Cee 457 HW

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CEE457 Advanced Structures I, Winter 2015

HW 2 Due 1/28/15, 5:00 pm

Problem 0: Read the following sections of the Logan text: 3.1, 3.2, 3.10, 3.11, 3.12, 3.13.
Problem 1: Determine the exact displacement field, uexact ( x ) , for the tapered truss shown below. This requires
finding the analytical solution to the differential equation that defines equilibrium at a point on the element:


A( x) E exact 0

use the boundary conditions:



1 1
where 0,100


Problem 2: Use the finite element method with meshes of 1, 2 and 4 two-node constant-area truss elements to
determine the displacement and stress fields for the axially loaded bar shown in Problem 1. Provide sketches of
your models with nodal displacements and reaction forces identified. Your constant-area truss elements should
have an area equal to the true area of the bar at the center of the element. For example, for the two-element
mesh, the area of the elements should be 1.1875 in2 and 2.6875 in2.
Problem 3: Find the approximate stiffness equations

f kd for the tapered truss element shown below that

has an elastic modulus, E. The area of this truss is defined

. To derive the stiffness

equations, use the Principal of Minimum Potential Energy and assume a linear displacement field within the

element: u x N1

A1 and A2.

N 2 d 1

d . Your final set of equations should be in terms of f , d , E, L,

d1x , f1x

d2 x , f2 x

x 0

x L

Problem 4: Redo Problem #2 using the element stiffness equations that you developed in Problem #3 and
meshes of 1 and 2 tapered-area two-node truss elements.
Problem 5: Create two plots that show 1) the displacement field and 2) the stress field along the length of the
tapered bar from Problems 1-4. Each plot should show i) the exact solution from Problem #1, ii) the solution as
determined using meshes of 1, 2 and 4 constant-area two-node truss elements from Problem #2 and iii) the
solution as determined using meshes of 1 and 2 tapered-area two-node truss elements from Problem #4.
Remember that for the two-node truss elements, the displacement field is determined by the shape functions and
the nodal displacements and the stress field is determined by the derivatives of the shape functions, the elastic
modulus, and the nodal displacements.
Problem 6: Problem 3.14 from Logan:
Consider the following displacement function for the two-noded bar element:
u(x) = a + bx2
Is this a valid displacement function? Discuss why or why not.
Problem 7: Consider the following shape functions, N , for use in deriving the stiffness equations (f = kd) for a
two-node truss element that spans x=0 to x=L. The approximate displacement function for the element would be
defined as u ( x ) N d where d is the 2x1 vector of nodal displacements.

N N1 ( x)

N 2 ( x ) 1


Do these shape functions satisfy the requirements described in class (continuity between elements, continuity
within the element, completeness, and ability to represent boundary conditions)? For each of these requirements,
describe the requirement and then explain why the shape functions satisfy or do not satisfy the requirement
Problem 8: a) Determine the exact displacement field and stress field for the 1D problem shown below. b)
Determine the displacement and stress fields using the finite element method with meshes that comprise 1 2node element and 2 2-node elements. c) Determine displacement and stress fields using the finite element
method with a mesh comprising 1 3-node element. d) Plot the displacement fields and stress fields from parts a, b
and c. You do not need to re-derive the stiffness matrix and equations for the truss elements; however, you will
need to compute equivalent nodal loads.


1 + constant

Problem 9: For the four-node truss shown below, a) determine N1(x) assuming u ( x ) N d where

N N1( x ) N2 ( x ) N3 ( x ) N4 ( x ) and d is the 4x1 vector of nodal displacements. (use the simplest
polynomial possible), and b) compute the second row of the element stiffness matrix.

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