Love Marrege Vs Arrenge

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Butola said: (Sat, Sep 22, 2012 10:18:54 AM)

Hello my dear friends. I think it is difficult to predict the ideal short of

marriage. Because in love marriage there be pressure on women to look like
a model. This is the condition of discord arises in the love marriage couple.
And evil of dowry, cast contribute much arguments against arranged
marriage. So I think every person try to make his marriage is love cum
arranged marriage. I think marriage is a blessing given by god. So make it
Rate this: +1


Nitin Kumar said: (Fri, Sep 21, 2012 08:08:28 PM)

Hello friends, there are different perception's of different people, some find
love marriage best because they are in a relationship whereas some find
arrange marriage best because they respect their family and their culture.
Everyone is absolutely right on their part but every thing has it's pros n cons.
So it's just the matter of deciding the right path for you, I'm not favoring any
of the marriage and not criticizing any marriage but I just putting stress on
the decision's you take while getting indulged in a relationship.
Rate this: +0


Archana said: (Fri, Sep 21, 2012 12:00:03 PM)

I agree with chander. Its totally depends on the nature of d person. And I my
opinion love come arrange marriage is better in our society. Because our
parents give more importance to their prestige of course they give
importance to their children also. But some little bit.

**My advice is every love birds should marry with their love done on their
parents agree.
Rate this: +3


Siva said: (Fri, Sep 21, 2012 10:13:04 AM)

Love marriage is best one. Because, there is a chance for knowing each other.
Some people said that arrange marriage couple have been never fight each
other. This is unbelievable. Most of the arrange marriage couple are standing
in-front of court for divorce. So there is no authority for arrange marriage.
Love is best.
Rate this: +2


Rohit Butola said: (Thu, Sep 20, 2012 07:32:08 PM)

Hello friends. In my opinion love cum arranged marriage is best because in

this type of marriage both you and your family members happy. I think that
every things has some merit or demerit. In this type of marriage you have
rights to choose your partner and your family members also happy with your
Rate this: +6


Anil said: (Thu, Sep 20, 2012 05:55:40 PM)

I trust on arrange marriage. Because every family member supports it. And
coz of it maintain the relation. There must be understanding between wife
and husband. In short both are happy in married life. So arrange marriage
very well as compare love marriage.
Rate this: +8


Neha said: (Thu, Sep 20, 2012 12:50:05 AM)

I think that love marriage is a better option because we know each other likes
and dislikes. Love is something which teaches us to live for our partner. May
be all love marriages are not successful but as we know that every coin has
two side. Love is not what starts in a week a. D ends in a few months, these

are nothing but infatuation in love marriage our life is our choice we can't
blame our parents for that. So I think love marriage is a better option.
Rate this: +4


Hitesh said: (Wed, Sep 19, 2012 07:57:20 AM)

I'm favoring arrange marriage.

Because in arrange marriage we will get more option & if we have

understanding in our relation a mature understanding born between our

2. In arrange marriage we have security because this marriage conduct by

our social low & in social aria we have a different identification so continue
sly maintaining this identification we maintain this relation.

3. In present time love is exist but they lovers are not exist who maintain his

In present time love is time pass when we sick off this love we will making a

That we live our life different-2 & we will search a new partner.

What is this? is this lover life? so arrange marriage is best.

It is pure & true relation made by god.

That soul.

Rate this: +8


Vijay B.K. said: (Sun, Sep 16, 2012 04:44:18 PM)

I think Arranged Marriage is better because my family is the Happiest family

in the world. my parents had done arranged marriage. if we can get such a
partner by agreeing our parents decision. then why should we waste our time
in understanding anybody else????
Rate this: +4


Kuyly said: (Mon, Sep 10, 2012 12:04:05 AM)

Happiness is happened by our self. Parents just guide us to walk in right way,
but they don't mean that they are right at all. Therefore love is the most
important because couple spend their time to learn each other deeply; they
know about their sweetheart need or don't need something clearly and keep
good relationship to avoid being regret in their lives. I support love marriage
and I follow it with my girlfriend.
Rate this: +19


Eric said: (Sun, Sep 9, 2012 05:47:08 PM)

I think that love marriage is definitely better.

Here love doesn't include infatuation or love at first sight. It is something that
happens when you start knowing about each other and their personalities
and feel that your right for each other.

But in Arranged marriages it is like a business deal of families money caste

etc. People say you shouldn't talk to strangers but marrying strangers is
totally okay ? You know nothing about someone you spend your whole life

with. It doesn't matter if they are good and successful. They should be
suitable to you. Its like.

Two pieces in a puzzle no matter how good they are separately if they don't
fit together its no use.

Yeah they say you can talk to each other before finalizing the marriage but in
this case they may desperately try to act good and you will not know what
the person really is.

Lots of people agree to arranged marriages because they are kid of banished
from family and relatives for marrying someone you love.

One argument elders use that divorce rate is very low in arranged marriages.
They just try to compromise themselves and try to deal with it and divorce is
like a taboo in some societies.

So people should start going out and dating people until you meet right
Rate this: +23


Deepika said: (Sat, Sep 8, 2012 08:33:50 PM)

I think success of love or arrange marriage depends on your decision. If we

choose love marriage it doesn't mean we put our parent happiness aside. If
parents and relatives support love marriage it will be similar like any arrange
marriage where we know our life partner's habit, strength, weakness. But
sometimes love marriage also fails because when person get responsibilities
in life his/ her behavior may change and this may lead into stressful life,
Rate this: +13


P_Gupta said: (Sat, Sep 8, 2012 07:32:09 AM)

Hi Friends,

In my opinion Arrange marriage is better to do. Many people talks about that
we can find our true love while making the love marriage as we gets enough
time to spend with our partner. But I think is that Real Love can happen/find
in any age and with any person with whom you start caring, spending time
also you gets same response from opposite site.

Also if we talk about our family expectations that we would be able to fulfill
their wishes as well and I believe that if family is with us then we are always
in safer side. Also we can forget our society friends as we are the part of that.
Often we talk that we all should live together, happily but most of the cases
we ignore social and we give the excuses that we are marring with a girl/boy
no that with our society or parents.

Still if any one finds their love and their families are also agreeing then we
should go for love marriages as well.

Thanks everyone.
Rate this: +14


Abc said: (Fri, Sep 7, 2012 10:17:41 PM)

I respect all the views...will just like to put a simple question to those rigidly in
favour of arrange might have somewhere at the back of your
mind that love marriages have gained so much importance just because of
the sheer aping of the western culture...but then by keeping this view are we
trying to disrespect the divine love of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati? The
example of pure love symbolized by them clearly justifies the purity,sincerity
and dignity a love marriage holds.
Rate this: +7


Preety Sharma said: (Thu, Sep 6, 2012 05:11:12 PM)

I will not say that arrang marriage is a bad thing but I consider that every boy
and girl has right to choose his/her life partner. So they should be given
chance to meet and to spend some time together so that they could
understand eachother. Only after that they should take decision whether they
should marry or not. Because marriage is not a relation between two person
only but it is the relation b/w two families. So if their is any problem then both
families get affected.
Rate this: +22


Omg Freak. said: (Thu, Sep 6, 2012 10:08:46 AM)

When i was 20 my parents arranged my marriage and partner, at first i found

it an awkward situation and was against it as i wanted someone that was best
for me and not for them. My parents threatened for me to be gone if i refused
their proposal. I just couldnt get myself to refuse so i accepted. To today im
still married, not happily but married. Im still against arranged marriages and
much prefer a marriage based on love and friendship.

(Not a real senario) But good point..

Rate this: +14


Puja said: (Mon, Sep 3, 2012 11:51:54 AM)

Love marriage and arranged marriage both have its own merits and demerits.
In arranged marriage, there is chance of mismatches, and in love marriage
also. In arranged marriage- dowry, caste, corrupt marriage, misunderstanding
b/w couple etc. And in love marriage, there is also problems like divorce, in
laws, etc. In love marriage parent doesn't see their children's expectations,
but only the caste, money and their social needs. And in love marriage, one
doesn't see their parents expectations. And their is lots of other problems in
both marriages.

My question is what, that, if you want your happiness as well as your parents
(conservative) happiness, then what should you do?
Rate this: +8


Kush Chaudhary said: (Sun, Sep 2, 2012 02:02:26 PM)

Hey. ! In my opinin both marriages are good and if you choose love marriage
so, you hve to trust over your love from bottom of your heart or if you choose
arrange marriage than your family has support you in either any sutition or
problems. As arrange marriage is not about two person. This is about two
family. In love marriage your parents will not happy because they seem some
dream for his/her son or dauther. Wedding so I am going with arrange
marriage because I lve my praents a lot and I want to make happy in their
life. Thank you.
Rate this: +21


Nafees said: (Sat, Sep 1, 2012 11:48:41 PM)

Arranged marriages are far better than love marriage because the love fades
away after marriage and only the marriage remains which gets dissolved or
wrecked soon. No support from the family elders in love marriages.
Rate this: +8


Veeramalar said: (Fri, Aug 31, 2012 01:38:32 PM)

Hi friends,

As for what I concern in this discussion is that love come arrange marriage is
the best way. It all depends on our knowledge. What am trying to say is that
during the decision of love we won't consider the parents feelings. Every

problem has a good solution. We shared many thing in our life and our
parents gave the good solutions too. So nothing wrong in that by sharing our
love with our parents. Definitely they will give good solution to your love too
if it is true.
Rate this: +13


Sandip And Onkar said: (Thu, Aug 30, 2012 02:54:55 PM)

I think that arrange marriage is the very best way to start our marriage life.
After arrange marriage firstly they dont know each other properly and day
after day thaire love start to grow and it reach top of love hill. But in love
marriage there start is very good but day after day there love start
decreasing. so many missunderstanding comes in there reletion. and in
servey its found that 80% of love marriages resulted into divorce. so we thik
arrange marriage is best.
Rate this: +31


Shruthi said: (Tue, Aug 28, 2012 12:27:09 AM)

Hi guys, I had not came here for giving suggestions, I need suggestion from
everyone. I loved a person from since past 8 years. When he proposed me he
told that I don't want anybody in this world except you, the days were passed
away with our fightings, happiness and everything. We both had suceed with
our carrier in education. I am A girl, I have a beautiful family who loves me
with their hearts. But my family is not at all accepting for my love marriage,
because lot of problems like caste, the boys financial background was not
good and his family too. The boy who loved me soo much earlier, now he is
telling that has to live with his family and share their problems, I am not
ready for that, I want to live alone with him-his family situations was not at all
good except him, he was good only. His parents and family everybody
accepted for this love marriage. Now the boy was telling to the girl that we
had to live together with his family. The girls parents is telling that, if she
wants to marry that guy only means, to leave the home that to think your
family has died. But I am not ready to leave my family and live with that guys
family and he wants to live together, but I am not ready to sacrifice my family
and to live with that boys family. So I am unable to take a decision in this
situations. I am in a dilema, please help me with your sugesstions.

Rate this: +10


Shruthi said: (Mon, Aug 27, 2012 11:33:39 PM)

Hi guys I read everbodies own ideas and sugestions, but I want to tell you
everyone that, both love or arranged marriage is good only, but compared to
arranged marriage-love marriage is great when it is true hearted by both the
boy and girl, and it will be happy when it is supported by both the parents
and relatives, it was true that arrange marriages are giving lot of support
from parents, but our parents are not understanding one thing guys, after
doing all this, if the boy and girl are not happy with eachother means what
can they do. So parents please give your support to your daughter or son to
marry their loved ones. And also you guys without your parents support don't
go for love marriage, surely both of you face lot of problems which can not be
expressed, expecially for girls be careful while you a take a decision about
love marriage.

Because at starting if no body accepts also. As the time passes our parents
accept us because of their love for us, after accepting the boy doesnt have
any problem, because he lives with his parents, but even the girls parents
accept also the girl have to leave everyone live with the boys family, from
there only the problems starts for agirl, slowly your loved one-the boy also
tuns to his parents. The total sufferer will be "GIRL". So girls be careful while
taking a decision for love marriage or arranged marriage. But my suggestion
is girls better you choose arranged marriage. Even you live with your
husbands family, you have a good support from your own family. Girls take
care of your decisions.
Rate this: +23


Hardik Sharma said: (Mon, Aug 27, 2012 08:41:33 PM)

Marriage is a true blessing given by friends whether it is a arrange or

Love the main concern is about the mutual understanding between the
both..if you are in love with someone and you feel this is the perfect partner
for your furthur life then inform your parents and make it as an Love cum
Arrange all will be happy...!!

Rate this: +39


Lalit Rana said: (Sun, Aug 26, 2012 04:52:01 PM)

The marriage is not only a relation between two person. It is also a relation of
two families. If you got marriage with your lover than this is a relation only
between you and your partner only if got marriage against our parents. But if
you got arrange marriage than this is relation between two families. Then, in
every problem in your life, your family member will support and help you
every time.

Let consider that if you got love marriage and your life is going very good.
After that, if your children also go on your footprints and they also think about
love marriage; and is also against you. Then what will you feel, if they can't
successful in love. Then what will you say them about this.
Rate this: +18


Abhishek said: (Sat, Aug 25, 2012 05:43:27 PM)

Hello friends according to my opinion love marriage is better than arrange

marriage because in love marriage we totally know about our partners
weakness and strength and there are good mutual understandings between
them compared to arrange marriage.

In our social life our parents strictly prohibit us to not to meet with any
unknown person and after marriage how can they allow us to spend our
whole life with an unknown person because in an arrange marriage first step
is ingagement and then marriage between this time period how can we
exactly find out that this person is good or bad because he/she always try to
be good in front of us. But in love marriage we are perfectely sure about our
partner and we can spend our whole life very happily compared to arrange
marriage in which we are always just compromising with our elders and our
Rate this: +29


Preety said: (Sat, Aug 25, 2012 12:13:46 AM)

Hi everybody. In my opinion it doesn't matter that which type of marriage you

choose. It totally depends on what kind of partner you select either arranged
or loved. If you're happy with your partners then you are leading a successful
marriage otherwise not.

If arrange marriage has some profits like family supports and respect for
partners more than love marriage then love marriage has also some benefits
that couples understand each other better before marriage. They can't blame
their parents for unsuccessful relations.

But also according to me love marriage is better than arrange because if it

happens then dowry cases, and casticism will much more less than now.
Everyone should have freedom to take decisions of his/her life.
Rate this: +15


Nanditha said: (Wed, Aug 22, 2012 01:28:51 PM)

Hey. Well, both arrange marriages and love marriages fail but my point is in
case of love marriage at the end of the day, we will be responsible for
wherever we are, however we are. Our parents need not feel guilty for
searching bad guy and we need not blame anyone for our situation, as we will
be responsibility for it.
Rate this: +16


Sweety said: (Tue, Aug 21, 2012 04:27:15 PM)

I Think Love marriage is better than arrange marriage Because Before

Marriage Both are understand to each other. And In love marriage their
parents are not support them.

Thaswhay Some Problem Can from home side and if You are want to be happy
always so choose Your Partner Carefully and Try to under your parents and be
happy Foreever.

And in arrange marriage They spend few days understand to each other and
Now a days no bady has time for understand any one thatswhy if You wants
to get arrange marriage so firstly you understand each other and after that
get marriage and be happy.
Rate this: +8


Diksha said: (Tue, Aug 21, 2012 08:44:06 AM)

Hi, in my view I think that if love is true not a fake or like timepass than it is
good we can marrie eachother as well as we all know that all the points have
two aspects than arranged marraige is also good in arranged marraige we get
family as well as society support but in love we marraige we can't get it so, if
people change his mentality and support love m arraige than I think think
that both marraige are good. Marraige is not for one day, both partners have
to spend their life togother and I think that if they take this deceision with the
support of her family than it is good. In my view I like both marraige but
arranged marraige is good for me.
Rate this: +6


Lisa said: (Sat, Aug 18, 2012 02:04:08 AM)

Arrange in my opinion is not worth it because I have seen it from my parents.

They don't even love each other, the only reason they are together is for my
brother and me. So to me arrange marriage is a horrible idea but it does have
its good points like its keeps the wedding tradition going, family is there to
support. But it sucks to not know the guy so well and that's when love
marriage is a better choice. At least you know what kind of person you will be
sharing your personal space with and you will a understanding of each other.
My cousin met this guy in grade 10 and they started going out and now they
are have a son. They are living happily, much better than what my parents

have. Arrange marriage provides you with a sense of security that even if I
have to leave my family, I will still have my beloved with me.

It depends on everyone's view but I guess if my parents had a good

relationship I wouldn't oppose to arrange marriage.

Even if love marriage doesn't as long as arrange marriage as some people

say, the time you share with your lover in love marriage is far better then
time you share in arrange marriage. Also, if you are going to live with your
husband's family then it will be harder to adjust if you get arrange marriage,
but with love marriage at least you have your room with your husband where
you are comfortable. Can you imagine one day going to someone's house and
living there forever and on top of that having to share a room with someone
you hardly know. That's why I would rather have a love marriage.
Rate this: +17


Bhanudas Jagtap said: (Wed, Aug 15, 2012 11:07:45 AM)

In my opinion arrange marriage is better than love marriage, love marriage is

solemnize between two or five members or tow family, but arrange marriage
solemnize in the society or among the many people. That's why in my opinion
arrange marriage is good and i like it.
Rate this: +5


Parul Kansal said: (Mon, Aug 13, 2012 12:13:51 PM)

As per my opinion, Marriage is something which binds not only two persons
but two families in a Relationship. Someone has said rightly.

"Happiness in marriage is entirely a matter of chance".

So, it is very difficult to decide which type of marriage is good. Love marriage
is better than arrange marriage if the relation between you and your partner
is true love not lust, Love marriage never fails, the marriages made on lust
that fails, Love makes us able to adjust from every situation in our life as well
as every family member, Love is divine thing, and it's the heart of marriage
relationship. But apart from all these scenarios there are many cons of love
marriage like parents don't want to accept a person from other religion &
culture & moreover two families from different cultures can't be bind in a
single thread.

So, it depends upon situation, which marriage is good because in Arrange

marriage we can't say that "Will our partner be like what we expect & his/her
family will accept us or not".
Rate this: +19


Anju said: (Sat, Aug 11, 2012 10:08:16 PM)

Both are good. What which matters more is the mutual understanding
between the two persons. When we talk about love marriage, the two
persons get to know more about each other and they understand each other
very well. But this is true only when both persons are sincere. Some people
misunderstand infatuation as true love and end up in break ups and
sometimes in depression. This is the trend seen in most of the teenagers and
it is not fair. So one must be matured enough to recognize true love and

When we talk about arranged marriage, they won't be able to know each
other very well before marriage (not always). No relationships will exist
without trust and mutual understanding. But it is our parents who are
searching our partners. They are more experienced and know what is good
and what is bad. So they will be able to find a good partner for their son or

In both the cases, what is essential is the mutual understanding, adjustment

and trust. And they must share everything openly.
Rate this: +36


Lakshmi said: (Fri, Aug 10, 2012 11:40:55 AM)

Love marriage is the only best way of life and all of you who say parents
would guide you through only in arranged but not in love marriage, note thisthose are not true loving parents. If your parents really love you more than
society and sick relations, they'll surely accept your love. If not, just take your
own decision because when parents love society and caste more than you,
you have to love your life partner more than your parents.
Rate this: +46


Shekar said: (Thu, Aug 9, 2012 08:45:58 PM)

Marriage is a life long process. We have to choose correct couple for our life,
so everyone wants love with her/his which gives clear understanding about
the couples. In love marriage the couples understand their-self easily but not
in arrange marriage because they are meet during wedding in the marriage
hall. In arrange marriage parents gives valuable suggestions to overcome the
problems but not in love marriage. FROM THAT, MY VISION ARRANGE
Rate this: +19


Suganya said: (Thu, Aug 9, 2012 12:27:02 PM)

Hi. According to me I will say arrange marriage is better than love marriage
because of parents supporting both of them. If any problem came, they are
totally discussed and give a valuable suggestions to the new couple. Parents
already faced the such problems, so they know what to do. So they give the
full of suggestions to the children.

The parents have fed their children emotionally, physically and intellectually
all these years. Marriage is an important decision in everyone's lives. Hence,
parents should have a say in it. No parent would want their children to be in
wrong hands. When love start after the marriage it gives continuous love,

care, affection and everything.

Rate this: +20


Sahitya said: (Mon, Aug 6, 2012 11:33:38 PM)

I am not sure which marriage is the best. But I can tell you guys one thing out
of my experience. I am from a very reserved south Indian family and I love a
boy from a very reserved Gujarati family. We both live in United States where
no one points at our relationship. Our families did not accept our relationship.
I love him with my whole heart and I could dream of no better husband than
him (this love is not out of infatuation, but by the level of understanding we
both share). Here in USA he has been my friend, father, mother, philosopher,
critic, consoler, in every single aspect of my life and it has been the same for

Now the situation is if we have to marry, we both have to leave our families
and be on our own for the rest of our lives. We both are the elder ones of our
family and have responsibilities from which we cannot run. I never wanted to
hurt my parents because they are the reason for my existence. But now they
are deeply hurt by my choice of future husband. For them love is only formed
after marriage but not before. I can pick and love one of the guys from the list
of guys my parents approve as suitable for me. If I want to marry someone
outside the list and outside the state, life is going to made miserable for me.
Many people say that, our parents are our well wishers and they know whats
right and wrong. But I would like to add one thing here, "Parents are our well
wishers only if we listen and obey them in everything. If we like to live the life
our way, our life will be made as miserable as possible".

I am sure my parents will not force me to marry someone. But at the same
time my life will be made miserable if I go according to my heart/love. I am
left in a maze of whom to chose; the one whom I love and to be with for the
rest of my life (say 40-50 years) or parents who raised me till now (and will
raise me even in the future if I go according to them).

On the bottom note: If you know very well about your parents and they
understand you, then love some one. If you know that your parents are very

reserved (who want to do everything which the society approves) and you
don't want to run away from your responsibility as their child, then don't even
dare to love. Else your life will be made miserable by all means.
Rate this: +84


Ketki F'Des said: (Mon, Aug 6, 2012 07:50:09 PM)

I think that love marriage is the best as we know the partner properly. And in
arranged marriage the husband is only a big surprise. Marriage is not which is
done between 2 people but it is a thing which is done between 2 families.

And when doing love marriage girls should not only go for wealth but also
their brains, and boys should not only go for beauty but also their character.

And parents should not force for the marriage because the couple has to
proceed forward not the parents.
Rate this: +31


Sandesh said: (Mon, Aug 6, 2012 06:36:41 PM)

According to me love marriage is good then Arrange Marriage because in love

marriage we can easily understand like-dislike of our spouse because we
know him/her very well and in arrange marriage we our family member is
decide that which boy or girls is right for us so we are not able to understand
his/her feeling which can be big issue in both life.
Rate this: +15


Manjunath K S said: (Sun, Aug 5, 2012 09:46:06 PM)

Hi friends. In my point of view the arranged marriage does look better than
love marriage. But I does mean I hate it. In our country the ratio of success of

arranged marriage is more. In this generation love is become an attraction

between a girl and boy in his matured age. We can see rare examples of
success even though some people found success but they found themselves
far away from there parents after the marriage. And face lot of difficulty in
rolling the life. The system of marriage depends on person. If one has no
lover what he should do. What he should wait for his lover throught his life. ?
And One thing I want to deliver is those who believe your parents strongly
you should also believe there choice. Because they are completly dedicated
for your well being. And those who have lover's try to convince your parents
with love.
Rate this: +29


Punit said: (Sat, Aug 4, 2012 03:47:24 AM)

If you want to regular life in love relations. Choose way to love marriage or if
you want to surprises, excitement, hope & forever friend then that friend
converts in your love. So you can choose an arrange marriage.
Rate this: +11


Angela said: (Fri, Aug 3, 2012 04:22:22 AM)

Hi All,

There is a saying which says that in a love marriage you marry your
boyfriend/girlfriend and in a arranged marriage you marry somebody else's
This is a true statement and I will tell you the benefits of a love marriage..
In a love marriage you not only get to find the one person whom you trust,
respect and love but it is also love which will bind you together in the tough
Love will ensure your marriage is one on honesty and preferring the other's
happiness above your own.
With Love you go in knowing the person and therefore when a problem arises

you are able to tackle it together.

Love provides a steady foundation on which marriage should be built.

Tell me who wants a marriage in which you know nothing about the person
you are gonna share your life with, in which you sleep in separate beds, in
which you have no clue what the happening in the others life or if they are
having some other affair, in which the other person doesnt care about you
and vice versa.

Its much better to spend you life with someone that you love, trust, respect
and admire.

What do you say ?

Rate this: +31


Jyoti said: (Tue, Jul 31, 2012 05:29:48 PM)

Marriage meaning has been totally changed these days.

There is neither a love marriage nor an arrange marriage.

There is only thing a Marriage.

It is just the face of understanding that the both partners have.

If that understanding and honesty remains then marriage is successful if not

then marriage is unsuccessful.
Rate this: +14


Adnan Shah said: (Sat, Jul 28, 2012 11:52:15 PM)

I am not in favor of either kind of marriages, open relationships is what I

would choose. No promises made and no one gets hurt, only when it comes
to commitment and honesty which if either of the partner can't fulfill, the
torment or turmoil in the relationship begins. Everyone has their views and
Rate this: +5


Abhijeet(Vit Pune) said: (Fri, Jul 27, 2012 12:24:08 AM)

What I think is. For having a love marriage we should first fall in love. In which
we fall eventually without even knowing it. We can't force ourselves to fall in
love to satisfy our wish of having a love marriage. If we do so it may lead to
disastrous consequences. If we don't fall in love till our marriageable age then
we don't have other option than arranged marriage. Nowadays arranged
marriage is also developing as both gender representatives are allowed to
talk, roam, know with other. This will be the time when we need to decide
whether the girl/boy is suitable for you.

One more case is Opposition by parents for love marriage. This is I guess a
universal problem. Solution is if you have courage to love then you should
also have courage to convince your parents for it. This totally depends on two
things 1. Their attitude towards love marriage 2. And How much they love
you. !
Rate this: +52


Riti said: (Thu, Jul 26, 2012 05:00:48 PM)

Hi, I am in favour of love marriage because everybody have their dreams

about their partner and if somebody have his/her dream partner then their
should be no problem for love marriage. It is says that mostly divorce happen
in love marriage but if I am doing love marriage it will be my responsibility to
prove it successful so that no one can blame. People oppose love marriage

mostly because of castisum but two person love each other, understand each
other then no one should oppose their marriage. Today's youth is too much
mature, though sometimes love might be only attraction it is our
responsibility to check it and assure our parents that they will be the best
couple in this world.
Rate this: +29


Chris said: (Thu, Jul 26, 2012 04:55:13 AM)

It depends upon the individual person based on his/her understanding about

Marriage, Marriage is not just a function or tradition but its more in to
Understanding, Compromising, Forgiving, Respecting, Loving, Being together
for ever and always Be Connected. On the other hand Misunderstandings,
Arguments, Pride, Ego, Selfishness are need to be ignore.


1. Person from your own community would be more compatible to you and
your family as they follow the same which yo and your family do.

2. Never go with outer appearance but Inner-Heart (Don't simply jump into
any commitments without knowing anything about any person) take some
time to understand the person being with him/her as a friend.

3. Boys: Good to choose a girl who is not richer than you.

Girls: you can choose a guy poorer than you if only if being poorer is not an
issue with you and if you respect him equally forever.

A soft answer, A listening ear, A forgiving Heart, A mind which accepts our
mistakes, An understanding Heart/Mind, A loving heart, Being calm will
always keeps the relation ship alive in any situation.

NOTE:Please get married only if you want to be with him/her for ever in any
Rate this: +39


B.Rajesh said: (Sun, Jul 22, 2012 02:32:42 PM)

Hi there, I'm Rajesh and in my opinion both love and arranged marriages are
well and good but when compared to arranged marriage love marriage is
logically quite reasonable because the loved partners had lot of
understandable stuff and most perfectly they know each other frequently
there won't be any problems and if at all any problems they can each other
solve easily depending upon their love and in case of arranged marriage
understanding each other takes much time because they don't know each
other. The arranged couples will love each other after a weeks or months or
dangerously years passed by.
Rate this: +21


Sawan said: (Thu, Jul 19, 2012 08:42:19 PM)

Hi friends,

My point of view love marriage is the best for our life because we had well
known the person and we had shared, talked many things so they are
understanding each one after getting marriage there no chance to getting
problems and misunderstanding and all. The important thing for
misunderstanding is they did not understand both then they did not find their
positive and negative characters. But the love marriage that will be avoid
that they will make their life with made for each other.
Rate this: +23


Shalini Tripathi said: (Thu, Jul 19, 2012 06:52:07 PM)

Hello friend,

In my opinion, love marriage and arrange marriage both are good but love
marriage is much better than arrange. Because in love marriage good
understanding between two person and no ego problem. In love marriage two
person always try to make a good relationship. They know their nature
behavior, and how will they react in different situation after marriage because
everybody have too much responsibilities. They can easily share their
feelings, problems in love marriage. In arrange marriage they feel shy to
share their problems in starting.

If I talk about specially for girls most of the time boy's family doesn't able to
understand girls feeling and thinking, so she face too much problems there.

Love marriage is also good for modern society because nobody have time to
spend their time to understand each other after marriage and adjustment.

But people should always try to convince their parents because they are like
a God, so people should not forget their parents.
Rate this: +38


Vikash said: (Wed, Jul 18, 2012 11:59:48 PM)

Friends according to me Love marriages are much better than the arrange
marriages because in love marriages we have the choice to choose the one
according to our desire, who suits to us, we can have better understandings,
likes, dislikes, but in arrange marriages who have to compromise with our
family and with our partner also. It will take much time to understand
eachothers but friends love marriages can only be successful if we respect
our partner, understand her/his feelings.
Rate this: +15


Srivani said: (Wed, Jul 18, 2012 06:06:19 PM)

Marriage is a responsibility that can only be fulfilled with equal understanding

and adjustments by the two partners efficiently. In my view, by what way the
marriages are done is secondary as long as there is affection, caring and
compatibility between each other.

In arranged or love or love cum arranged type of marriages, no one can

guarantee that they would be successful throughout the life as long as the
partners are ready to accept each other for what they are.

Keeping in view of today's lifestyle, people have no time even to know what
the beloved person likes or dislikes. Still there are people who care for family
decisions and sacrifice their love, but that does not mean that your family is
against you.

In my view love is "CARING" and too feel it, it takes time!

Many are of conception that love marriages are far better than arranged, it
may be correct. But what I feel is the love after marriage would be quiet
different and ever lasting as there would be responsibilities added.
Rate this: +27


Nick said: (Wed, Jul 18, 2012 03:15:03 PM)

Love marriage is good in the compare of arrange marriage because arrange is

a blind game you never know about his/her nature. But in the case of love
marriage you know about her/his nature. In case of Parent's pressure become
a arrange marriage its only a agreement both of them but the time is spend
together if they are agree together anything so it become look like a love
Rate this: +4


Uzma Adil said: (Tue, Jul 17, 2012 12:01:03 AM)

Love or arrange marriage is nothing just choose good person for your life.
There is no doubt that we can choose nation decision on the age of 18 but
think how wrong we are if we did not choose good person so take decision
from your mind but not from your heart.
Rate this: +6


Aurobinda said: (Wed, Jul 11, 2012 05:19:08 PM)

Well Friends, In true Love marriage, we can learn how to take a risk in life for
love. That's the utmost requirement in today's world for managing the risk, if
you are true in love no comfort Zone is required, automatically everybody will
salute you.
Rate this: +5


Manu said: (Mon, Jul 9, 2012 12:59:18 AM)

Hi friends. Myself sainath. The slight differentiation between love wedlock vs

arranged wedlock is-In love marriage we (he/she) choose ourselves and in
arranged marriage our parents choose, but whoever choose it ultimately
turns into LOVE. Without love there is no liaison. Because Now in this fast
moving generation every one is too fast in their lives before marriage (i mean
I don't blame every one) but I have seen such situations. In arrange wedlock
we will understood his/her taste after marriage and in case if the person
doesn't likes the taste then automatically-the just love situations changes
into horror movie. But in case of love marriage if both of the persons fathom
each other then there is no such issues. I conceive that in my questing of a
true partner-the right path to get married is to love a girl and get that love
into arranged.
Rate this: +15


Ashu said: (Sat, Jul 7, 2012 12:57:07 AM)


I thing we are discuss which one is better. Marriages are based on LOVE and
UNDERSTANDING. If we talk about love marriages boy or girl know the person
whom he/she will going to get married and love is also there and they want
there love marriage to become arrange by there parents but due to some
social sins as cast ism problem it will not possible and the couple become
enemy for their parents as well as relatives.

As far as arrange marriages are concerned problem is girl have to do many

adjustment for make there in laws happy.
Rate this: +15


Sumanth said: (Fri, Jul 6, 2012 09:03:27 PM)

Love marriage is far more better than arranged marriage because we may
find a partner according to our tastes. But in a arranged marriage we may not
find such one because it is an arranged one. Well one may think that parents
won't take wrong decisions in matter of their children. Thouhg it's correct but
in some cases there is a chance that they misjudge in seeing a match to their

It's better to love a person and marry him/her with the blessings of parents.
Rate this: +49


Jayasree said: (Fri, Jul 6, 2012 08:35:57 PM)

First of all I want to say it does not matter whether it is a love marriage or
arranged marriage, what we need is trust and proper understanding. It refers

to the nature and selection of our partner. I think love cum arranged marriage
is better than both love and arranged marriage individually. Because by love
marriage we can understand feelings of the person before marriage where as
in arranged marriage it can't be. In arranged marriage we get the support of
our parents where as in love marriage it can't be.

If we love anybody by understanding them better then there is a need that

our parents should also accept them. When anybody (girl/boy) comes into our
life it is not correct to neglect our parents.

So, I strongly con support love cum arranged marriages in the sense that we
can understand our partner better in love and we can get a proper support
from our parients in arranged.
Rate this: +29


Shankar said: (Fri, Jul 6, 2012 03:10:31 PM)

Good Morning Friends.

** Basically Our India marriage system is Arranged Marriage. By comparing

our marriage system with other countries marriage where most of loved
marriages, we can conclude that our marriage system is great. Most of the
other countries people also agreed this one.


OPINION". In Love marriage one or two are taking decisions. They can only
see one or two angles of his parter only. But in arranged marriages number of
families are involved along with bride/bridegroom to take a right decision.

**While taking decisions in arranged marriage experienced persons, who are

get marriage in arranged system. If Love system is better than arranged
system, definitely they will suggest to go to go with love marriage system.

**Many of Love marriages are making the bride/bridegroom to lost their love
towards their parents and parents love towards them. Parents may insulted in
society in some cases of love marriage. We don't make our parents to insult.
We should make them proud in society.

**Failures of marriage system is common in both system. With compare both

percentages Love system is more.

**If marriage system fails there is hope to get our parents and get better
marriage next time. But if love marriage is failure already he/she going away
from parents and what he/she will do?

**Our experience is not sufficient to determine our right partner. Now we may
happy with our own decision but in future we don't know what happen.

**Now a days TRUE LOVE is rarely existing. So we can't believe that love
always make us happy in future.

**Our family and relatives have so many expectations on our life. By loving
other, we can't make them to discourage.

**Bride/Bridegroom opinion also important role in arranged marriage. So we

can't say always that arranged marriage is distracted from his/her opinion.

**If there is a true love existing between lovers, then it is not problem with
love marriage. Otherwise I think it is better to go with arranged marriage.

**Marriage is coming only once in life. Everybody wants to make to be grand

success with everyone. It is most suitable in case of arranged marriage.


WHICH IS BETTER THAN LOVE MARRIAGE, that's what I think for my best of
Rate this: +37


Gayathri said: (Fri, Jul 6, 2012 09:45:41 AM)

Hi friends!
I want to discuss about love marriages vs arrange marriages.I think love
marriage ang arrange marriage both are good.In love marriage both persons
are know their character comletely.If any problems arise they must
understand their promblems.In arrange marriage they are not know their
character I correct,but now a days the parents donot accept
love marriage.think once what's wrong in love marriage.understanding and
trust was most important in life.

In a garden so many flowers are there some flowers may look like good some
flowers may damage.totaly while seeing garden looks like good.The same
thing in life also Life is so beautiful enjoy it and feel it.
Rate this: +11


Saniya said: (Thu, Jul 5, 2012 02:40:05 PM)

Hey friends talking about the issues of love and arrange marriage I would like
to comment that as far as in my opinion love marriages are far better then
arrange as I am an experienced married woman.

I was married in commotion, I had no idea about my partner living. I just

loved him and I made sure I will never marry any guy apart from him.

My full family opposed me but I stuck to my decision and even I eloped from
my home to marry him.

Now I am living with my husband's family with peace and ease. He proved my
efforts to marry him worth. He is a loving and caring husband.

I have no complaints. But the only regret of mine is my parents who loved me
so much and now hates me the most.
Rate this: +18


Anonymous said: (Thu, Jul 5, 2012 01:41:04 AM)

Hi guys, I'm going to speak from experience but I'm not going to say whether
a love marriage is better or an arranged marriage because I have learned
that it doesn't matter if it's love or arranged, what matters is the person
you're marrying. I got married 6 months ago to the guy I loved for two years.
It was a love/arranged marriage because both of our families agreed before
we went on and had a big fancy dream wedding.

We were really happy and in love but there were things about him that I
always had a feeling would be a problem later in our life such as his anger
problem or his unwillingness to compromise anything. I ignored them thinking
things will change but now 6 months later I cannot tell you how many times I
cry in a day. I can't tell anyone because this was my choice and it's not about
the fact that this was a love marriage, it's the fact that the person is just not
good. Even with an arranged marriage if the girl or guy is just not a good
person it doesn't work out. Thank God I have great parents who always
support me and I know I'll be okay but honestly, I regret not thinking every
FACTOR through before saying yes to his proposal.

It doesn't matter if it's love or arranged, just know the person your marrying.
Rate this: +20


Rasssu said: (Sun, Jul 1, 2012 07:45:33 PM)

I think love or arranged marriage does not matter what matters is our trust,
sacrifice and respect for our partner. I think love cum arranged marriage is
good. I also support arranged marriages but a proper space should also be
given to the both so that they can understand each other much better even
before getting married to each other. This will help creating a better future.
Rate this: +16


Sumeet said: (Sun, Jul 1, 2012 02:03:06 AM)

Well, mixed opinions to read here.

First of all, I would like to mention that we live in India where the basic
concept of marriage is Arranged and Arranged marriage only. So arranged
marriages are viewed in a good way always. Love marriages are thought to
be of poor value. As if love is a crime cause it doesn't have any boundaries of
caste, society etc.

In our society girls and boys just leave the entire decision on their parents,
without bothering to choose their life companion themselves. Parents make a
check list and the one with most marked points is picked up.

If arranged marriages are start of love and love marriages are end of love, no
love marriage have existed in world. If its not forever, its not love.

Our society just blindly opposes love marriages. Love marriages need support
from the families, but are denied. The thing to understand about marriage is
knowing relations and responsibilities at the same time. No matter if its love
or arranged.

We must choose our own life companion, cause every other decision in our
life is our own (education, career. ), then why not this?

I believe love marriages are good, we know one another better, pros and
cons. For I believe in love and keeping it young forever. Fall in love everyday
with your loved one. That makes it work.
Rate this: +10


Omnishan said: (Sat, Jun 30, 2012 05:59:43 PM)

Hello friends,

Both Love marriage and arrange marriage are better because they makes our
life easier with the life partner. In other hands, which one is better also
depends upon the life partner. If I was requested to select one of them then I
select the love marriage. I think honesty and believe or understanding is the
best policy for a better marriage life. And in love marriage we have all
knowledge about the likes and dislikes of our partner. We know each other
feelings very well. And all these are the base of understanding. Whereas as in
arrange marriage we do not know about the life partner, their life style and
their past as well. There is also a big problem of dowry in arrange marriage.
So live your life with your love.
Rate this: +29


Masharib said: (Fri, Jun 29, 2012 10:41:57 PM)

Hi everyone now I am going to tell you my opinion that love marriages are
better then arrange marriage because we can chose a future of our nation
after 18th then why we we can not choose a life partner for our whole life
think about it that if you are able for everything after your maturity age then
why you couldn't select your life partner.
Rate this: +13


Aayushi said: (Mon, Jun 25, 2012 02:52:43 PM)

It does not matter whether it is love marriage or arranged marriage, what

matters is the maturity and commitment the two people show towards
building and maintaining the relationship.
Rate this: +30


Sandeep Singh said: (Fri, Jun 22, 2012 10:06:17 AM)

Hello friends,

I'm Sandeep singh. According to me love marriage is better than arrange

marriage. Because in love marriage we our self choose a partner so in case of
divorce we can't blame others. I think love is one of the beautiful gift of god
to us. We have to faith in love, take responsibility, trust in each other, if we
do these thing I sure that love is better than arrange marriage.
Rate this: +20


Ambica said: (Thu, Jun 21, 2012 09:09:10 PM)

Hai friends!, a wonderful evening to everybody!

According to my view the marriage is mainly for to fulfill the births of man
and woman. It is mainly for to stand themselves one for each other in any
situation without leaving one from another. They made a promise to each
other as "i am the lifelong partner for you, I am for you, you are safe with my
well wishing at you". The strong base for the marriage is understanding. That
might not be produced immediately in arranged or love marriages. By
knowing steadily about their partner. What they are ?, then they can enjoy
their life. If they feel like one for others, and not for selfishness or when they
will not expect the same response from their partner and when they wish
their partners willingness then definitely they will be happy. That may be love
or arranged marriage.

So many people are telling in love marriages the divorce percentage is high.

But if we observe that same ratio is in arranged marriages also there. For love
marriage the problems are may be caste, region status so many are there.

That is same like that in arranged also dowry problem, status problem,
dignity problem what not. Everything has their it's pros and cons. So by
solving it with step by step then they can reach their destiny.
Rate this: +9


Manoj Oli said: (Wed, Jun 20, 2012 02:28:59 PM)

Arrange marriage is far better than love marriage. If people enjoy the whole
process of getting close and understanding each other before marriage in
impractical and planned platform they will start hating each other in long
term but this process is very genuine in arrange marriage, all they do is in
real life, that brings respect to each other ! & finally they become spiritual
Rate this: +40


Salma said: (Tue, Jun 19, 2012 06:34:42 PM)

I think both are good. We didn't say that which one is good and which one is
bad. In love marriages we choose our life partner, before marriage
understanding is important.
Rate this: +14


Zarina Hafiez Ullah said: (Sat, Jun 16, 2012 11:58:40 AM)

Arrange marriage is a beginning of love at the same time love marriage is a

end of love because till the stage of marriage spouse could have enjoyed
their almost love. In present scenario hardly it happens when we see love in
true n blood relationship then how is it possible that we can find real love in
those relation which are being made. But it doesn't mean that love has been

demolished but we can say that real love has been demolished somewhere.
Rate this: +24


Gayathri said: (Fri, Jun 15, 2012 01:35:23 PM)

Hi friends,

I support arranged marriage to love marriage because marriage is not only a

enjoyable event. It leads our in a respectable manner. If one accepts love
marriage and they face difficulties in life one must be their for us to relieve
from our difficulties in that manner no body helps except our parents. Parents


One must keep in mind that nowadays there is no true love it is just an
attraction between a girl and a boy. So I feel arranged marriage is better than
love marriage, because in terms of difficulties many people will be there for
us to solve our problems.

If the lovers won't accept this please be careful in choosing your life partners
and be happy.
Rate this: +96


Kratistos123 said: (Wed, Jun 13, 2012 08:14:33 PM)

Hi, If you read my commentary on this matter please don't believe that I am
from an Islam country or some part of Asia. I am from Peru in South America.
I used to think that it is better to know and love the person you will married

someday. But after reading about love and arranged marriages I change my
mind. If we compare statistics love marriages have more divorces than
arranged marriages and not only that but according to an study in order to
measure the intensity of love from the first year marriage and several year
marriage the results were. In love married couples who were married for 1
year the rate of love was 70 percent out of a possible 91 but after 10 years it
was 40 percent.

But compare with arrange marriages in their first year they got 58 percent
and after 10 years they got 68 percent. In short, the results would seem to
confirm the popular saying that " A love marriage is like a pot of hot water on
a cold stove ; an arranged marriage is like a pot of cold water on a hot stove."
After reading some other articles about it I am thinking more carefully about
it. For those who believe in love marriages the question is how many people
do you know that they made a mistake choosing their mate? I believe that
love should be part of a marriage but many times people confuse love with
passion. When you say that you love a boy or girl is it true love? or is it
passion what you feel for him or her? Now a marriage based on passion is
confined to fail. Now you cannot love a person immediately it is impossible.

Love is like a plant or flower you plant you need to take care of it while it is
growing. So love a person is a process. It is something you learn while you
are married. You learn to love that man or woman. For those who believe that
they get married because they love each other I would say that it is not the
true reason. In most cases for not to say all. What they really mean with love
is passion, desire or attraction that involves sex. I know that arranged
marriages have their cons but those are in most cases easy to deal with.
Rate this: +25


Arun said: (Wed, Jun 13, 2012 09:46:10 AM)

I prefer love marriage to arranged marriage because marrying a well known

person is better than marrying a stranger. If we don't like the character of the
partner (in arranged marriage) , it leads to divorce. In love marriage, we
already know the character of the person so, it won't create great problems.
Rate this: +42


Karthika said: (Mon, Jun 11, 2012 09:20:34 PM)

Hai friends,
My point of view love marriage is the best for our life because we had well
known the person and we had shared, talked many things so they are
understanding each one after getting marriage there no chance to getting
problems and misunderstanding and all. The important thing for
misunderstanding is they did not understand both then they did not find their
positive and negative characters. But the love marriage that will be avoid
that they will make their life with made for each other.
Rate this: +37


Kulbir said: (Sun, Jun 10, 2012 09:42:37 AM)

I think love marriage is better because two people can understand eachother
very nicely. They can adjust them self in any kind of situation. Moreover, in
love marriage partners can share there problem, feeling without any
hesitation but in arrange marriage partners first have to understand other
one and feel shy to tell there problem.

So in my opinion love marriage is better than arrange marriage.

Rate this: +40


Sarah said: (Thu, Jun 7, 2012 03:39:36 PM)

Love is the main feeling which a human should have. It is the starting stage
of any relation like parents, cousins, relations. For marriage too love is very
necessary. Love marriage is better than arrange marriage.
Rate this: +26


Lalit Mohan Rana said: (Wed, Jun 6, 2012 04:34:17 PM)

Yes, I salute all expert they give own opinion. But I think love marriage is
better than arrange marriage because lovers easily understand one another
& after the marriage they live happy life. One the other hand arrange
marriage is like a full aspiration of parents, relatives, society & Indian culture
to boost the girls and boy live happy life.
Rate this: +19


Abhishek B said: (Wed, Jun 6, 2012 04:10:26 PM)

This is Abhishek. According to me its not love or arrange marriage which
needs to be blamed for marriages which doesn't work or for marriages which
work wonders. Both is equally good and has its own positives and negatives
known to all. However according to me marriage is a broad context but it is
actually the individuals who decide the fate. It is very important for the
individuals to understand the stakes involved and not behave like kids or
immature people. Therefore anyone who is planning to get married. My
RESPONSIBILITY YET?and if there is any second thought then it is better to
defer the plan of getting married till you are mentally ready.
Rate this: +91


Hammy Kapoor said: (Wed, Jun 6, 2012 03:13:51 PM)

I personally feel that our motive should not be to go for arrange marriage or
love marriage. They both have their own pros. And cons. , we should always
aim for true love whether you may obtain it from arrange marriage or love
marriage. Whenever you feel that yes he/she would be the best life partner
for me and will stood up for me in any situation only those marriage lead to
be a successful marriage. !
Rate this: +16


Nitin said: (Tue, Jun 5, 2012 09:10:47 PM)

Hi. Every one.

I think love marriage is good because when in 18th age, we can choose future
of nation by voting then why can we not choose our life partner.
Rate this: +35


Asish said: (Tue, Jun 5, 2012 02:51:15 PM)

I think marriage is a kinds of relation which begins with loves. So, it does
matter people should marry with their proper choice but loves must be
genuine one not for temporary intention. When we fall in love we forget that
this persons is really suitable for us or not, that means lack of judgement
power. Love marriage is really appreciable but with the best partner in all
Rate this: +10


Priyanka said: (Mon, Jun 4, 2012 10:23:36 AM)

I support love marriage to arranged marriage. In arrange we only know the

cream of both the bride and the groom but in love marriage we will know
everything. Any marriage depends on our thinking, attitude and adjustment.
In arrange as parents are much involved they support because they are
blamed for any problem and they always say only one thing is adjust beta.
But in love they are not blamed because it is not there choice but we adjust
as we love the person. Any marriage it depend on our own thinking.

I conclude that marriage is only an excuse to have children and keep

increasing the population.
Rate this: +24


Gavy said: (Sat, Jun 2, 2012 05:33:47 PM)

Hi everyone.

I would like to speak about it, according to me AM is better because in this

marriage we get support from our family members in our problems which we
have to face in married life like fighting b/w both on the other hand we all
know we have changing NATURE we want something change in our life if they
already stay with him or her they get boar and there should be no any
excitement about her partner.
Rate this: +9


Maduria said: (Sat, Jun 2, 2012 02:16:54 AM)

Love marriage or arrange marriage : according to me, you are going to

choose and live the life.

Good approach, sharing, security, understanding, love, care, etc marriage

totally depends on the nature of the two people.

Marriage is sweet happening in life time, so we need to start up marriage

knot with all blessing from relations and parents, whether love or arrange
marriage this blessing is support and boost for life.

According to us, we think parent oppose our love marriage for some reason
and we dot obey them, just think - one day you will become mom and dad,
that time you think of.
Rate this: +10


Lokesh Surya1C said: (Fri, Jun 1, 2012 11:27:08 PM)

Marriages are made heaven celebrated on earth according to my mind love

marriages are to better than arranged because this is not matter one or two
days this is the the matter of life time. Love marriage both the partners
knows about each other the relation created by this marriage is more strong
than the arrange marriage.
Rate this: +9


Sreekanth P S said: (Fri, Jun 1, 2012 06:49:22 PM)

I think love marriage is the better one because we should know everything
about our partner, it will avoid lot of ego problems.
Rate this: +9


Priya said: (Fri, Jun 1, 2012 01:47:31 PM)

Marriage is a part of life and it should be according to the choice of Bride and
groom. No matters its LM or AM. The only thing matters is Parents Behaviour.
If parents become supportive and try to help kids in their LMs then 70% of LM
become successful.

In love marriage you can live your life with the one you want to & in arrange
marriage you spend your life in knowing your spouse and when the time you
think to live you had lot of responsibilities that you can't live the way you
want to.

Some like living and some spending.

Rate this: +20


Komal.S said: (Thu, May 31, 2012 03:32:31 PM)

In my opinion, love marriages are way better than arranged marriages. I don't
mean eloping with your lovers when I refer to love marriages, but a love-cumarranged marriage can serve the purpose, because mostly in arranged
marriages, the whole life passes away in understanding each other and if we
intend to leave them then it will be too late as we will be having kids by then.
So I conclude that a Love-Cum-Arranged marriage is the best one.
Rate this: +28


Shree Saradha said: (Wed, May 30, 2012 01:28:22 AM)

Love marriage is the best choice for sons/daughter whose parents have done
love marriage. But when we fall in love, we go selfish with our parents
thoughts and their dream of getting our marriage in grand way and to a good
place and good person. The more we love the less you judge, it is true in
loving a person. Love marriage is the best when we don't destroy the dreams
of our parents and get married with their blessings.

Its the worst when we just throw our parents and go behind the person we
love and living in the tears of our parents. So if we love could certainly face
all the problems and hurt others also through our action. So, not to hurt
anybody and not to shed tears and almost to avoid all confusion, we can do
arrange marriage with our parents blessings. Basement of our life is our
parents, we should not forget the sacrifice done by them for us. So, I
conclude arrange marriage is the best.
Rate this: +25


Sumit Tyagi said: (Tue, May 29, 2012 05:11:47 PM)

I want to love marriage but I like arrange marriage because I belong to

discipline family. Love marriage is unsuccessful because both partner has to
face more worst situations and having no support from anyone but my family
will not support me for love marriage. Arrange marriage always successful.
Rate this: +13


Ashutosh said: (Tue, May 29, 2012 04:08:40 PM)

Hi friend, in my opinion love marriage are better then arrange marriage.

Because in love marriage couple live together in whole life. Parents must not
be objection. Because this is love of his son/daughter.
Rate this: +5


Sylo said: (Tue, May 29, 2012 01:20:30 AM)

How do you go about a arranged marriage?

You look at the photo select the one who looks good probably speak few
things over phone or in person and all other things are decided by parents.

Well How would you choose a call girl?

The same way.

The only difference behind the high non-divorce rate in arranged marriage is
because people do not expect much from their partners. Even a small level of
adjustment seems to be a great display of character.

On the other side Love marriage are based on expectations and guess what

FINAL CONCLUSION: Go for Love marriage + Do not Expect too much from
your partner + Adjust and Share Happiness.
Rate this: +22


Teja said: (Mon, May 28, 2012 12:14:21 PM)

I agree with karthikk. He has rightly said this discussion itself happens only in
yet to develop societies. As for me, I think love marriage is not just better of
the 2- but is the only worthy option of the 2.

Never sacrifice for anyone in this issue as you have to live with a person
every second and every minute and so the choice has to be YOURS ONLY. If
you still say arranged marriage is better, fine go ahead and lead a drama,
because that can't be a life so realistic.
Rate this: +6


Mallika said: (Thu, May 24, 2012 04:04:45 PM)

Hello every one.

According to my opinion love marriages are too better than arranged
marriages, especially in this modern society. But in the case of arranged
marriages, the support of both the families & society could be there. After the
love marriage they should face some EGO problems, at that time parents
couldn't interfere in that. According to my idea love, trust, adjustment &
understanding are the pillars for marriage to get successful whether it is love
or arranged.
Rate this: +28


Vara Prasanna said: (Thu, May 24, 2012 03:46:13 PM)

Hi everybody,
The problem is not of love marriage or arranged marriage, there must be a
mutual understanding between the partners. By that life will be more happy.
Rate this: +8


Chaitri Parikh said: (Mon, May 21, 2012 03:07:35 PM)

Their are some advantages of love marriage like you know that person very
well before marriage only, one can make up the mind for the things that are
going to change in once life and can adjust easily, love exist from before
marriage only and one gets to choose life partner with their own choose.

But above all I think love, understanding, adjustment & trust are the pillar for
marriage to get successful whether it is love or arrange marriage.
Rate this: +16

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