CIS 405 - Group Project

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CIS 405 Group Class Project


How to Submit:

CIS 405 Spring 2015

Group Class Project

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Tuesday, 3/3/15 by 11:00 PM ARIZONA TIME

Your presentation, spreadsheet data, and .CDD file via

Blackboard on Assignments (ask your instructor if
you're not clear on what you need to submit)

Your Assignment: Create a simple data set for your assigned subject that you will
upload into Cognos Insight, and which you will then explore and analyze as much
as you are able to do
Learning Objectives:

1. Obtain an introduction into a compressed and miniaturized version of

the complete business intelligence lifecycle in which you a) identify a
significant business intelligence theme in your assigned topic area, b)
build and import data, and c) use the Cognos Insight tool to explore
and analyze that data

You will:

1) Begin by identifying an industry and company, an analytic theme, 2 facts and

key measures, and 3 dimensions (see Week 4 lecture material for definitions
of "facts" and "dimensions").
a. Example: Suppose you select for your industry and company diet
shake manufacturer quality assurance
b. Identify one critical business insight that youll focus on such as What
do we need to focus more attention on to meet our 2014 production
quality goals?
c. Identify 2 key facts/measures, such as:
i. # of rejects
ii. Top reasons for rejection (not fully filled; improper label
placement; improper package sealing; etc.)
d. Identify 3 key dimensions, such as:
i. Plant
ii. Time (specifically which quarter)

CIS 405 Group Class Project

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iii. Packaging type (powder; ready-to-drink; liquid concentrate;

e. THAT'S IT! Ask your instructor if you have questions or need

2) Build an Excel file containing a minimum of 50 rows of data for your

approved measures and dimensions. You will need to follow the guidelines
for how to structure your file (row headers, etc.) that you will learn in
software exercises #2 and #3, as well as asking your instructor for assistance
if needed. You should save a version of your file as a CSV file as well as
maintaining a spreadsheet version; ask your instructor for assistance if

3) You will create an appropriate name for your Excel file based on your
assigned topic (e.g., "DIET_SHAKE.CSV" or if you're doing another industry
and company, something descriptive such as UTILITIES.CSV or

4) Once you have successfully uploaded your file and verified that Cognos
Insight is interpreting your data the way it should (based on your software
exercises #2 and #3), make sure you save your data set within Cognos
Insight so you can access it again.

5) From this point, it is up to you how deep and detailed you want to go for
your project. You should try to create a chart or two, a tabular report, and the
other types of BI artifacts included in the ORDERS and HUMANRESOURCES
sample data sets that you downloaded.

Think of this part of the assignment as a science fair you have the
opportunity to build something but you want to go as far beyond the
minimum requirements as you can to dazzle the audience and win a prize for
your creativity and perseverance.

6) No matter how much you attempt to do, you need to submit the following
three files to Blackboard:
a. Your Excel file

b. Your .CDD file that you create in Cognos Insight

c. A PowerPoint presentation containing whatever screen shots of your

projects reporting, analytics, and visualizations you are able to build
and work with

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