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OI{E: Mrl

Choice (5 qurestions X

Foimt mr*m= S p**tu

NoTE: circle

the letter for only one best answer to each question. you
do not need to replicate
your answer in the answer book _ I will mark
off this page.

1'1 Many people look around Canada and think Saskatchelvan

will be a good place to do
business in the future because of natural resources
which will be in olmani (potash,
uranium, oil). What environment does this describe?





1.2 What does GDp stand for?

fi' Gtots Domestic Product (a key indicatot of economy for environmental sca*)
b' Geography, Derrographics and Politics (platforins
c' Geuder, Der-nographics aird Politics (key issues for fo1-enviropnental
environurental scan)
d. None of the above^
1.3 Saskatclte\r,an's Busiuess E,nvironment:
a' A blend of competitois, custot-iters, st-tppliers. ne\v enti'ants. anci substitute pr-oclucis.
G'' L'addition to traditionalroles. govemmeirts also orvn airc operate mani,busi'resses.
c. Econorny is in recession with rna,y peopre rerocatirs elsewhere.
d' Ecouomy is Iargely driven by elecironici nanufactur:ipg ar-rd rvinter tourism.
1.4 When open competition is allowed amoilg companies:
a. Market Failure
b. Demand Curve
(C) Free Market
d. Market Equilibrium Supply and Demand
1.5 what are you most rooking forward to in this BUS
i 00 course?
a. I look forward to every crass because it is so fun and exciting!
b' I look forward to student presentations because we can le arn so much fi om each
c. I look forward to the exams. Exams are my favourite thing in university!
d. Most definitely all of the above.
This question was put here to put a smile on your face and
3, l,:,T::is_answer.
rnaybe help
you relax' uhoose e and i lvill mark it correct.
Good luck on the rest of the exam.

paqe 2

2.1 List and describe the tl,pical rores of government in the economy.
2.2 We have an opportunity to do simuiated investing on Market Watch. (you don,t have to
have signed up to answer this): What is the typical mix of public corporations and private
cotporations traded on stock exchanges? ln your answer eiplain what eaci"r is.

2.3 What is an e-scan as discussed in class? Where do rve go looking for an e-scan?
2.4 vlhy do we do segi,e*tatio,? Describe 3 ways it can be do,e.



Describe the components of the marketin-e mix you rnight use

in Mafiensville, Sk.

if setting up a new coffee shop

2'6 What are PIGS as discussed in class? Why is it importani to r-inclerstand


2-7 Lisi


ar-rd describe 3 countries which are the original liomes of str-rdents rir our class.
strong are their economies compareci to othersi Hou, do \\/e rileasuie strength of a1


2.8 What

is the term to describe a feeiiiig oiarixiet,v felt bl,scire people rvho ila-ke a
purchase - such as a car? What do bi.rsinesses do about ii?

2.9 Describe 3 r'vays businesses compete


as discussed iu class. What u,oulcl ),ou recon-pilepd

a ner,v coffee shop opening up across the street lrorn Tirn Floilons.

SEctroN ffinnp,p: pSSey eUnsUXOruS so



3'1 Who was our guest speaker from the UofR Librari,? Describe in detaii five of the major
components of her presentation, and discuss how you rviil make use of the infonnation iniour
course work. 10 Points
3.2 Major Essay Question - 20 Foints
Who was our guest speaker at the beginning of tire term? Describe in detail what he discusseci in
class. wirat did you find most valuable in his presentation, and why?


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