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Chapter 10 : 

How are you feeling ?
Vocabulary : Parts of the Body

head eyes nose

ears mouth lips
teeth tongue chin
neck shoulder arm
elbow wrist fingers
nails chest stomach
waist hip behind/bum
thigh leg knee
shin toes back
ankle heel belly button

Class Activity : Play a version of “Simon Says” to practice the new vocabulary.
First, the teacher goes over all the body parts with pictures to ensure that everyone knows
the body parts. Then, the class can play “Simon Says”. If the teacher says, “Simon says,
touch your knees”, the students must touch their knees. But, if the teacher simply says,
“Touch your knees.” the students must not follow touch that part. The students can also be
the leaders. Once the students feel comfortable, the leader can speed up the commands.
Feelings/ Emotions
happy sad excited
nervous surprised anxious
exhausted sick cold
tired sleepy frustrated
hot hungry thirsty
angry mad hung over
disappointed shy

Class Activity: Feeling Charades. Prepare a set

of cards with the entire feeling vocabulary on them.
Then students, one by one, select a card and act out their cards in front of the class.
Variation: The students can try to describe the feeling without using its name. Another
variation to this activity is to cut out pictures from magazines and have the students
describe the feeling they get from the pictures. Finally, you can use music in the classroom
to evoke emotions or feeling. Have the students listen to a selection of different types of
music. Then have them describe how the music makes them feel. You can also discuss
climate and how it affects people’s moods.
Write it !
Write a sentence for each of the feelings below.
Start each sentence with “I was/felt _________ when ...
Ex. I felt excited when I got the job. or I was sad when he said goodbye.

1. (sad ) ______________________________________________

2. (happy) ____________________________________________

3. (embarrassed) _______________________________________

4. (nervous) ___________________________________________

5. (mad) _______________________________________________

Reading Comprehension :
Health Insurance in the United States and in Canada
In the United States, there is no national health insurance except
MEDICARE. However, this is restricted to senior citizens (62+
for women and 65+ for men) Medicare is federally funded. It is
a system of paying for all medical services and supplies. The
patient chooses his/her doctor and the hospital, if necessary,
and the government will pay for it. Most people have some form
of health insurance which is provided by either their companies
or contracted privately. Blue Cross Blue Shield is one of the
biggest insurance companies in the United States. There is also
Social Security, which is a type of national pension plan for
workers who retire after making contributions for their entire
working life.
In Canada, the system is entirely different. There is universal health care which
means that every citizen is provided with medical insurance. Each province has a
different name for it. For example, in Ontario it’s called OHIP which stands for
Ontario Health Insurance Plan. Each province manages their fund. Most services
are covered under this insurance. In other words, hospital bills, visits to the doctor,
some specialists etc... Are covered under this plan. However things like cosmetic
or plastic surgery not deemed necessary for the individual’s health is not. The
Canadian Pension Plan, or in Quebec, The Quebec Pension Plan, provides monthly
income for retirees who have paid into the plan their whole working life much like
the Social Security in the United States. You must be 65 years old or over to be

insurance federally funded social security

pension contributions retirees
restricted patient deemed
cosmetic/plastic surgery eligible

Review the reading comprehension. Make sure the students understand all the new
Questions about Health Insurance in the United States and Canada :

1. What are the differences between the American and the Canadian health
insurance plans?
2. Who is eligible for Social Security in the United States? Canadian or Quebec
Pension in Canada ?
3. What type of services are not covered under the health insurance plan in
Canada ?
4. What is the name of one of the largest insurance companies in the United
5. Which system do you prefer ? Why ?
6. Who manages MEDICARE in the United States? Who manages the health
insurance plan in Canada ?
Conversation Practice :

Alex : Hi, Rose. How are you feeling ?

Rose : I feel terrible. I have a really bad cold.
Alex : Are you taking any medicine for it ?
Rose : No, I donut like taking medicine when I’m
Alex : Why not?
Rose : Because I prefer to get better naturally.
Alex : How long have you been sick ?
Rose : About a week.
Alex : I think you should go and see a doctor . Maybe it´s something serious.
Rose : Yeah, maybe you’re right. I´ll try to call her a little later.
Alex : Good. In the meantime, do you want to take some aspirin or Tylenol ?
Rose : No, that’s okay Alex. Don’t worry about me. I promise I will call the doctor
later today.
Alex : Okay. Take care. Let me know if there’s anything you need.
Practice the conversation above and then go over any vocabulary you
don’t understand with the class.
Directions: Read the health problems listed below. With your group, invent a 
cure or remedy for each problem and complete each sentence. Look at the first 
two examples, then use your imagination to complete the remaining sentences. 

1.­ If you catch a cold, fry some onions, mix them with turpentine, and spread 
them on your chest. 

2.­ If you get the chicken pox, lie on the floor of a chicken house and get 
somebody to chase a flock of chickens over you. 

3.­ If you get the hiccoughs, ________________________________________ 

4.­ If your hair begins to fall out, ____________________________________ 

5.­ If you have flat feet, ___________________________________________ 

6.­ If you want to stop smoking, _____________________________________ 

7.­ If you want to grow tall, ________________________________________ 

8.­ If you want to lose weight, ______________________________________ 

9.­ If you want to find a boyfriend or girlfriend, ________________________ 

10.­ If you want to remember people’s names, __________________________
Grammar Tip :
Some and Any
In general we use some in positive sentences and any in negative
sentences ( or when the meaning is negative).
Ex. Peter gave some information to the police.
Peter didn’t give any information to the police.
He refused to give any information to the police.

In questions we usually use any instead of some.

Ex. Do you have any money ? NOT Do you have some money ?
BUT when we expect the answer to be yes, we can use some.
Ex. What’s wrong with the bill ? Is there some mistake ?

When we offer something to someone, or ask for something, we can use some in
the question.
Ex. Would you like some coffee ? Can I have some paper ?

Any can also be used when the person doesn’t care who/what/where etc...
Ex. Where can I cash this traveler check ? Any bank will cash it.
Where would you like to go for dinner ? Anywhere is fine.

Some + body/one = some person Any + body/one = any person

Some + where = some place Any + where = any place
Some + thing = some thing/ object Any + thing = any thing/object
These are all singular.
Ex. Somebody loves you. Is anyone here ?
Exercises :
Fill in the blanks using some/any/something/anywhere/anyone/someone
1. I want to going to the store to buy ___________ bread.
2. My sister is getting married next month. We need to do ______________ special.
3. Does he have _________ money ?
4. Where would you like to go tonight ? I don’t care ________________ is fine.
5. When we went to Mexico, we saw ______________ amazing things.
6. Thank you. I don’t want ___________ dessert.
7. Would you like ___________ coffee. I made a fresh pot.
8. You look like you have a headache. Would you like to take __________ aspirin.
9. Terry isn´t home. There isn´t _____________ at home right now.
10. Could you give me ______________ information about immunization ?
11. _________________ called me but they didn´t leave a message on the machine.
Conversation Practice :
Calling for a Doctor´s Appointment
Rose : Hi, this is Rose Radish. I am calling to make an
appointment with Dr. Geller ?
Receptionist :He can see you on Wednesday, June
7th at 2 p.m. Is that alright ?
Rose :I´m really feeling sick. Is it possible to see the doctor
any sooner ?
Receptionist : Let me check with the doctor. Dr. Geller, sorry
to disturb you. I have Rose Radish on the line
and she says that she´s really feeling sick.
Would it be possible to fit her in*before the 7th ?
Dr. Geller : Let me see. Okay, I can fit her in tomorrow
afternoon at 4:30.
Receptionist :Okay, I´ll tell her. Miss Radish, I spoke with
doctor and he said that he could fit you in
tomorrow at 4:30. Is that convenient for you ?
Rose : That would be great. Thank you so much. I´ll see you
tomorrow afternoon at 4:30.

At the Doctor´s Office

Dr.Geller : So Rose, what seems to be the problem?
Rose : I’m not sure, Dr. Geller. I have been feeling run down for the last
week. I don’t have any energy and am not eating very much. I just
don’t feel good.
Dr.Geller : Well, do you have a fever or any other symptoms ?
Rose : Yes, I have a bit of a cough and a runny nose.
Dr. Geller : It sounds like you have the flu. What you need is some antibiotics
and some rest. I can write a prescription out for you.
Rose : Are the antibiotics really necessary ? I would prefer not to take any
medication, if possible.
Dr.Geller : Well, that’s up to you, Rose, but don’t be a hero. Sometimes, a simple
cold can become pneumonia if it’s not treated in time. Besides the
antibiotics I have prescribed are totally harmless.
Rose : O.K., you’re right I need to get my energy back quickly. I can’t be
sick for another week ! Thanks for seeing me today.
Dr. Geller . No problem. Take care of yourself, Rose. Don’t work so hard.
Rose : Thanks Dr. Geller, I´ll try.

Vocabulary : Discuss the new vocabulary in class

cough runny nose flu antibiotics harmless
prescription medication run down pneumonia treated
fever symptoms prescribed convenient fit in
Some Common Medical Problems :
Look at the following health problems and decide what the
patient should do. Match each symptom with a solution .

a bad cough ______ 1.Take a decongestant.

a sore back ______ 2. Take a sleeping pill
a runny nose ______ 3. Drink hot lemon with honey.
a high fever ______ 4. Go to the pharmacy and get some medicine
a toothache ______ 5. Take Tums or some alkaselzer
a sore throat ______ 6. Take a laxative.
a rash ______ 7. Take two aspirins and use a cold compress
a bad cold ______ 8. Don’t pick up anything heavy.
run down ______ 9. Visit the Dentist
diarrhea ______ 10. Don’t eat any spicy food
a sunburn ______ 11. Avoid the sun and put some cream on it.
indigestion ______ 12. Go to bed and rest.
constipation ______ 13. Drink a lot of liquids
insomnia ______ 14. Put some antiseptic cream on it.
hiccups ______ 15. Drink a lot of water and plug your ears.
at the same time.

Role Play :
Read the following situations and then act them out in partners
in front of the class. Write a script if necessary.
Situation 1 :
A : You have a terrible stomachache. You think you may have
eaten something last night for dinner that didn’t agree with you.
You need to see the doctor as soon as possible.
B : You are a family doctor at a local clinic. You think your patient
has food poisoning. You need to prescribe some antibiotics for
his/her stomach pains.
Situation 2 :
A: You have just had an accident in the house and cut your hand quite deeply, but
you hate hospitals and you don’t want to go there for stitches.
B : Your partner has just had an accident and it seems quite bad. You think he/she
should go to the hospital right away. You need to convince them to go.
Try to come up with some of your own scenarios based your
experiences with problems related to health issues.
Correct the Mistakes
Read the following passage and correct all the mistakes

911 Help !
Last night, Raymond Horn call 911 for help. She
were taking a shower when he feels a pain in her
chest. His wife was at a friend’s house. So he was
alone. When she called 911 she spoke to a waiter
who said they would be right over with the fire truck. Raymond called his wife
and she came to the restaurant. When she arrived he was breathing heavily and
his face was black. Jennifer, his wife, could feel the siren’s from the taxi coming to
the house when Raymond stopped breathing. She began to give herself ear to ear

The ambulance arrived in about 3 hours. They rushed into the washroom and
continue to get him mouth to mouth until they were able to get the heart going
again. Then, they putted Raymond on hydrogen. He were carried out of the
ambulance and into the street. They took him to McDonald`s for a Big Mac and he
felt much better the next morning.

Re­write the story with all the corrections :









Present Perfect
In English, we use the present perfect when we talk about an action in the past that
is connection with the present. The action itself may have finished but the time
period has not. This is an extremely important verb tense in English. Study the
chart below and the examples.


Verb to have in the Past participle of the Example sentence

present main verb
have been I have been sick for a
has seen She has seen three
different specialists about
the problem.
have gone My sister has gone to the
hospital for the delivery.
has treated Carol has treated over 100
patients this year.
have given My doctor has given me a
prescription for birth
control pills.

There are many circumstances when you need the present perfect. Here are some:
Þ When we use ever (question) or never (negative). Because it indicates sometime
in your lifetime which is a period that started in the past and continues up to
this moment.
Ex. I have never been to Canada. or Have you ever seen an elephant ?
Þ When we say “This is the first /second etc.. time ..... Because we are talk about
the number of times we have done something in our lifetime, again this is an
open time period.
Ex. This is the first time I have driven a truck. or It’s the second time I have taken
an English course.
Þ We use the present perfect with just (a short time ago) , already to indicate that
something has happened before it was expected and yet which is used in
questions and negative sentences only. It is the opposite of already.
Ex. I have just eaten a huge breakfast.
Have you read today’s newspaper ? Yes, I’ve already read it.
Have you spoken to your boss yet? No, I haven’t spoken to him yet.
Þ We also use the present perfect with all periods of time that are not finished.
Ex. This year/this month/this season/this week/this morning/this afternoon/
this evening/ today What have you done today ?
Þ When we want to say how much we have done, how many things we have
done, or how many times we have done something, we use present perfect.
Ex. I have written 10 postcard this week.
My husband has played golf 4 times this month.

Exercises :
Using the past participles below, complete the sentences with the present perfect .

spoken gone known seen done

written driven chosen broken
forgiven given told worked played

1. My sister ________________ a car since she was 17 years old.

2. The company ____________________ me a promotion.
3. The university ___________________ a new dean.
4. They _________________ to all the parents about the new rules in the school.
5. ________ you _______________ breakfast yet ? Yes, I _______ already _________
6. How long _______ you ______________ for this company ?
7. How many times _________ they ____________ Star Wars ?
8. David ____________________ basketball for 10 years.
9. Tom _________________ the window.
10. _____________ you ____________ your boss that you are quitting ?
11. My friend ________________ me for telling her secret.
12. How many letters _________ you ____________ to your family ?
Grammar Tip :
For all regular verbs, the past participles are the same as the past
tense. In other words, they finish with ED.
Ex. Past tense: I worked yesterday.
Present Perfect Tense: I have worked here for 10 years.
For irregular verbs, many are the same as the simple past tense, but
some do change. Here is a list of some of the most common:
been become begun broken
brought bought caught cost
chosen come done drawn
drunk driven eaten fallen
felt fought found spoken read
forgotten told written gotten said
given gone grown had sat
heard hidden known lost took
Rap up :

Visit to the Dentist :

Sonia : I have a terrible toothache. I need to see
the dentist right away.
Receptionist : Just take a seat and the dentist will be
with you as soon as he is finished with his
patient. (about 10 minutes later) O.K.
Sonia, you can go in now.
Sonia : Great ! Hi, I have had a terrible toothache all
day and I can’t seem to do anything for the pain.
Dentist : Could you open your mouth nice and wide for me. Let’s have a look.
Oh, I see the problem. You have an abscess on the left side of your
mouth. That’s what’s causing all the pain.
Sonia : Is there anything you can do for me ?
Dentist : Sure, I can give you some antiseptic mouthwash. That should relieve
some of the pain you have had.
Sonia : What a relief ! How soon will it take effect ?
Dentist : It should take effect almost immediately.
Sonia : Thanks a lot, you’re a life saver*.

Cultural Note: The expression to be a lifesaver means to be really helpful. We

usually use it in relation to health issues, but it can also be used in business.

Some general questions about health : Discuss them in small groups

1. What do you think of doctors and dentists ?

2. How many times have you been in a hospital ? Do you like hospitals ?
3. Have you ever had a serious illness ?
4. Are you a smoker or a drinker ?
5. Do you have any health insurance ?
6. How often do you go to the doctor ?
7. Have you ever had a physical ?
8. Do you prefer male or female doctors? Why ?

Practice the conversation above. Then discuss the questions in class.

Try to come up with some of your own questions related to health.

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