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Dimension Modelling types along with their significance

Data Modelling is Broadly classified into 2 types. a) E-R Diagrams (Entity - Relatioships). b) Dimensional Modelling.
Latest Answer: Data Modeling1) E-R Diagrams2)
Dimensional modeling 2.a) logical modeling 2.b)Physical
mode... Last Updated By RamaPrasad Batchu on
December 19, 2005

(Answers: 1)

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2. What is the flow of loading data into fact & dimensional tables?
Fact table - Table with Collection of Foreign Keys corresponding to the Primary Keys in Dimensional table. Consists
of fields with numeric values. Dimension table - Table with Unique Primary Key. Loa
Latest Answer: __________________
Updated By Siraj on August 03, 2007

&nbs... Last

(Answers: 3)

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3. Orchestrate Vs Datastage Parallel Extender?

Orchestrate itself is an ETL tool with extensive parallel processing capabilities and running on UNIX platform.
Datastage used Orchestrate with Datastage XE (Beta version of 6.0) to incorporate the p
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4. Differentiate Primary Key and Partition Key?
Primary Key is a combination of unique and not null. It can be a collection of key values called as composite primary
key. Partition Key is a just a part of Primary Key. There are several methods of
Latest Answer: Hi:Primary key is the key we define on the
table column or set of columns(composite pk) to make
sure... Last Updated By hanug on May 06, 2007

(Answers: 1)

5. How do you execute datastage job from command line prompt?

Using "dsjob" command as follows. dsjob -run -jobstatus projectname jobname
Latest Answer: u can use dsjob executable command from
unix or command line.The previous post was
correct.Hanu.... Last Updated By hanug on May 06, 2007

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6. What are Stage Variables, Derivations and Constants?

Stage Variable - An intermediate processing variable that retains value during read and doesnt pass the value into
target column. Derivation - Expression that specifies value to be passed on to the t
Latest Answer: Hi Your answer is wrong for order of
execution of stage variables, constraints and
derivations...the... Last Updated By Sreenubabu P on
September 10, 2007

(Answers: 6)

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7. What is the default cache size? How do you change the cache size if needed?
Default cache size is 256 MB. We can incraese it by going into Datastage Administrator and selecting the Tunable
Tab and specify the cache size over there.
Latest Answer: The default cache size is 128 MB. This is
primarily used for hash file data cache in the server. &nb...
Last Updated By Balaji on July 12, 2007

(Answers: 3)

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8. Containers : Usage and Types?

Container is a collection of stages used for the purpose of Reusability. There are 2 types of Containers. a) Local
Container: Job Specific b) Shared Container: Used in any job within a project.
Latest Answer: Container is a collection of stages used for
the purpose of Reusability. There are 2 types of Contai...
Last Updated By jagan nimmagadda on January 10, 2006

(Answers: 1)

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9. Compare and Contrast ODBC and Plug-In stages?

ODBC : a) Poor Performance. b) Can be used for Variety of Databases. c) Can handle Stored Procedures. Plug-In:
a) Good Performance. b) Database specific.(Only one database) c) Cannot handle Stored Pr
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10. How to run a Shell Script within the scope of a Data stage job?
By using "ExcecSH" command at Before/After job properties.
Latest Answer: Hi:Go to Job properties and choose Before


11. Types of Parallel Processing?

Parallel Processing is broadly classified into 2 types. a) SMP - Symmetrical Multi Processing. b) MPP - Massive
Parallel Processing.
Latest Answer: Hardware wise there are 3 types of
parallel processing systems available:1. SMP (symetric
multipro... Last Updated By Gary on May 07, 2007

(Answers: 7)

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12. What does a Config File in parallel extender consist of?

Config file consists of the following. a) Number of Processes or Nodes. b) Actual Disk Storage Location.
Latest Answer: Config file was read by datastage engine
before running the job in consist of configuration ab...
Last Updated By Sivarao on May 15, 2006

(Answers: 1)

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13. Functionality of Link Partitioner and Link Collector?

Link Partitioner : It actually splits data into various partitions or data flows using various partition methods . Link
Collector : It collects the data coming from partitions, merges it into a singl
Latest Answer: server jobs mainly execute the jobs in
sequential fashion,the ipc stage as well as link partioner
an... Last Updated By jagan nimmagadda on January 10,

(Answers: 1)

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14. What is Modulus and Splitting in Dynamic Hashed File?

In a Hashed File, the size of the file keeps changing randomly. If the size of the file increases it is called as
"Modulus". If the size of the file decreases it is called as "Splitting
Latest Answer: The modulus size can be increased by
contacting your Unix Admin.... Last Updated By Milestones
on September 22, 2005

(Answers: 1)

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15. Types of vies in Datastage Director?

There are 3 types of views in Datastage Director a) Job View - Dates of Jobs Compiled. b) Log View - Status of Job
last run c) Status View - Warning Messages, Event Messages, Program Generated Messag
Latest Answer: From what I know there are four views1>
Status 2> Schedule3> Log4> Detail.... Last Updated By
satya on July 18, 2007

(Answers: 3)

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16. Differentiate Database data and Data warehouse data?

Data in a Database is a) Detailed or Transactional b) Both Readable and Writable. c) Current.
Latest Answer: Database data is in the form of OLTP and
Data warehouse data will be in the form of OLAP. OLTP is
fo... Last Updated By bhargava on May 01, 2007

(Answers: 2)


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17. What are the difficulties faced in using DataStage ? or what are the constraints in using
What are the difficulties faced in using DataStage ? or what are the constraints in using DataStage ?


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18. What r XML files and how do you read data from XML files and what stage to be used?
Latest Answer: This is how it can be doneDefine the xml
file path in the administrator Under environmental
paramet... Last Updated By satya on July 18, 2007

(Answers: 3)

19. How do you catch bad rows from OCI stage?

Latest Answer: The question itself is a little ambiguous to
me. I think the answer to the question might be, we wil...
Last Updated By gadwalvr on June 25, 2007
20. Why do you use SQL LOADER or OCI STAGE?


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Latest Answer: Data Will transfer very quickly to the Data Warehouse by using SQL Loader.... Last Updated By

21. Suppose if there are million records did you use OCI? if not then what stage do you prefer? Subscribe
Latest Answer: using Orabulk... Last Updated By
narsimhulu.D on September 11, 2005

(Answers: 1)

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22. How do you populate source files?

Latest Answer: It seems, the question is not quite
right.Can you please explain what do you mean by
populate "... Last Updated By hanug on May 06, 2007


(Answers: 3)

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23. How do you pass the parameter to the job sequence if the job is running at night?
Latest Answer: You can insert the parameter values in a
table and read them when the package runs using O... Last
Updated By gagan8877 on June 28, 2007

(Answers: 2)


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24. What happens if the job fails at night?

Latest Answer: U can define a job sequence to send an
email using SMTP activity if the job fails. Or log the failur...
Last Updated By gagan8877 on May 08, 2007


(Answers: 3)

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25. What is SQL tuning? how do you do it ?

Latest Answer: sql tunning how to per form thisin sqlserver... through query analyser is needed and explain brief
... Last Updated By vinoth kumar on December 18, 2006


(Answers: 4)

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26. What is project life cycle and how do you implement it?

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27. How do you track performance statistics and enhance it?

Latest Answer: You can right click on the server job and
select the "view performance statistics" option. This will...
Last Updated By satya on July 18, 2007


(Answers: 2)

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28. How do you do oracle 4 way inner join if there are 4 oracle input files?
Latest Answer: The Question asked incorrectly.there wont
be any Oracle file. It is Oracle table or view object.I ne...
Last Updated By hanug on May 06, 2007


(Answers: 1)

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29. What is the order of execution done internally in the transformer with the stage editor
having inpu
What is the order of execution done internally in the transformer with the stage editor having input links
on the lft hand side and output links?
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30. Explain your last project and your role in it.?


31. What are the often used Stages or stages you worked with in your last project?
A) Transformer, ORAOCI8/9, ODBC, Link-Partitioner, Link-Collector, Hash, ODBC, Aggregator, Sort.

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32. How many jobs have you created in your last project?
100+ jobs for every 6 months if you are in Development, if you are in testing 40 jobs for every 6 months although it
need not be the same number for everybody
Latest Answer: - I don't think these are the right numbers.

33. Tell me the environment in your last projects

Give the OS of the Server and the OS of the Client of your recent most project
Latest Answer: server is unix and client machine i.e is ur
machine where u design a job is windows xp professional...
Last Updated By rcp on October 13, 2005


(Answers: 1)

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34. Did you Parameterize the job or hard-coded the values in the jobs?
Always parameterized the job. Either the values are coming from Job Properties or from a Parameter Manager a
third part tool. There is no way you will hardcode some parameters in your jobs. The o
Latest Answer: hi please send me some real time
questions in datastage for interview.i have interview on
sunday for... Last Updated By umapathy on March 24,

(Answers: 1)

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35. Have you ever involved in updating the DS versions like DS 5.X, if so tell us some the steps Subscribe
you ha
Have you ever involved in updating the DS versions like DS 5.X, if so tell us some the steps you have
taken in doing so?
Yes. The following are some of the steps; I have taken in doing so:1) Definitely take a back up of the whole
project(s) by exporting the project as a .dsx file2) See that you are using the same parent
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36. What is Hash file stage and what is it used for?
Used for Look-ups. It is like a reference table. It is also used in-place of ODBC, OCI tables for better performance.
Latest Answer: We can also use the Hash File stage to
avoid / remove dupilcate rowsby specifying the hash key on
a... Last Updated By RamaPrasad Batchu on March 08,

(Answers: 1)

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37. What are Static Hash files and Dynamic Hash files?
As the names itself suggest what they mean. In general we use Type-30 dynamic Hash files. The Data file has a
default size of 2Gb and the overflow file is used if the data exceeds the 2GB size.
Latest Answer: good explanation.... Last Updated By
klsrao on June 12, 2007

(Answers: 3)

38. What versions of DS you worked with?

DS 7.0.2/6.0/5.2

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39. What other ETL's you have worked with?

Informatica and also DataJunction if it is present in your Resume.
Latest Answer: ab-initiodatasatge EE parllel editionoracle
-Etlthere are 7 ETL in market ! ... Last Updated By cndraa
on December 09, 2005


(Answers: 1)

40. Did you work in UNIX environment?

Yes. One of the most important requirements.

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Latest Answer: some times u need to write unix progrms in back round !like batch progms ! bcz data stage can
invoke... Last Updated By cndraa on December 09, 2005
41. How good are you with your PL/SQL?
On the scale of 1-10 say 8.5-9
Latest Answer: u will not be writtinf pl/sql in datastage ! sql
knowledge is enough ...... Last Updated By cndraa on
January 31, 2006


(Answers: 1)

42. Explain the differences between Oracle8i/9i?

Latest Answer: Oracle 8i does not support pseudo column
sysdate but 9i supportsOracle 8i we can create 256

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columns ... Last Updated By Gnaneshwar on April 09,

43. Do you know about INTEGRITY/QUALITY stage?
Latest Answer: Qulaity Stage can be integrated with
DataStage, In Quality Stage we have many stages like
investigat... Last Updated By suganyasug on April 18,


(Answers: 3)

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44. Do u know about METASTAGE?

Latest Answer: MetaStage is a persistent metadata
Directory that uniquely synchronizesmetadata across
multiple sepa... Last Updated By spartankiya on February
19, 2007


(Answers: 6)

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45. How did u connect to DB2 in your last project?

Using DB2 ODBC drivers.
Latest Answer: The following stages can connect to DB2
Database:ODBCDB2 Plug-in StageDynamic Relational
Stage... Last Updated By gagan8877 on May 08, 2007


(Answers: 1)

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46. What are OConv () and Iconv () functions and where are they used?
IConv() - Converts a string to an internal storage formatOConv() - Converts an expression to an output format.
Latest Answer: iconv is used to convert the date into into
internal format i.e only datastage can understand exampl...
Last Updated By cndraa on January 30, 2006

(Answers: 1)

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47. What are Routines and where/how are they written and have you written any routines
before? &nb
What are Routines and where/how are they written and have you written any routines before?
Routines are stored in the Routines branch of the DataStage Repository, where you can create, view or edit. The
following are different types of routines: 1) Transform functions
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48. If worked with DS6.0 and latest versions what are Link-Partitioner and Link-Collector used
Link Partitioner - Used for partitioning the data.Link Collector - Used for collecting the partitioned data.


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49. How did you handle reject data?
Typically a Reject-link is defined and the rejected data is loaded back into data warehouse. So Reject link has to be
defined every Output link you wish to collect rejected data. Rejected data is typi
Latest Answer: we can handle rejected data by collecting
them seperately in sequential file......... Last Updated By
sunilsavalasang on October 18, 2006

(Answers: 1)

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50. What are other Performance tunings you have done in your last project to increase the
performance o
What are other Performance tunings you have done in your last project to increase the performance of
slowly running jobs?
Staged the data coming from ODBC/OCI/DB2UDB stages or any database on the server using Hash/Sequential
files for optimum performance also for data recovery in case job aborts.Tuned the OCI stage for '
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51. How did you handle an 'Aborted' sequencer?
In almost all cases we have to delete the data inserted by this from DB manually and fix the job and then run the job
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52. What are Sequencers?


Sequencers are job control programs that execute other jobs with preset Job parameters.
Latest Answer: A sequencer allows you to synchronize the
control flow of multiple activities in a job sequence. It ...
Last Updated By jagan nimmagadda on January 10, 2006

(Answers: 1)

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53. How did u connect with DB2 in your last project?

Most of the times the data was sent to us in the form of flat files. The data is dumped and sent to us. In some cases
were we need to connect to DB2 for look-ups as an instance then we used ODBC drive
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54. Read the String functions in DS
Functions like [] -> sub-string function and ':' -> concatenation operatorSyntax: string [ [ start, ] length ]string
[ delimiter, instance, repeats ]
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55. What will you in a situation where somebody wants to send you a file and use that file as an Subscribe
What will you in a situation where somebody wants to send you a file and use that file as an input or
reference and then run job.
A. Under Windows: Use the 'WaitForFileActivity' under the Sequencers and then run the job. May be you can
schedule the sequencer around the time the file is expected to arrive.B. Under UNIX:
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56. How would call an external Java function which are not supported by DataStage?
Starting from DS 6.0 we have the ability to call external Java functions using a Java package from Ascential. In this
case we can even use the command line to invoke the Java function and write the re
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57. What is the utility you use to schedule the jobs on a UNIX server other than using Ascential Subscribe
What is the utility you use to schedule the jobs on a UNIX server other than using Ascential Director?
Use crontab utility along with dsexecute() function along with proper parameters passed.
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58. What are the command line functions that import and export the DS jobs?
A. dsimport.exe- imports the DataStage components.B. dsexport.exe- exports the DataStage components.
Latest Answer: Parameters: UserName,Password, Hostname,
Last Updated By Pd on September 22, 2006

(Answers: 2)

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59. How will you determine the sequence of jobs to load into data warehouse?
First we execute the jobs that load the data into Dimension tables, then Fact tables, then load the Aggregator tables
(if any).
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60. The above might rise another question: Why do we have to load the dimensional tables first, Subscribe
then fa
The above might rise another question: Why do we have to load the dimensional tables first, then fact
As we load the dimensional tables the keys (primary) are generated and these keys (primary) are Foreign keys in
Fact tables.
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61. Tell me one situation from your last project, where you had faced problem and How did u
solve it?
A. The jobs in which data is read directly from OCI stages are running extremely slow. I had to stage the data before
sending to the transformer to make the jobs run faster.B. The job aborts
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62. Does the selection of 'Clear the table and Insert rows' in the ODBC stage send a Truncate
Does the selection of 'Clear the table and Insert rows' in the ODBC stage send a Truncate statement to
the DB or does it do some kind of Delete logic.

There is no TRUNCATE on ODBC stages. It is Clear table blah blah and that is a delete from statement. On an OCI
stage such as Oracle, you do have both Clear and Truncate options. They are radically di
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63. How do you rename all of the jobs to support your new File-naming conventions?
Create a Excel spreadsheet with new and old names. Export the whole project as a dsx. Write a Perl program,
which can do a simple rename of the strings looking up the Excel file. Then import the new d
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64. Difference between Hashfile and Sequential File?
Latest Answer: Hash file can be stored in DS memory
(Buffer) but Sequential file cannot be.. duplicates will be
rem... Last Updated By Sanj333 on August 30, 2007


(Answers: 2)

65. What is iconv and oconv functions?

Latest Answer: Plz..Refer Q.227 for more information....
Last Updated By JD on November 29, 2006


(Answers: 3)

66. How can we join one Oracle source and Sequential file?.
Latest Answer: . Join and look up used to join oracle and
sequential file... Last Updated By J D Prasad Malneedi on
September 29, 2005

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(Answers: 1)

72. How can we improve the performance of DataStage jobs?

Latest Answer: hi,i am learnining datastage server job, but
i dont have project to analyze, if u have any projects ... Last

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71. what are the Job parameters?

Latest Answer: These Parameters are used to provide
Administrative access and change run time values of the
job.EDI... Last Updated By mallakishore on October 20,

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70. what is the difference between routine and transform and function?
Latest Answer: By using Routines we can return values
but by transformers we cannot return values... Last
Updated By suganyasug on April 18, 2007

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69. What are all the third party tools used in DataStage?
Latest Answer: Contl-M job schedular... Last Updated By
Upul on April 24, 2007

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68. How can we implement Lookup in DataStage Server jobs?

Latest Answer: In server canvs we can perform 2 kinds of
direct lookupsOne is by using a hashed file and the other ...
Last Updated By Purnima on March 30, 2006

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67. How can we implement Slowly Changing Dimensions in DataStage?.

Latest Answer: We can implement SCD in datastage
1.Type 1 SCD:insert else update in ODBC stage2.Type 2
SCD:insert n... Last Updated By suganyasug on April 18,

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(Answers: 2)

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Updated By vedamurthy on February 21, 2006

73. How can we create Containers?
Latest Answer: hicontainers r speacial type of jobs in the
datastage that will simplify the job design either in th... Last
Updated By satish kumar on April 16, 2006


(Answers: 3)

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74. When should we use ODS?

DWH's are typically read only, batch updated on a scheduleODS's are maintained in more real time, trickle fed
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75. Whats difference betweeen operational data stage (ODS) & data warehouse?
Latest Answer: An operational data store (or "ODS") is a
database designed to integrate data from multiple
sources ... Last Updated By Dharmendra on September
22, 2006

(Answers: 5)


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76. How to handle Date convertions in Datastage? Convert a mm/dd/yyyy format to yyyy-ddSubscribe
We use a) "Iconv" function - Internal Convertion. b) "Oconv" function - External Convertion. Function to convert
mm/dd/yyyy format to yyyy-dd-mm is Oconv(Iconv(Filedname,"D/M
Latest Answer: we can achieve this conversion using
transformer stage conversion functions in PX.Hanu.... Last
Updated By hanug on May 06, 2007

(Answers: 4)

77. How do you pass filename as the parameter for a job?

Latest Answer: 1. Define the job parameter at the job level
or Project level.2. Use the file name in the stage(sour... Last
Updated By hanug on May 06, 2007


(Answers: 3)

78. How will you call external function or subroutine from datastage?
Latest Answer: U can call external functions, subroutines
by using Before/After stage/job Subroutines :
ExecSHExecD... Last Updated By gagan8877 on May 08,

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(Answers: 2)

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79. Dimensional modelling is again sub divided into 2 types.

a)Star Schema - Simple & Much Faster. Denormalized form. b)Snowflake Schema - Complex with more Granularity.
More normalized form.
Latest Answer: i want routine documents and userdefined
code of the routine? And real time senario in datastag...
Last Updated By nukaraj on October 16, 2005

(Answers: 1)

80. how to create batches in Datastage from command prompt

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81. How do you eliminate duplicate rows?

Latest Answer: If you dont have remove duplicates stge,
you can use hash file to eliminate duplicates.... Last
Updated By klsrao on April 23, 2007


(Answers: 4)

82. What is DS Administrator used for - did u use it?

Latest Answer: It is primarily used to create the Datastage

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(Answers: 2)

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project, assign the user roles to the project, set para... Last
Updated By hanug on May 06, 2007
83. What is DS Designer used for - did u use it?
Latest Answer: You use the Designer to build jobs by
creating a visual design that models the flow and
transformati... Last Updated By CNU on August 02, 2005


(Answers: 1)

84. What about System variables?

Latest Answer: If a new system variable is added in
Windows, how can we access it in datastage?Thanks in
advance... Last Updated By Ravi Kumar on March 15,


(Answers: 2)

85. How do you eliminate duplicate rows?

Latest Answer: removal of duplicates done in two ways: 1.
Use "Duplicate Data Removal" stage or 2. ... Last Updated
By Mujeebur on August 15, 2005

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86. What are types of Hashed File?

Hashed File is classified broadly into 2 types. a) Static - Sub divided into 17 types based on Primary Key Pattern. b)
Dynamic - sub divided into 2 types i) Generic ii
Latest Answer: Hashed File is classified broadly into 2
types. a) Static - Sub divided into 17 types ba... Last
Updated By prashanth on August 25, 2005

(Answers: 2)

87. What is DS Manager used for - did u use it?

Latest Answer: It is used to view and edit the contents of
datastage repository.... Last Updated By Goutham on
January 26, 2006


(Answers: 3)

88. What is DS Director used for - did u use it?

Latest Answer: Datastage Director is GUI to monitor, run,
validate & schedule datastage server jobs. ... Last Updated
By Tutu on May 11, 2006

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(Answers: 5)

89. How do we do the automation of dsjobs?

Latest Answer: We can call Datastage Batch Job from
Command prompt using 'dsjob'. We can also pass all the
paramete... Last Updated By Pavan on December 05,

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(Answers: 2)

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90. How do you merge two files in DS?

Either used Copy command as a Before-job subroutine if the metadata of the 2 files are same or created a job to
concatenate the 2 files into one if the metadata is different.
Latest Answer: Use the merge plug-in stage which can
merge two files based on the defined key fields by using,
INNE... Last Updated By gagan8877 on May 08, 2007

(Answers: 5)

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91. what's the difference between Datastage Developers and Datastage Designers. What are the Subscribe
what's the difference between Datastage Developers and Datastage Designers. What are the skill's
required for this.
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92. Importance of Surrogate Key in Data warehousing?

Surrogate Key is a Primary Key for a Dimension table. Most importance of using it is it is independent of underlying
database. i.e Surrogate Key is not affected by the changes going on with a databas
Latest Answer: can uplz elobrate, how performance
improves, queryprocessing... Last Updated By vara on
January 25, 2007

(Answers: 5)

93. How do you fix the error "OCI has fetched truncated data" in DataStage
Latest Answer: This kind of error occurs when you have
CLOB in back end and Varchar in DataStage. So check the
back... Last Updated By prasoon.pandey on August 29,


(Answers: 3)

94. what is difference between data stage and informatica

Asked by: neelu
Latest Answer: Here is a very good articles on these
differences... whic hhelps to get an idea.. basically it's dep...
Last Updated By Jimmy on September 11, 2005

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(Answers: 1)

95. Could you please help me with a set of questions on Parallel Extender?
X Asked by: aadi

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96. How many places u can call Routines?

Four Places u can call (i) Transform of routine (A) Date Transformation (B) Upstring Transformation (ii) Transform of
the Before & After Subroutines(iii) XML transformation(iv)Web base t Asked by: Mukesh Kumar Madhav
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97. What is the Batch Program and how can generate ?
Batch programe is the programe it's generate run time to maintain by the datastage it self but u can easy to change
own the basis of your requirement (Extraction, Transformation,Loading) .Batch progr Asked by: Mukesh Kumar
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98. Scenario based Question ........... Suppose that 4 job control by the sequencer like (job 1, job Subscribe
Scenario based Question ........... Suppose that 4 job control by the sequencer like (job 1, job 2, job 3,
job 4 )if job 1 have 10,000 row ,after run the job only 5000 data has been loaded in target table
remaining are not loaded and your job going to be aborted then.. How can short out the problem.
Suppose job sequencer synchronies or control 4 job but job 1 have problem, in this condition should go director and
check it what type of problem showing either data type problem, warning massage, job Asked by: Mukesh Kumar
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99. I want to process 3 files in sequentially one by one , how can i do that. while processing the Subscribe
I want to process 3 files in sequentially one by one , how can i do that. while processing the files it
should fetch files automatically .
hi Asked by: sekhar
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100. What Happens if RCP is disable ?
Asked by: sekhar
Latest Answer: Runtime column propagation (RCP): If
RCP is enabled for any job, and specifically for those stage
wh... Last Updated By Venkata Maruthi on November 10,
101. defaults nodes for datastage parallel Edition
Asked by: sekhar
Latest Answer: Actually the Number of Nodes depend on


(Answers: 3)

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102. where does unix script of datastage executes weather in clinet machine or in
server.suppose if it e
where does unix script of datastage executes weather in clinet machine or in server.suppose if it
eexcutes on server then it will execute ?
Asked by: sekhar


Read / Answer
103. how can we pass parameters to job by using file.
Asked by: sudhakar_geek
Latest Answer: u can create a UNIX shell script which will
pass the parameters to the job and u also can create log...
Last Updated By Rajshankar on April 04, 2006


(Answers: 2)

Read / Answer

104. What is ' insert for update ' in datastage

Asked by: ashish
Latest Answer: There is a lock for update option in Hashed
File Stage, which locks the hashed file for updating whe...
Last Updated By gagan8877 on May 10, 2007


(Answers: 2)

Read / Answer

105. Hi, What are the Repository Tables in DataStage and What are they?
Asked by: Kumar
Latest Answer: Dear User. A datawarehouse is a
repository(centralized as well as distributed) of Data, able...
Last Updated By Venkat on October 25, 2005


(Answers: 1)

Read / Answer

106. What is version Control?

Asked by: Kumar
Latest Answer: Version Controlstores different versions of
DS jobsruns different versions of same jobreverts to pre...
Last Updated By vick on October 30, 2005


(Answers: 2)

Read / Answer

107. what happends out put of hash file is connected to transformer ..what error it throughs
Asked by: blade
Latest Answer: If Hash file output is connected to
transformer stage the hash file will consider as the Lookup
file... Last Updated By shameerok on March 22, 2006

(Answers: 3)


Read / Answer

108. please list out the versions of datastage Parallel , server editions and in which year they
are rea
please list out the versions of datastage Parallel , server editions and in which year they are realised.
Asked by: rcp


Read / Answer
109. what is merge and how it can be done plz explain with simple example taking 2 tables ....... Subscribe
Asked by: rcp
Latest Answer: Merge stage in used for only Flat files in
server edition... Last Updated By madan on April 29, 2006

(Answers: 3)

Read / Answer

110. How can I extract data from DB2 (on IBM iSeries) to the data warehouse via Datastage as
the ETL too
How can I extract data from DB2 (on IBM iSeries) to the data warehouse via Datastage as the ETL tool.
I mean do I first need to use ODBC to create connectivity and use an adapter for the extraction and
transformation of data? Thanks so much if anybody could provide an answer.
? Asked by: cy
Read / Answer
111. How can I connect my DB2 database on AS400 to DataStage? Do I need to use ODBC 1st to Subscribe
open the data
How can I connect my DB2 database on AS400 to DataStage? Do I need to use ODBC 1st to open the
database connectivity and then use an adapter for just connecting between the two? Thanks alot of any

Asked by: cy
Read / Answer
112. what is the OCI? and how to use the ETL Tools?
OCI means orabulk data which used client having bulk data its retrive time is much more ie., your used to orabulk
data the divided and retrived Asked by: ramanamv
Latest Answer: OCI means oracle call interface i.e this
acts like native tool to load oracle databaseU can just dra...
Last Updated By Sharanu Patil on February 28, 2006

(Answers: 2)

Read / Answer

113. what is NLS in datastage? how we use NLS in Datastage ? what advantages in that ? at the Subscribe
time of in
what is NLS in datastage? how we use NLS in Datastage ? what advantages in that ? at the time of
installation i am not choosen that NLS option , now i want to use that options what can i do ? to reinstall
that datastage or first uninstall and install once again ?
Asked by: sreedhar
Read / Answer
114. What is APT_CONFIG in datastage
Asked by: rcp
Latest Answer: APT_CONFIG is just an environment
variable used to idetify the *.apt file. Dont confuse that with
*.... Last Updated By Raghu on December 09, 2005


(Answers: 3)

Read / Answer

115. how we use NLS function in Datastage? what are advantages of NLS function? where we
can use that on
how we use NLS function in Datastage? what are advantages of NLS function? where we can use that
one? explain briefly?
Asked by: sreedhar Kancherla
Read / Answer
116. what is merge ?and how to use merge?
merge is nothing but a filter conditions that have been used for filter condition Asked by: ramanamv
Latest Answer: Merge stage is a processing stage, it can
have any no of input link and only one output link. It is ...
Last Updated By shameerok on March 22, 2006

(Answers: 5)

Read / Answer

117. what is difference between serverjobs & paraller jobs

Asked by: ramanamv
Latest Answer: Server jobs can be run on SMP,MPP
machines.Here performance is low i.e speed is lessParallel
jobs ca... Last Updated By Sharanu Patil on February 28,



(Answers: 4)

Read / Answer

118. what is DataStage Multi-byte, Single-byte file conversions in Mainframe jobs? what is UTF
8 ? whats
what is DataStage Multi-byte, Single-byte file conversions in Mainframe jobs? what is UTF 8 ? whats
use of UTF 8 ?
Asked by: ramireddy


Read / Answer
119. what is Data stage Multi-byte, Single-byte file conversions?how we use that conversions in Subscribe
data sta
what is Data stage Multi-byte, Single-byte file conversions?how we use that conversions in data stage?
Asked by: ramireddy
Read / Answer
120. How can ETL excel file to Datamart?
Asked by: perer*king
Latest Answer: open the ODBC Data Source Administrator
found in the controlpanel/administrative tools.under the

(Answers: 5)

Read / Answer

sys... Last Updated By machaiyer on July 24, 2006

121. what is the mean of Try to have the constraints in the 'Selection' criteria of the jobs i
what is the mean of Try to have the constraints in the 'Selection' criteria of the jobs itself. This will
eliminate the unnecessary records even getting in before joins are made?
Asked by: sudhakar


Read / Answer
122. what is the meaning of the following..1)If an input file has an excessive number of rows
and can be
what is the meaning of the following..1)If an input file has an excessive number of rows and can be
split-up then use standard 2)logic to run jobs in parallel3)Tuning should occur on a job-by-job basis.
Use the power of DBMS.
Asked by: sudhakar


Read / Answer
123. how to implement routines in data stage,have any one has any material for data stage pl
send to me
pl send material for data stage Asked by: krishna
Latest Answer: there are 3 kind of routines is there in
Datastage.1.server routines which will used in server
jobs.... Last Updated By Sivarao on December 28, 2005

(Answers: 2)


Read / Answer

124. what is trouble shhoting in server jobs ? what are the diff kinds of errors encountered
while runni
what is trouble shhoting in server jobs ? what are the diff kinds of errors encountered while running any
Asked by: Ajju2005
Read / Answer
125. how can u implement slowly changed dimensions in datastage? explain?2) can u join flat
file and dat
how can u implement slowly changed dimensions in datastage? explain?2) can u join flat file and
database in datastage?how?
Asked by: ramaiah


Read / Answer
126. How can you implement Complex Jobs in datastage
Asked by: ramaiah
Latest Answer: if the job have good logic that is called
as complex job.simply we can say Sce... Last Updated By
arun on May 30, 2006


(Answers: 5)

Read / Answer

127. Does Enterprise Edition only add the parallel processing for better performance?Are any
Does Enterprise Edition only add the parallel processing for better performance?Are any
stages/transformations available in the enterprise edition only?
Asked by: stanis


Read / Answer
128. how can you do incremental load in datastage?
Asked by: ramaiah
Latest Answer: Incremental load means daily load.when
ever you are selecting data from source, select the records
w... Last Updated By Sivarao on December 27, 2005


(Answers: 2)

129. If your running 4 ways parallel and you have 10 stages on the canvas, how many
processes does datas
If your running 4 ways parallel and you have 10 stages on the canvas, how many processes does
datastage create?
Asked by: vishut

Read / Answer

Read / Answer

130. If data is partitioned in your job on key 1 and then you aggregate on key 2, what issues
could aris
If data is partitioned in your job on key 1 and then you aggregate on key 2, what issues could arise?
Asked by: vishut


Read / Answer
132. What is the difference between Datastage and Datastage TX?
Asked by: jalvarado
Latest Answer: Its a critical question to answer, but one
thing i can tell u that Datastage Tx is not a ETL tool &a...
Last Updated By Sharanu Patil on February 28, 2006


(Answers: 1)

Read / Answer

133. what are validations you perform after creating jobs in designer.what r the different type of Subscribe
what are validations you perform after creating jobs in designer.what r the different type of errors u
faced during loading and how u solve them
Asked by: diwakar
Read / Answer
134. How can I specify a filter command for processing data while defining sequential file
output data?
Asked by: Mario Franke
Latest Answer: We have some thing called as after job
subroutine and Before subroutine, with then we can
execute th... Last Updated By Sreedhar on January 30,

(Answers: 1)


Read / Answer

135. can we use shared container as lookup in datastage server jobs?

Asked by: sivarao
Latest Answer: Hi,I am using DataStage 7.5, Unix. we can
use shared container more than one time in the job.T... Last
Updated By Radhika on June 27, 2006


(Answers: 3)

Read / Answer

136. Hi!Can any one tell me how to extract data from more than 1 hetrogenious Sources.mean,
example 1 se
Hi!Can any one tell me how to extract data from more than 1 hetrogenious Sources.mean, example 1
sequenal file, Sybase , Oracle in a singale Job.
Asked by: Ranga


Read / Answer
137. What is the exact difference betwwen Join,Merge and Lookup Stage??
Asked by: Phantom
Latest Answer: Also remember that to use Merge
stage the key's field names MUST be equal in both&n...
Last Updated By Ronaldo on August 05, 2006


(Answers: 7)

Read / Answer

138. hi! .. There are three different types of user-created stages available for PX. What are they? Subscribe
hi! .. There are three different types of user-created stages available for PX. What are they? Which
would you use? What are the disadvantage for using each type?
Asked by: Hridesh
Read / Answer
139. what is the difference between buildopts and subroutines ?
Asked by: sekr
Latest Answer: buildopts generates c++ code ( oops
concept)subroutine :- is normal programe and u can call
any wher... Last Updated By sekhu_da on December 22,


(Answers: 1)

140. what user varibale activity when it used how it used !where it is used with real example

Read / Answer

Asked by: sekr

Latest Answer: By using This User variable activity we can
create some variables in the job sequnce,this variables ...
Last Updated By jagan nimmagadda on March 28, 2006

(Answers: 1)

Read / Answer

141. DataStage from Staging to MDW is only running at 1 row per second! What do we do to
Asked by: John
Latest Answer: Question should be more detailed. I am
assuming that there are too many stages, which is causing
pro... Last Updated By Ravi on May 29, 2006

(Answers: 1)


Read / Answer

142. what is the difference between datastage and informatica

Asked by: anunath
Latest Answer: Informatica and DataStage both are
ETL tools, which are used for data acquisition process...
Last Updated By Mohan Krishnan Mannam on July 05,


(Answers: 8)

Read / Answer

143. how is datastage 4.0 functionally different from the enterprise edition now?? what are the
exact ch
how is datastage 4.0 functionally different from the enterprise edition now?? what are the exact
Asked by: vamsi


Read / Answer
144. What are orabulk and bcp stages?
Asked by: ragkris
Latest Answer: ORABULK is used to load bulk data into
single table of target oracle database.BCP is used to load
bu... Last Updated By pavan on May 13, 2006


(Answers: 2)

145. how to handle the rejected rows in datastage?

Asked by: vajra
Latest Answer: we can handle rejected rows in two ways
with help of Constraints in a Tansformer.1) By Putting on
th... Last Updated By RamaPrasad Batchu on March 09,


(Answers: 2)

146. it is possible to run parallel jobs in server jobs?

Asked by: mallikharjuna reddy
Latest Answer: by configuring config file... Last Updated
By server on parllel on April 21, 2006

Read / Answer

(Answers: 5)

147. what are the differences between the data stage 7.0 and 7.5in server jobs?
Asked by: mallikharjuna reddy
Latest Answer: There are lot of Diffrences: There are lot of
new stages are available in DS7.5 For Eg: CDC ... Last
Updated By Satheesh on March 15, 2006

Read / Answer

Read / Answer

(Answers: 1)

Read / Answer

148. How the hash file is doing lookup in serverjobs?How is it comparing the key values?
Asked by: priyabrata


Latest Answer: Hashed File is used for two purpose: 1.

Remove Duplicate Records 2. Then Used for reference
looku... Last Updated By Satheesh on March 15, 2006

(Answers: 1)

149. what is data set? and what is file set?

Asked by: mallikharjuna reddy
Latest Answer: file set:- It allows you to read data from or
write data to a file set. The stage can have a single ... Last
Updated By srinivas on April 14, 2006

Read / Answer

(Answers: 2)

Read / Answer

150. what are the enhancements made in datastage 7.5 compare with 7.0
Asked by: uma maheswar
Latest Answer: Complex file and Surrogate key generator
stages are added in Ver 7.5 ... Last Updated By Rama
Prasad on April 21, 2006


(Answers: 3)

Read / Answer

151. If I add a new environment variable in Windows, how can I access it in DataStage?Thanks
in advance.
Asked by: raviatpals
Latest Answer: U can view all the environment variables in
designer. U can check it in Job properties. U can add an...
Last Updated By Rama Prasad on April 21, 2006

(Answers: 2)


Read / Answer

152. 1.What about System variables? 2.How can we create Containers? 3.How can we improve Subscribe
the performance
1.What about System variables? 2.How can we create Containers? 3.How can we improve the
performance of DataStage? 4.what are the Job parameters? 5.what is the difference between routine
and transform and function? 6.What are all the third party tools used in DataStage? 7.How can we
implement Lookup in DataStage Server jobs? 8.How can we implement Slowly Changing Dimensions
in DataStage?. 9.How can we join one Oracle source and Sequential file?. 10.What is iconv and oconv
functions? 11.Differenc
Asked by: sdfsdf
Read / Answer
153. it is possible to call one job in another job in server jobs?
Asked by: mallikharjuna reddy
Latest Answer: Hi, I think we can call a job into another
job. In fact calling doesn't sound good, beca... Last
Updated By Alok Ranjan on April 05, 2006


(Answers: 2)

154. what is hashing algorithm and explain breafly how it works?

Asked by: mallikharjuna reddy
Latest Answer: Hi all, Can any one please explain the
difference between GENERAL and SEQ.NUM hashiing
algorithms? t... Last Updated By raj on March 24, 2006


(Answers: 3)

155. what is OCI?

Asked by: mallikharjuna reddy
Latest Answer: Oracle offers a proprietary call interface for
C and C++ programmers that allows manipulation of dat...
Last Updated By Rama Prasad on April 21, 2006

Read / Answer

Read / Answer

(Answers: 3)

Read / Answer

156. What is the NLS equivalent to NLS oracle code American_America.US7ASCII on Datastage Subscribe
Asked by: Mirana
Read / Answer
157. If a DataStage job aborts after say 1000 records, how to continue the job from 1000th
record after
If a DataStage job aborts after say 1000 records, how to continue the job from 1000th record after fixing
the error?
Asked by: etl
Read / Answer
158. how to implement type2 slowly changing dimensions in data stage?explain with example? Subscribe
Asked by: mallikharjuna reddy
Latest Answer: to develope scd type 2 us the update
action in target as " insert new rows only"for this u need to
m... Last Updated By Sivarao on May 15, 2006

(Answers: 2)

Read / Answer

159. Is it possible to move the data from oracle ware house to SAP Warehouse using with


Asked by: arya

Latest Answer: We can use DataStage Extract Pack for
SAP R/3 and DataStage Load Pack for SAP BW ... Last
Updated By Rama Prasad on April 21, 2006

(Answers: 1)

Read / Answer

160. Can you convert a snow flake schema into star schema?
Yes, We can convert by attaching one hierarchy to lowest level of another hierarchy. Asked by: dwandbi
Latest Answer: No. It is not possible... Last Updated By
katta on February 24, 2007

(Answers: 1)

Read / Answer

161. How much would be the size of the database in DataStage ?What is the difference between Subscribe
Inprocess a
How much would be the size of the database in DataStage ?What is the difference between Inprocess
and Interprocess ?
Asked by: Madhusudan
Read / Answer
162. How I can convert Server Jobs into Parallel Jobs?
Asked by: frodeg
Latest Answer: Could'nt we just copy the whole job design
and stages using your mouse and paste into a new
parallel... Last Updated By John on February 06, 2007


(Answers: 4)

163. What is the max capacity of Hash file in DataStage?

Asked by: Lak
Latest Answer: Hello,Take a look at the uvconfig file:#
64BIT_FILES - This sets the default mode used to# &nbs...
Last Updated By Alfons Garcia on May 05, 2006


(Answers: 2)

164. how to use rank&updatestratergy in datastage

Asked by: subbu
Latest Answer: U can use it with ODBC stage by writing
proper SQl quries... Last Updated By shri on September
15, 2006

Read / Answer

(Answers: 2)

165. What is the difference between drs and odbc stage

Asked by: sowmya
Latest Answer: To answer your question the DRS stage
should be faster then the ODBC stage as it uses native
databas... Last Updated By Zabi81 on June 01, 2006

Read / Answer

Read / Answer

(Answers: 2)

Read / Answer

166. what is meaning of file extender in data stage server jobs.can we run the data stage job
from one j
what is meaning of file extender in data stage server jobs.can we run the data stage job from one job to
another job that file data where it is stored and what is the file extender in ds jobs.
Asked by: venkateswarlu
Read / Answer
167. # How does DataStage handle the user security?
Asked by: debasis_mohanty
Latest Answer: we have to create users in the
Administrators and give the necessary priviliges to users....
Last Updated By chereddy on May 18, 2006


(Answers: 1)

168. What are the Steps involved in development of a job in DataStage?

Asked by: debasis_mohanty
Latest Answer: The steps required are:select the
datasource stage depending upon the sources for
ex:flatfile,databa... Last Updated By chereddy on May 18,
169. Briefly describe the various client components?

Read / Answer

(Answers: 1)

Read / Answer

Asked by: debasis_mohanty

Latest Answer: There are four client components
DataStage Designer. A design interface used to create
DataStage app... Last Updated By Ankit Agrawal on May
13, 2006

(Answers: 1)

Read / Answer

170. What is a project? Specify its various components?

Asked by: debasis_mohanty
Latest Answer: You always enter DataStage through a
DataStage project. When you start a DataStage client you
are pr... Last Updated By silpabalram on May 15, 2006


(Answers: 1)

Read / Answer

171. * What are constraints and derivation?* Explain the process of taking backup in
DataStage?*What are
* What are constraints and derivation?* Explain the process of taking backup in DataStage?*What are
the different types of lookups available in DataStage?
Asked by: debasis_mohanty


Read / Answer
172. Will the data stage consider the second constraint in the transformer once the first
condition is s
Will the data stage consider the second constraint in the transformer once the first condition is satisfied
( if the link odering is given)
Asked by: raji
Read / Answer
173. How to remove duplicates in server job
Asked by: Priyanka
Latest Answer: Explain... Last Updated By
sudheermukkamalla on August 07, 2006


(Answers: 3)

174. How do you do Usage analysis in datastage ?

Asked by: arun
Latest Answer: Hi,1. If u want to know some job is a part
of a sequence, then in the Manager right click the job an...
Last Updated By Zabi81 on June 01, 2006


(Answers: 1)

175. purpose of using the key and difference between Surrogate keys and natural key
Asked by: CNDRAA
Latest Answer: natural key :- seq no system assigned
..skey :- user assigend ! u can start with any number like
100... Last Updated By sekhu_da on November 14, 2006

(Answers: 2)

176. what are the environment variables in datastage?give some examples?

Asked by: mallikharjuna reddy
Latest Answer: Hi,Theare are the variables used at the
project or job level.We can use them to to configure the
job... Last Updated By Hanu on June 08, 2006

Read / Answer

Read / Answer

Read / Answer

(Answers: 1)

177. wht is the difference beteen validated ok and compiled in datastage.

Asked by: kishore

Read / Answer
Read / Answer

178. how we can create rank using datastge like in informatica.

Asked by: kishore
Latest Answer: Hi,if ranking means that belowprop_id
11... Last Updated By Murat Nur on December
28, 2006
179. What is difference between Merge stage and Join stage?
Asked by: Madhav
Latest Answer: Someone was saying that join does not


(Answers: 1)

Read / Answer

180. Hican any one can explain what areDB2 UDB utilitiesub
Asked by: ub

Read / Answer

181. what is PROFILE STAGE , QUALITY STAGE,AUDIT STAGE in datastage..please expalin in

detail.thanks in
what is PROFILE STAGE , QUALITY STAGE,AUDIT STAGE in datastage..please expalin in
detail.thanks in adv
Asked by: xxx


Read / Answer
182. hi all what is auditstage,profilestage,qulaitystages in datastge please explain indetail
Asked by: profilestage

Read / Answer

183. how to implement type2 slowly changing dimenstion in datastage? give me with example? Subscribe
Asked by: mallikharjuna reddy
Latest Answer: you can use change-capture stage - This
will tell you whether the source record is
insert/update/mod... Last Updated By ajinkyac on June
16, 2007

(Answers: 3)

184. how to find the number of rows in a sequential file?

Asked by: mallikharjuna reddy
Latest Answer: Using Row Count system variable... Last
Updated By malla on June 29, 2006


(Answers: 1)

185. where actually the flat files store?what is the path?

Asked by: mallikharjuna reddy
Latest Answer: The flat files will be stored in the unix box
,if u r environment is Unix,U need to specify th... Last
Updated By Bharath narahari on December 05, 2006

Read / Answer

(Answers: 3)

186. what are the different types of lookups in datastage?

Asked by: mallikharjuna reddy
Latest Answer: U can also use the sparse look up property
when u have large data in the look up table ..... ... Last
Updated By Bharath narahari on December 05, 2006

Read / Answer

Read / Answer

(Answers: 4)

Read / Answer

187. What are the most important aspects that a beginner must consider doin his first DS
project ?
Asked by: Vince O'Reilly


Latest Answer: Apart from DWH concepts and different

stage knowledge,try to use the director to find out errors
and... Last Updated By Bharath narahari on December
05, 2006

(Answers: 2)

188. how we can call the routine in datastage job?explain with steps?
Asked by: mallikharjuna reddy
Latest Answer: In transformer stage we have to edit the
field and click dsRoutines.It will prompt to select the rou...
Last Updated By malla on June 29, 2006

Read / Answer

(Answers: 2)

189. what is job control?how it is developed?explain with steps?

Asked by: mallikharjuna reddy

Read / Answer
Read / Answer

190. what is job control?how can it used explain with steps?

Asked by: mallikharjuna reddy
Latest Answer: JCL defines Job Control Language it is
ued to run more number of jobs at a time with or without

(Answers: 1)

Read / Answer

usin... Last Updated By shiva on June 29, 2006

191. how to find errors in job sequence?
Asked by: mallikharjuna reddy
Latest Answer: Just go to th eparticular jobs log... Last
Updated By Bharath narahari on December 05, 2006


(Answers: 2)

192. it is possible to access the same job two users at a time in datastage?
Asked by: mallikharjuna reddy
Latest Answer: No chance ..... u have to kill the job
process ... Last Updated By Bharath narahari on
December 05, 2006

Read / Answer

(Answers: 4)

193. what is the meaning of instace in data stage?explain with examples?

Asked by: mallikharjuna reddy

Read / Answer
Read / Answer

194. If the size of the Hash file exceeds 2GB..What happens? Does it overwrite the current
Asked by: Rohit
Latest Answer: it overwrites the file... Last Updated By
shiva on June 29, 2006

(Answers: 1)

195. how to drop the index befor loading data in target and how to rebuild it in data stage?
Asked by: mallikharjuna reddy
Latest Answer: This can be achieved by "Direct Load"
option of SQLLoaded utily.... Last Updated By soumita deb
on July 25, 2006

(Answers: 1)

196. How to parametarise a field in a sequential file?I am using Datastage as ETL

Tool,Sequential file a
How to parametarise a field in a sequential file?I am using Datastage as ETL Tool,Sequential file as
Asked by: K.Bala Subrahmanyam


Read / Answer

Read / Answer

Read / Answer
197. how to kill the job in data stage?
Asked by: mallikharjuna reddy
Latest Answer: U can also do it by using data stage
director clean up resources... Last Updated By Bharath
narahari on December 05, 2006


(Answers: 3)

198. where we use link partitioner in data stage job?explain with example?
Asked by: mallikharjuna reddy
Latest Answer: We use Link Partitioner in DataStage
Server Jobs.The Link Partitioner stage is an active stage
which... Last Updated By shiva on June 29, 2006

Read / Answer

(Answers: 1)

Read / Answer

199. What is the difference between sequential file and a dataset? When to use the copy stage? Subscribe
Asked by: vsarita80
Latest Answer: hi allsequential file:it act as a source &
permanent storage for 's extend is .txt.dat... Last
Updated By kirupakaran on December 12, 2006

(Answers: 4)

200. what is the purpose of exception activity in data stage 7.5?

Asked by: mallikharjuna reddy
Latest Answer: The stages followed by exception activity
will be executed whenever there is an unknown error
occurs... Last Updated By vimalt on July 13, 2006

Read / Answer

(Answers: 2)

201. How i create datastage Engine stop start script.Actually my idea is as below.!
#bin/bashdsadm - user

Read / Answer

How i create datastage Engine stop start script.Actually my idea is as below.!#bin/bashdsadm - usersu rootpassword
(encript)DSHOMEBIN=/Ascential/DataStage/home/dsadm/Ascential/DataStage/DSEngine/binif check
ps -ef | grep DataStage (client connection is there) { kill -9 PID (client connection) }uv -admin - stop >
dev/nulluv -admin - start > dev/nullverify processcheck the connectionecho "Started properly"run it as
Read / Answer
202. How do u check for the consistency and integrity of model and repository?
Asked by: mahesh

Read / Answer

203. What does separation option in static hash-file mean?

Asked by: mahesh
Latest Answer: The different hashing algorithms are
designed to distribute records evenly among the groups of
the f... Last Updated By Navatha on July 06, 2006


(Answers: 1)

204. give one real time situation where link partitioner stage used?
Asked by: mallikharjuna reddy
Latest Answer: If we want to send more data from the
source to the targets quickly we will be using the link
partio... Last Updated By praveenkumar on August 20,

Read / Answer

(Answers: 1)

205. What is the difference between Symetrically parallel processing,Massively parallel

Asked by: balu

Read / Answer

Read / Answer
206. How to implement slowly changing dimentions in Datastage?
Asked by: balu
Latest Answer: In Informatica powercenter, there is a way
to implement slowly changing dimension through wizard.
Da... Last Updated By vimalt on July 13, 2006


(Answers: 2)

207. what is data stage engine?what is its purpose?

Asked by: mallikharjuna reddy
Latest Answer: Datastage sever contains Datastage
engine DS Server will interact with Client components and
Reposit... Last Updated By JOHN DANIEL on November
08, 2006


(Answers: 1)

208. what is the size of the flat file?

Asked by: mallikharjuna reddy
Latest Answer: The flat file size depends amount of data
contained by that flat file... Last Updated By Dharmendra
on September 22, 2006

Read / Answer

(Answers: 1)

209. how to improve the performance of hash file?

Asked by: mallikharjuna reddy
Latest Answer: Hi You can inprove performance of hashed
file by 1 .Preloading hash file into memory -->this can ...
Last Updated By Saket Garg on July 04, 2006

Read / Answer

Read / Answer

(Answers: 1)

210. Actually my requirement is like that :Here is the codification suggested:

Actually my requirement is like that :Here is the codification suggested:
sequence to ensure unicity and continuity of file exchangesCaution, there will an increment to
implement.YYYYMMDD = LVM date of file creation COMPRESSION AND DELIVERY TO:

Read / Answer


job the target file names are like this sale_header_1_20060206 & sale_line_1_20060206.if we run next
Asked by: sreedhar kancherla
Read / Answer
211. Other than Round Robin, What is the algorithm used in link collecter? Also Explain How it
will wor
Other than Round Robin, What is the algorithm used in link collecter? Also Explain How it will works?
Asked by: mallikharjuna reddy


Read / Answer
212. Have you ever involved in updating the DS versions like DS 5.X, if so tell us some the
steps you ha
Have you ever involved in updating the DS versions like DS 5.X, if so tell us some the steps you have
Asked by: geek61


Read / Answer
213. My requirement is like this :Here is the codification suggested:
My requirement is like this :Here is the codification suggested:
sequence to ensure unicity and continuity of file exchangesCaution, there will an increment to
implement.YYYYMMDD = LVM date of file creation COMPRESSION AND DELIVERY TO:
job the target file names are like this sale_header_1_20060206 & sale_line_1_20060206.If we run next
time means the
Asked by: sreedhar k
Read / Answer
214. How to know the no.of records in a sequential file before running a server job?
Asked by: laxman
Latest Answer: if your environment is unix , you can check
with wc -l filename command.... Last Updated By vijaya
kumar peruri on July 28, 2006

(Answers: 1)

215. what is the transaction size and array size in OCI stage?how these can be used?
Asked by: mallikharjuna reddy
Latest Answer: Transaction Size - This field exists for
backward compatibility, but it is ignored for release ... Last
Updated By laxman on July 24, 2006

(Answers: 1)

216. What are the Environmental variables in Datastage?

Asked by: Chidanand


Read / Answer

Read / Answer
Read / Answer

217. how do u clean the datastage repository.

Asked by: kashif
Latest Answer: CLEAR.FILE &PH&... Last Updated By
Bunny on August 25, 2006


(Answers: 2)

218. What is the difference between Transform and Routine in DataStage?

Asked by: ETL
Latest Answer: Transformar transform the data from one
from to another form .where as Routines describes the
busine... Last Updated By JOHN DANIEL on November
08, 2006


(Answers: 1)

219. How to run the job in command prompt in unix?

Asked by: Badri
Latest Answer: Using dsjob command,-optionsdsjob -run
-jobstatus projectname jobnameThanks,Srini... Last

Read / Answer

Read / Answer

(Answers: 1)

Read / Answer

Updated By Srini on August 01, 2006

220. HI How can we create read only jobs in Datastage.
Asked by: BABU S
Latest Answer: in export there is an options just CLICK
OPTIONU WILL FIND R... Last Updated By mady on
August 18, 2006


(Answers: 1)

221. How do you call procedures in datastage?

Asked by: Reddy
Latest Answer: Use the Stored Procedure Stage... Last
Updated By Pradeep Menon on August 08, 2006


(Answers: 1)

222. How do you remove duplicates without using remove duplicate stage?
Asked by: Reddy
Latest Answer: You can do it at any stage.Just do a hash
partion of the input data and check the options Sort and U...
Last Updated By c2 on September 05, 2006

Read / Answer

Read / Answer

(Answers: 4)

223. What are the new features of Datastage 7.1 from datastage 6.1
Asked by: BABU

Read / Answer
Read / Answer

224. What is the difference between DataStage and DataStage Scripting?

Asked by: Gudduy

Read / Answer

225. What is environment variables?what is the use of this?

Asked by: Ram
Latest Answer: Thanks... Last Updated By Ram on
August 17, 2006


(Answers: 2)

226. Can you tell me for what puorpse .dsx files are used in the datasatage
Asked by: praveen kumar. G
Latest Answer: you can as well export the Datastage jobs
in .xml format......... Last Updated By srividya on August
25, 2006


(Answers: 2)

227. Hiwhat is difference betweend ETL and ELT?

Asked by: Srinubabu
Latest Answer: ETL-> transformation takes place in
staging area and in ELT-> transormation takes at either
so... Last Updated By sunil on October 18, 2006

Read / Answer

Read / Answer

(Answers: 2)

Read / Answer

228. if we using two sources having same meta data and how to check the data in two sorces is Subscribe
same or n
if we using two sources having same meta data and how to check the data in two sorces is same or
not?and if the data is not same i want to abort the job ?how we can do this?
Asked by: mallikharjuna reddy
Read / Answer
229. How can I schedule the cleaning of the file &PH& by dsjob?
Asked by: Bernardo
Latest Answer: Create a job with dummy transformer and
sequentail file stage. In Before Job subroutine, use
ExecTCL... Last Updated By rameshrr3 on November 10,


(Answers: 1)

230. what is quality stage and profile stage?

Asked by: nvsmitha
Latest Answer: ProfileStage is used for analysing data and
their relationships.... Last Updated By Guest on June 23,

Read / Answer

(Answers: 2)

Read / Answer

231. how to find the process id?explain with steps?

Asked by: mallikharjuna reddy
Latest Answer: U can also use Data stage
Administrator.Just click on the project and execute
command ,just follow t... Last Updated By Bharath narahari
on December 05, 2006


(Answers: 4)

Read / Answer

232. how to distinguish the surogate key in different dimensional tables?how can we give for
different d
how to distinguish the surogate key in different dimensional tables?how can we give for different
dimension tables?
Asked by: mallikharjuna reddy


Read / Answer
233. What is the difference bitween OCI stage and ODBC stage?
Asked by: pavan
Latest Answer: Oracle OCI:

By Radha on September 07, 2006

We... Last Updated


(Answers: 1)

Read / Answer

234. Could anyone plz tell abt the full details of Datastage Certification.Title of Certification?
Could anyone plz tell abt the full details of Datastage Certification.Title of Certification?Amount for
Certification test?Where can v get the Tutorials available for certification?Who is Conducting the
Certification Exam?Whether any training institute or person for guidens?I am very much pleased if
anyone enlightwn me abt the above saidSuresh
Asked by: Suresh


Read / Answer
235. Is there any difference b/n Ascential DataStage and DataStage.
Asked by: Jagan
Latest Answer: There is no difference between Ascential
Datastage and Datastage ,Now its IBM websphere
Datastage ea... Last Updated By meenamanukondu on
September 06, 2006


(Answers: 1)

Read / Answer

236. Hello,Can both Source system(Oracle,SQLServer,...etc) and Target Data warehouse(may be Subscribe
Hello,Can both Source system(Oracle,SQLServer,...etc) and Target Data warehouse(may be
oracle,SQLServer..etc) can be on windows environment or one of the system should be in UNIX/Linux
Asked by: jagan
Read / Answer
237. What is Runtime Column Propagation and how to use it?
Asked by: pratap.behera
Latest Answer: If your job has more columns which are not
defined in metadata if runtime propagation is enabled it ...
Last Updated By rajeev on September 08, 2006


(Answers: 1)

Read / Answer

238. how we use the DataStage Director and its run-time engine to schedule running the
solution, testing
how we use the DataStage Director and its run-time engine to schedule running the solution, testing
and debugging its components, and monitoring the resulting e/xecutable versions on ad hoc or
scheduled basis?
Asked by: kamal


Read / Answer
239. What is Ad-Hoc access? What is the difference between Managed Query and Ad-Hoc
Asked by: Devi Ramesh


Read / Answer

240. What is the difference between reference link and straight link ?
Asked by: Dharmendra
Latest Answer: hiThe differerence between reference link
and straight link isThe straight link is the one where dat...
Last Updated By starsaran007 on September 30, 2006


(Answers: 1)

Read / Answer

241. I have few questions1. What ar ethe various process which starts when the datastage
engine starts?2
I have few questions1. What ar ethe various process which starts when the datastage engine starts?2.
What are the changes need to be done on the database side, If I have to use dB2 stage?3. datastage
engine is responsible for compilation or execution or both?
Asked by: kannu
Read / Answer
242. How to write and execute routines for PX jobs in c++?
Asked by: Rajesh Devabhaktuni
Latest Answer: You have to write routine in C++ (g++ in
Unix). then you have to create a object file. provide this ...
Last Updated By Kiran on November 02, 2006


(Answers: 2)

Read / Answer

243. 1 1. Difference between Hashfile and Sequential File?. What is modulus?2 2. What is iconv Subscribe
and oconv
1 1. Difference between Hashfile and Sequential File?. What is modulus?2 2. What is iconv and oconv
functions?.3 3. How can we join one Oracle source and Sequential file?.4 4. How can we implement
Slowly Changing Dimensions in DataStage?.5 5. How can we implement Lookup in DataStage Server
jobs?.6 6. What are all the third party tools used in DataStage?.7 7. what is the difference between
routine and transform and function?.8 8. what are the Job parameters?.9 9. Plug-in?.10 10.How can we
Asked by: Zias
Read / Answer
244. what is pivot stage?why are u using?what purpose that stage will be used?
Asked by: pavan
Latest Answer: First of all thanks to srilaxmi for your skill in
pivot stage.Pivot stage supports only horizontal p... Last
Updated By laxman on October 24, 2006

(Answers: 2)

245. how to eleminate duplicate rows in data stage?

Asked by: pavan
Latest Answer: There are two methods for eleminating
duplicate rows in datastage1. Using hash file stage (Specify
t... Last Updated By ravi on December 11, 2006

(Answers: 5)

(Answers: 1)

249. what is the difference between static hash files n dynamic hash files?

Read / Answer

(Answers: 1)

248. how can we create environment variables in datasatage?

Asked by: yukthi
Latest Answer: Hi This mostely will comes under
Administrator part.As a Designer only we can add directly
byDesigne... Last Updated By ashok on October 12, 2006

Read / Answer

247. how do we create index in data satge?

Asked by: yukthi
Latest Answer: What type of index are you looking for ? If
it is only based on rows, use @inrownum or @outrownum...
Last Updated By Mobashshar on August 08, 2007

Read / Answer

246. how can we load source into ODS?

Asked by: yukthi
Latest Answer: What is ur source?. Depending on type of
source, you have to use respective oracle
enterp... Last Updated By hanug on December 12, 2006


Read / Answer

(Answers: 2)

Read / Answer

Asked by: yukthi

Latest Answer: thanxs...... Last Updated By yukthi on
October 12, 2006

(Answers: 2)

250. what is a routine?

Asked by: yukthi
Latest Answer: Routine is user defined functions that can
be reusable with in the project.... Last Updated By Kiran
on November 02, 2006


(Answers: 2)

251. How can we Test jobs in Datastage??

Asked by: yukthi
Latest Answer: Hi Configuration of u'r system is fine. I
don't think therez problem in the installation too.there r...
Last Updated By kumar on November 22, 2006

(Answers: 3)

(Answers: 4)

253. how can we test the jobs?

Asked by: yukthi
Latest Answer: Thanxs...... Last Updated By yukthi on
October 12, 2006

(Answers: 2)

(Answers: 5)

(Answers: 3)

(Answers: 2)

(Answers: 1)

Read / Answer

Read / Answer

Read / Answer

(Answers: 2)

259. hi..Disadvantages of staging area Thanks,Jagan

Asked by: Jagan
Latest Answer: Yes, its like a disadvantage of staging
area, it takes more space in database and it may not be

Read / Answer


258. whats the meaning of performance tunning techinque,Example??

Asked by: yukthi
Latest Answer: HI,is this only related with server jobs
.because in parallel extender these things are taken care
b... Last Updated By trinity on October 28, 2006

Read / Answer


257. how to distinguish the surrogate key in different dimentional tables?

Asked by: mallikharjuna reddy
Latest Answer: the Surrogate key will be the key field in
the dimensions.... Last Updated By Kiran on November
02, 2006

Read / Answer


256. how to read the data from XL FILES?explain with steps?

Asked by: mallikharjuna reddy
Latest Answer: Create a new DSN for the Excel driver and
choose the workbook from which u want dataSelect the
ODBC ... Last Updated By S on October 30, 2006



255. how can we generate a surrogate key in server/parallel jobs?

Asked by: praveen
Latest Answer: You can also generate the surrogate key in
the database using the sequence generator.... Last
Updated By Kiran on November 02, 2006

Read / Answer


254. what is an environment variable??

Asked by: yukthi
Latest Answer: Here is the full FAQ on this topic:Creating
project specific environment variables- Start up DataSta...
Last Updated By the_xxx on March 21, 2007

Read / Answer

252. What is the use of Hash file??insted of hash file why can we use sequential file itself?
Asked by: yukthi
Latest Answer: these files are stored in the memory hence
faster performance than from a sequential file... Last
Updated By jessa on October 24, 2006

Read / Answer

Read / Answer

(Answers: 2)

Read / Answer

cost... Last Updated By RAVI on March 02, 2007

260. how to read the data from XL FILES?my problem is my data file having some commas in
data,but we ar
how to read the data from XL FILES?my problem is my data file having some commas in data,but we
are using delimitor is| ?how to read the data ,explain with steps?
Asked by: mallikharjuna reddy


Read / Answer
261. differentiate between pipeline and partion parallelism?
Asked by: sivanov21
Latest Answer: consider three cpu connected in
series. When data is being fed into the first one,it start
proc... Last Updated By manraj on October 25, 2006


(Answers: 1)

262. what are the main diff between server job and parallel job in datastage
Asked by: prasanna
Latest Answer: server jobs can compile and run with in
datastage server but parallel jobs can compile and run
with ... Last Updated By N.sukumar on December 26,


(Answers: 3)

263. what is complex stage?In which situation we are using this one?
Latest Answer: A complex flat file can be used to read the
data at the intial level. By using CFF, we can read ASCI...
Last Updated By amardeep.reddy on December 06, 2006

(Answers: 2)

(Answers: 1)

&nb... Last Updated

Read / Answer

(Answers: 2)

266. What is Integrated & Unit testing in DataStage ?

Asked by: izack
Latest Answer: Unit Testing:
By BALU on December 04, 2006

Read / Answer

265. how can we improve performance in aggregator stage??

Asked by: yukthi
Latest Answer: Select the most appropriate partitioning
method based on the data analysis. Hash partitoning
perform... Last Updated By prav2000 on December 21,

Read / Answer

264. Why is hash file is faster than sequential file n odbc stage??
Asked by: yukthi
Latest Answer: Hash file is indexed. Also it works under
hashing algo. That's why the search is faster in hash file...
Last Updated By Lavanya on November 08, 2006

Read / Answer

Read / Answer

(Answers: 1)

Read / Answer

267. Why job sequence is use for? what is batches?what is the difference between job
sequence and batche
Why job sequence is use for? what is batches?what is the difference between job sequence and
Asked by: prashant


Read / Answer
268. Hot Fix for ODBC Stage for AS400 V5R4 in Data Stage 7.1
Asked by: Girolamo Falbo

Read / Answer

269. what are two types of hash files??

Asked by: yukthi
Latest Answer: the two type of hash file are, 1) static and
2) dynamic,,,,, the dynamic hash file is again subdivid...

(Answers: 4)

Read / Answer

Last Updated By prashant narayani on December 27,

270. how can we improve the job performance?
Asked by: sivanov21
Latest Answer: We can put hash file in lookup. This will
index the input data based on key column (which we
define)... Last Updated By Bhaskar on December 29,


(Answers: 5)

271. Where can you output data using the Peek Stage?
Asked by: Ram
Latest Answer: The output of peek stage can be viewed in
director LOG and also it can be saved as a seperate text f...
Last Updated By karthik on February 21, 2007


(Answers: 2)

272. For what purpose is the Stage Variable is mainly used?

Asked by: Prashant Narayani
Latest Answer: The stage variable can be used in
situations where U want to Store a Previous record value in
a vari... Last Updated By Srinivasa R Gummadi on
November 19, 2006

(Answers: 2)

(Answers: 2)

(Answers: 1)

275. What is a sequential file that has single input link??

Asked by: yukthi
Latest Answer: Sequential file always has single link
because its it cannot accept the multiple links or
threads.D... Last Updated By Raghu on August 01, 2007

(Answers: 1)

(Answers: 3)

279. What is the use of job controle??

Asked by: yukthi

Read / Answer

Read / Answer

Read / Answer

(Answers: 1)

278. What are different types of star schema??

Asked by: yukthi
Latest Answer: Multi star schema or galaxy schema is one
of the type of star schema... Last Updated By PRASHANT
NARAYANI on December 27, 2006



277. What is the sequencer stage??

Asked by: yukthi
Latest Answer: Lets say there are two jobs (J1 & J2) as
the input links and one job (J3) as output link for a s... Last
Updated By amardeep.reddy on December 06, 2006

Read / Answer


276. What is the use of tunnable??

Asked by: yukthi
Latest Answer: Tunable is project property in Datastage
Administrator, in that we can change the value of cache
siz... Last Updated By Ravi on December 18, 2006

Read / Answer

274. What are different dimension table in your project??Plz explain me with an example??
Asked by: yukthi
Latest Answer: hi, for this question u cant say exact
number of dimension tables in your project,, so tell hi... Last
Updated By PRASHANT NARAYANI on December 26,

Read / Answer

273. what are different types of file formats??

Asked by: yukthi
Latest Answer: .csv files. dxs files( standard extension of
data stage)... Last Updated By PRASHANT NARAYANI on
December 26, 2006

Read / Answer

Read / Answer

(Answers: 1)

Read / Answer

Latest Answer: Job control is used for scripting. With the

help of scripting, we can set parameters for a caller jo...
Last Updated By Vijaykumar Kharwandikar on December
28, 2006

(Answers: 1)

Read / Answer

280. What is the alternative way where we can do job control??

Asked by: yukthi
Latest Answer: Jobcontrol can be done using :Datastage
job SequencersDatastage Custom
routinesScriptingScheduling t... Last Updated By
Vennela17 on February 22, 2007


(Answers: 2)

Read / Answer

281. What is user activity in datastage?

Asked by: Ananth
Latest Answer: The User variable activity stage defines
some variables,those are used in the sequence in future.....
Last Updated By Prashant Narayani on December 29,


(Answers: 1)

Read / Answer

282. What does # indicate in environment variables?

Latest Answer: It is used to identify the parameter.... Last
Updated By Vijaykumar Kharwandikar on December 28,


(Answers: 1)

Read / Answer

283. Is it possible to query a hash file? Justify your answer...

Asked by: prashant narayani
Latest Answer: You can also use a Universe stage if the
data is need in your job. I don't recall all details when I...
Last Updated By John on February 08, 2007


(Answers: 4)

Read / Answer

284. Suppose you have table "sample" & three columns in that tablesample:Cola Colb Colc1
Suppose you have table "sample" & three columns in that tablesample:Cola Colb Colc1 10 1002 20
2003 30 300Assume: cola is primary keyHow will you fetch the record with maximum cola value using
data stage tool into the target system
Asked by: Waseem


Read / Answer
285. How to run a job using command line?
Asked by: Prashant Narayani
Latest Answer: dsjob -run -jobstatus projectname
jobname... Last Updated By ram on January 07, 2007


(Answers: 1)

Read / Answer

286. What is the diffrence between IBM Web Sphere DataStage 7.5 (Enterprise Edition ) &
Standard Ascenti
What is the diffrence between IBM Web Sphere DataStage 7.5 (Enterprise Edition ) & Standard
Ascential DataStage 7.5 Version ?
Asked by: izack


Read / Answer
287. What is the diffrence between the Dynamic RDBMS Stage & Static RDBMS Stage ?
Asked by: izack

Read / Answer

288. What is the difference betwen Merge Stage and Lookup Stage?
Asked by: Ram
Latest Answer: Lookup stage:1. Used to perform
lookups.2. Multiple reference links, single input link, single
outpu... Last Updated By srinivasguptha on January 29,
289. What is Fact loading, how to do it?


(Answers: 2)

Read / Answer

Asked by: Prashant Narayani

Latest Answer: Once we have loaded our dimensions,
then as per business requirements we identify the
facts(columns ... Last Updated By Amjad on February 23,

(Answers: 2)

Read / Answer

290. Aggregators What does the warning Hash table has grown to xyz
Aggregators What does the warning Hash table has grown to xyz . mean?
Asked by: Manraj


Read / Answer
291. Which partition we have to use for Aggregate Stage in parallel jobs ?
Asked by: izack
Latest Answer: I think the above answer is a little
misleading. Most of the time you'll be using aggr. stage in
par... Last Updated By harishsj on August 09, 2007


(Answers: 2)

Read / Answer

292. Where we can use these Stages Link Partetionar, Link Collector & Inter Process (OCI)
Stage whether
Where we can use these Stages Link Partetionar, Link Collector & Inter Process (OCI) Stage whether
in Server Jobs or in Parallel Jobs ? And SMP is a Parallel or Server ?
Asked by: izack


Read / Answer
293. What is TX and what is the use of this in DataStage ? As I know TX stand for Transformer Subscribe
What is TX and what is the use of this in DataStage ? As I know TX stand for Transformer Extender, but
I don't know how it will work and where we will used ?
Asked by: izack
Read / Answer
294. How to enable the datastage engine?
Asked by: sivanov21

Read / Answer

295. what is hashing algorithm?

Asked by: sivanov21
Latest Answer: Hashing is a technic how you store the
data in dynamic files.There are few algorithams for doing
thi... Last Updated By Raghu on August 01, 2007


(Answers: 1)

296. what is the difference between RELEASE THE JOB and KILL THE JOB?
Asked by: sivanov21
Latest Answer: HiRelease the job is to release the job
from any dependencies and run it.Kill the job means kill
the... Last Updated By deepa on February 26, 2007


(Answers: 1)

297. How can we remove duplicates using sort stage?

Asked by: sivanov21
Latest Answer: TreeSet set = new
TreeSet(Arrays.asList(names)); ... Last Updated By Alex
on February 28, 2007

299. What is repository?

Asked by: sivanov21
Latest Answer: Repository is a content which is having all

Read / Answer

(Answers: 2)

298. In which situation,we are using RUN TIME COLUMN PROPAGATION option?
Asked by: sivanov21
Latest Answer: Run time column propagation is used in
case of partial schema usage. when we only know about
the col... Last Updated By poonam on February 14, 2007

Read / Answer

(Answers: 1)

Read / Answer

Read / Answer

300. what is the difference between datasatge and datastage TX?

Asked by: sivanov21
Latest Answer: Hi, WebSphere Transformation Extender
(WTX) is the universal transformation engine for
WebSphere th... Last Updated By veeru_veeru on
February 13, 2007


(Answers: 1)

301. how find duplicate records using transformer stage in server edition
Asked by: prasad
Latest Answer: Transformer stage to identify and remove
duplicates from one output, and direct all input rows to an...
Last Updated By the_xxx on March 20, 2007


(Answers: 2)

302. Type 30D hash file is GENERIC or SPECIFIC?

Asked by: sivanov21
Latest Answer: Type30 Files are Dynamic files.HTHRaghu
Mule... Last Updated By Raghu on August 01, 2007

(Answers: 1)

(Answers: 2)

Read / Answer

(Answers: 1)

305. what is fact load?

Asked by: sivanov21
Latest Answer: In a star schema there will be facts and
dimension tables to load in any datawarehouse environ...
Last Updated By raghumreddy on March 14, 2007

Read / Answer

304. how can we run the batch using command line?

Asked by: sivanov21
Latest Answer: DSJOB Command is the command to run
the datastage jobs from command line . in the older
architecture... Last Updated By raghumreddy on March
14, 2007

Read / Answer

303. what is the use of environmental variables?

Asked by: sivanov21
Latest Answer: Enviroment Variables are the one who set
the enviroments.Oce you set these varicables in datastage
y... Last Updated By raghumreddy on March 14, 2007

Read / Answer

Read / Answer

(Answers: 2)

306. Does type of partitioning change for SMP and MPP systems?
Asked by: infinity

Read / Answer
Read / Answer

307. Explain a specific scenario where we would use range partitioning ?

Asked by: infinity
Latest Answer: If the datais large and if you cannot
process the the full data in one time process you will
general... Last Updated By raghumreddy on March 14,


(Answers: 2)

308. what is panthom error in data stage

Asked by: sivanov21
Latest Answer: For every job in DataStage, a phantom is
generated for the job as well as for every active stage whi...
Last Updated By the_xxx on March 19, 2007


(Answers: 3)

309. what is job commit in datastage?

Asked by: sivanov21
Latest Answer: If you see datastage job commits each
record in general cases. but you can force the datastage to
ta... Last Updated By Raghu Mule on March 14, 2007
310. How do you configure api_dump

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(Answers: 2)

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Asked by: prem2129

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311. How can we increment the surrogate key value for every insert in to target database
Asked by: harishthemostwanted

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312. How will you pass the parameter to the job schedule if the job is running at night? What
happens if
How will you pass the parameter to the job schedule if the job is running at night? What happens if one
job fails in the night?
Asked by: kundan
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313. What is the difference between Datastage Server jobs and Datastage Parallel jobs?
Asked by: Gnaneshwar
Latest Answer: Basic difference is server job runs on
windows platform usually and parallel job runs on unix
platfo... Last Updated By raju on June 01, 2007

(Answers: 1)


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314. What is the difference between Job Control and Job Sequence
Asked by: vbs19oct

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315. Is it possible to calculate a hash total for an EBCDIC file and have the hash total stored as Subscribe
Is it possible to calculate a hash total for an EBCDIC file and have the hash total stored as EBCDIC
using Datastage?
Currently, the total is converted to ASCII, even tho the individual records are stored as EBCDIC. Asked by:
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316. how to attach a mtr file (MapTrace) via email and the MapTrace is used to record all the
execute ma
how to attach a mtr file (MapTrace) via email and the MapTrace is used to record all the execute map
Asked by: joycema


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317. What is Phantom error in the datastage. How to overcome this error.
Asked by: madhuker
Latest Answer: Phantom Process is Orphened
process.Some times some processes will still running in the
server even ... Last Updated By Raghu on August 01,


(Answers: 1)

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318. How to install and configure DataStage EE on Sun Micro systems multi-processor
hardware running the
How to install and configure DataStage EE on Sun Micro systems multi-processor hardware running
the Solaris 9 operating system?
Asked by: Kapil Jayne


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319. How do you load partial data after job failed
source has 10000 records, Job failed after 5000 records are loaded. This status of the job is abort , Instead of
removing 5000 records from target , How can i resume the load Asked by: Hari Kishore
Latest Answer: There are lot of ways of doing this.But we
keep the Extract , Transform and Load proess
seperately.G... Last Updated By Raghu on August 01,

(Answers: 1)

320. What are the important considerations while using join stage instead of lookups.

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Asked by: vijji

Latest Answer: 1. if u need to capture mismatches
between the two sources, lookups provide easy option...
Last Updated By ajinkyac on June 16, 2007

(Answers: 2)

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321. What is Orchestrate options in generic stage, what are the option names. value ? Name of
an Orchest
What is Orchestrate options in generic stage, what are the option names. value ? Name of an
Orchestrate operator to call. what are the orchestrate operators available in datastage for AIX
Asked by: srikanth


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322. How to implement the type 2 Slowly Changing dimension in DataStage?
Asked by: Vasu
Latest Answer: You can use change-capture & change
apply stages for this... Last Updated By ajinkyac on June
16, 2007

(Answers: 1)

323. Is Hashed file an Active or Passive Stage? When will be it useful?

Asked by: anil kumar
Latest Answer: Hash file stage is a Passive stage.The
stage which do some process into it is called active
stages .... Last Updated By Raghu on August 01, 2007

(Answers: 1)

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(Answers: 1)

325. How do you extract job parameters from a file?

Asked by: Mrunalini
Latest Answer: Through user variable activity in sequencer
Job. through calling a routine.... Last Updated By shrine
on August 01, 2007

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324. what is the use and advantage of procedure in datastage?

Asked by: subharatanjena
Latest Answer: To trigger Database operations at before or
after DB stage access.... Last Updated By Him121 on
June 21, 2007


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(Answers: 1)

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326. What is the baseline to implement parition or parallel execution method in datastage
job.e.g. more
What is the baseline to implement parition or parallel execution method in datastage job.e.g. more than
2 millions records only advised ?
Asked by: epall
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327. A batch is running and it is scheduled to run in 5 minutes. But after 10 days the time
changes to 1
A batch is running and it is scheduled to run in 5 minutes. But after 10 days the time changes to 10
minutes. What type of error is this and how to fix it?
Asked by: subharatanjena


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328. What is Invocation ID?
Asked by: chetan

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329. What is the difference between Squential Stage & Dataset Stage. When do u use them.
Asked by: rangagopi

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330. What is the max size of Data set stage?

Asked by: rangagopi

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331. What are the errors you expereiced with data stage
Asked by: rangagopi

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332. How to connect two stages which do not have any common columns between them?
Asked by: Praveen

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333. In SAP/R3, How do you declare and pass parameters in parallel job .
Want to convert Char to timestamp in transformer stage. Can anybody please tell me what conversion function I
need to put in derivation? Asked by: Sulogna

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