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The Higher Education Commission has initiated a National Video Conferencing Program in collaboration with the L.E.J.
National Science Information Center (ICCBS), University of Karachi. The program focuses on lectures/courses being
delivered by eminent scholars/researchers in the chosen disciplines, aimed at building concepts, enhancing critical
thinking, and developing understanding of the subject at undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral levels. This program also
includes skill development courses/modules, and research lectures in which cutting edge technologies/research results in
various fields of higher education will be presented.
These lectures/courses are relayed nationwide in various Universities and other HEI through VEPP (Virtual Education
Project Pakistan). Every one eligible is welcome to register, attend and benefit from this important and innovative
Course Content
Introduction to Terminologies and Basic Division
of Nervous System
Cerebral Cortex, Basal Ganglia
Diencephalon, Cerebellum
Spinal Cord, Motor and Sensory Pathways
Molecular Techniques used in Research
Biochemical Techniques used in Research
Imaging Techniques used in Research
Brain Disorders and their Research Designs
Research Modules (in vitro, ex vivo, in vivo)

Date: 3rd Dec to 20th Dec 2012
Day: Monday, Wednesday and Thursday
Timing: 11:00 AM to 12:45 PM
Venue: Videoconferencing studios/rooms of participating
How to Register
For registration, kindly contact VEPP Focal Person in your
University. The L. E. J. Center will issue a certificate
(1credit hrs) to successful participants.
Enrollment through Virtual Education Project
a. Relevant departments at participating institutions will
offer the course to their own students and enroll eligible
students in the course.
b. The department will make the schedule of class
meetings known and ensure the delivery of lectures
with the help of university Technical Coordinators.
c. The department will keep attendance records of the
registered participants.
d. The department will conduct exams/tests and grade
tests according to keys provided by the lecturers.
e. Departments will accept results and grant credit for the
course to qualified registered students.
f. Departments will coordinate closely with focal persons
to carry out all these activities and arrange for an on-line
Students Evaluation of Teachers (SET).

About the on-line course: This 1 credit hour course is

designed for Ph.D. students. A gross anatomical
description of systemic structure and function of the human
nervous system. Emphasis on the physiological functions
as they relate to the anatomical structure. Brain disorders
and their molecular drug targets will be taught with
reference to research designs for basic and clinical
Introduction of the Speaker: Dr. Zareen Amtul is
currently working as Research Associate at Department of
Anatomy and Cell Biology, Western University. Dr. Amtul
is also working as an executive member of Postdoctoral
Association at Western (PAW) and Judge at London
District Science & Technology Fair at Faculty of
Education of Western University. Dr. Amtul has over eight
years of inter-, trans- and multidisciplinary research
experience in the academia, industry and research institutes
located in Canada, USA, Germany and Pakistan. While
working with leading scientists in the field of Alzheimers
Disease .Dr. Amtul designed and developed various
diverse projects from concept to completion. Areas
specifically within the scope of Dr. Amtuls research are
the molecular and behavioral characterization as well as
therapeutic intervention of co-morbid animal models of
High-Order Cognitive Function and Vascular Cognitive
Impairment, such as Alzheimers Disease and stroke/
diabetes/ hypertension/ cancer with the special emphasis
on vascular and cell biology, histopathology as well as
molecular imaging techniques. Dr. Amtul also teaches at
Anatomy and Cell Biology department of Western
University. Dr. Amtul is the editorial board member of The
OMICS Publishing Group and reviews articles published
in various International Journals on regular basis. Dr.
Amtul is a recipient of many prestigious International
Awards including J. William Fulbright Scholarship from
US Department of State, Alexander von HumboldtStiftung Research Award from Germany, Ontario Mental
Health Foundation Research Award from Canada, CIHR
Strategic Training Award in Vascular Research from
Canadian Institute of Health Research /Canada. She is also
a nominee of SfN postdoctoral trainee travel award by
Southern Ontario Neuroscience Association (SONA), and
approved NSERC candidate for the Visiting Fellowships in
Canadian Government Laboratories from Natural Sciences
and Engineering Research Council of Canada. Dr. Amtul
authored over 30 refereed research papers in leading
international journals mostly as first author.

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