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Erin Hayward (678) 266 - 0584 590 Rheine Rd, Palm Bay, FL 32907

Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
 Ph.D. Nuclear and Radiological Engineering, August 2012
Minor in materials, with specialization in fusion
Advisor: Dr. Chaitanya Suresh Deo
Dissertation: Atomistic Studies of Defects in BCC Iron: Dislocations and Gas Bubbles
 M.S. Nuclear and Radiological Engineering, May 2010
Thesis: Atomistic Studies of Irradiation Damage in Iron
 GPA: 3.72/4.0
 Relevant coursework: computational chemistry, nuclear materials, quantum mechanics, mechanical
behavior of materials, radiation physics, reactor physics, plasma physics, magnetic fusion energy,
Tulane University, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
 B.S. Physics, May 2007, minor in Mathematics
Relevant coursework: modern physics, computational science, nuclear physics, linear algebra, computer
 B.A. Studio Art, May 2007, focus in Printmaking
Relevant coursework: screen printing, lithography, etching, wood cut, lino cut, book binding, painting,
glass blowing
 GPA: 3.699, cum laude

Research Experience
CEA Saclay, Postdoctoral Fellow

June 2012 March 2014

Commissariat `
a lEnergie
Atomique, Direction de lEnergie
Nucleaire, Departement des Materiaux pour le
Nucleaire, Service de Recherches de Metallurgie Physique (DEN/DMN/SRMP)
 Current Research: My research focuses on the effects of irradiation on materials used for nuclear
applications. The interactions between defects in a structure will determine a materials ultimate behavior;
I perform atomistic simulations of these interactions using multi-scale methods including molecular
dynamics, Monte Carlo, and ab initio techniques. Recently, my work has focused on the energetics,
properties, and effects of hydrogen and helium bubbles in iron.
 Conducts multiscale modeling of materials properties and defectimpurity interactions, with a focus on
ab initio calculations
 Collaborates on several international research efforts in fusion materials simulation
 Implements cutting-edge numerical methods on a variety of supercomputing platforms

Georgia Institute of Technology, Graduate Research Fellow

August 2007 June 2012

George W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering, Nuclear and Radiological Engineering Program
 Developed methods and interatomic potentials for multiscale simulation of irradiation damage to reactor
structural materials, with a focus on molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo calculations
 Authored 5 peer-reviewed, first author publications and gave presentations at 7 international conferences
on dissertation work
Los Alamos National Laboratory, Graduate Research Assistant

Summer 2009

 Modeled dislocation coredefect interactions in metals using accelerated molecular dynamics techniques
Louisiana State University, Undergraduate Research Assistant

September 2005 May 2007

 Investigated outstanding problems in numerical general relativity, using both simulation and intuitive
visualization methods

Leadership & Other Experience

Proton Paperie & Press, Founder, Creative Director, Printmaker

April 2014 current

 Manage all operations of a small business, including sales, customer service, product development, and
product creation
Outdoor Recreation Georgia Tech (ORGT), Vertical Caving Trip Leader and Caving Gear Chair
(volunteer position)
2010 2012
 Managed and instructed groups of up to 25 students and instructors on full-day and multi-day caving
 Coordinated all details for funded expedition trips, nationally and internationally
 Responsible for management, budgeting, inventory, and ordering for all technical gear in the caving sport
 Taught technical rope skills to novices and instructors-in-training
 Voted Instructor of the Year (2010 2011) and ORGTeer of the Year (2011 2012) by peers
Georgia Tech Leadership Challenge Course, Facilitator


 Guide participants safely through a series of elements designed to promote confidence, communication,
and group dynamics

Honors & Awards

European Fusion Development Agreement (EFDA) Postdoctoral Fellowship recipient, March 2013 present
U.S. Department of Energy Nuclear Energy University Programs (NEUP) Graduate Fellowship recipient,
August 2010 July 2012
Featured in Journal of Physics: Condensed Matters LabTalk, 2012
Tulane University Distinguished Scholars Award, 2003 2007
Alice Raymond Scudder Coates Scholarship, 2006
Aileen Hall Soskis Scholarship, 2006
Elise Field Dupre Memorial Prize for an Outstanding Student of Physics, 2006, 2007

Journal Articles
E. Hayward and C.-C. Fu. Interplay between hydrogen and vacancies in Fe. Physical Review B 87, 174103
E. Hayward and C. Deo. Synergistic effects in hydrogen-helium bubbles. Journal of Physics: Condensed
Matter, 24:265402 (2012).
E. Hayward, C. Deo, B. P. Uberuaga, and C. N. Tome. The interaction of a screw dislocation with point
defects in bcc iron. Philosophical Magazine, Vol. 92, No. 22, pp. 2759-2778 (2012).
E. Hayward, B. Beeler, and C. Deo. Multiple hydrogen trapping at monovacancies. Philosophical Magazine
Letters, Vol. 92, No. 5, pp. 217-225 (2011).
E. Hayward and C. Deo. Energetics of small hydrogen-vacancy clusters in bcc iron. Journal of Physics:
Condensed Matter, 23:425402 (2011).
E. Hayward and C. Deo. A molecular dynamics study of irradiation induced cascades in iron containing
hydrogen. CMC: Computers, Materials, and Continua, Vol. 16, No. 2, pp. 101-116 (2010).
E. Hayward and C. Deo. Atomic scale modeling of hydrogen and helium in bcc iron. Fusion Science and
Technology: Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Emerging Nuclear Energy Systems, Vol.
61, No. 1T, pp. 391-394 (January 2012).
E. Hayward and C. Deo Finding minimum energy states of hydrogen-vacancy clusters in iron. Transactions
of the American Nuclear Society, Vol. 104, pp. 63 (2011).
E. Hayward and C. Deo. The energetics of hydrogen-vacancy clusters in bcc iron. Materials Research Society
Symposium RR Proceedings, Vol. 1363 (Spring 2011).

Oral Presentations
The Minerals, Metals, & Materials (TMS) Society Annual Meeting, Multi-scale modeling of hydrogen and
helium bubbles in bcc iron. San Antonio, TX, March 2013.
Materials Research Society (MRS) Spring Meeting, Hydrogen and helium in bcc iron. Symposium S, San
Francisco, CA, April 2012.
The Minerals, Metals, & Materials (TMS) Society Annual Meeting, The interaction energy between point and
line defects in bcc iron. Orlando, FL, February 2012.
American Nuclear Society (ANS) Annual Meeting, Finding minimum energy states of hydrogen-vacancy
clusters in iron. Hollywood, FL, June 2011.
ASTM Committee E10: 25th Symposium on the Effects of Radiation on Nuclear Materials, The energetics of
hydrogen-helium-vacancy clusters in bcc iron. Anaheim, CA, June 2011.
Materials Research Society (MRS) Spring Meeting, The energetics of hydrogen-vacancy clusters in bcc iron.
Symposium RR, San Francisco, CA, April 2011.
NuMat 2010: The Nuclear Materials Conference, Point defect-dislocation interactions in bcc iron. Karlsruhe,
Germany, October 2010.
The Minerals, Metals, & Materials (TMS) Society Annual Meeting, Atomic scale study of the interaction of
point defects with edge and screw dislocations in bcc iron. Seattle, WA, February 2010.

3rd High-End Visualization Workshop, Optical effects at the photon orbit of a Schwarzschild black hole.
Obergurgl, Austria, April 2005.
Workshop on Modelling of Radiation Damage and its Effects on Materials, Atomistic Studies of Hydrogen
and Helium in Iron. Oxford, UK, September 2013.
16th International Workshop on Computational Physics and Materials Science: Total Energy and Force
Methods, Clustering and diffusion of hydrogen in -Fe including quantum effects. Trieste, Italy, January
Nuclear Fuels and Structural Materials for the Next Generation Nuclear Reactors Embedded Topical at the
American Nuclear Society (ANS) Annual Meeting, Hydrogen-helium synergy in bubbles in bcc iron. Chicago,
IL, June 2012. Presented by Dr. Rakesh Behera.
15th International Conference on Emerging Nuclear Energy Systems (ICENES), Hydrogen bubbles in bcc
iron. San Francisco, CA, May 2011.
Virtual Reality in Scientific Application and Learning (VRSAL) Conference, A black hole in the living room.
2005. Presented by Dr. Werner Benger.

Technical: Linux/UNIX, Mac OS X, shell scripting, basic C++
Simulation: molecular dynamics (LAMMPS, temperature accelerated dynamics, nudged elastic band
calculations), density functional theory (SIESTA), Monte Carlo
Design: Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator, SketchUp
Productivity: LATEX, Word, PowerPoint
Languages: English (native), French (intermediate), Mandarin Chinese (beginner)

American Nuclear Society member, 2008 present
United States Citizen

References available upon request.

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