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Since childhood I love dreaming, in my dreams I used to go to very beautiful jungles and

waterfalls and all those places that I have never seen ever before. Also I used to have
nightmares about murders (someone being murdered in front of me), dead bodies, blood, etc. I
never knew why I see these dreams. It continues till now, but now I know about the dreams !!
Till class 10th it was just dreams that bothered me and I never took it seriously, but when I
shifted to a new place with my mom something else started happening. Every thing that I
wished to happen started happening, initially I thought it was co-incidence but slowly I
understood its not co-incidence, coz co-incidences happens once or twice not every time.
Also with time I started dreaming of gods, temples and other religious places I have never been.
Sometimes it happened that it has been just 5 minutes that I went to sleep and I felt that
someone is all over me, on top of me and he is pressing my neck and I was so scared at that
time. But when I woke up there would be no one, but my body being cold and numb.
I never understood why these all happened.
Then I went to college and there I used to go to a very famous temple and whatever I ask for
even the impossible things I used to get. Like, there was a friend of mine (I was completely in
love with him and he was with someone else) I used to help him, whenever he says his girlfriend
has this problem I pray to god and everything got fine with her. If they had a fight I used to say
she will call you within 10-15 minutes and she does called him. So I started believing that god is
with me and they love me a lot. And I thought this is why I get these weird dreams.
After this I went for a short course in other city. There I used to meditate a lot as I had loads of
time. Then I started getting very bad dreams of murders every time I dream or somebody met
with an accident and all these were just not dreams they were happening somewhere in reality!
Then I used to see black people or people with black clothes (most of the time girl) in my
dreams. Those dreams used to be very scary. And sometimes I even felt that somebody
entering my body with a very cold feeling. I used to feel negativity all around the room. But I
never understood and also I started having very bad headaches and nausea. I thought better to
return back home, so I went home. I thought that god wants me to be brave thats why I am
getting these dreams.
But this was not the reason. I again came to this city for PG course. There I stayed in a hostel.
We were 6 people in one flat. One of them was from my old college(abhilasha), same
department and batch and in this college also she was with me but in different department.
Since I am a very introvert person so I never used to talk much to others and also that I didnt
get time (priyanka, and 3 others).
Here also initially I didnt dream anything. I was happy that finally no more scary dreams. But
dreams are dreams I started dreaming weird things that I am getting married, or some person
whom I am suppose to marry met with an accident and actually one of my friend met with an
accident in same way (that doesnt mean I was going to marry him). Then before navratre we
had a holiday so me n abhilasha went to jaipur for vacations along with other friends and by
navratre we came back. In jaipur I met a guy he was very cute and I had a crush on him. I

enquired about him and found that he is in same flat with my other batchmates, so I started
planning for a party at their flat so that I could spend some time with him.
Everything was just going fine, we came back from jaipur. I kept my fasts for navratre but the
last fast I couldnt do because where I was doing my pooja, I saw water everywhere on the
ground and found that this water was coming from bathroom and that too the bathroom in the
other room. And my all pooja things were of no use now. And also on the last day I ate when I
was suppose to be on fast. I just couldnt understand, I had never done this. But I ignored it.
Then khushi a friend of priyanka started coming in my room. Earlier I used to see her with
priyanka only in her room and never talked to her, but with time me and priyanka got close
because when I used to come back after college she was always there. Also me and abhilasha
used to drink at weekends but now we knew that priyanka and khushi also drinks so now our
party had 4 people, me khushi, priyanka and abhilasha and we used to have lots of fun.
Then one day after drinking khushi told about her that she had a boyfriend since childhood and
also there was a soul of a girl who was with khushi since she was 8 till she was 16, but now the
soul is not with her as her boyfriend used to meditate and he and his friends got rid of her. Then
after two months or like that in December when I had my exams, I stopped drinking. After my
exams I started getting a weird feeling that I will meet a soul I dont know when and how but I
will and I was very scared as since childhood I am very scared of ghosts and darkness, I can
never even sleep alone at my home also. Then I came back to my home in vacations. Here at
home I started getting my headaches again, no matter whatever medicine I take it never got
away. For 3-4 days I used to have headache, I never understood.
My dad also used to meditate and he has told me stories about a person who was always with
souls and if anybody dies then they could easily get in his body. Then I talked about khushi with
my dad that she has been haunted with a soul since childhood. Then my dad said that
everybody can not see souls but they can come in our dreams. I thought ok I cant see them but
may be this was the reason I was seeing ghosts in my dreams. Then I came back to my hostel
after vacations.
Now me and khushi used to spent a lot of times together I never knew why. Always when I used
to come back from college I used to call her or she used to come to my room. We used to eat
together and even she stayed with us. Now I started dreaming of that soul about which khushi
has said, her name was muskaan. I dreamt that she has come there when I was all alone at
home and then she transformed into khushi. i thought may be I was thinking much about her
that is why she came in my dreams, I talked about it with khushi because once she had said
that tell me if she starts coming in someones dreams. Khushi said that if it happens again then
she will do something. Now every 3-4 days she started coming in my dreams and I got scared,
obviously it was a ghost I was suppose to be scared thats what we are taught since childhood.
I forgot to mention one thing, I had a boyfriend and we have never met, it all happened on orkut.
It was simple love story, he proposed me, I accepted and thats how it was and it had been 8-9
months since then. We had met just once in all this time and for date we went to a temple, I
know its funny but we both love going to temples. And after we first met he never got time to
meet me again and I thought he is just another guy who roams around with every second girl

and I never trusted him blindly but somewhere I always feel protected and safe when I used to
talk to him. In January now when the dreams of muskaan started, my boyfriend vivek started
coming to meet me, but, whenever I told everybody that he is coming, he could not come
because most of the time he fell sick. I thought he was playing with my feelings, but I also
couldnt let go of him because I loved him.
Then in the last week of January me and abhilasha went for a party and their we got drunk very
bad and that too in just two pegs, I dont know how that happened but we both didnt remember
anything what had happened. But what disaster happened that I remembered was, a friend of
ours also came for party and he was misbehaving with abhilasha and I went in middle, I was too
drunk and he pulled me in the bathroom and pinned me to the wall, I was numb I couldnt feel
anything I started shouting muskaan and along with me abhilsha also started shouting her name
(all these time what khushi has said and what I had felt was that muskaan was a good soul and
she would never mean any harm to us, so I thought she could protect me and also I have
always been very curious about these supernatural things so I thought I could get to see her),
but nothing happened (not even in the bathroom). Then we slept and the other day we came
back to hostel. Now from here I was getting very weird feelings. I was alone in hostel and I was
so scared, I sat in balcony I couldnt even stay in my room I was feeling very suffocated. I was in
the balcony and felt someone is behind me, someone is watching me, but when I looked back
nobody was there.
Me and abhilasha never told this to khushi and she got very scared, but we couldnt see any
ghost or anything else like that. Everything was fine again but I was getting weird feelings, I had
always felt two or three eyes watching me from kitchen and now the feeling was very strong. I
could sense people around me whom nobody can see. Then also whenever we used to drink I
felt very cold even after 2-3 blankets and one heater Everybody used to laugh at me. Then
khushi was also staying with us, we had joined two beds and me khushi and priyanka used to
sleep together.
I started dreaming again, this time it was more scary, whenever I went to sleep I felt black souls
covering me from all sides and trying to get inside me and I used to wake up. This started
happening daily. Then one night when priyanka was not there and me khushi and abhilasha
were partying, khushi said lets do planchet, then abhilasha also said ya lets do it. I said no,
nobody will do that and then suddenly abhilasha said somebody pinched her, we thought she is
drunk. Then a towel that was on the chair fell down, then khushi said she has to go to
washroom, she went. And when she came back, she turned towards the cupboard and didnt
face us, I said to abhilasha that she has come then to check her, abhilasha asked her to pick up
the lighter from her table, she picked it up and turned towards us and what we see
here her eyes have changed, its very beautiful and very black and something else but it
wasnt khushis eyes !!!! and.. we got scared.
I asked khushi to bring a photo of Durga maa from pooja ghar, she went there near the pooja
and started laughing. I was too scared to go there and bring anything from pooja but abhilasha
told me go and bring something. Everybody was scared, so I went there took a hanuman
chalisa and along with khushi came to bed. We all were drunk and very high (one thing I forgot
to mention, while we all were drinking khushi had 4 pegs but she said she only had 2 and we

thought she was out). I called up my boyfriend (whenever I was high I used to call him. I dont
know why) and started talking to him on phone, then khushi (now she was possessed with
muskaan) started saying to abhilasha to tell me to keep the phone, she couldnt tolerate me
talking to vivek. I dont know what happened to me I was saying each and every word to vivek
what she was telling to abhilasha. Then suddenly I slapped khushi, I dont know why and then
now I was on top of her telling her to pray to god and she was praying along with me, then
nothing happened to me but I was breathing heavily and saying to khushi now that khushi baby
I love you and she said muskaan just come out of ranas body if you dont want to me to hate
you. And I fell back unconscious. Then I dont know what happened. I woke up next day thinking
it was all a dream. Khushi was gone as her mom has come to take her to home (aunty didnt
knew anything about the night).
That night muskaan (in khushi) has told me that me and vivek will stay together for around 1
year and then we will break up and that will be mutual break up and she also told few things
about abhilasha and khushi.
The next morning was Sunday, vivek had told me to go out and not stay in the room to freshen
up my mind as I was very disturbed. Me and abhilasha went for shopping in sarojini and it really
helped. Then on Monday vivek came to meet me and we went to a temple there he told me not
to think about what happened that night and forget it. I was trying to forget and slowly it was
working also. I had thought that muskaan is not inside khushi and khushi is safe. But. I was
wrong !!!
In my college there was a selection going on for dancers, abhilasha participated but dont know
why only in her time, the song couldnt play, the music was very bad and she couldnt even hear
the song and she was not selected. She got very upset. We came back hostel and khushi was
in the living room of our flat. We were surprised because we didnt knew she had come back.
The first thing she asked when we entered was how were the selections? Abhilasha said she
couldnt get through, she entered in her room and called me. She aksed me if it is khushi or
muskaan. I said I dont know but her eyes are different, she is not khushi probably..!

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