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His Excellency Mr.

Ban Ki-Moon

European Parliament

European Council

UN Headquarter

Rue Wiertz/Wiertzstraat 60

Rue de la Loi/Wetstraat 175

First Avenue at 46th Street

B-1047 Bruxelles

B-1048 Bruxelles

New York, NY 10017,



United Nations Secretary-General


All the governments of the world, Mass media

And to all of those interested in the future of the human race

Your Excellency, Ladies and Gentlemen

Considering that under the impulse of the achievement of individual or group welfare,
people are able sometimes to commit indescribable atrocities, a consequence of an
insufficiently developed intellect and / or because of the exclusion of the main components
from their educational process, namely the existence of the interconnections between
members of the human species and between the members of the human species and the
environment. According to the provisions of Art. 22 and Art. 29 of the Universal Declaration
of Human Rights, wishing to prevent the death of hundreds of millions of people and the
outbreak of The World War III, I am writing the present with the value of

Open letter
Petition to the European Union Parliament, Council of the European Union

and to the National Governments of the member countries of the European Union

With regret and deeply concerned, I see the man, despite being endowed with intelligence,
often act instinctively and cause disasters and tragedies. Moreover, I find that the lack of
mankind's responsibility to the environment and its tendency to irrational consumption of
resources will lead to the extinction of other species, including the human one.
In fact, the situation is extremely serious and the world governments, being at stake the
future of the human species on Earth and of the other species as well, should urgently
adopt a common policy regarding the management and the effective use of all resources
of the planet.
In general terms:
According to information provided by the Population Reference Bureau for 2014, the natural
growth of the planet is 86,581,000 newborns for a population of the Earth, which exceed
7, 2 billion (and continue to grow);
The life expectancy of the people has increased from 30 years in 1800 to 70 years in 2011
(and continues to grow);
Earth's biocapacity is constant, the planet needs at the moment a period of 18 months to
regenerate the resources consumed by humans in a year;
Wastes and carbon dioxide emissions generated by human activity exceed the annual
capacity of absorption of the planet, a situation that could cause serious problems such as
flooding, hunger and people migration;
Additionally, in the absence of a proper education, a situation that may prove more severe
than the problem itself, is the chaos generated by the people who have difficulty accepting
the new;
In The Living Planet Report conducted by the World Wide Fund, its stated that Earth has
lost half of its wildlife in the past 40 years because of the human activity. A situation that
should make us worry about our future;

Another very serious cause for concern, and the world governments must take it into
account, is the incapacity of humans to cope with the danger that could come from cosmic
space etc.
In conclusion, according to estimates made by the UN experts regarding the fact that the
Earth's population will number over 9, 6 billion people in 2050, reported at the inability of
humans to colonize other planets in a timely manner, I believe, assuming denial as the main
cause of our unresolved issues, that reducing resource consumption can be done by:
Humans death, which will confirm, more or less, the fact that the human race is nothing
else than a parasite biological error which acts under the impulse of achieving individual or
group welfare by exploiting and killing the weak. In these conditions, with all due respect, I
would like to formulate three major questions:
1. Who must die?
2. How many must die?
3. How should they die?

Hypothetically, for question number 1, with your consent, I speculate:

All people who committed crimes because resources allocated for the capture,
prosecution, rehabilitation and reintegration of these people into society are
absolutely huge, and the resources saved this way can then be used for various
projects which have as objective colonization of other planets;
All people who have a poor training, because in society these people are nothing
else than an unnecessary consumption of resources;
All people who consume a significant amount of resources to satisfy their needs or
whims because, to the detriment of the general welfare, these people will put
personal interests in the first place;

The representatives of the church, because part of their actions has slowed down
significantly the intellectual evolution of the human species (Galileo Galilei's murder
All politicians who did not know how to manage the Earth's resources and because
of the fact that they created the current system in such way, that the overwhelming
majority of people are only concerned about tomorrow;
All the rich people of the planet for the exploitation of the weak and poor ones,
because under the impulse of achieving individual and group welfare, these people
have caused and will cause a tremendous damage to the evolutionary process of the
human species;
All poor people.

Your Excellency Mr. Ban Ki-Moon, United Nations Secretary-General, Ladies and

I, Stan Gheorghe, and I proudly say Romanian citizen and European Union citizen, I refuse
to believe that human species is a biological error, and I relentlessly say that the
EDUCATION is the sole correct answer to solve all the problems faced by the human race.
To kill my neighbor's children, so that my son or my daughter to enjoy a certain welfare, is
NOT an option! To kill my neighbor's family, so that my family to enjoy a certain wealth, is
NOT an option! I, HUMAN, I can do much more than that! Moreover, if I am an individual
that, consequence of a diminished intellect, I am more apprehensive to the stimulus fear, I
must have in mind that my neighbors can ally against me and no matter how good my
training is, no matter how exceptional my combat skills are, no matter how fortified my
house is, I risk that my family and I to pay with our lives.
Having faith in the value of the human being, I take into account that HUMAN must use his
intelligence in a constructive way and he must include the existence of interconnections
between members of the human species and between members of the human species and
the environment as a vital element in all decisions that he will take regarding the future of

his species on Earth or other planets, if the HUMAN would be wise enough to colonize other
planets in a timely manner.
Of course, there will be voices that will hasten to say that the distance from saying to
making it real is long and difficult, but I am not part of the category of those who only take
notes, and based on profound analysis conducted over the course of several years, I offer
for free to all world governments a law project which is a giant step in solving the major
problems faced by humanity and whose benefits can be quantifiable in a few months from
The legislative project bears part of my name, and it is called STAN Law on the
improvement of the quality of human resources, the first legislative project in the world
which, from the desire to be accessible to all social levels is explained, hard to believe, in 4
images, and is the world's first legislative project that benefits of a video preamble.
For the English version of the image, please click on one of the following links:

For the French version of the image, please click on one of the following links:

The legislative project is based on the existence of interconnections between members of

the human species and between members of the human species and the environment,

starting from the fact that the lack of parental involvement in children's rearing and
education, along with the lack of opportunities for development based on competence, is
the source of most of the crimes in society.
Noticing that people, in an overwhelming majority, are unable to identify the existence of
relatively simple interconnections which exist between members of the human species and
between members of the human species and the environment, I decided to substitute
during the first phase those interconnections with the development of the capacity of
empathy up to a satisfactory level.
I specify that the legislative project entitled the STAN Law on the improvement of the quality
of human resources can be modified according to the needs of each country, and if the
world governments, for various reasons, more or less founded, want to modify all or part of
the name of the legislative project, are free to do so.
In the event that some of the governments decide, in respect of my effort, to modify only the
content of the legislative project, I thank them, and with all due respect, I betokening that is
more important to take all common sense and legal necessary measures, so that in a not
too distant future, to be forced to slaughter each other for a glass of water, a piece of bread
or, by the nature of our activities, to cause extinction of other species on Earth, a situation
that can eventually lead to the extinction of the human species as well.
The STAN Law on the improvement of the quality of human resources has been presented
with the title of legislative suggestion to the Romanian Parliament, but, unfortunately, the
expectations regarding this matter are very low. Regretfully I found out that there are
members of the Romanian Parliament who do not know the meaning of the term
Preamble, there are deputies who are not able to distinguish between the objective of a
legislative project and methods by which the objective is achieved, and if to all of this is
added the fact that a large number of parliamentary advisers are employed on criteria
related to eye color, kinship degree, breast size etc., I consider that the situation is
extremely serious and that the lives and futures of millions of Romanians are at stake. But
nevertheless, these, at least initially, are issues of the internal nature, to which, due to
subjective reasons, I will not refer.

For the English version of the STAN Law on the improvement of the quality of human
resources presented with the title of legislative suggestion to the Romanian Parliament,
please click on one of the following links:

For the French version of the STAN Law on the improvement of the quality of human
resources presented with the title of legislative suggestion to the Romanian Parliament,
please click on one of the following links:

With your permission, succinct and very pragmatic I will explain the reasons and the effects
of certain provisions specified in the STAN Law on the improvement of the quality of human
The provisions of Art. 3
Reasons: The large number of people on Earth and their tendency to irrational
consumption of resources; The exclusion of the option to kill, by various methods, a large
number of people; The huge difference between mortality rate and the birth rate; The
dramatic increase in average of the life expectancy during the 20th century; The poor quality
of human resources and the large number of crimes generated by the lack of parent
involvement in the childrens rearing and education, consequence of the fact that people are
not psychologically prepared of giving birth to children and they are not fully aware of the
financial and material efforts necessary for their childrens rearing and education, so that
children, who are the future of the human species do not to become a burden on the society
and to ensure the evolution of the human race; Earth's biocapacity to regenerate the
resources consumed by humans etc.

Effects: Reducing the number of people on Earth and that, most importantly, excluding the
option to kill people (indeed, the process is slower, but at least we do not lose our
humanity); Improving the quality of human resources; Reduction of crime and irrational
consumption of resources; Adjust the ratio of consumption of resources and Earth's
biocapacity to regenerate the resources consumed by humans etc.
Note: I realize that the measures provided are contrary to the current lifestyle and to some
beliefs, but when the other option is death, I think it is not a difficult choice, but rather one
with very much common sense, very rational and perfectly legal. People must understand
very clearly the fact that if they do not radically change their lifestyle, they will disappear!
I, MAN, as everyone to understand, I should not, and I do not want to pay for the "fun" of
another man, simple as that! The man must understand that he lives in a community and
has some obligations to the community. Has no meaning what so ever to offer a glass of
water or a piece of bread to a man who sooner or later will rape my daughter, will hit my
son, will tempt them with drugs, or who will kill them, creating, given the existence of the
interconnections between members of the human species, massive malfunctioning at all
levels of the society.
I mention that the provisions of the Art. 3 from the STAN Law on the improvement of the
quality of human resources have their source in the provisions of Art. 29 and Art. 22 of The
Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
At the same time, I suggest that the second birth take place at an interval of at least 3
years after the first birth and at least 5 years if at first birth were born twins, triplets,
quadruplets etc.
I repeat myself, I am perfectly aware that the measures specified in Art. 3 of the STAN Law
on the improvement of the quality of human resources are contrary to the current lifestyle
and to some beliefs, but all world governments, and people in general, need to understand
very clearly that mankind is unable to colonize other planets and if we all do not change our
lifestyle starting from "tomorrow" or better said from "yesterday", we will disappear as a
species, because no one will come to offers us another planet to devour it.

The provisions of Art. 4, Art. 5, Art. 9, Art. 10, Art. 11 correlated with the sanctions
stipulated in Art. 25
Reasons: The lack of parent involvement in the children's rearing and education with
catastrophic consequence for society etc.
Effects: Reduction the number of offenses; Improving the quality of human resources and,
therefore, human welfare; Developing the capacity for empathy; Increasing the
accountability and involvement of parents in their children's rearing and education.
Note: Developing of the capacity for empathy, placeholder for the interconnections between
members of the human species and between the members of the human species and the
environment, plays an overwhelming role in the evolution of the human species.
With your permission, taking into account that this is also addressed to the media, to
highlight the importance of including empathy in people's decisions on various aspects of
their lives, please click the following link:

(I appreciate that empathy is the main reason behind of the decision taken by the beggar, and the
character, hypothetically, in order to satisfy the basic needs would have been finally forced by the
situation to commit at least one crime (theft, robbery or even murder)).

The provisions of Art. 6 and Art. 7 correlated with the sanctions stipulated in Art. 27
Reasons: The disastrous results of recent years from the final exams of students (valid for
Romania); Impotency of teachers to identify and apply effective methods of teaching and
learning so that students can easily retain and apply more effectively what they have
learned; Impotence of teachers to create during the hours allocated to subjects taught in
school curricula, a pleasant climate, favorable to assimilation of information; The violence
teacher student from educational institutions etc.

Effects: It goes without saying and I consider, for example, that it will be easy to anticipate
the extraordinary results of students at the disciplines biology or zoology if, with the support
of the competent authorities, the teacher would go with students to the Botanical Garden or
the Zoo and would teach some of the lessons there etc.
Moreover, I strongly suggest to all world governments to introduce Chess, Astronomy and
Martial arts (or any other contact sport) as compulsory disciplines in all educational

Regarding the provisions of Art. 8 of the STAN Law on the improvement of the quality of
human resources, I specify that they are very important in the evolution process of the
human species, and for obvious reasons, I will not argue the causes and effects of these
provisions, but to highlight certain issues, please access the following three links:
(I warn that the images may have a strong emotional impact and I consider that does not
require translation in forming an opinion)

The provisions of Art. 14 letter b), Art. 15, Art. 16, article 17, Art. 19 and Art. 20
Reasons: Reduction of human physical force and consequently their work capacity; The
large number of acts of violence from educational institutions etc.
Effects: Development of human capital and increasing competitiveness, by linking
education with the labor market who requires specific skills; Decrease the acts of violence in
educational institutions; Developing competition etc.


Note: Assuming the fact that violence and intelligence gave us the first place in the food
chain and denial is the main cause of unsolved problems, excluding the improvement of
strength and physical work capacity of young people, the general aim of the provisions of
Art. 14 letter b), Art. 15, Art. 16, article 17, Art. 19 and Art. 20 consists in education and
identification of viable alternatives to the violent behavior of young people, so by harnessing
and developing specific skills, they could be a help for the society.
The provisions of Art. 23 correlated with the sanctions stipulated in Art. 28
Reasons: Behavior modification with devastating effect on human race evolution, caused
by the lack of opportunities for development on the basis of competence; The tremendous
number of crimes caused by the lack of opportunities for development on the basis of
competence. For example, if the economic agents employs people based on criteria that are
not related to competence (eye color, kinship degree, breast size, etc.), due to lack of
opportunities, to satisfy their needs, people will commit serious crimes, murders, robberies,
acts of prostitution, drug trafficking, arms trafficking and so on. And if this situation is
tolerated by the justice since is veiled dictated by the political sphere on criteria which
include financial aspects under the impulse of achieving of individual and group welfare, the
situation is even worse. I believe that such situation, given the existence of the
interconnections between members of the human species, should be a warning to all
governments of the world, and I offer as example the situation USA - Mexico, Italy Romania, UK The countries from S-E Europe etc.
Effect: Decrease the number of offenses; The development of competition and
consequently accelerating the process of evolution of the human species etc.
At the end of the present, in search of a common denominator for the good of humanity, I
mention that the legislative project is the first step of a very complex project initiated by me
as Project Manager of the NGO I Believe in You - Drop that makes the difference! named
Act as species NOT as nations!, a campaign of a huge magnitude which aims to raise
the public awareness and understanding regarding the necessity of international
cooperation to create an effective global system for the distribution of all Earth's resources
managed by a WORLD GOVERNMENT.


There are countries that are wasting millions of liters of water and countries who are
experiencing an acute shortage of water ; There are countries that throws away tons of food
and countries with populations suffering from malnutrition, without having to bring into
question the inability of people (if they act as nations and not as species) to protect
themselves from a "different" kind of danger, like asteroids, solar storms..., a war against
Intelligent Biological Entities of Extraterrestrial Origin (I.B.E.E.O) Lets face it, its out of
the question, if I.B.E.E.O comes on Earth with criminal intentions, then
The campaign was carried out at national level and it has been addressed to companies,
institutions, individuals and media, but unfortunately the preliminary results of the campaign
are absolutely horrifying, and the survival chances of the human species in these conditions
would be... in sequence with the current understanding of the Romanians ability.
For the English version of the questionnaire sent it on the occasion of the campaign Act as
species NOT as nations! please click on one of the following links:

For the French version of the questionnaire sent it on the occasion of the campaign Act as
species NOT as nations! please click on one of the following links:

All answers provided will be translated and made public all over the world (or not). Also, on
this occasion I will ask for the help of all institutions, companies, individuals, and media to
carry out this campaign at the planetary scale.
I mention that the exceptionality of this project, if it will be conducted at the planetary scale,
lies in its capacity to create history, and very importantly, this project t-r-u-l-y comes from


ordinary people (NOT from the government or other intelligence agencies etc.) from people
who have realized that the human species is heading with quick steps to a very dangerous
I also mention that the legislative project which bears part of my name is "one step away"
from the source of all mankind problems but, unfortunately, given the people lessened
ability of understanding and their reticence at new, it is indicated that the source in question
to be disclosed in a cinema movie, a movie that must be, in order to be viewed by a large
number of people, very commercial.
In this regard, I already have marked the outline of the script for the film "Good, Bad or ...
Necessary?" and I sent a request to the Government of Romania for helping me to make
this movie. However, if the Romanian Government, for more or less substantiated reasons
will not want to help me to make this movie, I will ask for the help of all institutions,
companies and all good people on this planet to helping me to make the film.
Regarding the broadcasting of the movie, I mention that it will be distributed for free, and I
also mention that each national government on this planet will receive a copy of the movie
or, in case that the film will generate income, the revenue will be donated to NGOs around
the world to help people in need, or direct to the people in need regardless of their race,
religion, color, national origin, gender, age, disability etc.
Thank you for the time you have spent reading the present and I hope, being at stake the
future of the human species on Earth, as well as other species, the world governments will
realize the importance of a common policy concerning the management and the effective
use of Earth's resources. Regarding this matter it can be considered the fact that the first
step has already occurred through the legislative project named the STAN Law on the
improvement of the quality of human resources, which, very important, comes from a
neutral zone, a zone without demands.


since the people will not give up at their current lifestyle, mankind should prepare for The
World War III and the Ukrainian crisis or a terrorist attack would be a plausible excuse for

With consideration,
Gheorghe STAN
Romanian citizen and European Union citizen


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