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Muhammad Usman Khan

Mobile Number: 00-92-312-2304556

Email Address:

To w ork i n a grow i ng organi zati o n wi th a vie w to adopt a futu re i n the fi e l d of
El e ctri cal Engi ne e ri ng ; and aspi ri ng for a care e r that pl ace s me i n a
chal l e ngi ng posi ti on w i thi n a fast- pace d and l e arni ng- ori e nte d e nvi ronme nt
for de ve l opi ng my te chni cal and i nte r- pe rsonal ski l l s.

Products worked on:

Ericsson Wireless product line

o RBS6301, RBS6201, RBS6101
o Transmission 2p, 6p and 20p
o Emerson Rectifier and Delta Rectifiers

Projects worked on:

PMCL Pakistan network SWAP from Alcatel-Lucent to Ericsson

Professional Training & Experiences

BSS Intern (Network Deployment Department)
Mobilink Pakistan (PMCL)
6th November 2014 & will complete on 3rd
February 2015
Major Responsibilities include but not limited to,
PMCL Pakistan network SWAP project from Alcatel Lucent Ericsson equipment
Be present on site during swap activity to make sure PMCL quality standards are
Making sure cutover is completed within the allotted ECRF timelines.
Do ATP of SWAP and ROLL-OUT sites once they are commercially launched.
Finding snags and identifying them to the ASP for their rectification
Approving ECRF applied by the ECP team for the rectification of snags and swap.
Follow-up of the snags identified during the ATP till they are rectified.
Checking and rectifying all the external alarms for the outdoor sites.

Help Desk Intern

Konnect Holden Private Limited
October 2014
Major Responsibilities include,
Swapping of sites.
BTS configurations.
Loop checking.
Alarm Escalations.
Alarm Verification Pre swap activity.
Alarm Verification Pro Swap activity.
Gives detail related to patching of alarms.
Alarm Monitoring.
Remotely Alarms configurations.

August 2014 till

NOR Report (Network Outage Reports)

Analyze, manage and solve BSS complains raised by Quality of Service (QoS)
Assure BSS hot-line for all O&M Engineers 24/7.

PTCL Internship: From 27thJuly 2013 till 2nd Sep 2013

I have done intensive hands-on internship in Pakistans well known telecom giant. I have
gained professional experience in the below mentioned departments and enhances my
expertise and skills.
Wireless Local Loops

Final Year Project

SCADA based Intelligent Multi Parameter Monitoring System
My Project was concerned with the measurement and monitoring of different parameters by
SCADA which receives information from sensors.The project includes Programmable
Logic Controller (PLC), Current, Voltage and Temperature sensors and the data transfer
by fast ethernet via Wi-Fi router as SCADA application.

Education and Qualifications


Dawood University of Engineering & Technology

(w w w. due t. e du. pk)
B.E. Ele ct ro nics
A Grade (76.10%)


Inter (Pre-Engineering)
Private (Improvement)
A Grad e (7 4 %)

Languages: Turbo C, GW-Basic, MATLAB and Multisim
Operating Systems: DOS, Microsoft Windows Series
MS Office
Internet and E-mail
La ngua ge
1 . English
2 . Ur du

Rea ding
Go o d
B e st

Wr it ing

Spo ken
Be st

Personal Data
Fathers name

Mr. Muhammad Saeed Khan

Marital Status :


Muhammad Shahryar Khan

Senior IVVQ Engineer,

THALES Solution and Security Engineer, Saudi

Muhammad Shoaib Khan

Assistant Executive Engineer,

K-Electric, Pakistan.

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