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LightPad i1600G

160160-channel DWDM Multiservice Transmission System

Technical Manual
V4 .1R00

Padtec S/A Proprietary

LightPad i1600G 160-channel DWDM Multiservice Transmission System

Technical Manual





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Copyright 2007 Padtec S/A

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, Padtec, Metropad, LightPad i1600G, FlexPad, MultiPad, TransPad,
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Table of contents

Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: LightPad i1600G Platform Characteristics
Chapter 3: System Architectures and Network Applications
Chapter 4: DWDM System Functional Description
Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units
Chapter 6: DWDM System Physical Description
Chapter 7: Expanding the DWDM System Capacity
Chapter 8: Safety Procedures
Chapter 9: Abbreviations, Acronyms and References

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Chapter 1: Introduction



LightPad i1600G Platform is the Padtec S/A solution for optical network systems. Padtecs objective was the
development of an optical platform flexible enough to cost-effectively meet technical requirements demanded by
any network scenario, from access to long distance network segments. To reach this goal, the LightPad i1600G
Platform architecture supports the following configurations:

CWDM system (Coarse Wavelength Division Multiplexing),

DWDM system (Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing) and

Hybrid systems: CWDM and DWDM integrated in the same Platform.

This guide deals with the LightPad i1600G DWDM Platform characteristics for DWDM and hybrids systems.


Guide Structure

Chapter 2: LightPad i1600G Platform Characteristics

This chapter highlights the main LightPad i1600G Platform characteristics, pointing out the integration capacity of
DWDM and CWDM technologies in the same optical transport platform. Features briefly presented here will be
detailed in subsequent chapters.

Chapter 3: System Architectures and Network Applications

Padtecs DWDM system applies to point-to-point, bus and ring network topologies. The Padtecs DWDM equipment
can be configured as Terminal and Ring Terminal, depending on network application, and can also incorporate
active (ROADM Reconfigurable Optical Add and Drop Multiplexer) or passive (OADM) modules to add and drop
optical channels. There will be also presented the protection architectures supported by LightPad i1600G Platform,
through its Optical Protection System unit.

Chapter 4: DWDM System Functional Description

Padtecs DWDM system can be split in three different groups of components: transmission, management and
miscellaneous structures. This chapter describes functionally the LightPad i1600G DWDM Platform through a
system approach, showing the internal architecture of equipment configurations and units.

Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

This chapter details the technical specifications of every unit that compose the LightPad i1600G DWDM Platform.

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Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 6: DWDM System Physical Description

This chapter shows how to assemble mechanically Padtec DWDM equipment for Terminal and Ring Terminal
configurations. Assembling rules are presented, indicating the correct positioning of all units and sub-rack inside the
DWDM rack.

Chapter 7: Expanding the DWDM System Capacity

This chapter presents options to expand the capacity of the LightPad i1600G DWDM Platform by cascading optical
multiplexer and demultiplexer units. It includes expansion alternatives for pure DWDM systems, but also the
LightPad i1600G Platform possibility to evolve from an initial low-cost CWDM to a hybrid CWDM + DWDM system.

Chapter 8: Safety Procedures

It is presented security norms applied to optical transmission systems according to international standards.

Chapter 9: Abbreviations, Acronyms and References

It contains abbreviations and acronyms contained in this Guide as well as all referenced documents.

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Chapter 2: LightPad i1600G Platform Characteristics


LightPad i1600G Platform Characteristics

Currently WDM systems (Wavelength Division Multiplexing) are widely used in optical communications to split a
same optical fiber in different light sources or optical channels. This technique allows the transmission of several
wavelengths in the same optical fiber, which increases its transmission capacity.

Usually the transmission of several optical channels occurs in a linear region of operation of the fiber, i.e., the region
in which the transmission system can be characterized by the dispersion and attenuation of the optical signal.

However, in non-linear region of operation, where penalties occur in situation of high potency and increase in low
dispersion conditions, the usage of WDM systems can undergo by such a severe penalty that the transmission can
not be possible.
LightPad i1600G Platform, a WDM optical communication system developed and produced by Padtec S/A, is
designed to operates with high performance as much in linear as in non-linear region of operation, allowing high
optical power levels even in low dispersion optical links. This way can operate in all kind of the optical fiber
according to ITU-T G.652, G.653 and G.655 Recommendations. These optical fibers must be in accordance with
ITU-T G.650.1 and G.650.2 Recommendations.

LightPad i1600G Platform may be used either in long distances or in metropolitan networks. To have this flexibility,
a same Platform can support two different levels of optical channel density:

Channel spacing of 200 GHz, 100 GHz and 50 GHz - DWDM (Dense WDM) technology (ITU-T G.694.1);

Channel spacing of 20 nm - CWDM (Coarse WDM) technology (ITU-T G.694.2).

The LightPad i1600G Platform permits both DWDM and CWDM systems integrated in only one optical transmission
system, sharing the same network management system and mechanical structure.

It follows a short description of the main characteristics of the LightPad i1600G Platform.


Main Characteristics
Integrates CWDM and DWDM technologies, allowing an initial implementation of a low number of optical
channels in point-to-point or ring topologies. Its capacity can be easily expanded, with no service
interruption, up to 160 DWDM optical channels without protection (or 80 protected channels) in
unidirectional systems or up to 80 DWDM optical channels without protection (or 40 protected channels) in
bidirectional systems.

Applies to long distance, metropolitan and access networks, supporting Terminal and Ring Terminal
configurations. It can also incorporate optical passive modules to add and drop any number of optical
channels - the Optical Add and Drop Multiplexer (OADM) modules - in unidirectional or bidirectional optical
systems. These modules can be very useful in compounding an access passive optical network. They are
also available band OADMs, i.e., they make the adding and dropping of a multiplexed wavelengths

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Chapter 2: LightPad i1600G Platform Characteristics

subgroup. It also incorporates reconfigurable OADMs (ROADM - Reconfigurable Optical Add and Drop
Multiplexer), which drops up to 40 optical channels (C band) configured by management system.

Supports OTN (Optical Transport Network) functionalities, through a frame structure according to ITU-T
G.709, G.871, G.872, G.873.1 and G.874 Recommendations to STM-16 and STM-64 signals. Such
technology incorporates several failure and performance management capabilities, including FEC (Forward
Error Correction), allowing the deployment of very long haul DWDM systems with an outstanding

To metropolitan and long distance applications, it incorporates EDFA optical amplifiers (Erbium Doped
Fiber Amplifier) at booster and pre-amplifier configurations. Specifically for very long distance applications it
may incorporate in-line EDFA amplifier and Raman amplifier. The Erbium doped fiber optical amplifiers
incorporate Gain Automatic Control functionalities.

Its Optical Protection System acts at the signal failure or signal degrade detection. Its switch time is
always less than 15 ms, and it supports three protection architectures:

Optical Fiber Protection: protect the optical multiplexed signal, which contains all optical channels.
Applicable to point-to-point network topology with two optical routes available (working and
protection routes).

Optical Channel Protection or OSNC Optical SubNetwork Connection: protect individually each
optical channel. Applicable to any network topology (point-to-point, bus, and ring) and even to
networks composed of a mix of topologies.

Optical Channel and Transponder Protection: protect individually each optical channel and its
respective transponder unit, i.e., the transponder that generates the optical channel DWDM
wavelength. Applicable to any network topology (point-to-point, bus, and ring) and even to networks
composed of a mix of topologies.

Transparent, compatible with any optical digital interface at rates from 2Mb/s up to 10 Gbit/s and any
protocol (SDH ITU-T G.803, ATM, Ethernet, ESCON, FICON, etc.), introducing an extremely low latency
at the transported optical signal .

The LightPad i1600G Management System allows the management of each one of the transmitted optical
channels through an out-of-the-band optical supervisory channel, which can be accessed in every site of
the optical network. All active units that compound the DWDM/CWDM system are controlled by a Gateway
Network Element (GNE) that communicates internally with the units through a proprietary protocol and with
the Management Center through SNMP. The algorithms used by the Management System are stored in a
main processing unit, which can work redundantly in a master-slave mode, and is located at the
Management Center. The Management System uses Linux as the operational system and TCP/IP as
transport platform. The interaction with operational personnel is very user-friend, being totally graphical.

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Chapter 3: System Architectures and Network Applications

3. System Architectures and Network Applications

This chapter presents system applications regarding the LightPad i1600G DWDM Platform, without detailing any
technical specification of equipment pieces and unit used in the solutions. More detailed technical information will be
presented in Chapter 5.
This chapter covers the following topics:

Network topologies

Equipment configuration applicable to different topologies

Optical protection architectures

All examples presented in this chapter will consider unidirectional optical systems, in other words, optical systems
which uses one optical fiber in each transmission direction one fiber in the direction east west and another fiber
in the direction west east. It is necessary to point out that Padtec DWDM Platform supports both unidirectional
and bidirectional optical systems.
The Padtec DWDM Platform is according to ITU-T G.696.1, G.697 and G.698.1 Recommendations (besides others
mentioned in this manual).

3.1 Supported Network Topologies

Padtec DWDM system is applied to any linear network topologies point-to-point and bus, and ring network
A point-to-point topology has only two terminal sites which access (add and drop) all optical channels. Between
these sites there can be regenerating sites with the function of optically amplifying the optical multiplexed signal,
without accessing any optical channel. In these regenerating sites there must be a managed Line Optical Amplifier
unit. In terms of maximum distance in mono and multi-span link, LightPad Platform i1600G is according to G.692
ITU-T recommendation. Figure 3.1 shows a point-to-point topology with 2 regenerating sites.

Figure 3.1: Point-to-point topology with regenerating sites

A bus topology has two terminal sites in each extreme of the optical system. Each terminal site terminates all the
optical channels. Between these terminal sites there are sites that access only some of the optical channels. These
are called as intermediate sites. Eventually, between the intermediate sites there can be some managed
regenerating sites. Figure 3.2 shows a bus topology with two intermediate sites and one amplifying site.

Figure 3.2: Bus topology with two intermediate sites

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Chapter 3: System Architectures and Network Applications

A ring topology has a set of connected sites which communicates each other through two alternative routes: one
in the clockwise direction and another in the anticlockwise direction. Some ring sites may terminate all the optical
channels for instance, metropolitan rings where all the traffic addresses to one converging site and others ring
site may access only some optical channels. In long haul ring topologies it may be necessary regenerating sites to
amplify the optical multiplexed signal. Figure 3.3 shows a ring topology with five ring sites and one regenerating site.

Figure 3.3: Ring topology with 5 ring sites

3.2 Padtec DWDM Equipment Configuration

The following equipment configurations are supported by LightPad i1600G Platform: Terminal, Ring Terminal,
Fixed and Reconfigurable OADM. The regenerating sites are composed of managed Line Optical Amplifier units,
which integrate the LightPad i1600G Platform.


Terminal Configuration

Terminal configuration is used in sites where every optical channel must be terminated and the optical multiplexed
signal is sent in only one direction of transmission east or west. This case typically occurs in terminal sites of
point-to-point and bus topologies. Figure 3.4 shows an example of Terminal equipment.

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Chapter 3: System Architectures and Network Applications

Figure 3.4: Equipment in Terminal configuration

In Terminal configuration shown in Figure 3.4, the equipment has only one pair of mux/demux units. Depending on
the optical protection architecture adopted (see item 3.4) more than one pair may be necessary. Also, the chain
connection of up to 2 sets of mux/demux to expansion of DWDM Platform is possible (see Chapter 7). This
example has also Booster Optical Amplifiers (transmission side) and Pre-Amplifiers (reception side). These optical
amplifiers are optional units and may be used depending on the characteristics of the optical link.
A supervising optical channel, which works in a 1510 nm wavelength, is added right after the booster optical
amplifier and dropped immediately before the pre-amplifier. All management information locally gathered as well as
configuration commands emitted by the network management system are transmitted by the supervision optical
channel. Optionally, the equipment may communicate with the management system through a DCN (Data
Communication Network).


Ring Terminal Configuration

This configuration is applied to intermediate sites in a bus topology and to all sites in a ring topology. In this
configuration, the optical channel may be:

Locally accessed (added and dropped)

Passed through or expressed. In other words, get into the optical multiplexed signal at east and get out at
the optical multiplexed signal at west.

In Ring Terminal equipment, the expressed optical channels may be excessively attenuated or with a depredated
signal/noise ratio due to ASE (Amplified Stimulated Emission) noise accumulated by optical amplifiers present in its
routes. If this happen, it may be necessary to regenerate those channels. This regeneration may be done in the
optical multiplexed signal, through optical amplification, or individually for each one of the channels, using 2R
(regeneration and reshaping) or 3R (regeneration, reshaping and retiming) Transponders. Figure 3.5 shows an
example of equipment in Ring Terminal configuration.

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Chapter 3: System Architectures and Network Applications

Figure 3.5: Equipment in Ring Terminal configuration

In Figure 3.5, the Ring Terminal equipment has only one pair of mux/demux units to each transmission direction (an
east pair and a west pair). Depending on the protection architecture adopted (see item 3.4) more than one pair may
be necessary. Also, the connection in cascade of up to 2 sets of mux/demux units to expand the DWDM Platform
is possible (see Chapter 07). This equipment has also booster optical amplifiers (transmission side) and optical preamplifiers (reception side). These optical amplification units may be used depending on the characteristics of the
optical link. A supervising optical channel is added right after the booster optical amplifier and dropped immediately
before the pre-amplifier. All management information locally gathered as well as remote commands emitted by the
management system are transmitted by the supervising optical channel. In Ring Terminal equipment the same
information is carried by the east and west side supervising optical channels, compounding a ring management
network. This increases the management network reliability, which becomes immune to a single link failure.
Optionally, the equipment may communicate with the network management system by a DCN (Data
Communication Network).
The Ring Terminal equipment is a high capacity OADM being able to have access all local optical channels that
arrive from left and right sides. The number of locally accessed optical channels can be reconfigured, being able to
grow with the local traffic increasing.


Fixed OADM Configuration

Besides the two equipment configurations already mentioned, LightPad i1600G Platform supports equipment in
configuration OADM to add and drop any number of wavelengths. I.e., these units can totally be customized to
satisfy better the technical requirements of DWDM system. The add and drop matrix is fixed, i.e., both the passing
channels and locally accessed channels cannot be modified. OADM supports Single Homing (SH) or Dual Homing
(DH) configuration.
SH OADM accesses (adds and drops) optical channels only in just one transmission side: east or west. DH OADM
accesses optical channels from both transmissions sides: east AND west. Figure 3.6 shows the SH and DH OADM
configuration applied to a bus network topology, where the OADM module is in the intermediate site.

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Chapter 3: System Architectures and Network Applications

Figure 3.6: Examples of OADM configurations

Figure 3.6 shows SH and DH OADM modules for just one optical channel. There are also SH and DH OADM
available for bidirectional optical systems. Besides the DWDM channels, the supervising optical channel also may
be accessed by the OADM, although this is not shown in Figure 3.6
OADM modules are a very cost-effective alternative to bus and ring network topologies, when there are sites with a
low number of added and dropped optical channels. Besides, the OADM cause a low insertion loss in the expressed
Another alternative OADM configuration can be provided by Padtec: band OADM. This unit allows adding and
dropping of a sub-set of consecutive lambdas, supporting also the Single Homing and Dual Homing configurations.
Band OADMs apply to unidirectional or bidirectional systems and are specified according to customer necessities
(customized units). Band OADMs play an important role in star, hub and tree topologies, as can be seen in Figures
3.7, 3.8 and 3.9.

Figure 3.7: Example of star topology with band OADM

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Chapter 3: System Architectures and Network Applications

Figure 3.8: Example of hub topology with band OADM

Figure 3.9: Example of tree topology with band OADM

3.2.4 ROADM Configuration

LightPad i1600G Platform also supports ROADM (Reconfigurable Optical Add and Drop Multiplex) units (degree 2),
that allows optical channels add/drop of DWDM signals with 40 optical channels up to 10 Gbit/s with 100 GHz
spacing between adjacent channels. ROADM units work in Dual-Homing configuration and also incorporate OSNC
(Optical Sub-Network Connection) and Transponder protection functionalities.

3.3 Optical Protection Mechanisms of LightPad i1600G Platform

This item presents optical protection mechanisms available in the LightPad i1600G Platform, for both CWDM and
DWDM technologies.
Three protection mechanisms are currently available. All of them work in the optical layer, being totally transparent
to the optical signal rate and modulation:

Fiber protection;

Optical channel protection without equipment protection;

Optical channel protection with equipment protection.

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Chapter 3: System Architectures and Network Applications

These three mechanisms work in a 1+1 configuration and have the same operational characteristics. The only
difference is on the performance level: the fiber protection acts over the optical multiplexed signal and the optical
channel protections act individually over each optical channel.


Optical Protection Characteristics

This item shows the characteristics common to the three optical protection alternatives mentioned in the previous
item according to the terms and definitions on ITU-T Recommendation G.872 (Architecture of Optical Transport
Networks). Protection Switching Configuration
The optical protection system works in a 1+1 configuration (working and protection signals). It consists in:

A splitter located at the transmission side, which divides the same optical signal in two different paths and

One optical switch located at the reception side that selects and best quality signal.

As the protection switching is locally decided by the equipment that receives the working and protection signals,
there is no necessity for an APS (Automatic Protection Switching) protocol.
The protection switching may be reversible or non-reversible, that is, when the failure that has caused the protection
switching is healed, the optical switch may or may not return to its previous condition.
Non-reversible implementation minimizes the number of switching in the optical system.
Reversible implementation may have a programmed Wait-to-Restore (WTR) time. In this case, after the failure is
healed, the optical switch waits a WTR period before turning back to its previous position.
The switching works always in a unidirectional mode, i.e., acts only in the transmission direction where the optical
signal failure is detected. Protection Switching Criteria

Protection switching events may be automatically trigged in case of optical signal degradation or failure, or through
external request, by manual or remote commands. The criteria for starting a protection switching event are the

Forced Switching: the Padtecs DWDM management system may remotely accomplish a forced
switching, independently on the optical signal quality. When forced switching is applied, manual and
automatic switching options are disabled.

Manual Switching: by pressing a button in the frontal panel of the Optical Switching module, it is possible
to set the optical switch to any position, working or protection. The optical switch changes position when this
button is pressed. At this time, the automatic switching is disabled.

Automatic Switching: the working and protection signals are constantly monitored in the reception side of
the Padtec DWDM Platform. In case of loss of optical signal (signal fail) or decrease in the optical power
below a pre-set threshold (signal degrade), the optical switch will select the protection signal, if it is in better
conditions than the working signal. The switching will be automatically trigged if the power level of the
current selected signal falls X dB regarding a power threshold adjusted during the installation. If the power
level of both working and protection signals fall X dB below the power threshold, the switch will keep the
previous position. When both signals fail, the optical switch will selected the first recovered signal. The X
value must be adjusted in the assembly process.

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Chapter 3: System Architectures and Network Applications Switching Time

The maximum switching time is 15 ms from the detection of the signal degradation or failure. Protection Switching Management

The management system continually monitors the Optical Protection Switch, gathering information regarding
switching events, the current selected route, and if the alternative route is in good condition.


Optical Layer Protection Alternatives

There ate three optical protection alternatives available in LightPad i1600G Platform. Fiber Protection

The fiber protection system acts over the optical multiplexed signal. The splitter is located right after the optical
multiplexer unit and the optical switch immediately before the optical demultiplexer unit.
Figure 3.10 shows this protection alternative, where two signals in the client layer (c1 and cn) are optically
multiplexed and subject to a fiber protection alternative. Main optical signal is shown in solid line and the protection
signal in dotted line.

Figure 3.10: Fiber Protection Example Optical Channel Protection without Equipment Protection

This optical channel protection alternative meets the specifications of OSNC (Optical SunNetwork Connection)
protection. I.e., a sub-network connection protection applied to the optical layer according to terms and definitions
on ITU-T G.872 Recommendation. In this protection alternative, each optical channel is individually protected with
its own set of splitter and optical switch. The splitter is located right after the transmission Transponder and the
optical switch is located right after the DWDM demultiplexer unit. Optical channels that do not need protection
dispense the use of splitter and optical switch.

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Chapter 3: System Architectures and Network Applications

Figure 3.11 shows an example of this protection alternative, considering two client layer signals subject to the
optical channel protection. Two sets of optical mux/demux units are needed in order to provide optical route

Figure 3.11: Example of Optical Channel Protection Optical Channel Protection with Equipment Protection

This alternative protects both the optical channel and its respective transponder. According to definition in ITU-T
G.872 Recommendation, it would correspond to a kind of trail protection, where the trail is the optical channel.
Each protected optical channel demands a set of splitter, optical switch and a protection Transponder. Optical
channels that do not need protection dispense the use of splitter, optical switch and the extra Transponder.
Figure 3.12 shows this protection alternative, considering two client layer signals subject to the optical channel and
Transponder protection. Two sets of optical mux/demux units are needed in order to provide optical route diversity.

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Chapter 3: System Architectures and Network Applications

Figure 3.12: Optical Channel Protection with Transponder Protection

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Chapter 4: DWDM System Functional Description


DWDM System Functional Description


Initial Considerations

This chapter presents the functional description of the Padtec DWDM system. This functional description applies
for equipments in Terminal and Ring Terminal configuration, including every unit.


LightPad i1600G






Padtec DWDM system may be divided in three complementary structures:

Transmission Structure: groups units of the DWDM system directly involved in transmitting the client layer traffic
between sites. Transponders, Multiplexers, Demultiplexers, Optical Amplifiers, Dispersion Compensation
Module etc, are some of the units that make up the transmission structure.

Supervision Structure: groups the units responsible for the local or remote management of the DWDM system.
Supervisors, Optical Supervisory Channel, Shelf Hose Keeping as well as auxiliary third-party pieces of
equipment such as Ethernet Switches and Modems units are part of this structure.

Miscellaneous Structure: groups the units that make up the DWDM system infra-structure, such as racks,
power supply, fan, optical cabling trays etc.

These three structures will be described separately for Terminal and Ring Terminal equipment configurations.
Figure 4.1 shows an example of a DWDM system in a bus topology, which uses LightPad i1600G Platform products
in Terminal and Ring Terminal configuration. This system has the following characteristics:

All connections between the sites have a working link and a protection link.

Sites 1 and 3 are connected to a DCN (Data Communication Network) of the telecommunication service
provider, owner of the DWDM system.

Incorporates Ramam Optical Amplifiers to provide an extra gain in the optical links.

Operates with an Optical Protection System for the optical multiplexed signal between site 1 2 and 2 3.

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Chapter 4: DWDM System Functional Description

Figure 4.1: Example of a DWDM system in a bus topology

For DWDM system in bus topology (as previous figure describes) the system can be equipped with an optical
channel only used for the management traffic between Ring Terminal and Terminal stations. The responsible
equipments for the management optical channel traffic generation are called Client Supervisory Channel (placed in
a Ring Terminal station) and Terminal Supervisory Channel (placed in a Terminal station) modules. The
Supervisory Channel module (Terminal or Client) can be equipped with a 64 kbit/s digital data channel G.703 and a
voice channel, beyond the management channel. In this configuration of Supervisory Channel module, the G.703
data, voice and management data are time multiplexed (TDM) and transmitted using only one out-of-band optical
Following is described the logical operation of Supervisory Channel (Terminal and Client) modules with the
complete configuration of the module (Management, voice and G.703 data).


Network Management Sections Topology

Each section of the management network, whose physical layer is formed by optical links and Supervision
Channels, has the following topology (example for 4 stations):

Figure 4.2: Network management sections topology

They are connected via a single ring topology, in which the insertions (management data, voice, and G.703 data)
are made at the multiplexer side (represented by the dark square) and the return is through the upper side

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Chapter 4: DWDM System Functional Description

(represented by the white square). In the previous Figure, Rx_S = South side Reception, Tx_N = North side
Transmission, Rx_N = North side Reception and Tx_S = South side Transmission.
The Supervision Channel more to the south of link (in the example, SITE 1) generates in Tx_N the frames that will
synchronize all the other Channels of the network, and from the moment when it starts to receive the frames from
the north side, in Rx_N, these frames will be placed in phase with the frames generated through the adapting
The management data (DG1/DG2) are inserted in any station, they pass through in counter-clockwise direction of
the network and they are copied in each station they pass until returning to the origin station (ORIGIN), where they
are identified and extracted. To prevent that data with corrupted ORIGIN indicator remain indefinitely occupying the
channel, all packets are extracted by the same insertion node.
After the establishment of the telephone call, the voice samples codified at 64kbit/s are extracted and inserted by
caller/called stations. During the call setup, the voice control data are inserted in a station and extracted in the next
one on the chain which, in turn, must insert them again to the next station, in such a way that all stations receive the
same information.
The G.703 channel data have the same behavior as the voice data, however the caller/called stations are preconfigured at the moment of installation, and there cannot be in the network more than one communication between
two G.703 equipments present in the stations previously configured.


Maximum number of Stations that Can Compose a Section

The maximum number of stations that can be linked to compose a management network section is 16. However a
section with more than 6 stations causes the management performance to degrade. To overcome this problem,
there is the possibility to create different logical groups within the same physical section (see Figure 4.3). The
stations of a given logical group exchange data only between themselves, even sharing the same physical media to
all the stations of all the section groups to transmit and receive their data. For the considerations above, the
maximum number of stations within a same logical group is 6.

Figure 4.3: Maximum number of physically linked stations


Several Types of Telephone Call Setup

There is a telephone channel shared among all the stations of a section. At the end of dialing the caller station tries
to seize the line and in case the line is already being used the user receives the busy tone. The remaining of the call
setup is specific for each type of call.
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Chapter 4: DWDM System Functional Description Station  station Call setup

The number used for the telephone call identification is the same number of the station. Thus, to proceed to the call
from a station to another it is enough to dial the number of the station followed by end of call ("#"). If the line is not
busy, the caller user receives the ringback tone. In the called station the telephone rings and the call is completed
when somebody answers. In case nobody answers within 30 seconds the disconnection occurs and the user
receives a busy tone. In case the call setup occurs, the disconnection takes place when either party puts the phone
on hook. At this moment the other party receives a busy tone. Omnibus call setup (station - multiple stations)

To call multiple stations the user must type "100" followed by the end of call digit ("#"). If the line is not busy, the
caller user receives the ringback tone and the telephone rings in all other stations until somebody answers and the
call is completed. In case nobody answers within 30 s the disconnection occurs and the user receives a busy tone.
After the call is completed, any person who takes the phone off the hook enters automatically in the conversation,
but in listener condition. The conversation is in half-duplex mode, and so who wants to speak must press ("*") and
he will be able to speak through the channel until another person presses ("*"). The recognition of the condition
"owner of the channel" to speak is made through a pulsed acoustic signaling sent continuously to the interlocutor
who just pressed ("*") and lasts until the moment another participant of the call presses ("*") and assumes the
"owner of the channel" condition. This signaling was designed in order to cause no bother during the conversation.
Example: call from station 1 to other stations.
The person being present at the station 1 must take the phone off the hook and wait for the "dial tone". When he
receives it, he must dial "100 #". After dialing, the person receives the "ringback tone" indicating that the other
stations are being called. When somebody, in some station, takes the phone off the hook, a "half-duplex" voice
communication is established, interrupting the "ring" in the other stations. This call presents the following

The call originator has, initially, the capability to "speak" and "listen", and the other interlocutors can only
listen, either who first answers the call and the ones that had entered after the first answering;

This capability of "speaking and listening" can, however, be acquired by anyone of the participants of the
call once he presses the key ("*");

When this occurs, the ownership of the capability is lost for the interlocutor who has held it, passing it now
to the one who has just pressed ("*");

This capability is unique during the call and is independent on the number of participants, i.e., even if the
call is just between two people, only one of them will possess it;

The indication given to the interlocutor who holds it is a signaling composed of an intermittent tone and
adjusted to cause no bother during the conversation. Call setups involving PBX and the station


Hardware interface configuration: the "LINE" interface of the Supervision Channel must be connected to a PBX

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Chapter 4: DWDM System Functional Description

Figure 4.4: Connection to provide station  PBX calls

The number used for a telephone call via LINE interface is the station number plus "100". Thus, to proceed to the
call from one station to some PBX telephone terminal, it is enough to type "100" code + < station number >, followed
by the end of the call digit ("#"). If the line is not busy, the caller user receives the ringback tone and in the called
station the connection to the external line occurs. The caller user receives a new dial tone and then it is enough to
dial normally, according to the current protocol in the PBX. In case the call setup occurs, the disconnection takes
place when the caller user puts the phone on hook. At this moment the other party receives the line disconnection.
Example: call from station 1 to the station 3 PBX.
The person being present at the station 1 must take the phone off hook and wait the "dial tone". When receiving it,
he must dial "103 #". After dialing, the connection to the PBX is immediately made and the person receives the "dial
tone from the PBX". From this moment everything is as if the call was being made directly through a PBX extension.


Hardware interface configuration: the PHONE interface of the Supervision Channel must be a PBX TRUNK line.
This interface can, still, be shared with an extension containing a telephone set.

Figure 4.5: Connection to provide PBX  station calls

The call takes place in the following way:

The user accesses the trunk which the Supervision Channel is connected to. If the line is not busy, all the
procedure is the same as the station to station call;

The caller user receives the ringback tone. In the called station the telephone rings and the call is
completed when somebody answers;

In case nobody answers within 30 seconds, the disconnection occurs and the user receives the busy tone;

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Chapter 4: DWDM System Functional Description

In case the call setup occurs, the disconnection takes place when either party puts the phone on hook, at
this moment the other party receives the busy tone.

Example: external call to station 3:


The person outside the stations must access the trunk connected to one of the stations and wait for the
"dial tone";

When he receives it, he must dial "3 #";

After dialing he will receive the "ringback tone" indicating that station 3 is being called;

When somebody at the station 3 takes the phone off hook, the voice communication is established and the
conversation can be started, and nobody else present in some another station can have any type of
participation in the call. Call setups involving the PSTN


Hardware interface configuration: the "LINE" interface of the Supervision Channel must be connected to a
telephone line.

Figure 4.6: Connection to provide Station  PSTN Call

The number used for a telephone call via LINE interface is the station number plus "100". Thus, to proceed to the
call from the station to some PSTN telephone terminal, it is enough to type "100" code + <station number>, followed
by the end of the call digit ("#"). If the line is not busy, the caller user receives the ringback tone and in the called
station the connection to the external line occurs. The caller user receives a new dial tone and then it is enough to
dial normally, according to the current protocol in the PSTN. In case the call setup occurs, the disconnection takes
place when the caller user puts the phone on hook. At this moment the other party receives the line disconnection.
Example: Station 1 to station 3 PSTN call.
The person being present at the station 1 must take the phone off hook and wait for the "dial tone". When he
receives it, he must dial "103 #". After dialing, the connection with the PSTN is immediately made and the person
starts to receive the "dial tone from the PSTN". From this moment everything happens as if the call was being made
directly through a PSTN telephone terminal.
OBS: It is not possible to make a PSTN  STATION call.

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Chapter 4: DWDM System Functional Description


Transmission Structure


Terminal Equipment

Figure 4.7 shows the Terminal equipment transmission structure, with its units and the interconnection scheme.

Figure 4.7: Terminal equipment transmission structure Interconnection Scheme

In the transmission direction, the equipment is composed of a set of Transponders (one transponder to each
optical channel) connected to a Multiplexer (Mux) which is connected to a Booster Optical Amplifier (BOA). The
Booster Amplifier output is connected to one of the Supervisory Channel Multiplexer (SCM) inputs. The other
SCMs input receives the optical supervisory channel generated by the Terminal Supervisory Channel (TSC). The
SCMs output goes to the Optical Protection System (Optical Switch) input. In spite of being part of the
Management Structure, the TSC unit is included here because the optical supervisory channel, generated by the
TSC, shares the same transmission structure with the optical channels transporting client layer traffic.

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Chapter 4: DWDM System Functional Description

In the reception direction the working and protection optical signals received by the Optical Distribution Frame are
connected to the Optical Switch which may switch in case of failure or degradation of the selected signal. The
Optical Switch output is connected to the Supervisory Channel Demultiplexer (SCD), which separates the optical
supervisory channel from the multiplexed optical channels and sends it to the TSC unit. The other SCD output
sends the optical channels that transport client layer traffic to the Raman Optical Amplifier (ROA). The output
signal from the Raman Amplifier goes to the Optical Pre-Amplifier (OPA) input. After this second step of optical
amplification, the multiplexed optical channels go to the Demultiplexer unit, which separates all channel and send
them to their respective Transponder.
Following there is a short functional description of each unit that is part of the Terminal equipment transmission
structure. Transponder
Functional Description: The Transponder converts an optical input signal with wavelength in the range from 1250
nm to 1650 nm and intensity modulated to an optical output signal in 1550 nm window, operating in accordance with
ITU-Ts DWDM grid G.694.1. The optical output signals generated by Transponders are sent to the Multiplexer unit.
Example of the Transponder usage and Functional Representation: Figure 4.8 shows an application of Transponder
in one 8-channel DWDM Terminal equipment

Figure 4.8: Transponder functional representation Transponder Models

Transponder OTN 2.5 Gbps G.709/FEC Bidirectional

The transponder performs the wrapping and dewrapping of an STM-16 optical signal intensity modulated, NRZ type,
into an OUT-1 signal that modulates an optical carrier within the DWDM grid standardized by ITU-T G.694.1.

Transponder Terminal 10 Gbps G.709/FEC Bidirectional

The transponder performs the wrapping and dewrapping of an STM-16, STM-64 or 10GE optical signal intensity
modulated, NRZ type, into an OUT-2 signal that modulates an optical carrier within the DWDM grid standardized by
ITU-T G.694.1.

Transponder Regenerator 10 Gbps G.709/FEC Bidirectional

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Chapter 4: DWDM System Functional Description

Unit that regenerates the OTU-2 optical signal intensity modulated, NRZ type, into a new OTU-2 signal that
modulates an optical carrier of DWDM grid standardized by ITU-T G.694.1.

Transponder 3R Bit Rate Meter Bidirectional

Transponder 3R Bit Rate Meter Bidirectional converts a determined optical input signal with wavelength in the range
from 770 nm to 860 nm multimode or in the range from 1250 nm to 1650 nm, depending on the model, intensity
modulated and with NRZ format to an optical output signal in 1550 nm window, operating in ITU-Ts DWDM grid.
This transponder is responsible for regenerating, reshaping and retiming of the input signal (3R), besides reading
and detecting the bit rate of clients signal, reporting it to the management system.

2R Transponder

2R Transponder Regenerates and Reshapes the optical input signal. It accepts optical input signals from 2 Mbit/s to
2.5 Gbit/s.

Muxponder 4 x STM-16 G.709/FEC Bidirectional

The unit Muxponder allows to multiplex/demultiplex 4 STM-16 (2.5Gbps) asynchronous optical signals, intensity
modulated, NRZ type, into a single OTU-2 (10.7Gbps) signal that modulates an optical carrier within the DWDM
grid standardized by ITU-T G.694.1.

Combiner 10Gb/s 8 x Multi-protocol G.709/FEC Bidirectional

The Combiner unit has 8 client interfaces whose traffic is aggregated for transmission in the OTU-2 interface. Each
client interface can transport signals with the following protocols and bit rates:

Gigabit Ethernet (GbE)

Fibre Channel (FC) / FICON
2G Fibre Channel (2G-FC) / 2G FICON (2G-FICON)

1.25 Gbit/s,
200 Mbit/s,
1.0625 Gbit/s,
2.125 Gbit/s

The 2G-FC and 2G-FICON protocols occupy, each one, the equivalent to 2 out of 8 available client interfaces. The
GbE, FC / FICON and ESCON protocols occupy, each one, 1 out of 8 available client interfaces.

Figure 4.9 shows an application of Transponder in two 8-channel Terminal pieces of equipment.

Figure 4.9: Transponder functional representation

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Chapter 4: DWDM System Functional Description Optical Multiplexer

Functional Description
The Optical Multiplexer or Mux unit groups in just one optical fiber optical input channels with different wavelengths,
which come from Transponders units. Its optical output signal is called optical multiplexed signal.
Example of Optical Multiplexer usage and Functional Representation: Figure 4.10 shows an application of an 8channel Optical Multiplexer.

Figure 4.10: Optical Multiplexer functional representation Optical Demultiplexer

Functional Description
Optical Demultiplexer (Demux) unit carry out the inverse mux function. It receives the optical multiplexed signal and
splits it in several optical channels. These output optical channels, each one in a different wavelength, are sent to
their respective Transponder.
Example of the Optical Demultiplexer usage and its Functional Representation: Figure 4.11 shows an application of
the Optical Demultiplexer unit.

Figure 4.11: Optical Demultiplexer functional representation

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Chapter 4: DWDM System Functional Description Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifiers (EDFAs)

These units contain some meters of optical fibers doped with the rare earth element, erbium, which can amplify light
in the 1550 nm region when pumped by an external light source. There are three possibilities to position an EDFA in
the DWDM system: right after the Multiplexer unit (Booster Amplifier), immediately before the Demultiplexer unit
(Pre-Amplifier) or in the middle of the optical link (In Line Amplifier). Following is the description of these three

Pre-Amplifier Function and Description

Erbium doped fiber Pre-Amplifier is the last optical amplification unit in the optical link. It is located right before the
Demultiplexer unit, in the reception side of the DWDM equipment.
Example of the Pre-Amplifier and its Functional Representation: Figure 4.12 shows an application of Pre-Amplifier
in the DWDM system.

Figure 4.12: Pre-Amplifier functional representation

Booster Amplifier Function and Description

Erbium doped fiber Booster Amplifier is the first unit of amplification in the optical link. It is located right after the
Multiplexer unit, in the transmission side.
Example of the Booster usage and its Functional Representation: Figure 4.13 shows the application of booster
optical amplifier in 8 channel DWDM system of the DWDM equipment.

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Chapter 4: DWDM System Functional Description

Figure 4.13: Booster Amplifier functional representation

In Line Amplifier Function and Description

Erbium doped fiber In Line Amplifier is the intermediary unit of amplification in the optical link. It is located between
the SCMD units.
Example of the In Line Amplifier usage and its Functional Representation: Figure 4.14 shows the application of In
Line optical amplifier in 8 channel DWDM system of the DWDM equipment.

Figure 4.14: In Line Amplifier functional representation Raman Pre-Amplifier

Functional Description
Raman Pre-Amplifier is usually located in the DWDM system reception immediately before the erbium doped fiber
pre-amplifier. It makes the first phase of optical pre-amplification for the signal originated from the optical link. It is
applied only for very long haul system. Differently of the erbium doped fiber amplifiers, the Raman amplification
effect occurs over the optical link (it does not need any special fiber as a gain media) and the amplification gain is
independent of the channel number.

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Chapter 4: DWDM System Functional Description

Example of the Raman usage and its Functional Representation: Figure 4.15 shows the Raman amplifier with the
first pre-amplification step of a DWDM system

Figure 4.15: Raman Amplifier functional representation Optical Protection System

Functional Description
The Optical Protection System or Optical Switch is used to provide protection to optical signals. It can be used as a
protection to the optical multiplexed signal or individually to each one of the optical channels. It switches
automatically from the working signal to the protection signal when it detects a fall in the received optical power
Example of the Optical Switch usage and its Functional Representation: Figure 4.16 shows an Optical Switch
application over optical multiplexed signal.

Figure 4.16: Optical Protection System functional representation

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Chapter 4: DWDM System Functional Description Supervisory Channel Multiplexer SCM

Functional Description
Supervisory Channel Multiplexer (SCM) unit multiplexes the optical supervisory channel, generated by the Terminal
Supervisory Channel (TSC) and transmit it in the wavelength of 1510 nm, with the optical multiplexed signal
generated by the Multiplexer unit.
Example of the SCM usage and its Functional Representation: Figure 4.17 shows a SCM application in a DWDM
system with optical amplification (provided by booster amplifier) and Optical Protection System at the optical
multiplexed signal level.

Figure 4.17: SCM functional representation Supervisory Channel Demultiplexer - SCD

Functional Description
This unit separates the optical supervisory channel operating in 1510 nm from the optical channels transporting
client traffic. The optical supervisory channel is sent to the TSC unit and the multiplexed optical channels are sent to
the Raman Pre-Amplifier.
Example of the SCD usage and its Functional Representation: Figure 4.18 shows a SCD application in a DWDM
system with optical pre-amplification and Optical Protection System at the optical multiplexed signal level.

Figure 4.18: SCD functional representation

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Chapter 4: DWDM System Functional Description Dispersion Compensating Module DCM

Functional Description
This unit compensates the dispersion effect inserted in the transmitted data due to the fiber optic chromatic
dispersion. It is applied to long haul DWDM system where the maximum dispersion supported by the Transponder
units is exceeded.
Example of the Dispersion Compensation Module usage and its Functional Representation: Figure 4.19 shows
example of a DCM unit placed between the Pre-Amplifier and the Demultiplexer unit.

Figure 4.19: DCM functional representation


Ring Terminal Equipment

Ring Terminal equipment configuration is used in intermediate sites of a bus network and in every site of a ring
network. Figure 4.20 shows the Ring Terminal equipment transmission structure. In this example, the Ring Terminal
equipment is composed of two racks headed to opposite directions: rack 1 headed to NORTH or EAST direction
and rack 2 headed to SOUTH or WEST direction. The number of racks used in the Ring Terminal equipment
depends on the system characteristics: number of locally added and dropped optical channels, number of passthrough optical channels with the necessity of 3R regeneration, necessity of optical amplifiers and DCM units etc.

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Chapter 4: DWDM System Functional Description

Figure 4.20: Ring Terminal equipment transmission structure Interconnections
Rack 1
In the transmission direction, the equipment is composed of a set of 3R Transponders (one transponder to each
optical channel) connected to a Multiplexer (Mux) which is connected to Booster Optical Amplifier. The Booster
Amplifier output is connected to one of the Supervisory Channel Multiplexer (SCM) inputs. The other SCMs input
receives the optical supervisory channel generated by the Client Supervisory Channel (CSC). The SCMs output
goes to the Optical Protection System (Optical Switch) input. In spite of being part of the Management Structure,
the TSC unit is included here because the optical supervisory channel, generated by the TSC, shares the same
transmission structure with the optical channels transporting client layer traffic.
In the reception direction the working and protection optical signals received by the Optical Distribution Frame are
connected to the Optical Switch which may switch in case of failure or degradation of the selected signal. The
Optical Switch output is connected to the Supervisory Channel Demultiplexer (SCD), which separates the optical
supervisory channel from the multiplexed optical channels and sends it to the CSC unit. The other SCD output
sends the multiplexed optical channels that transport client layer traffic to the Raman Amplifier. The output signal
from the Raman Amplifier goes to the Optical Pre-Amplifier (OPA) input. After this second step of optical
amplification, the multiplexed optical channels go to the Demultiplexer unit, which separates all channel and send
them to their respective Transponders.
Rack 2
The interconnection scheme of Rack 2 is similar to the interconnection scheme of Rack 1 already presented. It
must be pointed out that Rack 1 and Rack 2 units share only one CSC unit.
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Chapter 4: DWDM System Functional Description Transponder
Functional Description
Usually, Regenerator Transponders are used in Ring Terminal equipment and work by individually regenerating
each one of the pass-through optical channels (expressed channels). It accepts STM-64 and 10 Gigabit Ethernet
input signals. For 2.5 Gbps it is necessary to use 2 Transponders in back-to-back configuration.
Example of the Regenerator Transponder usage and Functional Representation: Figure 4.21 shows an application
of Regenerator Transponder 10 Gbps in 8-channel Ring Terminal equipment. This example considers only passthrough channels. In other words, there is no locally added and dropped channel.

Figure 4.21: Regenerator Transponder functional representation

The other units that compose the transmission structure of Ring Terminal equipment are the same already
described to the Terminal equipment.


Supervision Structure & Management


Terminal Equipment

Figure 4.22 below shows the supervision structure of Terminal equipment and the interconnection scheme with the
transmission structures. The transmission units are the same showed in Figure 4.2.

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Chapter 4: DWDM System Functional Description

Figure 4.22: Management and transmission structures of Terminal equipment Interconnections
Transponders Supervisor is a basic device in Padtec DWDM system architecture because makes the
interconnection between the equipment management structure and the operator data network (or DCN), when
some access points to this network is present in the station. Two models of Transponders Supervisor exist
functionally, different physics and: Transponders Supervisor Master and Transponders Supervisor Slave.
Transponders Supervisor Master receives and stores the information from all the managed units of DWDM
equipment, being able to extern via Local Management, send it to other stations via Supervisory Channel or send it
to the Central Management via DCN. The word managed must be understood here as an attribute of all part of the

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Chapter 4: DWDM System Functional Description

system capable to extern some information (parameters or alarms) on its operational condition and/or to receive
commands, independently of which systemic structure belongs (transmission, management or miscellaneous).
Transponders Supervisor Master interconnects, via Ethernet connection (10BaseT), with the following part of the
management structure:

Central Management, via DCN.

Transponders Supervisor Master interconnects, via RS-232 serial connection, with the following parts of the
management structure:

Desktop or notebook of Local Management;

Amplifiers Supervisor;

Transponders Supervisor Master interconnects, via RS-422 serial connection, with the following part of the
management structure:

Transponders Supervisor Slave, when the equipment configuration demands, i.e., when there are more
than 10 transponders in an equipment.

It also interconnects, via serial interface in the transponders sub-rack backplane (it will be seen in chapter 5), to the
Supervisory Channel (Terminal or Client) that also it is part of the management structure, and to Transponders, that
are parts of the transmission structure.
Transponders Supervisor Slave, not showed in the previous Figure example, will be seen in the Ring Terminal
equipment management structure description.
Amplifiers Supervisor, even so has only one physical implementation type, can work in 3 conditions: Amplifiers
Supervisor, Amplifiers Supervisor Master and Amplifiers Supervisor Slave. In any one of these cases, always
interconnects to amplifiers via serial interface in the amplifiers sub-rack backplane which belong.
The first functioning condition only makes sense if it will not have Amplifiers Supervisor Slave in the equipment
configuration. In this condition the Amplifiers Supervisor interconnects, necessarily, to Transponders Supervisor
Master, as seen previously, and can interconnects to the Optical Switch in the case it to be part of the equipment
configuration, as previous Figure shows. If there is no Optical Switch it can to interconnect to Shelf House Keeping SHK. In the case to have Optical Switch and SHK in the same equipment, the link order is: Amplifiers supervisor to
Optical Switch and this to SHK.
In condition of Amplifiers Supervisor Master, it will go to connect to Transponders Supervisor Master and Amplifiers
Supervisor Slave. And finally, in the condition of Amplifiers Supervisor Slave, will go to connect to Amplifiers
Supervisor Master and Optical Switch or SHK, in the same way as seen in the first functioning condition. Supervisors
Functional Description
The supervisors constitute the network elements of management system, being responsible for collecting all
network connected equipment information. There are three models of supervisors: Transponders Supervisor
Master, Transponders Supervisor Slave and Amplifiers Supervisor. For each DWDM equipment there is only a
Transponder Supervisor Master, responsible for collecting the information of others supervisors of the equipment
and passing it to central management, via Ethernet interface, or to local management. Transponder Supervisors
Master of diverse equipments communicate through the optical supervisory channel.

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Chapter 4: DWDM System Functional Description

Example of the Supervisor usage and its Functional Representation:

The Figures 4.23 and 4.24 show the functional representation of Supervisor units.

Figure 4.23: Transponder Supervisor functional description

Figure 4.24: Amplifier Supervisor functional description Terminal Supervisory Channel (TSC)

Functional Description
The Terminal Supervisory Channel is responsible for the management data communication between remote
DWDM sites. This unit receives management data from the local Transponder Supervisor Master and generates
the optical supervisory channel.

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Chapter 4: DWDM System Functional Description

Example of the Terminal Supervisory Channel usage and its Functional Representation: Figure 4.25 shows the TSC
application unit.

Figure 4.25: Terminal Supervisory Channel functional representation Shelf House Keeping

Functional Description
The Shelf House Keeping (SHK) can collect information from infra-structure items and pieces of equipment located
at the DWDM site (tele-signals) and can act over these items and pieces of equipment through tele-commands.
Example of the Shelf House Keeping SHK usage and its Functional Representation: Figure 4.26 shows the Shelf
House Keeping unit application and functional representation.

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Chapter 4: DWDM System Functional Description

Figure 4.26: Shelf House Keeping function representation


Ring Terminal Equipment

The Figure 4.27 shows the interconnections between the supervision & management and transmission structures to
a Ring Terminal equipment configuration.

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Chapter 4: DWDM System Functional Description

Figure 4.27: Ring Terminal equipment supervision & management and transmission structures Interconnections
In the Figure 4.28 the Transponder Supervisor Master in Rack 1 is connected (via RS232 interface) with the
following unit of the management structure:

Desktop or notebook (Local Management Terminal);

Amplifier Supervisor Master (Rack 01);

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Chapter 4: DWDM System Functional Description

The Transponders Supervisor Master communicates, via RS-422 connection serial, with the following part of the
management structure:

Transponder Supervisor Slave (Rack 02).

The Transponders Supervisor Master communicates, via Ethernet connection (in case there is DCN), with the
following part of the management structure:

Central Management

Transponder Supervisor Master connects via serial interface in the Transponder Sub-rack backplane card to the
following units:

Client Supervisory Channel unit, part of the management structure of Rack 1;

Transponder units, part of the transmission structure of Rack 1.

The Transponder Supervisor Master is also the root of a connection chain which interconnects several units
through RS232 interface. Here is the chain:

Transponder Supervisor Master (Rack 1) Amplifier Supervisor Master (Rack 1)

Amplifiers Supervisor Master (Rack 1) Amplifiers Supervisor Slave (Rack 02)

Amplifiers Supervisor Slave (Rack 2) Optical Switch (Rack 1)

Optical Switch (Rack 1) Optical Switch (Rack 2)

Optical Switch (Rack 2) Shelf House Keeping (Rack 01)

The Transponder Supervisor Slave connects via serial interface in the Transponder Sub-rack backplane card to
Transponder units (Rack 2).
The Amplifier Supervisor Master is connected to the pre-amplifier, to Booster and Raman of rack 01 through the
serial interfaces placed in the backplane of the amplifier sub-rack.
The Amplifier Supervisor Slave connects via serial interface in the Amplifier Sub-rack backplane card to the Pre,
Booster and Raman Amplifier units of rack 2. Client Supervisory Channel

Functional Description
The Client Supervisory Channel unit is responsible for the management data communication between the local site
and the two adjacent remote sites. The Client Supervisory Channel unit receives management information from the
local Transponder Supervisor Master and generates the optical supervisory channel, which is sent to East and West
directions of the DWDM equipment.
Example of the Client Supervisory Channel unit usage and its Functional Representation: Figure 4.29 shows an
example of application and the functional representation of the CSC unit.

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Chapter 4: DWDM System Functional Description

Figure 4.29: Client Supervisory Channel functional representation


Miscellaneous Structure

The miscellaneous structure of the LightPad i1600G Platform is the same in Terminal and Ring Terminal


Main Power Module

Functional Description
The Main Power Module (MPM) function is to distribute DC power supply to the units which will compose a DWDM
rack. This unit supplies -48 VDC, 0 VDC and racks Earth to all the actives units in the rack.
Example of the MPM usage and its Functional Representation: Figure 4.30 shows the functional representation of
the MPM unit.

Figure 4.30: Main Power Module functional description


Fan G8 units

Functional Description
The Fan G8 unit function is to provide ventilation to Transponder and Amplifier Sub-racks.

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Chapter 4: DWDM System Functional Description

Example of the Fan usage and its Functional Representation: Figure 4.31 shows a Fan units application in a rack
with Transponder and Amplifier Sub-racks.

Figure 4.31: Fan Module functional representation


Optical Distribution Frame

Functional Description
The Optical Distribution Frame (ODF) has the function to connect Padtec DWDM equipment to the client layer
pieces of equipment.
Optical Distribution Frame Functional Representation: Figure 4.32 shows the connection between the Padtec rack
and the clients pieces of equipment.

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Chapter 4: DWDM System Functional Description

Figure 4.32: Optical Distribution Frame functional representation

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units


Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

This chapter presents the technical specifications of the units that compose the LightPad i1600G Platform. Table
below classifies all units into transmission, management and support devices.


Transponder OTN 2.5G G.709/FEC Bidirectional
Transponder Terminal 10Gbps G.709/FEC Bidirectional
Transponder Regenerator 10Gbps G.709/FEC
Muxponder 4 x STM-16 G.709/FEC Bidirectional
Combiner 10G 8 x Multi-protocol G.709/FEC
Transponder 3R Bit Rate Meter Bidirectional
Transponder 2R Bidirectional
Transponder Sub-rack
Optical Multiplexers
Optical Demultiplexers
Optical Multiplexers with VOA


Optical Add and Drop Multiplexer (OADM)

Reconfigurable Optical Add and Drop Multiplexer
Pre-amplifier EDFA with AGC
Booster EDFA 17 / 21 dBm with AGC
Booster EDFA 24 dBm with AGC
In Line EDFA 17 dBm with AGC
In Line EDFA 21 dBm with AGC
In Line EDFA 24 dBm with AGC
Raman Pre-amplifier 28 dBm
Raman Pre-amplifier 30 dBm
Remote Pump Optical Amplifier
Amplifier Sub-rack
Optical Protection Switching
Dispersion Compensation Module
Dispersion Compensation Fiber
Optical Interleaver
Transponder Supervisor Master
Transponder Supervisor Managed Slave


Amplifier Supervisor
Terminal and Client Supervisory Channel
Supervisory Channel Multiplexer / Demultiplexer
Shelf House Keeping

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

Main Power Module

Fan Module G8

Optical Cabling Tray

Optical Cabling Gutter
Units classified by structure type

The Padtec DWDM System complies with ITU-T G. 664, G.691, G.692, G.957, GR-1312-CORE, GR-2979-CORE
and IEC 60825-1 recommendations (other recommendations are also mentioned in this manual).

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

5.1. Transponder OTN 2.5G G.709/FEC Bidirectional










C: C band
L: L band
Channel (ITU-T DWDM grade)
18 to 99
Characteristics (type of LASER modulation)
E: integrated modulation (IM LASER)
Empty: direct modulation (DM LASER)
Client Interface
1: 850 nm multimode (to Gigabit Ethernet)
3: 1550 nm
4: 1310 nm
S: short haul
L: long haul

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units


Physical Dimensions
The transponder unit is compatible to the system LightPad i1600G and it has the following dimensions:
215x150x31.5 mm.

Physical Dimensions of Transponder OTN 2.5G G.709/FEC Bidirectional


Functionalities of Transponder OTN 2.5G

The transponder performs the wrapping and dewrapping of an STM-16 optical signal intensity modulated, NRZ type,
into an OUT-1 signal that modulates an optical carrier within the DWDM grid standardized by ITU-T, including the
following functionalities:
Performance management functionalities compliant with ITU-T Recommendation G.709 allow on-line traffic
monitoring for verification of SLA with the objective to assure high level QoS per wavelength.

The failure management functionalities that meet the ITU-T standards, G798 Recommendation, allow quick
localization of failure events contributing to increasing traffic availability.

The Tracing per wavelength functionality allows the verification of physical connectivity in complex
networks. This functionality allows performing the installation and maintenance of transponders in a quick
and effective way.

The Error Correction Code, FEC Reed-Solomon G.709, increases the robustness against non-linear effects
and performance degradation.

The optical interfaces are according to ITU-T Recommendations G.692 and G.959.1.

The optical interfaces are managed individually according to then ITU-T Recommendations G.707 and

The SDH networks management information is carried transparently.

Data monitoring of SDH header so as to guarantee the validity of the received STM-16 signal.

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

The transponder OTN 2.5G offers transparency to the SDH protection architectures (MSP, SNCP, MSSPRing/2 or MS-SPRing/4) and compatibility with the optical layer protection system of the LightPad i1600G

The transponder OTN 2.5G is based on ITU-T G.823, G.825, G.826, G.827, G.874, G.8251 and G.8201


Block Diagram and Functional Description



LA +







Laser +






Laser +







AL +







Block Diagram of Transponder OTN 2.5G G.709/FEC Bidirectional
SDH to OTN direction:
The STM-16 optical signal reaches the photodetector (PD) that performs the conversion of the optical signal into an
electrical signal. This electrical signal passes through a Transimpedance Amplifier (TA) that amplifies the signal,
besides making possible the reading of its power, through which an LOS alarm can be generated when the optical
power is below the optical sensitivity threshold.
Next, the signal passes through the clock recovering circuit (CDR Clock Data Recovery) that has an embedded
Limiter Amplifier (LA) on its input. The CDR recovers the synchronism signal from the input signals and generates a
new output signal from the recovered clock. As this new signal is retimed, there is a phase noise (jitter) filtering that
is present on the input signal, making viable the transmission of optical channels in long distance systems. The
retiming function is useful in the elimination of ASE noise (Amplified Spontaneous Emission) accumulated in long
reach optical systems with line optical amplifiers connected in cascade. When the CDR is not capable to suitably
recover the clock, a LOSSync alarm is emitted. The retimed signals and the clocks are sent to the next element, the
SDH frame analyzer circuit (2).
The SDH frame analyzer has as function to verify if the SDH frame is not with LOF and also to extract B1 and J0
information, assuring this way the validity of the STM-16 signal.
In the next stage (3), the STM-16 signal is wrapped within the G.709 frame, where the fields BIP-8, Trace, Payload
Type, and others, are included.

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

The element 4 is a Coding circuit that adds the FED to the signal, increasing its rate from 2.488Gbit/s to 2.666Gbit/s
so as to insert redundancy information in the signal. It is possible turning on or turning off this element through the
Management System telecommands.
Coded, the data signal follows to the element 5, Laser Driver, which provides the bias current that is the continuous
current component of the digital signal, needed to excite the Laser. Next, the Optical Modulator circuit modulates
the optical signal coming from a continuous wave Laser (CW). To take part in a DWDM system it is necessary that
the Laser wavelength might be controlled and maintened in one of the channels defined by ITU-T, with variations
within the tolerance margins of +/- 0.1nm. The laser used allows the control of its wavelength via temperature
control. The temperature control (TC) is done along with the TEC (ThermoElectric Cooler) or Peltier, a component
inside the Laser encapsulation that allows the temperature control absorbing or dissipating the internal heat. Inside
the Laser diode encapsulation there is also the BMPD (Back Monitor PhotoDiode). This component sends an
electrical sample of the Laser output signal to the Automatic Power Control (APC). The APC controls the Laser
output power by changing the bias current gain of Laser Driver circuit. In addition, the BMPD permits that the laser
optical output power be measured. The FAIL alarm occurs when the transmitter optical power drops 10 dB relative
to the nominal value. Through the telecommand sent by the Management System is possible to extinguish the
laser, and when this occurs it is emitted the LASEROFF alarm.
The element 6 of the diagram is the Controller circuit that is responsible for the performing of transponder
management. This data analyzer interprets the measurements done by the other elements and sends them to
another unit called Transponder Supervisor. Besides, it is the controller that activates the LEDs in the front panel of
the Transponder to provide visual indication of alarms. Another function of the Transponder Supervisor is to forward
to the Transponder OTN 2.5G G.709/FEC Bidirectional and other Transponders the telecommands of the
Management System.
The unit Transponder Supervisor connects to the Management System of LightPad i1600G Platform sending
information from each one of the transponders connected to the Transponders sub-rack.
OTN to SDH direction:
The element 7 provides the reception optical interface for the input signal OTU-1 at 2.666Gbit/s. Its operation is
identical to the STM-16 input, previously presented.
The Decoder circuit, element 8, removes and analyzes the FEC code of the signal, correcting occasional bit errors.
It is possible turning on or turning off this element through Management System telecommands. This element
allows the operator to monitor the bit error rate corrected by the FEC and the block error rate not corrected.
The electrical signal follows to the element 9 that processes and terminates the overhead bytes and also removes
the STM-16 signal from the G.709 frame structure. This element allows that the alarms LOF OTN, PT, ODU-TIM be
Afterwards, the signal passes through an SDH processor that transmits an MS-AIS signal in case there is an OTU-1
input failure.
Last, the electrical signal follows to the Laser Driver and to the Laser. Their operation is quite similar to the
previously described, with the exception that as the STM-16 signal is not included in a DWDM system, there is no
need to precisely control its wavelength and, therefore, there is no temperature control circuit for this laser.
Below there is a list of the overhead bytes handled by the Transponder OTN 2.5G G.709/FEC Bidirectional:

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

OTU - Optical channel Transport Unit

FAS - Frame Alignment Signal
MFAS - Multi Frame Alignment Signal
FEC - Forward Error Correction
ODU - Optical channel Data Unit
TTI - Trail Trace Identifier
BIP-8 - Bit Interleaved Parity
BEI - Backward Error Indication
OPU - Optical channel Payload Unit
PSI - Payload Structure Identifier
PT - Payload Type
JC - Justification Control
RS SDH Regenerator Section
A1, A2 Frame Alignment
B1 Bit Interleaved Parity
J0 Trail Trace
Overhead Bytes Implemented in Transponder OTN 2.5G G.709/FEC Bidirectional

Configurations and Adjustments in Hardware

The Transponder OTN 2.5G G.709/FEC Bidirectional has no configurations or adjustments in hardware.


Power feed

The Transponder OTN 2.5G G.709/FEC Bidirectional is powered by -48V, 0V and Rack Ground.


Electrical Interfaces

The Transponder OTN 2.5G G.709/FEC Bidirectional connects to the back card of the transponders sub-rack
through the EURO96 connector in its rear part. This connector promotes the data connection, by a TTL bus,
between the Transponder and the Transponders Supervisor.


Optical Interfaces

The Transponder OTN 2.5G G.709/FEC Bidirectional has four optical interfaces with SC-APC connectors.
IN 1: Receives a signal wrapped according to the Recommendation G.709 with FEC. It must be connected
to a singlemode cord and this must be connected to the output of the optical demultiplexer at the connector
that corresponds to its wavelength.

OUT 1: Transmits a signal wrapped according to the Recommendation G.709 with FEC, and bit rate of
2.666Gbit/s. It must be connected to a singlemode cord and this must be connected to the input of the
optical multiplexer at the connector that corresponds to its wavelength.

IN 2: Receives the client STM-16 signal with bit rate of 2.488Gbit/s.

OUT 2: Transmits the STM-16 signal to the client.

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units


Parametric Characteristics

Characteristics of Transponder OTN 2.5G G.709/FEC Bidirectional

Consumption (max) at -48 VDC [mA]

2 x 105

MTBF [hours]
Characteristics of the optical interfaces:
Bit rate supported OTU-1 interface [Gbit/s]
Minimum sensitivity for error rate at 10 [dBm]
Saturation power for error rate at 10 [dBm]
Minimum output power [dBm]
Extinction ratio
Maximum tolerated dispersion [ps/nm]

ITU-T [*] Grid
+/- 0.10 nm
10000 (IM)

Not applicable
Not applicable

[*] ITU-T G.694.1


Handling Precaution

The Transponder OTN 2.5G G.709/FEC Bidirectional makes use of Class 1 Lasers. As this class of Laser is the
safest that exists, it does not demand any special care by the user that will handle it. But, as a precaution, it is
recommended to keep the eyes off of the Transponder output connector line of direction. Every time the handling
cord connectors, external to the transponder, are removed one must take care to cover the adaptors at the
equipment front panel to avoid that the equipment internal connector gets dirty. When removing the Transponder
from the sub-rack, it must be wrapped with a shielded and antistatic package to avoid that the components of the
equipment be damaged.


Light Indicators on Front Panel

The Transponder OTN 2.5G G.709/FEC Bidirectional has the following LEDs on front panel:
POWER: green LED that goes on when the transponder is switched on.

LOS 1 (Loss of Signal): red LED that goes on when the input power of the OTU-1 interface is below the
sensitivity and blinks when there is loss of frame (LOS Sync). LOS Sync may happens when the input
signal has a non compatible frequency

LOS 2: red LED that goes on when the input power of the STM-16 interface is below the sensitivity and
blinks when there is loss of frame (LOS Sync). LOS Sync may happens when the input signal has a non
compatible frequency

LOF 1 (Loss of Frame): red LED that goes on when the Transponder OTN 2.5G G.709/FEC Bidirectional
detects loss of frame alignment on the OTU-1 interface.

LOF 2: red LED red LED that goes on when the Transponder OTN 2.5G G.709/FEC Bidirectional detects
loss of frame alignment on the STM-16 interface.

FAIL: red LED that goes on when the output power of the STM-16 laser or OTU-1 laser is below -10dBm

LASEROFF 1: red LED that goes on when the DWDM laser of the OTU-1 interface is deactivated and no
failure has occurred on the Laser.

LASEROFF 2: red LED that goes on when the laser of the STM-16 interface is deactivated and no failure
has occurred on the Laser.

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units


Alarms and Telemeasures Reported to Management System


LOS 1 and LOS 2

LOSSync 1 and LOSSync 2

LOF 1 and LOF 2





PIN input power level of OTU-1 interface

POUT output power level of OTU-1 interface

ITU-T grid Channel of OTU-1 laser

Lambda reference value of OTU-1 laser

Lambda actual value of OTU-1 laser

Payload Type received on OTU-1 interface

ODU-TTI value received on OTU-1 interface

J0 value of STM-16 interface

Bit error rate value of ODU-BIP8, ODU-BEI, errors corrected by FEC and blocks not corrected by FEC

Bit error rate value of B1 for the STM-16 interface

FEC coder and decoder state: on or off

Slot number of the sub-rack in which the transponder is installed

Serial number of transponder

Product code of transponder


Telecommands Accepted by Management System

Switch off the Laser of OTU-1 and STM-16 interfaces.

Switch on the Laser of OTU-1 and STM-16 interfaces.

Switch on or off the FEC coder.

Switch on or off the FEC decoder.

Start or stop the measurements of bit error rate of ODU-BIP8, ODU-BEI, errors corrected by FEC and
blocks not corrected by FEC.

Configure the TTI transmission or reception reference value.

Enable or disable switching off the STM-16 laser in substitution to the insertion of MS-AIS.


Identification Tags

The Transponder OTN 2.5G G.709/FEC Bidirectional has a tag on its front panel and on its rear part indicating the
serial number and product code.

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units


Removal Procedure of the Unit from the Sub-rack

Use antistatic wrist strap when removing the Transponder from the sub-rack.
If there is communication with management:
Execute the commands LASER OFF 1 and LASER OFF 2 to switch off the Lasers of the Transponder
OTN 2.5G G.709/FEC Bidirectional;

Disconnect its optical cables;

Remove it from the sub-rack.

If there is no communication with management:
Switch off the Transponder OTN 2.5G G.709/FEC Bidirectional removing it partially from the sub-rack, and
then removing the optical cables.

Insertion Procedure of the Unit in the Sub-rack

Use antistatic wrist strap when inserting the Transponder in the sub-rack.

Insert partially the Transponder OTN 2.5G G.709/FEC Bidirectional in the sub-rack;

Make the connection of the optical cables on its front panel;

Insert it totally in the sub-rack;

If necessary and possible, execute the command to switch on its Lasers.

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units


Transponder Terminal 10Gbps G.709/FEC Bidirectional









C: C band
L: L band
18 a 99
T: tunable
S: Single Bit Rate: 9.95GBps (10.7Gbps) transparent
T: Transparent Dual Bit Rate: 9.95Gbps (10.7GBps) e 10.3GBps (11.1Gbps) transparent
Empty: with STM-64 management
Client Interface
2: 1310 nm
3: 1550 nm
S: short haul
L: long haul

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units


Physical Dimensions

The unit transponder is compatible with the LightPad i1600G system, having the following dimensions:

Physical Dimensions of Transponder Terminal 10G G.709


Functionalities of Transponder Terminal 10G G.709

The transponder performs the wrapping and dewrapping of an STM-64 or 10GE optical signal intensity modulated,
NRZ type, into an OTU-2 signal that modulates an optical carrier within the DWDM grid standardized by ITU-T,
including the following functionalities:
The performance management functionalities are compliant with ITU-T Recommendation G.709 and allow
on-line traffic monitoring for verification of SLA with the objective to assure high level QoS per wavelength.

The failure management functionalities that meet the ITU-T standards, G798 Recommendation, allow quick
localization of failure events contributing to increasing traffic availability.

The Tracing per wavelength functionality allows the verification of physical connectivity in complex
networks. This functionality allows performing the installation and maintenance of Transponder Terminal
10G G.709 in a quick and effective way.

The Error Correction Code, FEC Reed-Solomon G.709, increases the robustness against non-linear effects
and performance degradation.

The optical interfaces are according to ITU-T Recommendations G.692 and G.959.1.

The optical interfaces are managed individually according to the ITU-T Recommendations G.707 and

The SDH and 10GE networks management information is carried transparently in the transparent version.

Analysis for LOF, B1 and J0 of SDH Regeneration Section (RS), in the non-transparent version.

The Transponder Terminal 10G G.709 adapts automatically to the bit rate of the client signal inserted.

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

The Transponder Terminal 10G G.709 offers transparency to the SDH protection architectures (MSP,
SNCP, MS-SPRing/2 or MS-SPRing/4) and compatibility with the optical layer protection system of the
LightPad i1600G Platform.

The Transponder Terminal 10G G.709 was designed with last generation components to have a high level
of compactness and to dissipate low power.

The Transponder Terminal 10G G.709 is compatible with Transponders Regenerators 10G G.709 of

The Transponder Terminal 10G G.709 is based on ITU-T G.823, G.825, G.826, G.827, G.874, G.8201 and
G.8251 recommendations.


Block Diagram and Functional Description

Block Diagram of Transponder Terminal 10G G.709

SDH to OTN Direction:
The STM-64 optical signal reaches the photodetector (PD) that performs the conversion of the optical signal into an
electrical signal. This electrical signal passes through a Transimpedance Amplifier (TA) that amplifies the signal,
besides making possible the reading of its power, through which an LOS alarm can be generated when the optical
power is below the optical sensitivity threshold.
The element 1 provides the reception optical interface to the client input signal. A photodetector APD converts the
optical signal to an electrical signal. The transimpedance amplifier (TA) makes possible an electrical amplification
with low noise. The elements Limiter Amplifier (LA) and Clock and Data Recovery (CDR) recover the synchronism
signal from the input signal and generate a new output signal from the recovered clock. The retiming function that
occurs after the regeneration and reformatting functions filters the phase noise (jitter) present in the input signal,
making viable the transmission of optical channels in long distance systems. The retiming function is also useful on
the elimination of ASE noise (Amplified Spontaneous Emission) accumulated in long reach optical systems with line
optical amplifiers connected in cascade. When the CDR is not capable to suitably recover the clock, a LOSSync
alarm is emitted. The retimed signal and the clock are sent to the next element, the G.709 wrapping circuit. The
element 1 allows also the measurement of the optical power of the client input signal and the detection of LOS
alarm, which occurs when the optical power of the signal is below the optical sensitivity threshold.

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

The element 3 is responsible to wrap the client signal into an OTU-2 signal that has a frame structure according to
the recommendation G.709. Besides, the G.709 wrapping inserts and processes the following overhead bytes:
OTU - Optical channel Transport Unit
FAS - Frame Alignment Signal
MFAS - Multi Frame Alignment Signal
TTI - Trail Trace Identifier
BIP-8 - Bit Interleaved Parity
BDI - Backward Defect Indication
BEI - Backward Error Indication
ODU - Optical channel Data Unit
TTI - Trail Trace Identifier
BIP-8 - Bit Interleaved Parity
BDI - Backward Defect Indication
BEI - Backward Error Indication
STAT - Status bits for indication of maintenance signal
OPU - Optical channel Payload Unit
PSI - Payload Structure Identifier
PT - Payload Type
RS SDH Regenerator Section
(Apenas em Verso No-Transparente)
A1, A2 Frame Alignment
B1 Bit Interleaved Parity
J0 Trail Trace
Overhead Bytes Implemented in Transponder Terminal 10G G.709
In the non-transparent version, the element 3 makes also possible to detect the LOF 2 alarm in the client interface.
The element 4 is a Coding circuit that adds the FEC to the signal. It is possible to switch on or off this element
through telecommands of Management System.
The coded data signal follows to the element 5. The Laser Driver supplies the bias current, which is the continuous
current component of the digital signal, needed to excite the Laser. Next, the Optical Modulator circuit modulates
the signal coming from a continuous wave Laser (CW). To take part of a DWDM system it is necessary that the
Laser wavelength might be controlled and maintained in one of the channels defined by ITU-T, with variations within
the tolerance margins of +/- 0.1 nm. The laser used allows the control of its wavelength via temperature control. The
temperature control (TC) is done along with the TEC (ThermoElectric Cooler) or Peltier, a component inside the
Laser encapsulation that allows the temperature control absorbing or dissipating the internal heat. Inside the Laser
diode encapsulation there is also the BMPD (Back Monitor PhotoDiode). This component sends an electrical
sample of the Laser output signal to the Automatic Power Control (APC). The APC controls the Laser output power
level by changing the bias current gain of Laser Driver circuit. In addition, the BMPD permits that the laser optical
output power be measured. The FAIL alarm occurs when the transmitter optical power drops 3 dB relative to the
nominal value. Through a telecommand sent by the Management System is possible to extinguish the laser, and
when this occurs it is emitted the LASEROFF alarm.
The element 6 of the diagram is the Controller circuit that is responsible for the performing of Transponder
Terminal 10G G.709 management. This data analyzer interprets the measurements done by the elements 1, 2, 3, 4,
5, 7, 8 and 9, and sends them to another unit called Transponder Supervisor. Besides, it is the Controller that
activates the LEDs in the front panel of the Transponder Terminal 10G G.709 to provide visual indication of alarms.
Another function of the Transponder Supervisor is to forward to the Transponder Terminal 10G G.709 and other
Transponders the telecommands of the Management System.
The unit Transponder Supervisor connects to the Management System of LightPad i1600G Platform sending
information from each one of the transponders connected to the Transponders sub-rack.

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

OTN to SDH direction:

The element 7 provides the interface analogous to the element 1 to the reception of signal G.709 OTU-2.
The Decoder circuit, element 8, removes and analyzes the FEC code of the signal, correcting occasional errored
bits. It is possible turning on or turning off this element through Management System telecommands. This element
allows the operator to monitor the bit error rate corrected by the FEC and the FEC block error rate not corrected.
The electrical signal follows to the element 9 that processes and terminates the overhead bytes and also removes
the client signal from the G.709 frame. This element allows that the alarms LOF (O), OTU-BDI, ODU-BDI, LOM,
PLM, OTU-TIM, ODU-TIM and ODU-AIS be detected, as required by ITU-T Recommendation G.798.
The recovered client signal follows to the element 2. This element has an analogous function to the element 5.


Configurations and Adjustments in Hardware

The Transponder Terminal 10G G.709 has no configurations or adjustments in hardware.


Power feed

The Transponder Terminal 10G G.709 is powered by -48V, 0V and Rack Ground.


Electrical Interfaces

The Transponder Terminal 10G G.709 connects to the back card of the transponders sub-rack through the
EURO96 connector on its rear part. This connector promotes the data connection, by a TTL bus, between the
Transponder and the Transponders Supervisor.


Optical Interfaces

The Transponder Terminal 10G G.709 has 4 optical connections with LC-APC connectors.
IN 1: Receives a signal wrapped according to the Recommendation G.709 with FEC. It must be connected
to a singlemode cord and this must be connected to the output of the optical demultiplexer at the connector
that corresponds to its wavelength.

OUT 1: Transmits a signal wrapped according to the Recommendation G.709 with FEC. It must be
connected to a singlemode cord and this must be connected to the input of the optical multiplexer at the
connector that corresponds to its wavelength.

IN 2: Receives the client signal.

OUT 2: Transmits the signal to the client.


Parametric Characteristics

Characteristics of Transponder Terminal 10G G.709:

Consumption at -48 VDC [mA]
MTBF [hours]

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2 x 105

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

Characteristics of OTU-2 interface:

Supported bit rate OTU-2 interface [Gbit/s]
Minimum sensitivity for error rate of 10-12 [dBm]

Saturation power for error rate of 10


STM-64: 10.709
10GE: 11.1

Minimum output power [dBm]


Extinction ratio


Maximum tolerated dispersion [ps/nm]
Supported DGD [ps]
Tunability [**]

ITU-T [*] Grid +/- 0.10 nm

Full C-Band or Full L-band
50 GHz spacing

[*] ITU-T G.694.1

[**] Valid for tunable models

Characteristics of client interface:

Supported bit rate client interface [Gbit/s]
Minimum sensitivity for error rate of 10-12 [dBm]
Saturation power for error rate of 10-12 [dBm]
Minimum output power [dBm]

STM-64: 9.953
10GE: 10.3

Extinction ratio
Maximum tolerated dispersion [ps/nm]


[*] ITU-T G.694.1

5.2.10 Handling Precaution

The Transponder Terminal 10G G.709 makes use of Class 1 Lasers. As this class of Laser is the safest that exists,
it does not demand any special care by the user that will handle it. But, as a precaution, it is recommended to keep
the eyes off of the Transponder output connector line of direction. Every time the handling cord connectors, external
to the Transponder Terminal 10G G.709, are removed one must take care to cover the adaptors at the equipment
front panel to avoid that the equipment internal connector gets dirty. When removing the Transponder from the subrack, it must be wrapped with a shielded and antistatic package to avoid that the components of the equipment be

5.2.11 Light Indicators on Front Panel

The Transponder Terminal 10G G.709 has the following LEDs on front panel:
POWER: green LED that goes on when the Transponder Terminal 10G G.709 is switched on.

LOS 1 (Loss of Signal): red LED that goes on when the input power is below the minimum sensitivity of the
interface OTU-2. When it is not lit, it blinks in the presence of LOSsync (O).

LOF 1 (Loss of Frame): red LED that goes on when is detected loss of frame alignment on the OTU-2

FAIL 1: red LED that goes on when the optical power of the OTU-2 interface transmitter drops 3 dB relative
to the nominal value.

LASEROFF 1: red LED that goes on when the DWDM laser of the OTU-2 interface is deactivated and no
failure has occurred on the Laser.

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

LOS 2: red LED that goes on when the input power is below the minimum sensitivity of the client interface.
When it is not lit, it blinks in the presence of LOSsync (S).

LOF 2: red LED that goes on when is detected loss of frame alignment on the client interface. Functional
only in Non Transparent Version.

FAIL 2: red LED that goes on when the optical power of the client interface transmitter drops below 3 dB
relative to the nominal value.

LASEROFF 2: red LED that goes on when the laser of the client interface is deactivated and no failure has
occurred on the Laser.

5.2.12 Alarms and Telemeasures Reported to Management System


FAIL 1 and 2

LOS 1 and 2

LOSsync 1 and 2

LOF 1 and 2

LASEROFF 1 and 2



PIN 1 and PIN 2 input power level of the OTU-2 interface and client interface (value with tolerance of + 1

POUT 1 and POUT 2 output power level of the OTU-2 interface and client interface (value with tolerance
of + 1 dB)

DWDM laser ITU-T Channel of the OTU-2 interface

Reference values of transmission and reception OTU-TTI and ODU-TTI.

J0 value of the client interface. Available only on non transparent version.

Bit error rate value of OTU-BIP8, ODU-BIP8, OTU-BEI, ODU-BEI, Corrected Errors by the FEC and Blocks
not corrected by the FEC.

Bit error rate value of B1 for client interfaces. Available only on non transparent version.

FEC coder and decoder state: on or off.

Slot number of the sub-rack in which the Transponder Terminal 10G G.709 is installed.

Serial number of Transponder Terminal 10G G.709.

Product code of Transponder Terminal 10G G.709.

5.2.13 Telecommands Accepted by Management System

Switch off the Laser of OTU-2 and client interfaces (LASER OFF 1 and 2).

Switch on the Laser of OTU-2 and client interfaces (LASER ON 1 and 2).

Switch on or off the FEC coder.

Switch on or off the FEC decoder.

Start or stop the measurements of bit error rate of BIP-8, ODU-BIP8, OTU-BEI, ODU-BEI, errors corrected
by FEC and blocks not corrected by FEC.

Configure the TTI transmission or reception reference value.

Enable or disable the consequent actions (insertion of MS-AIS on Non Transparent version, ODU-BDI,
OTU-BDI) to the detection of ODU-TIM or OTU-TIM.

Tune the wavelength of the OTU-2 interface.

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

5.2.14 Identification Tags

The Transponder Terminal 10G G.709 has a tag on its front panel and on its rear part indicating the serial number
and product code.

5.2.15 Removal Procedure of the Unit from the Sub-rack

Use antistatic wrist strap when removing the Transponder from the sub-rack.
If there is communication with management:
Execute the commands LASER OFF 1 and LASER OFF 2 to switch off the Lasers of the Transponder
Terminal 10G G.709;

Disconnect its optical cords and then,

Remove it from the sub-rack.

If there is no communication with management:
Switch off the Transponder Terminal 10G G.709 removing it partially from the sub-rack, and then removing
the optical cords.

5.2.16 Insertion Procedure of the Unit in the Sub-rack

Use antistatic wrist strap when inserting the Transponder Terminal 10G G.709 in the sub-rack.

Insert partially the Transponder Terminal 10G G.709 in the sub-rack,

Make the connection of the optical cords on its front panel,

Insert it totally in the sub-rack and,

If necessary and possible, execute the command to switch on its Lasers.

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units


Transponder Regenerator 10Gbps G.709/FEC Bidirectional









C: C band
L: L band
18 to 99
T: Tunable
S: Single Bit Rate: 9.95Gbps (10.7Gbps) transparent
T: Transparent Dual Bit Rate: 9.95Gbps (10.7Gbps) e 10.3Gbps (11.1Gbps) transparent
Empty: with STM-64 management
Interface 2 (ITU-T DWDM grade)
18 to 99: interface 2 DWDM channel of transponders regenerator
S: short haul
L: long haul

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units


Physical Dimensions

The unit transponder is compatible with LightPad i1600G system, having the following dimensions: 215x150x31.5

Physical Dimensions of Transponder Regenerator 10G G.709


Functionalities of Transponder Regenerator 10G G.709

Unit that regenerates the OTU-2 optical signal intensity modulated, NRZ type, into a new OTU-2 signal that
modulates an optical carrier of DWDM grid standardized by ITU-T, including the following functionalities:
The performance management functionalities are compliant with ITU-T Recommendation G.709 and allow
on-line traffic monitoring for verification of SLA with the objective to assure high level QoS per wavelength.

The failure management functionalities that meet the ITU-T standards, G798 Recommendation, allow quick
localization of failure events contributing to increasing traffic availability.

The Tracing per wavelength functionality allows the verification of physical connectivity in complex
networks. This functionality allows performing the installation and maintenance of Transponder Regenerator
10G G.709 in a quick and effective way.

The Error Correction Code, FEC Reed-Solomon G.709, increases the robustness against non-linear effects
and performance degradation.

The optical interfaces are implemented with MSA300 modules that provide support for links with several

The optical interfaces are according to ITU-T Recommendations G.692 and G.959.1.

The management information of SDH and 10GE networks is transported transparently.

The Transponder Regenerator 10G G.709 was designed with last generation components to have a high
level of compactness and to dissipate low power.

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

The Transponder Regenerator 10G G.709 is compatible with Transponders Terminals 10G G.709 of

The Transponder Regenerator 10G G.709 is based on ITU-T G.823, G.825, G.826, G.827, G.874, G.8201
and G.8251 recommendations.


Block Diagram and Functional Description

Figure below shows the block diagram of the Transponder Regenerator 10G G.709.

Block Diagram of Transponder Regenerator 10G G.709

OTN2 to OTN1 direction:

The element 1 provides the reception optical interface to the OTN2 signal. A photodetector APD converts the
optical signal to an electrical signal. The transimpedance amplifier (TA) makes possible an electrical amplification
with low noise. The elements Limiter Amplifier (LA) and Clock and Data Recovery (CDR) recover the synchronism
signal from the input signal and generate a new output signal from the recovered clock. The retiming function that
occurs after the regeneration and reformatting functions filters the phase noise (jitter) present in the input signal,
making viable the transmission of optical channels in long distance systems. The retiming function is also useful on
the elimination of ASE noise (Amplified Spontaneous Emission) accumulated in long reach optical systems with line
optical amplifiers connected in cascade. When the CDR is not capable to suitably recover the clock, a LOSSync
(O2) alarm is emitted. The retimed signal and the clock are sent to the next element, the G.709 wrapping circuit.
The element 1 allows also the measurement of the optical power of the OTN2 input signal and the detection of LOS
(O2) alarm, which occurs when the optical power of the signal is below the optical sensitivity threshold.
The Decoder circuit, element 2, removes and analyzes the FEC code of the OTN signal of OTN2 interface,
correcting occasional errored bits. It is possible to turn on or off this element through telecommands of
Management System. This element allows the operator to monitor bit error rate corrected by the FEC and error rate
of FEC blocks not corrected.

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

The element 3 is responsible to process and regenerate the bytes of OTU section of the OTN signal of OTN2
interface according to the recommendation G.709. The Regenerator G.709 processes and regenerates the
following overhead bytes:

OTU - Optical channel Transport Unit

FAS - Frame Alignment Signal
MFAS - Multi Frame Alignment Signal
TTI - Trail Trace Identifier
BIP-8 - Bit Interleaved Parity
BDI - Backward Defect Indication
BEI - Backward Error Indication
Overhead Bytes Implemented in Transponder Regenerator 10G G.709

The element 3 makes also possible to detect the LOF (O2), LOM (O2), OTU-BDI (O2), OTU-TIM (O2) alarms as
required by the ITU-T Recommendation G.798 of the OTN2 interface.
The element 4 is a Coding circuit that adds a new FEC to the signal. It is possible to turn on or off this element
through telecommands of Management System.
The regenerated data signal follows to the element 5. The Laser Driver supplies the bias current, which is the
continuous current component of the digital signal, needed to excite the Laser. Next, the Optical Modulator circuit
modulates the signal coming from a continuous wave Laser (CW). To take part of a DWDM system it is necessary
that the Laser wavelength might be controlled and maintained in one of the channels defined by ITU-T, with
variations within the tolerance margins of +/- 0.1 nm. The laser used allows the control of its wavelength via
temperature control. The temperature control (TC) is done along with the TEC (ThermoElectric Cooler) or Peltier, a
component inside the Laser encapsulation that allows the temperature control absorbing or dissipating the internal
heat. Inside the Laser diode encapsulation there is also the BMPD (Back Monitor PhotoDiode). This component
sends an electrical sample of the Laser output signal to the Automatic Power Control (APC). The APC controls the
Laser output power level by changing the bias current gain of Laser Driver circuit. In addition, the BMPD permits
that the laser optical output power be measured. The FAIL alarm (O1) occurs when the transmitter optical power
drops 3 dB relative to the nominal value. Through a telecommand sent by the Management System is possible to
extinguish the laser, and when this occurs it is emitted the LASEROFF alarm (O1).
The element 6 of the diagram is the Controller circuit that is responsible for the performing of Transponder
Regenerator 10G G.709 management. This data analyzer interprets the measurements done by the elements 1, 2,
3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11, and sends them to another unit called Transponder Supervisor. Besides, the Controller
controls the LEDs in the front panel of the Transponder Regenerator 10G G.709 to provide visual indication of
alarms. Another function of the Transponder Supervisor is to forward to the Transponder Regenerator 10G G.709
and other Transponders the telecommands of the Management System.
The unit Transponder Supervisor connects to the Management System of LightPad i1600G Platform sending
information from each one of the transponders connected to the Transponders sub-rack.
OTN1 to OTN2 direction:
The element 7 provides the interface analogous to the element 1 to the reception of signal G.709 OTU-2.
The Decoder circuit, element 8, provides an analogous function to the element 2, but for the OTN1 interface.
The electrical signal follows to the element 9 that has an analogous function to the element 3, but for the OTN1
The signal follows then to the element 10, with analogous function to the element 4.
The regenerated signal follows to the element 11. This element has an analogous function to the element 5.

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units


Configurations and Adjustments in Hardware

The Transponder Regenerator 10G G.709 has no configurations or adjustments in hardware.


Power feed

The Transponder Regenerator 10G G.709 is powered by -48V, 0V and Rack Ground.


Electrical Interfaces

The Transponder Regenerator 10G G.709 connects to the back card of the transponders sub-rack through the
EURO96 connector on its rear part. This connector promotes the data connection, by a TTL bus, between the
Transponder and the Transponders Supervisor.


Optical Interfaces

The Transponder Regenerator 10G G.709 has 4 optical connections with LC-APC connectors.
IN 1: Receives a signal wrapped according to the Recommendation G.709 with FEC. It must be connected
to a singlemode cord and this must be connected to the output of the optical demultiplexer at the connector
that corresponds to its wavelength. For OTN1 input.

OUT 1: Transmits a signal wrapped according to the Recommendation G.709 with FEC. It must be
connected to a singlemode cord and this must be connected to the input of the optical multiplexer at the
connector that corresponds to its wavelength. For OTN1 output.

IN 2: Analogous to IN O1, but for OTN2 input.

OUT 2: Analogous to OUT O1, but for OTN2 output.


Parametric Characteristics

Characteristics of Transponder Regenerator 10G G.709

Consumption at -48 VDC [mA]


MTBF [hours]

2 x 10

Characteristics of the OTU-2 interfaces:

Bit rate supported OTU-2 interface [Gbit/s]

Minimum sensitivity for error rate of 10


Saturation power for error rate of 10



STM-64: 10.709
10GE: 11.1

Minimum output power [dBm]


Extinction ratio


Maximum tolerated dispersion [ps/nm]

ITU-T [*] Grid +/- 0.10 nm


Supported DGD [ps]

Tunability [**]

Full C-Band or Full L-band
50 GHz spacing

[*] ITU-T G.694.1

[**] Valid for tunable models

5.3.10 Handling Precaution

The Transponder Regenerator 10G G.709 makes use of Class 1 Lasers. As this class of Laser is the safest that
exists, it does not demand any special care by the user that will handle it. But, as a precaution, it is recommended to
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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

keep the eyes off of the Transponder output connector line of direction. Every time the handling cord connectors,
external to the Transponder Regenerator 10G G.709, are removed one must take care to cover the adaptors at the
equipment front panel to avoid that the equipment internal connector gets dirty. When removing the Transponder
from the sub-rack, it must be wrapped with a shielded and antistatic package to avoid that the components of the
equipment be damaged.

5.3.11 Light Indicators on Front Panel

The Transponder Regenerator 10G G.709 has the following LEDs on front panel:
POWER: green LED that goes on when the Transponder Regenerator 10G G.709 is switched on.

LOS 1 (Loss of Signal): red LED that goes on when the input power is below the minimum sensitivity of the
interface OTN1. When it is not lit, it blinks in the presence of LOSsync (O1).

LOF 1 (Loss of Frame): red LED that goes on when is detected loss of frame alignment on the OTN1

FAIL 1: red LED that goes on when the optical power of the OTN1 interface transmitter drops 3 dB relative
to the nominal value.

LASEROFF 1: red LED that goes on when the DWDM laser of the OTN1 interface is deactivated and no
failure has occurred on the Laser.

LOS 2: Analogous to LOS O1, but for the OTN2 interface.

LOF 2: Analogous to LOF O1, but for the OTN2 interface.

FAIL 2: Analogous to FAIL O1, but for the OTN2 interface.

LASEROFF 2: Analogous to LASEROFF O1, but for the OTN2 interface.

5.3.12 Alarms and Telemeasures Reported to Management System


LOS 1 and LOS 2

LOSsync 1 and LOSsync 2

LOF 1 and LOF 2

LOM 1 and LOM 2

FAIL 1 and FAIL 2





PIN 1 and 2 input power level of the OTU-2 interfaces (value with tolerance of + 1 dB)

POUT 1 and 2 output power level of the OTU-2 interfaces (value with tolerance of + 1 dB)

DWDM laser ITU-T Channels

Reference values of transmission and reception OTU-TTI 1 and 2.

Bit error rate value of OTU-BIP8 1 and 2, OTU-BEI 1 and 2, Corrected Errors by FEC 1 and 2 and blocks
not corrected by FEC 1 and 2.

FEC 1 and 2 coder and decoder state: on or off.

Slot number of the sub-rack in which the Transponder Regenerator 10G G.709 is installed.

Serial number of Transponder Regenerator 10G G.709.

Product code of Transponder Regenerator 10G G.709.

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

5.3.13 Telecommands Accepted by Management System

Switch off the Laser of OTU-2 interfaces (LASER OFF 1 and 2).

Switch on the Laser of OTU-2 interfaces (LASER ON 1 and 2).

Switch on or off the FEC 1 and 2 coder.

Switch on or off the FEC 1 and 2 decoder.

Start or stop the measurements of bit error rate of OTU BIP-8, OTU-BEI, errors corrected by FEC and
blocks not corrected by FEC of both interfaces.

Configure the TTI 1 and 2 transmission or reception reference values.

Tune the wavelength of the OTU-2 interfaces.

Enable or disable the consequent actions (insertion of ODU-AIS, OTU-BDI) to the detection of ODU-TIM 1
and 2.

5.3.14 Identification Tags

The Transponder Regenerator 10G G.709 has a tag on its front panel and on its rear part indicating the serial
number and product code.

5.3.15 Removal Procedure of the Unit from the Sub-rack

Use antistatic wrist strap when removing the Transponder from the sub-rack.
If there is communication with management:
Execute the commands LASER OFF 1 and LASER OFF 2 to switch off the Lasers of the Transponder
Regenerator 10G G.709;

Disconnect its optical cords and then,

Remove it from the sub-rack.

If there is no communication with management:
Switch off the Transponder Regenerator 10G G.709 removing it partially from the sub-rack, and then
removing the optical cords.

5.3.16 Insertion Procedure of the Unit in the Sub-rack

Use antistatic wrist strap when inserting the Transponder in the sub-rack.

Insert partially the Transponder Regenerator 10G G.709 in the sub-rack,

Make the connection of the optical cords on its front panel,

Insert it totally in the sub-rack and,

If necessary and possible, execute the command to switch on its Lasers.

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units


Muxponder 4 x STM-16 G.709/FEC Bidirectional






C: C band
L: L band
18 to 99
T: Tunable

Physical Dimensions

The Muxponder unit is compatible with LightPad i1600G system, having the following dimensions:

Physical Dimensions of Muxponder 4 x STM-16 G.709/FEC Bidirectional

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units


Functionalities of Muxponder 4 x 2.5Gbps Bidirectional

The unit Muxponder allows to multiplex/demultiplex 4 STM-16 (2.5GBps) asynchronous optical signals, intensity
modulated, NRZ type, into a single OTU-2 (10.7GBps) signal that modulates an optical carrier within the DWDM
grid standardized by ITU-T, including the following functionalities:
Performance management functionalities compliant with ITU-T Recommendation G.709, allowing on-line
traffic monitoring for verification of SLA with the objective to assure high level QoS per wavelength.

Failure management functionalities that meet the ITU-T standards, G798 Recommendation, allowing quick
localization of failure events contributing to increasing traffic availability.

Tracing per wavelength allowing the verification of physical connectivity in complex networks. This
functionality allows performing the installation and maintenance of Muxponders 4 STM-16 in a quick and
effective way.

The Error Correction Code, Standard FEC (RS-255,239) Reed-Solomon G.709, increases the robustness
against non-linear effects and performance degradation.

The optical interfaces are according to ITU-T Recommendations G.692 and G.959.1.

The STM-16 interfaces are managed individually according to the ITU-T Recommendations G.707.

The management information of SDH networks are transported transparently.

Offers transparency for the SDH protection architectures (MSP, SNCP, MS-SPRing/2 or MS-SPRing/4) and
compatibility with the protection system on optical layer of LightPad i1600G Platform.

They were designed with last generation components to have a high level of compactness and to dissipate
low power.

They are compatible with Transponders Regenerators 10G OTN.

The Muxponder is based on ITU-T G.823, G.825, G.826, G.827, G.874, G.8201 and G.8251


Block Diagram and Functional Description

Figure below shows a block diagram of Muxponder 4 x STM-16 G.709/FEC Bidirectional.


















Block Diagram of Muxponder 4 x STM-16 G.709/FEC Bidirectional

SDH to OTN direction

The SFP modules provide the opto-electrical conversion of the four STM-16 signals. Each one of these modules
has a photodetector PIN, besides a transimpedance amplifier and a limiter amplifier. The modules implement signal
regeneration and reformatting functions. Each one of the modules performs the measurement of input and output
optical power, LOS (S1, S2, S3 and S4) alarm detection, FAIL detection and module presence detection.
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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

The SERDES elements perform the conversion of data in a serial way, correspondent to the rate of 2.5 Gbps, in
four bundles of 622 Mbps. They perform also the recovering and insertion of individual clocks of each STM-16
The Wraper is responsible to wrap the 4 STM-16 signals into one OTU-2 signal that has a frame structure
according to the Recommendation G.709. Besides, the G.707/G.709 Mapping inserts and processes the following
overhead bytes:
OTU - Optical channel Transport Unit
FAS - Frame Alignment Signal
MFAS - Multi Frame Alignment Signal
TTI - Trail Trace Identifier
BIP-8 - Bit Interleaved Parity
BDI - Backward Defect Indication
BEI - Backward Error Indication
FEC - Forward Error Correction
ODU - Optical channel Data Unit
TTI - Trail Trace Identifier
BIP-8 - Bit Interleaved Parity
BDI - Backward Defect Indication
BEI - Backward Error Indication
STAT - Status bits for indication of maintenance signal
OPU - Optical channel Payload Unit
PSI - Payload Structure Identifier
PT - Payload Type
JC - Justification Control
RS SDH Regenerator Section
A1, A2 Frame Alignment
B1 Bit Interleaved Parity
J0 Trail Trace Identification
Overhead Bytes Implemented in Muxponder 4 x STM-16 G.709/FEC Bidirectional
The Wraper makes also possible to detect the LOF (S1, S2, S3 and S4) alarm that might occur in anyone of the
STM-16 input interfaces.
The FEC 255/239 is a Coding circuit that adds the FEC to the signal, increasing its rate from 9.95 Gbit/s to 10.71
Gbit/s. It is possible to turn on or off this element through telecommands of Management System.
The coded data signal follows to the SERDES element. The Laser Driver supplies the bias current, which is the
continuous current component of the digital signal, needed to excite the Laser. Next, the Optical Modulator circuit
modulates the signal coming from a continuous wave Laser (CW). To take part of a DWDM system it is necessary
that the Laser wavelength might be controlled and maintained in one of the channels defined by ITU-T, with
variations within the tolerance margins of +/- 0.1 nm. The laser used allows the control of its wavelength via
temperature control. The temperature control (TC) is done along with the TEC (ThermoElectric Cooler) or Peltier, a
component inside the Laser encapsulation that allows the temperature control absorbing or dissipating the internal
heat. If the Laser temperature reaches values outside the range in which the Laser is correctly tuned, it is emitted
an alarm of Laser Temperature. Inside the Laser diode encapsulation there is also the BMPD (Back Monitor
PhotoDiode). This component sends an electrical sample of the Laser output signal to the Automatic Power Control
(APC). The APC controls the Laser output power level by changing the bias current gain of Laser Driver circuit. In
addition, the BMPD permits that the laser optical output power be measured. The FAIL alarm occurs when the
transmitter optical power drops 3 dB relative to the nominal value. Through a telecommand sent by the
Management System it is possible to extinguish the laser, and when this occurs it is emitted the LASEROFF alarm

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

The Controller circuit is responsible for the performing of Muxponder 4 x 2.5G management. This data analyzer
interprets the measurements done by the elements and sends them to another unit called Transponder Supervisor.
Besides, the Controller controls the LEDs in the front panel of the Muxponder 4 x 2.5G to provide visual indication of
alarms. Another function of the Transponder Supervisor is to forward to the Muxponder 4 x 2.5G and other
Transponders the telecommands of the Management System.
The unit Transponder Supervisor connects to the Management System of LightPad i1600G Platform sending
information from each one of the transponders connected to the Transponders sub-rack.

OTN to SDH direction:

The SSF element provides the reception optical interface to the OTU-2 input signal. A photodetector APD converts
the optical signal at 10.71 Gbit/s to an electrical signal. The transimpedance amplifier (TA) makes possible an
electrical amplification with low noise. The elements Limiter Amplifier (LA) and Clock and Data Recovery (CDR)
have similar functions to the SDH to OTN direction transmission. This element allows the detection of LOS and
LOSsync alarms in a similar way that occurs in SFP modules that support STM-16 interface. The element also
performs the measurement of the optical power of the OTU-2 input signal.
The Decoder circuit removes and analyzes the FEC code of the signal, correcting occasional errored bits. It is
possible turning on or turning off this element through Management System telecommands. This element allows the
operator to monitor the bit error rate corrected by the FEC and the FEC block error rate not corrected.
The electrical signal follows to the element that processes and terminates the overhead bytes and removes the four
STM-16 signal of G.709 frame structure. This element allows the detection of LOF (O), OTU-BDI, ODU-BDI, LOM,
PLM, OTU-TIM, ODU-TIM and ODU-AIS alarms, as required by ITU-T Recommendation G.798.
Each one of the four recovered STM-16 signals follows to one of the four SFP modules. Each module is responsible
to perform the electro-optical conversion of an STM-16 signal. It is possible to extinguish each one of the four lasers
of SFP modules, and when this occurs it is emitted a LASEROFF (S1, S2, S3 and S4) alarm. The optical power of
each one of the STM-16 signals transmitted can be measured by the SFP modules.


Configurations and Adjustments in Hardware

The Muxponder 4 x 2.5G G.709/FEC Bidirectional has no configurations or adjustments in hardware.


Power feed

The Muxponder 4 x 2.5G G.709/FEC Bidirectional is powered by -48V, 0V and Rack Ground.


Electrical Interfaces

The Muxponder 4 x 2.5G G.709/FEC Bidirectional connects to the back card of the transponders sub-rack through
the EURO96 connector on its rear part. This connector promotes the data connection, by a TTL bus, between the
Transponder and the Transponders Supervisor.


Optical Interfaces

The Muxponder 4 x 2.5G G.709/FEC Bidirectional has ten optical connections with LC-APC connectors.
IN S1, IN S2, IN S3 and IN S4: Receive the STM-16 signals of client layer that have bit rate of

OUT O: Transmits a signal wrapped according to the Recommendation G.709 with FEC, bit rate of 10.709
Mbit/s. It must be connected to a singlemode cord and this must be connected to the input of the optical
multiplexer at the connector that corresponds to its wavelength.

IN O: Receives a signal wrapped according to the Recommendation G.709 with FEC. It must be connected
to a singlemode cord and this must be connected to the output of the optical demultiplexer at the connector
that corresponds to its wavelength.

OUT S1, OUT S2, OUT S3 and OUT S4: Transmit the STM-16 signals to the client layer.

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units


Parametric Characteristics

Characteristics of Muxponder 4 x 2.5G G.709/FEC Bidirectional:

Consumption at -48 VDC [mA]


MTBF [hours]

2 x 10

Characteristics of OTU-2 interface:

Bit rate supported OTU-2 interface [Mbit/s]

Minimum sensitivity for error rate of 10


Saturation power for error rate of 10






Minimum output power [dBm]


Extinction ratio



ITU-T [*] Grid +/- 0.10 nm

Maximum tolerate dispersion [ps/nm]


Supported DGD [ps]

Tunability [**]

Full C-Band or Full L-band
50 GHz spacing

[*] ITU-T G.694.1

[**] Valid for tunable models

Characteristics of STM-16 interface:

The STM-16 interface is implemented with SFP modules that are widely commercially available. There are SFP
modules for several types of applications. These modules may have, for example, the characteristics below.
Application Code of ITU-T Recommendation G.957
Distance (km)
Type of fiber


Short Haul



Bit rate supported STM-16 interface [Mbit/s]

Minimum sensitivity for error rate of 10-12 [dBm]

Saturation power for error rate of 10





Minimum output power [dBm]



Extinction ratio [dB]




1310 nm

Maximum tolerated dispersion [ps/nm]



Other interfaces recommended by ITU-T and that may be found in the form of SFP modules with operation at 2.5
Gbit/s, in the market, are: S-16.2 (15km, 1550nm, fiber G.652), L-16.1 (40km, 1310nm, fiber G.652), L-16.2 (80km,
1550nm, fiber G.652 or G.654) and L-16.3 (80km, 1550nm, fiber G.653).
There are also in the market, SFP modules with operation at 2.5 Gbit/s that support CWDM and DWDM interfaces.

5.4.10 Handling Precaution

The Muxponder 4 x 2.5G G.709/FEC Bidirectional makes use of Class 1 Lasers. As this class of Laser is the safest
that exists, it does not demand any special care by the user that will handle it. But, as a precaution, it is
recommended to keep the eyes off of the Transponder output connector line of direction. Every time the handling
cord connectors, external to the Muxponder 4 x 2.5G, are removed one must take care to cover the adaptors at the
equipment front panel to avoid that the equipment internal connector gets dirty. When removing the Transponder
from the sub-rack, it must be wrapped with a shielded and antistatic package to avoid that the components of the
equipment be damaged.
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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

5.4.11 Light Indicators on Front Panel

The Muxponder 4 x 2.5G G.709/FEC Bidirectional has the following LEDs on front panel:
POWER: green LED that goes on when the Muxponder 4 x 2.5G G.709/FEC Bidirectional is switched on.

LOS (Loss of Signal): red LED that goes on when the input power is below the minimum sensitivity of the
interface OUT-2.

LOF (Loss of Frame): red LED that goes on when the Muxponder 4 x 2.5G G.709/FEC Bidirectional
detectes loss of frame alignment on the OUT-2 interface.

LASEROFF 1: red LED that goes on when the DWDM laser of the OUT-2 interface is deactivated and no
failure has occurred on the Laser.

LOS S1, LOS S2, LOS S3, LOS S4: red LEDs that go on when the correspondent input power is below the
minimum sensitivity of the STM-16 interface.

LOF S1, LOF S2, LOF S3, LOF S4: red LEDs that go on when the Muxponder 4 x 2.5G G.709/FEC
Bidirectional detects loss of frame alignment on the correspondent STM-16 interface.

LASEROFF S1, LASEROFF S2, LASEROFF S3, LASEROFF S4: red LEDs that go on when the Laser of
the STM-16 interface SFP module is deactivated and no failure has occurred on the Laser.

5.4.12 Alarms and Telemeasures Reported to Management System


FAIL (O, S1, S2, S3 and S4)

LOS (O, S1, S2, S3 and S4)

LOSsync (O, S1, S2, S3 and S4)

LOF (O, S1, S2, S3 and S4)

LASEROFF (O, S1, S2, S3 and S4)


Temperature of the Laser of OTU-2 interface.


PIN (O, S1, S2, S3 and S4) input power level of the OTU-2 interface and STM-16 interfaces (value with
tolerance of + 1 dB).

POUT (O, S1, S2, S3 and S4) output power level of the OTU-2 interface and STM-16 interfaces (value
with tolerance of + 1 dB).

Reference values of transmission and reception OTU-TTI and ODU-TTI.

J0 value of the STM-16 interfaces.

Bit error rate value of OTU-BIP8, ODU-BIP8, OTU-BEI, ODU-BEI, Corrected Errors by FEC and blocks not
corrected by FEC.

Bit error rate value of B1 for each one of the 4 STM-16 interfaces.

FEC coder and decoder state: on or off.

Slot number of the sub-rack in which the Muxponder 4 x 2.5G is installed.

Serial number of Muxponder 4 x 2.5G.

Product code of Muxponder 4 x 2.5G.

5.4.13 Telecommands Accepted by Management System

Switch off the Laser of OTU-2 and STM-16 interfaces (LASER OFF (O, S1, S2, S3 and S4)).

Switch on the Laser of OTU-2 and STM-16 interfaces (LASER ON (O, S1, S2, S3 and S4)).

Switch on or off the FEC coder.

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

Switch on or off the FEC decoder.

Start or stop the measurements of bit error rate of OTU BIP-8, ODU-BIP8, OTU-BEI, ODU-BEI, errors
corrected by FEC and blocks not corrected by FEC.

Configure the TTI transmission or reception reference values.

Enable or disable the consequent actions (insertion of MS-AIS, ODU-TIM and OTU-TIM) to the detection of

Tune the wavelength of the OTU-2 interface.

5.4.14 Identification Tags

The Muxponder 4 x 2.5G G.709/FEC Bidirectional has a tag on the printed circuit board that indicates the serial
number of the electronic pack. On its front panel and its rear part there is a tag indicating the product serial number.

5.4.15 Removal Procedure of the Unit from the Sub-rack

Use antistatic wrist strap when removing the Transponder from the sub-rack.
If there is communication with management:
Execute the commands LASER OFF O and LASER OFF S1, LASER OFF S2, LASER OFF S3 and
LASER OFF S4 to switch off the Lasers of the Muxponder 4 x 2.5G G.709/FEC Bidirectional;

Disconnect its optical cords and then,

Remove it from the sub-rack.

If there is no communication with management:
Switch off the Muxponder 4 x 2.5G G.709/FEC Bidirectional removing it partially from the sub-rack, and
then removing the optical cords.

5.4.16 Insertion Procedure of the Unit in the Sub-rack

Use antistatic wrist strap when inserting the Transponder in the sub-rack.

Insert partially the Muxponder 4 x 2.5G G.709/FEC Bidirectional in the sub-rack,

Make the connection of the optical cords on its front panel,

Insert it totally in the sub-rack and,

If necessary and possible, execute the command to switch on its Lasers.

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units


Combiner 10Gb/s - 8 x Multi-protocol G.709/FEC Bidirectional






C: C band
L: L band
18 to 99
T: Tunable

Physical Dimensions

The Combiner unit is compatible to LightPad i1600G Platform, occupying 2 slots in the 4U sub-rack.

Physical Dimension of Combiner



The Combiner unit has 8 client interfaces whose traffic is aggregated for transmission in the OTU-2 interface.
Each client interface can transport signals with the following protocols and bit rates:

Gigabit Ethernet (GbE)

Fiber Channel (FC) / FICON
2G Fiber Channel (2G-FC) / 2G FICON (2G-FICON)

1.25 Gbit/s,
200 Mbit/s,
1.0625 Gbit/s,
2.125 Gbit/s

The 2G-FC e 2G-FICON protocols occupy, each one, the equivalent to 2 out of 8 available client interfaces. The
GbE, FC / FICON e ESCON protocols occupy, each one, 1 out of 8 available client interfaces.
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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

The client interfaces are independent and up to 4 incoming signals of 2G-FC or 2G-FICON protocols can be
configured. In the place of each unused interface for 2G-FC or 2G-FICON signal, it is possible to configure 2
interfaces, for GbE, FC, FICON or ESCON protocol.
The possible Combiner configurations are described in the Table.

Table The possible configurations for Combiner client interfaces






Client 1


Client 2



Client 3




Client 4





Client 5






Client 6






Client 7






Client 8






In addition, the Combiner unit includes the following functionalities:

Performance Management, compatible to ITU-T G.709 Recommendation, allowing on-line traffic

monitoring to verify the SLA, aiming to ensure high level of QoS per wavelength.
Fault Management based on ITU-T G.798 Recommendation, allowing fast fault event localization,
contributing to enhanced the traffic availability.
Tracing per wavelength, allowing to verify the physical connectivity in complex networks. This functionality
allows to carry through the installation and maintenance of the Combiners in a fast and effective way.
Error Code Corrector, FEC Standard (RS-255,239) Reed-Solomon ITU-T G.709, which increases the
robustness against non-linear effect and degradation of the network performance.
Compatibility with the protection system in the optical layer of the LightPad i1600G platform.
Compatibility with the Regenerator Transponders 10G OTN.
Use of SFP modules (Small Form Factor Pluggable) in the client interfaces which allows to implement
optical interfaces of varied span.
Project that uses components of last generation, with high level of compactness and low power

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units


Block Diagram and Functional Description

The illustration shows the Combiner block diagram.

Combiner Block Diagram

OTN to Client direction

The 8 SFP modules provide the optical-electrical client signals conversion. Each one of these modules has a PIN
photo-detector, a trans-impedance amplifier and a clump amplifier. The modules implement the functions of
regeneration and re-shaping of the signal. Each one of these modules carries through the measure of the input
and output optical power, LOS alarm detection (S1 to S8), FAIL detection and module presence detection.
The SerDes recovers and inserts the individual clocks of each client signal. The Processor GFP role is to codify
the received data from different protocols (codified in 8b/10b) for 64b/65b in a transparent way. The use of the
GFP-T prevents latency in this process, because the transparent way excludes the need of packets processing.
Once the data are codified in 64b/65b, the GFP Processor creates superblocks and incorporates them in GFP-T
fixed size frame. For each type of client, a GFP-T frame with the minimum amount of the necessary superblocks
is created to store the maximum amount of data of each protocol. The GFP-T frame structure incorporates a
header that contains the size of the packet, the type of carried protocol and several checksums.
Once GFP-T frames were created, these are carried to the Framer that makes them to be incorporated within the
SDH frame and then transmitted to the Wrapper.
The Wrapper is responsible to map the signals proceeding from the Framer in an OTU-2 signal whose frame
structure follows the ITU-T G.709 recommendation. Moreover, the Wrapper includes and processes the following
bytes of overhead:

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

Table - Overhead Bytes Implemented in the Combiner

OTU - Optical channel Transport Unit

FAS - Frame Alignment Signal

MFAS - Multi Frame Alignment Signal
TTI - Trail Trace Identifier
BIP-8 - Bit Interleaved Parity
BDI - Backward Defect Indication
BEI - Backward Error Indication
FEC - Forward Error Correction

ODU - Optical channel Data Unit

TTI - Trail Trace Identifier

BIP-8 - Bit Interleaved Parity
BDI - Backward Defect Indication
BEI - Backward Error Indication
STAT - Status bits for indication of maintenance signal

OPU - Optical channel Payload Unit

PSI - Payload Structure Identifier

PT - Payload Type
JC - Justification Control

In the Wrapper, a codified circuit adds the FEC to the transmitted signal, increasing its rate from 9.95 Gbit/s to
10.71 Gbit/s. It is possible to turn on or turn off this circuit through telecommands of the Management System.
The MSA transceiver modulates an optical carrier through a codified data signal. To be part of a DWDM system, it
is necessary that the wavelength of the optical carrier can be controlled and be kept in one of the channels defined
by ITU-T, with variations of 0.1 nm of tolerance. In this module (MSA Transceiver) the following alarms can be
detected or measured: laser temperature alarm, FAIL, LASEROFF (Output).The laser temperature alarm is
activated in case the laser temperature assumes values out of the range in which the laser is tuned. The FAIL
alarm occurs when the transmitter optical power drops 3 dB from the nominal value. The LASEROFF alarm
(Output) occurs when the Laser is turned off by the telecommand emitted via management system.
The Microcontroller is responsible for implementing the management of the Combiner. It interprets the measures
carried through for the Combiner elements and it sends them to the Transponder Supervisor unit. In addition, the
Microcontroller activates the LEDs in the Combiner front panel, to provide alarm visual indications, and it
interprets and executes the telecommands received from the Management System.
The Transponder Supervisor unit connects to the Management System of the LightPad i1600G Platform, sending
information of management proceeding from each one of the transponders connected to the sub-rack of

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

OTN to Client direction

The MSA transceiver provides the receiver optical interface for the OTU-2 input signal. This element allows the
detection of LOS and LOSsync alarms. The element also carries through the measurement of the optical power of
OTU-2 input signal.
The Wrapper analyzes FEC code of the signal, correcting eventual wrong bits. It is possible to enable or disable
this element via telecommands sent by the Management System. This element allows the operator to monitor the
bit error rate corrected by the FEC and the FEC block error rate not corrected, besides detecting LOF (O), OTUBDI, ODU-BDI, LOM, PLM, OTU-TIM, ODU-TIM and ODU-AIS alarms according to ITU-T G.798
The Framer, GFP Processor and SerDes undo what was done in the client to OTN transmission direction.
Each one of the 8 client recovered signals in SerDes follows to one of the 8 SFP modules. Each module is
responsible for carrying through the electrical-optical conversion of each one of the client signals. It is possible to
turn off each one of the lasers of SFP modules and, when this occurs, LASEROFF alarm is emitted (S1 to S8).
The optical power of each one of the transmitted client signals can be measured by SFP modules.


Hardware Configurations and Adjustments

The Combiner doesnt need hardware configurations or adjustments.


Power Feed

The Combiner is powered by -48V, 0V and racks earth.


Electrical Interfaces

The Combiner connects to transponders sub-rack backplane via a connector EURO 96. Through this connector
the power feed and data connections are implemented, through TTL bus, between the Combiner and the
Transponder Supervisor.


Optical Interfaces

The Combiner has 18 optical connections with connectors LC-PC.

IN S1 to IN S8: They receive the signals from the clients. Only IN S5, IN S6, IN S7 and IN S8
interfaces can receive signals using 2G-FC and 2G-FICON protocols. If IN S8 interface will be used
with one of these two protocols IN S1 interface could not be used. If IN S7 interface will be used
with one of these two protocols IN S2 interface could not thus be used, and so on.
OUT O: it transmits a mapped signal according to G.709 recommendation with FEC, rate of 10.709
Mbit/s. It can be connected to the input of the corresponding optical multiplexer to its wavelength
through a singlemode optical cord.
IN O: it receives a mapped signal according to G.709 recommendation with FEC. It can be
connected to the output of the corresponding optical demultiplexer to its wavelength through a
singlemode optical cord.
OUT S1 to OUT S8: They transmit the signals for the clients. Only OUT S5, OUT S6, OUT S7 and
OUT S8 interfaces can transmit using 2G-FC and 2G-FICON protocols. If OUT S8 interface will be
used with one of these two protocols OUT S1 interface could not be used. If OUT S7 interface will
be used with one of these two protocols OUT S2 interface could not thus be used, and so on.
The order for configuration of the ports in 2G-FC must respect the following order: OUT S8, OUT S7,
OUT S6, OUT S5. To guarantee that it is not necessary to relocate the traffic to them to be configured
some traffic in 2G-FC, the use of the pots (for the others protocols) in the following order is suggested:
OUT S4, OUT S3, OUT S2 and OUT S1.

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units


Parametric Characteristics
Characteristics of the Bidirectional Combiner
Consumption @ -48 VDC [mA]


MTBF [hours]

2 x 10

OTU-2 interface characteristics

Supported bit rate OTU-2 interface [Mbit/s]
Minimum Sensitivity @ BER <10

Saturation Power @ BER < 10







Minimum Output Power [dBm]


Extinction Ratio


Wavelength Grid ITU-T G.694.1 [nm]

+/- 0.10

Maximum tolerated dispersion [ps/nm]


Supported DGD [ps]


Tunability [*]

Full C-Band or Full L-band

50 GHz spacing

[*] Valid for tunable models

Client interfaces characteristics

The client interfaces are implemented with SFP modules that are widely commercially available. There are SFP
Modules for several types of application. The following table presents some examples of client interfaces using
SFP modules.







Fiber Type [SM or MM]







Bit Rate [Gbps]







Wavelength [nm]







Maximum Output Power [dBm]







Minimum Output Power [dBm]

Minimum Sensibility @ BER = 10
Saturation Power @ BER = 10


















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Fiber Channel

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

5.5.10 Handling Precautions

The Combiner uses Class 1 Laser. As this class of laser is safer than the other ones, it does not demand special
handling from the user. However, it is recommended to keep the eyes out of the direction line of the Combiner
output connector. Every time the handling cord connectors, external to the Combiner, are removed one must take
care to cover the adaptors at the equipment front panel to avoid that the equipment internal connector gets dirty.
When removing the Combiner from the sub-rack, it must be wrapped in antistatic packaging to prevent the
equipment components to be damaged.
5.5.11 Luminous indications in the Frontal Panel
The Combiner has the following LEDs in the front panel:
POWER: the green LED lights when the Combiner is turned on.
LOS O (Loss of Signal): the red LED lights when the incoming power is below the minimum sensitivity
of OTU-2 interface.
FAIL O: the red LED lights when the transmitter optical power drops 3 dB from the nominal value.
LASEROFF O: the red LED lights when OTU-2 interface DWDM Laser is deactivated and no failure has
occurred on the Laser
LOS S1 to LOS S8: red LEDs light when the corresponding input power is below the minimum
sensitivity of the client interface. This LED blinking in a fixed frequency indicates the frame
synchronism loss in that port.
LASEROFF S1 to LASEROFF S8: red LEDs light when the client interface laser of SFP module is
deactivated and no failure has occurred on the Laser.
5.5.12 Alarms and Tele-measurements Reported to the Management System
FAIL (O, S1 to S8)
LOS (O, S1 to S8)
LOSsync (O, S1 to S8)
LASEROFF (O, S1 to S8)
OTU-2 interface laser temperature.
PIN (0, S1 to S8) OTU-2 and client interfaces input power level (value with tolerance of + 1 dB)
POUT (0, S1 to S8) - OTU-2 and client interfaces output power level (value with tolerance of + 1 dB)
Transmission and Reception reference values of OTU-TTI and ODU-TTI
Bit error rate value of the OTU-BIP8, ODU-BIP8, OTU-BEI, ODU-BEI, Errors Corrected by FEC and
Blocks not corrected by FEC.
Coder and decoder status of the turned on or turned off FEC
Slot number of the sub-rack where the Combiner is installed
Combiner serial number
Product code of the Combiner
SFP module presence in the client interface.
5.5.13 Tele-commands Accepted by Management System

Turn off the Laser of the OTU-2 and client interfaces (LASER OFF (0, S1 to S8)).
Turn on the Laser of the OTU-2 and client interfaces (LASER ON (0 and S1 to S8)).
Turn on or turn off the FEC coder.
Turn on or turn off the FEC decoder.
Initiate or stop the measures of the bit error rate of OTU BIP-8, ODU-BIP8, OTU-BEI, ODU-BEI, errors
corrected by FEC and Blocks not corrected by FEC.
Configure the reference value of transmission or reception of the TTI.
Enable or disable the consequent actions (insertion of MS-AIS, ODU-TIM and OTU-TIM) to the
detection of ODU-TIM or OTU-TIM.

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

Tune the wavelength of the OTU-2 interface.

5.5.14 Identification Tags

The Combiner has a tag in the printed circuit board indicating the board serial number (PCB). There is a tag in the
front panel and the rear part of the Combiner with the serial number and the product code.
5.5.15 Procedure to Withdrawal the Unit from Sub-rack

Use antistatic wrist strap when removing the Combiner from the sub-rack
Detach its optical cords
Remove it from the sub-rack after that.

5.5.16 Procedure to Insert the Unit in the Sub-rack

Use antistatic wrist strap when inserting the Combiner in the sub-rack
Insert totally the Combiner in sub-rack
Make the connection of the optical cords in its front panel.

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units


Transponder 3R Bit Rate Meter Bidirectional










C: C Band
L: L Band
XXX (H or Q): ITU-T grade
LASER Modulation
E: Integrated Modulation (MI LASER)
Empty: Direct Modulation (MD LASER)
Client Interface
1: 850 nm multimode
2: 1310 nm
3: 1550 nm
4: Intra-Office STM-1/4/16, 1310 nm, according to ITU-T G.957
5: Intra-Office 1310 nm with sensitivity of -42 dBm, according to IBM SA23-0394 (ESCON)
and also ITU-T G.957
S: short haul with Pinfet
L: long haul with APD

Functional Description

Transponder 3R Bit Rate Meter Bidirectional converts a determined optical input signal with wavelength in the range
of 770 nm to 860 nm multimode or in the range of 1250 nm to 1650 nm, depending on the model, intensity
modulated and with NRZ format to an optical output signal in 1550 nm window, operating in ITU-Ts DWDM grade.
It translates the wavelength of the input signal to adapt it to amplification region of EDFAs (Erbium Doped Fiber
Amplifier) and to make feasible the DWDM transmission technology. In the reverse direction, it converts a signal in
the range of 1250 nm to 1650 nm to a 850 nm multimode signal or a 1310 nm singlemode signal, depending on the
This transponder is transparent to protocols from 10 Mbit/s to 2.7 Gbit/s, and can have direct or integrated
modulation. This unit is bidirectional works in the following transmission directions: 850 nm wavelength DWDM
and wavelength DWDM 850 nm or 1310 nm wavelength DWDM and wavelength DWDM 1310 nm.
This transponder is responsible for regenerating, reshaping and retiming of the input signal (3R), besides reading
and detecting the bit rate of clients signal, reporting it to the management system. With this unit it is possible to
deploy high distance optical channel transmission, using cascaded transponders to completely regenerate the
optical signal.
Even the versions which fulfill the recommendations ITU-T G.957 and ESCON IBM SAE 23 0394, 1995 are
transparent, supporting bit rates from 10 Mbit/s to 2.7 Gbit/s.
The Transponder 3R Bit Rate Meter Bidirectional is based on ITU-T G.823, G.825, G.826, G.827, G.874, G.8201
and G.8251 recommendations.

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units


Physical Dimensions

Transponder 3R Bit Rate Meter Bidirectional Physical Dimensions.

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units


Block Diagram

Transponder 3R Bit Rate Meter Bidirectional Block Diagram

The block diagram above represents the block diagram of the Transponder 3R Bit Rate Meter Bidirectional.
Client DWDM direction:
The element 1 of the block diagram corresponds to the reception side of the 850 nm multimode or 1310 and 1550
nm multimode or singlemode transceiver. It use a PIN photo-detector wich converts an input optical signal in the
850 nm window or in the 1310 and 1550 nm window, with a maximum bit rate wich depends on the model in an
electrical signal with the same bit rate. Embebbed into the same Integrated Circuit package there is a transimpedance amplifier, resulting in a low electric amplification noise. The trans-impedance amplifier connects to a
Limiting Amplifier (A) wich reshapes the input optical signal. It accepts signals over a wide range of input voltage
levels and provides an output signal with constant-level voltage.
The element 2 of the block diagram is an automatic gain control amplifier (AGC). It also recovers the clock from the
input signal, generates a new output signal trough the recovered clock (CDR Clock and Data Recovery) and
makes a measure of the bit rate. The AGC circuit controls the level of modulation of the signal, keeping it always
constant as long as the transponder input optical signal (IN2) is between its thresholds of sensibility and saturation.
Outside this range, the AGC does not guarantee a good modulation and as consequence the bit error rate is going
to be higher than specificated.
The element 3 of the block diagram, the Modulator or Laser Driver 3R, is responsible for generating the modulation
and bias currents at appropriate power levels for the correct working of the Laser module. It works in synchrony with
the recovered clock.
From the Driver the signal goes to the Laser diode (element 4), which converts the electric to optical signal. To be
compliant with ITU-T G.694.1 DWDM grid, the Laser module must be controlled so that the optical pulses
wavelength meets frequency stability requirements and remains inside a tolerance margin of +/- 0.1 nm. The Laser
diode used in 3R Bidirectional Transponder allows the wavelength control through temperature adjustments. This
module works with two components internal to the Laser package, NTC (Negative Temperature Coefficient) and
TEC (Thermoelectric Cooler). These components allow the temperature control by absorbing or dissipating the
internal heat, depending on the necessity.
Inside the same Laser package there is also the Back Monitor Photodiode (BMPD), which sends a sample of the
Lasers output power level to the Automatic Power Control circuit (CAP - element 5). The APC controls the level of
Laser output power by altering the bias current gain provided by the Modulator module.
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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

DWDM client direction:

The element 6 of the block diagram is a PIN-FET (Field Effect Transistor) photo-detector. It consists in an electric /
optic converter with a trans-impedance amplifier embedded into the same Integrated Circuit package, resulting in a
low electric amplification noise. Optionally are also available Bidirectional Transponders with APD (Avalanche
PhotoDiode), resulting in a higher DWDM reception sensibility.
The element 7 of the block diagram is an automatic gain control amplifier (AGC). It also recovers the clock from the
input signal, generates a new output signal trough the recovered clock (CDR Clock and Data Recovery) and
makes a measure of the bit rate. The AGC circuit controls the level of modulation of the signal, keeping it always
constant as long as the transponder input optical signal (IN1) is between its thresholds of sensibility and saturation.
Outside this range, the AGC does not guarantee a good modulation and as consequence the bit error rate is going
to be higher than specificated.
The element 8 corresponds to the transmission side of the 850 nm multimode or 1310 and 1550 nm multimode or
singlemode transceiver, depending on the model. It consists in a Laser Driver Circuit which parting from an input
electrical signal generates the modulation and bias currents at appropriate power levels for the correct working of
the Laser module.
Common elements to both directions of transmission:
The element 9, the Controller, is responsible for the Transponder management. This data analyzer interprets the
measurements made by the two photodetectors (PIN-FET and BMPD) and by Wavelength Control circuit and sends
these data to the Transponder Supervisor unit. The Transponder Supervisor connects to the Management System
of LightPad i1600G Platform, sending measures concerning input and optical output power levels and wavelengths.
Besides, the Controller manages the LEDs in the Transponder faceplate for visible alarm information and can turn
on or turn off the Laser through telecomands received from Management System.
The element 10 is a DC/DC converter which generates the appropriate voltage levels for the internal components of
the Transpoder from the -48 VDC power feed.

Configurations and Adjustments in Hardware

The Transponder 3R Bit Rate Meter Bidirectional has no configurations or adjustments in hardware.

Power Feed

The Transponder 3R Bit Rate Meter Bidirectional is powered by -48V, 0V and Rack Ground.

Electrical Interfaces

The Transponder 3R Bit Rate Meter Bidirectional connects to the back card of the transponders sub-rack through
the EURO96 connector on its rear part. This connector promotes the data connection, by a TTL bus, between the
Transponder and the Transponders Supervisor.

Optical Interfaces

The Transponder 3R Bit Rate Meter Bidirectional has 4 optical connections with SC-APC connectors.
- IN1: This connector corresponds to the DWDM input of the Transponder and accepts multimode or singlemode
fibers. It must be connected to the output of the optical demultiplexer at the connector that corresponds to its

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

- OUT1: This connector corresponds to the DWDM output of the Transponder. It must be connected to a
singlemode cord and this must be connected to the input of the optical multiplexer at the connector that
corresponds to its wavelength.
- IN2: This connector corresponds to the 850 nm multimode input or the 1310 nm or 1550nm input which
receives the client signal.
- OUT2: This connector corresponds to the 850 nm multimode or the singlemode 1310nm output which
transmits the signal to the client.


Parametric Characteristics
Consumption at -48 VDC [mA]


MTBF [hours]

2 x 105

Bit rate supported [Gbit/s]

0.01 to 2.7

Optical Interface of 850 nm (Note 1) and (Note 2) Model T25DCxyz-4BR1bc

- Minimum sensitivity for error rate at 10-12 [dBm]:
Gigabit Ethernet (1.25 Gbit/s) ou Fiber Channel (1.0625 Gbit/s)


Dual Rate Fiber Channel (2.125 Gbit/s)


- Saturation power for error rate at 10-12 [dBm]:

Gigabit Ethernet (1.25 Gbit/s) Fiber Channel (1.0625 Gbit/s)

Dual Rate Fiber Channel (2.125 Gbit/s)

- Minimum output power [dBm]:

Gigabit Ethernet (1.25 Gbit/s) or Fiber Channel (1.0625 Gbit/s)


Dual Rate Fiber Channel (2.125 Gbit/s)


- Maximum output power [dBm]:

Gigabit Ethernet (1.25 Gbit/s) or Fiber Channel (1.0625 Gbit/s)


Dual Rate Fiber Channel (2.125 Gbit/s)


Optical Interface of 1310 nm Model T25DCxyz-4BR2bc

- Minimum sensitivity for error rate at 10-12 [dBm]:
Gigabit Ethernet (1.25 Gbit/s) or Fiber Channel (1.0625 Gbit/s)


Dual Rate Fiber Channel (2.125 Gbit/s)


2.5 Gbit/s


- Saturation power for error rate at 10-12 [dBm]:

Gigabit Ethernet (1.25 Gbit/s) Fiber Channel (1.0625 Gbit/s)

Dual Rate Fiber Channel (2.125 Gbit/s)


2.5 Gbit/s


- Minimum output power [dBm]:

Gigabit Ethernet (1.25 Gbit/s) or Fiber Channel (1.0625 Gbit/s)


Dual Rate Fiber Channel (2.125 Gbit/s)


2.5 Gbit/s


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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

- Maximum output power [dBm]:

Gigabit Ethernet (1.25 Gbit/s) ou Fiber Channel (1.0625 Gbit/s)


Dual Rate Fiber Channel (2.125 Gbit/s)


2.5 Gbit/s


Optical Interface of 1310 nm Model T25DCxyz-4BR4bc ITU-T G.957

- Minimum sensitivity for error rate at 10-12 [dBm]:

-23 (Note 3)


-23 (Note 4)

Gigabit Ethernet (1.25 Gbit/s)

-19 (Note 5)


-18 (Note 6)

- Saturation power for error rate at 10-12 [dBm]:


-8 (Note 3)


-8 (Note 4)

Gigabit Ethernet (1.25 Gbit/s)

-3 (Note 5)


-3 (Note 6)

- Minimum output power [dBm]:





Gigabit Ethernet (1.25 Gbit/s)




- Maximum output power [dBm]:





Gigabit Ethernet (1.25 Gbit/s)




Optical Interface of 1310 nm Model T25DCxyz-4BR5bc ESCON IBM SAE 23 0394, 1995 1310 nm
- Minimum sensitivity for error rate at 10-12 [dBm]:

-28 (Note 14)


-28 (Note 15)

Gigabit Ethernet (1.25 Gbit/s)

-19 (Note 5)


-18 (Note 16)


-32 (Note 13)

- Saturation power for error rate at 10-12 [dBm]:


-8 (Note 14)


-8 (Note 15)

Gigabit Ethernet (1.25 Gbit/s)

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units


-8 (Note 16, using a fixed attenuator of 10 dB)

- Minimum output power [dBm]:




Gigabit Ethernet (1.25 Gbit/s)






- Maximum output power [dBm]:





Gigabit Ethernet (1.25 Gbit/s)






DWDM Optical Interface


Long Haul


-28 (Note 10)

-34(Note 7)


-28 (Note 11)

-28 (Note 8)



-18 (Note 12)

-28 (Note 9)


-5 (Note 10)

-8 (Note 7)


-5 (Note 11)

-8 (Note 8)



Minimum sensitivity for error rate at 10-12 [dBm]:

Gigabit Ethernet (1.25 Gb/s)

Saturation power for error rate at 10-12 [dBm]:

Gigabit Ethernet (1.25 Gbps)

-5 (Note 12, using a fixed


-8 (Note 9)

attenuator of 10 dB)

Minimum output power [dBm]:


Q Factor

> 12

Extinction ratio



ITU-T G.694.1 grid +/- 0.1 nm

Maximum tolerated dispersion [ps/nm]

1,800(Note 17) or 10,000(Note 18)

Note 1: Data for multimode 62.5/125 m or 50/125 m fibers

Note 2: In 850 nm does not exit the 2.5 Gbps interface
Note 3: according to ITU-T G.957 I-1
Note 4: according to ITU-T G.957 I-4
Note 5: according to IEEE 802.3Z LX

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

Note 6: according to ITU-T G.957 I-16

Note 7: according to ITU-T G.957 L-1.2 e L-1.3
Note 8: according to ITU-T G.957 L-4.2 e L-4.3
Note 9: according to ITU-T G.957 L-16.2 e L-16.3
Note 10: according to ITU-T G.957 S-1.2
Note 11: according to ITU-T G.957 S-4.2
Note 12: according to ITU-T G.957 S-16.2
Note 13: according to ESCON IBM SAE 23 0394, 1995 Multimode 1310 nm
Note 14: according to ITU-T G.957 S-1.1
Note 15: according to ITU-T G.957 S-4.1
Note 16: according to ITU-T G.957 S16.1
Note 17: Data for Direct Modulation
Note 18: Data for Integrated Modulation

The fixed attenuators roll, which are to be used on the transponders output connector of the client interface, are in
the chart below, in order to adapt them to the distinctive patterns:
Model T25DCxyz-4BR4bc ITU-T G.957

Attenuator Value

STM-1 I-1

STM-4 I-4

Gigabit Ethernet (1.25 Gbit/s) IEEE 8023.Z LX

STM-16 I-16

Model T25DCxyz-4BR5bc ESCON IBM SAE 23 0394, 1995 1310 nm Multimode

Attenuator Value

STM-1 I-1


STM-4 I-4


Gigabit Ethernet (1.25 Gbit/s) IEEE 8023.Z LX

STM-16 I-16



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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

A remark about the T25DCxyz-4BR5bc ESCON IBM SAE 23 0394, 1995 Multimode 1310 nm:
This model, working with very low power levels, has its client interface LED LOS always off and the output laser
always on, this way the automatic switch off of the output DWDM interface laser in the absence of signal in the
client input signal does not exist. The switching off the DWDM interface laser can only be done with the
telecommand LASER OFF.

5.6.10 Handling Precaution

The Transponder 3R Bit Rate Meter Bidirectional makes use of Class 1 Lasers. As this class of Laser is the safest
that exists, it does not demand any special care by the user that will handle it. But, as a precaution, it is
recommended to keep the eyes off of the Transponder output connector line of direction. Every time the handling
cord connectors, external to the Transponder, are removed one must take care to cover the adaptors at the
equipment front panel to avoid that the equipment internal connector gets dirty. When removing the Transponder
from the sub-rack, it must be wrapped with a shielded and antistatic package to avoid that the components of the
equipment be damaged.
5.6.11 Light Indicators on Front Panel
The Transponder 3R Bit Rate Meter Bidirectional has the following LEDs on front panel:
- POWER: green LED that goes on when the Transponder is switched on.
- LOS1 (Loss of Signal): red LED that goes on when the input power of the DWDM interface is below -20 dBm
(threshold adjusted during transponders assembling process)
- -3 dB1: yellow LED that goes on when the output power of the DWDM interface is below -3 dBm.
- FAIL1: red LED that goes on when the output power of the interface is below -10 dBm.
- LASEROFF1: red LED that goes on when the DWDM laser is deactivated and no failure has occurred on the
Laser. It can happen due to a management telecommand to switch off the Laser or LOS2 alarm.
- LOS2 (Loss of Signal): red LED that goes on when the input power is below the minimum sensitivity of the
client interface.
- LASEROFF2: red LED that goes on when the laser of the client interface is deactivated and no failure has
occurred on the Laser. It can happen due to a management telecommand to switch off the Laser or LOS1 alarm.

5.6.12 Alarms and Telemeasures Reported to Management System


LOS1 (Loss of Signal)






Nominal wavelength

Measured wavelength (= nominal wavelength + 0.1 m),

PIN - DWDM input power (with a tolerance of + 0.8 dB)

POUT - DWDM output power (with a tolerance of + 0.8 dB)

Transponder Bit Rate

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

5.6.13 Telecommands Accepted by Management System

- LASEROFF: Switch off the Lasers of DWDM and client interfaces.
- LASER ON: Switch on the Lasers of DWDM and client interfaces. Obs.: To switch on the DWDM Laser the
input power on client interface must be above the minimum
- Configuration of the threshold Bit Rate alarm.

5.6.14 Identification Tags

The Transponder 3R Bit Rate Meter Bidirectional has a tag on the circuit pack, indicating the serial number of the
card. In the front and rear panel there is a tag indicating the serial number of the product.

5.6.15 Removal Procedure of the Unit from the Sub-rack

Use antistatic wrist strap when removing the Transponder from the sub-rack.
If there is communication with management:

Execute the command LASER OFF to switch off the Laser if the Transponder;

Disconnect its optical cords;

Remove it from the sub-rack.

If there is no communication with management there is two alternatives to switch off the Laser:

Alternative 1: Remove the optical cords from the Transponder 3R Bit Rate Meter Bidirectional input
connector, turning off immediately the Laser module.

Alternative 2: Switch off the Transponder 3R Bit Rate Meter Bidirectional removing it partially from the subrack, and then removing the optical cords.

5.6.16 Insertion Procedure of the Unit in the Sub-rack

Use antistatic wrist strap when inserting the Transponder in the sub-rack.

Insert partially the Transponder 3R Bit Rate Meter Bidirectional in the sub-rack;

Make the connection of the optical cords on its front panel;

Insert it totally in the sub-rack;

If necessary and possible, execute the command to switch on its Lasers.

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units


Transponder 2R Bidirectional









01: 100 Mbit/s (all models 100Mbit/s are only 2R)
06: 622 Mbit/s
GE: 1 Gbit/s - Gigabit Ethernet / Fiber Channel
20: 2.0 Gbit/s
25: 2.5 Gbit/s
C: C band
L: L band
XX: ITU-T channel grid
LASER Modulation
E: Integrated Modulation (IM)
Empty: Direct Modulation (DM)
Client Interface
1: 850 nm multimode
2: 1310 nm
3: 1550 nm
S: short haul with Pinfet
L: long haul with APD

Functional Description

The Transponder 2R Bidirectional converts an input optical signal with wavelength in the range from 770 to 860
nm or 1270 to 1355 nm, intensity modulated and with NRZ format to an output optical signal in 1550 nm window,
operating in ITU-Ts DWDM grid G.694.1. It translates the wavelength of the input signal to adapt it to
amplification region of EDFAs (Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifiers) and to make feasible the DWDM transmission
The Transponder 2R Bidirectional is transparent to protocols and supports transmission rates from 2 Mbit/s to 2.5

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Physical Dimension

Physical Dimension of 2R Transponder Bidirectional

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units


Block Diagram

Block Diagram of 2R Transponder Bidirectional

The figure shows the block diagram of the 2R Transponder Bidirectional.
Client lambda DWDM lambda Direction
The element 1 corresponds to the reception side of the 850 nm multimode transceiver or 1310 nm singlemode. It
uses a PIN photo-detector that converts a received optical signal in the 850 nm or 1310 nm window and with
maximum bit rate that depends on the model in an electric signal in the same bit rate. The photo-detector is
integrated with a transimpedance pre-amplifier in the same package, what it makes possible an electric
amplification with a low noise. The transimpedance amplifier connects to a limiter amplifier (A) that has the
function to reformat the input optical signal. The limiter amplifier generates an output electric signal with constant
voltage level from an input signal with variation in the voltage level.
The element 2 of the block diagram is an amplifier with automatic gain control (AGC). The AGC circuit always
controls the signal modulation level, keeping it constant, since that the power level of the Transponder input
optical signal (IN2) is between its sensitivity and saturation thresholds. Out of this operation range, the circuit does
not guarantee a good modulation in the signal, making that the Transponder generates error rate above of the
The element 3 of the block diagram, the Modulator or Driver Laser, is responsible for supplying the gain of current
modulation and polarization current so that these reach the necessary levels for the correct working of the Laser.
From the Driver the signal passes to laser diode DWDM (element 4 of the block diagram), which converts the
electrical signal into optical. The optical signal wavelength generated by the Laser remains inside of DWDM grid
specified by ITU-T G.694.1.
To be able to be part of a DWDM system it is necessary that the Laser wavelength can be controlled, remaining
with variations inside the tolerance of +/- 0.1 nm. The Laser used in the Transponder 2R Bidirectional allows the
control of its wavelength by the temperature control, through which is possible to keep the wavelength of the

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

Transponder in one of the channels defined by the ITU-T for transmission in DWDM. The Laser temperature
control is carried through by the circuit represented by element 11 in the block diagram, together with TEC
(Thermo-Electric Cooler) or Peltier, internal component of the Laser package that allows the temperature control
absorbing or wasting the internal heat.
Inside of the laser diode package has also the BMPD (Back Monitor PhotoDiode). This component sends a sample
of the output signal of the Laser for the Automatic Power Control (APC) circuit, element 5 in the block diagram.
The APC controls the output power level of the Laser modifying the polarization current gain of the Driver Laser
DWDM lambda Client lambda Direction
The element 6 in the block diagram is a PIN-FET photodetector. It consists of an electrical-optical converter and
has a transimpedance amplifier in the same package, what it makes possible an electric amplification with a low
noise. Optionally Transponders Bidirectional are also available with APD (Avalanche PhotoDiode) photodetectors,
resulting in a higher sensitivity in the DWDM reception.
The element 7 in the block diagram is an amplifier with automatic gain control (AGC). The AGC circuit always
controls the signal modulation level, keeping it constant, since that the power level of the Transponder input
optical signal (IN1) is between its sensitivity and saturation thresholds. Out of this operation range, the circuit does
not guarantee a good modulation in the signal, making that the Transponder generates error rate above of the
The element 8 corresponds to the transmission side of 850 nm multimode transceiver or 1310 nm singlemode. It
consists of a Laser Driver circuit, that from the input electrical signal generates the Laser modulation current in
adequate power levels to correct working, of a Laser in 850 nm multimode or 1310 nm singlemode, depending on
the model.
Common elements to two transmission direction:
Element 9 of the block diagram, the Controller circuit, is responsible for the management of elements that
constitute the Bidirectional Transponder. This data analyzer interprets the measures carried through for the two
photodetectors (PIN-FET and BMPD) and for the controller of wavelength and sends these data to another unit
called Transponders Supervisor, that sends to the management system information of input and output power and
wavelength referring to Transponder DWDM optical interface. Moreover, it controls the luminous indicators in the
unit frontal panel and, when receiving a telecommand from the management, it turns on or off the DWDM Lasers
and Customer Laser (850 nm or 1310 nm), as the received command.
The element 10 is a DC/DC converter, which generates the adequate power feedings for the internal elements of
the Transponder from the power supply of -48 VDC.

Hardware Configuration and Adjustment Procedures

The 2R Transponder Bidirectional does not have any hardware configuration and adjustment procedures.


Power Supply

Voltages used by 2R Transponder Bidirectional: -48 V, 0 V and racks Ground.


Electrical Interfaces

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

The 2R Transponder Bidirectional connects to the Transponder Sub-Rack backplane through a EURO96
connector located at its rear face. Data information between 2R Transponder and the Transponder Supervisor is
carried by a TTL bus in the backplane card.

Optical Interfaces

The 2R Transponder Bidirectional has 4 optical interfaces with SC-APC connectors:


IN1 (units reception side): This connector corresponds to Transponder 2R DWDM input and accepts
multimode or singlemode fibers. It must be connected to the DWDM demultiplexer unit.

OUT1 (units transmission side): This connector corresponds to Transponder 2R DWDM output. It must be
connected to a singlemode cord and this must be connected to the multiplexer optical input in the
connector that corresponds to the Transponder wavelength.

IN2 (units reception side): This connector corresponds to the 850 nm or 1310 nm multimode input. It must
be connected to the transmission of the customer equipment which generates the signal whose
wavelength will be converted.

OUT2 (units transmission side): This connector corresponds to the 850 nm multimode or 1310 nm
singlemode output. It must be connected to the reception of the customer equipment which generates the


Parametric Characteristics
Power Consumption @ -48 VDC [mA]


MTBF [hours]

2 x 10

1.25 (Gigabit Ethernet or Fiber Channel),

Bit rate supported [Gbit/s]

2.125 (Dual Rate Fiber Channel) or 2.5

Optical Interface 850 nm (Note 1) e (Note 2)

- Minimum sensitivity @ BER = 10-12 [dBm]:
Gigabit Ethernet (1.25 Gbit/s) or Fiber Channel (1.0625 Gbit/s)


Dual Rate Fiber Channel (2.125 Gbit/s)


- Saturation power @ BER = 10-12 [dBm]:

Gigabit Ethernet (1.25 Gbit/s) Fiber Channel (1.0625 Gbit/s)

Dual Rate Fiber Channel (2.125 Gbit/s)

- Minimum transmission power [dBm]

Gigabit Ethernet (1.25 Gbit/s) or Fiber Channel (1.0625 Gbit/s)


Dual Rate Fiber Channel (2.125 Gbit/s)


- Maximum transmission power [dBm]

Gigabit Ethernet (1.25 Gbit/s) or Fiber Channel (1.0625 Gbit/s)


Dual Rate Fiber Channel (2.125 Gbit/s)


Optical Interface 1310 nm

- Minimum Sensitivity @ BER = 10-12 [dBm]:
Gigabit Ethernet (1.25 Gbit/s) or Fiber Channel (1.0625 Gbit/s)


Dual Rate Fiber Channel (2.125 Gbit/s)


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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

2.5 Gbit/s
- Saturation power @ BER =



Gigabit Ethernet (1.25 Gbit/s) or Fiber Channel (1.0625 Gbit/s)

Dual Rate Fiber Channel (2.125 Gbit/s)


2.5 Gbit/s


- Minimum transmission power [dBm]

Gigabit Ethernet (1.25 Gbit/s) or Fiber Channel (1.0625 Gbit/s)


Dual Rate Fiber Channel (2.125 Gbit/s)


2.5 Gbit/s


- Maximum transmission power [dBm]

Gigabit Ethernet (1.25 Gbit/s) or Fiber Channel (1.0625 Gbit/s)


Dual Rate Fiber Channel (2.125 Gbit/s)


2.5 Gbit/s


Optical Interface DWDM:


Long Haul

Gigabit Ethernet (1.25 Gb/s) or Fiber Channel (1.0625 Gb/s)



Dual Rate Fiber Channel (2.125 Gbit/s)



2.5 Gbit/s



Gigabit Ethernet (1.25 Gbps)



Fiber Channel (1.0625 Gpbs)



2.5 Gbit/s



Minimum sensitivity @ BER =



Saturation power @ BER = 10-12 [dBm]:

Minimum transmission power [dBm]


(Note 3)

Q Factor

> 12

Extinction Ratio



ITU-T grid (G.694.1) +/- 0.1 nm

Maximum dispersion tolerated [ps/nm]

1800 (DM); 10000 (IM)

Note 1: Values for 62.5/125 m and 50/125 m multimode fibers.

Note 2: There is no 2.5 Gbps interface in 850 nm.
Note 3: In case necessary, the minimum output power can be adjusted to 0 dBm.

5.7.10 Handling Care

The 2R Transponder Bidirectional uses Class 1 Laser, so it does not demand any special handling concerning
optical output power. However, it should be handled observing certain precautions in order to avoid eyes damage.
It is recommended to avoid direct contact with light emitted from the Transponders output connector.
Contamination or damage to the mating surface of the optical connector may result in degraded performance due
to power loss or reflection. Ensure that both connectors are clean before mating and cover both with protective
caps when not in use. Connectors may be cleaned with a lint-free wipe moistened with isopropyl alcohol.
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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

The 2R Transponder Bidirectional must be transported and stored in conductive bags or boxes to avoid damage to
the components due to electrostatic discharge.

5.7.11 Visual Indications on the Front Panel

The 2R Transponder Bidirectional has the following LEDs in the faceplate:
- POWER: Green LED which lights when the Transponder is turn on.
- LOS1 (Loss of Signal): Red LED which lights when the DWDM interface input power is below of -20 dBm
(threshold adjusted in plant that depends on the data rate passed through).
- -3 dB1: Yellow LED which lights when the DWDM interface output power falls below of -3 dBm.
- FAIL1: Red LED which lights when the DWDM interface output power is below of -10 dBm.
- LASEROFF1: Red LED which lights when Laser DWDM is disactivated (without laser failure). It occurs
when have a telecommand to turn off the laser or when the LOS2 is activated.
- LOS2 (Loss of Signal): Red LED which lights when does not have optical signal in the reception in the
customer interface.
- LASEROFF2: Red LED which lights when the customer interface Laser is disactivated (without laser
failure). It occurs when have a telecommand to turn off the laser or when the LOS1 is activated.
5.7.12 Alarms and Telemeasurements Reported to Management System
LOS1 (Loss of Signal)
PIN1 DWDM input power level (value with + 0.8 dB of tolerance)
POUT1 DWDM output power level (value with + 0.8 dB of tolerance)
- Nominal wavelength;
- Measured wavelength (equal the nominal wave length + 0.1 hm);
- PIN input power (value with error of + 1.0 dB) e;
- POUT - output power (value with error of + 1.0 dB).
5.7.13 Telecommands accept from Management System

LASEROFF: Turn off the Lasers of the DWDM and customer interfaces.

LASER ON: Turn on the Lasers of the DWDM and customer interfaces.

Obs.: To turn on the DWDM Laser it is necessary that has enough input power in the customer

5.7.14 Identification Label

The 2R Transponder Bidirectional has an identification label on the printed circuit board, indicating the serial
number of the card. In the front panel and rear of the Transponder there is a label with the serial number of the
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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

5.7.15 Procedures to Remove the Unit from the Sub-rack

Conductive wrist straps should be worn when handling the 2R Transponder Bidirectional.
Through Management System:

Run the LASER OFF command to turn off the Lasers,

Disconnect all optical cords,

Remove the 2R Transponder from the sub-rack.

Without using Management System:


(Alternative 1): remove the optical cord from Transponders input connector, turning off immediately the
Laser module. Remove the optical cord from the 2R Transponder.

(Alternative 2): remove the Transponder partially from the sub-rack, turning it off. Remove all optical

5.7.16 Procedures to Insert the Unit to the Sub-rack

Conductive wrist straps should be worn when handling the 2R Transponder Bidirectional.

Insert partially the 2R Transponder into the sub-rack,

Connect the optical cords in the front panel,

Insert the 2R Transponder totally into the sub-rack, plugging it to the backplane,

If necessary and possible, run the LASER ON command from the Management System.

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units


Transponders Sub-Rack



- SB TrS 4


Functional Description

The Transponders Sub-Rack provides all electrical connections, including power supply, to the following units:
Transponders, Transponders Supervisor and Supervisory Channels units.
The Transponders Sub-Rack can support up to:

10 Transponder units, if equipped with Transponders Supervisor and Terminal / Client Supervisory Channel

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Physical Dimension

Physical Dimension of the Transponder Sub-Rack

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Power Supply

Voltages used by Transponders Sub-Rack: -48V, 0V and racks Ground.


Electrical Interfaces

The Transponders Sub-Rack backplane provides data connection through a TTL bus between:
Transponders and Transponders Supervisor units;
Transponders Supervisor and Terminal / Client Supervisory Channel.
All power supply connections to those units are also provided through the Transponders Sub-Rack backplane.


Optical Interfaces

The Transponders Sub-Rack unit does not have any optical interface.


Visual Indications in the Front Panel

The Transponders Sub-Rack unit does not have any visual indication in the front panel.


Identification Label

The Transponders Sub-Rack unit does not have identification label.


Procedures to Remove the Transponders Sub-Rack from the rack

Conductive wrist straps should be worn when handling the Transponders Sub-Rack.

Remove all units from Transponders Sub-Rack,

Unscrew it from the rack,
Remove it from the rack and
Remove the power supply connections from its rear panel.

5.8.10 Procedures to Insert the Transponders Sub-Rack to the rack

Conductive wrist straps should be worn when handling the Transponders Sub-Rack.

Connect all power supply connections in its rear panel,

Insert the Transponders Sub-Rack into the rack,
Screw it in the rack.

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units


DWDM Optical Multiplexer




Number of





Initial channel
XYY: X = C or L and YY = initial channel according to Grade ITU-T
Number of channels
XX: Number of channels
Optical spacing
1: 100 GHz
2: 200 GHz
3: 50 GHz
Characteristics (expansion)
E: with expansion
S: without expansion (standard)
Expansion band
1: red band
2: blue band
4: DWDM C band
5: DWDM L band
T: without expansion (if Characteristics field is S)
C: Complementary C band (C20~C60)
1: 1U
2: 2U
3: 3U

Functional Description

The Optical Multiplexer unit is used in the transmission side of DWDM equipment. This unit combines in just one
fiber all optical channels delivered by Transponder units. Each one of these optical channels operates in a different
DWDM-graded wavelength, according to ITU-T Recommendation G.694.1. The spacing between two consecutive
optical channels, the channel spacing, can be 200 GHz, 100 GHz or 50 GHz.


Physical Dimension

The Optical Multiplexer unit is horizontally assembled in the rack. Optical Multiplexer units with 4 or 8 ports have the
dimension of 1 U height in a 19 rack. For Optical Multiplexer units with 16 or 20 ports, the unit height is 2 U and for
20, 32 or 40 ports the unit height is 3 U and 80 ports the unit height is 4 U, always considering 19 racks. Following
figure shows the physical dimensions of an Optical Multiplexer unit with 8 ports.

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

Optical Multiplexer unit with 8 ports


Block Diagram

Figure below shows an example of an Optical Multiplexer unit block diagram.

Block Diagram of an 8 port Optical Multiplexer unit

The 8x1 multiplexer element combines 8 input channels in an optical fiber. The optical multiplexed signal goes to a
Splitter, which derives 10% of the optical power to generate a monitoring signal. Next element is a red / blue band
multiplexer, which can combine other optical multiplexed signal originating from another Optical Multiplexer unit.
This element allows the DWDM system expansion (see Chapter 8) by combining two optical multiplexed signals:
one operating in the red band and the other in the blue band.


Hardware Configuration and Adjustment Procedures

The Optical Multiplexer unit does not have any hardware configuration and adjustment.


Power Supply

The Optical Multiplexer unit does not have any power supply feeder (it is a passive unit).


Electrical Interfaces

The Optical Multiplexer unit does not have any electrical interface.

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units


Optical Interfaces

The optical interfaces are according to ITU-T Recommendation G.692.

The Optical Multiplexer unit has the following SC/APC optical connectors:

Input Channel Connectors: there is an input connector for each optical channel to be multiplexed. There
can be 4, 8, 16, 20, 32, 40 and 80 input channel connectors.

EXPANSION Connector: used to expand the DWDM system. Through this connector 2 Optical Multiplexed
units can be connected in a chain (see Chapter 8).

LINE OUT Connector: deliver the optical multiplexed signal. This signal can go to the expansion connector
of another Optical Multiplexer unit.

MONITORING Connector: deliver a sample of the optical multiplexed signal for monitoring purpose.

SUPERVISION Connector: input connector for optical supervisory channel. In DWDM systems without
optical amplification, optionally the Supervisory Channel Multiplexer module can be incorporated into the
Optical Multiplexer unit. In this case, there must be a connector to receive the optical supervisory channel.


Parametric Characteristics

Table below shows the parametric characteristics of Optical Multiplexer units. These parameters regard multiplexer
units without expansion modules. The inclusion of expansion module typically adds 1.5 dB in the insertion loss of
the Optical Multiplexer unit.
Insertion Loss (dB)
Channel Spacing (GHz)
PDL (dB)
Adjacent Channel Isolation (dB)

100 ou 200


Insertion Loss (dB)
Channel Spacing (GHz)
PDL (dB)
Adjacent Channel Isolation (dB)


100 ou 200

100 ou 200




100 ou 200

100 ou 200



100 ou 200


z = 1 or 2, for channel spacing of 100 or 200 GHz respectively.

xy = first ITU-T optical channel

Insertion Loss (dB)
Channel Spacing (GHz)
PDL (dB)
Adjacent Channel Isolation (dB)




Parametric characteristics of Optical Multiplexer units

5.9.10 Visual Indications on the Front Panel
The Optical Multiplexer unit does not have any visual indication on the front panel.
5.9.11 Alarms Reported to Management System
The Optical Multiplexer unit does not report any alarm to the Management System.

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

5.9.12 Telecommands from Management System

The Optical Multiplexer unit does not receive any telecommand from the Management System.
5.9.13 Procedures to Remove the Unit from the Rack

Turn off the Lasers of all Transponder units connected to the Optical Multiplexer unit (see Procedures to
Remove the Transponder from the Sub-rack)

Disconnect all optical cords from Optical Multiplexer unit

Unscrew the unit and remove it from the rack.

5.9.14 Procedures to Insert the Unit to the Rack

Insert the Optical Multiplexer unit to the rack,

Screw it to the rack,

Connect all optical cords on the unit,

Turn on the Laser of all Transponder units connected to the Optical Multiplexer unit.

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

5.10 DWDM Optical Demultiplexer

5.10.1 Models



Number of





Initial channel
XYY: X = C or L and YY = initial channel according to Grade ITU-T
Number of channels
XX: Number of channels
Optical spacing
1: 100 GHz
2: 200 GHz
3: 50 GHz
Characteristics (expansion)
E: with expansion
S: without expansion (standard)
Expansion band
1: red band
2: blue band
4: DWDM C band
5: DWDM L band
T: without expansion (if Characteristics field is S)
C: Complementary C band (C20~C60)
1: 1U
2: 2U
3: 3U
5.10.2 Functional Description
The Optical Demultiplexer unit is used in the reception side of DWDM equipment. This unit receives the optical
multiplexed signal, composed of a combination of n optical channels, and separates them in n individual optical
channels. Each one of these optical channels operates in a different DWDM-graded wavelength, according to ITU-T
Recommendation G.694.1. The spacing between two consecutive optical channels, the channel spacing, can be
200 GHz, 100 GHz or 50 GHz.

5.10.3 Physical Dimension

The Optical Demultiplexer unit is horizontally assembled in the rack. Optical Demultiplexer units with 4 or 8 ports
occupy 1 U height in a 19 rack. For Optical Multiplexer units with 16 or 20 ports, the unit height is 2 U and for 20 or
23 ports the unit height is 3 U and 80 ports the unit height is 4 U, always considering 19 racks. The following figure
shows the physical dimensions of an Optical Demultiplexer unit with 8 ports.

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

Optical Demultiplexer unit with 8 ports

5.10.4 Block Diagram

Figure below shows an example of an Optical Demultiplexer unit block diagram.

Block Diagram of an 8 port Optical Demultiplexer unit

The first element is a red / blue band demultiplexer. This element allows the DWDM system expansion (see
Chapter 8) by splitting the optical input signal in two optical components: one operating in the red band and the
other in the blue band. One of these components, red or blue, goes to a Splitter, which derives 10% of the optical
power to generate a monitoring signal. The final element is a 1x8 demultiplexer element, which receives the red or
blue multiplexed signal and separates it in 8 output channels.

5.10.5 Hardware Configuration and Adjustment Procedures

The Optical Demultiplexer unit does not have any hardware configuration and adjustment.

5.10.6 Power Supply

The Optical Demultiplexer unit does not have any power supply feeder (it is a passive unit).

5.10.7 Electrical Interfaces

The Optical Demultiplexer unit does not have any electrical interface.

5.10.8 Optical Interfaces

The optical interfaces are according to ITU-T Recommendation G.692.

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

The Optical Demultiplexer unit has the following SC/APC optical connectors:

Output Channel Connectors: there is an output connector for each optical channel to be demultiplexed.
There can be 4, 8, 16, 20, 32, 40 and 80 output channel connectors.

EXPANSION Connector: used to expand the DWDM system. Through this connector 2 Optical
Demultiplexed units can be connected in a chain (see Chapter 8).

LINE IN Connector: receives the optical multiplexed signal. This signal can come from the expansion
connector of another Optical Demultiplexer unit.

MONITORING Connector: deliver a sample of the optical multiplexed signal for monitoring purpose.

SUPERVISION Connector: output connector for optical supervisory channel. In DWDM systems without
optical amplification, optionally the Supervisory Channel Demultiplexer module can be incorporated into the
Optical Demultiplexer unit. In this case, there must be a connector to deliver the optical supervisory

5.10.9 Parametric Characteristics

Table below shows the parametric characteristics of Optical Demultiplexer units. These parameters regard
demultiplexer units without expansion modules. The inclusion of expansion module typically adds 1.5 dB in the
insertion loss of the Optical Demultiplexer unit.

Insertion Loss (dB)
Channel Spacing (GHz)
PDL (dB)
Adjacent Channel Isolation (dB)


Insertion Loss (dB)
Channel Spacing (GHz)
PDL (dB)
Adjacent Channel Isolation (dB)

100 ou 200


100 ou 200

100 ou 200




100 ou 200

100 ou 200



100 ou 200


z = 1 or 2, for channel spacing of 100 or 200 GHz respectively.

xy = first ITU-T optical channel

Insertion Loss (dB)
Channel Spacing (GHz)
PDL (dB)
Adjacent Channel Isolation (dB)




Parametric characteristics of Optical Demultiplexer units

5.10.10 Visual Indications on the Front Panel

The Optical Demultiplexer unit does not have any visual indication on the front panel.

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

5.10.11 Alarms Reported to Management System

The Optical Demultiplexer unit does not report any alarm to the Management System.

5.10.12 Telecommands from Management System

The Optical Demultiplexer unit does not receive any telecommand from the Management System.
5.10.13 Procedures to Remove the Unit from the Rack

If the Optical Demultiplexer unit receives the optical input signal from a Pre-Amplifier unit, turn off the pump
Laser of the amplifier unit (see Procedures to Remove the Pre-Amplifier from the Sub-rack),

Disconnect all optical cords from Optical Demultiplexer unit,

Unscrew the unit and remove it from the rack.

5.10.14 Procedures to Insert the Unit to the Rack

Insert the Optical Demultiplexer unit to the rack,

Screw it to the rack,

Connect all optical cords on the unit,

If there is a Pre-Amplifier unit connected to the Optical Demultiplexer unit, turn on its pump Laser.

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Chapter 5: Technical Specification of DWDM System Units

5.11 DWDM Optical Multiplexer with Variable Optical Attenuator (VOA)

5.11.1 Models


number of





Initial channel
XYY: X = C or L and YY = initial channel according to Grade ITU-T
Number of channels
XX: Number of channels
Optical spacing
1: 100 GHz
2: 200 GHz
3: 50 GHz
Characteristics (expansion)
E: with expansion
S: without expansion (standard)
Expansion band
1: red band
2: blue band
4: DWDM C band
5: DWDM L band
T: without expansion (if Characteristics field is S)
C: Complementary C band (C20~C60)
1: 1U
2: 2U
3: 3U

5.11.2 Functional Description

The Optical Multiplexer unit is used in the transmission side of DWDM equipment. This unit combines in just one
fiber all optical channels delivered by Transponder units. The spacing between channels can be 200 GHz, 100 GHz
or 50 GHz (ITU-T G.694.1). It has integrated variable optical attenuators (VOA). Typical applications:

Pre-emphasis at Transmitters

Dynamic Channel Balancing at MUX

Dynamic Channel Leveling at OADM

Receiver Overload Control

Optical Channel Blocking

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Chapter 5: Technical Specification of DWDM System Units

5.11.3 Physical Dimension

The Optical Multiplexer with VOA unit is horizontally assembled in the rack. Optical Multiplexer units with 4 or 8
ports have the dimension of 1 U height in a 19 rack. For Optical Multiplexer units with 16 or 20 ports, the unit height
is 2 U and for 20, 32 or 40 ports the unit height is 3 U, always considering 19 racks. Following figure shows the
physical dimensions of an 8 ports Optical Multiplexer with VOA unit.

8 ports Optical Multiplexer with VOA unit.

5.11.4 Block Diagram

The following Figure shows an example of an 8 ports Optical Multiplexer with VOA unit block diagram.

Block Diagram of an 8 ports Optical Multiplexer with VOA unit.

The 8x1 multiplexer with VOA element has a variable optical attenuator (VOA) for each input port and combines 8
input channels in an optical fiber. The optical multiplexed signal goes to a Splitter, which derives 10% of the optical
power to generate a monitoring signal. Next element is a red / blue band multiplexer, which can combine other
optical multiplexed signal originating from another Optical Multiplexer unit. This element allows the DWDM system
expansion (see Chapter 7) by combining two optical multiplexed signals: one operating in the red band and the
other in the blue band.

5.11.5 Hardware Configuration and Adjustment Procedures

Mux with VOA can function with Padtec management. So it is necessary to configure the frontal DIP Switch with
corresponding Mux slot position on the rack. Such configuration can be done with numbers 1 to 15 in the DIP
Switch. Each Mux with VOA in the same rack might present different slot numbers.

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Chapter 5: Technical Specification of DWDM System Units

5.11.6 Power Supply

Optical Multiplexer with VOA is fed with -48 Vdc.

5.11.7 Electrical Interfaces

Optical Multiplexer with VOA presents the following electrical interfaces:

2 RJ11connectors (Supervisor and Extended) for Padtec management signals acquisition.

5.11.8 Optical Interfaces

The optical interfaces are according to ITU-T Recommendation G.692.
The Optical Multiplexer unit has the following LC/APC optical connectors:
Input Channel Connectors: there is an input connector for each optical channel to be multiplexed. There
can be 4, 8, 16, 20, 32, 40 and 80 input channel connectors.
EXPANSION Connector: used to expand the DWDM system. Through this connector 2 Optical
Multiplexed units can be connected in a chain (see Chapter 7).
LINE OUT Connector: deliver the optical multiplexed signal. This signal can go to the expansion
connector of another Optical Multiplexer unit.
MONITORING Connector: deliver a sample of the optical multiplexed signal for monitoring purpose.

5.11.9 Parametrical Characteristics

The following Table shows the parametric characteristics of Optical Multiplexer with VOA units for 40 channels.
These parameters regard multiplexer units without expansion modules. The inclusion of expansion module typically
adds 3.5 dB (using optical coupler) in the insertion loss of the Optical Multiplexer unit. The MTBF is 5 x 105 hours.







Channel Spacing


Wavelength Range



Attenuation range


Clear Window



-1dB Passband


Insertion Loss (across clear



Insertion Loss Uniformity


PDL @ 0 dB attenuation (across

clear window)


PDL @ 10 dB attenuation (across

clear window)


Chromatic Dispersion


Adjacent Channel Crosstalk






Non-Adjacent Channel Crosstalk



Maximum Integrated Crosstalk



Optical Return Loss



40 channels Mux VOA characteristics

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Chapter 5: Technical Specification of DWDM System Units


Visual Indications on the Front Panel

The Optical Multiplexer with VOA presents the following luminous indications on the panel:

POWER: Green LED that lights when the Mux with VOA is turned on (fed).

READY: Green LED that lights when is ready to operate.

FAIL: Red LED that lights to indicate communication fail between the optical module and the electrical
board or overheating of the optical module.


Alarms Reported to Management System

The Optical Multiplexer with VOA reports the following alarms to the management:


Not ready;

Communications fail.


Telecommands from Management System

The Optical Multiplexer with VOA accepted telecommand for alteration in the operating temperature.


Procedures to Remove the Unit from the Rack

Turn off the Lasers of all Transponder units connected to the Optical Multiplexer with VOA unit (see
Procedures to Remove the Transponder from the Sub-rack);

Disconnect all optical cords;

Disconnect all electrical cables;

Unscrew the unit and remove it from the rack.


Procedures to Insert the Unit to the Rack

Insert the Optical Multiplexer with VOA unit to the rack;

Screw it to the rack;

Connect all optical cords on the unit;

Connect all electrical cables on the unit;

Turn on the Laser of all Transponder units connected to the Optical Multiplexer unit.

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

5.12 Optical Add and Drop Multiplexer (OADM)
5.12.1 Models









C: C Band
L: L Band
Initial channel
XX: initial channel according to ITU-T DWDM grade
Optical spacing
1: 50 GHz
2: 100 GHz
3: 200 GHz
Number of dropped / added channels
YY: number of channels
Protection systems
S: Single Homing
D: Dual Homing
U: Unidirectional
B: Bidirectional
S: Short-Haul
L: Long-Haul
Mechanical structure
0: inside a splice box
1: 1U height
2: 2U height

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

5.12.2 Functional Description

OADM units can derive from 1 to 4 optical channels from the multiplexed optical signal, that is, up to 4 channels can
be locally accessed by OADM while the remaining channels, named express channels, pass transparently through
OADMs support Single Homing (SH) or Dual Homing (DH) configurations for unidirectional or bidirectional DWDM
systems. Both configurations are according to GR-2979-CORE.
SH OADM accesses (adds and drops) optical channels from just one transmission side: east or west. On the other
hand, DH OADM accesses optical channels from both transmissions sides: east AND west. Figure below shows the
SH and DH OADM configuration applied to a bus network topology, where the OADM module is in the intermediate
site. Optionally the Optical Supervisory Channel can also be accessed by OADM unit.

OADM configurations
An alternative OADM configuration can be provided by Padtec: band OADM. This unit allows adding and dropping
of a sub-set of consecutive lambdas, supporting also the Single Homing and Dual Homing configurations. Band
OADMs apply to unidirectional or bidirectional systems and are specified according to customer necessities
(customized units). Band OADMs play an important role in star, hub and tree topologies, as can be seen in following

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

5.12.3 Physical Dimension

The OADM unit is horizontally assembled in a 19 rack. Four-channel DH OADM units have dimension of 2 U
height, for unidirectional and bidirectional systems. The remaining OADM configurations have 1 U height. The
following figure shows the physical dimensions of a 2-channel DH OADM, including access to the Optical
Supervisory Channel.

2-channel unidirectional DH OADM DH

5.12.4 Block Diagram
Figure below shows an example of a 2-channel unidirectional DH OADM unit block diagram.

2-channel unidirectional DH OADM unit block diagram

Basically an OADM is composed of passive components for dropping and adding Optical Supervisory Channel and
data channels transporting client traffic. These passive components utilize thin film technology.
5.12.5 Hardware Configuration and Adjustment Procedures
The OADM unit does not have any hardware configuration and adjustment.
5.12.6 Power Supply
The OADM unit does not have any power supply feeder (it is a passive unit).
5.12.7 Electrical Interfaces
The OADM unit does not have any electrical interface.
5.12.8 Optical Interfaces
Bidirectional OADM units have the following optical interfaces, always using SC/APC connectors:

West signal connector: connect to the bidirectional multiplexed optical signal from west side.

East signal connector: connect to the bidirectional multiplexed optical signal from east side.

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

Dropping optical channel connectors: there can be 1, 2 or 4 connectors for SH configurations and 2, 4 or 8
connectors for DH configuration.

Adding optical channel connectors: there can be 1, 2 or 4 connectors for SH configurations and 2, 4 or 8
connectors for DH configuration.

Dropping Optical Supervisory Channel connectors: drop the Optical Supervisory Channel from West and
East sides. Optional functionality.

Adding Optical Supervisory Channel connectors: add the Optical Supervisory Channel to West and East
sides. Optional functionality.

Unidirectional OADM units have the following optical interfaces, always using SC/APC connectors:

West signal input connector: receives the multiplexed optical signal from west side.

West signal output connector: transmits the multiplexed optical signal to west side.

East signal input connector: receives the multiplexed optical signal from east side.

East signal output connector: transmits the multiplexed optical signal to east side.

Dropping optical channel connectors: there can be 1, 2 or 4 connectors for SH configurations and 2, 4 or 8
connectors for DH configuration.

Adding optical channel connectors: there can be 1, 2 or 4 connectors for SH configurations and 2, 4 or 8
connectors for DH configuration.

Dropping Optical Supervisory Channel connectors: drop the Optical Supervisory Channel from West and
East sides. Optional functionality.

Adding Optical Supervisory Channel connectors: add the Optical Supervisory Channel to West and East
sides. Optional functionality.

5.12.9 Parametric Characteristics

Table below present parametric characteristics for OADM units including optical filter for adding and dropping the
Optical Supervisory Channel.
Unidirectional OADM
Dual Homing

Maximum insertion loss (dB):

1-channel OADM
2-channel OADM
4-channel OADM
Adjacent Channel Isolation (dB)
Non adjacent Channel Isolation (dB)
Channel Spacing [GHz]



Single Homing

Channel 1 Channel 2 Channel 3 Channel 4


> 30
> 35
100 / 200








Channel 1 Channel 2 Channel 3 Channel 4







> 30
> 35
100 / 200

5 x 105

MTBF [hours]

Bidirectional OADM
Dual Homing

Maximum insertion loss (dB):

1-channel OADM
2-channel OADM
4-channel OADM
Adjacent Channel Isolation (dB)
Non adjacent Channel Isolation (dB)
Channel Spacing [GHz]



Single Homing

Channel 1 Channel 2 Channel 3 Channel 4


> 30
> 35
100 / 200






Channel 1 Channel 2 Channel 3 Channel 4


> 30
> 35
100 / 200



5 x 105

MTBF [hours]

OADM unit with access to the Optical Supervisory Channel

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

If there is no necessity of accessing the Optical Supervisory Channel, the insertion losses are lower, as can be seen
at the following table:
Unidirectional OADM
Dual Homing

Maximum insertion loss (dB):

1-channel OADM
2-channel OADM
4-channel OADM
Adjacent Channel Isolation (dB)
Non adjacent Channel Isolation (dB)
Channel Spacing [GHz]



Single Homing

Channel 1 Channel 2 Channel 3 Channel 4


> 30
> 35
100 / 200






Channel 1 Channel 2 Channel 3 Channel 4





> 30
> 35
100 / 200

5 x 105

MTBF [hours]

Bidirectional OADM
Dual Homing

Maximum insertion loss (dB):

1-channel OADM
2-channel OADM
4-channel OADM
Adjacent Channel Isolation (dB)
Non adjacent Channel Isolation (dB)
Channel Spacing [GHz]



Single Homing

Channel 1 Channel 2 Channel 3 Channel 4


> 30
> 35
100 / 200








Channel 1 Channel 2 Channel 3 Channel 4


> 30
> 35
100 / 200





5 x 105

MTBF [hours]

OADM unit without access to the Optical Supervisory Channel

5.12.10 Visual Indications on the Front Panel
The OADM unit does not have any visual indication on the front panel.
5.12.11 Alarms Reported to Management System
The OADM unit does not report any alarm to the Management System.
5.12.12 Telecommands from Management System
The OADM unit does not receive any telecommand from the Management System.
5.12.13 Procedures to Remove the Unit from the Rack

Turn off the Lasers of all Transponder units connected to the OADM unit (see Procedures to Remove the
Transponder from the Sub-rack)

Disconnect all optical cords from OADM unit

Unscrew the unit and remove it from the rack.

5.12.14 Procedures to Insert the Unit to the Rack

Insert the OADM unit to the rack,

Screw it to the rack,

Connect all optical cords on the unit,

Turn on the Laser of all Transponder units connected to the OADM unit.

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

5.13 Reconfigurable Optical Add and Drop Multiplexer (ROADM)
5.13.1 Models






Number of dropped / added channels

YY: Quantity of channels (40)
C: C Band
Channel spacing
2: 100 GHz
S: Standard
3: 3U

5.13.2 Functional Description

LightPad i1600G ROADMs are capable of remotely adding and dropping 40 channels at the C-Band from day-one.
A dual-homing ROADM is composed by two ROADM modules, for the east and west sides. The system is east/west
separable to assure the modularity and reliability of the solution. At each node, the network operator can remotely
select the addition or dropping of any of the 40 channels using point and click operations at the management
system. In addition to the add/drop capability, LightPad i1600G ROADMs have also several control features for
dynamic optical networking, such as independent power control and monitoring of add, pass-through and drop

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

5.13.3 Physical Dimension

Physical Dimensions of the ROADM Module.

5.13.4 Block Diagram

The figure below shows the block diagram of a dual-homing ROADM configuration. The fibers coming from the
west are connected to the line optical ports of the west ROADM module. The fibers coming from the east are
connected to the line optical ports of the east ROADM module. Patch cords must connect the express ports of the
two ROADM modules to allow channels to pass through. Following the diagram from west to east, the optical
supervisory channel is first dropped at the supervisory optical channel demultiplexer west. The WDM signal goes to
the west ROADM module, were channels coming from the west can be dropped. The channels are then directed to
the east ROADM module, which is able to add new channels going eastwards, or let channels pass through. Finally,
the optical supervisory channel is added at the supervisory optical channel multiplexer east. In the opposite
direction, the transmission is analogous.

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

Block Diagram of the Dual-Homing ROADM.

ROADM Modules also allow optical channels protection configurations, as described:
Configuration without Protection
In configuration without protection the channel is add/drop in East or West ROADM module (see following figure). In
case a transponder or optical path fail happens, the connectivity is lost (connection fail).
Configuration with OSNC (Optical Sub-Network Protection) Protection
In configuration with SNC protection the generated optical signal in transponder is divided in two in the couplers and
sent to East and West ROADM modules. In the reception, the signal from East or West ROADM is coupled via
Configuration with Transponder Protection
In the configuration with transponder protection the optical signal supplied by the client is divided in two in the
couplers and sent to two transponders connected to East and West ROADM modules. In the reception, the signal
from East or West ROADM module is received in one out of two transponders and directed to the client. One notes,
in this case, transpoders must be equipped with client signal turn off functionality in case line signal off.

Protection Configurations

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

Communication Protocol between ROADM modules for Protection Switching

East and West ROADM modules in the same station must communicate via serial interface for protection switching
accomplishment. Protection switching happens locally in the station, and it does not have protocol for
communication APS between remote ROADM modules. The following figure shows an example of OSNC
protection switching. When detecting LOS signal in the reception information exchange happens between ROADM
modules of the same station so that the transmission direction switches. The same operation happens in the
ROADM modules in the other connection extremity, such as the channel starts to flow completely through the
remained unbroken ring arc.

Protection Switching Example.

5.13.5 Hardware Configuration and Adjustment Procedures

The ROADM unit does not have any hardware configuration and adjustment.
5.13.6 Power Supply
Padtec ROADMs work with two redundant -48 V trails.
5.13.7 Electrical Interfaces
There are four electrical interfaces in the front panel of the ROADM module:
ETHERNET: interface for Ethernet connection with a SNMP-based management system.
PROTECTION: reserved for automatic protection system (APS) communication with other ROADM module.
SUPERVISOR: interface for communication with Padtec management elements.
EXTENDED SUPERVISOR: interface for communication with Padtec management elements.
CRAFT TERMINAL: interface for craft terminal for local configuration.
5.13.8 Optical Interfaces
ROADM modules have the following optical interfaces (LC/UPC connectors):
CYY IN/OUT: add/drop of channel YY.
LINE Monitoring: port for monitoring the incoming line signal.
LINE IN/OUT: input/output of the line signal.
EXPRESS IN/OUT: input/output of the express signal (to/from the ROADM module in the other side).

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

5.13.9 Parametric Characteristics

Characteristics of ROADM
Consumption at -48 VDC [mA]

2 x 105

MTBF [hours]
Optical Characteristics:
Parametric Characteristics
Channel Spacing
100 GHz
Number of Channels
Maximum Insertion Loss (w/o power equalization)
Single-homing [dB]
Dual-homing [dB]

5.13.10 Visual Indications on the Front Panel


POWER: power led

LINE LOS: line Loss of Signal alarm

EXPRESS LOS: express Loss of Signal alarm

FAIL: fail alarm

5.13.11 Procedures to Remove the Unit from the Rack

Turn off the lasers of all transponder units connected to the ROADM module (see Procedures to Remove
the Transponder from the Sub-rack).

Disconnect all optical cords from ROADM module.

Unscrew the unit and remove it from the rack.

5.13.12 Procedures to Insert the Unit to the Rack

Insert the ROADM module to the rack.

Screw it to the rack.

Connect all optical cords on the module.

Turn on the laser of all transponder units connected to the ROADM module.

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

5.14 Optical Amplifiers
In Padtec DWDM optical communication system there are four kinds of EDFAs (Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifier):
Pre-amplifier, 17 dBm, 21 dBm and 24 dBm Power Amplifier (Booster Amplifier), 17 dBm, 21 dBm and 24 dBm In
Line Amplifier. There is also another kind of Pre-Amplifier based on the stimulated Raman scattering non-linear
effect. Each one of these amplifiers is composed of Supervision and Control Module and an Optical Module, which
electrically communicates between themselves.
The Supervision and Control Module (SCM) is responsible for adjustment, maintenance and supervision of all
electrical parameters necessary for a perfect working of an EDFA or Raman Optical Amplifier unit.
It may operate in Pre-Amplifier (including Raman), Booster Amplifier and In Line Amplifier configuration. However it
is necessary to change some components in the electrical circuitry due to the different dynamic operation ranges of
each amplifier.
The control and supervision parameters, the optical-electrical characteristics, the generated alarms, the protection
mechanisms, the special functions and the communication interface will be described in the following items.

The Padtecs optical amplifiers are according to GR1312CORE, GR-2979-CORE, IEC 60825-1, ITUT G.661, G.662, G.663, G.664, G.665 recommendations (besides others mentioned in this manual).
5.14.1 Control and Supervision Parameters
The Optical Amplifier control and supervision parameters are responsible for the maintenance of the basic
hardware function such as pump Laser polarization current control, and for the supervision data acquisition.
Acquisition Parameters
The following table introduces the parameters that are acquired and digitized by the SCM to perform the control and
supervision function.
Acquisition Parameters
Photodetector 1 Optical Power
Photodetector 2 Optical Power

Acquired by measuring the photodetector current

Pump Laser 1 Optical Power

Pump Laser 2 Optical Power
Pump Laser 3 Optical Power

Acquired by measuring the Laser "Pin Monitors" current

Pump Laser 4 Optical Power

Laser 1 Current Polarization
Laser 2 Current Polarization
Laser 3 Current Polarization

Acquired by measuring the laser polarizarion current

Laser 4 Current Polarization

Laser 1 Temperature
Laser 2 Temperature
Laser 3 Temperature

Acquired by measuring thevoltage in the laser thermistor

Laser 4 Temperature
CSM Internal Temperature

Temperature acquired in digital format (12 bits)

CSM Positive Tension

Unit power supply

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units
Action Parameters
Padtec Optical Amplifiers must be calibrated and adjusted in during the assembling process, i.e., before their
deployment on the field. To perform it there is the Calibration and Adjustment Software (CAS) which communicates
with the SCM via the Amplifier Supervisor unit. With this software, which is not part of the Padtec network
management system, it is possible to the user to read and change some optical amplifier parameters.
The following tables show the parameters that are sent to the Optical Module by the SCM (controlled by the CAS) to
control the hardware basic functions.
Optical Module gain and alarms control:
Performances Parameters
Laser 1 Optical Power
Laser 2 Optical Power
Laser 3 Optical Power

Determines the laser polarization current

Laser 4 Optical Power

Photodetector 1 alarm threshold
Photodetector 2 alarm threshold

Compared with the photodetector current

Laser failure alarm threshold

Compared with the laser "Pin Monitor" current

Laser current alarm threshold

Compared with the laser polarization current

Calibration and product identification:


Calibration Parameters
Laser 1 Photodetector current
Laser 2 Photodetector current
Laser 3 Photodetector current

Laser PIN monitor current value, informed in the test report for a
specific emitted optical power. This test report is usually given by
the laser manufacturer.

Laser 4 Photodetector current

Laser 1 power calibration
Laser 2 power calibration
Laser 3 power calibration

Optical power emitted by each laser, informed in the test report for
a specific polarization current that originates a specific current in
the laser PIN monitor

Laser 4 power calibration

Laser 1 current calibration
Laser 2 current calibration
Laser 3 current calibration

Laser polarization current, informed in the test report for a specific

emitted optical power.

Laser 4 current calibration

Laser 1 Thermistor contant B
Laser 2 Thermistor contant B
Laser 3 Thermistor contant B

Usually informed on the laser datasheets.

Laser 4 Thermistor contant B

Photodetector 1 responsivity
Photodetector 2 responsivity
Total Loss (dB) ate o photodetector 1

Usually informed on the photodetector tests reports, provided by

the photodetector manufacturer.

Total Loss (dB) ate o photodetector 2

Calculated using thr Optical Module test report passive


Amplifier Product Code

User parameter

Amplifier Serial Number

User parameter

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

Optical Characteristics

The following table shows the optical power measured by photodetectors 1 and 2.
EDFA-Booster 24
EDFA-Booster 17
EDFA-In Line 17
EDFA-In Line 21
EDFA-In Line 24

Input Optical Power
Output Optical Power
Input Optical Power
Output Optical Power
Input Optical Power
Output Optical Power
Input Optical Power
Output Optical Power
Input Optical Power
Output Optical Power
Input Optical Power
Output Optical Power
Pump Optical Power
Output Optical Power



Electrical Characteristics
The following table shows the involved dynamic range of the electrical parameters.
EDFA-Booster 17 and 24
EDFA - In Line 17, 21 and 24
EDFA - Pre

Unit power supply
Pump Laser current thermoeletric cooler
Pump Laser current polarization
Unit power supply
Pump Laser current thermoeletric cooler
Pump Laser current polarization




Generated Alarms
The following table presents the alarms generated by the Supervision and Control Module and also its performance
Photodetector 1 Alarm
Photodetector 2 Alarm
Laser 1 failure alarm
Laser 2 failure alarm
Laser 3 failure alarm
Laser 4 failure alarm
Laser 1 current alarm
Laser 2 current alarm
Laser 3 current alarm
Laser 4 current alarm
Laser 1 Temperature
Laser 2 Temperature
Laser 3 Temperature
Laser 4 Temperature
CSM Internal Temperature
Unit Power Supply

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This function depends on the module implementation.
Usually used for LOS input and LOS output.


Usually set to indicate a 3dB drop in the Laser operation optical



Usually set to indicate that the laser polarization current is near to

the component lifetime expiration (aproximatelly - 1,2 x Initial
Current @ Maximum power).

30 C
60 C
< 4,75 V
> 5,25 V
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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units
Alarm indication
Every alarm is sent to the Calibration and Adjustment Software. Additionally the SCM has 3 LEDs in its front panel,
which are related to some alarms as seen in the following table.




EDFA - Pre
EDFA - Booster 17 and 24


Photodetector 1 alarm

Indicates LOS input alarm



Laser 1 Failure Alarm

Indicates FAIL alarm

EDFA - In Line 17, 21 and 24

EDFA - Pre
EDFA - Booster 17
EDFA - Booster 24 (without spare
EDFA - In Line 17, 21 and 24
Laser 1 Failure Alarm
EDFA - Booster 24 (with spare laser)


Laser 2 Failure Alarm
Laser 1 and 2 failure alarm
Laser 1 Failure Alarm
Laser 2 Failure Alarm


Laser 3 Failure Alarm

Laser 4 Failure Alarm


All of them


Indicates FAIL alarm

Indicates FAIL alarm
Indicates FAIL alarm
Indicates FAIL alarm
Indicates Pump OFF (pump
laser is switched off)
Protection Mechanisms
The Supervision and Control Module constantly verifies the amplifiers working through parameters sent by the SCM
itself or by the Optical Module. For example, if there is a failure in any pump Laser, the protection mechanism is
activated to put in action a spare Laser (if the amplifier has one). In this situation the amplifier will keep working until
The following table presents all protection mechanisms accomplished by the SCM.


Photodetector 1 alarm

EDFA - Pre
EDFA - Booster 17 and 24
EDFA - In Line 17, 21 and 24

Laser 1 failure alarm


Laser 1 Temperature

EDFA - Booster 24 (w/ spare laser)

Laser 2 failure alarm


Laser 2 Temperature

EDFA - Booster 24 (w/ spare laser)


Switch off Laser(s) if "Eye Protection" is

Switch off main Lasers (1 and 2) and switch
on spare Lasers (3 and 4)
Switch off Laser 1 and switch on the spare
laser (3)
Switch off main Lasers (1 and 2) and switch
on spare Lasers (3 and 4)
Switch off Laser 2 and switch on the spare
laser (3)

In not specified cases, no action is taken.

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units
Special Functions
The SCM may also accomplish some special functions requested by the communication interface, besides
adjustment, maintenance and supervision of all the electrical parameters necessary to keep the good performance
of the amplifier.

Automatic Laser Shutdown (ALS) / Automatic Power ShutDown (APS) according to ITU-T G.664.

Switching on or off the pump Lasers.

Eye protection enabling or disabling pump Lasers are automatically switched off when there is a
photodetector 1 alarm, when it is used to measure the amplifier input optical power.

Calibration Execution internal adjustments and count procedures to guarantee measurements precision
(accomplished with the Calibration and Adjustment Software).

Reset used for tests or when there is a repairing substitution of the amplifier. It restores the SCM
operation on the following situation:

Laser(s) switch off

Alarm restoration

Non calibrated indication is turned on

Eye protection is enabled (if the amplifier has this feature)
Communication Interface
The communication with the SCM is established based in a TTL serial physical interface protocol which operates at
19200 bauds (1 start bit, 1 stop bit, no parity).
In the following items it will be presented the specific amplifier characteristics not described before as well the
specific management features.
The 24 dBm Booster Amplifier and the Raman Amplifier illustrate the use of the optional spare laser. All Padtec
amplifiers can be offered with spare lasers, if needed.

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

5.15 Optical Pre-amplifier

5.15.1 Model





Dry contact


C: C band
L: L band
1: without spare LASER
2: with spare LASER
Filters and special assembling
B: single channel filter
C: GFF (Gain Flattening Filter)
F: electronic AGC
H: GFF + electronic AGC
L: GFF + Electronic AGC + AGC extended dynamic range
S: Standard
Dry contact
A: Absent - without
I: Internal at optical amplifier supervisor unit
E: External at amplifier and at optical amplifier supervisor units
Power supply
H: High - 48 VDC
L: Low - 5 VDC

5.15.2 Functional Description

The Pre-amplifier is the last active amplification unit before the optical demultiplexing function. It is able to amplify a
very weak optical multiplexed signal in order to make feasible the detection of the optical channels by the optical
receptors. It works amplifying the output signal from the Raman pre-amplifier or amplifying the signal that comes
straight from the optical link, after the supervisory channel demultiplexing function accomplished by the SCD
(Supervisory Channel Demultiplexing) unit. It operates using only one pump Laser.

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

The presence of the Automatic Gain Control minimizes the effects caused by random changes on the amplifier
input power, due to devices that add and drop channels (OADM Optical Add/Drop Multiplexer) or optical paths
changes due to the presence of Optical Cross Connects (OXC).


Physical Dimension

Optical Pre-Amplifier

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

5.15.4 Block Diagram

The Pre-amplifier unit is composed of 2 modules, one Optical Module and one Supervision and Control Module,
which electrically communicate each other.

Pre-amplifier Block Diagram

A1: Laser 1 Anode
K1: Laser 1 Cathode
NTC1: Laser 1 Negative Temperature Coefficient
POT1: Value measured in volts proportional to the pump Laser power measured in watts
TEC+1: Laser 1 Positive Thermoelectric Cooler
TEC-1: Laser 1 Negative Thermoelectric Cooler
POTDET1: Value measured in volts proportional to the power measured in dBm in photodetector 1
POTDET2: Value measured in volts proportional to the power measured in dBm in photodetector 2
TX: Data transmission
RX: Data reception
GND: Ground
VCC: Power supply
A0, A1, A2, A3: addressing
S1, S2, S3: LEDs activation

The SCM acts over the Optical Module through A1 and K1 to polarize Laser 1 and to accomplish an automatic
power control over it. To keep the temperature stability, the SCM acts over TEC+ and TEC-, based on the
acquisition obtained from NTC1, which is a variable resistance inversely proportional to the Laser temperature
changes. Through the NTC1 value the SCM performs the Laser temperature acquisition. The Optical Module also
provides POT1, POTDET1 and POTDET2 values to the SCM, which are used by it to calculate respectively the
Laser pump power, input power and output power.

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

Though the backplane card of the Amplifier Sub-rack, the SCM communicates with the Amplifier Supervisor through
TX and RX and receives power feeders for VCC (+5 V) and Ground (GND).
The amplifier addressing in equipments Amplifier Sub-rack is based on the signal acquired from A0, A1, A2, A3,
which are sent through the backplane card to the Amplifier Supervisor.
S1, S2, S3 signals are responsible for activating the LEDs located on the front panel.
In the following figure it is possible to see details of the unit scheme:

Pre-Amplifier Optical Module details

The Pre-amplifier is a type of EDFA (Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifier). So its working principle is based on an erbium
doped fiber pumping power, through a suitable pump Laser. With this pumping power, the erbium ions are excited
to a higher energy level, following by a drop to its initial energy level, emitting photons with wavelength around
1550nm and accomplishing the received optical signal amplification.
The optical module is composed of isolators 1 and 2 (position 2) which eliminates reflections on the two sides of the
erbium doped fiber. Also, to couple the input signal with the pumped signal from Laser 1 there is a WDM Multiplexer
(position 3). On position 1 there is another optical coupler that gets a sample of the input signal so it is possible to
the SCM calculate the input optical power through the POTDET1 value given by photodetector 1. The last
component (coupler 2) before the output of the amplified signal is located on position 1 and is responsible for
sending the signal to the amplifier output and to the coupler 3 (position 4), through a 1% coupling. To accomplish
the output power measurement there is another optical coupler, which provides a sample of the signal to
photodetector 2, which gives POTDET2 value to the SCM (coupler 3). The other port of the coupler 3 provides the
signal the monitoring connector (MONITORING).
On position 6 an OADM is used to drop a sample of the amplified signal of the amplifier output, in a spectral region
without the presence of optical channels, and adds it to the input. With this totally optical procedure the optical
power on the amplifier input is kept constant and then the per channel power on the amplifier output is also kept
constant, and is independent on the numbers of optical channels on the input.

5.15.5 Hardware Configuration and Adjustment Procedures

All the necessary adjustments to the Pre-amplifier are performed on the factorys assembling process, during its
characterization and test.
Besides, through the Calibration and Adjustment Software, it is possible to configure:

Pump Laser power

Laser failure alarm threshold
Loss of signal (LOS) alarm threshold

5.15.6 Power Supply

The unit receives the voltages of -48 V and 0 V by the EURO-96 connector, through the Amplifier Sub-rack

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

5.15.7 Electrical Interfaces

It communicates with the Amplifier Supervisor through a TTL serial interface by the EURO-96 connector, through
the Amplifier Sub-rack backplane.

5.15.8 Optical Interfaces

Reception (IN): This SC-APC connector receives the optical multiplexed signal from the SCD (Supervisory
Channel Demultiplexer) or Raman Pre-Amplifier unit.
Transmission (OUT): The Pre-Amplifier unit sends the amplified signal to the Demultiplexer unit through the
SC-APC connector.
Monitoring (OUT): This SC-APC connector emits a sample of the amplified signal, allowing the in-service
monitoring and analyses of the optical signal.

5.15.9 Parametrical Characteristics

Characteristics of Optical Pre-Amplifier
Consumption at -48 VDC [mA]


MTBF [hours]

3 x 10

Optical Characteristics:
Total output power [dBm]
Wavelength [nm]
Input power [dBm]
Gain flatness [dB]
Gain [dB]
Noise figure [dB]
PMD [ps]
PDG [dB]
Gain stability [dB]
Optical bandwidth [nm]
Input/output Optical isolation [dB]
Input or output port return loss [dB]
ASE return power [dBm]
Output pump remaining power [dBm]

1529 to 1565

(1) For a -35 dBm signal

Other characteristics were already described in amplifiers general description.


Handling Care

As this is a type 4 Laser usage unit, it is indispensable to protect the output connector when turning on the amplifier.
It is also important not switch the pump Laser on directly in is operational power. Firstly it must be switched on and
then its power can be gradually increased in 50 mW steps to avoid a possible deterioration in the optical output

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

Besides, it is necessary to verify if the Laser is correctly switched off before pulling it out from the Amplifier Sub-rack


Visual Indications on the Front Panel

The Pre-Amplifier unit has four LEDs:

POWER: Green LED that shows if the unit is switched on

LOS: Red LED that shows if the input power level is below a pre-set loss of signal (LOS) threshold. This
threshold is set by the Calibration and Adjustment Software.
FAIL: Red LED that indicates unit failure. It may be due to pump power loss below the pre-defined threshold
set by the calibration and adjustment software or to Laser overheating.
PUMP OFF: Red LED that shows if the pump Laser is switched on.


Alarms Reported to Management System

The following alarms are reported to the management system:

POWER: It shows if the unit is switched on
LOS: It shows if the input power level is below a pre-set loss of signal (LOS) threshold. This threshold is set
by the Calibration and Adjustment Software.
FAIL: It indicates unit failure. It may be due to pump power loss below the pre-defined threshold set by the
calibration and adjustment software or to Laser overheating.
PUMP OFF: It shows if the pump Laser is switched on.
The other previously described alarms are only seen through the calibration and adjustment software.


Telecommands from Management System

The Pre-Amplifier unit accepts the pump Laser switch on/off telecommand sent by the management system.
Other commands are only executed through the calibration and adjustment software.


Identification Label

Product code and serial number.

Laser classification: CLASS 4 LASER PRODUCT



The Pre-Amplifier supervision is accomplished by the Amplifier Supervisor unit located in the same Amplifier Subrack and which communicates to the sites Supervisor Master. Through the Amplifier Supervisor it is possible to
accomplish all the adjustments, configurations and calibrations necessaries to the amplifier, by connecting it to a
computer with the calibration and adjustment software installed.


Procedures to Remove the Unit from the Sub-rack

An anti-static wristband must be used.

If the Pre-Amplifier input is connected to a SCD output:

If there is communication with the management system:

o Run the LASER OFF or reset command.
o Unplug the optical cords.
o Pull it out from the Sub-rack.
If there is no communication with the management system:

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units


(Alternative 1): Unplug the optical cord from the Pre-Amplifier unit, causing an immediate Laser
switch off.
(Alternative 2): Turn off the Pre-Amplifier unit, by partially pulling it out from the Amplifier Sub-rack.
After that, unplug the optical cords from the Pre-Amplifier unit.

If the Pre-Amplifier input is connected to a Raman Pre-Amplifier output:

Switch off the Raman Pre-Amplifier Laser (see Raman Pre-amplifier Pull Out Procedure)
If there is communication with the management system:
o Run the LASER OFF or reset command.
o Unplug the optical cords.
o Pull it out from the Amplifier Sub-rack.
If there is no communication with the management system:
o (Alternative 1): Unplug the optical cord from the Pre-Amplifier unit, causing an immediate Laser
switch off.
o (Alternative 2): Turn off the Pre-Amplifier unit, by partially pulling it out from the Amplifier Sub-rack.
After that, unplug the optical cord from the unit.


Procedures to Insert the Unit to the Sub-rack

An anti-static wristband must be used.

If the Pre-Amplifier input is connected to a SCD output
Insert partially the Pre-Amplifier unit in the Amplifier Sub-rack,
Make the optical cord connection in its front panel,
Insert it totally in the Amplifier Sub-rack,
If necessary and possible, run the command to switch on the Laser.
If the Pre-Amplifier input is connected to a Raman output:

Insert partially the Pre-Amplifier in the Amplifier Sub-rack,

Make the optical cord connection in its front panel,
Insert it totally in the Amplifier Sub-rack,
If necessary and possible, run the command to switch on the Laser
Switch on the Raman Pre-Amplifier unit (see Raman Pre-amplifier Placement Procedure)

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

5.16 17 / 21 dBm Booster Amplifier

5.16.1 Model






Dry contact


C: C band
L: L band
Total output power
17: 17 dBm
21: 21 dBm
1: without spare LASER
2: with spare LASER
Filters and special assembling
F: electronic AGC
S: Standard
Dry contact
A: Absent - without
I: Internal at optical amplifier supervisor unit
E: External at amplifier ant at optical amplifier supervisor unit
Power supply
H: High - 48 VDC
L: Low - 5 VDC

5.16.2 Functional Description

The 17 / 21 dBm Booster Amplifier is the first amplification element in a transmission link. It receives a multiplexed
optical signal and amplifies it up to a suitable power level. It operates using only one pump Laser.

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

5.16.3 Physical Dimension

17 / 21 dBm Booster Amplifier

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

5.16.4 Block Diagram

The 17 / 21 dBm Booster Amplifier is composed of 2 modules, one Optical Module and one Supervision and Control
Module, which electrically communicate each other.

Block Diagram of 17 / 21 dBm Booster Amplifier

A1: Laser 1 Anode
K1: Laser 1 Cathode
NTC1: Laser 1 Negative Temperature Coefficient
POT1: Value measured in volts proportional to the pump Laser power level measured in watts
TEC+1: Laser 1 Positive Thermoelectric Cooler
TEC-1: Laser 1 Negative Thermoelectric Cooler
POTDET1: Value measured in volts proportional to the power level measured in dBm in photodetector 1
POTDET2: Value measured in volts proportional to the power level measured in dBm in photodetector 2
TX: Data transmission
RX: Data reception
GND: Ground
VCC: Power supply voltage
A0, A1, A2, A3: addressing
S1, S2, S3: LEDs activation

The SCM acts over the Optical Module through A1 and K1 to polarize the pump Laser 1 and accomplish an
automatic power control. To keep the temperature stability, the SCM acts over TEC+ and TEC-, based on the
acquisition obtained from NTC1, which is a variable resistance inversely proportional to the Laser temperature
changes. Through the NTC1 value the SCM performs the Laser temperature acquisition. The Optical Module also
provides POT1, POTDET1 and POTDET2 values to the SCM, which are used to calculate respectively the Laser
pump, input and output power levels.
Though the backplane card of the Amplifier Sub-rack, the SCM communicates with the Amplifier Supervisor through
TX and RX and receives power feeders for VCC (+5 V) and Ground (GND).

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

The amplifier addressing in equipments Amplifier Sub-rack is based on the signal acquired from A0, A1, A2, A3,
which are sent through the backplane card to the Amplifier Supervisor.
S1, S2, S3 signals are responsible for activating the LEDs located on the front panel.
In the following figure it is possible to see details of the unit scheme:

Optical Module details

The 17 / 21 dBm Booster Amplifier is a type of EDFA (Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifier). So its working principle is
based on an erbium doped fiber pumping power, through a suitable pump Laser. With this pumping power, the
erbium ions are excited to a higher energy level, following by a drop to its initial energy level, emitting photons with
wavelength around 1550nm and accomplishing the received optical signal amplification.
The optical module is composed of isolators 1 and 2 (position 2) which eliminates reflections on the two sides of the
erbium doped fiber. Also, to couple the input signal with the pumped signal from Laser 1 there is a WDM Multiplexer
(position 3). On position 1 there is another optical coupler that gets a sample of the input signal so it is possible to
the SCM calculate the input optical power through the POTDET1 value given by photodetector 1. To accomplish the
output power measurement there is another optical coupler, which provides a sample of the output signal to
photodetector 2, which gives POTDET2 value to the SCM. The last component before the amplified signal output is
located on position 4 and is responsible to split the signal in two parts through a 99% coupling, so it is possible to
monitor the output signal. So, there is the OUTPUT signal (99% of the original optical power) and the MONITOR
signal (1% of the original power).

5.16.5 Hardware Configuration and Adjustment Procedures

All the necessary adjustments to the Pre-amplifier are performed on the factorys assembling process, during its
characterization and test.
Besides, through the Calibration and Adjustment Software, it is possible to configure:

Pump Laser power

Laser failure alarm threshold
Loss of signal (LOS) alarm threshold

5.16.6 Power Supply

The unit receives the voltages of -48 V and 0 V by the EURO-96 connector, through the Amplifier Sub-rack

5.16.7 Electrical Interfaces

It communicates with the Amplifier Supervisor through a TTL serial interface by the EURO-96 connector, through
the Amplifier Sub-rack backplane.

5.16.8 Optical Interfaces

Reception (IN): SC-APC connector where it receives the incoming signal from the MUX optical fiber cord.

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Transmission (OUT): SC-APC connector where it send the amplified signal to SCM (Supervisory Channel
Multiplexer), which multiplexes the data with the optical supervision channel.
Monitoring (OUT): This SC-APC connector emits a sample of the amplified signal, allowing the in-service
monitoring and analyses of the optical signal.

5.16.9 Parametrical Characteristics

Characteristics of Booster Optical Amplifier
Consumption at -48 VDC [mA]

520 (@ 17 dBm)
625 (@ 21 dBm)
3 x 105

MTBF [hours]
Optical Characteristics
Total output power [dBm]
Wavelength [nm]
Input power [dBm]
Gain flatness [dB]
Gain [dB]
Noise figure [dB]
PMD [ps]
PDG [dB]
Gain stability [dB]
Optical bandwidth [nm]
Input/output Optical isolation [dB]
Input or output port return loss [dB]
ASE return power [dBm]
Output pump remaining power [dBm]

17 or 21
1529 to 1565

(1) For a -5 dBm signal

Other characteristics were already described in the amplifiers general description.

5.16.10 Handling Care

As this is a type 4 Laser usage unit, it is indispensable to protect the output connector when turning on the amplifier.
It is also important not switch the pump Laser on directly in is operational power. Firstly it must be switched on and
then its power can be gradually increased in 50 mW steps to avoid a possible deterioration in the optical output
Besides, it is necessary to verify if the Laser is correctly switched off before pulling out the Sub-rack unit, when

5.16.11 Visual Indications on the Front Panel

The 17 / 21 dBm Booster Amplifier has four LEDs:

POWER: Green LED that shows if the unit is switched on

LOS: Red LED that shows if the input power level is below a pre-set loss of signal (LOS) threshold. This
threshold is set by the Calibration and Adjustment Software.
FAIL: Red LED that indicates unit failure. It may be due to pump power loss below a pre-defined threshold
set by the calibration and adjustment software or to Laser overheating.

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

PUMP OFF: Red LED that shows if the pump Laser is switched on.

5.16.12 Alarms Reported to Management System

The following alarms are reported to the management system:
POWER: It shows if the unit is switched on
LOS: It shows if the input power level is below a pre-set loss of signal (LOS) threshold. This threshold is set
by the Calibration and Adjustment Software.
FAIL: It shows unit failure. It may be due to a pump Laser power loss below a pre-defined threshold set by
the calibration and adjustment software or to Laser overheating.
PUMP OFF: It shows if the pump Laser is switched on.
The other previously described alarms are only seen through the calibration and adjustment software.

5.16.13 Telecommands from Management System

The 17 / 21 dBm Booster Amplifier accepts the pump Laser switch on/off telecommand sent by the management
system. Other commands are only executed through the calibration and adjustment software previously described.

5.16.14 Identification Label

Product code and serial number.

Laser classification: CLASS 4 LASER PRODUCT

5.16.15 Observations
The 17 / 21 dBm Booster Amplifier supervision is accomplished by the Amplifier Supervisor located in the same
Amplifier Sub-rack and which communicates to the sites Supervisor Master. Through this supervisor is possible to
accomplish all the adjustments, configurations and calibrations necessaries to the amplifier, by connecting it to a
computer that has the calibration and adjustment software installed.

5.16.16 Procedures to Remove the Unit from the Sub-rack

An anti-static wristband must be used.
(Alternative 1): Switch off the Transponders connected to the optical multiplexer that sends the optical
multiplexed signal to the 17 / 21 dBm Booster Amplifier (see Procedures to Remove Transponder). Once
the Lasers are turned off, there will not be optical signal in the 17 / 21 dBm Booster Amplifier input. This
procedure will automatically turn off the Booster Lasers. So, the optical cord may be unplugged and the
amplifier may be pulled out from the Sub-rack.
(Alternative 2): If it is not possible to switch off the Transponder Lasers for any reason, the procedure is the
If there is communication with the management system:

o Run the LASER OFF or reset command.

o Unplug the optical cords.
o Pull it out from the Sub-rack.
If there is no communication with the management system:

(Alternative 1): Unplug the optical cord from the 17 / 21 dBm Booster Amplifier which will cause an
immediate Laser switch off.
(Alternative 2): Turn off the 17 / 21 dBm Booster Amplifier power supply, partially pulling it out from
the Sub-rack. After that, unplug the optical cord.

5.16.17 Procedures to Insert the Unit to the Sub-rack

An anti-static wristband must be used.

Partially insert the 17 / 21 dBm Booster Amplifier in the Sub-rack,

Make the optical cord connection in its front panel,

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

Totally insert it in the Sub-rack

If necessary and possible, run the command to switch on the Laser.
Switch on the Transponders in case they had been switched off for the 17 / 21 dBm Booster Amplifier
removing procedure (see Procedures to Remove Transponders).

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

5.17 24 dBm Booster Amplifier

5.17.1 Model





Dry contact


C: C band
L: L band
1: without spare LASER
2: with spare LASER
Filter and special assembling
F: Electronic AGC
S: Standard
Dry contact
A: Absent
I: Internal at optical amplifier supervisor unit
E: External at amplifier and at optical amplifier supervisor unit
Power supply
H: High - 48 VDC
L: Low - 5 VDC

5.17.2 Functional Description

The 24 dBm Booster Amplifier unit is the first amplification element in a transmission link. It receives an optical
multiplexed signal and amplifies it up to a suitable power level. It operates using two main pump Lasers and one
spare Laser, which become active when one of the main Lasers fails.

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

5.17.3 Physical Dimensions

24 dBm Booster Amplifier

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

5.17.4 Block Diagram

The 24 dBm Booster Amplifier is composed of 2 modules, one is the Optical Module and the other is the
Supervision and Control Module (SCM), which electrically communicate each other.

Block Diagram of 24 dBm Booster Amplifier

Where, for n=1, 2 and 3:

An: Laser n Anode
Kn: Laser n Cathode
NTCn: Laser n Negative Temperature Coefficient
POTn: Value measured in volts proportional to the pump Laser n power level measured in watts
TEC+n: Laser n Positive Thermoelectric Cooler
TEC-n: Laser n Negative Thermoelectric Cooler
POTDET1: Value measured in volts proportional to the power measured in dBm in photodetector 1
POTDET2: Value measured in volts proportional to the power measured in dBm in photodetector 2
TX: Data transmission
RX: Data reception
GND: Ground
VCC: Power supply voltage
A0, A1, A2, A3: addressing
S1, S2, S3: LEDs activation

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

The SCM acts over the Optical Module through An and Kn to polarize the Laser n and accomplish an automatic
power control. To keep temperature stability, the SCM acts over TEC+n and TEC-n, based on the acquisition
obtained from NTCn, which is a variable resistance inversely proportional to the Laser temperature changes.
Through the NTCn value the SCM performs the Laser temperature acquisition. The Optical Module also provides
POT1, POTDET1 and POTDET2 values to the SCM, which are used to calculate respectively the Laser n pump
power, input power and output power. More over, the SCM is responsible for Laser 3 activation when Laser 1 or 2
Though the backplane card of the Amplifier Sub-rack, the SCM communicates with the Amplifier Supervisor through
TX and RX and receives power feeders for VCC (+5 V) and Ground (GND).
The amplifier addressing in equipments Amplifier Sub-rack is based on the signal acquired from A0, A1, A2, A3,
which are sent through the backplane card to the Amplifier Supervisor.
S1, S2, S3 signals are responsible for activating the LEDs located on the front panel.
In the following figure it is possible to see details of the unit scheme:

24 dBm Booster Amplifier details

The 24 dBm Booster Amplifier is a type of EDFA (Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifier). So its working principle is based
on an erbium doped fiber pumping power, through a suitable pump Laser. With this pumping, the erbium ions are
excited to a higher energy level, following by a drop to its initial energy level, emitting photons with wavelength
around 1550 nm and accomplishing the received optical signal amplification.
The optical module is formed by isolators 1 and 2 (position 2) which eliminates reflections on the two sides of the
erbium doped fiber. Also, to couple the input signal with the pumped signal from Laser 1 there is a WDM Multiplexer
(position3). Another WDM Multiplexer is used to couple the contra-propagation pumped signal from Lasers 2 and 3
with the input signal. A Polarization Combiner is used to combine the pumped signals from Laser 2 and 3. On
position 1 there is another tap monitor coupler that gets a sample of the input signal so it is possible to the SCM to
calculate the input power level, through the POTDET1 value given by photodetector 1. To accomplish the output
power measurement there is another tap monitor coupler that provides a sample of the output signal to
photodetector 2, which gives POTDET2 value to the SCM. The last component before the amplified signal output is
located on position 4 and is responsible for splitting the signal in two parts through a 99% coupling, so it is possible
to monitor the output signal. Therefore there is the OUTPUT signal (99% of the original optical power) and the
MONITORING signal (1% of the original power).

5.17.5 Hardware Configuration and Adjustment Procedures

All the necessary adjustments to the Booster Amplifier are performed on the factorys assembling process, during
its characterization and test.
Besides, through the Calibration and Adjustment Software, it is possible to configure:

Pump Lasers power

Lasers failure alarm threshold
Loss of signal (LOS) alarm threshold

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

5.17.6 Power Supply

The unit receives the voltages of -48 V and 0 V by the EURO-96 connector, through the Amplifier Sub-rack

5.17.7 Electrical Interfaces

It communicates with the Amplifier Supervisor through a TTL serial interface by the EURO-96 connector, through
the Amplifier Sub-rack backplane.

5.17.8 Optical Interfaces

Reception (IN): SC-APC connector where it receives the incoming signal from the MUX optical fiber cable.
Transmission (OUT): SC-APC connector where it send the amplified signal to SCM (Supervisory Channel
Multiplexer), which multiplexes the data with the supervision optical channel.
Monitoring (OUT): This SC-APC connector emits a sample of the amplified signal, allowing the in-service
monitoring and analyses of the optical signal.

5.17.9 Parametrical Characteristics

Characteristics of 24 dBm Booster Optical Amplifier
Consumption at -48 VDC [mA]


MTBF [hours]

3 x 10

Optical Characteristics
Total output power [dBm]
Wavelength [nm]
Input power [dBm]
Gain flatness [dB]
Gain [dB]
Noise figure [dB]
PMD [ps]
PDG [dB]
Gain stability [dB]
Optical bandwidth [nm]
Input/output Optical isolation [dB]
Input or output port return loss [dB]
ASE return power [dBm]
Output pump remaining power [dBm]

1529 to 1565

(1) For a -5 dBm signal

Other characteristics were already described in the amplifiers general description.

5.17.10 Handling Care

As this is a type 4 Laser usage unit, it is indispensable to protect the output connector when turning on the amplifier.
It is also important not switch the pump Laser on directly in is operational power. Firstly it must be switched on and
then its power can be gradually increased in 50 mW steps to avoid a possible deterioration in the optical output

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

Besides, it is necessary to verify if the Laser is correctly switched off before pulling out the Sub-rack unit, when

5.17.11 Visual Indications on the Front Panel

The 24 dBm Booster Amplifier has four LEDs:

POWER: Green LED that shows if the unit is switched on

LOS: Red LED that shows if the input power level is below a pre-set loss of signal (LOS) threshold. This
threshold is set by the Calibration and Adjustment Software.
FAIL: Red LED that shows unit failure. It may be due to a pump Laser power loss below a pre-defined
threshold set by the calibration and adjustment software or to Lasers overheating. In case of only one Laser
failure, this LED will start twinkling and the spare Laser is activated. In case two Lasers failure, this LED will
be permanently lighted.
PUMP OFF: Red LED that shows if the pump Laser is switched on.

5.17.12 Alarms Reported to Management System

The following alarms are reported to the management system:
POWER: It shows if the unit is switched on
LOS: It shows if the input power level is below a pre-set loss of signal (LOS) threshold. This threshold is set
by the Calibration and Adjustment Software.
FAIL: It shows unit failure. It may be due to a pump power loss below a pre-defined threshold set by the
calibration and adjustment software or to Lasers overheating.
PUMP OFF: It shows if the pump Laser is switched on.
The other previously described alarms are only seen through the calibration and adjustment software.

5.17.13 Telecommands from Management System

The 24 dBm Booster Amplifier accepts the pump Laser switch on/off telecommand sent by the management
system. Other commands are only executed through the calibration and adjustment software previously described.

5.17.14 Identification Label

Product code and serial number.

Laser classification: CLASS 4 LASER PRODUCT

5.17.15 Observation
The 24 dBm Booster Amplifier supervision is accomplished by the Amplifier Supervisor unit located in the same
Amplifier Sub-rack and which communicates to the sites Supervisor Master. Through this supervisor it is possible
to accomplish all the adjustments, configurations and calibrations necessaries to the amplifier, by connecting it to a
computer that has the calibration and adjustment software installed.

5.17.16 Procedures to Remove the Unit from the Sub-rack

An anti-static wristband must be used.

(Alternative 1): Switch off the Transponders connected to the optical multiplexer which sends the optical
multiplexed signal to the Booster Amplifier (see Procedures to Remove Transponder unit). Once the
Transponder Lasers are turned off, there will not be optical signal in the Booster Amplifier input. This
procedure will automatically turn off the Booster Lasers. So, the optical cord may be unplugged and the
amplifier may be pulled out from the Sub-rack.
(Alternative 2): If it is not possible the Transponder Lasers switch off for any reason, the procedure is the

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

If there is communication with the management system:


Run the LASER OFF or reset command.

Unplug the optical cords.
Pull it out from the Sub-rack.

If there is no communication with the management system:


(Alternative 1): Unplug the optical cord from the 24 dBm Booster Amplifier which will cause an
immediate Laser switch off.
(Alternative 2): Turn off the 24 dBm Booster Amplifier power supply, partially pulling it out from the
Sub-rack. After that, unplug the optical cord.

5.17.17 Procedures to Insert the Unit to the Sub-rack

An anti-static wristband must be used.

Partially insert the 24 dBm Booster Amplifier in the Sub-rack,

Make the optical cord connection in its front panel,
Totally insert it in the Sub-rack
If necessary and possible, run the command to switch on the Laser.
Switch on the Transponders in case they had been switched off for the 24 dBm Booster removing
procedure (see Procedures to Remove the Transponder Unit).

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

5.18 17 dBm In Line Amplifier

5.18.1 Model





Dry contact


C: C Band
L: L band
1: without spare LASER
2: with spare LASER
Filters and special assembling
B: Monochannel filter
C: GFF (Gain Flattening Filter)
E: Mid stage access
F: Electronic AGC
G: Mid stage access + Electronic AGC
H: GFF + Electronic AGC
J: Mid stage access + Electronic AGC + GFF
S: Standard
Dry contact
A: Absent
I: Internal at optical amplifier supervisor unit
E: External at amplifier and at optical amplifier supervisor units
Power supply
H: High - 48 VDC
L: Low - 5 VDC

5.18.2 Functional Description

The Line Amplifier unit is an intermediary amplification element in an optical link. It has reception features similar to
the Pre-Amplifier and transmission features similar to the 17dBm Booster Amplifier. It operates using 2 pump
Lasers in a 2 stage configuration.
The presence of the Automatic Gain Control minimizes the effects caused by random changes on the amplifier
input power, due to devices that add and drop channels (OADM Optical Add/Drop Multiplexer) or optical paths
changes due to the presence of Optical Cross Connects (OXC).
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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

As it has 2 amplification stages it can operate using a dispersion compensating module (DCM) between its two
amplification stages and/or a OADM, trough the use of a MUX and DEMUX unit.

5.18.3 Physical Dimensions

In Line Amplifier

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

5.18.4 Block Diagram

The In Line Amplifier is composed of 2 modules, one Optical Module and one Supervision and Control Module
(SCM), which electrically communicate each other.

In Line Amplifier Block Diagram

Where, for n=1 and 2:

An: Laser n Anode
Kn: Laser n Cathode
NTCn: Laser n Negative Temperature Coefficient
POTn: Value measured in volts proportional to the pump Laser n power level measured in watts
TEC+n: Laser n Positive Thermoelectric Cooler
TEC-n: Laser n Negative Thermoelectric Cooler
POTDET1: Value measured in volts proportional to the power measured in dBm in photodetector 1
POTDET2: Value measured in volts proportional to the power measured in dBm in photodetector 2
TX: Data transmission
RX: Data reception
GND: Ground
VCC: Power supply voltage
A0, A1, A2, A3: addressing
S1, S2, S3: LEDs activation
The SCM acts over the Optical Module through An and Kn to polarize the Laser n and accomplish an automatic
power control. To keep temperature stability, the SCM acts over TEC+n and TEC-n, based on the acquisition
obtained from NTCn, which is a variable resistance inversely proportional to the Laser temperature changes.
Through the NTCn value the SCM performs the Laser temperature acquisition. The Optical Module also provides
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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

POT1, POTDET1 and POTDET2 values to the SCM, which are used by it to calculate respectively Laser n pump
power, input power and output power.
Though the backplane card of the Amplifier Sub-rack, the SCM communicates with the Amplifier Supervisor through
TX and RX and receives power feeders for VCC (+5 V) and Ground (GND).
The amplifier addressing in equipments Amplifier Sub-rack is based on the signal acquired from A0, A1, A2, A3,
which are sent through the backplane card to the Amplifier Supervisor.
S1, S2, S3 signals are responsible for activating the LEDs located on the front panel.
In the following figure it is possible to see details of the unit scheme:

In Line Amplifier details

The In Line Amplifier unit is a type of EDFA (Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifier). So its working principle is based on an
erbium doped fiber pumping power, through a suitable pump Laser. With this pumping, the erbium ions are excited
to a higher energy level, following by a drop to its initial energy level, emitting photons with wavelength around 1550
nm and accomplishing the received optical signal amplification.
The optical module is composed of isolators 1, 2, 3 and 4 (position 2) which eliminates reflections on the input and
output of the 2 amplification stages of the erbium doped fiber. Also, to couple the input signal with the pumped
signal from Laser 1 there is a WDM Multiplexer (position3). Another WDM Multiplexer is used to couple to contrapropagation pumped signal from Laser 2 with the input signal. On position 1 there is another tap monitor coupler
that gets a sample of the input signal so it is possible to the SCM to calculate the input power, through the
POTDET1 value given by photodetector 1. To accomplish the output power measurement there is another tap
monitor coupler that provides a sample of the output signal to photodetector 2, which gives POTDET2 value to the
SCM. The last component before the amplified signal output is located on position 1 (coupler 2) and is responsible
for sending to signal to the output connector (OUTPUT) and to the coupler 3 (position 4) trough a 99 % coupling. At
the end of the first stage there is another coupler, that sends a sample of the signal to be monitored by monitoring
On position 6 an OADM is used to drop a sample of the amplified signal of the amplifier output, in a spectral region
without the presence of optical channels, and adds it to the input. With this totally optical procedure the optical
power on the amplifier input is kept constant and then the per channel power on the amplifier output is also kept
constant, and is independent on the numbers of optical channels on the input.
A dispersion compensating module (DCM) can be used between output 1 and output 2 and/or add/drop functions
can be done trough the use of multiplexing and demultiplexing modules.

5.18.5 Hardware Configuration and Adjustment Procedures

All the necessary adjustments to the In Line Amplifier unit are performed on the factorys assembling process,
during its characterization and test.
Besides, through the Calibration and Adjustment Software, it is possible to configure:

Pump Lasers power

Lasers failure alarm threshold
Loss of signal (LOS) alarm threshold

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

5.18.6 Power Supply

The unit receives the voltages of -48 V and 0 V by the EURO-96 connector, through the Amplifier Sub-rack

5.18.7 Electrical Interfaces

It communicates with the Amplifier Supervisor through a TTL serial interface by the EURO-96 connector, through
the Amplifier Sub-rack backplane.

5.18.8 Optical Interfaces

Reception (IN1): this SC-APC connector receives the optical multiplexed signal from the SCD (Supervisory
Channel Demultiplexer) unit.
Transmission (OUT1): this SC-APC connector sends the optical signal after being amplified by the first
stage. This signal can be used to do a dispersion compensating, using a dispersion compensating module,
and/or to do add/drop functions, using an OADM.
Monitoring (MONITORING1): This SC-APC connector emits a sample of the amplified signal, allowing the
in-service monitoring and analyses of the optical signal, at the first stage output.
Reception (IN2): this SC-APC connector receives the optical signal that comes straight from the first stage,
or from a dispersion compensating module or from an OADM, depending on the application.
Transmission (OUT2): this SC-APC connector sends amplified signal to SCM (Supervisory Channel
Multiplexer) unit, which multiplexes the data with the supervision optical channel.
Monitoring (OUT2): This SC-APC connector emits a sample of the amplified signal, allowing the in-service
monitoring and analyses of the optical signal, at the second stage output.

5.18.9 Parametrical Characteristics

Characteristics of 17 dBm In Line Amplifier
Consumption at -48 VDC [mA]


MTBF [hours]

3 x 10

Optical Characteristics:
Total output power [dBm]
Wavelength [nm]
Input power [dBm]
Gain flatness [dB]
Gain [dB]
Noise figure [dB]
PMD [ps]
PDG [dB]
Gain stability [dB]
Optical bandwidth [nm]
Input/output Optical isolation [dB]
Input or output port return loss [dB]
ASE return power [dBm]
Output pump remaining power [dBm]

1529 to 1565

(1) For a -5 dBm signal

Other characteristics were already described in amplifiers general description.

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

5.18.10 Handling Care

As this is a type 4 Laser usage unit, it is indispensable to protect the output connector when turning on the amplifier.
It is also important not switch the pump Laser on directly in is operational power. Firstly it must be switched on and
then its power can be gradually increased in 50 mW steps to avoid a possible deterioration in the optical output
Besides, it is necessary to verify if the Laser is correctly switched off before pulling out the Sub-rack unit, when

5.18.11 Visual Indications on the Front Panel

The In Line Amplifier has four LEDs:

POWER: Green LED that shows if the unit is switched on

LOS: Red LED that shows if the input power level is below a pre-set loss of signal (LOS) threshold. This
threshold is set by the Calibration and Adjustment Software.
FAIL: Red LED that indicates unit failure. It may be due to pump power loss below the pre-defined threshold
set by the calibration and adjustment software or to Lasers overheating.
PUMP OFF: Red LED that shows if the pump Lasers are switched on.

5.18.12 Alarms Reported to Management System

The following alarms are reported to the management system:

POWER: It shows if the unit is switched on

LOS: It shows if the input power level is below a pre-set loss of signal (LOS) threshold. This threshold is set
by the Calibration and Adjustment Software.
FAIL: It shows unit failure. It may be due to a pump power loss below the pre-defined threshold set by the
calibration and adjustment software or to Lasers overheating.
PUMP OFF: It shows if the pump Lasers are switched on.

The other previously described alarms are only seen through the calibration and adjustment software.

5.18.13 Telecommands from Management System

The In Line amplifier accepts the pump Laser switch on/off telecommand sent by the management system.
Other commands are only executed through the calibration and adjustment software previously described.

5.18.14 Identification Label

Product code and serial number.

Laser classification: CLASS 4 LASER PRODUCT

5.18.15 Observations
The In Line Amplifier supervision is accomplished by the Amplifier Supervisor unit located in the same Amplifier
Sub-rack and which communicates to the sites Supervisor Master. Through this supervisor it is possible to
accomplish all the adjustments, configurations and calibrations necessaries to the amplifier, by connecting it to a
computer that has the calibration and adjustment software installed.

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

5.18.16 Procedures to Remove the Unit from the Sub-rack

An anti-static wristband must be used.
If there is communication with the management system:

Run the LASER OFF or reset command.

Unplug the optical cords.
Pull it out from the Sub-rack.

If there is no communication with the management system:

(Alternative 1): Unplug the optical cord from the In Line Amplifier input which will cause an immediate
Laser switch off.
(Alternative 2): Turn off the In Line Amplifier powersupply, partially pulling it out from the Amplifier Subrack. After that, unplug the optical cord.
5.18.17 Procedures to Insert the Unit to the Sub-rack
An anti-static wristband must be used.

Partially insert the In Line Amplifier in the Amplifier Sub-rack,

Make the optical cord connection in its front panel,
Totally insert it in the Sub-rack
If necessary and possible, run the command to switch on the Laser.

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

5.19 21 dBm In Line Amplifier

5.19.1 Model






Dry contact


C: C Band
L: L band
1: without spare LASER
2: with spare LASER
Filters and special assembling
B: Monochannel filter
C: GFF (Gain Flattening Filter)
E: Mid stage access
F: Electronic AGC
G: Mid stage access + Electronic AGC
H: GFF + Electronic AGC
J: Mid stage access + Electronic AGC + GFF
S: Standard
Dry contact
A: Absent
I: Internal at optical amplifier supervisor unit
E: External at amplifier and at optical amplifier supervisor units
Power supply
H: High - 48 VDC
L: Low - 5 VDC

5.19.2 Functional Description

The Line Amplifier unit is an intermediary amplification element in an optical link. It has reception features similar to
the Pre-Amplifier and transmission features similar to the 21dBm Booster Amplifier. It operates using 2 pump
Lasers in a 2 stage configuration.
The presence of the Automatic Gain Control minimizes the effects caused by random changes on the amplifier
input power, due to devices that add and drop channels (OADM Optical Add/Drop Multiplexer) or optical paths
changes due to the presence of Optical Cross Connects (OXC).

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

As it has 2 amplification stages it can operate using a dispersion compensating module (DCM) between its two
amplification stages and/or a OADM, trough the use of a MUX and DEMUX unit.

5.19.3 Physical Dimensions

In Line Amplifier

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

5.19.4 Block Diagram

The In Line Amplifier is composed of 2 modules, one Optical Module and one Supervision and Control Module
(SCM), which electrically communicate each other.

In Line Amplifier Block Diagram

Where, for n=1 and 2:

An: Laser n Anode
Kn: Laser n Cathode
NTCn: Laser n Negative Temperature Coefficient
POTn: Value measured in volts proportional to the pump Laser n power level measured in watts
TEC+n: Laser n Positive Thermoelectric Cooler
TEC-n: Laser n Negative Thermoelectric Cooler
POTDET1: Value measured in volts proportional to the power measured in dBm in photodetector 1
POTDET2: Value measured in volts proportional to the power measured in dBm in photodetector 2
TX: Data transmission
RX: Data reception
GND: Ground
VCC: Power supply voltage
A0, A1, A2, A3: addressing
S1, S2, S3: LEDs activation

The SCM acts over the Optical Module through An and Kn to polarize the Laser n and accomplish an automatic
power control. To keep temperature stability, the SCM acts over TEC+n and TEC-n, based on the acquisition
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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

obtained from NTCn, which is a variable resistance inversely proportional to the Laser temperature changes.
Through the NTCn value the SCM performs the Laser temperature acquisition. The Optical Module also provides
POT1, POTDET1 and POTDET2 values to the SCM, which are used by it to calculate respectively Laser n pump
power, input power and output power.
Though the backplane card of the Amplifier Sub-rack, the SCM communicates with the Amplifier Supervisor through
TX and RX and receives power feeders for VCC (+5 V) and Ground (GND).
The amplifier addressing in equipments Amplifier Sub-rack is based on the signal acquired from A0, A1, A2, A3,
which are sent through the backplane card to the Amplifier Supervisor.
S1, S2, S3 signals are responsible for activating the LEDs located on the front panel.
In the following figure it is possible to see details of the unit scheme:

In Line Amplifier details

The In Line Amplifier unit is a type of EDFA (Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifier). So its working principle is based on an
erbium doped fiber pumping power, through a suitable pump Laser. With this pumping, the erbium ions are excited
to a higher energy level, following by a drop to its initial energy level, emitting photons with wavelength around 1550
nm and accomplishing the received optical signal amplification.
The optical module is composed of isolators 1, 2, 3 and 4 (position 2) which eliminates reflections on the input and
output of the 2 amplification stages of the erbium doped fiber. Also, to couple the input signal with the pumped
signal from Laser 1 there is a WDM Multiplexer (position3). Another WDM Multiplexer is used to couple to contrapropagation pumped signal from Laser 2 with the input signal. On position 1 there is another tap monitor coupler
that gets a sample of the input signal so it is possible to the SCM to calculate the input power, through the
POTDET1 value given by photodetector 1. To accomplish the output power measurement there is another tap
monitor coupler that provides a sample of the output signal to photodetector 2, which gives POTDET2 value to the
SCM. The last component before the amplified signal output is located on position 1 (coupler 2) and is responsible
for sending to signal to the output connector (OUTPUT) and to the coupler 3 (position 4) trough a 99 % coupling. At
the end of the first stage there is another coupler, that sends a sample of the signal to be monitored by monitoring
On position 6 an OADM is used to drop a sample of the amplified signal of the amplifier output, in a spectral region
without the presence of optical channels, and adds it to the input. With this totally optical procedure the optical
power on the amplifier input is kept constant and then the per channel power on the amplifier output is also kept
constant, and is independent on the numbers of optical channels on the input.
A dispersion compensating module (DCM) can be used between output 1 and output 2 and/or add/drop functions
can be done trough the use of multiplexing and demultiplexing modules.

5.19.5 Hardware Configuration and Adjustment Procedures

All the necessary adjustments to the In Line Amplifier unit are performed on the factorys assembling process,
during its characterization and test.
Besides, through the Calibration and Adjustment Software, it is possible to configure:

Pump Lasers power

Lasers failure alarm threshold
Loss of signal (LOS) alarm threshold

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

5.19.6 Power Supply

The unit receives the voltages of -48 V and 0 V by the EURO-96 connector, through the Amplifier Sub-rack

5.19.7 Electrical Interfaces

It communicates with the Amplifier Supervisor through a TTL serial interface by the EURO-96 connector, through
the Amplifier Sub-rack backplane.

5.19.8 Optical Interfaces

Reception (IN1): this SC-APC connector receives the optical multiplexed signal from the SCD (Supervisory
Channel Demultiplexer) unit.
Transmission (OUT1): this SC-APC connector sends the optical signal after being amplified by the first
stage. This signal can be used to do a dispersion compensating, using a dispersion compensating module,
and/or to do add/drop functions, using an OADM.
Monitoring (MONITORING1): This SC-APC connector emits a sample of the amplified signal, allowing the
in-service monitoring and analyses of the optical signal, at the first stage output.
Reception (IN2): this SC-APC connector receives the optical signal that comes straight from the first stage,
or from a dispersion compensating module or from an OADM, depending on the application.
Transmission (OUT2): this SC-APC connector sends amplified signal to SCM (Supervisory Channel
Multiplexer) unit, which multiplexes the data with the supervision optical channel.
Monitoring (OUT2): This SC-APC connector emits a sample of the amplified signal, allowing the in-service
monitoring and analyses of the optical signal, at the second stage output.

5.19.9 Parametrical Characteristics

Characteristics of 21 dBm In Line Amplifier
Consumption at -48 VDC [mA]


MTBF [hours]

3 x 10

Optical Characteristics:
Total output power [dBm]
Wavelength [nm]
Input power [dBm]
Gain flatness [dB]
Gain [dB]
Noise figure [dB]
PMD [ps]
PDG [dB]
Gain stability [dB]
Optical bandwidth [nm]
Input/output Optical isolation [dB]
Input or output port return loss [dB]
ASE return power [dBm]
Output pump remaining power [dBm]

1529 to 1565

(1)For a -5 dBm signal

Other characteristics were already described in amplifiers general description.

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

5.19.10 Handling Care

As this is a type 4 Laser usage unit, it is indispensable to protect the output connector when turning on the amplifier.
It is also important not switch the pump Laser on directly in is operational power. Firstly it must be switched on and
then its power can be gradually increased in 50 mW steps to avoid a possible deterioration in the optical output
Besides, it is necessary to verify if the Laser is correctly switched off before pulling out the Sub-rack unit, when

5.19.11 Visual Indications on the Front Panel

The In Line Amplifier has four LEDs

POWER: Green LED that shows if the unit is switched on

LOS: Red LED that shows if the input power level is below a pre-set loss of signal (LOS) threshold. This
threshold is set by the Calibration and Adjustment Software.
FAIL: Red LED that indicates unit failure. It may be due to pump power loss below the pre-defined threshold
set by the calibration and adjustment software or to Lasers overheating.
PUMP OFF: Red LED that shows if the pump Lasers are switched on.

5.19.12 Alarms Reported to Management System

The following alarms are reported to the management system:
POWER: It shows if the unit is switched on
LOS: It shows if the input power level is below a pre-set loss of signal (LOS) threshold. This threshold is set
by the Calibration and Adjustment Software.
FAIL: It shows unit failure. It may be due to a pump power loss below the pre-defined threshold set by the
calibration and adjustment software or to Lasers overheating.
PUMP OFF: It shows if the pump Lasers are switched on.
The other previously described alarms are only seen through the calibration and adjustment software.

5.19.13 Telecommands from Management System

The In Line amplifier accepts the pump Laser switch on/off telecommand sent by the management system.
Other commands are only executed through the calibration and adjustment software previously described.

5.19.14 Identification Label

Product code and serial number.

Laser classification: CLASS 4 LASER PRODUCT

5.19.15 Observations
The In Line Amplifier supervision is accomplished by the Amplifier Supervisor unit located in the same Amplifier
Sub-rack and which communicates to the sites Supervisor Master. Through this supervisor it is possible to
accomplish all the adjustments, configurations and calibrations necessaries to the amplifier, by connecting it to a
computer that has the calibration and adjustment software installed.

5.19.16 Procedures to Remove the Unit from the Sub-rack

An anti-static wristband must be used.
If there is communication with the management system:
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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

Run the LASER OFF or reset command.

Unplug the optical cords.
Pull it out from the Sub-rack.

If there is no communication with the management system:

(Alternative 1): Unplug the optical cord from the In Line Amplifier input which will cause an immediate
Laser switch off.
(Alternative 2): Turn off the In Line Amplifier powersupply, partially pulling it out from the Amplifier Subrack. After that, unplug the optical cord.
5.19.17 Procedures to Insert the Unit to the Sub-rack
An anti-static wristband must be used.

Partially insert the In Line Amplifier in the Amplifier Sub-rack,

Make the optical cable connection in its front panel,
Totally insert it in the Sub-rack
If necessary and possible, run the command to switch on the Laser.

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

5.20 24 dBm In Line Amplifier

5.20.1 Model





Dry contact


C: C Band
L: L band
1: without spare LASER
2: with spare LASER
Filters and special assembling
B: Monochannel filter
C: GFF (Gain Flattening Filter)
E: Mid stage access
F: Electronic AGC
G: Mid stage access + Electronic AGC
H: GFF + Electronic AGC
J: Mid stage access + Electronic AGC + GFF
S: Standard
Dry contact
A: Absent
I: Internal at optical amplifier supervisor unit
E: External at amplifier and at optical amplifier supervisor units
Power supply
H: High - 48 VDC
L: Low - 5 VDC

5.20.2 Functional Description

The Line Amplifier unit is an intermediary amplification element in an optical link. It has reception features similar
to the Pre-Amplifier and transmission features similar to the 24dBm Booster Amplifier. It operates using 3 pump
Lasers in a 2 stage configuration.
The presence of the Automatic Gain Control minimizes the effects caused by random changes on the amplifier
input power, due to devices that add and drop channels (OADM Optical Add/Drop Multiplexer) or optical paths
changes due to the presence of Optical Cross Connects (OXC).
As it has 2 amplification stages it can operate using a dispersion compensating module (DCM) between its two
amplification stages and/or an OADM, trough the use of a MUX and DEMUX unit.
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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

5.20.3 Physical Dimensions

In Line Amplifier

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

5.20.4 Block Diagram

The In Line Amplifier is composed of 2 modules, one Optical Module and one Supervision and Control Module
(SCM), which electrically communicate each other.

In Line Amplifier Block Diagram

Where, for n=1 and 2:

An: Laser n Anode
Kn: Laser n Cathode
NTCn: Laser n Negative Temperature Coefficient
POTn: Value measured in volts proportional to the pump Laser n power level measured in watts
TEC+n: Laser n Positive Thermoelectric Cooler
TEC-n: Laser n Negative Thermoelectric Cooler
POTDET1: Value measured in volts proportional to the power measured in dBm in photodetector 1
POTDET2: Value measured in volts proportional to the power measured in dBm in photodetector 2
TX: Data transmission
RX: Data reception
GND: Ground
VCC: Power supply voltage
A0, A1, A2, A3: addressing
S1, S2, S3: LEDs activation

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

The SCM acts over the Optical Module through An and Kn to polarize the Laser n and accomplish an automatic
power control. To keep temperature stability, the SCM acts over TEC+n and TEC-n, based on the acquisition
obtained from NTCn, which is a variable resistance inversely proportional to the Laser temperature changes.
Through the NTCn value the SCM performs the Laser temperature acquisition. The Optical Module also provides
POT1, POTDET1 and POTDET2 values to the SCM, which are used by it to calculate respectively Laser n pump
power, input power and output power.
Though the backplane card of the Amplifier Sub-rack, the SCM communicates with the Amplifier Supervisor
through TX and RX and receives power feeders for VCC (+5 V) and Ground (GND).
The amplifier addressing in equipments Amplifier Sub-rack is based on the signal acquired from A0, A1, A2, A3,
which are sent through the backplane card to the Amplifier Supervisor.
S1, S2, S3 signals are responsible for activating the LEDs located on the front panel.
In the following figure it is possible to see details of the unit scheme:

In Line Amplifier details

The In Line Amplifier unit is a type of EDFA (Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifier). So its working principle is based on
an erbium doped fiber pumping power, through a suitable pump Laser. With this pumping, the erbium ions are
excited to a higher energy level, following by a drop to its initial energy level, emitting photons with wavelength
around 1550 nm and accomplishing the received optical signal amplification.
The optical module is composed of isolators 1, 2, 3 and 4 (position 2) which eliminates reflections on the input and
output of the 2 amplification stages of the erbium doped fiber. Also, to couple the input signal with the pumped
signal from Laser 1 there is a WDM Multiplexer (position3). Another WDM Multiplexer is used to couple to copropagation pumped signal from Laser 2 with the input signal on stage 2. One more WDM multiplexer is used on
stage 2 to couple the pump from laser 3 to the signal. This pump laser works is a counter-propagation way. On
position 1 there is another tap monitor coupler that gets a sample of the input signal so it is possible to the SCM to
calculate the input power, through the POTDET1 value given by photodetector 1. To accomplish the output power
measurement there is another tap monitor coupler that provides a sample of the output signal to photodetector 2,
which gives POTDET2 value to the SCM. The last component before the amplified signal output is located on
position 1 (coupler 2) and is responsible for sending to signal to the output connector (OUTPUT) and to the coupler
3 (position 4) trough a 99 % coupling. At the end of the first stage there is another coupler that sends a sample of
the signal to be monitored by monitoring 1.
On position 6 an OADM is used to drop a sample of the amplified signal of the amplifier output, in a spectral
region without the presence of optical channels, and adds it to the input. With this totally optical procedure the
optical power on the amplifier input is kept constant and then the per channel power on the amplifier output is also
kept constant, and is independent on the numbers of optical channels on the input.
A dispersion compensating module (DCM) can be used between output 1 and output 2 and/or add/drop functions
can be done trough the use of multiplexing and demultiplexing modules.

5.20.5 Hardware Configuration and Adjustment Procedures

All the necessary adjustments to the In Line Amplifier unit are performed on the factorys assembling process,
during its characterization and test.
Besides, through the Calibration and Adjustment Software, it is possible to configure:

Pump Lasers power

Lasers failure alarm threshold
Loss of signal (LOS) alarm threshold

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

5.20.6 Power Supply

The unit receives the voltages of -48 V and 0 V by the EURO-96 connector, through the Amplifier Sub-rack

5.20.7 Electrical Interfaces

It communicates with the Amplifier Supervisor through a TTL serial interface by the EURO-96 connector, through
the Amplifier Sub-rack backplane.

5.20.8 Optical Interfaces


Reception (IN1): this SC-APC connector receives the optical multiplexed signal from the SCD
(Supervisory Channel Demultiplexer) unit.
Transmission (OUT1): this SC-APC connector sends the optical signal after being amplified by the first
stage. This signal can be used to do a dispersion compensating, using a dispersion compensating module,
and/or to do add/drop functions, using an OADM.
Monitoring (MONITORING1): This SC-APC connector emits a sample of the amplified signal, allowing the
in-service monitoring and analyses of the optical signal, at the first stage output.
Reception (IN2): this SC-APC connector receives the optical signal that comes straight from the first
stage, or from a dispersion compensating module or from an OADM, depending on the application.
Transmission (OUT2): this SC-APC connector sends amplified signal to SCM (Supervisory Channel
Multiplexer) unit, which multiplexes the data with the supervision optical channel.
Monitoring (OUT2): This SC-APC connector emits a sample of the amplified signal, allowing the in-service
monitoring and analyses of the optical signal, at the second stage output.

5.20.9 Parametrical Characteristics

Characteristics of 24 dBm In Line Amplifier
Consumption at -48 VDC [mA]


MTBF [hours]

3 x 10

Optical Characteristics:
Total output power [dBm]
Wavelength [nm]
Input power [dBm]
Gain flatness [dB]
Gain [dB]
Noise figure [dB]
PMD [ps]
PDG [dB]
Gain stability [dB]
Optical bandwidth [nm]
Input/output Optical isolation [dB]
Input or output port return loss [dB]
ASE return power [dBm]
Output pump remaining power [dBm]

1529 to 1565

(1) For a -5 dBm signal

Other characteristics were already described in amplifiers general description.

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

5.20.10 Handling Care

As this is a type 4 Laser usage unit, it is indispensable to protect the output connector when turning on the
It is also important not switch the pump Laser on directly in is operational power. Firstly it must be switched on and
then its power can be gradually increased in 50 mW steps to avoid a possible deterioration in the optical output
Besides, it is necessary to verify if the Laser is correctly switched off before pulling out the Sub-rack unit, when

5.20.11 Visual Indications on the Front Panel

The In Line Amplifier has four LEDs

POWER: Green LED that shows if the unit is switched on

LOS: Red LED that shows if the input power level is below a pre-set loss of signal (LOS) threshold. This
threshold is set by the Calibration and Adjustment Software.
FAIL: Red LED that indicates unit failure. It may be due to pump power loss below the pre-defined
threshold set by the calibration and adjustment software or to Lasers overheating.
PUMP OFF: Red LED that shows if the pump Lasers are switched on.

5.20.12 Alarms Reported to Management System

The following alarms are reported to the management system:

POWER: It shows if the unit is switched on

LOS: It shows if the input power level is below a pre-set loss of signal (LOS) threshold. This threshold is
set by the Calibration and Adjustment Software.
- FAIL: It shows unit failure. It may be due to a pump power loss below the pre-defined threshold set by the
calibration and adjustment software or to Lasers overheating.
- PUMP OFF: It shows if the pump Lasers are switched on.
The other previously described alarms are only seen through the calibration and adjustment software.

5.20.13 Telecommands from Management System

The In Line amplifier accepts the pump Laser switch on/off telecommand sent by the management system.
Other commands are only executed through the calibration and adjustment software previously described.

5.20.14 Identification Label


Product code and serial number.

Laser classification: CLASS 4 LASER PRODUCT

5.20.15 Observations
The In Line Amplifier supervision is accomplished by the Amplifier Supervisor unit located in the same Amplifier
Sub-rack and which communicates to the sites Supervisor Master. Through this supervisor it is possible to
accomplish all the adjustments, configurations and calibrations necessaries to the amplifier, by connecting it to a
computer that has the calibration and adjustment software installed.

5.20.16 Procedures to Remove the Unit from the Sub-rack

An anti-static wristband must be used.

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

If there is communication with the management system:


Run the LASER OFF or reset command.

Unplug the optical cords.
Pull it out from the Sub-rack.

If there is no communication with the management system:

(Alternative 1): Unplug the optical cord from the In Line Amplifier input which will cause an immediate
Laser switch off.
(Alternative 2): Turn off the In Line Amplifier powersupply, partially pulling it out from the Amplifier
Sub-rack. After that, unplug the optical cord.
5.20.17 Procedures to Insert the Unit to the Sub-rack
An anti-static wristband must be used.

Partially insert the In Line Amplifier in the Amplifier Sub-rack,

Make the optical cord connection in its front panel,
Totally insert it in the Sub-rack
If necessary and possible, run the command to switch on the Laser.

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

5.21 Raman Pre-Amplifier +28 dBm

5.21.1 Model






Dry contact


C: C Band
L: L Band
1: without spare LASER
2: with spare LASER
Filters and special assembling
M: Pumping in 1488 nm (for remote pump)
S: Standard
Dry contact
A: Absent
I: Internal at optical amplifier supervisor unit
E: External at amplifier and at optical amplifier supervisor units
Power supply
H: High - 48 VDC
L: Low - 5 VDC

5.21.2 Functional Description

The Raman Pre-Amplifier is used in the equipment reception side, amplifying the optical multiplexed signal before it
is sent to the EDFA Pre-Amplifier. It operates with two main Lasers and two spare Lasers, which are activated when
one or both main Lasers fail.

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

5.21.3 Physical Dimensions

Raman Pre-Amplifier

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

5.21.4 Block Diagram

The Raman Pre-Amplifier is composed of 2 modules, one Optical Module and one Supervision and Control Module
(SCM), which electrically communicate each other.

Raman Pre-Amplifier Block Diagram

Where, for n=1, 2, 3 or 4:
An: Laser n Anode
Kn: Laser n Cathode
NTCn: Laser n Negative Temperature Coefficient
POTn: Value measured in volts proportional to the pump Laser n power level measured in watts
TEC+n: Laser n Positive Thermoelectric Cooler
TEC-n: Laser n Negative Thermoelectric Cooler
POTDET1: Value measured in volts proportional to the power measured in dBm in photodetector 1
POTDET2: Value measured in volts proportional to the power measured in dBm in photodetector 2
TX: Data transmission
RX: Data reception
GND: Ground
VCC: Power supply voltage
A0, A1, A2, A3: addressing
S1, S2, S3: LEDs activation
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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

The SCM acts over the Optical module through An and Kn to polarize the Laser n and accomplish an automatic
power control. To keep temperature stability, the SCM acts over TEC+n and TEC-n, based on the acquisition
obtained from NTCn, which is a variable resistance inversely proportional to the Laser temperature changes.
Through the NTCn value the SCM performs the Laser n temperature acquisition. The Optical Module also provides
POT1, POTDET1 and POTDET2 values to the SCM, which are used to calculate respectively Laser n pump power,
input power and output power.
The SCM communicates with the Amplifier Supervisor through TX and RX, by the backplane and is supplied by
GND and VCC (+5V)
The amplifier addressing in a site Sub-rack is based on the signal acquired from A0, A1, A2, A3, by the backplane.
S1, S2, S3 signals are responsible for activating the LEDs located on the front panel.
In the following figure it is possible to see Optical Module scheme details:

Raman Pre-Amplifier Details

The Raman amplification is based on the silica intrinsic properties of the fiber. In this process a suitable quantity of
pump power with a wavelength lower then the signal wavelength is launched on the fiber. So, the pumped signal
excites the fiber silica atoms to a higher energy level and, due to the non linear fiber optic properties, they drop to a
lower energy level liberating photons on the 1550nm window, accomplishing the signal amplification. This effect is
called Stimulated Raman Scattering.
The Raman Pre-Amplifier unit works with two 1440 nm main pump Lasers (1 and 2) and two 1435 nm spare Lasers
(3 and 4), which are activated when one or both main Lasers fail. Pump Laser 1 and pump Laser 2 are coupled
through the Polarization Combiner 1, located on position 3. Also in position 3 is located Polarization Combiner 2
which couples the pumped signal from spare Lasers 2 and 3. All the pumped signals are multiplexed through a
Pump Laser Combiner, in position 4. A Tap Monitor Coupler is used to split the pumped signal and send it to
Photodetector 1, which sends to SCM POTDET1 signal, so it is possible to calculate the pumped power. The
pumped signal is multiplexed with the signal that comes from the optical link through a Multiplexer, in position 2. To
measure the output power another Tap Monitor Coupler is used, to send to Photodetector 2 a sample of the
amplified output signal. The last component before the amplified signal output is responsible to divide the signal in
two parts through a 99% coupling, so it is possible to monitor the output signal. Therefore there is the OUTPUT
signal (99%) and the MONITORING signal (1%).

5.21.5 Hardware Configuration and Adjustment Procedures

All the necessary adjustments to the Raman Pre-Amplifier are performed on the factorys assembling process,
during its characterization and test.
Besides, through the Calibration and Adjustment Software, it is possible to configure:

Pump Lasers power

Lasers failure alarm threshold

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

5.21.6 Power Supply

The unit receives the voltages of -48 V and 0 V by the EURO-96 connector, through the Amplifier Sub-rack

5.21.7 Electrical Interfaces

It communicates with the Amplifier Supervisor through a TTL serial interface by the EURO-96 connector, through
the Amplifier Sub-rack backplane.

5.21.8 Optical Interfaces

Reception (IN): This SC-APC connector receives the optical multiplexed signal from the SCD (Supervisory
Channel Demultiplexer) unit.
Transmission (OUT): Through this SC-APC connector the Raman Pre-amplifier sends the amplified signal
to the EDFA Pre-Amplifier.
Monitoring (OUT): This SC-APC connector emits a sample of the amplified signal, allowing the in-service
monitoring and analyses of the optical signal.

5.21.9 Parametrical Characteristics

Characteristics of Raman Amplifier
Consumption at -48 VDC [mA]


MTBF [hours]

3 x 10

Optical Characteristics
Wavelength [nm]
Gain flatness [dB]
Gain [dB]
Noise figure [dB]
PMD [ps]
PDG [dB]
Gain stability [dB]
Optical bandwidth [nm]
Input/output Optical isolation [dB]
Input or output port return loss [dB]
ASE return power [dBm]
Output pump remaining power [dBm]

1529 to 1561

Other characteristics were already described in the amplifiers general description.

5.21.10 Handling Care

As this is a type 4 Laser usage unit, it is indispensable to protect the output connector when turning on the amplifier.
It is also important not switch the pump Laser on directly in is operational power. Firstly it must be switched on and
then its power can be gradually increased in 50 mW steps to avoid a possible deterioration in the optical output
Besides, it is necessary to verify if the Laser is correctly switched off before pulling out the Sub-rack unit, when
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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

5.21.11 Visual Indications on the Front Panel

The Raman Pre-Amplifier has three LEDs:

POWER: Green LED that shows if the unit is switched on.

FAIL: Red LED that shows unit failure. It may be due to a pump Laser power loss below a pre-defined
threshold set by the calibration and adjustment software or a Laser overheating. In case of only one Laser
failure, this LED will start twinkling and the other two spare Lasers are activated. In case of 1 or 2 spare
Lasers failure, this LED will be permanently lighted.
PUMP OFF: Red LED that shows if the pump Laser is switched on.

5.21.12 Alarms Reported to Management System

The following alarms are reported to the management system:

POWER: It shows if the unit is switched on

FAIL: It shows unit failure. It may be due to a pump power loss below the pre-defined threshold set by the
calibration and adjustment software or to Lasers overheating.
PUMP OFF: It shows if the pump Laser is switched on.

The other previously described alarms are only seen through the calibration and adjustment software.

5.21.13 Telecommands from Management System

The Raman Pre-amplifier accepts the pump Laser switch on/off telecommand sent by the management system.
Other commands are only executed through the calibration and adjustment software previously described.

5.21.14 Identification Label

Product code and serial number.

Laser classification: CLASS 4 LASER PRODUCT

5.21.15 Observation
Raman Pre-amplifier supervision is accomplished by the Amplifier Supervisor located in the same Amplifier Subrack and which communicates to the sites Supervisor Master. Through this supervisor it is possible to accomplish
all the adjustments, configurations and calibrations necessaries to the amplifier, by connecting it to a computer that
has the calibration and adjustment software installed.

5.21.16 Procedures to Remove the Unit from the Sub-rack

An anti-static wristband must be used.
If there is communication with the management system:

Run the LASER OFF or reset command.

Unplug the optical cords.
Pull it out from the Sub-rack.

If there is no communication with the management system:

Turn off Raman Pre-amplifier supply, partially pulling it out from the Sub-rack. After that, unplug the optical

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

IMPORTANT OBSERVATION: The reception optical path (Rx) composed by the fiber segments Line  ODF
(Optical Distribution Fiber), ODF  SCD e SCD  Raman must not be undone with the Raman Pre-amplifier
Lasers on in any case. If so, the Raman Pre-amplifier will be seriously damaged.

5.21.17 Procedures to Insert the Unit to the Sub-rack

An anti-static wristband must be used.

Confirm that the reception optical path (Rx) composed by the Line  ODF, ODF  SCD e SCD  Raman
is accomplished
Partially insert the Raman Pre-Amplifier in the Sub-rack,
Make the optical cord connection in its front panel,
Totally insert it in the Sub-rack
If necessary and possible, run the command to switch in the Laser.

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

5.22 Raman Pre-Amplifier +30 dBm
5.22.1 Model




Dry contact

Power supply

C: C Band
L: L Band
1: without spare LASER
2: with spare LASER
Filters and special assembling
M: Pumping in 1488 nm (for remote pump)
S: Standard
Dry contact
A: Absent
I: Internal - at optical amplifier supervisor unit
E: External - at amplifier and at optical amplifier supervisor units
Power supply
H: High - 48 VDC
L: Low - 5 VDC

5.22.2 Functional Description

The Raman Pre-Amplifier is used in the equipment reception side, amplifying the optical multiplexed signal before
it is sent to the EDFA Pre-Amplifier. It operates with four pump Lasers each one in a distinct wavelength.

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

5.22.3 Physical Dimensions

Raman Pre-Amplifier.

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

5.22.4 Block Diagram

The Raman Pre-Amplifier is composed of 2 modules, one Optical Module and one Supervision and Control
Module (SCM) which electrically communicate each other.

Raman Pre-Amplifier Block Diagram

Where, for n=1, 2, 3 or 4:
An: Laser n Anode
Kn: Laser n Cathode
NTCn: Laser n Negative Temperature Coefficient
POTn: Value measured in volts proportional to the pump Laser n power level measured in watts
TEC+n: Laser n Positive Thermoelectric Cooler
TEC-n: Laser n Negative Thermoelectric Cooler
POTDETn: Value measured in volts proportional to the power measured in dBm in photodetector n
TX: Data transmission
RX: Data reception
GND: Ground
VCC: Power supply voltage
A0, A1, A2, A3: addressing
S1, S2, S3: LEDs activation
The SCM acts over the Optical module through An and Kn to polarize the Laser n and accomplish an automatic
power control. To keep temperature stability, the SCM acts over TEC+n and TEC-n, based on the acquisition
obtained from NTCn, which is a variable resistance inversely proportional to the Laser temperature changes.
Through the NTCn value the SCM performs the Laser n temperature acquisition. The Optical Module also
provides POTn, POTDET1 to POTDET4 values to the SCM, which are used to calculate respectively Laser n
pump power, input power and output power.
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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

The SCM communicates with the Amplifier Supervisor through TX and RX, by the backplane and is supplied by
GND and VCC (+5V).
The amplifier addressing in a site Sub-rack is based on the signal acquired from A0, A1, A2, A3, by the backplane.
S1, S2, S3 signals are responsible for activating the LEDs located on the front panel.
In the following figure it is possible to see Optical Module scheme details:

Raman Pre-Amplifier Details.

The Raman amplification is based on the silica intrinsic properties of the fiber. In this process a suitable quantity of
pump power with a wavelength lower then the signal wavelength is launched on the fiber. So, the pumped signal
excites the fiber silica atoms to a higher energy level and, due to the non linear fiber optic properties, they drop to
a lower energy level liberating photons on the 1550nm window, accomplishing the signal amplification. This effect
is called Stimulated Raman Scattering.
The Raman Pre-Amplifier unit works with four main pump Lasers. Wavelengths from four pump lasers are coupled
through the Polarization Combiner, located on position 3 and 4. A Tap Monitor Coupler is used to split the pumped
signal and send it to Photodetector 1, which sends to SCM POTDET1 signal, so it is possible to calculate the
pumped power. The pumped signal is multiplexed with the signal that comes from the optical link through a
Multiplexer, in position 2. To measure the output power another Tap Monitor Coupler is used, to send to
Photodetector 2 a sample of the amplified output signal. The last component before the amplified signal output is
responsible to divide the signal in two parts through a 99% coupling, so it is possible to monitor the output signal.
Therefore there is the OUTPUT signal (99%) and the MONITORING signal (1%).

5.22.5 Hardware Configuration and Adjustment Procedures

All the necessary adjustments to the Raman Pre-Amplifier are performed on the factory's assembling process,
during its characterization and test.
Besides, through the Calibration and Adjustment Software, it is possible to configure:
- Pump Lasers power
- Lasers failure alarm threshold

5.22.6 Power Supply

The unit receives the voltages of -48 V and 0 V by the EURO-96 connector, through the Amplifier Sub-rack

5.22.7 Electrical Interfaces

It communicates with the Amplifier Supervisor through a TTL serial interface by the EURO-96 connector, through
the Amplifier Sub-rack backplane.

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

5.22.8 Optical Interfaces


Reception (IN): This SC-APC connector receives the optical multiplexed signal from the SCD (Supervisory
Channel Demultiplexer) unit.
Transmission (OUT): Through this SC-APC connector the Raman Pre-amplifier sends the amplified signal
to the EDFA Pre-Amplifier.
Monitoring (OUT): This SC-APC connector emits a sample of the amplified signal, allowing the in-service
monitoring and analyses of the optical signal.

5.22.9 Parametrical Characteristics

Characteristics of Raman Amplifier
Consumption at -48 VDC [mA]
MTBF [hours]

3 x 10

Optical Characteristics
Wavelength [nm]
Gain flatness [dB]
Gain [dB]
Noise figure [dB]
PMD [ps]
PDG [dB]
Gain stability [dB]
Optical bandwidth [nm]
Input/output Optical isolation [dB]
Input or output port return loss [dB]
ASE return power [dBm]
Output pump remaining power [dBm]

1529 to 1561

Other characteristics were already described in the amplifiers general description.


Handling Care

As this is a type 4 Laser usage unit, it is indispensable to protect the output connector when turning on the
It is also important not switch the pump Laser on directly in is operational power. Firstly it must be switched on and
then its power can be gradually increased in 50 mW steps to avoid a possible deterioration in the optical output
Besides, it is necessary to verify if the Laser is correctly switched off before pulling out the Sub-rack unit, when


Visual Indications on the Front Panel

The Raman Pre-Amplifier has three LEDs:

- POWER: Green LED that shows if the unit is switched on.
- FAIL: Red LED that shows unit failure. It may be due to a pump Laser power loss below a pre-defined
threshold set by the calibration and adjustment software or a Laser overheating. In case of only one Laser

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

failure, this LED will start twinkling and the other two spare Lasers are activated. In case of 1 or 2 spare
Lasers failure, this LED will be permanently lighted.
PUMP OFF: Red LED that shows if the pump Laser is switched on.


Alarms Reported to Management System

The following alarms are reported to the management system:

- FAIL: It shows unit failure. It may be due to a pump power loss below the pre-defined threshold set by the
calibration and adjustment software or to Lasers overheating.
- PUMP OFF: It shows if the pump Laser is switched on.
The following telemeasurement is reported to the management system:
- Reading of output signal optical power.
The other previously described alarms are only seen through the calibration and adjustment software.


Telecommands from Management System

The Raman Pre-amplifier accepts the pump Laser switch on/off telecommand sent by the management system. It
accepts also telecommand to modify the pump power.
Other commands are only executed through the calibration and adjustment software previously described.


Identification Label

Product code and serial number

Laser classification: "CLASS 4 LASER PRODUCT"
Alert: "DANGER"



Raman Pre-amplifier supervision is accomplished by the Amplifier Supervisor located in the same Amplifier Subrack and which communicates to the sites Supervisor Master. Through this supervisor it is possible to accomplish
all the adjustments, configurations and calibrations necessaries to the amplifier, by connecting it to a computer
that has the calibration and adjustment software installed.


Procedures to Remove the Unit from the Sub-rack

An anti-static wristband must be used.

If there is communication with the management system:
- Run the "LASER OFF" or "reset" command.
- Unplug the optical cords.
- Pull it out from the Sub-rack.
If there is no communication with the management system:
- Turn off Raman Pre-amplifier supply, partially pulling it out from the Sub-rack.
- After that, unplug the optical cords.
IMPORTANT OBSERVATION: The reception optical path (Rx) composed by the fiber segments Line
ODF (Optical Distribution Fiber), ODF SCD e SCD Raman must not be undone with the Raman Preamplifier Lasers on in any case. If so, the Raman Pre-amplifier will be seriously damaged. If it will have
optical protection switching in the reception path until the Raman, the optical cabling integrity in the
stretches that involve it must be preserved.
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Procedures to Insert the Unit to the Sub-rack

An anti-static wristband must be used.


Confirm that the reception optical path (Rx) composed by: Line ODF, ODF SCD e SCD Raman is
Partially insert the Raman Pre-Amplifier in the Sub-rack,
Make the optical cord connection in its front panel,
Totally insert it in the Sub-rack
If necessary and possible, run the command to turn on the Laser.

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

5.23 Remote Pump Optical Amplifier

5.23.1 Model






Dry contact


C: C Band
L: L Band
1: without spare LASER
2: with spare LASER
Filters and special assembling
M: Pumping in 1488 nm (for remote pump)
S: Standard
Dry contact
A: Absent
I: Internal at optical amplifier supervisor unit
E: External at amplifier and at optical amplifier supervisor units
Power supply
H: High - 48 VDC
L: Low - 5 VDC

5.23.2 Functional Description

The available optical amplification system to work in long distance link where it is not possible to construct
regeneration intermediate station due, for example, difficulty to provision electric energy or access, it is the pump
This system is constituted by two units. The first one is effectively the remote pump amplifier which is a completely
passive unit, corresponding basically a piece of Erbium doped fiber. It is installed inside a splice box in a distance of
transmission and reception stations that produces the biggest possible gain. The second one is a pump source in
1480 nm located in the terminal stations. In a standard application, the remote pump amplifier receives, by one
fiber, the signal to be amplified in 1550 nm and by another one the pump in 1480 nm.
The distant Amplifier is a passive equipment composes of an optical coupler, stretch of erbium doped fiber (EDF)
and an isolator, as showed in the following Figure.

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Distant Amplifier
The optical coupler combines the signal with pump and sends the result of this combination to a stretch of EDF. In
the output of this stretch exists an isolator whose function is to prevent the backward-scattering.
The physical characteristics of this distant amplifier depend on the type of splice-box where it will be lodged.
The Pump Source operates with 2 lasers. It locates in the transmission and reception of the system, and goes to
carry through the amplification of the optical signal in a distant amplifier (erbium fiber + optical coupler).

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5.23.3 Physical Dimensions of the Pump Source

Pump Source

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5.23.4 Block Diagram of Pump Source

The pump source is formed by two modules, an Optical Module and a Control and Supervision Module that
communicate electrically.

Block Diagram of Pump Source

The CSM acts on the Optical Module through An and Km, polarizing the Laser n and carrying through the power
automatic control. To keep the stability, the CSM acts on the TEC+n and TEC-n to control the temperature, being
based on the gotten reading of the NTCn, that is inversely proportional a variable resistance to the temperature
variation of the Laser n. Through the value of NTCn the CSM carries through the reading of the temperature of the
Laser n. The Optical Module still supplies to the CSM the values of POTn and POTDET2, which are used by the
CSM respectively to carry through the readings of the pump power of the Laser n, input and output power.
The CSM also is responsible to activation of Laser 3 and 4 in case of failure of Laser 1 or 2.
The CSM communicates with the Amplifiers Supervisor through TX and RX via backplane and is fed through GND
and VCC (+5V).
The amplifier addressing in a determined sub-rack of a station is based on the signals read through A0, A1, A2 and
A3, via backplane.
The S1, S2 and S3 signals are responsible for the leds indication located in the frontal panel.

5.23.5 Hardware Configuration and Adjustment Procedures in the Pump Source

All the necessary adjustments to the Pump Source are performed on the factorys assembling process, during its
characterization and test.
Besides, through the Calibration and Adjustment Software, it is possible to configure:

Pump Lasers power

Lasers failure alarm threshold

5.23.6 Power Supply in the Pump Source

The unit receives the voltages of -48 V and 0 V by the EURO-96 connector, through the Amplifier Sub-rack

5.23.7 Electrical Interfaces in the Pump Source

It communicates with the Amplifier Supervisor through a TTL serial interface by the EURO-96 connector, through
the Amplifier Sub-rack backplane.

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5.23.8 Optical Interfaces in the Pump Source

- Transmission (OUT): SC-APC connector through which transmits the pump laser to distant erbium fiber.
- Monitoring (MONITORING): SC-APC connector through which is possible to monitor and to analyze the
pump signal during the functioning of the system.

5.23.9 Parametrical Characteristics

Optical Characteristics


Pump Source (Active)

Total output power [dBm]
Wavelength [nm]

27 or 30

Remote Pump Amplifier (Passive)

Wavelength [nm]
Input power [dBm]
Gain flatness [dB]
Gain [db]
Noise figure [dB]
PMD [ps]
PDG [dB]
Gain stability [dB]
Optical bandwidth [nm]
Input/output Optical isolation [dB]
Input or output port return loss [dB]
ASE return power [dBm]
Output pump remaining power [dBm]



(1) For a 155 Mbit/s rate

(2) For a -5 dBm signal

Characteristics of Pump Source

Power supply [Vdc]
Power consumption [W]
MTBF [hours]

28.8 (30 dBm)
3 x 105

5.23.10 Handling Care with Pump Source

As this is a type 4 Laser usage unit, it is indispensable to protect the output connector when turning on pump
source. Thus, always the lasers will be energized this connector will have to be on the system or an measure
It is also important to prevent possible deterioration of the output optical connector, not to turn on pump lasers
directly in its power of operation, but activate them increasing gradually the power, with steps of 50 mW.
Besides, it is necessary to verify if the Laser is correctly turned off before pulling out the Sub-rack unit, when

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5.23.11 Visual Indications on the Front Panel of Pump Source

The Pump Source has three LEDs:

POWER: Green LED that shows the unit is switched on.

FAIL: Red LED that shows unit failure. It may be due to a pump Laser power loss below a pre-defined
threshold set by the calibration and adjustment software or a Laser overheating.
PUMP OFF: Red LED that shows if the pump Lasers are switched off.

5.23.12 Alarms Reported by Pump Laser to Management System

The following alarms are reported to the management system:

FAIL: It shows unit failure. It may be due to a pump power loss below the pre-defined threshold set by the
calibration and adjustment software or to Lasers overheating.
PUMP OFF: It shows if the pump Laser is switched off due one telecommand or one LOS alarm.

The following telemeasure is reported to the management:

- Power reading of the output optical signal.

5.23.13 Telecommands accept by Pump Source

It accepts telecommands to turn on and turn off pump lasers through the management.
Others commands are only executed through the software of calibration and adjustment, as described previously.

5.23.14 Identification Label of the Pump Source

Product code and serial number.

Laser classification: CLASS 4 LASER PRODUCT

5.23.15 Observation
The Pump Source supervision is accomplished by the Amplifier Supervisor located in the same Amplifier Sub-rack
and which communicates to the sites Supervisor Master. Through this supervisor it is possible to accomplish all the
adjustments, configurations and calibrations necessaries to the amplifier, by connecting it to a computer that has
the calibration and adjustment software installed.

5.23.16 Procedures to Remove the Unit from the Sub-rack

An anti-static wristband must be used.
If there is communication with the management system:
Run the LASER OFF or reset command.
Unplug the optical cords.
Pull it out from the Sub-rack.
If there is no communication with the management system:

Turn off the Pump Source, partially pulling it out from the Sub-rack
After that, unplug the optical cord.

5.23.17 Procedures to Insert the Pump Source to the Sub-rack

An anti-static wristband must be used.

Partially insert the Pump Source in the Sub-rack,

Make the optical cord connection in its front panel,
Totally insert it in the Sub-rack
If necessary and possible, run the command to switch on the Lasers.

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

5.24 Amplifiers Sub-Rack
5.24.1 Model
SBAmp 5
5.24.2 Functional Description
The Amplifiers Sub-Rack gives mechanical support to Optical Amplifier (Booster, Line and Pr-Amplifiers EDFA
and Raman) and Amplifiers Supervisor units. Besides, its backplane card provides:

Electrical communication between the Optical Amplifier units and the Amplifiers Supervisor and

Power supply connections.

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5.24.3 Physical Dimension

Amplifier Sub-Rack

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5.24.4 Power Supply

Voltages used by Amplifiers Sub-Rack: -48V, 0V and racks Ground, through a TB connector at the backplane card.

5.24.5 Electrical Interfaces

The backplane card of the Amplifiers Sub-Rack supports connections between the Optical Amplifier units and the
Amplifiers Supervisor through a TTL protocol. The Optical Amplifier units (6 slots) and the Amplifiers Supervisor unit
(1 slot) connect to the backplane card through a EURO96 connector.

5.24.6 Optical Interfaces

The Amplifiers Sub-Rack unit does not have any optical interface.

5.24.7 Visual Indications in the Front Panel

The Amplifiers Sub-Rack unit does not have any visual indication in the front panel.

5.24.8 Identification Label

The Amplifiers Sub-Rack unit does not have identification label.

5.24.9 Observations
When necessary a sub-rack ("master") can be connected to another one ("slave") for communication with the
Transponder Supervisor Master of the station. This communication will establish through the "extended supervisor"
interface of the amplifiers supervisor located in the sub-rack "master" and "supervisor" interface of the amplifiers
supervisor located in the sub-rack "slave". More details about Transponder Supervisor Master and Amplifiers
Supervisor can be seen ahead in this Chapter.

5.24.10 Procedures to Remove the Amplifiers Sub-Rack from the rack

Conductive wrist straps should be worn when handling the Amplifiers Sub-Rack.

Remove all units from Amplifiers Sub-Rack,

Unscrew it from the rack,
Remove it from the rack and
Remove the power supply connections from its rear panel.

5.24.11 Procedures to Insert the Amplifiers Sub-Rack to the rack

Conductive wrist straps should be worn when handling the Amplifiers Sub-Rack.

Connect all power supply connections in its rear panel,

Insert the Amplifiers Sub-Rack into the rack,
Screw it in the rack.

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

5.25 Optical Protection Switch
5.25.1 Model

Output coupler



Power supply


Output power
5: 50/50
7: 70/30
9: 90/10
A: Sensitivity -25dBm, saturation -10 dBm
B: Sensitivity -15dBm, saturation 0 dBm
C: Sensitivity -5dBm, saturation 10 dBm
D: Sensitivity +5dBm, saturation 20 dBm
E: Sensitivity -20dBm, saturation -5 dBm
F: Sensitivity -20dBm, saturation -5 dBm (output coupler with multimode fiber)
Y: Sensitivity -50dBm, saturation +9 dBm
Z: Sensitivity -20dBm, saturation +39 dBm
Switching threshold
1: 1dB
2: 2dB
9: 9dB
0: 10dB
A: Adjustable
Power supply
A: 85/265 VAC 50/60 Hz
D: - 48 VDC
1: 1U

5.25.2 Functional Description

The Optical Protection Switch unit is an automatic switching system between two optical fibers based on received
optical signal level attenuation. It is mainly used for optical route protection.
The automatic switching system is according to ITU-T G.664 and GR-2979-CORE recommendations.

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5.25.3 Physical Dimension

Optical Protection Switch

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5.25.4 Block Diagram

Block Diagram of the Optical Switch

The element 1 of the Block Diagram represents the only component on the optical protection system transmission
and consists of a 50/50 optical coupler. This optical coupler can be 70/3 or 90/10, depending of its model. This
element splits a received transmission signal on fiber IN into two others fibers: Out1 and Out2.
Elements 2 and 5 two 90/10 optical couplers get a small portion of the optical signal of each one of the
reception fibers (IN1 and IN2) so the control circuit, represented by element 3 on the diagram, can analyze their
optical signals, verifying the presence or the absence of signal in each one of them. With this information, the
control circuit is able to actuate on the Optical Switch element 4 switching it into the fiber which signal would be
adequate for the system operation. This optical signal is sent to the OUT fiber of the equipment. There are
photodiodes for receiving signals detection on the control board, which send electrical information of their power to
the controller. There is an electrical connection from the controller to the Optical Switch. The Optical Switch is an
electrical-mechanical component which allows for the connection of one fiber into two other fibers, non
simultaneously, depending on the received command. The control circuit also receives commands from the front
panel buttons. One of those buttons performs the optical via manual switching and the other one turns on or off the
Auto function. Those operations are detailed further on. The control circuit is also responsible for the reception of
telecommands and performs the telesupervision by Dry Contact, represented by element 6, and controls the front
panel LEDs, including the Bargraph that indicates the optical power on the fiber which the optical switch is
connected to. Besides, the control circuit performs the communication with the supervisor, sending equipment data
to be sent to the management. The optical protection system operation is described in details bellow.

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

Optical Switch Operation

The Optical Switch can be automatically switched, through telecommand or manual command.
The switching by telecommand has priority and through this switching it is possible to lock the Optical Switch in any
of the reception fibers, to set the switch on automatic operation or to lock the equipment for disabling the manual
switching command. The manual command has priority over the automatic switching. Through the manual
command it is also possible to lock the switch in one of the inputs or to set the equipment for automatic switching.
As stated earlier, in order to achieve manual control, it is necessary that the equipment is not locked by
When turning on the equipment, it should be initialized unlocked and with the automatic switching function on.
Switching by Telecommand
The telecommand is performed by thre dry contacts (T1, T2 and T3).
Follow, below, their respective functions:
- T1: Switch the position
- T2: Turn on/off Auto function
- T3: Turn on/off Lock function
Observation: The telecommand works when the contacts pass from open to closed state.
Manual Switching
The manual switching is performed through a button called IN1/IN2 on the equipment front panel. The optical
switch changes whenever the button is pressed. There is also a second button Auto that sets on or off the
automatic switching function. If the switch is on automatic operation and the button IN1/IN2 is pressed, the switch
will turn to the other input turning off the automatic function. It is important to notice that for the operation of any of
those manual commands it is necessary that the switch is not locked by the telecommand (Lock).
Automatic Switching
It is possible to set the equipment on automatic switching function through the telecommand, using T2 contact (Pins
3 to 4), according to the telecommand operation previously seen, or by pressing the Auto button on the equipment
front panel, if it is unlocked. The optical switch is on automatic switching function when the Auto Led, located right
above the Bargraph, is on.
The automatic switching works as follows:

The switch turns automatically to the other fiber when receiving signal from the fiber which it is connected
to, has attenuation greater than 9 dB in relation to the adjusted level defined at installation. The switching
will occur only if the other fiber has adequate signal;

In case of an attenuation greater than 9 dB on both fibers, the switch will remain on the last position before
the second attenuation;

When both reception fibers have no signal, the switch will turn to the first one that recovers the signal.

The Lock function can only be enabled and disabled by telecommand. When Lock is activated, one front panel
LED located above the power meter turns on. On that function, all front panel buttons are disabled, setting priority to
control by telecommand. It will not be possible neither to switch nor turning on or off the equipment automatic
function through the front panel. The buttons will only be enabled when Lock is turned off by a telecommand. It is
possible to activate the lock function with the optical switch locked on any of the inputs or even with the equipment
on automatic switching function.
Bargraph - Optical Power
The bargraph shows the input optical power of the fiber which the optical switch is connected to. The bargraph is 16
LEDs set in which 2 are green and all the others are yellow. When the power is normal, the trimpot must be
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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

adjusted till the second green LED (left to right) turns on. When there is attenuation on the adjusted power greater
than 9dB, the first green LED turns off completely, indicating the lack of optical power on the fiber which the switch
is connected to.
The table below describes the pin list of each contact of the analog supervision:

Telesupervision by Dry Contact



Contact 1 (Pins 7 - 8)

Lock off

Lock on

Contact 2 (Pins 9 10)

Auto off

Auto on

Contact 3 (Pins 11 12)

Without signal on fiber IN1

With signal on fiber IN1

Contact 4 (Pins 14 15)

Without signal on fiber IN2

With signal on fiber IN2

Contact 5 (Pins 16 - 17)

Optical Switch connected to IN1

Optical Switch connected to IN2

Contact 6 (Pins 18 - 19)

Power Supply Alarm

Without Power Supply Alarm

The telesupervision digital signals by DB9 are read by the LightPad i1600G Platform Management System.

5.25.5 Configuration of the Optical Switch and Hardware Setup

When installing the optical protection system, it is necessary to adjust the initial optical power, from which a 9dB
attenuation will be taken by the equipment as a signal loss forcing the optical switch to turn to the other via, if it has
adequate signal. In order to adjust the initial power, the user must previously switch the optical switch to the first via
and then adjust the first trimpot (AJT IN1) till the second bargraph green LED, turns on. With this setup, a 9dB
attenuation on IN1 input optical power will cause the equipment to activate the automatic switching, turning the
system to IN2 input.
After setting up the power to IN1 input, the installer must press the IN1/IN2 button to connect the optical switch to
the second input fiber (IN2) and execute the same setup for that input through the second trimpot (AJT IN2).
Now, the user must turn back the switch to the first via and then press the Auto button in order to enable the
automatic switching function. The Auto LED, located above the optical power meter (Bargraph) should turn on.
The equipment is already set to automatically switch when there is 9dB attenuation. If the telecommand sends a
Lock signal, all buttons will be disabled.

5.25.6 Power Supply

-48V Via A, -48V Via B, 0V and Racks ground.
5.25.7 Electrical Interfaces
Through the rear end DB25 connector, the equipment can provide telesupervision signals by dry contact to a SHK
and also receive telecommands by dry contact. There are two RS232 interfaces through two RJ11 connectors on
the equipment rear end. One of them, so called Supervisor, must be connected to the Supervisor RS232 port. The
other one, so called Extended Supervisor, must be connected to a SHK or to an Amplifier Supervisor.

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

5.25.8 Optical Interfaces

The Optical Protection System unit has six SC-APC optical connectors:

ODF IN1 Receiving signal input from the fiber1: Must be connected to the ODF (Optical Distribution
Frame) in the connector that has the reception route 1 fiber.

ODF IN2 Receiving signal input from the fiber2: Must be connected to the ODF in the connector that has
the reception route 2 fiber.

EQUIPMENT IN Transmission signal input: Must be connected to the equipment transmission which will
generate the signal to be coupled into two separated routes.

EQUIPMENT OUT Receiving signal output: Must be connected to the equipment which will receive the
protected signal. The present signal in this connector comes from reception route 1 or 2.

ODF OUT1 Transmission signal output to the fiber 1: Must be connected to the ODF in the connector that
has the transmission route 1. The present signal in this connector represents 50% of the inserted signal on
the EQUIPMENT IN connector.

ODF OUT2 Transmission signal output to the fiber 2: Must be connected to the ODF in the connector that
has the transmission route 2. The present signal in this connector represents 50% of the inserted signal on
the EQUIPMENT IN connector.

5.25.9 Parametrical Characteristics


IN  3.5 OUT 1 4.5

IN  3.5 OUT 2 4.5


IN 1  OUT 2.5

IN 2  OUT 2.5

o TRANSMISSION/RECEPTION  (1310/1550) 30 nm


o No Lower Limit


25 dBm

-20 dBm


0 dBm

-20 dBm


0 dBm

Switching Time: 15 ms (maximum) after fail detection / degradation.

MTBF: 2 x 105 hours.
5.25.10 Visual Indications on the Front Panel
The Optical Protection System unit has the following front panel LEDs:

IN1: Green LED which turns on when the reception Optical Switch is connected to fiber1.

IN2: Green LED which turns on when the reception Optical Switch is connected to fiber2.

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AUTO: Green LED which turns on when the Auto function is active.

LOCK: Green LED which turns on when the Lock function is active.

POWER LINE A: Green LED which turns on when the A via is working correctly.

POWER LINE B: Green LED which turns on when the B via is working correctly.

POWER LINE ALR: Red LED which turns on when there is power failure.

5.25.11 Alarms Reported to Management System

Signal presence on the fibers.
5.25.12 Telecommands from Management System

Switch optical via: In1  In2 ; In2  In1

Switch Auto Function

Switch Lock Function

5.25.13 Identification Label

The equipment must have two tags with the product serial number, one located on the front panel and the other one
on the rear end.
5.25.14 Procedures to Remove the Unit from the Rack
Use anti-static wrist strap when removing the Optical Switch from the rack.
If the Optical Switch is not a part of any optical reception path including a Raman pre-amplifier, its remove
procedure consists of:

turning off the switch located on its front panel,

removing its optical cords,

unscrewing it,

removing it from the rack and

disconnecting its power electrical connections on its rear end.

5.25.15 Procedures to Insert the Unit to the Rack

Use anti-static wrist strap when inserting the Optical Switch in the rack.
To insert the Optical Switch in the rack it is necessary to:

make the electrical connections on its rear end,

insert it in the rack,

screw it,

connect its optical cords and

turn on the switch located on its front panel.

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5.26 Dispersion Compensation Module (DCM)
5.26.1 Model




M: Fiber Bragg Gratings
Compensated dispersion
XXXX ps/nm
1: 1 U
5.26.2 Functional Description
In long haul systems the use of these units is necessary in order to compensate the accumulated chromatic
dispersion on the optical link. The DCM unit is based on Fiber Bragg Gratings. It is used to nullify the dispersion
caused by that fiber. The DCM unit is according to ITU-T G.666 recommendation.
5.26.3 Physical Dimension

Dispersion Compensation Module

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5.26.4 Block Diagram

Block diagram of the Dispersion Compensation Module unit

The input IN connector receives the optical multiplexed signal seriously degraded by dispersion effect caused by the
optical link. The optical multiplex signal, by passing through the DCM unit will have this dispersion effect virtually
eliminated. At output OUT connector send the recovered optical signal to the next unit (usually a Demultiplexer
The DCM unit must not be positioned right before the Raman Pre-Amplifier due to the very small effective area of
the Dispersion Compensation Module. The very high Raman pump power would trigger off severe non-linear effects
when passing through the DCM unit.
5.26.5 Hardware Configuration and Adjustment Procedures
The Dispersion Compensation Module unit has neither configuration nor hardware setup.
5.26.6 Power Supply
The Dispersion Compensation Module unit has no power supply feeder (passive unit).
5.26.7 Electrical Interfaces
The Dispersion Compensation Module unit has no electrical interfaces.
5.26.8 Optical Interfaces
The Dispersion Compensation Module unit has the following SC/APC optical connectors:

IN: input connector for dispersion compensation of the optical multiplexed signal. The optical supervision
channel does not go through this module. The input optical power must not exceed +14 dBm.

OUT: output connector that delivers the optical signal with compensated dispersion.

5.26.9 Parametrical Characteristics

DISPERSION: up to 1700 ps/nm.
WAVELENGTH: Available for all ITU-T G.694.1 DWDM wavelengths.
5.26.10 Visual Indications on the Front Panel
The Dispersion Compensation Module unit has no visual indications on the front panel.
5.26.11 Alarms Reported to Management System
The Dispersion Compensation Module unit does not report alarms to the Management System.
5.26.12 Telecommands from Management System
The Dispersion Compensation Module unit does not accept telecommands from Management System.

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5.26.13 Procedures to Remove the Unit from the Rack

Turn off the Pre-Amplifier pump Laser connected to DCM input (see Remove Procedure of the PreAmplifier),

Disconnect all of its optical cords,

Unscrew it and

Remove it from the rack.

5.26.14 Procedures to Insert the Unit to the Rack

Insert the DCM in the rack,

Screw it,

Connect all of its optical cords and

Turn on the Pre-Amplifier pump Laser which is in its input.

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5.27 Dispersion Compensation Fiber DCF

5.27.1 Model




F: dispersion compensation fiber
Compensated dispersion
XXXX ps/nm
1: 1 U
2: 2 U

5.27.2 Functional Description

In long haul systems the use of these units is necessary in order to compensate the accumulated chromatic
dispersion on the optical link. The DCF (Dispersion Compensating Fiber) function is to compensate the inserted
dispersive effect in the transmitted data, using a dispersion compensating fiber with inverse signal chromatic
dispersion coefficient related to link optical fiber.

5.27.3 Physical Dimension

Dispersion Compensation Fiber DCF.

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5.27.4 Block Diagram

Block diagram of the Dispersion Compensation Fiber unit.

The input IN connector receives the optical multiplexed signal seriously degraded by dispersion effect caused by the
optical link. The optical multiplex signal, by passing through the DCF unit will have this dispersion effect virtually
The DCF unit must not be positioned right before the Raman Pre-Amplifier due to the very small effective area of
the Dispersion Compensation (DCF). The very high Raman pump power would trigger off severe non-linear effects
when passing through the DCF unit.

5.27.5 Hardware Configuration and Adjustment Procedures

The DCF unit has neither configuration nor hardware setup.

5.27.6 Power Supply

The DCF unit has no power supply feeder (passive unit).

5.27.7 Electrical Interfaces

The DCF unit has no electrical interfaces.

5.27.8 Optical Interfaces

The DCF unit has the following optical interfaces:

IN: input connector for dispersion compensation of the optical multiplexed signal. The optical supervision
channel does not go through this module. The input optical power must not exceed +14 dBm.

OUT: output connector that delivers the optical signal with compensated dispersion.

5.27.9 Parametrical Characteristics

DCF 1360 ps/nm < 7 dB;
DCF 1700 ps/nm < 9 dB;
DCF 2000 ps/nm < 10 dB.
WAVELENGTH: Available for all ITU-T G.694.1 DWDM wavelengths.
DCF MTBF is 5 x 105 hours.


Visual Indications on the Front Panel

The DCF unit has no visual indications on the front panel.


Alarms Reported to Management System

The DCF unit does not report alarms to the Management System.

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Telecommands from Management System

The DCF unit does not accept telecommands from Management System.


Procedures to Remove the Unit from the Rack

Turn off the Pre-Amplifier pump Laser connected to DCF input (see Remove Procedure of the PreAmplifier),

Disconnect all of its optical cords,

Unscrew it and

Remove it from the rack.


Procedures to Insert the Unit to the Rack

Insert the DCF in the rack,

Screw it,

Connect all of its optical cords and

Turn on the Pre-Amplifier pump Laser which is in its input.

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

5.28 Optical Interleaver
5.28.1 Model


50 GHz spacing

100 GHz spacing


C: C band
50 GHz spacing
1: 50 GHz
100 GHz spacing
1: 100 GHz
1: 1U

5.28.2 Functional Description

The Optical Interleaver is a 3 ports passive optical module used to combine two DWDM channels sets with spacing
"X" in a composed optical signal from channels interlacements of these two signals, so that results in the output a
DWDM signal with "X/2" spaced channels. For example: the Optical Interleaver in the multiplexing side receives two
DWDM signals with 100 GHz spacing between channels (and 50 GHz frequency offset between them) and
interlaces them, generating an output DWDM signal with 50 GHz spaced channels.
This module is bidirectional, i.e., it incorporates functionalities for the two transmission directions (multiplexing and

5.28.3 Physical Dimension

Optical Interleaver

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5.28.4 Block Diagram

Block diagram of Optical Interleaver - MUX.

Block diagram of Optical Interleaver - DEMUX.

5.28.5 Hardware Configuration and Adjustment Procedures

The Optical Interleaver unit has neither configuration nor hardware setup.

5.28.6 Power Supply

The Optical Interleaver unit has no power supply feeder (passive unit).

5.28.7 Electrical Interfaces

The Optical Interleaver unit has no electrical interfaces.

5.28.8 Optical Interfaces

The Optical Interleaver unit MUX - presents the following optical interfaces:

IN: two input connectors for DWDM signals with 100 GHz spacing.

OUT: output connector for DWDM signal with 50 GHz spacing (interlaced).

The Optical Interleaver unit - DEMUX - presents the following optical interfaces:

OUT: two output connectors for DWDM signals with 100 GHz spacing.

IN: input connector for DWDM signal with 50 GHz spacing (interlaced).

5.28.9 Parametrical Characteristics

The following table presents the technical characteristics of the Optical Interleaver unit operating in C band for 80
channels at 50 GHz / 40 channels at 100 GHz.

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units



Wavelength [nm]







50 GHz spacing [GHz]


100 GHz spacing [GHz]


Insertion loss [dB]



PDL [dB]



PMD [ps]



Insertion loss uniformity [dB]

Adjacent channel isolation [dB]

Return loss [dB]




Optical Interleaver MTBF: 5 x 10 hours.


Visual Indications on the Front Panel

The Optical Interleaver unit has no visual indications on the front panel.


Alarms Reported to Management System

The Optical Interleaver unit does not report alarms to the Management System.


Telecommands from Management System

The Optical Interleaver unit does not accept telecommands from Management System.


Procedures to Remove the Unit from the Rack

Optical Interleaver - MUX:

Disconnect its optical cords for input DWDM signals;

Disconnect it optical cord for output DWDM signal.

Optical Interleaver - DEMUX:

Disconnect it optical cord for input DWDM signal;

Disconnect its optical cords for output DWDM signals.

Unscrew the Optical Interleaver and remove it from the rack.


Procedures to Insert the Unit to the Rack

Insert the Optical Interleaver in the rack and screw it.

Optical Interleaver - MUX:

Connect its optical cords for input DWDM signals;

Connect it optical cord for output DWDM signal.

Optical Interleaver - DEMUX:

Connect it optical cord for input DWDM signal;

Connect its optical cords for output DWDM signals.

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5.29 Transponder Supervisor Master
5.29.1 Model

5.29.2 Functional Description

The SPVL-4 is characterized as the evolution of the Transponder Supervisor Master SPVJ-4. The letter L assigns
that it functions over Linux operational system, while the SPVJ-4 is based on Java platform.
The Transponder Supervisor Master, known as SPVL-4, constitutes the management main element of network
elements, being responsible for collecting all the information of the connected to it equipment, repassing and
receiving data from the management optical network, communicating through IP network (Ethernet interface) with
the LightPad i1600G management and allowing equipments local management. One in each station exists
normally, that communicates with the others SPVL-4 from others stations through the optical network, via optical
supervisory channel.

5.29.3 Physical Dimension

Transponder Supervisor Master.

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5.29.4 Block Diagram

SPVL-4 is composed for a microprocessor operating with Linux operational system. The supervision system is an
application over operational system developed in C language.
The interfaces are divided between data collection interfaces and management interfaces.

Block diagram of SPVL-4.

5.29.5 Power Supply

SPVL-4 is fed in -48 VDC and 0 VDC through EURO96 connector, to the sub-rack backplane and supplies feeding
to supervisory channel module, 0 VDC, +5 VDC and -5 VDC.

5.29.6 Observations
It is important to point out that diverse links in cascade are possible by "RS232" and "RS422" ports of the SPVL-4
The connections between the SPVL-4 and others managed network elements (NE's), are carried through CCI
cables of four pairs crossed.

5.29.7 Parametrical Characteristics

Typical consumption (without supervisory channel) at -48 VDC [mA]


Maximum consumption (without supervisory channel) at -48 VDC [mA]

2 x 105

MTBF [hours]

5.29.8 Visual Indications on the Front Panel

The SPVL-4 presents three luminous indications in the frontal panel of the module:

POWER: led green lighted indicating that the module is fed;

CPU: led yellow, blinks indicating that software is in operation;

LOCK: when lighted it indicates that the access to the "craft terminal" port is blocked.

It presents yet a luminous indication in the Ethernet connector, that when lighted indicates that link is active.

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

5.29.9 Alarms Reported to Management System

SPVL-4 generates alarms of "connected local management" when will be connected to the "craft terminal" port
(DB9 connector) the management local software, alarm of supervisor reboot, all these with time pointers (date and
hour) of the event.


Telecommands from Management System

SPVL-4 accepts the following commands:

Blocking of local management: it blocks "craft terminal" port (DB9) for local management;

Unblocking of local management: it unblocks "craft terminal" port (DB9);

Reset: it reinitializes the application.


Procedures to Remove the Unit from the Sub-Rack

Use anti-static wrist strap when removing the SPVL-4 from the sub-rack.
To remove the SPVL-4 from Transponders sub-rack does not demand previous care, it is enough:

Disconnect the electrical cables from its frontal panel and;

Remove it from sub-rack.


Procedures to Insert the Unit to the Sub-Rack

Use anti-static wrist strap when inserting the SPVL-4 in the sub-rack.
To insert the SPVL-4 in the Transponders sub-rack does not demand previous care, it is enough:

Insert it in sub-rack and;

Connect the electrical cables in its frontal panel.

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5.30 Transponder Supervisor Managed Slave
5.30.1 Model

5.30.2 Functional Description

The Transponder Supervisor Managed Slave of SPVL-4SM substitutes the SPVJ-4SM and contains all its
It is managed and supplies to the Supervisor Master performance data serial in the backplane and RS422
communication, as well as performance data of right / wrong management frames.
The Supervisor Slave is managed and does not store NE's (Network Elements) data and only communicates with
Transponders of its sub-rack. Its function is to analyze the frames sent by the Supervisor Master and verify if it must
answering management data or to forward the frames to the Transponders of the sub-rack. When it receives a valid
frame, the Dipswitch S1 keys are read and it is verified if the Transponder address requested for the Supervisor
Master belongs to its sub-rack.
The Dipswitch S1 keys define the present addresses in the corresponding sub-rack. Eight keys are used to make
the addressing and each addressing defines 10 possible NE's addresses. Each addressing is given by setting one
of the keys.

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5.30.3 Physical Dimension

Transponder Supervisor Managed Slave.

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5.30.4 Block Diagram

The Transponder Supervisor Managed Slave is composed by Microcontroller, RS-422 communication and DC-DC

Block diagram of the Transponder Supervisor Managed Slave.

5.30.5 Hardware Configuration and Adjustment Procedures

The Transponder Supervisor Managed Slave has neither configuration nor Hardware setup.

5.30.6 Power Supply

The Transponder Supervisor Managed Slave has 48 Vdc and 0 V power feed through the sub-rack backplane.

5.30.7 Electrical Interfaces

The serial ports in the frontal of the module use RS-422 protocol. The communication among NE's is made via

5.30.8 Parametrical Characteristics

Consumption at -48 VDC [mA]
MTBF [hours]

2 x 10

5.30.9 Visual Indications on the Front Panel

The Transponder Supervisor Managed Slave has two light indications on panel.

POWER: Green LED indicating that the power is on;

TX/RX: Yellow LED blinking, indicating the transmission and reception of data.


Alarms Reported to Management System

The Transponder Supervisor Managed Slave reports alarms to the management.


Telecommands from the Management System

The Transponder Supervisor Managed Slave accepts telecommand to reinitialize the counters (error statistics).

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Procedures to Remove the Unit from the Sub-rack

Use anti-static wrist strap when removing the Transponder Supervisor Managed Slave from the sub-rack.
Removing the Transponder Supervisor Managed Slave from the transponders sub-rack requires no previous care,
just to:

disconnect the electrical cables from the front panel and

remove it from the sub-rack.


Procedures to Insert the Unit to the Sub-rack

Use anti-static wrist strap when inserting the Transponder Supervisor Managed Slave in the sub-rack.
Inserting the Transponder Supervisor Managed Slave in the transponders sub-rack requires no previous care, just

insert it on the sub-rack and

connect the electrical cables on the front panel.

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

5.31 Amplifier Supervisor
5.31.1 Model
5.31.2 Functional Description
The Amplifier Supervisor unit works giving support to the Transponder Supervisor Master. It is an intermediate
element in the communication between the Transponder Supervisor Master and the Optical Amplifier units present
in the Amplifier Sub-rack.
5.31.3 Physical Dimension

Amplifier Supervisor

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Block Diagram

Block diagram of the Amplifier Supervisor

5.31.5 Hardware Configuration and Adjustment Procedures
The Amplifier Supervisor has neither configuration nor Hardware setup.
5.31.6 Power Supply
The Amplifiers Supervisor has 48V and 0V power feed, through the amplifiers backplane in which it is connected.
5.31.7 Electrical Interfaces
The Amplifiers Supervisor communicates electrically with the amplifiers via backplane through TTL levels and with
the Master through the RJ11 RJ11 cable, with RS-232 protocol, using the SUPERVISOR port. Through the
EXTENDED SUPERVISOR port it is possible to connect 6 more amplifiers.
5.31.8 Optical Interfaces
The Amplifier Supervisor has no optical interface.
5.31.9 Parametrical Characteristics
Consumption at -48 VDC [mA]


MTBF [hours]

2 x 10

5.31.10 Visual Indications on the Front Panel

The Amplifier Supervisor has two light indications on panel:

POWER: Green LED indicating that the power is on.

TX/RX LED has no action and remains turned off.

5.31.11 Alarms Reported to Management System

The Amplifier Supervisor does not report alarms to the management.
5.31.12 Telecommands from Management System
The Amplifier Supervisor does not accept telecommands.
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5.31.13 Identification Label

The Amplifier Supervisor has only one tag with serial number and product code.
5.31.14 Observation
On the block diagram, RS-232 is presented only as a connection between the Transponder Supervisor Master and
the Amplifier Supervisor. It is important to point out that several cascade connections are possible through RS-232
interface including Amplifier Supervisor, Optical Switch and SHK units, for example:



The SHK must be always the last cascade element.

5.31.15 Procedures to Remove the Unit from the Sub-rack
Use anti-static wrist strap when removing the Amplifier Supervisor from the sub-rack.
Removing the Amplifier Supervisor from the amplifier sub-rack requires no previous care, just to:

disconnect the electrical cables from the front panel and

remove it from the sub-rack.

5.31.16 Procedures to Insert the Unit to the Sub-rack

Use anti-static wrist strap when inserting the Amplifier Supervisor in the sub-rack.
Inserting the Amplifier Supervisor in the amplifier sub-rack requires no previous care, just to:

insert it on the sub-rack and

connect the electrical cables on the front panel.

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

5.32 Supervisory Channel Multiplexer / Demultiplexer SCMD
5.32.1 Model


Optical assembling


1: 1310nm
2: 1470nm
3: 1510nm
4: 1625nm
5: 1450nm
Optical assembling
S: Standard
F: Filter 2 nm (used with Raman amplifier)
B: Bidirectional
1: 1U
5.32.2 Functional Description
In systems with Booster Optical Amplifier, this unit has the function of multiplexing the supervisory optical channel
(which is transmitted on 1510 nm wavelength out of the amplification range) with the optical data channels right
after being amplified. In systems without booster optical amplification, the multiplexing of the optical supervisory
channel with the data channels can be made by the Optical Multiplexer unit, not demanding a SCMD unit.
For DWDM systems equipped with Optical Protection System unit, the SCMD unit can be assembled with
multiplexing function for the working and protection links in the same mechanical module (see Figure).
In systems with Optical Pre-Amplifier, this unit has the function of separate the optical supervisory channel from the
multiplexed data channels before their pre-amplification. In systems without optical pre-amplification, the
demultiplexing of the optical supervisory channel from the multiplexed data channels can be made by the Optical
Demultiplexer unit, not demanding a SCMD unit.
For DWDM systems equipped with Optical Protection System unit, the SCMD unit can be assembled with
demultiplexing function for the working and protection links in the same mechanical module (see Figure).
5.32.3 Physical Dimension

Supervisory Channel Multiplexer / Demultiplexer

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

5.32.4 Block Diagram

Block diagram of the Supervisory Channel Multiplexer / Demultiplexer unit

The IN1 input connector receives the multiplexed data channels amplified by the Booster Amplifier. The IN2 input
connector receives the optical supervisory channel generated by the Terminal or Client Supervisory Channel unit.
Both signals are multiplexed and delivered to OUT connector. The SCM unit is a passive module.
The IN input connector receives the optical multiplexed signal composed of the data channels and the optical
supervisory channel. The SCD unit separates the optical supervisory channel and sends it to the Terminal or Client
Supervisory Channel unit through OUT 2 connection. The multiplexed data channels are sent to the Pre-Amplifier
unit through OUT 1 connector. The SCD unit is a passive module.

5.32.5 Hardware Configuration and Adjustment Procedures

The Supervisory Channel Multiplexer / Demultiplexer unit has neither configuration nor hardware setup.
5.32.6 Power Supply
The Supervisory Channel Multiplexer / Demultiplexer unit has no power supply feeder (passive unit).
5.32.7 Electrical Interfaces
The Supervisory Channel Multiplexer / Demultiplexer unit has no electrical interfaces.
5.32.8 Optical Interfaces
The Supervisory Channel Multiplexer unit has the following SC/APC optical connectors:

DATA: input connector that receives the multiplexed optical data channels after being amplified

SUPERVISION: input connector that receives the optical supervisory channel input. It is physically
connected to the OUT connector of the Terminal or Client Supervisory Channel unit.

LINE: optical signal composed of the multiplexing of all optical data channels and the optical supervisory

The Supervisory Channel Demultiplexer unit has the following SC/APC optical connectors:

LINE: input connector that receives the optical multiplexed signal composed of the data channels and the
optical supervisory channel.

SUPERVISION: output connector for the optical supervisory channel. It is physically connected to the input
connector (IN) of the Terminal or Client Supervisory Channel unit.

DATA: output connector for the multiplexed data channels. It is physically connected to the Pre-Amplifier

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

5.32.9 Parametrical Characteristics

MTBF: 5 x 105 hours.
5.32.10 Visual Indications on the Front Panel
The Supervisory Channel Multiplexer / Demultiplexer unit has no visual indication on front panel.
5.32.11 Alarms Reported to Management System
The Supervisory Channel Multiplexer / Demultiplexer unit does not report alarms to the Management System.
5.32.12 Telecommands from Management System
The Supervisory Channel Multiplexer / Demultiplexer unit does not accept any telecommand from the Management
5.32.13 Procedures to Remove the Unit from the Rack

Turn off the pump Laser(s) of the Booster Amplifier (see Remove Procedure of the Booster Amplifier) that
sends the multiplexed data channels to the SCMD unit,

Turn off the power supply of the Terminal or Client Supervisory Channel unit (see Remove Procedure of the
Terminal or Client Supervisory Channel Unit),

If the DATA connector is connected to Raman Pre-amplifier, the Raman pump Lasers must be turned off
(see Remove Procedure of the Raman Amplifier),

Disconnect all of its optical cords,

Unscrew it and

Remove it from the rack.

5.32.14 Procedures to Insert the Unit to the Rack

Insert the SCMD in the rack,

Screw it,

Connect all of its optical cords and

Turn on the pump Laser(s) of Booster Amplifier which the SCMD is connected to.

Turn on the power supply of the Terminal or Client Supervisory Channel unit.

If applicable, turn on again the Raman Pre-amplifier pump Lasers.

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

5.33 Terminal and Client Supervisory Channel Units
5.33.1 Models





T: Terminal
C: Client
S: Star point to multipoint connection
B: Bus point to point connection
5: 1510nm
L: Long-haul: Pout = +6.0 dBm; Sensitivity = -50 dBm
S: Short-haul: Pout = 0 dBm; Sensitivity = -37 dBm

5.33.2 Functional Description

The Terminal and Client Supervisory Channel Unit is responsible for management data communication among
remote stations, through an optical supervisory channel operating in 1510 nm +/- 1 nm.

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

5.33.3 Physical Dimension of the Client Supervisory Channel

Client Supervisory Channel

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5.33.4 Physical Dimension of the Terminal Supervisory Channel

Terminal Supervisory Channel

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

5.33.5 Block Diagram

Block Diagram of the Supervisory Channel Unit (Client and Terminal)

The Client Supervisory Channel module is a double connection module (east/west), via optical fiber, for
management data, between a client station and two other remote stations.
This module is actually a long haul double electrical-optical converter, in which the data generated by the Client
Supervisory Channel is transmitted via optical fiber to two other remote supervisory channels, or the remote
supervisory channel signals are repeated by the Client Supervisory Channel, connecting them to the optical
On the data reception part the photo detector converts the optical signal into electrical signal which is sent to the
transimpedance amplifier block. On this block output, there is a block composed by two amplifying stages, with 45
dB and 40 dB gain, and a conversion from electrical signal to TTL levels block. This TTL logic signal is sent to the
supervisor, by the diode array, through the sub-rack backplane, and at the same time this signal is sent to the
transmitter stage composed by an amplifier block, driver and laser, where the electrical signal is converted into
optical signal and transmitted in the opposite way of its reception. On the reception part for the opposite way, the
signal treatment is made in a similar way as described above.
On the data transmission, the TTL logical signal is sent by the Client Supervisory, through the sub-rack backplane,
to the Client Supervisory Channel. This signal is simultaneously sent to the transmitter circuits, via diode array,
where it is converted into optical signal and transmitted on both ways to the remote supervision channels.
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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

The Terminal Supervisory Channel unit is a connection module, via optical fiber, for management data between a
station and another remote station. Its operation is similar to the Client Supervisory Channel Unit, except for the one
way transmission, therefore, with a smaller amount of blocks.
5.33.6 Hardware Configuration and Adjustment Procedures
The Supervisory Channel Unit has neither configuration nor internal adjusts.
5.33.7 Power Supply
+/- 5 V and 0 V provided by the Transponder Supervisor Master via transponder sub-racks backplane.
5.33.8 Electrical Interfaces
The Supervisory Channel module has the following electrical interfaces:
- SERIAL INTERFACE with computer using a "Terminal emulator" software (for example, HyperTerminal or
Teraterm) for configuration;
- INTERFACE with telephone device (RJ11 connector, "PHONE" jack);
- INTERFACE with telephone line (RJ11 connector, "LINE" jack);
- G.703 INTERFACE (for co-directional data at 64 kbps);
- 2 INTERFACES to FPGA programming (volatile and not volatile programming);
- INTERFACE to programming Motorola uC.
5.33.9 Optical Interfaces
The Client Supervisory Channel Unit has the following optical interfaces:

Tx and Rx NORTH: interface with the NORTH side of the optical network

Tx and Rx SOUTH: interface with the SOUTH side of the optical network

The Terminal Supervisory Channel unit has the following optical interfaces:

Tx and Rx

5.33.10 Parametrical Characteristics

Consumption (typical) for both Client and Terminal [W]


Consumption (maximum) for both Client and Terminal [W]

2 x 105

MTBF [hours]
Transmission wavelength [nm]

1510 +/- 1

Transmission rate [kbit/s]


Output optical power (LH) [dBm]


Sensitivity (LH) [dBm]


Saturation power [dBm]


Operating dynamic range (LH) [dB]


5.33.11 Visual Indications on the Front Panel

POWER: Green LED indicating that the power is on.

LOS1: Red LED indicating signal absence in "Rx1" in case of Client Supervisory Module.

LOS2: Red LED indicating signal absence in "Rx2" in case of Client Supervisory Module.

OBS: in case of Terminal Supervisory Channel unit only the LOS red LED indicating signal absence in "Rx".
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5.33.12 Alarms Reported to Management System

The Supervisory Channel Unit does not report alarms to the management.

5.33.13 Telecommands from Management System

The Supervisory Channel Unit is not telecommanded by the management.

5.33.14 Procedures to Remove the Unit from the Sub-rack

Use anti-static wrist strap when removing the Supervisory Channel Unit from the sub-rack.
The Supervisory Channel Unit laser cannot be turned off by management command. Therefore, the only alternative
to turn it off, before removing the optical cords, is to turn off the unit power supply, removing it partially from the
transponders sub-rack. With the unit turned off, the optical cords can be removed.

5.33.15 Procedures to Insert the Unit to the Sub-rack

Use anti-static wrist strap when inserting the Supervisory Channel Unit in the sub-rack.

Insert the Supervisory Channel Unit partially in the transponders sub-rack,

Connect the optical cords in the front panel and

Insert it totally in the sub-Rack.

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

5.34 Shelf House Keeping SHK
5.34.1 Model

5.34.2 Functional Description

The purpose of the Shelf House Keeping (SHK) is to collect information from a set of items/equipment and/or
operate over an equipment set. Those items/equipment are present on the stations where the Padtec equipment is
installed. The collected information are called telesignals and the operation commands are called telecommands.
The SHK, which operates with the NEs (Network Elements) Supervisor in some PADTEC equipment rack, is able

Monitor up to 40 items/station equipment if they can express its operational clause through opening or
closing some kind of contact: relay dry contact or an interloc type contact. Some monitored items
examples are: station room door, equipment rack door, air conditioning state and so on.

Activate up to 8 equipment by closing or opening relay dry contacts. Some examples of activation are: bell
activation, direct current unit replacement, alternate current unit replacement and so on.

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

5.34.3 Physical Dimension

Shelf House Keeping (SHK)

5.34.4 Block Diagram

The SHK is built in an 1U by 19 metallic box with all electronics enclosed in one single circuit board. All control
interfaces are in the front panel, and all telesignal/telecommand interfaces are in the back panel (not shown above).
The SHK connects with the items to be monitored/activated, reading the telesignals and closing the telecommands
dry contact relays. It has current and voltage anti-burst protection device and devices to provide galvanic insulation
among the items to be monitored/activated and all the electronics existing inside the Padtec Rack.
The SHK block diagram and its building parts can be seen below.

SHK Block diagram

5.34.5 Operation Description

The microcontroller resident firmware of the SHK board performs a periodic reading of the telesignals status and
remains permanently on standby for commands from the NEs supervisor. The SHK board only responds to
requests from the supervisor. The commands sent to the SHK may:

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

Command the activation of the 8 telecommands;

Ask the 40 telesignals status;

Ask for product information;

5.34.6 Power Supply

The SHK has 48 V, 0 V and rack ground power feed.

5.34.7 Electrical Interfaces

The SHK has the following electrical interfaces:

2 EURO Connector located in the back panel, where every row in the EURO Connector is associated with a
telesignal/telecommand. For all rows, the specific telesignal/telecommand in accessed by pin pairs which
are connected between lines a and c of the EURO Connector. The b line (central) is not connected.

Connector A rows 1-32: telesignals 1-32

Connector B rows 1-8:

Connector B rows 24-32: telecommands 1-8

Running through the right lateral duct of the Rack, in an upfront view, the cable pairs are connected
to the terminal block, or Terminations Block of 50 pin pairs, placed on the vertical track that comes
out from the top of the rack.

telesignals 33-40

RS422 Supervisor serial interface that leaves the SHK, through RJ11 connector, and gets to the supervisor.

RS422 Extended serial interface that replicates the RS422 Supervisor connection for daisy-chain
connection with other Padtec NEs.

5.34.8 Optical Interfaces

The SHK has no optical interfaces.

5.34.9 Parametrical Characteristics

Relay energizing time during a mono-stable command [ms]
Consumption at -48 VDC [mA]
MTBF [hours]

2 x 10

5.34.10 Visual Indications on the Front Panel

The SHK has two LEDs. One green for POWER ON indication and one yellow for Tx/Rx activity indication on the
serial interface.

5.34.11 Alarms Reported to Management System

The alarms associated to the 40 telesignals and the 8 telecommands are reported to Management System.

5.34.12 Telecommands from Management System

8 associated commands to each one of the 8 relays are accepted by the SHK.
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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

5.34.13 Identification Label

The SHK has an identification tag with Product Code, serial number and date placed on the front panel.

5.34.14 Procedures to Remove the Unit from the Rack

Use anti-static wrist strap when removing the SHK from the rack.

remove the electrical cable from the SHK front panel,

disconnect the electrical connections on the back panel,

remove the two euro-connectors on the back panel,

unscrew it,

remove it from the rack,

5.34.15 Procedures to Insert the Unit to the Rack

Use anti-static wrist strap when inserting the SHK to the rack.

Insert the SHK in the rack,

screw it,

connect the electrical cable from the SHK front panel,

connect the electrical connections on the back panel,

connect the two euro-connectors on the back panel.

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

5.35 Main Power Module MPM
5.35.1 Model
MPM 48/48 - 3.
5.35.2 Functional Description
The Main Power Module MPM is the power supply module of the CWDM or DWDM system rack. Its purpose is
to provide DC power supply to all of the system modules, with -48 VDC, 0 VDC and Rack ground to the system.
5.35.3 Physical Dimension

Main Power Module MPM Shelf

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units


Block diagram of the Main Power Module MPM

Block Diagram of the Main Power Module MPM

5.35.5 Hardware Configuration and Adjustment Procedures

The MPM has neither configuration nor Hardware setup.

5.35.6 Power Supply

This module has double input power feeder, Via A and Via B, allowing for two independent power feeders to the
system. Within this module there is a diode adder where those feeds could be switched without power interruption
to the system. This module has a low-pass filter on its adder output, avoiding EMI, which might affect the system.

5.35.7 Electrical Interfaces

The MPM has the following connectors:

connector 1 (CON1), for the module power input. It has 05 pins, from left to right, pin 01 is for 48 Vdc via A
input power (circuit 01), pin 02 is for 0 V via A input power, pin 03 is for 48 Vdc via B input power (circuit
02), pin 04 is for 0 V via B input power, and pin 05 is for system ground input (lightning-rod).

connector 2 (CON 2), for the power output to the modules, It has 26 Pins, from left to right, pins 01 to 09,
are for 48 Vdc outputs, pins 10 to 18, are for 0 Vdc outputs, pins 19 to 26 are for system ground outputs.

connector 3 (CON3 ALARM), to provide a loop to the SHK, indicating the presence or absence of power
feed on via A. In case of circuit breaker opening or failure on via A, this loop will be open, and the SHK will
report the power failure on via A to the central management.

connector 4 (CON4 ALARM), to provide a loop to the SHK, indicating the presence or absence of power
feed on via B. In case of circuit breaker opening or failure on via B, this loop will be open, and the SHK will
report the power failure on via B to the central management.

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

5.35.8 Optical Interfaces

The MPM has no optical interfaces.

5.35.9 Parametrical Characteristics

The MPM is able to supply current up to 16 A.

5.35.10 Visual Indications on the Front Panel

There are 03 green LEDs on the front panel, two 05 mm diameter LEDs, via A and via B power feed indicators, and
one 10 mm diameter power indicator LED. The Via A and Via B LEDs, when on, indicate power on the vias and the
circuit breakers are on, and when one of them is off it indicates malfunctioning on the signalized via. The power
LED, when on, indicates that connector 2 (CON2) is powered, so the user must be careful when removing or
inserting system modules.

5.35.11 Alarms Reported to Management System

The MPM reports to the management, via Shelf House Keeping, A and B vias power interruption alarms, if it does
not occur simultaneously.

5.35.12 Telecommands from Management System

The MPM does not accept telecommands.

5.35.13 Identification Label

The MPM module model and its serial number are located on the right side of the front panel.

5.35.14 Observation
This module is protected against overload by two fast-acting thermal-magnetic circuit breakers, 16 Amperes each.
The set of connectors and circuit breakers is protected by an acrylic panel, for user protection, avoiding accidental
short circuits, or circuit breakers accidental disconnection, that may cause damages to the system.

5.35.15 Procedures to Remove the Unit from the Rack

Use anti-static wrist strap when removing the MPM from the rack.

turn off the front circuit breakers of power feed A and B vias,

disconnect all of the front panel electrical cables connected to the equipment,

disconnect the front pin wires of the via alarm sensors,

disconnect the DC power feeder cables of A and B vias,

unscrew it and

remove it from the rack.

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

5.35.16 Procedures to Insert the Unit from the Rack

Use anti-static wrist strap when inserting the MPM in the rack.

insert the MPM in the rack,

screw it,

connect the DC power feeder cables of A and B vias,

connect the front pin wires of the via alarm sensors,

connect all of the front panel electrical cables connected to the equipment and

turn on the front circuit breakers of power feed A and B vias

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

5.36 FAN-G8
5.36.1 Model
5.36.2 Functional Description
Unit FAN-G8 has 8 fans allowing the ventilation in all 10 slots of the transponders sub-rack and/or in all 6 slots of
the amplifiers sub-rack. This unit accomplishes the ventilation of LightPad i1600G platform rack and was
implemented for functioning with SPVL-4 Supervisor.
FAN G8 has the following general specifications:

Power supply: -48 VDC.

Operation temperature: -5 +45C.

Security fuses, via A and via B, internal and resettable

ON/OFF Switch

Individual speed control of the fans

Monitoring temperature by two sensors diametrically opposed and internal to the FAN

FAN G8 allows, when one of its fans fails, the speed of the adjacent ones is modified by the operator to
compensate the ventilation lack

Graphical presentation in the management of the position of the fans and its status.

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

5.36.3 Physical Dimension


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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

5.36.4 Block Diagram

Block diagram of the FAN G8

FAN G8 Unit, composed of 8 fans, pulls air in the low to top direction.
The electric interface makes the communication with the Management through connectors RJ-11 and
communication protocol RS-422.
The management by dry contact is also available through a connector RJ-11 in the front panel.
The Microcontroller is the responsible for the FAN G8 data acquisition, for the communication between the
management and the FAN, for the front panel LEDs control and for the module temperature control.
The microcontroller communicates with 2 controllers, of which, each one of them controls 4 fans and a temperature
sensor. The communication between the controller and the microcontroller is made through I2C protocol.
5.36.5 Hardware Configuration and Adjustment Procedures
For FAN G8 can to function with Padtec management is necessary to configure the front DIP Switch with FAN slot.
Such configuration can be made with numbers 1 to 15 in the DIP Switch.
Each FAN G8 in the same rack must have different slot numbers.
5.36.6 Power Supply
FAN G8 power supply is -48 VDC (A and B via), 0 V and rack earth.
5.36.7 Electrical Interfaces
The connectors to feed FAN G8 are terminal block type. For acquisition of signals management an electric interface
with 2 connectors RJ-11 is used, via RS-422 protocol, in the equipment front panel. The management by dry
contact is also available through a RJ-11connector.

5.36.8 Optical Interfaces

The Fan Module has no optical interfaces.
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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

5.36.9 Parametrical Characteristics

Consumption at -48 VDC [mA]


Rack internal temperature reduction [ C]

Up to 10

MTBF [hours]

0.8 x 105

5.36.10 Indications on the Front Panel

FAN G8 has the following luminous indications:

POWER: Green LED lights when the FAN G8 is turned on (fed).

TX/RX: LED blinks when it transmits the data for the management (RS-422).

POWER FAIL: It indicates power fail

CIRCUIT FAIL: fail in one or more fans.

Moreover, the FAN G8 front is composed for:

Model, Product Code and Serial Number

Supervisor and Extended RJ11 Electric interfaces and, also, dry contact

DIP Switch with four keys for codification of FAN G8 slot.

5.36.11 Alarms and Telemeasurements Reported to Management System


Overheating: is recognized by management when the FAN temperature exceeds the threshold
configured in the equipment.

Fan Fails: it occurs when one or more fans are defect.


Temperature Reading of the 2 temperature sensors

Temperature Performance Historical

Product Code

Serial Number

Firmware and the Hardware Version

Status of 8 fans

Individually percentage reading of speed configured of the 8 fans.

5.36.12 Telecommands Accepted by Management System

Speed percentage configuration (of each fan) with 40% to 70% of PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) variation.

5.36.13 Identification Label

The FAN-G8 Module model and its serial number are located on the front panel. This information can also be seen
on the management software.

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

5.36.14 Observation
The FAN-G8 is protected by the on/off switch and an internal fuse for each power bus located on the front panel.
Every time the on/off switch is turned off, or if any failure happens, the Fan Module reports its unavailability to the
SHK. This activates a fan failure alarm to the central management.

5.36.15 Preventive Maintenance of the Fan Module

It is recommended a visual inspection in each Fan Module once every six months in order to check for dust
deposition, and a complete annual maintenance for module cleaning and verification.
In case of Fan Module failure indicated on the central management, it can be checked out which module has a
problem simply accessing the management software.

5.36.16 Procedures to Remove the Unit from the Rack

Use anti-static wrist strap when removing the Fan Module from the rack.

Turn off the rack feed

Disconnect the electrical cables

Remove it from the rack after that.

5.36.17 Procedures to Insert the Unit to the Rack

Use anti-static wrist strap when inserting the Fan Module in the rack.

Insert the FAN in the rack

Connect the electrical cables

Feed the rack.

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

5.37 Optical Cabling Tray
5.37.1 Model
5.37.2 Functional Description
It is a sliding shelf for optical cords accommodation in the Rack.

5.37.3 Physical Dimension

Optical Cabling Tray with capacity for 30 m of cord

Optical Cabling Gutter

5.37.4 Hardware Configuration and Adjustment Procedures
The Optical Cabling Tray has neither configuration nor Hardware setup.

5.37.5 Power Supply

The Optical Cabling Tray has no power supply.

5.37.6 Electrical Interfaces

The Optical Cabling Tray has no electrical interfaces.
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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

5.37.7 Optical Interfaces

The Optical Cabling Tray has no optical interfaces.

5.37.8 Visual Indications on the Front Panel

The Optical Cabling Tray has no light indication on panel.

5.37.9 Alarms Reported to Management System

The Optical Cabling Tray does not report alarms to the management.

5.37.10 Telecommands from Management System

The Optical Cabling Tray does not accept telecommands.

5.37.11 Identification Label

The Optical Cabling Tray has a product code and serial number tag.

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

5.38 DWDM Equipment Rack
5.38.1 Model

5.38.2 Functional Description

Metallic structure which shelters the parts of the DWDM system, allowing for the interconnection of them in a united
and organized way in order to compose bigger parts of this system that might be installed in a station.

5.38.3 Composition
The rack is manufactured and structured in steel plate, painted with electrostatic paint in RAL 7032 beige color,
with steel and acrylic door, 2100 x 600 x 300 mm (height, width and depth), with vertical accommodation capacity of
44 Us, 19 standard. It has two side compartments to vertical passage of cable, placed one at each side, being the
one on the right, for one who looks to the front of the rack, for the electrical cables and the one on the left for the
optical cables. The mechanical stability of the rack is guaranteed by four wooden brackets, upon which the rack is
accommodated, and that are overlapped to the shafts that allow for fixing the rack to the station floor through
fixation sleeves. The bottom of the rack is perforated by a 340 x 175 mm rectangular hole.

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Chapter 5: Technical Specifications of DWDM System Units

5.38.4 Physical Dimension

LightPad i1600G Platform Rack

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Chapter 6: DWDM System Physical Description


DWDM System Physical Description

6.1. Overall Considerations

This chapter is intended to detail the Padtec equipment configuration within the station racks that integrates the
LightPad i1600G Platform.

6.2. General Characteristics

It follows the general characteristics of LightPad i1600G Platform regarding mechanical and power consumption

Accessibility: LightPad i1600G Platform meets accessibility orientations proposed by ETS 300 119-4.

Heat dissipation: LightPad i1600G Platform has its rack and sub-rack units projected to facilitate thermal
dissipation by natural convection, according to ETS 300 119-4 recommendation. Forced refrigeration can
be used when necessary. However, it must be pointed out that LightPad i1600G Platform does not need
forced refrigeration when operating in the CWDM technology.

Weight: the weight of a sub-equipped sub-rack is lower than 18 kg, as specified by ETS 300-119-4.

Power supply: LightPad i1600G Platform can be fed by -48 VDC or 110 / 220 VAC power supply. The last
case needs AC-DC converters. In both alternatives it is provided two redundant feeders, allowing power
supply protection. It meets norms ETS 300 132 (ETS 132-1 e ETS 132-2). Each active unit from LightPad
i1600G Platform has a DC-DC converter that generates all adequate internal DC voltages from the -48
VDC feeders.

In case of power supply fail (failure in both feeders), the equipment will recover its original configuration
after power supply restoration, without needing any operator intervention. The traffic restoration is instant
and the Management Systems returns to its stable operation in less than 30 seconds.

LightPad i1600G Platform is assembled in conductive metallic rack, with grounding plans and internal
grounding buses according to specification ETS 300 253.

LightPad i1600G Platform exceeds the operational temperature range proposed by ETS 300 019,
supporting temperatures from -10 C to +45 C. The maximum relative humidity is 90%. Transponder
units can operate without optical power variation in all operational temperature range.

LightPad i1600G Platform, for both CWDM and DWDM technologies, was homologated by Brazilian
Telecommunication Agency (ANATEL) regarding EMI and EMC characteristics, according to ETS 300 386
-1-2. LightPad i1600G Platform is also according to EN 300 386-3, EN5022 Class B and FCC part 15
Class A or B recommendations. Concerning environmental acoustic conditions, LightPad i1600G Platform
meets ETS 300 753 specification.

LightPad i1600G Platform meets storage condition specified by item 4 of ETS 300 019-1-1, considering
aspects of protection against water and temperature in the storage location. It meets also conditions
established by ETS 300 0019-1-2 specification, regarding class 2.2 transportation care.

The sub-racks used by LightPad i1600G Platform meet mechanical standards defined by ETS 300-119-4.

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Chapter 6: DWDM System Physical Description

Physical dimension: the sub-rack dimension follows accessibility conditions defined by ETS 300 119-4.

LightPad i1600G Platform lifetime: 20 years, independently of equipment configuration.

6.3. Rack Assembly

The rack that integrates the LightPad i1600G Platform is 44 U high and incorporates a fan on the top (Fan Top).
The rack assembly starts on the top and every new module is inserted in sequence immediately below the former,
as follows:
1. MPM: The MPM (Main Power Module) by Padtec is mandatory. The MPM supply power uses two 48V
redundant power sources and feeds the rack active modules. It occupies 3U.
2. SHK: The Shelf House Keeping (SHK) is inserted immediately below the MPM. It sends data to the
management system using a rear-connecting cable. It occupies 1U.
3. Hub/Switch/Modem + Cabling Gutter CPCO/Optical Cabling Tray: If the DWDM incorporates some
Hub/Switch or Modem unit, it shall be inserted at this point. An optical cabling tray will be required as well.
Normally each unit occupies 1U.
4. Transponder Sub-rack: Each Transponder Sub-rack (4U) requires a fan unit consisting of 8 fans located
above the sub-rack (a 1U height FAN G8) and a CPCO cabling gutter (1U) for fiber accommodation
below. For the higher FAN G8 in the rack a blind cover with 1U spacing above of it must be placed
allowing the ventilation flow. In case one single sub-rack is not enough, another assembly
(FAN G8 + Transponder Sub-rack + Air Deflector + CPCO Cabling gutter) shall be added so that all
transponders are inserted. If the DWDM equipment includes the Padtec management system, the
Supervisor Master and the Terminal or Client Supervisory Channel shall be inserted in the first sub-rack.
The remaining sub-racks require only Supervisor Slave unit.
5. Multiplexer + Cabling Gutter CPCO/Optical Cabling Tray. The multiplexer height varies according to
channel capacity, as follows:

up to 8 channels 1 U;

16 or 20 channels 2 U;

32, 40 or 80 channels 3 U;

6. Demultiplexer + Cabling Gutter CPCO/Optical Cabling Tray. The demultiplexer height varies similarly to
that of multiplexer height.
7. SCMD + Cabling Gutter CPCO/Optical Cabling Tray. SCM and SCD share a mechanical package. The
unit occupies 1 U high and requires a Cabling Gutter CPCO/optical cabling tray underneath.
8. Amplifier Sub-rack Unit. Each Amplifier Sub-rack (5U) requires a fan unit (1U) above the sub-rack (FAN
G8); an air deflector (2U) and Cabling Gutter CPCO (1U) underneath. In case one single sub-rack is not
enough, a second assembly (FAN G8 + Amplifier Sub-rack + Air Deflector + Cabling Gutter CPCO) shall
be included so that all amplifiers are inserted. If the DWDM equipment incorporates the Padtec
management system, each sub-rack shall include an Amplifiers Supervisor Slave.
9. Optical Protection Switching + Cabling Gutter CPCO/Optical Cabling Tray: The Optical Protection System
occupies 1U high, on 50/50 and 90/10 models. So, the assembly OPS unit + Cabling Gutter CPCO/tray
occupy 2 U.
10. DCM + Cabling Gutter CPCO/Optical Cabling Tray: The Dispersion Compensation Module unit occupies
1U high and the Cabling Gutter CPCO/tray occupies 1 U.

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Chapter 6: DWDM System Physical Description

The OADMs (or ROADMs) units may be incorporated to the DWDM system. They also require a Cabling Gutter
CPCO/Optical Cabling Tray underneath and occupy 1U, 2U or 3U high, depending of the model.
If the use of AC/DC Source will be necessary this must be always in the high of the rack, above of the MPM.
Observation: When gutter CPCO will be used under of a passive device (for example, Mux, Demux,
SCMD, etc) placing behind gutter CPCO a Back Gutter of 1U. The function of it is to prevent that the hot air that
goes up in the back of the rack comes onward of it through the gutter CPCO opening.
In case one rack is no enough to house all equipment, additional rack(s) will be required, provided each one will
incorporate its own MPM power distribution unit. All racks shall be arranged one beside the next in the station so
that connecting the optical links between racks is made easier.

6.4. Example of System Configuration

Based on the example of a DWDM system described in chapter 4 (Figure 6.1), it will be shown equipment
assembly examples for Terminal (stations # 1 and # 3) and Ring Terminal (station # 2) configurations.

Figure 6.1: Example of a DWDM system for a 3-station link

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Chapter 6: DWDM System Physical Description


Terminal Equipment at Stations #1 and #3

The units that integrate the Terminal equipment at stations # 1 and # 3 are the following:


1 SHK - Shelf House Keeping

1 Hub

8 Transponders (up to 10 per sub-rack)

1 Transponder Supervisor Master

1 Terminal Supervisory Channel

2 FAN G8

6 Cabling Gutter CPCO

4 Back Gutter

2 Air Deflector

1 Mutiplexer

1 Demutiplexer


1 Optical Protection Switch

1 Raman Amplifier

1 Pre Amplifier

1 Booster Amplifier

1 Amplifiers Supervisor

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Chapter 6: DWDM System Physical Description

Bay face (or face plan) for Terminal Equipment at stations # 1 and # 3:

1 MPM - Main Power Module

1 SHK - Shelf House Keeping
1 Hub
1 Blind Cover
1 FAN G8
8 Transponders
1 Transponder Supervisor Master
1 Terminal Supervisory Channel
1 CPCO Cabling Gutter
1 Air Deflector (2U)
1 Multiplexer
1 CPCO Cabling Gutter + 1 Back Gutter
1 Demultiplexer
1 CPCO Cabling Gutter + 1 Back Gutter
1 CPCO Cabling Gutter + 1 Back Gutter
1 Optical Switch
1 CPCO Cabling Gutter + 1 Back Gutter
1 FAN G8
1 Booster Amplifier
1 Raman Amplifier
1 Pre-Amplifier
1 Amplifier Supervisor
1 CPCO Cabling Gutter
1 Air Deflector (2U)

Figure 6.2: Example of Terminal Configuration

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Chapter 6: DWDM System Physical Description


Ring Terminal Equipment at Station 2

The units that integrate the Ring Terminal Equipment at Station # 2 are the following:

2 MPMs

1 SHK - Shelf House Keeping

16 Transponders

1 Transponders Supervisor Master

1 Transponders Supervisor Slave

1 Client Supervisory Channel

4 FANs G8

12 CPCO Cabling Gutters

8 Back Gutters

4 Air Deflectors

2 Multiplexers

2 Demultiplexers


2 Optical Switches

2 Raman Amplifier

2 Pre-Amplifier

2 Booster Amplifier

2 Amplifiers Supervisor

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Chapter 6: DWDM System Physical Description

Bay face (or face plan) for Ring Terminal Equipment at Station #2:

1 MPM - Main Power Module

1 MPM - Main Power Module

1 SHK - Shelf House Keeping

1 Blind Cover
1 FAN G8

1 Blind Cover
1 FAN G8

8 Transponders
1 Transponder Supervisor Slave

8 Transponders
1 Transponder Supervisor
1 Client Supervisory Channel

1 CPCO Cabling Gutter

1 Air Deflector (2U)
1 Multiplexer
1 CPCO Cabling Gutter + 1 Back
1 Demultiplexer
1 CPCO Cabling Gutter + 1 Back
1 CPCO Cabling Gutter + 1 Back
1 Optical Switch
1 CPCO Cabling Gutter + 1 Back

1 CPCO Cabling Gutter

1 Air Deflector (2U)
1 Multiplexer
1 CPCO Cabling Gutter + 1 Back Gutter
1 Demultiplexer
1 CPCO Cabling Gutter + 1 Back Gutter
1 CPCO Cabling Gutter + 1 Back Gutter
1 Optical Switch
1 CPCO Cabling Gutter + 1 Back Gutter
1 FAN G8
1 Booster Amplifier
1 Raman Amplifier
1 Pre Amplifier
1 Amplifier Supervisor


1 FAN G8
1 Booster Amplifier
1 Raman Amplifier
1 Pre Amplifier
1 Amplifier Supervisor
1 CPCO Cabling Gutter
1 Air Deflector (2U)

South Rack

1 CPCO Cabling Gutter

1 Air Deflector (2U)

North Rack

Figure 6.3: Example of Ring Terminal Equipment Configuration

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Chapter 7: Expanding the DWDM System Capacity


Expanding the DWDM System Capacity

Overall Considerations

This chapter presents alternatives for the modular expansion of the Padtec DWDM platform. The simplest way for
the DWDM expansion is to incorporate new transponders so as to reach the final capacity of the already installed
multiplexer and demultiplexer units (or mux and demux units). Nevertheless this chapter is intended to propose
alternatives for the modular expansion using mux and demux units connected in linear chain. The alternatives
proposed below regard the modularity of the mux/demux units normally provided by Padtec. In addition other units
may be provided so as to meet with clients requirements.
In this chapter, the DWDM systems are unidirectional (one-way), i.e.,
transmission and a second fiber is assigned to west-east transmission. In
supported by the Padted DWDM platform, the number of channels referred
half. It justifies for in the bidirectional systems, one N-channel mux/demux


one fiber is assigned to east-west

bidirectional (two-way) systems, also
to in this chapter shall be considered
unit supports N/2 bidirectional optical

Modular Expansion Alternatives

Once the LightPad i1600G platform is already installed and operational with one set of mux/demux units, its full
capacity can be expanded in terms of supported optical channels by adding ONE additional set of mux/demux units.
The referred expansion may be carried in-service, i.e., without affecting the already operational optical channels.
Coupling the original mux/demux and the expansion mux/demux units is obtained by means of a band mux/demux
that is mechanically incorporated to the original mux/demux units.
The mux/demux units supported in the LightPad i1600G platform are summarized in the table below:

Channel Spacing

Mux / Demux

# of Channels
200 GHz

100 GHz

50 GHz







Table 7.1: Multiplexer and Demultiplexer units

The LightPad i1600G platform modular expansion is obtained by means of linear chain connection of up to two mux
and demux units. The connected units shall operate in distinct bands (C or L) or sub-bands (blue and red). These
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Chapter 7: Expanding the DWDM System Capacity

units may support distinct capacities, for example, one 4-channel mux/demux unit may be connected to a 20channel mux/demux unit. It must be pointed out that for the correct dimensioning the optical link the final capacity of
the DWDM system, including all future expansions, must be taken into consideration. Additionally, in case there are
provisions for expanding the DWDM system, the originally installed mux/demux units shall incorporate band or subband mux/demux so as to permit in-service system expansion. Table 8.2 details the alternatives for combining
mux/demux units supported by the Padtec DWDM platform.

C Band
L Band

# of Channels








Table 7.2: Mux/demux unit combinations

According to Table 8.2, the 4 to 20-optical channel mux/demux units are available both for the blue and red subbands and for the L band as well. The 32-to-80 channel mux/demux modules are available in the C band (without a
sub-band separation) and L band.
The following items detail alternatives for expanding the Padtec DWDM platform.


DWDM Expansion Alternative: Blue Sub-band plus Red Sub-band

The optical C band that comprehends wavelengths ranging from 1525 and 1562 nm, may be split in two sub-bands:

Blue sub-band: 1525 to 1544 nm.

Red sub-band: 1547 to 1565 nm.

In this alternative, in the initial installation phase the DWDM system incorporates one set of mux/demux units
operating in the blue (or red) sub-band. These mux/demux units must have internally incorporated a sub-band (blue
+ red) mux/demuxing components, that permits an in-service expansion of the DWDM system capacity, i.e., without
affecting the already operating optical channels.
The Figure below illustrates the DWDM expansion starting from multiplexing the blue and red sub-bands.

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Chapter 7: Expanding the DWDM System Capacity

Figure 7.1: Expanding the DWDM System by adding sub-band

Figure 8.1 illustrates the transmission side only; the reception side incorporates a similar diagram for the
demultiplexer units. In the example above, the DWDM system was initially installed with a set of mux/demux units to
operate in the blue sub-band. These mux/demux units might supports 4, 8, 16 or 20 optical channels. In a
subsequent implementation phase, the DWDM system capacity may be expanded through the incorporation of an
additional mux/demux set to operate in the red sub-band. The additional expansion set may support up to 20 new
DWDM optical channels. Since the initial multiplexer and demultiplexer units already incorporate the sub-band
mux/demux component, the DWDM system capacity may be expanded without affecting the already operational
optical channels.


Alternative for DWDM expansion: C Band plus L Band

Using C and L optical bands constitutes an additional alternative for expanding the Padtec DWDM platform.

C Band: from 1525 to 1565 nm.

L Band: from 1570 to 1620 nm.

In this alternative, in the initial phase of installation the DWDM system includes a set of mux/demux units operating
in the C band. This mux/demux assembly incorporates, in the same mechanics, a band (C + L) mux/demux
component, so as to permit the in-service DWDM expansion, without affecting the already operational optical
The Figure below illustrates the alternative for DWDM system expansion starting from multiplexing the C and the L

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Chapter 7: Expanding the DWDM System Capacity

Figure 7.2: Expanding the DWDM System, with band insertion

Figure 8.2 illustrates the transmission side only; the reception side incorporates a similar diagram for the
demultiplexer units. In the example above, the DWDM system was initially installed with a mux/demux set operating
in the C band. This mux/demux assembly might correspond to 4, 8, 16, 20, 32, 40 or 80 optical channel modules. In
a subsequent phase of implementation, the DWDM capacity may be expanded through the incorporation of an
additional mux/demux set to operate in the L band. The new expansion assembly may support up to 80 new DWDM
optical channels. Thus, the final configuration supports up to 160 DWDM optical channels.


Alternative for DWDM Expansion: Beginning from a CWDM LightPad i1600G Platform

The optical transport system developed by Padtec supports in the same Platform, the CWDM (Coarse WDM) and
DWDM technologies. The CWDM technology operates in an optical window ranging from 1310 to 1610 nm, and
supports up to 16 optical channels spaced 20 nm. One feature in this technology is its low cost, once the high
spacing between channels permits using low cost optical filters and optical transmitters, without any kind of
temperature control. The technology is very proper for metropolitan and access optical networks that wont require a
large number of optical channels nor optical amplification. This item details the alternatives for expanding the
transportation capacity provided by the Padtec system that evolves from a basic CWDM platform for an integrated
CWDM and DWDM platform. Then, in one initial phase the optical network contemplates only the CWDM
technology, thus minimizing the network deployment cost. According to the traffic increase and consequently the
increase in the service provider revenue, the original CWDM platform can be expanded so as to support DWDM
channels. The expansion may be of two types, and these are detailed in the following paragraphs.

Integration Through the CWDM Mux/Demux Unit

As already mentioned in paragraphs above, there is a 20 nm-spacing between the CWDM channels. The bandwidth
in each of the CWDM channels is 13 nm. So, up to eight 200 (1.6) nm or 16 100 GHz (0.8 nm)-spaced DWDM
channels may be inserted in just one CWDM bandwidth of 13 nm, provided the channels in C or L bands (DWDM
operating bands) are selected. Thus, one possibility for CWDM and DWDM integration is using some CWDM
wavelengths located in the C and L bands for DWDM channel transportation, i.e., some CWDM channels are
sacrificed (not used) so that transporting additional DWDM channels is possible. Up to 16 DWDM channels may
be included in each sacrificed CWDM channel. Refer to the Figure 8.3 for an example of integration.
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Chapter 7: Expanding the DWDM System Capacity

Figure 7.3: Integrating CWDM plus DWDM directly in the CWDM mux/demux
Figure 8.3 illustrates the transmission side only; the reception side incorporates a similar diagram for the
demultiplexer units. In the example above, the 1530 nm and 1550 nm wavelength channels support the DWDM
multiplexer output, which in turn shall contain 8 or 16 DWDM optical channels. Thus, the CWDM system with up to
14 optical channels expand to a CWDM + DWDM hybrid system which can support up to 46 optical channels.

Integration Through a C/L Band Mux/Demux

A second alternative to integrate CWDM and DWDM uses C and L band mux/demux components. These
components, incorporated to the CWDM mux/demux units, combine and separate from the CWDM optical channels
the DWDM optical channels that operate in the C or L band. Assigning a C or L band to DWDM channels requires
three CWDM channels not to be used. In case the C band is dedicated to a DWDM system, the channels
corresponding to 1530, 1550 and 1570 nm wavelength shall not be used in the CWDM. If the L band is dedicated to
a DWDM system, the channels corresponding to 1570, 1590 and 1610 nm shall not be used in the CWDM. The
Figure 8.4 illustrates this alternative for optical system expansion.

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Chapter 7: Expanding the DWDM System Capacity

Figure 7.4: Integrating CWDM to DWDM using a C/L band mux/demux

Figure 8.4 illustrates the transmission side only; the reception side incorporates a similar diagram for the
demultiplexer units. In the example above, the optical system was originally installed using a CWDM mux/demux
assembly, that does not require a C or an L band. This mux/demux set might support up to 13 CWDM optical
channels. In a subsequent implementation phase, the optical system capacity shall be expanded by incorporating a
DWDM additional mux/demux set to operate in the C or the L band. The new expansion assembly may support up
to 40 new DWDM optical channels. Thus this alternative supports up to 53 DWDM optical channels in the final
configuration. Since the CWDM multi/demux initial units incorporate the C/L band mux/demux component, the
capacity of the optical system may be expanded without affecting the already operational CWDM channels.

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Chapter 8: Safety Procedures


Safety Procedures


First aid in case of Electrical Shocks

Never touch the victim with bare hands until the circuit is open.

Open the circuit by turning the switches off. Should it be not possible, protect yourself using dry and
insulating material and make sure the victim is free from the conductor.



Artificial Breathing
It is important to start the mouth-to-mouth breathing promptly and search for medical help immediately.

In case of Burns

The treatment shall be applied after the victim recovers consciousness. Also it may be used while the victim is
receiving artificial breathing (in this case assistance requires at least two people).

Never try to remove clothes that are in contact with burned areas of body.

Apply dry gauze on the burned areas.

Do not apply creams and unguents or any other oily substances.


Mouth-to-Mouth Breathing
Kneel down so that your body keeps leveled to the victims head. Rest one hand on the victims head and
your second hand under his neck. Raise the victims neck and let it tip back as much as possible (Figure

Figure 8.1: Victims head tipped back as much as possible.

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Chapter 8: Safety Procedures

Displace your hand from the victims neck to his chin: position your thumb between the victims chin and
mouth, your forefinger along his jaw, and keep the remaining fingers together as illustrated in the Figure.
Breathe deeply (Figure 9.2).

Figure 8.2: Preparing for mouth-to-mouth breathing

With the index finger positioned between the victims chin and your mouth, keep your lips together and
breathe into his nostrils (Figure 9.3).

Figure 8.3: Breathing into the victims nostrils.

While carrying the steps above, make sure the victim is breathing (his thorax inflates). Should it be not
possible the victims nostrils may be causing the obstruction: in this case, open the victims mouth as much
as you can, by depressing his chin with your hand (Figure 9.4), position your lips around his mouth and
breathe into. Make sure the victims thorax inflates. You may use this second approach instead of the
already described method by keeping the victims nostrils closed, using the hands that initially supported the
victims head. Keep the victims head tipped back as much as possible. Start with ten quick breaths, and
then proceed in cycles of twelve to fifteen breaths each minute. Continue to breathe until the victim has
recovered consciousness.

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Chapter 8: Safety Procedures

Figure 8.4: Opening the victims mouth to initiate mouth-to-mouth breathing

if nostrils are occluded.


Safety Procedures Overall instructions

Before initiating any installation, connection, tests and servicing operations, make sure to read the
Technical Instructions Manual, particularly any items concerning to:


Switching on, testing and operation.

Servicing (maintenance).

Make sure to observe any safety procedures.

Never permit anyones access to the areas of equipment where there are warning labels whenever
equipment is operating.

Should access to equipment interior or components is absolutely needed, the access shall be permitted to
technical or servicing personnel herein defined as follows:

Duly trained personnel, skilled with adequate technical background and required experience that
qualify them to prevent any harmful conditions that might occur along any functioning or measuring
step, so as to minimize any risky situations both for themselves and for thirty parties.

Overly speaking the following applies:


The servicing personnel action is restricted to replacing any faulty units with spare units.

The servicing personnel is not permitted to repair not specified components.

In order to proceed eventual cleaning of equipment external parts, never user any flammable
substances or any other substances that might result in changes to labels or inscriptions, etc.

Use a piece of wet cloth to remove dust from equipment panel.

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Chapter 8: Safety Procedures

The safety procedures established in present guide detail the operations and/or precautions to be observed
in order to protect the servicing personnel while carrying work steps and assure equipment safe operation,
i.e., preventing people from harmful situations.

Whenever any safety locks are infringed SWITCH OFF VOLTAGE. To do so, turn off the power switch and
any power supply.

The safety procedures already detailed in present instruction guide are identified with the statement symbol

Figure 8.5: Warning sign.


Hazards, Prohibition and Control Labels

Labels comply with the ISO 3864 international standards. The symbols or statements (warning) are surrounded with
geometric figures according to ISO 3864.

Figure 8.6: This warning sign indicates

prohibited action (white background in red border and symbol or notice in black)

Figure 8.7: This sign indicates warning or danger


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Chapter 8: Safety Procedures

Figure 8.8: This sign indicates information or instruction


Labels are attached to indicate harmful conditions. Labels may contain any familiar sign or any warning required
protecting both the user and the maintenance staff against risky situations, particularly:

Dangerous voltages

Noxious optical signals

Explosion hazards

Moving mechanical components

All symbols presented below may be attached to any Padtec equipment, though not necessarily attached in the
equipment this instruction guide refers to.


Dangerous Voltages

This warning sign shall be attached next to high voltage sources, and indicates electrical shocks. Only the Padtec
assigned personnel is authorized to open any panels/units that bear this sign.

Figure 8.9: Warning sign

indicates electrical discharge hazards.

The sign associated to a Class 1 equipment to be connected to the power supply indicates the referred equipment
requires grounding before it is connected to the power supply, e.g.:

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Chapter 8: Safety Procedures

Figure 8.10: Grounding instructions


Harmful Optical Signals

Any optical signal input originating from a LASER source requires label warnings as per IEC 60825-1 International

Figure 8.11: LASER beam indication.

The risk level shall be recorded in a rectangular label:

Should LASER be Class 1, the label must contain:


Rated output

Wave length

Reference standard

Precautions according to LASER class

Indications in openings, panels and safety locks.

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Chapter 8: Safety Procedures

Figure 8.12: Instructions for handling laser safety


Heat-Radiating Mechanical Components

Heat-radiating mechanical components are identified using the warning label below, as per IEC 60417 standard.

Figure 8.13: Warning indicates danger when contacting any heat-radiating surface.

According to IEC 60950-1 standard, touchable mechanical components are referred to whenever the T temperature
exceeds the limits established in the formulae below (temperatures in C):

(T-Tamb) = < (DTmax + 25 Tmra)


T = Temperature of mechanical components at Tamb room temperature.

Tamb = Room temperature while carrying test.

DTmx = Value established as per IEC 950 standard, and specified in the table below.

Tmra = Maximum permitted room temperature as per equipment specification or 25C, whichever is higher.

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Chapter 8: Safety Procedures

Components to be accessed by
Manual/hand switches, subject to
holding-on or touching-on, for short
time periods


Temperature (C)

Glass, porcelain

Plastic, rubber




Regularly hold-on manual switches




Other equipment subject to touch-on




Equipment internal surfaces subject to





Electromagnetic compatibility

The standards on electromagnetic compatibility depend on the nature of installation (cable terminals, grounding)
and operational conditions (equipment, shielded covers, etc.)
Before initiating any installation, switching on, tests, operation and carrying any servicing operation, refer to the
Equipment Technical Instruction Guide (DWDM), particularly those items relating to:


Switching on, tests and operation.



Overall Rules Installation

All connections (installed in equipment outside panel) are built in shielded cables, using exclusively the
connectors referred in present Technical Instruction Guide or in Installation Standards of the Operating

Shielded cables shall be adequately terminated.

Use appropriate diameter and impedance conductors in grounding operations.

Shields (if applicable) assembled during the installation process shall be cleaned and degreased.

Before installing any shielding units, clean and remove grease off any peripheral surfaces (contact springs,
connecting points, etc).

The shelf plates shall be adequately bolted to the shelves, and these to the cabinet.

In order to correctly install equipment compatible with electromagnetic compatibility standards, follow any
provided instructions.

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Chapter 8: Safety Procedures


Overall Procedures Switching on, Testing and Operation

Install any electrical units as specified in order to meet electromagnetic compatibility requirements.

Make sure equipment operates with all shields duly positioned (shielded covers for plates, connectors,
protectors, etc).

Observe any concerning information in order to appropriately use electromagnetic-compatible equipment.


Overall Procedures Maintenance

Electrostatic discharges: Before removing any electrostatic discharge protections from displays, connectors
etc., follow the established protecting measures. After finishing any servicing and monitoring operations,
make sure to replace electrostatic discharge protections.

Most electronic devices are electrostatic discharge sensible; the corresponding warning label is below;

Figure 8.14: It indicates precautions on electrostatic discharges

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Chapter 9: Abbreviations, Acronyms and References

9. Abbreviations, Acronyms and References

9.1 Abbreviations and Acronyms


Add and Drop


Automatic Gain Control




Angled Physical Contact


Automatic Protection Switching


Amplified Stimulated Emission


Asynchronous Transfer Mode

Front Panel Button


Bar graph


Back Monitor Photodiode


Calibration and Adjustment Software


Client Supervisory Channel


Coarse Wavelength Division Multiplexing


Direct Current


Dry Contact


Dispersion Compensation Fiber


Data Communication Network




Dual Homing


Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing


Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifier


Electromagnetic Compatibility


Enterprise Systems Connection


Electrostatic Discharges


Forward Error Correcting


Fiber Connectivity




Gateway Network Element


Internet Protocol


International Organization for Standardization


International Telecommunication Union - Telecom Standardization


Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation


Light Emission Diode

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Chapter 9: Abbreviations, Acronyms and References


Loss of Signal


Least Significant Bit






Main Power Module


Most Significant Bit




No Connected


Non Return to Zero


Negative Temperature Coefficient


Optical Add and Drop Multiplexer


Optical Distribution Frame


Optical SubNetwork Connection


Optical Transport Network




Input Power


Photodiode PIN-Field Effect Transistor


Output Power




Supervisory Channel Demultiplexer


Supervision an Control Module; Supervisory Channel Multiplexer


Synchronous Digital Hierarchy


Single Homing


Shelf House Keeping


Simple Network Management Protocol


Synchronous Transmission Mode-level N


Transimpedance Amplifier


Temperature Controller


Transmission Control Protocol


Thermoelectric Cooler


2R Transponder


3R Transponder


3R Transponder with FEC


Terminal Supervisory Channel


Transistor-Transistor Logic




Variable Gain Amplifier


Wavelength Division Multiplexing

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Chapter 9: Abbreviations, Acronyms and References

9.2 References
1 EN 300 386: Electromagnetic compatibility and radio spectrum matters (ERM); Telecommunication network
equipment; Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) requirements
2 EN 50081 Class B: Electromagnetic compatibility - Generic emission standard
3 EN 50082 Class B: Electromagnetic compatibility - Generic immunity standard
4 EN 5022 Class B: Limits and methods of measurement of radio disturbance characteristics of information
technology equipment
5 EN 55022 Class B: Information technology equipment - Radio disturbance characteristics - Limits and
methods of measurement
6 ETSI ETS 300 019: Environmental conditions and environmental tests for telecommunications equipment
7 ETSI ETS 300 119: European telecommunication standard for equipment practice
8 ETSI ETS 300 132: Power supply interface at the input to telecommunications equipment
9 ETSI ETS 300 253: Earthing and bonding of telecommunication equipment in telecommunication centres
10 ETSI ETS 300 385: Radio equipment and systems (RES); Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) standard
for digital fixed radio links and ancillary equipment with data rates at around 2 Mbit/sec and above
11 ETSI ETS 300 386-1: Electro-Magnetic Compatibility (EMC) requirements
12 ETSI ETS 300 386-2: Electro-Magnetic Compatibility (EMC) requirements
13 ETSI ETS 300 417-1-1: Transmission and Multiplexing (TM); Generic requirements of transport functionality
of equipment; Part 1-1: Generic processes and performance
14 ETSI ETS 300 753: Acoustic noise emitted by telecommunications equipment
15 FCC part 15 Class A or Class B
16 GR1312CORE Generic Requirements for OFAs and Proprietary DWDM Systems
GR-2979-CORE Generic Requirements for Optical Add-Drop Multiplexers (OADMs) and Optical Terminal
Multiplexers (OTMs)
18 IEC 60417: Graphical symbols for use on equipment
19 IEC 60825-1: Safety of Laser Products - Part 1: Equipment classification, requirements and user's guide
20 IEC 60950-1: Information technology equipment - Safety
21 ISO 3864: Graphical symbols - Safety colors and safety signs
22 ITU-T G.650: Definition and test methods for the relevant parameters of single-mode fibers
23 ITU-T G.652: Characteristics of a single-mode optical fibre and cable
24 ITU-T G.653: Characteristics of a dispersion-shifted single-mode optical fibre cable
25 ITU-T G.654: Characteristics of a cut-off shifted single-mode optical fibre and cable
26 ITU-T G.655: Characteristics of a non-zero dispersion-shifted single-mode optical fibre and cable
27 ITU-T G.661: Definition and test methods for relevant generic parameters of optical amplifier
devices and subsystems
28 ITU-T G.662: Generic characteristics of optical amplifiers devices and subsystems

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Chapter 9: Abbreviations, Acronyms and References

29 ITU-T G.663: Application related aspects of optical amplifier devices and subsystems
30 ITU-T G.664: Optical safety procedures and requirements for optical transport systems

ITU-T G.665: Generic characteristics of Raman amplifiers and Raman amplified subsystems
ITU-T G.666: Characteristics of PMD compensators and PMD compensating receivers


ITU-T G.671: Transmission characteristics of optical components and subsystems

34 ITU-T G.691: Optical interfaces for single channel STM-64 and other SDH systems with optical amplifiers
35 ITU-T G.692: Optical interfaces for multichannel systems with optical amplifiers
36 ITU-T G.694.1: Spectral Grids for WDM Applications: DWDM Frequency Grid
37 ITU-T G.694.2: Spectral Grids for WDM Applications: CWDM Frequency Grid
38 ITU-T G.696.1: Intra-domain DWDM applications
39 ITU-T G.697: Optical monitoring for DWDM systems
40 ITU-T G.698.1: Multichannel DWDM applications with single channel optical interfaces
41 ITU-T G.703: Physical/Electrical Characteristics of Hierarchical Digital Interfaces
42 ITU-T G.707/Y.1322: Network node interface for the synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH)
43 ITU-T G.709: Interfaces for the Optical Transport Network

ITU-T G.783 - Characteristics of Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH) Equipment Functional Blocks


ITU-T G.798: Characteristics of Optical Transport Network Hierarchy Equipament Funcional Blocks
46 ITU-T G.803: Architecture of transport networks based on the synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH)
47 ITU-T G.8201: Error performance parameters and objectives for multi-operator international paths within the
Optical Transport Network (OTN)
48 ITU-T G.823: The control of jitter and wander within digital networks which are based on the 2048 kbit/s
49 ITU-T G.825: The control of jitter and wander within digital networks which are based on the synchronous
digital hierarchy (SDH)
50 ITU-T G.8251: The control of jitter and wander within the optical transport network (OTN)
51 ITU-T G.826: End-to-end error performance parameters and objectives for international constant bit rate
digital paths and connections
52 ITU-T G.827: Availability performance parameters and objectives for end-to-end international constant bit
rate digital paths
53 ITU-T G.871: Framework for Optical Transport Network Recommendations
54 ITU-T G.872: Architecture of Optical Transport Networks
55 ITU-T G.873.1: Optical Transport Network (OTN): linear protection
56 ITU-T G.874: Management Aspects of the Optical Transport Network
57 ITU-T G.957: Optical interfaces for equipments and systems relating to the synchronous digital hierarchy
58 ITU-T G.959.1: Optical Networking Physical Layer Interfaces

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