Gardnerville Town Board Meeting Agenda

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Meeting Agenda
Lloyd Higuera, Chairman
Mary Wenner, Vice Chairwoman
Cassandra Jones, Board Member
Ken Miller, Board Member
Linda Slater, Board Member
Tuesday, February 3, 2015

4:30 p.m.

1407 Highway 395 N.

Gardnerville, Nevada 89410
(p)775-782-7134 (f): 775-782-7135
Contact: Carol Louthan, Office Manager
Senior for any questions or additional
information. You may also view the
board packet online at the towns website.

Gardnerville Town Hall

The Town of Gardnerville provides high quality services based on community needs in a cost effective and efficient manner. We will
strive to protect the communitys quality of life while proactively preparing for the future. We will be accessible and fully accountable to
our community.
Copies of the finalized agenda are posted at the following locations prior to meeting day in accordance with NRS Chapter 241:
Gardnerville Town Offices, Gardnerville Post Office, Carson Valley Chamber of Commerce and Visitors Authority and the Douglas
County 8 Street Historic Courthouse. The agenda is also posted on the Internet at All items shall include
discussion and possible action to approve, modify, deny, or continue.
Notice to Persons with Disabilities: Members of the public who are disabled and require special assistance or accommodations at
the meeting are requested to notify the Gardnerville Town Offices in writing at 1407 Highway 395, Gardnerville NV 894l0, or by calling
(775) 782-7l34 at least 24 hours in advance.
Notice regarding NRS 237: The Gardnerville Town Board has adopted a Standard Policy No. 7, which contains a motion regarding
Business Impact Statements. When the Town Board approves its agenda, it also approves a motion which includes ratification of staff
action taken pursuant to NRS 237-030 et seq. with respect to items on the agenda, and determines that each Rule which is on the
agenda for which a BIS has been prepared does impose a direct and significant economic burden on a business or directly restricts the
formation, operation or expansion of a business, and each Rule which is on the agenda for which a BIS has not been prepared does
not impose a direct and significant economic impact on a business or directly restrict the formation, operation or expansion of a
Notice: Items on the agenda may be taken out of order; the Gardnerville Town Board may combine two or more agenda items for
consideration; and the Gardnerville Town Board may remove an item from the agenda or delay discussion relating to an item on the
agenda at any time.


4:30 P.M.
Call to Order and Determination of a Quorum
FOR POSSIBLE ACTION: APPROVAL OF AGENDA, with public comment prior to Board action.
The Gardnerville Town Board reserves the right to take items in a different order to accomplish business in the most
efficient manner.
January 6, 2015 Regular Board meeting, with public comment prior to Board action.
This portion of the meeting is open to the public to speak on any topic not on the agenda and must be limited to 3
minutes. The Gardnerville Town Board is prohibited by law from taking immediate action on issues raised by the public
that are not listed on the agenda.
Items appearing on the Consent Calendar are items that may be adopted with one motion after public comment.
Consent items may be pulled at the request of Town Board members wishing to have an item or items discussed further.
When items are pulled for discussion, they will be automatically placed at the beginning of the Administrative Agenda.
1. For Possible Action: Correspondence
2. For Possible Action: Health and Sanitation & Public Works Departments Monthly Report of activities
3. For Possible Action: Approve January 2015 claims
4. For Possible Action: Approve appointment of Linda Dibble to the Main Street Board of Directors.
(Any agenda items pulled from the Consent Calendar will be heard at this point)

February 3, 2015


5. For Possible Action: Discussion to accept a report of tortious conduct claims per NRS 41.0385, with
public comment prior to Board action. (approx. 5 minutes).
6. Not for Possible Action: Discussion on the Main Street Program Managers Monthly Report of activities
for January 2015.
7. For Possible Action: Request from Carson Valley Visitors Authority to sponsor the 2015 Rural Round up
tourism conference on April 15-17, 2015 in the Carson Valley, in the amount of $500.00, the sponsorship
will allows for a Town table to be located at the community center, listing in the program and one
complimentary registration to the conference; with public comment prior to Board action. Appearance by
A.J. Frels, Executive Director, Carson Valley Visitors Authority (approx. 10 minutes).
8. For Possible Action: Discussion to accept or deny acceptance for maintenance of constructed
improvements within the Ranch at Gardnerville Phases 2A and 2B:
a. Maintenance of street improvements on a portion of Lasso Lane, from Heybourne Road to
northerly phase line on Lasso Lane a portion of Snaffle Bit from the trail head to the easterly
phase line at lot E,
b. Maintenance of storm drain improvements within the associated phases,
c. Maintenance of curb gutter and sidewalk within the associated phases,
d. Maintenance of the trail head landscaping and pathway construction (APN 1320-32-614-002); with
public comment prior to Board action. (approx. 20 minutes).
9. For Possible Action: Discussion to approve or deny holding the Splash Dogs event at Heritage Park
tentatively scheduled for August 14-16, 2015 at a cost to the town of $1,500 in addition to providing
bleachers, shade structure, port a potties, and assisting with the setup of the event; with public comment
prior to Board action. (approx. 20 minutes)
10. For Possible Action: Discussion on a request from Douglas County Economic Vitality to participate in a
grant match with a contribution amount of $3,000 of the $26,000 match required for the proposed
$130,000 trail head project on Buckeye Road being requested by Douglas County in a grant application to
be submitted for the 2015 Nevada State Recreational Trails Program Grant, providing an additional
trailhead for the Martin Slough Trail system; with public comment prior to Board action. (approx. 20
11. For Possible Action: Approve Resolution No. 2015R-010 augmenting the Town of Gardnerville budget for
fiscal year 2014-2015; with public comment prior to Board action. (approx. 5 minutes)
12. For Possible Action: Approve budget transfers for fiscal year 2014/2015; with public comment prior to
board action. (approx. 10 minutes)
13. For Possible Action: Discussion on receipt of a status report on the Gardnerville Station (Eagle Gas)
Redevelopment Project at 1395 Highway 395 North (APN 1320-33-402-075);
a. Select a Town Board member to participate on the review panel that will review and score the
Statements of Qualifications,
b. Authorize the review panel to select a firm to prepare the design plans for the Gardnerville
c. Authorize town manager to enter into a contract with the selected firm; with public comment prior
to board action. (approx. 20 minutes)
14. Not For Possible Action: Discussion on the Town Attorneys Monthly Report of activities for January
2015. (approx. 5 minutes)
15. Not For Possible Action: Discussion on the Town Manager/Engineers Monthly Report of activities for
January 2015. (approx. 20 minutes)
Gardnerville Town Board Meeting March 3. 2015
Town board training February 6 at 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM at the CVIC Hall, Minden Lunch will be provided.

February 3, 2015

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