February 2015 Trinity Trumpet

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Trinity United

Methodist Church

Trinity Trumpet

February 2015

Dear Members and Friends of Trinity UMC:

Dr. Robert Lamont, a Presbyterian pastor writes; "When I was a schoolboy
we would occasionally see a turtle on a fence post, and when we did, we
knew someone had put him there. He didn't get there by himself. That is how
I see my own life. I'm a turtle on a fence post."

Inside This Issue

Health Outreach Ministry

Parish Nurse

Christian Education

Ask the Rev!

Joseph was a man who did not get there all alone. How often, in his Egyptian
chariot or his opulent surroundings, he must have sat back, closed his eyes,
and reflected on his humble beginnings. His brothers who were so jealous
they thought about ending his life. The sold him into slavery. He served as a
slave and was then imprisoned because he was falsely accused of rape. Now
he is second in command of a nation. What an incredible turn around in his
life! How faithful of God . . . how gracious!

Confirmation Information

New Member Class

Bible Studies

Trinity College Scholarships

Moses was a man who did not get there all alone. As leader of the Israelites,
he surely awoke many a morning in the wilderness shaking his head in disbelief, remembering his murderous and monotonous past. How gracious of God
to have elevated him to lead those ancient Israelites to freedom.

Stories from the Basement

Recipe of the Month

Church Calendar

The Bible is filled with stories of one person after another who knew that his
or her success, position of power, authority, or promotion was not purely the
result of their efforts. It was the result of the help of others and most of all
holy God.

Gideon was a man who did not get there all alone. Remember his response to
the angel when he was informed that he was to be commander of the Israelite
troops? "Sir, how can I save Israel? My family is the poorest in the whole
tribe of Manasseh, and I am the least thought of in the entire family!" (Judges.
The next time you are tempted to think that I got there all alone, I recommend the prophet's counsel: "Listen to me, you who pursue righteousness,
who seek the Lord: Look to the rock from which you were hewn and to the
quarry from which you were dug" (Isaiah 51:1). Think about the quarry from
which you were dug and all, especially holy God, who have given of themselves in gracious and generous ways to help you become who you are today.

See you in Church,

George R, Patterson, MDiv.
Senior Pastor

News and Notes

11, 12, 15

UMW News




Membership News


Thank You Notes


District Ash Wednesday Service

Asbury United Methodist Church
1401 Camden Avenue
March 18, 2015
7:00 p.m.
Message by District Superintendent, Rev. Fred Duncan


Health Month

Health Outreach Ministry

Dr. Dot Baker

February is National Heart Health Month. What are the issues? Why should we be concerned?
Heart and blood vessel diseases are the #1 killer of American men and women. More die of heart diseases than of cancer and lung diseases. About 83 million (one in three) Americans live with heart diseases. About 2,145 Americans die each day with them (about 1 every 40 seconds). So, what can we
do? Read about some simple steps to work on your heart health.

Stop smoking --- Smoking causes diseases and can harm/kill you and others. Make an agreement with
yourself to stop. Get information about programs & medications from your healthcare provider or local
health department. Ask your family & friends to support you. Find resources @ smokefree.gov and each
state has a 1-800-Quit Now phone line and program.

Get regular blood pressure checks and medical check-ups Take your medicines as prescribed --Use appointment and medicine reminders such as a calendar, note pad, pill box, or alarm wristwatch. Also, be sure to take other medicines for diabetes and cholesterol control as prescribed.
Maintain your optimal physical body --- Strive for a healthy weight and ability to move well. Improve
your eating habits. Check with your healthcare provider and registered dietitian for help. Cut down on
saturated fat, trans fat, sugar, & salt. Eat fruits, vegetables, cereals, beans, pasta, fish, skinless poultry, lean meats, and whole grains. Broil, bake, grill, or roast the meats. Avoid frying in oil. Use low/fatfree milk. Be active (check with your healthcare provider for ok). Physical activity reduces risk of
heart attack and helps control weight, blood pressure, & stress. Begin slowly & build up to a total of 3060 minutes on most or all days of the week. Walk 10-15 minutes during breaks or after meals.

Relax --- God calls us to take some time apart. Use 15-20 minutes to sit quietly, breathe deeply,
think about a peaceful scene and reflect on Gods goodness. Try to avoid (or at least decrease) situations that upset you. Consider using a more positive response to difficult situations. Increase your
physical activity it naturally helps you relax & improves your mood and the way that you feel about

Learn m ore --- (1) Take a list of questions/comments to your healthcare provider. (2) Heart disease
visit heart.org or call 1-800-242-8721. (3) Stroke visit StrokeAssociation.org or call 1-888-4787653. (4) Heart Truth for Women @ http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/educational/hearttruth/
These sites have a number of fact sheets, education booklets, and tools to help you and your family
determine your risk factors.

Scripture states that we need a thankful and clean heart and a caring spirit.
Begin your Heart Health plan today.
Sources: American Heart Association, Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, Heart Foundation, Smokefree.gov

Carolyn Lewis, RN

Another year is starting and already we have had some

bitter cold weather, snow and ice.
It is wonderful to watch the snow fall, but another thing
to have to get out and shovel snow and try to walk or
drive on ice. It is important to stay tuned to the weather
information when bad weather is predicted, and they will
make predictions of what precautions are needed before
leaving the warmth of your home or office. Cold weather
and improper heating equipment can be deadly so please
be careful with all the equipment you use for staying
Staying safe and avoiding carbon monoxide poisoning.
Brrr you know its cold outside when schools are canceling classes and your Facebook friends are posting pictures of thermometers.
With the arctic-like temperatures outside, families are
likely doing everything they can to keep warm both inside their houses and in their cars. But its also a good
time to keep in mind the importance of carbon monoxide
(CO) safety.
Carbon monoxide is appropriately dubbed the silent killer: it is invisible, odorless, tasteless, and non-irritating.
Initial signs and symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning
include vomiting, dizziness, headache, and confusion,
which can be mistaken for the flu. More serious complications are loss of consciousness, nerve damage, permanent disability and even death. Essentially carbon monoxide blocks our bodys ability to absorb oxygen, and thus,
has the same effect as suffocation.
Potential sources of CO exposure include furnaces, water
heaters, and gasoline-powered equipment like generators,
snow blowers and water pumps; gas ranges to heat the
entire house; kerosene heaters; and inappropriate use of
cooking equipment, such as charcoal grills and camping
stoves inside the house.
The most common time of year that carbon monoxide is a
concern is in the beginning of fall, when families turn on
their furnaces for the first time. The chimney flue should
be cleared of obstructions to make sure that carbon monoxide has a clear exit from the house.
But now that were in the throes of winter subzero temperatures no less there are a couple other carbon monoxide safety measures to keep in mind.
Families might be placing space heaters in bedrooms for
extra warmth at night. Please keep in mind that some
space heaters contain kerosene, butane or propane, which
can emit carbon monoxide. These devices need to be
properly maintained to ensure that only a safe amount of
carbon monoxide is emitted. If you have the option, an
electric space heater is the safer choice.

To ensure the safety of those in your home, it is imperative to have a carbon monoxide detector. The most effective detectors have battery backup in case of power outages and digital peak concentration readouts. For the best
prevention, make sure to have a detector at least 15 feet
from each bedroom.
Because of the bitter cold, many of us are also letting our
cars warm up before driving them. While its tempting to
let the engine run while its still parked in the garage, take
the extra step to pull it out before letting the car run while
parked. Simply opening the garage door does not create
enough ventilation to remove the carbon monoxide that is
released from your cars exhaust.
If you suspect that you or someone in your family is
showing symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning, get
away from the source of the exposure and contact your
Drug and Poison Information Center immediately at 1800-222-1222.
Stay warm and stay safe!

Thank you for all our faithful volunteers who provide
desserts and meals for our church families in a time of
need. We still need additional volunteers who are willing
to bake or fix meals for families at the time of a difficult
time for a family. If you didnt sign up, then please call
the church office and leave me a message.
Thank you all for your participation in our January
lunch bunch, since we had to move it from Wednesday to
Thursday due to weather conditions. That is a first in the
12 years we have been doing this program that we have
had to change it due to weather.
Our next luncheon will be on February 11 at 11:30
a.m. and our guest speaker will be Dr. Mark Edney. We
hope that you will come and share a time of food, devotion and interesting message from Dr. Edney. Please
make your reservations no later than February 9 by calling the church office.

Christian Education
by Janal Walton
Director of Childrens Ministries


Seasons of the Church===A. C. E. and L.E.P. what are they?
A.=______________---this season is well marked in the church with a wreath with 5 candles. Each candle
represents a week we prepare for the Christmas season. The theme of those weeks are H-hope, P-Peace, JJoy (only pink candle!), L-Love and the white Christ candle light on Christmas Eve.
C.=______________---this season lasts 12 days just like our favorite song. We celebrate Christs birthday.
E.=______________---this season we think of the wise man baring gifts for the Christ child and Jesus
Baptism, which is the beginning of his 3+ years of his ministry.
L.=______________---this season gives us time to prepare of Easter.
E.=______________---this season we remember the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
P.=______________---this season represent the beginning of the church and the spreading of the gospel.
ANSWERS-------(, Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, Easter, Pentecost)
We are in the season of ___________ -(hint- 3rd one in this list) Rev. Dale gave a sermon on this season!
In Sunday school we are studying the scripture: 1 John 4-9 This is how the love of God is revealed
to us: God has sent his only son into the world so that we can live through him. This has led us to a
new unit called Touched by Jesus. We have talked about people whom Jesus touched and impacted in a variety of ways. Sometimes they were healed, and sometimes they were treated with acceptance. No matter
what or how it happened, whenever Jesus encountered someone, that persons life was changed forever. He
was always working to grow and advance Gods kingdom for Gods glory.
We have studied a synagogue leader named Jairus and the death of his daughter (Mark 5:21-24, 3543). Jairus witnessed as Jesus said Talitha, koun, which means, Young woman, get up. At the touch
and words of Jesus, she was healed and began to walk around normally. In Luke 17:11-19, in the story of
the 10 lepers, Jesus was signaling the availability of a relationship with God for all people. Only one leper
came back to express his gratitude personally. He fell on his face at Jesus feet and thanked him (17:16).
This is a picture of the way we all should react when Jesus touches our lives, with thankfulness and worship.

Arent we blessed as Christians, that Jesus has touched each our daily lives!


If you have a biblical /religious question, call the church office and have it answered
This month we have a two part question concerning the crucifixion of Jesus.
Q. What does it mean when Jesus bowed His head and gave up the ghost at the end
of the crucifixion?
The term gave up the ghost is an expression of death. Ghost is another word for spirit, and so this term refers to Jesus spirit leaving his body: what we call death.
Q. What does it mean when it says that in fulfilling prophecy, none of Jesus bones would be broken at his
The last plague that God brought against Egypt because they would not let the Israelites leave was the killing
of the first born son of every household. For the Israelites to escape this plaque, God gave them a beautiful
object lesson on the plan of salvation. They were to take and kill a lamb and put the blood of that lamp on the
doorpost of their house: at the top of the door way and on the two sides. In this way God was showing them
that He would give His son to die for their salvation, and that Jesus would be crucified with blood at the top of
the cross (from his bleeding skull) and at the two sides with his wounded hands. In Exodus 12:46 this lamb
that was slain, was not to have any of its bones broken. Once again this was showing the pattern of Jesus
death on the cross. It was customary for the Romans to break the bones of those being crucified. This would
increase their pain, but also hasten their death. At Jesus crucifixion when the soldiers came and broke the
bones of the two thieves crucified with Jesus, they realized that Jesus was already dead and so did not break
His bones. This was another sign that Jesus was the perfect Lamb of God that would deliver all of us from sin
and death. Just as the lambs slain in Egypt represented the Israelites salvation, Jesus death on the cross
shows that He represents the perfect lamb that brings all of us salvation, if we just accept Him as our Savior.

Ask the Rev is a Trumpet newsletter feature where Rev. DeFino will answer your questions on the Bible, doctrine or religious beliefs and events. Send or call your questions into the church office and they will be answered in future issues. Have a question? Ask the Rev!!!

Psalms: Israels Hymnal

The Tuesday Afternoon Bible Study continues every
Tuesday at 1:00 p.m. and the Berean Adult Sunday
School class continues at 10:45 a.m. every Sunday.
In both of these classes, which meet in room 303 of
the JMB, we are exploring the nature of ancient mideast poetry and the fascinating prophetic words from
a variety of authors in this popular yet often misunderstood book of Psalms. We will resume the Tuesday Bible study on Febr uar y 10, 2015 and the
Sunday School class on February 8, 2015. We begin
this semester with Psalm 119, the longest chapter in
the Bible and explore the Hebrew alphabet which
labels the 22 eight verse sections.

Hebrews: The Foundation of the

Christian Faith
The Wednesday Night Bible Study is back beginning February 4, and continues every Wednesday at
6:30 p.m. in the Sanctuary with the definitive book
of the doctrine and base of the Christian Faith: Hebrews. This book shows the supremacy of Jesus, and
that He is the fulfillment of the Jewish prophecies
concerning the Messiah.

New Members Class begins April 12

New members class will be held April 12, April 19,
April 26, May 3, and May 10. New members will be
received May 17 at the 9:30 service.
Please contact the church office if you would like to
participate. 410-749-5562.

Confirmation Class
Sunday, January 18March 22
All classes are from 9:15 a.m. to
10:45 a.m. on Sundays in room 303 of the JMB. Confirmation Sunday will be held on March 29 at the 9:30 service.

College Scholarships for 2015

The Board of Trustees has scholarship applications available for current high school
seniors who plan to pursue a college education. The applications may be picked up in
the church office and should be returned by Monday, March 30.
The following persons have established scholarships or given funds to support Trinitys scholarship program:
Janice Taylor Burns Scholarship
The Janice Taylor Burns Scholarship Award was established in September, 1986 by Mr. and Mrs. Reese
Taylor in memory of their daughter who, in her youth, was an active member of Trinity United Methodist
Church and graduated from Wicomico Senior High School.
Rutland and Daisy Beard Scholarship
The Rutland and Daisy Beard Scholarship Award was established in June 1996 by Michael W. and LaVara
Paal, in memory of Rutland and Daisy Beard of Catonsville, Maryland. This award recognizes their philanthropic activities and interest in the education of our youth.
Irene Collins Scholarship
The Irene Collins Scholarship was established in January of 2004 by Mrs. Irene Collins. The scholarship
monies are made possible by the interest earned on the principal that was funded completely by Mrs. Collins.
Frances Elizabeth Lang (2006)
Lucy Tull Dulany by bequest (2007)
The funds for the scholarship awards are made possible through the interest earned on an endowment fund established by the donors and administered by the Trinity United Methodist Church Board of Trustees, through
the Community Foundation of the Eastern Shore.
The Criteria for the Awards:
1. The student must be a member of Trinity United Methodist Church and regularly attend Sunday School
and participate in youth programs.
2. The student must successfully complete a Wicomico County or other secondary school and be accepted
into an accredited two or four year college program.
3. The student must display traits of good citizenship and conduct both at school and church.
4. The student must display loyal service to their school and church.
5. The student must demonstrate financial need.
6. The award is available to graduating high school seniors and undergraduate college students.
The application for the award shall be made in writing by the date established by the Trinity United
Methodist Church Board of Trustees. The applicant must justify the need in his/her written materials.
The award will not be presented if it is determined that no one is eligible.
The Board of Trustees would like to thank the community of Trinity members for its support and
encouragement of our Trinity youth. Donations or bequests to the scholarship endowment are welcome.

Stories from the Basement

Help and Outreach Point of Entry, Inc.
Donna Clark RN, Director
Recently as I was traveling to the office I encountered a former client at her job. She came to us several years
ago in need of a birth certificate, ID, and guidance through the health care system. She had 3 children and was
just lost in the bureaucracy of community services. I barely remember her and over the last few months have
visited her place of employment almost every week; never remembering that she was a client. Today she was
so happy and shared with me all the blessings she has. Crediting our agency with the first help needed, she
now has a full time job, a good husband, and a home. They were able to spend money and get all 5 of their
children gifts for Christmas. The children are also enrolled in an after school program and that agency provided Christmas gifts. Then she added that a church in the community provided what was needed for a Christmas
Walking away from that encounter I felt that God was smiling down on us. I began to remember folks we have
helped in the past and those who reconnected to let us know how much we have helped them. The homeless
man with cancer who , although he is still fighting the disease, came back to thank us for helping him get
health insurance and health care in the beginning of his trials. There was the lady who lived in camps for years
but became too old to continue to survive in the woods. We helped her get an ID (one of our biggest challenges ever) and she was able to begin to collect benefits and obtain mental health care which ultimately led to
housing and wellness. Then there is the man living in the woods with his dog who comes to see us every day
we are open just to feel a part of a family. As I take the time to think about those we have served there are
many success stories but, to the average observer they were small successes. I believe that as long as we continue to do as God guides us and use the tools He gives us we are more successful than we could ever dream
We at Help and Outreach Point of Entry, Inc. hope each of you had a Joyous and Merry Christmas and will
have a Safe and Happy New Year.


3 cups of scalded milk
5 eggs
1/3 cup sugar
tsp. salt
1 tsp. vanilla
Nutmeg or cinnamon to taste
Heat milk till hot but not boiling. Beat eggs with an electric mixer until light and fluffy and
sugar and beat until well blended. Slowly add hot milk to egg mixture and then add vanilla. Pour into a butter greased 2
qt. baking dish and then sprinkle with nutmeg or cinnamon and place in a hot water bath and bake in a preheated 325
degree oven until set. It will take 1 to 1 hours for the custard to set.
Let cool in water bath for about 30 minutes and then remove and enjoy. If you refrigerate the custard make sure to cover
the custard with saran wrap laid directly over the custard to reduce the amount of watering that might take place.

February 2015










8, 9:30, 11am
Confirmation Class

1:30pm UMW
6:30pm FitMinded
Exercise Class

No Youth Group

8, 9:30, 11am
Confirmation Class


1pm Bible Study

6:30 pm Hebrew

1pm UMW

12pm Pastors
1pm UMW Ruth
6:30pm Bible

7pm Moms in




Handbell Choir
6:30pm MOPS
Sanctuary Choir


11:30am Lunch
1pm Bible Study

4pm Youth Group

6:30pm FitMinded
Exercise Class
6:30 pm Hebrew

15 Newsletter
Articles Due
8, 9:30, 11am
Confirmation Class
4pm Youth Group


8, 9:30, 11am

Confirmation Class
4pm Youth Group

Church Office
(Banks Closed)
1pm Bible Study
6:30pm FitMinded
Exercise Class
6:30 pm Hebrew


6:30pm Bible

7pm Moms in



Joseph House

7pm Moms in


No Bible Study
7pm Worship



Handbell Choir
Sanctuary Choir







8am UMM

Handbell Choir
6:30 MOPS
Sanctuary Choir


Mail Trumpet

10am Pine Bluff


1pm Bible Study

6:30pm FitMinded
Exercise Class
6:30 pm Hebrew

7pm Moms in

6:30pm Bible

Handbell Choir
Sanctuary Choir

Patricia Leonard
Lori Menzel
Logan Olds
Bruce Ritchie
Erich Wieland


name does not appear on 7 this list it does not mean
that we do not have you as
a Trinity member. It only
means that we do not have 8 your birth date. Please give
the church office a call
with any additions to, or
corrections of this list.






Paul Burns
Dara Gregory
Lindsey Hill
Olivia Paradis
Karen Albright
James Berkman
Susan Hillman
Bill Knopf
Haley Lowe
Lisa Lynch
Susan Martin
Dylan Moore
Emily Moore
Marjorie Reading
Cole Dempsey
Terri East
Debra Giles
Carol Hardaway
Tracy Jones
Laura Lawson
Karen Lischick
Audra Phippin
Franklin Stevens
Caleb Thamert
Kailey Thamert
Richard Ferro
Gordon Gladden
Lauren Laws
Calvin Snyder

Camilla Disharoon
Bill Doyle
Barbara Horsey
Sarah Kelley
Sally Lambert

10 -

11 -

12 -

13 -

Tim Emge
Ed Godfrey
Amanda Hurley
Matea Moore
Wayne Phillips

14 -

Taylor Mooney
Samuel Pope
Jamie Tregoe
Chelsie Webster
Harold White

15 -

Bryan Ashby
Ellen DiCintio
William Guy
William Kniceley
Terry Nyquist
Frehiwot Smith

Bill Green
Michael Vorhis
Sana Waller

16 -

Katie Ayd
Ann Bailey
Samantha Glenn
Tyler Howard
Janet OBrien

Arielle Hamilton
David Rivello
Kelli Thomas
Jessica Zockoll
Michael Zockoll

17 -

Hunter Esham
John Herweh
Chloe Mason
Ryan Psota

Ciara Berry
Ryan Deysher
Shawn Elder
Orion Hinman
18 Cindy Jenkins
Ashley Lopez
Tony Sarbanes
19 Amy Shockley
Jane Vickers
Rodney Warwick
Laurie Davies
Janet Fox
Linn Hickman
McLean Oakeson
Olivia Owens
Kelley Barbre
Fran Hastings
Alex Hearne
Laura King
Joyce Marvel
Bruce Rayne
Colin Thorsten
Zachary Dickerson
Kibble Kessick
Carlie Marvel
Denise McJilton
Nancy Moore
Luke Pitsenbarger
Adam Stanley
Samuel Bilski
Kristen Chandler
Gail Fowler
Jennifer Hamilton
Kristy McIntyre
Christian Payne
Kaye Reichenberg
Kelly Stewart
John Swartz, Sr.
David Taylor

Vicki Jackson
Jack Nelson
Jay Pearce
Jessica Billard
Hal Chernoff
Frank DelGaudio IV
Eric Fowlkes
Linda Lackie
Tyler Post
Katrina Thorsten

20 -

Daniel Gregory
Allison Pittman
Bobbie Thamert
Alaina Vickers

21 -

Christopher Elburn
Todd Fishburn
Shawn Gray
Jack Harris
Timothy Pryor
Carol Sherwood

22 -

Gee Dunsten
Olive Fowlkes
Jane Kitzrow
Matthew Mann
Richard Meeks
Carter Nelson
Lyndsey Plymale

23 -

Grace Abercrombie
Lydia Crockett
Alan Johnson

24 -

Ginny Denayer
Luke Dunne
Patti Routenberg

25 -

David Corry
Sadie Guy
Michael Harmon
Janice Harrington
James Hearn
Elizabeth Ireland
Priscilla Timpken
John Tull

26 -

Beth Henderson
Stuart Leer
Jenni Luppens
Caitlin McCain
Jason Pearce
Claire Rollins
Robert Taylor
Whitney Thompson
Ellen Turner

27 -

Lynn Douse
Karen Rickards

28 -

Liberty Herweh
Sol Smith
Scott Thorpe

29 -

Elliott Gray
Kay Mauzy
Jeffery Titus



Community Emergency Shelter Project

Launched in 2005, The Community Emergency Shelter Project is a faith based effort using local church congregations on a rotating basis to provide safe, temporary,
emergency, overnight shelter and hospitality to homeless
adult males in the Salisbury area during the cold weather

To ensure that we can maximize the number of announcements that appear in the Sunday bulletin, where
space is limited, all bulletin announcements must be limited to no greater than six lines. If you have any questions, please contact the church office at (410) 749-5562.

This year, Trinity will be hosting the homeless from

March14 to the 28. Many volunteers are needed to fulfill
various roles during this mission. Sign up sheets will be
available at all services. Please bring your calendar and
choose a time to help us. Questions? Please call Ron
Boltz at 443-614-2461.


T.A. Phillips
Trinity continues to wonderfully support this program. Since July 2009, we have exceeded $1.3 M value of
coupons. We mailed November 2014 coupons to U.S. Army, Okinawa, Japan and December 2014 coupons to U.S. Air
Force, Okinawa, Japan.
HELPFUL TIPS: Please do not tear the coupon booklets apar t. Leave the booklets fastened together
just like they arrive in the newspaper. If you do cut out the coupons: cut them into single coupons not in strips.
Please do not staple or roll the coupons with a rubber band.
As always, thank you for your response to support this mission to military personnel and families who serve
our country.
Report for the Program




Dollar Value ($) of


Grand Total
Number of
Coupons for

Grand Total
Dollar Value
($) of Coupons
for year













Number of

Grand Total
Dollar Value
($) of Coupons




Jane Bowers Long, President
Starting out with new officers in a new year is a plus! We were so excited to introduce you to them on January 18 at our 9:30
a.m. service.
PresidentFran Hastings
Vice-PresidentSandy Robinson
SecretaryBeryl Whaley
TreasurerJill McCabe
Mission Coordinators: Spiritual GrowthMarlene Waller, Social ActionJane Long, Education and InterpretationSylvia
Robertson, and Membership Nurture and OutreachJane Ford.
We feel our nominating committee of Kay Crouse, Virginia Denayer and Mildred Palmer did a great job.
We will be having a General Meeting on January 21 to decide how we are going to continue our mission program. There will
probably be some changes that we will report on next month.

How does this home fit into Trinity history?

403 North Division Street, Salisbury

Trinity UMC Group Membership with the Blood Bank of Delmarva

Health Outreach Ministry
The Blood Bank of Delmarvas mission is to serve our community by meeting the needs of patients,
hospitals, and members for safe, high quality blood products and related services.
If you are an individual member or are not a member at all join the Trinity UMC group. There are no
membership dues. Anyone can join even if you cannot give blood yourself. Obtain a group membership
application at the usher counters in the back of the church or call the church office 410-749-5562.
BECOME a Blood Bank member and PROTECT yourself & your family


Oodles of Noodles

Februarys Food theme is Oodles of Noodles!!! Any food item with noodles or pasta and sauce would be
very much appreciated and goes directly to the Lazarus Food Pantry to help feed the hungry in our community! In addition to the pasta and sauce, the food pantry still needs certain foods to supplement its government
food, including: cereal and other breakfast food, tuna and chicken helper, peanut butter and jelly, canned soups
and vegetables, and ready to eat meat items. They also have an ongoing need for large size diapers, especially
sizes 4, 5, and 6, as well as mens and womens personal hygiene items such as shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrushes, deodorant, soap, lotions, razors and shaving crme, and chap stick. As of the end of December 2014,
the total number of donations to the Lazarus Food Pantry, since starting this program in 2005, is 64,910 items.
We can be very proud of what we are doing there.
Trinity members continue to feed the hungry and homeless at the Joseph House on the third Wednesday of
every month. We serve hot meals including seconds to all in our community, who are very grateful! Our next
day to serve is Wednesday, February 18.
On December 6, Trinity volunteers served a hot meal, at Gods Kitchen, of por k r oast, mashed potatoes,
and greens to 150 hungry men, women and children at the Grace United Methodist. Our next date to serve at
God Kitchen is scheduled for May 9. If you ar e inter ested in helping please feel fr ee to contact me.
If you are interested in helping with any of these service projects, please feel free to call me at (240) 344-6194.
Thank you again for your GENEROUS and CONTINUOUS support of ALL Trinitys mission pr ojects!
Ric Bloodsworth
Missions Chairperson
(240) 344-6194

Two Fundraisers to Support Salisbury Urban Ministries

First Fundraiser: Keep S.U.M. in mind the next time you shop AmazonSmile. Amazon will donate 0.5%
of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to S.U.M. whenever you shop on AmazonSmile. AmazonSmile is the same Amazon you know; same products, same prices, same service.
Second Fundraiser: Schwans Home Delivery/Schwans Cares. When you order by February 19, 20% of the
product and 40% of the e-certificate sales will go back to S.U.M. Two ways to do this:
Order Online: Visit Schwans Cares.com; enter Campaign ID: 17732 in the search box in the upper right
hand corner and click to open campaign; click Buy Now to purchase an e-Gift or Shop Now to place a
product order.
Order by Phone: Call 1-855-870-7208 and provide Campaign 17732.


Membership News

Peninsula Delaware Conference

Salisbury District

October 11, 2014
Lila Eve Hooper
Daughter of Pierce & Paula Hooper
December 13, 2014
Addison Mae Laws
Daughter of Matthew & Lauren Laws
December 13, 2014
Evan Anthony Weeg
Son of Brian & Pamela Weeg
December 14, 2104
Emilla Kathryn Senkbeil
Daughter of Eric & Kaytlyn Senkbeil
Maternal Grandparents: Emil & Lauren Paul
Paternal Grandparents: Edward & Eleanor Senkbeil
Great-Grandparents: Emil & Kathryn Johnson, Betty Paul
Godparents: Dan & Brita Ayd; Adam & Erin Dudley
December 21, 2014
Samuel Aaron Evans
Son of Joseph & Sarah Evans
Maternal Grandparents: Bob & Susan Moore
Paternal Grandparents: Joseph & Terri Evans
Great-Grandparents: Frank & Jean Toth
Godparents: Jake & Amy Chandler
January 11, 2015
Lila Eve Hooper
Daughter of Pierce & Hannah Hooper
Maternal Grandparents: Guinn & Tamala Paxton
Paternal Grandparents: Curtis & Paula Hooper
Maternal Great-Grandmother: Maria Hottel
Paternal Great-Grandparents: Ralph & Patricia Hooper;
William & Barbara Twilley
December 4, 2014
Louise W. Moore
December 27, 2014
Edward Sylvester Freshwater, Jr.

Rev. Peggy Johnson

Peninsula Delaware Conference
Rev. Frederick W. Duncan
Salisbury District
Church Staff
Rev. George R. Patterson, Senior Pastor
Rev. Dean DeFino, Associate Pastor
Rev. Dale Vroman, Associate Pastor
Mr. Zachary Wheeler, Youth Pastor
Mrs. Phyllis Oldham, Sanctuary Choir Director
Mrs. Sarah McCabe, Childrens Choir Director
Mr. David Lawson, Organist
Rev. Harry Gray, Handbell Choir Director
Mrs. Janal Walton, Director of Childrens Ministry
Mrs. Carolyn Lewis, RN, Parish Nurse
Mrs. Tracy Shannahan, CPA, Church Accountant
Mr. Wayne Tull, Sexton
Mrs. Sue Posey, Office Manager
Mrs. Sarah Burton, Riverwalk Organist
Mr. Scott Albright, Video & Sound Technician
Church Leaders
Mrs. Lynne Smoak, Administrative Board Chairperson
Mr. Ron Boltz, Administrative Board Vice-Chairperson
Mr. Tony Sarbanes, Lay Leader
Mr. Bob Moore, Staff Parish Relations Chairperson
Mr. Jim Thomas, Board of Trustees Chairperson
Mr. Bill Hetherington, Finance Committee Chairperson
Mr. Kelly Shannahan, Leadership Development Committee
Mrs. Ellen DiCintio, Treasurer
Committee Leaders
Mr. T. J. Mumford,, Annual Conference Member
Mr. Ric Bloodsworth, Missions Committee Chairperson
Mrs. Carolyn Lewis, Congregational Care Committee
Mrs. Laura Robertson Safe Sanctuary Team Chairperson
Mrs. Vickie Blades, Membership Chairperson
Mrs. Fran Hastings, United Methodist Women President
Mr. Everett Thomas Morton, United Methodist Men
Mrs. Sue Hetherington, Altar Guild President
Dr. Dorothy Baker, Health Outreach Ministry
Mr. Ron Moore, Trinity Trumpet Editor
Mrs. Karen Albright, Video Ministry

January 9, 2015
Edna Ely


Thank you!
We would like to thank you for your kindness and support during our time of sorrow. Our hearts are saddened
by the loss of our mother, Phyllis Campbell. Your prayers have helped us get through this difficult time. We are
all happy in the knowledge that Mom is now where she
longed to be with our Dad. We wish to also send a very
special thank you to Rev. Dale Vroman for his visits with
Mom. She really enjoyed talking and praying with him.
His eulogy for Mom was truly beautiful, and we received
many compliments from our family and friends.
The luncheon provided by the Congregational Care
team was great. The food was delicious. It was a great
relief to know that everything was taken care of, and we
could just concentrate on the funeral and the family and
friends who surrounded us during this difficult time.
On behalf of our family, we thank you for guiding us
through this sorrowful time. Through everyones support
and help, we are able to remember that God is ever present in our lives.
The Campbells
Joyce Townsend and Ray, Mike and Mark Campbell
Thanks for your prayers, cards, calls, and visits during
my recovery. As you know, Ruth Ann and I are one and
you included her.
Jack and Ruth Ann Savage
Lee and I wish to thank Rev. Patterson, the Altar
Guild, and all the ladies who helped prepare lunch for our
family after our Mothers memorial service. Your kindness and encouragement helped us all through this difficult time.
God Bless,
Lee and Joanne Esham

On behalf of Salisbury Urban Ministries, thank

you so much for assisting with the repair of the Lazarus Food Pantrys floor joist. The repair was of
great concern, as well as the cost to make the repair.
With your contacts and financial assistance, the repair is complete! We are so thankful to have such
continued, dedicated support.
Peace and Prayers,
Debbie Donaway
Executive Director
I would like to thank everyone for their cards and
prayers during my recent surgery. I love you all..
Thank you very much.
Tom Morton

What a blessing it is to have such a warm and caring Trinity Church family. I really appreciate all of
the cards, calls, e-mails, and prayers which you gave
me when my brother, Calvin Serman, passed away. A
special thanks to Peggy Pusey for the delicious cake that
she made for me. We really enjoyed it! God Bless you
My love,
Sarah S. Hopkins
There are not enough words for me to express my gratitude for all the love and support I received after the passing of my mother, Miss MiMi. She so loved Trinity.
My family and I were overwhelmed with the outpouring
of affection through cards and phone calls. A special
thank you to my Esther Circle sisters and Rev. Patterson
for helping me get through this difficult journey. I feel so
blessed to be a part of such a caring church.
Ann Stevens and family
To our Trinity family, a big thank you to all who so
graciously helped move our old nursery items from the
church basement over to our beautiful new nursery in the
Parker Building. So thorough, so fast, so complete - you are all so amazing! Thanks to our help, we were able
to have our Moms Morning Out group the following
Wednesday and our church nursery the next Sunday.
Thanks again for your helpfulness.
Trinity Nursery Staff
Caring is healing. Thanks to all my Trinity family and
friends for the cards, notes, and calls during my illness.
Leona Collins


We saw

198 Families
5 Families requesting financial
13 New clients
We distributed 231 Bags of food

Thank you and God Bless!



Salisbury, MD 21801

Trinity United Methodist Church

112 High Street
Salisbury, MD 21801

Visit us on the web at


Return Service Requested

Church: 410-749-5562
FAX: 410-749-8830
E-mail: trinitynet@verizon.net
Office Hours: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Thank You
Dec/Jan Bulletin Folders
Betty Baker
Warren and Joyce Boyce
Judy Briele
Dolly Burkett
Jack and Ann Calloway
Camilla Disharoon
Allison Freshwater
Bonnie Gibson
Bill Horstman
Diane Kencec
Linda Nelson
Sarah Renshaw
Laura Twilley
Barbara Webster

Newsletter Staff
General Editor:
Ron Moore
Mailing Coordinators:
Norman & Barbara Webster


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