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MCQ, 1, 2, 3, 4 Mark
Text Book Questions and Answers



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All copy rights reserved with VEERESH SAVADI

First Print: Jan 2015

No. of Pages: 97+III

PRICE: Not for Sale. Free Distribution only.


SSLC English Grammar

SSLC Question Bank










A Hero


Theres a Girl by the Tracks







Gentleman of Rio En Medio







The Bird of Happiness







The Concert






The Discovery






Colours of Silence






Science and Hope of Survival





Grandma Climbs a Tree








Quality of Mercy








I am the Land








Laugh and Be Merry








Jazz Poem Two







Ballad of the Tempest







The Blind Boy







Off to the Outer Space







Narayanpur Incident




On Top of the World




A Great Martyr Ever Cherished




Dr B R Ambedkar



SSLC English Grammar

SSLC Question Bank
Prose-1: A Hero
Multiple choice questions

1) Swamis father was a ________________.

a) teacher
b) doctor
c) lawyer
d) police
2) The interesting news that Swamis father drew his attention was ________________.
a) five burglars were arrested
b) a girl met with an accident
c) the bravery of a village lad fought with a tiger
d) a burglar was caught by a little boy
3) The report said that the boy who fought with a tiger stayed on the tree for half a day. He did so
a) He wanted to watch the tiger from the top of a tree.
b) He was coward
c) He wanted someone to kill the tiger.
d) he wanted to take rest for some time.
4) The important thing according to Swamis father was __________.
a) Courage
b) strength
c) age
d) all of them
5) A frightful proposition according to Swami was _________________.
a) sleeping beside granny
b) fighting with a tiger
c) sleeping in the office room alone
d) challenging his father
6) Swami always slept beside_________________________.
a) his mother
b) his granny
c) his brother
d) his grand father
7)from a challenge it had become a command. What does command refer to here?
a) killing the tiger
b) sleeping in the office room alone one night
c) prove the news paper report wrong
d) catching the burglar
8) The disgraceful thing according to Swamis father was_________________.
a) sleeping beside his granny like a baby
b) arguing with his father
c) being coward
d) sleeping alone in the office room
9) Swamis grandmothers practice before she went to bed was _____________.
a)telling stories to Swami
b)singing songs for Swami to sleep
c)eating fruits singing lullaby to Swami
d)writing her diary
10) When Swamis father pulled away Swamis blanket, he looked like____________.
a) an apparition
b) a brave man
d) a head master
11) Swami said that there were scorpions behind the law books .He said so because
a) He saw the scorpions behind the books before
b) the room was dusty
c) he wanted to escape from his fathers command d) he was afraid of scorpions
12) Swami was supported most by his _______________________.
a) father
c)head master
13) Swami thought the safe, compact and the reassuring place in the office room was
a) under the bench
b) on the ground
c) on the cot
d) on the table
14) Swami saw a moving creature in the room. It was ______________.

SSLC English Grammar

SSLC Question Bank

a) his shadow
b) a scorpion
c) a man
d) a devil
15) Swami used his ______________________as a mortal weapon.
a) hands
b) legs
c) teeth
d) stick
16) Congratulations were showered on Swami because___________________________.
a) he had caught a notorious burglar
b) he slept in the office room alone
c) he found out that courage was important
d) he fought with a tiger
17) Swami was appreciated as a true scout by his _________________.
a) class teacher
b) friends
c) father
d)head master
18) Swami did not want to be a ___________________________________.
a) bus conductor
b) engine driver
c) police
d) railway guard
19) Swami became a hero when he caught the ___________________.
a) snake
b) ghost
c) tiger
d) burglar
20) Swamis father wanted him to sleep alone in the office room to_________________.
a) be brave
b) test him if he was courageous
c) he disliked him
d) develop good habit

One word or phrase or a sentence answer questions

1. Who is the writer of the story A Hero?
Ans: The writer of the story A hero is R.K Narayan
2. What was the report Swamis father drew his attention to?
Ans: Swamis father drew his attention to a report of bravery of a village lad fought with a tiger.
3. What is important according to Swamis father?
Ans: courage is important according to Swamis father.
4. What are important according to Swami?
Ans: strength and age are important according to Swami.
5. Where did Swami use to sleep usually?
Ans: Swami used to sleep usually beside his granny.
6. What was a frightful proposition according to swami?
Ans: Sleeping in the office room was a frightful proposition according to swami.
7. Which place did Swami think was safe, compact and reassuring?
Ans: Swami thought under the bench was safe, compact and reassuring.
8. What did Swami see moving in the room?
Ans. Swami saw a man moving in the room.
9. What stories did Swami remember while sleeping in the office room?
Ans:. Swami remembered the stories of devils and ghosts while sleeping in the office room.
10.Aiyo! Something has bitten me, Who cried like this?
Ans: A burglar cried like this.


SSLC English Grammar

SSLC Question Bank

11. Who said that Swami was a true scout?

Ans: The head master said that Swami was a true scout.
12. Who had Swami bitten into?
Ans: Swami had bitten into one of the notorious house breakers of the district.
13. Who were grateful to Swami?
Ans: The police were grateful to Swami.
14. What did Swami want to be when he grew-up?
Ans: Swami wanted to be an engine driver, a railway guard, or a bus conductor when he grew-up.
15. Who supported Swami the most?
Ans: Swamis mother supported Swami the most.
16. What weapon did Swami use like a mortal weapon?
Ans: Swami used his teeth like a mortal weapon.
17. Why did the police congratulate swami?
Ans Because Swami had bitten into one of the notorious house breakers of the district.
18. Why did the village lad stay half a day on the tree?
Ans: Because he wanted someone to kill the tiger.
19. What was disgraceful according to swamis father?
Ans: sleeping beside granny or mother like a baby was disgraceful according to Swamis father.
20. What did Swamis grandmother tell him before she went to sleep?
Ans: Swamis grandmother told him stories before she went to sleep.

Answer the following in two three sentences

(2 marks questions)
1) Swamis father drew his attention to a report in the newspaper. What was the report about?
Ans: The newspaper report was about the bravery of a village lad who while returning home fought with a tiger.
He stayed half a day on the tree till some people came and killed the tiger.
2) What was swamis comment on the newspaper report? How did his view differ from that of his father?
Ans; Swami commented that the boy cannot kill the tiger and he must be a grown up person. But Swamis
father commented that anyone who has courage can do anything if he has courage and strength and age are
not important.
3) What desperate attempts did Swami make to escape from his father?
Ans: Swami made the following desperate attempts to escape from his father.
1. He tried to change the subject by asking his father to join the cricket club.
2. He requested his father to allow him to sleep in the office room from the next month.
3. He went silently and pretended like sleeping beside his granny.

SSLC English Grammar

SSLC Question Bank

4. He told his father that there were scorpions behind the law books in the office room.
4) Why do you think Swami looked at his granny and his mother while following his father to the office
Ans: Swami looked at his granny and his mother while following his father to the office room because he
thought they would stop his father taking him to the office room and support him. He did not like to
sleep on the office room alone.
5) As silence deepened in the room, what was swami reminded of?
Ans: As silence deepened in the room Swami reminded the stories of devils and ghosts he had heard in his life.
For example His Chum Mani had seen the devil in the banyan tree at his street end and the poor Muniswamis
father spat out blood when the devil slapped him near the river.
6) Why did swami feel that his fathers proposition was frightful?
Ans: Swami thought his proposition was frightful. Because he always slept beside his granny in the passage, and
any change in this arrangement kept him awake all the night.
7) There was absolute silence in the room. In spite of it, some noises reached Swamis ears. What were
Ans: In silence in the office room Swami heard some noises the tickling off the clock, rustle of trees, snoring
sounds, and some night insects humming.
8) As night advanced, Swami felt that something terrible would happen to him. What would it be? How
would it happen?
Ans: As night advanced, Swami felt that something terrible would happen to him. He thought that the
devils would come up to him and carry him away
9) How was Swami honored by his classmates, teacher and the headmaster?
Ans: His classmates looked at him with respect, and his teacher patted his back. The headmaster said that he
was a true scout.
10) Why were congratulations showered on Swami the next day?
Ans: Congratulations were showered on Swami the next day because he had bitten deep into the
notorious house breaker of the district and helped the police.
11) Why did father want Swami to sleep alone in the office room?
Ans: Father wanted Swami to sleep alone in the office room because he wanted Swami to sleep alone in the
office room and show his courage. He also wanted Swami to leave sleeping beside his granny like a baby and
develop good habit.


SSLC English Grammar

SSLC Question Bank

12) Why did Swami feel relieved at the end?

Ans: Swami felt relieved at the end because his father gave up the idea of making him sleep alone in the office
room thereafter.
13) Do you think Swami really wanted to join the police? If not, what did he want to be?
Ans: Swami did not want to join the police. He wanted to be an engine driver, a railway guard, or a bus
conductor later in life.
14) Who do you think was wiser, Swami or his father? Justify your preference.
Ans: I think Swami was wiser. Because
1. He tried to change the subject by asking his father to join the cricket club.
2. He requested his father to allow him to sleep in the office room from the next month.
3. He went silently and pretended like sleeping beside his granny.
4. He told his father that there were scorpions behind the law books in the office room.
15) Why did Swami say that there were scorpions behind the law books?
Ans: Swami said that there were scorpions behind the law books because he did not like to sleep in the office
room and it was just a trick to escape from his father.

Extracts (3 marks)
Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow.
1) Swami listen to this: News has been received about the bravery of a village lad who while returning
home by the jungle path came face to face with a tiger.
a) Who is the speaker? /Who said this?
Ans: Swamis father
b) What was the response/ comment of Swami to this statement?
Ans: Swami said that he must have been a very strong and grown-up person, not a boy at all.
c) What was the impact of the report on the listener?
Ans: The listener had to sleep alone in the office room. His father asked him to show that he was brave.
2)I think he must have been a very strong and grown-up person, not a boy at all. How could a boy fight
a tiger?
a) Who is the speaker? /Who said this?
Ans: Swami
b) What does the speaker mean by this statement?
Ans: The speaker means that the news paper report was wrong as the boy cannot fight a tiger and he must have
been a grown-up person.
c) What was the result of this comment?
Ans: Swamis father challenged him to show that he had courage by sleeping in the office room alone

SSLC English Grammar

SSLC Question Bank

3)A man may have the strength of an elephant and yet be a coward: where as another may have the
strength of a straw, but if he has courage, he can do anything. Courage is everything, strength and age
are not important
a) Who is the speaker? /Who said this?
Ans: Swamis father
b) When did the speaker said so?
Ans: When Swami commented that he must have been a grown-up person and not a boy at all.
c) What does the speaker intend to say?
Ans: The speaker intends to say that courage is important and age or strength are not important.
4)How can it be father? Suppose I have all the courage what could I do if a tiger should attack me?
a) Who is the speaker? /Who asked this?
Ans: Swami
b) Why did the speaker say so?
Ans: The speaker means that he believes that strength and age are important.
c) How did the response affect him?
Ans: His father challenged him to sleep alone in the office room to show his courage
5)Leave alone strength, can you prove that you have courage? Let me see if you can sleep alone tonight
in my office room?
a) Who posed this challenge?
Ans: Swamis father
b) Did he accept the challenge? If not why?
Ans: No, He did not accept the challenge. It was a frightful proposition for him.
c) Why did the speaker pose this challenge?
Ans: Because Swami commented that Strength and age are important not the courage.
6)We are going to admit the elders in our cricket club hereafter, we are buying brand-new bats and
balls. Our captain has asked me to tell you
a) Who is the speaker speaking to?
Ans: swami is speaking to his father.
b) Why did the speaker say so?
Ans: It was just a trick to change his fathers subject of sleeping in the office room.
c) Who does you refer to here?
Ans: You refers to Swamis father.
7)From the first of the next month, Ill sleep alone father.
a) Who wanted to sleep alone?


SSLC English Grammar

SSLC Question Bank

Ans: Swami wanted to sleep alone.

b) Why did he request his father to allow him sleep alone from the first of next month?
Ans: Because Swami did not want to sleep alone in the office room .He usually slept beside his granny. He
requested his father to allow him to sleep from the first of next month only to escape from his father.
8)No, you must do it now, It is disgraceful sleeping beside his granny or mother like a baby. You are in
the second form and I dont like the way you are being brought up
a) who commanded like this?
Ans: Swamis father commanded Swami like this.
b) What does it refer to here?
Ans: It refers too Swami sleeping alone in the office room.
c) What is shameful here?
Ans: Swami slept beside his granny or mother like a baby .It was disgraceful .Because children should be taught
to live independently.
9)Please, please shut up granny. Dont talk to me, and dont let anyone call me even if the house is on
fire. If I dont sleep at once, perhaps I shall die.
a) Who requested like this?
Ans: Swami requested his granny.
b) Why did he request so?
Ans: Because he wanted to escape from his father by just pretending to be asleep.
10)let me sleep in the hall, Father, Your office room is very dusty and there may be scorpions behind
your law books
a) Who wanted to sleep in the hall?
Ans: Swami wanted to sleep the hall.
b) Why did the speaker complain that there were scorpions in the office room?
Ans: No, There were no scorpions actually. It was just a trick to escape from his father.
11)No, You must learn not to be afraid of darkness. It is only a question of habit. You must cultivate
good habits.
a) Who was afraid of darkness?
Ans: Swami was afraid of darkness.
b) Who suggested cultivating good habits?
Ans: Swamis father suggested Swami to cultivate good habits.
c) What was the good habit according to the speaker and why did he suggest so?
Ans: The good habit suggested was to sleep alone .Because swami had the habit of sleeping beside his granny
like a baby.

SSLC English Grammar

SSLC Question Bank

12)But promise you wont roll up your bed and go to your grannys side at night. If you do it, Ill make
you the laughing stock of your school.
a) Who would roll up his bed and go to his grannys side at night?
Ans: swami
b) Who wanted to make him the laughing stock of his school? Why?
Ans: Swamis father wanted to make Swami the laughing stock of his school. Because Swami used to sleep
beside his granny like a baby.
13)He hated the newspaper for printing the tigers story. he wished that the boy, who didnt appear to
be a boy after all, but a monster.
a) Who hated the newspaper?
Ans: Swami
b) Why did he wish the tiger had not spared the boy?
Ans: He wanted the tiger had killed the boy who was the main cause for his suffering by sleeping alone in the
office room.
14)Aiyo! Something has bitten me, went forth an agonized, thundering cry and was followed by a
heavy tumbling and falling amidst furniture.
a) Who criedAiyo! Something has bitten me,?
Ans: The burglar cried.
b) Why did he make an agonized cry?
Ans: He made an agonized cry Swami had bitten him.
c) Who tumbled amidst the furniture?
Ans: The burglar
d) What was the result of the tumbling?
Ans: The burglar fell amidst the furniture with a bleeding ankle.
15) Congratulations were showered on him the next day. His classmates looked upon him with respect,
and his teacher patted his back. The headmaster said that he was a true scout.
a) Who was congratulated? Why?
Ans: Swami was congratulated. Because he had bitten the notorious house breaker of the district.
b) What was the act of bravery done by him the previous day?
Ans: He had bitten deep into one of the notorious house breakers of the district and helped the police.
c) Why was he considered as the true scout? Why did his classmates look upon him with respect? Why
did his teacher pat his back?
Ans: Because he had bitten deep into one of the notorious house breakers of the district and helped the police.


SSLC English Grammar

SSLC Question Bank
Long answer type questions (4 marks)

1) Narrate Swamis dreadful experience when he was lying in the office room?
Ans: Swami remembered the stories of devils and ghosts he had heard in his life. For example His friend Mani
had seen the devil in the banyan tree and Muniswamis father spat out blood when he saw the devil near the
river edge. In fear his heart beat faster. He was faint with fear. He covered himself completely so that he could
not breathe. He expected the devils would come and carry him away.
Swami hurriedly got up and spread his bed under the bench as he thought it was the safe and secure place. He
shut his eyes tight and encased himself in his blanket once again fell asleep unknowingly. In sleep he was racked
with nightmares. A tiger was chasing him. His feet stuck to the ground. He desperately tried to escape but his
feet would not move; the tiger was at his back and he could hear its claws scratch the ground and then a loud
thud. Swami tried to open his eyes but his eyelids would not open and the nightmare continued. Swami
groaned in despair.
2) Narrate how a newspaper report led Swami to a commanding challenge?
Ans: In the newspaper Swamis father was reading, the news of bravery of a village lad fought with a tiger drew
his fathers attention. He also told about it to swami .But Swami argued that a boy cannot fight a tiger and he
must be a grown up person. But swamis father argued that courage can do anything and age or strength are
not important. Again Swami disputed the theory that strength and age are important and not the courage. This
led to fathers challenge that he must sleep in the office room alone that night to show that he has courage.
Thus a challenge on the newspaper report made Swami to face a commanding challenge.
3) Narrate how a coward boy Swami became a hero overnight?
Ans: Swami inevitably had to sleep in the office room. He spent that night with the fear of the devils and the
nightmares. Then He saw something moving in darkness. He thought that his end had come and the devil had
come to carry him away. Finally as an attempt for survival he hugged it with all his might, and used his teeth as
mortal weapon on it. It was not the devil but the burglar who cried with agony and fell amidst the furniture with
a bleeding ankle. The notorious house breaker of the district was arrested by the police. The police were grateful
to him .His classmates looked upon him with respect, his teacher patted him and his headmaster appreciated
that he was a true scout. Thus unknowingly Swami Became a hero overnight.

SSLC English Grammar

SSLC Question Bank
Prose -2: Theres A Girl By The Tracks
Multiple choice questions

1) Roma Talreja was a _________________.

a) marketing executive b) call centre executive

c) unemployed

d) house wife

2) Theres a girl by the tracks These were the voices of ______________.

a) Dinesh Talreja b) Baleshwar Mishra c) People in the opposite train d) station master
3) When Roma met with an accident, The callous behavior was exhibited by ____________.
a) Dinesh Talreja b) the People watching the accident c) Baleshwar Mishra d) tempo truck driver
4) When Roma met with an accident no one volunteered because _________________________
a) they were afraid of getting involved in courts or police
c) they were busy in their works

b) They were strangers to Roma

d) they were callous

5) When Roma fell on the tracks no one was ready to save her except_____________________.
a) Dinesh Talreja b) Baleshwar Mishra c) People in the opposite train d) station master
6) Roma met with the accident in ______________district.


c) Pune

d) Mirzapur

7) The incident of Romas accident happened on _____________________

a) December 10,2010 b) January 26, 2012 c) August 20 ,2001 d) July 23, 2012
8) Roma loved her job because _____________________________________.
a) the job fetched a handsome salary b) She could talk to many people and making new friends
c) it was a respectful job

d) she worked for her livelihood

9) Romas fianc was ____________.

a) Dinesh Talreja b) Baleshwar Mishra c) Call centre executive d) Vijay
10) Baleshwar Mishra was an unemployed because___________________.
a) He was from U.P

b) He was a high- school dropout

c) he was looking for good jobs

d) he had to look after his parents at home

11) When Baleshwar pleaded for help from the motorists, nobody helped him except the ___________.
a) railway guard

b) doctor

c) tempo- truck driver

d)on duty Physician

12) Take the girl to Airoli, suggested the cop. But Baleshwar did not agree with him. Because
a) There was no good hospital.

b) It was 10 kilometers away

c) There were no equipments.

d) he did not like Airoli

13) The physician in the small hospital gave only first aid to Roma because___________.
a) She was very serious

b) she could not pay her medical expenses



SSLC English Grammar

SSLC Question Bank

c) There were no personnel and equipment

d) There were no nurses

14) The only person who volunteered to help Baleshwar was _________________.
a) railway guard

b) doctor

c) tempo- truck driver

d) on duty Physician

15) Baleshwar had a good Memory. The line which suggest this statement is______________________.
a) He memorized Danishs cell phone number
c)He asked her relatives phone number

b) He remembered the nearest hospital

d) He brought Roma to the hospital in time

16) Romas brother Dinesh Talreja was a ____________________.

a)soft ware engineer


c) marketing executive

d) shop keeper

17)Finally Roma was given treatment in the ____________________________hospital.

a) Small hospital
c) government hospital

b)Airoli Hospital
d) Divine Multi-Specialty Hospital, Ghansoli

18)The doctor at Divine hospital admitted Rama without any paper work because_________________
a) She was injured seriously
c) It was a private hospital

b) he was a good doctor

d) he feared that she may die

19) Baleshwar could not thank the tempo truck driver because_____________.
a) it was just his duty to help him b) Roma was his relative c)Baleshwar did not know how to thank him
d) he slipped away with his truck after having done all the help
20) Baleshar revisited the spot where Roma had fallen to_________________________.
a)complain the railway police

b) look for his belongings

c) look for Romas belongings

d)inspect how the accident happened

21)Roma said I think its astonishing. what was astonishing?____________________.

a) she was survived

b) a stranger Baleshwar jumped off a train and risked his life for her

c) she could never thank Baleshwar d)The doctor had done a miracle by saving her
22)According to Baleshwar the people of Mumbai could help at the time of accidents because_______
a) They were very busy.

b) they were callous to others

c) They were afraid of getting trapped in courts or with the police d) They dont help strangers.
23) The tempo-truck driver who helped Baleshwar was__________________.
a) young and speaking Tamil b) middle-aged and speaking Guajarati c) handsome d) dark skinned


SSLC English Grammar

SSLC Question Bank

One word or phrase or a sentence answer

1-Marks Questions
1. Who is the writer of the story Theres a girl by the tracks?
Ans: Deven Kanal
2. What is the regular scene in Indias populated cities?
Ans: The people swarming out and into packed coaches.
3. What was Roma Talreja?
Ans: Roma Talreja was a call centre executive.
4. Who cried out Theres a girl by the tracks?
Ans: The people in the opposite train cried out Theres a girl by the tracks.
5. Where did Roma Talreja meet with an accident?
Ans: Roma Talreja met with an accident in the Mumbai suburban railway station.
6. Who volunteered to help Roma Talreja?
Ans: Baleshwar Mishra volunteered to help Roma Talreja.
7. When did Roma Talreja meet with an accident?
Ans: Roma Talreja met with an accident on December 10, 2010 Friday.
8. What was the qualification of Roma Talreja?
Ans. The qualification of Roma Talreja was B.Com
9. Who volunteered to help Baleshwar Mishra?
Ans: A tempo truck driver volunteered to help Baleshwar Mishra.
10. Who was Romas fianc?
Ans: Romas fianc was Vijay.
11. Why did Roma love her job?
Ans: Roma loved her job talking and connecting to the customers, and making new friends.
12. Where did Baleshwar come from?
Ans: Baleshwar came from Mirzapur, U.P.
13.Take the girl to Airoli". Whose suggestion was this?
Ans: This was the suggestion of a traffic policeman (cop).
14. Why did Baleshwar not agree to take Roma Talreja to Airoli?
Ans: Baleshwar did not agree to take Roma Talreja to Airoli because it was at least 10 kilometers away and she
needed urgent treatment.
15. Why did the on duty physician give only first aid to Roma?
Ans: The on duty physician gave only first aid to Roma because the facility lacked personnel and equipment.
16. Who did Baleshwar call to inform about Romas condition?
Ans: Baleshwar called her brother Dinesh Talreja to inform about Romas condition.
17. Where was Dinesh Talreja working?



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Ans: Dinesh Talreja was working at a retail outlet in Ulhasnagar.

18. Which hospital was Roma Admitted finally?
Ans; Roma was finally admitted to the Divine Multispecialty Hospital and research centre.
19. Who treated Roma at the Divine Hospital?
Ans: Dr. Anil Agarwal treated Roma at the Divine Hospital.
20. Why did Baleshwar visit the spot where Roma had fallen?
Ans: Baleshwar visit the spot where Roma had fallen to collect her belongings.

Answer the following in two three sentences

(2 marks questions)
1.It is a regular scene.Where was regular about the scene? What the line suggest?
Ans: The scene of commuters getting out and into the train coaches in a rush is a regular scene in
Indias most populated metropolis. The line suggests that the people in cities are busy.
2.Roma Talreja tried to settle into a corner near the door in the train.Was she right in doing this? What
would you have done, if you were there?
Ans: No, She was not right in doing this. She lost her tenuous foothold and panicked.
If I were there, I would have settled in the safe place in the coach.
3.Behanji, aap theek hai?But there was no response and no help in sight. Why was it so?
Ans; Because she was by the tracks senseless.(unconscious)There was a large wound behind her head
and blood was flowing out. So there was no response from her.
4) Give the details about Roma Talreja
Ans: Rama Talreja was a B.Com., graduate from Pune. She was working as a call centre executive. She
loved her job, talking and connecting to customers, and making new friends there. Her brother was
Dinesh Talreja And she was engaged to her fianc Vijay.
5) Give the details about Baleshwar Mishra.
Ans: Baleshwar Mishra was an unemployed high-school dropout recently came to Mumbai for job.
He was from Mirzapur in Uttar Pradesh.
6). Fill in the table with appropriate details.



State they
belong to


Reasons for boarding

the train

Roma Talreja





To go home

Baleshwar Mishra

20 year

drop out

Uttar Pradesh


To go home


SSLC English Grammar

SSLC Question Bank

7). Some details of Romas brother are given. Fill in the columns appropriately.
Dinesh Talreja
Marketing job at a retail outlet
8) why didnt the on-duty physician give only first aid to Roma and not the treatment?
Ans: The on-duty physician could only give the basic first aid to Roma as the facility lacked personnel and
9.Oh, I couldnt thank him, Baleshwar thought. Who do you think he couldnt thank?
Ans; Baleshwar couldnt thank the tempo-truck driver who helped Baleshwar to carry Roma to the hospital. He
slipped away from the hospital having done all the help.
10. Why did Baleshwar revisit the spot where Roma had fallen?
Ans: Baleshwar revisited the spot where Roma had fallen to look for Romas belongings. Her brother Dinesh
Talreja had said that her cell phone and hand bag were missing.
11. Baleshwar got some assurance from a railway employee. What was that?
Ans: Baleshwar got some assurance from a railway employee that some of Romas belongings had been found.
He revisited the spot to look for her belongings.
12. Roma said, I think its astonishing. what was astonishing?
Ans: According to Roma it was astonishing that a stranger would jump off a train and risk his life for her.
13.Take the girl to Airoli, suggested the cop. But Baleshwar disagreed. Why did he do so?
Ans: Baleshwar disagreed to take Roma to Airoli ,because Airoli was at least 10 kilometers away. Baleshwar
thought that he had to go to the nearest hospital for the treatment of Roma.
14. Was Baleshwar right in asking Roma her name while she lay in a critical condition? Justify your
Ans: Yes, Baleshwar was right in asking Roma her name in the critical condition, Because he had to know her
identity and inform her relatives about her condition.
15.Baleshwar had a good memory. Do you agree with this? Give examples to support your view.
Ans: Yes, Baleshwar had a good memory. He memorized Danishs cell phone number.
16. The doctor at the Divine Multi-Specialty hospital admitted Roma without any formalities. What made
him do so?
Ans: The doctor Anil Agarwal admitted Roma to the ICU at the Divine Multispecialty hospital without
formalities, because she was injured seriously.



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SSLC Question Bank

17.If Baleshwar had not come forward to help Roma, what would have happened to her?
Ans: If Baleshwar had not come to help Roma, she would have bled to death.
18. How did the truck driver help Baleshwar?
Ans: The truck driver helped Baleshwar to carry Roma to the small hospital and the Divine Multi-Specialty
Hospital in quick time.
19. Baleshwar felt that people of Mumbai were afraid, What were they afraid if, according to his opinion?
Ans: Baleshwar felt that people of Mumbai were afraid of getting trapped in the courts or with the police. So
they were callous to the strangers even at the time of accidents.
20. The Dalai Lama says, Love and Compassion are the true religions to me. But to develop this, we do
not need to believe in any religion, .Does this relate to the lesson There is a Girl by the tracks. How ?
Ans: Yes, The lesson relates to this. The stranger Baleshwar came forward to save Roma Talreja who was by the
tracks bleeding alone. He did not care for his life .So we can relate that Love and Passion are the true religions.

Extracts (3 marks)
Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow.
1)its a regular scene
A) Which is the regular scene referred here?
Ans: The people swarming into the train and getting down hurriedly in populated Metropolis.
B) Where can one find this regular scene?
Ans: In populated Metropolis.
c)Do you think is this necessary? If not why?
Ans: No, It is not necessary. Because if the people rush like that the children, women or aged or handicapped
may fall down the tracks.
2)Having just managed to squeeze herself into a ladies compartment,21 year old call centre executive
Roma Talreja tried to settle into a corner near the door in a train
A)Who was Roma Talreja?
Ans: Roma Talreja was a call centre executive.
B)Was she right in doing this? How did her action affect her?
Ans; No, She was not right in her action .She lost her tenuous foothold and panicked. She feel on the tracks
3)There is a girl by the tracks the voices cried out.
A) Who is the girl mentioned here?
Ans: Roma Talreja is the girl referred here.
B) Whose voices were these?
Ans: These were the voices of the people in the opposite train.


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C) Why did the voices cry out?

Ans: The people saw Roma Talreja falling from the train on the tracks.
4)Impulsively ,Baleshwar went and grabbed the trains red emergency chain and pulled it down
A) Why did Baleshwar grabbed the trains emergency chain?
Ans: Because he wanted to stop the train and see why the people cried.
B)Why did he behave impulsively?
Ans: Because he had no time to think and act. So he pulled the red emergency chain of the train .
5)His heart hammering his chest, Baleshwar shoved off the still- moving train.
A) Why was his heart hammering his chest?
Ans: Because he saw Roma Talreja on the tracks. But nobody came forward to help her.
B) Why did he shove off the train?
Ans: Because he saw if anybody was ready to help her. But nobody came forward .So he volunteered to help her.
6)Behanji ,aap theek hai? he asked . But there was no response, and no help in sight.
A) Who does behanji refer to here? Ans: Behanji refers to Roma Talreja
B)Why was there no response ?
Ans: Because Roma was injured seriously and fell on the tracks unconsciously.
7) My sister is injured, Please help me take her to a hospital.But no one stopped.
A) Who does sister refer to here? Ans: sister refers to Roma Talreja
B) Who requested here so? Ans: Balashwar Mishra
C) Who does no one refers to here? Ans: No one refers to the motorists on the road.
D) Why was she taken to a hospital ? What happened to her?
Ans: She fell down on the tracks and seriously injured. So Baleshwar took her in his hands and requested the
motorists to help him to take her to the hospital.
8)As Baleshwar boarded the train home, he pondered his future. But, all he could now think of was
saving a strangers life.
A) Who does the stranger refer to here? Ans: Baleshwar Mishra
B) What had happened to the stranger?
Ans: The stranger had fallen off the train on the tracks and injured seriously.
C) Why did he ponder his future?
Ans: Because Baleshwar Mishra was an unemployed high-school dropout from Mirzapur in U.P. He came to
Mumbai in search of some job. But all his attempts failed. So he pondered his future.
9) Innumerable motorists drove by, some even slowing down to see the young man struggling to hold
the blood-covered woman in his arms.
A) Who was the young man holding the woman? Who was that woman?



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Ans: The young man was Baleshwar Mishra and the woman was Roma Talreja.
B) Why didnt the motorists stop their vehicles?
Ans: Because they were afraid of courts or police.
C) Why was the young man struggling to hold the blood-covered woman in his arms?
Ans: She fell down on the tracks and seriously injured. So Baleshwar took her in his hands and requested the
motorists to help him to take her to the hospital.
10) Take girl to Airoli, suggested the cop, theres a hospital there.But Baleshwar disagreed.
A) Who is the girl here? Ans: Roma Talreja.
B)Why did Baleshwar disagree to his suggestion?
Ans: Because Airoli was at least 10 kilometers away and he knew a nearer hospital than that. She needed
treatment immediately.
11)Whats your name? asked Baleshwar, who was with her in the back of the truck.
A) Who asked this question to whom? Ans: Baleshwar Mishra asked this question to Roma Talreja.
B) Do you think it was relevant? Why?
Ans: Yes, He was relevantly asked the question. Because she was seriously injured and lost her consciousness. He
wanted to know about her nearest relatives and inform about her condition.
12)Oh ,I couldnt thank him, Baleshwar thought.
A) Who was not thanked? Ans: Baleshwar Mishra could not thank the tempo-truck driver.
B) Why should he thank him?
Ans: Because the tempo-truck driver helped Baleshwar to take Roma Talreja to the hospital when nobody was
ready to help him. He did all the necessary help to rescue Roma.
C) Why couldnt he thank him?
Ans: Because the tempo-truck driver slipped from the hospital having done all he could.
13)I cant imagine what would have happened if Baleshwar hadnt been there, she says ,amazed to
learn of the manner in which she had been rescued.
A) Who does I and she refer to here? Ans: Roma Talreja
B) Who rescued her? Ans: Baleshwar Mishra
C) What would have happened if Baleshwar Mishra had not been there?
Ans: If Baleshwar Mishra had not been there ,she would have bled to death on the tracks alone.
14)I think its astonishing that a stranger would jump off a train and risk his life for me. I can never
repay Baleshwar.
A) Who is the stranger here? Ans : Baleshwar Mishra
B) What was astonishing for the speaker?
Ans; The stranger Baleshwar Jumped off a moving train and risked his life for Roma Talreja. This was
astonishing for Roma.
C) Why couldnt she repay him?


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Ans: Because if Baleshwar had not rescued her in time, she would have bled to death on the tracks alone.
15)Im new to Mumbai, but Ive noticed that people here are afraid. They fear getting trapped in the
courts or with the police.
A) Who is the speaker of this statement? Ans: Baleshwar Mishra
B) What did they fear about?
Ans: Because they feared about getting involved in courts or with the police.
C) What is the effect of that on the life the people of Mumbai?
Ans: The effect of that on the life the people of Mumbai is that nobody is helping one another at the time of
rescuing anybody.

Long answer type questions (4 marks)

1)Explain how Roma Talreja met with an accident ?
Ans: Roma was returning home .She boarded the train at the Mumbai suburban Railway station. She managed
to squeeze herself into a ladies compartment. She tried to settle into a corner near the door. The train hurtled
ahead and Roma was jammed between other women. She got pushed and lost her tenuous foothold and
panicked. Roma was thrown out of the coach. She fell on the tracks, bleeding all alone.
She was seriously injured behind her head .

2)Describe briefly how a stranger Baleshwar risked his life for Roma Talreja?
Ans; Baleshwar Mishra saw Roma bleeding alone on the tracks. But nobody was ready to rescue her. He jumped
off the moving train and ran to rescue her. He prayed silently and took her in his hands and walked through the
shrubbery and he reached the road. He was helped by the tempo truck driver and they took her to a small
hospital where she was given only the basic first aid. Again they took her to the Divine Hospital and there Dr.
Anil Agarwal treated her in the ICU. Though there was not lasting damage, she needed deep wound sutures. If
Baleshwar had not helped her to admit to the hospital, she would have died bleeding alone on the tracks. Thus
the stranger Baleshwar rescued Roma by taking risk to his life.

3)After Roma made a full recovery, Baleshwar met her. Briefly describe how Roma thanked
him, and what Baleshwar said in reply.
Ans: In a few days, Roma made a full recovery. She said she could not imagine what would have happened if
Baleshwar had not been there. She was amazed to learn how she was rescued. She felt that it was astonishing
that a stranger would jump off a moving train and risk his life for her. She said that she could never repay
Baleshwar replied that He was new to Mumbai and he had noticed that people there were afraid and that
they feared getting involved in the courts or with the police. He accepted that he helped her only because she
needed help. That day it was Roma who met with an accident ,the other day it could be himself or someone else
on the tracks bleeding alone.



SSLC English Grammar

SSLC Question Bank
Prose -3: Gentleman Of Rio En Medio -Juan A.A Sedillo
Multiple choice questions

1). It took months of negotiation to come to an understanding with the old man. This shows that the old
man was
a) understanding
b) quick
c) unhurried
d) witty
2).The old man came to the office to _____________________________.
a) meet the lawyer b) meet the Americans
c) sign the sale deed d) argue that he was the owner of the land
3).The old man was accompanied by ______________________.
a) his friends b) parents c) people d) a dark young man
4).Behind him walked one of his innumerable kin. The word innumerable kin means that the old
man had a number of _________
a. children
b. trees in his orchard c. relatives
d. followers
5). The old man in his coat looked like _________________________.
a. Senator Catron
b. lawyer
c. an American
d. Spanish
6). The old man removed his hat gloves slowly and carefully. This action is compared to ______________.
a. Hero
b. an old man
c. land lord
d. Charlie Chaplin.
7).The young man who accompanied the old man had eyes like _____________________.
a. lotus
b. gazelle
c. fish
d. clear sky
8).The old man carried a cane which was actually________________________.
a. stick
b. steel rod c. a skeleton of a worn-out umbrella d. stylish stick
9).The old man wore a coat named _______________________.
a. Farmers coat b. Spanish coat c. rain coat d. Prince Alberts
10). Which of the lines from the text that suggest that the old man was a farmer?________________.
a. he loved trees
b. he planted trees for children
c. He tilled the same land they had tilled d. he loved his people
11) How did the old man greet the people who had been waiting for him?_____________________.
a. saluted them b. removed his hat c. shook hands all of them d. bowed to all of them
12) The old man removed his hat and gloves carefully because __________________.
a. he was afraid that they would be torn.
b. It was his usual style
c. he was old and weak
d. To respect all who assembled
13).In the first meeting of the old man and the Americans, They talked about rain and the old mans
large family. It was ________________
a. to mock his large family
b. a custom of the Americans
c. to prepare every one for the main talk d. to make everyone know that it had not rained in that area
14.The old man had agreed to sell twelve hundred dollars his house and land for twelve hundred dollars.
a. twelve hundred dollars
b. twelve thousand dollars


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c. twelve hundred rupees

d. twelve hundred pounds
15.The story teller respected the old man by saying __________________.
a. good morning
b. Don Anselmo
c. hello
d. Sir Anselmo
16.According to the engineer the old man owned the land _____________________ .
a. four acres b. eight hectares c. more than eight acres d. eight acres exactly
17.Don Anselmo took only 12 hundred dollars for the land finally because _______________________.
a. the story teller failed to convince Don Anselmo to take more money than what had agreed
b. Don Anselmo was a man of principles.
c. It cost more than that amount
d. he sold only the land ,not the trees
18)It took a week to arrange another meeting because the old man _______________________.
a. deliberately delayed b. was slow c. was not in the station d. was ill
19) Don Anselmo says, The Americans are good people. Because he wanted to________________.
a. appreciate them .b mock at them c. express his sincere feelings d. flatter them
20) Why did the old man sell his house and land to the Americans? because______________________.
a. the Americans were good people
b. he needed money
c. He did not like the land
d. his house was old
21. Don Anselmo sold his land but he didnt sell his__________________.
a. house
b. land
c. trees in the orchard
d. fruits in the orchard
22.The children of Reo en Medio were Don Anselmos ______________________.
a. Sobrinos and nietos.
b. grandchildren
c. friends
d. share holders
23. Don Anselmo inherited the house from_______________.
a. his granny
b. relatives
c. his mother
d. his father
24. According to Don Anselmo, The real owners of the trees were_______________.
a) Don Anselmo himself b) the Americans c) The story teller d) the children of Rio en Medio
25.Don Anselmo did not sell the trees .Because____________________.
a. Trees were like children to him
b. They were grown for the children of next generation
c. He had grown them in memory of his ancestors d . He wanted his surroundings to be green
26. Legally saying the trees should belong to__________________.
a. Don Anselmo b. the Americans c. the children of Rio en Medio d. The story teller
27.What did Don Anselmo do as he left the place with money? He___________________.
a .The The old man shook hands all around
b. said goodbye
c. thanked them for purchasing his land
d. offered them dinner
28. The Gentle man Don Anselmo was very fond of _________________.
A. children
B. money
C. the land
D. dress



SSLC English Grammar

SSLC Question Bank
One word or phrase or a sentence answer questions
1 Mark Each

1. Who is the writer of the story Gentleman of Rio en Medio?

Ans: Juan A.A Sedillo
2. Where did the old man live up in?
Ans: The old man lived up in Rio en Medio.
3. Which are the describing words of his house?
Ans: The describing words of his house are Small, wretched but quaint.
4. Who did the old man accompany with?
Ans: The old man accompanied with a dark young man .
5. Whose style did the old man appear to the author?
Ans : The style of Charlie Chaplin.
6. Who purchased the old mans house and land?
Ans: The Americans purchased the old mans house and land.
7. How much of amount was quoted by the old man for his house and land?
Ans: The amount was quoted by the old man for his house and land was Twelve Hundred dollars.
8. What are the young mans eyes compared to?
Ans. The young mans eyes are compared to that of Gazelle.
9. Who was the mediator in sales deed of the old mans house and land?
Ans: The mediator in sales deed of the old mans house and land was the author Juan A.A Sedillo.
10. Who were the real owners of the trees according to the old man?
Ans: The children of Rio en Medio were the real owners of the trees according to the old man.
11. Who did the old man inherit his property from?
Ans: The old man inherited his property from His mother.
12. What is the name of the coat the old man wore?
Ans: The name of the coat the old man wore was Prince Alberts.
13. How much of land did the old man actually possess ?
Ans: The old man actually possessed more than 8 acres.
14. What is the name of the old man?
Ans: Don Anselmo.
15. Who did the old man plant trees for?
Ans: The old man planted trees for the children of the village Rio en Medio.
16. Who discovered that the old men possessed twice the land?
Ans: The surveyor, the engineer.


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SSLC Question Bank
Answer the following in two three sentences
(2 marks questions)

1).How do you say that the ancestors of the old man lived in Rio en Medio?
Ans: The old man lived in Rio en Medio where his people had been for hundreds of years. He tilled the same
land they had tilled.
2). Describe the old mans house and his orchard.
Ans: The old mans house was small and wretched, but quaint.
The little creek ran through his land. His orchard was gnarled and beautiful.
3). Describe the old mans appearance and his social/living condition. Or
Don Anselmos appearance and manners were quite unsual. How do you support this statement based on
the text?
Ans; The old man wore an old, green and faded coat. He wore old and torn gloves. He wore a hat. He was just
looking like Charlie Chaplin.
4.Why do you think the story teller spoke Spanish?
Ans :The story teller spoke Spanish because he was the native of New Mexico which was a colony of Spain.
Spanish was the language of some people of New Mexico.
5.Why did the story teller offered the old man almost the double of what he had quoted earlier
Ans; The story teller sent the surveyor and the engineer to survey the old mans land. He discovered that the old
man owned almost twice the land (more than eight acres).The old man did not know this. But the Americans
were honest. So the story teller offered almost twice (double) of what he had quoted earlier.
6.What was the reaction of the man to the story tellers offer? or
Don Anselmos reaction to the offer of more money was not expected. Justify this statement.
Ans: The old man became angry and felt offended. He refused the story tellers offer.
He took only 12 hundred dollars as in the deed and signed the agreement.
7) How the Americans renovate the house and the land bought by Anselmo?
Ans: The Americans replastered the old house, pruned the trees and patched the fence.
8) Why did the Americans complain the story teller on the old man?
Ans; The Americans complained the story teller that the children of the village were running around the land,
playing in the orchard, putting fences around their play area, plucking the flowers from the trees, laughing



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whenever they were spoken to and speaking harsh words to the Americans in Spanish. So they could not enjoy
their property.
9) Don Anselmo repeated certain things whenever he met the story teller and took leave of him. Write
them down.
Ans: a) the old man shakes
b) wore the same old, green and faded coat
c) wore the same ragged gloves
d) accompanied by a dark young boy
e) carried the cane (a worn-out umbrella)
f) sat down with the boy behind his chair
g)talked about the weather
10). Whose argument do you agree with? Don Anselmos or the story tellers? Give reasons.
Ans: I agree with the story tellers argument. Because legally the Americans were the real owners of the trees as
the old man signed the sale deed.
I agree with the old mans argument. Because the old man planted trees for the children of the village and
they were the real owners. He could not sell them.
11). Don Anselmo was passionate about his land the children of Rio en Medio.
Which details in the text support this statement? Write them.
Ans: Don Anselmo planted a tree for every child born in Rio en Medio. He thought they did not belong to him
but to the children. He grew trees for the next generation of Rio en Medio.
12. How was the problem of ownership was resolved by the Americans?
Ans: The Americans bought the tree in the orchard from the descendents of Don Anselmo. It took a long time
because they purchased from each individual of Rio en Medio.
13. Why did the Americans want to buy Don Anselmos land?
Ans: Don Anselmos land had a good water source as the little creek ran through the land. His orchard was
beautiful and his house was quaint.

Extracts (3 marks)
Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow:
1)It took months of negotiation to come to an understanding with the old man. He was in no hurry.
What he had the most of was time.
A) Who is the old man here? Ans : Don Anselmo
B) Who did the old man negotiated with? Ans: The old man negotiated with the Americans.
c)What were the terms of negotiation?
Ans: The old man had agreed to sell his house and land to the Americans for twelve hundred dollars.
d) Why did the negotiation take long time?
Ans; Because the old man had a lot time and he was in no hurry.


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2) He lived up in Rio en Medio where his ancestors lived .He tilled the same land they had tilled
A) Who does he and they refer to?
Ans:He refers to the old man ,Anselmo. They refers to His ancestors.
B) What does the statement convey?
Ans: The statement conveys that Anselmo was the oldest man in the village, Rio en Medio.
3)Yes , he would sell ,as he had agreed, for twelve hundred dollars in cash. We would buy, and the
money was ready.
A) Who does he and we refer to?
Ans: He refers to Don Anselmo and we refer to the Americans.
B)What did he sell?
Ans: He sold his house and land for twelve hundred dollars.
4) We have made a discovery. You remember that we sent that surveyor, that engineer, up to survey
your land so as to make the deed. Well, he finds that you own more than eight acres
A) What was discovered and who discovered ?
Ans: The old man Don Anselmo more than eight acres of the land which was almost twice as he thought.
This was discovered by the surveyor and the engineer.
B) How much of land was mentioned in the deed?
Ans: In the deed the land was mentioned of four acres.
5)They are good people and they are willing to pay you for the additional land as well. You will get
almost twice as much
A) Who are the good people referred here? Who calls them good people?
Ans: The Americans are referred to as good people. The author Juan A.A.Sedillo calls them so.
B)Why are they offering twice the amount?
Ans: The Americans found that Anselmo owned more than eight acres of land almost double of what was
mentioned in the deed. They were honest and so they offered twice the amount to Anselmo.
6)I know these Americans are good people, and that is why I have agreed to sell to them, but I do not
care to be insulted. I have agreed to sell my house and land for twelve hundred dollars and that is the
A) Who is the speaker? and why does he call them good people?
Ans: Don Anselmo is the speaker and he calls the Americans good people as he was a gentle man.
B)What did he sell them and how much did he offer?
Ans: The old man Anselmo sold them his house and land for twelve hundred dollars.



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C) Why did he feel insulted? Who insulted him?

Ans: The author and the Americans offered twice the amount as in the deed .But Anselmo was an honest and a
gentleman. He did not want more than the deed amount. So he felt insulted.
7)I argued with him but it was useless. Finally he signed the deed and took the money but refused to
take more than the amount agreed upon.
A) Who argued with whom?
Ans: the author argued with the old man Don Anselmo.
B) What was argued with him?
Ans: He argued with him to take the extra amount for the extra land possessed by Anselmo.
C) Why did he refuse to take the extra amount?
Ans: Anselmo was an honest and a gentle man of Rio en Medio. He was a man of principles.
8)One day they came back to the office to complain. The children of the village were overrunning their
A) Who complained to the office? What was their complaint?
Ans: The Americans complained to the office. Their complaint was that the Children of Rio en Medio were over
running their property.
B) What is the property referred here?
Ans: The property refers to the land purchased by the Americans.
9)They are good people and want to be your good neighbors always.
A) Who spoke these words? Who are called good people here?
Ans: The author called the Americans good people.
B) Who is he speaking to? Why does he speak so?
Ans: He is speaking to Anselmo. Because he wants Anselmo to avoid the children of Rio en Medio overrunning
into their orchard.
C) Who are the neighbors referred here?
Ans: The Americans
10)When you sold them you signed a document, a deed and in that deed you agreed to several things.
One such thing was that they were to have the complete possession of the property.
A) Who sold the property? To whom?
Ans: Don Anselmo sold his property to the Americans.
B) Why could not they have the complete possession of the property?
Ans: Because the children of Rio en Medio were overrunning into their orchard.


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SSLC Question Bank

11)We have all learned to love these Americans, he said because they are good people and good
neighbors. I sold them my property because I know they were good people ,but I did not sell them the
trees in the orchard
A) Who is the speaker calling the Americans good people?
Ans; Don Anselmo is calling the Americans good people.
B)What was the property sold by the speaker?
Ans: The speaker sold his house and land to the Americans.
C)Why does he say that he did not sell the trees?
Ans: Anselmo planted the tree s for every child of Rio en Medio. According to him the children of Rio en Medio
were the real owners of the trees .So he says he did not sell the trees.
12)This was bad ,Don Anselmo, I pleaded When one signs a deed and sells real property one sells also
everything that grows on the land, and those trees,
A) Who said this? To whom?
Ans: The author said this to Don Anselmo.
B) Why did he say so?
Ans: Because He said that he did not sell the trees on the orchard. This was bad according to law.
13)I have planted a tree for that child. The trees in that orchard are not mine, they belong to the
children of the village.
A) Who planted trees? Why?
Ans: Don Anselmo planted trees for the children of Rio en Medio. Because he loved the children as well as the
B) Why did not the trees belong to him?
Ans: Because the children of Rio en Medio were the real owners of the village.
14) There was nothing we could do. Legally we owned the trees but the old man had been so generous,
refusing what amounted to a fortune for him. It took most of the following winter to buy the trees.
A) Who were the legal owners of the trees according to the deed?
Ans: The Americans were the legal owners of the trees.
B) Who refused to take the money? Why?
Ans: Anselmo refused to take the money. He was an honest and a gentle man of the village .He was a man of



SSLC English Grammar

SSLC Question Bank

Long answer type questions (4 marks)

1) Don Anselmos appearance and manners were quite unusual. How do you support this
statement based on the text?
Ans: Don Anselmo was the oldest man of the village Rio en Medio. He was honest and gentle. His house was
small but quaint. His orchard was beautiful and gnarled. His coat was old, green and faded. He wore gloves.
They were old and torn and his finger tips showed through them. He carried a cane which was only the skeleton
of an old umbrella. He removed his hat and gloves slowly which appeared like the style of Charlie Chaplin.

2)Don Anselmos passion for his land and the children of Rio en Medio were appreciable.
Substantiate this statement in the textual support.
Ans: Don Anselmo was a gentleman and the oldest inhabitant of Rio en Medio. He took possession of the
property from his mother. Since then he began to plant a tree for every child born in Rio en Medio. This shows
that he loved the children, trees and his land. Growing trees for the coming generations is an extraordinary
service to ones service to humanity also. Even when he sold the land to the Americans, he argued that he was
not the real owner of the trees. This shows that he was passionate about his land and children of Rio en Medio.

3) Don Anselmo and the Americans were generous in their own ways. Comment on this.
Ans: Don Anselmo was a generous his way. He had agreed to sell his house and land for twelve hundred dollars.
When the surveyor found that he possessed twice the land as mentioned in the deed the Americans offered
twice the amount as mentioned in the deed .This shows that the Americans were generous. But to their surprise
Anselmo refused to take the extra money for the extra land. This shows that Anselmo was also generous. When
Anselmo said that children of Rio en Medio were the real owners of the trees in the orchard and he did not sell
them ,The Americans showed the generous behavior by buying from every child of the village


SSLC English Grammar

SSLC Question Bank
Prose -4: The Bird Of Happiness
Multiple choice questions

1. The people of the poor area believed that ____________________________.

a. happiness must exist somewhere in the world
b. happiness will never exist
c. happiness has nothing to do with people
d. it was a type of bird
2. The people offered Wangjia a number of things, because____________________.
a. to help his journey
b. he was a bright boy
c. to wish him a happy journey
d. give him strength fight the monsters
3.In what way the bird was guarded? It was guarded by___________________.
a. Many small birds b. strong lions c. the strong eagles d. the three old monsters with a long beard
4. Wangjia walked eastwards because_____________________________.
a. He believe east is the auspicious direction
b. the Bird of happiness lived there
c. it was the direction of the rising sun
d. people of Tibet suggested him
5. The people would have been happy, if they had______________________________________.
a. Richness b. property c. good crop d. rivers, good land, warmth, fresh flowers, trees or green grass
6. Wangjia was sent to find the bird of happiness was in accordance with ________________the people.
a. the custom of b. rules that govern c. wishes of d. beliefs of
7.The mountain that wangjia saw was _________________ .
a. full of birds b. full of animals c large snowy shone like silver. d. Small and green
8. Wangjia decided not to go back because_________________________________.
a. he knew that the people at home were waiting for him to bring back happiness.
b. he was patient enough to face the difficulties.
c .he promised the people to come back with the Bird of happiness.
d. he did not know the way.
9 . Wangjia was able to cover the screed entirely ____________________.
a. by his vehicle b. by the magic power of the monsters c. by his horse
d. on foot.
10.The first monster made Wangjia suffer by _____________________.
a. making him walk across the screed b. staving him to death c. gouging his eyes d. giving him troubles
11.The second monster made him suffer by______________________.
a. making him walk across the screed b. staving him to death c. gouging his eyes d. giving him troubles
12.The second monster made Wangjia lose his __________.
a. his eye sight
b. strength
c. food d. energy
13.The third monster made him suffer by______________________.
a. making him walk across the screed b. staving him to death c. gouging his eyes d. giving him troubles
14. When Wangjia reached the third monster he was nothing but_____________.



SSLC English Grammar

SSLC Question Bank

a. God
b. Bird of happiness
c. skin and bone
d. happy and joyful
15. The statement that brought hope to Wangjias life was ________________.
a. Youll be done for
b. Will I ever make it
c. Ill gouge your eyes
d. My lovely child, have you come here for me?
16.The statement that shows that Wangjia did not want happiness for himself is _____________.
a. please come back with me b. my people long to see you day and night
c. we want warmth and happiness, forests and flowers ,fields and river d. I want happiness.
17.The first monster demanded Wangjia to ______________________________.
a. kill Lousangs mother b. poison old gaffer Silong c. gouge Bhimas eyes d. walk on screed
18.The second monster demanded Wangjia to ______________________________.
a. kill Lousangs mother b. poison old gaffer Silong c. gouge Bhimas eyes d. walk on screed
19.The third monster demanded Wangjia to ______________________________.
a. kill Lousangs mother b. poison old gaffer Silong c. gouge Bhimas eyes d. walk on screed
20.The old folk in the poor Area believed that Happiness was a beautiful____________.
a. tree
b. mountain c. bird d. forest
21. The bird of happiness lived in the _________
a. nest
b. three old monsters
c. cave
d. snowy mountain
22. The three monsters killed whoever met them by___________________.
a. poisoning b. hanging
c. blowing their beards
d. firing
23. The mothers wished Wangjia a good journey by ______________.
a. spreading rice corns b. spreading barley grains c. offering barley grains d. saying happy journey
24. The first monsters voice was like that of a _____________.
a. a crow b. a whistling wind c. thunder d. a melodious song
25. The second monsters voice was like that of a _____________.
a. a crow b. a whistling wind c. thunder d. a melodious song
26. The third monsters voice was like that of a _____________.
a. a crow b. a whistling wind c. thunder d. a melodious song
27. The first monsters beard was __________________.
a. black b. white
c. grey
d. brown
28. The second monsters beard was __________________.
a. black b. white
c. grey
d. brown
29. The third monsters beard was __________________.
a. black b. white
c. grey
d. brown
30.The toughest journey Wangjia made after he met the ___________monster.
a. first b. second c. third d. tall


SSLC English Grammar

SSLC Question Bank

One word or phrase or a sentence answer questions

1 Mark Each
1. What is the source of the story The Bird of Happiness?
Ans: Tibetan folk tale
2. Where did the Bird of Happiness live according to the people of Tibet ?
Ans: The Bird of Happiness lived on a snowy mountain in the East according to the people of Tibet.
3. Why was Wangjia sent to find the Bird of Happiness?
Ans: Because he was a bright boy.
4. Who guarded the Bird of Happiness ?
Ans: The three old monsters guarded the Bird of Happiness .
5. What did the girls of the village offer Wangjia?
Ans : The girls of the village offered Wangjia barley wine.
6. How was the voice of the first monster?
Ans: The voice of the first monster was like a crow.
7. What was the condition put forward by the First monster?
Ans: The condition put forward by the First monster was to kill Lousangs mother.
8. What is the meant by the phrase Will I ever make it?
Ans. Can I succeed?
9. How was the second monsters voice?
Ans: The second monsters voice was like that of a whistling wind.
10. What was the condition put forward by the second monster?
Ans: The condition put forward by the second monster was to poison old gaffer Silong.
11. What was the punishment given by the second monster when Wangjia refused to obey him?
Ans: The punishment given by the second monster When Wangjia refused to obey him was to starve to death.
12. What was the condition put forward by the third monster?
Ans: The condition put forward by the third monster was to gouge Bhimas eyes.
13.How did the monsters kill the people?
Ans: The monsters killed the people by blowing their beards..
14. What are the stones on the screed compared to ?
Ans: The stones on the screed are are compared to knife.
15. What did the Bird of Happiness offer Wangjia?
Ans: The Bird of Happiness offered Wangjia some dried meat and cream cake.
16. What happened to Wangjia When the third monster blew his beard?
Ans: When the third monster blew his beard, Wangjias eyes flew from their sockets.



SSLC English Grammar

SSLC Question Bank
Answer the following in two or three sentences(2 marks)

1. What did the old folk say about happiness?

Ans The old folk used to say that happiness was a beautiful bird living on a snowy mountain far away in the east.
Wherever the bird flew, happiness went with it. Every year people went to look for the bird, but no one returned.
The bird of happiness was guarded by three old monsters, which killed the men by blowing through their long
2. What did the third monster warn Wangjia ?
Ans: The third monster warned Wangjia to bring him Bhimas eyes or he would gouge out his eye balls.
He had to walk another 900 miles without eyes.
3.How was the last journey of Wangjia different from the previous one?
Ans: Wangjias last journey was very difficult as he was blind and had to grope his way with his hands on the
ground. He crawled another 900 miles. But finally he climbed the snowy mountain and heard the voice of the
Bird of Happiness.
4.Will I ever make it?Why did Wangjia feel so?
Ans: When Wangjia started his journey after the first monster made him walk through the vast screed for
nine hundred miles his hands and feet were torn into pieces. Then he felt that he could not continue his journey.
5.What hardships did Wangjia undergo on his way to find the Bird?
Ans: Wangjia walked nine hundred miles across the screeches feet and hands were torn into pieces. He
walked without food for another nine hundred miles. He was nothing but skin and bone. He crawled without
eye sight for another nine hundred miles. It was his toughest journey.
6.What changes came over Wangjia as the bird of happiness caressed him?
Ans: The Bird of Happiness caressed Wangjia gently with his wings and sang for him. His eye balls flew back
to their sockets, and now he saw much more brightly than before. All his wounds were healed and he was
stronger than ever .The Bird of Happiness offered him some dried meat and cream cake, and bore him back to
his village.
7.How do you feel the wishes of the three monsters different from that of Wangjias wishes?
The wishes of the three monsters
The wishes of Wangjia
The three monsters wished to kill Lousangs mother
But wangjia wished for the happiness of people.
,poison old gaffer Silong and gouge the eyes of Bhima.
Wangjias wishes were unselfish, sympathetic
and kind.


SSLC English Grammar

SSLC Question Bank

8.What do you understand by happiness after reading the story The Bird of Happiness?
Ans: One can be happy if there are rivers, forests, flowers, fields, warmth and trees. That is the real happiness lies
in the happiness of all. So everyone should work for the happiness of all to be him/herself to be happy.
9.What do you like the most in the story The Bird of Happiness? Support your answer giving reasons.
Ans: I like the moral of the story and Wangjias unselfish nature.
One can be happy if there are rivers, forests, flowers, fields ,warmth and trees. That is the real happiness lies in
the happiness of all. So everyone should work for the happiness of all to be him/herself to be happy.
10. Fill in the in table recollecting the story The Bird of happiness
First Monster
Second Monster
Third Monster

Monsters challenges

Wangjias answer/actions

Kill Lousangs mother

Poison old gaffer Silong
Gouge Bhimas eyes

I love my mother and I dont kill others mother

I love my grandpa and I dont kill others grandpa.
No one has the right to destroy girls pretty eyes. I will
never gouge Bhimas eyes.

11.Fill in the details of the three monsters recollecting the story The Bird of happiness
First Monster
Second Monster
Third Monster

His beard


Punishment given to Wangjia


Voice of a crow
Whistling wind

To walk for 900 miles across screed.

To starve to death.
Gouged his eyes

Extracts (3 marks)
Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow:
1) Despite this they still believed that happiness must exist somewhere in the world
A).Who does they refer to?
Ans: They refers to the people of the poor area in Tibet.
B).Why were they could not find happiness there?
Ans: Because there were no rivers or good land, no warmth or fresh flowers, no trees or green grass. They
suffered from hunger and cold all year round.
2)Wherever the bird flew, happiness went with it. Every year people went to look for this bird, but not
one of them did ever return.
A).Where did the Bird of Happiness live?
Ans: The Bird of Happiness lived on a snowy mountain In the east.
B).Why couldnt the people return?



SSLC English Grammar

SSLC Question Bank

Ans: Because the Bird of Happiness was guarded by the three old monsters .They would kill the people by
blowing their long beards.
3)On his departure, the girls of the village offered him barley wine; and the mothers, in accordance with
Tibetan custom, spread barley grains on his head to wish him a good journey.
A)Who was departed ?Where?
Ans: Wangjia was departed to look for the Bird of Happiness .
B) Why did the girls and the women send him off with such honour?
Ans: It was according to Tibetan custom to wish him happy journey. They did so as he was going to look for the
Bird of Happiness.
4) Who goes there? he cried like a crow.How dare you come here? What are you after?
A) Who cried like a crow?
Ans: The first monster cried like a crow.
B)Who dared to face the speaker? What did he demand him for?
Ans: Wangjia dared to face the speaker. He demanded wangjia to kill Luosangs mother
5) How could a little child like you, no longer than an egg, dare to set foot here? If you want to find the
Bird of Happiness, first you must kill Lousangs mother!
A) Who shouted so? Who was called no longer than an egg?
Ans: The first monster shouted so. Wangjia was called no longer than an egg.
B)Why did he demand so ? Did do that task?
Ans: He demanded wangjia to kill Luosangs mother. He refused to do that task.
6)Ill just make you walk nine hundred miles across screed and youll be done for.
A) Who does I refer to ?Who does you refer to?
Ans: I refers to the first monster And you refers to Wangjia.
B)Why was he made to walk across the screed?
Ans: Because Wangjia refused to do his task. So he punished him by making him to walk across the screed .

7)I love my own mother, and Ill never kill another persons. Do as you please
A) Who does I and you refer to here?
Ans: I refers to Wangjia and you refers to The first monster.
B) Why did not he kill another ?
Ans: Wangjia was a good boy with human qualities. But killing others is a monsters quality.


SSLC English Grammar

SSLC Question Bank

8)This is tough going! he thought to himself.Will I ever make it? Had I better turn back now?
A) What is the tough going here?
Ans: For wangjia it was a tough going to walk for 900 miles across screed.
B) Did he return? If not why?
Ans: No ,he did not return. He wanted to continue his journey for the happiness of the people.
9)If you want to see the Bird of Happiness, howled the monster ,you must poison old gaffer Silong
first. If you wont do it, Ill starve you to death!
A) Who howled ?Who is the you?
Ans: The second monster howled. You refers to Wangjia.
B) Why should he poison old gaffer Silong?
Ans: The second monster disliked Old gaffer silong. so he demanded Wangjia to kill him if he wanted to see the
Bird of Happiness.
10) Looking him defiantly in the face, Wangjia replied, You can shout for all you are worth! But I am
fond of my own grandpa, and Ill never kill another mans!
A) Who was Wangjia talking to?
Ans: Wangjia was talking to the second monster.
B)What was the demand of the person he was talking to?
Ans: The second monster demanded him to kill old gaffer Silong.
C)Why did he refuse to kill the person?
Ans: Because wangjia loved his grandpa and also others grandpa.
11)What reckless fool has dared to come here?he thundered. My name is Wangjia, and I have come
here to look for the Bird of Happiness!
A) Who thundered ? Why?
Ans: The third monster thundered. Because Wangjia had dared to go there.
B)What was demanded to show the Bird of Happiness?
Ans: The third monster demanded Wangjia to gouge Bhimas eyeballs.
12)If you want to see the Bird of Happiness ,you must bring me Bhimas eyeballs! If you dare to say no,
Ill gouge out your eyeballs at once!.
A) Who wanted Bhimas eye balls?
Ans: The third monster wanted Bhmas eyeballs.
B) Who was demanded to do this task? did he do the task?
Ans: Wangjia was demanded to do this task. But he refused to gouge Bhimas eyeballs.



SSLC English Grammar

SSLC Question Bank

13)Wangjia bowed his head and thought for a while then he answered, You must be deaming! No one
has the right to destroy a girls pretty eyes! Ill never gouge Bhimas eyes!
A)Who is Wangjia Talking to?
Ans: Wangjia is talking to The third monster.
B)Why did he refuse to gouge the girls eyes?
Ans: wangjia was a good boy and he knew that none has the right to gouge others eyes.
14)This must be the last ordeal, he thought.I must keep going in the direction of the sun. That must
be the place where the Bird of Happiness lives.
A) Who is the speaker? What was the ordeal referred here?
Ans: Wangjia is the speaker. The last ordeal or suffering refers to the punishment given by the third monster to
walk without eyes for 900miles.
B) Who gave that ordeal? Why did he walk in the direction of the sun?
Ans: The third monster gave heat ordeal. he walked in the direction of the sun to look for the Bird of happiness.
15)My lovely child, have you come here for me?.Overwhelmed with joy, Wangjia replied, Yes,I have!
My people long to see you day and night. Please come back with me!
A)Who spoke these words? Who was spoken to?
Ans: The Bird of happiness spoke these words to Wangjia.
B) Why was Wangjia overwhelmed with joy?
Ans: Wangjia was overwhelmed with joy as he saw the Bird of Happiness finally after many sufferings.
Now he could take with him the Bird of Happiness.
16)What is it that you want? Asked the Bird of Happiness. Wangjia replied ,We want warmth and
happiness, forests and flowers, fields and rivers.
A) Who asked this question?
Ans: The Bird of happiness asked this question.
B) What did Wangjia asked for him? Who did ask all those things for?
Ans: Wangjia did not ask anything for him .He asked warmth and happiness, forests and flowers, fields and rivers
for his people. He was unselfish.


SSLC English Grammar

SSLC Question Bank

Long answer type questions(4 Marks)

1) Narrate how wangjia faced all the hardships to find the Bird of Happiness.
Ans: Wangjia first met a monster with a black beard and he asked him to kill Lousangs mother. But he refused
to do that. Then the first monster made him walk through screed for 900 miles. Wangjia feet were torn into
He met the second monster with a brown beard and he demanded Wangjia to poison old gaffer silong. But
Wangjia refused to obey him. So the second monster made him walk without food for 900 miles. His stomach
began rumbling with hunger. When he reached the third monster he was nothing but skin and bone.
Wangjia met the third monster with a white beard. He demanded Wangjia to gouge Bhimas eyes .But Wangjia
refused to do that. The third monster gouged Wangjias eyes and this was the toughest suffering. He had to
grope the way for 900 miles. Finally after that suffering Wangjia found the Bird of happiness on the white snowy

2) What were the changes came over Wangjia as the Bird of Happiness caressed him and
granted his wishes?
Ans: The Bird of happiness caressed Wangjia with its wings and sang for him. His eyeballs flew back to their
sockets, and now he saw much more brightly than before. All his wounds were healed and he was stronger than
ever. The bird of Happiness offered Wangjia some dried meat and cream cake, and bore him back to his village.
They landed on the mountain top.
The Bird of Happiness asked for his wishes. Wangia asked warmth, happiness, forests, flowers, fields
and rivers for his people.
The Bird gave three loud cries. At the first cry, the golden sun broke through the clouds and a warm breeze
came down from the sky. At the second cry, stretch upon stretch of the forest appeared all over the mountains,
mountain peach and other mountain flowers bloomed together and thrushes and larks led a chorus of birdsong.
At the third cry, green rivers and fields came into view and little white rabbits danced merrily on the grass.



SSLC English Grammar

SSLC Question Bank

Unit -5 The Concert

Multiple Choice Questions
Answer the following choosing the right option :
1)Pundit Ravi Shankars concert was arranged at____________________.
A .Shanmukhananda Auditorium.

B. Gaganpur

C. Pune

D. Cricket stadium

2) Pundit Ravi Shankar is the maestro in playing_________________.

A. Tabla

B sitar

C. violin

D. drum

3) The chance of life time for Anant was__________.

A. To talk to Ravi Shankar

B. to welcome Ravi Shankar his home

C. to be a part of concert

D. To hear and see Pundit Ravi Shankar

4) The announcement in the newspaper that excited Smita was___________.

A. there was a cricket match at wangde stadium
B. Five men were killed in an accident
C. flower show had been arranged at the nearby park
D. Pundit Ravi Shankars concert was arranged at Shanmukhananda Auditorium.
5) The known frightening truth to Smita was______________________.
A. her brother Anant was going to die of cancer
C. The doctors would visit her home frequently

B. she would be failed in the exam

D. she would go to concert with her father

6) The native place of Smitas family was_________________.

A. Bombay

B. Delhi

C. Gaganpur

D. Kolkatta

7) Anants guru was astonished because _____________________.

A. Anant could compose his own tunes B. Anant was the fastest runner
C. Anant was good at Table Tennis

D. Anant was going to die of cancer

8) Smitas family used to stay in Bombay


A. the hospital B. Aunt Sushilas apartment in Bombay C. Resort in Bombay D. their rented house
9)The suggestion given by Aunt Sushila to Smita to feel better was ___________.
A. to walk in the park

B. watch a movie

C. play Sitar

D. play tabla

10) The audience respected the Great master Pundit Ravi Shankar by________________.
A. clapping loudly B. shouting slogan on him C. a standing ovation D. praying silently
11) The person who made a long boring speech at the concert was_________________.
A. the singer

B. Ravi Shankar

C .Allah Rakha D. A large mustachioed man

12) Smita wriggled through the crowd. Because she wanted to___________________.
A. meet and see Pundit Ravi Shankar

B. Meet the music band


SSLC English Grammar

SSLC Question Bank

C. congratulate Ravi Shankar

D. Invite Ravi Shankar home

13)Who was a frequent accompanist to Pundit Ravi Shankar ________________________.

A. Ustad Bismillah Khan

B.Ustad Allah Rakha

C. his friend

D. His guruji

14)Who discouraged Smita to when She requested Ravi Shankar?__________________.

A. large mustachioed man

B . Alla Rakha C. The audience D. Ravi Shankar.

15)Who suggested the time of concert?___________________________.

A. large mustachioed man

B . Alla Rakha C. The audience D. Ravi Shankar.

16) Who gave the consent to the home concert finally?___________________.

A. large mustachioed man

B . Alla Rakha C. The audience D. Ravi Shankar.

17) Smitas mother asked her to be silent because______________________.

A. her brother was ill and needed bed rest B. girls are not allowed to excitement in Indian families
C. she did not like noise

D. they were in their Aunts apartment

18) Anant raised himself and his eyes were shining even in his sick bed because__________________.
A. he was ill

B. he knew the truth about his death

C. he saw a nightmare

D. he heard the name of Pundit Ravi Shankar

19) Smita was so excited that she had forgotten that her brother was_________________________.
A. ill

B. a table tennis player

C. going to die

D. in rest

20)The word which hung in the air in Smitas family was__________.

A. Table Tennis

B. Childrens Education

C. Cancer

D. death

21) Smita and her family had come to Bombay so that_____________________.

A. the children get good education

B. Anant could be treated at the cancer Hospital in the city

C. they can spend Holidays at their Aunts apartment D. they can attend the concert
22) Smitas family came to Bombay with high hopes in the miracles of ___________.
A. modern Science B. God C. medicines D. modern surgery
23)Anant wanted to become a great ____________.
A. flutist

B. singer

C. musician

D. sitarist

24) Smita cried out in a choked voice because____________________.

A. she could not accompany Anant to the concert B. Her brother was going to die shortly
C. her brother was struck by cancer

D. she lost hope in her life

25)The last wish of Anant was to _________________________.

A. become a fastest runner again B. take part in the forth coming table tennis tournament
C. recover from cancer

D. see and listen to Ravi Shankars concert



SSLC English Grammar

SSLC Question Bank

One word or phrase or a sentence answer questions (1 Mark Each)

1) Where Was Pundit Ravi Shankars concert arranged?
Ans: Pundit Ravi Shankars concert was arranged at Shanmukhananda Auditorium.
2)Who is Pundit Ravi Shankar?
Ans: Pundit Ravi Shankar is The sitar maestro
3) What is the chance of life time for Anant?
Ans: To hear and see Pundit Ravi Shankar is the chance of life time for Anant.
4)Who was Anants sister?
Ans: Anants sister was Smita.
5)What was the announcement in the newspaper that excited Smita?
Ans: The announcement in the newspaper that excited Smita was Pundit Ravi Shankars concert was arranged at
Shanmukhananda Auditorium.
6)What was the known frightening truth to Smita?
Ans: The known frightening truth to Smita was that her brother Anant was going to die of cancer.
7) Which was the native place of Smitas family?
Ans: The native place of Smitas family was Gaganpur.
8)Why was Anants guru astonished?
Ans: Anants guru was astonished because he could compose his own tunes.
9)Where did Smitas family stay in Bombay?
Ans: Smitas family stayed at Aunt Sushilas apartment in Bombay.
10)What was the suggestion given by Aunt Sushila?
Ans: The suggestion given by Aunt Sushila was to walk in the park to feel better.
11)Who did Smita accompany with to the concert?
Ans: Smita accompanied with her father to the concert.
12)How did the audience respect the Great master Pundit Ravi Shankar?
Ans: The audience respected the Great master Pundit Ravi Shankar by a standing ovation.
13)Who made a long boring speech at the concert?
Ans : A large mustachioed man made a long boring speech at the concert.
14)Why did Smita wriggled through the crowd?
Ans: Smita wriggled through the crowd to meet and see Pundit Ravi Shankar.
15)Who is Ustad Allah Rakha?
Ans: Ustad Allah Rakha is the great wizard of musician and Indian tabla player. A frequent accompanist to
Pundit Ravi Shankar.
16)Who discouraged Smita to when She requested Ravi Shankar?
Ans: A large mustachioed man discouraged Smita to when She requested Ravi Shankar.
17)Who suggested the time of concert?
Ans: Ustad Alla Rakha suggested the time of concert.


SSLC English Grammar

SSLC Question Bank

18) Who gave the consent to the home concert finally?

Ans: Pundit Ravi Shankar gave the consent to the home concert finally.

Answer the following in two or three sentences (2 marks)

1) Smita on looking up the newspaper almost excited. Why did she react so?
Ans: smita and her brother Anant were learning sitar. she naturally liked Pundit Ravi Shankar , the greatest
Maestro is Sitar. So Smita on looking up the newspaper almost excited.
2)Why do you think that Smitas mother cautioned her not to make noise?
Ans : Smita on looking up the newspaper almost shouted with excitement. But her brother Anant was ill and
suffering from cancer. She cautioned her not to make noise so that he could rest.
3) In What way was the truth frightening Smitha?
Ans: Smita had seen the doctors had shaken their head seriously and spoken words that neither she nor her
parents could understand.
4)Do you consider Anant a talented boy? Justify with the support from the text.
Ans: Anant was only fifteen, and the best table-tennis player in the school and the fastest runner. He was
learning to play sitar. He was better than his sister Smita. He could compose his own tunes and astonished his
5) What did the doctors at the cancer hospital suggest Smitas parents?
Ans: the doctors at the cancer hospital suggested Smitas parents to take Anant home, give him the things he
likes, indulge him.
6) As Smita sat listening to the music, She was spellbound. But all the while, her mind was echoing
something else. What was that?
Ans: Spellbound ,Smita listened to the unfolding ragas, but all the while her mind was planning to meet Ravi
Shankar personally and share her feelings about her brothers plight. If possible she would like to arrange for
home concert for her brother. That was a chance of his life.
7) Did Smita tell what she had in her mind to the musicians? Who responded to her request
immediately. What was the response?
Ans: Yes, Smita told the story of her brother who lay sick at home, and how he longed to hear them.
Pundit Ravi Shankar responded to her immediately and the concert was arranged at their home for Anant.
8) Do you think the response of the artists was unusual? If not, Why?



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Ans: The response from the artists was unusual. They did not bother about their busy schedule.
They agreed to give the home concert.
9) The neighbors could not believe their eyes. Why do you think they felt like this?
Ans: Ravi Shankar and Ustad Allah Rakha were the great names in music. Such Persons came to their apartment
block. This was unbelievable to the neighbors.
10) Can you say that the concert was entertaining Smita. Justify your answer.
Ans: No, The concert was not entertaining Smita. Because she was feeling sorrow at the pathetic condition of
her brother Anant.
11)Did Pundit Ravi Shankar and Ustad Allah Rakha perform in the boys house?
do you think this was an unusual incident? If yes, give reasons.
Ans: Yes, Pundit Ravi Shankar and Ustad Allah Rakha performed in the boys house.
This was an unusual incident.
Ravi Shankar and Ustad Allah Rakha were the great names in music. Such Persons came to their apartment
block for the sake of a sick boy at the death bed.

Extracts(3 marks)
Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow
1)We mustnt miss the chance, he said. Ive-Ive always wanted to hear him and see him.
A)Who said this? Ans; Anant said this
B) who does we refer to?
Ans: We refers to Anant and his family.
C) What is the chance here referred?
Ans: The chance here refers to the last wish of Anant to see and hear Pundit Ravi Shankar.
2)They laughed and smiled and talked and surrounded Anant with whatever made him happy. They
fulfilled his every need and gave whatever he asked for
A) Who does they refer to?
Ans: They refers to smita and her parents.
B)Why did they tried to fulfill his every need and keep him happy?
Ans: Because Anant was suffering from cancer. The doctors had no hope of his recovery. So
they tried to fulfill his every need and keep him happy.
3) When you are better, his mother said This is not the last time they are going to play


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A) Who is the speaker ?Who is spoken to?

Ans: Anants mother is speaking to Anant.
B) Who does they referred here?
Ans; They refers to Pundit Ravi Shankar and Ustad Allah Rakha
C) Why did the speaker say so?
Ans: Because Anant was a fan of Ravi Shankar. But he could not attend his concert as he was suffering from
4) Smita stood at the window looking at the traffic, her eyes filled with tears. Her mother whispered,
But you Smita ,you must go. Your father will take you.
A) Why was Smitas eyes filled with tears?
Ans: Because her brother anant and she wanted to attend the concert of Ravi Shankar. But her brother was ill. So
she her eyes were filled with tears.
B) Why was she going with her father?
Ans: Because her brother Anant was suffering from cancer. So she was going with her father.
5) When she was alone with Aunt Sushila, Smita cried out in a choked voice, No, how can I? Weve
always done things together, Anant and I.
A)Why was her voice choked?
Ans: Because her brother Anant was suffering from cancer. So she was going with her father. But they always
did anything together.
B) What had happened to Anant?
Ans: He was suffering from cancer.
6)A walk in the park might make you feel better, said Aunt Sushila and Smita was grateful for her
A) Why was the suggestion given to Smita?
Ans: Because Smita was in the sad mood.
B) Was the suggestion relevant at the moment?
Ans: The suggestion was relevant to make her feel better. She was thinking about the illness o her brother
7) Suddenly a daring thought came to her and as she hurried home she said to herself, Why not? There
is no harm in trying it.



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A) Who thought daringly?

Ans: Smita thought daringly.
B) What was that thought?
Ans: Her thought was to meet Ravi Shankar after the concert and to say about the sad condition of her brother.
She wanted to convince them for home concert.
8) They had come with high hopes. They did not voice their fears
A)What were the high hopes?
Ans: The hopes of recovery of Anant from cancer.
B)Do you think their hopes would be filled? Support your answer
Ans: No, there hopes would not be fulfilled. Because Anant was suffering from cancer .The doctors had shaken
their heads seriously.
C)Doctors said something to the parents. Were those words of hope or words of despair?
Ans : Those were the words of despair which the parents could not understand.
d) Who does they refer to ?
Ans: They refers to Anants parents.
9) What shall we do ,Ustad Sahib?
A) Who asked this question? Who does Sahib refer to?
Ans: Pundit Ravi Shankar Asked this Question .Sahib here is Ustad Allah Rakha
B)What was the response?
Ans; Allah Rakha responded positively. The concert at house was planned for the boy the next day.
10) Tomorrow morning we perform for the boy-Yes? he said
yes Panditji replied. Its settled then
A) Who would perform for the boy? Why?
Ans: : Pundit Ravi Shankar and Ustad Allah Rakha would perform for the boy. Because they understood the
boys pathetic condition.
B) Where was the concert arranged?
Ans: The concert was arranged at the apartment.


SSLC English Grammar

SSLC Question Bank
Unit- 6 The Discovery - by Herman Ould
Multiple choice questions:

1) The captain of the discovery of The New World(America) was_______________.

A. Gullermo Ires
B.Pedro Gutierrez
D. Columbus
2) The name of the ship that took Columbus to the New World of America__________.
A. Santa Maria B spainia C. Titanic D. Britannica
3) The seamen were singing the song to______________________.
A. keep their spirits B. keep away boredom C. enjoy their voyage D. find the New World
4) What kind of thoughts were not allowed by Pedro?_______________.
A. good thoughts B. bad thoughts c. silent thoughts D. Mutinous thoughts
5) The word which was considered ugly by Diego was ____________.
A. irons
B. ship
C. Spain
D. mutiny
6)The song in the beginning of the play The Discovery conveys the ____________.
A. sorrow mood of the seamen.
B. happy mood of the seamen.
C. active mood of the seamen.
D. jealousy mood of the seamen.
7)There are no limits to patience this was said by ________________.
A. Diego Garcia B. Columbus C. Francisco D. Pedro Gutierrez
8)Where was Columbus standing in the beginning of the play?
A. gallery B. Fore mast
C. Poop
D. quarter-deck
9)A good sailor knows his place Who said this?______________________.
A. Diego Garcia B. Columbus C. Francisco D. Pedro Gutierrez
10)What was Columbus worst enemy? It was his___________________________.
A. unbridled tongue
B. Will
C. song of sailors
D. ship in Storm
11) What was Columbus best friend? It was his___________________________.
A. unbridled tongue
B. Will
C. song of sailors
D. Storm
12)Who preferred the company of Columbus?___________________.
A. Diego Garcia B. Columbus C. Francisco D. Pepe
13)Everybody doubtsexcept me.-Who said this?___________________.
A. Diego Garcia B. Columbus C. Francisco D. Pepe
14)Who did Columbus have faith ?He had faith in _______________________.
A. Diego Garcia B. Guillermo Ires C. Pedro Gutierrez D. young Pepe.
15)When was Columbus furious? When he heard ________________________.
A. the song of the seamen B. talks of sailors C. Quarrelling of the seamen D. howling of storm
16)Santa Maria will be the lighter for his carcass Whose words is Pepe quoting here?
A. Diego Garcia B. Columbus C. Francisco
D. Pedro Gutierrez
17)Discipline is a thing of the past, sir. Its you or us- Who said this?
A. Diego Garcia B. Columbus
C. Francisco D. Pedro Gutierrez



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18) Who was Columbus loyal to?________________________.

A. the Royal Sovereigns of Britain
B. the Royal Sovereigns of Portugal
C. the Royal Sovereigns of France
D. the Royal Sovereigns of Spain
19) What! Does that child stand between me and death?- Who said this?
A. Diego Garcia B. Columbus C. Francisco D. Pedro Gutierrez
20) What does Columbus compare Loyalty to?_________________________.
A. seaweed on an outgoing tide
B. a mast hollowed by worms
C. bubbles that burst at the first contact
D. storm against a ship
21) What does Columbus compare friendship to?______________________.
A. seaweed on an outgoing tide
B. a mast hollowed by worms
C. bubbles that burst at the first contact
D. storm against a ship
22) What does Columbus compare Discipline, duty and obedience to?
A. seaweed on an outgoing tide
B. a mast hollowed by worms
C. bubbles that burst at the first contact
D. storm against a ship
23)I am not grateful-Who said this?
A. Diego Garcia B. Columbus
C. Francisco
D. Pedro Gutierrez
24)Desperate men do not always act up to the best that is in them, sir-who said this?
A. Diego Garcia B. Columbus
C. Francisco
D. Pedro Gutierrez
25)Your best can not be bettered- Who said this?
A. Diego Garcia B. Columbus
C. Francisco
D. Pedro Gutierrez
26)Columbus saw the first light of the new World on 11 October 1492. What was the light?
A. A light of fire by the inhabitants
B. a light faintly flickering, rising up and down
C. the moon light
D. Electric bulbs
27)Who was the boldest ,rebellious seaman among the Columbus sailors?
A. Francisco.
B. Guillermo Ires
C. Diego Garcia
D. Juan Patino
28) A good sailor knows his place.Says Columbus to Diego. The statement is _________________.
A. a piece of advice
B. an indirect command
C. a statement
D. voice of authority
29)Columbus was a man of ____________________.
A. dictatorial attitude B. quick temper C. hatred towards the seamen D. selfishness
30) Pepe warns Columbus about some people. Who are they?________________.
A. Diego Garcia
B. seamen
C. Francisco
D. Pedro Gutierrez
31)Whos to put him in irons? challenges Giillermo.The person meant by himin the context is :
A. Guillermo
B .The first man to move towards Columbus
C. Columbus
D. The first man who challenged Columbus
32) I will perform it myself, says Guillermo. it means
A. sailing Santa Maria
B . put the first man to move towards Columbus in irons
C. stopping the song of the sailors D. kill the first man who challenged Columbus


SSLC English Grammar

SSLC Question Bank

One word or phrase or a sentence answer questions

1 Mark Each
1) Who was the captain of the discovery of The New World(America) ?
Ans: The captain of the discovery of The New World(America) Was Columbus.
2) What was the name of the ship that took Columbus to the New World of America?
Ans: Santa Maria was the name of the ship that took Columbus to the New World of America.
3)Why did the seamen singing the song?
Ans: The seamen singing the song to keep their spirits and to have relaxation.
4) What kind of thoughts were not allowed by Pedro?
Ans: Mutinous thoughts were not allowed by Pedro.
5) Which word was considered ugly by Diego?
Ans: The word mutiny was considered ugly by Diego.
6)What mood does the song in the beginning of the play The Discovery convey?
Ans: The song in the beginning of the play The Discovery conveys A sorrow mood of the seamen.
7)There are no limits to patience who said this?
Ans: There are no limits to patience ---Diego Garcia said this.
8)Where was Columbus standing in the beginning of the play?
Ans: Columbus was standing at the quarter-deck in the beginning of the play.
9)A good sailor knows his place Who said this?
Ans: A good sailor knows his place- Columbus said this.
10)What was Columbus worst enemy?
Ans: Columbus worst enemy was his unbridled tongue.
11) What was Columbus best friend?
Ans: Columbus best friend was his will.
12)Who preferred the company of Columbus?
Ans: Pepe preferred the company of Columbus.
13)Everybody doubtsexcept me.-Who said this?
Ans: Everybody doubtsexcept me.-Pepe said this
14)Who did Columbus have faith ?
Ans: Columbus had faith in young Pepe.
15)When was Columbus furious?
Ans: Columbus was furious when he heard the song of the seamen.



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16)Santa Maria will be the lighter for his carcass Whose words is Pepe quoting here?
Ans: Santa Maria will be the lighter for his carcass Pepe is quoting here the words of Francisco.
17)Discipline is a thing of the past, sir. Its you or us- Who said this?
Ans: Discipline is a thing of the past, sir. Its you or us- Francisco said this.
18)Who was Columbus loyal to?
Ans: Columbus was loyal to the Royal Sovereigns of Spain.
19) What !Does that child stand between me and death?- Who said this?
Ans: What !Does that child stand between me and death?- Columbus said this.
20)What does Columbus compare Loyalty to?
Ans: Columbus compares Loyalty to seaweed on an outgoing tide.
21) What does Columbus compare friendship to?
Ans: Columbus compares friendship to a mast hollowed by worms.
22)What does Columbus compare Discipline, duty and obedience to?
Ans: Columbus compares Discipline, duty and obedience to bubbles that burst at the first contact.
23)I am not grateful-Who said this?
Ans: I am not grateful-Columbus said this.
24)Desperate men do not always act up to the best that is in them, sir-who said this?
Ans: Desperate men do not always act up to the best that is in them, sir-Francisco said this.
25)Your best can not be bettered- Who said this?
Ans: Your best can not be bettered- Columbus said this.

26)Columbus saw the first light of the new World on 11 October 1492.What was the light he saw in

Ans: Columbus saw the first light of the new World on 11 October 1492.The light he saw in darkness
was a light faintly flickering, rising up and down.
27)Who was the boldest ,rebellious seaman among the Columbus sailors?
Ans: The boldest ,rebellious seaman among the Columbus sailors was Guillermo Ires.

Answer the following in two or three sentences (2 marks)

1.Write about the physical features of Columbus in the play The Discovery
Ans: Columbus is a tall ,well-built man of forty six. Hair prematurely white, complexion fair, almost ruddy.
A man of quick temper and irritability which he controls only with an effort .His face, in response, is melancholic.
2.There are limits to patience, says Diego. What does this suggest about Diegos state of mind?


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Ans: Diego had lost his patience and he was home sick. He wanted to go back to Spain.
3. Who do you think has the lives of fifty in his hands? How?
Ans: I think Columbus the captain of Santa Maria Pepe prefers to be in the company of Columbus to discover
the New World of America had the life of fifty hands. Because the sailors had left Spain long ago. His decision
had the life of all the other seamen.
4. How does Pedro try to defend the drunken seamen? Was he right in defending them?
Ans: Pedro tried to defend the drunken seamen. They are simple men and must have their relaxation.
He was not right in defending them as they did not have any vision.
5. What is termed as the worst enemy and best friend by Columbus?
Ans: Columbus worst enemy was his unbridled tongue. Columbus best friend was his will, because it was Gods
6.Columbus is always furious when he hears the song Heres a keg orum, What makes him react so?
Ans: Columbus is always furious when he hears the song Heres a keg orum, because the sailors were singing
the song to protest against their captain Columbus. They were drunkards and had no vision at all.
7. Why do you think Pepe prefers to be in the company of Columbus?
Ans: Pepe prefers to be in the company of Columbus because he was a loyal fellow to Columbus and he hated
others and he himself was confident of their discovery.
8.How are the seamen expressing their discontent even as Columbus can hear them?
Ans: The seamen expressing their discontent even as Columbus can hear them by singing the song of sailors in
a growling voice like a roaring sound. They did not obey his command to stop the song.
9.Which statement of Francisco suggests that he also has lost his temper?
Quote his words.
Ans: Francisco also has lost his temper. His feelings of temper are:Santa Maria will be the lighter for his carcass.
Discipline is a thing of the past, sir. Its you or us.
10.In his long speech, what does Columbus say he has discovered?
Ans: In his long speech, what does Columbus says he has discovered thatLoyalty is like seaweed on an outgoing tide.
Friendship like a mast hollowed by worms.



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SSLC Question Bank

Discipline, duty and obedience are like bubbles that burst at the first contact.
11.Pepe excitedly declares that he is still loyal to the leader. What effect does it have on others like Juan
and Guillermo?
Ans: Pepe excitedly declares that he is still loyal to the leader. Then other seamen like Juan and Guillermo began
to hate him along with Columbus. They called him as his faithful whelp and a lick-spittle.
12. Compare Franciscos words of confession with what he had said earlier in anger. How does Columbus
react to his confession?
Ans: Francisco says that desperate men do not always act up to the best that is in them. He confesses that
though he is capable he could not achieve his goal.
Columbus says Francisco that his best can never be bettered..He means that once we reach the level of being
best, we can never improve.
13. How does Pedro react to the words of Columbus that he thought he saw some flickering light?
Ans: Pedro reacts to the words of Columbus that he thought he saw some flickering light. Pedro says that he is
happy and thanks God to be with them for their successful discovery.
14.Do you consider the ending of the play The discovery to be ending happy?
Ans: Yes, The ending of the play The discovery is a happy ending. The seamen who were desperate and not
willing to continue their voyage became jubilant and rejoiced their success.

Extracts(3 marks)
Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow
1.They ought to stop that. The captain is always furious when he hears it.
A. Who should stop that?
Ans: The sailors should stop that. Juan said this to Diego.
B. What does it refer to? Why is the captain furious to hear that?
Ans: it refers to the seamens song. The captain Columbus is furious to hear that because he did not like the
attitude of sailors.
2.Shant we even sing to keep our spirits? Sh!
A. Who said this?
Ans: Diego said this to Juan.
B. Why did he say this? Who is he speaking?
Ans: Diego said this to Juan when he said the sailors should stop the song.
He supports the sailors that they should sing to keep their spirits.


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3.Its dark. I would welcome the moon.

A. Who is the speaker?
Ans: Pedro is speaking to Diego and Juan.
B. What does he mean? what was the response?
Ans: He means that he wants to enjoy the moon light on the sea. But Diego responded him saying that some of
us welcome the coast of Spain.
4. Aye, aye, Don Pedro. Some of us would welcome the coast of Spain still more.
A. Who is speaking to whom?
Ans: Diego is speaking to Pedro.
B. When does he speak like this? What does he mean?
Ans: When Pedro says he would welcome the moon Diego says this.
he means that they were tired of voyage and feel home sick.
5.There are limits to patience, sir
1. Who lost his patience?
Ans: Diego lost his patience.
2. Who is he speaking to? Why did speak so?
Ans: Diego is speaking to Pedro. He lost his patience and wanted to go back to Spain.
6.Were like bats trying to fly by day. Its time he gave way. Why should one man have the lives of fifty
in his hands?
A. Who is compared to bats?
Ans: The seamen are compared to bats flying in the morning.
B. What does the speaker mean?
Ans: thee speaker means that the seamen are forced against their incapacity.
C:Who had the lives of fifty in his hands?
Ans: Columbus had the lives of fifty in his hands?
7.I hope we are not entertaining mutinous thoughts, Diego.
A. Who did not entertain mutinous thoughts?
Ans: Pedro did not entertain mutinous thoughts.
B. Who said this? Why did he say so?
Ans: Pedro said this to Diego. Because he had lost his patience.
8That candle on the foremast is guttering; see that is put right.
This is the quarter deck. A good sailor knows his place.
A. Who said this to whom?
Ans: Columbus said this to Diego
B. Why does he say so? What is his mood?



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Ans: He says this to give indirect command to Diego. He is authoritative.

9They are simple men and must have their relaxation. We have not all your visions, Captain.
A. Who does they refer to? What were they doing for relaxation?
Ans: They refers to the seamen. They were singing for relaxation.
B. Who is the captain? What were his visions?
Ans: Columbus is the captain. His vision was to discover the New World America.
10A curb for my tongue-oh a curb for my unbridled tongue, my worst enemy!
My will, friend, because Gods will, shall that suffice
A. Who said this to whom? Why?
Ans: Columbus said this to Pedro. Because Columbus confessed his quick temperas enemy and his will
Power as friend.
B. Why did he call his will as friend and tongue as enemy?
Ans: Because his will is the will of God where as his tongue speaks words of discomfort to seamen.
11.I do not claim your confidence, sir.
A. Who do I refer to? Who is the sir here?
Ans: I refer to Pedro. Columbus is the sir here
B. What was his confident in?
Ans: He was his confident in his discovery.
12.Mystery? Would God implant the desire to solve mysteries and not provide the solution?
A. Who spoke these words?
Ans: Columbus spoke these words.
B. What does he mean by this statement?
Ans: He praises God as an implanter of desires among human beings and trickery not to provide solutions to
achieve those desires.
13I prefer your company to theirs.
A. Whose company does the speaker prefer to?
Ans: The speaker prefers the company of Columbus.
B. Whose company does not he like? Why?
Ans: He does not like the company of the seamen. Because he does not like their desperate and horrible
14You are young enough to have faith. Thank you, boy.
A. Who is the young boy here?
Ans: Pepe is the young boy here.
B. Why does the speaker thank him?
Ans: Columbus, The speaker thanks him for being faithful to him.


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SSLC Question Bank

15They are horrible when they drink too much. They say it makes them forget.
A. Who gave this warning to whom?
Ans: Pepe gave this warning to Columbus.
B. Why did he warn him? Who are they referred here?
Ans: He warned him because they were horrible when drunken. The seamen are referred here.
16.The deepening of their discontent is ominous.
A. Who said this? Whose discontent was deepening?
Ans: Columbus said this to Pedro. Discontent was deepening among the sailors.
B. Why was the discontent deepening among them?
Ans: The discontent was deepening among them because they were home sick and lost their
17.The Santa Maria will be the lighter for his carcass.
A. Who said this? Who reported it to Columbus?
Ans: Francisco said this .Pepe reported it to Columbus.
B:What is the Santa Maria ?
Ans: The Santa Maria is the ship that Columbus was on to discover the New World.
C. Why did he say so ?
Ans: Because he was discontented with the voyage. He was home sick.
18Discipline is a thing of the past, sir. Its you or us.
A. Who is the speaker? Who is he speaking to?
Ans: Francisco is the speaker. He is speaking to Columbus.
B. Why is he speaking so?
Ans: He is speaking so because he was discontented with the voyage. He was home sick.
19.Stop! What is the meaning of this wild uproar? The first man to move shall spend the rest of the
night in irons!
A. Who is speaker? Who is he speaking to?
Ans: Columbus is speaking to the sailors.
B:Who was making the uproar? Why?
Ans: The seamen were making the up roar. Because they were discontented with the voyage. They were
home sick.
20.And whos to put him in irons? We are thirty to one.
A. Who asked this question?
Ans: Guillermo asked this question.
B. Why would he put him in irons?



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Ans: Because they were against Columbus. They were rebellious on Columbus.
21Were men with the common feelings of men. We want our homes and our families.
A. Who said this? What were his feelings?
Ans: Guillermo said this to Columbus. He was against Columbus. He was rebellious on Columbus
B. Who is he speaking to?
Ans; He is speaking to Columbus.
22.If nobody else is available for the office. I will perform it myself
A. Who do I refer to?
Ans: I refers to Columbus.
B. What did he want to perform? Why?
Ans: He wanted to perform jailing of the sailor who would move against him.
23.Someday, if your tongue does not run away with your discretion, you will achieve prosperity in your
A. Who gave this suggestion? Why?
Ans: Columbus gave this suggestion. Because Guillermo talked rudely to Columbus.
B. Whose tongue had not run with discretion?
Ans: Guillermos tongue had not run with discretion
24.What! Does that child stand between me and death?
A. Who said this? Who was the child standing between the speaker and death?
Ans: Columbus said this. Pepe was the child standing between the speaker and death.
B. When did the speaker say so?
Ans: When the sailors came roaring against Columbus in a rebel. Pepe came to rescue Columbus from their
25.Desperate men do not always act up to the best that is in them, sir.
A. Who is the speaker speaking to?
Ans: Francisco is the speaker speaking to Columbus.
B. What is the mood of the speaker?
Ans: He is confessing his weakness to Columbus.
26.Your best cannot be bettered.
A. Whose best cannot be bettered? Why did the speaker say so?
Ans: Franciscos best cannot be bettered. Because he lost his self confidence.
B. What is the meaning of the statement?
Ans; This means that when one reaches the level of being best, he can never improve.


SSLC English Grammar

SSLC Question Bank
Unit-7 Colours of Silence
Multiple choice questions:

1.Satish could hear Surender only after he repeated the question three times because________.
A. he was busy in drawing

B. he was watching T.V

C . he did not notice him

D. he could not hear him

2.Satish asked Surender to why he was speaking so softly because_______________________.

A. he was busy in drawing

B. he was watching T.V

C . he did not notice him

D. he could not hear him

3.Satish suffered terrible headaches and feeling as if dark and silent since____________________.
A. he went to Kashmir

B. met with an accident

C. last operation on his leg

D. suffered from fever

4.Surender gave a strange look at Satish because_____________________________.

A. he was busy in drawing

B. he was watching T.V

C . he did not notice him

D. he could not hear him

5.Satish met with an accident when he was crossing a _______________________.

A. the road at his school B. rickety bridge over some rapids
C. the mountain path

D. snow covered Himalaya in Kashmir

6.Satish suffered frequently from bouts of fever and infections, especially of the__________.
A. ears

B. head

C. eyes

D. legs

7.Everything seemed to Satish like scenes from some pantomime show because___________.
A. he was suffering from bouts of fever
C. he had lost his hearing

B. he was operated on his legs

D. he had lost his sight

8.The doctors didnt know the cause for Satish ill health except that____________________.
A. he was suffering from bouts of fever
C. ear infection

B. he was operated on his legs

D. effect of medicines to treat his legs

9.Satish did not want to go to another school because____________________.

A. he was suffering from bouts of fever
C. hearing problem

B. he was operated on his legs

D. frequent absence to school

10.Satish could not talk freely with anyone because__________________.

A. he was suffering from bouts of fever

B. he was operated on his legs

C. his neighboring children teased him

D. he was unable to hear a single sound

11. Who supported Satish in teaching words and pronunciation? It was his_______________.



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A. father

B. brother

C. mother

D. teacher

12.Satishs father inspired him to learn a great deal by_________.

A. painting pictures B. singing songs C. reading books D. studying words and their pronunciation
13.Satish became a voracious reader because of his_______.
A. father

B. brother

C. mother

D. teacher

14.The books depressed and left a deep impression on Satishs sensitive mind because____.
A. he was not interested in reading books

B. he wanted to become an artist

C. they were the serious books meant for older children or adults D. he was depressed by his plight
15. The turning point in Satishs life was __________.
A. he watched a bird and drew its sketch
C. he was admitted to a new school

B. his leg was operated

D. he recovered his hearing

16.Sketching came naturally to Satish because he was good at___________.

A. drawing

B. painting

C. observing

D. Urdu calligraphy

17.Satishs father took away all note books he had drawn because_______.
A. He hated his son

B. he was not good at drawing

C. He did not want his son to make a living by drawing D. that was not his field of interest
18.Who was optimistic of Satish s recovery of hearing ? It was his__________.
A. father

B. brother

C. mother

D. teacher

19The only solace for Satish was _____________.

A. reading books

B. painting

C. observing birds

D. Urdu calligraphy

20.Satishs father found the best school of arts for Satish so that he_________.
A. forget his suffering by going to school

B. enjoy his life

C. make life in his chosen field

D. make great name as an artist

21.Satishs eyes filled with tears and his father did an uncharacteristic thing.
The uncharacteristic thing.- here is that his father did was_____________.
A. his father sat beside him and encouraged his art of drawing
B. He brought him armful of books
C. His father found him the best school of arts for him
D. supported him in becoming a voracious reader


SSLC English Grammar

SSLC Question Bank

One word or phrase or a sentence answer questions

1 Mark Each
1. Why couldnt Satish go to school yesterday?
Ans: Satish couldnt go to school yesterday because he was not well.
2.Who was Satish s Brother?
Ans: Satish s Brother was Inder.
3.Why did Satish feel helpless When Surender asked if he would come to school the next day?
Ans: Satish felt helpless when Surender asked if he would come to school the next day because he was confined
to bed.
4. How did everything appear to Satish?
Ans: Everything appeared to Satish like scenes from pantomime show.
5.Who was Satishs father?
Ans: Satishs father was Mr. Avtar Narain.
6.Why didnt the school keep Satish?
Ans: The school didnt keep Satish because of his frequent absence and his hearing problem.
7. Why did Satishs father had to look for a new school?
Ans: Because the previous school didnt keep Satish because of his frequent absence and his hearing problem.
8. Why did Satish avoid going out to play?
Ans: Satish avoided going out to play because of the taunts and teasing of the children in the neighborhood.
9. Why did satishs father take expedition to schools?
Ans: Because every new school kept put because of his hearing problem.
10. Who supported Satish in teaching words and pronunciation?
Ans: satishs brother Inder supported Satish in teaching words and pronunciation.
11. What did Satishs father give him to read?
Ans; Satishs father gave him to read armful of books.
12. Which was the new pastime for Satish when he saw a bird?
Ans: The new pastime for Satish when he saw a bird was filling the pages with doodles.
13.What was Satish good at?
Ans: satish was good at Urdu calligraphy.
14.What was the source of entertainment for Satish?
Ans: sketching was the source of entertainment for Satish.
15.Who was confident that Satish might regain his hearing?



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Ans: Avtar Narain ,His father was confident that Satish might regain his hearing.
16.What was Satish unable to believe?
Ans: His father Avtar Narain put his hands on his shoulders and not angry with him for painting.
17 .Who found the best school of arts for Satish?
Ans: His father Avtar Narain found the best school of arts for Satish.
18.What was Satish came to be popularly known as ?
Ans: Satish came to be popularly known as Satish Gujral.
19.What is Satish Gujral?
Ans: Satish Gujral is one of the foremost artists of India.
20.What do you learn from the life of Satish Gujral?
Ans: From the life of Satish Gujral we can learn that physical disability is not a barrier to success.

Answer the following in two or three sentences (2 marks)

1. Surender,a friend of Satish came to visit him. Satish hadnt gone to school Why?
Ans: Because Satish was not well. His leg was operated. He was suffering from terrible headaches and everything
he felt dark and silent.
2. Why was Satish confined to bed? What was the worst thing for him? Why was it so?
Ans: When Satish went to Kashmir in the holiday, he fell into the rapids. His legs were fractured and his head
was hurt badly. He was bruised and aching all over. His legs needed many operations on them. He suffered from
bouts of fever and infections especially of the ear.
3. Why was the school Satish going kept him out of the school?
Ans: Due his frequent absence and his hearing problem, the school he was attending till then, kept him out of
the school. They forced Avtar Narain to look for a new school.
4. Why didnt Satish want to go to a new school?
Ans: Satish didnt want to go to a new school because he couldnt talk to the other children, where everyone
would make fun of his deafness.
5. What made Avtar Narain angry?
Ans: Avtar Narain had to look for different schools for his son Satish. But every school didnt want him to
educate as he was not able to hear. They treated his son as dumb and asked Avtar narain to look for other
school. So he was angry.
6. Why did Satishs father make expeditions to school? Was he successful? If not why?


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Ans: Satish was frequently absent from and he had hearing problem. So every school did not want him to admit.
So Avtar Narain had to make expeditions to schools. But he was not successful. Because every school did the
same thing for the same reason.
7. How did Satishs brother Inder try to help him?
Ans; Satishs brother Inder sat for hours with him and talked to hear him, teaching him words and
pronunciation. He and his father spent time with him every day, talking to him trying to teach him things.
8. What did Satish see at the far corner of the garden? Why did it attract him?
Ans: Satish at the far corner of the garden saw a bird with a long tail and a black crest. Satish was attracted by
its restless energy .Its eyes kept darting, its whole body was ready for flight any moment.
9. How do you say that Satishs parents had difference of opinion about making his life?
And; Satishs father always wanted him to study well and earn knowledge and become successful in life. But
Satish was inclined towards painting .He opposed his son for that. But his mother felt drawing as a means of
entertainment for her son.
10. Which action of Satish changed his fathers attitude?
Ans: Satish was busy mixing the colors on his palette. Though he saw his father standing at the staring his
painting, he continued with his mixing. This action of Satish changed his fathers attitude.
11.What was Satish unable to believe? Why?
Ans: One day Satishs father sat beside him and put his hand on Satishs shoulder. Then Satish was unable
to believe his father who was not angry with his painting.
12.How did Satish express his gratitude to his father?
Ans: Satishs eyes were filled with tears .he hugged his father tightly, his heart was full of love for his stern father
who had atlas accepted that his destiny was in canvas and paint.
13.Name the three fields in which Satish Gujral has made his name?
Ans: Satish came to be popularly known as Satish Gujral. He is the famous artist from India. He is an
accomplished artist with several forms of art like painting, sculpture and architecture. He is also a writer.
14.How can you say that Satish became popular all over the world?
Ans: Satish displayed his works in prestigious museums like the Museum of modern Art ,New York, the
Hiroshima collection, Washigton and the national Gallery of Modern Art, New Delhi.
He was awarded the Order of the Crown for the best architectural design of the 20 century for his design of
the Belgian Embassy in New Delhi. He has also been honored with the Padma Vibhushan.



SSLC English Grammar

SSLC Question Bank

Extracts(3 marks)
Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow
1.Satish! Why didnt you come to school yesterday? Why whats the matter with you ,Satish?
A. Who asked this question?
Ans: Satishs friend Surender asked this question.
B. Why could not Satish go to school yesterday?
Ans: Because Satish was suffering from fever.
2I don know Surender. Its been pretty bad since the last operation on my leg. But why are you
speaking so softly/I can barely here you.
A. Who is Serender? Was he actually speaking softly?
Ans: Surender was Satishs friend. He was not actually speaking softly.
B. Why was he operated on his leg? What pretty bad happened to him?
Ans: Because he had fallen into the rapids in Kashmir .His leg was fractured.
The pretty bad was he was suffering from headaches and felt everything dark and silent. He could not hear.
3.Will you come to school tomorrow?he asked. Satish shook his head.
A. Who asked this question?
Ans: Satishs friend Surender asked this question.
B. Why did he shake his head?
Ans: Because Satish was suffering from bouts of fever and hear infections.
4.We will have to look for a new school, his father said. Satish shook his head saying No.
A. Why would he have to find a new school?
Ans: Because the previous school did not keep Satish as he was absent frequently and had hearing
B. Why did Satish shake his head?
Ans: Because Satish was unable to talk to the other children and they made fun of him.
5.Beta, you have to go to school and learn. What will you do in life if you dont get education, eh?
He asked his son. Satish heard snatches of his words but knew what he was saying.
A. Who asked this question to whom?
Ans: Satishs father asked this question to Satish.
B. Why did he asked this question? Why could he hear only snatches of his words?
Ans: Because Satish refused to go to another school. Because he could not hear properly.


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6.My son is not dumb, sir! His hearing is a little bad. He is under treatment and will soon be fine!He
argued, but in vain.
A: Who argued? Who was the son here?
Ans; Satishs father argued with the school authorities. Satish is the son here.
B. Why was his hearing a little bad? Why was his argument failed?
Ans; His hearing was a little bad because of ear infection. The school refused Satish as he was a deaf.
7.This is an idle pastime. You would do better to read and get some knowledge, he said to his son.
A. who was spending his time? What was his pastime?
Ans: Satish spent his pastime in drawing sketches.
B. Why did his father suggested so?
Ans: His father wanted him to make his life by education but Satish spent his time on drawing. His father
opposed this.
8.Why do you take away his source of entertainment?asked his mother one day.
A. What was the source of entertainment? Who got that entertainment?
Ans: Drawing was the source of entertainment. Satish got that entertainment
B. Who took away his source of entertainment? Why?
Ans: Satish took away his source of entertainment. Because he did not want his son to make his life by drawing.
9.It has been more than three years since he became ill, how do you possibly think that he can recover
his hearing?Asked his mother.
A. Who asked this question to whom?
Ans; Satishs mother asked this to his father.(her husband)
B. Are these words of pessimism?
Ans: yes, these are the words of pessimism. She lost her hope Satish could not recover his hearing.
C. Who was optimistic of recovery of his hearing?
Ans; Satishs father was optimistic of recovery of his hearing.
10.They are for you Satish. I will find out the best school of arts for you. You will learn arts and make
your life in your chosen field.
A. What does they refer to?
Ans: They refer to the painting materials as palette, colors, brushes etc.
B. Who is the person encouraging here? Why?
Ans: Satishs father is encouraging him painting. Finally he understood that his sons field of interest is painting.
c. Which is the chosen field here?
Ans: Painting is the chosen field here.



SSLC English Grammar

SSLC Question Bank
Unit 8- Science and Hope of survival
Multiple choice questions:

1.According to Keilis Borok The following cannot enjoy a higher income

A. doctors
B. businessmen
C. lawyers
D. scientists
2.A writer is not a writer merely a person who writes; a writer is a person who cannot live without
writing.-this is a saying by
A. Keilis-Borok
B. Rabindranath Tagore
C. Leo Tolstoy
D.A scientist
3.Science is an exciting adventure where major reward comes from
A. society
B. scientists
C. discovery itself
D. every one
4.By science a Scientist cannot get
A. camaraderie
B. independence
C. money
D. freedom
5.The scientist Keilis-Borok worked on
A. cold war
B. nuclear weapons
C. seismic waves
D. biotechnology
6. The scientist Keilis-Borok was summoned by
A. the President of Russian Academy of Sciences
B. the palace of Nations in Geneva
C. the President of America
D. the President of United Kingdom.
7.In 1960,every man and child on the earth lived under the threat of annihilation by___________.
A. cold war
B. bombs
C. great countries
D. nuclear weapon
8. The technical experts were summoned to the Palace of Nations in Geneva to solve the problem of
A. nuclear weapon test ban
B. nuclear test
C. power politics
D. annihilation
9. People trained in theoretical physics are head hunted by____________________.
A. scientific institutions B. financial institutions C. mathematical institutions D. educational institutions
10.Those who trained in biological research become founders and directors in______________.
A. electronics industry B. Pharmaceutical industry C. large scale industry D. bio industry
11.According to Keilis-Borok The indispensable guardian and care taker of humanity is____________.
A. nuclear energy technology
C. science
D. industrial growth
12.If you are so clever, why are you so poor? The professional addressed as you in the statement refers
more than others to a ______________.
A. lawyer
B. scientist
C. doctor
D. businessman
13. The writer says, I found myself in Geneva. It expresses ,more than anything else, the writers_____.
A. pleasure
B. surprise
C. anxiety
D. annoyance
14.Immersion in science does not go with common sense, suggests_______________________.
A. foolishness of scientists
B. absent mindedness of scientists
C. that scientists do not bother about the results of their work
D. involve in only mathematical calculations
15.Which of the following qualities help the scientists to come up with a solution the problem.
A. self-assessment B. self-praise
C. popularity
D. self-discipline


SSLC English Grammar

SSLC Question Bank

16.The safety of the world can be best assured by_______________.

A. doctors
B. businessmen
C. lawyers
D. scientists

One word or phrase or a sentence answer questions

1 Mark Each
1. Who cannot enjoy a higher income scientists according to Keilis Borok ?
Ans: According to Keilis Borok the scientists cannot enjoy a higher income scientists.
2.A writer is not a writer merely a person who writes: a writer is a person who cannot live without
writing. who this is a saying by ?
Ans: Leo Tolstoy
3.Where does science get reward comes from?
Ans: Science gets reward comes from discovery itself .
4.What doesnt a scientist get from science?
Ans: A scientist cannot get money from science .
5.What did the scientist Keilis-Borok work on?
Ans: The scientist Keilis-Borok worked on the theory of seismic waves .
6. Who was the scientist Keilis-Borok was summoned by?
Ans: The scientist Keilis-Borok was summoned by the President of Russian Academy of Sciences.
7. What did every man and child on the earth live under the threat of in 1960?
Ans In 1960 Every man and child on the earth lived under the threat of annihilation by nuclear weapon.
8. Why were the technical experts summoned to the Palace of Nations In Geneva?
Ans: The technical experts were summoned to the Palace of Nations in Geneva to solve the problem
of nuclear weapon test ban.
9.Who are the people trained in theoretical physics headhunted by ?
Ans: The people trained in theoretical physics are headhunted by the financial Institutions.
10. Where do those trained in biological research become founders and directors in?
Ans: Those trained in biological research become founders and directors in Pharmaceutical industry.
11.What is the indispensable guardian and care taker of humanity According to Keilis-Borok?
Ans : Science is the indispensable guardian and care taker of humanity According to Keilis-Borok.
12.If you are so clever, why are you so poor?
Who is the professional addressed as you in the statement?
Ans: scientist
13. Which quality helps the scientists to come up with a solution the problem?
Ans: The quality of self-assessment helps the scientists to come up with a solution the problem.
14. Who is the safety of the world best assured by?
Ans: The safety of the world is best assured by the scientists.
15 expand MAD
Ans: Mutually Assured Destruction



SSLC English Grammar

SSLC Question Bank
Answer the following in two or three sentences (2 marks)

1. What reward do the scientists get? How are they different from lawyers, doctors and businessmen?
Ans: The discovery itself is the reward of the scientists. The scientists get lesser money than the lawyers, doctors
and businessmen. But they enjoy freedom, camaraderie and independence.
2. Which are the two factors that cause Earth tremors?
Ans: The earth tremors are caused by two factors.
1. by the seismic waves during the earthquake
2. by the underground nuclear explosion
3. Write the subjects that come under the category of basic (fundamental) sciences.
Ans: The subjects that come under the category of basic (fundamental) sciences are:
Antibiotics, electronics, biotechnology, synthetic fibres, green revolution and genetic forensic diagnosis.
4.What did the writer learn at the Geneva summit?
Ans: the writer at Geneva summit leant that the scientists have people for them all over the world. While there
is science there is hope for survival and well-being of humanity.
5. Give a few examples to illustrate that scientists are the most practical people in the world?
Ans: All new technologies, all new brands of industry from defense to environment came from fundamental
science. For example antibiotics, electronics, biotechnology, synthetic fibres, green revolution and genetic
forensic diagnosis are all the gifts of basic science.
6.Who will be headhunted by financial institutions and pharmaceutical industries? Why?
Ans: The people trained in theoretical physics are headhunted by the financial Institutions.
Those trained in biological research become founders and directors in Pharmaceutical industry.
Because the knowledge of basic sciences help them to think and work practically.
7.What was the problem that the nuclear powers faced?
Ans: The nuclear powers signed the agreement to stop the test of nuclear weapons. But the problem was that if
any one violates the agreement by secret underground testing, then how to detect that was not known.
8.What was the important decision taken by the politicians before the Geneva Summit? How does it help
for the survival of humanity?
Ans: The important decision taken by the politicians before the Geneva Summit was the Ban on nuclear weapon
test. This would a hope for the survival of humanity as there will be no competition for developing nuclear


SSLC English Grammar

SSLC Question Bank
Poem -1 Grandma Climbs A Tree
Multiple choice questions

1). The Grandma was called genius because ___________________________.

A. she could climb trees very quickly
B. spent her old age gracefully
C. she loved trees
D. she lived on trees
2).The grandma was happier in_________________________.
A. town
B. village
C. trees D. field
3).The grandma was permitted to climb the tree because_______________.
A. there was not a tree
B. She was not cared for
C. she did not listen to them
D. They knew her ability
4).The grandma in her bed felt like a ___________.
A. heaven B. joyful place C. comfortable place D. a hell
6. All that grandma wanted was _____________________.
A. A house on the tree top
B. good house
C. a simple house D. natural living
7. The responsibility of building a house on tree top was taken up by _______________.
A. the poet B. poets father C. her neighbors
D. loving relatives
8. Building a house on tree top was assisted by __________________.
A. neighbors
B. her relatives
C. her husband
D. the poet
9.The neighbors told the Grandma stop climbing trees because they wanted to____________.
A. stop her B. spend her old age gracefully C. give her rest D. test her
10) The grandma was taught climbing trees from her ____________________.
A. loving brother B. loving mother C. loving son D. loving husband
11) When grandma climbed a tree for the last time she was ______________.
A. six
B. hundred
C. sixty two
D. eighty
12)When the doctor took Grannys temperature ,he suggested her__________________.
A. not to climb trees
B. live gracefully
C. a quiet week in bed D. healthy food habits
13)When the doctor suggested granny a quiet week in bed ,the family members felt _________.
A. sighed with relief
B. angry with the granny
C. rejoiced
D. unhappy
14) My dad knew his duties. His duty was to ______________________.
A. take care of his mother B. get rid of his mother C. help his mother D. fulfill his mothers wish
15) Finally the granny upheld her right to _________________________.
A. residing in a tree
B. drink sherry C. live as she wished D. spend her old age gracefully
16)It was like a brief season in the hell The figure of speech employed here is_______.
A. personification
B. metaphor C. simile D. synecdoche



SSLC English Grammar

SSLC Question Bank
One word or phrase or a sentence answer questions
1 Mark Each

1. Who is the poet of the Grandma Climbs a Tree?

Ans: Ruskin Bond
2. Why was the grand mother called genius?
Ans: Because she could climb trees very quickly.
3. Where was the grandmother happier?
Ans: The grandmother was happier in a tree.
4. Why was the grandma permitted to climb the tree ?
Ans: Because there was not a tree.
5. How did the grandma feel in her bed?
Ans : In her bed she felt like a hell.
6. What was all she wanted?
Ans: A house on tree top was all she wanted.
7. Who took the responsibility of building a house on tree top?
Ans: . The poets father took the responsibility of building a house on tree top.
8. Who assisted building a house on tree top?
Ans. The poet assisted building a house on tree top.
9. Why did the neighbors tell the Grandma stop climbing trees ?
Ans: because they wished that she should spend her old age gracefully.
10) Who did the grandma learn climbing trees from?
Ans: The grandma learnt climbing trees from her loving brother.

Answer the following questions in two or three sentences(2 marks)

1) The poet Ruskin Bond does not call his grandmother childish. What else was she according to him?
Why does he consider her to be so? or What is the uncommon quality of the grandmother? How does
the term this uncommon quality?
Ans: The poet Ruskin Bond calls his grandma a genius because she could climb trees very quickly. It may be a
spreading tree or tall tree she could climb up quickly even at the age of sixty-two.
2) How do you say that grandma had been in the habit of climbing trees for a very long period? Justify
this quoting the lines from the poem.
Ans: Yes, The grandma was in the habit of climbing trees for a long time. She learnt climbing the from her loving
brother when she was six.
Having learned to climb from a loving brother when she was six.
3) What did the neighbors advise the Grandma? How did she respond them?


SSLC English Grammar

SSLC Question Bank

Ans: The neighbors advised that the grandma should stop climbing the trees as she was growing old. They
suggested that old people should spend their old age gracefully.
But the grandma did not listen to their advice. She would laugh say that Ill grow disgracefully. I can
do it better.
4) Others feared that granny would fall from a tree one day or the other. Did this happen? Or did
something else happen?
Ans: Yes others feared that granny would fall from a tree one day or the other.
It did not happen. One day something different happened. When the poet and his family were in the town,
she climbed up a tree but could not come down. She was suffering from fever. The doctor checked her
temperature and suggested her bed rest for a week.
5) What did the doctor recommend Grandma? What was the reaction of the kids to this advice?
Ans: The doctor checked grannys temperature and recommended her bed rest for a week.
the kids sighed with a relief that she would not climb up trees and risk her life.
6)Quote the lines from the poem which suggest how whole heartedly granny enjoyed climbing a tree.
Ans: The poem suggest that granny whole heartedly enjoyed climbing a tree.
These are the lines:
For being happier in a tree than in a lift;
While every breeze whispered of summer and dancing leaves.
She sits there in state and drinks sherry with me.
7) My dad knew his duties. What did he think his duty was?
Ans: My dad (the poets father /grannys son) knew his duties. He thought his duty was to fulfill his mothers
wish. He built a house on the tree top for his mother with the help from the poet.
8) Both the poet and his father were considerate towards Grandma. Substantiate the statement with
textual support.
Ans: The poet and his father were considerate towards grandma. They built a house on a tree-top with windows
and a door.
My dad knew his duties. He said, Thats all right-Youll have what you want, dear. Ill start work tonight.
With my expert assistance, he soon finished the chore; Made her a tree-house with windows and a door.
9) For being happier in a tree than in a lift. What is suggested through this line?
Ans: For being happier in a tree than in a lift. This line suggests that grandma enjoyed climbing a tree more
than any other comforts of city life.



SSLC English Grammar

SSLC Question Bank
Extracts(3 marks)
Read the extracts and answer the questions that follow:-

1) Ever since childhood, shed had this gift

For being happier than in a lift;
A) Who does she refer to ?What was the gift she had?
Ans: She refers to Granny. Climbing the tree was the gift she had.
B) Where was she happier?
Ans: She was happier in a tree than in city life.
2) She would laugh and say, Well Ill grow disgracefully,
I can do it better. And we had to agree;
A) Who said this to whom?
Ans: Granny said this to her neighbors.
B)Why did she say so?
Ans: The neighbors suggested her to stop climbing trees and spend her old age gracefully. But she did not
listen to them and replied that she would grow disgracefully and can climb tree better in her old age.
3) But it was feared by all that one day shed have terrible fall. The outcome was different.
A)Who feared? Who would have a terrible fall?
Ans: The Grannys neighbors feared that she would have a terrible fall.
B) What was the different outcome?
Ans: The outcome was different. One day Granny climbed up a tree but could not come down. She had fever
in that fear.
4)The doctor took Grannys temperature and said,
I strongly recommend a quiet week in bed
A) Who had fever?
Ans: Granny had fever.
B) Why was she suggested rest for a week? What was the response from others?
Ans: Because Granny had high fever. The kids felt a sigh of relief that she would not climb up trees.
5) Poor Granny! For her, it was like a brief season in hell.
A) What was felt like a hell?
Ans: A week in bed was felt like a hell by Granny.
B) Why did she feel like hell? What was heaven to her?
Ans: Granny felt that bed rest was like a hell to her. She was happy in climbing trees. It was like a heaven
to her.
6)Then she sat up and said, Ill lie here no longer!
A) Who said this?


SSLC English Grammar

SSLC Question Bank

Ans: Granny said this.

B) Where was she? Why couldnt she lie there no longer?
Ans: She was in bed rest. But she wanted to climb up trees again. So she could not lie no longer.

My dad knew his duties. he said, thats all rightYoull have what you want, dear. Ill start work tonight.
A) Who does my dad refer to? What did he consider his duty was?
Ans: my dad refers to the poets father. He considered his duty was to build a tree-house for his mother.
B) Who wanted that?
Ans: the poets Granny wanted the house on tree top

8) With my expert assistance, he soon finished the chore;

Made her a tree-house with windows and a door.
A) Who assisted whom?
Ans: The poet assisted his father.
B) What did he assist for?
Ans: He assisted his father to build a house on tree top for Granny.
9) She sits there in state and drinks sherry with me.
Upholding her right to reside in a tree.
A) Who do she and me refer to?
Ans: she refers to Granny and me refer to the poet Ruskin Bond
B) What was her state? What was her right?
Ans: She was in a happy state. Her right was to live in a tree house.

Essay type question(4 marks)

Comment on the poem Grandma climbs a Tree?
Ans: The poem Grandma Climbs a Tree is written by Ruskin Bond. She was a genius and different from others.
She could climb up trees very quickly even at the age of sixty two. She had such an unusual gift since childhood.
She was very happy in a tree than in lift of cities. She disliked materialistic life but she liked the life amidst
When her neighbors advised her to stop climbing tree in old age and spend her life gracefully, she
rejected their advice. She learned climbing trees at six from her loving brother. But others felt she might have a
terrible fall some day.
One day she climbed up a tree but could not come down. She had fever in that fear. The doctor
recommended her a week bed rest. But she felt it like a hell. Soon she recovered and asked for a house on tree
top. Her son fulfilled her wish. He and the poet built a house on tree top. The Granny enjoyed her remaining
part of life happily.
Thus Granny enjoyed her unusual gift of life in nature.



SSLC English Grammar

SSLC Question Bank
Poem-2; Quality of Mercy
Multiple choice questions

1. The poem Quality of Mercy is written by_______________ .

A. William Shakespeare B. Ruskin Bond C. John Masefield

D. Portia

2.The quality of mercy is compared to_____________.

A. fire B. scepter C. crown D. the gentle rain from heaven
3.Scepter show only _________________________.
A. Earthly power B. a temporal power

C. Royal power D. forced power

4.Whose attribute does Quality of mercy stand for ? It stands for the attribute of___________.
A. Man B. Devil C. kings D. God .
5.The quality of Mercy is blessed _________________.
A. once B. twice

C. thrice

D. many times

6. According to Portia Throned king is better than his____________________.

A. crown B. Army C. kingdom D. ancestors
7. According to Portia the mightiest in the mightiest is_____________.
A quality of justice B. The quality of bravery C. The quality of Mercy D. The quality of cruelty
8. The poem Quality of mercy is an extract from the play of Shakespeare________________.
A. Macbeth B. King Lear C. The Tempest D. The merchant of Venice
9.Who speaks about the quality of mercy?__________________.
A. William Shakespeare

B. Portia

C. The king D. Antonio

10. The quality of mercy is enthroned in ___________________.

A .the heart of kings B. Heaven C. Hell D. crown
11) The greatest virtue of all according to Portia is____________________.
A quality of justice B. The quality of bravery C. The quality of Mercy D. The quality of cruelty
12) The kind of power is possessed by The Quality of Mercy is________.
A. Earthly power

B. a temporal power

C. Royal power D. divine power

13) The Quality of Mercy is blessed by __________________.

A. the giver

B. the taker

C. both by the giver and the taker D. none of them

14) According to Portia the earthly power looks like divine when The Quality of Mercy Tempers _____.
A. royal power

B. bravery

C. justice

D. humanity

15) The quality of mercy is not strained .It dropped as the gentle rain from heaven-The figure of speech
used here is
A. personification

B. metaphor C. simile D. synecdoche


SSLC English Grammar

SSLC Question Bank

One word or phrase or a sentence answer questions

1 Mark Each
1. Who is the poet of the poem Quality of Mercy ?
Ans: William Shakespeare
2.What is the quality of mercy compared to?
Ans: . The quality of mercy is compared to the gentle rain from heaven.
3.What kind of power does scepter show ?
Ans: The scepter shows only a temporal power.
4.Whose attribute does Quality of mercy stand for ?
Ans: Quality of mercy stands for the attribute of God .
5.How do you say that the quality of Mercy is blessed twice?
Ans : The quality of Mercy is blessed twice both by the giver and the taker.
6. What is better a throned king or his crown?
Ans: A throned king is better than his crown.
7.Which is the mightiest in the mightiest?
Ans: The quality of Mercy is the mightiest in the mightiest.
8. Which play of Shakespeare is the poem Quality of mercy taken from?
Ans. The poem Quality of mercy taken from Shakespeares play The merchant of Venice.
9.Who speaks about the quality of mercy?
Ans: Portia speaks about the quality of mercy.
10)Where is the quality of mercy enthroned?
Ans: The quality of mercy is enthroned in the heart of kings.
11) Which is the greatest virtue of all according to Portia?
Ans: The Quality of Mercy is the greatest virtue of all according to Portia.
12)What kind of power is possessed by The Quality of Mercy?
Ans: Kind of power is possessed by The Quality of Mercy is Divine power.

Answer the following questions in two or three sentences(2 marks)

1. Mercy is compared to something in the poem The quality of Mercy . What is it? How is this
comparison apt? Justify your answer
Ans: Mercy is compared to the gentle rain from the sky to the earth.
Yes, the comparison is apt. Because the quality of mercy in man is as important as rain to the earth.



SSLC English Grammar

SSLC Question Bank

2.Portia says that mercy is twice blessed. What does she mean by this?
Ans: The quality of mercy is blessed twice. It is blessed by the one who gives and the one who receives.
3.Sceptre shows the force of temporal power. In contrast, what or whose quality does mercy stand for?
Ans: scepter is a symbol of the temporal power or the earthly power of the kings. It is an attribute of awe and
fear of kings. But the quality of mercy is the divine power of God.

4. Some traits or qualities are mentioned below. Classify them into two categories of temporal
power and divine (God) attributes.
( love, revenge, sympathy, tyranny, cruelty, miserliness, mercy, hatred, tit-for-tat attitude, compassion)
revenge, tyranny, cruelty,

divine attributes


love ,sympathy, mercy, compassion

tit-for-tat attitude,

3. The speaker compares the power of the king with the power of mercy, saying that mercy is
the mightiest of the mightiest. How does she justify this?
Ans: The power of the kings is temporal because this power is the result of dread and fear of kings. But mercy is
a divine quality of God. If any king has a heart of mercy, then he can enjoy the divine power.

4. The poem The quality of Mercy has fourteen lines. But it is not a sonnet. Look at the
ending of the lines and justify the above statement.
Ans: This poem has fourteen lines but it is not a sonnet. Because Shakespearean sonnets have three quatrains
and a couplet. The idea expressed by the quatrains is summed up in the couplet. But in the poem Quality of
Mercy. the poem is divided into 5+5+4. So the poem is not a sonnet.

Extracts(3 marks)
Read the extracts and answer the questions that follow:1) It is twice blessed; it blessed him that gives ,and him that takes. It is the mightiest of the
A) Who that blessed twice?
Ans: The quality of mercy is blessed twice.
B) How do you say that it is blessed twice and the mightiest?
Ans: It is blessed both by the giver and the taker. So it is the mightiest of the mightiest.


SSLC English Grammar

SSLC Question Bank

2)The throned monarch better than his crown. His scepter shows the force of temporal power.
A) Who says this statement?
Ans: Portia says this.
B) What does scepter stand for?
Ans: Scepter stands for temporal or earthly power.
C) Why is the scepter said to possess temporal power?
Ans: Because the power of scepter is an attribute of awe and fear of kings.

3) And the earthly power doth then show likes Gods When mercy seasons justice.
A) What is that earthly power referred here?
Ans: The power of kings that is the power of scepter is referred as the earthly power.
B) When does the earthly power look like Gogs power?
Ans: The earthly power becomes a divine or Godly power when mercy tempers justice.

Essay type question (4 marks)

Write the summary of the poem quality of Mercy
Ans: The poem quality of Mercy is written by William Shakespeare for the play The Merchant of Venice. Portia
One of the main characters in the play argues why mercy is the greatest virtue of all. According to Portia the
quality of mercy is not strained and it is as gentle as rain to the earth. It is divine and blessed twice, both by the
giver and by the taker. It is the mightiest of all the human virtues. Portia argues that the king is more important
than his crown. She says scepter shows only the force of temporal power which is only a result of awe and royal
power. It is full of dread and fear of kings. But the quality of mercy is above that scepter power.
The quality of mercy should be enthroned in the heart of kings as it is an attribute of God. When the
quality of mercy tempers justice, then the earthly power looks like Divine power.



SSLC English Grammar

SSLC Question Bank
Poem-3: I am the land
Multiple choice questions

1) The speaker uses the phrase I wait in the poem to show her_________________.
A. disgust B. annoyance C. patience D. anger
2). The earth stares with ____________________.
A. car lot eyes B. dark eyes C. angry eyes D. merciful eyes
3). Then someone tickles me says the earth refer to____________________.
A. mining of the earth

B. digging the earth for selfish activities

C. Joking the earth

D. the farmers ploughing the earth.

4) Man has fenced between the countries. But the earth feels at the fence between the countries as
A. a beautiful garland to her
C. mischief of man

B. Protection to her property

D. chainlink necklace choking her

5.The line from the poem I am the land which expresses the self assertion of the earth
A. I am the land, I wait

B. You come with guns

6.Who does you refer to in the poem I Am The Land? _____________________.
A. people B. farmers

C. soldiers D. living beings

7. A chain link necklace chokes me- The figure of speech employed here is
A. personification

B. metaphor C. simile D. synecdoche

8. muddy holes refers to _______________.

A. virtual holes in the land
C. commotion created by the reader

B. intention of the speaker

D. holes full of mud

9. In the poem I Am The Land the line car lot eyes refer to___________________________.
A. ploughing of the earth B. light reflected by the earth C. Moon light reflected by the earth
D. Perception as if the earth were staring with the lights of the car parked on it
10. The speaker in the poem I am the Land is_____________________.
A. The sun

B. The moon

C.A woman

D. The earth


SSLC English Grammar

SSLC Question Bank

One word or phrase or a sentence answer questions

1. Who is the poet of the I am the land?
Ans: Marina de Bellagenta
2. Why does the speaker use the phrase I wait in the poem ?
Ans: . The speaker use the phrase I wait in the poem to show her patience.
3. What does the earth stare with ?
Ans: The earth stares with car lot eyes .
4. Who does some tickles refer to?
Ans:. Some tickles refer to the farmers ploughing the earth.
5.How does the earth feel at the fence between the countries?
Ans : The earth feels choking at the fence between the countries .
6.What is the challenge put forth by the earth?
Ans: you cannot put a fence around the planet earth.
7.Who does you refer to in the poem?
Ans: You refers to the people .
8. Which is the figure of speech in the line A chain link necklace chokes me?
Ans. personification.

Answer the following questions in two or three sentences(2 marks)

1. What does the phrase car lot eyes stare suggest?
Ans: It is a perception as if the earth were staring with the lights of the car parked on it. This line is an imaginary
perception to the planet which has no light of its own.
2. Pick out the line from the poem that expresses self assertion of the speaker
This line suggests the self assertion of the poem.
3.I wait is repeated five times in the poem. What quality of the speaker is highlighted with this
Ans The repetition of I wait highlights the self assertion of the speaker (the earth).
It also emphasizes the patience of the earth.
4. List the figures of speech personification used in the poem I am the land
Ans : I wait , I lie patient,



SSLC English Grammar

SSLC Question Bank

car lot eyes I stare

Someone tickles me
A chain link necklace chokes me now
5. Pick out the images from the poem I Am The Land
car lot eyes stare , someone tilling the earth , planting trees children dance and sing
soldiers with guns shooting, fencing between the countries
6. which actions of man are tolerated by the earth?
Ans: The farmers ploughing the earth and plants life that give fruits, grass, trees etc. the children play under
these trees. These actions are like tickling to the planet earth.
7.How is the action of soldiers affect the earth?
Ans: the soldiers come with guns and shoot from their country to their enemy country.They put fence between
the countries. This affect the earth with the choking. The fence appear to be the choking necklace.

Extracts(3 marks)
Read the extracts and answer the questions that follow:1)You say you own me, I wait
A) Who does You and I refer to?
Ans: You refers to people.
I refers to the earth.
B) What is owned here ? why does the person wait?
Ans: People own the earth. but the earth waits with patience.
2)You shout, I lie patient .You buy me, I wait with muddy holes and car lot eyes I stare
A) Who is shouting here? Who is lying patiently?
Ans: The people are shouting. and the earth is lying patiently.
B) What does muddy holes and car lot eyes refer to?
Ans: Muddy holes refer to the virtual holes on the earth.
Car lot eyes is an imaginary perception of the earth as if the earth were staring with the lights of the
car parked on it.
3)Then someone tickles me, plants lifefruitgrass.trees/children dance/someone sings.
A) Who does someone refer to?
Ans: someone refers to the farmers.


SSLC English Grammar

SSLC Question Bank

B) Who is tickled and what is the effect of that tickling on it?

Ans: The earth is tickled by the farmer. It is making the earth smile with a number of
plants, flowers, fruits and trees. It makes the earth happy.
4)You come with guns a chain link necklace chokes me now.
A) Who came with guns?
Ans: The soldiers came with guns to fight against their enemies.
B) Who is choked here? Why?
Ans; The earth is choked by the war mongers .The fence between the nations is like a necklace
around the neck of the earth. It choked the earth.
A) Who cannot put fence around the earth?
Ans: People cannot put fence around the earth.
B) What is the mood of the speaker expressed here?
Ans; The earth is in a mood of self assertion. This is a challenge to the mankind that man can fence
between the countries but not around the earth. This line conveys universal brotherhood.

Essay type question (4 marks)

Write the summary of the poem I am the land
Ans: The poem I am the Land is written by Marina de Bellagenta. In this poem the earth speaks to the people.
The people buy the land and say they own it .They shout but the earth lies patiently. The earth imagines itself
with muddy holes and cars parked on with lights on as its staring eyes. The happiest thing that the earth feels is
that the farmers ploughing the earth, plant trees, grow fruits, flowers,children play and birds sing. The earth
shares its unhappy feeling that the soldiers fight against other country soldiers. They put fence between the
nations. But they do not know they are choking the earth with the smoke from the wars. The fence looks like a
chain link necklace that chokes the earth.
Finally the earth asserts that men can put fence between the countries but not around the earth
planet. The poem conveys universal brotherhood.



SSLC English Grammar

SSLC Question Bank
Poem4: Laugh and Be Merry
Multiple choice questions

1. The poem Laugh and Be Merry is written by _____________.

A. William Shakespeare B. Ruskin Bond C. John Masefield D. Portia
2.God made Heaven and Earth for___________.
A. Fighting B. singing
C. dancing
3.God filled the Heaven and Earth with________________.
A. the wine of Mirth B. happiness C. beautiful inns D. music
4.According to the poet the cup of the wine of mirth is __________.
A. green earth B. the blue sky C. beautiful inn D. very big
5. According to the poet, we should join the jubilant song of ______________.
A. music
B. brothers C. green earth
D. the great stars
6. According to John Masefield We can better the world with a __________.
A. song B. dance C. music
D. good words

One word or phrase or a sentence answer questions

1. Who is the poet of the Laugh and Be Merry?
Ans: John Masefield
2. Why does the poet want us to laugh?
Ans: . Because the time is brief.
3. What did God fill the earth and the heaven with?
Ans: God filled the earth and the heaven with the strong red wine of His mirth.
4.Who made the heaven and the earth according to the poet ?
Ans: According to the poet the heaven and the earth are made by God.
5. How can we make the world better?
Ans : we can make the world better with a song and with a blow.
6.Which is the cup for drinking the wine of His Mirth?
Ans: The deep blue sky is the cup for drinking the wine of His Mirth.
7.What do the words dance, music and game symbolize in the poem Luagh and Be Merry?
Ans: The words dance, music and game symbolize LIFE in the poem Laugh and Be Merry.
8. Which is the figure of speech in the line Time is brief, a thread of a span?
Ans. Metaphor.
9. What is considered to the sign of the joy of the Lord?
Ans: The green earth is considered to the sign of the joy of the Lord.
10.Where do the people laughing belong to?
Ans: The people laughing belong to the proud pageant of man.


SSLC English Grammar

SSLC Question Bank

Answer the following questions in two or three sentences(2 marks)

1.Which are the two ways we can make the world better?
Ans: We can make the world with a song and with a blow in the teeth of wrong.
2.Why should we keep smiling according to the poet?
Ans: The poet gives two reasons to smile.
a) Time is short and we should make it sweet.
b) We should join the old proud pageant of man.
3. Why did God bless us with a laughter?
Ans: God made Heaven and Earth for joy. He filled them with the wine of Mirth. We should drink this wine and
enjoy like the stars.
4. The journey of life should last longer with laughter. How does the poet inspire us for a happy life?
Ans: According to the poet journey of life is endless. We should laugh and be merry till the dancing stops, the
lilt of the music ends and the game of life is played.
5.Why, according to the poet , God has created man?
Ans: god has created man to laugh and be merry. We have to laugh and make others laugh. God made the
earth and sky for us to get inspiration from the green earth and the great stars.
6.till the game is played, till the music ends What these phrases suggest? Whose music and whose
game do they refer to?
Ans: till the game is played, till the music ends these phrases suggest the game and music of God. This
suggests that man must enjoy all that music and dance till the end of his life.
7.In this journey of life we have got to be happy. Which lines of the poem Laugh and Be Merry suggest
Ans: The last two lines of the poem Laugh and Be Merry suggest that in the journey of life we have got to be
Glad till the dancing stops, and the lilt of the music ends
Laugh till the game is played; and be you merry, my friends.

Extracts(3 marks)
Read the extracts and answer the questions that follow:1.better the world with a song better the world with a blow in the teeth of a wrong.
A. Who should better the world?
Ans: All human beings should better the world.
B. Why should we better the world? How?
Ans: we are born on the earth to laugh and be merry. We should make this world with a song and with
a blow in teeth of a wrong.
2.laugh, for the time is brief, a thread the length of a span.



SSLC English Grammar

SSLC Question Bank

Laugh and be proud to belong to the old proud pageant of man

A. Why should we laugh?
Ans: We should laugh because the time is a short span of life.
B. What does pageant symbolize?
Ans: The pageant is a show usually performed outside. It symbolizes the happy and merry moments
of life.
3.He took it in a rhyme, Made them, and filled them with the strong red wine of His mirth
A. who does the he refer to?
Ans: He refers to God.
B. What does them refer to? Why did he made them?
Ans: Them refers to the earth and the heaven. God made them for us to enjoy the wine of his laughter.
4.So we must laugh and drink from the deep blue cup of the sky, Join the jubilant song of the great
stars sweeping by,
A. Who does we refer to?
Ans: We refers to human beings.
B. What should we drink? Which is the cup to drink it?
Ans: We should drink the wine of laughter God made for us. To drink that wine the sky is the huge
cup for every one of us.
5. Glad till the dancing stops, and the lilt of the music ends
Laugh till the game is played; and be you merry, my friends.
A. What does game, music, gamerefer to?
Ans: game, music, game refer to Gods gift to mankind.
B. What does the lines suggest us?
Ans: These lines suggest that in the journey of life one should laugh and be merry till the dance, music and
game of God in our life ends. The lines suggest be happy forever.

Essay type question (4 marks)

Write the summary of the poem Laugh and Be Merry
Ans: The poem Laugh and Be merry is written by John Masefield. In this poem the poet suggests us to laugh
and be merry all the life. We can better the world with a song and with a blow in the teeth of a wrong. We
should laugh because the time is a short span.
The poet reminds us God has made the earth and heaven for us and filled them with the wine of laughter. So
we must drink it and laugh like the great stars and the green earth. The sky is the huge cup for us to drink that
wine. The whole world is a beautiful inn for all of us like brothers to drink and enjoy.
The poet concludes that our life itself is a game, music and dance gifted by God. So we must enjoy those gifts
till the end of our life.


SSLC English Grammar

SSLC Question Bank
Unit-5: Jazz Poem Two
Multiple choice questions

1. The jazz player is a _______________________figure.

A. handsome
B. joyful
C. pathetic
D. great
2. The jazz musician looking like ______________________.
A. bird
B. saxophone C. Coleridge D. ancient mariner
3. The face of the jazz musician is wrinkled because of his____________.
A. profession
B. happiness
C. wearies of living D. old age
4. Which of the following phrases do not match with the appearance of Jazz player?
A. closed eyes B. frayed-collar
C. faded-blue old shirt D. happy laughter
5. The jazz players shoes have in them____________________.
A. socks
B. paper
C. cloth
D. cushion
6. The jazz player claims that he has been sent to earth to preach______________.
C. a gospel of new religion
D. a gospel of sympathy to the poor
7. The jazz player compares himself to a _______________________.
A. bird
B. saxophone C. Coleridge D. ancient mariner
8. There he stands, see? Like a black Ancient mariner-the figure of speech employed here is_____.
A. personification
B. metaphor C. simile D. synecdoche

Answer in a word or phrase or sentence each

1. How is the jazz musician looking like?
Ans: The jazz musician looking like a black ancient Mariner.
2. What is the face of the jazz musician full of?
Ans: The face of the jazz musician is full of wearies of living.
3. How is the stomach of the jazz musician described?
Ans: The stomach of the jazz musician is described as sagging stomach.
4. What can you find in each wrinkle of the jazz musicians face?
Ans: In each wrinkle of the jazz musicians face we can see pain.
5. Which is the musical instrument played by the jazz musician?
Ans: The musical instrument played by the jazz musician is an alto Saxophone.
6. What is the musical instrument played by the jazz musician supported by?
Ans: The musical instrument played by the jazz musician is an alto Saxophone which is supported from his neck
by a wire coat hanger.
7. Why has the jazz player been sent to the earth?
Ans: The jazz player been sent to the earth to preach the gospel of Jazz.
8. What does the jazz player compare himself to?
Ans: The jazz player compares himself to a Bird that flies higher and higher.



SSLC English Grammar

SSLC Question Bank
Answer the following in two or three sentences (2 marks)

1. Describe the pathetic condition of the jazz player when he is not playing the instrument.
Ans: The jazz player is looking like an ancient Mariner in Coleridges poem the rime of the ancient mariner.
His face is black and wrinkled with no interest in life. His face is turned down with closed eyes. He is wearing a
faded-blue shirt with frayed collar. It looks dark due to the sweat. He is wearing a worn out jacket. His shoes are
torn with paper inside them. His face is unshaven and looking painful.
2. How has the jazz player held his instrument?
Ans: The jazz player closed his eyes but ears are perked concentrate upon the bass line for across his chest. His
instrument is supported from his neck by a wire coat hanger. He gently lifts it to the parted lips. He forgets all
his pain and believes he has a message of jazz to keep the people happy. He plays it enthusiastically.
3. Why do you think the jazz player keeps his head down?
Ans: The jazz player keeps his down because he has no enthusiasm in his life as he feels his poor and pathetic
4. How does the jazz player inspires us to life of joy when he plays the instrument?
Ans: The jazz player is in a sad mood when he does not play jazz. But when he plays it ,he gets enthusiasm and
plays screaming notes and claims that he is not a man but happy bird flying higher and higher.

Read the extracts and answer the questions that follow;
1 Now preaching it with words of screaming notes and chords.
A. Who is the preacher here?
Ans The jazz player is the preacher here.
B. What is he preaching it here? What he imagines himself as now?
Ans: The jazz player is preaching the gospel of jazz.
He imagines himself as the bird that flies higher and higher.
2.He is no longer a man, no, not even a Black man
A. Who is the man here?
Ans: The man here is the jazz player.
B. He says he is not a man Then what else is he?
Ans: He says he is not a man, not even a black man like ancient mariner. He imagines like a bird that flies higher
and higher.


SSLC English Grammar

SSLC Question Bank
Poem-6: Ballad of the Tempest
Multiple Choice Questions

1. The sailors were crowded in the _____________________.

A. in the deck B. poop C. cabin

D. quarter deck

2. The fearful thing in winter on the ocean is ___________.

A. the tempest B. rain C. whirling water D. whales
3. The sailors heard the rattling sound of___________.
A. parts of the ship breaking
C. things in the ship

B. the sound of the tempest

D. The breaking sound of the mast

4. The figure of speech employed here is The hungry sea was roaring
A. simile

B. metaphor

C. Personification

D. alliteration

5: The figure of speech employed here is The breakers talked with death
A. simile

B. metaphor

C. Personification

D. alliteration

6. The sailors in darkness amidst the tempest could do nothing except_______________.

A. shouting

B. praying

C. fearing

D. cheering

7.We are lost!Who said this? ____________.

A. The captain of the ship
C. the captains daughter

B. the crewmates
D. the people drowning in the ocean

8.Isnt God upon the ocean just the same as on the land?-Who said this? ____________.
A. The captain of the ship
C. the captains daughter

B. the crewmates
D. the people drowning in the ocean

9. Who inspired the desperate captain in the poem Ballad of the Tempest________________.
A. The captain of the ship
C. the captains daughter

B. the crewmates
D. the people drowning in the ocean

10.The captains crewmates kiss his daughter because ________________.

A. The captains daughter inspired the desperate captain. B. suggested them how to avoid the tempest
C. prayed for them

D. waited till the tempest calmed down

11: The figure of speech employed here is Not a soul would sleep?
A. synecdoche

B. metaphor

C. Personification

D. alliteration

12: The figure of speech employed here is To hear the rattling trumpet thunder
A. synecdoche

B. metaphor

C. Personification

D. alliteration



SSLC English Grammar

SSLC Question Bank

Answer the following in a word or phrase or a sentence each.

1 Mark Each
1. Where were the sailors crowded in?
Ans: The sailors were crowded in the cabin.
2. Which is a fearful thing in winter?
Ans: The tempest (storm) is a fearful thing in winter.
3. What rattling sound did the sailors hear?
Ans: The breaking sound of the mast is the rattling sound the sailors heard.
4. Name the figure of speech The hungry sea was roaring
Ans: Personification
5: Name the figure of speech The breakers talked with death
Ans: Personification
6. What did the sailors do in darkness?
Ans: The sailors prayed in darkness.
7.We are lost!Who said this?
Ans: The captain of the ship in the tempest said this.
8. Who staggered down the stairs?
Ans: The captain of the ship in the tempest staggered down the stairs.
9.Isnt God upon the ocean just the same as on the land?-Who said this?
Ans: The captains daughter said this.
10. Who inspired the desperate captain in the poem Ballad of the Tempest?
Ans: The captains daughter inspired the desperate captain in the poem Ballad of the Tempest.
11. Why did the captains crewmates kiss his daughter?
Ans: The captains daughter inspired the desperate captain. So they kissed her.
12: Name the figure of speech Not a soul would sleep?
Ans: synecdoche
13: Name the figure of speech To hear the rattling trumpet thunder
Ans: alliteration


SSLC English Grammar

SSLC Question Bank

Answer the following in two or three sentences (2 marks)

1. What according to the poet is the fearful thing in winter? How would be the condition in the deep sea
during winter on the sea?
Ans: The tempest is the fearful thing in winter on the sea .In the deep sea there will be a disturbance caused by
the speedy tempests and the storms. The sailors cannot control the ships.
2. Why was the crew crowd in the cabin in the poem Ballad of the Tempest?
Ans: The crew crowded in the cabin in the poem Ballad of the Tempest because there was a heavy and
turbulent storm in the midnight on the sea. They thought it was their end of life.
3. The sailors in the Ballad of the Tempest shuddered in silence. When did they do so?
Ans: The sailors were troubled by the storm at a midnight. They were crowded in the cabin of the ship. Suddenly
they heard the sound of the breaking mast. So they were shuddered in silence.
4. When the captain shouted We are lost! how did his daughter react?
Ans: When the captain shouted We are lost!,his daughter asked him if there is also God on the sea just as on
the land. These words inspired the Captain .They were cheered up and anchored the ship to the harbor.
5. The crewmates kissed the maiden and spoke in better cheers. What made them feel cheerful?
Ans: When the captain shouted We are lost!, his daughter asked him if there is also God on the sea just as on
the land. These words inspired desperate captain. So they kissed her.
6. The captain shouted We are lost. But the ship reached the harbor safely. How did this happen?
Ans: When the captain shouted We are lost!,his daughter asked him if there is also God on the sea just as on
the land. These words inspired the Captain .They were cheered up and anchored the ship to the harbor. This
miracle happened because of the inspiration they got from the little girl. Thus positive thinking can do any

Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow:
1.We were crowded in the cabin,
Not a soul would dare to sleep.
A. Who does we refer to?
Ans: We refers to the sailors in the poem Ballad of the Tempest.
B. Why couldnt they sleep?
Ans: They were troubled by the terrible tempest amid the sea. They were feared very much.



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2.It is a fearful thing in winter to be shattered by the blast.

A. Which is the fearful thing referred here?
Ans: The fearful thing here is the tempest in the sea.
B. Where did the fearful thing appear? What did it shatter?
Ans: The fearful thing appeared in the mid sea. It shattered the mast of the ship.
3.So we shuddered there in silence,For the stoutest held his breath,
A. Who shuddered in silence?
Ans: The in the tempest shuddered in silence.
B. Why were they shuddered in silence? Who does stoutest refer to?
Ans: They were shuddered in silence because they heard the breaking sound of the mast.
The stoutest refers to the bravest of the sailors.
4.We are lost!The captain shouted, as he staggered down the stairs.
A. Who does we refer to?
Ans: We refers to the captain of the ship and his crewmates.
B. Why did he shout so?
Ans: The captain saw his ship mast destroyed by the storm, the sea was roaring as if to swallow them. He
thought there was no hope for their life. So he shouted so.
5.Isnt God upon the ocean, just the same as on the land?
A. who spoke this statement? To whom?
Ans: The captains daughter spoke this statement to her father.
B. When did the speaker said this? What was the effect of the statement?
Ans: The speaker said this when the captain was desperately shouting that they were lost.
This statement inspired the crewmates and they anchored the ship to the harbor safely.


SSLC English Grammar

SSLC Question Bank
Poem-7: The Blind Boy
Multiple Choice Questions
Answer the following choosing the correct option

1. The voice of the poem The Blind Boy is _________________.

A. the poet himself

B. a blind boy

C. story teller

D. doctor

2. A thing not enjoyed by the blind boy is ____________________.

A. gifts of sun B. gifts of nature

C. gifts of sight D. day and night

3. The person addressed as you in the poem The Blind Boy is ___________________.
A. the poet

B. social worker

C. the eye specialist

D. the people with sight

4. The which is not seen by the blind boy but felt by him is _______________.
A. the earth B. the sun C. the moon

D. his body

5. The blind boy feels the sun by ___________________________.

A. touch

B. day

C. night

D. warmth

6. The riddle to the blind boy is__________________________.

A. the secret of day and night
C. the secret of nature

B. the secret of sight

D. the secret of the world

7. The blind boy can hear his hapless sorrow from ______________________.
A. his sigh

B. others sigh

C. joy of others

D. sigh of the other blinds

8. The blind boy cheers his mind by a_______________________.

A. nature

B. birds song

C. his song

D. voice

9. The tone of the blind boy in the poem The Blind Boy is ___________________.
A. surprise

B. curiosity

C. sadness

D. jealosy.

Answer the following in a word or phrase or a sentence each.

1 Mark Each
1. Who is the voice of the poem The Blind Boy?
Ans: The voice of the poem The Blind Boy is a blind boy.

2. What is a thing never enjoyed by the blind boy?

Ans: A thing not enjoyed by the blind boy is light and the blessings of the sight.

3. Who do you think is the person addressed as you in the poem The Blind Boy?
Ans: The person addressed as you in the poem The Blind Boy is any person with sight.

4. Which is not seen by the blind boy but felt by him?



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Ans: The sun is not seen by the blind boy but felt by him.

5. How does the blind boy feel the sun?

Ans: The blind boy feels the sun by warmth.

6. What a normal person can easily understand is almost a riddle to the blind boy. What is it?
Ans: Whether it is day or night is a thing that a normal person can easily understand is almost a riddle to the
blind boy.

7. What can the blind boy hear from the heavy sighs of the mourning people?
Ans: The blind boy can hear his hapless sorrow from the heavy sighs of the mourning people.

8. What does cheer the mind of the blind boy?

Ans: The song that he is the king cheers the mind of the blind boy.

Answer the following in two or three sentences (2 marks)

1. Why does the blind boy feel poor?
Ans: The blind boy feels poor because he cannot enjoy the light and the blessings of the sight.

2. How does the blind boy understand whether it is day or night?

Ans: The blind boy cannot see the sun but he can feel the warmth. When the sun is bright he feels it is the day,
or else it is the night.

3. How does a blind boy pacify himself? Quote the lines that suggest this.
Ans: When the blind boy hears the sigh of sympathy from others ,he feels sorry for his unlucky state. But he
pacifies himself that he can never get what he lost and satisfies with what he has .He sings that he is a king to

4. Who is sympathizing him? How can he bear his sorrow?

Ans: The people with sight are sympathizing him. But the blind boy never feels sorry for it .Because he can never
get his sight back.

5. How does the blind boy cheer his mind?

Ans: The blind boy never feels sorry for what he cannot regain. So he sings a song for him as the king.


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SSLC Question Bank

Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow:
1.And could I ever keep awake with me there always day.
A. Who is the I here?
Ans: The blind boy is the I here.

B. Why does say that he were awake all the day?

Ans: The blind boy says that if he were awake all the day because he can never feel the difference between day
and night.

2.But sure with patience I can bear

A loss I neer can know
A. What is the loss referred here? Who is the looser?
Ans: The loss of sight by the blind boy is the loss referred here. The blind boy is the looser.

B. Why cannot he regain that loss?

Ans: Because he knows that he cannot regain his sight.

3.Then let me not what I cannot have my cheer of mind destroy

A. Who is the speaker?
Ans: The blind boy is the speaker here.

B. What is that he cannot have? What is the cheer of his mind?

Ans: He cannot have his sight back. Singing is his cheer of mind.

4. O say what is that thing calld light

which I must neer enjoy.
A. What is that the speaker cannot enjoy?
Ans: The speaker the blind boy cannot enjoy light.

B. Why is he speaking so?

Ans; Because he has lost eye sight .so he can not enjoy the blessings of sight.



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SSLC Question Bank
Poem-8: Off To Outer Space Tomorrow Morning
Multiple Choice Questions

1. The calendar or clocks are not necessary in the space because_____________________.

A. In each rotation of the space craft there will be a day and night.
B. The calendar or clock do not work in the space
C. The calendar or clocks are not important in the space
D. The calendar or clock are not allowed in the space
2. The astronaut thinks that is imprisoned in the capsule door of the space craft because__________.
A. There are no calendars or clock.
C. There are no plants or animals .

B. There are no friends or visitors.


There is no telephone book.

3. The tea cups rotate around the astronaut like the planets around the Sun because__________.
A. they lose centre of gravity

B. they lose weight

C. they behave so in space

D. they are like planets to the astronauts

4. In solitary confinement as complete as any goal. . the figure of speech employed here is
A. metaphor B. Simile

C. personification

D. alliteration

5.With the tea cups circling round me like the planets round the sun. . the figure of speech employed
here is
A. metaphor B. Simile

C. personification

D. alliteration

6. The astronauts sleep when _____________________________.

A. they feel happy B. they feel moody

C. they feel sleepy

D. they feel dizzy

7. With what feelings is the astronaut flying out of the earth?___________________.

A. despair
C. apprehension

B. lack of confidence
D. doubt about his return to the earth

8. The expression winter under lock, means, that in space,

A. there is no change of weather
C. weather is chilly always

B. seasons change frequently

D. weather is very hot always

9. The speaker in the poem off To Outer Space Tomorrow Morning says But you neednt think Ill give
a damn for you.This is the same as
A.I dont think I will have time to think about you.
B.I dont think I will have no time to think about you.
C.I dont like to talk to you from space
D. I cannot use telephone to talk to you


SSLC English Grammar

SSLC Question Bank

Answer the following in a word or phrase or a sentence each:

1. Why are the calendars and the clocks are useless in space ?
Ans: Because the space craft rotates around the earth. In each rotation there will be a day and night.

2. Where is the astronaut imprisoned?

Ans: The astronaut is imprisoned in the capsule door of the space craft.

3. How do the tea cups rotate around the astronaut?

Ans: The tea cups rotate around the astronaut like the planets around the Sun.

4. Why do the tea cups circle round the astronaut like the planets round the Sun?
Ans: Because the objects lose their weight due to loss the centre of gravity.

5. What do you mean by trans-galastic?

Ans: Trans-galastic means across the galaxies.

6. Name the figure of speech In solitary confinement as complete as any goal.

Ans: Simile

7. Name the figure of speech With the tea cups circling round me like the planets round the
Ans: Simile

8. When do the astronauts sleep?

Ans: The astronauts sleep when they feel sleepy.

9. When will it be a day in space?

Ans: There will be day when the space is switched on.

10. Why does the astronaut ask to cross out his name from the telephone book?
Ans: Because no one can talk to an astronaut by telephone.

11. Why does the Astronaut feel that he is solitary?

Ans: Because there will be no friends or visitors.

Answer the following in two or three sentences (2 marks)

1. State reason for the poet say calendars and clocks are useless space.
Ans: Because the space craft rotates around the earth. In each rotation there will be a day and night.
So the poet say calendars and clocks are useless space.

2. Why does the poet in the poem off To Outer Space Tomorrow Morning feels that he is
imprisoned. What might have been the reason for him to have such a feeling?
Ans: In space the astronaut will have no letters, no mail, no friends, or nobody to visit to share happy moments.
He is just confined to a solitary confinement as in jail in the capsule door of the spacecraft.



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SSLC Question Bank

3. The speaker in the poem off To Outer Space Tomorrow Morning says, Tea cups circling
round me like the planets round the sun. Why does it happen only in space and not on the
Ans: On the earth, each object is bound to earth surface by the attraction of the earth called gravity. They rest or
move keeping balance on the centre of Gravity. But in space the objects lose weight and the gravitational power
of the earth which then move freely around some object of more weight. So the Tea cups circling round me like
the planets round the sun.

4. What does the astronaut deprive off in the space?

Ans: The astronaut is deprived of many things in space. There will be no calendars or clock. There will be no
bond of friendship or relation. They are just confined to the capsule door of the space sealed.

Extracts (3 marks)
Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow:
1You can cross out my name from the telephone book
A. Who is the speaker?
Ans: The astronaut is the speaker.

B. Where is he going to? Why does he want to cross out his name?
Ans: He is going into the space next morning. There will be no communication by phone. So he wants to
cross out his name from the phone book.

2.Threr wont be any calendar, there wont be any clock; light will be on the switch
and winter under lock.
A. Why are the calendars, useless in the outer space?
Ans: Because the space craft rotates around the earth. In each rotation there will be a day and night. So
the poet say calendars and clocks are useless space.

B. winter under lock what does it mean?

Ans: The expression winter under lock, means, that in space, there is no change of weather .

3.Ill doze when Im sleepy and wake without a knock

A. Who will doze ?
Ans: The astronaut will doze.

2.Where is he sleeping? Why does he do so ?

Ans: He is sleeping in the space craft. Because in space here will be no days and nights as on the earth.

4.In solitary confinement as complete as any goal


SSLC English Grammar

SSLC Question Bank

A. Who would feel solitary ?

Ans: The astronaut would feel solitary.

B. where does he feel solitary? Why?

Ans: In space the astronaut will have no letters, no mail, no friends, or nobody to visit to share happy
moments. He is just confined to a solitary confinement as in jail in the capsule door of the spacecraft

5.With the tea cups circling round me like the planets round the Sun, Ill be centre of my
gravity, a universe of one.
A. Where does this happen?
Ans: This happens in space.

B. Who experienced it? Why is it so?

Ans: The astronaut experienced this. Because the things come out from earths gravitational power.

6.But you neednt think Ill give you a damn for you or what you are
A. Who does I and you referred here?
Ans: You refers to the astronauts friends or relatives. I refers to the astronaut .

B. What does the phrase Ill give you a damn for you mean? Why does he say so?
Ans: The speaker in the poem off To Outer Space Tomorrow Morning says Ill give a damn for you.This
means that the astronaut requests his well wishers not think that he will have no time to think about you.
Because there would be no telephone contacts.

7.Then you and every soul on earth can go and blow your top
A. Who is the speaker?
Ans: The astronaut is the speaker

B. Where is the speaker going to? Why does he say every soul blow their top?
Ans: The speaker is going to space. because it takes twenty hundred light years for the rockets for
travelling across the galaxy. By that time everyone would explode in anger.



SSLC English Grammar

SSLC Question Bank

Supplementary Reader-1: Narayanpur Incident

Answer the following in two or three sentences
1. Why had the students been marching? How was it an unusual march?
Ans: The students had been marching to protest against the British to quit India.
It was an unusual march because the protest went silently without slogans, without shouts.

2. Babu and Manju were a bit disappointed with the way students were marching. What was
the reason?
Ans: Babu and Manju were a bit disappointed with the way students were marching. Because the students
protested silently. They just handed The DSP, a piece of paper and turned their backs. one of them shouted
Mahatma Gandhiji ki Jai. The others shouted back loudly.

3. What had the police expected about the way of protest?

Ans: The police expected that the students protest against the British violently. So the policemen appeared all
along the road. Some of them walked in front of the students, some by their sides. but it was a
Non-violent protest.

4. What was there in the misterious parcel? What suspicion did the police have about that?
Ans: There was a cyclostyling Machine in the mysterious parcel. the police suspected that Mohan had been
making copies of Mahatma Gandhijis speech and some people were hiding secretly to work against the British.

5.Why had Patil, the sub-inspector come there? Who believed him? What was the result?
Ans: Patil, the sub-inspector had come there to inform Mohan that there was a search that night their home. It
was to search the cyclostyling machine which they used to make copies of Gandhijis speech.
Mohans mother believed them. She took the machine and handed over to the sub-inspector.


SSLC English Grammar

SSLC Question Bank

Supplementary Reader-2: On Top of the World

Answer the following in two or three sentences
1. What were the hardships faced by Dicky Dolma before she was ready for mountaineering? What was
its impact on her?
Ans: Dicky Dolma lost her mother when she was just 11.She also lost her brother. These experiences had a
profound impact on her life.
2. What was Dicky Dolma fascinated by since her childhood? Why?
Ans: Dicky Dolma fascinated by the grandeur of the snow-clad peaks of the Himalayas since her childhood. Her
native place Palchan was surrounded by mountain peaks. And she was also interested in skiing.
3. How did Dicky Dolma prepare herself for her venture?
Ans: Dicky Dolma prepared herself for the venture of scaling The Mt. Everest by joining the newly-opened
mountaineering institute in Manali. She took up the basic training at the institute and worked with dedication
and determination. She got A grades and was selected by the All-India expedition to Mount Everest.
4. What was the dream of Dicky Dolma? When did her dream come true? What was her achievement?
Ans: The dream of Dicky Dolma was to scale the snow-covered Himalayas. Her dream came true when her name
was cleared by An all-India expedition to Mount Everest. She climbed the Mt. Everest on 10
May, 1993 and became the youngest woman in the world to have the achievement of scaling the worlds
highest peak.
5. How did Dicky Dolma feel when she climbed the Mt. Everest?
Ans: Dicky Dolma could not describe the sight of Mt. Everest. She had never imagined the beauty of Mt.
Everest. She felt that all the state awards and national awards are nothing when compared to the experiences of
seeing the sight of Mt. Everest.
6. How could Dicky Dolma achieve the great feat even with her hardships?
Ans: Dicky Dolma never felt mountaineering a tough sport. She had zeal for work. She was determined and
sincere in bearing the responsibilities. She knew that success follows the hard work and dedication from her
earlier hardships of life.
7. How did Dicky Dolma came over her problems?
Ans: When she was getting ready for Mountaineering of Mt. Everest, her father was bedridden and a lot of
money was needed for his treatment. So the family had very little to offer her. But her determination never
allowed her to leave the sport.
8. Mention the hobbies of Dicky Dolma.
Ans: Besides mountaineering Dicky Dolma love to listen to music, especially old Hindi film songs. She is teaching
mountaineering at the Mountaineering Institute at Manali.



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SSLC Question Bank

Supplementary Reader-3
A Great Martyr Ever Cherished
1. The writer speaks of the smile that welcomes anyone who enters Hanifs house. What more
do we know about this smile?
Ans: The smile of Hanifuddin just from the photograph frame welcomes anyone who enters Hanifs house. This
smile gives the memory of a twenty-five year old martyr lieutenant Hanifuddin.

2. What did Hani choose as his mission? Why did he do so?

Ans: Hanifuddin chose to join the army. Because he knew that life was short for him and to serve India In army
was his mission.

3. Life for Hani in the beginning was never a smooth sail. Why was it so?
Ans: Because Hani lost his father when he was just eight. His mother Hema Aziz was left to take care of three
young boys. But she had to leave the children alone and travel with the performance team of the Information
and Broadcasting Ministry.

4. The absence of mother from home taught the children something. What was that?
Ans: The absence of mother from home taught the children something that made the children to become very
responsible, getting up and getting ready for school without having to tell them. It gave the children a message
that ones duty is the most important thing in life.

5. How does the writer describe the introvertHanif?

Ans: An introvert Hani began to make friends only by the time he was 14 years of age. He would often go out
of his way to help people because that gave him a certain kind of joy.

6. Hani was a young man with varied talents and interest. Illustrate this statement from
Ans: Hani was dabbled in art, sketched very well, made beautiful cards out of waste material, read a great deal
and loved playing the drums. That is why the officers at Raj Rifs made him get all his instruments from Delhi and
form the music groupHanif 7.


SSLC English Grammar

SSLC Question Bank

Supplementary Reader-4
Dr. B.R.Ambedkar
1. Ambedkar had a great thirst for books when he was a student. Explain.
Ans: Dr. B.R.Ambedkar was a voracious reader throughout his life. He had an insatiable thirst for books. He
bought books by curtailing his daily needs. In New York he purchased about 2,000 books. At the time of the
Second Round Table Conference in London, He bought and sent 32 boxes of books.

2. How did the fourteenth amendment to the U.S constitution and Mahatma Phule influence
on Ambedkar?
Ans: The fourteenth amendment to the U.S constitution gave freedom to the Black Americans. He saw at once
the parallel of the situation for the depressed Classes in India.
Mahatma Phule, the votary of a classless society and womens uplift influenced on Ambedkar to devote all his
time and talents for the amelioration of his underprivileged brothers.

3. There were great luminaries on the Drafting committee. Dr. Ambedkar is remembered as
the pilot. Give reasons.
Ans: As the Chairman of the Drafting committee, Dr. B.R.Ambedkar anticipated every conceivable requirement of
the new polity. Drawing from the examples and experience of other nations and the distinctive needs of our
own society, he raised brick by brick , the magnificent edifice , the Fundamental Rights in the constitution of
India. Dr. B.R.Ambedkar with a combination of tact and fancifulness, and patience, explained the meaning of
scope of the provisions of the Draft Constitution to the Assembly.

4. Write a short note on Dr.B.R.Ambedkars perception /idea of the three pillars of state.
Ans: Dr. B.R.Ambedkar had a clear perception of the mutuality of the three pillars of the State-the legislative, the
executive and the judiciary. He realized that the jurisdiction of each should be clear and untrammeled.

5. What are the significant observations of Dr. B.R.Ambedkar on the constitution?

Ans: The constitution is a fundamental document. It is a document which defines the position and power of the
three organs of the state- the legislative, the executive and the judiciary. It also describes the powers of the
executive and the powers of legislature as against the citizens as well as the fundamental rights.

6. Nehru chose Dr. B.R.Ambedkar as the law minister .What might have prompted Nehru to do



SSLC English Grammar

SSLC Question Bank

Ans: Jawaharlal Nehru chose Dr. Ambedkar to be the first Law minister of Independent India. This was a
recognition of Dr.Ambedkars skills in the field of law and legislation as also a tribute to his vision of social

7.What made Dr. B.R.Ambedkar describe the methods of civil Disobedience, on-cooperation
and Satyagraha as the Grammar of anarchy?
Ans: Babasaheb Ambedkar always stressed the importance of constitutional methods to achieve social
objectives. So he described the methods of civil Disobedience, on-cooperation and Satyagraha as the Grammar
of anarchy. These methods of rebellion does not suit in a democracy based free and fair elections. They may
result in loss of public property and lives.

8.How did Dr. B.R.Ambedkar and Mahatma Gandhi try to wipe out caste discrimination from
Ans: Both Mahatma Gandhi and Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar tried to repudiate caste and proclaim the oneness of
the Hindu community. Gandhiji did this by reminding the higher castes of their duty towards the depressed
Classes. Babasaheb Ambedkar did the same by reminding them of their inherent rights to equality with the
higher and more powerful castes. Gandhiji stressed the duties, Ambedkar stressed the rights together.


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