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V O LU M E 1, I S S U E 1

J ANUARY 6, 20 10

News, Notes, and More!



Album Release Show 1
Davar And Beyond 2
It is hard to believe that
Tour Schedule 2
the holiday season has
come and gone! We Personal Profile 3
hope everyone had an Current Events 3
amazing time with Harry’s Anecdote 4
friends and family. Even
though presents and com- Picture of the month 4
mercialism aren’t the true Classifieds 4
reason for the season,
The Shrill hopes every-
one got what they
wanted. About 15 years
ago, when audio tapes
were well on there way
out, my brother got
Bush’s second album
“Razor Blade Suitcase” SP E CIA L PO IN T S O F
on tape for Christmas. I
about pissed my pants I • Harry buys a new
laughed so hard! A terri- Vocals are going amaz- fire to The Sunset Strip
Fender Jazz bass!
ble album and even a ingly well. Just two more on Saturday nights at The
worse medium. songs to lay down and Cat Club. Please contact • Brandon is The Grinch
then it’s on to the mixing us if you want to be put for Christmas parties.
Great news on the re- and mastering process. on the list. (Pg. 4)
cording front! The Continue to enjoy our • Seth crashes car in late
Members of The Shrill
Shrill’s debut album is first official Shrill News- night porn craze.
are going to continue to
almost complete. All rock with the Lonely letter and have a blessed
drums, bass, and guitar • Dustin Boeh of Bolt
Drunks Club Band in new year. Go New Action Thrill changes
parts are tracked. 2010. The “Drunks” set Year’s resolutions! spelling of last name to

• Zak copyrights his

( Continued on page 3 ) • Madonna is taken to
court for trying to steal
With the new year in full Club, The Roxy and The DJ Justin Geraci will host Shrill recordings.
swing, The Shrill are Troubadour. The Shrill our after-show party.
busy setting up the album hope to have Oh No Not Amazing presale pack- • Denver Mint named
release show of all album Stereo open the show. ages are available online most popular by AP
release shows in Los An- Following The Shrill’s for admission to the news source.
geles. amazing performance show, albums, swag and
Some of the probable (That’s a Shrill guarantee more!
venues include The Key people!), our very own (packages on Pg. 3)
P AG E 2 V O LU M E 1, I S S U E 1


for us all. We decided to make the al- Without giving too much away, the
bum really mean something not only to concept consists of five different true
us, but to everyone who hears it. It is stories/lives of people or situations that
our first full-length album as The Shrill have been affected by the recent reces-
and the number one goal during the sion. The album consists of ten songs
whole process was “No Boundaries.” which feature each story and how they
We are going for a simple yet extremely all affect each other and cross paths by
aggressive approach to the songwriting the end of the album. Issues such as
and production of this album. We col- materialism, adultery, unemployment,
lectively thought about creating a con- love, and murder are just a few of the
cept album. Being highly influenced by main themes of the album. The interest-
film and acting, we felt it was more ing part of the process has been to con-
natural to create an album that has more nect each song/story with money or lack
depth to it than just ten “singles”. All thereof. The writing process has been
and all, the goal and hope has been to very collective and open between the
make something that will touch listeners band and Tom in the hopes of making
The Shrill has been in the studio in multiple ways. the best album possible.
now since early August 2009. We have Being affected by the economy and I hope you all enjoy the album as much
been working with the very talented unemployment rates over the past year, as we do and continue to experience
producer/songwriter/musician, Tom I felt it was extremely natural to tie this more joy with every listen!
Chandler. This Debut album for The issue into the concept of the album.
Shrill has been an amazing experience

Every Saturday The Cat Club w/ 12:00am-1:30am
The Lonely Drunks

March 13, 2010 The Key Club

8:30 pm
June 13, 2010 Music Therapy Rocks
Benefit @ USC 9:00pm


He is a man of few words, but many men “Bolt Action Thrill.” Tom also DJ for events all over the L.A. basin.
empty booze containers. A man of moonlights as a party coordinator and A man of many instruments, Tom sings,
metal and mayhem. Tom Chandler is plays guitar, bass and a whole lot more.
one of the greatest people The Shrill has Previous albums with Tom at the helm
had the opportunity to work with. include “Raven’s Parade”, “Gun Metal
Groove” and our favorite Sunset Strip
Hailing from the little city of Montrose, boys, “Cast of Kings.”
CA, this 30 something man has a lot to
offer. His 6 foot 2 build and wonderful Not only does Tom act as a producer,
aroma makes one wonder, can the world but he also engineers, performs and
be conquered by a white boy from mixes most of the music that comes
Utah? from his small, yet sophisticated studio.

In the music world, the answer is yes. With only a few breaks to let Sheila
Tom is currently putting finishing Bean out to pee and to run to get some
touches on the new Shrill album and is Subway, Tom is a hard working force.
also starting pre-production with two Supported by his beautiful, yet mysteri-
other “up and coming” bands - Dia- ous woman of the Orient, Tom will be
mond Lane and those southern gentle-
on success’ ass for years to come.

Pop Culture News: Pride, Tiger’s Splinter

It may be a disservice to add to the me- more than sacrificing our pop idols, we
dia avalanche that has buried Tiger love to forgive them. Where would
Woods in the last 2 months. But unless “The US is a very forgiving anybody be without a good dose of
Tiger becomes a fan of The Shrill in forgiveness? No sooner is forgiveness
place. Just look at Marv
January, he will probably never bother asked for in the public sphere, then the
to read this opinion piece. But a part of Albert!” Ric Castro winds of change (Scorpions!) turn peo-
me wishes he would, because I think ple’s attention elsewhere. If Tiger
Tiger is in dire need of some advice. would have initially admitted to screw-
Our media based society and desire for fore. We love to build people up in the ing up, two years later, everyone would
instant gratification has placed more public eye, only to burn them at the have said, “Tiger, he’s not such a bad
emphasis on shock value then ever be- stake when they screw up and show that guy. Who wouldn’t give into that temp-
they are “human”. However, perhaps tation?”

CD RELEASE SHOW ( Continued from page 1)

A, B, C, D and F. 3 shout outs at the $500.00 Ticket:
Ticket Packages: next show. PLUS A Shrill band member A, B, C, D, G, and H. The Shrill will
$10.00 Ticket: will vacuum your apartment OR you clean your car and your entire house or
A. Show admission B. Free CD C. Ad- can watch a movie of your choice with apartment in nothing more than their
mittance to Key Club after-party. Zak and Harry OR a Shrill member of
your choice will take your dog on a
$20.00 Ticket: walk.
A, B, C, and D. a free Shrill T-Shirt. $100.00 Ticket:
$35.00 Ticket: A, B, C, D, F and G. 30 minute music
A, B, C, D and E. a 5 minute back rub lesson with a Shrill member of your
by a Shrill member of your choice after choice PLUS a 30 minute workout with
the show and a 5 minute Shrill The Shrill OR you choose how we
“affirmation circle”. spend $25.00 of our own money at a
$50.00 Ticket: grocery store OR The Shrill will cook
you dinner.
The Shrill Band THE OSTREM ANECDOTE: Album Names

CONTACT: HARRY @ Some album names have become synonymous with greatness: “Abbey Road”, “Who’s
Next”, “Rumors”, “Nevermind” and “Okay Computer” just to name a few. Ultimately,
(626) 993-4740 the job of a great album name is to capture the vibe of a band and the essence of the
songs themselves. In a sense, an album’s name should be a composite of all the band’s
great qualities that exist within that time and place.
Classifieds All of this philosophical meandering set aside, there are some great album names that
will never be used because they would discredit the band in the eyes and ears of the
• Merch. Girl: The listener before a single note would be heard. My friend Dan and I were laughing hys-
Shrill are looking for two highly terically over New Years when we started coming up with joke album names. We or-
attractive, semi-responsible women to
sell the hottest fashions on the Sunset dered some prawns sautéed in a cumin Cajun sauce and thought a great album name
strip. Compensation includes a picture would be “Cumin in Your Face”. On the cover, the lead singer would be in the back-
of Zak, letter of reference from Harry, ground, shaking cumin flakes towards the camera. During the Rose Bowl, Oregon got a
invaluable work experience, and penalty in which Brent Musberger said, “The Ducks are going to have to start deep in
“precious valuables donated from
some of the richest families in all of their end zone.” Great album name, “Deep in Your End Zone”. So many connotations.
Germany.” Needless to say, neither of these names will be used for The Shrill’s debut album.

• Roadie: The Shrill are Two songs off of the new album will be available for free download within the month
looking for four unattractive, extremely on both our web and MySpace page. If you are inspired by our music, please feel free
responsible men to help set up gear for to send us your album name suggestion. I cannot guarantee we will use it, but it will be
album release show in March.
Compensation includes a lock of Zak’s
given its due attention.
hair, letter of reference from Harry, and
invaluable work experience.

• Cook: Brandon is looking for

Picture of the Month
foreign chef to prepare all meals.
Compensation includes but not limited
to foot massage, lessons in social grace,
and juggling.

We’re on the

Holiver Productions

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