Snow and Hope Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: Grocery Store

My loooooooooove, sang Snow. You are so delicioussss. I could eat you alllllll daaaaaay.
Hope reached up and grabbed the bag of chips out of Snows hand. Hey, I thought I was your love, he
Snow threw the bag of chips over his shoulder, which landed further up the aisle with a papery crinkle.
Without answering him, he grabbed Hope, pulling him into a kiss. Hope didnt pull away; he didnt care
that they were kissing in public, in the middle of a crowded supermarket. Had he always been this aloof,
or had losing his emotions made him less concerned about others opinions?
After a few seconds, Snow released Hope and grabbed another bag off of the shelf. Dont worry,
Hope, he said, lifting his arm above his head. Your Snow is right here! He thrust the bag downward,
smashing it against the linoleum floor. The bag burst, letting out a cough-inducing cloud that drifted
upward and encased Snows entire body. It masked his face, sticking to his skin and hair, the florescent
lights causing his blonde hair to cast a silver glow, almost like Hopes hair. Snow stood firm and smiling,
trying to hide his watering eyes.
You are so corny, Hope giggled. And youre making a mess, he said, brushing off the white dust that
had landed on him.
Snow squinted. I think I found my favorite snack! he yelled, running toward Hope. Sweeping low, he
caught Hope by the ankles and easily hoisted him up into his arms, the leftover powder cascading into
the air as puffs of listless fluff. Hope let out a surprised chuckle as Snow yelled, Lets put this snack in
the cart! He attempted to place Hope in their shopping cart, his arms and legs flailing, knocking over
the piles of food that were already precariously thrown in the cart.
Stop it! Hope squealed. The two struggled and laughed together until they heard a plop- the sound of
grocery bags falling to the floor. Snow and Hope looked up to see Noel, tears in his eyes and plastic bags
at his feet.
Noel! Fang appeared behind him, with more bags of food in her arms. Her eyes widened, and
something between a look of pity and a smirk appeared on her face. Oh no, she said. 3 2 1

HOPE! You bitch! Noel yelled, sprinting past Snow and Hope, kicking his sullied food across the floor.
Letting Hope down, Snow turned to watch Noel disappear and yelled, You really have to stop doing
this, Aladdin Boy!
You man stealer! they heard several aisles away.
Snow sighed and turned toward Fang who was trying to hide her laughter. If you are here, that
Tap tap. Both Hope and Snow saw the rigid silhouette approaching. Despite the many grocery bags in
her arms, the plastic did not seem to crinkle at all, as if silenced by her unyielding solidarity. The only
sound heard was her boots clacking rhythmically against the tile. At the sight of them, the wine bottle in
her hand broke, her fingers shattering the glass under their tension. What are you doing here?
Lightning asked.
The same thing as you. Getting food for our new apartment, Snow replied, trying to hide his wavering
voice, not wanting to show weakness in front of Hope, or in front of Lightning (who would destroy him
at the slightest sign of hesitation).
For some reason, Lightning did not accept Snow and Hopes relationship. Everyone knew that she wasnt
very fond of Snow because of his cockiness, but she had also turned slightly sour toward Hope. Was she
upset that he had not told her about his feelings for Snow? Or maybe it was because he had abandoned
her at the strip club a few weeks earlier? Its probably the second one, Hope thought to himself,
squeezing his fingers.
Lightning did not answer Hopes questions; she stood there, silent, brooding, the wine dripping down
her fingers onto her boots and the floor. She seemed to take no notice of the glass that was clenched in
her fist.
Come on, love. Fang stepped in front of Lightning, breaking her sub-zero stare. Lets get you cleaned
up. Using her blue sash, Fang started to wipe away the wine. Lightning brushed Fang aside, who then
whispered: Come on, sunshine, they arent doing anything wrong. They are just getting some food like
we are. No harm done.
Snow, overhearing this, intervened: Yeah, no harm done. Come and join us, sunshine.
Ignoring Snows irritatingly blunt demeanor, she reluctantly agreed. As long as you dont sing.

Hope seemed to relax at this; he stopped playing with his hands and placed them on the cart. Snow
smiled and beckoned Fang and Lightning forward. He walked back to Hope, who was having trouble
moving the cart, its content stacked higher than his head. Snow nudged Hope aside and starting pushing
it, Fang and Lightning following. An awkward, tense silence encased them, most of it emanating from
My loooooooooooove, Snows voice rang out.
I said no singing!
That wasnt me! Snow protested.
Oh, sorry, Hope said, blushing. That was my ringtone.
Lightning glared at him.
What? Hope said, still embarrassed. It was Vanille sending me a picture of a cute sheep
My looooooooooove
The glare intensified.
And that was Serah sending me a picture of Vanille hugging the sheep He quickly silenced his phone
and stuck it in his back pocket.
Whats the matter, sis? Snow said as he put his arm around Lightnings shoulder. Is my singing that
Yes! And I am not your sister! She swatted Snows arm away.
What is with you? Snow asked.
Come on, Fang whispered to Hope. Lets go on ahead and give them some space. Hope gladly
obliged and the two of them starting walking ahead.
She remained still at first, waiting for Hope and Fang to be a reasonable distance away. But then Snow
heard her gloves squeaking as she tightened her fist. She shot around and yelled, Why are you acting
like this? Like a goddamn idiot? She thrust her finger in his face. And when did you get so freaking

Remember that bandana I used to wear? It kept all of my fabulousness contained. But when I took it off
and let my hair grow, my flamboyancy grew with it. Girl, put your recordssss ooonnn. Play me your
favorite sooooong. You go ahead, let your hairrrr dooowwwnnnnn.
Lightning took her wine-stained hand and grabbed Snow by the collar, pushing him against the shelves.
What are you playing at? Why are you acting like this? Is it some kind of ploy to win over Hope?
You better not do anything to hurt him. He is like a little brother to me. I dont want you breaking his
heart like you did with my sister. She gripped his collar tighter, pressing him harder against the shelves
that dug into his back. He smiled. Or have you completely lost it?
No. He winked.
I dont know why I even bother with you. You are nothing but a fool.
I think I was an even bigger fool back then Back when I tried to save everyone. Despite his stiff
collar and the pain in his back, Snow managed to turn his head just enough to look toward Hope who
was further up the aisle, looking concerned, Fang holding him back. With his emotions gone, he didnt
smile for so long. I am trying to make up for all the time he lost. I am trying to make him smile and
laugh so that way I can really be someones hero.
Lightning flinched. Loosening her grip on Snow, she said, Snow, thats She took a step backward, not
noticing the lone bag of chips that Snow had thrown earlier. Her foot landed on it with a POP and the
unexpected jolt caused her to fall backward, her cape catching on the shelf. Her, Snow, shelf, and all
came tumbling down. Snow landed on top of Lightning, the shelf crashing against his back, its food
showering down upon him and the white tile.
The tremendous crash attracted the store manager, who saw the disaster, and yelled, Hey! Look at this
mess! Theres flour, chips, wine, and glass all over the floor! And a whole shelf is destroyed! I am going
to hold you accountable for this!
Snow Lightning mumbled, pushing him and the shelf off her.
Yes, Lightning?

Hope! Snow sprang to his feet and started running toward Hope, who looked shocked with laughter.
Make a run for it! And dont forget to grab another bag of those delicious chips!
Hope started to sprint and called back, Only if you admit that I am more delicious than they are!
Hoooooooooope Snow began.
You guys better stop fooling and get moving! yelled Fang, who was now running herself. She means
business right now, and theres no stopping her. I would know!
Youuuu arrrrreeeee sooooooo
Ummmm said Sazh, who had just arrived at the grocery store to buy some school supplies for Dajh.
Did I miss something?

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