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Full Name


Date of Birth
Eye Color
Hair Color


Shedas Trite
(Born as Christian Sanders)
(Given by Air)
(Given by Koukei Ikkimori)
London, April 1 97
Light Brown
5 10 (178 cm)
146 lbs (66 kg)
Peter Sanders (Father, alive)
Unnamed Mother (unknown)
Marie Grace Sanders (Step Mother,
Eustachia Sanders (Step Sister,
Tactician; Part of Intelligence
Department of Exousires

Shedas Trite, was born with the name Christian Sanders is a genius guythats what
he often called with. His IQ is in superior level and he often bring it up every time he
talk with someone that shows dislike of himhe likes to intimidate his haters with
their level of knowledge.
He have an older step sister named Eustachia by the marriage of his father and
Eustachias mother.
Shedas mother left him and his father when Shedas was tenth. He understood that
his mother was cheating with other man that richer than his father. But he always
pretend like he did not know anything. Two years after, his father introduced
Eustachias mother to Shedas. He knew that his father had found someone to
replace his mother, which made him glad because that mean he wouldnt see his
fathers sad look any longer.
He is really close with Eustachia. And although Eustachia is two years older than
him, it seems that Shedas is way more mature than her. Shedas often tease
Eustachia since for him, its obvious that Eustachia has a soft spot for himnot
because he is her brother, but something else.

In his school, Shedas was the leader of Chemistry Club or the students there refer it
as CC. He was a part of an astronomy club once. But the members felt ashamed
because Shedas was already knew everything and they felt left behind, so they
dumped him. The members of astronomy club were never talk to him ever since.
But then, CC became a popular club in school because of him.
Shedas was very popular at his school. Not only because his smartness, but also his
good looking. His locker was always full of letters come from his admirers. Too bad,
some girls called him a playboy because of his flirty manner.
Shedas loves anagram and photograph. Sometime if he meets new people, hell
write down the anagrams of their names in his phone and tell them to choose which
one does they like; after that, hell call them with that anagram name. The name
Shedas Trite alone is an anagram of The Disaster. Amongst every words that
existed, he really likes the word disaster. He thought it is such a cool wordand
sometimes he dont even know the reason why does he like that word. The first time
he learned about anagram, he made the anagram of The Disaster and he found
Shedas Trite was really cool. He decided to use that as his name ever since. But
Eustachia, his father and step mother are the exception, he allows them to call him
Christian. And of photograph, he only refer it as a hobby.
After he graduated from high school, he asked his father to have a year off because
he wanted to learn about science by himself. His father permitted him to do so, as
long as the next year hed continue his study to college.
He moved to Lacrimoxea Island and lived in Exousires HQ. Hes working there as a

Shedas is an extrovert person. He likes to socialize with much people. Once he ever
said that knowing much people will give him so much benefits, so long his
relationship with others are good. This has been proved one day when there was a
Science Contest held in his place, he wanted to attend the contest. Unfortunately,
the contestants ages should be more than seventeenth (he was sixteenth at that
time). One of the committee was his acquaintance that helped him to attend the
contest by manipulating Shedas ID Card.
Although hes a calm personor what the girl called coolhell be enthusiast
when it comes to something he likes. Such as books, sciences and such. Hell be
consistent to do something once he decide and have make the plans. But
sometimes, hell change the plan in a sudden and itll change the whole things.
Shedas likes to be a leader and he never wants to be anyones liege. But if he joined
an organization that already have a leader, hell be obedient.

Hes a person with over level of self confidence. Although it is good for him since
hell be okay doing a speech in public or such. Sometimes itll annoy some people
since hell refer himself as really handsome or the one with high level of
intelligence and such. His charismatic figure can make people trust or like him in an
instance, although sometimes he can be a sarcastic person, especially to those
whom doesnt like him (which will become those whom he doesnt like).
Hes an optimist person. But his optimistic often lead him to his stubborn side. Since
hes really sure with what he does, sometimes hell ignore what people told him.
Hes never want to accept any advice since for him, he can do anything by himself
and that others standpoint is useless. Hes also has a poor handling of emotions. If
hes overthink or overdo something, hell be mad of everything. And often shouts to
random people. Other bad side of him is that hes impatience, he want things to be
done quick.
He has a gentleman demeanor to females. But time to time, his bad habit of flirting
to random girls make him judged as playboy.


o Peter Sanders
Since Shedas was little, he has been raised in a family that uphold
ethics. His father is a hard-worker and is a man with plans. He have
organized everything to Shedas. His education, economics and things.
They used to really close until Shedas mother left them. His father was
in a depressed state that his subordinates were told to replace him for
a while in his company. He even didnt talk to everyone including
Shedas, which make Shedas sad. But thats not really long after his
father met Marie Grace. His relationship with Shedas afterwards are
good. In Shedas spare time, hed help his fathers works, which his
father let since he already knew Shedas intelligences. His father is a
firm person and a little ferocious as he wont hesitate to punish Shedas
if he does something wrong.
o Marie Grace Sanders
After the marriage of Marie and Peter, Shedas seem to really close with
his step mother. Marie is a lovely person. Shedas often tell her
everything that happened in his school or else. Sometimes when
Shedas is beyond punishment by his father, Marie will convince him to
forgive Shedas.
o Eustachia Sanders

His relationship with Stachy is like the general siblings. They often get
into a fight just because a simple matter. Even though Stachy is his
step sister, hes often flirt with her. And thats because he has a feeling
that Stachy is actually having a soft spot for him.

o Frederick Kingston
Fred is his childhood friend that is a year younger than him. Both like to
tease each other. And even though Fred often irritate Shedas, hell
response calmly as always. Although sometimes hell pissed off. They
both are separated for few years because Fred had to move away and
now theyve meet again in Exousires.
o Koukei Ikkimori
Shedas often call him with Senior Ikki even though Ikki himself has
told him to not do so. Actually, he called Ikki with that is in order to
tease him. Ikki is the first person to call him with Japanese suffix chan and also the first person in Exousires that told him a meanie.
o Air
Although they arent really close, but they have nickname for each
others. Which Air would call him Shed and Shedas would call her either
H2O or Oxygen.
o Tiffany Wickblood
At first, Shedas was confused with Tiffany since the first time he met
Tiffany, the girl was a male named Stefan. But, Shedas dont want to
ask any further why does shes a girl now.
o Eidar Panskerville
He often call Eidar with Eidar bro. Theyre not that close, frankly. But
Shedas feels connected to him. Eidar seem to be someone anti-social,
proved by when the male advised Shedas to stop socializing since itd
be dangerous for him.
o Harris Lestrade
Theyre almost like enemies. Since they both are stubborn and often
sends insult to each other. Shedas always tease Harris for Harris
relationship with a certain someone that can always embarrass him.


Hell wear glasses sometimes.

He likes Italian foods.

He likes Scarlet Carson flower.

Authors note:
1. The face claim Im using for Shedas is an actor Asa Butterfield.
Thus, this account has no relation with Asa himself.
2. Im a selective follower. If youre a Parody account or never do an
RP, please dont expect me to follow you. If you want to get followed
by me, you can ask it politely. Ill follow you back and look if youre
worth to follow or not. Ill block your account if youre irritating me
3. Want to RP with me? Mention me, or DM if were already followed
each other. We can discuss the storylines settings.
4. If were in the middle of an SL and then I dont reply the SL
anymore, that can be because I forget to or I dont want to reply. If
Im forget to reply to our SL, please kindly tell me. But sometimes I
wont reply if our SL has going nowhere.
5. This bio will be updated according to any events in RP.

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