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Kingswood Elementary School

Parent School Association

Meeting Date: Thursday, October 23, 2014

Meeting Time: 6:30-8:00 pm
Meeting chair: Lorelei Burgess

Agenda Items
1. Welcome and attendance
Attendance was not officially taken; Jennie Colburn, Lorelei Burgess, Sarah Gardner, Carolyn Thompson, Jacqueline
Currie-Gates & others

2. Approval of Minutes
Carolyn Thompson approved the minutes from first meeting Sept 22; seconded by Sarah Gardner

3. Fundraising - Review of plans for this year

Breakfast With Santa Jacqueline & Jennie (co-chairs)
Date changed to December 6
Pre-event food pickup: Heather Kitchen and Jacqueline have ordered enough food for 700 meals
Collecting donations for a charity will use a large Grinch & people can purchase a heart
Ms. Claus Bakery in conjunction with Seahorse Sweets
Schedule: Friday night we need to be out by 9 pm; Sat out by 2 pm.
Financials Tanya Boudreau handling this
Having another meeting in a week or two
Inflatables have been requested as loaners, as well as white lights & wrapped gift boxes
Many balls (tree decorations) left over from last year will try to think of a way to use these or
donate them somewhere
Bingo Shelly
Looking at doing this March 26 or May 14
Leaning toward March 26 (Thursday before a PD day), so as not to conflict with potential Spring
Expect to have the same expenses as last year
Communication items:
Online fundraising notice went out last week re: Mabels Labels, Steeped Tea, Magazines
A voicemail went out this week re: kiss n go area (phone message)
More communication re: Breakfast With Santa will go out to the school at large re: donating
items such as inflatables etc.

Spring Fair?
Question as to whether or not to hold a Spring fair this year (this popular event was not held in 2014).
School admin is okay with having this event in 2015. To be decided at a later date.
Pared-down Auction / Art & Music Event?
Consensus from the last auction was that teachers ended up doing a lot of work to prepare the
items, frame them etc.
Will get feedback from teachers to see if they are willing / interested in doing a pared-down
version of the event
Could do 1 piece per class, ensure teachers know a percentage of proceeds from their piece
could to go directly back to the class
Teachers will discuss to see what would work for them, Carolyn to discuss with Carmelitta
Discussed doing a combined art & music event, with a concert. Ie, hang art throughout the gym
and have students present some songs during the event.
Mr. Jackson has expressed a need for more risers for concerts proceeds from this event could
go towards the purchase of new risers
April? Date TBD

4. Update on Lunchtime Programs (Michelle/Deanna)

Currently have 11 paid monitors, plus volunteers

Additional sports equipment has been purchased
Clubs started this week: Zumba (next week), Bricks 4 Kids & Art
All clubs full to capacity
3 separate clubs seem to be the max space-wise right now. Also with coordination with
providers, sending kids to where they need to go etc, a lot needs to be done and this would be
difficult to do with more clubs, at least at this point.
Art club takes place on the stage, B4K in the library
No MusIQ right now
Will be discussing clubs again at Christmas break and reassessing at that point

5. Update on Health Promotion Committee

An email went out regarding this committee

Made up of staff & parents, 5-6 members currently
Blaise to provide support
Garden/grounds will be looked at as a sub-committee grant money may be available for this
(school gardens)
Wendy Macallum will be arranging a meeting for committee members soon

6. Principals Report (Carmelitta/Carolyn)

Continued reminders going out about the kiss n go area and the need to vacate quickly and not
leave vehicle there during drop-off. Parking spots are provided if parents need to leave their car
for any reason.
Terry Fox run was held and was a very successful event
SAC meeting anyone can attend these, only members may vote but anyone can go
There will be a Remembrance Day event in school Nov 10
Parent/Teacher interviews: Nov 13 evening & Nov 17 afternoon (no classes that day)
Bikes in the classroom: 1 teacher comented on this they are working well, finding it a great tool
for kids who need to move

A talk has been booked Childhood Anxiety (school-age) January 13 @ 6:30 pm. Open to
Kingswood only initially. Will be held in the cafeteria (cap of 175 people). Jennie will make a
poster for the event.

7. Set meeting schedule for remainder of year

Next meeting: November 24

8. Adjournment

Meeting adjourned 7:25 pm

Reminder: no meeting in December

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