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Aurea Antonette T.

Legal Technique and Logic

Professor: Atty. Robert August Camarillo

Basically, the subject matter in studying logic is ARGUMENT. Argument comprises statements or
propositions and propositions necessarily contain terms. Hence, studyinh Logic formally starts with the
study of TERM.
Term the external manifestation or sign of an idea.
idea exists in the mind, but when it expressed or manifested either written or spoken,
it becomes a TERM.
Types of Terms
Intension ( Comprehension) and Extension of terms

Comprehension is the sum total of the attributes or thought elements which constitute the
it is the meaning, the signification, the thought content or connotation of the idea.
When one asks for the definition of the term, the answer falls under comprehension.

Extension is the sum total of all individuals, things, or beings or group to which the idea can
be applied.
it expresses denotation or the application of the idea to different individuals or things.
when an example is asked, the answer falls under extension.

Inverse Relation Between Comprehension And Extension: As the Comprehension of the idea increases,
the extension decreases and vice versa.
It means that, if the conceptual features of an idea increase, the application of the idea will decrease.




All naturalized & natural born citizen of the


Male Filipinos

Applies only to the male male citizens of this


Adult Male Filipinos

Applies only to male citizens of the country who

have reached the age of 21

Classsification of term according to meaning

Univocal Term a term that is used in an identical sense.

it expresses only one meaning when applied to several objects.
A term maybe univocal if it falls under the following conditions:
- the terms has no other possible meaning.
-the term used is defined.
-the term used are taken to signify one meaning in two instances.

Equivocal a term that expresses two or more different or unrelated meaning.

they maybe externally the same, but different insense.
They maybe be equivocal in:
-Pronunciation ( e.g.: son-sun, sweet-suite, pane-pain)
-Spelling (e.g.: bow-bow, live-live)
-both in spelling and ponunciation (e.g.: club-club, watch-watch)

Analogous a term that expresses that is partly different the same or meaning that are related.

Term maybe analogous by:

-Proportion (i.e.: when a term is applied to unlike objects because of some resemblance
betweenfoot could be used as foot of the mountain or foot of the stairs.
-Attrbutions (i.e.: when the term is used in an absolute sense in one thing and attributed in another
things because of some intrinsic relation with the first - healthy could be attributed to medicine, body,
exercise, food as when we say healthy body, healthy food, or healthy exercise.
Terms according to Extension

Singular is one that applies to only one individual or object.

Term is singular when it is a:

Proper noun (e.g.: University of The Philippines, Republic of the Philippines)
A term prefixed by demonstrative pronoun (e.g.: that man, this book, etc.)
A term with restricyive qualification (e.g.: The dean of the College, The First President of the
Philippines, etc.)
Universal is mone that is applied distributively to all individual or objects in a class or the
class itself.
universal terms are usually prefixed by terms like : all, every, each)

Particular is one that applies to only a part of the extension of the universal.

particular terms are usually prefixed by terms like: some, feew, several, majority, many and a
number of)
Types of Analogy

Analogous if they have partly the same and partly different meanings in at least two

Ex. In the phrases head of a man and a head of the family, the terms head in some sense are similar
but nonetheless different in some aspects.
Kinds of Analogy

Intrinsic Analogy used in technical terms and as definitions.

Extrinsic Analogy used as a metaphor

Ex. The heart of the Forest

Analogy of Proportionality when the terms use are similar.

Ex. The Stepmother is cruel
The sea is cruel

Analogy of Attribution attribute the term to its denotation

Ex. To die is to rest

Supposition of Terms
it is functional the way it is meant in the proposition
A square is a rectangle with four equal sides
Square has six letters
Square is the subject of the sentence
A black-rimmed square clock is classy in my living room
Kinds of Supposition
A. On the Basis of the Thing Specified

Material Supposition is hat which uses a word for itself alone, for its spoken or written sign,
not for its real meaning
Ex. Tamarao is a word with three syllables

Logical Supposition is that which uses a word for its second intention; that is the way the
mind thinks it to be
Ex. Pag-asa is the subject of the sentence

Real Supposition is that which uses a word in its first intention

Ex. Tamarao belongs to the endangered species

Imaginary Supposition exists as a product of imagination

Ex. Fictional character

Methamorphical Supposition term is used as a figure of speech

Ex. The smiling sun

Symbolic Supposition signifies a group of men

Ex. L.A. Lakers

B. On the Basis of the Extension

Individual Supposition is present when the term stands for an individual person or thing.
Ex. The present Chairman of the Board of Trustees.

Universal Supposition is present when the term stands for all the individuals of a given whole.
Ex. All the students of College of Law

Particular Supposition is present when a term stands for a portion of a given whole or totality.
Ex. Some women are corporate managers

Indefinite Supposition is present when a term stands for unspecific number of individuals.
Ex. Filipinos are hospitable

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