Argala & Virodharaala1

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ARGALA and VIRODHARGALA, are two very important aspects of Vedic Astrology, and one should understand them once your basic
understanding of Rasi chart is in place.
Argala basically means influence or intervention of planets or houses in the internal affairs of other houses or planets which can be either
negative in the form of obstruction or positive in form of facilitation, and Virodhaargala clears the obstruction due to negative influence.
Planets in 2nd, 4th, 5th and 11th houses have Argala on the planet and house in discussion and planets in 12th, 10th, 9th and 3rd have
Virodharagala on the planet and house in discussion.
Argala: It can be Subha (Auspicious) Argala if the Argala is due to benefic planets like Jupiter, Venus, Moon (Shukla), and Mercury (If
posited with Benefics), and it can be Papa (Sin) Argala if the Argala is due to Malefic planets like Sun, Mars, Saturn, Moon (Krishna) or
Mercury (If posited with Malefics) and the two shadow planets, Rahu and Ketu.
In case of the house with Ketu the 2,4,5, and 11th houses are counted in reverse order or anti zodically.
Virodh Argala: Is very effective when a Benefic like Jupiter or Venus has Virodha Argala on the house with malefic planets.
Argala for the first house (Tanu bhava): 2nd, 4th, 5th and 11th from Tanu bhava has Argala on Tanu Bhava.
Tanu Bhava represents: Physique, appearance, intellect (or the organ of intelligence, i.e. brain), complexion of the body, vigour, weakness,
happiness, grief and innate nature, strength, energy, fame, success, nature of birth, caste.
Tanu bhava should be with Benefics or better be empty with just ascendant, and no malefic planet should have any Dhristi (Aspect) on it or
its planets, such a Tanu bhava gives the native a good character and personality, e.g. I have Jupiter and Moon in my Tanu Bhava (1st
house), but I have a 4th house aspect of Mars from 10th house, which adds the army man or sports man like attitude to a knowledged and
clean person and it also makes me a terrible warrior, a competitive sportsman and a disciplined army man, Moon is also in Shukla thithi,
and Moon controls the mind, the Ascendant is in Gemini, lord of Gemini is Mercury posited in 10th house and Lord of 10th House Jupiter is
posited in 1st house. (Please note when I say Army man, read it as mentality :-)) otherwise few over curious people might check for my
registration with each and every army in this world) :-)))))
Cancer, 2nd house, Virgo (4th house), Libra (5th house) and Aries (11th house) have Argala on 1st house.
2nd House is Dhan Bhava which represents : Sustenance, Inheritance, wealth, grains (food etc.), family, death, enemies, metals, precious
stones, assets, speech, eyes, mouth, face, voice, food.
4th house is Bandhu bhava and represents: Learning, Vehicle, Conveyances, relatives, mother, happiness, treasure, lands and buildings,
house, lands, immovable property, motherland, childhood, wealth from real estate, education, comforts, pleasures, peace, state of mind,
5th house is Putra bhava and represents: Punya,(There is no word for "Punya", in English, it is opposite of Sin), Intelligence, Putra Bhava
amulets, sacred spells, learning, knowledge, sons, royalty (or authority), fall of position, children, poorvapunya (good deeds of previous
lives),scholarship, devotion, mantras (prayers), stomach, digestive system, authority/power, fame, love, affection, emotions, judgment,

11th house is Labha bhava and it represents: All articles, sons wife, income, prosperity, quadrupeds, Elder co-borns, gains, realization of
hopes, friends, ankles.
Taurus (12th house), Pisces (10th house) Aquarius (9th house) and Leo (3rd house) have Virodha Argala on 1st House.
12th is Vyaya bhava (House of Loss) and it represents: Expenses, history of enemies, ones own death, losses, punishment, imprisonment,
hospitalization, pleasures in bed, misfortune, bad habits, sleep, meditation, donation, secret enemies, heaven, left eye, feet, residence
away from the place of birth, moksha (emancipation/liberation). .
10th is Karma bhava and it represents: Royalty (authority), place, profession (livelihood), honour, living in foreign lands and debts, growth,
career, karma (action), conduct in society, fame, awards, self-respect, dignity, knees.
9th is Dharma bhava and it represents: Fortunes, wifes brother, religion, brothers wife, visits to shrines, father, teacher, boss, fortune,
religiousness, spirituality, god, higher studies & high knowledge, fortune in a foreign land, foreign trips, diksha (joining a religious order),
past life and the cause of birth, grandchildren, principles, dharma, intuition, compassion, sympathy, leadership, charity, thighs.
3rd is Sahaj bhava and it represents: valour, servants (attending etc.), brothers, sisters etc., initiatory instructions (Upadesh), journey and
parents death, younger co-borns, confidants, courage, mental strength, communication skills, creativity, throat, ears, arms, fathers death
(7th from 9th), expenditure on vehicles and house (12th from 4th), travels.
How to use Argala and Virodhargala
First check how many planets are giving argala and virodhargala, which ever side is strong , that side will have influence on that house in
discussion, if there are no planets in both sides then check the strength of the houses with respect to aspects etc, and guess the result.
In the above case, Virodharagala is over powering then any negative Argala, which means anyone who stands in my way will be crushed
by the planets in 12th, 10th house and 9th house. :-) nice army.
4th house is Bandhu bhava and represents: Learning, Vehicle, Conveyances, relatives, mother, happiness, treasure, lands and buildings,
house, lands, immovable property, motherland, childhood,

wealth from real estate, education, comforts, pleasures, peace, state of mind, heart.
4th house, one important aspect is Education, and 2,4,5,11th from 4th are, 5th, 7th, 8th and 2nd have argala on 4th house.
5th house is intelligence, 7th house is relations, 2nd house is attitude or character, which basically decide what kind of education the
native will have, if 5th house has a benefic it will help the native with intelligence, and if 5th hosue has Rahu, it will cause loss of
inelligence, and 8th house will indicate how hard it is for the native to learn anything.
Like this each and every aspect of each and every house can be seen in the Rasi chart.
If someone's 10th house is highlighted for political activity due to Sun and Mars in 10th house, there could be argala in form of Liberals
and Virodha argala in form of NDP and Conservatives.
Meaning, Liberals would be causing obstruction to the native and NDP and Conservatives might remove those obstructions, :-) as a result
Liberals will be facing with obstructions and no one will be there to remove those for them.
So before planning obstructions one should see if there is any other source which can clear your obstructions, in this regard I think Liberals
are very carefree.

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