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Going transplanetary

Erika Ilves, co-founder, Transplanetary

Strategy summit, stavanger, Jan 29, 2015

Credit: Bryan Versteeg,

Something incredible
just happened At the edge of the Milky Way.

Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/R. Hurt

So much potential. So little time.

"Now is the watershed of Cosmic history

Behind us yawn the chasms of the primordial past, when this
universe was a dead and silent place; before us rise the broad
sunlit uplands of a living cosmos.
In the next few galactic seconds, the fate of the universe will
be decided. Life the ultimate experiment will either
explode into space and engulf the star-clouds in a fire storm
of children, trees, and butterfly wings; or Life will fail, fizzle,
and gutter out, leaving the universe shrouded forever in
impenetrable blankness, devoid of hope."
Marshall T. Savage
The Millennial Project: Colonizing the Galaxy in Eight Easy Steps, 1994

We know what we must do.

"In the long run, a single-planet species will not survive.
Michael Griffin, NASA administrator

Since, in the long run, every planetary civilization will be
endangered by impacts from space, every surviving
civilization is obliged to become spacefaringnot because of
exploratory or romantic zeal, but for the most practical
reason imaginable: staying alive... If our long-term survival is
at stake, we have a basic responsibility to our species to
venture to other worlds.
Carl Sagan

The long-term survival of humanity, and of the plant and
animal life that we cherish on Earth, can best be assured by
building colonies dispersed throughout our solar system and
Gerard oneill

"Remember this: once the human race is established
on more than one planet and especially, in more than one
solar system, there is no way now imaginable to kill off the
human race.
Robert A. Heinlein

This is the goal: To make available for life every place where
life is possible. To make inhabitable all worlds as yet
uninhabitable, and all life purposeful.
Hermann oberth

"Man must at all costs overcome the Earth's gravity and
have, in reserve, the space at least of the Solar System. All
kinds of danger wait for him on the Earth. . . . We have said a
great deal about the advantages of migration into space, but
not all can be said or even imagined.
Konstantin tsiolkovsky

"Perchance, coming generations will not abide the dissolution
of the globe, but, availing themselves of future inventions in
aerial locomotion, and the navigation of space, the entire race
may migrate from the earth, to settle some vacant and more
western planet.... It took but little art, a simple application of
natural laws, a canoe, a paddle, and a sail of matting, to
people the isles of the Pacific, and a little more will people the
shining isles of space.
Henry david thoreau

so what have we done in a hundred years?

As of Jan 23, 2015

people in space


man years in space

currently in space



As of Jan 23, 2015




100-450 km


"The regret on our side is,

they used to say years ago,
we are reading about you in
science class. Now they say,
we are reading about you in
history class."
Neil armstrong, july 1999

Why so little progress?

Its hard.

Its expensive.




$164 Billion

$150 Billion

$30 Billion

We dont care about our extinction

All That much.

Availability bias

The last time I checked,

Humans have not gone extinct

We do seem to care
about prestige & military dominance.

Image: Kerbal Space Program

We care about science

unless we need the money for something else.

We care about doing more and more

With less and less.
On Earth.

A path that pays for itself

is the path that will happen.

Enter commercial space.

Aka new space.

1,200 satellites
$200 billion market

92 launches in 2014
$6 billion market

SPACE internet

High altitude joy rides

Real time eyes on earth

Anywhere in under 4 hours

Its all wonderful.

But none of this calls for people to live in space

or go beyond the geostationary orbit.

A question of galactic significance:

Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/R. Hurt

What creates value on earth,

requires humans in the loop and/or
Pushes us beyond the geostationary orbit?

and a handful of space-based business models.

Space tourism

Micro-g research

Re-fueling stations

Space mining

Space-based solar power

Manufacturing in space

Space & market potential maybe infinite

But investor understanding & attention is finite.

These business cases make real sense

if funded together.

Space tourism


Re-fueling stations

Space mining

solar power

in space

We need to be less like space cowboys

And more like space musketeers.

An ecosystem problem
can only be solved by going meta.

How to make an ecosystem of

These Space-based business models investible?

For starters, just bloody explain

this whole space thing better.

Meta idea #1:

Space sector visualization and analytics platform

VITALs SIBLING for Space was conceived over lunch.

We named him spock*.
*Space program on ontologically computed knowledge

It takes time to train your AI

Space jargon
2,000 space entities
900,000 people
All space related patents
Hundreds of sources
Asking the right questions
Predictive algorithms

Meta idea #1: version 2.0

Mission control for humanitys expansion off Earth,
Manned by spock



Greetings, I am SPOCK.
I man this Mission Control for
human civilizations expansion
into space. What do you want to do?
Check out

Explore past,
present & future


Invest in

or work in

July 2015

Ecosystem-level solutionS

3 meta ideas
Visualize space markets

Web intelligence platform for
space investors, analysts and
enthusiasts giving a real-time
overview of the global space
ecosystem, incl. predictions of
future space milestones,
visualization of future markets and
investment recommendations.

Drive out costs

Create new funding mechanisms



3rd party B2B global marketplace

for space systems, sub-systems
and components (Amazon 3rd
party marketplace for space).
Could evolve into a platform for
sharing and manufacturing highvolume aerospace components
and sub-systems (Amazon 3D
printing shop for space)

A global facility designed to fund

the currently unfundable space
infrastructure projects. Modelled
on the concept of development
banking but applied to the sector,
not developing world nations.
(EBRD for space)

We will pivot
but will not let go of the bone.

Space settlement

Find a WAY to go transplanetary

That pays for itself.

Sweet dreams are made of these:

Credit: NASA

Credit: Bryan Versteeg,

Credit: ESA

So that one day

"When you look at the stars

and the galaxy, you feel you
are not just from any
particular piece of land,
but from the solar system."
Laurel clark

Because of us, landscapes of radiation blasted waste, will be

miraculously transmuted: Slag will become soil, grass will
sprout, flowers will bloom, and forests will spring up in once
sterile places. Ice, hard as iron, will melt and trickle into pools
where starfish, anemones, and seashells dwella whole
frozen universe will thaw and transmogrify, from howling
desolation to blossoming paradise.
Marshall T. Savage
The Millennial Project: Colonizing the Galaxy in Eight Easy Steps, 1994

Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/R. Hurt

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