Politics With A Heart Reaction Paper

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Today, when you heard of the word politics what comes up to the mind of many
people is the negative views due to the prolonged issues of corruption in our
government officials. Yes, not all of the politicians are the same but for me in my
perception its very hard to trust or believe a politicians words. It is just like that these
politicians treat the government as a business for themselves. There are politician
families that already expertise in maintaining their positions and winning every election
for generations. Corruption can obviously seen even in our local or ordinary officials for
example the usage of government vehicle for private agendas, how much more to
national officials. The issue of PDAF (Priority Development Assistance Fund) Scam is
an example of this. The mind set of Filipinos in politics has worsen, I may say that even
in just a simple school government organization, this is already present for example the
use of a lot of money during elections and making injurious issues to the opponent
candidate. Yes, what Sonny Domingo said in the article is true that having a politician
relative or friend is power that is why many supports these politicians from ordinary
needy citizens to advantageous professionals for their self-benefits. Many politicians
enjoy their position as government officials because we let them. This is the reality of
todays Philippine politics.
With all of the negatives in our government and with all of the politicians that is
involved with illegal activities and abuse of power, there are still some government
officials that can be trusted and honest with their work such as the late DILG Secretary
Robredo. I believe that there is still hope for our country if only if our voted government
officials will realize themselves as well as the people if we change our views and mindset. Morality and good deeds should be taught to young minds, they should not be
exposed to greedy environments, as for me myself I experienced working in a
government agency and see how things work. They said that life is like this, this is the
true world. But I disagree in this belief, it should not be the mind-set of Filipinos
especially the youth. They said that the youth is smarter today than older generations, I
agree to this, the youth is exposed in all possibilities. I hope and believe that our future
government officials, the youth of today will choose the right track. I am hoping for the
politics with a heart of our future government officials.


B.S. in Architecture
Political Science 4 Politics, Government, and Constitution

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