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Hassan Ahmed

Hassan Waheed


Tutorial 1 Assignment
The article is discussing the public opinion regarding whether they would
like to see their city, Boston, host Olympics 2024. Majority of the
Massachusetts residents, 55%, support hosting Olympics while 40% oppose
it. A week earlier, Mayor Marty Walsh decided against referendum for 2024
Summer Games before this poll was released. Another question was asked
to the residents if they would support the Olympics if tax dollars were used
and majority, 61%, opposed Bostons bid. The surveys sample size was
1,600 residents and margin of error is 2.45 percentage points. Previously,
the data gathered from the survey conducted in October 2014 had 48
percent of residents supporting a bid, compared with 34 percent opposing
it. Based on the current data, organizers believe they have the public
behind the bid; however, most of the bid details will be released next week
excluding proprietary data since proprietary data would put the city at a
competitive disadvantage.
The basic agenda of the organizers who want the Olympics to happen in the
city want the public to be behind them since IOC considers the residents
opinions into the matter while deciding the winner of Olympic bid. Thus, the
assumption of production of data not affected by organizational politics
would not be valid, as organizers would prefer the poll to favor the support
for the bid. Furthermore, it is possible that Sage would have conducted
selected interviews with the residents that favor the support for the

Hassan Ahmed
Hassan Waheed


Olympics. If people that say yes to the Olympics hosted by Boston, they
will take that answer into the account. Another factor to consider is the
sample size used to conduct the interview, which is relatively low. Due to
the fact there is 55% of the residents favoring the bid, the interview must
be conducted for a larger sample size to a bigger overall picture. It is
important a greater majority show support, at least 60% or more, with a
lesser margin of error. Moreover, the survey is conducted by another party,
Sage, which is overviewed by the IOC committee. In the essay, the author
suggests that the best way to verify such data is to understand how and
why the data was produced. It is of best interests for the committee to
conduct the interview with the residents by the team they assemble,
allowing them to get a clearer picture of the view of public opinions.
One of the main concerns public have is the use of tax money for the
Olympics. The organizers seem too vague on this topic, and since majority
of residents are against the use, they would not like to see Olympics, which
is against the goals of organizers. Organizers seem too keen on the longterm benefits the tournament brings to the city and them. Thus, these
people have agendas and their agendas could affect the data gathered
from the interviews. Thus, another assumption of people behaving
according to the rules is not valid either.
IOC Committee will use the data gathered by Sage since they take a look at
these matters while deciding the host of Olympics. The best way to take
and use the data is first realize how was the data collected, understanding

Hassan Ahmed
Hassan Waheed


the sample size while taking the error margin into account. It is also
important for the committee to realize the agenda of the city into account.
They must conduct their own interview if possible to see if there is any
dishonesty involved. It is important for the committee to realize who
benefits from such tournament and how much. This will let them know how
likely will the organizers manipulate data to see their city host the

LEUNG, S. (2015). Poll: 55 percent support Boston Olympics, 40 percent

oppose. The Boston Globe. [online] Available at: [Accessed 16
Jan. 2015].

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