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Have you ever wondered why people born under the same zodiac sign are so different in their nature? We know that all people with their sun in Aries are not the
same. It takes the whole birth chart to determine the nature of an individual. The ancient astrologers knew this and divided each zodiac sign; modern astrology has
taken the divisions further. We divide the signs by their elements, qualities and by the positive (masculine) and negative (feminine) expression. There is another
method used to divide the signs and determine rulership, by using the Triplicities. This division is called the decanates.
Is it necessary to know the decanates? Sometimes. Sometimes it completes the story, other times it helps to pinpoint the nature of activity going on in the subjects
life. The decans and rulers are worth investigation and have proven effective in predictive astrology, especially in the progressed horoscope. The ruler of the decan of
the rising sign in the progressed chart has a great deal of influence over the whole life, for the time in question, particularly if there are any aspects made by that ruler,
or if the planet is strong in the natal chart. The influence of the decan is often similar to the conjunction.
Each zodiac sign governs 30 degrees of the natal chart. Twelve zodiac signs at 30 degrees each constitute the complete natal chart encompassing 360 degrees.

The Decans or Decanates:

Each sign is divided into three divisions of 10 degrees, each sign has 3 decans, one for each division of 10 degrees. Each decan has a ruler which becomes the sub
ruler of the sign or the co-ruler of that sign. Once you are familiar with the Triplicities (fire, earth, air, water), it will be easier for you to determine the sub-rulers of each
Each decan of a sign will be in the same triplicity (fire, earth, air, water) as the sign itself. They are arranged in the same order as they appear in the zodiac. The first
decan of Aries is Aries, ruled by Mars. The second decan is Leo, ruled by the Sun, the next fire sign in the zodiac. So the second decan of Aries is ruled by the Sun.
The third decan of Aries would be the next fire sign after Leo, which is Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter. Each decan is of the same Triplicity - the fire element. The first
decan of Taurus is Taurus, ruled by Venus. The second decan of Taurus is Virgo, ruled by Mercury. The third decan of Taurus is Capricorn, ruled by Saturn. Each
decan is of the same Triplicity - the earth element.

Zodiac Sign
Aries Fire
Ruler of first decan.............0 - 10 - Mars
Ruler of second decan......10 - 20 - Sun
Ruler of third decan...........20 - 30 - Jupiter

Taurus Earth
Ruler of first decan.............0 - 10 - Venus
Ruler of second decan......10 - 20 - Mercury
Ruler of third decan...........20 - 30 - Saturn

Gemini Air
Ruler of first decan.............0 - 10 - Mercury
Ruler of second decan......10 - 20 - Venus
Ruler of third decan...........20 - 30 - Uranus

Cancer Water
Ruler of first decan.............0 - 10 - Moon
Ruler of second decan......10 - 20 - Pluto
Ruler of third decan...........20 - 30 - Neptune

Leo Fire
Ruler of first decan.............0 - 10 - Sun
Ruler of second decan......10 - 20 - Jupiter
Ruler of third decan...........20 - 30 - Mars

Virgo Earth
Ruler of first decan.............0 - 10 - Mercury
Ruler of second decan......10 - 20 - Saturn
Ruler of third decan...........20 - 30 - Venus

Libra Air
Ruler of first decan.............0 - 10 - Venus
Ruler of second decan......10 - 20 - Uranus
Ruler of third decan...........20 - 30 - Mercury

Scorpio Water
Ruler of first decan.............0 - 10 - Pluto
Ruler of second decan......10 - 20 - Neptune
Ruler of third decan...........20 - 30 - Moon

Sagittarius Fire

Ruler of first decan.............0 - 10 - Jupiter

Ruler of second decan......10 - 20 - Mars
Ruler of third decan...........20 - 30 - Sun

Capricorn Earth
Ruler of first decan.............0 - 10 - Saturn
Ruler of second decan......10 - 20 - Venus
Ruler of third decan...........20 - 30 - Mercury

Aquarius Air
Ruler of first decan.............0 - 10 - Uranus
Ruler of second decan......10 - 20 - Mercury
Ruler of third decan...........20 - 30 - Venus

Pisces Water
Ruler of first decan.............0 - 10 - Neptune
Ruler of second decan......10 - 20 - Moon
Ruler of third decan...........20 - 30 - Pluto
Example: Your progressed ascendant 15 Virgo, the decan of 15 Virgo is Saturn. If I were to cast your chart, I would see that Mercury rules your chart and Saturn is
co-ruler. Therefore, Mercury has rulership over your chart and the decan shows that there are Saturn influences in your personal circumstances. There may be more
attention to duty and details under Saturns influence. You may be more ambitious and work hard for recognition or reward. There will be more patience and
perseverance now. What you do achieve now will come through your hard work and efforts. Your success and its timing also depends on other influences in your
chart and the aspects made to your Ascendant, its ruler Mercury, co-ruler Saturn, and your Midheaven (career).


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