheskaya Kibalchicha
(Гимназическая) (Кибальчича)
Gogolya (Гоголя) 2
Golovkovskaya Kirpichny (Кирпичный
(Головковская) переулок)
Goncharova (Гончарова)
Gorizontalnaya Kitoboinaya
(Горизонтальная) (Китобойная)
Gorkogo Park (Парк Горького) Klenovaya (Кленовая)
Gorsad (Горсад) Klimenko (Клименко)
Gospitalny (Госпитальный 10, Klubnichny (Клубничный
переулок) 11 переулок)
Gradonachalnitskaya Knyageskaya
1 1
(Градоначальницкая) (Княжеская)
Granatnaya (Гранатная) Knyagesky (Княжеский) 1

Grecheskaya (Греческая)[2] 2, 3 1, 2
Grecheskaya Square
2 Kolhoznaya (Колхозная)
(Греческая Площадь)[2]
Grushevskogo (Грушевского)
Gvardeyskaya (Гвардейская) Koltsevaya (Кольцевая)
Komarova (Комарова) 4
Leninskogo Komsomola
Kominterna (Коминтерна) Park (Парк Ленинского
Komitetskaya (Комитетская) 4 (Лермонтовский
Kompozitora Glinki
Letny (Летний переулок)
(Композитора Глинки)
Kompozitora Nishchinskovo
1 Levadnaya (Левадная)
(Композитора Нищинского)
Kondrashina (Кондрашина)
Konnaya (Конная) 1, 2 Levitana (Левитана)
Lidersovsky Blvd.
Konstitutsy Square
(Конституции Площадь)
Kontr-Admirala Lunina (Контр-
Limannaya (Лиманная)
адмирала Лунина)
Korolenko (Короленко) 2
Korovitskovo (Коровицкого) Litovskaya (Литовская)
L-Ta Shmidta (Л-Та
Korsakova (Корсакова)
Lva Tolstogo Square
Kosmonavtov (Космонавтов) (Льва Толстого 4
Lva Tolstovo (Льва 1, 2,
Kostandy (Костанди)
Толстого) 4
Kosvennaya (Косвенная) Lvovskaya (Львовская)
Lutskaya (Луцкая)
Kovalevskovo (Ковалевского) Luzanovka (Лузановка)
Lvovsky (Львовский
Krainyaya (Крайняя)
Lyadova (Лядова)
Krasnoslobodskaya Lyapunova (Ляпунова
1, 2
(Краснослободская) переулок)
Lustdorfskaya Doroga
Krasnoslobodskoy (Lustdorfskoy)
(Краснослободской) (Люстдорфская дорога)
Krasnova (Краснова) Lyuteransky

Krasny (Красный переулок) 2 M
Krasny Zor (Красных Зорь) Machtovaya (Мачтовая)
Krav-tsova (Кравцова)
Krehlova (Крылова)
Krehmskaya (Крымская) Makarenko (Макаренко)
Krenkelya (Кренкеля
Makarova (Макарова)
Kuibesheva (Куйбышева) Makovaya (Маковая)
Kulikovo Pole Square Makovy (Маковый
(Куликово поле Площадь) переулок)
Malanova (Маланова
Kuprina (Куприна) 1
Kurortny (Курортный Malaya Arnautskaya
переулок) (Малая Арнаутская)
Kutuzova (Кутузова)
Kuznechnaya (Кузнечная) 1, 4 (Манежная) 1
L Manezhny (Манежный) 4
Lanzheronovskaya Marazlievskaya
2, 3 3, 6
(Ланжероновская) (Маразлиевская)
Lanzheronovskaya Stairs Marinesko (Маринеско
(Ланжероновская спуск) спуск)
Lavochnaya (Лавочная)
Marshala Govorova
Lazareva (Лазарева)
(Маршала Говорова)
Marshala Malinovskogo
Lehzy Chaikinoi (Лизы
Nezavisimosty Square
Marshala Zhukova Ave.
(Маршала Жукова проспект )
Marshrutnaya (Маршрутная)
Mary Demchenko (Марии Nezhinskaya 1, 2,
Демченко) (Нежинская) 5
Maryenskaya (Мариинская) Nikitina (Никитина)
Nikolaevskaya Doroga
Masterskaya (Мастерская)
(Николаевская дорога)
Matrossky (Матросский спуск) 1 Novatorov (Новаторов)
Matrosova Aleksandra
(Матросова Александра Novoya (Новая)
Matrosova Slobodka Novikova (Новикова)
(Матросова Слободко

Matsievskoi (Мациевской)
Matyushenko (Матюшенко)
Mayachny (Маячный Novoselskovo
переулок) (Новосельского)
Mayakovskovo (Маяковского Novoshchepnoi Ryad
переулок) Mayakovskiy (Новощепной ряд)
Mechnikova (Мечникова) 1, 4 O
Melnitskaya (Мельницкая) Obilnaya (Обильная)
Mihailovskaya (Михайловская)
Mihailovskaya Square
(Михайловская Площадь)
Milnichnaya (Мельничная) Odariya (Одария)
Minskaya (Минская) Odesskaya (Одесская)
Mitrakova (Митракова) 1
Mizikevicha (Сквер
Okrugnaya (Окружная)
Oktyabrskoi Revolyutsy
Moiseenko (Сквер Моисеенко) (Октябрьской
революции )
Morskaya (Морская) 11 1
Olgievsky (Ольгиевский
Morskoy (Морской переулок) 1
Mukachevsky (Мукачевский 10,
Onegskaya (Онежская)
переулок) 11
Myasoedovskaya Onilovoy (Ониловой
(Мясоедовская) переулок)
N Orehovaya (Ореховая)
Nahimova (Нахимова
3 Osipova (Осипова)
переулок) Nakhimova
Naklonnaya (Наклонная)
Nechipurenko (Нечипуренко 10,
Otradnaya (Отрадная)
переулок) 11
Nedelina (Неделина)
Ovragny (Овражный
Nekrasova (Некрасова) 2
Nerubaiskaya (Нерубайская) P
Neskuchnaya (Нескучная) Palubnaya (Палубная)
Nezavisimosty Square Panteleimonovskaya
(Независимости Площадь) (Пантелеймоновская)
Nezhdanovoi (Неждановой) Parkovaya (Парковая)
1, 2, Passionary
Nezhinskaya (Нежинская)
5 (Пассионарии)

Nikitina (Никитина) Pastera (Пастера) 1, 2

Nikolaevskaya Doroga Patrioticheskaya
(Николаевская дорога) (Патриотическая)
Novatorov (Новаторов)
Novoya (Новая)
Novikova (Новикова) (Педагогический
Novobazarnaya Patrioticheskaya
(Новобазарная) (Патриотическая)
Novoberegovaya Paustovskovo
(Новобереговая) (Паустовского)
Novoselskovo Pedagogicheskaya
(Новосельского) (Педагогическая)
Novoshchepnoi Ryad
(Новощепной ряд)
Obilnaya (Обильная) Pestelya (Пестеля)
Obnorskogo (Обнорского)
Observatorny Pionerskaya
(Обсерваторный переулок) (Пионерская)
Odariya (Одария)
Odesskaya (Одесская)
Ofitserskaya (Офицерская) 1
Okrugnaya (Окружная) 1
Oktyabrskoi Revolyutsy
Planetnaya (Планетная)
(Октябрьской революции )
Olgievskaya (Ольгиевская) 1
Olgievsky (Ольгиевский
1 Plehguna (Плыгуна)
Onegskaya (Онежская) Plieva (Плиева)
Onilovoy (Ониловой Pobedeh Park (Парк
переулок) Победы)
Orehovaya (Ореховая) Pochtovaya (Почтовая)
Osipova (Осипова) Polskaya (Польская) 3, 6
Ostrovskogo (Островского) Polsky (Польский спуск)
10, Poltavskaya
Otradnaya (Отрадная)
11 (Полтавская)
Ovidiopolskaya Poselkovaya
(Овидиопольская) (Поселковая)
Ovragny (Овражный Name Map

Palubnaya (Палубная) Pravdeh (Правды)
Panteleimonovskaya Preobrazhenskaya
2, 5
(Пантелеймоновская) (Преображенская)
Parkovaya (Парковая) 2, 3
Passionary (Пассионарии)
Pastera (Пастера) 1, 2 Schorsa (Щорса)
Primorskaya 6 (Приморская)
Marine passenger terminal Sechenova (Сеченова
3 1
(Morskoy Vokzal / Морской переулок)
Primorsky Blvd. (Приморский
2, 3 Segedskaya (Сегедская)
Privokzalnaya Square
Selskaya (Сельская)
(Привокзальная Площадь)
Privoznaya (Привозная) (Сельскохозяйственный
Profsoyuznaya Semaforny
(Профсоюзная) (Семафорный)
Prohorovskaya Seminarskaya
(Прохоровская) (Семинарская)
Serednny Square
Proletarskaya (Пролетарская)
(Серединный Сквер)
Promehshlennaya Sergeya Yadova (Сергея
(Промышленная) Ядова)
Protsenko (Проценко) Serova (Серова)
3, 5, Shampansky
Pushkinskaya (Пушкинская)
6 (Шампанский переулок)
Pyatnitskovo (Пятницкого)
R Shchepkina (Щепкина) 2
Shchepnoy (Щепной
Rachkova (Рачкова)
Radostnaya (Радостная)
Shevchenko Park (Парк
Radugnaya (Радужная)
Raskidailovskaya Shevchenko Avenue
(Раскидайловская) (Шевченко проспект)
Rassveta (Рассвета) Shirshova (Ширшова)
Ravenstva (Равенства
Shishkina (Шишкина)
Razdolnaya (Раздольная) Shklyaruka (Шклярука)
Shmidta Leitenanta
Razumovskaya (Разумовская)
(Шмидта Лейтенанта)
Shota Rustavely (Шота
Rekordnaya (Рекордная)

Respublikanckaya Shturvalnaya
(Республиканская) (Штурвальная)
3, 5 Shuhevicha (Шухевича)
Rizovskaya (Ризовская) 1, 4 1
(Скидановский спуск)
Romana Karmena (Романа
Skladskaya (Складская)
Кармена переулок)
Romashkovaya (Ромашковая) Skvortsova (Скворцова)
Slepneva (Слепнева
Rehbachya (Рыбачья)
Sabaniyev Most (Сабанеев
2 Sobornoy (Соборной)
Sabansky Street (Сабанский Sobornaya Square
переулок)[3] (Соборная Площадь)
Sofi Perovskoi (Софьи
Sadikovskaya (Садиковская)
Перовской )
Sadovaya (Садовая)[4] 1, 2 2
Sadovskogo (Садовского)
Sadovy (Садовый переулок)
Sakko (Сакко)
Saksaganskogo Sofetskaya
(Саксаганского) (Софиевская)
Saltehkova-Shchedrina Soyuzny (Союзный
(Салтыкова-Щедрина) переулок)
Samoletnaya (Самолетная)
Sanatorny (Санаторный
Sashi Horoshenko (Саши Spiridonovskaya
2, 5
Хорошенко ) (Спиридоновская)
Starokony (Староконный) Sportivny (Спортивный) 11
Staroportofrankovskaya Srednefontanskaya
1, 4
(Старопортофранковская) (Среднефонтанская)
Starosennaya Ploshat (Square)
Srednyaya (Средняя) 4
(Старосенная Площадь)
Staro bazarny Park
(Сквер Старобазарный)
Stelmaha (Стельмаха) U
Stepovaya (Степовая)
Udelny (Удельный 10,
Stolbovaya (Столбовая)
переулок) 11
Stroganova (Строганова) Uritskovo (Урицкого)

Sudostroitelnaya Usatovskaya
(Судостроительная) (Усатовская)
Surikova (Сурикова) Uspenskaya (Успенская)
Svobodeh Ave. (Свободы Utesova (Утесова) Orgin
проспект) of name
T Uyutnaya (Уютная)
Tamozhennaya Square
3 V
(Таможенная Площадь)
Tankernaya (Танкерная)
(Вакуленчука спуск)
Tankistov (Танкистов)
Tekstilshchikov Vanny (Ванный
(Текстильщиков) переулок)
Tenistaya (Тенистая) Vantsetti (Ванцетти)
Tereshkovoi (Терешковой)
Tihaya (Тихая) Vasnetsova (Васнецова)
Timiryazeva (Тимирязева) 9
Tiraspolskaya Vavilova (Вавилова
(Тираспольская) переулок)
Tiraspolskaya Square Vehsoky (Высокий
(Тираспольская Площадь) переулок)
Tirasspusk (Тирасспуск)
Akedemika Velyamsa
Tolbuhina (Толбухина)
(Академика Вильямса)
Tolbuhina Square (Толбухина Very Figner (Веры
Площадь) Фигнер)
Very Holonoy (Веры
Topolskogo (Топольского)
Vera Inber (Вера Инбер)
Torgovaya (Торговая) 1, 2 More information on
Transportnaya (Транспортная) Vesennyaya (Весенняя)
Veteranov Truda
Troitskaya (Троицкая)
(Ветеранов труда)
Trudovaya (Трудовая)
Tserkovnaya (Церковная) Vilyamsa (Вильямса)
Tsvetochny (Цветочный Vishnevy (Вишневый
переулок) переулок)
Tulskaya (Тульская) Vitebskaya (Витебская)
Turgeneva (Тургенева) Yasnaya (Ясная)
Turistskaya (Туристская)
Vitse-Admirala Azarova (Вице- 10,
Yunnatov (Юннатов)
адмирала Азарова) 11
Vitse-Admirala Zhukova (Вице- Yuriya Oleshy (Юрия 3, 6

адмирала Жукова ) Олеши)

Yugnaya (Южная)
Voenny (Военный спуск) 2
Volodarskovo (Володарского)
Volzhsky (Волжский Zaslavskovo
переулок) (Заславского)
Vorontsovsky (Воронцовский
2 Zatonskovo (Затонского)
Voznesensky (Вознесенский
Zelyonaya (Зеленая)
Y Zhelyabova (Желябова)
Zholio Kyury (Жолио
Yakira (Якира)
Yanvaskovo Vosstaniya Zhukovskovo
(Январского восстания) (Жуковского)
Yashi Gordienko (Яши Zolotoy Bereg (Золотой
Гордиенко) берег )
Yasinovskogo (Ясиновского) Zoo (Зоопарк)
Zorinskaya (Зоринская)

Soviet names for streets

Soviet name (English) Soviet name (Russian) Post-independence name

Nezavisimosty Square
50-letiya USSR Square 50-летия СССР пл.
(Независимости Площадь)
Starosennaya Ploshat
9th Yanvarya Square 9-го Января сквер (Square)
(Старосенная Площадь)
Akademicheskaya Street Академическая ул.
Dacha Kovalevskovo
Amundsena Street Амундсена ул.
(Дача Ковалевского)
Artema Street Артема ул.
Avdeeva- Авдеева-Черноморского Plieva
Chernomorskovo Street ул. (Плиева)
Baranova Street Баранова ул.
Bebelya Street Бебеля ул.
Bezeighmyanny Lane Безымянный
(Ипподромный переулок)

Budennovo Street Буденного ул.
Cheluskintsev Street Челюскинцев ул.
Lustdorfskaya Doroga
Chernomorskaya Road Черноморская дорога
(Люстдорфская дорога)
Chicherina Street Чичерина ул.
Chigikova Street Чижикова ул.
Bolshaya Arnautskaya
Chkalova Street Чкалова ул.
(Большая Арнаутская)
Degotya Vladimira Lane Деготя Владимира пер.
Akademeka Glushko Ave.
Dimitrova Avenue Димитрова просп.
(Академика Глушко проспект )
Lidersovsky Blvd.
Dzerginskovo Boulevard Дзержинского бульвар
(Лидерсовский Бульвар)
Dzerginskovo Street Дзержинского ул.
Frantsa Meringa Street Франца Меринга ул.
Frunze Street Фрунзе ул.
Gamarnika Street Гамарника ул.
Garibaldi Street Гарибальди ул.
Akademeka Garkavogo
Gitomirskaya Street Житомирская ул.
(Академика Гаркавого)
Gorkovo Street Spiridonovskaya
Горького ул.
Gukovskovo Street Жуковского ул.
Halturina Street Халтурина ул.
Hvorostina Lane Хворостина пер.
Prohorovskaya Ploshat
Hvorostina Square Хворостина сквер (Square)
(Прохоровская Площадь)
Industrialnaya Street Индустриальная ул.
Inostrannoy Kollegii Иностранной Коллегии Gimnazicheskaya
Street ул. (Гимназическая)
Instrumentalnaya Street Инструментальная ул.

Ivanova Street Иванова ул.
Kalinina Street Калинина ул.
Kanguna Decent / Stairs Кангуна спуск
(Польский спуск)
Karla Libknehta Street Карла Либкнехта ул.
Karla Marksa Street (Karl Ekaterininskaya
Карла Маркса ул.
Marx) (Екатерининская)
Staro bazarny Park
Kirova Square Кирова сквер
(Сквер Старобазарный )
Kirova Street Кирова ул.
Klareigh Tsetkin Street Клары Цеткин ул.
(Лютеранский переулок)
Komsomolskaya Street Комсомольская ул.
Iskusstv Blvd.
Komsomolsky Boulevard Комсомольский бульвар
(Искусств Бульвар)
Korolenko Decent / Stairs Короленко спуск
(Маринеско спуск)
Korolenko Street Короленко ул.
Nikolaevskaya Doroga
Kotovskovo Road Котовского дорога
(Николаевская дорога)
Krasnoflotsky Lane Краснофлотский пер.
(Воронцовский переулок)
Krasnoy Gvardii Street Красной Гвардии ул.
Langeronovskaya spusk
Lastochkina Decent /
Ласточкина спуск (decent--stairs)
(Ланжероновская спуск)
Lastochkina Street Ласточкина ул.
Pobedeh Park
Lenina Park Ленина парк
(Парк Победы)
Lenina Street Ленина ул.
Leninskovo Batalona Ленинского Батальона Armeiskaya
Street ул. (Армейская)
Leninskoy «Iskreigh»
Marshala Gukova Ave.
Street Ленинской «Искры» ул.
(Маршала Жукова проспект )
(Name of newspaper)
Lesnaya Street Лесная ул.
Lizoguba Decent / Stairs Лизогуба спуск Karantinny

(Карантинный спуск)
Lizoguba Street Лизогуба ул.
(Высокий переулок)
Lizoguba Street
Лизогуба ул. Yuriya Oleshy
(from the building
(№ 1 - № 13) (Юрия Олеши )
numbers 1 - 13)
Lopatto Street Лопатто ул.
Sabaniyev Most
Mendeleeva Lane Менделеева пер.
(Сабанеев мост)
Menginskovo Street Менжинского ул.
Aleksandrovsky Ave.
Mira Avenue Мира просп.
(Александровский проспект)
Mizikevicha Street Мизикевича ул.
Moiseenko Street Моисеенко ул.
Chernomorskovo Kazachestva
Moskovskaya Street Московская ул.
(Черноморского казачества)
Nagornaya Street Нагорная ул.
Narimana Narimanova Наримана Нариманова Valihovsky
Lane пер. (Валиховский)
Nikolaevskaya Road Николаевская дорога
Nikolaya Gefta Street Николая Гефта ул.
Oktyabrskoy Revolutsii Октябрьской Революции Kulikovo Pole Square
Square пл. (Куликово поле Площадь)
Ordgonikidze Street Орджоникидзе ул.
Osipenko Street Осипенко ул.
Ostrovidova Street Островидова ул.
Patrisa Lumumbeigh Admiralsky Ave
Патриса Лумумбы просп.
Avenue (Адмиралский проспект)
Pavlova Akademika Olgievskaya
Павлова Академика ул.
Street (Ольгиевская)
Perekopskoy divizii Fontanskaya Doroga
Перекопской дивизии ул.
Street (Фонтанская дорога)
Perekopskoy Pobedeigh Gradonachalnitskaya
Перекопской Победы ул.
Street (Градоначальницкая)
Petra Velikovo Street Петра Великого ул.
Pobedeigh Park Победы парк Dyukovskaya sad

(Дюковская Сад)
Podbelskovo Street Подбельского ул.
Polyarnikov Square Полярников пл.
Ekaterininskaya Ploshat
Potemkintsev Square Потемкинцев пл.
(Екатерининская Площадь)
Romana Karmena
Proletarsky 1st Lane Пролетарский 1-ый пер.
(Романа Кармена переулок)
Frantsuzsky Blvd.
Proletarsky Boulevard Пролетарский бульвар
(Французский Бульвар)
Razumovskaya 1
Pugachevsky 1st Lane Пугачевский 1-ый пер.
(Разумовская 1)
Razumovskaya 2
Pugachevsky 2nd Lane Пугачевский 2-ой пер.
(Разумовская 2)
Raskovoy Marineigh Kartamyshevskaya
Расковой Марины ул.
Street (Картамышевская)
Rozeigh Luksemburg Bunina
Розы Люксембург ул.
Street (Бунина)
Selsovetskaya Street Сельсоветская ул.
Selsovetsky Lane Сельсоветский пер.
Sevastopolskaya Street Севастопольская ул.
Sholom-Aleyhema Street Шолом-Алейхема ул.
Sobornaya Square
Sovetskoy Armii Square Советской Армии пл.
(Соборная Площадь)
Sovetskoy Army Street Советской Армии ул.
Sovetskoy Militsii Street Советской Милиции ул.
Stanislavskovo Street Станиславского ул.
Sabansky street
Suvorova Lane Суворова пер.
(Сабанский переулок)
Suvorova Street Суворова ул.
Sverdlova Street Свердлова ул.
Telmana Lane Тельмана пер. Udelny
(Primorsky Region) (Приморский р-н) (Удельный переулок)
Italyansky Blvd.
Tomasa Street Томаса ул.
(Итальянский Бульвар)
Ton Deighk Thana Street Тон Дык Тхана ул.
(Обсерваторный переулок)

Sergeya Yadova
Ubileynaya Street Юбилейная ул.
(Сергея Ядова)
Udarnikov Street Ударников ул.
Ukrainskaya Street Украинская ул.
Vakulenchuka Decent / Devolanovsky Spusk
Вакуленчука спуск
Stairs (Деволановский спуск)
Tamogennaya Square
Vakulenchuka Square Вакуленчука пл.
(Таможенная Площадь)
Vegera Street Вегера ул.
Виноградная ул. Babelya
Vinogradnaya Street
(Ilichovsky Region) (Бабеля)
Kompozitora Nishchinskovo
Voroshilova Street Ворошилова ул.
(Композитора Нищинского )
Malaya Arnautskaya
Vorovskovo Street Воровского ул.
(Малая Арнаутская)
Voykova Decent / Stairs Войкова спуск
Yanvarskovo Январского Восстания Alekseevskaya Square
Vosstaniya Square пл. (Алексеевская Площадь)
Yanvarskovo Январского Восстания Serednny Square
Vosstaniya Square сквер (Серединный Сквер)
Yaroslavskovo Street Troitskaya
Ярославского ул.
Yaroslavl (Троицкая)
Zagubanskovo Ivana Загубанского Ивана Komitetskaya
Street ул. (Комитетская)
Zemlyachki Street Землячки ул.

1 Childrens' 6 Semi-circular
Palace buildings
Information on

2 Building 7 Maritime
with an Palace

3 Valentin 8 Londonskaya
Glushko Hotel
Bronze bust
also West

4 Duke de 9 Pushkin's bust


5 Primorsky
Stairs 10 Mayor's

MAYORS OFFICE, Domskaya square 1, The mayor's office was

built from 1829 to 1834, designed by Franz Karlowicz Boffo
in Russian classic style. Formerly this square was called the
Birzjevaya because this building housed Odessa's first stock
exchange. From 1871-1873 the architect Franz Osipovich
Morandi (Франциск [Франц Осипович] Моранди)
redesigned the office. Formerly the building had two wings at either end of the central
part, forming an open courtyard. It was separated from the square by a double line of
Corinthian columns. Later this courtyard was closed in by a wall to create a grand
entrance hall, which can still be seen in the entrance. Later another wing facing the
sea was added. When the stock exchange was moved in 1899 to the location of
today's philharmonic theater, the city authorities used this building. The square was
renamed Doomskaya (city council). On January 14th, 1918, the Soviet revolution
proclaimed victory in this building.[1]

The Childrens' Palace is the flashing "1" on the top map.


The Vorontsov's Palace is a 19th century palace and colonnade in Odessa, Ukraine, at
the end of the Primorsky Boulevard pedestrian walkway. The buildings were built
between 1827 to 1830 by the Sardinian architect Franz Karlowicz Boffo for Prince
Mikhail S. Vorontsov, one of the governor-generals of the Odessa region. Vorontsov
chose to build his city palace on the spot where the former governor general
Richelieu's humble house had once stood. Vorontsov was so impressed with Boffo's
work, that he contracted Boffo to design the Potemkin Stairs

Building with an optical illusion

Vorontsovsky 4 (Воронцовский переулок 4) At the children's palace, walk just south of
Primorsky Blvd (Приморский Бульвар). The Building with an optical
illusion is the flashing "2" on the top map.

Walking along the short street Vorontsovsky

(Воронцовский переулок), pay close attention to the red building
with balconies on the right. Slowly walk along the street (mindful
of traffic) keeping your eyes on the building. When you reach a
certain point, where you mind tells you that you should see the
perpendicular-connecting wall of the building, there is no
perpendicular wall. The building appears to be only a ard/meter wide

Valentin Glushko bronze


Valentin Glushko was

considered "the
father of Soviet rockets",
and twice Hero of
Socialist Labor.
Glushko played a vital
role in the early Soviet
space program. He invented fuel space rockets and founded a jet engine factory.
Glushko was born and spent his childhood in Odessa.

The monument was sculpted by A. A. Kovalev. On the monument

is inscribed:

Valentin Petrovich Glushko

For exceptional achievements in development of air rockets,
in creation and successful launching of the first in the world spaceship
"Vostok" with man onboard, the Presidium of the
Supreme Council of USSR by its Decree dated 17 June 1961
has been awarded the second Golden Medal
"Sickle and Hammer" to Valentin Petrovich Glushko

Duke de Richelieu Monument He was the governor of

Odessa between 1803-1814.

During his governership, the first educational systems were

established and the first museum was built (the Archeology

In order to make the downtown area more attractive, in 1811 the duc arranged for its
illumination by two hundred street lights. Richelieu was not unmindful that the theater
attracted rich Polish landlords into the city. Those who came to play might stay to

Richelieu also laid out the wide boulevard at the very edge of the promontory
overlooking the sea, todays Primorsky Boulevard. The great merchants allegedly
raised loud protests, as their houses now had to be built far back from the
promontory's edge; they could no longer view with satisfaction their ships coming into
port. But the citizenry as a whole was given ready access to a splendid view over sea
and harbor.[Richelieu felt planting trees was important for Odessa. Trees would offer
protection against sun and wind, reduce dust, and give the city a little of the qualities
of an oasis, arising out of the treeless steppe. A Frenchman, the Chevalier de
Rosset, is supposed to have planted Odessa's first tree, a poplar near the

Potemkin Stairs The Potemkin Stairs ( Ukrainian: Потьомкінські сходи,

Pot’omkins’ki Skhоdy, Russian: Потёмкинская лестница) is a giant stairway in
Odessa, Ukraine. The stairs are considered a formal entrance into the city from the
direction of the sea and are the best known symbol of Odessa.[1] The stairs were
originally known as the Boulevard steps, the Giant Staircase,[2] or the Richelieu
steps.[3] The top step is 12.5 meters (41 feet) wide, and the lowest step is 21.7
meters (70.8 feet) wide. The staircase is 27 meters high, and extends for 142 meters,
but it gives the illusion of greater length.[4][5][6] The stairs were so well designed that
they create an optical illusion. A person looking down the stairs sees only the
landings, and the steps are invisible, but a person looking up sees only steps, and
the landings are invisible.

Semi-circular buildingsWest / Right Building

Standing with your back to the sea, the building on the

right (West), Primorsky Boulevard 7 (Приморский
Бульвар), was built in 1828. It housed the first public
library in Southern Ukraine in 1898, the Gorky Science
library, which is now located at Pastera 13 (Пастера) .
During Soviet times it housed an organization dealing
with foreign trade. Today it holds a private shipping firm
and lawyer's offices


Maritime Palace Built in 1829-1830, along with Primorsky Boulevard 8, the

Maritime Palace was also designed by Franz Karlowicz Boffo.

Alexander I of
(Александр I
Павлович /
Aleksandr I
mistress, a
Countess Maria
Нарышкина) had
an illegitimate
daughter together with Alexander named Sophia Naryshkina (София Нарышкина).
Sofia was very weak and had very poor health. Because of Odessa's mild climate,
Maria moved to Odessa with her daughter and Alexander had this palace built for
them. During the Soviet revolution, it was the headquarters of the commander of the
Soviet forces, RumcherodDuring World War Two it was damaged in air raids, but it
was rebuilt between 1949-1951. In 1924 it was converted into the Maritime palace

Londonskaya Hotel Primorsky Blvd. 11 (Приморский Бульвар)

Built in 1893 by the architect Yuri Dmitrenko.

During the Soviet Union it was owned by Intourist.

The facade is early Italian Renaissance style. The

hotel has three vertical projections and balconies on
the two top stories. The windows of the upper
stories have arrow-shaped frames. The entrance
hall is decorated with double lonic columns of red marble with gilded capitals. A white
marble staircase leads to the upper floors. The staircase banister is decorated with
bronze sculptures

Pushkin's bust The monument was sculpted by Janna

Polonskaya and the architect A. Vasilyev. Polonskaya's
sculpture is a very close likeness of Pushkin. The monument
was finished in 1888, a year after the 50th anniversary of the
poet's death. The bronze bust stands on a big rectangular
pedestal of gray granite. in the upper portion it has a star and a
lyre (stringed instrument) as a symbol of Pushkin's poetic talent and inspiration. On
the wreath of the lyre are the date's of Pushkin's southern exile 1820-1824. It has the

"To A. S. Pushkin, from the citizens of Odessa"

It is rumored by Odessites today that the

authorities were still angry with Pushkin's
affair with the Governor's wife, and refused
to build the monument. The people of
Odessa loved Pushkin so much that they
then collected the money without any help from the authorities. On the other side of
the monument is the date 1888, the date of the monuments unveiling. Below the
monument are fountains that shoot from the mouths of bronze fish into iron basins on
the granite base

Odessa Sea Portn front of the terminal building is The Golden Child monument, sculpted by
and unveiled
on May 9,
1995. The
mother earth
giving birth
to a strong
and healthy


Воронцовский маяк

In the port is the famous red and white 27.1 meters (89 feet) high Vorontsov

The lighthouse is built with iron tubing and lead gaskets. It has a one-million watt
signal light which has a Morse code call signal of three dashes the first letter is "O"
which stands for Odessa. When there is fog or a severe storm, the lighthouse also
sounds a foghorn.[1][2] The Vorontsov Lighthouse is connected with the port's
shoreline by a long stone causeway , called the Quarantine (Karantinny) and Road
(Reidovy) jetty. Both jetties protect the port from the high seas coming from the

The port is protected on the east by breakwaters, huge concrete ramparts, built on
rocks, rising above the water. The port has extensive breakwaters and moles to
protect ships while in port The first lighthouse in Odessa was opened on 6 December
1827, not in the present place but at Big Fountain cape. [3][4] There is a story that the
building was initiated because of a tragedy. A landowner made a bonfire on the
seacoast. The skipper of a passing trade ship mistook the fire for a lighthouse and
directed his boat to the coast. The boat ran aground and one of the sailors was killed.
The landowner felt incredibly guilty about the tragedy and gave his land to a
monastery, on the one condition that a lighthouse would be built there.[4] The first
stationary lighthouse on the pier, was wooden, it was established in 1845 on the
extremity of Karantinny (quarantine) pier on the initiative of well known Russian naval
commander, original discoverer of Antarctica, Admiral Mikhail Lazareva.[3] In 1863 a
cast iron tower was built, which was reconstructed into 1888.[3] The lighthouse
was blown up on 15 September, 1941, by Odessians to depirve Fascist artillerymen
in Chabanke of using the lighthouse to help them aim for the port. The Karantinny

(quarantine) pier was also badly damaged.[3] The lighthouse was rebuilt between

Yacht Club
Yacht Club
Russian: TCF yacht Club/ Morskoy Klub, Teh, Tseh, F / Морской Клуб, ТЦФ
Primorskaya 6 (Приморская) Marine passenger terminal ( Morskoy Vokzal /
(Морской Вокзал))
Tel/fax: 729-43-35
This $5 million new yacht club was built in May 1999 by the Odessa Port Authority, a
wholly government-owned company. In 2000 a road and over pass connecting the
port with the city was completed. This overpass allows frieght trucks to go straight to
the Odessa Sea Trade Port


Cathedral Park Lutheran Church, Sadovaya and Pastera Streets

Deribasovskaya str

On a bench sits
the monument of
Utesov, a
Odessa jazz
singer and
songwriter. He sits on a bench, and
many tourists sit down and take a
picture together.

Ekaterininskaya Square, Sabaniyev Bridge and Gogolya

1 Katherine 6 Old Odessa

2 Katherine 7 Atlantes
Great Fresco

3 Scientist's 8 Gogolya's
Club& Odessa's oldestbuilding &
many "dry" Gogolya Street

5 Shah's palace

Preobrazhenskaya Street
1 Marshal Rodion
Malinovsky Bust &
Economic University

2 Grekova
art school

3 Odessa University
Science Library

4 Peter and
Gavrik Monument

5 Vera Kholodnaya

6 Saint Uspensky

Pushkinskaya Street

1 Pushkinskaya 5 Pushkin
Street museum

2 Literary Museum 6 Philharmonic

courtyard theater

3 Port 7 Heart of
museum Pushkinskaya

4 Industrial 8 Odessa's mall &

Port Orthodox Cathedral


9 Aleksandrovsky 10 Ekaterininskaya
Ave Street

Pushkinskaya Street Russian: Пушкинская

This street was once known as Italyanskaya Street

(Italian). It was so named because many artists and
architects from Italy lived on the street. In Pushkin
wrote: The tongue of Golden Italy Rings out on this gay
street . In 1880 it was renamed after Pushkin.

yellow brick road Next to the yellow brick road and in front
of the maritime museum, is a strange monument to the
10th anniversary of Ukraine's independence. This
monument once had the following golden words below a
Ukrainian trident and above the white columns:

24-08-1991 to 24-08-2001 10 years of Ukrainian independence

Privoz market
Russian: Привоз
Privoznaya 14 (Привозная)
Tel: 224179

Meaning "to bring" in Russian, Privoz Market is one of the largest farmer's
markets/bazaars in the world. Although rows are devoted to construction materials,
household goods, and clothes, the Privoz Market is predominately a food bazaar.

History In the early nineteenth century (1827) wares were sold from the back of horse driven
carts. Like today, Privoz had the cheapest and freshest food in the city.

Privoz adjoined the Stary (old) bazaar (also called the Volny (free) market) the first
bazaar in Odessa. Gradually more buildings were constructed as the city grew. In the
1940's zoo animals were moved from the Odessa zoo to Simferopol. Four year old
elephant Murza (Мурза) escaped. He ran to the fruit section of the Privoz market and
ate several apples, pulled out pickled cucumbers from a barrel, tasted some frsh
cabbage, and regaled himself to dried fruits. He was caught and returned to his fellow
zoo animals. A popular Russian comedy film, "The Stripped Trip" was inspired by
this incident

What to buy in Privoz

Organically grown, incredibly large, fresh produce (if in

season) can be found at this market at fairly low prices. The

fresh fruits in vegetables are wonderful. In the summer, depending on what is on

season, the berries, plumbs, peaches, snap peas and tomatoes are worth a try. You can
also find moist and sweet dried apricots, raisons, and prunes. Beware of the smoked
prune, which is a bitter and acquired taste. Ask to try the berries and dried fruits
before you purchase. In addition to the fresh produce, the dairy building (facing
Ekaterininskaya Street) offers a large variety of amazing temptations. Among the
many cheeses to try, brynza (брынза) (soft feta-like cheese) and the Georgian
salugony (Салугуни) are a definite must. Ask to sample the cheese before you buy.

The west side of the dairy building has excellent, rich Daily life in the bazaarcakes for
under 30 Hyrvnia. If you want something to compliment your cheese in a sandwich,
the dairy building is also home to the sausage vendors. For the more adventurous, you
can also buy the traditional Ukrainian salo (Сало), or pig lard. Though the meat house
might be worth a quick glance, it is probably not a good idea to buy meat at Privoz
unless you have an experienced local with you. Payment is in cash only. The bazaar is
open roughly from 6 am - 5 pm. Beware of pickpockets In the summer many
farming families travel from small villages and sleep along Privoznaya street
(Привозная) until their produce has been completely sold. (Watermelon farmers
sometimes actually sleep on their produce) These farmers will sell fresh produce 24
hours a day. What is amazing about Odessa is how in many ways it is more capitalist
than even America. Because of lax business licensing laws and easily bribed police,
more people possess their own business than in America, even if this business may
only be a few packs of cigarettes, resting on a cardboard box and turned over bucket.

Privoz area is dangerous at night, one of the worst areas of the city. The most squalid
and depressing scenes are found along Privoznaya Boulevard (Привозная) after dark.
Many drunks and drug addicts are passed out along the street. Large groups of stray
dogs fight each other and rummage through the immense amount of trash, completely
ignoring human beings. Fights outside of bars are common, with several men beating
one person, and drunken boyfriends beating their intoxicated wives. Odessites usually
look on indifferently, and pass by as if they saw nothing

Privoz Second Hand Market

Around 23 Panteleimonovskaya (Пантелеймоновская)

Southwest corner Panteleimonovskaya (Пантелеймоновская) and Vodoprovodnaya

(Водопроводная) Large white building, second floor, entrance on exterior of the
southeast side of large building. This second hand market takes up the entire
second floor of a large building. Of particular entrance are the hundreds of used
leather jackets.

Rodina Movie Theater (Родина)

Mechnikova 104 (Мечникова) Tel: 34-62-51 37-17-


Formerly a public lecture hall, built in 1891-1894 by the architect Y.

Dmitrienko (Ю. Дмитриенко). The building is strict renaissance style, with a
large hall, corridors along the lateral sides and a very spacious entrance hall.
Today it houses the Rodina theater, with two screens which can seat up to
700 people.

Pantelegevsky Male Monastery

Palais de Justice and Pantelimon Church (as seen from the

train station.
Photo from between 1890 and 1900, now available at the
Library of Congress, Originally from the from the Detroit
Publishing Company 1905.
Russian: Свято-Пантелеевский Мужской

Soviet emblem on facadeSoviet sickle and hammer on facade

of Panteleimonovskaya 21

Andryvcka Podvore Orthodox Church

Panteleimonovskaya 60 (Пантелеймоновская)

World War Two Tractor tank

Razumovskaya 13 (Разумовская)
(Six blocks west of Cossack / Staro bazarny Square
(Сквер Старобазарный), small park, Eridinskiy square
(еридинський сквер) next to Razumovskaya 13) Located
in a small park is a Tractor Tank from World War Two.
During the 73-day Nazi siege of Odessa, industrial
workers sheathed ordinary tractors in ship steel, mounted
machine guns on them and sent them into battle. Many of the same workers who built
these tanks, rode them into combat. It had a terrible clatter when storming enemy
positions, usually causing a panic among Nazi troops. Odessites began to call it the
"scare tank". The name stuck, so that even in official documents it was referred to as
the "scare tank". The plaque on this monument reads: Odessa Tank - NI (Na Ispug )
(To Scare) Workers of the plant "Yanvarets" - to the battle-front 1941

Shevchenko Boulevard Area

1 Pirogovskaya 2 Shevchenko Avenue

3 Olimpiyets Sport
Street & Dr. & Odessa National
Palace and Statue of 4 Pobedeh Park
Pirogov Monument Polytechnic Lenin

6 Monument at school 7 Abduction of Europe

8 Musical Comedy
5 10th of April 56 & 69th Fighter (Europa) monument &
Theater & Dolphin
Square Plane Air Regiment Mary Magdaliny
Monument Orthodox Church

Frantsuzsky Boulevard Area

Russian: Французский Бульвар

Cobblestone Frantsuzsky boulevard is the most beautiful street in Odessa.

The street was originally named Malofountainskaya but in 1902, to honor the
visit of France's Nikoli the Second, the street was renamed Frantsuzsky Blvd.

After the Soviet Revolution the cottages and summer houses of the wealthy
Odessites were seized and the entire area was converted into a large health
resort with numerous sanatoriums.

Location: Map 10 & right side of Map 11


2 John
1Sport Stadium, Kronshtadskovo
Military Museum & Russian Orthodox 3 Otrada beach
Church entryway and
Alexandra Neskovo
cable cars
Orthodox Church 4 Odessa Film

7 Church of
6 Pioneer Children Sacred Martyrs
Monument & Adriana and
5 Filatov Research Champagne
Institute of Eye Nataly,
Factory Botanical
Diseases and Tissue
Therapy Gardens,
unfinished hotel

Shevchenko Park

2 Perished sailors and

1 Taras Shevchenko
ships monument &
Fortress wall ruins

4 Afghanistan War
3 Black Sea Stadium
memorial, Alexander
Monument, &

5 Alley of Glory and

Former pioneer house
6 Sights around
Shevchenko Park

7 More sights around

Shevchenko Park

Interesting sites near Odessa

From The most

comprehensive guide to Odessa, Ukraine

2 Vilkovo and the

Danube Biosphere
1 Monastery Reserve
3 Seventh-Kilometer

5 Belgorod
6 Heroic defense of
Dnestrovsky &
Odessa Memorial
4 Catacombs Park
T.G.Shevchenko central culture and recreation park was originally called
Alexander's park in honor of emperor Alexander II.

It was founded in 1840. It borders with Marazliyevskaya and

Uspenskaya streets and Lidersovskiy boulevard.

Zhukovskiy, Gogol, Ostrovskiy, Dostoyevskiy, Chekhov, Akhmatova

were strolling around this park... Pushkin met the artillery battery
officers in its former location.

Th mound with the Alexander's column (near Black sea port and
navigation authority) is partly situated oin the Turkish Khadjibey and
Odessa fortress former location. The Russian Empire first aerostates
were launched from here.

The Green teater, which remembers the voices of Utyosov, raykin,

Tarapun'ka and Shtepsel, Pyekha, Vodyanoy, was built in the park. In
1936 the City Central Stadium was built here, and in 1954 the park was
renamed into Shevchenko park.

The Alley of glory with the graves of the ones having liberated Odessa
from the Nazi, he monument to the Unknown Sailor with the eternal
flame burning, the monument to Shevchenko (from Marazliyevskaya str.
side), the obelisk of the warriors of Afghanistan are also located here..

The countless ways will lead you directly towards the sea, to
"Langerone" beach. Here, the famous Health Route (only for
pedestrians from 2006) begins. It stretches along Odessa seashore up
to the very Arcadia (one of the best places to rest in Odessa).
A dolphin center is situated on the "Langerone" beach.

How to get to Shevchenko park?

Tram № 28

Trolleybus № 3

Shuttle mini buses

Shuttle mini bus
№№ 203, 233, 193


Preobrazhenskiy park
2CE 65007, Odessa Director Green theaters,
"Preobrazhenski city, GORUNOVA platforms and sports
y" CRP Novoshchepnyi Svetlana grounds
("Illyich" CRP”) ryad str., 27 Vladimirovnaів construction and
+3 (80482) 22- на opening,
09-66; +3 entertainment
(80482) 25-85- programs preparing
44 an carrying out,
inventory hire.
Preobrazhenskiy park (former Illyich park)
was opened in May 1937 and was built on the First Christian cemetery
former location.
But still it is the historical part of the city. The park borders with
Moldavanka distrisct and Privoz.
The park area is approximately 13 ha, 8 of which are occupied with the
green zone, and 4.6 – with the constructions, sports grounds and alleys.
Odessa zoo is situated rather close to the park.
Luna-Park entertainment park is situated in Preobrazhenskiy park.
Kid entry ticket costs 5 UAH, grown-up one costs 10 UAH.
The most popular kid amusements are “the Cock”, “The Turtles”, “The
Ring”, the most popular grown-ups ones are the “Cyclone” circle
amusement, the auto amusements and the Bomber.

In the quality season, Luna-park attracts a lot of people, being both the
Odessa citizens and the city visitors.
One can have a decent bite here. An, what is important, there are
toilets here.

One can get to Preobrazhenskiy park this way:

Tram № 28, 5, 10, 11

Trolleybus № 8; 3

Shuttle mini buses

Shuttle mini bus №№ 208, 198, 127, 240, 250


Gorky culture and recreation park

3CE „Gorky 65065, Odessa Director Green theaters, platforms and
CRP” city, CHEBONENK sports grounds
Cosmonauts str., O construction and opening,
17a Viktor entertainment programs
+3 (80482) 66- Petrovich preparing an carrying out,
30-87 different amusements
f.+3 installing,
(80482) 749-71- inventory hire.
Gorky culture and recreation park
Gorky culture and recreation park green zone laying begun in 1961 with
the help of city green zone trust and the city community. The park itself
was founded in 1973. There are over 6000 trees on its territory. There
are also monuments to Gorky and the victims of the Nazi here. In the
park, one can visit “Moscow” movie house and different amusements.
The park is situated along Cosmonauts’ street and the streets of
Tereshkova, Varnenskaya and General Petrov.
One can get there this way:

Trolleybus № 9

Shuttle mini buses

Shuttle mini bus №№ 191, 208, 232


4CE 65085, Odessa Director Green theaters, platforms and

"Duke city, TSVETKOV sports grounds
CRP" Raskidaylovskaya Yevgeny construction and opening,
str., 56 Georgiyevi entertainment programs
ch preparing an carrying out,
different amusements


5CE 65033, Odessa Director Green theaters, platforms

„Leninsky city, SOKOLOVA and sports grounds
Komsomol" CRP Melnitskaya, Irena construction and opening,
32b Yevgenyev entertainment programs
+3 (80482) na preparing an carrying out,
732-61-98 different amusements
inventory hire.


Victory park
6. Victory park

The victory park, which is situated on Shevchenko

avenue, has a beautiful pond with fountains.
When one comes along the small bridge near this pond,
he could feel the drops of water on his face. And this
really helps a lot when it’s hot.
Some time ago, the zoo was planned to be built here.
But the place appeared to be unsatisfactory, and only
the name of the street behind the park was left – the
Zoo street.

There are also playgrounds and sand play grounds for

the kids, different flowers and trees in the park.
And, if one is lucky enough, one has a chance to see a
little squirrel nibbling nuts.

If one crosses the road down the 10th April square, there are the
names of the World War I heroes written on the stella in the center of the square
One can get to Victory park this way:

Tram № 5

Trolleybus № 7, 11, 9,

Shuttle mini buses

Shuttle mini bus
№№ 193, 194, 195, 198, 9


Odessa botanic garden

7. Odessa Botanic garden is situated on the French boulevard, 48/50.
This is Odessa National I.I.Metschnikov University garden.
It’s hard to imagine, but there was no trees at all in Odessa 200 years
ago. In 1820, in Langerone’s times, a Botanic Garden to become the
ancestor of Ukraine’s steppe regions parks was founded behind
Kulikovo field in order to create a blooming city out of a golden and
green steppe ocean.
The first tree in the garden was planted by Alexander Langerone, and
when Pushkin came to Odessa, it was already shady enough.

At the time being, there are over 3000 species of different age “living”
at 16 ha area of Odessa National University Botanic Garden of French
blvd. And the “population” increases each year.
In the park, one can study the origin of the trees with the help of the
small tables nearby. There are a lot of them.
For over 190 years, a magnificent collection has been gathered and
delivered here from the different corners of the world. Starting from
April, 10, Odessa Botanic Garden will be ready to meet all the visitors
willing to come. There are excursions available in the park, but one can
visit the park by himself alone. Monday is a holiday in the park.

One can get to the Botanic garden this way:

Tram № 5

Shuttle mini buses

Shuttle mini bus
№№ 193, 194, 195, 115


Documents needed for purchasing real estate

in Ukraine

Any foreigner may purchase real estate in Ukraine regardless of residential status or visa type.
Foreigners may buy any real estate other than non-privatized property and
agricultural lands, however, almost all foreign investors are interested in

residential real estate. Just a few documents are needed to transfer residential property in

• passport
• Ukraine taxpayer identification code certificate; this can be obtained in
Kiev (find out how to do this here), or a representative (for example, can do this for you with your passport and a power of
• if buyer is married and comes to Ukraine without his or her spouse: copy of
marriage certificate, copy of spouse's passport, and notarized copy of
spouse's consent to buy property in Ukraine

Ukrainian property can be bought through some real estate agencies without the buyer's
physical presence. However, for obvious reasons almost all buyers of expensive property
prefer to make the deal in person.

Getting money into Ukraine to buy property.

Opening a bank account

Up to $15,000 USD may be brought into Ukraine without special documents

(until recently it was $10,000). Most foreign property buyers open a bank account in
Ukraine and transfer money from abroad. Then money can either be transferred to the seller's
bank account or taken out in cash.

Opening a bank account in Ukraine is easy and requires these documents:

• passport
• taxpayer code certificate
• proof of foreign origin of money (if foreigner puts cash in account after
opening); a custom's declaration from entering Ukraine, a bank receipt
from exchanging cash or travelers checks, or a bank receipt from
receiving cash with a credit or debit card

A good bank to open an account in is PrivatBank. In addition to an easy account opening

procedure they have and hundreds of branches across Ukraine and have a convenient
Internet transfer system that allows you to transfer money to your account online. Other
banks are starting to catch up with PrivatBank in online banking, too.

Costs incurred while acquiring Ukrainian real estate

When buying real estate a 1% tax is paid on the sales amount and another 1% is paid to the
Ukraine Pension Fund. Buyers and sellers settle on who is to pay these fees and state this
in the sales agreement. Real estate agencies typically charge 3-5% of the property
price for their services. Finally, buyers may buy an insurance policy on the property for
1% from their real estate agency.

Real estate investors are closely watching politics and the upcoming 2006 parliamentary
election in Ukraine. There has been talk of implementing a property appreciation tax of
13% for residents and 26% for nonresidents, effective at time of sale, which could significantly
affect the market. This tax would be paid on the difference between the price the property was
originally acquired for and the price it was sold for.

Real estate improvement and maintenance costs

In most cases foreign buyers immediately renovate their newly acquired residential property,
typically spending $10-15 thousand USD on repairs and construction. Some real
estate agencies offer construction overseeing services., for
example, charges 6% of construction costs for their services.

In order to build new structures on property acquired, all real estate owners must obtain a
building permit. Many locals and foreigners opt to pay building firms (usually around $500
or more) to do the whole process for them — from drawing up architectural plans to standing
in line in all the government offices that put their stamps of approval on the plans.

Property maintenance costs in Ukraine are generally very low. Utilities usually amount to
$15-30 per month for an average apartment, and there are no property taxes (other
than the tax paid when selling real estate). Foreign owners of real estate in Ukraine often
install security systems, especially if they are not renting out their property.

Property that is consistently rented out usually requires periodic repair, which may add
up to 5-20% of rent.

Renting out property in Ukraine

Typical rental prices in Ukrainian cities are usually 5-10% of the property value per year, or
0.8% per month. In other words, an apartment that would currently sell for $40,000
USD would probably cost $160-320 per month to rent (closer to the middle of this
range would be most typical).

Many real estate agencies offer rental and property care services, allowing foreigners
owners to not have to worry about their property at all. Owners can agree to pick up rent from
the agency periodically or have the money deposited to their Ukrainian bank account.

Taxes on property rent

Money earned from renting out real estate is taxable in Ukraine. If owners are not
Ukrainian tax residents, they must pay 26% on earnings from real estate rental —
twice the rate of 13% (flat tax on income) for residents. Owners of higher-end
apartments or multiple properties may find it worthwhile to register as private
entrepreneurs and pay a fixed monthly tax instead of percentage-based income taxes
on money earned from rent. This standard tax of around $40 USD does not change for
any level of income related to entrepreneurial activities that amounts to less than 500
thousand UAH (nearly $100,000) per year.

Foreigners can also create a Ukrainian firm that will be a tax resident of Ukraine. This
firm will pay different kinds of taxes on earnings and, in addition, will be able to legally
acquire non-privatized and agricultural land which non-residents are not able to acquire by
law. After land has been privatized and developed, ownership may be transferred to the
foreign owner through legal means.

Money that can be proved to having been legally earned in Ukraine may be
transported or transferred out of the country with the necessary documentation.
However, most foreigners prefer to leave their earnings in a Ukrainian bank and
use it inside Ukraine.

Trams and Trolley Bus

Privoz bus station Pay when entering Public city transport
operates from 6 am to 1 am. Trams and trolley buses tend to
be crammed tight with people but are a cheap way of
traveling around Odessa (Only 50 kopeck in the city). Often
you have to stand. You purchase tickets from the conductor.
Insist on a ticket, because sometimes the conductor does not
issue a ticket and pockets the money. If you are caught without a ticket, you will be
fined around 10-20 Hryvnia. Trams and trolley buses have fixed stops only.
On the streets below Grecheskaya Ploshat (Square) (Греческая Площадь) along
Aleksandrovsky Ave is the main transport hub in the center.

• Trolley bus 5 from the train station goes to Arcadia Beach (last stop).

• Trolley bus 9 from Grecheskaya Ploshat travels to one street east of the Train

BY BUS Kiev-Odessa on Avtolux 57 Hryvnia

Odessa Central - Bus Station

The Central Bus Station is for national travel, not local travel.

Buses leave from the central bus station at Kolontaevskaya 58

(Коллонтаевская) (Telephone: 32-56-93) Avtolux and national buses
leave from this station.

Οdessa Ukraine Taxis and "Gypsy taxis"

You can order a taxi at the following numbers:

10-55 Vokat (Вокат)
10-13 10-33 Ogonek (Огонек)
10-10 Radio (радио)
070 Aozt (Аозт)

The most inexpensive and convenient way to travel around Odessa is in

taxis. Taxis are cheap for Russian or Ukrainian speaking passengers. Of
course, if you don't speak the language the price goes up immediately. There
actually is no reason to call a taxi. In Odessa almost every car you see on
the road is your own personal taxi. Called "gypsy taxis", every taxi ride
costs a fraction of a dollar. If you can get over the embarrassment of
fumbling over Russian to tell the taxi driver where to go, you can travel
around the city in comfort. Go to a busy street, put your hand out, palm
facing down, and within seconds a car will stop (usually a Lada, but Mercedes
and other high end cars sometimes stop also). Negotiate your price before
you get in the car. If you cannot agree on a price with the driver, close the
door and wait a few seconds for the next gypsy taxi. Often the driver will
reconsider and agree on your price Prices for Gypsy taxis and normal taxis.
Prices for gypsy taxis in the center between Staroportofrankovskaya
(Старопортофранковская), the train station, and the port, for locals is never
more than 7 Hryvnia, and it is usually 5. A foreigner shouldn't pay more
than 10 Hryvnia. Remember, it is a "buyers market".In gypsy taxis prices
from the center to the Arcadia area for locals is 10 Hryvnia. Never pay
more than 15.Throughout all of Odessa never pay more than 25 Hryvnia
for a gypsy taxi. In the night time prices increase in one and a half to two

Tips for taxis

• Never take a taxi at the train station or bus station, they are very
expensive. Walk a few feet to the street and hail a taxi there.
• Don't get into a car having more than one passenger.
Refuse to continue to stay in the car if the driver
attempts to pick up someone else. A volunteer here in
Odessa was robbed and severely beaten after a man
picked up someone else who actually was his
• Agree on a price beforehand. There are no meters in the taxis
• It is advisable to always carry lower denomination notes for taxis. If the
driver does not have change, it is okay to go to a store or kiosk and get
change while the driver waits outside.
• Pay the taxi driver ONLY after you have arrived.
• Most seat belts in cars don't work or have been removed. Taxi drivers will
tell you do not a seat belt here. Insist if this is important too you

• TRAIN Buying a ticket in Odessa

A passport is required for all train ticket purchases. The person does not have to be
physically present to be issued a ticket (i.e. one person can take another person's
passport to the train station to purchase tickets)

In Odessa, Tickets within Ukraine are purchased in the first room to the right of the

International tickets are purchased in a newly
remodeled room on the west side of the train station
("?" on the map), there are two ways to find it: As you
enter the train station, turn right, in the second newly
remodeled room, turn left down a corridor, walking past
a pharmacy on your left. The double doors are directly
in front of you. The ticket counter for international
tickets is in the back of the room, cashier 5 "Мiжароднi
• The second
entrance is from
the outside. As
you walk into the
main entrance of
the train station,
turn right, in the
next room, go left
and outside to the
train platforms.
Outside, go
through the first
door on the right
into a hallway, the
double doors are
down the hallway
and on the left.
The ticket counter
for international
tickets is in the
back of the room,
cashier 5
"Мiжароднi Каси".

Advanced tickets are also purchased in this room. For a shorter wait in line, tickets
within Ukraine can be purchased in the same room as for International tickets for a
small charge of around 5 Hryvnia per ticket.
Four Classes of Train Travel Train wagons (cars) have four classes: First-class
wagon Has three names: Luks (люкс) spalny vag-on (спальни вагон) The
abbreviation S.V. (es veh/CB) First class wagons have two people per compartment,
better quality bedding, reading lamps, tablecloths, often air conditioning, and better
furnishings. Not all trains have first class.

Second-class wagon, kupeigh (купе) First class wagons have four people per
compartment. Two people sleep below and two people sleep above. They are similar
to first class cars but more run-down. Be warned: second class wagons usually have
a group of intoxicated men who are noisy all evening.

Third-class wagons, plats-kart (плацкарт) Third-class wagons have no closed

compartments. An open hallway runs the length of the wagon with four beds on one
side, and two beds on the other side, parallel with the hallway. Traveling in third class
is the best way to socialize and meet new people.

Fourth-class wagons, obshey vagon (обшей вагон) Fourth-class wagons are only
available on limited routes, they have only seating and no beds.

In the second and third class wagons, it is usually best to ask for the bottom bunk.

The bottom bunk has the advantage of being able to sleep directly above your
luggage in a bottom bunk and not having to struggle to climb out of bed. Although
some women feel safer on the top bunk.

You can ask for the bottom bunk by saying: Ya Hachu nejznu-yu polku (Я хочу
нижнюю полку).

Because of the noise through out the night from people going to smoke and use the
toilet, the worst place in the wagon is near the bathrooms, on either end of the
wagon. Ukrainians know this, and these tickets are usually sold very last.

Before leaving the train station, check to make sure your ticket is correct.

Train Ticket

Odessa tickets forms are in both Russian and Ukrainian. The ticket is printed in
Ukrainian. Ukrainian train tickets are ridiculously complex, filled with a lot of numbers
you don't need, and so complex that even most Ukrainians do not understand.

TICKET HERE Packing for the train Bring the following:

• Toilet paper (usually not available in the toilets)

• Food and beverages for entire trip. Food vendors who travel from wagon to
wagon are becoming more common on train rides, but are still rare.
• Many Ukrainians bring sandals because the floors of the toilets are usually
• Toiletry supplies
• Comfortable clothing to sleep in.
• Reading materials
• Money belt or pouch

Catching the train Allow about 30 minutes before the train departs to find your
platform and wagon. Trains are usually punctual. Numbers for the cars/wagons
are listed in either the first or last window of the each car. You must show your
ticket to the conductor at the foot of the stairs. Occasionally he will ask to see
your passport. Be careful to watch your items in the wagon before the train

On the train

Shortly after departing the train station, the conductor will come into your
compartment and ask for your ticket. She will usually tear a small part of the ticket
and then put the ticket in a pouch. She will then collect money for sheets. Sheets
cost around 5-10 Hryvnia. After collecting all of the money and tickets, the conductor
will return with your sheets. Sheets have a top sheet, bottom sheet, pillowcase, and
towel. You then make the bed with the mattress and pillow that is already in the

compartment. First class already has the bed made for you. If a blanket is not
available, you can ask for one.

Often the conductor will return and suggest tea, available for less than a Hryvnia.
Windows are usually sealed shut permanently. Occasionally the conductor can open
the windows with a special key.

Toilet facilities

Because the waste from the toilet drops directly on the tracks, the toilet is usually
locked for the first and last 15-30 minutes of the journey. The toilets are also often
locked when approaching most train stops and will remain locked for 5 to 10 minutes
after stopping. Most wagons have two toilets on each end. Toilets are often dirty, and
by the end of a journey the floors are wet with water. The sink's on-switch is located
below the spout. To turn on the faucet, press the lever upward towards the spout.


• Share your food and beverages with others.

• Leave the compartment if people of the opposite sex are changing.
• Ukrainians are very persistent when the want you to drink with them.
But if you do not feel comfortable drinking, don't.

Safety Tips

Lock the door below the handle. Some compartments have a metal flap, located near
the top of the door. When you lower this flap, it makes it nearly impossible to open
the door from the outside. Use a money belt or pouch under your clothes and keep
your passport, money, and credit cards with you at all times. If you feel
uncomfortable in a compartment, do not hesitate to ask the conductor to move you.

International Travel

When traveling to a neighboring country, the train usually stops for up to an hour on
both sides of the border. Often you will be singled out as a rich foreigner by being
harassed to purchase unneeded health insurance (when entering Ukraine) or asked
to pay a bribe (when leaving and entering Ukraine and Moldavia). When leaving and
entering the CIS the train wheels are switched to a different track size. [The different
track size was intentional, it was set up to prevent invasions by railway.] ]

Wakeup Call

The conductor will usually knock on your door around an hour before arrival. Usually
the conductor offers tea again. Fold up your mattress, pillow, and blanket and return
the sheets to the conductor' compartment, located in the front of the wagon, next to
the toilet.

Train Schedule for Odessa, Ukraine

Train schedules change extensively from one year to a next, so these schedules
should be seen as a rough guide only. Many trains may pass through the town that
you want to travel to. For example the Moscow train which passes through Kiev.
When buying a ticket the rail station cashiers usually do not give this information

unless asked. Delnitskaya



Dalnitskaya Area

Dalnitskaya 15-25, Odessa 65000, Ukraine Tairova district


Flight to Odessa Ukraine

Odessa International Airport

Tel: 006 (twenty-four hour reference line)
22-23-00 (Airline ticket information)
221-35-59 (customs)
Fax: 264-19-79 (customs) (In Russian--Use this translation program, or alternatively,

babelfish)Open 24 hours

Odessa Ukraine Airport

The most frequent air connections with other countries goes through Kiev. Tickets to
Ukraine are also cheaper through Kiev (often around $200-$400 cheaper). It is
possible to fly into Kiev and then take a bus or the train to Odessa (See bus and train

Russian: Сам, Osipova 26 (Осипова), Tel/fax: 21-08-88

Sam Partner Agencies

Red Star Bob Sopel

27 Henshaw Street,
(Sam partner agency) Oldham,
9705 Sand Point Way Lancashire,OL1
NE Seattle 1NH, UK
Washington 98115 USA Tel: 0161-652-50-
Tel: 206-522-59-95 50
Fax: 206-522-62-95 Fax: 0161-633-08-
Email: 25 Email: bob@bob-

Flights between Ukrainian cities

There are flights available between all major cities in Ukraine. Ticket information can
be acquired by calling the airport.

Prices from Odessa are as follows (2002 prices):

Kiev (DAILY) (roundtrip / return)

190 Hryvnia
Ukraine National Airlines and Aerosvit
Donetsk 180 Hryvnia
Lugansk 180 Hryvnia
Lviv 180 Hryvnia
Rovna 200 Hryvnia
Simferopol 150 Hryvnia
Uzjgorod 220 Hryvnia

Airlines with offices in Odessa

The following airlines have offices in Odessa or in Odessa


(if not indicated otherwise):

49-97-15 (fax/tel)

49-00-80 (fax)
49-00-79 (tickets)
66-70-51 (tickets)
731-28-28 (tickets)
Airlines (for Ukraine
(Londonskaya hotel
(Londonskaya fax)

LOT 731-28-80
(Polish airlines) 731-28-95

Sobornaya Square
Odessa Airlines --

Pushkinskaya 22
Turkish 49-01-00
Airlines 64-19-80
49-00-90 (fax)
Day Istanbul-Odessa
Mon 9 am -10:25 pm
Thurs 4:20 pm- 5:45 pm
Sat 9 am -10:25 pm
Ukraine 30 Povitroflotsky
National (Kiev)
(044) 245-98-72

Fights from the airport

There are two agencies that arrange flights at the airport:

• Intellect Service
Tel: 42-93-10
Fax: 42-93-00

• Yuna-interservis (Юна-интерсервис)
Schorsa 2 (Щорса)
Tel: 66-51-97
25-22-46 (at the Krasnaya hotel)
65-81-86 (airport number)
Open 8 am - 7 pm

Bus service from the airport Public city bus 129 travels to and from the airport, see

• There are two regional bus services from the Kiev airport:

Polit 296-7367 and Avto Lux.


Transportation in Kyiv and Ukraine:

Public transportation is well developed

in Ukraine. Ukraine is connected to
European and Asian cities via an
extensive network of railways and roads.
You can reach just about any desired
destination by train, bus, or by air.

A passport is not required to purchase

your train or bus tickets now, but only if
you are travelling internationally. In the
recent years you wouldn't be able to get
your train tickets without your passport.
Even a copy wouldn't work.

Getting to Ukraine:

By air:

There are two airports in Kyiv: Boryspil (KBP) (see how to get to Boryspil in our
travel tips) and Zhulyany (IEV). (see how to get to Zhulyany here)

Airport information system

The Interactive Voice
Response system (IVR)
Phone: (+380 44) 490 47 77

Lost&found office
Phone: (+380 44) 281 74 98
(+380 44) 281 75 39

Airport's hotel "Boryspil"

Phone: (+380 44) 281 71 05
(+380 44) 281 79 53

Most International flights operate to and VIP-services

from Boryspil International Airport in Kiev. It
Phone: (+380 44) 281 71 54
is located about 40km (25mi) South-East of
(+380 44) 281 77 39
the city centre.

There are also airports in these cities:

Dnipropetrovs'k (phone: +38 0562 395209; ticket booking: +38 0562 34 11 34 / 39 55 07),
Donets'k (phone: +38 0622 51 53 22; ticket booking: +38 0622 57 44 22),
Odesa (phone: +38 0482 39 33 12; ticket booking: +38 0482 22 34 56),
Simferopol (phone: +38 0652 29 55 16),

L'viv (phone: +38 0322 69 21 12; ticket booking: +38 0322 69 23 99),
Kharkiv (phone: +38 0572 51 64 08; ticket booking: +38 0572 21 84 41), and
Zaporizhzhya (phone: +38 0612 64 42 27 / 64 25 65).

Odesa's airport is about 12km (7mi) south-west of downtown.

The airport in Lviv, about 8km (5mi) west of the city centre.

BANK Exchanging money

Few stores and restaurants accept traveler's checks or credit cards, though the number
is steadily increasing every year.

Travelers should bring foreign currency, either US dollars (more widely accepted) or
Euros. Exchange kiosks also accept Russian Rubles.

EDITORS NOTE: Many other photos need to be done, below

The number of currency exchange kiosks Ab-man Val-yat (Обман Валот) in Odessa
is immense. The exchange rate is suspiciously the same throughout the city. If
traveling through Kiev to get to Odessa, it is advised to exchange money in Kiev, as
the exchange rate is usually much lower in Odessa.

Exchanging kiosks at bus stations, airports and train stations often offer a worse
exchange rate.

Exchange kiosks often give a receipt for money exchanged. Exchange kiosks that do
not automatically give a receipt will give a receipt if asked. Exchange rates by law are
always posted above the kiosk window with an official Ukrainian stamp (Ukrainians
have a passionate infatuation with "official" stamps) There is never any extra
commission charge for exchanging money.

Getting a better exchange rate

Currency exchange kiosks / Ob-man Val-yat (Обман Валот) that do not have a post
board on the street or simply say "Работа"(working), or that do not have a post board,
have better exchange rates.

Many of the shops on Sadovaya (Садовая) sometimes have non-posted better rates
than the rest of Odessa. Refan, a small store at Preobrazhenskaya 46
(Преображенская) near to Centralnaya (центральная) hotel also sometimes has a
better exchange rate. Refan is open 10am - 7 pm Monday - Saturday and 11 am - 6
pm on Sunday.


NEVER exchange money with someone on the street, the number of scams with
these transactions are huge. Counterfeit money is very common problem in

Get a better exchange rate for a risk

Grecheskaya Ploshat (Square) (Греческая Площадь) Book Bazaar:

The book and CD bazaar on Aleksandrovsky Ave has many vendors with huge
fistfuls of rubber banded Hryvnia. These vendors exchange money at a much more
favorable rate (around 10 kopecks better on the dollar). Though technically illegal,
like many things in Ukraine, it is not enforced. The police turn a blind eye because the
moneychangers pay regular bribes.

Unless you are able to spot counterfeit money or are with a native Ukrainian who
knows how to spot counterfeit money, do not risk exchanging money at the bazaar. If
you do decide to exchange money at the bazaar, Valery, at stall 28 is an honest money

Banks hours

Bank hours tend to be from 10 am to 3 pm, often with a one hour lunch. Banks are
closed on Saturday and Sunday.


There are dozens of ATMs located around the center of Odessa. Many are located in
hotels and restaurants.

Many ATMs give both Dollars and Hryvnia.

The average service charge for using an ATM is between $6-$12, in addition to your
home bank service charge.

Strangely, service charges vary widely at different ATMs owned by the same

The cheapest ATM we have found is the Prevat Bank (Приват Ванк) ATM, inside
the Galeria Vop-on-tsov Restaurant/Bar (Бар-Галерея Воронцов) Deribasovskaya 24
(Дерибасовская), for $6 service charge.

Travelers Checks and American Express

Londonskaya (Лондонская)
Primorsky Boulevard 11 (Приморский Бульвар)
Tel: 37-14-51
Londonskaya hotel accepts both American Express and Thomas Cook Traveler's
checks, the service charge is 2-3%.

Sending and recieving money


Western Union
The number of Ukrainians that live abroad has skyrocketed since the fall of the Soviet
Union. This can be seen in the number of Western Union offices throughout Ukraine,
because many family members abroad have family that have stayed behind in

Cash may be directly transferred to or from Western Union to an office outside of

Ukraine. Most US and major European cities have a Western Union office.

The commission charge for using Western Union, paid for by the sender, is often very
expensive. See examples of some of the prices below.

Within Ukraine (from a Ukraine location to another Ukraine location) a customer may
transfer Hryvnia, which is significantly cheaper, than transferring dollars.

Locations are listed below.

Post Office money transfers in Ukraine:

Post office money transfers within Ukraine are available at all post offices. Fill out a
special form, listing recipient's name, address, and telephone. The service charge in
nominal. Transfers are in Hryvnia only. Money
transfers take less than a week to arrive.


The basic unit of currency in Ukraine is the Hryvnia.

The Ukrainian Hryvnia is divided into 100 kopecks
Photo showing the different sizes of the
Coins come in denominations of 1,2,5,10,25, and 50 Photo from
kopecks. Though most Odessites seldom use the 1
For photos of all major currency of the
and 2 kopeck, prices are usually rounded up to reflect last 10 years, click here.

Banks come in denominations of 1,2,5,10,20,50,100, and 200. The 200 Hryvnia bill is

The Hryvnia was introduced in September of 1996. The actual bills were printed in
1991-92 but was not introduced until mid 1996 because of high rates of inflation and
a general lack of stability. Prior to the Hryvnia, Ukraine was using "Coupon" as the
national currency, which was just a stage in transition from Soviet Ruble to Ukrainian
Hryvnia. Because of hyperinflation the bills became so useless that some Ukrainians
used them as toilet paper. In 1996 a new design was developed with watermarks and a
metal strip on each bill. Currently, both kinds of bills are used, but the old currency is
being phased out by the newer currency--similar to the policy the United States now
has for its newer bills. Please note:

It is advisable to always carry lower denomination notes for taxis.


Many shops never have enough small change, and will often ask customers for
change. Many grocery stores ("store" is "magazine" in Russian) offer small candy or
gum in lieu of exact change.

Counterfeit money

There is an immense problem of counterfeit money in Ukraine. A good rule of thumb

is to always accept only newer larger bills (10's and 20's) since they are harder to
counterfeit. After a sale, any business or kiosk will trade older bills for newer ones if

Newer Ukrainian bills have several features to assure that they are not counterfeit:

• The portraits, emblems, and some inscriptions are printed in relief, and can be
felt with the fingers. This is especially prominent on the 50 Hryvnia gold seal.
• Embedded in every note is a metal strip, which says the denomination, this is
especially prominent on the 20 Hryvnia bill.
• The bills are printed on special paper with portrait watermarks. These portraits
can be seen when put against the light. (this can be forged though)
• The writing on the bills changes if you hold the money at different angles.

Also pay careful attention that you are not given torn or heavily worn money,
especially dollars, because many businesses will not accept this.


Admiralsky Avenue 1 Photo Shop Fotomagazine (Фотомагазин)

(Адмиралский проспект) Prevat Bank (Приват Ванк)
Le-Gion (Легион)
Akademeka Glushko Avenue 17
Grocery Store Uni-versam (Универсам)
(Академика Глушко проспект )
Prevat Bank (Приват Ванк)
Akademeka Koroleva 120 Grocery Store Uni-versam (Универсам)
(Академика Королева) Prevat Bank (Приват Ванк)
Irish Pub (under stairs)
Deribasovskaya 13 (Дерибасовская) (Ирландский паб)
Prevat Bank (Приват Ванк)
UkrExim Bank ATM
Deribasovskaya 14 (Дерибасовская)
(Corner Deribasovskaya and Ekaterininskaya)
Morskoy Transportny
Deribasovskaya 16 (Дерибасовская)
(Морський Транспортнйи)
Deribasovskaya 24 (Дерибасовская)
(lowest exchange rate) Galeria Vop-on-tsov Restaurant/Bar
(Бар-Галерея Воронцов)
Prevat Bank (Приват Ванк)
Deribasovskaya 25 (Дерибасовская) Uker Bank (Укр банк)
Zveozdy (stars) Movie Theater
Dobrovolskaya 72 (Добровольского)
(Кинотеатр "Звездный") Prevat Bank (Приват Ванк)
Severnehye Ryenok "Northern Bazaar"
Dobrovolskaya 112 (Добровольского)
(северный рынок) Nadra Bank (Надра Банк)
Club Pee-lot (Pee-lot Клуб)
Ekaterininskaya 15/17 (Екатерининская)
Prevat Bank (Приват Ванк)
Photoshop Kodak Express
Generala Bocharova 30
(Фотомагазин "Кодак Экспресс")
(Генерала Бочарова)
Prevat Bank (Приват Ванк)
Arlekino (Арлекино)
Generala Bocharova 53
Grocery Store Uni-versam (Универсам)
(Генерала Бочарова)
Prevat Bank (Приват Ванк)
Chas Peak Bar (Бар "час Пик")
Genuesskaya 1 (Генуэзская)
Prevat Bank (Приват Ванк)
Kanatnaya 112 (Канатная) Nadra Bank (Надра Банк)
Mayakovskava 7 (Маяковского) Nadra Bank (Надра Банк)
Luzanovsky (Лузановский)
Nikolaevskaya Doroga 299 (Николаевская
Grocery Store Uni-versam (Универсам)
Prevat Bank (Приват Ванк)
Seventh-Kilometer Bazaar 7-й км Промрырок
Prevat Bank (Приват Ванк)
Ovidiopolskaya (Овидиопольская)
Odariya 1 (Одария) Nadra Bank (Надра Банк)
(Bowling Club) Боулинг клуб
Polskaya 13 (Польская)
Prevat Bank (Приват Ванк)
Londonskaya (Лондонская) hotel;
Primorsky 11 (Приморский Бульвар)
Prevat Bank (Приват Ванк)
Kimpinski Hotel
Nadra Bank (Надра Банк)
Primorskaya 6 (Приморская)
Primorskaya 6 (Приморская) Passenger Terminal of the Odessa Sea Port
Prevat Bank (Приват Ванк)

Rekordnaya 23 (Рекордная) Grocery Store Uni-versam (Универсам)


Prevat Bank (Приват Ванк)

"In Srednefontanskoy" ("На Среднефонтанской")
Semaforny 4 (Семафорный)
Prevat Bank (Приват Ванк)
"Ogapt" (Огапт)
Troitskaya 50 (Троицкая)
Nadra Bank (Надра Банк)
Grocery Store Uni-versam (Универсам)
Varnenskaya 2 (Варненская)
Prevat Bank (Приват Ванк)

List of Banks

To withdraw money on a MasterCard or Visa (American Express is not accepted throughout Odessa),

• if you forgot your ATM card number or

• want a normally 3% flat finance charge on Visa or MasterCard Bankcards,

many of Odessa's banks offer cash withdrawal.

Not all bank branches offer this service so it is better to call ahead.

This service is also available at Londonskaya (Лондонская) Hotel Primorsky Boulevard 11

(Приморский Бульвар), 24 hours a day, with a 3% service charge.

Listed here are some of Odessa's banks:

Address, head
Name Telephone Email and/or web page:
Aval Sadovaya 10
(Аваль) (Садовая)
bank Knyazjeskaya
(Одесса 32 (Княжеская)
36 66-20-05
y bank Rishelevskaya
(Морской 28 30-13-01
Транспор (Ришельевская)
Bank Primorskaya 49
(Укрсоц (Приморская)
Imex bank Shevchenko 68-49-00
(Имэксба Avenue 8a
нк) (Шевченко


Western Union

Western Union prices and offices/kiosks in Odessa

This list is from the web page. This lists only Western Union offices in the immediate center. More
offices are available on the Western Union web page:

Amount Transferred Service charge Amount Transferred Service charge

Up to $50 $13 $300-$400 $34
$50-$100 $15 $400-$500 $40
$100-$200 $22 $1000-$1500 $75
$200-$300 $29 $2000-$2500 $110

Bank locations

Location Bank
Airport Central Aval Bank
Bazarnaya Street 17 (Базарная) Oschadbank
Bazarnaya Street 64 (Базарная) Ukrainian Financial Group
Bolshaya Arnautskaya, 92/94 Fui Bank
(Большая Арнаутская)
Bunina Street 40 (Бунина) Oschadbank
Deribasovskaya Street 10 (Дерибасовская) Ukrainian Financial Group
Dobrovolskogo Avenue 056 Oschadbank
Ekaterininskaya 4 (Екатерининская) Pravex-Bank
Ekaterininskaya Street 31/33 (Екатерининская) Ukrainian Financial Group
Ekaterininskaya Street,7 (Екатерининская) MTB
Ekaterininskaya Street 7 (Екатерининская) Aval Bank
Filatova Street 4 Ukrainian Financial Group
Filatova Street 124 Ukrainian Financial Group
Fontanskaya Doroga Street 33 (Фонтанская Ukrainian Financial Group
Fontanskaya Doroga Street 2, Ukrainian Financial Group
apartment 2 (Фонтанская дорога)
Frantsuzsky Blvd, 10 Pivdenniy Bank
(Французский Бульвар)
Frantsuzsky Blvd, 49/51 Ukrainian Financial Group
(Французский Бульвар)
Grecheskaya Street 15 (Греческая) Premierbank
Grecheskaya Street 36 (Греческая) Ukrainian Financial Group
Malinovskogo Street 16-A Ukrainian Financial Group
Primorskaya Street 6 (Приморская) Aval Bank
Pushkinskaya Street 72 (Пушкинская) Imexbank

Rishelevskaya Street 12 (Ришельевская) Oschadbank

Sadovaya Street,10 (Садовая) Aval Bank
Shevchenko Avenue 8-A Imexbank
(Шевченко проспект)
Sofievskaya Street, 32 (Софиевская) Aval Bank

Mirage casino
Slot machines in the underground walkway to the train station

• Gabriela (габриелла)
In the Londonskaya (Лондонская) hotel
Primorsky Blvd. 11 (Приморский Бульвар)
tel: 255365
Tel/fax: 255352

• Mirage (Мираж)
Preobrazhenskaya 36 (Преображенская)
tel: 220310 fax: 347795
Combination bar, discotheque, and casino.

• Rishele (ришелье)
Bunina 15 (Бунина) tel: 217316 217318

• Royal Flush (Royyal flesh, Рояль Флеш)

Tiraspolskaya 1 (Тираспольская) tel: 222766 257108

Copy Center

Copiers in Odessa are easy to find, but the quality of copies varies widely. Many photo shops have
photocopiers. The price of a copy is 1525 kopeck.

Two full service copy centers are located on Grecheskaya Ploshat (square) (Греческая Площадь)
(below). Both do color copies, bindings, etc. Unfortunately, both tend to sometimes have rude

There is no self-service copy centers in all of Ukraine that we are aware of.

The word for copy in Russian is similar to the company copier "Xerox" kseraks (ксерокс).

• Akvarium (Аквариум)
Grecheskaya Ploshat (square) 5 (Греческая Площадь).
Tel: 7150345

Also burn CDs for 12 to 15 Hryvnia.


Antique shops

• Hobbie (Хобби)
Bunina 35 (Бунина 35)
tel: 200636
Daily 11 am to 6 pm
Small antique shop includes glassware, dishes, and religious icons.

• Kollectsoner (Коллекцинер)
Deribasovskaya 10 (Дерибасовская 10)
tel: 265563
Monday to Saturday 10am to 6pm
Sunday 11am to 5pm
Antique coins, money from around the word, some stamps, second room has antique
furniture, pictures, and items for the home.

Automobile rental

Russian: Автомобили Аренда / Прокат

This car rental agencies rents to foreigners:

• Udzjiniya Travel (Юджиния Тревел)

Primorskaya 6 (Приморская) marine passenger terminal ( Morskoy Vokzal / Морской
Tel: 218581, 224047
Rishelevskaya 23 (Ришельевская)
Tel: 218583
Cheapest rental is $75 one day

Barber Shops / Beauty Saloons

Russian: парикмахерская (Parikmaherckaya)

Prices for barber shops and beauty saloons average 8 to 25 Hryvnia. Many hotels also have
beauty salons. Manicures are around 10 to 20 Hryvnia.

These are just three of hundreds around the city:

• Dariya (Дария)
Basement, next to monastery.
Panteleimonovskaya 64 (Пантелеймоновская 64)
Tel: 650420
Open 9 am to 7 pm


• Parikmaherckaya (парикмахерская) "Перукарня" Hair

Pastera 73 (Пастера 73) salon
(Just west of the Deribasovskaya park/ Gorsaud

Open 8 am to 7 pm; daily

• Lavlina (Лавлiна)
Zjukovskovo 16 (Жуковского 16)
Corner of Pushkinskaya (Пушкинская)
Open 8 am (Might have moved. In that space there is
now a chinese massage parlor.)

Addresses of some of the other Beauty Saloons in the center:

• Bazarnaya 70 (Базарная 70)

• Bazarnaya 71 (Базарная 71)
• Bunina 2 (Бунина 2)
• Ekaterininskaya 20 (Екатерининская 20)
• Kanatnaya 66 (Канатная 66)
• Preobrazhenskaya 45 (Преображенская 45)
• Pushkinskaya 55 (Пушкинская 55)
• Rishelevskaya 12 (Ришельевская 12)
• Rishelevskaya 48 (Ришельевская 48)
• Rishelevskaya 58 (Ришельевская 58)
• Rishelevskaya 59 (Ришельевская 59)
• Rishelevskaya 63 (Ришельевская 63)
• Troitskaya 52 (Троицкая 52)
• Zjukovskovo 4 (Жуковского 4)

Bazaars / Markets

Russian: базар, Reighnok / рынок, Listed in the yellow pages as: Рынки
Продовольственные И Вещевые

There are several bazaars throughout Odessa, some specializing in particular products. Here is
a list of some of the bazaars in the center, and two specialty bazaars:

• Malinovsky Reighnok (Малиновский Рынок)

Marshala Malinovskovo 40 (Маршала Малиновского)
South Odessa, actually near 100 Marshala Malinovskogo
Tel: 490303
Furniture and building/construction material bazaar

• Novy Reighnok (Новый Рынок) or New Market / Bazaar

Sadovaya 24 (Садовая)
(Official address: Torgovaya 26 [Торговая 26] Sadovaya (Садовая) and Torgovaya
(Торговая) streets)
Tel: 236972, 238124
• Privoz Market (Привоз)
Privoznaya 14 (Привозная)
Tel: 224179

Meaning "to bring" in Russian, Privoz Market is one of the largest farmer's markets/bazaars in
the world.

• Starokonny Reighnok (Староконный Рынок, "old horse market")

Kosvennaya 19 (Косвенная)
Next to Leningradskaya (Ленинградская) street, Just north of Razumovskaya
(Разумовская) street
Two blocks north of the Central bus station.
Tel: 7323386, 7117534
Animal/Pet Bazaar, weekends best
Marshutka 133, 198, 208t
Catch all three Marshutka's from Bolshaya Arnautskaya (Большая Арнаутская) street
in the center
Photos of the Pet Bazaar

• 7 Kilometers Bazaar
(Авангард Овидиопольскай дорога 7й км)

• Radio bazaar (Радиоринок, Радио ринок)

Odariya 7 (Одария)
Just north of the Kotoskova Bridge, to the east.
Electrical equipment bazaar

• lists 21 bazaars Google translation

(In Russian--Use this translation program, or alternatively, babelfish)

Books, Second Hand

Russian: букинистический отдел (Bukinistichesky Otdel)(букинистический is Russian

for Second hand secondhand bookseller)

• Deribasovskaya 27 (Дерибасовская)
(Just South of Deribasovskaya, towards Grecheskaya
square, same building as Dom Kenegy bookstore)
Tel: 224106
Monday to Saturday 10 am to 7 pm, Sunday 11:30 am to 7

Antique books and secondhand book store (large majority Russian).

Next door is the medical bookstore. Next door to the medical
bookstore is a another small bookstore.

• Secondhand book bazaar in Kulikovo Pole Magazine Vendor

Square(Куликово поле Площадь), "Lenin Park" On the in front of train
north side of the park, near the train station McDonalds station Mcdonalds
(Макдоналдс) Running along the sidewalk a couple of
dozen entrepreneurs have created a secondhand book bazaar.
Occasionally good picture books and more seldom, English
books can be found here.

Business Cards

Russian: Политрафическе Услуги / Визитки


• Novoselskogo 110
(Новосельского 110)
(West of Preobrazhenskaya) (Преображенская), basement

Pushkinskaya 75 (Пушкинская 75)

Around the corner of Pushkinskaya (Пушкинская), on Malaya Arnautskaya (Малая
Арнаутская ), basement

Discount Stores Dollar Stores Hryvnia stores

Everything for 3 Hryvnia & Everything for 3 Hryvnia store
Everything for 10 Hryvnia store on 10th of April Square square

English and translation services

• Odessa's oldest English club

Pushkinskaya 34 #1 (Пушкинская)
See English club#Address and meeting times

• British Council Odessa

• Evrokniga (Еврокнига)
Sobarnaya 6 office 1 (Соборная пл. 6 офис 1)
The oldest English bookstore in Odessa. Large selection of textbooks and nonfiction.[1]

• The Bookshop
Preobrazhenskaya 35 (Преображенская)
Open 9 am to 7 pm
The Book Shop has moved, they are no longer on Grecheskaya Ploshat. They have a lot
of everything, including videos for rent and second hand books.

• Kiev Post
English newspaper published in Kiev. Which focuses predominantly on Ukrainian
(Free copies are available at the following restaurants: Mario, Buffalo 99 and Fat

• Orfey (Орфей)
Ekaterininskaya 22 (Екатерининская)
Orfey also has a very modest English books section. However, they have some
reasonably priced literature and textbooks.

• Odessa Language Study Centre

Previously Oxford College
Kanatnaya 56 (Канатная)
English Video Library
Teaches Russian to foreigners.

• Center Video (Центр Видео)

Zjukovskovo 38 (Жуковского)
Sells English language videos with Russian subtitles

English Translators

As of the summer of 2002, the average wage for a translator / interpreter was $5 an hour.

• The best way to find a translator is contact us and we will get you in contact with
competent and very professional translators which I have personally worked with in the

• A second option is to go to the English club every Friday.

• Other translators:

• Dr. Sergey P. Yelizarov

• Assistant Professor, Odessa Institute of Agriculture
Available to do genealogical work in Ukraine. Is also available as a guide. Tel: 689024

Flower Shops

Russian for flower: цветы

The cheapest priced flowers are from the various street peddlers found on Deribasovskaya,
Preobrazhenskaya (Преображенская) and the underground walkway stairs near the train

The price for one rose is usually 12 to 15 Hr., but in February and March (on account of
woman's day and valentine's day) the prices can double. (2002 prices)

Tsvetochny Passage [Flower passage] (Цветочный пассаж)

Preobrazhenskaya 25 (Преображенская 25)
On the front of the building is a large rose with the word Gallereya
(Галерея ), below it.
Tel: 7294858, 7294884
Open 24 hours
Checked: 20 March 2007 website.
This large glass modern flower shop, resembling a green house, was opened in 2001 after the
new church construction across the street overtook the old dilapidated flower shop. It also has
a couple of expensive souvenir shops.

• Arheedeya (Архидея)
Staro bazarny Park (Сквер Старобазарный)
(Intersection of Bazarnaya [Базарная] and Aleksandrovsky Ave.
[Александровский] South West of Cossack statue)
Tel: 379122
Open 24 hours, employees claim this is the largest flower shop in Odessa

• Flower shop
Starosennaya Ploshat (Square) (Старосенная Площадь)
(Across the street from the train station, west side)
Tel: 346677
Open 9 am to 9 pm

• Krashy Kvity (Крашi Квiти)

Admiralsky Ave 1 (Адмиралский проспект 1)
Fontanskaya Doroga Station 5 (Фонтанская дорога)

Lingerie Shop

• Miledi Sharm (Мiледi Шарм)

Troitskaya 60 (Троицкая 60)
Tel: 7144050, 7144060 Open 10 am to 8 pm


• Dom Kenegy
Deribasovskaya 27 (Дерибасовская 27)
Second floor
Tel: 227450
10 am to 6 pm, lunch 1 pm to 2 pm, Closed all holidays

Marriage Agencies

A convenient way to meet some of Odessa's most beautiful women.

• Premier
Gogolya 12 (Гоголя)
Tel: 548846

Lazareva 59 (Лазарева) office 1
Tel: 7145093

• Ukrainian Princess
Dobrovolskaya 70 (Добровольского) office 241

Mobile telephones

• Golden Telecom
VitseAdmirala Zhukova 3/7 (Вицеадмирала Жукова)
(Address to subscribe to network and purchase phones and accessories)
Open: Monday Friday 10:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m., Saturday 11: 00 a.m. 4:00
p.m.,Sunday closed
Tel:7385015, 7385065 (different locations than listed address)

• Kyivstar
Osipova 25 (Осипова)
Tel: 7770777,348442 (fax also)

Bunina 3 (Бунина)
Tel: 342757 Line 4 (Fax also)

You can send text messages to all three of these firm's mobile phone company by the
Internet from:
There is:

• a pull down box for the provider,

• a text box for the telephone number (minus the three digit long distant
numbers, which are the first three numbers), and a space for your message.
• Click okay after you have written the message.

Movie Theaters

Russian: Кинотеатр

Ever wondered what it is like to see Julie Roberts speak flawless Russian? Odessa's
movie theaters have all of the modern convinces of their western counterparts. The
Russian translation in these movies is excellent. The large majority of films are
American. "Odessa" theater occasionally has Russian or Ukrainian films.

Reserved seating is the norm, usually with three price structures, usually between
1530 Hr. Ushers will guide you to your seats and will watch to make sure that you

stay in your assigned place. To avoid neck aches and getting sick, do not buy seats in
the first two rows.

• Rodina (Родина)
Mechnikova 104 (Мечникова)
Tel: 346251, 371717
Location: 10 minute walk west from train station
Formerly a public lecture hall, built in 18911894 by the
architect Y. Dmitrienko. The building is strict
renaissance style, with a large hall, corridors along the
lateral sides and a very spacious entrance hall. Today it
houses the Rodina theater, with two screens which can
seat up to 700 people.
• Utochkeno
Deribasovskaya 22 (Дерибасовская)
Tel: 372872, 377071
Location: center
• Odesa (Одеса)
1/3 Spiridonovskaya (Спиридоновская)
Tel: 262827, 265987
Location: center

Outside center

Theaters outside of center

*Zvezdneighy (Звёздный )
Geroev Stalingrada 60a (Героев Сталинграда)
Tel: 7162162,553116

For more listings of movie theaters refer to "Кинотеатры" See phone books on how
to purchase these yellow pages or access them online.

Kyiv Post, Movie theater business sees growth amid rising demand

Alisa Sheremetyeva, commercial director for the Odessa Kino cinema network,
said that the appearance of about five new movie theaters a year in major cities
is the best indicator of the industry’s growth.

She said that with the number of cinema screens increasing, competition will
also increase, while the ticket price falls. Sheremetyeva said that, at present, the
number of people wanting to go to the movies is increasing faster than the
number of new movie theaters being constructed to accommodate them.

According to Sheremetyeva, Odessa Kino’s first modern cinema was

reconstructed from a Soviet-era movie theater in Odessa and opened its doors in
1999. She said that the company presently operates a network of six cinemas in
Odessa, Dnipropetrovsk and Kyiv.

According to Sheremetyeva, the average visitor to an Odessa Kino cinema is

aged 18 to 34 and earns a high income.

Among the main factors holding up the development of the movie theater
industry in Ukraine, she said, is the lack of control over the proliferation of
pirated movie videos before the movies premiere on the big screen, which cuts
substantially into a movie’s box office draws. [2]

Phone books
Called "golden pages" in Ukraine, an invaluable source of information for anyone
staying in Odessa for any extended period of time.

• Mercury Club Ukraine

Bazarnaya 63 (Базарная) 7th floor, 701
Tel/Fax: 7288388, 344004
o English yellow pages directory

(In Russian--Use this translation program, or alternatively, babelfish)

This is the most comprehensive phone book of the two, completely in

Russian. Also includes, train schedules, Route taxi routes, and map. In the
back is an index of all companies by name, and an internet address section.
The book is 25 Hr. It can often be bought at the book bazaar at Grecheskaya
Ploshat (square) (Греческая Площадь), many book stores, and some kiosks.

• Exodus
Selskohozyaystveneighy 2 (Сельскохозяйственный)

(In Russian--Use this translation program, or alternatively, babelfish)

Tel: 287878, 287288, 346019 (tel/fax)

Office in located in a gymnasium on the second floor. Take the stairs and to
the right. Phone book is free with a business card.

Russian studies

• Odessa Language Study Centre [1][2], 56 Kanatna, According to Google, this site
may harm your computer.
• Odessa National University

• Ziegler & Partner GmbH, Switzerland
• AMBergh Education, Sweden www.russian-in-
• Rusedu Language Travel

Souvenir shops

Bunina 42 (Бунина 42)
Tel: 379380
Fax: 7286255
12 pm to 8 pm daily

Visa and MasterCard accepted

Dozens of African pieces, Oriental murals, huge vases, and model ships

• Estet Holl (Эстет Халл)

Bolshaya Arnautskaya 47 (Большая Арнаутская 47)
Tel: 373165
Open 9 am to 9 pm
Beautiful and elegant large marble sculptures

• Pushkinskaya 1 (Пушкинская 1)
Tel: 429384, 242176
There is not much to this tiny shop. Many of the items can be bought in the park on
Deribasovskaya (Дерибасовская). Though the shop does have a couple of Odessa tourist

• VerMeer
Ekaterininskaya 12 (Екатерининская 12)
Tel: 251338
Beautiful gallery, of particular interest is the porcelain dolls and large marble sculptures.
Unfortunately staffed by snobbish and uptight employees.

• Odessa Souvenirs (Odessky Soveneriegh/Одесские Сувениры)

Rishelevskaya 42 (Ришельевская 42)
Tel: 373713
This combination office supply and souvenir shop has reasonably priced unique glass
globes with Odessa theme figurines inside. It also has other souvenirs and greeting cards
which are reasonably priced.

• De Ribas (Де Рибас)

Deribasovskaya 18 (Дерибасовская 18)
tel: 496887
Master Card and Visa
An expensive souvenir shop, the stairway to the second floor is flanked with two knights
in armor. This shop has porcelain figurines, swords, model ships, framed photos, and
pewter figurines.

• Sharm (Шарм)
Ekaterininskaya 9 (Екатерининская 9)
Tel: 258562
MasterCard and Visa
Crowded antique store with jewelry, old paintings, religious icons, and porcelain figures.

• Tsvetochny Passazh (Цветочный пассаж)

Preobrazhenskaya 25 (Преображенская 25)
(On the front of the building is a large rose with the word
Gallereya (Галерея ), below it.)
Tel: 7294858, 7294884
In addition to being the central flower shop, it has two
expensive souvenir shops.
• Valenciya (Валенсия)
Ekaterininskaya 36 (Екатерининская 36)
Tel: 219427
Open 10 am to 8 pm

Master Card and Visa

Crystal, ceramic, and porcelain figurines, very expensive shop.

• Yuvelirneighy (Ювелирный)
Preobrazhenskaya 32 (Преображенская 32)
Tel: 225177
Tel/Fax: 223038
This renovated shop, formerly the building
where Pushkin worked, carries ceramics,
vases, paintings, and jewelry


Photos and information of less common coins

can be found on the bank of Ukraine website.

All kopek/kopeck photos from Photo showing the different sizes of the Kopecks
Photo from
There is a trident (coat of arms of Ukraine) on the back of each coin. The trident is framed on
both sides with two oak leaves and two sheaves of wheat. Ukraine is above the coat of arms,
and the year of the coin being minted is beneath the trident.

Fifty kopeks

Post Office

Odessa Ukraine Post offices

Normally open 9 am - 5 pm
Monday to Friday
Also open Saturday

Odessa post offices usually wrap packages, have money transfers

within Ukraine, have copiers, and even run the national Lotto.

Letters in Ukraine can be registered. When the person receives the letter a notification
will be delivered to you when it is received.

International letters can be sent from any office or dropped in any of the blue boxes
around the city.

You can send international packages only in the Central post office on Sadova 10,
located in the side foyer of the Ukertelekom building. The central post office will
wrap your packages for you for just a couple of Hyrvnia. They are very particular and
sometimes strange about the different regulations that they have. Because of long
lines and a shortage of staff, expect to spend at least a half-hour in this post office.

Stamps with envelopes are 60 kopeck. (2002 prices)

Stamps with envelopes and postcards up to 20 grams to Europe and overseas are 3.70

Odessa Ukraine Post office addresses in center

Central post office Sadovaya 10 (Садовая)
Office for international items is to the right of the entrance
Airport (Аэропорт) No 54 25-93-40
Bazarnaya 74 (Базарная) No 11
Ekaterininskaya 14 (Екатерининская) 22-42-72
No 26
One block west from opera theater 22-50-39
Gagarina Ave. 16/2 (Гагарина проспект) No 39 24-88-89
Kanatnaya 37 (Канатная) No 14
Kanatnaya 77 (Канатная) No 12 22-24-62
Kanatnaya 83 (Канатная) No 107 22-62-91
Panteleimonovskaya 64 (Пантелеймоновская) No 23 22-44-33
Preobrazhenskaya 62 (Преображенская) No 45 25-04-80
Preobrazhenskaya 83 (Преображенская) No 7 22-09-42

Primorskaya 6 (Приморская)
No 27 729-46-29
Marine passenger terminal ( Morskoy Vokzal / Морской вокзал)
Shevchenko Avenue 21 (Шевченко проспект) No 58 63-67-50
Shevchenko Avenue 3 (Шевченко проспект) No 66 55-01-41
Shevchenko Avenue 4 (Шевченко проспект) No 32 28-04-81

Express Courier Services Central post office

Ekaterininskaya 14
Chernomorskovo Kazachestva 54 74-11-111
(Черноморского казачества) 20-01-50
DHL Fax: 20-09-50
Gagarina Ave. 25
(Гагарина проспект) 37-80-81
Chernoye More (Black Sea) Hotel 728-85-31
Federal Express
Rishelevskaya 59 (Ришельевская) Tel/Fax: 728-85-41
Primorskaya 6 (Приморская) Email:
Marine passenger terminal
( Morskoy Vokzal / Морской вокзал)
Primorskaya 11/13
Pony Express 729-44-57
(Приморская) Office 15
TNT Global Rishelevskaya 64
Tel/Fax: 22-00-15
Express (Ришельевская)
UPS United Parcel
In Ukraine called:
Tel/Fax: 777-07-17
Юкрейниен Onilovoy 16 (Ониловой переулок)
Tel/Fax: 34-48-59
Парсел Сервис
(Ukreinen Parcel

Internet Cafes

Every month a new internet cafe seems to open in Odessa. Internet growth seems only
outpaced by restaurant growth. Included here is a small portion of the Internet cafes in
Odessa. Internet Planet is highly Recommended.

Connections in some cafes are very good, and the rates are cheap, 3 Hr - 6 Hr an hour. Most
cafes allow smoking. With poor ventilation they tend to be very smoky.A traveler to Odessa
can quickly recognize the cheaper internet cafes by the numbers of teens and pre-teens loudly,
usually very loudy, playing computer games, usually shooting games similar to Counter-

Internet Cards for laptops

If you have a laptop computer, many Kiosks and computer stores sell Internet cards. These
cards may then be used from any telephone. It is Recommended that you know how to format
your modem well if you decide to purchase one of these cards. Internet Card competition is
strong with a wide variety of choices. Price usually averages around 7 Hr an hour.

If you have a good telephone, the internet connection itself connection is usually good.

Recommended Internet card company is TeNet. (

2 hours 15 Hr
10 hours 50 Hr
30 hours 110 Hr
100 Hours 300 Hr

Avoid Ukertelekom Internet cards.

A convenient location(s) where you can purchase Internet cards is at:

• Many mobile phone businesses

• Computer Land computer shop at Pushkinskaya 64 (Пушкинская)
(next door to 64 internet cafe, listed below, computer wrapped in a globe above the
Open 9am - 7pm
• Komputereigh Компьютеры Computer shop Bolshaya Arnautskaya 47 (Большая
Арнаутская) closed Sundays Open 9am - 6 pm
• Raduga (Радуга) Computer shop Preobrazhenskaya 49/51 (Преображенская) closed Sundays Open 9am - 6 pm
• Vse dlya Ofica (Все для Офиса) Computer shop Zjukovskovo 36 (Жуковского) closed Sundays Open 9am - 6 pm

Internet Cafes

Internet Planet
Internet Planet (Планета Интернет)

Neo Internet Cafe

Rishelevskaya 58 (Ришельевская 58)
Web page:,
Telephone: 7242177, 217860, 375475
Cost per hour: 6 Hr
Connection speed: Cable, fast
Open: 24 hours
Smoking: Yes often very smoky, Club has non-smoking VIP section (2 rooms) with excellent
ventilation shafts (8 Hr hour)
Number of coputers: 20+
International telephone via computer available (for more information, see international phone
calls section), VIP section, Bar, public toilet and telephone at entrance, In basement

Image:Big star.gif eXe
(For price)
Malaya Arnautskaya 119 (Малая Арнаутская 119) (Far east end

of Malaya Arnautskaya)
Telephone: 222241
Cost per hour: 3 Hr, 1.50 after 12 am
Connection speed: Dial up speed
Open: 24 hours
Smoking: No
Number of computers: 10 (Expanding)

Submarina (Субмарина)

Preobrazhenskaya 49/51 (Преображенская 49/51) (Located North of Saint Uspensky

Cathederal [blue church] basement)
Web page:
Telephone: 377197
Cost per hour: 4 Hr
Connection speed: Dial up speed
Open: 8 am - 9pm
Smoking: Yes
Number of computers: 10+

Haker (Хакер)

Evreyskaya 57 (Еврейская 57) (corner of Preobrazhenskaya and Evreiskaya, basement)

Telephone: 377802, 260680
Cost per hour: Around 4 - 5 Hr
Connection speed: Dial up speed, on slow side
Smoking: No
Number of computers: 10 +


Pushkinskaya 64 (Пушкинская 64) (1 1/2 blocks from train station, with Inferno, it is the
closest internet cafe to train station)
Telephone: 7293390
Cost per hour: Around 5 Hr
Connection speed: Dial up speed, on slow side
Open: Closed 11 pm
Smoking: No
Number of computers: 20 +
(Fewer attached to internet)
Very noisy game room, a lot of kids, internet cafe is in other room
Public toilet

Internet Club
Internet Club (Iнтер_нет.Клуб)

Rishelevskaya 67 (Ришельевская 67)

Telephone: 218579
Cost per hour: 3 Hr
Connection speed: Cable
Open: 24 hours
Smoking: No
Number of computers: Less than 10 Basement club, very crowded small

(Нет Центр)

Ekaterininskaya 75 (Екатерининская 75)

Telephone: 743-51-29, 728-84-66, 728-84-66 (Fax)
Cost per hour: Around 5 Hr
Connection speed: Dial up speed, slow
Smoking: Yes
Number of computers: 10+ Bar, Pentium 4 computers

X25 Club
X25 Club

Gavannaya 7 (Гаванная 7) (1 block North of Deribasovskaya (Дерибасовская))

Telephone: 260888 (telephone used for internet)
Cost per hour: 4 Hr
Connection speed: Dial up speed, speed varies
Open: 24 hours
Smoking: Yes
Number of computers: Less than 10


Kanatnaya 79 (Канатная 79) (1 block East of train station, on Panteleimonovskaya street

(Пантелеймоновская), across the street from Palladium discotheque,
basement )
Telephone: No telephone, used for internet
Cost per hour: 2 Hr
Connection speed: Dial up speed, speed varies
Open: 24 hours
Smoking: No
Number of computers: Less than 10
Bright red interior, A person quickly understand where this club gets it's name, with little
ventilation it gets very hot.

Other clubs in center

Other internet clubs in center, not reviewed

• Angar 18 Ангар 18
• Internet Club Интернет-Клуб
Bolshaya Arnautskaya 52
Preobrazhenskaya 14
Большая Арнаутская 52
Преображенская 14
Telephone: 343646, 344922
Telephone: 7772286
• Garage Гараж
• Club Nuke Интернет-Клуб Nuke,
Kanatnaya 102
Канатная 102
Preobrazhenskaya 11
Telephone: 373821
Преображенская 11
Telephone: 7109486
• X-Box
Ekaterininskaya 6
• Diskaveri Дискавери
Екатерининская 6
Bazarnaya 69
Telephone: 7269886
Базарная 69
Telephone: 375647
• Vip-Net, Переговорный Пункт
• Favorit Фаворит
Sadovaya 14
Канатная 97
Садовая 14
Kanatnaya 97
Telephone: 7280294
Telephone: 321677

Premorsky Region Russian: Приморский район (Southeast of

train station)

Satellite (Сателлит)

6 Matrosova Aleksandra (Матросова Александра переулок 6) (West of the Polytech

University McDonalds, 5 minute walk South of train station)
Telephone: 222876
Cost per hour: Around 3 - 4 Hr
Connection speed: Dial up speed
Open: 24 hours
Smoking: Yes, very heavily
Number of computers: 10 +
Big college student hang out, usually full on weekends, often have fresh pastries at bar
CD burner

Navigator / Matritza
Navigator / Matritza Computer Cafe (Навигатор, Матрица)

Shevchenko Avenue 11 (Шевченко проспект 11) (South of the Polytech University

McDonalds, 2 1/2 blocks)
Telephone: 346822
Cost per hour: Around 4 - 5 Hr
Connection speed: Dial up speed, normal
Smoking: No
Number of computers: 10+


Maryenskaya 7 (Мариинская 7)
Telephone: 373008
Cost per hour: 5 Hr
Connection speed: Video channel 128 kb/sec
Smoking: No
Number of computers: 10+
Formerly named the Cactus club, this spacious club tries to have an ultra modern, futuristic
feel with tin foil on the ceilings

Diver (Дайвер №1)

Shevchenko 1 A (Шевченко 1 А) (Polytech University Internet club back of university

building, first drive way east of Shevchenko on Seminarskaya (Семинарская))
Telephone: 288869
Cost per hour: 2 - 3 Hr
Connection speed: Cable connection
Open: 24 hr

Smoking: No
Number of computers: 10 to 20
There are always a lot of kids playing Counter strike in this cafe.

Cafes to avoid

Cafes to avoid because of rude and/or deceitful cashiers:

• Z-club Preobrazhenskaya 47 (Преображенская 47), nearby is Submarine internet

cafe (above)

• Arena (Арена) Preobrazhenskaya 28 (Преображенская 28 )

• Matrix Grecheskaya 1 (Греческая 1)

• Odessos (Одессос) 33 Bunina (Бунина 33), (corner of Bunina (Бунина) and

Alexanderovsky (Александровский проспект))

• Irish Pub (See Restaurants) also has one computer with internet access, but the price
is incredibly expensive

Odessa Ukraine Police

Minority, non-white visitors to Ukraine, will probably be hassled several times by the police.
The police will ask for a visa. Often they will want a bribe. You are not expected nor required
to pay a bribe to the police, though they may take you to the police station.

Always carry your passport and visa.

If you are white and you see the police on the street, stop speaking a foreign language as you
pass, and the police will almost always leave you alone.

Police stations in the center (Милиция, Полиция)

Evreyskaya 12 (Еврейская)
Evreyskaya 14 (Еврейская)
Grecheskaya 42 (Греческая) 22-45-42
Kanatnaya 101B (Канатная) 22-40-79
Osipova 23 (Осипова) 28-78-68
Preobrazhenskaya 44 (Преображенская) 22-71-17

Crime Ukrainian crime is low by American and English standards.

Most crimes involve petty crime such as pick-pocketing and
money scams.

Keep in mind these points:

• NEVER exchange your money with someone on the street. Watch out for staged
• While you are watching the fight someone else is stealing your money.

• A new scam involves a person 'dropping' some money on the street. Another
'passerby' sees the money and asks the victim if they want to split the money. Another
person comes along and claims to be the police and demands a bribe.
• Thieves use razor blades to open purses and backpacks.
• Be wary of large groups of children and gypsies.

Often areas of heightened criminal activity are: train stations, bazaars, airports, large public
gatherings, and casinos and nightclubs.

If you are in trouble and there are people who are near that may help, yell "pojzar" (fire) to
attract attention.

General Health Advice

For most visitors to Ukraine, stomach upsets is the greatest health risk.

It is a good idea to pack a first aid kit. Include some oral dehydration salts in your kit: these
will help replace lost minerals if you suffer from diarrhea. Pack prescription medications. In
the summer, there are mosquitoes in Odessa, but not in significant numbers.


Odessa is an incredibly green city. There are tens of thousands of trees. One old Odessa guide
from 1976 said there were 15 square meters (18 square yards) of greenery per person
(whatever this might mean). But in late June and July, particularly on Rishelevskaya
(Ришельевская) the pollen from trees is so bad, even those that have never had problems
with pollen before may have difficulties with breathing and eyesight.

Walking Pitfalls in Odessa

Open man hole cover on Frantsuzsky Blvd.Roads and sidewalks in Odessa are in horrendous
and sometimes dangerous conditions. Always walk with care and watch where you are going.
One American volunteer recently broke her ankle in a hole in the street. Desperate
individuals will sometimes steal then sell manhole covers for scrap metal. In the past few
years, it is the latest vogue for businesses to replace the concrete outside of their
establishment with fancy bricks. They look nice, but are incredibly slick when it is wet.

Many buildings in Ukraine are literally falling apart. Be aware of old building masonry and
balconies. Several years ago two people were killed from falling masonry while talking on a
pay phone on Shevchenko Street (Шевченко) in Kiev. Every year the newspapers report a
pedestrian being injured from falling masonry.

It does not take long to recognize that Odessa is a pedestrian city. At night the number of
people walking throughout the city helps a person feel much safer walking the streets. But
Odessites are often impatient when crossing streets and will rarely wait for the cross light to
change. They will often cross the street halfway and wait in the middle for passing cars.
Because of this and the vast number of pedestrians, cars tend not to stop or even slow down to
allow pedestrians the right of way. Never assume that a car will give you the right of way,
even on a crosswalk. Recently, the Canadian Ambassador was hit and walking across the
street in Kiev.

Vaccinations Hepatitis A, tetanus, TB, immunization Recommended.

Stomach Upsets Mild diarrhea is the most common problem in Ukraine.

Swimming in Odessa

Odessa water is heavily polluted. As a visitor will notice, this doesn't seem to bother less
health consciousness Ukrainians.

Do not drink the water

Odessa water should never be drank unless it is boiled. Tea and coffee are safe as long as the
water has been boiled. Bottled water is available throughout the city. Though most water is
mineral water with gas. If you want mineral water without gas ask for "Voda bez gaza" (Вода
без газа)

Do not drink the free water at the parks. You'll see Ukrainians filling their plastic bottles. You
will get sick if you drink this. They can drink it because their bodies are accustomed
to it. See Deep water wells

Avoid kiosk meat.

Pharmacies "Apteka" Pharmacy in Russian Russian:


It is strongly suggested to take a translator when visiting the

pharmacy. Ukrainian pharmacies rarely carry international brand-name medicines. No
doctor's prescription is needed to purchase medicines, which are tightly controlled in Western
countries. When a person is sick Odessites tend to try to be helpful and may offer prescription
equivalent medication. Be wary what advice and medication you take. Many pharmacies in
the city are open 24 hours, but orders can only be made late in the night through a small
window. In the night, calls ahead to find out if the below pharmacies are open 24 hours. Often
the cashier is sleeping so you must knock many times to be heard.

Listed here are some of the pharmacies in the center. Like most schools, hospitals, and stores
in the former Soviet Union, many of these pharmacies have only numbers.

Name Address Telephone

Meditsina (Медицина) Bunina 29 (Бунина) 22-62-81
L Teh Keh (ЛТК) Deribasovskaya 7 (Дерибасовская) 49-65-00
Informpolicerpic (Информполисерис) Ekaterininskaya 23 (Екатерининская) 21-87-72
Apteka 6 (Children's) Ekaterininskaya 8/10 (Екатерининская)
Apteka 38 Ekaterininskaya 80 (Екатерининская) 22-10-16
Apteka 30 Evreyskaya 58 (Еврейская) 26-88-29
San (Сан) Grecheskaya 33 (Греческая) 34-91-28
Apteka 15 Kanatnaya 51 (Канатная) 22-24-87

Apteka 2 Pastera 22 (Пастера) 23-54-78

Elena (Елена) Pastera 9 (Пастера) 23-24-46
Medikoteka (Медикотека) Preobrazhenskaya 18 (Преображенская) 714-42-74
Gelen (Гелен) Preobrazhenskaya 27 (Преображенская) 25-75-86
Irina e Ko (Ирина и Ко) Preobrazhenskaya 33 (Преображенская) 37-79-93
Apteka 247 Preobrazhenskaya 61 (Преображенская) 22-63-23
Apteka 27 Preobrazhenskaya 77 (Преображенская) 22-20-18
Apteka 252 Preobrazhenskaya 85 26-68-40
Apteka 12 Pushkinskaya 61 (Пушкинская)
Apteka 17 Rishelevskaya 11 a (Ришельевская)
Apteka 300 Rishelevskaya 32 (Ришельевская) 22-09-12

Ukraine Subway / Metro System

Kiev (Kyiv) Metro (Subway System) - Short review and interesting facts.

Kiev (Kyiv) Metro system remains the fastest, the most convenient and
affordable network that covers most, but not all, of the city.

Metro Map (click on the image

to enlarge)

Metro Tokens.


Metro Tokens or Passes; Metro Tokens cost 0.50 Hryvna. You can buy them
in each Metro Station at the "Kassa"(Cashier) or from a wall mounted
dispenser, usually located near the "Kassa", which excepts one or two
Hryvnya bills.

Passes are available at each Metro Station at the "Kassa". You can
purchase a monthly pass from the 22nd of each month until the 10th of the
following month. Half month passes are also available from the 15th until the
2nd of each month.

Passes available:
Metro Pass --- 25 hryvna and 12 hryvna (half
Metro/Bus --- 33 hryvna and 17 hryvna (half
Metro/Tram --- 33 hryvna and 17 hryvna (half
Metro/Trolleybus --- 33 hryvna and 17
hryvna (half month)
Metro/Bus/Tram/Trolleybus --- 57 hryvna and
Click on the image to 29 hryvna (half month)
enlarge Note: Passes do not include Marshrutkas
and Minibuses.

* New forms of Metro payments are expected soon. We will keep you informed.

Kyiv Metro was opened in the fall of 1960. Construction spanned eleven
years, from 1949 to 1960. The first line was tagged "the red line", namely

At present there are 3 operating

lines in the Kyiv Subway System. The
total length is about 62 km. There are
44 Metro Stations along with 3 points
of interchange, where you can change
from one line to another. There are
approximately 613 metro wagons and
111 escalators.
Click on the image to enlarge

Working Hours: 6 a.m. (minus 25 min.) - 12 midnight (+ 25 min.)

Official Kyiv Metro website (available only in Ukrainian and Russian)

Dnipropetrovs'k Metro (Subway System)

Metro Map (click

on the image to Opened in December 1995
enlarge) There are 6 Metro Stations.
Total length: 7,8 km
Working Hours: 5:30 am - 11 pm
Running Intervals: 7-17 mins.
Token cost: 0.60 Hryvna

Kharkiv Metro (Subway System)

Metro Map (click Opened in August 1975

on the image to Amount of the Metro Stations: 28


Total length: 35,0 km

Number of wagons: 323
Working Hours: 5:30 am - 12 midnight
Token cost: 0.50 Hryvna

Kryvyi Rih Metro (Metrotram)

There is one station, Vovnopriadilna, that was built but is currently not
opened due to the absence of passenger traffic in the area. There are two
routes: Kiltseva-Maidan Pratsi, and Kiltseva-Zarichna with a branch at
Zhovtneva. In perspective if the city was to grow further and at one point
overcome one million residents all of the Metrotram infrastructure can be
converted into a full metro system.

Metro Map (from Opened in 1986

wikipedia) (click on There are 11 Metro Stations (4 of which are located
the image to enlarge) underground)
Total length: 17,7 km (6.8 km of which are fully
Token cost: 0.60 Hryvna

Metrotram Tokens

Holidays in Ukraine:

Ukrainians love their numerous holidays and love to "celebrate" those holidays in
grandeous fashion. It's not uncommon for Westerners to be taken aback at just how
many "days of note" they observe, and the amount of fireworks and revelry that goes
along with them, not to mention the vast amount of spirits consumed. Ukraines
history that included Paganism and later Christianity can be attributed to the
evolution of many of her current holidays and festivities.

If you plan on visiting the Ukraine for its grand holiday celebrations,
consider timeshare rentals in the area. But plan early, while business is
continuing to develop quickly here, finding timeshares can be difficult. If you
see an owner willing to sell timeshares here, make an offer to rent and try it
before you decide whether to buy. Most resorts are located in Kiev and Crimea
so start your search there. You may also want to consider other countries in
the area and make different parts of the Ukraine the focus of a day trip.

Here's a good sampling of the Ukrainian holidays.


State holidays (banks will close)

1 January - New Year's Day is one the

most favorite of all holidays in Ukraine.
As in Western countries on Christmas
Eve, Ukrainians give "New Year"
presents, Children receive their
presents under the New Year Tree on
the morning of the 1st of January.
Traditionally just prior to midnight
there's a Presidential speech broadcast
nationally. When the clock strikes
Midnight, people pop open thier
champaign bottles and raise a toast.
With the first glass they congratulate
each other as the clock strikes 12 times
and fireworks fill the sky. The week
before the New Year is a busy one with
shopping, parties at work, decorating
pine and fir-trees, and cooking the
years most delicious meals. The main
folk heroes of this holiday are Father
Frost (Did Moroz) and his grand-
daughter "Sniguron'ka" (The Snow
Girl). The tradition of predicting
fortunes on this night is very popular
among young people.

A peculiar tradition includes writing down on a piece of paper your wish for the
coming year, then dropping it in to your champagne and drinking it as the clock stikes
twelve times. Another "fun" folk tradition pacticed mainly in the villages on New Year
night is for the unmarried girls to go outside and throw one of thier boots over the
Hosts' fence. Whichever way the toe of the boot ends up pointing indicates where the
future husband will come from. Nearly all businesses remain closed from December
31st to January 8th.

7 January - Orthodox Christmas The period from the 7th until the 14th of January is
Saint Christmas week. During this week people go from one house to another,
singing songs and wishing good wishes to health, prosperity, etc. and just having a
good time. Most usually are dressed in folksy or carnival type costumes. Such activity
is called "Kolyaduvannya" and "Schedruvannya". The songs are called "kolyadky"
and "schedrivky". When somebody is singing these songs and greeting you, as a rule
you should give them sweets or food or drinks or whatever you have as a token of
appreciation. . It is believed that everything that the people have sung in their
Kolyadka and Schedrivka will come true. Also during the new year holidays, up to
the 14th of January it is common for kids (and sometimes adults-in the villages) to go
from one house to another wishing the owner of the house new year wishes, new
happiness, health, etc. All those wishes are usually said in rhymes and with the
spreading of seeds, such as wheat or other grains. This shows a wish of prosperity
for the house. This practice is called "Posivannya". Some token, usualy food, drink,
sweets, or money, is usualy given in return.


Hotel "Arkadia" is located on the Black Sea

shore, about 500 meters from the famous
"Arcadia" beach.

Arkadia Address: 24, Genuezskaya Street, Odessa, 65009

Tel: +38 048 738-09-29 Prices: $$
Hotel "Tsentralna"

Address: 40, Preobrazhens'ka Street, Odessa,

Tsentral'na Ukraine
Tel: +38 048 726-84-06 Prices: $$
Hotel "Passage" Address: 34, Preobrazhens'ka
Street, Odessa, Ukraine Tel: +38 048 22-48-49
Passage Prices: $$

Three Stars ***

Hotel "Valentina"

How to get to the Hotel Valentina:

From the airport: bus, mini van #129

From the railway station: bus, #129, 235, 207, 209,
minivan #193, 194, 195, 198, tram #5, trolleybus #5, 7, 9

Valentina Address: 2 Kurortnyi Per., Odessa 65009, Ukraine

Tel.: +038 (0482) 63-25-87, +038 (0482) 60-89-18
Fax: +038 (0482) 68-15-42
Email: or

Prices: $37 - $100

Web-Site (in Russian)

Continental Location: Center

5 Deribassovskaya Дерибасовская 5
Telephone: 210-399, 210-155
E-mail address:
Web page:
Fax: 210-550

Frapolli Location: Center

13 Deribassovskaya Дерибасовская 13
Telephone: 356-800
Web page:

Kolyba (Колыба) Location: Southern Arcadia

Fontanskaya Doroga 32-B (Фонтанская дорога 32-B)
Telephone: 34-89-06 34-89-05
E-mail address:

Price minimum: $60 single

Price maximum: $120 luxury, single
15 Credit card:
Fax: 34-89-06
(12 meter) (2 TVs: cable television) (Yes parking one day 10 Hr)
(Showers in all of the rooms)

Krasnaya (Красная) Location: Center (philharmonic theater)

Pushkinskaya 15 1066/17.jpg (Пушкинская 15)
Telephone: 22-72-20 (reception) 25-85-20 (service bureau)
E-mail address:
Web page:
Price minimum: Single $119, double $141 includes breakfast
Price maximum: --
72 Credit card:
Fax: 25-53-09 (25-43-05)

in Russia but immigrated to Odessa in 1878

Londonskaya (Лондонская) Location: Center

Primorsky Boulevard 11 (Приморский Бульвар 11)
Telephone: 21-05-10
E-mail address:
Web page:
Price minimum: Summer rates: single: $149 double: $180 Winter rates: single: $128
double: $166
Price maximum: single: $297, double: $391
Credit card:
Fax: 21-04-31
(Small pool) (Weekdays
12 hour laundry service) (16 programs including

Marrion Маррион Location:

Dmitriy Donskoiy 7 Дмитрия Донского 7
Telephone: 777-2222
Web page:
Morskoy Morskoy Location:
Khrustalny 1 Хрустальный 1
Telephone: 339090
Web page:

Mozart (Моцарт) Location: Center (opera theater)

LanzheroNovskaya 13 (Ланжероновская 13)
Telephone: 37-89-00 37-93-94 37-69-00
E-mail address:
Price minimum: $130
Price maximum: $300
25 (expanding to 40)
Credit card:

(Yes, 75 channels) Mozart is a new hotel across the

street from the Odessa opera theater. The rooms are luxuriant and spacious, with
Austrian furniture in every suite. Staff service is superb. Between Mozart and
Londonskaya, the other four star hotel in Odessa, Mozart is Recommended

Odessa Kempinski Odessa (Кемпински) Location: Center (port)

6 Primorskaya Приморская 6
Telephone: 729-48-08
E-mail address:
Web page:
Price minimum: Summer rates: single: $205 double $235 Winter rates: single: $185
double $215
Price maximum: Summer & winter: $1250
Credit card:
Fax: 729-48-88 2 floors

OK Odessa (ОК Одеса) Location: Arcadia

Genuesskaya 5 (Генуэзская 5)
Telephone: 63-94-34
Price minimum: $16 single with shower $30 double
Price maximum: $48 super (Luxury always has hot water)
about 120
Fax: 63-86-75

(Bathtub only in luxury and above) (Hot water from 7 to 11 am and 7

pm to 12am)

Oktyabrskaya (October) (Октявроская) Location: center

Kanatnaya 31 (Канатная 31)
Telephone: 22-38-74 28-06-60
E-mail address:
Price minimum: $75 single $80 double
Price maximum: $120 luxury, single $140 luxury, double +breakfast
53 café, Bar, Public Aircondition, Elevator, Refrigerator, cable TV

Credit card:
Fax: 22-84-94
(Café) (Yes, cable television) (Only luxury has bathtubs)


Air conditioning in all rooms Iron in all rooms

Air conditioning in some rooms Iron in some rooms
Air conditioning in public area Laundry service
Air railway tickets Luggage service
Baby sitting Massage
Bar Minibar refrigerator in all rooms
Bath Newspapers
Beach Night club disco
Beauty parlor Non-smoking rooms
Billiards Outdoor swimming pool
Bowling Outdoor tennis court
Business centre 24 hours a day Pay tv in all rooms
Business centre limited service Pets accepted
Casino Pharmacy
Change bed linen daily, all rooms Phone in all rooms
Conference room available Rent a car
Connecting rooms Restaurant
No hot water Room service 24 hours a day
Currency exchange Room service limited service
Dry cleaning service Safe deposit box at reception
Elevator Safe deposit box, all rooms
Fitness center, gym Safe deposit box, some rooms
Gift shop Satellite TV in all rooms
Guarded parking Sauna
Hair dryer in all rooms Taxi
Handicapped accessible room American express
Hotel located in recreation area Mastercard
Indoor sport yard Visa
Indoor swimming pool English level (10 the best)
Indoor tennis court Number of rooms
Internet access in all rooms Television in most or all rooms
Internet access in some rooms
Internet access in business center

Soviet service 0 to 10, 10 being the worst, See Valentina hotel as an example.
Gvardeiskaya 63 (Next to
Aqua Park)
Food Seafood / European $$$
Andijon Genyeskaya 24A
60-57-72 Food: Uzbekistani.
Make sure to try the various
Kebabs cooked in authentic
Uzbek style

Ekaterininskaya Sq 1
777-03-39 Food European and
people watching

Ekaterininskaya 1
372-920 Food: Mexican.
Located right near the Opera

Deribasovskaya 22
Food European
Elegant and fantastic food $$$
Odessa Dolphinarium Nemo Aqua Park
Lanzheron Beach 200-300UAH Tel: 22-21-29
(048)-787-20-10 - 60 UAH for 3 hours of fun
Tel: 41-75-57 (Sanatorium) CHAIKA
(10th Fontana) Tel:

Banks ATM machines all Airport Pickup20$

over Odessa Ukraine. Arts Train Pickup 15$
Museum 40$ Aqua Park Tour City 49$ Opera
$40 Catacombs 40 40$ Horse Riding 40 for
Translators 10/H Drink 2 hours Eat
beer 0,7 - 1 USD
is very cheap (under 2
USD) Ukrainians

Ekateriniskaya 23
Food Italian $$$

Grecheskaya 25
728-78-38Food European $$$

Dive Gorsad 5 (City Garden)

Food European
Fantastic people watching spot

Gaidara 17
715-26-00 Food: Seafood

Park Shevchenko

Food Ukrainian $$$

Odessa Zoo Odessa Casinos

Tel: 34-47-74 (City Center - Next Tel: El dorado (21
to Privoz) Ekaterininskaya) El dorado
only 5 UAH Mandarin. over 30 casinos
Bar/Club Info
13th Fontana Station
Tel 612-84-82
Hours 11pm – Last.
Payment Cash Only

Trams and trolley -buses SleepZirka Hotel 70

are very cheap (50 kopiyok Uspenskaya
one travel p.p. - nearly 0.10 ☎380487222343,
USD ). Buses and mini- fax38048724011), Check out 12.
buses costs 1.00-2.00 UAH - $25 ΠΡΕΣΒΕΙΑ MARIUPOL
Lenin str 9 tel (380629)345384
332492 09.00-16.00

Ukrainian Lakomka
Deribasovskaya 17
Ukrainian Food 248-512
authentic Ukrai

Arkadia Plaza
1 Posmitniy Street
18-54-72 Food: European

Dejavue Le Meir
Troitskaya 50
37-75-74 Food: European.
retro walls covered with
anything to WWII.

Ekaterininskaya 12
Food: European $$
Don’t miss

7 Gavannaya St
37-69-46 Food Ukrainian
dishes served fantastic,
centrally located
ARKADIA Tel: 21-78-41 (Park
Tel: 746-60-10 Schevchenko)
OTRADA a 15 minute walk from the
Tel: 22-21-29 Opera
corner of Ekaterininskaya /
Tel 784-02-03
Hours: 2pm – 1am
Club 8pm – last
Pay: Visa Master Card
Preobrazenska 32
(konta Gretskaya)
(+380487) 860570,
860503, 860007 E-mail



Odessa Ukraine hours of operation

Museums have different varied hours of operation, refer to the museum section for
specific museums.

Government offices tend to be closed on Saturdays and Sundays.

Post offices are closed on Sundays.

Many stores and offices are open from 9 - 10 am to 4 - 5 pm and close for lunch for
one hour around 2 pm. Posted work hours are often misleading because employees
often will want to close 15 minutes early.

Telephone and International Calling

Fax and Telegraphs

Faxes and telegraphs can be done at the Central post office Sadovaya 10 (Садовая).
Telephone number: 26-27-89

Also many of the hotels in Odessa offer this service.


Important Odessa numbers

Important telephone numbers:
Fire 1
Police 2
Ambulance 3
Bus Station 4
Train Station 5
Odessa Airport 6
Sea Port 22-32-11
Taxi service 80
Directory Assistance/ 09 or

Telephone Directory 496-369

Time 81

Public Telephones

Public telephones and most telephones are administered by the state

monopoly Ukertelekom. Ukertelekom has been fighting and
successfully resisting Ukrainian legislation to break up its monopoly
for several years. This is unfortunate because Ukertelekom's service
is horrendous. This can easily be seen by the public telephones. The
public telephones are in horrible disrepair and often broken more
than they work.

Ukrainian's telephone system is pulse dialing instead of touch-tone. If

it is difficult to dial a number, it sometimes helps to wait until the entire number's
"pulse" is complete before entering the next number.

A busy signal is the same sound as an incorrectly dialed number. There are two types
of phones:

On rare occasions you will find special coin operated telephones, such as near the
train station, at the airport, Arcadia beach, and at two locations on Grecheskaya
Ploshat (Square) (Греческая Площадь), but the have mostly been replaced by card
telephones. To use these phones, dial the number, and only when you hear the phone
click, insert a 25 kopeck piece.

UTEL phones are located in a handful of restaurants and the port. These phones are
used to call internationally or in other Ukrainian cities. Cards are sold at the counter.
IMPORTANT: UTEL phone cards cannot be used on normal, Ukertelekom phones
and Ukertelekom phonecards cannot be used on UTEL phones. (For more on UTEL
phones, see "UTEL" below)

Public Telephone Phone Cards

Ukrainian: Телефонна карта

Ukertelekom ( Укертелеком ) Public Telephone phone cards can be purchased at

many kiosks throughout Odessa.

2002 prices:

• The 90 minute card is usually around 7 Hr.

• The 120 minute card is around 8 Hr.
• The 180 minute card is around 11 Hr
• The rarer 240 minute card is around 16 Hr

24 hour operator assistance: English 8-192

Mobile phones & internl calls

University students. In the past 6 years mobile phone ownership in Odessa has
skyrocketed. Most young adults have a cell phone.


Calling mobile telephone and different cities within Ukraine or CIS countries

Remember: only blue public telephones will allow you to call long distance.

Dial 8
Wait for the dial tone
Dial the number.

All area codes in Ukraine start with a zero, most, but not all mobile telephones also
start with a zero. (Some mobile phones have local telephone numbers, not long distant
numbers, which charges the mobile owner the a higher amount for every call)

To make a call to Moscow, it is necessary to dial:
8-095-XXX-XX-XX, where
095 city code for Moscow
XXX-XX-XX local number
International phone calls

There are several options available to call internationally.

To dial internationally from a normal home, hotel, or office phone:

Dial 8
Wait for the dial tone
Then 10
Then the country code [#codes (See list of country codes)]
Then the area code
Then the local number

For example:
To make a call to San Francisco, it is necessary to dial:
8-10-1-415-XXX-XX-XX, where
1 US country code
415 San Francisco City Code
XXX-XX-XX local number
Calling Ukraine from Abroad

Dial 011-380
Then the city code (the first 0 is deleted)
Then the local number

Calling Odessa

Odessa has two area codes, 0482 and 048(7).

Any 7 digit Odessa number that starts with a "7", dial only 048, then the local number
which starts with "7".

Otherwise, dial 0482, then the number.

Options for international calls

Via the internet:

Two 24-hour Internet cafes, Internet Planet and Mouse Club [Internet_Cafes.htm (See
Internet clubs)] offer a cheap way through a computer to call internationally. The connection
is not ideal. Often you can not talk simultaneously. Calls to America cost about $0.60 every 5
minutes. Occasionally you must wait to use one of the two phones at Internet Planet
(especially between 6-10 pm). The telephone attendant at Mouse Club often goes home at
around 10 pm. The best time to call at both clubs is early morning (keep in mind the time
difference, "Ukrainian time difference" box). In the early evening the two telephones at
Internet Planet is usually incredibly busy, so you must wait.

Long distance phone centers

These businesses typically have several wooden telephone booths. Calls can be made within
Ukraine or worldwide.

These businesses are located at:

Akademeka Koroleva. 72 (Академика Королева) (Across the street, South of McDonalds)

Balkovskaya 54 (Балковская) 22-67-49

Ekaterininskaya 14 (Екатерининская)

Grecheskaya Ploshat (Square) 14 (Греческая Площадь) (Southwest side)

Kanatnaya 83 (Канатная) 22-61-68

Nezhinskaya 44 (Нежинская)

Preobrazhenskaya 62 (Преображенская) [Open 8am - 7 pm lunch from 1pm - 2pm]

Rishelevskaya 26 (Ришельевская)

Sadovaya 10 (Садовая) Central post office 731-50-05

Train Station

You pay the cashier for the call, the cashier will then tell you which booth number to use. The
phone will automatically disconnect when the set time runs out. If you do not use all of the
money for the call, you can ask the cashier for a refund on the unused money.

Rate for Summer of 2002 for Central post office

Sadovaya 10 (Садовая) telephone center:

Eastern Europe $0.50 minute
Central Europe $0.79 minute
Western Europe $1.22 minute

Allo (Алло) telephone card

Price: around 27 Hr for $5 / 5 units

Many Kiosks and business that sell internet and telephone cards also sell an "Allo" telephone

Allo telephone cards can be used from any non-rotary telephone to call

UTEL phone booths

UTEL phones are located in a handful of restaurants and the port. These
phones are used to call internationally or in other Ukrainian cities. Cards
are sold at the counter. These phone cards cannot be used on normal, Utel phone
Ukertelekom phones.

• Passenger Terminal of the Odessa Sea Port Primorskaya 6 (Приморская) (Building at

the base of Kimpinksi hotel)

• Galeria Vop-on-tsov Restaurant/Bar (Бар-Галерея Воронцов) Deribasovskaya 24


• Irish Pub, Deribasovskaya 13 (Дерибасовская)

• Greenwich cafe Bunina 21 (Бунина) (up the hill, west of the opera theater)

AT&T collect

(To the USA and Canada only)

To dial collect, dial 8-100-11 then area code and phone number.

Definitely only for emergencies, because one minute is $15, each additional minute is $4.

City and Country Codes

Regions and cities in Ukraine: International Calls (8-10)

First dial 8 then: International telephone assistance (079)

(internationally, do not dial the "1") Country Code
Cherkassy 472 Australia 61
Chernihiv 0462, 04622 Austria 43
Chernivsti 0372, 03722 Belgium 32
Dnipropetrovsk 056, 0562 Bulgaria 359
Donetsk 062, 0622 Canada 1
Ivano-Frankivsk 034, 0342, 03422 Croatia 385
Harkiv 572 Cyprus 357
Herson 552 Czechia 420
Hmelnytsky 0382, 03822 Denmark 45
Kiovograd 522 Finland 358
Kyiv 44 France 33
Jztomyr (Zhtomyr) 0412, 04122 Germany 49
Luhansk 642 Greece 30
Lutsk 3322 Hungary 36
Lviv 322 Ireland 353
Mykolayiv 512 Italy 39
Odessa 0482, 0487 Luxembourg 352
Poltava 0532, 05322 Malta 356
Rivne 0362, 03622 Netherlands 31
Sevastopol 692 New Zealand 64
Simferopol (Crimea) 0652, 06522 Norway 47
Sumy 542 Poland 48
Ternopil 0352, 03522 Portugal 351
Ujzgorod 0312, 03122 Romania 40
Vinnytsya 432 Slovakia 421
Zaporijzznya 0612, 06122 Slovenia 386
Zhtomyr (Jztomyr) 0412, 04122 Spain 34
Sweden 46
Switzerland 41
Turkey 90
United Kingdom 44
Yugoslavia 381

Odessa Phone books and yellow pages


Portable booth for cell phone

cards for several companies,
found across the city
Portable booth near
10th of April Square Phone in front of
Portable booth
Victoria Hotel.

Phone near the entrance of the

cable cars

A Ukrainian visa for entering Ukraine is required for citizens of most countries. Visas are
issued by Ukrainian Consulates. It is impossible to obtain a Ukrainian visa at airports or
Customs' Offices on the border.

Ukraine is now considerably more tourist friendly. Visas are easier to obtain. The compulsory
medical insurance requirement has been waived (although on the Polish border the officials
still try to get tourists on trains to buy the insurance), and the Soviet-era registration
requirements have ceased. Because of the changing and confusing nature of visa
requirements, detailed requirements are not listed here, refer to the below addresses, web
pages, and telephone numbers for more information. Visa applications can be downloaded on
the computer. Consulates celebrate all Ukrainian holidays and the holidays of the country
they are located in. Many younger Ukrainians have taken several years of English but very
few can speak it. Many older Ukrainians have taken German in school. The national language
of Ukraine is Ukrainian, but the large majority of Odessites speak Russian. In the
Ukrainian language, Odessa is spelled with one s, while in the Russian Language it is spelled
with two. But unlike the nationalistic city to the west, Lviv (or Lvov in Russian) Odessites are
not very concerned how it is spelled, the languages comfortable co-exist in this cosmopolitan

All official documents are in Ukrainian, but the population reads, writes and speaks in
Russian, with a unique Odessite dialect. Russian is very similar to Ukrainian (Similar to
how Portuguese is too Spanish), but most Odessites do not know the language.

Russian Alphabet and pronunciation

Unlike English, Ninety percent of Russian words are phonetic, what you see is how it sounds,
with none of the confusing spelling of English. (The big excption to this is the Russian "O"
which has two different sounds)

Art Galleries

• Maritime Gallery
Primorskaya 6 (Приморская) (in the port, near Kimpinksi hotel and St. Myckola's
tel: 7293309
1070 square meters of art. 6 Hr entrance fee.

• Odessa Organization of National Artist's Union of Ukraine

Ekaterininskaya 18 (Екатерининская)
Tel: 224897
Open 11 am to 7 pm Closed Sunday
Visa MasterCard accepted.


Kavos Recommended
Location in the city: Center
Russian: Кавос
Address: Preobrazhenskaya 17 Преображенская 17
Telephone: 7315203
Opening hours: 9 am - 12 pm
Credit Cards: No

Coffee Shop Location in the city: Center

Address: Pastera 73 Пастера 73
Telephone: 344365
Opening hours: 9 am - 11 pm
Credit Cards: No

Conveintly located near the Deribasovskaya park/Gor-saud (Горсад) Price range: 6-14 Hr

Coffee Bean Recommended

Location in the city: Center
Russian: Кофе-Бин
Address: Troiskaya 52 [Checked: 12 May 2008 in Odessa
Yellow pages
Credit Cards: Троицкая 52] (Near Aleksandrovsky Ave.
[Александровский проспект])
Telephone: 344365

Coffee Bean is the closest thing to a neighborhood coffee house in Odessa. Locals and
patrons of and staff from the neighboring hair salon congregate here to drink freshly ground
and brewed coffee and to nibble on a selection of middle-eastern sweets. The atmosphere is
air-conditioned and international, with interesting world music playing in the background.
You can buy cappuccinos and lattes for around 6 Hryvnia, or take home some freshly
ground beans from around the world for about 7 Hryvnia for 100 grams.

Mako Cafe

Location in the city: Center

Address: Preobrazhenskaya 25 Преображенская 25
Opening hours: 9am - 11 pm
Credit Cards: No Summer Coffee shop behind the Vera Kholodnaya Monument and next to
the Tsvetochny Passage (Цветочный пассаж) flower shop.

Sunset Coffee

Location in the city: Center

Address: Ekaterininskaya Ploshat 9 Екатерининская 9
Telephone: 378208, 8-067-738-23-13

Yellow page coffee and tea shop listings


Russian: Беккер

Rishelevskaya 12 Ришельевская 12


Russian: В/В

Ismail St. Измаил Ул.

1 Sadovaya Садовая 1


Russian: Милaн

5th Stantsiya(Stop) Bolshovo Fontana 5-я Cтaнция Бoльшoгo Фoнтaнa

Mir Coffee

Russian: Мир Кофе

Grecheskaya 1, Suite 31 Греческая 1,Офис 31


Russian: Мустафаевы

90 Bazarnaya Базарная 90

Night Coffee Magazine

Russian: Ночhоe Kaфe Maгaзиhа

Fontanskaya Road 39 Фонтанская Дорога 39


Russian: Одеспищекомбинат

Bugaevskaya 3 Бугаевская 3







Survival Russian
The official way to write several letters in Russian is often different from how the
letters actually sound. This guide has tried to write these letters in English more as
these letters really sound:

In this guide to Survival Russian, we have also tried to make the English transcript of
Russian words easier to pronounce at a quick glance.

The "ah" and "oo" are used only with word groups that may be recognized as English
words and out of habit pronounced incorrectly. For example, the last syllable "at" in
the Russian word for 11 is pronounced "aht" not like the English word "at".

Many buildings, menus, and signs use cursive Russian, of particular note: The cursive
T looks like a small "m" The cursive П looks like a small "n" The cursive Д looks like
a small "g"

Russian Letter Written in text as Equivalent Sound in English

Аа A or ah A in father
Бб b B as in boy
Вв V V as in Very
Гг g G as in get
Дд d D as in Dot
Ее Ye or e Ye in yes
Ёё yo Yaw in yonder
Жж zj S in measure
Зз z Z in zero
Ии hard E I in machine hard E
Йй y or i Ee in see
Кк k C in cat
Лл l L in light
Мм m M in match
Нн n N in night
Оо o Two sounds: O in nor Also A as in spa
Пп p P in please
Рр r R in rich Often rolled like Spanish "R"
Сс s S in say
Тт t T in Tell
Уу u OO in boot
Фф f F in Food
Хх h Scottish 'loch' Guttural sound deep in throat
Чч ts Ts in cats
Шш sh Sh in shoe
Щщ shch Shch in fresh cheese, posh china
Ъъ -- No sound
Ьь -- No sound Softens the preceding consonant.
Ыы eigh Eigh in weigh No real English equivalent.
Ээ eh E in men
Юю U or u You
Яя ya Ya in yard

How this guide writes russian sounds

The official way to write several letters in Russian is often different from how the
letters actually sound. This guide has tried to write these letters in English more as
these letters really sound:

Russian letter Official English equivalent English equivalent in this guide

Ж zh Zj
Х kh H
Ы e Eigh

In this guide to Survival Russian, we have also tried to make the English transcript of
Russian words easier to pronounce at a quick glance.

English transcript Pronounced English equivalent

A hard A A in Ate
ah ah Ought or Not
E Hard E E in Eat
i Hard I I as is China
oo oo as is boo
U hard U U as in you

The "ah" and "oo" are used only with word groups that may be recognized as English
words and out of habit pronounced incorrectly. For example, the last syllable "at" in
the Russian word for 11 is pronounced "aht" not like the English word "at".

Many buildings, menus, and signs use cursive Russian, of particular note: The cursive
T looks like a small "m" The cursive П looks like a small "n" The cursive Д looks like
a small "g"

Καλημερα κυριε Ντόμπρυι ντιέν γκασπαντίν

Καλημερα κυρια, Ντομπρυι ντιεν γκασποζά
Καλημερα δεσποινις Ντόμπρυι ντιέν μπαρύσνια
Πως είστε? Κακ ντιελά?
Πολύ καλά ευχαριστώ Ότσεν χαρασό, σπασιμπα
Θα ήθελα να σας ρωτησω Παζελάλ μπυ βας σπράσιτ
Μπορούσατε Μαγκλί
Πιστεύετε αλήθεια Βιερούγιετε πράβντα
Αυτή τη γνώμη Ετα μιένιε
Ευχαριστώ Σπασίμπα
Με συγχωρειτε, συγνωμη Πραστίτε μνιέ
Σας είμαι πολύ Για ναμ οτσεν αμπιαζάν
Παρακαλω δεχτειτε τις Πρασού πριμίτε μοι
ευχές μου παζελάνια
Όλα είναι θαυμασια Φσιο τσουντιέσνα
Ωραιος Χαρασόγια
Σας εφερα μια επιστολή Πρινασού πισμό
Αντίο θα σας ειμαι Ντασφιντανια γκασπαντιν
υπόχρεως για βαμ οτσεν αμπιεζαν
Πότε θα εχω την Καγκντά μπούντου ιμέτ
ευχαρίστηση να σας ουνταβόλστβιε απιατ βας

ξαναδω? ουβίντετ
Ευχαρίστως Σουνταβόλστβιεμ
Παρακαλώ Πρασού
Ευχαριστω Σπασίμπα
Μου αρεσει Μνιε νραβίτσια
Παρακαλώ σερβίρετε Πρασού παντάιτε
Παρακαλώ φέρτε μου Πρασού πρινασίτε
Παρακαλώ συστηστε μου
Παρακαλώ εξηγηστε μου
Παρακαλώ πειτε μου
Που μπορω να βρω Γκνιέ μαγκού ναιτί
Ένα καλό ξενοδοχείο Χαρασόγου γκαστινίτσου
Ευχαριστω παρα πολύ Οτσεν σπασίμπα
Αυτό είναι πολύ ευγενικο Ετα ότσεν βιέζλιβα
Εκ μερους σας Σβασέι σταρανύ
Ορίστε, ευχαριστω πολύ Παζάλουιτε, οτσεν
Που είναι το δωματιο Γκνιέ κόμνατα
Παρακαλω δωστε μου το Πρασού νταιτε μοι κλιουτς
Εχω επιστολή Ιμεγιου πισμό
Παρακαλώ φωναξτε ένα Πρασού παζαβίτε τακσί
Παρακαλώ κάντε Πρασού ζντιελάιτε μοι
λογαριασμο στσιότ
Μου αρεσει η μουσική Μνιέ νραβίτσια μουζνα
Θα ευχαριστηθω πολύ Για μπούντου ότσεν ράτ
Αντιο μεχρι το βραδυ Ντασφιντάνιε ντα βετσερα.
Μπορω να διαλέξω Χατσού βυμπράτ
Με συγχωρείτε, μπορώ Ιζβιτίτε, μαγκού
Ευχαριστώ πολύ Μπαλσόγιε σπασίμπα
Σας παρακαλώ δείξτε μου Πρασού πακαζίτε μνιέ
τη τράπεζα μπάνκα
Παρακαλώ εποιμάστε μου Πρασού πριγκατόφτε
Που περιπου είναι το Ανά πριμπιλιζιτελνα
κέτρο της πόλεως φτσέντρε γκόραντα
Τι μπορει να δει κανεις Στο μοζνα βιντέτ Οδεσσα
στη Οδησσό γκόραντε
Τι κτιριο είναι εκείνο Στο έτα ζα ζντάνιε?
Που στεκονται τα Γκνιέ σταγιάτ αφτομπούσυ
λεοφωρεια για ντλιά…
Σου ευχομαι χρονια καλα, Για βαμ ζιλάγιου χαρασο
χρονια πολλά λιετ, μνογκα λιέτ
Εισαι αγγελος, ο δικός μου Τυ ανγκέλι, μοι αγγέλι
Δώστε μου παρακαλώ ένα Ντάιτε παζάλουστα αντιν
Καλό απογευμα Αννα Ντομπρυι αμπιεντα Αννα
Πως εισαι? Κακ ντιελά

Πέστε μου παρακαλώ που Σκαζίτε παζάλουστα γκντιέ

είναι το ανθοπωλείο ναχοντιτσια μαγκαζίν
Θα ηθελα παρακαλω Πρασού χατσού ροσα
Ένα μπουκετο Ατνο ροσα μπουκέτ
Κάθε ημερα σ αυτή τη Καζντυι ντιέν ετα αντρές
Πόσο κοστιζει Σκόλκα στοιτ?
Eπιτέλους Anna face to Νακάνετς Αννα βιντιμ τυ
face μπλίσκα
Εχεις πολύ ωραιο Ιμέγιες μνόγκο πρικράσνα
προσωπο, λίτσο
Πολύ ωραια ματια Ι μνογκο πρικρασνα γλάζα
Πιο ωραια από Μνογκο μνογκο οτ
φωτογραφίες φοτογραφιγια Αναστ.
Με κάνεις πολύ Νε βιέρουγιτ για, τυ, ζντιές.
Ετσι είναι τα πραγματα Τακίε ντιελά
Μπορουμε να αφησουμε Μαγκού μοι μπαγκάζ
Σε ένα ξενοδοχείο Χαρασό γκαστινίτσου
Ρωτησε με ότι σκέφτεσαι
Ξερω δεν είναι νορμαλ ότι Ζναιο ετο νε νορμαλ
Ξερω τι σκεφτεσαι αυτό Ζναιο τυ βερούγιετε, έτο
δεν είναι δυνατο νεβαζμόζνα
Αλλα συμβαίνει
Γιατι αξιζει πολύ καλο Παταμού στοιτ μνογκο
καοι στους 2 χαρασο για ι τύ
Δεν ειμαστε συνιθυσμένοι Για ι τύ νε νορμαλ
Η οικογενειας μου Μόι φαμίλια νατιναγέτσια
Αρχιζει από εδώ. ζντιεσ
Δες αυτό το δαχτυλιδι Πρασού βιντιτε ετο
Μιλησε μου για τη δικη Γκαβαρίτε πρασου τβοι
σου φαμιλια
Μέσα στα ματια σου Βιντιμ τβοι γλαζα
Πολύ αρμονικη γυναικα Μνογο harmony ζενα
Πολύ καλη ψυχη Μνογκο χαρασο
Γατα και τιγρη Cat I tigr
Θελω να εισαι η καλύτερη Χατσου τυ μοι μνογο μνογο
μου φιλη χαρασό ωτρούγκι
Παντα κατ αρχήν αληθεια Χατσου σνατσάλα πραβντα
μεταξυ μας ιο ι τυ
Δεν θελω Βarbie Νε χατσού Μπάρμπι
Θελω εξυπνη, Χατσου smart clever
διπλωματικη γυναίκα intelligent diplomatic ζενα
Δεν θελω γυναικα για Νε χατσου ζενα ντλιά
κουζινα γιεντού

Θελω γυναίκα συντροφο Χατσου ζενα παρτνερ.

Πως θα παμε ξενοδοχειο Κακ παιτι μοι γκαστινιτσου?
μου? Εχεις αυτοκίνητο Ιμέγιες car?
Εγω 2 citroen Mercedes Iμεγιου ντβα, citroen ,
Που θελεις να πάμε Γκντιέ χοτσετε παιτι?
Τι είναι αυτό το μέρος? Στο ετα ζα μιέστο?
Πως παμε εκεί Κακ παιτι τουντά?
Κοντα στη θάλασσα? Μπλίσκα μάρε?
Μπορω να σας προσφερω Μαγκού πριεντλόζιτ βαμ
ένα καφέ? ατνό κόφε
Ναι, Δέχομαι ευχαρίστως Ντα σουνταβολστβιεμ
Πραγματικά, αυτό είναι Πραβντα έτο βαζμόζνα
Εγω Ελλαδα εσυ Ια γκρέκ, τυ ουκράινε,
Μαγεια Ματζικ
Πήρα ένα αεροπλανο Ατνο αεραπλάνε
Ηρθα εδώ, υπέροχη ιδεα Παιτι ζντιές, χαρασόγια idea
Μην εκπλήσεστε Nε ουντιβλιάγετε
Ειμαι βεβαιος ξερεται ότι Για ουβέρεν, ζναγιετε, τυ
εχετε ιμέγιετε,
Αυτό που αληθινά θέλετε Στο τυ πράβντα χατσού
Η γνωμη μου είναι ότι Μοι μιένιε, για βιντιμ ζντιές
Μια πολύ καλη γυναικα Ατνα μνογκο χαρασό ζένα
Πολύ καλό φίλο Μνογκο χαρασό ντρούγκι
Για πολύ καλή οικογενεια Ντλιά χαρασό φαμίλια
Και δουλειά παντα με Ι ντιελά ι fun, adventure, joy.
Γυναικα για ασταματητη Zena ntlia non stop party
Adventure party για Adventure party για χαρασο
Οι άλλες γυναικες δεν Πρε ζενα ντρουγκι νε μογκου
μπορούσαν αντιος

Useful Russian phrases

English Русский (Russian)

Добро пожаловать
(Dobro požalovat')

Hello Здравствуйте
Привет (Зкшмуе)

Алло (Alló) - on phone

How are you? Как дела? (Kak dela)

Как поживаешь (Kak požyivaješ)
Как поживаете (Kak požyvajete)

thanks Спасибо, хорошо. А у вас?

I'm fine, Spasiba, horošo.

And you? A u vas?

Сколько лет, сколько зим!

Long time no see
(Skol'ko let/zim)

Как тебя зовут? Kak teb'a zovut?

What's your name?
Как вас зовут? Kak Vas zovut?

Меня зовут...Menia zovut

My name is ... Panayotic

Oткуда вы? Otkuda vy?

Where are you from?
Oткуда ты? Otkuda ty?
I'm from ...
Я из ... Ja iz Athens / Greece

Очень приятно Očen' prijatno

Pleased to meet you Приятно познакомится Prijatno

Good morning Доброе утро Dobroe utro

Good afternoon Добрый день Dobryj dien

Good evening Добрый вечер Dobryj večer

Good night Спокойной ночи Spokojnoj noči

Goodbye До свидания Do svidanija

Good luck Удачи! Udači

Good health! Будем здоровы! Budem zdorovy

Have a nice day Хорошего Дня Xarošego Dnja

Приятного аппетита!
Bon appetit
(Prijatnogo appetita)

Счастливого пути
Bon voyage
(Sčastlivogo puti)

I don't understand Я не понимаю


(Ya ne ponimaju)

Вы не могли бы говоpить
Vy ne mogli by govorit’
Please speak more slowly
Помедленнее пожалуйста?
Pomedlennee požalujsta?

Запишите, пожалуйста
Please write it down
Zapišite, požalujsta

Вы говорите по-русски?
Мн пщмщкшеу зщ-кгыылш
Do you speak Russian?
Ты говориш по-русски,
Yes, a little Ty govoriš po-russki

Да, немного Da, nemnogo

Как сказать ... по-русски?

How do you say ... in
Russian? Kak ty skazat' (my warmest
wishes) po-russki?

Excuse me

Сколько это стоит?

How much is this?
Skol'ko eto stoit?


Огpомное спасибо
Ogromnoe spasibo
Большое спасибо
Thank you
Bol'šoe spasibo
Благодарю вас
Blagodarju vas
Не за что
Ne za čto

Where's the toilet? Где туалет? Gde tualet?

Этот мужчина платит за всё

This gentleman/lady (Etot mužčina platit za vsë)
will pay for everything Эта дама платит за всё
(Eta dama platit za vsë)

Would you like to Хотите потанцевать

dance with me? (Xotite potancevat)

I love you Я тебя люблю Ja teb'a l'ubl'u

Get well soon
Поправляйся / Поправляйтесь
(Popravljajsja / Popravljajtes)

Оставьте меня в покое!

Leave me alone!
(Ostav'te menja v pokoe)

Help! Помогите! (Pomogite!)

Fire! Пожар! (Požar!)
Stop! Стой! (Stoj!)

Позвоните в милицию!
Call the police!
(Pozvonite v militsiju)

С Рождеством Христовым и С
наступающим Новым Годом
Merry Christmas (Ы Кщžвуыемщь Лркшыещмнь ш
and a Happy New Year Ы тфыегзфнгščшь Тщмнь Пщвщь)

Христос воскресе
(Xristos voskrese)
Happy Easter Christ resurrected
воистину воскресе
(voistinu voskrese) – reply

С днем рождения
Happy Birthday
(S dniom roždenija)

Один язык недостаточно

One language is never (Odin jazyk nedostatočno)
enough Знать один язык недостаточно
(Znatʼ odin jazyk nedostatočno)

Знать один язык - это

(Znatʼ odin jazyk - eto

Моё судно на воздушной

My hovercraft is full of подушке полно угрей
eels (Moio sudno na vozdušnoy
poduške polno ugrey)


Hello! (formal) / Здравствуйте

[Zd`rastvuyte] (formal)

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