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From Greece to Britain, there is an alternative...

We can break

he election of the radical anti

austerity coalition Syriza in
Greece is historic. Millions of
ordinary Greek people have suffered
years of cuts and austerity with wages
and pensions slashed and mass
Now they have voted for hope and
change. They have voted to stand up
to the bosses club the Troika of
the International Monetary Fund,
the European Central Bank and the
European Union.
These unelected bureaucrats have
been forcing workers to pay the price
for an economic crisis caused by the
bankers and politicians.
People in Britain can relate to this
feeling. We have experienced the most
sustained squeeze on living standards
since the 1850s.
The Tories are going to make even
nastier attacks if they are re-elected in
May. Their latest plan is to scrap housing
benefit for unemployed people under 21.
So the answer to profiteering landlords
is... to hammer the poorest tenants!
The Tories want to shackle opposition
too. They intend to tighten anti-union
laws even more by outlawing strikes
unless 40 percent of those entitled to
vote have voted for action.
This is rank hypocrisy. If a 40 percent
turnout was required to elect MPs,
how many of them would be sitting in
parliament now?


Despite the attacks we face Labour

refuses to say it will end austerity. They
have pledged to stick to Tory spending
plans if they are elected. That means
cuts and the squeeze on workers pay
and pensions will continue.
The Tories would like us to follow
UKIPs advice and blame migrants and
claimants for the mess were in. Time
and again Labour has failed to stand up
to this rubbish.

in the run up to the election than

putting their members needs first.
Health workers should vote to reject
the deal, and we should argue in every
union that we cant afford to wait until the
general election we have to fight now.

Syrizas victory is a boost to workers everywhere

We cant let our side be divided.

If we blame each other its the
government and the bosses who
benefit. Working class unity is the only
way to beat austerity.
We urgently need resistance to
the attacks we face. On Thursday 29
January half a million health workers
were set to strike against low pay
across the NHS in England, following
earlier successful action.
But the strikes were called off and
a lousy deal that doesnt break the 1
percent pay cap is being offered to
union members! The NHS is a huge
political issue. There is a real chance to
put pressure on the Tories to shift on
health workers pay.
But that opportunity is being
wasted. It seems that some union
leaders are more worried about strikes
embarrassing Ed Miliband and Labour

The election of Syriza should be an

inspiration to all of us. It shows it
is possible to stand up to austerity
although there are still big battles to
come in Greece.
In Britain the Trade Unionist and
Socialist Coalition (TUSC) will be
standing anti-austerity candidates. We
should back them. But we also need to
build a movement of resistance against
austerity on the streets and in every
National demonstration


Stop the scapegoating of immigrants

No to Islamophobia Yes to diversity
No to anti-Semitism
Saturday 21 March, central London
Called by Stand up to Racism
Backed by Unite, Unison, PCS and UAF

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General 28/01/15

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