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End Time Current Events: 1-17-10

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Table of Contents:

• Pray For Haiti

• Government Of The Devil, By The Devil, And For The Devil
• Haitian society split over voodoo
• Witchcraft: Voodoo in Haiti
• Benjamin Creme Addresses Maitreya's Mission Beginning Comment
• 500,000 feared dead in massive 7.0 earthquake in Haiti
• New Executive Order Signed by Obama Effectively Creates Structure of
Military Governors for Martial Law
• Spring Food Crisis May Trigger Economic Collapse
• Twisted: Administration's 'safe schools czar' and the North American Man-
Boy Love Association
• Obama Praises Homosexual Icon Frank Kameny who calls the 'God of the
Bible' a ‘Sinful Homophobic Bigot’ who Needs to Repent
• Regarding "Junk DNA"
• Police gun collection drill

Ephesians 5:11, 13-16: "And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather
reprove them. But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light: for whatsoever doth
make manifest is light. Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and
Christ shall give thee light. See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise,
Redeeming the time, because the days are evil."
The 1828 Noah Webster Dictionary defines:
Reprove: To blame, to convince of a fault, or to make it manifest, to excite a sense of guilt.
Circumspectly: Cautiously; with watchfulness every way; with attention to guard against surprise
or danger.
Matthew 24:24: "...if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect."
II Corinthians 2:11: "Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his
II Chronicles 7:14: "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and
pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will
forgive their sin, and will heal their land."
I John 4:18: "There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment.
He that feareth is not made perfect in love."
Heb 13:6: "So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do
unto me."
II Timothy 1:7: "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a
sound mind."
Dr. Johnson's Teachings:
Overcoming, Protection, Meekness, Answered Prayer, Comfort, Faith,... Part 1
Overcoming, Protection, Meekness, Answered Prayer, Comfort, Faith,... Part 2
Imprecatory Prayers & Gods Judgment on Wickedness-A Christians ‘Door of Hope'
The Biblical Keys To Answered Prayer

Pray For Haiti

Posted by JRed
You know, I have a quick thought about the unfathomable tragedy in Haiti.

First and foremost, it's a tragedy beyond comprehension and I pray that those who
survived turn to God for hope, strength, and restoration instead of shaking their fists
defiantly at God for causing such pain, suffering, and death.

That last point is what I want to build off of. God created nature. Therefore, we logically
conclude that He controls nature. He decides when and where and how certain things
happen in this physical realm. He also knows the "why" behind it all too, even if we don't,
or can't with our finite brains. It's not our place to criticize or judge His methods or

Still, that doesn't mean that we can't have a serious discussion about the spiritual roots
and spiritual ramifications of this event.

As Christians, we should know that it does have deep spiritual connections. Just a
casual study on the history of Haiti will reveal as much, and so we shouldn't feel shame
in voicing that point of view. Why? Because even if this tragedy is the result of our
common enemy as some charge, the bottom line is that God still allowed it to happen
because of all the "open doorways" over there.
Plus, we know that nothing happens in this world without God allowing it to happen. Yes,
the rest of the world will say that to suggest a spiritual cause publicly and so soon after
the bloodshed and devastation is "cold" and "insensitive" at a time such as this, and that
it's precisely why they hate us Christians. But that doesn't make it any less true! Besides,
they're unbelievers. What are they going to say except that very thing? The only say such
things because they don't know the truth.

Clearly, what happened in Haiti ist a terrible thing and it's awful to see any of the images
coming out of that part of the world (and I'll be making a small donation to help in
whatever small way that I can), but I can't say that I'm terribly surprised. That's why I'll
continue praying that the survivors in Haiti realize that their god doesn't offer them hope
or eternal salvation. That's why I'll continue praying that the survivors in Haiti realize that
their only hope for the future is in Jesus Christ.

Global Aid Network (GAiN) is on the ground in Haiti right now and they need your help to
treat survivors and save lives. GAiN has a network of local churches and other relief
workers already in Haiti, working desperately to reach and treat survivors. But they need
your help to ease the suffering of our brothers and sisters in Haiti.


More valuable than your financial donation, please be sure to pray for everyone on the
ground over there because they sure need it.

If you wish to donate to a Christian relief ministry to Haiti, consider Missionary

Flights International located in Fort Pierce,
Florida. MFI transports supplies to many Christian missions in the
Caribbean. Since the earthquake, MFI is carrying supplies to Haiti daily,
as well as transporting passengers back and forth from Haiti.

"Missionary Flights International is a private non-profit mission aviation

service to Christian missions serving in Haiti, the Dominican Republic and
the Bahamas. Established in 1964, MFI provides professional on-going air
support to affiliated missions that work in these island nations. Our
full-service aviation ministry is a lifeline to the mission community as
they strive to meet the needs of the poverty stricken people throughout
the Caribbean, and share the gospel message of Jesus Christ."

MFI has no affilation with the United Nations as do the Red Cross, World
Vision and many other relief organizations.

Government Of The Devil, By The Devil, And For The Devil

By Tom Barrett (03/11/04)

"Haiti is the only country in the entire world that has dedicated its government to
Satan. Demonic spirits have been consulted for political decisions, and have
shaped the country's history." Thus speaks Missionary Doug Anderson, who
grew up in Haiti with missionary parents, and served there along with his wife
Dawn as a missionary until 1990. The leaders of Haiti make no attempt to hide
their allegiance to Satan. Haiti's government is a government of the devil, by the
devil, and for the devil.

It is a matter of well-documented historical fact that the nation of Haiti was

dedicated to Satan 200 years ago. On August 14, 1791, a group of houngans
(voodoo priests), led by a former slave houngan named Boukman, made a pact
with the Devil at a place called Bois-Caiman. All present vowed to exterminate all
of the white Frenchmen on the island. They sacrificed a black pig in a voodoo
ritual at which hundreds of slaves drank the pig's blood. In this ritual, Boukman
asked Satan for his help in liberating Haiti from the French. In exchange, the
voodoo priests offered to give the country to Satan for 200 years and swore to
serve him. On January 1, 1804, the nation of Haiti was born and thus began a new
demonic tyranny.

At the time of the pact Haiti was France's richest colony, and was known as the
Pearl of the Antilles for its singular beauty. But it soon became one of the world's
poorest and most benighted nations. Scoffers may say that there is no
connection between the fact that Haiti was the richest nation in the hemisphere,
and then became the poorest after selling its national soul to Satan. But the
scoffers sure can't come up with a better explanation.

Voodoo is a practice based on a mixture of African spiritism and witchcraft.

Depending on the source of one's research, between 50 and 90 percent of
Haitians practice voodoo. In fact, most who practice voodoo believe they must be
Catholic first.

Until recently, voodoo was practiced in secret. Practitioners would go to the

Catholic Church on Sunday, and attend voodoo ceremonies at other times.
Voodoo was forbidden during the colonial times, and the 32 Haitian governments
that followed independence also suppressed the practice because of world
condemnation. But on April 8, 2003, President Jean-Bertrand Aristide approved
Voodoo as an officially recognized religion in Haiti (see links below). Voodoo
priests can now perform marriages and other ceremonies previously reserved for
Christian religions. "An ancestral religion, Voodoo is an essential part of national
identity," Aristide said in the decree recognizing Voodoo.

Aristide has been a controversial figure since he became the first freely elected
president in Haiti's history in 1991, 200 years after the nation was dedicated to
Satan. A defrocked Catholic priest, Aristide was expelled in 1988 from his order,
the Salesians. He was a hero of the resistance to Haitian tyranny, then president,
then exiled, then restored to the presidency by his close friend, Bill Clinton. One
of his first acts was to express his support for reinstating the Voodoo pact that
expired the year he was elected. He claimed that Voodoo was the national religion
of Haiti, and a source of national pride.

Even before Aristide came to power, a U.S. embassy official in Port-au-Prince

described Aristide as "a Marxist maniac." Newsweek Magazine called him "the
flaky Father Jean-Bertrand Aristide." And none other than Henry Kissinger
declared that he was psychotic. While it is true that Aristide used Communism to
gain power, I don't believe he is psychotic. What many see as madness is simply
the pure evil that emanates from the man.

The Media Research Center (see link below), which describes Aristide as a
charismatic Marxist priest had this to say about the man: Aristide wasn't much of
a gentleman, paying people to beat up his opponents, and becoming wealthy
from drug trafficking into the U.S. For a good, brief primer on Aristide, see
Aristide Must Go, the editorial in the March 8 Weekly Standard.

Aristide was only in office eight months before he was ousted and fled to the
United States. There he effectively lobbied Bill Clinton and other government
officials, convincing them that he was not the tyrant that Haitians said he was.
After Clinton sent 20,000 American troops to install Aristide in power in 1994, the
president-turned-dictator disbanded the army. But the civilian police force he
replaced it with has also brutalized the Haitian people, engaging in summary
executions as well as the drug-running that has made Aristide the richest man in
Haiti. This drug money allows Aristide to live in a lavish mansion in a nation
where the average yearly salary is $350.

As the Weekly Standard editorial by Christopher Caldwell says, Aristide, of

course, did not create Haiti's problems, but he profited from all of them. His ten
years of direct and indirect rule have been a disaster. His regime has been
democratic only in the Haitian sense of one man, one vote, one time. The last free
and fair election in Haiti was in 1990, the closely monitored contest that brought
Aristide to power. Even then, Aristide was making use of street violence
orchestrated by his vigilance committees. Four years ago, Aristide received over
90 percent of the vote in a presidential election so transparently corrupt that
several American and European agencies reluctantly froze hundreds of millions
of dollars in aid money.

With a mystifying regularity reminiscent of Saddam Hussein, Aristide has refused

the simplest procedural inducements to unlock millions that could have been
used to feed and treat his poorer compatriots. From humble beginnings as a
Salesian slum priest, Aristide had become the richest man in Haiti. How? Last
Wednesday in Miami, the Haitian mafioso Beaudoin Ketant, go-between for three
Colombian cartels, was sentenced to 27 years in prison for transporting 30 tons
of cocaine between Haiti and Florida. At his sentencing, Ketant said that Aristide
"is a drug lord. He controlled the drug trade in Haiti. It's a one-man show, your
honor. You either pay him or you die."
Caldwell goes on to relate how Aristide created a series of banks that paid absurd
rates of interest, which enticed Haiti's tiny middle class to deposit their hard-
earned dollars. He then stole $90 million from the banks, effectively demolishing
the middle class and creating a classic poor-against-rich uprising that resulted in
his ouster.

Politician John Kerry spoke out in support of Aristide prior to his resignation,
saying This democracy is going to be sustained. Democrat Charlie Rangel and
the Congressional Black Caucus, along with such upstanding citizens as
Reverend Jesses Jackson and Alcee Hastings (the former federal judge convicted
of bribery), have been calling for the US to once again install Aristide in power
following his recent resignation. They have been irresponsibly trumpeting his
ridiculous lies about being kidnapped by the US and forced into exile. The
obvious facts are that Aristide begged for US help and we protected him. When it
became clear that the only way his safety could be assured was to leave the
country, we provided transportation for him.

Had we not intervened, Aristide would have been dead in a matter of days, so
furious were the people he had abused for years. He gladly boarded the plane,
grateful for our protection. My biggest problem with this man is the fact that, not
only did he make Voodoo an official religion, he used every device available to
him to promote it. On the day that his government officially recognized Voodoo,
he paid all the radio stations to play nothing but Voodoo music all day. He flew in
400 Voodoo priests from West Africa, the birthplace of the evil religion, to
promote it.

A missionary couple who run an orphanage and a school for 400 children in Haiti
sent a report to their supporters last summer (see the link to Religious
Persecution Intensifies in Haiti below). It reads, in part: Last week a baby was
stolen from the hospital in St. Marc. The reason the child is to be sacrificed to
appease the Voodoo gods for the so-called special day of celebration. Can there
be any question of the horribly evil nature of this religion that former priest
Aristide promotes? Boniface Alexandre assumed interim authority after Aristide
fled. In February 2006, following elections marked by uncertainties and
demonstrations, René Préval (close to the still-popular Aristide and former
president of the Republic of Haiti between 1995 and 2000) was elected president.

And now for the good news. Even with Aristide's support and promotion, Voodoo
in Haiti has taken a blow. God's people have gone on the offensive, and the blood
pact that has kept Haiti in darkness for 200 years has been broken.

I first heard this account from Bishop Joel Jeune at a meeting of the Gospel
Crusade Ministerial Fellowship ( Jeune is the Coordinator of
Haiti for the GCMF and oversees 64 churches there.

The link, US Department of State Report of Religious Freedom below contains

this report: In early August 1997, three evangelical pastors were arrested near
Cap Haitien after they had proceeded with plans to hold a religious revival at Bois
Caiman. Bois Caiman has a strong patriotic significance for Haitians, since it is
the site of a legendary 1791 voodoo ceremony at which slaves swore to rise up
against their masters and risk death rather than continue to live in bondage. The
resulting slave rebellion was a precursor to the Haitian Revolution (1791-1804).

The pastors, who had been prohibited by the authorities from holding the revival
on the actual anniversary of the ceremony, proceeded instead with plans to hold
the event several days before the anniversary, hoping to rid the area of
malevolent influences. This offended much of the local populace and local
authorities, who arrested pastors Joel Jeune, Jean Berthony Paul, and Gregor
Joseph on August 4. They were released on the orders of a judge on August 6.

"On 14 August 1997, God's people in Haiti experienced a historic victory over
Satan, a milestone in winning our country back for God. The reason lies in
history. The slaves brought here from Africa have suffered incredibly for many
years. On 14 August 1791, a slave leader by the name of Boukman called a secret
meeting in a wood called Bois-Caiman near Cap Haitien, which was attended by a
large number of slaves. They celebrated a satanic ceremony, sacrificing a pig and
drinking its blood, swore to serve the Devil and dedicated Haiti to him. For 206
years, Bois-Caiman was a very holy place, a high place which could only be
entered by witch doctors during Voodoo ceremonies. For 206 years, they have
been meeting there every August 14 to sacrifice to Satan.

A number of Christian leaders, including Paul and Gerald Clerie of 'Vision Haiti'
and Christian leaders among the large numbers of Haitians in the USA, Canada,
France and other countries, called Christians to unite on 14 August 1997 to pray
and fast that Haiti would return to God. In Haiti's towns, villages and mountains,
Christians came together to fast and pray, held victory marches in the streets and
a large event in the capital from 6am to 10pm during the gathering.

Our church members started their march in front of the President's palace and
marched for 6 hours to the place where the satanic ceremony took place 206
years ago. We had informed the government and media of our intentions weeks
before the event, and were told that the witch doctors would be there, as they
were every year. When we arrived, they had hidden themselves, unable to directly
confront the Christians. It was a significant spiritual battle to reach the tree under
which the pig was sacrificed in the original ceremony. We cancelled the satanic
contract and broke the curse, before celebrating communion and dedicating the
area as a place of prayer. We also declared 14 August to be a national prayer day,
on which people should pray that Haiti will return to God.

On the same day, several witch doctors were saved during the events in the
capital. Three days after our holy invasion, the witch doctors returned to Bois-
Caiman to bring their sacrifices and call on the spirits. After days of effort,
nothing happened, because we had commanded the spirits never to return and
dedicated the area to Christ.

The witch doctors complained to the government and media. At first, the
government also protested, speaking in a press release of 'terrible damage to a
Voodoo holy place in which no Christian had set foot for 206 years.' By the grace
of God, the government relented and respected our legal right as Haitians to
gather at any place on Haiti, including Bois-Caiman, where they now allow all
Christian groups to meet. The place is now very popular, and local Christians
gather there daily for prayer and fasting.

US Department of State Report of Religious Freedom

Victory Over Voodoo in Haiti

Religious Persecution Intensifies In Haiti

Haiti; Satan's Stronghold

Breaking the Blood Pact

Aristide Approves Voodoo as an Official Religion

Voodoo Its Official in Haiti

Aristide Defends Record

Media Research Center

Pearl of the Antilles

Aristide Must Go The Weekly Standard

Aristide Claims He Was Kidnapped from Haiti

Islamic Influences on Haitian Voodoo

The Challenges Facing Haiti

(Printer friendly version) Email: Tom Barrett

Haitian society split over voodoo--15 November 2007

Millions of Haitians practice voodoo, and have for nearly three hundred years. In 2003
Haiti's government recognised it as an official religion. Yet many of the country's
conservative christians and elites look down on the practice.
Mariana Sanchez sat in on a voodoo ceremony. A warning that you might find some of
the pictures in her report disturbing.

Witchcraft: Voodoo in Haiti--September 19, 2008

From Name: Chris H
This is a video entitled "Witchcraft: Voodoo in Haiti" which is a video where a Christian
brother who was raised in a Hatian family explains the wickedness going on in Haiti and
why there is so much destruction and desolation in Haiti. Recommending this video
because the man in the video uses the KJV Bible for his verses and seems like a
knowledgeable Christian brother.

Witchcraft: The Emerging One World Play! |

2 Religion (Part 1) SUN 09/14/2008
Scott A. Johnson | Current Events and Bible 3,000+ downloads | 71 min
Matthew 24:24
“Get Real!!” 1/27/09 • get real about the truth! this man is right on target!
3 if we...

Witchcraft: The Emerging One World Play! |

3 Religion (Part 2) SUN 09/14/2008
Scott A. Johnson | Current Events and Bible 2,060+ downloads | 66 min
Matthew 24:24
“Great Sermon!” 10/31/08 • dr johnson is one of the best preachers
1 here.

Witchcraft: The Emerging One World Play! |

4 Religion (Part 3) SUN 09/14/2008
Scott A. Johnson | Current Events and Bible 1,940+ downloads | 54 min
Matthew 24:24
“Great Sermon!” 10/31/08 • thank you, dr johnson. your research is
1 immensely appreciated,

Witchcraft: The Emerging One World Play! |

1 Religion (Part 4) SUN 09/21/2008
Scott A. Johnson | Current Events and Bible 1,680+ downloads | 59 min
Matthew 24:24
“Listen!” 10/31/08 • everybody should listen to messages like these.
4 thankyou for your...

Creme Addresses Maitreya's Mission Beginning Comment

Posted by Wayne-- On January 14 Benjamin Creme added a special message on the front
page of his website, Share International, announcing that Maitreya has recently given his
long awaited interview on American television. Creme has said that Maitreya would
“soon” give an interview on American television for almost the past 30 years so his
announcement that the interview has taken place is a big deal.

Fortunately (or unfortunately depending on how you want to look at it), I was able to
listen to a 2 hour live interview that Creme granted a Midwest Internet radio station this
morning. This would be the first live interview that Creme has granted since posting the
big announcement on his website. Like usual, I took notes and tried my best to write
down anything important or unusual that he said.

Creme began the interview by describing how he got to become the official spokesmen
of Antichrist Spirit Maitreya. Creme described his first encounter with Maitreya, and
listening to Creme’s experience with Maitreya just reconfirms that Maitreya is an evil

Creme spoke about how he cried as he began to feel Maitreya’s presence. He was
overwhelmed by Maitreya’s (evil) energy… Creme described that Maitreya’s energy made
him fall in love with everything in the world. He said that he felt no separation with
himself and everything else in the world, including the trees, the sky, etc. Apparently,
Creme has not heard of the passage in the Bible where it says “do not love the world”:

• 1Jn 2:15 Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man
love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.
• 1Jn 2:16 For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes,
and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.
• 1Jn 2:17 And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the
will of God abideth for ever.

Fittingly, the next verse in 1 John Ch 2 says the Antichrist is coming…

• 1Jn 2:18 Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist
shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the
last time.
• 1Jn 2:19 They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us,
they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be
made manifest that they were not all of us.

Creme’s description of the feelings he felt when he was around Maitreya clearly
demonstrate that Maitreya is not from God. Maitreya made Creme love the world, which
is not something Christians should be doing.

Creme also mentioned that he saw a very bright light around Maitreya. Creme claims that
when he looked into the light he could see all the major historical events of the past take
place and when he looked to the left he could see future events take place. Creme
insinuated that the Ascended Masters are able to see future events and have no concept
of time. I wonder if Maitreya was trying to mimic Jesus's appearance to John of Patmos...
After talking about his experiences, Creme rehashed things he’s said in previous
interviews, including lying about how Maitreya influenced Jesus 2000 years ago and
retelling the lie told in the Garden of Eden about how man is divine.

Creme later discussed politics. He claimed that Christians are all far right-wingers. He
claimed in disgust that fundamentalist Christians see things in black and white and
consider those who are not like them as being evil. Creme went on to claim that the Bush
Administration was a fascist regime and that America is still a fascist country today.

Creme spoke about how some of the most important people in history were high-level
initiates. Creme claimed that Leonardo da Vinci was nearly at the same level of initiation
as the Ascended Masters themselves. Creme went on to make a ridiculous claim that the
Spiritual Hierarchy/Ascended Masters have NEVER been responsible for a single war.[2]

• This claim is a complete lie and almost an insult to my intelligence. Adolf Hitler
was directly under the influence of the Ascended Masters to the point where I can
easily argue that he was flat out possessed. Even Creme has gone as to far as to
say that Hitler possessed Antichrist energy.

Earlier this week Pat Robertson claimed that the Haitian people brought the earthquake
upon themselves for making a pact with the devil. I mention Pat Robertson because
Benjamin Creme said something very similar to what Robertson said, and unlike
Robertson, received no criticism for his comments.

George Noory Interviews B. Creme Re: Play! |

5 Maitreya's Emergence & the Star Sign 1 SUN 08/02/2009
Scott A. Johnson | Maitreya & B. Creme Series 2,720+ downloads | 64 min
Matthew 24:24


For a full expose of Pat Robertson see General Teachings/Activities
Here is a photo of Pat Robertson giving an occult gesture, this time the Masonic Sign of Fellow
Craft, or the Devil's Claw/Lion Paw, in a front page photo shoot for Time Magazine on February
17th 1986.
Pat Robertson Displays Satanic 'El Diablo' Sign During 700 Club Show

Creme claimed that the recent earthquake in Haiti was not from natural causes like the
movement of tectonic plates. Creme stated that the earthquake was caused by a “karmic
eruption”. Creme basically said that the friction between the Haitian people and the
Haitian government’s corruption built up “negative karma” to the point where it exploded
in form of an earthquake. Creme also mentioned that America was partially responsible
for the earthquake by adding to Haiti’s “negative karma” through its actions.
After blaming Americans and Haitians for the earthquake, Creme ended his comments on
Haiti by saying that the Ascended Masters are on the ground assisting the people right
now as they are supposedly always the first ones on the ground in any disaster.

Creme was asked if he or Maitreya were a false prophet, but Creme was able to quickly
brush off the question by stating that Maitreya only sees himself as a teacher. I was
really disappointed in the hosts for their inability to challenge Creme on a lot of the stuff
he said, particularly with what Creme said in response to the false prophet question.

From Share International--January 14th 2010

Maitreya steps forward

The way prepared by His Herald the ‘star’, Maitreya, the World Teacher, has given His
first interview on American television. Millions have heard Him speak both on TV and the

His open mission has begun.

He was introduced not as Maitreya, the World Teacher and Head of our Spiritual
Hierarchy, but simply as a man, one of us. In this way He “ensures that men follow and
support Him for the truth and sanity of His ideas rather than for His status”.

He spoke earnestly of the need for peace, achievable only through the creation of justice
and the sharing of the world’s resources.

This is the first of many such interviews which will be given in the USA, Japan, Europe
and elsewhere, bringing His message of hope to the world.
| Benjamin Creme

80 minutes into the interview the hosts finally asked the question the online audience
and I was waiting for. The hosts asked Creme what television show Maitreya appeared on
and when the interview took place. Creme stated that he is not allowed to reveal the
television show or what day the interview took place. Creme’s explanation for why he is
not allowed to reveal this information made little sense to me so I won’t even try to
explain it. However, Creme said that if Maitreya does not want you to find him you will
not find him.

The hosts were not satisfied with Creme’s answer so they brought up how Jesus would
openly let people see Him in public. The hosts were trying to make the point that “if
Jesus was seen in the open why can you not tell us where and when Maitreya was on?”
Creme responded by saying that Jesus had no believers who thought of Him as the
Christ. At this point, the hosts should have just torn into Creme for making that
comment, but they let him weasel his way out of having to answer the question with that
comment and a few subsequent comments.

At this point of the interview Creme was asked a series of short questions. Here are the
highlights of what Creme said. If you want to know where Creme stands on the
healthcare reform debate, he is in favor of Obama’s attempts to “reform” the healthcare
system. Creme criticized the Republicans for trying to stop healthcare “reform”. Creme
said that the economic system of the past 2000 years is finished. He said that we may
periodically see an upswing, but the system is just about done.

The hosts asked Creme about the religions of the world. Creme was very diplomatic here
by saying that he views all the major religions as the same, but they didn’t take things far
enough. Creme is often most critical of Christianity and Judaism, but here he lumped
these two religions in with Hinduism, Buddhism, and Islam. However, Creme claimed that
Mohammed was a disciple of Jesus and even said that Jesus gave Mohammed the
Koran. I doubt we will see Creme give a speech at a fundamentalist Christian church
anytime soon after making statements like that.
Finally, Creme mentioned that Maitreya will make more appearances on American
television soon. After a certain number of appearances Maitreya will then appear on
Japanese television and then European television. Creme has another live interview
scheduled on January 28 and another one in early February. More to come…

[1] Share International Magazine. Nov. 2008. http://www.share-

[2] You can read about which historical figures were supposedly initiates at the following

500,000 feared dead in massive 7.0 earthquake in Haiti

NEWS BRIEF: "500,000 could be dead from Haitian earthquake!", Breitbart News, January
13, 2010

"PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti (AP) - Haitians piled bodies along the devastated streets of their
capital Wednesday after a powerful earthquake flattened the president's palace, the
cathedral, hospitals, schools, the main prison and whole neighborhoods. Officials feared
hundreds of thousands may have perished but there was no firm count ... President Rene
Preval said he believes thousands were killed in Tuesday afternoon's magnitude-7.0
quake, and the scope of the destruction prompted other officials to give even higher
estimates. Leading Sen. Youri Latortue told The Associated Press that 500,000 could be
dead, although he acknowledged that nobody really knows."

"... some scientists in their laboratories ... are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism
whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the
use of electromagnetic
waves." (Defense Secretary William Cohen, Terrorism, Weapons of Mass Destruction,
and U.S. Strategy Sam Nunn Policy Forum, ) You might think it odd that we would begin
this news story with a quote from Defense Secretary William Cohen, who served under
President Clinton from 1997-2001. This quote, above, occurred during a lengthy speech
before a Terrorism Conference on April 28, 1997, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia.
As Defense Secretary, Cohen was privy to the most secret, most closely held Top Secret
information which the Federal Government possessed. If William Cohen says that
scientists can control the climate (weather), set of earthquakes and volcanoes through
the used of electromagnetic waves, the man knows the truth because he has read the
government's most secret of secrets!

In my opinion, the true story of the Haitian massive earthquake is that it probably was
caused by scientists setting it off remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves!
American scientists have this capability through the broadband system known as
H.A.A.R.P. We offer a DVD, above, giving the latest updates in this almost unbelieveably
However, the Russians, Chinese and Israelis employ an even more powerful
electromagnetic weapons system known as Scalar Wave technology. We show the book,
"Oblivion: America At The Brink", at left. You will discover that, even as H.A.A.R.P. and
Scalar Wave electromagnetic wave systems can cause many of the same effects, Scalar
is so much more powerful in military applications that America is truly at risk.

One military author lamented as President Bush was launching his invasion of Iraq in
late, March: "America will burn"!

Now, let us get back to this horrific tragedy at Haiti. I truly believe that this earthquake
was caused by electromagnetic pulse trigger because the Illuminati is determined to
reduce earth's population by a full 66% percent. Earthquakes are extremely powerful
tools to reduce population.

This is the real story of the Haitian quake. This quake was quite odd in several respects:

1) It was the most powerful quake to hit Haiti since 1770, a period of 240 years.

2) It was oddly very shallow, while being very strong at the same time. This combination
proved exceedingly lethal, as it toppled buildings and uprooted ground in a most
unusual manner.

3) It caused heavy damage in a very large swath of area.

This combination of very unusual facts lead me to believe this earthquake was caused,
not spontaneous.

We have posted a new article on this subject of controlling earthquakes, volcanoes and
weather in a new Headline News article.

Watch: Conspiracy theory with Jesse Ventura - HAARP

Watch Dr. Johnson's Online Presentation: (Pertinent part starts around 4:18) Avian Flu:
Avian H5N1 Facts & Weather Control-Part 3

Haiti is devastated by 7.0 Earthquake - 500,000 feared dead!

Was this terrifying quake triggered by scientists wielding the weapon of

electromagnetic wave technology -- H.A.R.R.P.?
New Executive Order Signed by Obama Effectively Creates Structure of
Military Governors for Martial Law
January 12, 2010--Hawk--One must read this one closely but when it dawns on you that
the 10 Governors to be appointed by the President will perhaps soon correspond to the
10 FEMA REGIONS and effectively will be under the Secretary of Defense and hence the
President in a system of Regional Military Governors over all States, not just the States
they might be from, you might just experience a chill up your spine. Note that then all
States in essence have been taken over at least on paper by the President and will be
administered Militarily. Read carefully Section-2 Functions, of this Executive Order and
you will clearly see how inclusive these functions can be....... especially Item e which has
language sufficiently broad and loose that a Tank Battalion could be driven through it.

Americans had better understand that this Executive Order along with all of those
previously signed and with Presidential Decision Directive 51 and others will be used
to destroy the Constitution and Bill of Rights and to render each American effectively
into nothing more than a member of a work gang subject to control of the Regional
Military Governor who is under the Sec. Def who is under the President. Only the whims
and subjective decisions of the Regional Military Governor, as directed by the President
via the Secretary of Defense and executed by Northcom troopers who now include U.S. ,
Canadian, Mexican, and other Foreign troops as well as Mercenaries and the States'
National Guards, Militias, and Police agencies will be the Iron Fist Rule of the Land.

Here a link to the PDF of the Executive Order:

Concentration Camps in America Play! |

6 Scott A. Johnson | Current Events and Bible Study SUN 12/17/2006
2 Timothy 3:13 1,600+ downloads | 147 min

“Great Sermon!” 12/8/07 • friday morning, dec. 7. 2007, sen. sheldon

2 whitehouse (d-ri)...

Spring Food Crisis May Trigger Economic Collapse

Farmers across America and in many other parts of the world are calling 2009 the worst
harvest they’ve ever seen – largely due to extended bouts of bad weather
January 7, 2010--By Michael Hampton--You have maybe two months to stock up on the
necessities of life before food prices rise dramatically, potentially prompting a food
panic, widespread famine, and quite possibly the long-expected collapse of the U.S.

Farmers across America and in many other parts of the world are calling 2009 the worst
harvest they’ve ever seen in their lives, owing largely to extended bouts of bad weather.
At the same time the U.S. Department of Agriculture is officially forecasting bumper
crops, while grain elevators stand nearly empty and close to three-fourths of the
country’s farmland is in areas declared eligible for federal disaster assistance due to
failed crops.
A popular farmers’ Web site is chock full of stories of entire crops of soybeans rejected
for moisture damage, long delays in harvesting corn only to find out the corn is moldy,
damaged or too light to be used as animal feed or even ethanol, and farmers unsure if
they’ll even have a farm for another year due to the losses they’ve taken.

Most agricultural products are purchased in futures, which are promises to deliver a
quantity of a commodity at a future date. Futures carry many risks, prominent among
them the possibility that the commodity simply won’t be available at the promised
delivery date. While futures prices are set by the market, some of the information used to
set the prices comes from the USDA’s World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates
reports. The unrealistic 2009 bumper crop predictions in its recent reports, which may
have seemed reasonable months ago before 2009’s long string of bad weather but which
USDA has failed to revise, drove futures prices artificially low.

But grain futures prices have already risen well above the USDA’s latest projections as
the corn harvest threatens to drag on into March in some areas of the country, thanks to
an unusually wet 2009 and unprecedented fall flooding in the Midwest.

The good news is that even with 2009 being the worst harvest in human memory, there
will still be plenty of food in the U.S. to feed everyone in the U.S. The bad news — if
you’re in the U.S. — is that the food won’t be used to feed everyone in the U.S.

It seems China has finally figured out what to do with all the U.S. dollars it’s holding.
You’ll recall that the Federal Reserve took some pretty extreme measures over the last
two years, ostensibly to save the U.S. economy. In fact, those measures have set us up
the bomb. For decades China has been buying U.S. debt and financing Americans’ credit
addiction as well as the government’s massive spending on millions of projects it has no
business being involved in. But, it seems, they’ve had enough of the dollar and are about
to pull the plug.

In the meantime, China has been using those dollars to buy every morsel of American
food it can get its hands on. Combined with 2009’s bad weather and the USDA’s
ridiculous numbers, this prompted a late August soybean shortage which is expected to
continue through 2010.

The U.S. has a very good reason to fudge the numbers on crop estimates. If it published
realistic numbers, and crop futures prices rose sharply, three things would likely
happen: Wall Street would take massive losses, inflation fears would cause investors to
dump bonds, frustrating the government’s attempts to finance its incredible expanding
debt, and most importantly, China, whose currency is tied closely to the U.S. dollar,
would allow it to appreciate. That alone would likely send the U.S. dollar into freefall; all
three would mean utter economic collapse.

Of course, you can’t fool the market for long; as noted above, futures prices are already
well above the USDA’s numbers. All they really managed to do with their numbers game
was buy the U.S. dollar another year of life.

One market analyst believes that the 2010 food shortage will be the catalyst which not
only brings about the collapse of the U.S. economy, but takes down Great Britain and
Japan with it.
While a food crisis was unavoidable to some extent because of the abnormal weather
and financial crisis, the total panic which will soon grip world agricultural markets is a
creation of the USDA and its fictitious production estimates. If not for the USDA’s
interference, food prices would have risen in the first half of 2009 in anticipation of the
2009/10 shortage. The United States Department of Agriculture has caused incalculable
damage to the world economy by encouraging overconsumption of rapidly diminishing
food supplies.

Once the 2010 Food Crisis starts, confidence in the US government will be shattered as a
result of the USDA’s faulty estimates. The starvation and misery caused by higher food
prices will also create a lot of anger . . . — Market Skeptics

In this scenario, rural banks will begin failing rapidly, especially in the Midwest, and the
inevitable bailouts will drive up U.S. debt further. These bailouts, combined with the
Chinese allowing the yuan to appreciate, will erode confidence in the U.S. dollar to the
point that foreign banks and investors begin dumping U.S. debt at fire sale prices. At that
point the Federal Reserve will have no choice but to print money, leading directly to

I shouldn’t have to tell you what hyperinflation will look like, but in case you need a
reminder, it will likely make the Great Depression look like a minor recession. Tens of
millions of people who have never known want in their entire lives are going to be
shocked to wake up broke and hungry, with no idea what happened or why it happened
to them. The government will almost certainly be unable to fulfill its promises of food
stamps, social security and other such welfare programs. Food riots are likely and
people will almost certainly die when the government attempts to put them down.

Worst of all, almost nobody will assign blame where it truly belongs: central banks and
fiat currency.

Market Skeptics and many other foreign investors I’ve seen quoted widely in foreign
media but virtually never in the U.S., recommend investing in precious metals and as
much non-perishable food as you can lay hands on in the next two months, at least a
year’s supply if you can manage it. If there’s no collapse, you can eat it, and if there is,
you’ll at least have something to eat. And when you read a headline such as “Yuan
allowed to rise versus dollar,” it’s time to head for the hills.

Twisted: Administration's 'safe schools czar' and the North American

Man-Boy Love Association
Thursday, January 7, 2010 INTELLIGENCE BRIEFING By Cliff Kincaid, Accuracy in

A Marxist atheist trained in materialism, Harry Hay tried to find spirituality in his own
confused sexual identity, eventually developing the idea that he was a “Radical Faerie”
who had male and female traits. A communist, he was also a supporter of the North
American Man-Boy Love Association (NAMBLA).
The Obama administration's 'safe schools czar' Kevin Jennings says that Hay inspired
him, and the Jennings-founded group, the Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network
(GLSEN) has promoted favorable material about Hay, the acknowledged founder of the
modern “gay rights” movement, without offering any criticism or even acknowledgement
of his defense of adult-child sex.

But Hay’s leading role in the “Radical Faerie” movement may be even more controversial
than his communist views and pro-NAMBLA activities. Hay in 1979 issued a call for a
“Spiritual Conference for Radical Faeries” that included a poem from the notorious
occultist Aleister Crowley. Stuart Timmons, author of The Trouble With Harry Hay,
documents Hay’s involvement with Crowley, noting that Hay played the organ for the Los
Angeles lodge of Crowley’s Order of the Eastern Temple, a “notorious anti-Christian
spiritual group” where “homosexual sex-magic rituals” took place.

Crowley, who regarded himself as the “Beast 666,” the anti-Christ, and the incarnation of
Satan, also organized in such cities as London and Paris, where he developed a
relationship with New York Times correspondent Walter Duranty, as recounted in S.J.
Taylor’s book, Stalin’s Apologist. Taylor says that Crowley staged homosexual rituals
with Duranty.”

Like Hay, Duranty had a major impact on history. As the Moscow correspondent for the
New York Times after the communist revolution, he helped cover up Stalin’s crimes. Hay
was a Stalinist himself and stayed in the Communist Party even after the Hitler-Stalin

Hay’s confusion about his own sexual identity, including the belief that he somehow
benefited from being preyed upon by homosexual predators, is unbelievable. But it has
been elevated by the “homosexual community” into another “right” to be guaranteed by
government. That is why the modern-day “gay rights” movement celebrates bisexuality,
cross-dressing, and “transgender” lifestyles. It has now become known as the GLBT
(gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender) “community.”

At one time, NAMBLA was a member of the International Lesbian and Gay Association,
and its NAMBLA Bulletin belonged to the Gay and Lesbian Press Association. However,
the “gay rights” establishment these days tries to play down the acceptance of NAMBLA
in their movement, including by Hay himself.

Photos of Hay and his “Faeries” speak for themselves. One photo of Hay, who also
became known as the “Father of the Faeries,” shows him later in life wearing pearls, a
blouse, and what appears to be a rainbow dress. Hay referred to the “Faeries” as “sissy
men” and they gathered in the woods to pay homage to the earth. Radical Faeries have
also been featured in “gay rights” parades.

But in the same way that Hay’s Stalinism proves worrisome, author Will Roscoe writes
that Hay was influenced by a book titled The Morning of the Magician, which traced the
power of the occult back to the Nazi period. This is extremely significant. In addition to
Hitler’s fascination with the occult, the genocidal dictator surrounded himself with a

number of homosexual perverts in the Nazi Party.

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Demonstrating that he was familiar with the career of Harry Hay, Obama Education
Department official Kevin Jennings noted in his 1997 remarks that “In 1948, he [Hay] tried
to get people to join the Mattachine Society.” What Jennings did not say, perhaps
deliberately so, was that the Mattachine Society was a communist front organization.

The “Hope Along the Wind” film notes that a “Marxist education Class” being taught by
Hay produced several recruits for the new organization. The film’s narrator adds, “The
Mattachine Society was organized into a secret cell structure, similar to the Communist
Party. Members in one cell never knew the members in another, protecting the group in
case of arrest.”

These Marxists, led by Hay, expanded Hay’s original Marxist idea that homosexuals were
considered oppressed by the capitalist system and in need of special rights. But Hay’s
communist connections proved to be too controversial even at this time and he
eventually left this organization as well.

Today, Hay would be “proud.” Five states have legalized “gay marriage,” the Democratic
Party officially supports “gay rights,” the Obama Administration has lifted the ban on
AIDS-infected foreigners entering the U.S., and Obama wants open homosexuals to join
the ranks of the military. Hay remained true to the communist cause to the end of his life
in 2002. He says in the film, “I was part and parcel of that [the Communist Party] and I
was proud to be part and parcel of that.”
One of his last public roles was as a representative of the “Radical Faerie Political
Network” at the 1992 national convention of a Communist Party spin-off group, the
Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism (CCDS).

As more and more people learn the truth about Harry Hay and how he was an inspiration
to Kevin Jennings, scrutiny of Jennings and those who appointed and support him is
growing. This is why a group called Media Matters for America, run by a homosexual
activist, is working feverishly to counter any allegations deemed harmful to Jennings and
his mission at the Education Department. Its usual procedure is to label any critics of the
homosexual movement as promoting “hate” or engaging in “smears” and “lies.”

At the same time, the George Soros-funded Center for American Progress (CAP) is also
monitoring and attempting to rebut criticism of Jennings. CAP is the same group that
employed communist Van Jones before he went to the White House and then was
ultimately forced out in scandal.

What these groups want desperately to avoid is the evidence, detailed in the first column
in this series, that Jennings was completely aware of the Harry Hay record when he made
his 1997 comments praising him, and that his GLSEN group has concealed the terrible
facts about Hay from young people who should know.

One problem in getting the story out has been the influence of the National Lesbian &
Gay Journalists Association (NLGJA), which is funded by and includes employees of
almost every major media organization. It actually encourages its members to report
favorably on the activities of the Jennings-founded group GLSEN and says that GLSEN
works “to create safer schools,” buying into the official propaganda about the group.

The official NLGJA blog has already praised the “progressive” Media Matters group for
defending Jennings and his praise of “gay rights pioneer” Harry Hay. It’s no wonder that
the Jennings scandal isn’t a story that is being told by mainstream media.

Gays, Transgendered and Genetic Play! |

17 Manipulation Exposed - Pt 1 SUN 02/08/2009
Scott A. Johnson | Current Events and Bible 2,520+ downloads | 66 min
2 Timothy 3:13
“Great Sermon!” 3/29/09 • i always find your sermons inspirational.
4 thank you for your...

Homosexual Icon Frank Kameny Calls the God of the Bible a ‘Sinful
Homophobic Bigot’ who Needs to Repent

Obama praised ‘gay’ activist as “civil rights pioneer” and said, “we are proud of you,

Frank Kameny, a “pioneering” homosexual activist celebrated by fellow homosexuals the world
over — and honored by President Obama and his administration — says the God of the Bible is
a “sinful homophobic bigot” who needs to “repent of his sinful homophobia.”

The octogenarian Kameny (born in 1925) made the assertions about the Judeo-Christian God in
a letter to Peter LaBarbera of Americans For Truth About Homosexuality, October 13,

“Your God of Leviticus (and of the whole Bible) is clearly a sinful homophobic bigot. He
should repent of his sinful homophobia. He should atone for that sin, And he should
seek forgiveness for the pain and suffering which his sinful homophobia has needlessly
inflicted upon gay people for the past 4000 years.” wrote Kameny to LaBarbera. “It is not
homosexuality which is always wrong, immoral, and sinful. It is homophobia, including
the homophobia of your god himself which is wrong, immoral, and sinful. And so your
god is a sinner….”

An astronomer who was fired from his federal government job in 1957 due to his homosexuality,
Kameny led the first public homosexual protest in America (over his firing), in 1965. Kameny,
who gained notoriety with his aggressive, counter-cultural slogan “Gay is Good,” was a leader
of the organized homosexual activist campaign to pressure the American Psychiatric
Association to remove homosexuality from the list of mental disorders (which succeeded when
the APA capitulated in 1973). He says that he is an atheist but curiously also claims that “Gay
is Godly”; he now adds “for those who so believe” to the latter slogan after being questioned as
to how someone who rejects God could make definitive statements about Him.

On June 17, 2009, Kameny received the official White House pen from President Obama in a
White House signing ceremony enacting Obama’s executive order providing domestic partner
benefits for certain federal employees. The ceremony was intended to commemorate the 40th
anniversary of the Stonewall riots in New York City that homosexual and transgender activists
claim were the catalyst for the modern “gay rights” movement.

Later, at a June 29 White House speech honoring “gay pride month,” President Obama
praised Kameny with the following words:

[Obama describing the history of the homosexual rights movement:] “That’s the story of a civil
rights pioneer who’s here today, Frank Kameny, who was fired — [applause] Frank [Kameny]
was fired from his job as an astronomer for the federal government simply because he was gay.
And in 1965, he led a protest outside the White House, which was at the time both an act of
conscience but also an act of extraordinary courage. And so we are proud of you, Frank, and
we are grateful to you for your leadership. [Applause.]

Kameny was also honored by John Berry, Obama’s openly homosexual Director of the Office
of Personnel Management (OPM), in a special ceremony June 24, 2009 sponsored by the OPM
“gay” employees organization. There, Kameny received the Theodore Roosevelt Award, the
OPM’s highest honor, “For More Than a Half-Century of Leadership in the Struggle for Civil
Rights.” Berry also issued a formal U.S. government apology to Kameny for his firing over 50
years ago.
Soulforce To Bring ‘Gay Agenda' To Six Mega- Play! |
24 Churches SUN 02/10/2008
Scott A. Johnson | Current Events and Bible Study 1,420+ downloads | 51 min
1 Timothy 4:1

“Great Sermon!” 4/3/08 • as soon as i heard that lakewood church was to be

2 the first...

----- Original Message -----

From: clint
To: Scott Johnson
Sent: Monday, January 11, 2010 11:38 AM
Subject: Regarding "Junk DNA"

Brother Scott,
I realize you're swamped with e-mails these days, so thanks in advance for taking the
time to read this. I hope you'll bring what I'm writing to the attention of your listeners, as
they should be informed that "junk DNA" cannot possibly be of alien origin. I work as a
molecular biologist, and the following information is pretty basic stuff for people in my
field, so it's just embarrassing that a scientist would try to pass off this patently goofy
"alien DNA" hypothesis as truth.

Most non-coding DNA in humans is one of two things: intronic DNA or intergenic DNA,
and while neither of them code for protein or RNA structures, they have important roles
nonetheless. Without getting into too much detail, intronic DNA allows for alternative
splicing, which allows our cells to store the information for several different proteins in
one gene. This is how our various antibodies are so carefully tailored by our immune
response to handle so many different targets. Intergenic DNA is the DNA in between two
adjacent genes, and it contains sequences called "promoters" which react with special
proteins to turn gene expression "on" and "off" as needed. These systems are very
complex and allow for the tremendous amount of regulation needed for the individual
cell to do all that it does in a harmonious manner.

I hope this helps.


----- Original Message -----

From: A
Sent: Friday, January 15, 2010 12:54 PM
Subject: Police gun collection drill

Dr. Johnson,

I know you keep tabs on current events so I just wanted to share some information with
you. A friend of mine is a police officer here in Las Vegas and he told me a couple of
days ago that he had to do a class at work that really disturbed him. In the training they
practiced going into civilian homes door to door and collecting their guns. He wouldn't
give me any details about how they planned to deal with resistance but he said he
would turn in his badge if he was ordered to actually do this and probably fight against
them if it came to that. I hope most officers feel that way. I was just telling my husband
what I heard and I added that I think that if this were to happen then higher up military
like the marines would have to be involved because of lack of cooperation from law
enforcement like our friend.
God bless you and your ministry,

ENDGAME: Former Congressman Warns of Play! |

12 Martial Law Camps In America SUN 02/24/2008
Scott A. Johnson | Current Events and Bible 2,120+ downloads | 68 min
2 Timothy 3:13

Under Bill s. 1618 TITLE III passed by the 105th US Congress this letter Cannot be considered Spam as long as the sender includes contact
information & a method of "removal." To be removed just type REMOVE in the Subject line and hit Reply.

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