2.7 Prayer Service - Flawless

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Archdiocesan Value Education Centre - AVEC

Don Bosco Youth Services Matunga, MUMBAI 400 019

Tel: 24154477 E-mail: avecmatunga@gmail.com
Building a New Humanity through 12 Diamond Values

Prayer Service on FLAWLESS - Value of Conscience, Renewal and Appreciation

CONSCIENCE - the only incorruptible thing about us Henry Fielding
To love one self is the beginning of a lifelong romance." - Oscar Wilde
CONSCIENCE is a mans compass.- Vincent Van Gogh
Exercise on Self Worth to affirm Self Image.
Be transformed by the renewing of your minds (Rom 12.2).
Prayer Songs: 1. God is so good so good to me Refer: http://youtu.be/cfyM7PYpE6I
2. Oh, Be careful little eyes - http://youtu.be/GrHshNc8nJY
Instruction: Keep a lighted Candle / Lamp throughout the prayer service.
Preferably hold the prayer service in the class room, after the lesson on FLAWLESS ensuring active
involvement / participation of all the students. Play a devotional music to create prayerful atmosphere
as the assembly gathers for prayer.
Let us take an attentive posture and be relaxed breathing in Gods presence. (silent pause)
Let us join the choir in singing the prayer song God is so good so good to me.
Choir: Prayer Song 1: God is so good so good to me Refer: http://youtu.be/cfyM7PYpE6I
God is so good / God is so good /God is so good / Hes so good to me
He cares for me / He cares for me / He cares for me / Hes so good to me
I love Him so / I love him so / I love Him so / He's so good to me
I praise His Name / I praise His Name / I praise His Name / He's so good to me
Reader 1:
We are on a journey of building a new humanity through 12 diamond values. The theme of this prayer
service is FLAWLESS quality in a Diamond, a criteria by which diamonds overall appearance is
assessed. Flawless diamond is considered absolutely perfect because of its flawless clarity and a rare
brilliance. The 101.73 carat gem is the largest flawless diamond, carved from a 236 carat rough
diamond (Botswana mine) and polished perfect in 21 months.
FLAWLESS signify Values of Conscience, Renewal and Appreciation in ones life. "Conscience is
persons most secret core where Gods voice echoes in the inner depths". CONSCIENCE is the only
incorruptible thing about us the sanctuary where we encounter the SACRED.
*Building a New Humanity Through Universal Values*


Archdiocesan Value Education Centre - AVEC

Don Bosco Youth Services Matunga, MUMBAI 400 019
Tel: 24154477 E-mail: avecmatunga@gmail.com
Reader 2:
The soul is the spiritual-life-principle of each person God has endowed us with. Conscience is the
inner radar /sense /voice the spiritual instinct that discerns motives and conduct. Clarity is in
conscience/ thought /purpose /vision; while Integrity is the sense of "wholeness" in ones ethics.
Mediation links to the Divine Source to gain clarity and integrity in the navigation of Conscience. Paul
strives "to keep his conscience clear before God and man" (Acts 24/6). Stephen Covey defines (SQ)
Spiritual Quotient as Conscience. Persons with remarkable Spiritual Quotient are role models.
Conscience is God present in man- an infinitely precious heritage none can steal. God designed our
conscience as a guidepost: to convict us of what is evil and convince us of what is good to promote
rightful living and foster good character. To accompany every child in her/his cognitive, intellectual,
affective, social, moral and spiritual development is a challenge. A clear conscience leads to effective
choices and upholds heart-level connection to seek always the Golden Rule: "Whatever you wish that
men would do to you, do so to them."
Reader 3:
Every thought we think is creating our future (Louis Haye). You are beautiful unique expression of
God destined to write a page in the human history. Actor Naseeruddin Shah was asked who in this big
wide world do you love the most? He shot back: My self - without comparing myself to others or
running others down; and I value others just the way they are! Your main asset in life is YOURSELF.
Value and invest in yourself, caring body, mind, soul and conscience as you will have the same ones
for a life time of 60 / 80 years. Self love is to affirm Self-worth which diffuses into everything from the
way one feels, thinks, interacts and performs in tasks / studies. One opts to live by choice and not by
chance; to excel and not compete; to be useful and not used; to have self esteem and not self-pity.
Ritual: Exercise to affirm Self Image - Reflective Time (4/5 minutes)
We do an exercise on self-worth: Write your name on the top of the sheet.
Close your eyes to experience the silence within for few comfortable moments and think about the
kind of person you are. Deep rhythmic breathing in the silence of the heart attunes you to the art of
listening to the inner voice of conscience. Be aware of your physiology, personality, potential and
spirituality. Recognize, appreciate and trust in yourself. You are beautiful, peaceful, mindful, joyful,
respectful, grateful, faithful, caring, sharing, kind, patient, creative, lovable, reliable, responsible,
capable, precious and much more
Identify your qualities / strengths to discover the treasure lying within you. (2/3 minutes pause)
Focus on 3/5 qualities / positive strengths you most prize as precious and write them down.
"To love yourself right now, just as you are, is to give yourself heaven (Alan Cohen). Believe in
yourself to feel worthy of your own time and attention to relax, release, recover and renew yourself.
Reader 4:
All significant things in life: truth, beauty, goodness, kindness, joy, love, peace, wisdom, wonder are
invisible and yet incredibly within us. The moment we give attention to even a leaf / feather / seed /
pebble, it becomes awe-inspiring, mysterious, unbelievable and a magnificent world in itself because
when one stops and looks around, this life is pretty amazing. (L Buscagilia). Appreciation is a form
*Building a New Humanity Through Universal Values*


Archdiocesan Value Education Centre - AVEC

Don Bosco Youth Services Matunga, MUMBAI 400 019
Tel: 24154477 E-mail: avecmatunga@gmail.com
of prayer; for it acknowledges the presence of God, wherever one shines the light of thankful
thoughts. Appreciation and gratitude work wonders if we can activate to enhance the quality of life
around us in spreading happiness and reducing stress. To recognize and appreciate blessings in life
makes a world of difference to be empowered and be persons in progress as life is a continuous
sequence of mysteries and miracles.
Reader 5:
The secret of happiness is counting our blessings, noticing simple pleasures and mindfully living in the
present moment with enthusiasm and energy as if life were a miracle. Scripture says Be transformed
by the renewing of your minds, so that you may discern what is good, acceptable and perfect (Rom
12.2). As human beings, our uniqueness lies in Self Renewal. Knowing oneself in what I am capable
of is the beginning of wisdom (Aristotle). Every experience God gives us, every person He puts into
our lives, is the perfect preparation for a future only He can see (Corrie Ten Boom). Seneca, Roman
philosopher wrote: Each night when the lamp is put out in my chamber and my wife , aware of my
custom, keeps silence, I examine into the whole course of the day to evaluate over all I have thought,
said and done, concealing nothing. If I discover anything amiss, I say to myself, I pardon you this
time, but do so no more. Make time daily to review your conscience, set personal priorities, handle
setbacks, communicate effectively and reach your personal level of greatness.
Reader 6:
The past continues to shape us as we carry around with us emotions, thoughts and memories. If you
are depressed, you are living in the past. If you are anxious, you are living in the future. If you are at
peace you are living in the present says Lao Tzu. Do you feel anger, hurt, sad, misunderstood, lonely,
guilt, discomfort, hopeless because of things which happened in your childhood? Make peace with
your past so it will not ruin the present as time heals almost everything. Smile you dont own all the
problems in the world. Dont compare your life to others or criticize others for you have no idea what
their journey is all about. Refuse to be defined by the past or the opinion of others; instead be positive,
supportive and forgiving to be in charge of your happiness. Keep believing in yourself in the face of
challenges. Do what you feel in your heart to be right, for youll be criticized anyway (E. Roosevelt).
Reader 7:
Self Renewal is the single most powerful investment in ourselves we can ever make in life (Stephen
Covey). Ability is what you are capable of doing; Motivation determines what you do and Attitude
determines how well we do it. Life is a series of adjustments and choices; Focus on what is significant,
willing to exchange expectation for appreciation. You are an amazing individual worthy of respect and
delight regardless of your looks, creed, caste, colour or culture. Enjoy! Laugh! Live fully! Be aware of
how blessed you really are. Let us pray that we may always have eyes that see the best in people, a
heart that forgives the worst, a mind that forgets the bad & a soul that never loses faith in God.
Prayer Our Father: (Altogether)
Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name; Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it
is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who
trespass against us and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.
Let us conclude our prayer service singing with the choir the song Oh Be careful little eyes
Choir: Prayer Song 2: Oh, Be careful little eyes - http://youtu.be/GrHshNc8nJY
*Building a New Humanity Through Universal Values*


Archdiocesan Value Education Centre - AVEC

Don Bosco Youth Services Matunga, MUMBAI 400 019
Tel: 24154477 E-mail: avecmatunga@gmail.com
Requirements for the Prayer Service: (Around 30 minutes)
A Teacher and 2/3 students will take full responsibility for prior preparation:
1. Arrange and organize the prayer service, with prior preparation for the requirements.
2. Prepare & Display the Theme, Quote & the Logo (assign different students).
3. The choir will take responsibility to learn and teach the song prior to the prayer service.
5. Assign 5 or 6 readers to responsibly render their role with reflective pauses;
6. Practice to let the prayer service flow with reverence and devotion.
7. Give sufficient time for the prayer process to course on - minimum 30 minutes
FLAWLESS - Value of Conscience, Renewal and Appreciation
To listen to ones heart and make daily principled choices
To work on self for daily renewal
To focus on Appreciation of self and others
School Environment: Defender of ethical values
Celebrate students daily progress
Foster a culture of Appreciation
Role of Educator: Example Right Action
Believe in change of heart
Language of Appreciation
We are all a personinprogress. There is no such thing as a bad student.
Discover the good in the other and the vice will soon disappear.
Attuned to listen to ones Conscience
Open to SelfRenewal and Positive Change
Appreciates the Good in the Other
Prayer Song 1: God is so good so good to me Refer: http://youtu.be/cfyM7PYpE6I
God is so good / God is so good /God is so good / Hes so good to me
He cares for me / He cares for me / He cares for me / Hes so good to me
I love Him so / I love him so / I love Him so / He's so good to me
I praise His Name / I praise His Name / I praise His Name / He's so good to me
Prayer Song 2: Oh, Be careful little eyes - http://youtu.be/GrHshNc8nJY
1. Oh, be careful little eyes what you see / Oh, be careful little eyes what you see
For the Father up above is looking down in love / So, be careful little eyes what you see
2. Oh, be careful little ears what you hear / Oh, be careful little ears what you hear
3. Oh, be careful little tongue what you say / Oh, be careful little tongue what you say
4. Oh, be careful little hands what you do / Oh, be careful little hands what you do
5. Oh, be careful little feet where you go / Oh, be careful little feet where you go
6. Oh, be careful little heart, whom you trust / Oh, be careful little heart whom you trust
7. Oh, be careful little mind what you think / Oh, be careful little mind what you think .. Father up
above is looking down in love /So, be careful little mind what you think/ So, be careful.. .. think.

*Building a New Humanity Through Universal Values*


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