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Understanding by Design Template

Stage 1: Desired Results

Standard/Established Goals:
Students learn that when working in groups (communities) they have individual and shared
Students learn that their school, neighborhood, and town are communities.
Our involvement in a community.
Describe businesses that provide goods and businesses that provide services.
(Big Ideas/Enduring

1.All people have basic needs.

2.People are interdependent; a
community exists to meet its
members needs.

Essential Questions

1.How do you know a community is meeting the

basic needs of its people?
2.How are an individuals choices and
responsibilities connected to the well-being of
the community?
2.How do you know a community exists?

Selection of texts (This may come later in the process for some
Officer Buckle and Gloria
Rookie Series on community workers
Homes around the World
The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse(Aesop Fable)
Homes by Rebecca Weber
Homes Around the World by Bobbie Kalman
Nets are Nice By Gary Edson
The Little House on the Prairie by Virginia Lee Burton
Ready Freddy! By Abby Klein
Maps, Maps, Maps by Kana Riley
City Maze by Wendy Madgwick
A Day with Firefighters
A Day with Police Officers
A Day with Paramedics By Jan Kottke
My Town Jobs Around the Town By Tammy Jones
Who Works in my Neighborhood
A Visit to Town
My MapsBy John Serrano
To Town by Joy Cowley
The City we Live in By Jill Wheeler
My Home By Tammy Jones
Where Do I Live? By Neil Chesnow(Reading with Meaning)
Berenstain Bears Think of Those in Need by Stan and Jan Berenstain
In a People House By Theo Lesieg
How A House is Built by Gail Gibbons
I know where I live by Diane Pappas
Aero and Officer Mike by Joan Plummer Russell

Students will know (content

1.All people have basic needs.
They are food, shelter, and
2. Basic needs, special needs,
wants, and desires are different.
3. People need others and others
need us. Communities are places
where people are meeting each
others needs.
4. People create places to meet
needs ( places to live, places for
food, places to shop, places for
recreation, places to worship,
places to learn, health and safety
places, community services).
5. Communities change as needs
change. (People may move into
or out of a community.)
6. People have roles and
responsibilities within
7. A person may have more than
one role within a community.

Students will be able to do

1. Determine if something is a
basic need, special need, want
or desire.
2. Compare and contrast need
and wants.
3.Identify places within their
4.Identify the needs met by the
places in their community.
5.Give examples of why people
move out of a community or
make changes within a
6.Identify some of the
responsibilities these people
have to their communities.
6.Recognize that community
members have multiple
responsibilities. List members
of some of the communities
that they are part of.
7. Recognize that community
members have responsibilities.

8.A person may belong to more

than one community.
8. Communities reflect the needs
of the people and the physical

8.Compare and contrast

different communities.

9. The names of continents.

10. The titles for locations.
9.Learn the continent song.
10. Learn the difference
between a Road, Lane, Street,
Boulevard and Circle.
Stage 2: Assessment Evidence
How will I know the students met the desired results above? What performance tasks
or other evidence will I use to assess? At this stage, work on summative assessments
which occur at the end of the unit. As you plan your lesson below, make sure
to think about formative assessments which occur along the way.

Performance Tasks
Create needs and wants charts as a class and then individually
Respond to 911 calls
Write letters to workers in our community on Labor Day
Learn and sing state song
Learn and sing continent song
Create a town
Formative Assessment:
Recite address/phone number
Make a house/building
Summative Assessment:
Complete a community booklet.
Build and write about a piece of the class town/city.
They will discuss why their business or community service is important to the town /city.
Some students will construct more than one item for the town.
Additions to buildings, signage, descriptions, research about the real needs and wants of a

Other Evidence

Stage 3: Learning Plan

Now go enjoy translating the above into learning activities using creativity,
awareness of different learning needs, etc.

Students will make a Needs and Wants chart with use of the smart board.
Students will create a listing for a bulletin board.
Students will make a family fire plan as homework.
Students will practice reciting and writing their address and reciting it.
Students will gain map reading experience as they find their city, state, country and continent on
maps in the classroom.
Students will learn the state song and the continent song.
The students will participate in making a town or a city. They will design and construct a business
or center of service for their community.
The city will be made from poster board and resources. It is made from four pieces of paper and
has streets, parks, waterways drawn or created to support the houses and businesses.
The class will learn how to be city planners as they choose a name for their town/city, name the
streets, and chose the buildings to become part of the city.

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