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Oracle iLearning Installation

Guide - Release 6.1

Part No. E49209-02
February 2014

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Dean Hillman, Prakash Pulla
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Table of Contents
Oracle iLearning Installation Guide - Release 6.1 .........................................................................................1-1
Oracle iLearning Installation Guide - Release 6.1 ..........................................................................................1-3
Overview of Oracle iLearning 6.1 Release .................................................................................................1-4
Oracle iLearning 6.1 Release Information ..................................................................................................1-8
Upgrade to Oracle iLearning Release 6.1 from Release 6.0 ......................................................................1-12
New Installation of iLearning 6.1 ................................................................................................................1-16
Oracle iLearning Content Server and Oracle CMI Adapter ........................................................................1-29
Scheduling and Running Batch Jobs .........................................................................................................1-38
Troubleshooting Oracle iLearning 6.1 ........................................................................................................1-39

Oracle iLearning Installation

Guide - Release 6.1
Chapter 1

Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Oracle iLearning Installation Guide - Release 6.1

Chapter 1 - Page 1

Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Oracle iLearning Installation Guide - Release 6.1

Chapter 1 - Page 2

Oracle iLearning Installation Guide - Release 6.1

Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Oracle iLearning Installation Guide - Release 6.1

Chapter 1 - Page 3

Overview of Oracle iLearning 6.1 Release

Oracle iLearning Release 6.1 provides the following new features:
Access Oracle iLearning on Mobile Devices:
With Oracle iLearning Release 6.1, learners can access Oracle iLearning on their mobile
devices such as Smartphone or Tablet.
iLearning now offers a mobile interface for iLearning. The mobile version is a simplified set
of iLearning pages aimed at mobile devices. A new 'Always Show Simple Interface' check
box on the Profile User Information page even makes it possible to use the simplified
interface on a PC, especially helpful for infrequent users or users not comfortable using a
PC. If this check box is selected, then the simpler iLearning user interface version can be
accessed from PC or a mobile device. If the check box is not selected, then the normal user
interface will be shown when iLearning is accessed from a PC and the simpler version is
shown if iLearning is accessed from a mobile device.
Using the simpler interface on mobile devices, learners can:
Use the Search and Browse Catalog feature to search for learning events and view
details of the events.
Enroll in learning events or play the events.
View both self-paced and scheduled offerings in the My Learning page. Click the
Play button or Resume button to begin or resume an offering. The player status or
enrollment status or both statuses is visible for offerings, depending on the setting
defined by the site administrator.
View the learning paths in which they are subscribed in the Learning Paths page.
They can click the learning path name to see its details, including the sequence of
courses. The Status of the learning path indicates the overall status of the
underlying offerings.
View a list of certification offerings in the Certification page and their current
enrollment status. They can click the Play button to automatically launch the
certified offering in the player.
View details of the integrated learning events. They can enroll in an integrated
learning event and play.
View learning history of non-certification offerings, certification offerings, and
learning paths.
Manage profile and contact information.
Configure Look and Feel of iLearning on Mobile Devices
A new Configurable Theme for Mobile Devices field is available on the Root Site: Properties
page for site administrators. This field enables an administrator to select the look-and-feel
for the iLearning site on mobile devices. This feature works in the same way as the existing
Configurable Theme option, which governs the layout of the PC interface.
Changes to the Learner Pages
The following changes have been made to the Learner Home Overview page:

The Learning Path section is removed from the Overview page to make the Overview
page easier to navigate and also to have a more consistent functionality.

The two columns "Start Date" and "Enrolled" on the Learner Home page are now
combined into one called Start Date. For synchronous online and offline (classes and
Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Overview of Oracle iLearning 6.1 Release

Chapter 1 - Page 4

web conference), iLearning displays the offering Start Date and for asynchronous
online and offline (e-learning and self-study), iLearning displays the Enrollments Date.
Note that the Start Date column is available in the PC version of iLearning and not the
simpler version on mobile devices.
New icons are added to the left of the headings on the different pages under the Home
Select the number of items to view on Learner Pages:
Learners can now select how many items are shown on the different pages under the
Home tab (except the History page). This feature is available in both the mobile device
and PC versions of iLearning.
New "Resume Last" button:
Learners can click the new Resume Last button on the Overview page, which will
take learners to the last course that they played in the Player. If the content provides
the necessary information, then iLearning displays the exact location in the chapter that
learners had left earlier. If this information is not provided by the content, then learners
are taken to the beginning of the chapter that they had left. This functionality is
available both in the full and the simple interface of iLearning.
Transcript sub tab moved and renamed:
The Transcript sub menu available from the Profile tab is now moved to the Home tab
and renamed to History.

Change in the Learner name format:

In all the Learner pages, a learner's name will be displayed in the format FirstName

Save Learner preferences:

On the Overview page the settings/values of the following will be saved during a
Text in the Filter field
Setting of Include Completed Offerings checkbox
Sort order on the My Learning table
On all pages under the Home tab the setting of Items Per Page will be saved
across pages.

Search field on all Learner pages:

From this release, all the Learner sub tab pages will include a search field. The
Search field is added to the Learner pages that do not have it currently.

Combined the Player and Enroll Status columns:

iLearning now combines the Player and Enroll status columns on the Learner Overview
page. The new Status column will display the combined content of the two old
columns with the content of the old Enrollment Status in line 1 and the content of the
old Player in line 2.

Removed line and hyperlinks from the bottom of the Learner pages:
From this release, iLearning will no longer display the lines and hyperlinks on the very
bottom of all the Learner pages.
Back button added on Learner pages:
In this release, a Back button is added to the following Learner pages:
Learning Path detail page
Integrated Learning detail page

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Overview of Oracle iLearning 6.1 Release

Chapter 1 - Page 5

Offering detail page

RCO detail page
Browse subcategory page

Learner picture displayed on a Forum posting:

iLearning displays a small version of the Learner picture on a forum posting. The
picture is displayed in the Author column in the Topics list.

Add and View Course Pictures

iLearning administrators can now add pictures to Content Objects, Learning Paths, and
Integrated Learning. This picture will be visible to the learner on the home page, when
viewing the Details page, and when searching and browsing new training.
The site administrator can upload, view, and delete these pictures using the Properties
pages for the different objects.
The pictures that administrators can upload must not be bigger than 1 MB. The supported
formats are: JPG, GIF and PNG.
If no picture is uploaded for an object, then no picture is displayed.
Learners can Upload Additional Content
Learners can add content to the offering they are enrolled in. This content will then be
available to all other Learners enrolled in the same Offering.
The Offering Details page displays a new Upload Content table, where learners can view
content uploaded by themselves or by their peers. The content can either be a URL
pointing to the material or it can be a piece of content uploaded to iLearning.
When the Learner clicks the content hyperlink, the content will open up in a separate
window using a program based on the preferences set in the learners PC. The Upload
Content table contains a short description of the content, name of the learner who has
uploaded it, the date it was uploaded and an Edit icon for the topic if the Learner has
uploaded the content. When learners click the Upload button, the Upload Content page
appears for learners to upload a document or add a URL.
Note: The content that learners upload will not be visible on the Mobile or Simple Interface.
Approval is not required from the learning administrator to upload content. The
administrator or instructor can view and delete the uploaded content from the administrator
can control the ability of learners to upload content using the 'Learners
can upload content' option available on the Manage Site Features page for a site. If the
enabled option is selected, then learners can upload content. Otherwise, learners cannot
upload content
Access Social Media from the Learner Page
When viewing enrolled learners for an offering, learners can contact other enrolled learners
through the social media link drop-down available on a learner's picture. Learners can click
any social contact media link and try to contact the enrolled learner. When a learner selects
a social media link, depending on the setting defined by the site administrator, the social
media site will automatically open or the learner will be informed of the other persons userid for the site and asked to open the site manually.
The site administrator can define the types of social media contacts that will be available for
learners. Using the new User Contact Media page, an administrator can define new contact
media by entering name and URL.
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Overview of Oracle iLearning 6.1 Release

Chapter 1 - Page 6

Always show Outline at Start up and Disable Outline collapse in Player

In the Offerings, Properties page, Player Preferences section, the following two check
boxes have been added:
Always Show Outline: If this box is checked, then iLearning displays the Outline in
the player at start up whether or not it was shown when the Course was played the
last time.
Always Show Outline Expanded: If this box is checked, then it is not possible for the
Learner to collapse the outline.
Tech Stack Changes in Release 6.1
There are no tech stack changes between iLearning Release 6.0 and 6.1. Release 6.1 is
certified on the following tech stack:
Oracle iAS 10.1.3
Oracle Database 11gR2
Note: You do not have to change your tech stack if you are upgrading from 5.2.1, since
5.2.1 is on Oracle iAS 10.1.3. You can keep your same database version. You do not have
to upgrade to 11.2.
Fresh Install of Oracle iLearning 6.1
New customers can directly install Oracle iLearning Release 6.1. If you are directly installing
Oracle iLearning Release 6.1, ensure that you install the following tech stack components:

Oracle iAS 10.1.3

Oracle Database 11.2 (11g)

Oracle Portal 10.1.4

Note: Installing Oracle Portal 10.1.4 is optional. Install it if you want to run the Portal.
Upgrade to Oracle iLearning 6.1
Customers on Oracle iLearning on 6.0 can directly upgrade to Oracle iLearning 6.1.
Note: If customers are on a release previous to 6.0, then they must upgrade to 6.0 first
before upgrading to 6.1.

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Overview of Oracle iLearning 6.1 Release

Chapter 1 - Page 7

Oracle iLearning 6.1 Release Information

Oracle iLearning 6.1 Release Information
This topic describes the following release specific information:

Software certification

Release notes

Available languages

Changing the iLearning schema password

Linux specific release details

Software Certification
Oracle iLearning 6.1 is certified with the following product stack:

UNIX operating system

Oracle Solaris on SPARC (64-bit)
HP-UX PA-RISC (64-bit)
Linux x86
Red Hat Enterprise Server 4,5
Oracle Enterprise Linux 4,5
IBM AIX on POWER Systems (64-bit)

Windows operating system

Microsoft Windows (32-bit)
MS Windows XP
MS Windows Server 2003
MS Windows Server 2003 R2
MS Windows Server 2008
MS Windows Vista

Oracle Application Server 10gR3 (10.1.3)

Oracle Enterprise Edition RDBMS Release 11.2, with the following configuration
Oracle Intermedia
UTF-8 Database character set

Oracle Portal 10.1.3 or higher

Oracle iLearning is certified on the following client software:
Web Browsers:

IE 9, IE 10

Firefox 17.0.1

Safari 5.0.5. Safari 5.1.7 is certified for all features except the Chat applet.
The iLearning Chat client requires the latest version of the 1.6 or 1.7 Java plug-in.

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Oracle iLearning 6.1 Release Information

Chapter 1 - Page 8

Note: For the latest certification information and patch sets, please visit My Oracle Support
(formerly MetaLink).
Release Notes
The following information pertains to the release of Oracle iLearning:

If you plan to configure multiple Oracle iLearning middle tier application servers, an
Oracle Application Server 10gR3 cluster configuration using Oracle AS infrastructure is
optional. If an Oracle Application Server cluster using Application Server Infrastructure
is used, then the cluster of oc4j instances must be set up prior to an Oracle iLearning
installation. Detailed configuration for this setup is beyond the scope of this document.
Please refer to the Oracle Application Server 10gR3 documentation for creating and
managing an AS cluster.

If you have problems with your installation, please refer to the Troubleshooting section.

When installing Oracle Application Server 10gR3, you should consider the following
The operating system username used to install Oracle Application Server 10gR3
must be the same username used to install Oracle iLearning.

If Web Cache is installed, make sure all URLs starting with /ilearn are exempted
from caching. Oracle iLearning application pages are personalized for individual
users and should not be cached.
Oracle iLearning uses dynamic jsp pages to display relevant information to the logged
in user. Oracle has made every effort to prevent caching, but it is recommended that
proxy server caching of Oracle iLearning pages be disabled (if applicable) to ensure
data between user sessions does not get mixed.
Oracle recommends installing Oracle Portal on a separate machine, not on an Oracle
iLearning middle tier application server. Otherwise, you may encounter conflicts
between Portal and Oracle iLearning common files.
When using an Oracle11g database:
If the middle tier application servers are unable to communicate with the database,
you may need to update the JDBC driver on all Oracle iLearning middle tier
application servers. Oracle iLearning uses the database drivers located under
After a successful installation and configuration of Oracle iLearning, you should be able
to access the application using a browser by performing the following steps:
Enter into your browser the URL that you chose as the Oracle iLearning Website
Address during the Oracle iLearning installation.
For example,
The default login page for Oracle iLearning will be displayed. Log in to Oracle
iLearning as the Root Site super administrator:
Username: system
Password: manager
Site: Root Site

Note: The site field in the login page will show up only if you have more than one site.
The values for Username and Password are case-sensitive, but the value for Site is
Please refer to the Available Language Translations section below to review the
different language translations available for Oracle iLearning
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Oracle iLearning 6.1 Release Information

Chapter 1 - Page 9

ORACLE_HOME refers to the location of the Oracle Home where Oracle iLearning will
be installed

AS_HOME refers to the location where the Oracle Application Server is already
There is only one role configured during the installation, called SuperUser, unless the
Oracle iLearning Demo Site is installed
All Oracle iLearning middle tier installations should be performed on a dedicated server
(not shared with other applications)
You must create a new Oracle database specifically for an Oracle iLearning database
installation. Do not use a database that is currently being shared with other
In Oracle iLearning installations where multi-byte languages are used, you will require
additional fonts. These are located on the Oracle iLearning CD under the Support
directory. Copy all .ttf files in this directory to the
<AS_HOME>/jdk/jre/lib/fonts directory on all middle tier application servers. If
these fonts are not installed, buttons in multi-byte languages such as Traditional
Chinese, Korean, and Japanese will not appear correctly.

Available Language Translations

Oracle iLearning is available in the following languages. The language displayed in Oracle
iLearning is dependent on the user's browser settings. For the most up-to-date list of
languages, please refer to My Oracle Support (formerly MetaLink).
Language Name

Language Code

Brazilian Portuguese


Chinese (Simplified)


Chinese (Traditional)


































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Oracle iLearning 6.1 Release Information

Chapter 1 - Page 10

There are no configuration steps required to make these languages available to users. Based
on the users' language settings in their browser, the corresponding language in Oracle
iLearning will be displayed.
Changing the Oracle iLearning Schema Password
You can change the passwords for the Oracle iLearning Schema Name and Oracle iLearning
Schema Report Name at any time. For example, you might require passwords to be changed
every three months for security reasons.

Passwords are encrypted. You have to use /ilearn/en/shared/jsp/encrypt.jsp to

find the new encrypted password.
Update the file (located in the
<AS_HOME>/j2ee/oil/applications/ilearning/ilearn/WEB-INF directory)
on all middle tier application servers with the new passwords:
Modify the following entry to change the Oracle iLearning Schema Name password:
schema>/<new ilearning pwd>@<servername>:<port>:<sid>
Modify the following entry to change the Oracle iLearning Schema Report Name
reporting.connectString=jdbc:oracle:thin:<ilearning rpt
schema>/<new ilearning rpt pwd>@<servername>:<port>:<sid>
Modify the following entry to change the Web Services connection to the Oracle
iLearning Schema Name password:
schema>/<new ilearning pwd>@<servername>:<port>:<sid>

Optional: If Oracle Portal is configured for Oracle iLearning, modify the entry for the
Oracle iLearning Schema Name in the data-sources.xml file (located in the
<AS_HOME>/j2ee/oil/config directory)

Restart the Oracle Application Server on all middle tiers for these changes to take
effect. For more information on starting and stopping this server, refer to the Oracle
Application Server 10gR3 documentation.

LINUX Specific Release Notes

In SUSE9, install patch 3809117 if it is not installed already. Set the following environment
variables before starting any Oracle Application Server processes:
$ LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/; export LD_PRELOAD

Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Oracle iLearning 6.1 Release Information

Chapter 1 - Page 11

Upgrade to Oracle iLearning Release 6.1 from Release 6.0

These instructions cover the steps necessary to complete the pre-upgrade and upgrade steps if
you want to upgrade to Oracle iLearning Release 6.1 from Oracle iLearning Release 6.0.
You must be on 6.0 to upgrade to 6.1. For upgrades, 6.1 is installed as a patch, rather
than redeploying an .ear file.
It is a best practice to create a test environment similar to your production and perform the
upgrade against the test environment first.

Make sure that the upgrade has completed successfully before attempting to upgrade
the production environment.

You may want to document all the prerequisites like total time required to upgrade,
resource requirements, and other technical issues specific to your environment/site.
This information will help you to fine tune the resource requirements and minimize the
down-time of your production server during the upgrade process.
Perform Pre-Upgrade Steps
1. Shut down the Oracle iLearning middle tier servers and database.
2. Take a full backup of:

Entire existing Oracle iLearning installation including the database and all the middler
tier servers before starting the upgrade process.

Any customized JSPs. These files may get overwritten when the patch is installed.
The backup should be taken in such a way that you should be able to restore it in case the
Oracle iLearning 6.1 upgrade process fails. Once the database portion of the patch has been
applied or has failed, it cannot be reverted.
Prepare to Upgrade to Oracle iLearning 6.1
Before applying this patch, please make sure the iAS 10.1.3 web server is shutdown:
3. Unzip the file iLearning 6.1 installation zip file ( Note the directory
where the installation file was unzipped.
4. Verify database base backups are taken.
Perform the Middle Tier Application Upgrade
Note: You must complete the following steps on each Oracle iLearning middle tier application
Back up the 6.0 Release Files
5. Backup the following directories:
6. Backup the following files if they exist:
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Upgrade to Oracle iLearning Release 6.1 from Release 6.0

Chapter 1 - Page 12

Apply the Middle Tier Patch

Copy files and the directory structure in:
possibly overwriting the files in steps 5 and 6.
This step copies classes, JSP's, HTML and .jar files.
Clear your JSP cache under:
There is a new property that controls whether SCORM content played from the middle tier
should use the new Javascript or the old applet player communication. This includes playing
iLearning assessments and surveys.
Skip steps 9 & 10 if you've already installed the 6.0 patch for bug 14075342. (Javascript Player),
If you're not sure if you installed this patch, start sql*plus as the the ilearn database user and
describe the ATTEMPT table.
SQL> desc attempt
If the column ATTEMPT_TOKEN exists, the patch is already installed.
9. Add the following lines to the file:
# LMS_COMMUNICATION - By default, the player's communication with the LMS
# server uses javascript. Uncomment this line if you want to use the legacy
# player applet instead of javascript. This setting is for the middle tier
# player only. If using a CMI Adapter, choose an adapter path to either
# Oracle_CMI_Adapter (applet) or lmsapi (javascript).
# The default value is javascript.
Apply the Database Patch
This patch includes a database script that adds tables, add columns to tables, rebuilds
database views and packages, and adds or rebuilds indexes.
10. Run the Javascript Player Patch script as the ilearn user. Skip this step if you already
installed the 6.0 patch for bug 14075342 (Javascript Player). This script adds a column to
the ATTEMPT table and populates the column, adds 2 triggers, and builds 5 indexes. This
can be a long running script if you have a large ATTEMPT table. The script updates in
200,000 row intervals, commiting after each interval.
Start sql*plus from the "OIL_17325195/Software/upgrade_from_6.0/sql" directory as the ilearn
database user and run 14075342.sql. Provide the ilearn schema index tablespace as a
SQL> @14075342.sql ilearn_index
Check the 14075342_install.out file for errors. You may see object already exist errors if you
have previously installed 6.0 patches.
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Upgrade to Oracle iLearning Release 6.1 from Release 6.0

Chapter 1 - Page 13

11. Run the script that creates tables and indexes for new 6.1 features.
Start sql*plus from the "OIL_17325195/Software/upgrade_from_6.0/sql" directory as the
ilearn database user and run ilearn.sql.
Provide the reporting schema user and ilearn schema index tablespace as parameters.
SQL> @ilearn.sql ilearnrpt ilearn_index
Check the ilearn_upgrade_61.out file for errors. You may see object already exist errors if
you've previously installed 6.0 patches.
12. Run the custom reporting upgrade script.
Start sql*plus from the "OIL_17325195/Software/upgrade_from_6.0/sql" directory as the
ilearn_rpt database user and run ilearn_rpt.sql.
Provide the ilearn schema user as a parameter.
SQL> @ilearn_rpt.sql ilearn
Apply the Content Server Patch
This patch contains a new CMI Adapter and a Javascript Player Adapter that was originally
introduced in the 6.0 patch 14075342 - Javascript Player. You should skip steps 14, 15 and 16 if
you already installed the 6.0 patch.
The new Javascript CMI Adapter uses a JSP to communicate back to iLearning. In order to use
the new Javascript CMI adapter, the content server must be an Application Server that supports
On each content server,
13. Copy or FTP the whole OIL_17325195/Software/content_server/lmsapi directory to the
content server under a directory that supports JSPs.
(ie. <IAS_HOME>/j2ee/oil/applications/ilearning/ilearn
or <IAS_HOME>/j2ee/home/default-web-app).
This new directory should be accessible by a web browser. Make a note of the URL. You
will need it when creating a CMI Adapter in the iLearning Admin pages.
14. Back up the following file in the Oracle_CMI_Adapter directory:
15. Copy or FTP the files in OIL_17325195/Software/content_server/Oracle_CMI_Adapter to
the Oracle_CMI_Adapter directory on the content server, overwriting the existing files.
Perform iLearning System Admin Configuration
The CMI Adapters defined in the iLearning Admin Pages determine whether the content on the
content server will use the new Javascript or the old applet player. They are currently
configured to use the iLearning Player Java applet.
Skip this step if you already installed the 6.0 Javascript Player patch.
For each site,
16. Edit the CMI Adapters from the Site -> More... menu. Change the CMI Adapter Path to
point to the new lmsapi directory copied to the content server.
ie, change
to or
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Upgrade to Oracle iLearning Release 6.1 from Release 6.0

Chapter 1 - Page 14

depending on where you FTP'd the lmsapi directory in step 13.

Start the Middle Tier after Applying the Patch
17. Start the OPMN server.
18. Start the OEM server.
Note <IAS_HOME> is the Oracle Home in which Oracle iAS is installed.

Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Upgrade to Oracle iLearning Release 6.1 from Release 6.0

Chapter 1 - Page 15

New Installation of iLearning 6.1

These instructions cover the steps necessary to complete the pre-install and install steps if you
want to install Oracle iLearning 6.1.
Install Oracle iAS 10.1.3
1. You must install iAS 10.1.3 if this is a new install of Oracle iLearning 6.1.
2. Unzip the file iLearning 6.1 installation zip file ( Note the directory
where the installation file was unzipped.
Perform Pre-Install Steps
3. Start the OEM server.
4. After iAS 10.1.3 is installed, log onto Enterprise Manager.


Create OC4J instance oil in the default_group.

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New Installation of iLearning 6.1

Chapter 1 - Page 16

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New Installation of iLearning 6.1

Chapter 1 - Page 17

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New Installation of iLearning 6.1

Chapter 1 - Page 18


Select the oil group.

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New Installation of iLearning 6.1

Chapter 1 - Page 19


Select the Applications tab.


Select the ilearning applications check box and press the Deploy button.


Provide the location of the ilearning.ear file unzipped from the installation directory
(OIL_17325195) and press the next button.
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New Installation of iLearning 6.1

Chapter 1 - Page 20

10. Leave all fields unchanged and press the Next button.

11. Press the Deploy button.

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New Installation of iLearning 6.1

Chapter 1 - Page 21

Complete the Middle Tier Application Install

Note: You must complete the following steps on each Oracle iLearning middle tier application
Configure iAS
12. Configure a Data Source in the 10g Release 3 (10.1.3) Instance. Add the following in
<native-data-source user="<ilearn_schema>" password="<password>"
jndi-name="jdbc/PortalConnection" name="PortalConnection"/>

for example
<native-data-source user="ilearn" password="welcome"
jndi-name="jdbc/PortalConnection" name="PortalConnection"/>
13. Edit <AS_HOME>/j2ee/oil/config/server.xml. Replace the following lines in two places.
<code-source path="<AS_HOME>/ord/jlib/ordim.jar"/>
<code-source path="<AS_HOME>/ord/jlib/ordhttp.jar"/>
<code-source path="../applications/ilearning/ilearn/WEBINF/lib/iAS/ordim.jar"/>
<code-source path="../applications/ilearning/ilearn/WEBINF/lib/iAS/ordhttp.jar"/>
<AS_HOME> may either be a physical or relative path to the ORACLE_HOME for iAS.
When you copy and paste from Adobe Acrobat Reader, sometimes the '-' character is
lost. The pasted value ends up as WEBINF instead of WEB-INF.
14. Edit <AS_HOME>/j2ee/oil/config/application.xml. Add the following lines right under

<library path="../../home/lib/scheduler.jar"/>

<library path="../applications/ilearning/ilearn/WEBINF/lib/classes"/>
<library path="../../../lib/xmlparserv2.jar"/>

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<library path="../applications/ilearning/ilearn/WEBINF/lib/SNZ9RHRB.jar"/>
<library path="../applications/ilearning/ilearn/WEBINF/lib/capsapi.jar"/>
<library path="../applications/ilearning/ilearn/WEBINF/lib/datatags.jar"/>
<library path="../applications/ilearning/ilearn/WEBINF/lib/ifsadk.jar"/>
<library path="../applications/ilearning/ilearn/WEBINF/lib/ifsemail.jar"/>
<library path="../applications/ilearning/ilearn/WEBINF/lib/ifsrelease.jar"/>
<library path="../applications/ilearning/ilearn/WEBINF/lib/ifsrepos.jar"/>
<library path="../applications/ilearning/ilearn/WEBINF/lib/ifsutils.jar"/>
<library path="../applications/ilearning/ilearn/WEBINF/lib/jdev-rt.jar"/>
<library path="../applications/ilearning/ilearn/WEBINF/lib/opnTools.jar"/>
<library path="../applications/ilearning/ilearn/WEBINF/lib/pwdhash.jar"/>
<library path="../applications/ilearning/ilearn/WEBINF/lib/ucm.jar"/>
<library path="../applications/ilearning/ilearn/WEBINF/lib/ucmClientCookies.jar"/>
<library path="../applications/ilearning/ilearn/WEBINF/lib/wfapi.jar"/>
<library path="../applications/ilearning/ilearn/WEBINF/lib/wflov.jar"/>
<library path="../applications/ilearning/ilearn/WEBINF/lib/wfmon.jar"/>
<library path="../applications/ilearning/ilearn/WEBINF/lib/css.jar"/>
<library path="../applications/ilearning/ilearn/WEBINF/lib/xerces.jar"/>
<library path="../applications/ilearning/ilearn/WEBINF/lib/ilearning.jar"/>
<library path="../applications/ilearning/ilearn/WEBINF/lib/bc4juixtags.jar"/>
<library path="../applications/ilearning/ilearn/WEBINF/lib/iAS/ordhttp.jar"/>
<library path="../applications/ilearning/ilearn/WEBINF/lib/iAS/ordim.jar"/>
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<library path="../applications/ilearning/ilearn/WEBINF/lib/portal/10.1.3/pdkjava.jar"/>
<library path="../applications/ilearning/ilearn/WEBINF/lib/portal/10.1.3/pdkstruts.jar"/>
<library path="../applications/ilearning/ilearn/WEBINF/lib/portal/10.1.3/ptlshare.jar"/>
<library path="../../home/jazn.jar"/>
<library path="../../home/jazncore.jar"/>
<library path="../applications/ilearning/ilearn/WEBINF/lib/portal/10.1.3/oracle-portlet-tags.jar"/>
<library path="../../../datadirect/sun/lib/jndi.jar"/>
<library path="../applications/ilearning/ilearn/WEBINF/lib/iAS/uix2.jar"/>
<library path="../../../jdbc/lib/ojdbc14dms.jar"/>
<library path="../../../jdbc/lib/orai18n.jar"/>
<library path="../../../jdbc/lib/orcs12.jar"/>
<library path="../../../diagnostics/lib/ojdl.jar"/>
<library path="../../../lib/dms.jar"/>

15. Make the following changes to <AS_HOME>/opmn/conf/opmn.xml:

a. Add the following parameters to <data id="java-options" under <process-type id="oil"











b. Change 4 occurrences of -Dhttp.webdir.enable=false to Dhttp.webdir.enable=true.
16. Edit <AS_HOME>/j2ee/oil/application-deployments/ilearning/ilearn/orion-web.xml. Add
include-war-manifest-class-path="true" to <web-app-class-loader.

<web-app-class-loader search-local-classes-first="true"
include-war-manifest-class-path="true" />
Configure Oracle iLearning
17. Install the UIX installables. UIX is shipped with iLearning 6.1.
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This should create a cabo directory. When you unzip the UIX files, you will be prompted
that a file already exists. Choose n (no) to replace the existing file.
18. For a new install, back up the file in
Edit the file
19. Edit the following properties in the file.
Hosting Companys Domain
The domain specifies the network domain where all middle tier servers and your web site
are located. If you are running Oracle iLearning internally, your company network domain
should suffice. If you are hosting Oracle iLearning through an ISP, you may need to obtain
this value from your network administrator. All middle tier application servers should have
the same value.
Outgoing SMTP Mail Server Name
Oracle iLearning uses mail servers for email notifications. To enable these features, you
need to provide the address of your company's SMTP mail server. All middle tier
application servers should have the same value.
Administrator Email Address
Email notifications generated by Oracle iLearning are sent by default from the administrator
email address entered during installation. A valid email address is required. Administrators
of Oracle iLearning sites can override this value in the administrative user interface. All
middle tier application servers should have the same value.
Recommendation: Change only ftpuser and ftpgroup to correct values.
Default setting: listed below, defaults for ftpuser and ftpgroup must be changed.
Required properties for iLearning export and content servers functionality.
Requires a ftp server running with any correct user and password settings to
transfer files
ftpuser and ftppassword
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This is an FTP user that should be set up on the FTP Server on your content server
machine. This user should have permissions on the content server directory to transfer
content using FTP. The default values during installation are:
FTP User: ftpuser
FTP Password: ftpuserpassword
For example, if a UNIX ftp user called ilearnftp was created on the content server machine
with password ilearn_transfer, the following values could be used:
Note: The ftpuser and password must be the same on all middle tiers and content servers.
Log Path
Directory for logging error messages during import and other operations
Oracle iLearning Protocol
Oracle iLearning supports the delivery of application pages using either the HTTP or
HTTPS protocol. Select the available protocol on your Oracle iLearning application.
Alternatively, select Use Both HTTP and HTTPS if you want to enable the Oracle
iLearning site administrators to select the protocol to be used for each site.
Encryption Key
Enter an encryption key which will be to generate a security key for encryption. The key
should be an integer. This same value should be used as the seed for all installations of
middle tiers sharing this instance of Oracle iLearning.
Note that when the ENCRYPTION_KEY is changed, you have to change the encrypted
passwords in the connect strings. The ENCRYPTION_KEY must be the same on all middle
tiers and content servers.
Email notifications are sent by iLearning. System administrator can use the
WF_MAIL_MODE property to configure whether a notification/approval request is sent
immediately, or queued and sent by the notification batch job. As email connections can be
slow, it is up to the customers whether they want the UI to wait for the email to be sent.
iLearning recommends that customers start out sending mail in batch mode. To send mail
in batch mode, you must schedule a batch job.
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# Approval notification emails can be sent immediately

after the approval, or
# can be send through the Notification batch job. By
default, they will be sent
# immediately. Uncomment the this line if you want to send
the emails through
# the batch job.
Refer to the topic: Scheduling and Running Batch Jobs
20. Save the changes to the file.
21. Stop and start the OPMN server to pick up the new
22. Copy <AS_HOME>/j2ee/oil/applications/ilearning/ilearn/index.html to
<AS_HOME>/Apache/Apache/htdocs. This redirects the browser to the login page if the
user only types the server name.
Complete the New Install Database Steps
This section covers the steps necessary to install Oracle iLearning 6.1. You must run 3 scripts,
one as the sys db user, one as ilearn, and one as ilearnrpt. You do not provide connect strings
to the script.
23. Start up the Oracle iLearning database and listener on the database server.
24. Launch sqlplus from OIL_17325195/Software/database/sql
25. Connect as sys and run the sys script.
26. Run the following script as sys db user. This script takes in six parameters.
ilearning user
ilearning user password
reporting user
reporting user password
default user tablespace name
temporary tablespace name
SQL> connect sys as sysdba
Enter password:
SQL> @sys/sys_install.sql ilearn welcome ilearnrpt welcome
userts tempts
27. Run the following script as the ilearn user. This script takes in one parameter, the index
tablespace name.
SQL> connect ilearn/welcome
SQL> @ilearn_install.sql indexts
28. Run the following script as the ilearning reporting user. This script does not take in any
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SQL> connect ilearnrpt/welcome

SQL> @adhoc/ilearnrpt_install.sql
Complete the Database Connection Steps
The connect strings in encrypt the database password using the
encryption key. The system administrator must configure without the
database passwords and start iLearning. iLearning provides a page encrypt.jsp
(/ilearn/en/shared/jsp/encrypt.jsp) to show the administrator the encrypted passwords that
must be used for the connect strings. The administrator must change the connect strings
passwords in and bounce iAS.
Example of connect strings (note the passwords are encrypted):
Configure the Content Server
For a new install, only the Javascript CMI adapter should be installed. This is the lmsapi
directory. The Oracle_CMI_Adapter directory is not used for a new install.
29. Copy or FTP the whole OIL_17325195/Software/content_server/lmsapi directory to the
content server under a directory that supports JSPs.
(ie. <IAS_HOME>/j2ee/oil/applications/ilearning/ilearn
or <IAS_HOME>/j2ee/home/default-web-app).
This new directory should be accessible by a web browser. Make a note of the URL. You
will need it when creating a CMI Adapter in the iLearning Admin pages.
Configure Apache for the Gatekeeper
30. The gatekeeper configuration is required on all content servers. It is required only on the
middle tier if it is also going to be a content server. For information on gatekeeper
configuration, refer to the steps in the Oracle iLearning Content
Server and Oracle CMI Adapter topic.
Start the Middle Tier after Patch Application
31. Start the OPMN server.
32. Start the OEM server.

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Oracle iLearning Content Server and Oracle CMI Adapter

This topic explains how to:

Set up a secured content server to enable users to access content from within Oracle

Set up the Oracle CMI Adapter on content servers to facilitate communication between
SCORM compliant content and Oracle iLearning.

Setting Up a Content Server

This section covers the tasks necessary to set up an Oracle iLearning secured content server.
These tasks are performed whenever a content server needs to be set up and accessible by
Oracle iLearning.
This instruction does not cover how to set up a non-Oracle iLearning secured content server.
You can configure any webserver as a content server. An Oracle iLearning secured content
server provides additional security to ensure users can only access content from within Oracle
iLearning, and not directly from their browser entering a URL. This is achieved by configuring
the Oracle Application Server 10gR3 (10.1.3) with an additional Oracle iLearning module, called
the Gatekeeper. After adding this module, all URL references to the content must be authorized
by Oracle iLearning before users can view it. You can also choose to protect some directories,
and not others, by modifying the httpd.conf file on the Oracle Application Server 10gR3.
Note: This step requires an FTP server configuration on each content server machine, plus an
Oracle iLearning installation and set up.
Note: It is not a requirement that content resides on an Oracle iLearning secured content
server. You may choose to utilize non-secured servers if you like. Content located on nonsecure content servers will be accessible by users outside of Oracle iLearning.
To make your file server an Oracle iLearning content server, please follow the steps below
carefully. Some steps are only required on the content server machines, other steps are
required on each Oracle iLearning middle tier application server:
1. Install and configure the Oracle Application Server 10gR3 on each content server machine.
2. Content servers require an iLearing middle tier installation. Perform the pre-install and
middle tier application install steps for a new iLearning 6.1 install. For information on preinstall and middle tier application install steps, refer to the Install Oracle iLearning 6.1 topic.
3. Ensure you can successfully connect to Oracle iLearning.
If you can successfully connect, go to task #5. Otherwise, go to task #4.
4. Resolve any database, application server, or installation issues.
Goto task #3.
5. Stop the Oracle Enterprise Manager daemon on each content server machine and every
Oracle iLearning Middle Tier application server machine.

Please refer to the Oracle Application Server 10gR3 documentation for detailed
information on starting and stopping this service.
6. Stop the Oracle Application Server 10gR3 daemon on each content server machine and
every Oracle iLearning Middle Tier application server machine.

Please refer to the Oracle Application Server 10gR3 documentation for detailed
information on starting and stopping this server.
7. Create a physical directory on each content server machine where content will be stored.
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Note: This document only describes the setup of a content directory under the
<AS_HOME>/Apache/Apache/htdocs/ directory. For example:
Copy the Gatekeeper module file from the
OIL_17325195/Software/content_server/gatekeeper directory into the
appropriate directory on each content server machine.

For Windows: Copy the ApacheModuleAuthIla.dll module to the

<AS_HOME>/Apache/Apache/modules directory.


For UNIX and Linux: Copy the module to the

<AS_HOME>/Apache/Apache/libexec directory.
Add the required lines to the Oracle Application Server 10gR3 configuration file on each
content server machine.

The configuration file is located at:


The HOST and LISTEN port values must be the same in order for the Gatekeeper
module to function properly.

The iLearningAuthKey value must be the same as the ENCRYPTION_KEY value in

the file for the Gatekeeper module to function properly.
The key must be 64 characters in length. If the values do not match, all learners will
receive a Forbidden error message when attempting to access content on an Oracle
iLearning secured content server even if they are authorized to view the content.
Note: You must understand Oracle Application Server 10gR3 administration and
cluster management before performing any of the following changes. Please refer to
the Oracle Internet Application Server documentation for detailed information.
The following line starts the Gatekeeper every time Oracle Application Server 10gR3 is
started. This should go in the section labeled Dynamic Shared Object (DSO) Support:

For Windows: LoadModule ila_auth_module

For UNIX and Linux: LoadModule ila_auth_module

Windows Only: This line enables the Oracle Application Server 10gR3 to locate the
Gatekeeper module. This should go in the section labeled Dynamic Shared Object
(DSO) Support:
AddModule mod_auth_ila.c

Add an Alias for the Oracle Application Server 10gR3 of your physical directory to
locate the stored content. This should go in the section labeled Aliases under
IfModule mod_alias.c:
Alias /<virtual content directory>/
"<AS_HOME>/Apache/Apache/htdocs/<physical content directory>/"
Use the information below to help define the base directory where all content used by
Oracle iLearning will be stored:
Determine where the content will be stored.
Note: This document only describes the setup of a content directory under the
<AS_HOME>/Apache/Apache/htdocs/ directory. For example:
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Alternatively, you could establish UNIX soft links to any other directory from this
Any name can be used for the <virtual content directory> directory.
The <virtual content directory> and <physical content
directory> values are required when setting up content servers within the
Oracle iLearning application
For example, to store content in the
directory, you would use the following:
Alias /content/

Add the following lines to protect the secure directory to which Apache has access.
You must also create the physical directories that are specified here.
<Directory "<AS_HOME>/Apache/Apache/htdocs/<secure physical
AuthType iLearning
require valid-user
iLearningAuth on
iLearningAuthKey <ENCRYPTION_KEY value from entry>
ErrorDocument 403 http://<Oracle iLearning Website
Use the information below to help configure this line:
This command protects all content under <secure physical directory>,
except streaming media audio files which must be exempted from the secured
location (.wma).
For example, to prevent unauthorized access to content under the
ure directory, you would specify the following
AuthType iLearning
require valid-user
iLearningAuth on
ErrorDocument 403 http://<Oracle iLearning Website
If your content server will also store Windows Media streaming (.wma) files, add
the following lines to ensure that gatekeeper does not prevent the player from
accessing these files. This line, if added, must be included in the <Directory>
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tag as indicated in the example below:

AuthType iLearning
require valid-user
iLearningAuth on
<Files *.wma>
iLearningAuth off
ErrorDocument 403 http://<Oracle iLearning Website

Add the following lines to unprotect the public directory to which Apache has access:
<Directory "<AS_HOME>/Apache/Apache/htdocs/<unsecure physical
AuthType iLearning
require valid-user
iLearningAuth off
ErrorDocument 403 http://<Oracle iLearning Website
Use the information below to help configure this line:
This command removes Gatekeeper protection from the <unsecure
physical directory> and all its subdirectories.

This line is not required if all directories are to be secured.

For example, to allow anyone to access content under the
ic directory, you could specify the following:
AuthType iLearning
require valid-user
iLearningAuth off
ErrorDocument 403 http://<Oracle iLearning Website
10. Install and configure an FTP server on each content server machine.
An FTP server running on the same Oracle iLearning content server machine is mandatory.
Use the following steps as guidelines for configuring an FTP server:

Start the FTP server.

Create one FTP user.

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The FTP username must be the same operating system username used for
installing Oracle Application Server 10gR3 and Oracle iLearning. The same
operating system user should be used during the installation of both Oracle
Application Server 10gR3 and Oracle iLearning, regardless of whether they are
being installed in the same or different Oracle Homes.
The same username and password must be used when configuring the ftpuser
and ftppassword properties in the file (Refer to the
Oracle iLearning configuration step 11).
The Upload Files feature in the Oracle iLearning administrative user interface can
only succeed if the owner of the Oracle Application Server 10gR3 files is used for
the ftpuser property when setting up the file.
The FTP protocol is required only between Oracle iLearning application servers and
the content servers.
Oracle iLearning does not use the FTP protocol to upload files from the users
browser. The compressed ZIP files are transferred from the browser to the Oracle
iLearning application servers using the standard HTTP protocol and then are
transferred from the Oracle iLearning application server to the content server using
the FTP protocol.

For each alias created in your httpd.conf file (as per step 9)
Make sure all required physical directories have been created
Make sure the FTP user has full access to the base directory when all Oracle
iLearning content will be stored. For example, if the following directories were
Then, the FTP user should have full access on the

From another machine, attempt to FTP to this machine using the username and
password you just created. If you are unsuccessful, stop and restart the FTP server
and try again.
Refer to your specific FTP server documentation for more information.
Note: Windows 2003 Server installations only:
There is a default FTP server created during the Windows 2003 Server installation.
You can either:
Disable the Windows 2003 FTP server (from the Internet Services Manager) and
install another FTP server
Configure the Windows 2003 FTP server. The following steps may assist your
From Start Menu->Administrative Tools, launch Start Internet
Services Manager

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Select the name of the machine in the tree and create a new FTP site using the
wizard. You need to define the following:
A new name for the FTP site
The IP address and port
The default home directory for the FTP site
Both Read and Write for the directory
Edit the properties for the FTP site. From the Security Accounts tab:
Select Allow Anonymous Connections
In the Username field, select a username. This must be the same user that
will be specified as the FTP user in the file. You
will enter this in step 11.
Enter the password for the user. This must be the same password that has
will be specified as the FTP user in the file. You
will enter this in step 11
Select the FTP server site you just created, and use the wizard to create a new
Virtual Directory. You need to define the following:
An alias that will be used to access the Oracle content server directory. This
must be the same virtual directory that was specified as the alias in the
httpd.conf file. For example, content
The physical content server location. This must be the same physical directory
that was specified as the alias in the httpd.conf file. For example,
Privileges for the FTP user, which should be both Read and Write for the
Edit the properties for the windows directory that you specified as your physical
content server location.
Select the Security tab
Add the username that you created in the FTP server setup
11. Modify the file file on all Oracle iLearning middle tier application
Note: This is not required on content server machines, unless they are also an Oracle
iLearning middle tier application server.

The file is located in

<AS_HOME>/j2ee/oil/applications/ilearning/ilearn/WEB-INF directory.

Edit this file to provide the correct values for the ftpuser and ftppassword. This
is an FTP user that should be set up on the FTP Server on your content server
machine. This user should have permissions on the content server directory to transfer
content using FTP. The default values during installation are:
FTP User: ftpuser
FTP Password: ftpuserpassword

For example, if a UNIX ftp user called ilearnftp was created on the content server
machine with password ilearn_transfer, the following values could be used:
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The following modes are available in the file:

FTP_MODE Indicates the mode of FTP.
By default, this is set to 1, which indicates the convention FTP mode.
FTP_MODE = 2 Indicates a secure FTP mode. This is SSH based secure FTP.
FTP_MODE = 3 Indicates that this can be configured for each content server that
is set up.

If this is set to 3, a checkbox Use Secure FTP will be present on the content
server setup page.
Specify the ports for normal/secure FTP (there is no site property for this).
FTP_PORT Conventional FTP port (default 21)






SSH_PORT Secure FTP port (default 22)

Save the configuration file.
Update the Oracle Application Server 10gR3 repository

This must be performed on the content server machine and all middle tier application
servers for the above changes to take effect.

Please refer to the Oracle Application Server 10gR3 documentation for detailed
information on updating the repository.
Stop the Oracle Application Server 10gR3 daemon on each content server machine and
every Oracle iLearning Middle Tier application server machine.

Please refer to the Oracle Application Server 10gR3 documentation for detailed
information on starting and stopping this server.
Start the Oracle Application Server 10gR3 daemon on each content server machine and
every Oracle iLearning Middle Tier application server machine.

Please refer to the Oracle Application Server 10gR3 documentation for detailed
information on starting and stopping this server.
Start the Oracle Enterprise Manager daemon on each content server machine and every
Oracle iLearning Middle Tier application server machine.

Please refer to the Oracle Application Server 10gR3 documentation for detailed
information on starting and stopping this service.
The content server is now set up.
All Oracle iLearning middle tiers can access this content server.

Defining the Content Server in Oracle iLearning

These steps define which sites will have access to this content server.
18. Log in to Oracle iLearning as an administrator on the Root Site.
19. Click the Admin icon in the upper right corner of your browser window.
20. Select the site that should have access to the content server, for example, the Root Site or
21. Click the More... tab.
22. Choose Content Servers.
23. Click Add Content Server to view the list of available content servers.
24. Click New Content Server to define a new content server.
25. Enter the appropriate information to define a new content server (all fields are mandatory).
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Enter the content server Name

Enter the content server Host and Port
Enter the Physical Path to the content server directory
Enter the Virtual Path to the content server directory
Note: The information entered here needs to match with the information placed in the
httpd.conf file on the web server. Please ensure to coordinate these efforts with your
Oracle iLearning DBA.
26. Click Save to define the content server in Oracle iLearning.
27. To make the content server available to the site, check the Select box next to the content
server name, and click Make Available to Site.
If you plan to use SCORM-based content, stop and complete Setting Up the Oracle CMI
Adapter. Otherwise, go to task #28.
28. Use the Upload Files option in Oracle iLearning to transfer their content to the content
When their content resides on an Oracle iLearning content server, content developers
should always choose the iLearning Secured option when specifying the Content
Location for a content object.

Setting Up the Oracle CMI Adapter

iLearning 6.1 uses a Javascript based CMI Adapter. This replaced the applet based CMI
Adapter that required the Java Plug-in. If you are upgrading to 6.1 and you have already
installed the 6.0 patch for bug 14075342 (Javascript Player), you have already set up the CMI
Adapter and you can skip this section. Otherwise, you must install the new CMI adapter on all
content servers.
This section covers the tasks necessary to set up the Oracle CMI Adapter on content servers to
facilitate communication between SCORM compliant content and Oracle iLearning 6.1. This
document covers communication between iLearning 6.1 and both SCORM 1.2 and 2004
content. These tasks are performed whenever a content server will contain SCORM 2004
compliant content that needs to communicate information back to Oracle iLearning 6.1.
The Oracle CMI Adapter allows for interoperability between SCORM-based web content and
Oracle iLearning. The following steps are required to install the Oracle CMI Adapter:
During your upgrade or new install of Oracle iLearning 6.1, the lmsapi directory is created in the
OIL_17325195/Software/content_server directory on the middle tier where you unzipped the file. The files are required for CMI communication.
If the content server has iLearning 6.1 installed, the CMI Adapter files are already installed and
you can skip the copy adapter files step. If not, you must copy or ftp the lmsapi directory to a
directory on the content server that supports JSPs.
(ie. <IAS_HOME>/j2ee/home/default-web-app)
29. Log in to Oracle iLearning as an Administrator.
30. Click the Admin icon.
31. Under the Content tab, click your site name.
32. Click the More link in the right-hand pane
33. Click CMI Adapters.
34. Click Add CMI Adapter.
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35. Enter the appropriate values.

There are two fields you must complete:

Content URL Starts With

CMI Adapter Path

For example:
Content URL Starts With:
CMI Adapter Path:
36. Click Save.
Content objects created in Oracle iLearning that have the tracking type set to SCORM 1.2 or
SCORM 2004 and whose Starting URL matches the value set in Step 8 will automatically have
the CMI Adapter URL prepended to the starting URL when the content is launched, to ensure
SCORM 1.2 or SCORM 2004 CMI communication will take place successfully.

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Chapter 1 - Page 37

Scheduling and Running Batch Jobs

This topic explains how to schedule and run batch jobs.
Oracle iLearning provides the following batch jobs that send notifications:

certification_notification - sends emails about expiring certifications

queued_notification - sends emails about enrollments and approvals. This job sends
the emails that are queued from using WF_MAIL_MODE=batch
Batch Jobs are in OIL_17325195/Software/batchjobs. They rely on an environment variable
You can run these two batch jobs for a specific site by using the -site parameter in the
command line. The default action is to run the job for all sites. If you want the job to run for all
sites, then do not specify the parameter.
%as_home%/jdk/bin/java -mx100M -ms64M Dilearning.home=%as_home%/j2ee/oil/applications/ilearning/ilearn
oracle.ila.common.util.notif.model.QueuedNotificationJob -l
%LOG_DIR% -site "Root Site"

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Scheduling and Running Batch Jobs

Chapter 1 - Page 38

Troubleshooting Oracle iLearning 6.1

This section provides some answers to some problems or questions that have been
encountered during the installation process:
General Installation Notes

Oracle 11g Database

Ensure the installed database is patched up to the certified version (11.2) with all
specific OS patches applied.

Oracle Application Server 10gR3 (10.1.3)

Ensure Web Cache is either not installed or is turned off
If installed, shut off ports for Oracle iLearning, change the httpd.conf file so
port and listen directives are identical
Ensure all OS specific patches are applied prior to installation

Issue: The Oracle iLearning Installer is requesting a USERS or TEMP tablespace. I

am performing an upgrade, and my previous release of Oracle iLearning is located in a
different tablespace. I don't have these tablespaces in my database currently.
Resolution: The Oracle iLearning installer always validates the existence of the
USERS and TEMP tablespaces during an upgrade only. To solve this problem, you
can create the tablespaces in your database by performing the following commands:
SQL> connect system/<enter your system password here>
SQL> create tablespace USERS datafile '<enter your path
here>/users.dbf' size 1M;
SQL> create tablespace TEMP datafile '<enter your path
here>/temp.dbf' size 1M;
After the upgrade has successfully completed , the tablespaces you created above can
be removed. However, first ensure you are not using these tablespaces for any other
Issue: When the Oracle iLearning Login page appears, there is no Site field.
Resolution: There are three possible causes.
Only the Root site exists. This is the expected behavior.
The Oracle iLearning middle tiers cannot communicate with the database.
Ensure the Database is up and running
Ensure the Oracle iLearning schema name and password are the same as listed
in the file
The JDBC drivers cannot connect to the database due to a network or database
listener configuration problem
The IS_MULTI_SITE_Y_OR_N value in the Oracle iLearning configuration file is set to 'N'.
Shut down the instances of Oracle Application Server 10gR3
Change the value to Y in

Restart Oracle Application Server 10gR3

Issue: After the installation completed, the Oracle iLearning login page appears, but I
cannot login successfully (note: the Announcements bin and Site field do not always
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Resolution: This occurs if any middle tier cannot communicate with the database. This
may happen if the database is down; the database Oracle iLearning schema name or
password is different to values contained in the
configuration file on the middle tier application servers; or the JDBC driver cannot
connect to the database due to network or database listener problems. Check the
schema name and password and attempt to connect to the Oracle iLearning schema
using SQL*Plus. Make the appropriate changes to the Oracle iLearning configuration
file or the database.
Issue: Is Oracle iLearning capable of load balancing and high availability?
Resolution: Oracle iLearning can load balance across application servers using the
OC4J cluster mechanism.
Issue: The default session time-outs in the Oracle iLearning installation are too short.
How can they be increased beyond 1 hour?
Resolution: Add the following timeout entries to the
file. These properties specify the length of time (in minutes) before idle browser
sessions are invalidated due to inactivity. The following syntax is used to set inactive
session time out value to 75 minutes:
Note: Please refer to your Oracle Application Server 10gR3 documentation for more
The following parameter applies specifically to the Oracle iLearning player. This value
can be set from the file located in the same directory:

Issue: When attempting to run reports in Oracle iLearning, I receive one or more of the
following errors
"Error checking out an application module from the reporting
pool"; or
JBO-29000: Unexpected exception caught: java.sql.SQLException,
msg=ORA-01031: insufficient privileges ORA-06512: at
line 58 ORA-06512: at "ILEARN_RPT.ILA_VPD", line 7 ORA-06512: at
line 1
The Oracle Context option may not be installed on your database server, or may not be
configured correctly. Check that the ILA_CONTEXT object exists in the sys or system
database schemas. If not, try creating this object using the following commands:
SQL> CONNECT SYSTEM/<password>@<connect string>
Check that there are no invalid objects in the CTXSYS schema by

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Troubleshooting Oracle iLearning 6.1

Chapter 1 - Page 40

View the file to ensure your reporting schema name and
passwords are correct and sufficient application modules are configured in the pool for
Oracle iLearning. The parameters to check are:
reporting.connectString=jdbc:oracle:thin:<ilearning rpt
schema>/<new ilearning rpt pwd>@<servername>:<port>:<sid>
Retry a report execution.
You can only have one database schema that uses ILA_CONTEXT. If two ilearning
schemas exist in the database, this can cause reports to fail. Drop the previous
ILA_CONTEXT and use the install.sql in the
<ORACLE_HOME>ilearn/src/sql/adhoc/ directory to reinstall only the adhoc
reporting related parts pointing to your Oracle iLearning schema.

Issue: No content can be played from Oracle iLearning. A File Not Found error
message is received.
Resolution: Please make sure the host name and port number is defined correctly in
your file. Also verify the LMS_URL and AICC_URL values
are correct.
Issue: Files cannot be successfully uploaded to an Oracle iLearning secured content
Make sure that value of the directives DocumentRoot and Directory are set
correctly in the httpd.conf file.
There also needs to be an ftp server process running on the content server.
The username and password supplied in the must
match a user created in the ftp server. This user also requires write permissions in
the directory specified in the httpd.conf file.

If a load balancer is in place, ensure the load balancer FTP Port is set up and
accepts FTP connections
Issue: When launching content on an Oracle iLearning Secured Server, the user
receives a HTTP 403 Permission Denied error
The following entries must match exactly:
httpd.conf ServerName HOST parameter of the content server

Host and Port setup of the content server all must match exactly
Verify the value of the oracle.ila.player.cookie in:
Issue: Installation completes, but a window is left open after installation.
Resolution: If the installation has completed successfully, you should be able to exit
the installer. The open window was created by the installer to start the Oracle
Enterprise Manager website. Do not close this window if you are planning on using
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Chapter 1 - Page 41

Oracle Enterprise Manager to administer Oracle iLearning through the Oracle

Application Server 10gR3.
Issue: On Windows 2003 Server, I installed an FTP server, but it does not start.
Resolution: There is a default FTP server created during the Windows 2003 server
installation. Only one FTP server should be configured. To resolve the problem. You
can either:
Disable the Windows 2003 FTP server (from the Internet Services Manager) and
install another FTP server; or
Configure the Windows 2003 FTP server. Please refer to the Windows 2003 Server
documentation for more information on the guidelines available in the Setting Up a
Content Server document.
Issue: Users accessing Oracle iLearning from a Trusted URL cannot log in.
Possible Reasons:
If the external page is a secured page (using HTTPS), the link to Oracle
iLearning must also point to HTTPS
External pages cannot use javascript to construct the link to Oracle iLearning.
Users who have any administrative permissions other than Run Report will not
be able to log in this way. Users with administrative permissions should log
directly in to Oracle iLearning.
Issue: Email notifications are not being sent when performing the following actions:
Enrollments/Unenrollments (except mandatory enrollment option)
Course cancellations
New user account creation
Forum notification
Instructor booking or cancellation
Certification reminder and expiration
Assessment submission
Notification to all learners currently enrolled in an offering
Standard and Learning Credit Order creation
Possible Reasons:
The smtp MAIL_HOST entry in the file is not pointing to the
correct smtp server
The smtp server is not accesible to the Oracle iLearning middle tier. (Unix only)
Attempt to send an email from the command line on the middle tier to the smtp
mailx -v <email address>, then enter the subject and body of the
email. Then, press Control D to send.
The From or To email address is invalid or has syntax errors
The From Address for Notification Emails email address on the
Oracle iLearning site properties page is invalid or has syntax errors

The ADMIN_EMAIL entry in the file is invalid or has syntax

Issue: Importing an XML file is extremely slow or never finishes
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Troubleshooting Oracle iLearning 6.1

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Possible Reasons:
Ensure the xml file being imported references the correct instance of Oracle
iLearning if a reference to Oracle iLearning is present. If the schema validation is
attempting to access another URL, it may be slow or hang completely.
Common Content Server Configuration Errors When Uploading Content
How does Content Upload Work?
When the user uploads content files using the Oracle iLearning administrative user interface,
the content file is transferred from the users machine to the Oracle iLearning middle tier server
in a physical directory determined by a designated content server.
The content file is uploaded in three steps:
First, the content file is placed in a temporary location $TEMP_DIR/TempImportExportDir/ImportFiles/ directory by the web server using http
protocol. The process renames the file to make it unique by suffixing additional characters.
Second, the file is transferred from the temporary location mentioned above to the content
server directory using the ftp protocol. After the file is transferred, it is removed from the
temporary location.
Third, if the content file is a zip file, the web server triggers a servlet process to unzip the file in
the same directory. If the uploaded file is an individual file, then it is renamed to its original
name. The zip file is removed from this directory after successful unzip.
What are most common issues encountered in configuring a content server?
(1) The content file is not transferred from the users machine to the middle tier server.
Error message:
"The content server is not running on <Virtual IP > on Port <port number>. No files were
uploaded to the content server."
(2) The middle tier server fails to transfer the file from the location as mentioned in the first step
above to the location mentioned in second step (i.e. content server location).
Error message:
"The FTP server is not running on the content server <Virtual IP > on Port <port number>. No
files were uploaded to the content server."
(3) The zip file have been uploaded into the appropriate directory in the content server but the
unzip process failed.
Error message:
"The FTP server is not running on the content server <Virtual IP > on Port <port number>. No
files were uploaded to the content server."
No error message is seen during upload, but the file is not viewable or playable. If you
physically inspect the content location directory, you find a zip file there instead of the regular
content files.
How to Fix Content Server Not Running issues?
The content server is not configured properly. Please follow the instructions as contained in
Oracle iLearning install guide to configure the content server.
How to Fix FTP Server Not Running issues?
Provide ftp access from the middle tier servers to the content server. If the middle tier servers
and the content server are on the same machine, the ilearning owner (the unix user) should be
able to ftp to localhost. This error message could also be thrown by the web server if the content
sever is not configured properly.
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How to fix unzip or access issues?

As part of the content upload process, the middle tier server accesses the Virtual IP to initiate
unzip of the uploaded file. In a BigIP and Firewall environment, most likely this might not be
allowed. The following two configuration settings will help solve this problem:
(1) If the HTTP server is listening on a port other than 80:
You need to setup an extra route on the proxy service of the firewall to provide loopback access
from the middle tier server to the Virtual IP on the same BigIP. Please contact your System
administrator/Security Administrator to setup this configuration for you.
Test this by giving the following command:
(a) try to access the Virtual IP from the middle tier server
$telnet <Virtual IP> 80
If the above command succeeds, then the access from the middle tier server to the Virtual IP is
allowed, and the extra route works.
(2) If the HTTP server is listening on port 80:
Though the solution given at (1) above will also work if the HTTP server is listening on port 80,
there is one more workaround for this kind of configuration:
Add the Virtual IP as an alias for the middle tier server machine. As an example this could be
done by having the following entry in the /etc/hosts file:
<IP address of mt server > < mt server machine name> <Virtual IP for
the website >
In this case the middle tier server would resolve that the Virtual IP is itself and the request will
not go to the BigIP.

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Troubleshooting Oracle iLearning 6.1

Chapter 1 - Page 44

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