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Over the last fifteen years, the increase in technology and the use of computers in both
the personal and business sector has increased remarkably. This increase has bought
changes in all areas of society including such areas as telecommunication, banking and
finance, insurance, electric power, oil and gas, human health, transportation, education
system etc. These industries have not only improved but are now more and most fully
dependants on information technology for routine daily operation. This rapid technology
progress advance has well and truly ensured that in future everything is in a single finger.
The rapid growth of the internet and computer technology over the past few years has led
to the growth in new forms of crime-dubbed cyber crime- throughout the world.
Cyber crime could be defined as a new variety of crime, which is either perpetrated using
computers, or is something which related to them. Its origin can be traced to the growing
dependence on computers in modern life. Cyber crime has assumed creepy implications
today as everything from washing machine and water supply to nuclear power plants is
being run on computers. Nowadays, the world is stirring towards a solution where most
of it is relying on information through the IT. This exponential growth, and the increase
in the capacity and accessibility of IT align with the drop off in cost, has brought about
innovative changes in every aspect of human evolution, inclusive crime.
As a result, the increased capacities of knowledge management today through IT come at
the cost of increased vu Inerrability. Information technology has begun to produce
criminal opportunities of a variety that the brightest criminals of yore could not even
begin to dream about. The criminal of this uses computer to cyber crime against persons,
against property and against government. National Research Council in their paperwork
Computers at Risk, 1991 quoted as The modern thief can steal more with a computer
than with a gun. Tomorrows terrorist may be able to do more damage with a keyboard
than with a bomb. In addition, this statement in other word could be defined as a
challenge and risk with the technology if wrongly used could provide more disaster rather
than benefits to human kind. Most importantly, this disaster could affect anything and the

role of computer as the object to create a crime, as a tool to commit the crime and as an
environment or context to play as a non substantial role in the act of crime.
In history the first recorded cyber crime in the world took place in the year 1820 where
Joseph-Marie Jacquard, a textile manufacturer in France, produced the loom. This device
allowed the repetition of a series of steps in the weaving of special fabrics. This resulted
in a fear amongst Jacquards employees that their traditional employment and livelihood
were being threatened. They committed acts of sabotage to discourage Jacquard from
further use of the new technology.
According to Online Wikipedia, computer crime, or cyber crime, refers to any crime that
involves a computer and a network. The computer may have been used in the commission
of a crime, or it may be the target. Another definition provided by Online Search Security,
cyber crime is a term for any illegal activity that uses a computer as its primary means of
commission. Fafinski, & Minassian (2008) quoting Wall (2007), define cyber crime as
the transformation of criminal or harmful behaviors by networked technology, while
Wilson (2007) puts it simply as a crime that is enabled by, or that targets computers.
Cyber Security of Malaysia stated that there is no comprehensive definition of cyber
crime. According to Malaysia Cyber Security, they have defined the cyber crime into
three categories as below:

When information and communications technology (ICT) systems and intellectual

property become targets of exploitation, intrusion, identity and information theft.

When ICT devices are used as means to commit crimes. For example, computers
at home are used to run malicious programs to intrude other computers to steal
money, identity and passwords.

Where the ICT devices are used as mediums of committing crimes. For example,
sedition, disharmony or unrest, slandering and instigating at higher scale come
under this category.


Meanwhile, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) broadly defines computer crimes as
any violations of criminal law that involve knowledge of computer technology for their
perpetration, investigation, or prosecution. Another definition by Pavan Duggal who is
President of and consultant define cyber crime as Any criminal
activity that uses a computer either as an instrumentality, target or a means for
perpetuating further crimes comes within the ambit of cyber crime.
It would be concluded that the cyber crime definition as a utilizing computer technology
or any related to it for unlawful acts as a tool or target to provide damaging and loss to
personal belongs.
According to Pavan Duggal who is President of and consultant to
UNCTAD and UNESCAP on Cyber law and Cyber crime, cyber crime basically
could be divided into 3 major categories as below:
a. Cyber crime against persons
This category also so called as cyber harassment. Various type of cyber
harassment occur or getting through the cyberspace. It committed of various
crimes such as transmission of child-pornography, trafficking or posting or
distributing and dissemination of obscene material via internet, email
spoofing, cyber defamation (someone publishes defamatory matter about
someone on a website or sends e-mails containing defamatory information)
and cyber stalking (spying and individuals activity over the internet).

b. Cyber crime against property
The suitable definition for this category is any crime against all form of
property. For instance computer vandalism such as leaking of confidential
data, transmitting computer virus, unauthorized control or access to computer

credit card fraud, intellectual property crimes (software piracy,

copyright infringement, trademark violation) and internet time theft.

c. Cyber crime against government
The growth of internet has shown that the medium of cyberspace is being used
by individuals and groups to threaten the international governments as also to
terrorize the citizens of a country. Another example for these types is forgery,
cyber terrorism, web jacking, IRC crime, Salami attack and denial of service
Meanwhile, Wouter Teepe (2007) in his research Centre for Cyber crime
Studies Technological, organizational and legal expertise united provides an
initial classification of cyber crime and could be depicted as figure below:

Figure 1: Classification of cyber crime by Wouter Teepe

There are lots of similarities between cyber crime in Malaysia and USA and the basic
fundamental of this still in the corner. In fact, compare to US, there are not many laws
governing the cyberscape in Malaysia. Since 1997 the Malaysian parliament has
developed few cyber laws which reasons to prevent and control of this crime. The
enacted law which has been released by Malaysian Multimedia and Communication
Security as below:

Figure 2: Malaysian Cyber Law

Malaysian Computer Crime Act 1997 essentially covers crimes resulting in violation
against any of the three (3) bedrock principles of security (confidentiality, integrity
and availability). Further to this it will serve as a deterrent to would be hackers and to
ensure a legal means of prosecuting for those who are found guilty of committing
such crimes. Part of the regulation and legislation that has been created could be self
explanatory as figure below.


Figure 3: The Digital Signature Act 1997, Computer Crimes Act 1997,
Infringement of Copyright and Electronic Commerce Act 2006 and
Electronic Government Act 2007

Figure 4: Telemedicine Act, Internet Defamation, Online Sedition

and Cyber Pornography and Exploitation of Children


Figure 5: Prostitution and Other Illegal Cyber Sexual Activities,

Cyber Terrorism, Spam and Cross Border and Jurisdictional Issues

In Malaysia, the Malaysian Police formed the Technology Crime Investigation

Branch (TCIB) in October 1998 and this team has been positioned under Commercial
Crime Investigation Division. The officers in the TCIB are specially trained in
cybercriminal investigation methods and also lend its assistance to overseas
enforcement agencies in investigating online gambling, hacking and illegal
distribution of pirated software. Government role not only to ensure but also to aware
that technological innovation and the deviousness of human minds would mean that
the law as well as enforcement must not only keep up with cybercriminals, but it
require their officers are one step ahead of cybercriminals, ready to catch them if the
cybercriminals perform their dirty deeds. During the Harvard Business School
Alumni Club luncheon in February 2000, Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah
Ahmad Badawi (during that period) stated that:

The development of the Multimedia Super Corridor and the creation of a pioneer
legal and regulatory framework encompassing, amongst other things, the
Communications and Multimedia Act, the Computer Crimes Act and the Digital
Signatures Act is indicative of the Government's commitment towards the creation of
a knowledge-based economy.
In addition to this CyberSecurity Malaysia who is the national cyber security
specialist centre, and an agency under the purview of the Ministry of Science,
Technology and Innovation (MOSTI) has been established to look after the ICT
security specialist services and continuously monitors threats to national security.
Instead of that, this centre also assists in cyber forensics and analysis which related to
analyzing evidence and providing expert witnesses for relevant cases. There are lots
of cases that have been reported to CyberSecurity in such making losses to the
national economical growth. According to CyberSecurity there is a jumped in cyber
crime cases by 127 per cent in 2010 in which equivalent 8,090 cases compared to
3,564 cases in 2009. The increasing number of the cases means the high profit could
not gain to the country during the period. This has been supported by Deputy Science,
Technology and Innovation Minister Datuk Fadillah Yusof statement that based on
police reports, the government suffered losses totaling RM22.3 million in 2009 and
the sum increased to RM62 million in 2010.

Meanwhile, in US they have primary federal law enforcement agencies that

investigate domestic crime on the Internet include: the Federal Bureau of
Investigation (FBI), the United States Secret Service, the United States Immigration
and Customs Enforcement (ICE), the United States Postal Inspection Service, and the
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF). Each of these agencies has offices
conveniently located in every state to which crimes may be reported

Referring to MyCERT Incident Statistics for the year 2010, 8,090 general incidents
classification were reported to the Cyber999 Security Incident Help Centre.

Figure 6: Reported Incidents based on general Incident Classification Statistic 2010

Based on statistical above it could be derived that the major cases reported in
Malaysia was related to fraud (27.3%) and followed by intrusion (26.7%), spam
(15.7%) and others.

Meanwhile, in US as stated by Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) based on FBI
Cybercrime statistic in collaboration with their agency Internet Crime Complaint
Centre (IC3) the number of cases reported has been reduced in 2010 (323,809)
compared to year 2009 (326,655).

Figure 7: Yearly Comparison of Complaints Received Via the IC3 Website

Based on figures given the type of the percentage could be described as below:

Non-delivery payment/merchandise
FBI-Related scams
Identity theft
Computer crimes
Miscellaneous fraud
Advance fee fraud
Auction fraud
Credit card fraud
Overpayment fraud

Percentage (%)

Figure 8: Type percentage


Amongst the figures it could be concluded that most of the cases related to online
shopping where retailer who provide services did not get payback on their deals.
Further to this it also showed that several types of fraud exists in US environment.
Based on given figures above the fraud percentage most likely covered almost 32.7%
of total number of cases.
In addition to this we could have a comparison between cases reported for both of the
country as Figure 9 below.

Figure 9: Cyber Crime: Comparison between Malaysia and US

Based on comparison above, it could be concluded that US received higher number of

cases related to cyber crime compare to Malaysia. Between fraud and spam, fraud
more regularly recorded as well known complaints instead of other cases. Even


though the comparison given above was not fair due to few technical that should be
considered. The comparison above only could be fair if:
a. The total number of citizen between country is the same
b. The country development and IT infrastructure between each others are
c. The knowledge and users awareness is on par

Figure 10: Cyber Crime Number of cases 2000 - 2010

However, it could be said that the total number of complaints increases constantly
towards the number of years as showed by diagram above. For US there is a slightly
reduce in a few years shown in the graph. In year 2005 it drop almost 48% and rise
back to increase in year 2006. In fact also in year 2010 (323,809) it also decrease the
number of complaint compare to 2009 (326,655).

For Malaysia, the numbers of complaint also have a constant increasing starting from
year 2007 until now. There is a drop in year 2005 where complaints reduce about
94.5% compare to 2004 (15,285). To summarize this Malaysia has a highest
complaint for cyber crime so far in 2010 (8,090) and the lowest were recorded in
2000 (503). Meanwhile US has recorded a highest cases in 2009 (326,655) and the
lowest is in year 2000 (16,838).
The reducing in year 2005 for Malaysia and 2007 and 2010 for US might be due to
better legislation enforcement for that period, the role of related sector (security
agency) to provide end users awareness in cyber crime might be achieved and cyber
security tools has placed in advanced compare to crime.
In lieu to control and reduce cyber crime in Malaysia there is suggestion and
recommendation could be proposed as below:
a. Malaysian government should revamp the play role of organization or agency
such as police department, local authorities, related security agency and so on to a
higher level of involvement in prevent cyber crime
b. The government also may require establishing a prompt and effective system of








INTERPOL, G8, FIRST (Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams),

APNG (Asia Pacific Networking Group), APSIRC (Asia-Pacific Security and
Incident Response Coordination Working Group), APCF (Asia-Pacific Cyberlaw
Forum) is a good example of such an arrangement must be made.
c. Educating the high level awareness to end users (community) including
individuals, corporate entities, government sector, education institutional and
private sector towards the cyber crime and information security. A step on it

provide them with guideline for defensive and a self-help measure for them to
d. Malaysia government should provide an effective global system to deal with the
cyber crime. The approach should be a multi faceted and multi pronged which
combining both legally coercive and non legislative measures
Cyber crime is a persisting international concern that transcends national boundaries in a
behavior that renders organized crime as a global apprehension. As known it may take
several form of classification in which could provide adversity to personals, property and
Either in Malaysia or in US, cyber crime has adversely affected the economical growth
for the country returns. In sense it also endows with challenge to government agency and
public sector to have excellent methods practices to comply with. And in other hand it
also create an awareness to community to prevent from being affected and involved to
cyber crime.



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Centre for Cybercrime Studies (n.d.). Retrieved October 28, 2011, from
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Cyber Crime and Due Diligence. (n.d.). Retrieved October 28, 2011, from
Cyber Crime in India its Laws and Applicability. (n.d.). Retrieved November 11, 2011,
Cyber crime. (n.d.). Retrieved October 23, 2011, from
ReportCyberCrime - Classification of cyber crime. (n.d.). Retrieved October 22, 2011,
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To catch a cyber criminal. (n.d.). Retrieved November 1, 2011, from
Malaysia to lose RM2.73bn to cyber crimes (n.d.). Retrieved
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Scamfraudalert Blog - FBI 2010 Cybercrime Statistics. (n.d.). Retrieved October 20,
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