URI SEApac Newsletter Vol 2 2009

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Th e C o o p e r a t i o n

A United Religions Initiative in South East Asia and the Pacific Vol. IV. No. 2 July - December 2009

URI Community Participates in the Parliament of

World’s Religions 2009

The world’s biggest interfaith festival, the Marites Africa, a Trustee from the SEAPac Region
Parliament of the World’s Religions, was held in shared about her interfaith work in the Philippines
Melbourne, Australia from December 3-9, 2009. during the International Plenary and fellow
With the theme “Making a world of Difference: Trustee Dr. Amir Farid Isahak facilitated several
Hearing Each Other, Healing the Earth ” it attracted sessions.
over 4,000 people from an amazing variety of
On December 2, COMMON CC and GreenFaith CC,
religious, spiritual as well as indigenous traditions.
It hosted more than 500 programs including the URI Cooperation Circles in Melbourne, hosted
dialogues, workshops, symposia, cultural a welcome gathering at Jessiee Kaur Singh’s home
performances and exhibits. The delegates had a for the URI members attending the Parliament. A
unique opportunity to expand their worldviews bigger reception for URI members and friends was
and learn from one another. hosted at the Parliament venue on December 5 by
URI Executive Director Rev. Charles Gibbs and
The URI Southeast Asia and the Pacific (URI Global Council Chair Yoland Trevino.
SEAPac) Regional Coordinator Shakun Vaswani
facilitated URI hospitality and presence at the Delegates from many faiths and cultures
Parliament. URI shared a booth courtesy of the interacted with URI’s presence at the Parliament
Dharma Realm Buddhist Association. Over thirty and more bridges and friendships were built over
presentations on different specializations related the course of the week-long event. Everyone went
to interfaith dialogue, peacebuilding, home inspired with the hopes of fostering the
URI SEAPac cross-cultural cooperation, youth initiatives, and connection with new found friends who wish to
Welcomes New CCs spiritual practices were delivered by the URI work with URI in promoting a culture of peace.
community members.

Mindanao Peace Garden Higa-onon Ha Migsabuwa Ta Lanao Ranao Muslim-Christian

Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines Iligan City, Philippines Movement for Dialogue and Peace.
Iligan City, Philippines

As we draw 2009 to a close, we reflect on our strengths

and challenges. When we look back, the URI SEAPac
has grown from its humble beginnings and its birthing
pains into a tree with many branches with its own
unique fruits. With over twenty Cooperation Circles to
date, URI SEAPac continues to envision a world
without conflict through interfaith dialogue and
The region is proud to have launched its own
peacebuilding projects like the workshops in
Mindanao, where decades - long struggle for peace is
still ongoing. Addressing this issue was also the pilot Peacemakers’ Circle and URI SEAPac
project of the URI Travelling Peace Academy in the Launch the Travelling Peace Academy in
Region. We are likewise proud to have co-hosted and
represented URI during the recent Parliament of
the Region
World’s Religions. Last November 19-22, 2009 the Peacemakers’ Circle CC together with the URI
SEAPac Regional Office and Pakigdait CC hosted a workshop in Manila, Philippines
In this issue of the URI SEAPac Newsletter, you will read entitled, "Engaging the Moral Imagination in Grassroots Interfaith Dialogue and
about everyone’s work on the ground that makes Community-Building in Conflict Areas in Mindanao." The leadership workshop is
impact on conflict prevention in the region. As we part of the URI Travelling Peace Academy (TPA) program.
grow together in enriching our capacities and our
strengths in various forms of peacebuilding work, let The TPA is an initiative by the members of the URI Peacebuilding Satellite. The
Satellite works with the URI President’s Council in developing and strengthening
us continue to share our stories, experiences, and best peacebuilding efforts through trainings and workshops for grassroots leaders
practices. around the world.
Salam to All! Grassroots leaders who work with members of conflict-affected communities in
Mindanao Philippines—Lanao del Norte and Sur, Cotabato, Maguindanao, and
Musa Mohamad Sanguila Basilan were invited. The partner organizations represented in the workshop were:
Pakigdait of Lanao del Norte, United Youth for Peace and Development,
Bangsamoro Successor Generation Network-Lanao, Mindanao Dynamic Culture of
Peace, Inc., Oblates of Mary Immaculate, Notre Dame Peace Center, Kauswagan
EDITORIAL STAFF Ulama Forum, Prelature of Marawi, United Youth of the Philippines, Kutawato
Council for Justice and Peace and the Mindanao People’s Caucus.
Editor-in-Chief Musa Mohamad Sanguila The workshop aimed to focus on building partnerships with Mindanao grassroots
Managing Editor Shakuntala Vaswani leaders and providing the basics on moral imagination approaches to interfaith
Publishers United Religions Initiative dialogue and relationship-building. The organizers intend to build bridges of
SEAPac Regional Office communication and partnerships in collaborative action for the upholding of
Contributors human rights and the promotion of peace and development in Mindanao
between participating grassroots leaders from the abovementioned conflict
Shakuntala Vaswani URI -SEAPac affected areas and their peacebuilding counterparts in Metro Manila. Together
Marites Guingona - Africa Peacemakers Circle CC they will serve as catalysts for change in their respective communities and form a
Musa Mohamad Sanguila Pakigdait CC network that will help build the foundations for grassroots-led vision in action,
Padmini Solomon Nur Damai CC and bridging partnerships with leaders of various sectors of government and civil
Indra Udayana Gandhi Puri Ashram CC society in the National Capital Region.
Jamel Kaur Singh GreenFaith Australia CC
After the workshop, a public forum with 70 attendees from the media,
Orlan de Guzman Peacemakers Circle CC government, civil society and the academe in interaction with the grassroots
Jessiee Kaur Singh Center for Melbrourne leaders was held. They discussed plans for a community based theater that tells
Multifaith and Others Network CC stories of peace on the ground, an interfaith council and network working for the
Sam An Ros Interfaith Youth Circle Cambodia CC promotion of the MOA on Ancestral Domain, and initiatives for peaceful and clean
elections in the Philippines this coming May 2010.
Noemi Alindogan Mindanao Peace Garden CC
PK Moorthy INSaF CC Nur Damai CC from Malaysia was represented in the workshop-forum by its CC
Lanelio Sangcoan Higa-onon Ti Magsabuwa Ta leader Padmini Solomon, who shared her knowledge about peace building and
Lanao CC conflict resolution. Plans are ongoing about expanding the reach of the
Design and Lay - Out Sarah Queblatin peacebuilding workshop to the rest of South East Asia and the Pacific Region.
2009 INTERNATIONAL DAY Pakigdait CC: Peace through Ramadan Talk, Coastal Clean Up,
OF PEACE CELEBRATIONS and Community Celebrations
As part of the International Day of Peace celebrations Pakigdait joined the
International Coastal Clean Up Campaign and together with the community
Kalinaw CC: September Declared as Interfaith Month members cleaned the coastal town of Kulambugan. On September 19, Musa
in Cebu City Sanguila, a Muslim, shared about Ramadan and Fasting with the Tubod Catholic
Priests of Lanao del Norte.
Through the initiative of the ten - member Interfaith Council of Cebu
City (established earlier with the leadership of Kalinaw CC), the local During the Eid al-Fitr celebrations last September 20, they held their annual
government of Cebu City has declared the month of September each "Pagtagbo alang sa Kalinaw" (Meeting for Peace). The event gathered the
year as Peace and Interfaith Month. This is a great boost for interfaith Christian community to celebrate with the Muslims on the grounds of a Masjid.
bridge building in this predominantly Catholic City in the Philippines. They invited people of different faiths, the Bishop of Lanao del Norte, and the
Brigade Commander to give their messages of peace. The community's Muslim
Also, this year, as part of the celebrations of the International Day of Youth performed traditional songs and dance. Christians in return gave flowers to
Peace, the Kalinaw CC, in cooperation with the University of Cebu, the Muslims and offered tokens of friendship in the form of fruits during the
organized on September 26 a Good Citizenship peace concert program. Later they all ate together at one table filled with Maranao delicacies.
featuring neo-folk artist Joey Ayala. With over 5,000 students present
this was the biggest gathering ever to celebrate this day of peace in
Peacemakers' Circle & URI-SEAP office: Peace Arts Mosaic
The Peacemakers Circle Foundation CC and the United Religions Initiative
SEAPac Regional Office partnered with lead convening organization,
InSaF CC: Multi-Faith Gathering Launches IDP Generation Peace (GenPeace) youth network and its Peace NGO partners for
the 2009 IDP. The Youth for Unity (Y4U) of the Peacemakers’ Circle led the
The Interfaith Spiritual Fellowship CC in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia celebrated the interfaith prayers that set the mood for a contemplative celebration of peace.
International Day of Peace with an official launch marking this UN Celebration as They also prepared copies of a mini brochure on the Ways of Peace for inner
an annual celebration in Malaysia. Senator Kihilan Pillay, the Deputy Minister of peace, harmony with others, and the healing of the earth to give away
Foreign Affairs in Malaysia and the UNICEF representative graced the during the event.
Youth from the CC’s four community partners joined the Peace Mosaic
Prayers from the different faith traditions - Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Christian, painting and installation with their message for Peace in conflict affected
Sikh, Baha`i, and Indigenous Spirituality, along with a Universal Prayer were the Mindanao. The CC booth hosted a sacred space for meditation and
highlight of the celebrations. This augurs well for interfaith relationships in the reflection. Y4U created a labyrinth walk to encourage people to walk for
multi-cultural society of Malaysia. inner peace.

Nur Damai CC: Film Showing and Discussion about

Interfaith Dialogue
Gandhi Puri Ashram CC: Interfaith Activities for Peace
Nur Damai celebrated the UN International Day of Peace on Sunday,
Gandhi Puri Ashram CC Celebrated the International Day of Peace with interfaith September 13th by showing a documentary film “The Imam & the
prayers and dialogue at a gathering of youths and community members. The activi- Pastor” which depicts the reconciliation between Imam Muhammad
ties included tree planting in the Mahatma Sacred Garden. A statue of Confucius Ashafa and Pastor James Wuye, and the peace-making initiatives
was also installed in the compound. To entertain everyone, young dancers which have flowed from it. The film, narrated by Rageh Omaar,
performed a Balinese dance. dramatizes their remarkable story. It showed the dynamics of
forgiveness and challenges that arise in Christian-Muslim partnership
and how they can be resolved.

The invited audience of around 50 included some community,

political leaders, and police personnel among others. Padmini
Solomon, the CC leader, highlighted the vision of the URI in her
COMMON CC: A Gathering on Sharing our Water address at the film showing. Nur Damai also launched their website at
the gathering.
A public gathering for understanding the spiritual and scientific
Bohol Goodwill Volunteers CC: News Column Balitang Maayo principles of water in our lives was hosted by COMMON CC in
Qnahanglan! (Good News is Needed!) Melbourne. Adults and children participated in a plenary, games,
and discussions in understanding and taking action for water
Boni Quirog, CC Leader of Bohol Goodwill Volunteers wrote a column, about conservation in Australia. (Read the Report on CC News Section).
the International Day of Peace on September 21 in the local paper The Bohol
Chronicle. For the celebration, he said he would like to initiate that good news
must be published so there will be lasting peace in all aspects - culture,
economy, and politics. He also mentioned that the Bohol Goodwill Volunteers
will be hosting the Interfaith Consumers’ Rights and Welfare Conference which
is funded by the URI SEAPac’s Seed Grants Program. Read URI SEAPac’s Latest News on www.uriseap.ning.com
Peacemakers’ Circle: Reaching Out to Muslim Christian Peacemakers
COOPERATION CIRCLE NEWS CC after Hurricane Ketsana
Marites Africa led the Peacemakers' Circle team to visit the grassroots community of Barangay 188
Walking Humbly on the Murray: a GreenFaith in Tala, Caloocan City where 447 families, mostly members of the Muslim-Christian Peacemakers
Association CC, were displaced by Hurricane Ketsana (Local name: Typhoon Ondoy ) last September
CC Pre-Parliament Event 26. They were shocked to see the extent of the devastation caused by the raging waters from the
rising river that lashed through the community that fateful day.
GreenFaith Australia CC hosted a Pre-Parliament of World’s Religions
Event during November 26-29, 2009 with the support of the Victoria The destruction was cruel in the midst of utter poverty. Yet the people smiled, grateful for the visit;
Multicultural Commission and URI SEAPac’s Seed Grants Program. and the children traipsed around the muddy puddles as though nothing unfortunate had happened
to them.
The organizers engaged different communities and environments
within the south eastern Murray-Darling Basin in Victoria for the URI friends around the world sent in donations through the URI Global Hub. These were used for
journey. Around one hundred participants from different faiths
experienced learning, friendship-building, celebration and awareness Pakigdait CC: Joining Hands with UN's ACT purchasing sleeping mats, blankets, and towels for the victims in Barangay Tumana in Marikina City.
The Peacemakers' Circle and friends conducted a relief mission in the flood affected community of
- rising about this ecologically imperilled, brave and beautiful part of for PEACE, Addressing Climate Change, and Barangay 188 last October 2. Generous relief that were given contained canned sardines, rice,
Australia. One of the highlights of the journey was a visit to the Remembering the War of 2008 noodles, toiletries, biscuits, etc. Emotional Recovery sessions were conducted in partnership with
Kinglake area where they witnessed the devastation and healing that Balay Rehabilitation Center who helped in addressing emotional problems of the community
was taking place after the Black Saturday Bushfires earlier in the year. Pakigdait CC in Iligan City, Philippines has been actively members who have been directly affected by the floods.
working on peace building and sustainable rehabilitation for *The Peacemakers’ Circle CC and
Muslim, Christian, and Lumad communities in Lanao Del the Muslim – Christian
Future initiatives for recovery and healing of the community include more workshops on self Peacemakers Association CC
Norte. Their current project is a partnership with the United development, relationship building, and a possible social entrepreneurship project.
Nations ACT for Peace Program. The partnership is working would like to thank the entire URI
with 6 Barangays (small community units) under the UN Act for community for sharing their gifts
Peace Program. These are those that are part of peace and of love and resources with the
development communities identified by the Moro National Gandhi Puri Ashram: people of Tala and Tumana for
their recovery and rehabilitation
Liberation Front and the Government of the Philippines who
are mandated to rehabilitate the communities as part of their
Promoting Peace through from the floods.
peace agreement. In 1996 after the signing of an agreement,
Cultural Events and Talks
they have also been guided by principles of faith in their Last December 8-12, 2009, Gandhi Puri Ashram CC gathered the interfaith community
negotiations. in a program entitled, "Friendship through Culture and Peace." The event showcased
different cultural traditions through performances such as folk contemporary dances,
In several partner barangays, Pakigdait has been working on classical, and contemporary music.
data gathering, establishing a pharmacy, mass feeding, disaster
The beautiful Nagambie Lakes Park Resort which is bordered with the risk management workshop, livelihood programs for women, Activities also included academic seminars on Cultural Diversity and Community
Goulburn River on one side and the Nagambie Lakes on the other side helping build fish cages for fishermen, developing water Dialogue and Peacebuilding. Through these, they were able to bring awareness on
was the base camp for the journey. The theme of WATER, its systems, teaching simple bookkeeping, training coastal the rich, cultural diversity in the community and that they can unite in action for
significance and importance in our lives and within our faiths were resource management, and establishing core shelters for 250 peace and harmony in Bali.
incorporated in the activities. The next two days engaged the families.
participants on a spiritual, fun and educational journey through the
towns of Shepparton, Echuca (Barmah Forest), Castlemaine and On August 18, they commemorated the 1st year remembrance
Bendigo where they had the opportunity to listen, learn and be with of the atrocities in their communities which displaced
these communities; together enjoying Aboriginal ceremonies,
interfaith dialogue and multicultural entertainment, sight seeing and
hundreds of people (both Christians and Muslims), and left Sharing Our Water with COMMON CC
some as collateral damage of the ongoing war between the
ecological awareness raising along the way! national government and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front. COMMON CC hosted a public event entitled, “Sharing our Water” at the Fitzroy Town
Currently, efforts are focused on developing peace and Hall, Melbourne on the International Day of Peace on September 21. It was supported
rehabilitation initiatives and in moving forward for sustainable by the Victoria Multicultural Commission, Yarra City Council, URI-SEAPac seed Grant
development. and many members of the community at large.
Last October 10, as part of its monthly meeting for the
Mindanao Peace Garden CC: Promoting URI in interfaith council in Lanao, they had a Church-Masjid visitation
The event was opened by Indigenous elder, Uncle Colin Hunter with a smoking
ceremony and was followed by Multifaith presentations by various community
the City for Muslims and Christians at Una Poona Piagapo where representatives. Each faith made a blessing and presented a gift to the Wurrunjeri
majority are Muslims. The place was a battle ground of the Community as the Kulin Nation custodians of Melbourne.
The newly formed CC in August 18, 2008 attacks.
Cagayan de Oro City, Adult participants had a panel discussion addressing the spirituality of water from
Philippines is actively both the indigenous and deep ecological perspective. Indigenous elders described
promoting interfaith the process which Aboriginals have used to preserve the Barmah State Forrest.
dialogue. They have a
weekly radio program Overall the event sent these messages across: Water is sacred because it is intrinsically
DXKO, RPN based in Gusa, Higa-onon Ha Migsabuwa Ta Lanao CC: a part of the great sacred whole of Life itself; and in order to preserve water the nation
in Cagayan de Oro City in
which URI and its principles Peace Festival with Tri-people of should engage the innate ancient knowledge of the indigenous Aborigines. Other
are promoted. Mindanao suggestions included: promoting awareness; supporting a national water charter
adopting indigenous practices; diverting and recycling of water; changing water
The Tri-People CC Higao-onon Ha Migsawbuwa Ta Lanao usage habits; reforestation, developing farming methods; and lobbying for stronger
On November 26, 2009, policies.
they installed a Peace Pole composed of the Higa-onon Indigenous Peoples (Lumads),
at the Peace Park of Xavier Christian and Muslim supporters held the Kaamulan Peace
Festival for Understanding last November 26 to December 3, The children participated in games and activities like Bollywood dancing and theatre
University through the that engaged learning about water. The event finished with a MultiFaith performance
generosity of its donor, 2009 at Rogonon, Iligan City, Lanao del Norte Philippines. The
celebration was a gathering for understanding among faith presented by Australian Interfaith and Multicultural Australian Ambassador, Dya
Okada Shunichi San and Singh and family joined by Indigenous Elder, Uncle Reg Blow on the didgeridoo.
the support and and cultures to promote peace in Mindanao where conflicts
cooperation of administrative officials of Xavier University. on ancestral domain have been ongoing for decades.
YOUTH ACTIONS Peacemakers' Y4U: Interfaith
Encounter with German Youths of the
Archdiocese of Hamburg
Mindanao Peace Garden CC:
Engaging Young People in Peace On August 22 about 25 German youths and
Education representatives from the Archdiocese of Hamburg, along
with their Filipino hosts from the Federation of Asian
Mindanao Peace Garden CC from the Philippines joined Bishops Conference (FABC) youth desk visited The

URI last August 2009. One of their first activities was to
involve the youth in Interfaith Prayers and Dialogue at
their Peace Garden. The event was attended by a number
Peacemakers' Circle (PCFI) office and had an interfaith
encounter with 11 members of the Y4U (Youth for Unity)
of Muslims, Christians and Baha’i youth. A representative
of each of the three religions led prayers and later shared
with the whole group their respective beliefs and
practices. It was an uplifting experience for the

Starting off with interfaith prayers from representatives of

different faiths, the session began with PCFI vice president
and URI-SEAP regional coordinator, Shakun Vaswani,
The CC has introduced the URI Principles in the course welcoming the young visitors to the intimate space and
Gender and Peace Education at the Mindanao University giving an introduction to PCFI and URI interfaith
of Science and Technology (MUST) in its five classes with peacebuilding work. The PCFI documentary DVD “In the
a total of 192 students. Light of the Crescent Moon,” a film about relationship
building between Christians and Muslims in Metro Manila,
In celebration of the Mindanao Week of Peace, the CC was then shown to give them further orientation and
involved students of the Gender and Peace Education exposure to the work of The Peacemakers’ Circle. A
classes at the university in a simple ceremony where dynamic dialogue among the youths followed.
students pledged what they can do for peace in their
respective families and communities.
Interfaith Youth Circle of Cambodia CC:
Planting Seeds of Peace
Gandhi Puri Ashram CC: Dharma The Interfaith Youth of Cambodia CC organized an
Ashram Retreat Program for International Day of Peace activity at Chres secondary
Multi-Faith Youth school located in Chres commune, Chantrea district and
Svay Rieng province. Around 132 people - secondary
A retreat program for the youth was conducted from school students, villagers, school teachers and Buddhist
June to October, 2009 at the Gandhi Ashram to inspire monks participated in the campaign. 210 tree seedlings
them to live a spiritual way of life. More than 200 young were planted in the school compound and along the
adults benefited from this transforming experience. village road which they promise to nurture.
The CC also held workshops on composting, tree
planting, yoga, and meditation. Seminars on Peace and
Terrorism, Peace and Education, Peace and Environment,
and on Youth and HIV Aids were part of the program.
south east asia and the pacific

Unit 105 PHILDHRRA Partnership Center

59 C. Salvador St., Loyola Heights
(+632) 920-7622

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“We must be the CHANGE we wish

to see in the world.”
- Mahatma Gandhi

what’s inside*
URI Community Participates in the
Parliament of World’s Religions

Peacemakers‘ Circle & URI SEAPac

Launch Travelling Peace Academy in the

International Day of Peace Events

Cooperation Circle News from:

Center for Melbourne Multifaith
and Others Network (COMMON),
Gandhi Puri Ashram, Bali,
GreenFaith Australia, Australia
Pakigdait, Philippines
Peacemakers’ Circle, Philippines
Nur Damai, Malaysia
Mindanao Peace Garden,
Higa-onon Ta Migsabuwa Ta Lanao,
Philippines is to promote enduring daily interfaith
Youth Actions from: cooperation, to end religiously motivated violence
Youth for Unity, Philippines
Interfaith Youth Circle, Cambodia
and to create cultures of peace, justice, and
Mindanao Peace Garden healing for the Earth and all living beings.
Gandhi Puri Ashram, Bali,

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