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DSG workers on strike in Stirling

Strike action wins 1,250 offer

We HAVE pushed DSG

We can push them more

SGs latest offer of a nonconsolidated payment of

1,250 is the result of
more than 700 Unite members at
DSG taking solid strike action for
16 days in the later part of 2014.
Getting a non-consolidated offer
on the table worth over 5.5 percent
for most DSG workers is a great
achievement and it is a testament
to the massive economic impact the
strikes have had on DSG.
The offer shows what can be done
when the fight is taken to the bosses
and workers stay solid. Our union
has given us the backing weve
needed and Unite members have got
behind the union.


Our fight has also been an

inspiration to others in the
movement and everyone that wants
to fight back. We know that from
the support weve had on the picket
lines to the many messages of
Despite whats been achieved
already more could be achieved if
we rejected the offer and carried on
the fight to get a consolidated pay
DSG have threatened to withdraw
the offer if we fight on. They say

that if we take more strike days we

will get a smaller or even no bonus
and less leave than scabs. So if we
decide to keep on fighting then we
will have to take more determined
Our strikes have already seen
magnificent pickets across the
sites and this would have to be
taken further with every striker on
the picket line and even greater
solidarity action from the trade
union movement.


The fight would have to be taken

to Babcock to exert pressure on the
Ministry of Defence bosses to give a
consolidated pay rise.
We would need more campaigning

action like when workers marched

around MoD main building. Imagine
the effect if every striker was down
there! Wed also need to step up
the pressure on the politicians, like
when workers from Donnington
confronted defence minister Phillip
This dispute has given our union a
great starting point transferring into
Babcock. The union has recruited
massively because weve fought and
the numbers on strike have proved
to Babcock that we are not to be
messed with and wont roll over.
As Unite members we will transfer
across from a position of strength
but if the fight is carried on to win
a consolidated pay rise that position
could be even stronger.

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