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iM I a.

"By faith they sojourned in the land....

looking forward to a city which has foundations,
whose builder and maker Is God."
HEB. 11:8-10


through June,

Dear Wonderful


and Supporters,

We are now in the process of going back to Laos!

think about i t and dare to do it was your faithfulness
Thank you!
Even when we had given up on ourselves you
prayed, wrote, and gave.
You were faithful to God and
bring us through a difficult time.

of ability to even
to us.
Praise God!
did not.
this has helped

In January I started having a strong urge to go back to Laos.

We thought
we should seek the advice of the elders of College Heights Christian
Church, a local church of which we have been members, and which has
supported us for years.
We met with them and they were glad to take on
this responsibility and challenge.
They suggested that we meet with Rick
Bayless, a counselor on the church staff.
We worked on some issues which
had caused stress or which had not equipped us to deal with stress as a
Christian should.
I am 50 years old and have been a Christian most of that








After this process we met with the mission elders last Wednesday night. May
31, and they encouraged us to go on with preparations to return to Laos.
The entire eldership will be meeting with us on Saturday, June 10th, and
will be setting up a contract of accountability for them and us. This has
been such a wonderful experience and we wish it had happened years ago.
The elders, then, will be sending a letter of confirmation to our
supporters soon after this, and anyone else who would like to receive i t .
If you so desire please write to Rick Bayless, ^College Heights Christian
Church, Rt. 7, Box 947, Joplin, MO 64801, or call 417-624-6915.

In anticipation of this confirmation, I resigned from my job at Wilhite

Sign Company last week with regrets on both sides, I think.
My boss,a fine
Christian brother, made me feel good when he
said I could have a job there
any time I needed i t .
I have accepted an opportunity to go to the FOOD FOR
THE HUNGRY office in Scottsdale, AZ to work on a research project for them

next week,

leaving tomorrow (June 4th) and returning to Joplin on June 9th.

Janet and I plan to leave the next day to go to

the University of
Wisconsin in Madison,
where we will begin a nine week intensive Lao
language course -- 5 hours of class time and 5 hours home work per day, 5
days a week.
We believe this will be of tremendous help in improving our
language ability so we can help people and share Christ more effectively in
If you would like to contact us during this time we would love i t .
Write to us in care of: Joe Tseng, 2906 Ashford, Madison, WI 53713.
is the son of a dear Christian convert, Liang Fu and his wife, from Taiwan

days). We look forward to seeing them all again and Lord willing, making
new international



the University.

One of the elders' and FHI's questions was, "How are you doing physically?"
My doctor has given me a clear bill of health.
I have not been on

medication for nine months and feel good. So, with a clean bill of physical
and emotional health, and working daily on our spiritual health, we look


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Kaoxville, TN


forward to working again among our Asian brethren,

Tom Love,

Lord willing.

the director of FHI Laos, writes you this

"Alan and Janet

Bemo worked with FHI

in Laos


from 1990 until

During that time they were a valuable part of the team
here and made a significant contribution to our ministy.
made many close relationships with the Lao people and we often
are asked when they will return.
Since the Bemos left we have
very much felt their absence and we have been praying for their

There are many needs in Laos and because of their many years of
experience, I believe the Bemos are uniquely qualified to play a
part in helping to
meet them.
Both Alan and Janet are skilled
in several of the local languages, they have considerable
cultural understanding and they have many practical skills which



"Therefore, we are delighted to ask them back to join the work

here and are praying that God will provide the resources to make
it possible if it is His will."

"Sincerely, Tom Love, Country Director"

We are hoping to do whatever we can to communicate with you in days to
come. We hope to travel on week-ends this summer to those who may want us
to speak in the northern areas around Wisconsin.
We leave for Laos
whenever the Lord and finances see fit, hopefully this fall. Please write
to us if you have any questions, or would like for us to come and speak




Here are some important events that happened since we last wrote:
graduated from Ozark Christian College with a Bachelor of Christian
The next week she turned 50.
She finally caught up with me.
She's enjoying teaching 6 Vietnamese students between packing.

On May 26th, Sarah, our 18 year old, graduated from College Heights
Christian School. She is planning on studying Socialogy at College this
fall. She and her sister, Becky, will be working in Joplin this summer
and keeping the home fires burning.
Rachel, our 11 year old, will be spending most of the summer with her big
sister, Beth and family, in Rockport, Texas.
She will start home-schooling
again with momma this fall. We plan to be based back here starting August

Again, thank you so much for your continued encouragement.

express our gratitude and closeness to you.

Sincerely In Jesus,

ftlan i Janet Beio

Rt.3, Box 9'i
Joplin. HO 64801




So-jou%Ut^ ^ 'dao4' 'P'DIR

"By faith they sojourned In the land....
looking forward to a city which has foundations,


whose builder and maker Is God."

HEB. 11:8-10

Alan & Janet Bemo

Box 108


Nongkhai 43000

St. Joseph, MO 64506


(816) 279-9978

Linda Goerke
3106 Summit Ave

June through September, 1995

Dear Friends,


Our nine weeks of intense language study went well. We studied an

average of ten hours a day. Both of us passed the course and, most
importantly, learned a lot more Laa Learning to read will especially
be helpful. There were 13 other students in the Lao program of which
we made friends of all. Three were military, one is planning to go to Laos to study primates and another
hopes to find the fossils of a homo erectus in Laos to prove evolution. IWo were Laos who needed to
study their own language since they had been removed from their homeland during the war. Others just
wanted to study Lao as they teach Asian children in the U.S. I believe we have the best reason for going
to Laos.

We also made friends of the two Lao teachers who had come to the U.S. especially to teach this course
After the course was over one of them came to spend three days with us here in Joplin, which was a
special thrill to us.

Right after language study we had a meeting with co-workers, the Loves, and Ridgleys, in Grinnell, Iowa,
to talk and pray about the work in Laos. We were again impressed about the impossible situation in Laos,
but more than that, the tremendous power of God to work in impossible situations. We were encouraged
by the testimony of the life of Gideon and how God chose him to deliver Israel. Before he could do it
God purposely weakened Israel so that when victory came they could not take credit for it themselves.
I came away from this meeting with a renewed commitment to offer the remaining days of my life as
a living sacrifice to God to serve Him in Laos, for as long as it be His will.

Becky applied and got a job in Laos as a school teacher. We put her on a plane to Vientian on September
1st. It made us jealous that we could not be there yet. She is temporarily living with the Love family
until she can find an apartment.
We are planning on leaving for Laos before the end of the year. Before we left we wanted to see that
Sarah was well adjusted in College She is going to Missouri Southern State College and working parttime Next month she will be moving into the dormitory. She is maturing and we are proud of the way
she is progressing.

Another thing that we are waiting on is our financial support. Right now it is at 42% of what it needs
to be We still have a few churches to speak to and are waiting to hear from some past supporters. We
are confident that God will supply all our needs according to His design and in His time It is a joy to
have this confidence and not have to worry about it.

In the meantime I have gone back to work at the Wilhite Sign company here in Joplin until enough
monies accumulate so that we can leava Janet is homeschooling Rachel while we're "on hold".

If you would like us to share about the work in Laos or missions in general, we would love to do so.
We are alsolooking for "prayer warriors" whowould commit to praying for Laos every dayand specific
needs as we fax them to you. We need a hot-line going for Laos, one of the last unreached countries
with several unreached people groups. Think and pray about this commitment for Laos.
We appreciate hearing from you.
Sincerely Yours in Him,

Alan, Janet and Rachel Bemo

RS. Please notice that Linda Goerke is once again our forwarding agent if you need slide programs,
information, change of address or removal from newsletters, etc. All pledges and gifts should be sent

to Food for the Hungry (for Alan Bemo), P.O. Box 1239, Scottsdale, AZ 85267, ^or tax exemption.

Central Christian Church

1501 N. Leonard Road


U.S. Postage

St. Joseph, MO 64508

St. Joseph, MO


Permit Na 2223

Mission Se^ices Assn


'By faith they sojourned in the land....

looking forward to a city which has foundations,


whose builder and maker is God."

HEB. 11:8-10

Alan & Janet Bemo

Box 108

m m u otmAL

Forwarding Agent:
Linda Goerke
3106 Summit Ave

Nongkhai 43000

St Joseph, MO 64506


(816) 279-9978

Christmas 1995

m;bhu loufli
novMCf m m

HW6 1)

Dear Friends,

May you have a I Peter 1:3-6 Merry Christmas. "Praise be to the God

and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In His great mercy He has given
us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ
from the dead...In this you greatly rejoice^ though now for a little while
you may have to suffer grief in all kinds of trials."
We were planning on spending
Christmas in Laos with Becky and
friends there^ but everything did
not come together in time Now we
will enjoy having Christmas with
family and friends here Because
of the flights being full during this
season, our departure date is not
till January 8, Becky's 26th
Actually we were relieved to delay
our departure in some ways. Janet
and I are miserable right now with
flu and are glad we are not trav
eling. My dad is also very sick. Of

course there were a lot of last

minute things that needed to be

done which we can perhaps get

Phoenix, Aissa, Praise, Noble, and Word

done now. Our visa numbers came

yesterday, December 11, so God has everything under control.

1995 has been a good year. I turned 51 and haven't felt better. The Lord seemed to be leading us back
to work overseas, so we'vejust been following His leading step by step and marvel again at His provisions.
During this year the elders at College Heights Christian Church have proven to be true Acts 13 senders,
and we have been blessed in renewing old friendships with individuals and churches. We can see God
teaching us all in so many ways. Isn't it fun to see our vision for God's Kingdom growing together.

This year Nate and Kate presented

us with a beautiful 5th grandbaby,
Phoenix. This last summer Janet

and I had an intense, but wonder

ful nine weeks of Lao language
study in Wisconsin. Becky took a
teaching job in Laos. Our "little"
Sarah became a college freshman
this fall and seems to be adjusting
well to it. At Thanksgiving the
first full Bemo family reunion was
held (that I can ever remember).

We even met our full-blood Indian

relatives. Now we feel prepared

and excited for a work in the

closed coimtry of Laos.

We have especially become in
creasingly interested in the Thidam
and Thidaeng (two unreached

Becky with baby elephant in Laos.

people groupsin Northern Laos) withwhich we have had opportune to work, and look forward to working
with again. We've been real happy to make contact with a missionary in Des Moines who is nearing a
completion of the Ibidam Bible

We want to say a big thank-you to many who have given sacrificially so that we can go, and have been
praying for God's will to be done in all these matters. Those who have signed on to be "Prayer Warriors"
will be receiving "prayer alerts" from time to time Once again, all support gifts must go through Food
for the Hungry, 7729 E. Greenway Rd., Scottsdale, AZ 85260. They are the ones who make it possible
for us to enter and work in Laos. Personal gifts should be sent to our forwarding agent, Linda Goerke,
3106 Summit Ave, St. Joseph, MO 64506. These will be deposited directly into our bank account and
not be tax exempt unless sent through your church.

May you have a blessed Christmas Season as you share the joy of our Lord's birth with family and friends.
In Christian Love,


Central Christian Church

1501 N. Leonard Road

U.S. Postage

St. Joseph, MO 64508

St. Joseph, MO
Permit Na 2223


Mission Services Assn



Box 2427

Knoxville, TN


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