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CAE part 4 Gapped Sentences

The factory was on the ________ of the valley
A river runs through the centre of the village with the church on one ________ and
the market place on the other.
Julia was lying on her ________ on the bed.
Susan is not the ________ to get annoyed.
Open up the accounts database, and ________ in the amount of each order.
Your hair ________ requires a specific shampoo.
Ferguson planned to broaden its product ________ to include internet telephones.
Joan hoped that the others were out of ________ of her mother's voice.
Prices ________ from around 10 for a basic keyboard, to 50 for an ergonomic one.
Barbara Molland had found the box in a ________ that stood under the window in
Kate's room.
As the phrase suggests, a main ________ of cables splits off into branches which
supply individual subscribers.
The enormous tree ________ provided a home for rich colony of bird and insect life.
But the re-organisation means the ________ is now on the other foot as far as money
is concerned.
I wouldn't like to be stuck down a dark alley at night with whoever put the ________
in here.
This can be accessed even if the machine won't ________ up correctly.
He is an expert in this ___________ .
The army was in the __________ awaiting action.
How many players are on the __________ for each football team?
A new ________ of practice governing the advertising of tobacco products is being
It ran contrary both to his upbringing and personal ________ of behaviour that men
should show emotion.
The source ________ and documentation will be available to developers.
I can't believe that Colin doesn't ________ like sport.
Families somehow survived, ________ as they were being torn apart by the war.
Once in a while why not take advantage of the smooth, ________ surface to
concentrate on your control and technique?

We sat and talked by the ________ of the fire.
They set out at first ________ for the summit.
These discoveries may throw new ________ on the origins of man.
The cliff ________ was starting to crumble into the sea.
I don't know how I'm going to ________ her after what happened.
The Wasps ________ the Hornets in two weeks.
He's got a wife and five children to __________ .
Mike turned to crime to ___________ his habit.
There was simply no evidence to ________ such a theory.
His new job will ________ travelling all over the world.
It was ________ of him not to invite her.
The study involved 60 patients with a ________ age of 58.2 years.
He was a dedicated and great leader yet he lacked the _________ touch.
If she has any ________ sense, shell leave him.
All those insects are as __________ as dirt around here.
The ________ thing about him is that he never eats in the evening
She takes the ________ day off work.
We've got a few ________ jobs to do this weekend.
I seem to have lost the ________ with all my personal records on it.
Today is the deadline for self-employed people to ________ their tax returns.
We walked in single ________ along the path.
A good diet and fitness ________ a large part in helping people live longer.
So far, the company has refused to ________ ball, preferring to remain independent.
Rain stopped ________ after only an hour.
The animal was so clever that it seemed almost ___________ .
His speeches lack the ___________ touch.
It's important to understand what we are as ___________ beings.
He is a tall, clumsy-looking boy with two ________ feet
How much milk is ________ in the fridge?
All that's now ________ to show for our hard work is an empty office.

He was a dedicated and great leader yet he lacked the ___________ touch.
If she has any __________ sense, she'll leave him.
All those insects are as ________ dirt around here.
I need to ________ 5 pounds if I am to fit inside my suit.
It's an awful thing to ________ someone dear to you.
You might as well go for it - you've got nothing to ________ in any case.
At the age of 17, he went ________ the building trade as an apprentice.
Eight ________ twenty-four is three.
I'm really ________ folk music.
It's just a ________ to them. They don't care what happens.
John gave the ________ away by laughing when Jim walked in.
We've been in this ________ for twenty years.
She had to __________ out after the first round because she broke her leg.
Can we _______________ the subject please?
When youre in Italy ___________ a line, wont you?
I invited them to ________ us for dinner.
A lot of people want to ________ the club, so there's a long waiting list.
Her parents are going to London next week and she will ________ them later.

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