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Annotated List of Works Consulted

Primary Sources
Chamberlain, Joshua. "Love Letter to Fanny Chamberlain." Letter. 24 July 1863. MS. These love
letters written from Joshua Chamberlain himself during the heat of the war to his love,
Fanny, are excellent representations of his longing for home and his desire to be out of
the war.
- - -. The Passing of the Armies. N.p.: Putnam and Sons, 1915. The Internet Archive. Web. 10
Dec. 2014.
.txt>. This is a memoir written by Chamberlain that describes his experiences during the
Civil War and his respect for both armies which shows his character.
Chamberlain, Joshua Lawrence. "Correspondence of Whig and Courier." Letter to Abner
Coburn. 4 Aug. 1863. MS. This is a personal letter between Chamberlain and the
Governor of Maine, Abner Coburn. In this letter Chamberlain thanks the governor for the
opportunity and faith and then explains the events of Little Round Top and how he went
about decision making and all of his choices.
- - -. "General Chamberlain." Bowdoin Club of Boston. Boston, Massachusetts. May 1901. To
the Limits of the Soul's Ideal. Pat Finnegan, 15 Dec. 2007. Web. 29 Oct. 2014.
<>. This speech given by General
Chamberlain himself, talks about his experiences during the Civil War. It gives detail
about his actions and insight on his leadership. What he explains to the audience of his
speech is similar to an eye-witness news story that shows how he was involved in the

- - -. "Joshua Chamberlain Quotes." BrainyQuote. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Jan. 2015.

<>. This website
features a quote by Joshua Chamberlain, in which he describes the reward of serving his
country is one that is eternal. This quote is a great example of how Chamberlain has both
a strong love for both God and his Country.
- - -. "Report of Col. Joshua L. Chamberlain, Twentieth Maine Infantry." Letter to George B.
Herendeen. 6 July 1863. MS. The Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies.
This is an after action report of a military unit written by Joshua Chamberlain. It details
his orders and the results from giving the orders.
Forbes, Edwin. The Battle of Gettysburg. 4 July 1863. Morgan Collection of Civil War drawings.
Lib. of Cong. Library of Congress. Web. 10 Dec. 2014.
<>. This is a drawing of the Battle of
Gettysburg by a man that was an observer of the battle. The illustration helps to create an
image of the view of Little Round Top, where Joshua Chamberlain ordered his famous
and courageous bayonet charge.
"The Gallant Chamberlain." Pat Finnegan, n.d. Web. 28 Jan. 2015.
<>. This photo shows an original campaign
poster used during the time Chamberlain was running for governor of Maine. This is a
primary source because it is from the time period and deals directly with Chamberlain.
General Joshua L. Chamberlain. 1860-1865. Library of Congress. Washington D.C. Library of
Congress. Web. 27 Jan. 2015. <>.
This is an original picture of Joshua Chamberlain in a uniform.

Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Little Round Top. July 1863. Library of Congress. Web. 25
Jan. 2015. <>. This is a
photograph taken of Little Round Top during the time of the battle that occurred there.
This is a primary source because it was taken at the time of the event.
Joshua Chamberlain. N.d. Pejepscot. Pejepscot Historical Society. Web. 25 Jan. 2015. This is an
original photograph of Joshua Chamberlain posing in a Union Army uniform with his
signature written below.
Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain. N.d. George J. Mitchell Department of Special Collections &
Archives. Bowdoin College Library, Brunswick. Bowdoin. Web. 27 Jan. 2015.
<>. This is an original
photograph of Joshua Chamberlain from the time when he was the Governor of Maine.
Letter to James Barnes. 6 July 1863. Biography in Context. Web. 10 Dec. 2014.
%7CA286718618>. This letter is a recollection of the events that Joshua Chamberlain
has experienced as he is reporting to his commanding officer. It shows his intelligence as
a leader as well as his trust in his men through this letter.

Melcher, H.S. The 20th Maine at Little Round Top. N.p.: n.p., n.d. Sam Houston State University.
Web. 19 Nov. 2014. <>. This book, written
by an officer serving under the order of Joshua Chamberlain, explains what happened
during the Battle of Little Round Top and shows the great leadership of Chamberlain in a
pivotal battle, one the Union needed to win.
Mitchell, George, ed. "Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain." Bowdoin. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Jan. 2015.
<>. This website was extremely
useful in that it had many pictures, quotes, and documents regarding Joshua Chamberlain.
The digital archive was a great website with information able to be used in support of
Chamberlains leadership and legacy.
Original Medal of Honor. 9 Sept. 2013. Photograph. Pejepscot Historical Society, Brunswick,
Maine. The picture featured was one of the original Medal of Honor Awarded to Joshua
Chamberlain in 1893 for his valiance and bravery, as well as his dedication and
leadership in his troop.
Pierce, William. Joshua Chamberlain as Professor. 1855. George J. Mitchell Department of
Special Collections & Archives. Bowdoin College Lib, Brunswick. Bowdoin. Web. 27
Jan. 2015. <>. This is an
original photograph taken when Chamberlain worked as a professor at Bowdoin College.

Secondary Sources
"20th Maine Regiment Joshua Chamberlains Historic Flag." Flags and Stuff. Flags and Stuff,
n.d. Web. 29 Jan. 2015.

idv-898-38.html>. This is a picture of the flag that represented Maine and Joshua
Chamberlain from the time of the Civil War.
"Battle of Gettysburg - Longstreet's Attack." Civil War Trust. Civil War Trust, n.d. Web. 29 Jan.
2015. <>.
This is a map of the Battle of Gettysburg that shows where Chamberlain is positioned,
under the command of Stephen Weed.
Bell, Griffin B. Footnotes to History: A Primer on the American Political Character. Macon,
Ga: Mercer University, 2008. Print. This is an excerpt from the book in which the actions
taken by Chamberlain after Appomattox regarding the men of the confederate army. The
genuine care and sincerity that Chamberlain portrays here is an incredible example of his
great leadership, and also legacy in how he treated the opposing army.
"The Bowdoin Store." The Bowdoin Store. Bowdoin College, n.d. Web. 29 Jan. 2015.
<>. This website was used to
find an image of the Bowdoin College logo. We used this to put on our website as a
visual aid.
Carey, John. "July 2, 1863, Gettysburg Day 2: Little Round Top." Sentry Journal (2010): n. pag.
Print. This journal provides a clear image of how the Union and Confederacy were set up
at Little Round Top and why Chamberlain held such an important role in stopping the
Chamberlain, Joshua. Joshua Chamberlain: A Life in Letters. Ed. Thomas Desjardin. N.p.:
Osprey, 2012. Print. This book includes Chamberlains various letters over the years And
also many historical facts about him in his early life and on to the war and his legacy

Chamberlain Defends Little Round Top. A&E Television Networks, n.d. Web. 25
Jan. 2015. <>. This video is an informational
representation of the Battle of Gettysburg at Little Round Top that includes the orders of
Joshua Chamberlain. This source is made from the collection of many primary sources
that were then turned into a movie based upon them.
"Chamberlain's Defense of Little Round Top." History Engine. U of Richmond, n.d. Web. 26 Jan.
2015. <>. This website was useful
because it gave the background on both the confederate side and the Union of Joshua
Chamberlain and his troops in the epic battle of Little Round Top and its effect on the rest
of the war.
The Civil War. Prod. Ken Burns. Narr. David McCullough. 1990. Warner Home Video, an AOL
Time Warner Company, 2002. DVD. This film by Ken Burns is a scholarly work that
includes journals of military units, photographs, and diaries all from the Civil War. In
particular, it details the actions of Joshua Chamberlain, during the Battle of Gettysburg,
by the way that that he courageously ordered his regimen to attack the Confederate
soldiers with a bayonet charge as his men were running out of ammunition.
Civil War Drummer Sound., 18 July 2010. Web. 29 Jan. 2015.
<>. This is a sound clip of snare
drums which would be heard during the Civil War when marching.
Civil War Trust. "Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain." Civil War Trust. Civil War Trust, 2014. Web.
12 Nov. 2014. <>. This article is a scholarly work written by historians who were not

participants in or observers of Joshua Chamberlain's life. This article details

Chamberlain's life before the war, the process that got him involved with the Civil War,
and also what he did as a leader during the Civil War.
Clark, Champ. "Through the Valley of Death." Gettysburg: The Confederate High Tide.
Alexandria: Time Life, 1986. 68-87. Print. This book recalls the orders Joshua
Chamberlain was given which shows why it was so crucial that he held his ground and
also details how Chamberlain would motivate his men. This source is based off of a
collection of primary sources.
find a grave. N.p., 1 Jan. 2001. Web. 26 Jan. 2015. <
page=gr&GRid=2034>. This website was useful for its numerous pictures and
descriptions of Joshua Chamberlain as he was a Professor, a Medal of Honor Recipient,
Maine Governor, and most of all, a leader.
Foote, Shelby. "Stars in Their Courses." The Civil War. New York: Random, 1963. 504-05. Print.
This book, a scholarly work prepared by a person who was not a participant or special
observer of the war, briefly describes the adversity Joshua Chamberlain had to face, as
his men were just lumberjacks and fishermen, but shows the intelligence and great
leadership of Chamberlain in order to get a victory in this battle.
Gen Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain. 22 Jan. 2001. Image. This picture is of Joshua
Chamberlains grave where it now rests in Cumberland County in Maine and is there in
commemoration for what he has done and how his legacy lives on.
Golay, Michael. To Gettysburg and Beyond. New York: Crown, 1994. Print. This book, based off
of a collection of manuscripts, books, and articles, gives a full-scale biography on Joshua
Chamberlain and details his events from Manassas to Appomattox

Heenehan, Jim. "America's Civil War: Little Round Top Regiments." America's Civil War 1 Sept.
2006: n. pag. Web. 25 Jan. 2015. This magazine article is written by a
historian that bases his writing off of original, primary information recalling the events in
the Civil War that Joshua Chamberlain was involved with.
"Joshua Chamberlain." American Civil War Stories. Ed. Mark Weaver. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Jan.
2015. <>. The
Information provided by Mark Weaver on the website given was a great help in
understanding Joshua Chamberlains role in the war and about the famous surrender of
Lee's men at Appomattox.
"Joshua Chamberlain." National Park Service, n.d. Web. 26 Jan. 2015.
<>. This website gave more information
on Chamberlain and really helps show how he led many troops in many different
situations. This is a secondary source because this was not taken at the time of the
occurrence nor is the person writing it an eyewitness.
"Joshua Chamberlain: Civil War Hero." USA People Search. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Jan. 2015.
This article on Joshua Chamberlain was one that was helpful because gave you a very
broad telling of the life of Joshua Chamberlain and his life before and after the war.
JOSHUA LAWRENCE CHAMBERLAIN (1828-1914). N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Jan. 2015.
<>. This website
was an overall great and well written overview of most all of Joshua Chamberlains life.
From his early life to his death in 1914, this website showed his accomplishments in the
war and how his legacy lives on today.

Maine. After Action Report. Joshua Chamberlain, 1863. Command and General Staff College.
Web. 4 Nov. 2014. <>. This
is an after action battle report of the Civil War written by Joshua Chamberlain. He recalls
his experiences during the war and shows the type of courageous leader he is by ordering
an attack with bayonets. Because of his leadership efforts, the result in the battle is a
crucial turning point in the whole Civil War.
Nesbitt, Mark. Through Blood and Fire. Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole, 1996. Print. The book
Through Blood and Fire was very helpful in finding out more about Joshua Chamberlain
and his life through the compilation of facts and other civil war papers regarding his life
and the war.
Patrick, Bethanne Kelly. "Maj. Gen. Joshua L. Chamberlain." Monster, n.d. Web.
26 Jan. 2015. <
file=cvw_g_chamberlain>. This article by the columnist Bethanne Patrick on Joshua
Chamberlain and his Major achievements in the military was very helpful in realizing his
leadership and his bravery.
Perry, Mark. "What Do You Do About Yours?" Conceived in Liberty. New York: Penguin, 1997.
393-422. Print. This book, written by a historian, talks about how Joshua Chamberlain
was awarded the Medal of Honor for "distinguished gallantry" in saving the Army of the
Potomac's right wing in the Battle of Gettysburg.
Pullen, John J. Joshua Chamberlain: A Hero's Life and Legacy. N.p.: Stackpole, 1999. Print.
This book gave in-depth information on the famous Little Round Top battle and Joshua
Chamberlain's heroic actions to produce a win for the Union. There was also information

about Chamberlain after the Civil War and many different accomplishments he made and
his legacy.
- - -. The Twentieth Maine. New York: Stackpole, 2008. Print. The Novel The Twentieth Maine
by a very knowledgeable man named John Pullen, is a book specifically on Joshua
Chamberlain and his Regiment that he fought side-by-side with in the American Civil
Shaara, Michael. The Killer Angel: The Classic Novel of the Civil War. New York: Ballantine,
1974. Print. This Pulitzer Prize winning novel on the civil war and the heroic men of that
time included Joshua Chamberlain in a thorough and in depth description as in the eyes
of an everyday soldier.
Vodrey, William F.B. "Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain: Scholar, Citizen, Soldier." The Cleveland Civil War Roundtable, 2008. Web. 25
Jan. 2015.
<>. This
website provides an adapted version of William Vodrey's speech about Joshua
Chamberlain's entire life. In his speech he talks about Chamberlain's life pre-Civil War,
Civil War, and post-Civil War, and the immense leadership he showed throughout his
entire life. Vodrey also goes in-depth about Chamberlain after the Civil War and how he
became the governor of Maine and continued to led people even off the battlefield.
Wicked Good Maine. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Jan. 2015.
<>. This website was
about Joshua Chamberlain and his life and his relationship with Maine. This being where

he was born, and where he made his Glorious return from the war, his life in Maine after
the war was one with a legacy even after his death in 1914.

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