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FULL NAME __________________________________________________________
TEL. NUMBER ___________________________________________________________
E-MAIL ________________________________________________________________

Choose the correct option.

1. Where __________ from?

Im from Russia.
A you are

B you

C are you

2. I have two __________, a boy and a girl.

A sons

B daughters

C children

3. This is my brother. __________ names Paul.

A Her

B His

C Hes

4. I get up __________ 7 oclock in the morning.

A for

B at

C in

5. Excuse me, __________ speak French?

A do you

B you do

C you

6. Where are my glasses?

Theyre __________ the table.
A at

B on

C in

7. I usually go to work __________ train.

A on

B with

C by

8. Rosie stayed __________ home yesterday afternoon.

A in

B at

C to

9. The__________ is quite expensive but the food there is excellent.

A film

B restaurant

C book

10. __________ were you at the weekend?

I was in Scotland.
A When

B Where

C What


11. Are you __________ English teacher?

A Maria

B Marias

C Marias

12. Im going to a concert tonight. __________ you like to come?

A Do

B Are

C Would

13. I like this apartment but the__________ is too expensive for me.
A money

B rent

C cost

14. Do you sell stamps?

Yes, we do. How __________ do you want?
A any

B many

C much

15. Id like __________ milk in my coffee, please.

A some

B any


16. Is this a good time to talk?

Sorry, no. I __________ dinner.
A cook

B am cooking

C cooking

17. We __________ going to the theatre next Saturday.

A will

B do

C are

18. Kamal has got a holiday home near __________ sea.


B the

C some

19. __________ ever been to New York?

A Have you

B Are you

C Did you

20. Did Amina finish the report?

No. She __________ it tomorrow.
A finishes

B is going to finish

C finished

21. Is Ottawa the capital of Canada?

I think __________.
A is

B yes

C so

D right

22. We paid the restaurant bill __________ credit card.

A to

B with

C on

D by

23. If you __________ money from a friend, you should always pay it back promptly.
A borrow

B earn

24. I __________ a lot of sport in my free time.

C spend

D lend


A do

B practice

C make

D exercise

25. Its Walters birthday on Friday. He __________ be 30, I think.

A should

B can

C will

D shall

26. If the weather __________ bad tomorrow, we can go to a museum.

A will be

B was

C is

D would be

27. My mums not very well.

Oh, __________.
A it doesnt matter

B I do apologise

C sorry to hear that D not bad, thanks.

28. Would you mind changing my appointment? __________ time on Friday is fine.
A Next

B All the

C Every

D Any

C painting

D painted

29. Have you finished __________ the wall yet?

A paint

B to paint

30. Lena used to find work boring __________ she became a nurse.
A unless

B until

C if

D since

31. I __________ outside the cinema when suddenly a police car arrived.
A stood
am standing

B was standing

C have stood

32. Weve __________ come back from a trip to India. It was amazing.
A already

B yet

C just

D only

33. My doctor advised me __________ more exercise.

A take

B taking

C having taken

D to take

34. Theres no name on this dictionary.

It __________ be mine then. Mines got my name on the front.
A might not

B mustnt

C wont

D cant

35. Dont worry if I __________ late tonight. Im going to the gym after work.
A am

B will be

C would be

D was

36. Boxing is a sport __________ requires a lot of speed and fitness.

A it

B that

C what

D where

37. I was wondering __________ I could ask you some questions. Sure, go ahead.


A what

B if

C that

D how

38. Ive finished this salad and Im still hungry. I __________ ordered something more
A must have

B would have

C should have

D may have

39. Some married couples seem to get more __________ over time.
A alike

B same

C like

D equal

40. Ben got the job because he __________ a very good impression at his interview.
A made

B did

C put

D took

41. I __________ to be picking Tom up at the station but Ive lost my keys.
A am supposed
am obliged

B am requested

C am intended

42. By the age of 18, I __________ not to go to university.

A had decided

B decided

C have decided

D was

43. The amount of organically grown food on sale has enormously __________ in recent
A raised

B lifted

C increased

D built

44. You may borrow my laptop __________ you promise to look after it.
A unless

B in case

C as long as

D although

45. Pierre tends to put __________ dealing with problems, rather than dealing with them

A down

B off

C over

46. My mothers Italian, so __________ the language has been quite easy for me.
A to learn

B learn

C having learned

D learning

47. The factory workers threatened __________ on strike if they didnt get a pay rise.
A going
D to have gone

B to go

C that they go

48. Theres going to be a new department at work. Theyve asked me to __________ it

A take

B set

C put

D bring

49. By the end of todays seminar I will __________ to each of you individually.
A speak
been speaking

B have spoken

C be speaking

D have


50. Our students take their responsibilities very __________.

A considerably

B thoroughly

C seriously

D strongly

51. People were amazed that the burglary took place in __________ daylight.
A wide

B broad

C large

D open

52. The police claimed that they acted in self- __________.

A interest

B confidence

C defence

D discipline

53. He turned __________ to be considerably older than I had imagined.

A over

B up

C out

D round

54. Speed cameras __________ shown to reduce accidents.

A have

B were being

C have been

D are being

55. The experiment __________ testing peoples responses before and after drinking
A contained

B incorporated

C involved

D consisted

56. Having __________ his driving test several times, Paul finally passed at the fourth
A taken

B made

C had

D attended

57. Maintaining an accurate balance sheet is essential, __________ business youre in.
A however

B wherever

C whatever

D whenever

58. Its no __________ for me to get Brads phone number Ill be seeing him tonight.
A point

B wonder

C secret

D problem

59. I dont think the colours in Julias outfit __________ together.

A fit

B suit

C match

D go

60. I prefer to buy CDs __________ download music from my computer.

A in contrast to
comparison to

B as opposed to

C rather than

D in

Write about 100 words on one of the bellow subjects.

a) Why are you interested in improving your English?

b) What would you like to do professionally in the near future?

a) I think my level of English is very low, because me expression is very bad. My

vocabulary is very basic. I know me level the English can improve. Me expression
used sentences simple. I think me expression could improve both oral and


written. I want to get

the English level b1. The really is the English now is
needed for worked because in Spain havent worked ,the persons young travel
Europa to worked in counties have much work. I expect me level English improve

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