2.6 Prayer Service On Dispersion

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Building a New Humanity through 12 Diamond Values

Prayer Service on DISPERSION: Value of Selfless Service and Making a Difference

A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle James Keller
Life is about discovering who God created me to be.
Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile - Albert Einstein.
A: Exchanging a Radiant Smile; B: Holding a lighted candle:
God loves a cheerful giver- 2Cor.9/7.
Instruction: Preferably hold the prayer service in the class room with prior guidance & active
involvement / participation of all the students after the lesson on DISPERSION.
Introduction: Keep a Candle / Lamp lighted throughout the prayer service.
Have a devotional / classical music played to create a prayerful atmosphere.
Prayer song 1: One Life can make Difference- Its up to you! http://youtu.be/ok46bj3UWm4
Prayer song 2: Go make a difference - http://youtu.be/1aopgV1o1Oo
OR This little guiding light of mine
Let us take an attentive posture and be relaxed breathing in Gods presence. (silent pause..)
We are on a journey of building a new humanity through 12 diamond values. The theme of this
prayer service is DISPERSION - a criterion by which diamonds overall quality is judged.
Dispersion synonymous with fire in a gem-stone is best defined as the visible extent of light
dispersed into spectral colors. Multiple times a light ray reflects within a diamond, greater the
separation of the spectral colors and more clear the appearance of fire. Cutting diffraction
gratings improve dispersion in diamonds (value.044). DISPERSION signifies Value of
Selfless Service to Make a Positive Difference in ones life. Life is about discovering who God
created me to be not just being different, but making a difference. Let us join the prayer song.
Choir: Prayer song 1: One Life can make a Difference: http://youtu.be/ok46bj3UWm4
Reader 1:
Selflessness known as Altruism is unselfish concern for the welfare of others, adverse to
Egoism or Selfishness. Living for others is inbuilt in Nature as rivers dont drink their own
water; trees dont eat their own fruit; the sun doesnt shine for itself; flowers dont emit scent for
self. Pure altruism consists in sacrificing something (time / talent / energy/ resources) for others
without any expectation of recompense. Gods unconditional love for humanity is signified in
maternal love. The privilege & task of parenthood is a selfless investment in the childs heart to
be worthy of honour and nurturing the valuable human resource/capital for future generations as
one person of integrity can make a difference. (Elie Wiesel)
Reader 2:
The caregivers of sick with severe mental/emotional/physical disabilities & terminally ill persons
embody selfless service. In times of disaster viz. accident, assault, fire, flood, earthquake, terror
etc., genuine acts of courage and kindness by selfless volunteers, army, fire fighters, paramilitary
forces, police, doctors and service workers abound. People risk in various ways to provide relief

/rescue /shelter /food /blood etc., to rebuild lives. Mega Disasters - 9/11 America (2001), Boston
Marathon (2013), Mumbai - 26/7 floods (2005), 26/11terror attack (2008), 14/6 Himalayan
Tsunami (2013) etc., present daring acts of amazing heroism, selflessness and solidarity.
Historical 3/11/11 Triple Disaster in Japan (earthquake, tsunami, Fukushima) revealed the
strength, dignity, creativity and orderly response of the Japanese citizens who had lost
everything; they right away sprang to help one another in a culture of volunteerism. Modern day
mass protests via social media platforms such as Arab Spring 2011, IAC (India Against
Corruption) 2011, Anti Rape outcry 2012-13, social justice issues on human rights, ecology etc.,
people identify with the hurting populace, caring to relate with each others problems in a spirit
of democracy casting off identities based on caste, class, religion, gender. A little wave can make
big difference as it takes only a small pin to burst a big balloon.
Reader 3:
If you desire to make a difference in the world you must be different from the world. The story
of The Giving Tree relates about a tree that gave the little boy its apples to eat, branches to
climb, and shade to sleep under. This made them both happy. As the boy grew into a man, the
tree gave him its apples to sell for money then its branches to build a house and finally the trunk
to make a boat. When the boy became a weary old man the tree by now just a stump, offered him
all she had left to sit on to rest and the story concludes "And the tree was happy".
Reader 1:
Nature returns goodness multiplied in mysterious ways for what goes round comes around. A
farmer named Fleming in Scotland heard a voice calling for help. He instantly rushed to the spot
and saw a boy neck-deep in quicksand. Fleming struggled to pull the boy out of the quicksand,
patted him affectionately and sent him home. A gentleman visited the farmer on his farming job
the next day to thank, for saving the life of his son. His offer of money was declined saying he
had only done his duty. Looking at the lad, the man asked Fleming if that was his son. Fleming
nodded and was told: "This boy, one day will make you proud!" The gentleman Churchill took
responsibility for the education of Fleming's son who grew up to become a world-renowned
scientist Alexander Fleming the inventor of penicillin. Short time after this invention, the son
of gentleman Churchill suffered acute pneumonia! Do you know what saved his life the second
time? Penicillin invented by Alexander Fleming and the beneficiary was Winston Churchill.
Let us now listen to the reading from the sacred scripture: (pause)
Reader 2: Scripture Reading: Luke 6:38
Give and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together & running
over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.
Whether we realize it or not we are all connected in this world as all life comes
from God. It touches the heart of God when we do for others what they cant do for themselves.
When our giving is selfless without expectation of reward, we place ourselves in the cyclic flow
of Gods blessing for God loves a cheerful giver. It is more blessed to give than receive for
giving is investing with God as joy multiplies in sharing. We cannot become what we need to be
by remaining what we are (Max De Pree). May we have the grace to make a difference for a
single generosity enlarges the world! (pause)
Reader 3:
"Everyone has a purpose in life and a unique talent to give to others. And when we blend this
unique talent with service to others, we experience the ecstasy and exultation of own spirit,
which is the ultimate goal of all goals" says Padma Bhushan (late) Dr K. Anji Reddy, founder
and chairman, Dr. Reddy's Laboratories (DRL), Hyderabad. Though born in rural A.P. to a

turmeric farmer, his life's mission was to provide innovative medicines at low cost that the
common man could afford in India and worldwide. Dr. Reddy improved access to affordable,
high quality medicines to the masses and believed in innovation as a means to prosperity. His
philanthropic initiatives and relentless efforts made a difference in the lives of many in the areas
of health-care, livelihood, potable water and education.
Reader 1:
Dr. Sunitha Krishnan a victim of gang rape is a crusader in anti-human trafficking and social
policy, uniting government, corporate and NGOs to end such heinous crime. Prajwala NGO
finds, rescues and supports women trafficked into brothels and educates their children in order to
stop second-generation trafficking for sex slavery. She exhorts all of us to overcome the silence
of negligence on the terror of sex trafficking and abuse of human rights with humane approach.
Reader 2:
Shaheen Mistri an Indian social activist, educator, a founder of the Akanksha Foundation and
the CEO of Teach for India since 2008. As a young college student visiting the Mumbai slums,
she opted to teach the marginalized street children and founded Akanksha Foundation working
primarily to impact the lives of such children through education. In 2008 she took the leadership
role at Teach For India in a nationwide movement of professionals and outstanding college
graduates to work towards eliminating educational inequity in India. Super 30 an innovative
school run by Mathematics wizard Anand Kumar since 2002, selects 30 students from poor
families to groom them for the IIT. He provides them with free board and lodging, paying for
everything from his own pocket.
Reader 3:
We serve God by serving others. NGOs play a critical role in protecting human rights through
developing society, improving communities and promoting citizen participation. Environmental
NGOs promote conservation for the stability of the ecosystem making sustainable development a
shared responsibility. Disaster relief agencies are designed to serve with increased commitment
as early warning mechanisms to minimize loss of life and livelihood. No country is immune to
the terror of disaster and vulnerability. (National Disaster Management Authority) NDMA has
the duty to develop sustainable operational capacity and professional competence to undertake its
humanitarian operations at its full capacity. Surprisingly, India has more than 3.3 millions NGOs
(one NGO for less than 400 Indians) with Maharashtra alone having 4.8 lakh NGOs. (The Indian
Express 18 Jun 2013). Task oriented NGOs perform range of services and humanitarian
functions, bring citizen concerns to Governments, provide analysis and expertise, advocate and
monitor policies and help implement international agreements.
Ritual A: (Make Smiling a favourite exercise)
Reader 4: The acronym for SMILE is Simple RandoM Acts of KIndness HeLp Everyone.
Let us intentionally SMILE to experience and encounter persons. (Exchange Bright Smiles)
Smile is a sacred gift of life, a universal language of kindness; a curve that sets everything right.
A sincere smile is a small little quick gesture of caring that can make a difference to brighten
someones world. Smile is a natural cosmetic without side-effect, ever handy to be well dressed
at no cost (unlike an expensive dress /ornament). A sparkling smile opens a window inside us
that uplifts a hurting heart and a weary soul as we connect. Let smiling be our favourite exercise
to gift the world a smile that radiates inner joy, (devoid of sarcasm) and enhance our face value.
Reflective Time: Exercise: (10 - 15 minutes)

Leader: Only a life lived for others is a worthwhile life (Einstein). Life is most rewarding when
we engage our inner capacity, drive and the power to make a difference, going an extra mile for
every loving thought / caring smile / helping hand / kind act adds to the ocean of Gods love that
renews humanity. Great occasion to help others seldom comes but little ones occur daily. The
Power of One is do one kind gesture to one person at a time every single day like:
- Accept and acknowledge the persons (friends /family /service workers such as sweeper/ dhobi/
milkman / driver /police /security / vendors) for who they are in life with a smile / gesture /
word of recognition /encouragement / appreciation for they make our life easier.
- Be thankful for everyone you know; view everyone and everything as being supportive of you.
- In conversations respect & listen without any judgment / interruption / offence; await your turn
to respond for if you judge people, youll have no time to love them says Mother Teresa.
(pause review the occasions that come your way to do ONE good act daily - mutually share.)
(Give time for personal decision and jot down one/two specific acts of selfless service you will do
daily. Power of One to make a differene;Read out to share mutually and in the class)
Let the life you breathe into others to brighten their self-image / self-confidence / self worth
define your character leaving a legacy. There is no better exercise for the heart than reaching out
in service for it is in giving that we receive (St. Francis of Assisi)
Ritual B: (Each one to hold a lighted candle, looking at the flame intently)
Reader 5:
Visible Light in the physical world enables our sense of sight. Candle is a lighting system where
the fuel itself is the package. Light and flame symbolize presence of God, as the Light of the
World. God who is invisible has created humans to be His reflective image in the visible world.
Each one is unique in genetic imprint, appearance, manners, smile; enthusiasm, energy and
exuberance to be a ray of sunshine in a weary world. A tiny lamp can do what the mighty sun
cannot do, namely lighten the night. As we generate light for others being a ray of sunbeam, we
naturally light our own way for 1000s of candles can be lit from one candle, yet the life of the
candle will not diminish says Buddha.
Let us pray the Our Father that we be reflective of Gods love.
Prayer Our Father: (Altogether)
Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name; Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth
as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive
those who trespass against us and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.
Leader: Let us pledge to be the light that shines (hold the lighted candle with a base) as we sing:
Prayer song 2A: Go make a difference - http://youtu.be/1aopgV1o1Oo /
OR This little guiding light of mine
Prayer song 1: One Life can make a Difference; Its up to you! http://youtu.be/ok46bj3UWm4
One song can spark a moment / one flower can wake the dream.
One tree can start a forest / one bird can herald spring.
One smile begins a friendship / one handclasp lifts a soul.
One star can guide a ship at sea / one word can frame the goal.
Chorus: One voice can speak with wisdom / one heart can know what's true.
One life can make the difference / you see, its up to you!
One vote can change a nation / one sunbeam lights a room.
One candle wipes out darkness / one laugh will conquer gloom.

One step must start each journey / one word must start each prayer.
One hope will raise our spirits / one touch can show you care.
Chorus: One voice can speak with wisdom / one heart can know what's true.
One life can make the difference / you see, its up to you!
One Life can make a Difference:
Prayer song 2: Go make a difference - http://youtu.be/1aopgV1o1Oo
Chorus: Go make a diff'rence, we can make a diff'rence / Go make a diff'rence in the world
Go make a diff'rence, we can make a diff'rence / Go make a diff'rence in the world
We are the salt in the earth, called to let the people see / the love of God in you and me
We are the light of the world, not to be hidden, but be seen / Go make a diff'rence in the world
We are the hands of Christ, reaching out to those in need / the face of God for all to see
We are the spirit of hope / we are the voice of peace
Prayer Song 2B: This little guiding light of mine
1. This little guiding light of mine; Im going to let it shine (3)
Let it shine all the time, let it shine.
2. Hide it under a bushel OH, NO! Im going to let it shine (3)
Let it shine all the time, let it shine.
3. Take this little light round the world; Im going to let it shine (3)
Let it shine all the time, let it shine.
4. Make my little light burn for Thee, Im going to let it shine (3)
Let it shine all the time, let it shine.
Requirements for the Prayer Service: (30 minutes)
A Teacher and 2/3 students will take full responsibility for prior preparation:
1. Arrange and organize the prayer service, with prior preparation for the requirements.
2. Prepare & Display the Theme, Quote & the Logo (assign different students).
Each one to have a candle with a candle base (paper) to light at the last part of the prayer
3. The choir will take responsibility to learn and teach the song prior to the prayer service.
5. Assign 5 or 6 readers to responsibly render their role with reflective pauses;
6. Practice to let the prayer service flow with reverence and devotion.
7. Give sufficient time for the prayer process to course on - minimum 30 minutes
6. DISPERSION: Value of Selfless Service and Making a Difference
To love being a person for others.
Start daily acts of service.
To leave a legacy for others
School Environment: Each one reaches one
Voluntary clubs for social and political action
School beyond boundaries
Role of Educator: Walk the extra mile
Catalyst for reach out
Be a Difference maker
It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.
Dare to be different and reach out to make this world a better place.
Sense of Generosity and Volunteerism
Ability to Sacrifice to Serve Others

Ready to Make a Difference in Society

Ritual: The Giving Tree story - Shell Silverstein: Narration with visuals:
http://the-giving-tree.info OR http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BQtIx1V9QQc
OR - Narration:(3 readers / narrators: N1 - read the main script including bold italics;
N2 Tree; N3 Boy)
N1: Once, there was a treeAnd she loved a little boy / & every day the boy would come /&
he would gather her leaves / & make them into crowns & play king of the forest/He would
climb up her trunk / & swing from her branches / & eat apples / & they would play hide and
seek. / & when he was tired, he would sleep in her shade/ & the boy loved the tree very
much& the tree was happy/But time went by & the boy grew older / & the tree was
often alone/ Then, one day, the boy came to the tree & the tree said:
N2: /Come, Boy, come and climb up my trunk / & swing from my branches & eat apples and
play in my shade & be happy!../ N3: I am too big to climb & play said the boy./ N3: I want
to buy thing & have fun I want some money Can you give me some money?/ N2: Im
sorry said the tree, N2: but I have no money I have only leaves & apples. Take my apples
boy, & sell them in city. Then you will have money & youll be happy/ N1: & so the boy
climbed up the tree & gathered her apples & carried them away/and the tree was happy
N1: But the boy stayed away for a long time & the tree was sad/ And then one day the
boy came back /& the tree shook with joy, & said: N2: /Come, Boy come.. & climb up my
trunk & swing from my branches /& eat apples & play in my shade & be happy/
N3: I am too busy to climb trees said the boy. / N3: I want a house to keep me warm he
said. / N3: I and want a wife & children, and so I need a house. Can you give me a house?/
N2: I have no house said the tree... N2: The forest is my house said the tree. N3: But
you may cut off my branches and build a house. Then you will be happy / N1: And so the
boy cut off her branches & carried them away to build his house. / And the tree was happy/
But the boy stayed away for a long time/ and when he came back, the tree was so happy she
could hardly speak./ N2: Come, Boy the tree whispered./ N2: Come and play./ N3: I am
too old & sad to play said the boy./ N3: I want a boat that will take me away from here. Can
you give me a boat?.../ N2:Cut down my trunk and make a boat said the tree./ N2: Then
you can sail away and be happy./ N1: and so the boy cut down her trunk / And made a boat
and sailed away/and the tree was happyBut not really./ And after a long time the boy
came back again. / N2:I am sorry, Boy said the tree / N2:but I have nothing left to give
you/ My apples are gone/ N3: My teeth are too weak for apples said the boy/ N2:My
branches are gone, said the tree/ N2: You cannot swing on them / N3:I am too old to
swing on branches, said the boy/ N2:My trunk is gone said the tree N2: You cannot
climb/ N3:I am too tired to climb said the boy/ N2: I am sorry sighed the tree / N2: I
wish that I could give you something but I have nothing left I am just an old stump I am
sorry/ N3:I dont need very much now said the boy; / N3: a quiet place to sit & rest. I am
very tired./ N2:Well / N1: said the tree, straightening herself up as much as she could,/ N2:
well, an old stump is good for sitting and resting. Come, Boy, sit down sit down and rest./
N1:.And the boy did And the tree was happy
(The End.)

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