Beautiful Disaster

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Beautiful Disaster

By Francette Phal
Copyright 2012 Francette Phal
Smashwords Edition

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of this author

Table of Contents
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen

Nicholas Grayson wasnt a nice person. In fact one could call him an asshole and he wouldnt dispute

it. He was as jaded as they come, eighteen years old, with a moral compass fixed permanently on
diabolical. He was an emotional cripple with the personality of a cactus. He understood his faults and
embraced each one with gusto.
His goals in life were to piss off his parents, break a few laws and generally screw his way through
life. He was a good looking kid, born with movie star looks, a little James Dean with Brandos swagger
thrown into the mix to make the female populace of John Edgar High swoon.
He was fully aware of his power over the fairer sex and he used that knowledge for his own selfish
It was a game his group of friends played and Nicholas excelled at it. Hed slept with nearly every
girl on campus, seduced each and every one with practiced ease that had become second nature, like
The sex was initially meant to stave off the boredom; another vice to add to the growing list of evils
hed accumulated over the years. But then, like all things in his life, sex had become nauseatingly easy to
Nicky. The breathy call of his name had Nicholas peering over his shoulder where Maddie Tate,
Fatty Maddie, as she was known by many in his circle, looked at him with sickening adoration.
Lounging across his king sized mattress in post-coital bliss, she looked every bit the sated lover with
her tousled cinnamon red hair, flushed face, and gleaming azure eyes. It would be so simple, he thought,
returning his gaze to the tripod in front of him. She was in love with him. Had been for quite some time
now and would undoubtedly do anything he asked of her.
It would take nothing to manipulate her and bend her to his will. Nicholas was sure that she would
follow him. Fortunately for her, he wasnt in a position to acquire a sycophant, although undying adoration
did have its perks.
Her seduction hadnt presented much of a challenge, just as he knew it wouldnt. She was just another
notch in this game hes come to master. Another pawn to use and discard when he was finished.
He wasnt attracted to her in the least and the fact that she practically panted after him made her less
appealing. The fact is Nicholas had been feeling charitable at the time. Therefore the seduction of Maddie
Tate hadnt taken much doing. Hed made a video of all their sordid acts just as he always had done and
stood to win five hundred dollars for his troubles. Chump change as far as he was concerned, but a win
N--Nicholas, the voice was little hesitant this time. he heard the rustling of sheets as she rose.
Get out. This was the part he relished the most. Sadist that he was, he caught the hitch of her breath
and reveled in it.
Ium---did I do something wrong?
He took a moment tinkering with the camera before turning to give her his undivided attention, mouth
curling into a bastardized version of a smile. Well, he moved with effortless grace, swagger unmatched,
open and welcoming in contrast to the calculated, almost predatory look in his diamond grey eyes. You
didnt bore me completely.
Her face crumpled. The ensuing expression nearly heartbreaking as tears welled. If he cared he
wouldve felt something other than this deep rooted annoyance and sudden need to see her out of his
bedroom. Now, please get your shit and get out. It didnt take long after that. Shoving him aside with
surprising strength she gathered her things and was out like a shot.
Now, Nicholas figured, shed grow to hate him like so many of the others whod come before her.
It was what he did best. Fuck em and leave em. He lived by those words, using a slightly different
variation out of the bedroom.

He was his fathers child after all; he had learned about screwing people from the master himself. A
deprecating smile tugged at his lips and Nicholas knew his demons were not far. He could hear the
menacing gait of their hooved feet making a steady trek to the forefront of his mind, carrying with them
memories he would sooner forget.
Grabbing the half emptied bottle of whiskey from his dresser Nicholas made his way to the balcony in
his bedroom. He took a mouthful, and then another, feeling decidedly better as each swig burned a warm
path down his throat. Maneuvering himself over the balconys ledge he sat precariously over the edge,
legs dangling four stories over the gleaming pool below.
Shit, he was feeling maudlin. Why? He hadnt the slightest idea. Only that the memories refused to be
quelled, refused to be inundated by the liquor as per usual. The sudden image of his father fleeted across
his vision and Nicholas gave a humorless laugh. Well wasnt that just a kick in the teeth? Even at his
lowest he continued to be haunted by the immoral bastard.
Charles Grayson, CEO and founder of one of the nations largest real estate firms was the devil
incarnate and Nicholas could attest to that. Hed been ten years old when the first lesson had been
imparted. Thered been an incident in school involving him and another student. Nicholas couldnt
remember exactly what it was hed done, but he remembered hed been mean and had been fittingly
reprimanded for it by his teacher. Charles had somehow gotten word of it and swiftly rectified the
situation. The teacher was terminated, credentials ruined and shed been unable to find work in the states
again. This action was quite extreme and cruel for something so little, but then Charles had never been the
sentimental sort.
He was a ruthless man whose underhanded business tactics had gained him his empire. Therefore
when it came to his son, Charles was merciless. Hed taken the Spare the rod, spoil the child ideology
quite seriously and the scars of those lessons were now imprinted on Nicholass soul.
Nicholas took another swig from the bottle while raking a hand through his overlong hair. He was
agitated and dear old Jack wasnt doing it for him tonight. Needing a distraction that was something quite
possibly stronger, he headed back to his bedroom and finished off the last of the amber liquid before
tossing it aside.
He needed out and having just the place, he threw on some clothes and hastened out the bedroom.
Somewhere in the vast cavernous mansion a clock tolled midnight but there would be no one to stop him
from trekking out the front door. No parental guidance. He found his sport bike in the driveway and
jumped on the leather seat. Nicholas revved the engine and gunned down the silent streets.

The infamous Matthew Bates and his revels of depravity were in full swing when Nicholas pulled into
the graveled driveway a half hour later. Located in the cloistered parts of Belmont Heights, the Bates
mansion stood among the rest of the Georgian houses in all its grand glory. The surrounding of trees gave
each home the illusion of privacy and none was needed more than around the Bates mansion.
With purposeful strides Nicholas waded through the milling throng of inebriated teens, the dark
expression on his face curtailing anyone from halting his progress. The further he went into the house, the
louder the music became. It rumbled in his bones, a throbbing dark seduction of African drums and
ripping electric guitars.
Beneath the canopy of multihued disco balls and freakish psychedelic laser shows, the masses danced,
their sweat stained bodies gyrating to the cultish beats rumbling through the floor. This was a Matthew
Bates party. This was a world within a world where the young and prurient youths of Cedar Falls escaped
to play, mingled and danced to their hearts content. They overlooked social mores and class and instead
enemies danced with mutual abandon, friends became lovers, and a kiss or a hug, was as natural as
breathing air.
Under the spell, beneath the wicked, shadowed web of the potent atmosphere, everyone was sexy and
beautiful. The alcohol and drugs flowed in abundance and with the scent of marijuana weighing heavily in
the air, Nicholas knew hed found his best friend.
Seated at a poker table with a gaggle of people he didnt recognize, Nicholas watched from the
kitchen threshold as his friend took a hit from the blunt he held between his fingers before passing it along
to someone on his left.
Read em and weep, bitches, straight flush! The group of guys at the table groaned as Matt stood to
collect his winnings. It didnt take long for him to spot Nicholas; the toothy grin on his lips was far too
contagious. Well, if it isnt the devil himself! Where the hell have you been all summer, Grayson? He
grabbed two beer bottles from the cooler on the floor, tossing one to Nicholas as he approached him.
They came together in embrace, Matt clapping Nicholas on the back before pulling away.
I could ask you the same. Nicholas said with grin. Keepin it busy I see.
Matt returned the grin as he lead Nicholas out of the dining room they headed up the spiral staircase,
dodging more than a few drunken advances. What can I say, Nicky, I aim to please. Who am I to deny our
peers one last hurrah before school starts?
Been doing this all summer?
Mostly. Matt said. He pushed his bedroom door open and allowed Nicholas entrance. I had to pay
Gregory and the golden child a visit to Boston for a few weeks; it seems Alex got a job at some
prestigious law firm.
The Golden child, also known as Alexander Bates, was Matts bane of existence and had been since
Nicholas could remember. There had always been competition between the brothers spurred on by the
Bates patriarch. Gregory Bates did not hide the fact that he preferred Alexander to Matt.
Matt discovered the reason of his fathers bias a few years ago at his mothers funeral. Shed been
unfaithful, his father had said, his face as grim as ever. Matt was told that he was the result of an affair his
mother had many years ago. It was understood that Gregory would adopt the illegitimate child as his own
and provide all the Bates opportunities, if his wife kept the sordid little secrets shed discovered about
her own husband out of the press.
Itd been a nice little deal that had kept Matt ignorant and his mother in the lap of luxury until shed
passed. So now Matt was the eternal screw up. It was a role he played well, had perfected it quite nicely

after meeting Nicholas. They were as close as brothers, their dysfunctions unifying that bond.
Matt walked over to the antique dresser by his bedside and removed a small black box. I was sent
back to exile once the old man found I was up to my old ways again. But, I did manage to pick up a little
something before leaving. The mischievous glint in his dark blue eyes hinted at something with which
Nicholas was all too familiar with.
Drugs, alcohol and sex. They were the masters of vice.
Care for a taste? Matt shook the small pewter box he held in his hand and the tantalizing rattle of
Nicholass escape beckoned him. Temporary bliss would come in the form of a little blue pill. This was
the distraction he was counting on. Matt could always be counted on for that.
Break out the whiskey.

Chapter One
Shed begged for this, Ellie knew, but she was suddenly wishing she was back home, sitting at her
dining room table waiting for Mrs. Humphries to begin her lessons. She suddenly found herself missing
the crumbling bag of bones and her perpetual smell of moth balls and mint. Mrs. Humphries, despite her
advanced years and antiquated ways of teaching was familiar. She was routine, she was reliable. Ellie
was beginning to miss that.
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, rain or shine, Mrs. Humphries never failed to show up at Ellies
house, lesson book in hand ready to start teaching. For two and a half years, theyd been together in that
small dining room getting Ellie ready for the start of her senior year. Gabe had wanted her to continue her
homeschooling for her Senior year also, but Ellie had refused, pleading and arguing that she needed to be
around kids her own age. Shed made her case, stating that she was ready to get back in the fold of things,
and to be a high school student again.
You only get to be a senior once after all and she wanted to be part of a class when she did eventually
walk that line to get her hard earned diploma. She wanted to go to the prom, as silly as that sounded and
take advantage of the opportunities shed failed to take before. Ellie wanted to be part of something
normal for once in her teenage life before adulthood took complete control. Gabe, as he was wont to do,
had eventually capitulated to her wishes.
Now she wished he hadnt. Anxiety rooted Ellie to the spot, temporarily shorting out her brain. Two
and a half years of homeschooling and shed forgotten what going back to school was like. She wanted to
turn around, dash back to her beat up car and hightail it home where it was familiar.
This was a madhouse. Students ran about the corridors, greeting each other, all loudly speaking at
once to be heard over the already deafening crush. Ellie didnt miss the cliques forming, the ones who
looked alike congregating together to discuss the events of their summers. The smell of newly painted
lockers, floor wax and cheap perfumes melded into noxious gas that hung heavily in the air.
She kept telling herself that she needed to keep moving or shed make a bigger fool of herself than she
already was by standing in the middle of the hallway. Ellie fought her way through the overzealous
crowd. With the map her guidance counselor provided, it didnt take long for Ellie to find her Humanities
She was happy to find it much quieter than the hallways, although the twittering cliques were apparent.
A few heads turned and looked her way as she made her way to the back of the classroom. Some looked

out of genuine curiosity, while others looked because they were nasty.
With the sound of the bell ten minutes later, students trickled in, and brought with them was a fairly
young looking man who was maybe in his late twenties. He walked behind the desk in front of the class.
He turned his back on everyone and scribbled Mr. Porter across the blackboard. The girls to the left of
Ellie began to whisper to each other how hot he was. He was actually damn good looking.
He was tall, with a swimmers physique of broad shoulders and slim waist. He had skin like burnt
sienna, a nice clean shaven face and a low cut fade. The preppy casual clothes he wore suited him well.
They were very artistically sculpted. Fitted black slacks, navy blue and white checkered shirt and a pair
of leather loafers finished the ensemble.
Mr. Porter turned and gifted everyone with a smile. The combo of dimples set the girls to sighing.
Hello class, my name is Mr. Porter and Id like to welcome everyone back from a wonderful summer
break. He went on after that, breaking out the class syllabus and reading list for the next two terms. By
the time class was over, Ellie didnt think he was so cute anymore. The amount of assignments hed given,
combined with the two books they were to read by the end of the month had her seeing Mr. Porter for
what he truly was; a slave driver.
She didnt fare any better in her following three classes either and when the lunch bell rang she
couldnt have jumped out of her seat fast enough. She made a quick stop at her locker to drop off a few
books and grab the lunch Gabe had made for her before heading towards the quad.
She found a place to sit beneath the willow tree, yards away from one particularly boisterous table.
There were five of them; four guys and a girl and they were undoubtedly a clique. They were popular too
from what Ellie could tell of the green and white letterman jackets that two of the three guys sported. The
girl appeared to be the stereotypical cheerleader who smiled and flipped her bone straight blond hair
over her shoulder in a flirty kind of way as she hung from the arm of one of the jocks.
Their antics made it impossible to concentrate on anything else, especially when the lanky, blondhaired guy Ellie recognized from Physics approached the table.
"Well, don't you look like the cat that swallowed the cream? Been on your knees again?"
"It's funny how you mistaken me for you, Evey. Some of us have don't make giving head a daily
requirement. "
Evey Abrams, head captain of John Edgars cheering squad who had a certain affinity for guys in
suspenders and pocket protectors threw a carrot at Matt and scowled.
"Whore." He retorted with a smile, while taking a seat across from her.
Overhearing their banter, Ellie wondered whether they were serious, she would have gone on ignoring
them were it not for the odd girl standing by the table who was attempting to be heard over the din of the
crowd. Ellie wouldnt have thought much of her if the table hadnt fallen uncharacteristically silent upon
her arrival.
All eyes focused on the cinnamon haired girl as she reached out and settled a hand on the shoulder of
the hooded guy seated with his head down and his back to Ellie.
He was nursing a hangover and any attempt Nicholas made to catch up on some much needed sleep
proved futile as he felt the weight of a hand on his shoulder. He wouldve shrugged it off, but the voice
accompanying that light touch had him lifting his head.
Maddie stood before him, embarrassment staining her cheeks, while with a shy smile, offered him the
basket shed cradled in her arms.

"Hi Nicky. IuhI made these for you in Home-Ec..." Chortles from the peanut gallery prompted
Nicholas to sit up straighter, the characteristic Grayson smirk tugging at his lips.
"Th--they're cookies..."
"How quaint." Evey quipped with a condescending smile.
The feeble attempt his friends made in trying to stifle their laughter failed miserably as low snorts and
grunts caused the flustered girl to redden even more, reminding Nicholas of a ripened tomato.
"No thanks."
"But I---I made them for you. I even baked oatmeal ones."
"I'm allergic."
"Oh..." for a beat of a second she looked crestfallen, but her face immediately brightened, well, that's
all right. You don't need to eat those. There are sugar cookies at the bottom and---"
"Look, I don't want your goddamn cookies, alright? Now fuck off."
"But---but I thought we---last night we---- She looked at him expectantly with those large blue-green
eyes and Nicholas looked away with a frown.
This was all getting very tiresome.
He stood, towering over her. "I said a lot of things last night, Maddie. You couldnt have possibly
thought I meant any of it." He gave her a patronizing smile, forcing himself to laugh in the process. Jesus,
youre even more pathetic than I thought. Maddie flinched as if she'd been struck. The basket of cookies
fell from her nerveless fingers tumbling to the unforgiving concrete. Maddie was gone before anyone
could miss her.
Ellie frowned, feeling nearly sick with what shed just witnessed. Were people truly that cruel here?
She wondered with silent fury. What gave the entitled bastard the right to treat someone that way? She
stood up with a huff. She was no longer hungry. She grabbed her bag and made her way back to the school
building nearly knocking over Matt.
Watch where youre going, bitch! he yelled after her, growing angrier when she simply flipped him
off and continued on her way.
"Another one bites the dust. Bravo, Nicky, that's got to be an all-time record. What's that, like the tenth
one this week? How do you do it?"
Making a point to ignore her, Nicholas dug inside his sweater, retrieved a small tape and tossed it
over to Matt. "Shes on there, with the other five. That's two hundred a head. I'll expect large bills this
"You even managed to get Bridget?"
"Ten minutes in, although I should warn you, she wasn't all that exciting. Worse fucking case of pillow
princess I've ever seen."
"And our Fatty Maddie?"
Nicholas smirked. "Mouth like a Hoover."
Matt chortled. Who wouldve thought? Up for another one?"
Nicholas regarded him curiously, the smug grin on Matts face garnering his interest. "Who did you
have in mind?"
Matts grin widened an idea forming in his head. "The bitch who just shoulder checked Me." he said,
sliding his notebook to Nicholas.
Nicholas raised a dark brow in question, taking the notebook in hand. Shes new here, right?
"Fresh meat, Nicky. You've managed to fuck almost every hapless bitch in this sorry ass school, I even
recall seeing a tape of Mrs. Cunningham in my collection. Why not add a black piece of ass to the notch? I
sure as hell wouldn't mind seeing her on her knees. Who knows, she might even end up being a closeted

masochist like our lovely Jillian."

"Jillians a freak." Jason said, grabbing a seat adjacent to Nicholas as he set his lunch tray down and
grabbed the notebook from Nicholas's hands. "She wanted me to cut her while she blew me. Any new
"I'm not interested." Nicholas said offhandedly.
"Not interested not interested in what?"
Matt ignored Jason, choosing instead to goad his silver eyed friend. "Come on, whatd'ya have to lose?
You said you were looking for a challenge. Well, here she is."
"Shes not my type."
"Since when has that ever stopped you?" Evey piped in, grinning when she received his withering
glare. "Face it Nicky, you're a slut."
"This coming from the girl who slept with the entire chess club...?"
"Tell you what, Grayson, get a video of her and Ill sweetin the deal."
At this Nicholas perked up. Finally, they were getting somewhere. "What do you have in mind?"
"The Desmo. It's yours." The Ducati Desmosedici RR was Matt's pride and joy. He loved that sports
bike more than he loved his drugs. The fact that he even offered to give it up meant he didn't think
Nicholas had a chance in hell.
Ok, Ill bite. You got yourself a deal, Bates." He stood, walked behind Matt and set his hands on his
shoulders, "Make sure to shine it up for me, I want to able to see my face in the finish."
"And I'll expect a great performance," he yelled after Nicholas's retreating back.
"It'll be Oscar worthy!"

Chapter Two
The very second Ellie entered the girls bathroom she heard it. The indistinct sound of weeping came
from one of the teal-green stalls. Impossible to ignore, she furtively approached that stall and gently
knocked. Hey in thereare you all right? Stupid question really, Ellie chastised herself. Of course, the
girl wasnt all right. Uhdo you want me to get someone? She pressed her ear to the door and received
a sniffle for a response.
Im fine. Was the muffled reply minute into the infinite silence.
AreAre you sure?
Im fine. She reassured voice a bit steadier this time.
Ellie stepped away from the door, brow knitted into a frown. Ok.
Shed felt bad for her so Ellie had followed the cinnamon haired girl to this bathroom hoping to
provide some sort of comfort. She knew she shouldnt interfere; she did after all want to maintain a low
profile. She, however, was a teenage girl at a new school and it really wouldnt hurt for her to have a
friend or two at her side.
Ellie made another attempt, trying a different tactic when she heard the stall door creak open. The girl
who cried as if the world was at an end appeared with a blotchy face and tear tracks coursing down her
reddened cheeks. She wasnt beautiful in the usual sense, but she did have the most amazing set of bluegreen eyes, despite that they were puffy and red.
She stood no taller than Ellie's own five foot seven inches. She wore loose clothing, consisting of a
pair of faded blue jeans and a brown hooded sweater with the words, "Chocolate is friend" stitched
across the chest. Her hair, a beautiful shade of cinnamon red fell in two braided ropes in front of her,
stopping a few inches from her waist.
"I'm surprised you didn't drown us." Ellie smiled to show that she was joking as she turned around.
With her backside against the sink, she allowed the girl to finish her own perusal of her physique.
She sheepishly returned Ellie's smile. "Sorry about that. I'm not having a good day." She proceeded to
the sink adjacent to the one Ellie leaned against, spun the taps and splashed a handful of water on her face.
Ellie shrugged. "It happens to the best of us. Are you better now?" Ellie watched as she flashed her
hands beneath the paper towel dispenser, the sensor blinked red before whirring out a sheet of paper. "I'm
not better, but I will be. He---he was special to me."
Ellie didnt understand why, not that she knew or had seen the guy, but he seemed like an utter jerk.
But she kept her opinion of his character to herself, choosing instead to give the sympathetic ear shed
initially wanted to provide. "Say no more. I know exactly how you feel. But it does get better. I'm a
testament of that."
She smiled at Ellie, it didn't quite reach her gorgeous blue-green eyes, but it was still warm in its
effect. "I'll take your word for it." She extended a hand to introduce herself. "I'm Madeline, by the way,
but people call me Maddie."
Ellie accepted the hand, mildly content in having made a new friend. "Ellie Holbrook."

Ellie damned her luck, not for the first time in her life as she heard the flapping of her rear left tire air

out. With a disheartened sigh, she put her emergency lights on and pulled off the side of the road. Taking
her keys out of the ignition, she pocketed them before exiting her car. She popped open the trunk. With any
luck, she'd have a spare tire and would change it. But, as luck would have it, she didn't have a spare.
"Wonderful." She murmured, slamming the trunk shut. She pulled out her cell phone. Three rings later
and Gabes gruff voice answered. Ellie kept it brief, loathed to disturb him while he was working. He, of
course, worried, but she quickly reassured him that a tow truck would be called and she would be home
soon. It took an effort, but Ellie managed to convince him not to come and to get her and only after
promising to pick up Sophie from the sitter, they hung up.
With a wearied sigh, she settled on the hood of her car to wait for the tow truck. With any luck, he
wouldnt take an obscene amount of time to arrive. She hunched over and shut her eyes while realizing for
the first time how excruciatingly tired she was. Her days began at the ass crack of dawn and ended just as
late. There was her opening shift at Redfords, the local bagel shop on Main. She put three hours in before
heading off to school where it was nothing but droning lectures, conceited students and homework that
rivaled Mount Fuji in height alone. Now she had track, courtesy of her guidance counselor, whod made it
clear that she would need some extracurricular activities if she had any hope of getting into college.
So seeing as how track was by far the only sport she was good at, Ellie had opted for that and only
recently finished practice. The only bright side to the day thus far, had been meeting Maddie and attending
art class.
Tomorrow was another cycle with the same grueling hours and aside from the small pleasure she
would take from sleeping in late, nothing would change. Although now there was track to look forward to
and after that it was off to Splendor to put in a few hours. Splendor was a small restaurant Gabe opened
up a few years back that did fairly well with the college crowd.
It wasn't necessary for her to work as hard as she did. Gabe even told her he would gladly foot the bill
for her college tuition when the time came. But Ellie had refused. Shed depended on Gabe for far too
many things in her young life already so that having him pay for college when she could attempt to get in
on her own, seemed too much. There were scholarships out there and grants and loans at her disposal.
Ellie was determined to succeed. She wanted, needed to prove to herself and her parents that though
shed stumbled upon an obstacle when shed become pregnant with Sophie, it was not an excuse to fail.
She had aspirations, dreams, and with her daughter at her side, Ellie had strength and the drive to
achieve those goals. She was determined to give Sophie a stable future.
The revving sound of a motorcycle buzzed through Ellie's head drawing her away from her thoughts.
She slowly lifted her head and glanced at the person responsible for all the noise. She wasn't familiar
with motorcycles, but from the looks of it, the machine was an object of sheer beauty; from the lacquered
black on black sleek frame to the powerful vibration emitting from the chrome tinted engine. It was, to be
perfectly clich, a sex machine and Ellie couldn't help but stare.
The bike was one thing, the owner was something else. He was enthralling, no doubt about that. His
very magnetism demanded attention and Ellie involuntarily sat up straighter. His legs encased in dark
jeans straddled the powerful machine beneath him with a sensuality that oozed. His face, foolishly devoid
of a helmet, was another tale of its own.
He was breathtaking in his masculine beauty. Arrogance clearly instilled in the cut of his jaw line. His
nose was fine and straight, his lips, set in an unsmiling line, were sensually a plump dark mauve. He
stared right through Ellie with eyes of indiscernible hues. His hair was like ink, overlong and mussed, and
it looked like hed either just rolled out of bed or ran his fingers through it a few times. Regardless, it
painted a sexy picture. Hell, the guy himself was all things sexy and Ellie was mesmerized.
"Hey." He gave an imperceptible cock of his head.

"Hey, yourself."
"Need a ride?" He had a nice voice, not too deep, sensuous almost, like hot chocolate and cayenne.
She shook her head. "No, Thanks." She said, raising her voice over the hum of the engine.
"Looks like rain." Ellie raised her eyes heavenwards and sure enough the overcast sky loomed, rain
was inevitable.
"My ride should be here any minute. Besides, I dont even know you. You might be a serial killer or
an Ax murderer wanting to kill me. No offense, but Id rather take my chances with the rain.
The ignition died a quick death as he twisted the key. He jumped off the bike and headed towards the
car. He walked with all the confidence of a man who knew his worth, who was far too aware of his
sexuality and flaunted it for the world to see. He came to a stop right where Ellie sat, a sly grin curving
the fullness of his lips.
Im Nicholas. Beneath full dark brows were eyes as gray as storm clouds and just as ominous. And
I'm not particularly fond of axes, but I can kill you with a few well-placed touches."
Ellie gave an unladylike snort and doubled over in laughter stopping only when she received his glare.
It took a moment or two before she was calm enough to speak. "Wow, thanks for that, I really needed that
laugh." She wiped the tears from her eyes and smiled. "Well, at least I can't fault you for being original."
Caught off guard, Nicholas frowned and silently reassessed the girl grinning down at him. He silently
cursed, realizing that this wasn't going to be as easy as he'd initially thought. This, he figured, was
probably why Matt put his Desmo on the line. Fucking bastard, probably knew something like this was
going to happen. Deciding on a new plan of action, Nicholas spun around and walked away. The sound of
rumbling thunder in the heavens was working perfectly in his plan.
"Damn it!" Ellie cursed and he grinned.
"You should really find some shelter." he caustically advised, then hopped on his bike and sparked the
engine to life. Nicholas only needed to count to ten.
"Hey wait!"
"Hop on and hold on tight." Was his only response.
Very reluctantly, Ellie straddled the bike. Wrapping her arms around his waist she buried her face
against his back and stifled a scream when the bike took off all the while damning her luck, the rain and
the stupid towing guy for taking so long.

Ellie stood unsteadily from the bike, clothes sticking to her body and hair plastered to her face. She
doubted that she looked half as good as the guy who had dropped her off.
"Th---thanks." Teeth chattering, she drew her hands to her lips to breathe life back into them.
"I'll see you around."
Ellie involuntarily smiled, despite the chill. ", too."
Nicholass bike zoomed down the quiet suburban streets and Ellie wondered what Gabe's reaction
would be upon hearing it. With a sigh, she ambled up the cobbled pathway that led to her home.
"Who's the guy on the crotch rocket?"
Ellie grinned, accepting the towel he handed her. She wasn't the least bit bothered that she'd been
spied on. "No one important."
Gabe peered skeptically at his goddaughter, disapproval tightening his features. "Dinner's in the
microwave." He hoped for Ellie's sake that the guy truly was no one. He had already dealt with Ellie after
a certain "no one" by the name of Anthony Carlyle practically destroyed her life. Gabe did not want
anymore "accidents" occurring.

Saturday rolled around far quicker than expected, but not altogether unwelcomed for Ellie as she
prepped for her late night shift at Splendor. Her life over the last few days had consisted of school, track
practice and work. To finally escape from the routine, cheered her immensely. Sadly, her car had yet to be
fixed. But she couldn't bring herself to feel the least bit doleful about it seeing as how she now had access
to Gabe's silver Honda Ridgeline. She grinned at the memory of how she'd come to procure the Ridgeline.
There'd been promises made. Bribes and pleas had been abundant. And she even recalled having
promised her liver at one point. Ah, but it really was a small price to pay, for such an awesome truck.
With one last cursory glance in the mirror, she grabbed her purse and made her way downstairs to the
living room where Sophie carelessly played. Upon sighting her mother Sophie turned and held out her
arms, her little sausage fingers expectantly wiggling. Only too happy to indulge her, Ellie scooped her up
with ease and they were off, Ellie the jet plane and her little passenger. Ellie twirled her around the room;
it wasnt too long before they were both giggling. Dizzily Ellie came to a stumbling halt and collapsed on
the loveseat.
"Mowah, Mama!" She demanded with laughter in her voice. Rich obsidian eyes stared back at her and
for a fleeting moment, Ellie was reminded of Sophies father. Tony stared back her. With those glazed,
impenetrable midnight hues she remembered so well.
The uncanny resemblance between father and daughter left Ellie momentarily staggered. But then the
memories flooded back and with them her senses. She'd put Tony in her past for good reason and that's
where he was going to stay.
Her beautiful little Sophie may have inherited her father's features, but that's where the resemblance
would stop. There was no way Ellie would allow Sophie to live the life she and Tony had led, no way in
Sophie's hand on her mouth drew Ellie from her musing. With a resounding kiss on her cheek, Ellie put
her down and sat up. Ok, babe, Mamma has to go to work now. Ellie knew she shouldve anticipated
the waterworks even before Sophies lower lip began to tremble. They went through this more times then
she could count and it never got any easier.
"Come on, Soph." She was in her mother's arms in a blink of an eye. "You have to be a big girl." Her
wails grew louder. "Sophie," Ellie softly chided, soothingly rubbing her back, "It's Ok, baby." She
walked around the living room, holding Sophie close.
This again, Gabe said, in ways of greeting appearing from seemingly nowhere. He made an attempt
to take Sophie away, but managed to further aggravate the situation as Sophies arms tightened around
Ellies neck, the grip nearly choking. "Stay home and take care of her. I'll call the restaurant and tell them
to work around your shift." He walked away before Ellie could protest.
Seemingly aware that the adults had capitulated and she'd won her battle, Sophie instantly put a stop to
her tears and from where she rested her head on Ellie's shoulder she peered up and innocently smiled
through her tears. Acknowledging that she'd been bested by her two year old, Ellie laughed.
"You sneaky little monster, I oughtta eat your chubby little foot for that." She said affectionately, taking
her appendage between her lips. Sophie's giggling protests put a smile on her face.
An hour later found Ellie and Gabe on the dark brown suede couch with a perfectly contented Sophie
nestled between them, as they watched a Disney movie on the flat screen. Ellie handed Sophie off to Gabe
and stood up with the empty bowl of popcorn, heading to the kitchen

Listlessly staring at the microwave she entertained the idea of taking Sophie to the park tomorrow. She
gave a slight jump at the shrill sound of the home phone and called to Gabe that she would get it before
she answered the phone.
"Hello?" Silence greeted her. "Hello?" she said a bit more forcefully. Heavy breathing was her
response. With a silent curse she hung up the phone and retrieved the bag of popcorn once the microwave
dinged. She poured the contents of the bag inside the glass and returned to the living room.
"Who was it?"
Passing him the bowl, Ellie took possession of Sophie and gathered her in an unyielding embrace.
"Some idiot with a breathing problem," she said quietly, slightly unnerved at the directions in which her
thoughts were going.
There was no way, Ellie silently convinced herself. Tony hadn't the slightest idea of where they lived
and even if he did, he wouldn't be stupid enough to come near them without their lawyers present. But then
again, Tony had never played by the rules.

Shed always wanted to fly and there was nothing that brought Ellie closer than when she was running.
The wind swept across her face, her lungs burned thirsting for air while her heart thundered in her chest
and it all felt amazing. Her form was fluid, her strides, long and even. Her pumping arms matched the
even fall of her legs. Ellie felt utterly weightless each and every time her spikes fleeted across the
rubberized track. She was swift and agile, and though she wasn't built like a typical sprinter, she had just
as much speed and just as much heart. As she bolted to a finish at the 400 mark, coach Creesley's whoop
of joy told her that she'd made the relay team. She stooped down, hands on her knees and breathed
heavily, relishing for a moment how good it felt.
"Shake it off, Holbrook." Coach Creesley was an Amazon of a woman, towering a few good inches
above Ellie. She was all blonde, amazingly pale and had a set of large cornflower blue eyes that made her
look far younger than she was. "You did very well." she came over and clapped a hand on Ellies
shoulder, her beaming smile almost blinding. "You're going to be our anchor in Friday's meet against
"Thanks, coach." She said, once she'd recuperated enough.
"Grab a drink and we'll get you started on hurdles." Ellie headed towards the field, grabbed a bottle of
water from the cooler and downed it in a few gulps.
"Ellie!" Pulling the bottle of water from her mouth, Ellie turned and returned Maddie's smile as she
"And how's our best javelin thrower doing?"
Maddie's face bloomed pink. "I'm not that great. I really sucked today. But you---you were so
awesome! I can't believe how fast you are."
Ellie shrugged. "I love running. And you are that great Maddie, otherwise I wouldn't have said it. If
we're going to be friends, I would appreciate it if you didn't put yourself down. I can't stand people who
constantly pity themselves." She said candidly and gently touched Maddie's arm to allay the bite in her
tone. "You're really cool, Maddie, you need to believe that."
From the veil of her dark lashes, Maddie glanced up, hesitantly she asked. "You still wanna be
friends, right?"
"Only if you acknowledge how good you are and don't constantly berate yourself."
Maddie grinned. "Okay, then. I am the best Javelin thrower on this damn team and look pretty damn
fierce too."
Ellie laughed. She slung an arm around Maddie's waist and they walked across the field making their
way to the equipment house. "The fiercest."
"And I'm really good at Calc."
"That's the spirit!"
"And in Physics."
"Oh! And in Home EC!"
Ellie rolled her eyes heavenward. "I've created a monster." But she smiled nevertheless as Maddie
laughed and continued her list.

"Thank you so much for the ride, Ellie. I'll see you tomorrow." Maddie reached for her sport's bag in
the backseat of the Ridgeline, while waving goodbye to Ellie as she pulled away from the curb.
Practice had run much later than anticipated and Maddie would've been forced to take a cab had it not
been for Ellie's offer to take her home, even though they didnt live close to each other. Ellie lived on the
North side of town near downtown, while Maddie lived at the opposite end in Fleetwood with her
Maddie smiled softly at the thought of her new friend while walking up the illuminated pathway to her
two-story home. Ellie was different. Unlike everyone else at John Edgar, who was only happy to follow
the herd of mindless sheep, Ellie was content being a no one. She didn't care what people said about her.
She didn't care how people treated her. She was confident, but not overly so. She was honest, sweet and
kind. She was smart and spunky and had a knack for making Maddie feel like a million bucks. She had all
the qualities Maddie admired....qualities she herself lacked and sorely envied.
While everyone at John Edgar High either chose to ignore, use or abuse her, Ellie had befriended her
with no other motive in mind than friendship. In the two short weeks that Maddie had come to know her,
she knew that the friendship she had with Ellie was genuine. Recalling an incident last week during lunch
Maddie walked into her house.
Maddie waved Ellie over to her solitary table in the vast courtyard and waited while the other girl
drew near with a brown paper bag in her hand.
"It should be a crime to serve kids this crap." Ellie scrunched her nose at Maddie's school lunch.
She took the seat across from Maddie and dropped her messenger bag between her legs, while the
strap fell haphazardly to the cobbled floor.
Maddie smiled, taking a mouthful of applesauce. "It's not all bad."
"That's because they killed your taste buds. Here, try my lunch."
Maddie shook her head. "I can't, I'm on a diet."
Ellie eyed her, "Maddie."
"Don't worry. It's not the starve yourself until you pass out diet'."
"Good," drawing the sandwich from the bag, Ellie grabbed a white plastic knife from Maddie's
tray and sawed the sandwich in half. "Then you won't mind sharing this with me. Gabe always makes
me a big lunch and I never finish it. He'll be happy when I tell him it's all gone today." She settled
Maddie's half in front of the salivating girl and wittingly smiled as she sank her teeth into her own
"Who's Gabe?" Maddie asked, taking a bite of the sandwich. Her eyes widened. "Holy shit, this is
really good!"
"Glad you like it. Gabe's my godfather. He owns a restaurant downtown. You should stop by
sometime. You can tell him yourself how much you like the sandwich."
"I'd love to---" Maddie trailed off, her teeth clicking shut at the sight of the person approaching
their table. He swaggered their way, arrogance in every stride. He came to a halt behind Ellie.
Ellie, unbeknownst to the man standing behind her, frowned at Maddie's ashen complexion.
"Ellie." He made her name sound like sin and Ellie couldn't decipher whether that was a good
thing or not, only that it drove tremors down her spine. She turned in her chair and glanced up at that
painfully sexy face praying that her words didnt trip over her tongue. Ellie gave him a smile.

"Hi, Nicholas," she greeted in turn and sighting the self-assured smirk on his full lips she tried not
to roll her eyes. Sure he was sexy as hell, but someone needed to tell, tall, dark and handsome that he
was no god's gift to women and the fact that he acted as such was a major turn-off. "Uh---this is my
friend, Maddie." He tossed a perfunctory look Maddie's way and dismissed her just as quickly as
though she were nothing more than a vexing gnat.
"We've met." His tone gave little indication that they had. "I came to ask if you wanted to have
lunch with me and my friends. I figured we'd show you around and make you feel welcomed."
"That's sweet of you, Nicholas, but I think I'm good here. Maddie's been a great help so far, so I'm
going to stick with her. But thanks for asking." She said sweetly enough and as though he no longer
bore any relevance, she turned her back to him and engaged Maddie back in conversation.
Shell-shocked couldn't even begin to describe how Maddie felt as she stared at Nicholas retreating
back, fist clenched at his sides. Slack-jawed, she stared at Ellie unable to believe what she'd just seen.
It was a rare occurrence---no, strike that, it never happened. No one, not even the teachers, ever
refused Nicholas Grayson anything. It just didn't happen.
"I can't believe you just did that." She shook her head in disbelief.
Ellie rolled her eyes, "Please, guys like that are a dime a dozen. Nicholas Grayson is all ego and
not enough brains. He's a waste of time."
"You're full of surprises, aren't you?"
"I know a few tricks." She shoved a spoonful of strawberry yogurt in her mouth and smiled
pleasantly at Maddie. "Stick around and I might teach you some."
Maddie did not doubt that she would. Ellie certainly wasn't like anyone she'd ever met.
"Gran, I'm home!" she called, closing the door behind her. She dropped her sport's bag on the floor by
the entrance and lugged her school bag over her shoulder.
"In the kitchen, dear." Charlotte "Lottie" Tate was elbow deep in flour in the process of whipping one
of her famous pies. Maddie hoped it was blueberry. She'd learn how to bake from Gran.
When her parents had passed away ten years ago, she'd retreated into herself for a time. It was Gran's
infinite book of recipes that finally drew her out of her shell. All those delicious confectionery delights
she'd learn to make over the years were partially to blame for her added weight gain. Oh, but one couldn't
really stop at one when it came to sweets. It was just impossible. Anything chocolate was Maddie's
ultimate downfall.
"I'll be right down to help you, I just need to wash up." Maddie said hastily dropping a kiss on her
Gran's weathered cheek.
"No need, dear, keep your handsome friend company. He's upstairs in your bedroom, waiting to do
homework." Maddie's confusion must have shown on her face because Gran elaborated a second later.
"You know... the one with the nice manners and that wonderful smile..." Here her cheeks flamed and
Maddie knew it wasn't because of the preheated oven.
Not that she didn't adore the hell out of her grandmother but her lack of caution and her trusting nature
especially to jerks like Nicholas Grayson and his devious charms was bound to get them in trouble one
day. Honestly, what parent in their right mind allowed an eighteen year old boy in their daughter's
Not many, that's for damn sure Maddie's mind shot back and she wearily sighed.
"Thanks, Gran." On her way up the stairs, she stopped and turned. "Don't set a plate for him, he won't
be staying long." Maddie disappeared before Gran could protest, sure, that the old lady would.

As she climbed the stairs leading to her bedroom, Maddie wondered what it was that the silver-eyed
devil wanted. Outwardly, she appeared calm and reserved and desperately hoped she remained so when
she saw him. Her heart raced almost painfully in her chest, a hummingbird stuck in its ribcage.
She stopped for a moment, resting a hand over her abdomen she wished she could stop the fluttering
there. Hope, as desperately as she tried to beat it down, punched through logic and flourished inside the
pit of her belly. She hated herself for wanting him still, even after the horrific episode with the cookies
and the callous way he'd handled her and her feelings, she still, foolishly yearned for him.
Maddie had attended elementary, middle school and now high school with the majority of students at
John Edgar high. She had watched from her shadowed haven as theyd formed their cliques. The few
she'd been friends with had readily abandoned her when popularity called. They'd never looked back and
she'd been far too timid and insecure to follow them.
As the years passed, she fell into the role of outcast. She became the walking punch line. She'd learned
immunity, but the fat jokes never ceased to hurt. She'd become accustomed to her life of obscurity, and
resigned herself to the fact that college would be much better than the supposed, "Best years of her life"
that high school had turned out to be. She'd accepted her role, until Nicholas Grayson came into her life.
Oh, but sin had never been as tempting as when she'd been in his arms. Nicholas, who was both so
devilishly handsome and so wickedly cruel had come into her life and flipped her entire world on its axis.
Raging through like a typhoon he'd thrown everything asunder. Her heart. Her body. Her soul. Now he
was in her bedroom. Waiting for her. Her seed of hope became a garden.
She made haste, taking the last steps two at a time. She was at her door in seconds. She palmed the
brass knob and entered.
Nicholas lounged on her baby pink coverlet, shirt off, the top button of his dark blue jeans opened and
he wore a smile that instantly drew air from Maddie's lungs. His hair hung in that haphazard way she
loved, that made her fingers itch to brush it back from his face and look into those pale set of eyes. He sat
up and Maddie's knees almost buckled.
Nicholas fully clothed was mouthwatering. Nicholas half naked, was a sight to behold.
Memories of passionate nights writhing beneath that sinewy body, gripping onto those biceps adorned
with the twisting tattoo of a dragon looking fiercely had Maddie weakening at the knees. Afraid that she
would crumple, she leaned against the door frame and attempted not to gawk, which she miserably failed
to do.
Aside from the tattoo decorating his forearm, the head of the dragon ending at the base of his left ear,
Nicholas's skin was flawless. Whipcord muscles and evocative beauty combined to make the eyes gape.
When he walked, Maddie was aware of him. She could feel warmth sluice over her skin, making her
achingly hot. Fevered. She loved how his broad torso gave way to the rise and dips of his abdomen.
She loved how muscles formed and cut creases down his groin. She loved the treasure of peach fuzz
dark hair trailing a path down his jeans. She remembered kissing her way down that chest. She
remembered how it felt to be on her knees in front of him. She remembered how his shuttered eyes had
looked at her, how his strong fingers had twisted in her hair, tenderly caressing her face as he deflowered
first her mouth and then--"Wh---what are you doing here?" she came away from the door, entering her bedroom. She wisely
kept the door ajar. She dropped her book bag on her desk, her back to him. She prayed for immunity from
him, prayed for strength, but found her prayers unanswered, when Nicholas approached her and her
insides boiled. His warmth and his scent, smacked her into paralysis. She couldn't move. She didn't want
to move. She could feel him, flush against her backside. "Nicky." She whispered. Breathy. Wanting.
"I missed you." He sounded so genuine that Maddie wanted to weep. Instead, she leaned back against

him, allowed him his ministrations. Deft hands pushed her mass of cinnamon tresses aside and whispered
a kiss along the side of her neck. His fingers caressed her fevered skin, the gentle pads trailing down her
"I miss kissing you here," warm lips whispered a kiss behind her ear. "And here." On her cheek now.
Caught in his haze, she didn't realize his other hand had unbuttoned and unzipped her jeans, until she felt
him outside of her panties. "Most definitely here."
"Nicky," she shuddered, the delicious shivers dappling the canvas of her skin.
"Did you miss me kissing you here, Maddie?" His voice seduced her even as his fingers did
unspeakable things to her.
"Say it; tell me how much youve missed my kisses.
"I--" She was melting. "P-please."
"I will, baby, but I want to play a game first. Will you play with me?" She'd jump off a bridge for him
at this point. Maddie allowed him to lead her to her bed. He gently pushed her down and pulled away
from her. He closed and locked the door, returning to her side before she could blink.
He was on her in seconds, his body straddling her hips. She went down willingly. "I'm going to ask
you a question and I want you to answer for me, OK?" She could only nod. He brushed a kiss at the corner
of her mouth and grinned. "Good girl." He caressed her skin almost lovingly and stared down at her, his
mercurial gaze revealing nothing. "You've become quite close to the new girl," he began, absentmindedly
toying with straps of her bra. "Almost like best friends." his lips raised in semblance of a smile, only it
lacked humor. "Tell me what you know about her."
"I dont ---"
He stooped down, his lips inches away from her parted ones, anticipation making her ache as he
hovered. "Work with me, baby." he whispered, breath tantalizingly sweet. "What's her favorite color?"
"Nicky..." she panted, whined almost. "Nicky...please..."
"Silver." One fine dark brow shot up, but otherwise his face remained infuriatingly blank.
"Favorite flower?"
Maddie craved his mouth, wanted the kiss he so easily denied her. "Christ, Nicholas, I don't know!"
Diamond gray eyes pinioned her further to the mattress.
"Fine." he said casually and swiftly removed himself from her bed. He turned to leave, but the sudden
cry of "No!" stopped him mid stride. Nicholas took a moment to bask in his victory before he turned back
and curiously peered at her.
"D-don't...D-don't leave me..." her fingers flexed, reaching for him.
"Tell me what you know and I'll make it better...I promise." He was by her side, caressing her flushed
cheeks in mock tenderness. He delivered the kiss with such deftness that Maddie slowly burned when he
finally pulled away. "Tell me what I want to know." He asked softly, his warm breath tickling her ear.
Desperately searching her memory for something Ellie mightve told her, Maddies eyes lit up as she
thought of something. "She told me she keeps an online journal. Its private, but I have the password."
She did not notice the triumphant gleam in Nicholass eyes and as he ravaged her mouth once more.
She forgot all else, but the sensations he made her feel.

Chapter Three
Ellie said goodbye to the last customers of the night and began to clear their table. She grabbed the
twenty dollar tip they'd left behind and smiles as carted the plates to the kitchen. Tonight had been a good
night, filled with generous tippers, fast service from the kitchen and service staff and relatively happy
customers. On her knees inside the booth she wiped down the table and neatly arranged the condiments
against the wall. She was fastidious in her cleaning efforts. Satisfied with her results, she headed to the
kitchen, where Kelly and Nina were fast at work on the dishes. While they took care of that, Ellie finished
any last minute clean up and counted their tips, making sure everyone clocked out on time.
It took them all, including Peter, Jason and Holly fifteen minutes to vacate the premises and another
five for Ellie to lock everything down and enter the security code. As they'd done countless nights before,
Peter and Jason made sure all the girls were safely inside their cars before they took their leave. Ellie
was the last to be escorted. She thanked them and waved goodbye from the safety and warmth of the
It was past midnight by the time she pulled out of the parking lot. She was bone-weary, the fatigue
branching out through every inch of her. Her feet ached, throbbed even and she realized she was
developing painful knots across her shoulders. At the red light she rolled her shoulders in the attempt to
sooth the aches away, but only ended up making it worse. Maybe a hot shower and a good night's sleep
would do her some good. Oh, and maybe sneak in a little kiss and hug from Sophie before she hit the sack.
Now that would be heaven.
Merging onto the highway, she smiled at the thought of her daughter. She'd been unsuccessful in
persuading Ellie to stay home this time around with her crocodile tears, but Ellie had promised her a full
day of fun on Sunday.
Ellie hated how she had little time for her and it killed her every time she left Sophie, but such was the
life of an adult. She had her responsibilities. Like it or not, they both had to sacrifice sometimes. With a
weary sigh, Ellie silently took comfort in the fact that she could at least spend the weekends with Sophie.
She lived for those weekends.
She yawned and reached a hand out to the radio. She needed music to keep her awake, otherwise she'd
end up in a ditch somewhere. She was switching radio stations when her cell rang. She grabbed it from
the cup holder, where she'd left it to charge and put it to her ear, figuring it was Gabe calling to check in
on her.
"I'm almost home---"
"Hey, Ells." Ellie almost dropped the phone.
"How did you get my number?"
There was a chuckle, soft, sexy. "I have my ways." She knew all too well that he did. Tony Carlyle
was anything, if not resourceful.
"Lose my number." She wanted to hang up, but his next words quickly put a halt to her actions.
"I missed you. I miss, Sophie." Those damn words and the sincerity behind them stopped her. "I want
to see my two favorite girls."
"Don't play games with me, Tone."
"I'm not playing, Ells. I missed you both so much."
"Fine, you miss your daughter, get in touch with my lawyer and talk about visitation rights, you and I
have nothing"
"I've been clean for a year, Ells. My parents sent me to some high priced rehab center after you left,

and it's been a fucked up road, but I'm clean."

Ellie had to pull over, or she would've gotten herself killed. "So what? You want a goddamn trophy
from me?"
"Nah, just hearing your voice is enough of a reward for me." Damn him! She merged into the
breakdown lane and cut the engine.
"I'm not the stupid nave girl you knocked up three years ago, Tone. You must be out of your mind if
you think I'm going to let you back in my life. Like I said, you want to see Sophie, get in touch with my
lawyer and talk it over with him. Don't call me again." She flipped the phone shut, her anger allowing her
to do so without an ounce of remorse. She dropped her head to the steering wheel and let out a strangled
Damn him! Her hands shook and she had to bite down on her lip to stop it from trembling. She wasn't
going to cry! He wasn't worth her tears. But even as she told herself those exact words, the tears came.
It was just like Tony. Selfish, heroin addict, smooth talking, Tony.
Anthony "Tone" Carlyle had been Ellie's first everything. Her first lover. Her first dealer. Her first
rapist. Her first abuser. She and her child had almost died by his hands. She'd been pregnant and he'd
been ruthless. She'd been so young. So nave. So in love. She had never refused him anything, but that
night she could take no more. She'd been beaten black and blue for it.
Tony, who had plied her with so much drugs and alcohol that she couldn't remember a time when she'd
ever been lucid around him, wanted back in her life. The same Tony who had sold her for a few pieces of
rock and watched in a drugged stupor as his dealers had their way with her, wanted back in her life.
Ellie struggled with the door, threw it open and retched. Her late afternoon lunch splattered on the
gray asphalt. It burned her throat and coated her mouth in bitterness. The memories of her past, vivid,
harsh and sordid danced a fluid ballet through her mind, reminding her again that she wasn't as clean as
she wanted to believe. Tony's call only fit to remind her of what she so easily forgot. She was damaged
goods. Soiled. He'd done a number on her and was back to finish the job.
Like hell. Her mind protested, fortifying her with strength. She'd worked hard to get this far. She had
bled sweat and tears to become who she was. There was no way in hell she was going to let Tony take
that away from her. No way in hell.
She was feeling remotely better so she closed her door and started the engine. She needed to go home.
She could talk to Gabe and they would figure this out together.

Three years ago

The night she met the enigmatic Tony Carlyle was the night the attention starved Ellie believed
shed finally found love. She'd been a virgin raver. A school friend, Frankie, had convinced her to go.
Anxious to escape the tight reins of her morally righteous parents, Ellie had sneaked out. Under the
guise of night, she'd run down the silent suburban streets ten minutes past midnight and readily
jumped into the black Hummer awaiting her a block away from her house.
It had been psychedelic lights, sexually charged music and a mass of prurient teenagers mating to
the driving beats. She remembered how liberated she'd felt. Beneath the scope of laser lights and thick
smoky air, she'd been anything but Bishop Holbrook's staid and 'perfect' daughter.
She'd acted like the whore of Babylon. She danced like one of Dionysus nymphs. She gave herself to
the music and took pleasure in the way it made her feel. Sexy. Desirable. And when Tone had
approached her, led her to his car and took her to his loft, she been all too willing. He'd been so
gentle. Tender. Holding her, kissing her, loving her as he made her feels things no one else ever had.
Tone had been so intense. So mature. So perfect. Hed had all the qualities of a perfect boyfriend
and Ellie had believed she'd hit the jackpot. She began to live for him. Live for those drawn out
moments of ecstasy induced sex, heroin dreams of forever and Tone's wheedling voice promising her
the world. She even ran away from home and took permanent lodgings in his spacious loft.
Poisonous ambrosial cocktails became the thing. She became lost in his world. She lived off his
words. Tone's every wish was Ellie's command. She would've leapt a field if he'd asked her to do so.
When Tone grew lonesome and told her to skip school and stay with him, Ellie enthusiastically skipped
days to be by his side. When Tone had parties and he had them almost every night, she played the
drugged out hostess for him and his friends.
Everything became routine. Get high. Get fucked by Tone. Go clubbing. Get fucked by Johns. They
provided the loot and Tone provided the ass. When it became too much and sanity returned for a brief
moment, Ellie had wanted no more of it. Tone, however, always managed to coax her back.
He lied so beautifully. When she'd found out she was pregnant, Ellie had wanted to stop, truly she
had, the dangers of what the drugs posed to her child had been a real fear for her. A constant fear. But
how could she stop when temptation was all around her? Temptation she'd almost died for, when
weeks later Tone had discovered that she'd taken his last stash.
"I---I only wanted a little pick me up." This had been her pitiful excuse. Tone however hadn't
wanted any excuses and his fist and feet had spoken loudly enough in admonishing her for her
When he'd finished, Ellie had been on the floor, fetal, hacking up bile, broken and bruised. "Oh
baby, look at you, baby, oh, God! I'm so sorry! Ells!" He'd knelt by her side, ignorant of the rejected
contents on the floor. He'd pulled Ellie's shuddering body to his and sobbed along with her. His
apologies perfuming the already fetid air.
The following morning, when Tone had been out dealing, Ellie had packed a bag of clothes and left
his world without a word.

When Dina Holbrook next saw her child, she did not resemble the same vibrant girl she
remembered. The emaciated, badly bruised girl who stood at her door claiming to be her Eleanor
looked on the verge of death.
"Hi mom," shed croaked, her smile, more grimace than anything, looked as though it hurt. "Can--can I come home?" Her voice barely rising above a hush had instantly brought tears to Dina's eyes.
Shed enveloped her daughter in a fierce hug and did not let go until Ellie cried out.
"Come," Dina had urged, grabbing the duffel bag while patiently ushering her daughter inside.
"Let's get you cleaned up."
The road to recovery, when itd arrived, had been plagued with insomnia, muscle pains, vomiting
and painful cravings that had had Ellie scratching her skin raw just to alleviate the need. It hadn't
been easy. Each step she'd taken had her second guessing whether she'd done the right thing. Whether
running back to Tone and begging for forgiveness wouldn't have been easier than dealing with
condescending therapists and self-righteous, overbearing bishops---her father included---whod
believed that this was her punishment for her diverted path. Her immoral path.
Her mother had remained a constant light in her eternally dark and arduously long tunnel of grief.
She'd given Ellie the silent support she needed on days when hope had been sparse. She'd taken a
silent vigil by her bedside during those endless nights when suicide had seemed like the perfect
answer. Her mother held her hands and prayed with her, had given her the bible from which they read
from each night Ellie's body had been able. Dina had been there, day and night to make sure that Ellie
didn't relapse and when she'd been well enough to finally take her home from the rehabilitation
center, Dina had continued to stay by her daughter's side.
It wasn't until Ellie had told her of her impending motherhood that she'd recoiled slightly. Months
of disappointment finally leaked through the crack of her beautiful toffee hued mask. The slap across
the face had been unexpected, but Ellie had remained silent, refusing to cry. She owed her mother this,
she'd silently told herself.
"How can you be so stupid? Fifteen, Eleanor! You're only fifteen!" Her mother had sobbed then.
The force of her cries shaking her petite frame while her hands covered her face. Kneeling at Ellies
bedside, shed wept for the lost innocence of her little girl and all the things it encompassed. When
Ellie had gone to her, needing to provide comfort, her mother had recoiled from her touch. The look in
her hazel eyes telling of the aching disappointment she felt.
That look alone had hurt more than anything Ellie couldve ever experienced. It was then she knew
she would never be the same in her mothers eyes. The realization had evoked silent tears.
"How could you do this to me?" Her mother had always been a fragile thing who didn't deal well
with problems. Her father had always made sure to protect her from her own shadow. The gravity of
her daughter's pregnancy had almost been her undoing.
"I'm so sorry, Mom." And she truly had been. She'd never meant for any of this to happen.

"You'll abort it." Phillip Holbrook said with finality. His pale features set in stone, his hulking
frame looming over Ellie.
"I won't." Father and daughter, so stubborn, so unwilling to compromise glared at each other.
They were caught in a battle of wills. They were so much alike. Both had such strong personalities,
neither willing to budge.
"You will do as I say, Eleanor, or you will leave my home."
"Phillip!" Dina ran to her husband's side in seconds, pleading with him to relent. "Phillip, please--"
"NO!" he roared, his voice booming. "I will no longer tolerate her defiance! Because of her loose
ways, we can no longer hold our heads up in church. She has sullied our good name for the last time!
No more! Abort that child or I expect you to be packed and out of here by this evening." He stalked
away, but his echoing words remained.
"For heaven's sakes, Eleanor!" Dina stooped down and framed her daughter's face. "You are not
ready to be a mother. This will only bring you grief. You must do as your father says."
Ellie evenly met her mother's fiery gaze. "I won't kill my child, Mom. You can't ask me to do that."
She said quietly, with a calm she did not feel.
Dina released her face and stepped away. "Then you must pack your things." She spun around
stiffly following in her husband's wake, tears coursing down her face.
Ellie stole her parents' credit card the following day and bought herself a one way train ticket to
Cedar Falls, leaving her parents and her old life behind. She embarked on her new path a few months
wiser and took the lessons she'd learned for what they were.

Sophie's cries awoke Ellie from her restless slumber. She was out of her bed in seconds making sure
to grab her navy blue robe on her way out. She ran into the room adjacent to her own, turning on the light,
Ellie was able to see Sophie and her flailing limbs inside her crib.
Ellie immediately scooped her up. She cradled her childs head to her shoulder and ran soothing
circles across her back. "It's okay, now sweetie, Mamas here." Worry quickly overcame Ellie as she felt
Sophies fevered skin against her cheek. "Shhh, baby, Ive got you." Sophies fitful cries continued
despite her mothers efforts. Ellie was mildly of aware of Gabe in the room but her attention remained on
her daughter.
"Run her a lukewarm bath, Gabe, while I give her some medicine." Gabe sprang into action the minute
Ellie finished her request. Sophie's cries lulled to mewling whimpers after Ellie coaxed the medicine into
her mouth.
Gabe spun off the taps once the porcelain tub was full and scooted over the other edge as Ellie gently
climbed in, clothes and all, with Sophie. With the utmost care, Ellie sluiced water over Sophie's caramel
skin, her small body cradled on her mothers lap. Ellie dropped a kiss on her tawny head and allowed
Sophie to play with her yellow ducky.
Seemingly in a world of their own, mother and daughter appeared perfectly content to remain exactly
where they were, within each other's company. Never one to intrude, Gabe silently stood and let them be.

With a faint smile, Gabe watched Ellie make her way downstairs, the weight of the world seemingly
poised on slight shoulders. He made room for her on the couch sure that she needed his comfort now more
than ever. She settled against him with a wearied sigh and like those nights years ago when shed first
arrived at his home, Gabe wrapped an arm around her shoulders and waited patiently.
"Tone called." He made a nondescript noise but remained silent, knowing that there was more. "It
sounded so good to hear from him." she admitted guiltily.
"I can imagine."
"He said he was clean now and... he wanted to see us. Soph and me."
"What was your answer?"
Ellie sighed, absentmindedly playing with the cross hanging from the golden chain around Gabes neck
"I said yes, but only if he spoke to my lawyer."
"You think you can handle it?" he looked down, his gaze silently assessing. He knew the story. Gabe
also knew his goddaughter and though not licensed to be making any psychological assumption, he knew
that Ellie wasn't ready to face the father of her child. Her reaction hours earlier, when she'd arrived home
from the restaurant had glaringly proven that fact. She'd been so shaken and jittery that it was all he could
do not to scream at her to knock it the hell off.
"Part of me says yes, get it over and done with and get some closure. But the other part of me still
shakes from the thought of seeing him again. I don't trust myself not to fall down that path again.
Especially with him so near me."
"You have grown and accomplished so much in such a little time. Youve worked so hard to get where
you are now. The homeschooling, Sophie and your jobs. Youve been so determined to better yourself
these last few years that you cant begin to imagine how proud I am of you. Dont underestimate yourself,
Ellie. I sure as hell dont. Tony Carlyle is beneath you, he has no power over you.
Left momentarily stunned by his fevered words, Ellie glanced at him in stunned silence. Gabe rolled
his eyes at Ellie's expression, but grinned nevertheless. This was probably the most Ellie had heard him
speak. He tended to run more on the monosyllabic answers.
Jumping out of her stupor, Ellie rose and they shared a hug. "Thanks, Gabe." she murmured.
They needed to take things one day at a time. Roadblocks would be dealt with when they came, even if
Gabe had to hop in the Ridgeline to run them over.

It was common knowledge that Nicholas Grayson made it a point to never show up to any of his
classes, which was why his appearance in Ms. Spencers third period art class caused quite a stir among
the students. As rumor had it, he seldom showed up for Physics and Calc even though those were two of
his favorite classes. The fact that he was here now was quite significant. The girls were atwitter. Their
curiosity peeked as they gossiped amongst themselves wondering what couldve possibly provoked his
Ellie meanwhile mildly aware of the ongoing whispers busied herself with her easel, not completely
oblivious to the conversation going on around her.
"Whats he doing here?
I dont know, but did you hear what he did to Ashley?"
"Yeah, I heard he gave her more than that tattoo on her hip. God, Im so jealous. They giggled and
Ellie rolled her eyes, silently praying Ms. Spencer would haul ass.
"Fucking bitch practically threw herself at him."
Interesting, Ellie mused, her gaze straying to the girls conversing a few feet away from where she sat.
They stood facing each other, their personalities about as charming as their pinched faces, they continued
their twaddle as if the subject of their conversation wasn't in the room. Speaking of which, Ellie never
would've pegged Nicholas for a tattoo artist, if that was what he really did.
From beneath soot tinted lashes Ellie assessed the guy who had "rescued" her from impending rain
nearly two weeks ago. He was handsome, there was no denying that, although his personality left a little
something to be desired.
With the way he'd treated Maddie a few weeks back and the way he comported himself now he was
quickly gaining ground on Ellie's "Jerk" list, listed there with loser exes and incompetent mechanics. She
knew his kind. The good looking, vainglorious assholes that treated people with little to no respect just
because they had money. Shed dated guys like him back at her old school. He was a big freaking waste of
her time.
Suddenly, as if sensing her gaze on him Nicholas's mercurial gaze found her and froze Ellie to the
spot. The pretty brunette on his lap blushed and giggled as he nuzzled her neck, his inscrutable gaze,
however remained solely on Ellie.
There was a challenge in that stare. Almost as if he dared her to be the first to look away.
His hand on the brunette's thigh trailed effortless higher, another inch and the position of that hand
would've seemed indecent. Ellie's cheeks involuntarily flamed, as if he knew, a smirk pulled at the seam
of his lips. Daring to push propriety further he licked the girl's cheek and kissed the corner of her mouth.
The poor girl, not at all accustomed to receiving attention from the school's infamous reprobate
practically melted against him.
Uncertain of whether to be flattered or offended that he would go to such lengths to get a rise out of her
Ellie, feigned indifference to the debauched display unfolding before her and so she grabbed her bag from
the floor. Rising from her seat, she shouldered her bag, grabbed the easel and set it down by the door on
her way out. It was clear that Ms. Spencer had either flaked out on her class or had been given a very
poor substitute. Ellie figured she would spend the remainder of the forty-five minute art class in the
library doing something productive with her time than to bear witness to the childish antics of a moron.
Crossing the B building overpass, Ellie entered the E building and started to enter the library but
abruptly stopped at the firm hand around her wrist. She spun around and cool gray eyes greeted her.

"What's your deal?"

The unexpected inquiry caught Ellie off guard and bewilderingly she looked at him, his immense
height causing her to crane her neck to meet his gaze. "Whatddya mean?"
"You walk around here like you're the fucking Queen of Sheba or something. If your nose were any
more up in the air you'd be smelling god's ass."
Mortified, insulted and only just slightly amused, Ellie wrenched her wrist from his grasp, ignoring
how much it hurt. She took a step back and glowered. "I can't believe you're calling me a snob, when
you're the one who acts like you're the best thing to come along since sliced bread. It amazes me how you
and your ego can even fit in this school."
"And I find it very amusing how you can walk with that stick so far up your ass. Must be a real talent."
He quipped, irreverent humor dancing in his eyes.
"Seeing as how you're so fond of my ass, feel free to kiss it while I walk away." She didn't get angry
too often and rarely allowed anyone to get a rise out of her. Nicholas on the other hand, the self-righteous
egoist, had managed to do it without an ounce of effort. The smug bastard seemed to relish the effect he
had on her. That knowing smirk on his face had her itching to smack it off. She wasn't a violent person by
nature, but for a shot at him, Ellie found she could turn into murderer. Her anger lengthened her strides
and halfway down the hall, she managed to calm herself enough to continue on her way at a more sedate
Unfortunately, her interaction with Nicholas was not yet over. Not seconds after leaving him behind,
she found herself facing him again, only this time, he was blocking her path. He held up his hands, palms
facing her in semblance of surrender and Ellie faltered at his boyish grin. Straight, pearly white teeth that
would've done wonders in a toothpaste commercial gleamed back at her.
"Let's start again?"
Ellie's effort to side-step him was countered by Nicholas's hand on her arm, gently keeping her in
"If I said I behaved like a jerk because I didn't know how to ask you out, would you give me a second
Ellie glared and if looks could kill, he would've been a cheerfully burnt pile ash at her feet.
"Look Ellie, I'm sorry, could we please try this again?" He grinned and her attempt to remain immune
did not work in her favor. There was something about him that despite her best efforts aroused her
interest. Moreover, if she had to be perfectly honest with herself, she could even go so far as to say that
she was slightly attracted to him. What female wouldn't be, with looks like his?
"Apology accepted, but really, I'm not interested." Despite his stunningly good looks and wicked
appeal, there really was only room for one person in her life and she wasn't even out of diapers yet. "I
have to get going." This time when she began to walk around him, he did not stop her. "I'll see you
around." she said over her shoulder a few paces down the hall.
"Ellie!" she turned and found him advancing on her, his long strides eating up the distance between
them. "One date and then I promise I won't bother you again." She wavered and readily he pounced.
"Come on," he wheedled, brandishing that boyish smirk once more. "I have tickets to an art gallery
opening in downtown. They're showing the work of one of my favorite painters, Yves Charmant. He's an
up and coming Avant-guard artist---"
"Yeah, I know." She said, slightly bemused, her attention instantly captured. Yves Charmant was one
her favorite artists. She'd learned about him in her humanities class in the first half of her freshman year
and had fallen completely in love with his poignant pieces. One of her absolute favorite titled "Sadist"
always brought her to tears. She'd never had the opportunity to attend any of his openings considering the

price of the tickets and had given up hope of ever seeing his pieces up close---until now. She was actually
contemplating the idea of saying yes, but reservation kept her muted.
"The tickets will go to waste if I don't use them."
Puzzled she asked, "Why don't you just go alone."
He grinned. "I'd much rather go with you." He said it with such tender charm that Ellie almost
believed he truly liked her.
"It's not a date," she capitulated, "Just potential friends enjoying each other's company while
discussing mutual interest in art." It sounded suspiciously like a date and Ellie silently cursed the sight of
the witting grin on his face.
"Whatever you say. I'll be at your house around eight."
"You don't need to pick me up. I'll just meet you there."
"I pick you up, I buy dinner, I drop you off." he said with finality and if Ellie were in any position to
say so, she would've rightfully told him to go to hell, only, she really wanted to go to that gallery opening
and the arrogant jerk knew it too.
"Fine. Do you want a pen to write down my address?"
"Nope, I remember. Only brick house on the block. Do I get a number, too?"
Ellie pursed her lips. "Don't push your luck." With that she walked away and absolutely refused to
look back, knowing that he was probably still standing there watching her with that stupid grin on his face.

Chapter Four
Friday afternoon found Ellie in her fifth period gym class seated on the school bleachers waiting for
Maddie to make an appearance. They were required to run two laps around the small track before they
began class and she didn't feel like running alone. She spotted Maddie exiting the girl's locker room and
rose to meet her halfway. Upon closer inspection, Ellie found her friend to be a little more pale than usual
with a fine sheen of sweat glistening across her forehead. Concerned, Ellie quickly asked if she was all
Maddie's wan smile and comforting hand on Ellie's shoulder did nothing in allaying her fear. "I'm fine.
I'm just a little hot. Come on let's start our lap before hatchet face pops a vessel." As if to indicate of
whom she spoke, Maddie cocked her head behind Ellie's left shoulder at their P.E teacher who happened
to be sending rays of murderous glares their way at the precise moment.
Ellie and Maddie fell into step, following the one-two cadence of their peers they ran quietly side by
side, until Ellie's underlying concern gained the better of her. "Are you sure you're OK? I'm kinda
"Don't be, I get like this from time to time, all a part of having all this wonderfully smooth flesh."
Maddie turned her head with a smile easing a reluctant smile from Ellie.
"As if your skin is that smooth."
"It's a proven fact that fat people have incredibly smooth skin."
Ellie rolled her eyes. "You're not fat, Maddie, just curvy. Pleasantly plump even." Maddie's laughter
caused Ellie to burst into her own fits of giggles.
"My Gran used to say that to me all the time." Maddie answered as they rounded the track and began
their second lap. "So, doing anything special this weekend?"

"Special no, but I do have plans."

"That's cool. What're you doing?"
"Okay, so you remember how I was telling you about that really great painter and how I couldn't get
tickets to his gallery opening?"
Maddie nodded. "Yeah, his name was something like charming, right?"
Ellie grinned. "Yeah, Yves Charmant. Anyway, I was invited to the opening by Nicholas Grayson of
all people, who comes out of nowhere and tells me that he's a fan of Charmant's works..." Ellie stopped,
turned around to find that Maddie had come to a complete stop on the track, while their peers ran past her.
"Maddie, what's wrong...?"Ellie warily approached her.
Maddie stood stock-still, her face drained of color, while her thoughts lingered on Ellie's last
sentence, mainly the part where Nicholas's name was mentioned and the painful fact that he was taking
Ellie to this gallery opening. Her stomach clenched in fits of bubbling anxiety and indignation. The
memories of Nicholas drilling her for information on Ellie while he'd sinfully toyed with her returned
with vengeance. She felt as though she would be violently ill as sorrow quickly overcame her rising ire.
"Maddie? Maddie!" Impervious to the alarm in Ellie's voice, Maddie lost herself to her morbid
thoughts. Ellie was pretty, she thought, Ellie was skinny. Ellie was smart and unknowingly sexy; she was
everything Maddie was not. She was everything Nicholas wanted and nothing at all like the fleshy, low
self-esteem girl he'd so pitilessly seduced and cast off, her mind maliciously supplied, further adding to
Maddie's despair.
She heaved a doleful sigh. She'd been in love with Nicholas, was still in fact in love with him and it
just wasn't fair that her feelings weren't reciprocated. Even after discovering that she'd been used and
easily duped into giving her virginity for the sick amusement of his and his friends, she still craved his
touch. He'd humiliated her in front of half the school, he'd callously cast aside her feelings even after
taking pleasure from her. She'd become a masochist for him, played the wounded lover so eagerly to his
wicked sadism. But he didn't want her.
Now the realization that Ellie could be in danger of becoming victim to those monthly bets, greatly
disturbed her. She had to get Ellie to stay away from him and vice versa. She had to protect Ellie; Maddie
silently rationalized, because that's what friends did for each other, never mind that jealousy was slowly
rearing its ugly head, Maddie almost convinced herself that her intentions were honorable.
"You said no, right?" She asked as if no time had passed since Ellie told her of the impending date. At
Ellie's quizzical look, Maddie elaborated, looking anywhere but Ellie's face. "To the datewith
Nicholasyou said no, right?"
"Well, no, but then it's not really a dateshould I have? I mean we're going just as friends, I told him
Maddie scoffed. "The word 'friend' is not in Nicholass vocabulary. Look, Ellie, you've been really
nice to me since you got here and I dont want to see you hurt. Nicholas is bad news. Theres always an
ulterior motive with him.
"Holbrook! Tate! This is not social hour! You want to talk, do it on your own damn time, but not in my
class! Now, move your carcasses or it's the principal's office for the both of you!" 'Hatchet face', as she
was called by her students, was a no nonsense woman with a voice to match her dour countenance. She
continued to scowl at them even after they joined the rest of their classmates.
"There's a reason why a great amount, if not all the kids at school hate him and his group. He may be
suave and charming, but behind that pearly white smile, he's a heartless asshole."
Ellie was stunned, never having pegged Maddie to be the malicious sort. The way she spoke, with

such venom and hate, one would think he'd ripped her heart--"Oh my God! Maddie, was Nicholas the reason why you were crying the day we met?" Dawning
smacked her across the face and Ellie regarded her friend with new eyes, finally able to see the hurt
beneath the hatred. "Oh, Maddie, why didn't you tell me?" She kept her voice low, while aware that they
were one of the very few still talking.
Maddie shrugged. "It wasn't that big of a deal." Yeah, and the Taj Mahal was only a grave. "Ellie, just
try to stay away from him, he's only after one thing and once he gets it, he won't even give you a second
glance. There are trails of bleeding hearts behind him and I'm thinking he wants to add you to the bunch."
"I'm not stupid, Maddie, I know what guys like Nicholas want and I'm not about to let myself fall for
his stupid pick up lines and tactless come-ons. The only reason I agreed to go with him was because he
had these tickets and even then it was strictly on the basis of friendship." Completing their last lap, they
headed back to the bleachers, walked up the four flights of stairs and sat among their classmates, awaiting
Ms. Hatcher's game plan. "Besides," Ellie continued, turning so that she faced Maddie. "I'm not looking
for a relationship with him or anyone else right now."
"Why not?"
"Well, having a baby doesn't exactly allow you a social life."
Maddie's reaction wasn't as bad as Ellie anticipated, only the sight of her slacked jaw and rounded
eyes did present a comical image and because she couldn't help herself, Ellie burst into laughter.
"Shut. Up." Her incredulity was followed by a shove to Ellie's shoulder. "You're kidding...Jesus!
You're not kidding, you actually have a baby!" she bellowed loud enough for half the student body to hear
"Wow, Maddie, might wanna say that louder, I don't think they heard you in China." Ellie deadpanned,
glaring at her red-haired friend.
"I'm sorry," she said sheepishly. "But, God, Ellie, you actually have a baby."
"I know, kinda shocked the hell out of me too, when I found out, but I wouldn't trade Sophie in for the
world. I love that chubby little monster." She said with mother's pride, her hazel eyes gleaming.
Maddies heart softened at the sight, her earlier misgivings set momentarily aside at this newly found
discovery of the girl she was beginning to consider her best friend. Ellie, Maddie was finding out, was a
very private person, who didn't seem at all eager to share the intricacies of her life with anyone. The fact
that she'd found reason enough to share something this big with her meant that their fledgling friendship
was growing and Maddie couldn't have felt more honored.
"I know you're dying to know, so go ahead and ask me." Ellie said with a smile.
"Howhow did it happen? I mean I know how it happened, but"she flushed, Ellie took pity on her.
She shrugged, "I met a guy I thought was the one, you know, perfect everything. But he turned out to not
be so great for me, so I left when I found out I was pregnant."
"Oh Ellie," Maddie quickly empathized she reached out her arm around Ellie's shoulder and pulled
her into a hug. "I'm sorry."
Ellie shrugged again, released the sigh she hadn't known she was holding and peered at Maddie.
"Don't be, I'm not. Mistakes are made to be learned from and I've learned mine in spades. Sophie, despite
how she came into the world, is the best thing to happen to me, hands down one of the best mistakes of my
life." She smiled, leaning into Maddie's embrace. "You should come over sometime. I'll introduce you."
"I think I might just take you up on that offer." The sound of a bouncing basketball drew their attention
to the center of the gym where Ms. Hatcher stood and bounced the ball a few times, before tucking it
beneath her right arm. She blew a whistle to direct the rest of her wayward class to her.
"Alright, everyone on the court! I want you in three groups of five, one group to my right, the second to

the left hoop. The third and first team will alternate every ten minutes. Give me layups!" The remainder of
gym class was spent practicing basketball drills to Hatchet face's whistle. The only positive event for
both Ellie and Maddie was that they were both chosen to be on third team, which meant they had a full ten
minute break before they were due on the court.
Chapter Five
"I love his use of colors in this painting. The light seems to play off the child's face." Ellie stretched
her fingers barely inches from the oil painting indicating the myriad of colors swirling across the canvas,
the translucency of the paint in some areas haloing the subject; this child. The ambiguity of the child's
gender made the painting that much more appealing.
She awaited a response and when none was forthcoming, she spun around to see where Nicholas had
gone. She had not needed to look far for her elusive escort, for there he stood, a distance away from
where she was, a look of utter boredom across his too perfect features. From where she stood, Ellie
carefully assessed him, wondering how it was at all possible for someone who professed to adore Yves
Charmant's work as much as Nicholas did, to remain so utterly impassive to the exquisite art pieces
around him.
They were nearing the end of their tour around the gallery and not once in the last two hours had he
commented on any of the artwork, not unless one considered noncommittal grunts as remarks.
True to his word, he'd arrived at her house promptly at eight. Ellie hadn't allowed him time to hop off
his motorcycle to greet Gabe. She'd been out of the house and on his bike in seconds, hastily kissing
Sophie goodnight. The trip downtown had been exhilarating, to say the least and this time, she'd been
lucid enough to actually enjoy the ride. They'd eaten dinner at a small Thai restaurant a few blocks from
the gallery and as they sucked down their Thai ice teas and walked the short distance to the gallery, Ellie
had been forced to admit that Nicholas presented a good time.
He was quick with the jokes, although still comported himself like a gentleman, his charm in the
irreverent twist of his full lips. He was sweet in a way and twice during their meal, shed even managed
to catch a glimpse of the true Nicholas; the Nicholas who didn't need to hide behind the I'm a bad boy'
faade. The Nicholas that Ellie found she could actually see herself becoming friends with, if his ego
allowed it.
"Tell me Nicholas, which of Charmant's earlier works do you find most fascinating?" With a kind
smile for the couple heading her way, Ellie stepped aside, allowing them ample opportunity to view the
painting she now saw as one of her many favorites. She gave him a dubious glance and was perversely
satisfied to see his sudden alertness.
With the shuffle of the oncoming crowd she found herself standing incredibly close to him, and with an
inadvertent shove from behind, she was sent tumbling into his arms. He had quick reflexes and used them
effectively to catch her before she fell. His left arm spanned her waist and with the other he brushed her
unbound hair from her face. The sweep of his warm hand against her skin produced a flush in Ellie, her
cheeks warming beneath his palm.
"Are you alright?" the gruffness of his voice drew her gaze to him and Ellie wished she hadn't looked.
His eyes held her spellbound; they weren't as completely gray as she'd initially believed, ice-blue flecks
speckled through the gunmetal gray, an odd mix that made them oh-so appealing. She licked her lips and
watched in fascination as those pale blue flecks dilated, fusing in with the gray. The intimacy of their
embrace was not at all lost on her and when lucidity returned, she was out of his arms and standing at a

less unsettling distance. He raised one elegant brow at her haste, his trademark grin settling on his lips.
"You OK?"
Despite the slight tinge in her cheeks, Ellie managed to compose herself and toss the grinning rat a
glare. "I'm fine." She huffed, "And I asked you a question before I was shoved." She said indignantly.
"Right." Nicholas glanced at her, the sly look in her hazel eyes was a familiar tell and mindlessly he
thought she would make a horrible poker player.
Nicholas kept his amusement to himself while he silently applauded her attempt to trip him up; he'd
nearly fallen for her artlessly crafted trap. Seconds ago, standing as close as he'd been to her, he would
have said just about anything for a chance to kiss her. She probably had the best set of full lips he'd ever
seen on a girl. He'd wanted to stoop down and taste them to see if they tasted as delectable as they
appeared. Of course he wouldn't give into his baser instincts, not yet anyway. If he had any hope of getting
anywhere with her, he carefully had to tread.
Ellie Holbrook wasn't the typical John Edgar nitwit and the more time he spent with her, the more
Nicholas realized his regular bag of tricks was not going to work on her. She presented a challenge, no
doubt about that, but, it was a challenge he was all too eager to overcome. The victory did not matter as
much as the thrill of the chase.
"I'm not a fan of his earlier works, but that one," he cocked his head to the painting behind her left
shoulder, adjacent to the one they had faced moments ago. She turned and he took the chance to step
behind her, his hand settling on her shoulders, "might very well be one of my favorites."
The painting depicted a nude man standing at the center of the canvas surrounded by infinite darkness.
The colors used to accentuate the pigment of his flesh were subtle but no less riveting. On his weathered
features one could see the scars of life wreathed across, deeply enrooted in earth toned skin. His hunched
shoulders hinted at the battles he had waged and lost, the weight of his troubles seemingly shrinking him
to size. But despite all of that, it was the profound sadness in his eyes---the aching sadness so real and
arresting that it seemed almost tangible, that always managed to evoke Ellie's tears.
It did so now and it was all she could do to keep herself from blubbering like a little child. "The first
time I saw this painting," she felt him so close, having momentarily forgotten he was there, Ellie stiffened
slightly. His breath whispering softly against the shell of her ear sent shivers hurtling down her spine. "I
almost cried. The raw essence of pain captured in his eyes made me realize just how vulnerable we are to
our emotions." Nicholas stepped back as she unexpectedly whirled around toward him.
"You really didn't just say that." Ellie was flabbergasted. Disbelief had her gaping, certain that she
hadn't just heard her sentiments parroted back to her. It was impossible, the words too exact to be called a
coincidence. He'd practically recited them verbatim. She'd written that entry in her online journal the first
time she'd seen Charmant's "Void" and the damn bastard had more than likely found it, read it, and was
using it now to appear sensitive? How stupid did he think she was?
Wordlessly, she spun on her heel and found the nearest exit, sure that if she'd remained a second
longer, she would've resorted to violence. "Ellie!" Ignoring his calls she lengthened her strides, dodging
through obstacles of human bodies, she was out of the building in record time. She lifted her hand to hail a
cab, but the grip on her arm prevented her from doing so. Nicholas spun her around, the hold on her arm
remained gentle but firm even in the face of her scowl.
"Let go!" She attempted to pull her arm away, Nicholas's hold remained firm.
"Mind telling me what I did first?"
"God! I can't believe I actually allowed myself to fall for your bullshit! And to think, I even believed
you were somewhat of a decent human being. Well, you know what, Nicholas, you can go to hell." She
wrenched her arm from his grasp and walked away from him, stomping in the opposite direction of where

he'd parked his bike. She didn't know where she was going, didn't much care at the present moment, all
that mattered was that she get as far away from him as she could.
"Ellie!" He was at her side and even with his longer strides he had to double his efforts to catch up to
her. "Ellie...will you stop a sec..."
"Fuck off, Nicholas."
"Look, I'm sorry, Ok?" he stopped in the middle of the sidewalk and cried, "Ellie Holbrook, I'm sorry!
I was a dick and I'm sorry!"
Ellie stopped short, turned around and found him on his knees a distance away. Having gained an
audience, he interlaced his hands in front of him in the semblance of prayer. "I was only trying to impress
you. It seemed like a good idea at the time. I really wasn't trying to piss you off and I'm sorry if I did."
"Youre making a scene, Nicholas, get up!"
"Not until you forgive me!"
She blew out an exasperated breath. "Fine, I forgive you, now get up!" she said through gritted teeth.
He remained on his knees, much to the gathering crowd's amusement. "You don't mean it." He intoned,
putting on display that stupid grin of his.
She folded her arms across her chest and glowered at him, "I forgive you for being an asshole, now
please, get up."
He was before her in a blink of an eye, then leaned close and brushed a kiss against her cheek. "I
know I seem to be saying this a lot, but I am sorry." He said, his smile, genuine in its entire effect,
enhanced already perfect features and Ellie found her irritation vanishing. When his hand searched hers
out and entwined their fingers, she blamed the fluttering of her heart on indigestion.
The crowd, seemingly satisfied at their happy reunion, clapped and aww-ed before continuing on their
way. Ellie and Nicholas walked among them, the silence between the two, impregnable. They were not
too far now from where hed parked the bike and before they could go any further, Ellie stopped walking
and turned to him.
"I don't let too many people get close to me, Nicholas. Don't make me regret befriending you," she
glanced up at him, "Don't hurt me, OK?" Hazel eyes held sterling grey as her words hung suspended
between them.
For the briefest of moments neither said anything, and then Nicholas leaned down and brushed her
cheek with cool fingers, "I wouldnt dream of it."

He was at it again. Like a creeping fog he could feel the depression setting in again, blanketing every
inch of his being with a debilitating chill.
Nicholas dragged in a lung full of noxious smoke from his cigarette and breathed out on a deep,
wearied sigh. He hunched forward, inadvertently causing his overgrown fringe to curtain his vision, he
rested his arms on his knees and stared mindlessly at his naked feet.
" entertainment news today, renowned actress and socialite Sonja Grayson was seen at last night's
Academy Awards with a new man on her arm, looking absolutely ravishing in her Loraina DeRue gown.
Rumors have it that the mysterious man is reported to be her bodyguard and by that dazzling smile on her
face, it seems he's doing a lot more than security detail---"
"Turn that shit off." He groused, leaning back against the leather couch.
"Really, Nicky, you're such a grouch." Evey purred, taking hold of the remote control she aimed it at
the flat screen and hit the power button.
She had fine contours and sticky hips, swaying them like seduction was going out of style as she
waltzed his way. Forever legs, pale, perfectly shaped, made the skin to clothes ratio seem improbable.
The mini she wore showed her violet lace panties, which judging by the look in her cognac eyes, was
probably as indecent as the smile on her scarlet mouth.
"This could be the man of her dreams," she said, falling between his parted thighs. She looked up at
him through kohl rimmed eyes, her grin growing wider. "You should be happy for your dear old mother."
Her hands inched higher up his thighs, dexterous fingers tiptoeing ever closer to the evident swell in his
He watched her through hooded eyes, features inscrutable as he reached out and brushed her pale
blond curls away from her face, and with an empty smile he guided her head between his thighs. "Suck my
cock, Eves." he took a drag and pulled the cigarette from between his lips, "Do it how I like it." He
She was an eager little thing and quite skilled with the fingers, too. In seconds flat, she freed him from
his chafing prison and her mouth quickly went to work. She had a mouth like a goddamn vacuum, suck and
release, suck and release. She did a wraparound twirl thing with her tongue that had him growling for her
to take it deeper. With one hand lost in her curls and the other gripping the Afghan beneath him, he held
the cigarette between his lips and groaned. "Fuck."
His eyes were clenched shut and beyond their orangey tint, a pair of almond shaped hazel eyes popped
up, large and probing hazel eyes that raped him of his will to breathe the moment Evey deep throated
every inch of him.
"Fuck...."he rasped again.
Nicholas saw Ellies face as if she were standing right before him, those hazel eyes clouded over with
a need only he could satisfy. He bucked, his hand clenched in Evey's hair, holding her down as she milked
him, greedily swallowing every bit of his spunk. "Ellie." He breathed.
Evey's throaty laughter dissipated his fantasy in a quick and disheartened he reluctantly opened his
"You've got to be kidding me," she chortled. "My God, Nicky, only two weeks in this Bet and you're
already moaning her name? And here I thought it was supposed to be the other way around. Wait until the
guys hear about this."
Nicholas's foul mood returned with a vengeance and the scowl on his face it seemed, served as ample

warning for Evey to shut up. He came to his feet, once again tucked in and fly zipped up, he ambled to the
bathroom, the clinking of his belt buckle the only sound in the living room. "You should be gone when I
get out." He said before disappearing into his bathroom.
Evey huffed. The guy was moodier than a girl during her period, she silently thought, sweeping her
fingers through her blond tresses. He was always so stoic and blas about everything. But, it wasn't like
she wasn't use to it. She'd known him for two years now and they were what most would describe as
friends with benefits. She was the dependent booty call and he never disappointed. Knowing him for as
long as she did, Evey knew as much about him as everyone else in school. Which wasn't much. He came
from money naturally; everyone in their clique was wealthy.
His mother did a few movies back in the day that were considered classics to some now. She didn't
really act anymore, but one could always find some juicy tidbit about her in the gossip rags. His father,
probably just as infamous as his wife, happened to be a tycoon of some sort, with a whole lot of money
and a whole lot of power. That was about as much as she knew and it didn't seem like Nicholas was too
amped to share anything with anyone anytime soon.
The only person she could say he was even remotely close to was Matt Bates. They had a relationship
that some would consider to be the very best. And Evey knew Matt had a thing for Nicholas. Too bad for
him, Nicholas didn't crunch dick. He ate pussy though, real well too. Tonight, it didn't seem like he would
return the favor, but Evey wasn't too worried. With a small smile, she stood, searched and found her
designer handbag and made her way out the door. "I'll see you at school, Nicky. Give a kiss to Ellie for
He'd call again. Nicholas always called her when he needed to unload.

"Fucking bitch." Nicholas muttered minutes after the front door closed shut. He stepped out of the
bathroom with his face dripping wet as he headed to the bedroom and found a towel to dab his face. He
should've known better than to invite her over. Another stupid decision brought on by the unexpected call
from his mother earlier today. He threw the towel on the bed, stripped off his t-shirt and tossed it in the
same vicinity as the towel.
He hadn't spoken to his mother in nearly a year. She'd randomly called today, to ask him to dinner
tomorrow night, with her new pet in tow. He had yet to call her with an answer, which should have
naturally been no, but like a fool, he'd told her he'd think about it. Thinking about it only managed to raise
his blood pressure.
He grabbed the half-emptied bottle of water from where he'd left it on the dresser, took a swig,
recapped it and put it back where it'd been. He then picked up the pack of Marlboros, drew one out, his
third tonight and sparked it to life. With smoke filling his lungs, he settled back against the black
headboard, the bevy of down pillows providing ample support for his back. Seated with one leg slightly
raised and the other stretched out on the bed, Nicholas sighed and mindlessly wondered how many
sleeping pills he needed to take to get some sleep.
Insomnia was a bitch. Especially when you were jonesing for a decent night's sleep and got nothing
but white noise and an urge to drink yourself stupid.
He was beginning to regret kicking Eves out. With her kind of entertainment, he would've been busy
until the break of dawn with nothing in mind, but good ol' mindless fun. Perverse curiosity had him
wondering how good of a fuck Ellie would be. She was a prude, no doubting that, but from his personal
experience prudes tended to be more fun in bed, more adventurous as it were. Imagining her in bed and all
the things that he could do to her brightened his mood considerably. That Desmo was as good as his, but
first there was still the matter of getting her in his bed.
Ellie. Nicholas smiled. Ellie was something else.
"...I don't let too many people get close to me. Don't hurt me, OK?"
Those words echoed in his mind. To think that he'd actually cared enough to apologize and to
genuinely mean it, still managed to baffle him. He didn't know he could even still do sincerity. But, he'd
done it and quite well, too. He leaned over, grabbed the ashtray from the bedside table and set it between
his legs. After a few flicks of the cigarette, he brought it back to his mouth and raked his hand through his
inky mane, his thoughts lingering on the diminutive girl who spoke her mind and cared absolutely nothing
of what he thought of her.
She fascinated him. In her he found a kindred spirit of sorts. Even more so now that'd he'd read the
countless entries on her online journal. There'd been a myriad of poetry, some hers, for example, some
others, and still some others collection of her favorite writers, but each just as poignant as the last; like
the one she'd written on Charmant's "Void" and the sheer emotions that had taken over her once she'd seen
it, had been so beautifully written that the words resonated in Nicholas even now.
She used her words so carefully, her imagery so vivid that it seemed almost tangible. He'd spent hours
on her site, absorbing the words of her free verse like some lyrical junkie, marveling at how each poem
spoke to him as nothing had before, reflecting points of his life so perfectly. It was as if she knew of the
aching loneliness that festered at his core, of the desperation and overwhelming need to remain afloat
despite how painful it was to remain thus.
He hadn't cried in years, but in that moment, held spellbound, the tears had come, trailing wet and

warm down his cheeks. Afterwards, he'd been so unnerved that he'd guzzled down half a bottle of
whiskey before he knew what was what. A quick call to Eves had quickly eliminated any remnants of
sentimentality he'd felt that night. That had been then, now he needed to get back to planning how to get
Ellie Holbrook into his bed.

"Ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-"Ellie pursed her lips and looked at her daughter, seated in her highchair with a
mess of cereal all over the floor and in her chubby little hands. She continued to happily sing oblivious of
the chaos she'd created.
"Don't you mama me, you little monster. Look at the mess you made." Ellie chided, standing from her
own chair as she settled on her haunches to pick up as much as she could before heading towards the
closet for a broom and dustpan. "The food is supposed to go in your mouth," she continued, opening the
trash lid and then tossing she the cereal crumbs and banana chunks away "not on the floor." She scooped
Sophie out of her high chair and perched her on her hip.
Suddenly conscious of her mother's foul mood, Sophie's eyes began to water, Ellie rolled her own
eyes. "Don't give me those waterworks, you little faker." She smiled in spite of her words and blew a
raspberry kiss on her cheek, immediately halting the crocodile tears. "You're lucky you're so cute. Come
on," Ellie settled her on her feet and took hold of her hand. "Time for your bath."
Bath time took about fifteen minutes. Then, getting Sophie into some decent clothes without starting a
third World War took another ten minutes and by the time mother and daughter were ready to leave for
their planned picnic at Charleston Park with Maddie, Ellie was exhausted and Sophie was having another
"Sophie Grace Holbrook you put your foot in this shoe right now or we are not getting out of this
Sophie's bottom lip jutted out and petulantly she crossed her arms over her chest. "No."
"Alright, then no ice cream for you"
"Then put your shoe on or we won't have ice cream. You want ice cream, don't you?" At her
enthusiastic nod, Ellie continued, holding the Barbie sneakers out for her, "then you be a good girl, OK?"
She shook her head, "I goo girl, mama,"
The doorbell rang and Ellie came to her feet. "Yes you are, monster. Now put your feet into the shoe
and I'll be right back to help you put your jacket on." She dropped a kiss on her tawny curls, and then
hastened to open the door.
Sophie was a smart girl, at least as far as two year olds went and Ellie knew she had her moments.
Children, after all, weren't exactly giggles and cuteness all the time, but she took it in stride; they learned
from each other. Lord only knew the amount of patience it took at times not to blow her top, but that was
what parenting was about, every moment a learning experience, every obstacle, a building block to rear a
better child.
Her gaze strayed to the grandfather clock in the foyer indicating the time to be quarter past twelve. She
had invited Maddie out with them and Ellie hoped it was her at the door so that they could get going. She
palmed the brass knob and pulled the door open. Nicholas greeted her with a smile, a perfect pale yellow
rose held out in front of him. "I asked the guy at the flower shop for a flower that conveyed both remorse
and friendship and this was the result. And I could have gotten you a dozen or so, but I thought one might
be more effective. Forgive me?"
Her response was cut short by a shrill cry from somewhere inside the house, therefore instead of
leaving him at the entrance and slamming the door in his face as Nicholas feared she would do, Ellie

stepped aside and invited him in. She said nothing and instead walked away. Nicholas, unsure of whether
to follow or remain where he was, chose the former and hurried after her.
They came to an open living room, with plush carpeting, brown suede couches and family pictures
perched in a variety of frames on the mantle. There was a bevy of toys littering the ground, some
organized, others scattered haphazardly around a toddler who was occupied playing with Velcro on her
shoes. At Ellie's appearance, her face brightened and she stuck out her feet.
"I dud it!" she beamed triumphantly. Ellie laughed at the mismatched shoes, right on left and left on
"Close, but not quite, sweetheart." She knelt by her side and helped take off the sneakers. "See, this is
the right shoe and it goes on your right foot, here," she demonstrated, carefully guiding Sophie's foot into
the appropriate shoe.
Nicholas stood at the threshold, gazing intently on Ellie and the adorable little girl, who he naturally
assumed to be her little sister.
"Whodat, mama?" Sophie's innocent inquiry reminded Ellie of her forgotten guest. Seated behind
Sophie, Ellie did not bother to get up. Instead she pulled Sophie on her lap and smiled as she stared up at
"That's Nicholas, sweetie." She said softly, resting her chin on Sophie's head. "Nicholas, this is my
daughter, Sophie."

Chapter Six
There weren't many things that managed to shock him, and up until a few seconds ago, Nicholas
believed himself impervious to such a rare emotion. However, Ellie's introduction of the little girl seated
on her lap managed to leave him completely and utterly speechless, stunned even. For a small span of
eternity, he all but gaped at them, unable to form a coherent thought. He only barely managed to gather his
fleeting wits about him before opening his mouth to speak and even then, it took him some time to find the
right words.
"Sophie, I'm Nicholas, nice to meet you." His discomfort was blaringly evident. Children were most
definitely not his forte. He scrunched his jeans further up his thighs and fell to his knees awkwardly as he
stretched out his hand and waited for Sophie to take it.
Clear eyes, so black Nicholas saw himself reflected in their depths, curiously stared at him. There
was a slight furrow between her brows, barely discernible unless in close proximity as she assessed him,
seemingly sizing him up. Nicholas watched as she turned to her mother, silently asking whether it was
okay to take the offered hand. At Ellie's imperceptible nod, those large perceptive obsidian eyes returned
to him.
She reached out and took his hand, so small and delicate, compared to his own, and gifted him with a
shy smile. With her hand still within his grasp, she settled back against her mother's chest and stuck the
thumb of the other hand between her lips.
Ellie watched the scene and smiled in spite of herself. It was quite a sight to behold, seeing the famed
Nicholas Grayson, cowed by the sight of a three year old. It was almost too funny for words. The poor
guy looked as if he would bolt at any second, almost as though disabling an atomic bomb was easier than
meeting Sophie. But, as nervous as he appeared, Ellie was surprised to find him smiling at her daughter,

the gentle expression on his face, almost disconcerting.

"Say Hello, Soph."
"Hwi Nicholesh."
Ellie turned Sophie around to face her, gently prying her thumb from her mouth. "You know better than
to suck on your thumb." She admonished standing and bringing Sophie along with her.
"Mama, Nicholesh come too?" With Sophie situated on her hip, Ellie turned her attention to Nicholas.
"We were just heading to Charleston Park for a picnic." Ellie quietly explained, "Do you want to
come with us?"
Nicholas wondered whether the offer would've been made if it hadn't been for Sophie's innocent
inquiry. Something in him wanted to think so, but he seriously doubted it by the look on Ellie's face.
"Actually, I had other plans. I just came to apologize for what I did last night and of course to give you
this." He held out the once vibrant pale yellow rose, now slackened and wilted from his unrelenting grip.
"It certainly wasn't necessary of you to bring me the rose," Ellie approached him, taking the rose from
his grasp, "but I appreciate the gesture and I accept your apology." Nicholas nodded. Silence stretched for
infinite minutes before he nodded his head again and turned on his heel to leave.
"Nicholas," He stopped at the gentle call of his name just steps outside the living room and turned
around to see Ellie making her way to him. Ellie settled Sophie on the floor to play with her toys and took
hold of his arm to lead him to the foyer. "I don't know what you want, but I know you won't find it with
me. I don't have the time or the patience to devote to anyone else right now. The little girl in that room is
first priority in everything I do, she"
"I don't want anything from you but your friendship."
Ellie skeptically peered at him. "Why is that hard for me to believe?"
"Maybe it's because your head is so full of bullshit rumors about me that you've already cast out
"They're not rumors, Nicholas; I've seen how easily you play with people's emotions and callously
toss them aside afterwards. You walk around all high and mighty, expecting the world to kiss your ass just
because you've slept with a few girls. I don't even think you're capable of sustaining a healthy friendship
with a girl without involving sex. Your idea of friendship greatly differs from mine"
"Then teach me..." Ellie took a hesitant step back as he advanced toward her, crowding her, cornering
her against the wall. "Teach me your definition of friendship." His voice was whisper soft, his breath
warm against Ellie's face. There was a sweet, spicy scent that radiated from him, that made her so much
more aware of him, aware of the utter maleness of him. He extended his arms and rested both hands flat
on the wall, each one on the opposite end of Ellie's head.
He was remarkably gorgeous up close, his dark beauty made only more so by the intensity in those
grayish blue eyes of his that gazed at her now as though she had the answer to some unspoken question.
There were emotions swirling in those eyes, emotions she couldn't quite discern, but all the same greatly
unnerved her.
"All I'm asking is for you to let me prove you wrong. I know I'm capable of so much more than what
you think of me." How long had it been since she'd been this close to someone who could evoke those
feelings in her she'd long thought dead? She'd gone almost three years without sex, had lived remarkably
well without even thinking about it.
But here she was, with just a glance and hardly a touch and her body was ready to betray her.
Nicholas was dangerous on so many levels and Ellie could not allow herself to become victim of her lust
again. Sexual attraction led to inevitable heartbreak or in her case, a baby.
"Why now? Why me? You don't need to prove anything to me. In fact, my opinion shouldn't matter at

all to you. I'm flattered, really, I am, but I don't want to play games." She was over the games. Tony had
played her so well, that she couldn't even attempt to play if she'd wanted to. Nicholas would just have to
get his thrills somewhere else.
"Your opinion does matter, don't ask me why, but some for some stupid reason it does and I can't help
but want you to see me in a better light. I want us to start over again, pretend I didn't have a reputation and
become friends."
She tried to laugh, but it came out as a gasped disbelief, "Like I said, someone like you is not capable
of just friendship."
"Why don't you let me prove you wrong?" He challenged, blue-gray eyes alight with mirth.
She tilted her head and narrowly watched him, "tell me, Nicholas, why do you want to change all of a
"Because I'm not happy with way I am---with who I am." He did sincerity remarkably well, where
once mirth reigned, solemnity took its stead and blue-gray eyes regained their intensity, perforating her
once again with their probing accuracy.
"So see a therapist." She joked, discomfited by the ferocity of that gaze.
He wryly grinned down at her. "Been there. Done that. They've all come to the conclusion that I'm a
certifiable. I shouldn't even be out in proper society."
The shrill ring of Ellie's home phone gave her a start; she sighed and pushed against his chest to
escape. She turned around in the kitchen archway and softly smiled. "I'll pray for you."

Nicholas watched as she disappeared in the kitchen. With a heavy sigh, he fell back against the wall
and raked a hand through his hair. He wasn't given a second more to lose himself in thought, for no sooner
had Ellie left, that Nicholas felt a persistent tug on his pant leg. He peered down and was quickly
reminded of his earlier state of shock.
Sophie, Ellie's daughter, high school senior Ellie Holbrook's daughter. The daughter of the girl he was
hell-bent on seducing stood at his feet, a paragon of all that was sweet and innocent, a pink Winnie the
Pooh sippy cup held in her hands.
"Nicholesh." She reached out to him, evidently asking to be picked up, Nicholas, however, was at a
loss. A debate began to brew in his mind, wondering whether it was wise to pick her up or just leave her
and run the hell out of a situation he wasn't too sure he could handle. He would have had no qualms in
continuing the bet, had it just been himself and Ellie. Now, however, with knowledge of a child, Nicholas
didn't know how to proceed, did not know whether he could proceed and this presented a problem.
But it shouldn't have, his mind silently argued, because it was still only about him and Ellie. This
changed nothing. So what if by hurting Ellie he unintentionally hurt the child as well? Since when had he
ever given a damn about the well-being of others? He was supposed to be the jaded playboy, the rebel
without a cause, who felt nothing except the occasional stirring of his cock.
So why then, did he suddenly feel disgusted with himself? Why was it that he suddenly wanted his
earlier words to Ellie to have meant more than he'd intended? There were far too many questions and not
enough answers to satisfy his frantic mind.
"Nicholesh up!" Sophie's patience, it seemed, had run out as she began to urgently tug on his pant leg.
Her eyes welled and the crocodile tears fell in earnest. Nicholas, not at all wise to her game, quickly
scooped her up and held her in his arms.
"Hey, kid."
Sophie tucked the sippy cup between her lips, took a few long pulls before releasing it and offering it
to man who held her securely in his arms. "Nicholesh dwink?" Nicholas smiled in spite of himself.
"No thanks." She shrugged, not the least bit put off and returned the cup back to her mouth.
"Sorry about that," Nicholas turned upon hearing Ellie's voice, unsure of whether to return Sophie to
her or keep her in his arms, he chose the latter and retained his hold on the child.
If Ellie were surprised to see him holding onto her daughter so tightly, she gave no indication. Rather,
she softly smiled and tucked few loose tendrils of hair behind her ear. "That was Maddie. I invited her out
with us today, but she just called to cancel. Uhthe invitation to join us is still open if you want to
Nicholas shook his head, handing Sophie off to Ellie. "I don't want to intrude."
"You won't be intruding."
"Nicholesh go too."
Ellie grinned, "See, Soph wants you to come too."

Had someone told Nicholas he'd be spending his Sunday afternoon in Charleston Park playing hide
and seek with a toddler, while enjoying himself immensely, he would've cheerfully run them over with his
motorcycle and continued on his merry way. It'd occurred to him a few days back that getting to Ellie
required a bit more finesse on his part. Therefore, figuring that his usual cavalier attitude wouldn't work
in this circumstance, he'd opted instead for charm and being charming he found, wasn't as difficult as he'd
believed. Of course, Ellie's exuberant daughter made the task remarkably easier. She was a bundle of
energy, a pint-sized livewire, all smiles and incessant chatter.
She had more questions than Nicholas had answers and when he could provide none, she was quick in
asking her mother, who for her part, seemed wholly amused by Nicholas's bewildered expression.
"Is she always this"He struggled for the right word as he approached the Weeping willow Ellie sat
"Hyper? Oh yeah, she always gets this way before her naptime. You'll see, in another hour, she'll be
all tuckered out." Ellie scooted over, making room for him to sit. She opened the wicker basket, withdrew
a PB&J sandwich and handed it to Nicholas. "Gabe made these, they're Sophie's favorite. But I'd check
inside first, he has a tendency of putting banana slices in for her."
Nicholas grinned, accepting the sandwich. He leaned against the tree, drawing up a knee. "Who's
Gabe?" he freed the sandwich from the Saran Wrap and as Ellie advised, opened it to check for any
unwanted banana pieces. "Sophie's father?"
Keeping an eye on Sophie, who sat a few inches off their checkered blanket, cheerfully feeding the
ducks, Ellie took a moment to glance at Nicholas. He appeared nonchalant, as if he'd just inquired about
the weather, but Ellie could feel curiosity peeking through. "Gabe's my uncle. He should be joining us in a
little bit; he had to run down to Splendor to check on a few things."
"Splendor---Splendor---the restaurant downtown? He works there?"
"Sort of. He owns the place, but he spends most of his time in the kitchen. He's more chef than
business owner. I work there part time. Have you ever been there?"
"Can't that say I have, but if the man can make a meal half as good as this PB&J, I'm sold. And having
you there will be an added bonus."
"Friends don't flirt with each other, Nicholas."
"And you Ellie are seriously full of yourself; I was only saying that because I want a discount." He
said cheekily, laughing when Ellie threw a grape at him. "Besides, if I were flirting with you, you'd
know." The irreverent humor lingered, but the emotions in his eyes conveyed a different story.
"So, tell me something no one knows about you." At Nicholas's raised brow, Ellie elaborated.
"Friends tell each other things. It doesn't need to be personal, just something no one else knows. Like me,
I can wiggle my ears and nose at the same time." she went on to demonstrate, pulling her hair back, she
took a second to concentrate, before wiggling both her ears and nose simultaneously.
Nicholas chuckled. "Impressive, but can you hit your head, rub your stomach and curl your tongue
three ways?"
Ellie laughed. "Nope, can't say that I can. Alright, Grayson, let's see it then."
Nicholas gobbled up the rest of his sandwich, before rising to his knees. "Prepare to be amazed,
Holbrook." It was undoubtedly the funniest thing Ellie had ever seen and considering that he seemed so
damn sure of himself, it was quite hilarious to see him fail so miserably.
"Nicholesh monkey, mama!" Sophie giggled, erupting in squeals as Nicholas chased her around,
imitating a primate without an ounce of shame. He tackled her to the ground and commenced a tickle

attack the likes of which she'd never felt, only stopping when her squeals reached a deafening decibel.
"Alright, squirt, time for you to eat." Ellie hauled Sophie to a sitting position, brushed her hair away
from her face and gathered the loose curls back into two pigtails.
"Owce cweam!"
Ellie shook her head, handing her a portion of the PB&J, with the crust cut off. "No ice cream until you
finish your sandwich, remember?"
Although her mouth formed a petulant pout and Nicholas readied himself for a sizable tantrum, none
was forthcoming. He watched with avid interest as Sophie docilely accepted the sandwich from her
mother, and then greedily stuffed it in her mouth.
"Small bites, Soph." Ellie cautioned handing her a sippy cup filled with milk. She looked up from
minding Sophie to find Nicholas staring at her, the expression on his face, inscrutable. She selfconsciously bit her bottom lip and frowned. "What?"
He shook his dark head, "You're not exactly how I pegged you out to be."
"And how's that? Spoiled and sheltered?"
"Not exactly, you have this maturity about you that's a little intimidating." He chuckled softly, averting
his gaze; he raised a hand to the back of his head seemingly abashed. "It's cool. I like it."
"Trust me, it comes with the territory and if I seem at all mature, as you say, it's only because I can't be
anything else where Sophie's concern. Besides, I can't see you intimidated by anything, Nicholas, least of
all me."
He turned his head towards her, "You hated me." He looked deadpanned.
Ellie rolled her eyes and laughed, "I didn't hate you. I just didn't like you all that much."
"And now?"
"Well, we're here aren't we? And I haven't called you an egotistical jerk in the last few hours."
"You called me an egotistical jerk?"
"Not to your face."
"Ah, but it's been implied, hasn't it?"
"Most definitely."
"Ellie! Sophie!" Both mother and daughter turned at the sound of their names; Sophie beamed,
squealed and ran to meet the tall, dark-haired man approaching them. In one fluid motion, he swept her off
the ground and positioned her between his shoulders. He stood a few inches taller than Nicholas,
broad-shouldered and athletically built. He had an unsmiling face, the beard and mustache around his
mouth did nothing to enhance his dour countenance and when his dark gaze settled on Nicholas, his visage
tightened, a glower forming between his brows.
"Hi, Gabe." Ellie greeted with a warm smile. Nicholas watched as she raised her head accepting a
kiss on the forehead. The brief contact shouldn't have bothered him as much as it did, but it did and
Nicholas found himself frowning, the muscles in his jaw tightening. "Gabe, this is Nicholas, Nicholas,
Gabe." Hating to be at a disadvantage, Nicholas found himself on his feet, meeting Gabe's scowl with
cool temperament. He already knew what the bastard thought of him and for some inexplicable reason it
bothered him to be so easily judged. But he had to give the guy credit, if he'd deemed Nicholas a menace,
than he was much smarter than he appeared. Nicholas couldn't fault him for being leery. He was after all,
attempting to seduce his goddaughter.
Achingly aware of the cloying tension, Ellie abruptly stood, "Don't go all caveman on me Gabe, Nick's
just a friend." She tugged on his arm to get him to sit down. Once she accomplished that, she hoisted
Sophie from his shoulders and settled her on her feet. "How was Splendor?" On her way back down, she

yanked on Nicholas's arm and he went down hard, landing on knees beside her.
"Tracy called in sick; I had to stay a little longer until Kelly came in to cover her shift."
"Tracy's a big fat liar, Gabe. I hope you told her to bring in a doctor's note when she comes back."
"She promised she'd bring one." He said simply, his offhand tone belying his foul mood.
"Are you going to---"
"Mama, mama, Ducky! Ducky!" Sophie took off running, her hands outstretched, her little legs pumping
as she tried to grab a duck.
"Soph!" Ellie was after her, catching up to her before she ran into the lake. "Sophie! What did I tell
you about running away from me?" she asked, pulling Sophie from her tight embrace. "That was very bad
of you, don't do that again, Ok?" her bottom lip quivered, her eyes watered and genuine tears coursed
down her caramel cheeks. Ellie enveloped her in a hug, comforting herself and her sobbing child. Her
heart raced so fast that she could taste it in the back of her throat, the fear she'd felt seconds ago, leaving
an acrid taste in her mouth.
Having witnessed the scene, Nicholas was relieved to see that Sophie and Ellie were alright, his
relief however was short-lived the second Gabe opened his mouth to speak. "What exactly are your
intentions with my goddaughter, Nicholas?"
Nicholas leaned his head against the weeping willow; his gaze remained on Ellie and Sophie. "She's
praying for my soul."
Gabe furrowed his brow at Nicholas's cryptic tone. He didn't trust him. He'd always believed himself
to be a good judge of character and the very second he'd laid eyes on Nicholas, Gabe knew he was
trouble. There was something deceitfully wicked lurking behind that pretty face, something that made the
hackles on his neck rise and he sorely wanted to know what that something was.
"Would you listen to me if I asked you to stay away from her?"
Nicholas twirled the cigarette he'd withdrawn from his jacket moments earlier and inserted it between
his lips, igniting the butt in the process. He then turned his head sideways, a small, wry grin pulling at the
seam of his lips. "Not really." Nicotine and tar filled his lungs before he exhaled the white smoke.
"Ellie's been through so much. She's finally at a stage in life where she's actually happy," Gabe evenly
met Nicholas's gaze, making sure his next words had the necessary impact. "Fuck this up for her and I'll be
coming after you."
"I would expect nothing less." With that said Nicholas stood and headed to where Ellie and Sophie
played. He smiled as Sophie ran to him, took his hand and pulled him to see the ducks.

Chapter Seven
"Thanks for the invite, I enjoyed myself."
Ellie believed him, a step up from bullshit lines to actual sincerity. Maybe he wasn't as hopeless as
she'd first believed.
"Well, I'm glad. Soph enjoyed having you around."
Nicholas grinned, "She's a great kid, still shocked as hell she's yours though."
"For life."
"You've done a great job so far."
Ellie shrugged, "It's all a learning experience. I do what I can." Silence fell between them and Ellie

shuffled her feet. Gabe, having taken a slumbering Sophie inside when they'd arrived, peered at her
through the living room window and Ellie fought the urge to sigh in exasperation. "I should get in, it's
getting late. I'll see you at school, Nicholas."
"Yeah... night Ellie."
He straddled his bike, revved the engine and with one last look at Ellie's retreating back, he sped
away, the bike echoing down the silent suburban streets until it was nothing more than a dull hum.

"Tell me you aren't falling for him, Ellie." Ellie heaved a sigh and spun around.
"Like I said, Gabe, he's just a friend."
"He was no one last week and now he's a friend?"
It seemed no matter how hard she tried to forget her past with Tony, it continued to haunt her. Gabe,
despite all she'd done to prove herself a responsible parent, still insisted on treating her like a child.
Moreover, the fact that she'd never given him reason to doubt her and yet he still distrusted her, greatly
disheartened Ellie.
"I know you want to protect me. But you have to understand that I know what I'm doing. Have a little
faith in me, Gabe and trust that you've raised me well enough not to make the same stupid mistakes again. I
need you to trust me." She'd learned from her mistakes, had taken accountability of those mistakes and
seen to rectify them as best as she could. The lessons she'd learned fortified her with knowledge she used
to raise her own child.
Gabe raked a hand through his hair, the gesture hinting at his agitation. He sighed, reached out and
pulled her into his arms. "I do trust you, Elle." He murmured his voice a rumble in the caverns of his
chest. Ellie stood close with her ear against his sternum she heard the steady beats of his heart. "It's that
boy, I don't trust." Typical parental response, Ellie silently mused.
"Nicholas is harmless, believe me, he's nothing like Tone. Maybe a little too arrogant for his own
good, but he's actually really sweet."
"If he breaks your heart, I'll break his face." He said in all seriousness, his face revealing nothing, as
usual. That expression always managed to leave Ellie a little wary. Of course she knew that Gabe would
never harm her or Sophie for that matter, but she couldn't help but wonder, whether those ten years in the
state penitentiary had done this to him. It took away all possible emotion to leave behind a silent,
oftentimes, humorless shell of a human being?
Gabe had never spoken about himself or his life and Ellie only discovered he'd been in prison strictly
by accident. One night when he'd been drunk off his ass, hed let that little tidbit slip. She'd never known
why he'd gone to jail for so long and because he'd never pried into her life, Ellie had given him the same
courtesy and never asked.
When she'd first arrived, he'd been cold and distant, speaking to her only when she'd needed
something. But over time, Ellie could say, he'd grown accustomed to having them there, she could even go
so far as to say that he'd come to love them, too. In his own odd little way, he loved them and was
undoubtedly overprotective of her and her daughter. This was the reason why he sometimes acted like a
guard dog, like today for example. Shed almost believed he and Nicholas would come to blows. The
thought of that hadn't sat well with her.
Ellie wrapped her arms around Gabes waist, hugging him close. "Thanks for caring, Gabe. You're a
good parent. And don't worry about Nicholas. He's not even close to getting near my heart or anything else
for that matter." This was decidedly true; as far as Nicholas Grayson went, Ellie still had no intention of
sleeping with him, regardless of the fact that he had some killer dimples when he smiled.

Life continued as normally as possible with the addition of Nicholas in their little family. His
presence always a constant when not occupied with the daily routines of his own life. It surprised Ellie
how easily Sophie had taken to Nicholas and even more of a surprise was how comfortable Nicholas
seemed in Sophie's presence.
The self-assured, immature boy Ellie had met nearly a month ago appeared to have morphed before
her eyes into a sensible human being who could generally pass for a good friend. Through the hectic rush
of taking entrance exams, applying to colleges, attending school, going to work and track meets, Ellie
found that she'd grown uncomfortably accustomed to Nicholas's unpredictable visits in her life.
Like today for instance, while she prepped herself for her heat, she caught sight of his familiar dark
head among the crowd and received a smirk when their eyes briefly met through the throng. As usual, he'd
dressed in that offhanded casual manner of his, making dark rinse jeans, blue sweater and a scarf look
remarkably good. She watched with a soft smile as he made his way up the bleachers, heading toward the
area where Gabe sat, with an overzealous Sophie seated on his lap.
She remembered speaking briefly about her meet today when they'd been in Calc together earlier in the
week, but Ellie hadn't expected him to make an appearance. A sudden flood of elation pooled at the pit of
her stomach which she instantly chalked up to indigestion or even nerves, refusing to acknowledge that
her joy stemmed from Nicholas's unexpected appearance. Admitting that would just be foolish.
"Elle!" Ellie remained seated, but stopped stretching and turned to see Maddie making her way to
where she sat in the middle of the large gym. Maddie took a seat across from her and made a chore of
bringing her legs into a lotus position, before facing Ellie with a smile.
It was great to see her, since it'd appeared to Ellie over the last few days that Maddie was avoiding
her. She was happy to see that her burgeoning friendship with Nicholas hadn't ruined their friendship.
Ellie understood the rift between them and had attempted, on several occasions to mend that rift so that
they could all be friends. Maddie's evasions, however, had made the task nearly impossible thus far and
her uncharacteristic actions had Ellie wondering whether there was more to the story than a simple breakup. She'd been meaning to ask Nicholas for some time now, but had never gotten around to doing so.
Maybe, Maddie would be a little more forthcoming.
"...Pink Elephants..."
Snapping out of her thoughts, she frowned, catching the last of what Maddie had been saying. "Pink
Maddie laughed, "I knew that would get your attention. I've been talking to you for like the last five
minutes. What were you thinking about?"
Ellie shrugged, "You and Nicholas." She said levelly, remarking the telltale flush on Maddies
"There isn't a' me and Nicholas'." She said defensively, then looked up and met Ellie's stare,
something like betrayal lurking in her turquoise gaze. "If anything, there's a you and Nicholas'. Rumor has
it that you're like friends now."
"Yeah, we're friends now. Just like you and I are friends. There's no reason for you to look at me like
I've stabbed you in the back, Maddie. I've told you before that I'm not interested in him that way or in any
other guy for that matter."
Maddie bit her bottom lip, hating the gurgling feeling at the pit of her stomach. She knew why she felt
this way and even when she tried to make herself feel differently, she just couldn't fight the surmounting
jealousy and envy that made her sicker and sicker as the days past.

She hated how chummy Ellie and Nicholas had gotten over such a short period of time and even when
she attempted to make herself feel remotely better by telling herself that Nicholas was doing this only for
the game, she found it more and more difficult to believe it.
Over the last week, shed deliberated on whether to tell Ellie about Nicholas's game, wondered
whether that wouldn't have been the best thing for everyone involved. Ellie would be spared, Nicholas
would happily find another girl and Maddie ---well she'd just be content knowing that her best friend
wasn't going to fuck the guy she'd been in love with for years now.
"John Edgar High Varsity heat on deck!" the announcer's voice booming over the loudspeaker
prevented Maddie from continuing what she was about to say and she didn't know whether the sigh she
released was in frustration or relief.
Ellie, unsure of what Maddie had been about to say, but knowing it'd been important, had her touching
her friends hand in comfort. "I have to go, but how about you and I getting together this weekend and
having a sleepover or something? You can come over and we'll talk."
"Yeah, sure." She said weakly watching as Ellie made her way through the crowd, her lissome body
making the task seem almost like a dance. With an irritated sigh, she stood and found the exit. She had
every intention of going to the bathroom but stopped abruptly at the sight of Nicholas standing in the long
hallway that separated the women's bathroom from the men's.
She wanted to hope that he'd come for her---just for her and not because Ellie was running today. In
all the three years that Maddie had been on the team and the short time she'd known Nicholas, she had
never, not even once, seen him at any school sporting event. His appearance today, was both a shock and
a blow.
Had he fallen for her that hard? Maddie silently wondered.
Whereas before he'd kept his distance, remaining as aloof and withdrawn as ever, he now stood in
front her, gorgeous as usual, hands casually tucked in the pockets of his fitted dark jeans. His hair was so
dark it shown blue beneath the buzzing florescent lights. It fell across his forehead in that alluring way that
had her itching to brush it back for him. His silver gaze, always so acute and guarded, regarded her now
with odd gentleness. The blithe expression on his face gave her momentary pause, startled to realize that
she had never seen that look on Nicholas's face before. Even at his happiest', one could always expect
that patronizing smirk of his, the one that made you feel as though you were inch tall. It was both odd and
fascinating to see him this way.
"You did great out there; I saw you. You're pretty good with that shot put."
Disbelief had Maddie gaping, wondering whether she'd heard what he'd just said.
"Did---did you just compliment me?"
Nicholas shrugged. "Guess I did." He smiled and Maddie scowled. The rat, probably wanted
"Just what the hell are you pulling? I don't have any more information for you. You want to find out
more about Ellie, go straight to the source and leave me the hell alone!"
Now Nicholas was taken off guard, not having expected the outburst from the usually timid girl. Hell,
he didn't even know Maddie could form an entire sentence without stuttering or getting flustered. It
appeared she didn't think so either because her face instantly morphed from righteous anger to stunned
mortification and she gazed at Nicholas with those big turquoise eyes, torn between apologizing or
Nicholas made the decision for her. "Don't apologize." He said firmly, instantly regretting his gruff

tone when she winced. "Look, the reason I came was to apologize. I know I haven't been the nicest person
to you."
Maddie pursed her lips, Nicholas's contrition snapping her backbone into place. Nicholas, seeing the
expression on her face quickly retracted his words. "Ok, I've been a complete and utter dick, right down
there with vermin and worms."
Maddie folded her arms across her chest, "You're not even in the same league as them."
Nicholas frowned and carded a hand through his hair, "You're not making this easy."
"I'm not trying to."
Nicholas sighed, trying to remember exactly why the hell he was doing this. He was remorseful, he
felt guilty. Ellie would think him a better person.
A smiled tugged at the corners of his lips. Since the day of the picnic, things had taken a surprising
turn. Things changed so remarkably, so much so that his friends were beginning to wonder what the hell
was wrong with him. Thing was, Nicholas couldnt give them an answer because even he didnt know.
What he did know was that being around Ellie did things to him; things he hadn't felt since he was five,
things he didn't dare hope to ever feel again.
The best way he could even begin to describe what he felt when he was around both Ellie and Sophie,
was to liken it to sticking a fork in an outlet and receiving bolts of surging electricity that supercharged
every cell in his body. It was nerve-wracking really how with just one smile from either mother or
daughter, the carefully built wall he'd constructed ages ago cracked inch by inch. Any longer and soon,
Nicholas had no doubt that he'd be a lovelorn sap, with his heart on his sleeve, where it would present
Ellie a perfect target.
He sighed again, regarding the red-haired girl across from him and saw, beneath the layer of anger,
her grief. Grief that he'd caused her. It pained him to look directly into her eyes because he hated to see
the sorrow there. He hated that she'd fallen for him, felt even sorrier that she had, because he'd known it
for so long now and had deliberately used her emotions to get what he wanted. Nicholas looked at her and
things fell into perspective, breaking the illusion that he could be anything but the sort of person who
callously hurt people. He wasn't a good guy. But when he was around Ellie the illusion seemed so real. It
made him believe that for just a fleeting moment he could be the guy she wanted him to be. But the reality
was that things didn't happen that way.
"Look Maddie, I'm really sorry for what I did to you. I could give you reasons why I did it, but we'll
both know that would be making excuses and I'm not about that right now. You didn't deserve the shit I put
you through and I'm sincerely sorry for making you cry."
Maddies lip quivered and she berated herself for the oncoming tears, rapidly blinking them away
before they could fall. "You---you--" she swallowed, desperately attempting to compose herself. "You
really hurt me. I---I thought---" she swallowed again, sobbing when Nicholas embraced her. She buried
her head in his chest, clinging onto his sweater with a tight fist.
"I'm sorry, Maddie." And truly he was. Her sobs were like a battering ram to his emotions. He
whispered his regret into her hair, holding her close. A scant few people walked past them, some
diffidently looking their way to see what was happening, while others boldly glared at him, assuming he'd
hurt her somehow. Nicholas ignored them all, Maddies sorrow taking the whole of his attention.
"You were a real jerk." Nicholas heard the muffled insult an eternity later and smiled.
"The biggest." He good-naturedly agreed as Maddie raised her head from his chest.
Captivated by the boyish grin on his face, Maddie's heart fluttered and hope foolishly flooded her
marrow, her thoughts running away with her. She beamed at him, slid her hands to his shoulders and rose

on her toes to press a kiss to his mouth.

Nicholas's eyes remained opened, crossing slightly in his attempt to peer down at Maddie, whose eyes
were tightly shut. He brought his hands to her arms to gently push her away.
Maddie glanced at him, face alight with joy as she slowly licked her lips with a shy smile. "I missed
doing that." She murmured. "I can't wait to do thatand more." Her face bloomed violent red.
Nicholas took a step back, inwardly cursing. He hadn't expected this, maybe he should've, maybe then
he wouldn't have been taken so off guard. "Maddie, we'reI'm sorry if I made you believe that this was
more than an offer of friendship."
Maddie frowned, pressing her fingers to her mouth, "Friendshipbut you kissed me!" she said
distraughtly, staring up at him with accusing eyes, wounded eyes. "You kissed me." She whispered
Overlooking the fact that she'd been the one to initiate the kiss and he'd hardly done any sort of kissing
in turn, Nicholas attempted to placate her, not exactly sure of what else to do. "I just want to be friends,
"But I love you!" her bottom lip quivered. "I love you so fucking much it hurts! Please," she fisted the
front of his shirt desperately, clutching it for all she worth. "Please say that you want me too, Nicky.
Please..." she didn't care if she was making a fool of herself. She didn't care that her pride lay in tatters at
her feet. Desperation blinded her. Love blinded her.
Nicholas mournfully shook his head. "I---I can't, I'm sorry." His chest constricted at the sight of her
broken expression.
"Why? Is it because of Ellie? What the hell is so fucking special about her? Huh? Answer me!" She
pushed him and he stumbled back, indignation flashing in her eyes. "She isn't even going to put out for you
and you're mooning over her like some love sick puppy! Tell me Nicky, have you gotten some time to tell
her about your little game since becoming her best friend? No? Well maybe I should tell her, lay all your
fucking shit bare and see what she has to say about it."
Silver eyes hardened to diamond gray slits, the sudden dark expression on his face shocking Maddie
into silence. "Don't threaten me, Maddie." He said very slowly.
Maddie swiped the tears from her cheeks. "She's going to find out. If not by me, then by someone else
and when she does I hope she hurts you just as badly as youve hurt me." Her voice was eerily calm now,
a far cry from the unrestrained shrill it had been seconds ago.
"Not before I tell her." Nicholas woodenly turned around and walked away, Maddie's bleak words
unsettling him.

Maddie pushed the bathroom door open, ran to a sink and emptied the contents of her stomach, which
wasn't much, just the blue Gatorade she'd drunk before her heat earlier. She forced the taps open numbly
watched as the diluted blue liquid swirled around the sink, before disappearing down the drain. She
cupped her hands beneath the running water and splashed cold water on her face. She knew how pathetic
she looked and so avoided looking in the mirror on her way to the hand dryer.
Feeling relatively human again, she exited the bathroom, heading back to the gym, now, more than
ready to go home and hide away from the world.
"You Ok?"
Maddie looked over her shoulder, stopping short. "Are you talking to me?"
She gave him the once-over and could only surmise the man to be the Devil's incarnate. Everything
about him was so devilishly charged and menacing that it drew Maddie in as much as it repelled her. He
was incredibly hot. Not Nicholas hot, but he had a sort of dark sensual magnetism that was just as strong
as Nicholas's.
His hair was midnight black and it fell in uneven layers around his head. He had a face that was not
easily forgotten and within that face were a pair of impenetrable obsidian eyes, so dark that it induced an
involuntary shudder in Maddie. His athletic build was encased in a black turtleneck sweater, a pair of
black slacks and matching Doc Martins.
He approached her, a sympathetic smile on his face. "Yeah, I saw what happened earlier with your
boyfriend...I just wanted to know if you were all right."
It was none of his damn business and she had every intention of telling him so, but instead Maddie
shrugged. "What if I told you I wasn't, what would do?" she challenged.
"I don't know, maybe ask if you wanted to get a cup of coffee and see if you wanted to talk about it."
He said smoothly, lifting his shoulders in nonchalance, "Or not talk, whichever."
If her ego hadn't been so bruised, Maddie could've sworn she was being hit on. Fortunately for her,
she had just about enough of men for today, especially dark-haired men. "Thanks, but no thanks."
"It's his loss." He called after her and Maddie foolishly spun around. "If he doesn't know what a great
catch you are, then screw him."
"I already did," she murmured bitterly. "What the hell do you know anyway? You don't know me
enough to make that assumption."
"I know people...and I know that you didn't deserve that."
"Whatever, I'll live. Thanks for the pep talk---I didn't catch your name?"
He stepped closer and extended his hand with a smile. "Tony, Tony Carlyle."
"I'm Maddie. Thanks again for the talk, I'll see you around."
"Count on it." Tony whispered as he watched her walk away.

"So how goes it with the newest prey?" Chase Lyman, drunk off his ass and irritating the hell out of
Nicholas, plopped down beside him and made his inquiry over the hip hop music blaring from the
surround sound system.
It was a typical Friday night at Matts house with rarely any parental supervision, endless amounts of
alcohol and horny teenagers, it presented a perfect recipe for decadence; a virtual orgy of depravity that
once upon a time Nicholas wouldve reveled in.
Before, he would've been sitting right there with Matt and the rest of the guys, participating in their
inane drinking games, but now he felt oddly detached from it all. After spending nights with Ellie and
Sophie doing nothing more than watching a movie or helping each other with homework, Nicholas found
that this paled in comparison. The alcohol, the drugs, the girls, it all seemed so sordid now. He looked
around and he felt like a spectator, watching himself attempt to have fun. He raised the beer bottle to his
lips and took a long gulp washing down the sudden need to call Ellie and see how she was doing. Two
o'clock in the morning, she was probably sleeping anyway.
"Yeah, I heard about your latest challenge. How's that going for you?" The captain of John Edgar's
undefeated lacrosse team, Dominick Kingston, sat on the other side of him with his own bottle of beer in
his hand.
Nicholas tapped the end of his cigarette in the ashtray and leaned back on the couch. "Better than your
relationship with your girl." He nodded his head to where a very drunk Evey was sandwiched between
two hulking guys, grinding her mini clad ass against them.
"Man, if I had a girl who gave it up as easy as Eves does, I'd have her ass on the fucking internet,
paying for my car accessories." said Chase eyes glued to the simulated sex scene going on a few feet
away from them.
"Whatever, I'm done with her anyway. She can be with whoever the hell she wants. Not that it stopped
her when we were together." Nicholas had nothing against Dom. Hell, he liked the guy a hell of a lot more
than the other morons around them. He just wished Dom had better sense when dating girls.
"Nicky, man, quit holding out on us. You fucked that black chic yet? Was she good? Give me her
number. I've been dying to hit that nice round---" Chase did not get the chance to finish his sentence
because Nicholas's fist smashing into his face prevented him from doing so.
Seeing Nicholas descend upon Chase, ready to land a few more blows, had Dom springing into action,
quickly holding Nicholas back. The attempt like holding a rampaging bull. The noise around them died a
slow death as everyone around turned to look at them.
"What the fuck is your deal?" Chase roared as he nursed his bruised jaw.
Nicholas wrenched his arms from Dom's hold and advanced on Chase, his expression ominous as
rainclouds. "Go anywhere near her and I'll feed you your balls." The eyes of many followed in his wake
as he made his exit.

"Nicky!" Refusing to turn around, Nicholas continued his trek down the cobble stoned pathway.
"Hey, Nicholas, man, wait up! Grayson!" Nicholas only stopped because Matt took hold of his arm,
spinning him around. "Mind telling me what the fuck is up?"
He pulled his arm from Matt's grasp with a frustrated sigh, regarding his friend of so many years with

a frown. "I dont know what the fuck is up. He said after a moment, raking a hand through his hair. but
Im starting to think Im over my head on this one.
Matt witnessed the range of emotions playing across Nicholas's face and he honestly wasn't sure
whether to worry or to share in Nicholas's frustration. He couldn't say he hadn't noticed the changes over
the past weeks. Nicholas's uncharacteristic behavior tonight only proved Matt's suspicions. It was a feat
in itself getting a rise out of Nicholas, who was usually so cavalier about everything. He didn't care about
much, therefore, making him angry wasn't something easily done. The fact that he'd almost pummeled
Chase to a bloody pulp a few minutes ago was disturbing. "Come on, Nicky, talk to me. We're best friends
and you've been keeping shit from me. What's up?"
Nicholas's hands clenched and unclenched at his side. Shaking his head, he sighed again. "That's just
it. I don't know what the hell is going on. I---She's fucking with my head and I can't get her out."
Matt's befuddled expression melted to disbelief. "The new girl?"
Matt's eyes widened, "OhOh man!" he clapped Nicholas on the shoulder, hysterical laughter
burbling to the surface. "ThisThis is one for the books! I never thought I'd see the day!" he doubled over
and Nicholas fought the urge to hit him.
"Shut up!" Seeing that he'd obviously made a mistake in sharing his feeling with his supposed best
friend, Nicholas hopped on his bike and revved the engine.
"This is some priceless shit, Grayson. Man, I'm stunned, really, you've just proven the impossible.
And I think somewhere Hell just froze over."
"Fuck you, Bates."
"Oh come on, Nicky, don't be such a bitch, come back and we'll drink to your happiness!" He called to
Nicholas's disappearing back, his motorcycle zooming down the steep hill.

Lifting her head from her pillow, Ellie looked at her window and sure enough, another pebble clicked
against the glass. Instantly she was out of bed, rubbing the sleep from her eyes as she glanced at the digital
clock on her nightstand and frowned. Who in their right mind would be waking her up at such an ungodly
She reached over to the table lamp and clicked it on, then stood, walking over to her window. She
looked down at the moonlit backyard and saw---no one.
"What the hell?" she knew she hadn't imagined the noise. Ellie shook her head and headed back to bed,
but the large shadow perched in the tree by her window prevented her from doing so. She grabbed the
nearest object she could find which ended up being a crystal paperweight from her desk; she cautiously
approached the window and jumped back. With a squeak she saw Nicholas's face come into view. She
quickly unlocked the latch on the bay window, allowing Nicholas entrance.
"Are you crazy? Do you have any idea what time it is?" Ellie harshly whispered once Nicholas was in
her room.
"Couldn't sleep." He whispered back as if it were the most natural thing in the world to say. "What
were you going to do with that?" he smirked at the crystal paperweight tightly clutched in her small hands.
"Beat you to death."
Nicholas grinned, taking a slow perusal of her appearance. Her flannel pajama shorts stopped about
mid-thigh revealing smooth honey toned legs that looked tempting enough to lick. Her dainty little feet
were covered by fuzzy pink toe-socks; the slight wiggle of those toes widened his grin.
As his gaze trailed up, Nicholas lost his smile and swallowed, his throat suddenly thirsting for more
than water. She was all flawless shimmering skin beneath the waxing beams of moonlight filtering in
through the diaphanous curtains of her window. The spaghetti strapped shirt she wore revealed nothing
and yet, revealed everything to his roving eyes. Nicholas never knew that shoulders and arms could be so
He could tell by the outline of her shirt that her breasts were pert and vaguely, he wondered how her
nipples would taste.
The heat of his gaze burned along Ellies skin and she flushed. "Stop looking at me like that," she said
"Like what?" She unintentionally drew Nicholas to her. A paradox of demureness and vulnerability
that at times gave way to poise and spunkiness had Nicholas deliberating with himself as whether to kiss
her until they were both breathless or protect her from the world and himself.
He was always so captivated by the way she drew her bottom lip between her perfect teeth when she
was nervous, or the way those hazel eyes held him hostage until all he wanted to do was take her in his
arms and do unspeakable things to her. He stood close to her now, nearly within touching distance and
breathed in the intoxicating scent of her, eucalyptus and mint. He'd only had one beer at the party and yet
Nicholas felt as though he'd imbibed an entire keg, getting drunk off her scent.
"Like what, Ellie?" Nicholas's hand latched onto Ellie's wrist and drew her near and rested his
forehead against hers.
"Nicky..." she said warily, warning bells were blaring in Ellie's mind. Bombs were going off every

second she allowed herself to remain so close to him.

"You don't know how hard I'm trying not to kiss you right now..." There goes the bedroom voice, Ellie
inwardly thought.
"Good, I don't want you to kiss me..." Liar! "We're supposed to be friends...friends don't kiss each
"What if I want more than that?"
"I can't, Nicholas." she breathed, her eyes falling shut as she leaned into his touch. His hand whispered
along her cheek, creeping to her neck to finally find home in her unbound hair.
It would be so easy. So easy to just give in. Not once, in the last three years had she gotten so close to
throwing inhibition out the window. Ellie wanted this. She wanted him.
"I can't." she whispered again, not sure who she was denying more, herself or what Nicholas so
sweetly offered. Opening her eyes, she pulled away from his touch, sure that if she remained, she would
betray more than the promise shed made herself so long. "Friendship, Nicholas, is all I can offer you. I
told you that from the very beginning. She said candidly not realizing how much she needed his
understanding. I'm not ready to give you more than that. I'm not going to betray myself for one night of
passion with you." She licked her lips and softly smiled, "No matter how tempting it is." Ellie stood on
her toes and pressed her lips to the corner of Nicholas's sensuous mouth. "And I forgive you for trying to
seduce me." she stepped away, heading to her closet.
"Here," Nicholas caught the sleeping bag she threw his way. "Let's get some sleep, I don't know about
you, but I'm dead tired. And Soph is going to wake me up really early when morning comes so I want to
get as much sleep as possible."
Completely wired, Nicholas was unable to find solace in sleep, but he didnt mind in the least. A
toothy grin split his face as he listened to the soft snores of the girl whod just shot him down.
Shed said no to him.
The notion was foreign and it was taking Nicholas a while to wrap his head around it. But all the same
he couldnt stop smiling.
Something was definitely happening here and Nicholas didnt know what to do. For someone who
made it a goal in life to always remain one step ahead, it was a daunting feeling. But he was discovering
something else. Hope. It was small, barely a grain, but it had a real chance of turning into something.
Something he didnt realize he wanted or needed until now.

Something awoke Nicholas from his slumber, considering he was a light sleeper, it didn't take much in
doing. It took a moment to realize where he was, once realization hit him, he knelt by Ellie's bedside and
silently watched her sleep.
With her hair having come undone, wisps of tawny curls fell across her cheek, concealing a portion of
her face from view. Nicholas gave into temptation and brushed the wayward strands behind the rose gold
tint of Ellie's ear, his hand lingered for a few precarious seconds before he reluctantly pulled it back, not
trusting himself to remain at such close proximity without giving into impulse.
The soft snores emitting from her parted lips made him smile. The brown and pink comforter she'd
used to cover herself had fallen off her body sometime during the night and now a portion of it swept the
carpeted floor, while the other half was entangled between her legs. Nicholas enjoyed the momentary
exposure of mocha-caramel skin before picking up the comforter and draping it back over her.
The soft whimpering that had awakened him was far more pronounced now. He'd mistaken it for
Ellie's, but now he knew who the real culprit was and with a whispering kiss to Ellie's cheek, he headed
out the bedroom. Sophie's burbling made it easy for him to find her bedroom. Stepping inside he
approached the wooden crib dominating the small, yet beautifully quaint room belonging to none other
than the joy of Ellie's world and Nicholas's secret obsession.
"Hey there kid," at the sound of his voice, Sophie's face lit up.
"Nicky!" Having had such a hard time pronouncing his full name, Nicholas had given Sophie the
option of calling him Nicky instead. Shed taken to the name with her usual exuberance.
Using the bars on the crib to pull herself up, Sophie happily jumped in place. "Nicky, up!"
"Nicky up, please." He gently corrected, refusing to pick her despite his own need to do so.
"Pwease." She said pitifully and no longer able to help himself, Nicholas reached down and scooped
her out of the crib.
"Close enough, kiddo. Now, how about you help me make breakfast for your Mom?"
"We go mama?" she asked expectantly, obsidian eyes curiously peering at him. He kissed her cheek
with a smile and shook his head as they made their way downstairs. Having been asked inside the house
on several occasions now, he was slightly familiar with the layout of the two-family home.
"Your Mom's sleeping. We have to be very quiet so we don't wake her up." Nicholas whispered,
stepping down the last creaking step.
"Mama's sleeeeeping, shhhh." She brought her finger to her lips, conveying the need for secrecy in that
adorable way of hers.
The kitchen was spacious, airy, made up of travertine tiles, marble countertop and Sedona red
cabinetry, that, despite the unobtrusive wear and tear of the pots and pans hanging over the sink and stove,
gave it a cozy feel. That and the anticipation of seeing Ellie's reaction, made the daunting task ahead of
him seem relatively easy. Nicholas located Sophies high chair and feeling remarkably chipper, he
carefully maneuvered her inside.

He rubbed his hands together having accomplished his task in making Sophie comfortable before
turning to her with a big grin. "So, what should we make your mother? Pancakes, eggs and bacon?" At
Sophies enthusiastic nod, Nicholas affectionately ruffled her hair then tackled the task of rounding up the
necessary ingredients.
He couldn't remember the last time that he'd made breakfast for himself, let alone someone else and it
showed fifteen minutes later when the pancakes started burning, the scrambled eggs followed suit and the
bacon---well the bacon was just a lost cause.
With batter and flour splattered against the walls, the stovetop and a good portion of his jeans,
Nicholas groaned in frustration and grabbed a rag to clean the mess, Sophie's "Uh oh..." however turned
his irritated groan into muttered expletives when he saw the smoke begin the thicken in the skillet
"Shit!" he jumped to action. He turned off the burner, took hold of the burning skillet, dumped it in the
sink and spun on the taps. The ensuing cloud of smoke caused him to turn the overhead fan on full blast.
Just when he believed he'd avoided a potentially dangerous situation, the smoke detectors' shrill ring
quickly dissuaded him of that. Grabbing a rag from the countertop, he frantically swished it back and forth
above him, praying to whatever deity up there who still favored him that allowed Ellie to remain asleep.
"What the hell is going on?" Well, so much for that, Nicholas thought sourly, throwing the rag back on
the countertop in disgust.
Ellie's heart slowed to a steady beat once she realized that Sophie was alright. The sound of the smoke
alarm had roused her out of bed and immediately she'd gone to Sophie's room to check on her. When
shed found her missing from her crib Ellies concerns had blown into panic and she'd practically
stampeded down the stairs to the kitchen in record time.
Now, as she pulled her daughter out of the high seat and cuddled her close, she was able to better
assess the scene she'd been greeted with and boy, was it a scene! It appeared as though a bomb of flour
and eggs had gone off and Nicholas, the poor guy, was the casualty. From what she could see through the
settling cloud of smoke, he was practically covered in batter and flour, a few splashes of grease coating
his once pristinely white shirt.
As abruptly as it all began, the shrill cry of the smoke detector stopped, leaving them all in a world of
silence. Ellie cracked a smile, opening her mouth to speak over the dull ring in her ears. "My God,
Nicholas, were you trying to cook?"
Nicholas pursed his lips, staring dispassionately at the charred remains of what had once been edible
food. "Try is the operative word here."
Uncertain of whether to laugh or comfort the forlorn man, Ellie opted for the latter and sauntered over
to him, keeping Sophie situated at her side. "Cheer up." She smiled, settling a comforting hand on his
shoulder, as she reassuringly squeezed it. "If it's any consolation, I can say I appreciated the effort."
"Nicky, sad?" Nicholas's disappointment at his botched meal instantly dissolved at the sight of
Sophie's expression, concern for him shining in her dark, expressive eyes.
"No, I'm perfectly happy." She wiggled in her mother's arms, reaching out for him. Nicholas obliged
her, taking her from Ellie's hold, as he lifted her above his head and twirled her around; her giggles were

his reward.
"She adores you." Ellie remarked, watching their interaction with a small smile.
"And I adore her." Nicholas said as he briefly glanced her way, the look in his eyes conveying
emotions Ellie wasn't too sure she was seeing right.
"You're lucky Gabe isn't here to see what you did to his kitchen." She changed the subject, hoping he'd
stop staring at her in that unsettling way of his.
"Yeah, I've been meaning to ask you about that, where is he?"
"He has these monthly seminars up in Marlborough that helps him run the restaurant better. He'll be
back tomorrow night." She began to clean the mess and Nicholas frowned.
"Don't, it's my mess, I made it, I'll clean it. Sides, we haven't had breakfast yet and I'm sure Sophie
here is starving for some good food, isn't that right, Soph?"
"See, I'll treat us to breakfast and this time, I can guarantee it won't be burnt."
"Nicky, I liked it when you called me Nicky last night and I'd be honored if you and Sophie join me for
breakfast, Ellie." Her indecisiveness prompted him to pitifully stick his bottom lip out and widen his
silvery blue eyes. "Pwease, Ellie."
The display had the expected effect, Ellie capitulated, but not before pinching Nicholas's cheek. "I
think you've been hanging around Soph way too much."
He and Sophie shared a look that made Ellie smile. "So, does that mean we can go out and eat?"
"Yes...but first we need to get this little terror in some warm clothes."
The doorbell rang and Ellie was puzzled as to who it might be at the door.
"Expecting company?"
"No, but why don't you take Sophie upstairs and get her ready. I'll see who's at the door."
"Sounds like a plan. Come on Sophie, lets go get you all bundled up so we can go and have some real
While Nicholas took Sophie upstairs Ellie took one last fleeting glance at the kitchen, promising
herself to clean it up when they returned later, she made her way to the foyer.
He was the last person she'd expected to see, which was why his appearance shocked her to the very
core. She stood motionless for a lapse of eternity, disbelief turning her features to stone.
"Hey, Ells." Tony greeted civilly, allowing her to recover from the initial shock of seeing him again.
He drank in the sight of her like a man parched. She wasn't at all like the girl he remembered her to be
and yet she still was, her beauty still able to ensnare him. She looked so healthy now; the soft glow
surrounding her gave her caramel complexion a lustrous look.

She had more curves than he remembered her having, the fullness of her chest and rounded hips drew
his lascivious gaze for infinite minutes before reluctantly trailing upwards. Those large hazel eyes that
had first enslaved him all those years ago, now mercilessly chained him to the spot and Tony realized
how willing he was to surrender to them once again.
She was his reason for living. During those long, arduous months in rehab, thoughts of her had kept
him from overdosing on stolen methadone. He'd forced himself clean in order to come back to her so that
they could have the family they'd wanted. The family that he wanted. Thoughts of his daughter elated him
to no end.
He hadn't been there when she'd been born nor had he been around to celebrate birthdays or those few
precious moments in Sophies young life. He'd never had the opportunity to see her, let alone hold her to
let her know that he was her father, the picture he'd received from Ellie via their attorneys was the only
memento he had of her. But that would all change soon, things would be different now he silently vowed,
because he was here now, ready and willing to do anything to have his daughter and her mother back in
his life.
"What the hell are you doing here?" Ellie's voice snapped him from his thoughts; he looked at her and
grimaced at the unwelcome fire burning in those hazel eyes.
Ellie stepped out of his reach, her hand tightly holding on to the doorframe. "You're not welcomed
here so save yourself the hassle and leave or I call the cops."
"Really now, Ellie," Tony admonished, producing that devastating grin of his, remembering all too
well what that grin and the mouth that wore it was capable of. "Let's act like adults and be civil here, I'm
not looking to fight with you. I just want to see Sophie."
"I told you to talk---"
"Talk to your lawyer...I did that and we've worked out a schedule with the judge." Tony dug into the
inside pocket of his black blazer, withdrew an envelope which he handed to Ellie. "Those are the terms
under which I can visit her. As you can see the judge made it so it coincided with your school and work
schedule so that you can be there when I'm with her."
Ellie suddenly found it ridiculously difficult to breathe. She looked at the letter and back at Tony then
once more at the letter. She shook her head in disbelief and looked at him. "No. How do I know you didn't
make this up? It looks legit, but we both know you're not exactly the most honest of people."
Tony reached for her again and when she didn't flinch away, he softly caressed the curve of her jaw,
the touch almost intimate. "Another thing we have in common." He whispered darkly, grinning when she
slapped his hand away.
"We have nothing in common, Tone. Not anymore." She said fervently, hating him even more as the
minutes passed.
"I'm good now, Ells, and I'm trying to make this work for us. I know I made mistakes and I promise to
make it up to you. Its going to be better for us this time around, Ellie."
"Says the wolf to the sheep." She snidely remarked, clenching the letter he'd given her in a tight fist. "I
know you, Tony, probably better than you know yourself and I won't allow you to fill my head with your
pretty words and promises of better'. I already have my better and it doesn't include you. I don't want
anything to do with you. Sophie is the only link that binds us and if you're trying to use her to get to me
you're even more pathetic than I first thought."
"That's a fuck of a lot to say for someone who used to spread her legs for a high." Her hand swung
even before she had time to consider her action; the force of her slap had him stumbling backwards. He
gaped at her, hand on his cheek, disbelief robbed him of speech.

"Get off my property or I swear I'll call the cops---"

"Ellie, what's going on?" Never had she been happier to hear his voice, the soft tenor like a salve to
her troubled mind. She could suddenly breathe easier with him around.
It took Nicholas all but a few seconds to assess the situation before putting an arm around Ellie's
shoulder and to evenly meet the austere gaze of the stranger before them. "What's going on?"
"Nothing that I'm sure concerns you." Tony responded tersely, all too aware of the possessive hold the
guy had on Ellie.
"Anything involving Ellie, I assure you, deserves my complete concern." A high amount of
testosterone permeated the air as gunmetal gray eyes met and clashed with fathomless obsidian. The
tension emanating from both men had Ellie feeling as though she was standing on a battleground.
"Tony is Sophie's father, Nicholas."
Nicholas found that he took the news a lot better than he thought he would.
"Yeah, Nicholas, I'm the father of her child. Who the fuck are you?" Trust Tony to gloat at a time like
this, Ellie thought wryly, glaring at him.
"I'm a friend." Ellie turned to him and leaned into his embrace, silently admiring the fact that he did
not rise to Tony's bait or sink to his level.
"Yeah, I can believe that. Ells has always been good at making friends, especially rich friends. Isn't
that right Ells?" He reached to touch her. Nicholas's hand however, swatted his hand away. He guided
Ellie behind him and faced Tony, his features set in granite. Tony met Nicholas's gaze, silently assessing
him and after a beat, his lips twisted, his smile as cold and menacing as the emotions roiling in those
murky depths. "Be careful rich boy, we wouldn't want anything happening to that pretty face."
"Right here," Nicholas pointed to his jaw, "you get one free shot, I dare you."
"Nicholas, stop," Taking hold of his arm, Ellie pulled him back. "He's not worth it, trust me. Tony, just
get out of here Ok?" She was suddenly very tired, deflated, her rage having melted away to fatigue and
Ellie prayed that he would leave and was infinitely relieved when he spun on his heel to leave. "I'll
keep in touch." The words, sounding more a threat than anything, made her sicker, inducing bile. She
slammed the door with more force than intended and stepped out of Nicholas's embrace.
The silence that came later was an impenetrable one, as cloying as it was discomforting. Nicholas,
uncertain of what to say remained silent, words failing him. He wanted to hold her, comfort her, listen to
her, and provide support if she would allow it. He wanted to instill wise words, words that would soothe
both Ellie and himself. Nicholas wanted so much, yearned for it, yet was ignorant to the ways of acquiring
it. And so he remained where he was, fist clenched tightly at his side as he watched her struggle,
incapable of helping her.
"I'm not as squeaky clean as you think I am," She had her back to him, her voice, strained with
emotions sounding thick and hoarse when she spoke.
"I've made mistakes, you know," Ellie bit the inner flesh of her cheek. "I mean I used to be good.
Bishops daughter, honor roll in school, bright future and all that. But then I met Tony. He was really good
with words and I was very impressionable. He introduced me to a lot of stuff. All of them really bad. The
drugs were the worst though. I became lost in his world and he used me until I couldnt even recognize
myself anymore. I fell so hard for him that I didnt realize until it was too late how bad he was for me.
When I found out that I was pregnant with Sophie, I left. its been an incredibly hard road for me,
Nicholas. Each day is a struggle but I do it because I owe it to Sophie and myself to be strong. Ive been
through so much and Im not asking for your pity. I just want you to understand meunderstand the

reason why Im so reluctant to let you in. Tony was my first everything and he nearly destroyed me.
No longer hindered by his own misgivings and shortcomings, Nicholas was by her side in seconds,
enveloping her trembling body in an embrace that would've taken God's will alone to break. He held her
as she clung on to him, her small body fitting so perfectly against his. He took the brunt of her sobs,
wishing like nothing else that he could take away her hurt and when those sobs took them to the floor,
Nicholas's hold remained steadfast, unyielding. Words were inconsequential.
"Mama?" Sophie wobbled their way and at the sight of her mother's tears, she too, began to cry. Ellie
reached for her and bringing her into her tight embrace, she calmed herself enough to comfort her child.
A little while later found Nicholas and Sophie in the living room, while Ellie carted in paper plates
and plastic utensils, which she set down on the mahogany coffee table.
With the Chinese take-out splayed out in little white boxes in front of them, Ellie made Sophie a plate,
then Nicholass, hers naturally came last. They ate in amiable silence, her earlier breakdown seemingly
inconsequential. She softly smiled; her sordid past another milestone in their fledgling friendship. She
commended him for being such a good friend, having thought the worst of him, Ellie was coming to
appreciate the fact that she was proven wrong.
She ran her tongue over her bottom lip and came away with the sugary taste of duck sauce. She started
to grab another crab Rangoon and found Nicholas' eyes on her, the smoldering look in those gray depths,
induced shivers along her skin. "Stop that." She whispered, refusing to let that look affect her.
"Stop what?" he asked guilelessly, gobbling up the chicken finger Sophie offered him.
"You know what."
"I haven't the slightest idea what you mean." He smiled in spite of his words and Ellie fought the urge
to laugh.
"You're not as cute as you think you are, Grayson."
"So you think I'm cute?"
"No," Her rosy cheeks said otherwise.
"That's okay. Sophie thinks I'm cute. Right babe?"
With mouth full of fried chicken, Sophie nodded her head. "Nicky cuet."
The musical tone of Nicholas's cell phone rang four times before Ellie inquired as to whether or not he
was going to answer it or not.
"It could be important."
The seriousness in Nicholas's voice belied his playful expression. "Nothing is as important as being
here with you two."
Touched, Ellie smiled, resting a hand on Nicholas's knee. "And we'll be here when you get back. I
appreciate you making us a part of your life, but I don't want us to consume it. You had a life before us."
"That wasn't a life. I was just living for the sake of living. Meeting you has actually given me a sort of
purpose to be bigger than what I was---if that makes sense." The fact that he said that to Ellie made
Nicholas realize exactly how much he had changed in such a short time. The thought once again set him on
"It makes perfect sense; I'm glad you forced yourself into my life and made me realize you could be so
sweet. You turned out to be a nice surprise."
"I'm glad I finally warmed up to you."
The cell rang again. "Go answer it. I'll clean up Sophie."
Reluctantly, Nicholas handed Sophie over and excusing himself, he stood to answer the call. He came
back later and Ellie instantly knew something was wrong.

"My mother's been in a car accident." He uttered the words so impassively that Ellie wondered
whether this was the same guy whose voice had been filled with warmth a minute ago.
Nicholas pocketed his phone and picked up the keys to his bike from where Sophie had left it after
playing with it.
Ellie deposited Sophie on the floor and hastened after Nicholas. She caught him halfway out of the
foyer, and grabbed his hand to get his attention. "Are you okay? Can I help with anything?" He shook his
head, pulling his arm away.
"I'll call you." His voice was like ice, his face stoic. He turned and walked away.
"Nicholas!" Ellie went after him.
"We're only just starting to understand each other. Dontdont pull away from me. Hesitantly, she
raised a hand to his cheek.
"Old habits," He said quietly, turning his face into the warmth of her palm. He tenderly brushed his
lips on the inside of her wrist. "I'll call you." He said just before walking out the door.

Chapter Eight
By the time the weekend rolled around, Ellie was a complete and utter mess. The stress of dealing
with her attorney, the judge and finally Tony himself, had taken its toll on her by Friday morning. Having
woken up with a throbbing head and stuffy nose, Gabe had forced her back to bed. Therefore, the whole
of Friday was spent in bed trying to fight a cold. Saturday, feeling relatively better, her thoughts reverted
back to Nicholas, who, for the better part of the week had been oddly absent, not even bothering to show
up for the two classes they shared. Concern for him had caused her to swallow her pride and to go ask his
friends of his whereabouts. They, as she'd expected, refused to cooperate with her. The entire scenario
was enough to drive anyone to illness.
Adding further insult to injury, she now had to share visitation rights with her worm of an ex. Not
exactly one to drag a custody battle through the courts, she'd taken her attorney's advice, choosing instead
to allow Tony his rights in seeing their child. Sophie, despite how he'd wronged her mother, deserved to
know her father. They'd both made mistakes and each had gone to great lengths to rectify those mistakes.
Tony, despite his faults, seemed to genuinely care about his daughter. Ellie just hoped she wouldn't come
to regret her decision in allowing him to see her.
Another person who also worried Ellie had been Maddie and her progressively un-Maddie like
behavior. Ellie had made it a goal to find out what was going on with her friend during the week and had
been more than surprised to find that Maddie hadn't been feeling particularly happy with her. Happy, to
put it mildly hadn't been the exact sentiment Maddie had used. "Boyfriend stealing bitch" had been more
like it, which, she'd practically screeched above the din of the cafeteria a few days ago, causing everyone,
Ellie included to gape at her.
Her bafflement hadn't ended there. That very same day, on her way to the last track practice of the
season, Maddie had cornered her, apologized wholeheartedly and then gone on to break down in Ellie's
arms, with little to no explanation of her peculiar behavior. Ellie, unsure of what to do, but knowing

Maddie needed her had instantly forgiven her. Theyd made plans afterwards to go to Splendor and grab a
bite to eat. That date had been made for Saturday night, which was today. Feeling remotely better than
yesterday morning, Ellie dressed for the occasion, minding the fact that it was about twenty below
outside. She finished the final touches on her two French braids, grabbed her wool hat, matching scarf and
mittens from her closet then strolled out of her bedroom. She made her way down the stairs. Ellie was
grateful that Gabe had volunteered to take Sophie to a friend's house tonight, giving her time to be a
normal teenager for once.
The simultaneous ring of the phone and bell had Ellie rushing downstairs to pick up the headset.
Hitting the talk button, she made her way to the door.
"Nicholas!" Ellie almost dropped the phone at the sight of him, his haggard appearance alarming.
"Ellie?" Maddie voice filtered through the headset.
"I'm still here." Ellie stepped aside, silently allowing Nicholas to step in. "Are you on your way?"
"Actually do you mind if I take a rain check on this one? Something suddenly came up." Funny, how
Maddie conveyed her own thoughts, Ellie silently thought.
"No that's fine, uh...justI'll call you later, okay?" there was a slight squeal, before Maddies
breathless voice answered Ellie.
"Y---yeah-la---later, Ellie."
Frowning down at the headset, she hit the off button, curious as what exactly was going on with that
girl. But that was a subject for a later time. Her heart stuttered in her chest at the thought of the dark haired
man waiting for her in the living room. She bit her bottom lip, both elated and wary, but more than happy
to see that he was alright.
He was a sight for sore eyes, surely. Standing at the fireplace, with his back to her, he occupied
himself with the pictures on the mantle, intermittently raising his hand to touch each photograph. He wore
dark jeans and a cream-colored sweater beneath his leather jacket, his sinfully dark mane skimming the
edge of that jacket. As if sensing her eyes on him, he turned around and she was able to see the day or two
old shadow of stubble along his jaw and cheeks. There were dark marks beneath his eyes, making the
diamond gray gaze seem sharper, wilder, darker than usual. Unable to meet the intensity of those eyes, she
peered down at the silver frame he held in his large hands, the photo in that frame all too familiar to her.
Itd been taken just after giving birth to Sophie. Despite looking worn and wearied, she'd had the
biggest smile of her life in the picture. As she held her daughter close, she'd looked into the camera, her
joy practically shining through.
"Ugh...I looked gross in that picture." She said self-consciously, wrinkling her nose in distaste.
"I can't imagine you looking more beautiful." His silvery blue eyes bored into her so intently that
Ellie's own dared not to look on for much longer, afraid to drown in their intensity.
"Thanks." She murmured fiddling with the red mittens attached to the scarf.
"Were you on your way out?" he motioned to her outfit, which aside from the scarf, hat and gloves,
consisted of a pair of dark skinny jeans, a cotton candy pink cashmere sweater and her Ugg boots.
Ellie shrugged, "My date canceled."

"Date?" he asked with a raised eyebrow.

Ellie looked up at the curious sound of jealousy. "Yeah, with Maddie." Something in her reveled at the
thought of making Nicholas jealous.
Nicholas set the picture frame back on the ledge, advancing on her with those impossibly long legs of
his; he came to stand meters away from her. "I didn't call."
"I know..."
"I wanted to."
"So why didn't you?"
He raked his fingers through his hair, a sure sign of his agitation. "It was easier to stay away than to
share my feelings. I'm not like you, Ellie. I don't wear my emotions on my sleeve. I'm not comfortable with
exposing myself like thatmaking myself so vulnerable to someone in a way that I could get hurt."
"So why did you come back?" She was truly curious.
"Because despite my best efforts to stay away from you, I keep finding myself back in your gravity.
Youve become this thing I cant be without. Your voice in my head---your face in my dreams---your
smell all around me. I---I've changed" he trailed off. He began to pace the length of her living room, his
rampant energy coiled around him like a venomous snake ready to strike at any given moment.
Ellie watched, unsure of what to do. She ached to go to him, but prudence kept her rooted.
"You're so good. You've made life so good for you and your daughter despite your past. Your
strengthyour heartI didn't think people like you really existed. All great and morally driven and good.
I've seen the way you interact with Sophie and the amount of wisdom you have for someone so young. It's
so much Ellieso damn much." Nicholas suddenly stopped, eradicating the short distance between them.
He cupped Ellie's face between his hands and looked into her eyes.
"I know I'm not making much sense. But when I was in that hospital room with my mother I looked
down at her looking so pale and fragile and all I could think about was that you went through so much just
to make a better life for you and your daughter and she couldn't even take a second out of her busy
schedule to hug me, her son, her flesh and blood. My respect for you in that moment grew so much and it
hit me, like a fucking ton of bricks, just how much I have come to need you. Youve become this thing I
cant be without, Ellie and it scares me.
"What are you saying, Nicholas?
Nicholas rested his forehead to Ellie's and softly brushed his lips at the corner of her mouth. "I'm
saying youre here now. He guided her hand to his chest, right where his heart thundered. Let me be the
guy you run to when youre ready and Ill always be there to catch you. I want to be the Romeo to your
Juliet. He said with emotion referencing one of Ellie's favorite Shakespearean tragedies.
"I don't know, Nicky, Romeo was pretty damned devoted to his Juliet. He went so far as to die for her--"
"I'd go through hell for you. He said gravely, the intensity of his emotions nearly drawing her under.
Ellie pulled him into a fierce hug.
Thank you, Nicky.

Maddie sat against the wall of her bathroom, had been sitting there for quite some time now. Exactly
in that spot with her head on the wall, her bathrobe clad ass on the floor and the idea of committing
suicide flowing through her mind. She felt like she'd been crying for weeks and even now, when she
believed she had no more left to shed, the tears kept coming, crawling down her cheeks in a slow
She licked her parched lips and sniffed, hesitantly rising on wobbly legs. Then, she walked to the sink
and fearfully her eyes strayed to the sink counter, the small white stick she'd left there taunting her.
Her bottom lip trembled, she slammed her eyes shut as if doing so would make it disappear, make
everything disappear. Her grip on the sink counter tightened, frantically she prayed the urge to retch
would pass. She wasn't so lucky. She hunched over the sink and heaved.
"Oh God." She prayed, lifting her head, she stared with unseeing eyes at the unrecognizable wretch
staring back at her through the mirror. Limp hair, raccoon eyes, sunken cheeks, colorless lips. She looked
like a corpse. She felt even worse!
With trembling fingers, she took hold of the white stick. She stared at it, fixedly, her brain refusing to
accept what the eyes conveyed. But no matter how hard, how long she stared, the result remained the
same. The dark blue plus sign glared back at her, taunting her with the horrific fact that she'd more than
likely ruined her life.
"Oh God. I can't be. Please, God." She breathed, the sharp sting of tears prickling her eyelids and her
nose. She let a sob escape, then covered the ensuing ones with her hand. She stumbled back against the
wall and fell unceremoniously to the floor.
She shoved the stick away from her, as though it were infected, but regardless of what she did,
Maddie couldn't escape the fact that she was pregnant.

The holidays were rapidly approaching and Ellie couldn't have been more grateful. Life had been
hectic over the last few months. It would be a treat to settle down with the family and take a breather for a
bit. Of course, having Nicholas around wouldn't hurt either. The invitation she'd made to Thanksgiving
dinner was still up in the air, he'd yet to give her an answer, but Ellie was hoping he'd come.
She grabbed the bag of apples from the fridge and dumped them into the sink running cold water over
them. She couldn't help, but smile as she thought about the changes she'd seen in Nicholas over the last
few weeks.
He was sweet in his own way, quite caring when he wanted to be. Ellie was even surprised to
discover that he could still blush. It was quite rare and on those occasions when she had witnessed it,
she'd felt a silent sense of joy to know she'd been the provocateur of this uncommon reaction. The usually
reserved facade of stoicism he had presented obliterated every time he was in Sophie's presence.
It never ceased to amaze Ellie when she saw him on the carpeted floor of her living room; he was
completely oblivious to his surroundings as he obliged Sophie in whatever game she wanted to play;
whether it were having tea parties with her countless stuffed animals, building multicolored fortresses
made completely out of Legos or Nicholas teaching her how to read. He was always game and Sophie
couldn't have loved him more for it.
Each time Nicholas came around, Ellie swore he took a little piece of them with him and she was
quickly coming to realize that she didn't mind it at all.
"I don't think I've seen you smile like that since you were twelve." Gabe reached around Ellie's body
to grab an apple.
Ellie shrugged, peeling the apples with a little too much enthusiasm. "I'm just happy school's almost
Gabe chomped down on the apple, curiously regarding his goddaughter. "Uh huh, and I've developed a
sudden affinity for that rat of a sperm donor you used to go out with."
"That rat happens to be Sophies father."
"Only by blood and if I have any say in it, it'll remain that way. Now, stop changing the subject and
tell me why you're so happy."
"Don't I have the right to be happy?" Ellie inquired, scooping up the sliced apples and dumping them
into the large bowl shed based with lemon juice, cinnamon, water and sugar. Handing her the flour bag,
Gabe leaned against the kitchen counter, crossing his legs at the ankles.
"You have all the right in the world. Forgive me, if I made you think otherwise. I'm just wondering
why the goofy grin."
Ellie worried her bottom lip, "Gabe?" she looked up from her task, meeting Gabe's royal blue gaze.
She wondered whether or not she should proceed with her next question.
"Hmm?" Gabe tossed the apple core in the trash, washed his hand and Gabe readied the pie crust as he
waited for Ellie to continue.
"What do you think of Nicholas?" The question came from left field and easily took Gabe by surprise.
He turned his facial features to neutral before responding.
"Do you want my honest opinion?
Ellie washed her hands, not sure she wanted to hear this. "Of course."

"I don't trust him for one goddamn second. I may not know much, but I know people and I know that
Nicholas is trouble. He's trying to get something from you and I guarantee he'll say and do anything until
he gets it. I'm the last person to judge anyone, but my first concern is and will always be you and Soph and
I don't think Nicholas Grayson is at all good for either of you."
"He's changed."
"He's a charmer and he can make you see whatever he wants you to see. I'm not saying he's not a good
person and I could be wrong about his intentions, but I just want you to be careful. I dont want you to fall
too hard."
Ellie sighed suddenly, not in the best moods. "I'm not falling for anything. He's my friend, I have faith
in him. He's different when he's with me and Soph and I trust the fact that he's become a better person
because of it."
"Good, then I trust your judgment and I hope it never fails you." He reassuringly squeezed Ellie's
hands. "Just as long as I continue to see that smile on your face, I'm happy that you're happy."
Ellie nodded. "Nicholas makes me happy."
"Then I'll try my very hardest to ease up on him and try to give him the benefit of the doubt."
"Thanks, Gabe, that's all I ask. He'll be here for dinner soon..." The doorbell rang and like magic,
Ellie's smile was quick in making a comeback. Gabe watched in mild amusement as she practically
tripped over her own feet in her haste to answer the door.
Despite his misgivings, Gabe was happy to see Ellie in such high spirits, even if the cause was a boy
he didn't completely trust. At least, Nicholas was better than the sad excuse of human flesh, Carlyle.

"Hey man, can I talk to you for a sec?" Matt pulled the cigarette from his lips, flicked the ashes on the
black and white veined floor and set aside his book to look up at Nicholas.
"What's up?" Nicholass somber expression gave him cause to worry. Matt scooted over, making
room for Nicholas to sit. "Talk to me Grayson, we've been friends for a butt load of a long time. You
know you can tell me shit---"
"I want to call off the bet."
"Th'fuck? Why?"
"It's just not my thing anymore."
Matt scoffed, taking a drag of his cigarette. "She's fucked with your mind, huh? Has you all
domesticated, all happy with her baby and shit?"
Nicholas scowled. "Watch it, Matt."
"It's been fucking annoying watching you make a fool of yourself following her around like a lovesick
puppy, while she carries your dick and balls in her messenger bag. It's not love Nicholas! It's called being
fucked around with and you were the master of that! What the hell happened?" Matt blew the white smoke
from his cigarette on Nicholas face in frustration.
In one swift move, Nicholas had the front of Matt's shirt bunched in his hands, Matt's face inches away
from his own. "I grew up! Do the same and maybe I'll consider telling you about my relationship with
Ellie," Nicholas released Matt from his hold and abruptly stood up. "The bet is off."
Matt watched as Nicholas walked away and angrily tried to smooth the wrinkles from his shirt.
"That's fucking courtesy for ya," he muttered bitterly to himself as he continued to fume. "Try to keep
the guy from getting hurt again and he throws it back in my face! Well good fucking riddance to you, too,
buddy! he threw the nearest thing in his reach which happened to be his black and silver mobile phone. It
crashed against the nearest wall, falling to the ground in pieces.
It really pissed him off that he still lusted after the lovelorn moron. With a heavy sigh Matt stood from
the couch, picked up his book and made his way to his room.
More of a miniature apartment than bedroom, the grandiose dcor of Matt's room was perfectly styled
to his taste. From the dominating onyx hued four-poster bed that took up a great portion of the room, to the
opaque burgundy curtains that hung from the arching windows and imported Persian carpet that was
spread across the bedroom floor.
The latest technological gadgets were positioned in his 'play area' to the far right of the room adjacent
to his bathroom. He tossed his book on the freshly made bed and headed to the ceiling high bookcase.
With a small smile, he tugged the black Bible down and immediately the bookcase shifted to the right.
Matte walked in and disappeared behind the bookcase.
He reappeared inside a dimly lit room, slightly modest in dcor from his bedroom but not the least bit
frumpy as it boasted three flat screen TV's strategically placed on the surrounding walls, monitoring
cameras, and an expansive library of DVD's to the left of where Matt stood. He picked up one the remotes
positioned on the small table in front of him and pointed it at the main television in front of him. Instantly,
the screen flickered, displaying the contents of Nicholas' empty bedroom.
"Pity," Matt muttered, falling unceremoniously into the chair in front of the center flat screen. Pressing
the Play button brought Nicholas's tattooed body into focus, beautiful and naked as the day he was born.
Riveted, Matt watched the man he had been in love for more than four years as he stood beneath the
spraying jets of water.
The water glided down Nicholas's body in the ways Matt wished he could. Never had Matt envied

water more, rivulets caressed Nicholas's chest, swept over his well-formed abdomen, down his corded
back, over firm buttocks, and down muscular calves. Seduced by the image, Matts hand disappeared
inside his pants.
The image of Nicholas switched from the shower to his bedroom and this time he was with his latest
conquest. Fatty Maddie. She was seated on the bed, partially naked, staring adoringly at Nicholas as
though graced by the presence of a God.
"I think," Nicholas' back was to the camera as he stalked towards the wide-eyed Maddie. "That you're
just little bit overdressed. Why don't you do me a favor and strip for me, hmm?" Matt's hand moved
rhythmically up and down as he watched the scene unfolding.
He was beautiful, simply that, as he dropped to his knees, between her thighs and worshiped her with
his mouth. She was a whimpering mass, pleading for Nicholas to continue.
The motion of Matts hand quickened as he imagined himself in Maddies place, receiving the
pleasures of Nicholas mouth. With his imagination running wild, it didnt take Matt long to find
completion and once he was done he felt dismally empty.
Hed seen this video over fifty times now and each time he watched it, the reaction was the same. Matt
wondered if Nicholas was really as good as he looked and fucked as well as those stupid bitches said he
did. Grabbing the roll of hand towels he had for cases like this, he slowly cleaned himself as an idea
quickly formed in his head.
He and Nicholas had shared so much. Matt wasn't wrong in assuming that he would one day end up in
Nicholas's bed. It was all a matter of working the universe to his will.
Now, didn't Carlyle say he would be in town soon?
"Maybe I should give my beloved dealer a call."

Tony Carlyle was a complete mind-fuck. He'd worked out the semantics of screwing with peoples
minds a very long time ago and so dealing with someone like Maddie Tate was a virtual cakewalk. It was
so easy to play a hero to a downtrodden angst ridden teen who was so close to calling it quits that it was
almost sad. He should've felt sorry for her, but Tony was beyond feeling remorse for anyone. This was
about preservation and he was determined to get his-even if it meant using someone else to get it.
"NickyNicky" Tony looked into XTC glazed sea-green eyes. The stupid girl really was pathetic.
It seemed her only driving force was that dark haired asshole Ellie had wrapped around her finger.
Hate couldn't come close to describing how Tony felt about that guy. He had been there, annoyingly
intrusive when all Tony had wanted was to spend time with Ellie and their daughter, he'd been there! He
was constantly stealing Tony's fucking thunder and throwing that cocky smirk his way as if saying that he
was the top dog of his family!
What was most infuriating of all was the way Ellie looked at him, with those adoring eyes that
should've been aimed Tony's way...not at the silver eyed bastard.
With his thrusts becoming increasingly erratic, Tony didnt stop until he felt the urgent slap on his
biceps. He looked down, frowning when he saw fear in tear filled eyes. He finished quick and smiled
thinly when she retreated from him, curling her body in a fetal position.
"Don't worry, Maddie," he cooed against her cheek, "I'll help you get your precious Nicky back." He
spit out the name as if it were the worst epithet in the English language.
"Really?" Hopeful eyes turned to him and Tony realized the E was wearing off.
He leaned over, capturing kissed bruised lips. "Of course, now sleep, we want that baby of yours to
stay in perfect health. It's the only way were both going to get what we want.
Maddies hand reached out for Tony's wrist when he was about to stand. "You---you won't hurt Ellie,
will you?"
The slow smile he bestowed caused Maddie to shudder. "Not more than I have to, but it will be for
her own good, she'll see."
Maddie released his wrist and watched as Tony walked away, the daunting feeling of having just
signed her life over to the devil himself would not cease. She huddled just a little deeper into the covers.
When she had called the number on the card Tony had given her, Maddie had been filled with
desperation. The thought of whether or not she was doing something stupid hadn't breached her mind until
this very moment.
But Tony had promised that everything would be alright, she tried to tell herself. He'd promised that
things would be different soon, had promised the impeding separation of Ellie and Nicholas. Tony had
promised Maddie Nicholas and she'd believed. She still believed him.
Maddie believed him because Tony assured her that no one would get hurt. He'd told her of his history
with Ellie, and Maddie had sympathized. They'd shared stories. Bonded over a common cause. Tony
wanted Ellie back; he was clean, sober and Maddie believed that they should be together. They were a
family after all. Ellie, Tony and their daughter. Families were supposed to be together. Families were
supposed to forgive each other. Tony belonged with his family and Nicholas---Nicholas belonged with
her and their baby.
"It's going to be okay." She whispered not exactly sure who she was trying to reassure, herself or the
child growing inside her.

"Don't peek."
"I'm not peeking."
"How many fingers do I have up?"
Ellie inwardly rolled her eyes and would've done so right at Nicholas had it not been for the blindfold
hindering her vision. "How can I possibly tell you that when I just said I can't see a thing?"
Nicholas grinned at Ellie's indignant tone. He opened the door, ushering her inside.
"I like getting you flustered."
"I'm sure that you do," She tripped over something and was instantly captured by Nicholas' arms the
second after. "Th---thanks," she said, thankful that the blindfold obscured her heated cheeks from
Nicholas's view.
"Where are we?" she asked while Nicholas moved behind her to untie the blindfold.
"My home away from home." Nicholas said, watching her carefully, more than a little nervous.
Ellie gasped as she took in the scene set out before her. White Christmas lights combined with
countless candles strategically placed around the room blanketed everything in a lush ambiance of
glimmering gold. On the shiny oak floor, a blanket was laid out and on top of the blanket was a picnic
basket, two champagne flutes and an assortment of Ellie's favorite flowers. Tulips.
Speechless, Ellie could only utter. "Oh Nicky..."
Pride bubbled in Nicholas's chest at Ellie's reaction to the place that truly was his home away from
home. He was only too happy to finally be sharing a slice of his paradise with her. A little embarrassed at
the glance she tossed his way, he shook his head and tugged her to the blanket.
"This is my tattoo shop," he extended his arms in show and grinned down at Ellie's curious face.
"It's amazing, Nicky...I don't know what to say."
"I don't think that's a bad thing." He chuckled as Ellie punched his shoulder. He sat down across from
her, pulling the chilled bottle of sparkling cider from the small icebox.
"I thought we'd cap off our end of term celebration with some sparkling cider." He handed Ellie the
first flute, pouring himself some in the second.
"This is to getting our college applications over and done with."
The cider tasted marvelously on Ellie's tongue as it fizzled, popped and slid down her throat. She held
her flute out for more, which Nicholas filled with a smile.
"Don't fill up on that. I want us to eat something first." Taking her flute from her, he held a cheese
topped cracker out or her. "Open." He ordered and when she hesitated, he said. "Trust me it tastes better
when someone feeds it to you." He seemed so serious that Ellie couldn't help but laugh.
"Alright, Grayson, this had better be the best damn tasting cheese and cracker I've ever had."
"You won't know until you try it, Holbrook, now open up."
Leaning forward, Ellie parted her lips allowing Nicholas to gently slide the cracker in her mouth. His
fingers coasted over her lips as he did so. "Crumbs." He muttered, watching her chew when all he wanted
to do was plunder those ripened lips. "Good?"
"Don't look so cocky and yes, it was good."
"Want another one?"
She grinned. "I'll get it myself, thanks."
"Suit yourself." He said breezily.

"Won't you get in trouble for this?" she asked a few seconds later, munching on a cracker.
"Not if Liam wants me to switch business partners."
Ellie's brows furrowed. "What do you mean?"
"I mean that this place is half mine..." He rubbed the back of his neck modestly.
"How is that possible? You're only seventeen---"
"Ok eighteen, but still, how does a barely legal teen own a tattoo shop?"
Nicholas shrugged. "I pilfered half my trust fund money over a year ago, was introduced to Liam by
ways of a friend of my father's and the rest, as they say, is history. He handles the business part of it,
while my area of expertise is slapping my artwork on people."
"Tell me more about it."
"Tattooing?" At Ellie's slight nod, Nicholas continued. "My parents weren't around much of the time
when I was a kid." His resentment of the fact, Nicholas suddenly realized had ebbed considerably since
meeting Ellie. "So I started to draw to distract myself. I spent hours on hundreds of sketch pads.
Landscapes, portraits, anything I thought interesting, I sketched in my pad. It wasn't until I was abroad that
I got into tattooing. A school friend of mine took me along to one of his sittings one night and I was
instantly hooked. I got my first tattoo that night." Nicholas fondly smiled at the memory.
"Can I see it?" Curiosity would ultimately be the death of her, Ellie was sure.
Nicholas however obliged her. He rose to his knees while he tugged up his shirt. Running lengthwise
down his ribcage was an image of a black gun. Ellie raised a hand, fascination urging her to touch. Her
fingers skimmed the protruding image as she silently wondered what provoked him to get a tattoo of such
a dangerous weapon.
"I was angry at the world when I got it done. He confessed, answering her unspoken question.
Sweeping a lock of hair behind her ear, Ellie peered at Nicholas through a sooty veil of his lashes.
"Did it hurt?"
"Like hell. But it was cathartic."
Compassion lit her eyes, feeling his pain as if it were her own. Impulse compelled her close and
without thought, she pressed her lips to the barrel of the gun. Let me share your pain, Nicky. She said
looking up at him. I want you to give me a tattoo.
Their gazes locked and the significance of what she asked, resonated.
"You trust me enough to let me brand you?" His surprise shown on his face.
"Yes. Whats a little tattoo between friends? she quipped, smiling when he reached over to tug on
one her pigtails.
Nicholas stood, walked away, returning seconds later with a book in hand. "Here, this is my portfolio.
Take a look."
Ellie took the book from Nicholas' hands and settled it on her lap. Wordlessly, she flipped through the
pages in awe at the artwork. Each style showcased his talent, from the traditionally classic, to beautiful
tribal designs and even still, to the Asians astounding use of colors in the Koi fishes and dragons.
Ellie turned to the next page, the image there instantly catching her attention. She reverently ran her
fingers across the image. "Nicky..." Ellie breathed as she took in the replica of Sophie's laughing face
from a picture they had taken during their day at the park weeks ago. The dimples, the innocent gleam of
childish mirth, the tawny curls---Nicholas had captured the essence of Ellie's daughter in nostalgic sepia
tones and it was breathtaking.
"Nicholas..." Ellie whispered again, tearing her gaze away from the image she glanced at Nicholas,
who was trying to vanquish the ruddiness from his cheeks. "This is---youre amazing!" it was all she

could say.
"Thanks," he said abashed.
Ellie set the portfolio aside and tentatively reached for him, praying she didnt swallow her tongue,
she brushed his fringe back. Within kissing distance now, Ellie licked her lips. "Kiss me?"
Had this question been asked weeks ago, Nicholas would not have hesitated with jumping on her
request. But he did so now because he knew she wasnt ready. He pressed a kiss to her forehead and
smiled. When youre ready, Ellie, you wont need to ask.
She was falling hard with such velocity that she knew the impact would leave a crater sized hole. Her
mind warned her to take caution all the while berating her on her naivety. But her heart squealed with
glee, enthused at the prospect of being with this man.
"Thank you." Her heart was the fool and Ellie knew it too, but the optimist in her wanted what shed
denied herself for so long. Her heart wanted Nicholas and she wasnt too sure she could deny it for much
Nicholas only nodded as he popped a grape in his mouth.
"So, will you give me a tattoo?"
"Whenever you're ready."
"How about now?"
"Yeah, now; I'm as ready as I'll ever be." Ellie smiled just to show Nicholas her enthusiasm.
"Okay. He helped her to her feet, led her to his station and waited as she got comfortable on the bed
before he prepped his instruments.
"Have an idea of what you want?" Nicholas asked taking a seat across from Ellie.
Ellie caught his gaze. "Surprise me...I trust you." It wasn't lost on Nicholas that they had just stepped
over another obstacle. Gaining Ellie's trust was a major step into something more---something profound.
He nodded at Ellie's words, an image already formulating in his mind as he gripped the silver gun.
Unbuttoning the first three buttons on her sweater, Ellie pulled the sleeve down her left shoulder.
Nicholas took a moment to admire flawless skin. "I'm just going to freehand the image with the marker
first before I start." He said gruffly.
Nicholas' concentration was obsolete as he silently worked out the sketch right above her shoulder
blade. "Ok, now comes the hard part," Ellie clenched her bottom lip between her teeth and mutely
nodded. "I'll start with just a line and see how that feels for you, Ok?"
"Yeah." She breathed.
The minute the buzzing needle touched her skin, Ellie jumped. "Stay calm, babe and trust me to not hurt
She looked at him and her nerves deflated. "I trust you."
It hurt like hell, and Ellie kept her hands and eyes clenched shut the entire time, but the end result was
sheer perfection.
The small image of a green and black dragonfly seemed to pop from Ellie's flesh it looked so real.
There was the distinct mixture of white overtones he'd applied that made it seem as if the dragonfly's
wings were translucent and could flap right off of Ellie's shoulder.
As Ellie admired her tattoo, Nicholas came to stand behind him, their eyes locked in the mirror. "Do
you like it?"
Ellie turned around. "I love it." She didn't know what prompted her to do what she did, simply that she
couldnt imagine herself doing anything else.

Shed never initiated a kiss before, but emboldened by the spark she saw in his eyes, she snaked her
arms around his neck and pressed her lips to his.
Nicholas groaned with desperation. The urgent need to reign in his lust had him clenching his hands at
his sides. Everything in him incited him to hold her close and give in to his baser instincts, plunder what
he knew was rightfully his. But his mind held him back, repelled him from doing what he knew Ellie
would later regret. Nicholas did not want anything he did with Ellie to ever be a regret.
"Ellie, dont" Nicholas gently grabbed Ellie's forearms to push her away, but her hold on him
remained steadfast. "I don't think I have neither the strength nor the desire to refuse you a second time."
"Then don't refuse me."
The impact of Nicholas's lips crashing over hers had Ellie reeling. She held on to his shoulders for
dear life as he hungrily pillaged the very lust from her mouth. Their tongues stroked, caressed, hot, wet,
eager, oh so very eager. Nicholas kissed her like she was his first and last.
They nibbled on lips, teeth clinking and when oxygen became an exigency they breathed deep, lust
mingling in the air they shared. Nicholas cornered her against the mirror. Effortlessly lifting her, he
wrapped her legs around his waist, using his thigh to keep her there, steady. He pressed his face to her
cheek, his lips roamed along her pretty face. He nudged at her jaw, whispering a path of open-mouthed
kisses down the column of her neck. He couldn't get enough of her. It felt like an obsession. He was
obsessed with her skin. Obsessed with the breathy sounds she made. Her. Just her.
"Ni---Nicky---" She panted, her voice a desperate plea and it took sheer will alone for him to ignore
that plea when his conscience demanded he stop. With a deep shuddering sigh, Nicholas dropped his head
to Ellie's shoulder.
"I can't be around you and not lose control, Ellie," He gasped. "Even now, I'm trying so hard not to rip
off your clothes and take you against this wall. But not like this." The whispered words were an odd mix
of desperation and anger, made even more so by his ragged breaths.
Ellie could feel Nicholas' restraint. She could feel every muscle in his body held taut in his will to
keep himself in check. He was shaking. She could feel that and in that very moment, Ellie realized
Nicholas had stolen her heart. She'd been on the brink, teetering on the precipice and this very act alone
had pushed her over the edge.
Something warm and wet landed on his cheek and Nicholas raised his head to find tears brimming
hazel eyes.
"Ellie?" He framed her face between his hands, "I'm so sorry, I should've had better control. I'm sorry,
please don't cry, please---" he sounded as though he would cry himself and it was all Ellie could do to
keep the tears at bay.
At a loss for words, Nicholas thumbed away at her tears, doing his utmost to provide comfort even
when he felt like a complete ass. "Ellie, baby, I'm sorry."
Ellie sniffed trying to calm herself enough to speak. "No, no, Nicky I'm the one who should be
apologizing. Its just me being silly." She pressed her lips to his fingers and attempted a watery smile.
"You were perfect. You've been so perfect tonight. It---it just means a lot that you care enough to stop me
from doing something I probably would've regretted later." She looked away from those probing eyes.
She shifted to get down and Nicholas settled her on her feet. He stepped, giving her ample space.
"It's getting latemaybe you should take me home."
Nicholas had the niggling suspicion that hed just screwed up bad.
"Sure." What else was there for him to say, when Ellie refused to even look at him.

Releasing the hold she had on his waist, Ellie stood from the motorcycle and handed Nicholas his
"Thank you for tonight...and the tattoo."
"Don't worry about it." Nicholas could not stand the awkward silence. It felt as if they were back at
square one. "You should get inside. I wouldn't want you to catch a cold."
"You didn't do anything wrong, Nicky. I'm just a little shaken by my reaction to you is all. Being with
you tonight has---I don't know, she helplessly shrugged, attempting to gather her thoughts. It's difficult
putting my feelings into words. But please don't think you've done something to upset me. I'm just trying to
understand what's happening between us."
Nicholas released the breath he hadn't even realized he'd been holding. "Call me."
Ellie brushed a kiss to his cheek. "I promise."

"He just dropped her off." Matt snapped his new cell phone shut the minute he heard what he wanted
to hear. Carelessly, he tossed the phone to the dark haired man seated across the table from him.
"Your bitch is home."
"Shut the fuck up and inhale your shit."
Matt chuckled and leaned over the coffee table as he inserted the small tube of paper he'd rolled up in
his left nostril. He made sure to plug up the right before dragging the tube across the first, second and third
line, all in one shot. When he was done, he leaned back against the couch, snorted and lifted his hand to
his nose to rub remnants of what remained away.
"How long did it take you to get this?"
Tony pulled the needle from his arm and unwound the yellow band. "As long as it took you to fuck up
my plan."
"Calm the fuck down. You'll have Ellie back soon." He smirked, "you gonna share her?"
"Fuck you, she's off limits."
"Since when did you become so greedy with your whores? You weren't so stingy when her ass was
paying for your next high." Matt jeered.
"It's different now."
"Oh right, I forgot you have a daughter now. Wonder if she'll follow in mommy's footsteps..."
"If I weren't so fucking gone right now I'd kick your ass for that comment."
"We need to put a permanent bullet in their relationship and the reason why I called you here was to
help me put it into action."
"What did you have in mind?"
Matt became drunk with giddiness as he divulged his plans to his friend and dealer.

"Hey man, I just came over to apologize for being such a dick the other day, forgive me?" After a
hardened scrutiny from shrewd gunmetal eyes, Matt sighed with relief when Nicholas stepped aside to
allow him access to his home.
Nicholas straight out of bed looked good enough to eat. The plaid pajama bottoms he donned hung
precariously low around his tapered waist, putting on display the deep grooves at his hips that joined to
create the v of his groin. He didn't have a shirt on and so Matt took the opportunity to ogle his best friend,
admiring tattoos, he'd only ever dreamt of tracing with his tongue. When Nicholas turned his way with a
small frown between his brow, Matt averted his eyes and cleared his throat.
"I asked if you wanted something to drink."
"Nah, I'm cool, man, thanks." He took a seat on the blue-black stool at the kitchen island.
"Don't ever say that shit to my face again, Matthew, else you and I are going to have problems."
Taking a sip from the bottled water, Nicholas met Matt's gaze evenly, the glint in diamond gray eyes
speaking volumes.
"Yeah, yeah sure, Nicky no problem. You know how I get, I'm sorry about that. So, how've you been?"
Nicholas shrugged as he took a sip of his coffee. "Alright I"
"Never better. Here," Matt tossed a ring of keys to Nicholas, who instantly caught it.
"What's this?"
"Keys to my...I mean, your Desmo."
"No, Nicky, I've been doing a lot of thinking since our little spat the other day and I came to realize
that you really deserve this. I mean you're the only one out of our little group who's actually managed to
do the impossible."
Nicholas raised a brow. "And what's that?"
Matt clapped him on the back. "You've fallen in love. And I think that's probably the best prize anyone
could ever ask for. So just as an apology and a sort of congratulations, I'm giving you the Desmo and keys
to my parents' cabin in the mountains. Bring Ellie up there, get away from everything and have fun."
"Why are you doing this?"
"I told you---"
"You've told me the practiced bullshit. Now tell me what the hell is really going on. I've known you
for a long time Bates I know how your mind works. You don't do nice shit for anyone."
"You're different," Matt said defensively. "You're my best friend, Nicky, and I really am happy that
you've finally found someone to make you happy. I just want to contribute to that happiness, humor me?"
"Fine, I'll play along, but I'm warning you Matt, mess this up for me and you'll regret it. We'll go to the
cabin," He tossed the key to the motorcycle back at Matt. "Keep your bike."

A myriad of bruises littered the once immaculate surface of her face. Nicholas silently guessed it
probably pained her to see her porcelain white complexion so unbecomingly tinted. She didn't seem to be
aware of his presence so preoccupied with the image in the handheld mirror. Wordlessly, he entered the
pristine hospital room, leaned against the door and waited to see how long before she noticed him.
Surprisingly, it didn't take long and no sooner had he finished counting that she turned cerulean blue eyes
his way. The smile she bestowed upon him could've passed for warming. Nicholas however knew the
concept of warm smiles and loving touches wasn't something Sonja Grayson had ever been able to grasp.
"Must you always look so dour, darling?" The seconds she spent looking at Nicholas were probably
too much time spent away from her image and soon the mirror was once again in front of her.
She'd always been asleep during his past visits and in those rare moments when he'd simply sat by her
bedside and watched her, Nicholas had found it easier to show emotion for this woman who had birthed
him, but hadn't done a thing in raising him.
A sudden wave of resentment washed over him at the thought of the countless men she had left him for--men who had broken her heart countless times and she always ran back to them, seemingly ignorant of
the son who needed her or the husband who regardless of his own faults was thoroughly embittered by her
impious behavior.
"How are you feeling?"
Sonja spared a scathing look at her son before turning to her mirror. "How do you think I feel? Look at
me, I look like a bruised fruit! Jean-Luc will be horrified when he sees me this way." She raised her hand,
touching the stitched wound on her pale brow. "And to think we were supposed to go to Bali on Saturday.
He'll never take me now!"
"I'm sure your boy toy will do everything in his power to make you happy. It wouldn't be wise on his
part to ignore his meal ticket." He stated coolly, unflinchingly meeting her gaze, despite the scowl at her
"Stop acting like your father, Nicholas, it is not at all becoming and you will stop speaking to me as if
I were some dimwitted child! I am your mother and you will give me the respect I deserve!"
He'd wanted to remain calm for this visit, but the sudden rise of anger made it nearly impossible. "I'm
going to leave now before I say something I'm not sure I'll regret."
He turned to leave, silver knob in his hand but his mothers next statement halted him.
"How can you be so selfish? I'm the one who is lying in the hospital bed covered with injuries! Can't
you for once in your life show me a little sympathy?!"
Nicholas' hold on the knob tightened to the point where blood ceased to flow in his fisted hand. His
shoulders tensed, anger burned the back of his throat. "I apologize," There was nothing in his expression
that conveyed contrition.
"If I seemed too self-absorbed for your liking, it is only because my whore of a mother has taught me
no other way to be. If I seemed a bit too apathetic for your liking, it is only because my dear and loving
mother has caused me to be so. He turned and gave her a cool smile. So excuse me for being less than a
caring son, mother, it seems I lacked the proper rearing to show that I actually give a damn." Nicholas
walked out then, leaving his mother in a silent state of shock.

There was something really wrong with Maddie, and Ellie was scared for her friend. It'd been over
two weeks now and Maddie hadn't been seen at school. Ellie had tried on several occasions to call her,
but her calls had gone unanswered. Her concern having grown to full blown panic, Ellie had driven down
to Maddies house a few days ago, but had been turned away by her grandmother.
Apparently, Maddie wasn't up for visitors. Ellie had left both her cell and home number with
Maddies grandmother, asking her to have Maddie call her when she was able to do so.
Maddie had yet to call and Ellie was growing increasingly worried. Guilt ate away at her as she felt
partially responsible for Maddies sudden alienation. Ellie felt she should've been there for her, she
should have been a better friend and then maybe Maddie would've confided in her. But she hadn't and
solemnly, Ellie wondered whether her neglect over the last few weeks had prompted Maddies
Ellie didn't doubt for a second that it was depression her friend was going through, all the signs were
there. Moodiness, social isolation, low self-esteem, physical illness, the list went on and Maddie had
exhibited all those signs.
Ellie knew how she felt. She knew the helplessness and crippling inertia that came with being so
down. She'd gone through it, she'd survived it and now she wanted to share her experiences with Maddie,
let her know that she wasn't alone and that everything would eventually be okay again. But she was unable
to do that, unable to lend a helping hand when the one in need refused to take it.
"Thanks for dinner, Ells."
"Shit." The dinner plate almost slipped from Ellie's soapy hands, but she managed to catch it just in
Looking all the worlds contrite, Tony approached a frowning Ellie an apologetic smile on his face."I
didn't mean to scare you. You okay?"
"Fine," She sighed, her heart rate returning to normal as she turned back to the dirty dishes in the sink.
"Soph's all tucked in. Thanks for trusting me enough to do that. I think she's starting to like me a little."
Ellie shrugged. "It'll take time, but the more she sees you, the more comfortable she'll be having you
around." She peered over her shoulder at the father of her child and warily smiled. "You've been doing
"I have been trying. Call me foolish, but I've always wanted this with you," Tony waved around the
room in emphasis. "Living the American dream, in a warm house filled with brothers and sisters for
Sophie to play with, a golden retriever that actually fetches the newspaper every morning for me." Ellie
hadn't realized exactly how close Tony had gotten until she felt his warm breath tickling the hairs at her
Her discomfort level instantly spiked and she wanted nothing more than to push him away, but she
remained calm, busying herself with the dishes.
"We can have that Ellie; you, me, and Sophie, we can move out of your uncle's house and into one of
our own where I'll spend the rest of my life making you and our children."
Ellie spun around, pushed against Tony's chest to get some breathing space before speaking. "Let's get
a few things clear here, Tony. First of all, I don't plan on moving out of Gabe's house anytime soon and if I
did, it certainly wouldn't be with you. Secondly, Sophie is the only child you and I will ever have as far
as kids are concerned. I don't want to get back with you Tony, so do us both a favor and just stop it."

"You don't understand how much I've missed you, Ells. Every moment I spent in the hell hole was with
the hope of one day being with you, holding you while you slept, kissing you awake every morning." Tony
cornered her against the kitchen counter with his body. "Making love to you every night for the rest of our
Ellie turned her head away as Tony leaned in to kiss her. "I think you should leave."
"Give me a chance, Ells. Give us a chance to be a family."
"I have my family. Gabe and Sophie are all the family I'll ever need." Nicholas' image popped into her
mind and Ellie fleetingly smiled.
Tony saw the smile, took advantage of it and advanced on Ellie. His hands traced down to Ellie's
hips, settling there with disturbing familiarity. "Why do you keep pushing me away when you know how
good we are together?" He was in her red zone, face looming ever closer to hers. "You and I are one and
the same, Ells. We have history together, I know who you are...what you like..." Tony's hand around
Ellie's neck ceased her struggling.
The pressure wasn't enough to hurt, but the threat was very much there and Ellie couldn't have hated
him more in that moment. He smiled without humor, his body bearing down on her. "I know how you like
it, Ells." When his mouth crashed against her lips, Ellie bit down hard and yelped when he swiftly
backhanded her, sending her sprawling.
"I hate it when you make things so fucking difficult. Why can't you see things the way I see them?"
"Leave now and maybe I won't be tempted to press charges." Ellie conjured bravado like a shroud,
holding firm to it. She glared at him. "I mean it, Tony, get the fuck out of my house."
Tony angrily reached out, dug his fingers through her hair and yanked her up with enough force that
Ellie winced.
"Don't goad me into doing something I'll regret." He said irritably, capturing her jaw in a tight grip. He
forced her to look at him. "I'm sorry for hitting you. But you should've known better than to have bitten
Ellies attempt to remain calm proved difficult, but she managed while her mind worked, trying to
figure a way out of her current situation. She knew she shouldn't have trusted the two-faced snake. It was
stupid of her for giving him the benefit of the doubt. Now that mistake could prove to be her last, if she
didn't quickly think of something. Ellie forced her animosity down and looked at him, finding it hard to
believe that she'd once found his obsidian gaze mesmerizing.
"I didn't mean to bite you, Tone, but I didn't appreciate having your tongue down my throat." She said
evenly. "I understand you want us to be a family, but you have to understand that you can't just show up out
of the blue and expect everything to be perfect between us. I'm glad that you stopped using, but it's going
to take so much more than that for us to be a family." His grip slackened somewhat for which Ellie
breathed a sigh of relief.
"I know baby, I know," Tony's hands framed her face, the pads of his thumbs simultaneously caressing
Ellie's cheeks. "I know it takes time and I'm willing to stick around to make this work. But you have to
stop looking your pretty nose down at me." The hands tightened enough to make a pucker out of Ellie's
Taking advantage of his distraction, Ellie raised her knee and smashed it into Tony's solar plexus,
hastily shoving him away when he doubled over in pain. Armed with a butcher knife, Ellie hedged
towards the phone hanging on the wall and grabbed the headset. She pressed the "speak" button and heard
the dial tone beeping back at her.
"Put the fucking phone down, Ellie."
Ellie pressed the first two digits of 91, "Get the fuck out of my house before I have the cops swarming

this place, I'm sure they won't be too happy if they saw that in your pocket." She pointed with the butcher
knife at the syringe playing hide and seek from Tony's pant pocket.
Raising his hands in surrender, Tony slowly grinned. "Alright, I'm gone. But I'll be seeing you real
soon, Ells, believe that."
"Get the hell out!"
Ellie followed him, butcher knife firmly in hand; she didn't breathe until she slammed the door behind
her, setting the locks and door chain for good measure. Sophie's fervent cries pulled Ellie from her
temporary state of shock and too soon she was taking the stairs two at a time.

Sophie was standing in her crib, her hands holding tightly to the wooden bars. Her cries increased in
volume until Ellie gathered her in her arms. Gently, Ellie lowered Sophie's head to her shoulder and
rubbed her back in soothing circles.
"Shhh, it's Ok, Sophie, Mama's here now, it's Ok baby, shhh..." Ellie softly cooed as she bounced
Sophie up and down.
Having come to depend on Gabe's silent strength, Ellie wished he were there now instead of out with
his friends, but instantly admonished herself for her selfishness. Gabe had practically murdered his social
life for them. It was a wonder he even had friends left. For all the things he's done for them, Gabe
deserved some time for himself.
Releasing a shuddering breath, Ellie blinked away the tears. Her nerves were frayed and she had to
get herself under control, if she had any chance of soothing her daughter.
"Ok, sweetheart, how about you and I go downstairs and get something to drink, hmm?" On their way
out the door Ellie stopped to wipe at the tears on Sophie's cheeks.
"Nicky...want Nicky."
Ellie sighed at those hiccupped words. This wasn't exactly the first time Sophie had voiced her need
for the dark haired man who had become so much more to them both. Just earlier today, she had had to
quell a temper tantrum when Sophie had demanded that Ellie call Nicholas over so they could have
playtime. That had been around seven in the morning and Ellie hadn't been the least pleased.
But she really couldn't blame Sophie for missing Nicholas. Ellie missed him too, so much that it was
becoming a problem. She'd definitely fallen for him, so hard, so fast and so unexpectedly. Nicholas was
under her skin now and Ellie didn't know how to get rid of him. Despite what her mind said, her heart
refused to believe there was something sinister resting beneath that alluring smile.
The sound of the doorbell drew Ellie from her musings.
"Nicky!" Sophie cheered, lifting her head from Ellie's shoulder. She joyously clapped, her tears
forgotten as she bounced off her mother's hip.
"It's not, Nicky." Ellie stated firmly, her overzealous child naturally ignored her as they made their
trek to the first floor. She hoped it wasn't Tony either back for a second round. Just to be sure, Ellie
grabbed the phone from the last step, where she dropped both the phone and knife in her haste to reach
Cursing the fact that they didn't have a peephole, Ellie vowed she'd drill one before the week was out.
She took a fortifying breath before she unlocked both of the top locks, leaving the chain in place as she
opened the door.
"Nicky!" Sophie squirmed, attempting to free herself even while Ellie stared at her in amazement.
"Mama!" It seemed Ellie wasn't moving fast enough for her, so Sophie closed the door and struggled with
the chain.
"Ok, Ok, relax monster I'm getting to it." Ellie pulled the chain from its slot and reopened the door.
"Soph!" Nicholas easily caught her and laughed when she hugged him.
"Hey there, kiddo." He dropped a kiss on her forehead. "Did you miss me?"
Sophie vigorously shook her head. "Miss, Nicky."
"Missed you too, babe."
The scene evoked thoughts in Ellie that she wouldn't dare entertain. They weren't really even dating
yet, for Christ sakes!

Ellie shook her head to clear her thoughts. "Are you hungry?" God! She sounded like a housewife.
As if aware of her internal battle, Nicholas looked down at her with those unnerving stone grey eyes
and wittingly smiled at her expanse.
"I'm fine, thank you."
Ellie nodded. "Uh, come in, I was just going to grab some milk for Soph and then tuck her in."
"Mind if I help?"
"I don't think you have much of a choice." She said leading them first to the kitchen to grab Sophie's
sippy cup and then upstairs to Sophie's room. Nicholas set her down in her crib and with a fleeting run of
his fingers through her hair, stepped away, allowing Ellie to kiss her daughter goodnight. They exited
soon after and made their way back downstairs.
"She's been crooning for you all day; I think you've made her exceptionally happy just by showing up."
Ellie said with a smile. "She missed you."
"I missed her too," Nicholas took hold of her arm and turned Ellie to face him. "I missed you too." He
said poignantly then lowered his head to plunder the treasure that was Ellie's lips.
Ellie's eyes fluttered shut, welcoming the kiss. Nicholas gathered her close, his arms spanning her
waist and Ellie's hands settled on his shoulders, fingers trailing effortlessly to the hair at his nape. The
kiss was achingly gentle, so sweet that Ellie felt the goose bumps forming across her skin. Nicholas'
tongue brushed lightly against hers, a lover's caress. It whispered along her lips and left her wanting
more. The sensual thrill had her lightheaded and when Nicholas finally permitted Ellie breath, her knees
buckled and she would've fallen, had it not been for his unrelenting hold.
"Don't look so cocky," Ellie chided sighting that damnable smirk.
"I would never." The cocky smirk belied his words.
Nicholas instantly noticed the the burgeoning bruise on Ellie's cheek with a frown. "What happened?"
Ellie winced as Nicholas brushed the back of his fingers across her cheek and watched as his frown
"Tony happened, that two-faced junkie, I knew I shouldn't have trusted him."
Proud of how well he reined in his anger, Nicholas asked, "Are you alright?"
Ellie nodded, "I'm fine. He just caught me by surprise. I just feel so stupid for thinking he'd changed."
"Did you want him to?' he asked carefully.
"Well, yeah. Despite our history, I do wish him well. It's just---I don't know, it would've been nice to
see him clean, you know? Start a better a life for himself so he could finally be a part of Sophie's life."
Ellie wearily sighed, resting her head against Nicholas's shoulder. "I'm just glad you're here. Stay with
"You couldnt keep me away." He kissed her on top of her head, holding her close.

Nicholass fingers sifted through her hair stopping every now and then to soothingly scratch her scalp.
Ellie happily sighed. This was the most relaxed she'd been in a long while. The fingers in her hair, the
gentle circular motion of the hand at her back and the sound of Nicholas's steady heart beat beneath her
ear, lulled Ellie into a quiet sense of serenity.
The flickering scenes from the muted television screen cast shadows in the darkened living room.
Content in the comfortable silence, Ellie and Nicholas basked in the others company, speaking only when
absolutely necessary. The subject of Nicholas' family arose a while ago and Ellie had listened attentively
while Nicholas vented, providing an input only when he'd asked for it.
"Something else is bothering you." Ellie said a little while later, sensing the tension in his body. She
toyed with the silver pendant hanging from the chain around his neck. "I can feel it. Talk to me, Nicky."
The Bet. The dreaded thought smashed against the walls of Nicholas's mind like a deathly blow and he
winced. Several times over the last few weeks he'd tried to come up with the best way to tell Ellie about
the Bet, but none of the scenarios he'd conjured had been pleasant. Now Nicholas was forced to tell her
and he didn't know exactly how to go about doing that.
Ellie sensed Nicholass agitation. She immediately rose and stared at him, concern in her expressive
hazel eyes. Guilt and sorrow had him on tenterhooks, bile skimmed the back of Nicholas' throat and he
had to swallow a few times to rid himself of the bitterness. He pulled away from the hand that reached out
to comfort him, knowing that he didn't deserve her comfort.
Nicholas held up his hands, cutting off Ellie. With growing concern, Ellie watched as he raked his
fingers through his hair. He sighed heavily, the weight of the world seemingly on his shoulders. Ellie
made another attempt to touch him but was taken aback by the forceful "No." that followed Nicholas's
abrupt rise from the couch.
"Don'tjust don't" The anguish painted on his face had Ellie on her feet.
"Nicholas," she hedged closer, taking his hands in hers when he allowed her close enough. "God
Nicky, you're shaking. What is it? You're scaring me." He was usually so composed and grounded, so to
see him this way unnerved Ellie.
The fear on her face didn't help matters at all. Nicholas blew out a sigh, hoping that an ounce of the
misery flooding his lungs would escape with it.
"I've done some pretty fucked up things in my life and I've have never, ever felt the need to repent for
them. I've purposefully hurt people to make them feel as horribly as I felt inside." He pulled away from
her, knowing he wouldn't be able to withstand the revulsion that would inevitably come, once he'd
explained his misdeeds.
"What are you saying?" Ellie asked, watching him as he paced the length of her living room.
"I'm saying that I intentionally slept with people, made them fall in love with me and destroyed them in
the worst possible way. You were my next conquest. I took a bet out on you, Ellie, vowing that I'd get you
in bed within a month and get proof of the deed, all for a goddamned bike."
It would've been more effective had he reached into her chest and yanked out her heart with his bare
hands. Breathing was a challenge, forming words was nearly impossible. The fact that she even managed
to take a step back from him as he reached out for her was a feat.
"Ellie pleaseplease"

"A bet?" she asked softly, voice sounding strange to even her own ears.
"Only for the first two weeks, Ellie, I swear it to you." Ellie took another step back as Nicholas took
one forward.
"That's supposed to make it better? I let you get close, Nicholas...let you get near my daughter and you
took a fucking bet on me? You deliberately set out to hurt me?" She sounded incredulous. The notion of
his betrayal seemed inconceivable.
Nicholas could've settled for her enmity, even if she'd threatened bodily harm he would've been able
to withstand it. But this---this raw hurt frozen over glassy hazel eyes was just too much.
With lightening quick reflexes Nicholas gathered her in his embrace, his grip unyielding, holding
steadfast in the face of her struggles. With the passion of a thousand fools in love, he declared it so. "I'm a
selfish, cruel and possessive guy, have been for all my life. But the very moment I'm in your presence, the
very moment you smile at me, I want to be a different man. I become a different man." His words were
fever hot against her ear and when he pulled her away, Nicholas anchored his gaze to hers, needing her to
understand the depths of his emotions.
He needed her to understand the drastic changes his soul was undergoing. It was all for her, because
of her. "I can stand here and tell you how much I regret taking on that bet, Ellie, but I can't do that. Meeting
you, getting to know you, being around you has been the best thing that's ever happened to me."
Their foreheads and bodies pressed achingly close together that it barely left room for anything else.
"It physically hurts me to know that I've hurt you like this and I'm so sorry, Ellie. Pleaseplease forgive
me." Words provoked tears, blurring her vision.
"Why should I believe you?" she croaked glaring up at him despite the tears that fell.
"Because I love you." He emphatically replied. "I love you so much that it scares me, Ellie. But life
isn't life without you. I'm a better me because of you."
What exactly was a girl to say after all that? A declaration of undying love from a man who didn't
even seem capable of understanding the depths behind those words. Yet, here he was, the venerable
reincarnate of Casanova himself surrendering his heart at her feet and had Ellie not seen it herself, she
would've never believed it possible.
The depths of his emotions were written across his face, the intensity in steel grey eyes so daunting
that Ellie had to look away. If Nicholas was lying to her, then Ellie truly had to give it up to him because
no one could fake that depth of emotion.
"Did you call it off?" She was dying to speak the three letter words pinching at her lips, but first Ellie
needed to understand a few things.
She pulled away from him, but still allowed him to hold her hands. "And Maddie, she was part of your
games, wasn't she? That's why she didn't want me to be around you?" God, poor Maddie. The pain she
must've felt.
She'd expected it, but the answer still felt like a punch to the stomach.
"Am I the last?" Nicholas's grip on her hand tightened to the point where Ellie feared for her fingers.
"I swear it." He said fervently.
Her smile was slow in coming, still wary. She tentatively wound her arms around his neck and hugged
him. "Good." She said simply, incapable of saying those three little words in her current mood.
Realizing he'd been given a second chance, Nicholas held her tightly, praying to whatever deity that
was looking out for him that he wouldn't screw up this time.

Chapter Nine
Her grandmother sat in a near apoplectic state of shock. Maddie sat across from her, toying with the
frayed sleeves of her hooded sweater. She nearly jumped out of her skin when a hand came to rest on her
shoulder, remembering suddenly that they were not alone.
Her concerned "friend" at her side. Tony sat on the armrest of the loveseat Maddie was in, tenderly
caressing her neck and Maddie was filled with the need to shrug off that hand. But she wouldn't dare,
Tony would cut her off.
Pregnant, Maddie? Howhow?"
She'd always believed her a sweet little girl, virginalsaintly. Maddie inwardly scoffed at that,
wondering how her grandmother would react if she told her she'd participated in her very first orgy only
last night? Three guys, one girl. Tony had rewarded her pretty damn well after that.
Summoning enough tears to the surface, Maddie wrung her hands, bit her bottom lip and put enough
tremble in her voice to make it believable. "I wasI was raped." Just like they'd practiced.
Tony inwardly grinned. Like a marionette being pulled along on invisible strings, the decrepit hag ran
to her granddaughter's side and began to anxiously drill her about what happened. "Who raped you?"
Yes, everything was falling into place. With everyone playing their parts so perfectly, he wouldnt
need to do a damn thing. It would only be a matter of time before he had Ellie again.

"Are you sure about this? I could just stay home"

Gabe sighed and glared at his goddaughter. "For the last time, Ellie, go. Soph and I will be just fine
without you here for the weekend. Go have fun, be a teenager for once."
Ellie lugged the duffel bag over her shoulder. "You do realize this trip is going to be a bunch of
teenagers alone in a mountain cabin for two and Nicholas..."
"Do you want me to forbid you to go? Is that what you want to hear?"
"No, but I am wondering why you aren't going ballistic on me knowing that I'm going to be with
Nicholas. You just don't seem too phased by this."
Gabe shrugged. "I trust you. You're a smart girl. I know you won't let something happen that you're not
ready to let happen. I may not trust Nicholas, but I know I like him a hell of a lot more than I like Tony."
"Thanks Gabe, I know how difficult it is for you to accept him and I love you for trying." Their
embrace was cut short by the sound of the doorbell. Ellie's excitement had Gabe rolling his eyes as he
followed her to the door.
"Nicholas." Gabe acknowledged, Nicholas nodded in turn then took Ellie's bag away from her. "She
comes back pregnant, I'll rip your throat out."
"Wouldn't have it any other way."
"Kiss Soph goodnight for me Gabe, I'll see you Sunday night." With a kiss on the cheek and a wave
goodbye, Ellie followed Nicholas to the ridgeline.

There was something incredibly sensual in the unassuming way Ellie ate her food that had Nicholas
shifting in his seat on several occasions during their meal. It was a small, quiet dinner for two set by the
solitary housekeeper of the cedar wood cabin belonging to Matt's parents.
Rita, the housekeeper, was a rail thin woman in her mid-forties with sinfully dark hair, graying slightly
at the temples. She was a sweet woman with a kind matronly smile that had instantly put Ellie at ease.
She'd informed them upon their arrival earlier that afternoon that she was both chef and housekeeper and
could be called any time to ask for whatever they wanted. She'd disappeared soon after into the kitchen
and hadn't reemerged until a half an hour ago to set up their dinner.
The cabin, which Nicholas knew like the back of his hand because he and Matt had spent enough time
here, was small and quaint, with no more than one bedroom, a small living room, a bathroom and the one
kitchen in the back of the house.
He'd given Ellie a brief tour, taking her outside to see the small lake that made up the backyard. The
large pine trees within the area added seclusion from the town. Once they'd settled in, they'd taken a drive
into town, exploring the quaint boutiques that queued down Main Street.
Ellie purchased several items for Sophie, including the handmade mittens, the kitten plushes, she
swore to Nicholas her daughter would love and the knitted blue trimmed hat and scarf for Gabe. With
Nicholas bragging about Ripley's Caf making the best hot chocolate around, Ellie allowed him to treat
her to a mug. The hot chocolate, sprinkled with cinnamon and swimming with tiny marshmallow had been
exceptionally good. With snow imminent, they'd finally returned to the cabin, just in time to see the snow
Dinner was comprised of a small Caesar salad and Farfalle pasta in creamy wild mushroom sauce.
Dessert was fruit custard; Nicholas couldn't eat but enjoyed watching Ellie consume.
Nicholas cleared his throat and picked up the wine stem. He took sip of the aged beverage to cleanse
his mouth. The potency of the wine only added to the headiness already fogging his brain. "Are you
enjoying your food?"
Ellie peered up from her empty dessert plate, the look in inscrutable pewter eyes had her flushed. "Uh--yeah." She bit her bottom lip, averting her gaze. She could feel his stare like a torch, scorching hot.
The air between them vibrated, the sexual energy danced around them like nymphs on gossamer wings
silently coaxing them to give in to baser instinct. Seated across from him, Ellie felt the enticement; sh was
so achingly aware of him that she felt the effects between her legs.
Ellie emulated Nicholas and reached for her own stemware, filled halfway with water and drank
"Dance with me?" he stood by her chair, holding out his hand for hers.
Ellie licked her lips and stared up at him. "There isn't any music." She said dimly.
"Humor me." Ellie didn't even realize "No" was an option when Nicholas looked at her the way he
did. She stood from her chair and dropped her hand in his palm.
He instantly swept her into his arms and held her impossibly close, the gentle strength lying beneath
his wool sweater comforting her. Firmly pressed together, from sternum to thighs and all in between, the

differences between their bodies was not lost on Ellie. Vaguely, she wondered how it was possible that
they could fit so perfectly together. But all thoughts escaped her as she was forced to give her complete
attention to the man who conquered her heart.
They didn't need music, words or even looks to relay exactly how they felt in that moment. Time was
lost to them, the world ceased to exist. Together, Ellie and Nicholas whirled around the enclosed sitting
room. The dying embers of the stone fireplace illuminated the room and cast an orange glow, adding to the
ambiance of their little world. In sync, utterly spellbound, they danced to the melody only they could hear.
"I need to kiss you." It was a desperate whisper uttered softly along the shell of Ellie's ear.
Passion that echoed in her veins showed brightly in his hooded eyes. "So kiss me."
"Yeah?" Nicholas did not allow her to break eye contact.
"Yeah." Ellie whispered back.
There was nothing chaste, sweet or gentle in the way he kissed her. His tongue pillaged the very
moans from her mouth, so sweet, so warm. She eagerly met his tongue, thrust for thrust, their passion
scorching them both. Nicholas could not get enough. Ellie's mouth was an endless fountain of sweet
delight and each time he tasted, he yearned for more. He had a sweet tooth and she was the sugared
antidote. His teeth gently pulled at her lips, nipped and scraped along her jaw and down the column of her
neck with uncontained frenzy.
It was a fire that consumed him, unlike anything he'd ever felt, the cure, the whimpering girl he held in
his arms. Nicholas was beyond thought he only acted on what he felt. His hands raced down Ellie's back,
grabbed her ass with bruising strength and drew her intimately close.
"Nngh..." she stifled a moan, his thigh pressed against her throbbing sex. Ellie felt him long and hard
through the layers of clothing, pulsating. She panted against his chest, drawing his cologne into her lungs
with each breath. Emotions, rampant and raw, thrashed through her core like insurmountable waves and
Ellie feared she'd be swept away by the storm Nicholas was creating in her.
Nicholas' ragged breaths warmed and cooled against Ellie's kiss-swollen lips, foreheads pressed
together, Nicholas said "Stop me now." he closed his eyes as if pained. "Tell me to stop now, Ellie. If
not, I can't promise I'll stop later."
The fact that he cared to propose the idea in their raw state had Ellie throwing the last remnants of her
inhibition out the window and with a leering smile captured Nicholas's lips in a searing kiss.
"I don't want you to stop."
She gave a small squeal as he effortlessly scooped her from the floor and carried her to the couch. He
knelt before her, his eyes feasting on her.
She was so beautiful; laying there for Nicholas's viewing pleasure alone that he could not help but
stoop down and steal a kiss. It was hungry, heated and hard, telling of the desire and passion that lay in
them both. Eagerly, Ellie met his tongue, full, warm and ever so sweet; it caressed his own in a languid
brush of teasing flesh. Her desire drove the heat in Nicholas' veins to boiling, but restraint was what he
would aspire for. Now was not for his rampant lust, but solely the pleasure of the woman who so easily
enslaved him with her smile. Ellie's pleasure was Nicholas' desire to fulfill.
"What are you thinking about?" her fingers brushed his cheek, drawing Nicholas from his reverie.
"You." he said candidly, his hands snaked down to her outer thighs in a languid caress.
She smiled; the blush dancing across her cheeks endeared her that much more to Nicholas."Me...?
What about me?"
"I want to eat you." He said, his voice filled with longing.
"So then eat me." Ellie whispered invitingly, hazel eyes smoldering, tantalizing Nicholas to a
playground of debauchery and sin, the sweetest of all sins. She had him on tenterhooks, salivating like a

beast, all too ready to rut. There was a need pulsating in him, greater even than that to lay plunder to
Ellie's mouth, which he did with unrestrained gusto. His hands roamed, divesting all vestiges of clothing
until all that lay between them was nothing but skin; Heated, smooth, flawless caramel mocha skin, so rich
in color, so supple in texture that Nicholas did not know which to do first. Kiss? Or lick? Suck? Or fuck?
He began with the former and worked languidly down to the latter.
Inch by sweet inch, he showered Ellie with kisses, licked and teased her nipples to hardened twin
points, and when he took them again into his mouth, he induced a gasp and moan that went straight to his
cock. With every flick of his tongue across the pebbled peaks, Ellie arched further and further off the bed,
offering her gloriously curvaceous body for Nicholas' ravishment, mewling while Nicholas
wholeheartedly gorged himself. There was not an inch of her lover Nicholas was not eager to sample. He
made love to Ellie's navel, the flat surface of her abdomen was a temptation that called out to his
rapacious tongue.
But the apex of her was what finally drew Nicholas downward. Face framed between the junction of
Ellie's thighs, he leered, meeting her hooded gaze, he grinned wickedly before descending his lips to
devour her. The very first taste of her nearly undid him. She melted, radiated on his tongue, red hot,
indescribable; he tormented her with all he had. She sang for him, her fervent cries of passion
championed him to continue.
His insatiable tongue teased, gathered the essence of her in his mouth and savored it like juices from
the proverbial fruit itself. Ellie bucked beneath him, sending slim hips off the mattress to which Nicholas
brought back down. He wrapped his arms around her thighs to hold her still. Prodding, tugging, kissing,
licking, suckling until all he could see, taste, smell, touch, and hear was Ellie. There was nothing else for
Nicholas, no one else, but this woman and her pleasure.
"Nicky!" Ellie drew in a sharp intake of breath, her body bowing beneath his hands, her hands sinking
in his hair, tugging and holding him close to her milky sex and then she screamed. Her soul fell back to
earth, slamming into her body; she laid limp, all sense of thought having escaped her.
Something primal, very male, overtook Nicholas as he watched her catch her breath. And as sure as he
knew that the sun came up every morning and set every night, he knew that Ellie belonged to him. This
was it. She was his and he, hers. He took possession of her lips, needing her like food, like air.

"Wow..." Ellie brought her hand to her fluffy robed chest and stood in awe at the beautiful scene set
out before her. Right there, only inches away from where she stood was the porcelain master tub
brimming with frothy white bubbles. Petals of roses trailed a crimson path from the doorway to the three
steps leading up to the tub, dotting the bubbles. Around the tub and at the frosted window sill were
aromatic candles that perfumed the air with the scent of juniper and citrus.
"Come join me," Nicholas invited from the tub.
Without a moment's hesitation, Ellie disrobed and joined Nicholas in the large tub that could've
comfortably accommodated at least three more people. Ellie grinned, submerging herself in the hot water
as she leaned back and blissfully sighed.
"Thank you for inviting me." She said with a smile.
Nicholas approached her. "There isn't anyone else I would've asked."
She was vain enough to admit to herself how much that statement pleased her. When he was close
enough, Ellie leaned forward and stole a kiss. "Good..." She wrapped her arms around his neck and
licked his lips. "I want to be the only one." She kissed his chin, his cheeks and inwardly smiled when she
flicked her tongue around his earlobe and he shuddered in her arms.
Beneath the surface of the water, Ellie could feel him growing, his length like velvet steel against her
thigh. Feeling incredibly empowered by his reaction, she continued on her ministration making sure to pay
extra attention to that spot just behind his left ear.
"Greedy aren't you?" Nicholas nearly swallowed his tongue as her hands found his aching cock
beneath the water.
"Extremely." Their gazes locked, Ellie licked her lips and grinned as Nicholas' cock filled her hand.
She slowly ran the pad of her thumb across the capped tip. "I hate sharing when it comes to my men."
"Christ..."Nicholas groaned as Ellie's hand jerked upwards and slowly descended.
The thick corded organ twitched and pulsed in Ellie's hand as he glowered at her. "Men?"
"Uh and all those other guys in my Abercrombie and Fitch catalog. I don't think I'm ready to
give up those beautiful specimens of masculine beauty."
Nicholas' growl was the only warning Ellie received before she was pinned against the tub, his mouth
crashed against hers. She hissed, pleasure and pain in Nicholas' mouth as he pinched her nipples. She
squirmed deliciously for him.
"Those guys don't have shit on me."
Ellie raised soapy hands and cupped Nicholas's face. "None at all." Slick fingers found her where she
needed them the most and gently entered her one torturous digit at a time. It wasn't long before her hips
moved in time to Nicholas's deft fingers.
"Oh..." Ellie breathed out as Nicholas' fingers grazed at her core. Need you, Nicky." Ellie softly
panted, reaching the point where she could take no more.
"Are you sure?"
Ellie kissed Nicholas' nose and gently smiled as lust clouded eyes stared back at her. "Positive."
The fingers disappeared, replaced by the unforgiving blunt tip of Nicholas's veined cock. He entered
her with deliberate slowness, filling her inch by inch. The soapy water made it painless and when he was
buried to the hilt, Ellie wrapped her arms around his neck. Nestled between the slick tub and Nicholas'
hard body, she finally released her breath.
"Are you okay?" Nicholas asked gruffly, his face strained. It took all he had not to propel his hips
forward. He set his hands on opposite sides of her body and gripped the edge of the tub with herculean

"I'm not going to break Nicky, please move." Just to prove her point she deliberately rolled his hips
and groaned as Nicholas cock pulsed in her.
Succumbing to her pleas, Nicholas drove his hips forward; the first thrust jarred the breath from both
their lungs, the second, sent the water sloshing to the floor. They fell into rhythm, giving and taking,
perfectly matched; symbiotic. Nicholas kissed her, long, hard, deep, his tongue emulating his cock.
Ellie whimpered, nearing, ever nearing that fathomless precipice, begging, praying that Nicholas
would shove her over the edge. Nicholas however, refused to let her fall just yet as he labored to prolong
her release.
"NickyNicky please" Ellie felt as if she were coming apart, every inch of her shattering in a
million little pieces.
The overall onslaught became too much for Ellie as she moaned and gasped, needing to come. She
screamed and held on to him, her lifeline. She came with shuddering breaths, her wall clenched hot and
greedy around him.
Nicholas' release came fast, cleaving through his core like a bullet. He gave one long, deep thrust
before coming with a groan, filling her with the essence of himself.
Their breathing reverberated off the bathroom walls and mindlessly, Ellie wondered whether the
housekeeper had heard them.
"You're fucking exquisite." Nicholas murmured against her neck, still buried inside her.
Ellie smiled and kissed his cheek. "You're not so bad yourself."

Nicholas watched Ellie sleep, his guilty pleasure number one, while mindlessly twirling his cigarette
between his fingers. They had made love twice more after the tub and she'd fallen asleep about an hour
ago, just before dawn. He grinned as he remembered the way she'd blushed when shed seen them against
the floor length mirror in the master bedroom.
He didn't ever want to leave this place. It'd been bliss being with her, loving her, talking to her,
sharing everything that came to mind. He wasn't ready to leave all of this behind and could he keep them
here forever, Nicholas would've given his left nut so they could. But he knew tomorrow afternoon they
would leave here, leave their secluded paradise to return to the harsh realities of the world and that
grated most of all.
Ellie shifted in sleep, causing the cream colored duvet to slip further off her hip. Unable to fight
temptation where she was concerned, Nicholas lowered his head and tenderly pressed his lips to her
exposed hipbone.
"You can't begin to imagine how much I love you." He uttered, thumbing at her velvet cheek.
Nicholas stood with every intention of heading to the terrace to grab a smoke but the sudden ring of his
cell had him taking a detour. No one except Gabe and Matt knew where they were and the latter knew
better than to call him at five in the fucking morning.
Nicholas searched for the elusive cell phone from where hed discarded his clothes on the brocade
chair. He finally found it beneath his sweater. He flipped it around to shut off the ringtone before it awoke
Ellie when he paused, his father's number flashed across the screen.
Nicholas frowned. What the hell could be so important that would have his father calling him? He
hadnt done anything recently to warrant the call. Although Charles Grayson didnt really need a reason to
call and bitch at his son. Waking up in the morning was enough to sour the old bastards mood.
The phone quieted for a scant few minutes before continuing its persistent ring. Nicholas knew his
father would not stop until he answered the phone.
Nicholas set the phone to his ear. "Father--"
"Reassure me that your erratic exploits havent come to the point where you must rape insipidly nave
girls to get my attention, because I assure you, if they have than you have my complete and undivided
attention, Nicholas."
Charles Grayson did not sound the least bit pleased.

"He's going to hate me. I don't want to do this anymore. I shouldn't have listened to you." Huddled in
the corner of Tony's one bedroom apartment, Maddie brought her knees to her chest and glared up at the
pacing figure of her agitated tormentor. She licked her chapped lips, hastily swallowing the acidic fingers
of bile clawing at her throat.
This was the first time in a long while that she'd been this coherent; the effects of the drugs Tony had
plied her with were wearing off and Maddie was determined to take full advantage of it. "It was a stupid
plan! He's going to see right through it and when he does, he's going to come after you!"
Tony reared his head, raven hair flying. "Me? Don't you mean us? You were there with me when we
had your gran make the call to his father." He fell to his knees and glowered menacingly at Maddies tear
stained face. "Now you listen to me. You're going to continue being a good little bitch and go through with
this stupid plan."
He pressed her face against the white wall and wrapped his fingers around her neck. "Otherwise, I
might be forced to play doctor and prematurely remove that bag of cells from your womb while your
lovely Gran watches." Maddie clawed at his hand, lack of oxygen painted her face a sickly blue.
Darkness at the fringes of her vision threatened to pull her under.
"Don't fuck with me little girl. Remember that you came to me for help, so try to act like youre
grateful, Ok?" Maddies head jerked awkwardly in affirmation before he released her.
He loomed over her, a menacing shadow, and Maddie wanted nothing more than to melt into the wall.
He stooped down to drop a kiss on her head. "The path to victory is never an easy one. Remember that
Maddie and you might get far." It was only after she heard Tony leave the room that Maddie allowed the
tears to fall, her sobs racking her body as she wept.
It was as though she were standing ankle deep in quicksand, slowly being pulled under by the weight
of her stupidity. She was alone, scared and resembled a shell of herself. She was now an addict and a
whore. She had pushed away the only person who had even remotely given a damn about her and for
what? A guy who didn't even know she existed? A guy who she professed to love and yet was readily
content to destroy? Just to be left with his enmity? His disgust?
God, she was such a waste of space.
She walked to the bathroom on wobbly legs and closed the door behind her. Stopping short at the
image reflected back at her from the small mirror hanging over the sink. She looked like death warmed
over. Listless pools of aquamarine rimmed red and swollen stared back at her from a face that could've'
given the Grim Reaper a run for his money.
Her ordinarily pale skin appeared sallow, the only color coming from the angry bruises littering the
surface of her skin. Her colorless lips appeared chapped, bruised, ugly. Her hair lay oily and limp against
her face, unbound from their signature plaits fell pass her drooping shoulders.
Definitely a waste of space. Fucking ugly waste of space.
Walking away from the mirror in disgust, Maddie had never hated herself more. Like a creeping fog,
cold and thick, the depression set in and this time, Maddie didn't have the strength or the want to fight it.
In the shower, beneath the skin scalding sprays of water, she scratched her skin raw. In her manic actions,
she was meticulous, scrubbing to an almost painful degree until she bled.
The blood did not hinder her it only pushed Maddie to do more. The water stung, within her wounds
she created more wounds, fissures created by tiny fingernails, from a hand that trembled. Her actions

drove her completely mad. Maddie had little knowledge of the sobs that racked her body.
Later, Maddie was on Tony's bed. She hadn't been home in a while, so she'd borrowed a shirt. With
the cordless phone in one hand and the other hand on her belly, she nodded to herself, resolved to do what
she planned. Doing the first unselfish thing since she'd gotten with Tony, Maddie dialed a number she'd
wanted to call for so long now.
Her gaze on the door, heart beating incessantly loud in her chest, Maddies legs shook as she waited
for Ellie to answer the phone. Six rings and Maddie was ready to give up, but the "Hello" on the other
line caused her to release a breath.
"Can I speak with, Ellie?"
"Ellie isn't home right now. Can I take a message?" Panic and disappointed tasted like sawdust. What
the hell was she going to do now? She couldn't call her Gran; she was far more involved in this than
Maddie had ever wanted. It was either her life or Maddies and no matter how dire the situation, Maddie
wanted her Grandmother alive.
Her voice shook as she spoke. "Yeahcan you please tell her I called
"What the fuck do you think you're doing!" He yanked the phone away from her ear and tossed across
the room before Maddie could even comprehend the situation.
"Are you fucking stupid?! Or do just enjoy acting like youre mentally disabled?!"He smacked her
across the face and Maddies ears rung from the blow. She cried out as his fingers knotted through her
hair, snapping her head back to meet his angry gaze. "Look at me!"
Another slap and a shove onto the mattress had Maddie ready to empty the contents of her stomach all
over herself. "I told you," The bed dipped, jostling her body as he hopped on the mattress. He raised his
leg and set his foot on her slightly round belly. I fucking told you not to fuck with me! Do you think this is
a game?
The pressure of his foot weighed down a little more. If your stupidity has caused me the chance to be
with Ellie, I swear to God I will make you rue the day your parents ever thought of having you!" The foot
remained for another eternal second before the pressure eased. Maddie didnt realize shed been holding
her breath until this very second.
"Get the fuck up and get dressed. We have shit to do."
She'd messed up. Seriously and irrevocably messed up a situation Maddie no longer knew how to pull
herself away from---without risking the life of Nicholas's child.

Nicholas was just slightly irritated when he finally arrived home. He killed the engine of his bike and
hopped off, making his way to the mansion.
His irritation stemmed mostly from the fact that hed had to leave Ellie earlier than theyd planned.
Their time together had been far too brief for his liking. Had this been another time he wouldve
cheerfully told his father to go to hell. But Nicholas wanted to believe he was a changed man and so with
Ellies advice, hed come to hear what his father had up his sleeve.
There was always something with Charles Grayson. This time apparently, it was some girl claiming
that Nicholas raped her. It was more than likely a ruse, another ploy to bring him to heel. His father was
full of those.
Nicholas had never begged or even coerced a lover to his bed since---well never. It'd always been
consensual and up until Ellie, Nicholas had obliged them their sordid fantasies while reaping his own
pleasure in the process. Itd always been a win-win situation. This was why Nicholas knew his fathers
claim was complete and utter crap.
With determined strides, he headed to the back of the mansion where Charles kept his home office.
The very first thing Nicholas noticed when he entered his fathers office was the cloying stench of
superiority. A self-righteous air his father used to intimidate those he believed inferior to him. It weighed
heavy in the air, nearly tangible Nicholas could taste it on his tongue.
His guard was immediately up. Defenses hed worked so hard disabling over the last few months
were instantly in place, armed and ready for anything his father would no doubt throw his way.
"Have your antics jumped to felony now?"
The formidable Grayson patriarch stood in all his six foot three inch glory, the epitome of a
displeased tycoon, he followed his son's progress with hawk-like eyes. The rhythmic tapping of his cane
stifled by the Aubusson carpet, he waited for a response from his disappointment of a progeny.
"Hello to you too, father. How was your flight from Japan? Pleasing, I hope?" Nicholas was proud to
be the one to put that permanent scowl on his father's face.
He sauntered to the liquor cabinet in the far right corner and withdrew the whiskey decanter and
poured himself a glass.
"Does propriety mean nothing to you?"
"I'm not particularly familiar with that lesson, father, please run that by me again. On second thought,
give me the latest tabloid magazine and Ill study yours and mother's examples of decorum." He
mockingly raised his glass to his father before tipping it back.
"Continue to act the ill-mannered wastrel, Nicholas and I will not hesitate to strike you were it hurts
most. Do not think me incapable of doing so." His father's tone chilled Nicholas's spine, the underlying
threat not lost on him.
"Not to worry, I haven't been stupid enough to underestimate you since I was nine. I, more than most,
know how loving you can be. So as much as I would love to take this pointless walk down memory lane,
I'm quite pressed for time, so do me the favor of telling me why you are here or get the hell out, sir." The
last part was said with derisive contempt that deepened Charles's scowl.
"My personal assistant has informed me that a woman has been incessantly calling my downtown
office since Tuesday, claiming you have sexually violated her granddaughter resulting in her pregnancy.
She has asked her to be rightly compensated."
"And exactly how much is she asking for?"

"She demands you marry her granddaughter or she goes to the papers."
"Really father, Id thought youd come up with something far more clever than this.
"You know I am not one to play tricks, Nicholas. The girl's name is Madeline Tate." The name
instantly swiped Nicholas's grin from his lips.
"Does the name ring a bell?" Charles asked snidely, attempting to discern the play of emotion on his
son's face.
"She's lying." He said evenly, but his fingers clenched just a bit tighter around the tumbler in his hand.
"Make sure that she is Nicholas. I will not have your idiotic display of childish rebellion sully the
Grayson name. Your mother has done that enough. I will leave it to you to handle the situation
accordingly; fail me in this and I will make life for that girl youve been cavorting with very unpleasant."
Nicholas advanced on his father with every intention of making him eat his words, but seemed to think
better of it at the sudden rise of the cane. Unpleasant memories from his childhood flashed in his mind of
that cane and the agony it'd wrought. He stood rooted to the spot in paralytic fear.
"You didn't think I was aware of your recent activities? Oh yes, I have been informed of your every
escapade and I know that you seem to have grown an affinity for this Eleanor Holbrook and her child. I
will presume that you are sowing your oats and will disengage yourself soon."
"I didn't realize you were undertaking a business venture in espionage."
"I invest in what belongs to me, Nicholas."
"Stay the hell away from her."
"Try your damndest not to disappoint me. He turned his back to Nicholas, a clear dismissal and
headed back to his desk.

"Motherfucker!" His fist smashed into the nearest wall and Nicholas relished the agony that bloomed
from his bruised knuckles to his arm in numbing explosion. Adrenaline mixed in with just the slightest bit
of fear and anger had Nicholas ready to destroy something. It took a great amount of mental strength to
temper the need.
Nicholas' hatred for the man was staggering and he hadn't realized how crippling it was until now.
Jesus Christ! He hadn't felt this way for quite some time now.
Charles was a malicious man who relished toying with his enemies. He knew exactly when and where
to strike to have them begging for mercy and he was now using those ruthless tactics on his son. Charles
was using this rape situation to bring Nicholas to heel. He wanted Nicholas to dutifully bend to his will;
he wanted to mold him into a heartless replica of himself so that one day, Nicholas would oversee
Charles' multi-million dollar empire. Those were the wants and wishes of a megalomaniac father who
believed himself the reincarnate of a Roman Emperor.
Nicholas had always known his father to be a little off kilter, but then that was why hed had enjoyed
pissing him off. Now the bastard was threatening Ellie and Sophie and Nicholas knew those threats
werent empty ones.
With emotions running high, the walls of his bedroom seemed to be moving in on him, driving
Nicholas further off the edge. He grabbed his keys and he hurried out the door. The need to see Ellie was
undeniably strong.

Mother and daughter saw no one else as they joyfully embraced. Knowing Ellie's bag was an accident
waiting to happen, Gabe picked it and set it aside while watching the happy reunion. Not having expected
Ellie until later tonight, Gabe was pleasantly surprised to have her back so early, although he wondered if
anything happened with Nicholas.
"Miss Mama," Sophie declared, settling a hand on her mother's puckered lips.
"Missed you too, baby." Ellie noisily kissed Sophie's hand, then her cheeks and then her tummy,
causing a riot of giggles to ring through the house.
The clearing of a throat finally drew Ellie's attention away from Sophie and land on to the smiling face
of---"Ms, Lawson!" what in God's name was her drama teacher doing here? Ellie wondered. "Am I in
Victoria Lawson smiled. "No, No, Ellie, I'm here visiting your uncle."
"Ronnie's an old school friend of mine from college actually. Why would you be in trouble?"
"No reason," she hastily replied only to blush as both Ms. Lawson and Gabe turned curious eyes her
way. "Ms. Lawson, welcome to our home I'm sure Gabe and Sophie have kept you well entertained."
A look that Ellie realized that she and Nicholas sometimes shared when they thought no one else was
looking, passed between Gabe and Ms. Lawson and she inwardly smiled. These two were seriously
"Your daughter is an absolute delight, Ellie. When I look at her, it makes me want to have kids." That
look passed between them again and Ellie laughed when Gabe coughed and looked down at his feet.
"This is priceless, I knew I'd like you the minute I met you, Ms. Lawson. Anyone who can make Gabe
blush right down to his roots is definitely okay in my book. Welcome to the family!"
"Ronnie, please, and...thanks?"
Ellie laughed as she followed them to the kitchen, holding Sophie close. "So, how long have you been
going out?"
"Ellie." Gabe warned, turning from the boiling pot to glare at his grinning goddaughter.
"What? It was an innocent question."
"One that isn't your business---"
"Three months." Ronnie cut in.
Ellie's eyes widened, "Three months! And you didn't even bother to share this joyful news with me?
Im hurt." Ellie shook her head, feigning disappointment.
"We both know you're nosy, Ellie. You would've found out eventually."
"You call it nosy. I call it harmless curiosity."
"Youre home earlier than expected. Did something happen?"
Ellie set Sophie on her feet and held her hands as she playfully walked in place. "Nicholas had family
problems he needed to take care of." She said mindlessly, her thoughts on what had transpired the night
before with Nicholas. Being with him had been everything Ellie had ever expected and so much more.
She had tingles just thinking about it. "Uh---I'm going to go take a shower. I'll be down in a little bit." She
handed Sophie off to Gabe with a kiss and headed upstairs.

Chapter Ten
It had to be a sin to be this happy, Ellie thought silently, catching a glimpse of her smiling face in the
mirror. Dark hazel eyes stared back at her from a face flushed slightly pink from the scorching hot shower
she'd just taken.
"You look like a goofball." She murmured at the image shaking her head as she headed out of the
bathroom. She needed to think of other things besides Nicholas and his abilities to make her feel this
But no matter how hard she tried, Ellie just couldn't seem to get him out of her head. And why would
she want to? Their time at the cabin, however short it may have been was something Ellie would hold
dear to her heart for as long as she lived. The sex had been spectacular, but the friendship they shared, the
connection he had with Sophie was what cemented Ellie's love for Nicholas.
Deep in thought, Ellie didn't realize there was someone else in the room until it was too late. A large
hand covered her mouth preventing her scream even while a large body pushed her against the bathroom
door, restricting any struggle. The dim lighting in the room didn't permit her a chance to look at her
assailant's face ,but it was the familiar scent of cedar wood combined with something all too Nicholas
that finally set Ellie at ease.
Before Ellie's racing heart could return to its steady beats, Nicholas mouth replaced his hand and
hungrily savaged her mouth. The volcanic heat from the night before erupted, melting hot between her
thighs. Ellie tilted her to the side allowing Nicholas better access to her neck. She moaned as teeth
scraped over her pulse before gently licking the spot.
"Nicky," Ellie gasped as his lips enveloped a nipple, his fingers searched her out beneath the towel
she held futilely in her hands. She arched forward, wanting more, yet realization of what she was doing
and where she was doing it had her attempting to push him away. "Nicky...we need to...Agh..."He nibbled
a path from her navel up to her breasts and grazed his teeth across her nipples, his tongue swirling to
sooth the delicious ache.
The towel inevitably fell to the floor and in the moment that it took for Nicholas to observe what he'd
unwrapped, Ellie found enough sense to grab it and cover herself. She dodged the hand that reached out to
grab her wrist even while heat rose across her skin from that consuming gaze.
With a healthy distance between them, Ellie was free to clear her lust-clouded mind. With curious
eyes, she took in Nicholas. There was something different about him tonight. She didn't know how she
knew, maybe it was from all the time they'd spent together, but Ellie knew there was something wrong.
"Are you all right?"
Nicholas shrugged, slipping his hands in his pockets, a sure sign that something was bothering him.
"Could be better." He humorlessly smiled taking two lengthened strides towards her. "Want to make me
feel better? he stalked her around the room while Ellie did her utmost to evade him.
"Nicky, you're acting weird...cut it out." The back of her knees touched the wooden frame of her bed,
"Make me." He challenged invading her personal space, his gaze inscrutable his stance impossibly
domineering. Ellie shoved at his chest to get some breathing room and was disheartened to find Nicholas
rooted to the spot. She did, however, receive a shock when he pushed her back and she found herself
stumbling backwards the bed breaking her fall. Nicholas seized upon her seconds later, his larger frame
looming over her, pinning her to the mattress.

"I don't know what you're hoping to prove, but I wouldn't think any less of you if you cried. I'll love
you just the same." She quietly uttered, gazing up at his face contorted by his inner struggles, torn between
rage and sorrow, he looked on the brink. Ellie, unflinchingly, held those storm grey eyes as Nicholas' fist
hammered down on the bed, inches from her head. Wordlessly, she wrapped her arms around him and
held him close and when his body fell onto hers, his beautiful face hidden at the base of her neck, Ellie's
hold only tightened.
The vibrating drone of life that continued about them faded to a soothing hush as they quietly lay.
Ellie's silent strength pulled Nicholas from his madness, grounding him where he belonged.
Her arms were like coming home. Nicholas sighed, basking in her, absorbing the scent of lavender and
citrus permeating from her pores. He loved this scent, soothing, clean, sweet, paired against Ellie's skin.
It was ambrosia to his senses.
"Let me make love to you?" he whispered suddenly against Ellie's neck.
The need lacing through Nicholas's voice was so profound that Ellie found herself helplessly agreeing.
Their lips caught in a long and lingering kiss that left them both fully aware of the other.
It wasn't wasn't hurried. It was a slow grind of the flesh, the heated interlocking of lips,
the gripping touch of hands caressing and intertwining, the gentle paean of lovers softly echoing against
the bedroom walls. It was sensual and undeniably hot. They wanted...they needed and they slowly took.
Ellie matched Nicholas thrust for thrust, kiss for kiss, and touch for touch.
"I love you...God, I love you so fucking much it hurts..." Nicholas panted, pressing a kiss to Ellie's
hand; he licked her lips and set his forehead to hers. "Feel me, baby?" Nicholas slowly pulled out, his
eyes holding Ellie's. "Feel how much I love you?"
"Nghh---Ahh Nicky!" Her body bowed to his, her legs wrapped around his waist, she dragged her
finger nails across his back and moaned his name. Nicholas kissed and swallowed her passionate cries
the very second their orgasms simultaneously hit.
Ellie's euphoric high dampened considerably upon hearing Gabe's voice on the other side of the door.
She looked up at Nicholas, still heavily splayed out above her, grinning like a fool.
"Ells? Are you okay in there?" the knob jiggled and Ellie's trepidation spiked.
"Answer him..." Nicholas whispered.
Ellie gave him a disparaging look before opening her mouth to speak. "Yeah, Gabe, I'm fine." She
tried to rise, Nicholas's weight held her still.
"This is kinda kinky..."He said with a wicked grin, mirth dancing in his eyes; terribly ill-placed mirth.
Ellie hit him and brought her finger to her lips.
"Then get your butt down here, foods ready."
"Uh yeahokay, I'll be right down.
"And tell Nicholas to have his pants up and buckled when he comes down here or I might be tempted
to shoot his dick off."
Could a person die of mortification? Ellie wondered as she heard the retreating footsteps. She rolled
over, pulling the sheets over her head when Nicholas finally allowed her to do so.
"Laugh it up jerk, but remember that I can goad him into actually going through with his threat."
Nicholas sat up on the mattress, his beatific smile firmly set in place as he reached out and captured
Ellie's wrist. Effortlessly, he pulled her on his lap and soundly kissed her petulance away.
"No you wouldn't, you love it too much."

"Maybe, but I could definitely survive without it." Never had there been a bigger lie told, she was far
too addicted.
"Keep telling yourself that." Ellie laughed as she saw the affronted look that passed over Nicholas's
"I love you."
"More than life." Nicholas replied with a kiss.

"Attention seniors. The senior slideshow will start in ten minutes. Please follow your teachers to the
auditorium." announced the vice principal over the loudspeaker.
Ellie tossed her pen along with her books and notebook in her messenger bag and stood. Mr. Porter
led his fifth period Psych class into the corridor and among the large group of seniors pouring out of their
respective classes, they shuffled to the auditorium. She was grateful for the reprieve, her week hadn't
exactly been stellar and having to suffer through an entire period of note taking from the overhead
projector while Porter droned on about crap, wasn't something she'd wanted to do. She shuffled
mindlessly behind the chattering senior crowd, her thoughts on the fight she had with Nicholas the night
after he'd snuck in her room.
The fight had been about Maddie. Gabe had told Ellie of Maddies odd call that Sunday afternoon and
Ellie had drilled him for further information. When Gabe said he had none to give, Ellie had immediately
jumped on the phone to call Maddie. No one had answered. She'd wanted Nicholas' help, but he'd been
completely irrational, ranting and raving about how Maddie wasn't as good and wholesome as she
pretended to be.
"...She's a conniving little slut!"
They were alone. Gabe and Ronnie having taken Sophie out, they were left alone for the afternoon.
Seated on the couch, Ellie watched Nicholas pace.
"You're being completely unfair to her! Considering all that's happened I would think you'd want
to help. She's my friend, Nicky, and she needs my help!"
"And you're being ridiculously dense if you think that she wants your help! She isn't a good person
and I think it'd be in your best interest to stay the hell away from her until I say so!!"
Ellie stood, having had enough. "I'm sorry I didn't get the memo where it said you were my father!
Who the hell do you think you are trying to tell me what to do?"
"I'm the fucking boyfriend trying to protect you!"
"From what?! This is Maddie we're talking about here, Nicky, she wouldn't hurt a fly."
Nicholas grounded to a halt, turning on Ellie. "Stop being so fucking nave, Ellie, and open up your
pretty hazel eyes, not everyone is as good as you are." Nicholas had walked away then, leaving Ellie
utterly confused and frustrated.
That had been Sunday afternoon and today was Thursday, Nicholas hadn't called or bothered to
answer any of Ellie's phone calls and it hurt to know he could ignore her so easily after what they had
shared. With a disheartened sigh, Ellie entered the auditorium and was almost bowled over by the noise.
Her peers buzzed around, cheerfully searching for friends to sit with, despite the fact that they saw each
other on a regular basis. Ellie silently swore as she was jostled by an athletically tall blond haired jock.
He luckily caught her arm before she fell.
"Hey, I'm sorry bout that; didn't mean to push you." He sheepishly grinned, surprising for someone of
his status.
"No harm done." Ellie wanly smiled back before moving pass him, the gentle hand on her arm halted
her progress.
"You're Nicky's girl, right?" He asked, moving aside as more students piled into seats.
Ellie inwardly rolled his eyes. "Also known as Ellie Holbrook, nice to meet you"

"Dominick, but my friends call me, Dom." He gave a firm shake of her hand.
"Nice to meet you, Dom. Uh...I think maybe we should find our seats now." The majority of the
students were seated and well settled by now.
"Come on, let's sit up front, we can see the slideshow better." He led her to the front of the
auditorium. Taking a seat in the second chair from the aisle, Dom sat to her left and a pretty blond haired
girl who gave Ellie the once over, sat to her right. She wrinkled her nose at Ellie, doing a perfect
imitation of a pug, before turning to speak to the guy in her English class.
"Ignore, Evey she likes to pretend she's better than everyone. Name's Matt by the way." Seated in the
front row, Matt turned around in his seat to introduce himself with a smile.
"Ellie, yeah I know, Nicky's told me a lot about you. Nice to meet you." The smile turned into a grin
that had the hairs on Ellie's skin standing on end. The sensation of being surrounded by snakes would not
leave her even as she attempted to return his smile.
"You, too." Noticing Nicholas making his way towards them, Ellie breathed a little easier and, when
he traded seats with Dom, Ellie's mood considerably brightened.
He took her hand, interlaced their fingers and brushed a kiss to her knuckles. "I'm sorry." Ellie smiled
and kissed his cheek.
"I'm just glad you're here."
Principal Roberts began the assembly soon after. "As you all may be aware, the yearbook committee
has been working extremely hard to bring to you all a Yearbook you can be proud of. They have compiled
pictures and video recordings of events and ceremonies they wish to show you. At the end of this
slideshow we will pass around flyers where you will have the option of choosing which pictures you
would like included in the final result of your yearbooks. Now I'd like you all to give your attention to the
president of the yearbook committee, Liam Santos, as he walks us through this program."
Jeers and pockets of claps were made for the gangly senior making his way to the front of the
auditorium. He nervously smiled as he signaled for the lights to be dimmed. The movie theater sized
screen that appeared, drew everyone's attention as it flickered on to the first image. It was of the current
senior class in their freshman year being ushered around the school, bewilderment and wonder etched on
their young faces.
The screen flickered again to the entire student body in November, cheering the football team in their
memorable game against Roosevelt. There were some of Homecoming, Winter Festival and the plays put
on by the drama club over the past four years. The majority of images were of the popular crowd, the
jocks and the cheerleaders participating in various school sports. Ellie even saw a few images of herself
on the track, running with perfect stride across that finish line.
"Did I ever tell you how hot you look when you're running?" Nicholas asked, chuckling when Ellie
turned to him with a punch to his shoulder.
The screen flickered again and everyone in the dimly lit auditorium drew in a collective gasp at the
image splattered across the screen.
It was a still shot, more than likely taken from a video and blown up. Ellie stared unblinkingly at the
image, unable to believe what she was seeing. It was of her and Nicholas in the cabin, interlocked in a
passionate embrace. The screen flickered again; the next image was them in the tub, the one after that, of
them in the bedroom against the mirror. It continued on as such until the video came on.
"I have her so wrapped around my finger she'll do almost anything I want her to do. This was too
fucking easy, Bates, I'm going to enjoy taking that Desmo from you."
The video seemed to switch again and this time it showed Ellie and Nicholas on a blanket in front of

the fireplace, Nicholas licking whipped cream off Ellie's body as he made his way lower. The intimate
moment they had shared in the cabin, was painfully put on display for the world to see.
"Nicky...please..." Ellie wrenched her hand from Nicholas's death grip. Her seat creaked and banged
against the backrest like an atomic boom in the eerily silent auditorium. She didn't run; she wouldn't give
them the satisfaction. With as much dignity as she could scrounge up, Ellie walked out, ignorant of
Nicholas' savage yell of her name.
"ELLIE!" Nicholas ran after her, catching her arm before she could turn the corner. Ellie pivoted on
ball of her foot and with strength she didn't know she had, she let her fist fly. It connected with Nicholas's
face with a very satisfying crunch.
The punch momentarily staggered Nicholas and once he was able to blink tears of pain away he
looked at Ellie in stunned horror. Blood trickled from his split lip and down his chin, but he didn't care as
he tried to touch her.
"Come near me again and I swear I'll kill you." Her voice was deathly clear in spite of the tears that
trailed her cheeks...she turned around and left.

Ellie ran through the endless corridors of John Edgar, taking the stairs two at a time, she couldn't
escape fast enough. Once or twice, she'd stubbed her toe in her haste, but it did not register. The physical
pain paled in comparison to what she internally felt. The acrid stench of betrayal wreaked havoc on
Ellie's senses. Like debilitating toxic fumes, it snaked through her nostrils, swam through her core and
hindered her very ability to move, to think, to breath, to see.
It was nearly impossible to see with the veil of tears clouding her eyesight, but Ellie endured. She was
a goddamn fighter and she would surpass this. This was nothing. She had gotten through worst things and
this would be no different. Because really, what was public humiliation by the man who professed to love
you, if not something caused by her own naivety? What was the agony of heartbreak if not another wound
that would eventually heal?
Maddie had warned her, had she not? Shed been cautioned by Gabe on various occasions. And yet
had she listened? She had foolishly allowed herself to trust that bastard. Given her goddamned heart on a
silver platter and Nicholas had oh-so very nicely handed it back shredded and dripping with blood.
"ELLIE!" He called out to her like a madman, his voice seemingly dredged from the very pits of his
soul. Ellie didn't wait for him to catch up to her as she pushed the release bar on one of the heavy double
doors and bounded out.
The rumble of thunder reverberated through the heavens as bolts of lightning hauntingly illuminated the
churning grey clouds drifting above. The minute Ellie stepped out, the sky split open and pelted her with
beads of freezing rain. The rain took no pity, drenching her from head to toe, rendering her limbs numb.
And wasn't that just the cherry to top off her shit of a sundae life. She was grateful though, because now, if
someone did happen to come along, they wouldn't be able to discern whether the clear drops of water
dripping from her chin were from the weather or her body.
"Ellie, please wait!" Why the hell did the student parking lot have to be all the way on the other side
of the gigantic school? Ellie morosely wondered as she continued to run. She was amazed that she could
still run considering that she was numb all over.
She wrestled her keys out of pockets of her drenched jeans and was behind the wheel of the giant truck
in minutes, warm and temporarily safe. With quivering hands she pushed the key in the ignition, shifted
gears and reversed the truck.
"Ellie, please give me a chance to explain!"
Rain drenched, face cast in determination, Nicholas stood all powerful before the silver truck, his
eyes perforating, the intensity gripping even with the windshield firmly in place, dared Ellie to press her
foot to the gas forward.
Ellie's hands tightened painfully around the steering wheel, her eyes narrowing to slits. A thousand
times she cursed the name Nicholas Grayson. Cursed the heart that even in its lowest of agonies, could
still be affected by this man.
How easy would it be if she just stepped on the gas pedal and drove full force forward without any
thought? Temptation running high, Ellie's foot hovered on the pedal. "Get the hell out of my way!"
"NO! Please get out of the car so I can explain myself!"
He moved forward and Ellie stepped on the fucking close, she missed him by a
breath as she rotated the wheel that very last second and sped away. Stupidly she chanced a glance in her
rearview and saw that Nicholas had disappeared.

"Bastard." She murmured pitifully as she sped away, no longer able to think. All she wanted to do
now was get home and lock herself in her room and possibly plan the death of one Nicholas Grayson.

"ELLIE!" Nicholas boomed. He jumped off his motorcycle, tossed his lacquered helmet on the rain
soaked lawn and ran up the pathway that led to Ellie's home.
He had pushed his bike well beyond the speed limit, swerving through traffic as if the very hounds of
hell were at his heel. The rain hadn't mattered, his safety hadn't mattered. Desperation had him thinking
only of Ellie. He wanted to make her understand, needed for her to understand.
"Ellie!" his fist pounded the door when the doorbell was ignored. "For fucks sakes, let me explain
myself! I didn't do anything!" he was yelling, his fists pounding incessantly at the door.
"Ellie, please, it was a mista---" Nicholas took an instant step back; faced with the semi-automatic he
preceded the first step with two more.
Gabe held the pistol steady in one hand, his face eerily calm as he peered down at the rain soaked
teen. "I have spent a good amount of time in jail, Nicholas. It wasn't a pleasant experience. But for Ellie, I
would, without a moment's hesitation, shoot you right between the eyes and not feel an ounce of remorse."
"You have every right to want to shoot me, but I swear to you that I didnt do anything. I'm not a
coward, Gabe. If I did something to hurt her, I would own up to it." Palms held up in front of him,
Nicholas stood his guard, unflinchingly meeting Gabe's diamond hard stare. Man to man, the elder sized
the younger and had to reluctantly admire the steadfast gleam in storm grey eyes.
"Get off my property, Nicholas. He said finally, Ellie has had enough of you." Admiration aside,
Gabe couldn't, wouldn't forget that the little prick had hurt his girl.
"Let her come out and say that to me...I know you're in there, Ellie! You want me to go away? Come
out and tell me to leave!"
Gabe clicked the safety off, eyes narrowing. "I really think you should get lost."
Nicholas' eyes were no longer on the gun as he caught sight of Ellie standing at Gabe's side. She'd
changed out of the jeans and sweater she'd worn to school and now stood in a pair of sweat pants and a
navy hoodie. Her eyes were swollen, red, no doubt from all the tears she'd shed. The thought alone pulled
at Nicholas's heart.
Ellie whispered something in Gabe's ear that caused the man to glare down at her, but with a
reassuring pat on the shoulder, Gabe reluctantly conceded to her wishes.
"One wrong move and I'll have you choking on your own blood in seconds." He said in parting.
The rumbling thunder in the heavens and the rhythmic tap, tap of raindrops filled the silence between.
They stood so close yet the distance between them could've been measured in light-years. But neither
could deny the gravitational pull, so palpable that Nicholas took a step forward.
"Don't come near me." Her voice, arctic cold, made real the encompassing chill permeating his core.
"Ellie please---"
"I trusted you, Nicholas and you've betrayed that trust. Every moment we shared, intimate or otherwise
were sacred to me. They meant the world to me and you violated that." She swiped her palm across her
cheeks, erasing any evidence of tears.
"NO! I didn't---"
"Why are you even here? Shouldn't you be somewhere with your friends, laughing it up and shinning
up your prize."
"You're my only friend, Ellie, the only person in this world who matters."
"Wow, I have to give it up to you, Nicholas. Youre damn good actor. You managed to fool me
completely, didn't even suspect for a second."

"Don't do this, Ellie; don't condemn me before I have the chance to prove my innocence."
"It's over, I'm done. I gave you everything and I have none else to give. You won, Nicky." The tears
were rushing so fast that it was futile to even stop them anymore.
Above all the consuming emotions that raced through Nicholas' marrow, fear was the one that clawed
its way to the surface. Real, unrepentant and merciless, it tore him to pieces. It was so fucking real and
frightening that it caused tears to form behind his lids as he stared at Ellie's sorrowful face.
He fell to his knees. Tears burning his own eyes, Nicholas reached for her and tightly, so very tightly,
wound his arms around her waist. He was shivering, his bones rattling in his skin. Completely worn,
Nicholas rested his head on Ellie's stomach and closed his eyes.
"I won't let you leave me, not after finding you, Ellie. Don't tell me it's over when the only thing I have
ever believed in is you and me. You're the very thing that keeps me sane and grounded. This love between
us, it's binding and I can't let it go...I can't let you go." Tears fell from behind his closed lids and he didn't
Ellie bit her lips hard to stop it from trembling as she wrestled with the impulse to wrap her arms
around him, hold him just as tightly as he held her and forget everything. But she couldn't, her mind
wouldn't let her. She fought for control as she struggled to free herself from his unyielding grasp. She
barely managed it before retreating into the safety of her home.
"I..I can't, Nicholas, I can't trust you. I don't want to anymore." She slammed the door shut before
Nicholas could reach for her again.
"ELLIE, please!" Ellie sniffed, her hands clenched and unclenched at her sides, desperately trying to
ignore the heart wrenching pleas and incessant knocking. "Did I mean so fucking little to you that you're
willing to throw it all away! If I betrayed you, do you think I would be here now in the goddamned rain
begging you to listen to me?" He wasn't trying to be quiet. Nicholas didn't give a damn if the entire
suburban neighborhood heard him. He was on his knees screaming on top of his sore lungs, trying to get
the love of his life to have the goddamn sense to listen to him, trying to be discreet was the last thing on
his mind.
"Go away, Nicholas!"
"I love you, Ellie and I swear to you that I'll give you the head of the person who did this. But don't
ask me to leave you alone; don't ask me to forget everything we shared, because you'll be wasting your

It wasn't until Ellie heard the revving of the motorcycle signaling Nicholas' departure that she slid
down the door and sobbed her heart out. She felt so hurt, so confused, so betrayed. She knew she had
made the right decision in calling it quits with Nicholas, so why then did it feel like she'd just amputated a
part of herself. Her mind hailed her a genius for retreating from a situation that would've ended far more
disastrous had she remained. Yet her heart crowned her queen of cowards.
She was running. Subconsciously her mind was using this as an excuse to run away. The getting gets a
little tough and once again, Ellie could be counted on to put tail between her legs and run away. She'd
done it countless times when her mother had called, wanting reconciliation. Her mother had begged to see
her and Sophie, but Ellie had always refused, believing it best to keep her distance lest she and her
husband hurt her again. She was running now, again, from the inevitable pain that came with loving
someone. Because eventually, they could always be counted on to hurt you. Her parents, Tony and now
Nicholas. Theyd all proven that fact quite clearly.
"...If I had betrayed you, do you think I would I be here right now, in the goddamned rain begging
you to listen to me?!"
Nicholas' words echoed against the walls of Ellie's subconscious as she rested her cheek on her
upraised knees.
Ellie wanted to believe in him, wanted to trust in him again, but the evidence gathered against him all
pointed to the fact that he was guilty. He must've planned it all with Matt. But, what was there to gain if he
had already confessed everything to her? What was the point of splashing their most intimate moments for
the world to see, if only to embarrass Ellie? She'd told Gabe that Nicholas had changed and the past
Nicholas, Ellie could believe capable of hurting her so maliciously. But the Nicholas she's come to know,
the one who'd wept in her arms not so long ago, the one who'd held her like she was the most precious
thing in the world, the one who loved Sophie to pieces couldn't be so hateful.
With a long sigh Ellie released some of the anger she felt, sadness, all-encompassing rushed through
her veins. She felt very tired all of sudden.
"Ellie?" Ellie wanly smiled at the sound Gabe's voice filled with concern.
"Don't worry, Gabe, I'm not going to go all suicidal." He looked at her like she meant it and the
comical expression on his face almost made Ellie want to laugh.
"Joke." She muttered.
"Not funny." He chided, helping her to her feet.
"Where's Soph?"
Gabe slung an arm around her shoulders. "Upstairs with Ronnie, come on, let's go to the kitchen. I
made chili."
"My favorite." She said then stopped Gabe in the kitchen entryway, wrapping her arms around his
waist. She buried her face in his plaid shirt and smiled. "Thanks for not shooting him."
She felt the kiss, ghost soft on her head, and then he raised her chin, his eyes boring into hers. "I don't
think you would've forgiven me."

Everything and everyone had fallen into place, playing their parts like season actors and all Matt had
to do was to sit back and watch the drama unfold.
The amazing high of knowing that you were the mastermind behind the biggest senior prank in all of
John Edgar history was the icing on the fabulous cake of successfully separating Nicholas from his hoitytoity little bitch of a girlfriend.
That little cunt, Matt sneered, taking a hit of the joint in his hand. She had turned his charmingly
heartless best friend into a simpering little bitch. But not anymore, Matt thought with perverse smile. He'd
cured Nicholas. His best friend probably didn't see it now, but he eventually would and when he did
come to reason, Matt knew that Nicholas would thank him in more ways than one. They would be the
happy little pair again, Matthew and Nicholas, best friends forever.
They belonged together. They were smart, jaded as fuck and the heirs of multi-million dollar empires.
They had the world at their fingertips, the power to create or destroy calling out to them to do with it as
they will. Matt knew that Nicholas had strayed away from their chosen path, their destined path all
because he thought he was in love. The very idea was laughable. Honestly, people like them didn't fall in
love. They seduced, they fucked, pure and simple.
It was as black and white as that and up until that fucking cunt came into the picture, Nicholas had
been a master at the game. But Matt wasn't worried; they would have their time again, very soon.
Everything would go back to the way it used to be and Nicholas would thank him.
"Thank you, Bates," he would say with that disarming grin, "Thank you for saving me from a life of
blue balls and snot-nosed children." And then they would fuck like the world was on fire.
He took another hit of the joint, his third in the last hour and glanced at the clock on the wall,
wondering what was taking Carlyle so long.
"Fucking little bitch!" Ah, speak of the devil. Matt turned his head at the disgruntled growl watching
listlessly as Tony limped towards him. "I'm about ready to put a goddamn bullet in her skull and get this
whole shit over and done with." He flopped down in the black sectional couch, scratching the side of his
head with the G39. "Tell me again when exactly I get to go after Ellie?" he asked turning the Glock on
Matt rolled her eyes, pushing the gun away."The minute I have Nicholas in my bed, I told you this
already. Now, how goes the marriage bargain?"
Tony's scowl deepened as he played with the safety. "We haven't even gotten a response yet and I'm
beginning to wonder whether you're fucking with me."
"Rela---" Matt was interrupted by the explosive shatter of glass coming from the foyer. Tony and Matt
both shared a looked, wondering if it were Maddie being an idiot again.
"Bates!" Nicholas' distinct vocals were heard all the way upstairs followed shortly by more
Matt jumped into action as fast as his drug induced mind would allow.

It was unadulterated anger that coursed through Nicholas' veins. He was cold, wet and very, very
pissed off and with a steel bat in hand, he enjoyed taking his anger out on the expensive artifacts adorning
Matt's home. The frosted glass door that had been part of the front entrance was reduced to shattered
pieces on the floor and now crunched beneath his boots as he made his way into the mansion, a mansion
that had once upon a time been his sanctuary.
Nicholas swung the bat and it connected with three lined vases set on a small ledge in the foyer. They
shattered to the ground. Tulips and a pool of water lay in its wake.
"Bates!" The humor wasn't lost on Nicholas as he realized just how like Stanley Kowalski he sounded
just today alone. First, bellowing out Ellie's name as though she were his "Stella" and now this. His life
was one big fucking theater act and Nicholas couldn't wait until the moment the curtain fell, he was too
fucking tired.
He lazily swung the bat from side to side, leaving a path of destruction in his wake. This was probably
the most fun hed had all day. Shit, he wouldn't mind going on like this for the rest of the afternoon.
"Nicky!" Nicholas glanced at the grand staircase, the smile on his face haunting.
"Hey there, buddy." Holding the bat over his head, a hand at each end Nicholas stared at Matt, face
devoid of emotion.
Matt, oblivious to the rage festering in Nicholas like a cancer, descended the stairs, elated to see that
his friend had come, finally.
"You okay man?"
"No," he replied, "but I will be." Noticing the swing of the bat a little too late, Matt wasn't given a
chance to retreat as it smashed into his left arm. The metal bat rung, the impact of steel meeting bone
vibrated with a sickening thwack. Pure agony seared up Matt's left arm and the savage scream that ripped
from his throat didn't help ease the pain.
Noting the deadly gleam in gunmetal eyes, Matt staggered backwards as Nicholas advanced a languid
gate that was all menacing. Matt held his arm through the debilitating ache, fearing if he let go it would
fall to the floor, he nervously glanced at his best friend. "NickNicky let me explain---"
"No, I don't think I want to listen just yet." His overgrown fringe obscuring his vision, Nicholas shook
his head to remove it. He swung the bat with so much force that he knew, the moment it came in contact
with Matt's knee, that he'd broken the bone. That knowledge was like a warm blanket to his otherwise
frigid being.
Matt shrieked and collapsed to the floor, the pain far too much for his body to handle standing up.
Nicholas stared down at him, indifferent to his pain. Cold, detached and teetering on the brink of his
sanity, he wasn't bothered in the least by the ugly position of Matt's leg. "I warned you, didn't I Matthew? I
fucking warned you not to fuck up my relationship with Ellie. You didn't listen to me. See what happens
when you don't listen?"
"Shit, Nicholas " Matt sputtered as he tried scooting away and failed.
Nicholas smoothly fell down on his haunches, he brought the bat in front of him, set both hands on the
rounded head and rested his chin on the back of his hands. "Try breathing, the pain eases when you
"NiNicky...I did it forfor us...."
"No," Nicholas shook his head, the weight of his gaze bore into Matt like lasers. "You intentionally set

out to hurt me and mine just for your own selfish, depraved pleasure and now, I'm intentionally setting out
to hurt you and you have no fucking idea how good it feels right now. When I'm done with you, I promise,
you'll beg me to kill you."
The agonized screams did not register as he viciously yanked on Matt's broken arm, upon hearing the
snap, bone dislodging from its socket, Nicholas released him. "I don't hate you for fucking our friendship
over Matthew. I don't hate you for recording us in the cabin, because I know it killed you watching us
together. I don't even hate you for getting my father up my ass again. I do however hate you for making
Ellie cry. I hate you for making her doubt my love for her and for the small fact that she believes she can
no longer trust me."
The drug haze did not dull the pain that threatened to have him fall into a faint and as Matt stared into
Nicholas's eerily serene face he wanted the darkness to claim him so he wouldn't have to ever see that
look again.
Rising to his full height, Nicholas loomed over Matt and bringing the bat to his face, he swung with
one arm. "She hates me now, Matthew, because of you, she hates me!"
"Alright, asshole, that's enough!"
This was the second time in all his eighteen years that a gun had been pointed at him, Nicholas mused
silently seeing Tony's form from his peripheral view.
"Drop the bat!" It fell from Nicholas's hands and clattered to the ground. Maddie, battered and
bruised, stared at Nicholas from Tony's side, her blue-green eyes brimming with fear.
"Oh man, I'm going to enjoy kicking your ass!"
"Put the gun down and give it a try." Nicholas quietly challenged.
"Slow your role Bat Boy. Youre not as strong as you think you are."
"Like I said, put the gun down and try me."
The safety clicked off. Tony practically bounced in place. "Think I won't do it?"
"I dare you."
Everything happened so fast that Maddie wasnt even aware of it until she heard the resounding blast
of the gun and Nicholass body falling backwards. A surge of adrenaline was the only thing pushing her as
she tackled Tony to the ground and wrestled the gun from his hands. She used whatever God had given her
to fight him, her nails scratched, her hands smacked and punched and her teeth dug mercilessly into tender
flesh and bit down.
The gun skidded away in their scuffle and Maddie struggled to her feet to grab it. Her hands shook
terribly, her heart like the thunderous hooves of horses in her ears. She aimed for Tony, closed her eyes
and fired. The recoil nearly took her arm off and she yelped, dropping the gun. Her eyes flew open at
Tony's scream and she prayed to God that she'd hit her mark as she warily watched him a few feet away,
blood oozing from the gaping wound in his right calf.
She didn't waste a second longer as she ran for Nicholas; she fell to her knees at his side. The blood
was everywhere now. It slicked the marble floor, coated her hands, warm, gooey as she anxiously fished
through his pockets for a cell phone.
"Oh God, pleasepleaseplease..."She repeated the mantra under her breath as tears pricked her
lids. She wanted to retch, her body shook furiously as she finally found the phone.
Tears fell from her eyes, down her nose, gathered at her chin before finally falling, mingling in with
the pool of blood she sat in. "Pick up...pick up...pick..."
"Emergency, 911?"
"Yes, my friends been shot. H-he needs an ambulance!"

"Oh God, please hurry! There's so much blood!" Through her tears, Maddie sounded borderline
hysterical, the dispatcher had to tell her to keep her cool several times during the call. "Hang in there,
Nicky the ambulance is on its way. Please hang on...". She chocked on a sob when she felt the continuous
flow of his blood pulsing against her hand.
"You know they aren't going to let you off the hook, right?" Maddies head spun in the direction of the
strained voice. Tony sat on the floor, his ashen face contorted in a grotesque mask of pain as he held a
hand over the wound Maddie had wisely delivered.
"Shut up." she murmured, turning her attention back to Nicholas.
"You---you think just because you played the hero' the cops are going to let you get away? They'll
question you and they'll find out about the drugs, the prostitution, the lies, and your pregnancy. Everyones
going to find out about your sorry little life and theyre going to hate you."
"Shut up." She said through gritted teeth.
Tony had always been a master manipulator, now he put those skills to use. He would get Maddie to
help him escape. There was no way in hell he was going to get caught in this situation. He knew his words
were having the desired effect when he saw the crease of fear and doubt form across her brow.
"Everyone's going to hate you, Maddie. Ellie will find out about our little plan and she'll never forgive
you for trying to break up her relationship with Nicholas. And your Gran, Maddie, what do you think
she'll do when she finds out how big of a whore you are. You might as well take that gun and blow your
brains out. At least then you'll die with some dignity, even if we both know it's a load of shit." His tone
was not kind. Every word he spoke seared through Maddie like battery acid.
On her knees beside the prone body of the man who would never love her back, Maddies entire being
shook, Tony's condemning words like a battering ram. They were all true. If the truth ever came out, she
would be an even bigger social outcast than she was now.
But, Maddie thought suddenly, would it not be her cross to bear if and when those sins finally came to
light? What was the agony of being ostracized and reviled if not a fitting punishment for all her
indiscretions? Retribution needed to be paid in order to receive salvation. Wasn't that what her Gran had
always preached?
"Come with me, Maddie, and I'll protect you from these bastards. I'll keep you and the baby safe. It'll
only be for a while and then we'll come back for what we want, what we'd planned. Come on, Maddie,
let's get out of here."
As Maddie heard the distinct wails of sirens off in the distance, a cool sense of tranquility swept over
her, putting a stop to her tormented thoughts. And as though another person took over her being, she
pushed the blood soaked gun to where Tony sat. "Here, I think it's about time you took your own advice,
Tony's lips curled in a vicious snarl, his scowl prominent as he clasped his hands around the Glock
and aimed at Maddies head. "Self-righteous bitch."
Click. Click.Click.
The cacophony of the sirens silenced what would've been the resounding blast of the gun had there
been bullets in the chamber. Maddie opened eyes she'd slammed shut in dreaded anticipation of the bullet
splitting her flesh open. It never came. What ensued was the pounding of booted feet hitting the ground as
the EMT's and cops filled the foyer of the mansion.
"FREEZE!" The police officers aimed cocked guns at Tony, who guiltily held the Glock in his hands,

still aimed at Maddie. When he threw the gun and attempted to run, the cops descended on him, like
predators on a defenseless prey. Desperation fueled Tony and despite that he was wounded, he fought like
a demon out of hell. Flailing, snarling, pure adrenaline had him throwing off three men before they finally
tackled him to the ground. One had an unrelenting knee pushing down between the corded blades of his
shoulders while another smashed the side of his face to the marbled floor. When they were through they
slapped the cuffs on him and read him his rights.
"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say will be used against you in a court of law. You
have the right to an attorney during interrogation; if you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed to
you." The police officer above him loudly huffed as he hoisted Tony to his feet.
While all this took place, Nicholas and an unconscious Matt were being lifted onto stretchers.
Medical jargon passed between the emergency medical technicians as they hastened to stabilize the
grievously wounded dark haired teen.
"I need to go with him!" Maddie pleaded once both patients had been loaded into the humming
ambulance. Not having a moment to waste, the woman she spoke to nodded and stepped aside to allow
her access. Once the doors closed, the blaring sirens pierced the quiet suburban air. Curious neighbors
peeked through curtains, while others, the bolder ones, came out of their homes to watch the pageantry of
ambulance, fire trucks and police cars drive into the night.

Nicholas has been shot.

The conversation replayed in Ellie's mind like a scratched CD, over and over and over again. A
repetition of words Ellie had never wanted strung together. Never with Nicholas' name. Christ!
When Maddie had called, Ellie had been with her family, including Ronnie. They'd been watching a
movie and the second the phone rang, a chill had worked its way down Ellie's spine. She'd blamed it on
the weather.
She'd rushed to the kitchen to answer it. The call had been unexpected but not at all unwelcomed as
Ellie babbled on about her relief in finally hearing from the estranged red-head. Maddie had interrupted
her then, tactlessly delivering the news in that overused voice of hers and Ellie had nearly dropped the
phone. But shed hung on to Maddies every word, wishing like hell that she was being tricked.
Maddie had told Ellie the name of the hospital where they were keeping Nicholas and had hung up
soon after, with the excuse of needing to grab something to drink.
That had been twenty minutes ago and now Ellie was on her way to St. Elizabeths, the nearest
hospital in Cedar Falls. Having coaxed the keys from Ellie's nerveless fingers after she'd told him the
news, Gabe took the wheel. The way she'd looked after that phone call told him that she wasn't in any
mind to drive. He'd done it for purely selfish reasons; the last thing Gabe wanted was to see her in a
hospital bed, too.
Ronnie had agreed to stay with Sophie until they returned. Gabe adored that woman a little more each
"Ellie?" She'd remained in this withdrawn, pensive state since they had entered the car and Gabe was
plagued with concern.
"He's going to be okay." Ellie stated firmly, listlessly staring out the window. The cold, dreary night a
perfect reflection to how she felt.
"Of course he is." The answer was the predictable watered down version of what any caring parent
would tell his aching child, Gabe was no different.
Ellie did not respond, choosing to remain silent until they arrived at the impressive three winged, and
four story high hospital located downtown of the small town. Gabe had to lengthen his strides to keep up
with the fast pace Ellie set. At the front desk they were directed to the third floor, left wing, intensive care
unit. The elevator ride was torturous in its steady ascension to the desired floor and once it opened, Ellie
couldn't have shot out fast enough. She was speed walking, practically running as she searched for the
Nicholas room.

Maddie's voice instantly pulled Ellie to her and before Maddie could be the wiser, Ellie enveloped
her in a fierce hug that was so welcoming that Maddie couldn't help but reciprocate. They held each other,
taking whatever comfort they could reap and giving what they could in turn. Gabe stood at a distance,
allowing them their moment until they parted, then he made his introductions. He excused himself soon
after to grab them something to drink.
"How is he? Any word?" Ellie asked hesitantly.
Maddie sighed, running a hand threw her dirty hair. "I don't know. He's still in surgery and no one
wants to tell me anything!"
"What happened?" Ellie took in the splotches of dried blood on Maddie's shirt and jeans. Her eyes
roving across sallow skin, she frowned at the sight of dark bruises that formed a path from her face to her
exposed arms. Ellie's frown only deepened as she reached out and took hold of Maddie's arm.
There was a myriad of protruding greenish purple bruises on the inner portion of her elbow. It
continued down her forearm, stopping at her inner wrist. The reason for the discoloration Ellie found
were the three collapsed veins that appeared as though someone had repeatedly stabbed into them. Ellie's
fears were well-founded as realization struck her hard.
"You've been mainlining, Maddie?" Ellie's hold remained firm on her friend's arm when she began to
pull away.
"It's nothing." She said defensively, managing to snatch her arm back.
"Like hell, Maddie!" Ellie yelled and had the good grace to look abashed when a few nurses turned to
glare at her. "You've been doing heroin." Ellie accused her, taking a step towards Maddie. "Why? How?
Where'd you get it?"
There's no time like the present, Maddie inwardly thought. Steeling herself she took a deep breath and
dove in. "From Tony Carlyle."
The answer was far from what Ellie had expected and she took a momentary step back, her stomach
clenching like fists.
"Tony? You know, your ex-boyfriend? Sophie's father."
Ellie blinked owlishly. "You know Tony?"
Maddie nodded, pulling Ellie inside an empty room behind them. "Yeah, I know Tony," was her bitter
reply. "I know Tony on the same levels you know him."
"And you know that he's bad news? Do you know that he almost killed me and his daughter for some
Maddie crossed her arms over her chest. "It's not like you were any different, Ellie, you would've
killed your daughter too, if you kept on using."
"If I kept on using! And I haven't used for a very long time. I stopped because of my daughter!"
"Well, we all can't be as good and courageous as you." She said with just a hint of malice.
With the initial shock wearing off, Ellie approached Maddie. "Look Maddie, I'm not going to stand
here and tell you how to live your life, but Tony is bad news. Do yourself a favor and stay the hell away
from him before things get really bad."
Maddie scoffed. "Too late for that."
"What do you mean? Maddie, talk to me, please!"

"He made everything so perfect and easy. The first couple of times I saw him, he had the compliments
coming. He made me feel better about the stupid little stuff I hated about myself." She turned away from
Ellie, her folded arms tightening a little bit more across her chest.
"Tony was there for me after Nicholas rejected me. He offered me understanding and companionship.
He told me Nicholas was a loser and that if he didn't know what a great catch I was, then he didn't
deserve me." She gave a humorless laugh. "Tony's really great with words," Maddie looked over her
shoulder at Ellie. "As you're probably well aware."
"He's a sick man."
"I don't exactly remember when the drugs came into the picture...everything is still so fuzzy, but I know
that we started a relationship, one that in the beginning was clearly not healthy. I was pining for a man
who slept with me for a stupid bet and he was still very much fixated on you and your daughter. I was so
jealous of you, Ellie, so envious of everything you had. Nicholas' love, his admiration, his lust. I wanted
to be you.
I wanted to hate you and I prayed he'd find out some dirty little secret about you so that he'd see you
weren't good enough for him. So I went to Tony and asked for his help to try to break you up. He wanted
the same thing, so our objective became to separate you and Nicholas. We came up with this plan to
accuse Nicholas of " she trailed off, nearly chocking on her words, the tears made it impossible to
"Of what?"
"Of rape. We came up with the idea that if I cried rape and said I got pregnant because of it,
Nicholas's father would force him to marry me. We threatened to go to the press with allegations.
Nicholas's father hates the press and would do almost anything to keep his name out of them. It all sounds
so stupid and childish now, but at the time, under the influence of the drugs I was so desperate and raw
with jealousy that I would've done anything! I believed that Nicholas was meant to be with me and our
baby." Maddie set her hand on her lower abdomen and met Ellie's gaze. "I'm pregnant Ellie, and
NicholasNicholas is the father."
Shocked couldnt even begin to describe the way Ellie felt in that current moment. This dreary, cold
and horrible day was hands down the worse day of her life.
"How do I even begin to respond to that? she asked incredulously. I...I can't even stand to look at
you right now."
"Ellie, please, please I'm sorry---"
"Shut up!"
The emotions were running too high. Ellie wanted nothing more than to walk over to the girl she once
believed to be her best friend and smack her. She wanted to have Nicholas here so that she could kick him
a few times for being such a dumb ass. Ellie wanted to lay blame on both their doorsteps, but she knew
that would accomplish nothing. She couldn't stand the sight of Maddie in her current state, but that would
pass. This hurt, anger and sadness at her core would eventually subside and then maybe, maybe, she could
muster enough self-control to listen to Maddie's apology.
"Just stay away from me for a while."
Ellie was out of the room before anymore words could be exchanged.

The hours ticked away as they sat in the OR waiting room. They had yet to hear news on Nicholas'
condition and Maddie's earlier confession only added to the tension crackling in the air. Once or twice
Maddie had made the attempt to get Ellie's attention, but was blatantly ignored. Ellie instead chose to give
her undivided attention to Gabe, in who she had yet to confide. After a while, Maddie stopped trying and
sat a few chairs away from them. Sleep did not come easy. It wasn't for another three hours before
someone came in to talk to them
"Excuse me are you all here for Nicholas Grayson?" Ellie was the first on her feet when the doctor
entered the waiting room.
"How is he?"
"My name is Dr. Thomas and I was one of the surgeons who operated on Nicholas. I'm here to let you
all know that he made it out of surgery successfully and is in recovery right now. Hes lost a lot of blood
so hell be very weak and will remain so for a few days."
Ellie's body sagged with relief. That's all that mattered. As long as Nicholas was healthy and
breathing, everything else seemed inconsequential.
"When can we see him?"
"Not ever if I have anything to say on the matter." The hard edged voice caused the four occupants of
the room to turn around and look at the newest arrival.
It was as if Ellie was getting a glimpse of Nicholas years into the future and she didn't know whether
she liked what she saw. Perfectly stoic, painfully rigid and impossibly formidable, the Grayson patriarch
took in his surroundings with critical eyes. He was a self-possessed man with salt and pepper hair, cut
stylishly short to his head. The suit he wore, undoubtedly tailored cost more than what the average person
earned in a year, Ellie was sure.
He had sharp features, angular, that gave him the appearance of cruelty. The aureate topped mahogany
cane at his side seemed more out of fashion than necessity as he ambled into the room. Remembering the
stories Nicholas had told her about this man, Ellie fully understood Nicholas's hatred for his father.
"I expect, Dr. Thomas that you are not divulging what should be personal medical information to
people who hold no kin to my son. Because I assure you that if you are your job will immediately be
forfeited and given to someone who can keep their mouth shut."
It wasn't so difficult to hate this man, Ellie was discovering.
Dr. Thomas seemed pinned against the wall as he began to fidget and helplessly look from Ellie to
Ellie stepped forward, Gabe not far behind as she attempted to make peace, she held out her hand and
dragged up a smile. "My name is Ellie---"
He peered down at her hand as though it were the vilest thing in the world, his lips curled and Ellie
saw vein etched hands tighten around the head of the cane. "Holbrook, yes I am well aware of who you
Ellie dropped her arm, her hand falling back at her side; she tried not to glare up at the sneering face
so reminiscent of Nicholas. "Nicholas is a friend of ours."
"Yes, the miscreants who are the cause of his presence here, incapacitated and fighting for his life. Be
lucky that I press no charges for your involvement in all of this. Heed my warning Ms. Holbrook and steer
clear of my son or I will not hesitate in inviting the law in this situation."
Ellie had to hold Gabe back when he lunged for Charles's throat. "He's not worth it!"

"And you," he pinned Maddie with cool grey eyes. "I highly doubt that you carry the Grayson seed in
your womb, but in the off chance that you are, I will arrange for my attorneys to pay you and your
grandmother a visit tomorrow morning."

Three weeks later and Ellie was only now beginning to understand how depraved people were. She
felt like a pawn in a chess game, being moved around by the selfish whims of others. After Charles had
left them in the waiting room, Maddies conscience finally kicked in and through a deluge of tears shed
divulged everything. Telling Ellie of her obsession with Nicholas and the hand shed played in splitting
them apart.
The trip to the cabin, the strategically placed cameras hidden in each room, the idea to expose them to
the entire school and make it seem like it'd all been Nicholas's idea. Itd all been perfectly planned, a set
up that she and Nicholas had naively fallen into. Maddie had told her everything; nothing and no one had
been spared. Shed begged for forgiveness soon after, but Ellie, far too hurt to even look at her so called
best friend hadnt been able to provide it.
Now she smiled ruefully through the haze of tears trailing her cheeks.
Nicholas had tried to warn her and Ellie had shunned him, choosing instead to once again foolishly put
faith and devotion in a person who'd only ended up hurting her in the end.
It was sickening to imagine all three of them, Matt, Tony and Maddie, sitting around discussing and
plotting her demise. They'd executed a plan that was meant to break her, break her resolve, and break the
fledgling love she had for a man whose only fault was the encompassing need to love and protect her.
They'd almost succeeded too. Her faith, her love had faltered when itd counted most. Doubts had clouded
her judgment and instead of trusting Nicholas, she'd pushed him away with suspicion. Had she listened,
had she invited Nicholas in from the rain and sheltered him within her arms to rationally discuss the
situation, he wouldn't have been hell-bent on seeking revenge. He wouldn't have raced to Matt's
Ellie closed her eyes tightly against the guilt and sorrow eating away at her. It was her fault that
Nicholas was in that hospital room. She hadn't pulled the trigger, but she might as well have. Her
rejection, her faithlessness had been the driving force in all of this. Had she listened to him, forgiven him,
Nicholas would've been here now, holding her, comforting her.
Charles Grayson had remained true to his words in barring her access to his bedridden son. The
hulking security officers placed in front of the hospital room kept a constant vigil, making it impossible
for Ellie to even sneak in. It felt like a mortal wound not knowing how he was doing. Had he gotten
worse? Was he better and out of bed? Did he blame her for what happened? Was his father filling his
head with lies? Even more importantly, was he aware of Maddie's pregnancy?
The questions were endless, the answers, elusive. Every second Ellie became ill with not knowing.
God! Maddie was pregnant with Nicholas's child.
No matter how many times Ellie tried to refute the fact it gnawed away at her, jealousy and betrayal
warred constantly in her mind. She'd trusted her, had believed Maddie incapable of harm and yet Maddie
had proven Ellie wrong when the opportunity presented itself.
"You can't keep doing this to yourself, Ellie." Gabe flooded the room with light the minute he stepped
into her room. Cautiously he approached the bed, the mattress dipped as he sat down. "It's not healthy and
it's not going to make Nicholas heal any faster. He isn't even dead for Heaven's sake!"
"Gabe!" Ronnie chided with Sophie in her arms. "How can you be so insensitive?" Gabe didn't
immediately see the anger on her too pretty features, but found himself abashed as he looked into Hunter

green eyes. There weren't many he could recall who had that sort of power of him, which was why
Ronnie was special.
Even in college shed always been able to make him feel things no other person could. Like now for
instance, she easily put to light his callousness and he had to agree with her. But really, who could blame
him when he'd spent weeks watching his goddaughter tailspin into depression and wasn't able do anything
to help her.
Ellie was stronger than this. The girl who'd arrived on his doorstep all those years ago had grown into
a self-assured woman who didn't take anything lying down. Despite the age difference, Gabe looked up to
his goddaughter. All she had accomplished, the obstacles she'd overcome and still she was able to laugh
every day, appreciate all she had. Ellie gave Gabe hope; it was because of her that he and Ronnie were
together. Her courage fortified him, made him believe that he could love again, live again and with
Ronnie Gabe was discovering that it was remarkably easy to do those things. It was Gabe's fondest wish
to one day share his surname with her, but that was a story for another time. Now all that mattered was
getting Ellie back to reality.
What had happened with Nicholas was unfortunate, but life didn't just end because she was sad. And
more than anything he wanted her to unload her burden on him. Gabe wanted her to vent out her
frustrations, instead of bottling it up like he knew she was doing.
With a resigned sigh he brushed an apologetic kiss on Ronnie's arm, making sure not to unseat Sophie.
"I'm sorry, Ellie. I'm just worried about you."
Ellie only nodded swiping her tears away she reached for her daughter, who wriggled free of Ronnie's
arms and landed on her lap.
"Have you been a good girl for Gabe and Ronnie?" Ellie asked softly, brushing Sophie's curls from
her face.
Sophie nodded vigorously. "Me good girl Mama. Wonnie buy ice cweam." she pushed her mother's
fussing hands aside before continuing "...and we go pak and I see ducky and ducky go qwack, qwack."
Sophie stood on the mattress and quite seriously began to imitate the ducks she had seen by cupping her
hands beneath her arms and flapping them up and down.
Ellie laughed in spite of herself and pulled Sophie down for a quick peck on her button nose. "Very
good ducky noises, baby. I'm very happy to hear you had a good time with Ronnie and Gabe at the park.
Did you get sprinkles on your ice cream?"
"Wainbow spwinkles!"
"Yummy!" Sophie was a surefire way to lighten one's spirits. Just her presence alone was enough to
chase the gloom away and Ellie knew she was blessed to have given birth to such angel. Holding Sophie
between her legs beneath the downy comforter, Ellie turned her attention to the other two occupants in the
room, while her daughter busily played with the silver bracelet around her wrist.
"Thanks for taking care of her guys, I know I haven't exactly been the best parent these past weeks and
I really appreciate you being there for her."
"There's no need to thank us, Ellie, it was a pleasure playing with her. Your uncle loves you two very
much and I'm just glad you like me enough to trust me with your pride and joy." Ronnie said with a
warming smile, settling beside Ellie on the mattress. Tension eased a little when Gabe squeezed her
shoulder reassuringly. She hadn't been sure whether she'd overstepped her bounds, but Gabe's gesture just
now assured Ronnie that he respected her opinion when it came to this close-knit family.
"Of course I like you, not only can you deal with Soph, but you've managed to put my heart at ease
now that I know Gabe won't die a lonely and bitter old man."
"Glad to see you back to your old wiseass self." Gabe said tersely.

Ellie laughed, God, it felt good to actually laugh again. "Stop acting like you didn't miss me."
"Ellie, how are you feeling? I know it's been hard dealing with all of this and school." Ronnie hedged
cautiously, knowing just how sensitive the subject was.
Ellie took a deep breath and released it in one go, her shoulders sagging in the process. "To be
perfectly honest I feel like shit," she wisely covered Sophie's ears before saying the last word. "But I
know I can't sit up here wallowing in guilt and misery." she pulled the covers from her limbs and scooted
off the bed with Sophie in tow. "Gabe's right, Nicholas isn't dead and that's a blessing. I know he'll call
me when he gets out. It's only a matter of time."
Gabe's brows drew together in a frown. This was way too easy. "Ellie"
"I'm fine, Gabe," Ellie reassured. "Really, I'm okay."
"As much as I would like to believe that, I know you and I know that this entire situation has taken a
lot out of you. It's Ok to talk about your problems, Ellie. You don't have to be so mature all the time. You
can be a bratty teenager, throw a tantrum if you want to but don't bottle up your feelings..."
"Stop analyzing me, Gabe I said I was fine and I am." Ellie said through clenched teeth rearranging
Sophie on her hip.
"Stop acting like youre thirty-five and be a child for once!" Gabe yelled in frustration.
Ronnie could quite literally cut the tension with a knife it was so thick. Like plumes of white smoke it
danced through the air and Ronnie could feel it coat the back of her throat like fumes from a second hand
cigarette. She cleared her throat and opened her mouth to speak. "Gabe"
"Stay out of this!"
The realization of his error was instantaneous, the wounded expression on her freckled face like a
physical blow. Gabe attempted to rectify his mistake but Ronnie recoiled from his touch, she stood from
the bed and headed over to where Ellie and Sophie stood.
"I admire the fact that you're trying to be strong and I wish there was more I could do to help. But
know that my prayers are with Nicholas for a speedy recovery and with you as well. I know you'll both
get the happy ending you're overdue for." Ronnie patted Ellie's shoulder and kissed Sophie's cheek before
she turned to leave, not sparing a look to her remorseful lover.
Ellie sighed. "I know it's hard as a parent to see me in pain and not be able to do anything to help me.
But I'm dealing with all of this the best way I know how. Throwing a tantrum wouldn't solve anything.
You've taught me to rely on my own strength, Gabe and I'm trying to do that. I'm a big girl I can take care
of myself."
"But I'm here so that you don't have to do that, Ellie. It's not just you against the world anymore, babe.
It's us and them now, has been for the past three years." He pulled her and Sophie close to him, "You're so
mature for your age that sometimes I forget how young you are. All I want to do is protect you, Ellie. You
can't blame me for being a concerned parent, I love you, kiddo." He was all chocked up now. He
embraced both Ellie and Sophie until the sting of tears passed.
"I love you too, big guy. God, I didn't know you could be such a mush."
"Shut it up."
Ellie laughed. "Alright already, quit stalling and go after Ronnie. It's gonna take a lot of sweet talking
to get yourself out of that Texas sized hole you dug."
"I really did it this time, didn't I?"
"Oh yeah, but I'm sure she'll forgive you."
"What makes you say that?"
"Because she loves you to pieces."
Gabe grinned, goofy really, something Ellie rarely saw. "You think so?"

Ellie nodded, truly happy for him. "A blind person can see it. Now stop wasting time and go." She
pushed him out her bedroom door after one last kiss on the forehead.
"Mama, hungwy."
"Me too, monster, let's go downstairs and see what we can make, Ok?" Sophie only nodded resting her
head on Ellie's shoulder.

It was cold, but the chilling winds had no effect on her, Maddie only pulled the parka closer to her
frame and continued her trek. It was late, nearly midnight and the velvet backdrop of the moonless night
blanketed the streets in darkness but she was not affected. She was trembling though, from fear...from
urgency, both fighting for dominance in her ragged mind. The fear manifested itself in the gaunt faces of
the desolate people she passed. It was in the tagged walls depicting signs of neighborhood gangs that
warned off any and everyone who wasn't in their crew. It blaringly told Maddie she was on the wrong
side of the tracks and would've been wise to turn back now. But urgency was the reason why she
continued. Urgency had won the battle and now drove Maddie further and further into this dangerous
She'd grounded her teeth for hours until the urge drove her nearly insane. She needed the high, the
minute euphoria to keep the thoughts at bay; she was feeling particularly suicidal at the moment. Ready to
crack at any given moment. She needed the high. Craved it. The voices needed to shut up. Now. She
needed them to stop.
Tricks littered the pavement, walking up and down their corners in the hopes of luring a John for the
night, some to get out of the bitter cold, others to support their drug habits.
Junkies, completely strung out and detached from the harshness of reality slumped against dilapidated
apartment buildings, laid practically dead to the world in alleyways, their temporary nirvanas in the
needles at their arms.
This had been Tony's old stomping grounds. This was where he'd done his work' and this was where
he'd frequently brought Maddie.
She wasn't stupid. She knew she was slowly condemning herself and her child to an early grave. The
child, which tests had proven to Charles Grayson and his high priced attorneys belonged to his son, had
shut the bastard up. That was probably the only good thing to come out of this, that and maybe the money
Charles was bribing her with to disappear from their lives. Her and the baby. And Maddie swore after
tonight, she would use that money to get herself clean. After tonight.
"Hey hot stuff, looking for a good time?" a woman who could've easily passed for forty, was it not for
the theater-like makeup masking her imperfections from the world, stepped in Maddie's path. Maddie
tried to sidestep her but she anticipated the move and followed her. "Come one baby, don't be shy. I'm
good with my tongue. I can dyke it up, just for a pretty girl like you. Twenty five bucks and I'll eat your
pussy so good. You don't even need to get a room."
"No thank you." She tried again to walk past her, succeeding in doing so only because she'd shoved the
woman aside and sprinted away.
"Fucking bitch!" Maddie didn't turn back, didn't stop until she reached her destination, a full twelve
blocks from where she'd been.
Winded, she took a moment to catch her breath before walking in the alleyway. The cold wind blew
the fetid stench of urine and trash her way, Maddie persevered. The brick walls bleed icy water that
dripped from the snow covered rooftops and onto the hard, wet concrete beneath her feet. The buzzing
streetlamp above her painted everything a sickly yellow-orange, but Maddie was used to this by now. She
stopped at a brown door behind the alleyway that one wouldn't notice if not aware of its location. She
held a fist up and hesitantly knocked.
"Th'fuck you want?" Eyes as black as night stared at her through a rectangular slit in the door.
"II-was here with, Tony. I need some stuff." Big enough to crawl her ass through an imitation of hell
and yet it seemed that Maddie wasn't big enough to utter the drug of choice. Was it any wonder why Tony

called her a bitch?

"You got money?"
"Y--yeah." Stupidly she held up the fifty she'd stolen from her Gran. She attempted a smile, it came out
more of a grimace, but Maddie wasn't bothered. This wasn't about etiquette. She needed crank and he had
He stepped out of the door, no smile, pistol in hand; he looked up and down the alleyway before
grabbing her money. In the handful of seconds it took before he produced the small plastic bag, Maddie
thought he'd take her money and rape her. But at the sight of the white powder...white gold, she forgot
everything and reached for it. He snatched it out of her reach. Maddie stared at him and he grinned,
suggestive, Cheshire big, teeth practically glowing in the darkness.
"You Tony's bitch, yeah I remember you. He made a grab for her and leered, "Tell you what, baby
girl, you want this, you gonna have to work for it." He grabbed her before she could think to flee.
Sausage-like fingers wrapped around her arm and brusquely dragged her in the metal door closing with an
ominous boom behind them.
Escaping was impossible as he pulled her through a bar-like room, the few occupants in there didn't
bat an eyelash as he dragged her to backroom. There was a mattress on the floor, dirty, stained, he shoved
her on it. Two more came in behind him, mean and ugly and just as big.
"Boys, we're gonna have ourselves some old-fashioned fun." When they started Maddie went to
another place. They brutalized her body for God only knew how long, but her mind remained far, far, far
away. When they were done, Maddie grabbed the white powdered filled bag he tossed her way and
cradled it to her chest. Getting back to her car took almost all she had, but she managed. All she wanted
now was to get home. The urgency to get home had her hands shaking.

Maddie grabbed one side of the pale yellow band with her teeth and yanked taut with her right hand. It
took a while for the veins to surface and it finally did they bloomed blue beneath her translucent skin. She
grabbed the syringe from the floor and positioned the needle at the crook of her elbow; her hands shook
terribly as she tried to locate a good vein. She found it and with great concentration, she inserted the tip
just far enough for her to release its contents.
She expected the rush, the sweet high, calming, soothing...nothing came but pain.
Maddie's heart rate abruptly spiked. The blood in her veins was like fire, it rushed at such a velocity
that the thrumming sound was deafening to her ears. Breathing was impossible. Her body jerked and she
began to convulse on the floor as foamy spittle formed at the corner of her mouth and quickly spread
across her lips.
Was this what death felt like? Maddie silently wondered seconds before she lost conciseness.

Chapter Eleven
Maddie felt as though she'd ingested a steel pipe as her throat constricted painfully in her attempt to
swallow. Her mouth tasted of cotton, her tongue, heavy and dry only hindered her efforts in lubricating her
parched throat. Suddenly, she was a coughing mess, the prickly dry feeling bringing tears to her eyes.
Nurses instantly flooded the room, there were two and they worked in quick uncongenial synchronization
to get her to calm her down. One of them stepped out to grab a cup of tepid water, while the other checked
her vitals. Once assured that she was going to live, one left while the other remained.
She was a portly woman, ranging maybe in her late thirties, hinted by the sprinkle of salt and pepper
hair dusting her temple. She wore what was customary of most nurses, a pair of aqua green scrubs,
pristinely white clogs and a stethoscope strategically placed around her neck. She didn't look overly
mean, but she certainly did not crack a smile Maddie's way as she continued to scribble notes on the
brown clipboard she held in her hands.
"How are you feeling?"
"Fi---" Maddie cleared the rasp from her throat before opening her mouth to respond. "M' fine." The
nurse walked from her position at the foot of the bed and came around to where the ivy pole stood to the
left of the railed bed. She raised her eyes, assessed the bag containing the clear fluid and peered back
down at the clipboard, the ballpoint pen in her hand furiously scratching away. She took a moment from
her notes and favored Maddie with a small smile, not exactly friendly, but it did hold a hint of warmth that
managed to put Maddie slightly at ease despite her discomfort.
"You gave us quite a scare, amazing that you managed to pull through. Do you remember what
happened?" Everything wasn't exactly clear, just vague snippets of memories buzzing around in her head
like deranged flies on the hunt for shit. What little she could remember wasn't exactly helpful or
Her hands shook, the lighter burnt her thumb but persistency would not permit her the option of
quitting, so Maddie impatiently settled to watch the white powder bubble and foam in the large pewter
The suction of the heroin being swallowed up by the needle and making a temporary home in the

graduated marked plastic barrel base had Maddie already salivating for her high.
She didn't remember shooting, but Maddie did remember the effects it had on her.
Her heart accelerating...her senses heightening to the point where it even hurt to breathe...her very
pores had ached...her brain, liver, lungs, and veins felt as though flooded by gallons of heated water...
And then she'd blacked out, with only the wish that God take away the pain and her soul as well.
" I don't remember what happened." She preferred to keep the truth to herself for now.
"Well, there was a great amount of narcotics and harmful chemicals found in your bloodstream, cut
into the batch of heroin you took. When you were brought in we all believed you dead, they had to pump
your stomach to get everything out." It was then that her facial features tightened and the subtle folds of
wrinkles creasing her forehead made their appearances. "The doctor were forced to perform a Cesarean."
"My baby..."
The nurse's sudden pause and frown had Maddie's hand at the base of her abdomen, where once the
small bump had been was now a flat surface of pricking pain. "My baby?" She asked again as the all too
familiar feeling of bile rising and clawing her throat had Maddie hunching over the rail around her bed.
Futilely heaving acidic spit in the pink bowl deftly positioned beneath her face, she took the offered cup
of water and sloshed it around her mouth. The nurse held the pink bowl as Maddie rinsed her mouth out
and took it away when she was through.
The influence of the drugs had clouded her judgment. It took from her the need to care for anything or
anyone but herself and her high. The consequences had been inconsequential, the casualties, replaceable
by the alluring call of heroin. No one had mattered, nothing had mattered, only her and the drug. Nicholas
didn't love her? Heroin eased the pain. She'd been stupid enough to allow herself to be a pawn to an
unstable asshole? Heroin took her to a place where she was smart and strong. Ellie didn't want to be her
friend and forgive her? Heroin became her best friend. Heroin, good and trusting heroin forgave Maddie
the world.
Now reliable and forgiving heroin had possibly taken away something that could've loved her in
"My baby..." Suddenly she was a concerned parent. Breathing became too difficult...too much, too
hard to do anything.
The nurse jumped into action settling a strong yet soothing hand at Maddie's back, she instructed the
red-head. "You have to calm down, Maddie. Breathe deep, that's it, through the nose and out the mouth.
Good girl, slowly now, in and out... in and out." Maddie's torso rose and fell to the nurse's directive
voice. She closed her eyes and tried to reign in her panic. "Very good, you're doing great. Just relax and
keep breathing." Her hand ran soothing circles across Maddie's back until she could breathe properly.
"I'm not going to lie to you, Maddie, your child was born extremely premature and unhealthy, it's a
wonder she even survived as long as she did. She was taken to NICU, the intensive care unit here
designed for the sole purpose of seeing to the care of premature babies. Yours is probably one of the
worse cases they've seen."
"But, she'll be okay right? She has to be okay! Her grandfather is a very rich man; he won't care if you
get the most expansive of doctors to take care of her, just as long as she's taken care of and comes through
okay. So she'll be fine...shshe has to be..."
The nurse shook her head as if to dispute her claim. "As much as I would like to say that she will be
okay, I don't believe in patronizing patients. The chances of your child making it through the night are very
slim. She's been put in an incubator to keep her warm; it'll also decrease the chances of her getting an
infection. The primary nurse is doing her best to get your daughter healthy again. But the chances of that
happening aren't very likely I'm afraid. "

"I want to see her---" she peered at the nurse, finally noticing her nametag. Gwen, it read. "Gwen, I
need to see my daughter."
"I'm sorry, but you can't."
Maddie glared at her through her tears. "What do you mean I can't? I want to see my daughter."
She shook her head, "I'm sorry but you are not allowed." She said firmly, reaching out to check the I-V
on her arm.
"Don't touch me!" Maddie violently pulled her hand away managing to only aggravate the situation
further as the clear adhesive dressing holding her ivy stub in place popped out of her skin. "I'm sorry,
Maddie, but I've been put under strict restriction not to allow you near your child until said otherwise."
Gwen worked to staunch the blood that now flowed from Maddie's skin by removing the existing bandage
and reapplying another one beneath the small gauze she'd used to stop the blood.
"By who? Who the hell has the fucking right?"
"Mr. Grayson for one and its Hospital policy. Your situation is very delicate right now and allowing
you near your child would only complicate matters."
Hysteria was quickly rearing its ugly head and Maddie was facing it head on. "How the hell would I
complicate matters! Please I want to see my baby, I---I want to see if she's okay. Please, Gwen, she needs
Gwen wasn't the least bit moved. Yes, the teenage girl was crying but her agony paled in comparison
to the torture the small baby girl weighing no more than a few pound was going through. The poor
unfortunate child was fighting for her chance to live, suffering and holding on to whatever dear life God
was wishing for her to have. Despite that she was born to another irresponsible, self-absorbed and selfgratifying addict that couldn't be bothered to wean herself off of drugs until she was born.
Gwen had seen enough cases like these in the last fifteen years of working in her field to know people
like Maddie Tate only cried because they were caught and felt sorry that they had gotten caught, not
because they felt true and honest remorse for their mistakes. Gwen couldn't bring herself to feel sorrow
for the red headed girl. This was another case of a child bringing another child into the world, to suffer
unnecessarily for the mother's irresponsibility.
"I'm sorry, Maddie, but I can't let you see that baby. Besides, you are not in any condition to go
traipsing about the ward. You need to get some rest. Your doctor is making his rounds and should be here
Maddie made a grab for Gwen's wrist as she turned to leave. "Please...I'm begging you, please let me
see her. I just want a glimpse, a little reassurance that she's really here. I--I know okay, I know I fucked up
and I don't want pity, I just want to see her...t--touch her..." she released the blood halting grip she had
around the nurse's wrist. "I need her..." She whispered brokenly.
People made mistakes, learned from them and hopefully moved on. This was what being human was
all about. Mistakes could be learned from and forgiven. Gwen had made quite a few of her own in the
entirety of her thirty nine years of life and she knew that without her mistakes she wouldn't have had half
of the wisdom now in her possession or the relationships some of her mistakes had almost cost her.
She wasn't anyone special and so she figured, passing judgment on this girl, who she hardly knew a
thing about except for her medical history, would be unjust. Although it was human nature to despise those
who harmed others, especially the innocent, she knew it wasn't her place.
Let he without sin...
She reached over and sympathetically patted one of Maddie's slumped shoulders, she opened her
mouth to speak but the sudden gruff voice vaguely familiar in tone halted her.
"Maybe you should've thought of that when you were pumping your veins full of drugs." Gwen and

Maddie simultaneously looked up and one gasped as the other silently assessed the dark haired man
standing at the threshold of the room.
For someone who was recovering from a gunshot wound, Nicholas Grayson looked pretty good.
His thick dark hair had grown longer over the past few weeks and now fell a little pass his hardened
jaw line. His clothes consisted of a slate blue sweater set over a while colored shirt, the lapels smartly
peeking over the sweater. And a pair of loose dark blue jeans that fell over white Reeboks.
The first time Gwen had seen him, she'd thought him handsome in a cold, aloof sort of way. It
unnerved Gwen how apt he was in controlling his facial features. There was no emotion there and when
she'd told him news of his daughter, he'd remained as thus, distant, stoic, completely unmoved. No
teenager, no child even, should be that reserved.
Later, he'd gone on to tell Gwen and the rest of the staff how hed wanted the entire situation handled.
He'd asked that the events of his life remain private, no tabloids would get wind of this and if the story
somehow leaked, he and his father would know who to come after first. Nicholas Grayson did
intimidation well, especially when he had high powered attorneys on short-studded leashes at his beck
and call.
"Good evening, Nicholas," Gwen greeted civilly and received a curt nod from the young man. She
turned to Maddie and once again patted her shoulder. She did not envy her this visit. "Dr. Leonard will be
in shortly, please try not to overexert yourself." Gwen didn't wait to see her patient's nod of understanding
before she made herself scarce.
Maddie felt the weight of Nicholas's eyes boring into her, mercilessly condemning her. With only a
gaze, Maddie was in tears. "You have to let me explain---"
"And exactly what is there to explain? Are you going to explain to me why you condemned our child to
a life of hell? Or maybe give me the reason why you tried to sabotage the relationship I had with your
friend? How about explaining to me how you thought your asinine and juvenile antics in blackmailing me
into marrying you could've possibly worked?"
"I'm sorry, Nicky, I'm so sorry. I just wanted to be with you, I wanted us to be a family. Tony and
everything happened so fast and he said he would help me and I fell for it, for him. I loved you, Nicky, so
much that it was an obsession. I just wanted to be with you."
"Get a fucking grip! And face reality!" Maddie looked up, startled as she felt Nicholas's hands on her
skin. Warm, strong hands roughly manacled around her wrists tugged her hands away from her face.
Stormy grey eyes glared back at her, the fury of a thousand angry typhoons glimmered in their
impenetrable depths. "You're not the fucking victim here! Our daughter is! And she's fucking dying! Do
you hear me? She's lying in that incubator, no bigger than two of my fists combined and she's fighting for
her goddamned life! All because of you! You fucked up! You fucked up your life, my life, Ellie's life, and
now this innocent little baby who doesn't even deserve to have us as parents! She's too good...too fucking
good to have us as parents!"
As if sudden the thought of being near her, looking at her, revolted him, Nicholas released her and
staggered backwards.
Maddie sniffed, and kept her aching sobs to small hiccupping gasps that echoed in the silent room. She
was so scared, the fear no longer her own, but for the innocent child she had helped bring into the world.
"Oh god..." She whimpered like a wounded animal as the gravity of the situation suddenly dawned on
her and Maddie was struck dumb by the force with which it all arrived. "O-oh, g-god, please forgive
me..." She gasped.
Nicholas watched her from his position at the foot of the bed. The emotions that flew across the tear

stained face were grotesquely intriguing to watch. Kind of like how he imagined his own face had been
when his father had first told him the news in the illustrious Grayson mansion where hed been sent to
'recuperate' but was not allowed to leave unless given permission to do so. It had been his gilded prison
for the last four weeks of his recovery.
His father had not permitted him any outside contact and had taken away his phone and bike (not that
he had been in any condition to ride it). It wasn't until after the first two weeks that Nicholas had been
well enough to come out of bed and demand an audience with the sneaky bastard.

"Do you mind telling me why I'm not allowed to leave the estates? And why the hell is it that dumb
and dumber are now following me around?" Dumb and dumber also known as Vinny Valentino and
Frankie Burns, were men who lacked the brain capacity to put two and two together, but had the
Herculean brawn to knock you flat on your ass with just one punch. They trailed behind Nicholas now,
giving him space when he approached the imposing red oak desk in Charles's home office.
"Good afternoon, son." Charles feigned pleasantness.
"Cut the shit and give back my phone and while you're at it I'd like the keys to my bike."
"Nice to see the color back in your cheeks; did the nurse put on the dressing?"
The reverberating clap of Nicholas's palms smacking against the polished surface of the desk
caused Vinny and Frankie to jump at the suddenness of it. Nicholas leaned his body forward, his face
within an arm's reach from his father's un-amused one. "Listen old man, I'm in no mood to play your
sick Cat and Mouse games. You've never been bothered to give a damn about me or my life and we've
both done just fine to the point, continue to do so and leave me the hell alone."
Sliver and silver clashed, the intensity of both gazes caused sparks to fly. "Frankie, Vinny, please
excuse us. Id like a word with my son." Charles ordered tersely; breaking eyes contact with his son,
he busied himself with the scattered portfolios on her desk.
"You're wrong Nicholas," Charles mildly began. "We both have not fared well at all. Your knack
for courting trouble wherever you go, as clearly proven by the three bullets they had had to fetch out
of your entrails, has proven to me that you are incapable of taking care of yourself. And I now mean to
rectify that." He paused for dramatic effect, no doubt waiting on Nicholas to ask what he planned.
"Go on father, drop the bomb, I know your itching to do so."
"Very well, as of yesterday you are no longer attending John Edgar. You will complete the rest of
your academic year at Easton where you will get the marks needed for you to enroll in Princeton in
the fall."
Nicholas laughed gut-wrenching humorless laughter that all but tore at the stitches at his
abdomen. "Are we getting senile in our old age, father? Because surely, something must've fucked with
your mind if you think I'm going to actually go with all this docilely, if at all."
Charles coolly regarded his son as he settled back in the leather comforts of the executive chair. As
prideful and arrogant as his son was there was something or rather someone Charles has learned
could bring him to heel and that was Ellie Holbrook. "I think you will see things my way soon enough.
Take a look," Charles tossed a large manila envelope across the table.
Never let him see you sweat, was Nicholas's motto when it came to his father, because the instant
Charles smelt fear he would strike like a shark out for blood and he would not stop until happily
gorged. So, although trepidation inwardly arrested him, his outward appearance remained a blank
canvas. He opened the envelope and reached inside to withdraw the contents. His eyes scanned the
first sheet, and then flipped over the next one, then the one after that and so on and so on until he had

absorbed every word.

Nicholas crumpled up the sheets of papers. "This means shit."
"How sure of that are you son? Enough to gamble on the livelihood of Ellie's family? What you
hold in your hands is a copy of their sole source of income, without the restaurant they have nothing."
"You fucking bastard..."
"The Cat has the mouse cornered son, what's it going to be? Your freedom or the livelihood of your
girlfriend? Choose wisely."
Nicholas's teeth clenched, his fist tightening. A contract, legal and biding struck with the CEO of
Langston banking, read in bold black and white print that 'Splendor' Ellie's uncle's restaurant would
be seized within the month if the owner of the property did not pay the loan owed to the bank. The
interest alone was staggering, Nicholas thought dauntingly.
Charles had some business dealings with Langston Banking and had more than likely threatened to
take his business elsewhere, and Langston Banking was buckling under the pressure. In order to keep
such a high profile client happy, things needed to be done according to his wishes. Nicholas had no
doubt that his father had orchestrated this from the very beginning and was now putting it in motion.
"You are my heir, Nicholas. It is high time you began to act like it. Bend to my will, give over to me,
son and Ms. Holbrook and her family will continue to live in plebian bliss. I will even be so generous
as to set up a trust for the little one---anonymously of course."
"You can take your offer and shove it straight up your ass father, if I'm going to help Ellie and her
family, it'll be by on my terms and my money."
A predatory smile caught its way up Charles's lips. "And exactly what money is that, son? Your
funds have been frozen. Your shop, or should I say my shop, considering the money you took to open it
is still technically mine, has been closed. You have nothing except what I give you."
Nicholas wanted to call his bluff, but he knew his father too well to play that game with him. In
another time, another situation, he would've done so without blinking an eye. Now, There was more at
stake here than his pride, if he pushed too far, Charles would destroy Ellie's family.
"You will leave Ellie and her family alone."
"So long as you do the same."
For Ellie, Nicholas had promised that he would readily walk through the inferno of hell. For, Ellie,
Nicholas would sell his soul to Satan himself if it meant her everlasting happiness. For her, Nicholas
would become his father's mongrel and try not to bite the hand of the psycho who had donated his
sperm to bring him into being.
What was love if not the need to make your other half, your better half happy and content?

Even now, Nicholas could not muster regret for the bargain he'd struck with his father and though the
situation seemed dire now, Nicholas would not be easily beaten. He was a Grayson after all and if
nothing else, he'd learned how to be a ruthlessly conniving bastard from his father. He would get himself
out of this, even if that meant becoming like his father to accomplish it.
"Here's what's going to happen after I walk out of here. You're going to listen to what the nurses tell
you, take whatever the hell the doctors prescribe. After that you and your grandmother are going to sign
your names to the papers that will have you committed to a rehab. I don't care how long it takes, Maddie,
but you will not see or talk to anyone outside of that rehab center until you are clean and healthy again. Is
this in anyway unclear?"
Maddie shook her head. "'N---no,"
"When I next see you I expect to see you clean and determined to keep yourself that way."
What about our baby---?"
"Nothing else should concern you from this moment on except your own well-being. You're
grandmother wishes to see you so I'll say goodbye now."
Nicholas stopped but did not turn around.
"I am so sorry for everything..."
"I'm not going to offer you forgiveness because I am not the one who should be giving it. We both need
to apologize to our daughter, Maddie, we've both wronged her." He walked out then and left Maddie to
her thoughts.

Chapter Twelve
The symphony of machines simultaneously working together to keep her alive sounded like rushing
waves, soothing and yet disturbing. Nicholas looked down at her. She was so small. The tubes, wires and
patches against her flushed pink skin looked abnormal, they did not belong there.
He settled his hand against the plastic glass and he clenched his jaw to keep the tears at bay. No, his
little girl did not belong in there. She was a princess, with curling tufts of his dark hair. She deserved to
be in a massive palace with the world at her feet.
Was this how Ellie felt when Sophie had fallen ill? This feeling of helplessness that had him wishing
and praying that God would give him her pain? He wanted to fight for her. He was her father. He would
slay dragons for her. He would give her the moon and the galaxies if she but asked it of him.
"Come on my, baby...let daddy be your dragon slayer...."
She only laid there, small chest struggling to take in oxygen. She was sleeping now, God was allowing
her rest, but Nicholas knew it wouldn't be long until she woke and fought for life.
Nicholas sniffed. "Please be strong. I know I'm not allowed to ask you for anything, but please be
strong for me? You have to beat this so that you and I can have a chance. I want to be your daddy and I
want you to be my princess. We have so much to do you and me, so much to share, so much I want to
show you...give you. You can have a stable full of ponies...our home will be your little kingdom,
princess..." Nicholas's tears poured now, his voice choked with them. "Y---you'll get to meet Ellie and
Sophie, you'll love them. They're very special to me and they'll love you almost as much as I love you. So
you have to pull through this princess, you have to be strong and survive this, because I---I can't bear to
lose you. Please."
Nicholas remained at her side, watched her small face contort in pain and then relax, and watched her
small nose wrinkle cutely as he counted ten fingers and toes, all dainty and small. In his head he silently
christened her Bella because there was nothing else that suited her more. Nicholas watched over her until
the very moment when the nurse came to inform him that visiting hours were over and even then he stole a
few more minutes to be by her side before he reluctantly left the room.
There was only one other person who he yearned to see in that moment and nothing or no one was
going to stop him.

"Welcome to Splendor, my name is Ellie and I'll be your waitress tonight." It was a switch she turned
on, one that served the purpose of putting the customers at ease, make them feel welcomed. A good
waitress earned a good tip. Let the sweet smile grace your lips, slip on the mask of enthusiasm and be
eternally patient. Above all else, your problem, whatever baggage you had going on wasn't their concern,
so leave the issues at the door and pick it back up when you're done with your shift. These were the rules
Ellie lived by, ones she'd come to rely on a lot recently.
School, along with everything else hadn't been pleasant as of late. She no longer had the shroud of
anonymity. Everyone at school knew who she was now. They whispered behind cupped hands as she
walked down the corridors, following her every move with hawk-like eyes as they recounted the events
of that day. Some didn't even make it a point to whisper but rather blatantly spoke about the intimate
details of her relationship with Nicholas like it was tabloid news.
The girls were especially malicious in mixing lies with half-truths that Ellie didn't even recognize the
stories they told. The pitying looks were the worse though and the teachers were the number one
provocateurs of that. It all became too much after a while.
Not for the first time in the last few weeks had Ellie not felt like the entire world was against them.
Waiting with bated breath for either Nicholas or herself to give into the pressure, sigh in exasperation and
wave the white flag. Renounce their love so that everyone else could be happy.
It was a sore temptation for someone like Ellie, who had experienced both the miserable aspect of life
and love to just give in. Even now Ellie felt tempted to forget their love affair had ever existed and just
move on. Forget that for a brief stretch of time she'd been truly happy. Forget Nicholas...forget everything.
But then a sudden thought occurred to Ellie and she wondered if it was at all possible to truly forget
the other side of her soul. Could she forget his face, so permanently etched within the grooves of her
mind? Was it possible to forget the sensation of being in the arms of a person who made you see the
world so differently? The imprint of his lips upon hers still lingered, like ghosts now, but Ellie still felt
them. The memories of those rare passionate moments they'd shared were impossible to forget.
And the answer to all her questions became clear. Ellie didn't want to forget Nicholas, because she
couldn't forget about Nicholas. She was physically and emotionally incapable of doing so. Moreover as
clichd as it may have been, Ellie believed that Nicholas was the other side of her. Nicholas Grayson
was her soul mate.
Love was a two-sided coin etched with eternal heartbreak and eternal joy and as miserable as it made
you feel at times, the rewards reaped because of the misery would be bountiful. Ellie had to believe that
good things were coming their way. She just had to keep her faith and know that love was leading her
down the right path. She had to believe with her entire being that Nicholas would wait for her down that
So today was yet another day she had to endure. The pain of missing Nicholas was always there,
lurking in the depths of her heart, expanding until at times it was all she felt, but Ellie couldn't allow
herself to fall victim...not again.
"I have the beer braised beef with mushroom for the gentleman," Ellie carefully maneuvered the large
plate of steaming food in the front of a giant man by the name of James Laurens, a regular at Splendor who
happened to be a great tipper.
Laurens or rather James as he'd asked Ellie to call him upon their first meeting, was a self-made
millionaire who'd made his riches by breeding animals people paid a ridiculous amount of money to own.
By just the looks of him, one would never surmise that he was worth anything. He had a joyful demeanor

and a bawdy good-natured sense of humor that always managed to put a genuine smile of Ellie's face.
"Well ain't this the grandest meal I've seen in a bit of a while. Gabe must be in the kitchen." Everything
about James was bigger than life and that included his laughter, a jovial sound that reminded Ellie of
Santa Claus.
Ellie smiled. "Yeah, Gabe actually managed to get off his lazy butt and cook. He made the beef extra
tender for you. And for the lady, I have the Lemon chicken and your potatoes will be right out. Can I get
you anything else?" James looked over at the woman seated across from, who Ellie could only guess to be
the infamous Tinsley Davenport. Ellie had heard lots things about her from James and she hoped that
Tinsley made the gentle giant happy. He more than deserved it. With a promise to return in a little while
to check on them, Ellie left them to their meal.
With the dinner crowd arriving en masse, the rest of the evening did not allow Ellie a moment's pity as
both the staff and customers pulled her in every direction. The thought of Nicholas did not enter her mind
until well after the last customers made their way out the door.
"Ells, Gabe told me to let you know he left early to go pick up Sophie." said Sandy, a slim and pretty
brunette who hadn't been with Splendor overly long, but was a pro with the customers with her friendly
attitude and ready smile.
Ellie tipped them out, peering down at the receipts she punched in the last three numbers in the
calculator before looking up. "Alright Sandy, thanks for the message. You can close up the back door and
tell Josh to lock the kitchen and you're all free to go."
"You're a Goddess! Did I ever tell you're my favorite person to close with, Ells?" She asked sweetly
sweeping the terry cloth across the bar.
Ellie wearily grinned. "I aim to please."
"Hey, do you want to go out clubbing with us? Josh and Kennedy are coming with me."
"No thanks, I'm really beat. I think I'll just go home, shower, and hit the sac."
"I'm sorry, Ells, but you have got to be the most boring eighteen year old girl I know."
"Josh!" Sandy threw her cloth at the lanky, auburn haired man who made his way towards them. A grin
split his lips as he caught the towel and threw it back at her. "Don't be so mean."
Josh rolled his eyes, as he settled into one of the spinning stools set before the long bar. "I'm not being
mean, I'm being honest. For a girl as hot as Ellie is, life should be one massive orgy of parties and guys!
My freaking Grandmother acts younger than her and she's like knocking on ninety!"
"As much as I hate to agree with him, I'd have to say he's right Ells. Come on, it'll be really fun!" She
cajoled, her bottom lip jutting out in a pout. "Please?"
Ellie calmly put the calculator away, sighing she looked them. "My life is fun. Just because I don't go
club hopping and getting smashed doesn't mean I don't have fun. Besides I'm really not into that scene
anymore, I went through it and I really don't want to go back. Now, if you two are done with everything in
the back I'm going to go grab my coat and keys so that we can leave."
"No buts. Thanks for your concern, but I don't want to discuss my life anymore." With that said Ellie
turned on her heel and headed to the back to get her coat and keys.
Sandy and Josh waved her goodnight before hopping into Sandy's red hot Mustang and driving off into
the night. Ellie set the alarm on the door, before she too made her way to her car.

The flickering orange glow from the street lights illuminated the unblemished snow on the asphalt,
catching a crystallized snowflake every now than. Ellie mindlessly admired the simple beauty of it as she
dug inside her coat pocket for her keys.
She hadn't lied when she'd told Sandy and Josh that all she wanted to do was go home, get a shower
and go straight to bed. What she wouldn't do for the warm comforts of her bed right now. Ellie sighed for
the umpteenth time today, with any luck she wouldn't dream of Nicholas tonight, she was so tired. The
sudden gust of frigid air had Ellie tugging the black pea coat tighter around her body; it was only a little
bit more until she reached the Ridgeline.
The sudden screech of tires gripping the slippery asphalt prompted Ellie to look over her shoulder,
wondering if someone was fishtailing. There was a white van heading her way...alarmingly fast. All
thoughts escaped her as she started in a dead run, she could see the truck now, just yards away. The
annoying vroom of the engine warned Ellie that the van was gaining on her, she cursed under her breath as
she ran faster. Only a little bit more...
"Just a little bit furt---" Ellie wasn't given a chance to finish her sentence as an arm wrapped around
her midsection and snatched her into the dark confines of the moving van.
Ellie struggled, fought and bit like a hellcat ready to be declawed. She swore and vowed revenge, but
her assailants would not be deterred as they brutishly held her down, tied her hands, bound her legs,
blindfolded her and wrapped a foul tasting cloth around her mouth, effectively stifling her swears.
As suddenly as it all happened, everything froze to a deafening halt and the only sounds Ellie heard
was the wheezing cough of the engine as the van zoomed down the silent parking lot, snow crunching
beneath the tires. The anger slowly melted away, the adrenaline pumped at a more sedate pace and the
chilling fingers of fear slowly took hold and began to freeze her insides. Fear and panic fused, formulating
vicious thoughts and images.
She didn't want to be raped! She didn't want to be killed! And she most certainly did not want to be
KIDNAPPED! This couldn't possibly be happening to her!
Ellie fruitlessly tried to loosen her bonds, her body writhing on the floor in her desperate attempt to be
free. When that didn't work, she used her weight to thump against the walls of the van-if this was to be her
fate, than she would not go down without a fight!
Ellie did not know whether her captors where bothered by this, but she would make damn sure that
they were. She needed to get them to come to her so she could---well she hadn't worked out quite what
she was going to do, but right now her sole objective was to annoy the hell out of bastards who had
captured her.
That one hurt her left shoulder; Ellie hoped she hadn't dislodged anything.
"Shut up the fuck up back there or I'll come and shut you up" Ah! So she did have their attention.
"The boss said not to lay a finger on her."
"No shit Einstein, like I'm really going to hurt her. I just want to scare her a little, you know, get her to
stop the banging!!"

There was a momentary lapse of silence and Ellie would've gone about thumping some more if it
hadn't been for the next words spoken.
"You think it's a good idea going against the big boss like this? I mean I'm not afraid or nothing, but we
could get in real big trouble..."
"What are you, five? Grow some fucking balls Vinny! Besides, it ain't the big boss we need to worry
bout. The little boss is pretty damn scary when fucked with."
Big boss? Little boss? Was she being kidnapped by members of the Mafia? Ellie's mind raced, this
seemed so surreal!
When the van finally came to a stop, Ellie did not know whether to be elated or wary that they had
arrived at their supposed destination. She wasn't given a moment more to contemplate her situation as they
unceremoniously dragged her out of the van and one of them hoisted her on his shoulders.
With every jarring step the man took, Ellie felt her teeth rattle in her head. She was grateful when it
finally ended and she was set down on a chair.
Blindfolded, bound and not a clue as to what was happening or where she was, Ellie did not know
whether to cry or laugh at the monumental joke that was her life. Her legs shook from all the pent up
anxiety. The door clicked closed at her right and Ellie's legs doubled in speed.
I don't want to die...I don't want to die...I don't want to die.
It was a mantra meant to make her feel better but instead tears formed beneath the blindfold. They slid
down the corners of her flaring nostrils and were immediately swallowed by the gag.

With a few silent words exchanged with Vinny and Frankie at the door, Nicholas palmed the aureate
handle and disappeared in the dimly lit comforts of the room. Instantly his eyes searched and found his
quarry and he was ensnared. Ellie's invisible leash tugged him forward. One step, two steps and another
brought him close. He paused, taking a moment to rein in the urge to grab, hold, devour and never let go.
He needed to be in control, had to remain stable or Nicholas feared he would wash them both away with
his emotions.
Upon Nicholas's favorite brocade chair, Ellie sat. Her legs furiously bounced up and down, her bound
hands set upon her legs moved in similar rhythm. The blindfold he'd asked Vinny and Frankie to use was
firmly tied across a face. A face Nicholas knew quite well, unblemished, and as exquisite as the body it
was attached to. She was the closest thing to perfection.
This woman, so soft, so kind, so everything he was not was the only person Nicholas trusted, loved
and would kill and die for. Ellie was his everything, his reason for breathing...his purpose. Without Ellie
Holbrook, there was no Nicholas Grayson, simple as that.
He was in front of her now, the need to have her in his arms, nearly overwhelming. He stooped down,
his face inches away from the side of her neck, he breathed deep.
He raised his hands behind her head to remove the gag and he kissed her; chaste, sweet, a greeting of
"P-please d-don't do t-this...please..."
"Shhh---" He licked at her cheeks, tasting her tears.
"Let---let me go and I swear I won't say anything to anyone..."
Nicholas smiled, always the martyr his lover.
Taking pity, Nicholas removed the blindfold, it whispered along her skin as it fell away. He watched
her blink, once, twice, three times as her eyes adjusted to the dim lighting of the room, then focused on his
Hazel eyes widened incredulously.
"Nicholas?" while she gaped, he took the opportunity to untie her hands and feet. "Nicky?"
"Yeah babe, it's me."
She was in his arms in seconds, clinging to him like a lifeline. "Oh, God, Nicky!"
"Shh, it's alright, Ellie. Its okay now." He brushed her tears away in his attempt to comfort her.
Ellie pulled away and grabbed Nicholas's face. "I love you, I love you so much! Please, don't leave
me can't leave me again." She kissed him then, desperate, frenzied, her emotions pouring out of
her and into him.
When they came up for air, Ellie took a moment to touch him, the gentle pads of her fingers coasting
across his forehead. She brushed his overgrown fringe out of his eyes. Her fingers trailed down the
patrician nose that flared slightly on the sides and finally down to full supple lips that were still wet and
warm from their kiss.
Nicholas stood silently still, allowing her the perusal and when it was over, he kissed the tips of her
"You don't know how much I've missed you." She poignantly whispered, meeting his darkened gaze.
He interlaced their fingers and leaned his head down, their noses touched and he smiled. "Not as much

as Ive missed you."

The undaunted look in his eyes brought fresh tears to Ellie's own. She wanted to pinch herself to see if
she was dreaming, but his lips on hers, his warm breath sweeping against her face made her realize this
was very real, he was very real and in her arms...alive.
"I'm sorry...I so sorry, Nicky. If I had listened to you...if"
Nicholas silenced her with a kiss. "This night is only for us. Nothing and none else matters tonight,
please give me that, Ellie. Will you do that for me?"
How could she possibly say or do otherwise, with those stormy grey eyes peering into her soul? Ellie
didn't think it was possible to deny Nicholas anything right now.
"Just you and me?"
"Just you and me tonight and always."

Chapter Thirteen
The snow silently fell outside, blanketing the grounds and softening the stark structure that was known
as Jacobs Manor. Just a few yards behind the manor was a cabin belonging to the late Abigail Jacobs.
With the snow it painted a picturesque image of a winter wonderland.
This was where the nephew of one Terran Jacobs temporarily resided. Having arrived last evening
with nothing but the weight of a thousand weary men on his young shoulders, he had only asked that
Terran provide him with temporary housing so he could gather his thoughts and escape the countless spies
his father had pinned on him.
Terran of course as ruthless and severe as he was with his students, could never deny Nicholas
anything. The boy was practically the son hed never had with his deceased wife and of course Abigail
would've never forgiven him had he denied their nephew shelter from the callous antics of his tyrannical
He was aware of the situation going on with his nephew. Though Nicholas only contacted him when
absolutely necessary, he had informed Terran of what was happening in his life when he had arrived.
Terran's opinion on the entire debacle was for Nicholas to cut his losses and start anew at Princeton in
the fall, but his nephew was anything if not stubborn. So, Terran provided what was needed and silently
watched from the sidelines.
Charles would eventually call him with the demand that he not interfere and Terran couldn't wait to
tell his older brother to cheerfully go to hell. Any opportunity to twist the bastard's nose was after all a
favorite pastime. Maybe that was why he allowed Nicholas to run amuck, Terran silently reasoned as he
tipped his coffee mug back. The fact that Nicholas's rebellious nature annoyed his father was most
definitely an attribute Terran liked in his nephew.
Terran's hatred for his egocentric bastard went back to a few years when Abigail had fallen ill, a
malady of the heart that could've been repaired with the right funds. Working on a teacher's salary did not
provide those funds, even with what little they'd saved in the bank, it hadn't been nearly enough. He was a
proud man and the fact that he'd had to prostrate himself before his brother had been the most humiliating
experience of his life.
But for his darling Abigail, Terran would've done anything. So he'd beseeched Charles to lend him the
funds, provide him his team of brilliant physicians to cure his wife. Who knew that Charles would've
denied him outright? Certainly not Terran as he'd stood there nearly sickened by his brothers rejection.
The reason he'd given was that he'd been aware of Terran's brief liaison with Sonya when they'd all been
at Princeton.
Despite that the relationship occurred long before Charles and Sonya were wed, Charles had silently
held that grudge against him. That act of vengeance had caused Abigail her life and Terran had been
heartbroken and furious.
That fury remained to this day---ten years after the fact. Charles was a vile, despicable man who
needed to be hung, drawn and quartered and Terran knew that it was only a matter a time before his heir
did them all the favor. He had time---Nicholas would not disappoint him.

"No I'm fine...yeah...don't worry about me...yeah I'll see you tomorrow. Love you too. Give Sophie a
kiss for me."
Nicholas watched Ellie hang up the phone, his smile unwavering as he took in flushed cheeks. He'd
missed her blushes.
They'd finished eating a light snack of Camembert cheese, an assortment of small fruits and were now
huddled in front of the fireplace in the master bedroom, cups of warm cider in their hands while absently
basking in the warmth of the dancing fire. It was a moment of absolute bliss that Nicholas had to wonder
if it was real. He'd had dreams like this, where everything was captured in perfection, their time together,
beautiful. But then it would all shatter around him and he would be left standing with nothing but the
consuming ache of missing her.
"I still can't believe youre here. I'm afraid I'm going to open my eyes and it would've all been a
dream." Ellie said softly, her thoughts echoing his own and he grinned.
"Have you become a mind reader in my absence?" At Ellie's puzzled expression, Nicholas elaborated.
"I was just thinking the same thing."
"Great minds." Ellie took a sip from her cup; she'd forgotten how piercing those eyes could be.
"Great minds indeed." Nicholas lifted his hand and caressed her cheek. He drew near, gaze intent.
"I've missed you, Ellie, more than you know." Voice a low rasp he stroked his thumb across her lips.
Seated so close, there was no air between them. Their kiss, soft and lingering was a blow to his senses,
the emotions of the past month charging through his core like electricity. The desire burning in Nicholas
was hot enough to burn them both and he gathered Ellie close, his arm spanning her waist, he pulled her
practically on his lap.
The kiss turned hard, forceful and demanding and Nicholas was gladdened to feel Ellie's fervent
response. She parted her lips, inviting his tongue inside, eager to taste him after so long. Twining her arms
around his neck, Ellie moaned as he snaked a hand beneath her sweater and cups cupped her breast
through the lace bra. She broke the kiss, gasping for air as he pinched and rolled a nipple between his
fingers; she bit her bottom lip to keep the moans at bay.
"Ellie," He whispered hotly against her cheek, heavy lidded, gaze perforating, she felt his passion
growing ever longer against her stomach. He took off her sweater in a blink, leaving her partially naked to
his roving eyes. "God, you're beautiful." And she believed him because his gaze was on fire, there was
nothing in there but what he saw of her.
Ellie kissed him then before another breath could be taken and she's just as forceful as he'd been
earlier, she wanted to feel him naked against her skin. Feel the warmth of his skin radiating red hot
beneath her fingertips, feel the solidness of his frame on top of her as they both climbed the ridges of
ecstasy long denied.
Ellie loved the sounds she elicited from him as she nibbled on his earlobe. On her knees between his
parted legs she felt his hands in her hair, encouraging her to take her fill. With practiced patience she
opened the buttons on his shirt, taking great pains in torturing them both.
Passion and desire were quick in deserting her however when she finally saw the dressing covering
his midsection. With quivering hands she pushed the dress shirt off his broad shoulders. Grief and guilt
pushed her back on her folded legs as she took in the damages caused. Looking at him, seeing the layers of
gauzy material wrapped around Nicholas's abdomen slammed home the reality that her boyfriend had
been shot, had been practically at death's door.
Nicholas had almost died.

It was real. The gravity of it all brought tears to Ellie's eyes. She'd almost lost him.
"Hey...Hey..." Nicholas settled a hand beneath her chin, tilting her head up to meet his gaze. "Ellie,
baby, look at me." Watery hazel eyes focused on him, Ellie blinked and her tears fell, Nicholas kissed
them away. "It's all right, Ellie, I'm fine now, it looks a lot worse than it is. I'm here with you, I promise
you that." He kissed her nose and grinned. "I'm way too stubborn to die so easily and besides, I don't think
Hell can hold me from coming back to you. Deal with it, babe, you're stuck with me."
"Damn." She quipped through her tears and smiled in spite of them when Nicholas threw his head back
and laughed, warming her insides. He embraced her, pulling her to his lap he lowered his head and
hungrily devoured her awaiting lips.
There really was no need for words after that. The soundtrack of their love, sweet, desperate and
labored echoed off the bedroom walls as their bodies moved in unison, dancing a dance as old as time

"Good morning."
Morning found Ellie huddled deep within the blankets, a delicious feeling of rightness ran through her
as she drew back the sheets. The sight of Nicholas greeted her; partially naked he stood at the foot of the
bed with a white towel around his hips. Ellie bit the inside of her cheek when he flashed a smile and
raked a hand through his damp hair. God, she could get used to this, she thought silently, wrapping the
bed sheet around herself as she attempted to rise.
"Morning." She tossed her legs over the bed and brushed a lock of hair behind her ear.
"You know," Nicholas began his voice light as he approached her. "I've seen just about every inch of
you right?" he tilted his head slightly amused by her sudden bashfulness. "Every beauty mark is etched up
here." He pointed at his head and laughed when Ellie flushed. He cupped her face, lowering his head, his
eyes bore into hers. "You're like air to me, Ellie." He said quietly. "A necessity I can't do without."
His candor alarmed Ellie, the intensity in his eyes more than she could bear. Her heart hammering
like thunder in her chest she felt completely overwhelmed. It frightened Ellie that he could need her so
much. Want her with such desperation. "I love you too, Nicky." She whispered, eagerly accepting the kiss
he offered.
"Do I get to shower too?" she asked moments later, slightly breathless.
"So long as I get to join you."
"But you just showered." She replied dubiously, jumping off the bed.
"Yes," he said slowly, effortlessly sweeping her off her feet, "but I'm a very dirty boy.
"Nicky!" Ellie squealed. "Put me down!" impervious to her demands, Nicholas marched them to the
bathroom closing the door behind them, stifling Ellie's screams.

Life had been good for them. Their friendship, stuff of legends. Their destinies set in stone. Nicholas
was the leader, the bronze God everyone could not help worship and he'd been more than happy in his
shadow. Loving and basking in the glow of Nicholas's enigmatic charm and those devastatingly good
Matt had believed in them, in their friendship. He'd believed that they would inherit their fathers'
empires and go forth together to forge a new era in business. Merge both companies together and rise to
the top as titans. He had grounded his faith in Nicholas, planned a future for them that now seemed so
dismally far out of reach, all because of the black bitch that poisoned Nicholas's mind against him.
Never had Matt regretted anything more than the afternoon he'd initiated the bet with Nicholas. Had he
curtailed the urge to demoralize yet another one of John Edgars gullible pupils, he wouldn't have found
himself in this situation. Leg broken, in agony and downright pissed off that his plan hadn't worked. With
all the time and effort he'd spent on said plans one would think he'd at least come out the situation with
something aside from broken bones and a slew of cops now on his ass with questions he'd chosen not to
answer without his attorney present.
God, everything had gone to shit and Matt did not take a moment to rationalize his thoughts when he
piled the blame on everyone else's doorsteps. Carlyle was a fucking moron and Matt knew he should've
known better than to trust a junkie with anything but dealing. And Maddie, the poster child for selfdeprecation had proved nothing more than a decent fuck. Then there was Nicholas. How could he
possibly find himself attracted to that girl, when Matt was the one who'd waited...wanting...needing
Nicholas to acknowledge him as more than just a friend?
He was the one deserving of Nicholas!
He was the one who loved him most! The one who'd stayed up with him clearing out his father's liquor
cabinet when Nicholas's whore of a mother abandoned him. He'd been the one who'd talked Nicholas out
of countless suicide attempts, had even gone so far as to stand on that bridge with him when Nicholas had
wanted to jump. He, Matthew Bates, had been the one who had manipulated and plotted to ruin a girl's life
just so Nicholas could acknowledge him. He loved him so damn much that his obsession ate away at him
like a festering wound.
"I loved you first!" Matt roared, swiping his arm across the bedside table, dishes clattered to the floor.
Nurses were quick in coming to his aid, anxious in discovering what had happened. One hastened to floor
to pick up the broken dishes, while the other checked on his vitals and fussed with the sheets.
"Get the hell out of my room, I'm fine!" Matt shoved her away when a slip of her hand caused the
searing pain from hours ago to return with vengeance.
"I'm sorry----"
"How many fucking times do I have to ask for a nurse who doesn't have the limited vocabulary of an
immigrant? Learn some fucking English before talking to me! Until then, leave me the hell alone!" The
Haitian nurse remained indifferent to Matt's harsh words, although she did exchange a knowing look with
the other nurse.
Matthew Bates had made a name of himself since he'd been wheeled in from the OR. Every RN or NP
in the West wing avoided his room like a plague, no one wanted to be scorched by his scathing words.
Poor Mary-rose because of having to work around her son's school schedule had been stuck with the
bastard. She would've gladly exchanged patients with any of the other nurses, only no one wanted the

burden that was Matthew Bates.

Mary-rose had dealt with a lot in her life therefore handling someone like Matt was a cakewalk. It
wasn't exactly her first time hearing such ignorant comments and it certainly wouldn't be her last. In her
opinion Matt was another prime example of a spoiled rich white boy who believed he owned the world
just because daddy made it so.
"How you feel, Sir? Can I get you something to drink? Apple juice, Ginger Ale?" Arsenic, she silently
added, a blithe smile on her lips.
Matt scowled. "I want you to leave me alone and while you're at it, get my doctor. I'm ready to get out
of here." Of course the police had asked that his doctor inform them when Matt was ready to be
discharged, but Matt was sure his father had taken care of it.
Mary-rose forced a smile. "Okay, you try get some sleep." She left him then, the other nurse close at
her heels.
It wasn't until they were completely out of the room before Matt fell back against the mounted pillows
with a heavy sigh.
He needed to see Nicholas and make him understand. There was a distinct blueprint of their lives that
they were meant to follow. It was predestined. Their fathers had followed the blueprint and their fathers
before them. They had all sown their oats, married when time had called for it, produced heirs and gone
on to conquer the business world and he and Nicholas were supposed to follow. Walk down the beaten
path and follow their fathers to glory.
How had he allowed Nicholas to stray so far? Matt wondered morosely. Was Ellie's hold on him so
strong that he could throw away years of friendship so easily? Jesus, was she that good of a lay?
Matt sighed and carded fingers through his hair. It wasn't lost on him how crazy he sounded at times,
especially when his thoughts came to Nicholas. But he sincerely believed his obsession well founded.
Nicholas---Nicholas was an amazing guy, who had all the potential of becoming a magnificent man. Matt
wanted to be the one by his side when he reached his glory. But more than anything, Matt wanted to
belong to Nicholas. He wanted it more than his next breath.

Transfixed and just a little overwhelmed, Ellie stared at the pixilated image of Nicholas's child
blazoned across the cell phone screen. She was the tiniest thing, no larger than the distance between the
tips of her fingers to the inside of Ellies elbow. Pink and sweet, with all digits and toes accounted for.
She had the slightest hint of blue-green veins protruding from her rose tinted skin. She looked at peace in
slumber, reminding Ellie of a porcelain doll with all that dark hair on her head.
After they'd eaten breakfast, Ellie had asked Nicholas to recount the events that had led him to this
point. Afterwards, once he'd told her about his daughter and her precarious state, he'd taken out the cell
phone to show Ellie her picture.
Reality set in quick for Ellie as she continued to stare at the image, her thoughts running ragged. She
couldn't really describe the emotions going through her, only that she was afraid for this little girl and her
father. Her gaze involuntarily found Nicholas and Ellie reached out to him, settling her hand on his
forearm. When he looked at her, a vise clenched around Ellie's heart. The agonized expression on
Nicholas's face like her own.
"I named her Isabella...Bella for short." He began with a smile that was far in reaching his silver eyes.
"Shes the most perfect little thing, Ellie. I can't wait till you meet her. Sophie too. Shell have a sister to
play with. His voice was hollow, haunted and Ellie couldn't fool herself into thinking the glitter in his
eyes was anything but tears. She was in motion before she could think, her body finding a place between
his parted legs.
"Shes perfect, Nicky." The overwhelming jolt she received upon hearing Nicholas say that Sophia
would have a sister to play with was temporarily ignored as she focused solely on him. "And Sophie's
going to love her."
"The minute she pulls through this, Elle, I want to go away. You, me, Soph and Bella, we'll all go far
away from here, just the four of us." With head bowed, the top of Nicholas's head rested against Ellie's
chest and lovingly she ran her fingers though his hair. Nicholas's agony palpable. It hurt to see him this
way. "I---I promised her a kingdom, Ellie." He was trying so hard to keep the sorrow inside, the strength
it took evident in every fiber of his being. Ellie felt it, pulled taut like a bowstring. "I'mI'm scared..."
Ellie gasped when he grabbed her hips, blunt finger nails digging into her naked skin. The pain became
inconsequential the minute Nicholas buried his face against her chest and silently wept.

Sonya had never done anything for anyone without gaining something in return. She'd learned at a very
young age that in order to survive in a male dominated world, she had to use her God given gifts to get
what she wanted. One of the things she had wanted most of all was Charles Grayson.
Born the youngest daughter of a sexually abusive father and an alcoholic mother, Sonya had learned to
survive the best way she knew how. Her beauty, paired with her hourglass figure had been her weapons
and with them, she'd conquered movie screens. With enough brains and shrewdness to know who the
elites were, she'd charmed those who would ultimately lead her to Charles.
Her wedding had been the stuff of fairytales. Her husband, not exactly Prince Charming, but his wealth
had made up for that. For some time, Sonya had lived with rose-tinted glasses, believing that everything
was right with the world. The illusion shattered the very second she'd discovered the unsettling truth
about her husband.
Their former housekeeper Greta Billson had lived in the pool house behind the Grayson mansion with
her twelve year old son Joshua, if she remembered the name correctly. Joshua had been a shy little boy
with a comely face far too pretty to belong to a boy. But belong to him it did.
He'd been incredibly bright with an affinity for books. Charles's home office had held an extensive
plethora of books, floor to ceiling, wall to wall and Joshua had been drawn like a moth. Charles had
discovered Joshua's passion and had exploited it to his own perverse pleasure. For every sexual favor
Joshua performed on him, Charles was always sure to gift the young boy with a new book.
This had gone on for months before Greta discovered what was happening. She'd threatened to go the
police but Charles, being who he was had bought her silence with an obscene amount of money and a few
good threats added to the mix to keep them all quiet.
Mortified, absolutely horror stricken couldn't have come close in describing how Sonya had felt upon
learning that she'd married the very thing she'd spent her entire life running away from. She'd rummaged
through his things after that, when he'd go on business' trips, she'd snuck into his office. The code to his
private safe had not been easy to crack, but once she'd gained access, Sonya had seen the abundance of
DVDs. There'd been so much, movies, pictures hundreds upon hundreds of them showcasing barely legal
boys performing all types of sexual acts on Charles's and his business partners.
Sonya could remember throwing up for days after that. When she'd worked up enough nerve to
confront him, he hadn't bothered to deny the accusations like Sonya had hoped. He'd been quite
emotionless and blas about the entire situation, going so far as to tell her that now he wouldn't need to
hide behind business trips when he traveled overseas.
She'd discovered her pregnancy soon after that and had spoken to her lawyers about a divorce. The
result of that had been the death of her acting career. Charles had made it so that no one hired her. Going
to the police ensured her eldest sister's car accident. After that, Sonya had gotten the message loud and
clear. She wasn't going anywhere.
Scared, helpless and with no one to help her, she'd felt so alone. It was then that Sonya stopped
fighting her husband and fell into the role of vapid socialite wife. She'd perfected the role so well that
now she didn't even know who the real Sonya was.
Her son's hatred was the price she paid every day for her fear and cowardice all those years ago. She
didn't want pity, nor did she expect anything from Nicholas for what she was planning. This was a long
time coming and this was the least she could do for him for her failure as a parent. The very least.
Sonya patted the manila folder next to her. In just a few minutes they would arrive at Jacob Manor and

the wheels of Charles's demise would be set in motion. Sonya could hardly wait to see the bastard

The very second the black luxury sedan came to a halt before the imposing structure that was Jacob
Manor, Sonya anxiously opened the door. Heedless of the frazzled chauffeur who rushed to her side to
open the door for her, she held the sealed envelope tightly to her thundering chest, hoping that she was
doing the right thing. Once or twice on their journey shed almost made the chauffeur turn the car around,
sure that Charles was on to her. But the thought of Nicholas had given her strength. She was doing this for
her son. She owed it to him.
Her nerves wreaked havoc on her sanity as she waited for someone to open the door. She huddled
deeper into her fur coat as the frigid night air tousled her dark mane. Nervously peering into the black
abyss of night, Sonya tried to see if something or someone was out there. This wasn't unusual for her,
having to constantly be on her guard, looking over her shoulder every now and then had become a norm.
She'd had years to become accustomed to being followed by Charles's men or the horde of paparazzi that
had hounded her every footstep. The only difference between the two was that one had all the power and
right to institutionalized her under the guise of doing it for her wellbeing.
Charles had threatened her with that more times than she could count over the last three years. He'd
flaunted the fact the he'd already chosen the institution and was only waiting on her to slip up somehow
and give him reason to sign the papers.
Well if this isn't reason enough. Sonya thought dryly.
"Have I given the world reasons to believe my home is some sort of haven?" Terran groused as he
reluctantly opened the door.
"Don't be a pain, Terran," she retorted. "I need to speak with you."
Wordlessly Terran stepped aside allowing her entrance to his home. Beneath the dimmed lighting of
glass chandeliers, Terran carefully assessed her. Face blessedly devoid of the war paint women insisted
on wearing, Sonya appeared the fresh-faced beauty Terran remembered her to be. Crystalline blue eyes
stared back at him, distress and wariness swirling in their depths. Taken aback, Terran wondered at the
emotions there. This wasn't the self-possessed socialite bitch he was accustomed to seeing on television
Gone was the wife of the multi-million dollar mogul, who could cut a man down to size with just one
glance. The discernable fear weighing down on her shoulders was evident even in her attempt to remain
strong. That one gesture alone instantly endeared her to him and for brief stretch of eternity he was once
again the awkward boy, who had fallen utterly and irrevocably in love with his brothers wife.
"What is it?" the abruptness of his voice was unintentional, but the effect she had on him put Terran off
balance and that was something he wasn't sure he liked very much.
Her shoulders rose and immediately dropped back down, a frustrated sigh escaped her. "Tell me that
you hate Charles, Terran. Tell me you want him to pay dearly for what he put you through." He face was
without the slightest bit of humor, her unflinching gaze gauging his response.
"What is this about, Sonya"
"This is about doling out justice, Terran and I want to know if I made the right decision in coming to
you for help. Because I don't think I can do this by myself and survive."
Her urgency disturbed him. "Let's take this to my study." His staff had been dismissed for the evening
and he didn't believe there were any bugs crawling around, since the last time he had his security
personnel sweep the manor. But one was never truly safe when dealing with Charles, even in one's own
home. His study was the safest place in the manor, the only place were only he had access to.

The silence crackled with tension as Terran closed the office door behind them. He watched while she
aimlessly ambled around the room, touching scarlet and obsidian furniture. She removed her coat,
revealing clothes that Terran didn't even know she owned. The navy blue trapeze sweater and pair dark
blue jeans fitted her curvaceous figure quite well. The designer heels at her feet were muffled by the
carpet as she continued to look around. Realizing he was staring, Terran cleared his throat and offered her
a glass of wine, anything to distract him from lusting after Charles's wife...again.
"No, thank you." She settled against the Chesterfield clutching a large envelope on her lap. "Terran,
I've known you for a long time now." She began. "And I know I haven't been the greatest of friends. Even
when Abbie was still alive I failed to be a friend to you both and for that I am truly sorry." She sighed and
ran her fingers through her hair, a habit reminiscent of her teenage years. "Because of my selfishness and
cowardice, I've sat idly by while my husband ruined so many lives, yours included. I can't sit around and
watch anymore. I can't let him ruin Nicholas's life more than it already is, for which I am partially to
blame. If it weren't for your intervention at times, I don't even know where he would've ended up."
Terran remained silent. Leaning against his desk, he allowed her a moment before she continued.
"He's met someone, you know. When he came to see me in the hospital he spoke about her. You
should've heard the joy in his voice Terran. He wasn't the same Nicholas." Were those tears Terran heard
in her voice?
Her eyes had the glassy sheen of burgeoning tears and he wondered for one horrified second whether
she was actually going to release those tears. He didn't do well with crying women.
"He's changed," she silently sniffed. The tears thankfully remained at bay. "It's a good kind of change.
He has this happiness that's been absent his entire life and now that he has it, I'll be damned if I just sit by
and let Charles take that away." The resolute glare was back on her face. "And that's where I need your
Terran released a sigh of his own. "Well I shall certainly do my best not to disappoint." Had he not
been overzealous in his thoughts a few days ago, of wanting to destroy Charles? Sure he had believed his
nephew the one to set the wheels in motion, but this would do just fine. Either way, the end result was to
maim if not kill the underhanded knave and Terran was more than happy to be part of it. "What is that you
need me to do?"
She stood from the couch and came to a stop an arm's length away from where Terran stood.
Tentatively she handed him the mustard colored envelope and intertwined her fingers in front of her,
watching him through a shade of thick dark lashes.
Mutely Terran opened the envelope, looked up for a brief second before curiosity won him over and
he trained his eyes back to the contents inside the envelope. Not knowing what to expect he cautiously
reached inside and took out the first thing that whispered against his fingers.
Terran's face remained blank while his eyes swept over the glossed images he held in his hand.
"Fuck." Crass, but effective as it seemed the appropriate word to describe what he was seeing.
If a man was into such perversion, very illegal perversion, Terran wondered why he would be stupid
enough to have someone photograph it. But then again, this was Charles Grayson, a man whose serial
sadism was infamous. No one really knew exactly how his twisted mind worked.
The children, and they were simply that, innocent children, the majority little boys, cavorting with
adult men, grown, lecherous, depraved men. They all seemed morally bankrupt, faces frozen within the
glossy images. Charles was at the center of it all. In each photograph he was at the heart of it, face
contorted in pleasure, he seemed to taunt the viewer with the depraved smile on his lips.
Terran was a man of strong constitution and at the moment he was grateful for it, otherwise he
would've thoroughly embarrassed himself with the need to empty his stomach in the trash bin by his desk.

But Sonya, he was sure wouldn't have faulted him he knew, because these images would've made anyone
extremely sick.
Terran wasn't truly aware of Charles's immorality until this very moment. And to think, once he had
wanted to be like this man.
Sonya was unable to discern Terran's emotions as his face remained as blank as a fresh canvas. But
she continued to watch him, assuming that he probably felt the way she had the first time she looked at the
pictures. "There are more," she felt as though she needed to say that. "Boxes full, he keeps them locked
away in the East wing of the mansion. I was only able to get these few." she began to pace, agitation
swimming through her system. "It's been like this for a long time now! I knew and yet"
"You were scared." He said distractedly pouring the contents of the package on his desk.
"That's no excuse! Oh god! What if Nicholas She said with horror, her voice pained she tried not
to hyperventilate.
"He never touched, Nicholas." Terran succinctly whispered against her head as he awkwardly held
her. Nicholas would've told him, Terran was sure of it. His nephew would not harbor such a devastating
"How do you know? What if that's why he hates me? Because I couldn't protect"
"Stop," his command was harsh. "He hasn't touched Nicholas. Nicholas would've told me." He firmly
assured. There weren't many things that Nicholas could keep secret from him. Nicholas may not have been
his son, but the relationship they had was the closest any father and son could have and Terran believed
that Nicholas would've come to him with something as grave as being molested by his father.
"This is not the time for guilt and we must both be strong in this. You have trusted me enough to come
for my help and I promise you here and now that you will have it. This is exactly what is needed to see
Charles gone from all our lives."
"I'm sorry," She pulled away and Terran allowed her a moment to gather her bearings. "I want him
gone, Terran. I want him gone for a very long time."
"Yes," he nodded the gears in his head turning at great velocity as he tried to formulate their next
From this moment on, they had to tread carefully, they had the opportunity to maim the beast and
Terran would not let it slip through his fingers. "His day of reckoning is near." There couldn't be any room
for mistakes, if they so much as alerted Charles to their plans, everyone concerned would be made to
suffer for conspiring against the devil himself.

Chapter Fourteen
The nurse had called at one thirty. The exigency in her voice had Nicholas breaking at least a dozen
traffic violations to get them to the hospital. They'd parked in the ER lot and the moment they'd entered the
hospital, Nicholas ran through the corridors like a madman. That had been almost four hours and twenty
minutes ago and Nicholas stood in the exact spot where he had been since their arrival.
He hadn't spoken much and any attempt Ellie made to draw him out of his self-imposed misery had
been futile. So she'd chosen instead to sit by his side and silently lend him support. The warm cup of tarlike coffee held between her hands abated the chill of dread that refused to leave her.
Glancing at Nicholas, Ellie worried for him. His face was closed off, eyes shuttered to keep his agony
to himself, Ellie was unable to reach him, unable to provide the comfort he needed.
But Nicholas did not allow her the opportunity. His thoughts, his energy, his prayers were with his
daughter, who was at this very moment fighting for her life behind those ominous white double doors.
She'd struggled to breath throughout the day and had completely stopped breathing just before the nurse
called them.
It was frightening, but the fear in Ellie's chest did not measure up to what she could imagine Nicholas
was feeling. If that had been Sophie in there---the thought alone sent her reeling. She had enough of a hard
time dealing with a sick Sophie, anything worse seemed unfathomable. Ellie couldn't comprehend what it
was like to feel so utterly helpless, at least when Sophie was sick she knew how to care for her. Ellie
knew how to soothe the pain away, but what did one do in this situation? How did one take away the pain
of an infant child who was in the cusps of despair, teetering on that precarious line of life and death?
Ellie wanted the answers so that she could help her, because no matter who she came from, this little
girl was also her own. She was a part of Nicholas therefore she was a part of Ellie as well now. Wasn't
that how family worked?
She would be okay. Ellie fervently whispered to herself. Willing it, wishing it, praying it. She would
be okay. She had to be okay. How else could they be a family if she wasn't a part of it? Ellie had fallen in
love again and she wasn't nearly ready to say goodbye. Fate wouldn't be so cruel.
The OR door hissed open and a dreadful feeling overcame her. The doctor approached them and the
sudden draft indicated that Nicholas had vacated his post to hurry and meet him halfway.
Her vision blurred. Ellie didn't need to lift her head or even acknowledge the sorrow coating the
doctor's voice as he doled condolences. Even before she heard the odd guttural moan that escaped
Nicholas's lips, she knew. Ellie hated that she knew.
She stood and silently ambled to where Nicholas stood...stunned. She embraced him, held him so tight
that it hurt. He didn't squeeze back, only remained motionless in her arms. Ellie couldn't say that it would
be okay. She couldn't bring herself to utter platitudes that they both knew would be pointless. But she held
on, cried for him and desperately prayed that Nicholas did not withdraw from her.
"I'm here and I love you." She said voice choked with tears.
"I... he stopped, his body shuddered.
"I'm here, Nicky." Please take your strength from me. Please God give me strength to be strong for the
both of us.
"I cant. I justI cant." it was an effort Ellie knew. She saw the battle for control, felt it within every
hitched breath, within every corded muscle in Nicholas's body. She felt it in the fluttering beats of her

lover's heart, erratically thumping against her own even with the layers of clothes between them, Ellie felt
Nicholas tried, fought to keep the tears and grief at bay. "I need to see her." He abruptly pushed away
from Ellie. Angrily he swept the back of his hand across his cheeks and turned to the doctor who had been
standing at a distance, giving them their moment to grieve.
"I... want to see her."
Pity painted on the doctor's face, he nodded. "Of course, follow me."
Not knowing whether she was needed or not, Ellie chose to remain behind. Nicholas needed time
alone with Isabella. But the moment Nicholas turned back, face a shadow of pain, hand held out, Ellie
was instantly at his side, her palm falling against Nicholas's own, she tightly intertwined their fingers.

Nicholas swallowed the egg sized lump in his throat. His hold on Ellie's hand tightened just a bit more
when the nurse handed him the swaddled bunch. She looked like she was sleeping and nothing more.
Nothing as everlasting as death.
God, it hurt to breath, Nicholas thought.
She didn't even get a chance.
He was forced to swallow, sure that the tears at the back of his throat would abate. "God I would've
spoiled you rotten..." his voice sounded strange, heavier, deeper, the tears refused to leave. "You
would've had me wrapped around your little finger and I wouldn't have cared because nothing would've
pleased me more than to see you happy. I didn't get to know you for long, but I loved you all the same."
It was becoming increasingly hard for him to speak, but Nicholas persevered. Needing to say what
was on his chest one last time. "I know you'll be happy wherever you're going. I just wish I had you for a
little longer. I don't know how good of a dad I would've been, but I know you would've been loved. Every
second of your life you would've been loved with my entire being. You were such a brave little
girl...staying with me for so long.
Thank you, Bella, thank you for giving me the opportunity to have met you. I love you, more than
words can express, I love you and I will never forget you, for as long as I live your memory will live on.
Rest in peace my love." His tears trickled down his cheeks, splattering into the blanket as he brushed a
kiss across her forehead.
After handing her back to the nurse, Nicholas had Ellie in his arms. Seeking her warmth, he slid his
hands through her hair, cupping her face his thumbs glided over her wet cheeks.
"It hurts...." He said brokenly, his forehead falling gently against hers. It hurts so much, Ellie.
"I'm so sorry, Nicky." She ached for him, truly and utterly. There werent words to say that could allay
his agony. But all the same Ellie made an attempt if for nothing else then to fill the air. Im here for you,
Nickyalways. And she was. Ellie would always be there for him because there was no other place in
the world she belonged more.
Nicholass response was to bury his face against her neck. Ellie held him as they mourned together.

It seemed fitting that the heavens would open and mourn for one of its own Ellie silently thought
stepping closer to Nicholas with her umbrella.
"In sure and certain hope of the resurrection to eternal life through our lord Jesus Christ, we commend
to Almighty God our sister Isabella Grayson. We commit her body to the ground, earth to earth, ashes to
ashes, dust to dust. The Lord blesses her, and keeps her. The Lord makes her face to shine upon him and
be gracious unto her and give her everlasting peace. Amen. "
"Amen." The few in attendance chorused as they lowered the coffin into the ground.
Maddie stood across from them, face smeared with tears as she leaned against her grandmother for
support. Gabe and Ronnie were not too far off, their own sorrow painted on their faces. A subdued
Sophie sat in Ronnie's arms, as if she understood the significance of the situation.
Charles stood to Nicholas's left, face revealing nothing as he held on to his cane. His wife, the first
Ellie had ever seen of her stood beside her husband, her face a beautiful mask of grief as she silently
mourned for a granddaughter she would never know.
Ellie chanced a glance at Nicholas's face and as unchanging as it had been over the last seven days, it
remained so now. Vacant, apathetic, a frozen poker face of handsome features. His hands were shoved in
the pockets of his slacks, beneath the charcoal blazer his shoulders were held high, taunt. Head bent low,
his dark shaggy locks covered his face from everyone except Ellie.
She wanted to put her arm around him, but she knew the effort would not be appreciated. It hadn't been
the last few days. With a quiet sigh, Ellie followed the procession, picking up a rose and gently throwing
it on top of the lacquered coffin.
Once everyone was through, Ellie stood off to the side and watched Nicholas as he stood before the
grave. Hands still shoved in his pockets, the rain pelted down on him making his hair look like ink against
his pale face.
"I love you." Nicholas said inaudibly, reaching over to take a rose from the tray being held out. He
tossed it on the coffin. "Rest in peace, Bella."
He turned away and headed for Ronnie. Sophie eagerly jumped into Nicholas's awaiting arms,
heedless of the rain. She remained stuck to him like a limpet as they made their way to Ellie.
"Let's get out of here." Indifferent to the stares they received, Nicholas held out a hand to her which
Ellie immediately took. Wordlessly they made their way to the town car theyd arrived in.
"Nicholas!" The name wrenched from the very depths of Maddie's soul echoed through the cemetery
garnering the attention of several people. She looked like a drowned rat, her dark-red hair sticking to her
sallow skin like blood. Heedless of the rain beating down on her, Maddie faced both Nicholas and Ellie,
staring at them through raccoon rimmed eyes glistening with unshed tears.
Only moments earlier her grandmother had pleaded with her to leave Nicholas alone to mourn, but the
masochist in Maddie had wrenched her arm from her Gran's feeble hold to race over to him. Nicholas and
Ellie, with Ellie's adorable daughter ensconced between them gave the appearance of a happy family.
Jealousy was a like a boa-constrictor obstructing Maddie's airway. She swallowed back the tears and
the aching curiosity of what it would've been like had their daughter survived. Isabella, had she lived,
could've been the glue that kept them together. Kept Nicholas around. Isabella's presence would've
eventually made Nicholas realize that they were a family and he would've eventually seen just how deep
Maddie's love ran.
But those dreams, those plaguing fantasies had been dashed away by her stupidity. She had screwed it
all up. And now instead of love shining in Nicholas's eyes, the unmitigated hatred she saw there, shone

like a beacon through those grey fog eyes.

She looked as if she hadn't slept in months, Ellie observed silently, taking stock of gaunt features. The
changes in Maddie were drastic enough that Ellie's heart went out to her.
Despite the black, shapeless sweater she donned, Ellie could tell that Maddie had lost a significant
amount of weight since the last time they'd seen each other. The effects of withdrawal, something she
could gravely attest to were not a kind master and Maddie it seemed had become its whipping girl. The
battle showed in the way she stood, hunched over slightly as if the weight of civilization itself rested upon
her shoulders. Ellie's gaze traveled further down as she picked up on the snapping noise. Sympathy
gripped Ellie further realizing what the snapping noise was.
It was a coping mechanism used in outpatient programs to curb the impulse to self-mutilate. For Ellie
it had been an ice cube strategically placed on the inside of her wrist, right above the vein. Ellie guessed
the rubber band was Maddie's way of curbing the impulse.
"What?" Nicholas's emotionless voice drew Ellie back to the situation at hand. Holding the umbrella
over them with one hand and a muted Sophie in the other, Ellie was pleasantly surprised to see Nicholas
keeping his cool. Although everything she knew told her that it wouldn't last long.
The snapping doubled in rhythm and Ellie winced, knowing the razor sharp pain Maddie was
probably feeling. "II'm happy that you invited me." She uttered through bloodless lips, teeth chattering
from both emotion and the chill in the air.
Your happiness had nothing to do with it. I only did what I thought my daughter would've wanted."
Those words and voice that held about as much warmth as the polar ice caps produced an involuntary
shiver in Ellie and suddenly she was happy that Nicholas's wrath wasn't aimed at her. A wrathful
Nicholas was something to definitely be wary of.
Maddie swallowed, wincing despite herself as the tears trickled down her cheeks to mix in with the
rain. "SheShe was my daughter too." She said brokenly. "I loved her."
Nicholas's laughter was humorless, detached and filled with lacerating hatred. "Right, you loved her
so much that you decided to get her hooked on lethal amounts of what I am sure will be the newest
prenatal vitamins for all pregnant women. Very good, Maddie, I applaud you." Maddie took step back as
if slapped, the malice in his voice too much to handle.
"It was an accident."
"One that caused Isabella's life! You stupid, selfish bitch, do you have any fucking idea what you took
from me? Do you have any idea of how much I wish it were you in that grave right now?"
"Nicholas!" Ellie took a frightened Sophie from Nicholas's arm, his anger so palpable that someone so
small could be affected by it. "This isn't the time or place to have this discussion. she glared at Nicholas
who still refused to meet her gaze, before continuing. "Youve both lost a child. Putting the blame on
someone else isn't going to change that fact." She reasoned, taking a step towards Maddie in the hopes of
lending her some comfort. Suddenly Ellie wanted to mend the rift between them, however, the viselike
grip on her wrist kept her at Nicholas's side.
Nicholas's jaw clenched, his hold on the umbrella tightening. "Get in the car." He ordered succinctly
and in a flash, Ellie saw Charles's in that face. The beautiful face she had tenderly kissed so many times
before. The face that conveyed the simplest message of love with just a glance was now cast in granite,
epitomizing the man that was the bane of their existence. Ellie was afraid of Nicholas at this very moment.
"Now!" Both Ellie and Sophie jumped, startled they gaped at him. The barked order driving them
further into silence until Sophie's wailing cries pierced the air, snapping Ellie out of her stupor. She
wrenched her wrist from Nicholas's grip, hurting herself in the process, but Ellie ignored the pain as she

climbed into the backseat of the car, Sophie held securely in her arms.
Nicholas slammed the door shut once he was assured that they were both ensconced inside. Lifting
eyes to Maddie and further back to Charles, who had silently witnessed the entire scenario, he spoke.
"Let this be the very last time our paths cross. From here on, if you so much as come near me, I will
make sure you rue the day you ever met me. I promise you that." His gunmetal grey eyes remained on his
father as he uttered those words and only came to rest on Maddie once Charles walked away. But not
before leaving Nicholas with that mockery of a smile, the smile that promised pain and suffering for being
"Stay the hell away from me, Maddie." With that, Nicholas opened the door once more, smoothly
settling beside Ellie, once he had closed the umbrella.

He had the driver drop them off at home and with a whisper soft kiss on a sleeping Sophie's forehead,
he stiffly answered Ellie's question of where he was going with a terse. "I need to be alone." The door
had closed then and the car had driven off, taking Nicholas with it. That had been a week ago.
Seven days of worrying. Seven days spent wondering why the bastard didn't answer his phone. Seven
days of tears, trying to understand why she wasn't trusted enough to be allowed in. Seven days of
consoling a little girl who had fallen just as deeply in love as her mother with a guy who was too much of
a stubborn ass to let them love him. Comfort him. The idiot was hurting, was it too much to rely on them
for strength?
Tiredly, Ellie scooped up her daughter, fluffy towel and all and exited the bathroom. Cool oak planks
creaked beneath her feet as she hastily trudged to Sophie's room, careful not to wake her. The little tyke
had tired herself out playing with the toys Nicholas had bought her a few months back. She'd fallen asleep
only a moment ago when Ellie had taken her out of the tub and began drying her. She was exhausted and
Ellie understood her exhaustion, feeling ready to fall into a dead sleep of her own. With a wary sigh, Ellie
dressed Sophie in her cute princess one-piece before gently putting her down in her crib. She swept the
jade green coverlet over her body.
Tears gathered in her eyes as she gently brushed her fingers across Sophie's cheek. Ellie couldn't even
begin to understand the pain that came with losing a child. Having her daughter was the best thing that
could've happened to her and there wasn't a day that went by that Ellie didn't thank God for blessing her
with those sweet Sophie smiles, her laughter, her exuberance for life and everything else that made
Sophie so special. "I love you, Monster." She whispered affectionately. "And Nicky loves you too, baby."
With a parting kiss on the velvet soft cheek, Ellie snapped on the nightlight before exiting her daughter's
room, leaving the door slightly ajar.
The emotions from the week taking its toll, Ellie hurried to her own room, praying that she didn't run
into Ronnie or Gabe. They'd been particularly attentive as of late, their combined efforts in seeing to her
wellbeing had become a little stifling. And the fact that they were forcing her to eat food that turned her
stomach didn't help matters either. Add school, anxiety over college acceptance letters and work to the
mix and you had a very frazzled teenage girl teetering at the breaking point.
Ellie quietly closed the door behind her, wiping the tears with a sniff. She was a mess and she hated
that Nicholas's abandonment did this to her. All the other things in her life she could handle, but this
emotional roller coaster Nicholas kept strapping her in was doing far too much damage. It made Ellie
wonder whether the unpredictable twist and turns were worth it. Could she handle being with Nicholas
for the long haul if this was how it was going to be?
It pained her to have doubts about their relationship after having gone through so much already. But
right now, right this very second, Ellie couldn't seem to get over Nicholas pushing her away. Always he
withdrew within himself when he was hurting, only to return when he needed a little ass. And always,
Ellie gave it up to him. Like a stupid fool, eager to sooth, eager to take, eager to please, eager to wait until
Nicholas was ready to trust her. A trust they should've had from the very beginning. How much more
could this deep rooted love last before it withered and died?
"Thoughtless asshole." She muttered despondently, hands fisting at her sides the more she thought of
"I have my days." The voice brought everything to a screeching halt in Ellie's world and she nearly
cried out when her heart slammed against her sternum, the impact of which brought her hand to her chest.

He looked like her worse nightmare and her sweetest fantasy combined in one. Angry as she was at
him, Ellie wasn't immune to Nicholas. She hated how her body betrayed her from just the sight of him.
Sexy as sin, he looked good enough to eat in his attire.
He looked as if he had just stepped out from a GQ editorial. Arrogantly sexy face, perfectly coiffed
hair, swept back from said sexy face, with that one rebellious lock of hair falling across his forehead. The
whole of his athletic body was poured into pinstriped slacks and a white dress shirt he'd rolled up to the
elbows. A steel blue tie hung loose around the throat that Ellie suddenly wanted to wrap her hands around
and squeeze. The fucking prick.
"Who said I was talking about you?" She asked flippantly fire in her hazel eyes. "I could've been
talking about another man."
"Yeah?" he quietly queried, one perfectly arched brow lifting just the slightest bit. Ellie silently
cursed him as she began to walk around her bedroom, picking up discarded clothes from the floor. The
small task temporarily curbed the urge to throw herself in his arms. If Nicholas could abandon their
relationship at the drop of dime without so much as a by-your-leave than Ellie didn't see why she had to
make a complete ass of herself by falling into his arms---again.
"Yeah. You're not exactly the center of my universe, Nicky." Which was a big fat lie, but the bastard
didn't need to know that. She picked up a dirty sweater and mindlessly began to fold it.
"Pity that, because you're the center of mine."
Unbelievable, un-fucking believable! Ellie looked at him, took in the blank features and her anger
mounted. She threw the sweater at him with all her might only to have it tossed aside as if it were nothing.
He stood poised to block anything else Ellie dared throw at him and it only added fuel to the roaring fire
blazing in her.
"No!" she ground out, low enough not be heard by anyone but the man who began stalking her around
the room. "Stay the hell away from me, Nicky."
"It's not for my lack of trying, Ellie. Believe me." His lips quirked. "I'm incapable of staying away
from you."
"Try harder. Don't come near me!" She hated herself for crying, for showing how much he could hurt
her, had hurt her. Always she was the one to shed tears.
"And if I refuse?" Nicholas softly challenged.
"I'll scream so loud that Gabe will come running in here with his gun," She'd managed to stupidly back
herself into her armoire, with only a lukewarm half-emptied bottle of water between her and the lover
with steel grey eyes. "And this time I won't stop him. In fact I'll be the one who pulls the trigger."
"Really?" Nicholas loomed, a predator having cornered his prey and relishing the scent of fear.
"Would you really shoot me, Ellie?" He was only an arm's length away now, his magnetism crashing
against Ellie, further pinning her to the spot.
Nicholas snatched her right hand, the move far too quick for Ellie to anticipate before flexing her
fingers from the clenched fist she'd formed. He flattened her hand to his chest, open palm over his heart.
"Because if you did, I would want you to make it one clean shot. Right here." His hand covered hers as he
took that final step, his body bracketing hers. "If you missed and shot me anywhere else, I would always
come back for you." He lowered his head, eyes holding Ellie hostage before nuzzling her cheek.
"Always." He whispered a kiss at the corner of her mouth, lingering, warm, heartbreakingly tender.
"Damn you, Nicky." Her emotions were raw, evident in the sound of her voice. "You're a fucking
"One can only hope." He replied derisively.
He kissed her than then, a soul raping kiss that had her gripping his shoulders for mercy and more. She

was allowed breath for only a second before he claimed her mouth again. His leg found its way between
her thighs, compelling Ellie to ride and grind to her heart's content and she wantonly did, unable to resist
the simple sex he so generously offered.
And that right there was the problem, Ellie realized. Here Nicholas had walked back into her life
unannounced, appearing from seemingly nowhere without an explanation and Ellie was expected to open
her legs because he wanted to fuck? Not gonna happen.
"No!" She managed to push Nicholas away with enough strength to still remain standing afterwards,
although she was thankful for the sturdy armoire behind her. "I can't do this anymore, Nicholas. I'm good
enough to sleep with but not good enough for anything else?" she had to force herself to say those words
and as much as it hurt, they needed to be said.
"Don't." suddenly the infallible faade cracked a bit and Nicholas, for a brief moment, allowed Ellie
to see the agony. But just as quickly as it had come, the look fleeted away and Mr. Ice returned. "You
know I love you"
"Fuck you!" it was months of pent up anger that burst out like a volcano refusing to be quelled. "You
don't even know the meaning of those words! How easy is it for you to say those words and actually mean
it? Are they the magic words for you, Nicky? Parrot I love yous to me and I'll just spread my legs for you?
You fucking cowar" Ellie didn't get a chance to finish her words as she was slammed against the
armoire, Nicholas's hand precariously wrapped around her throat.
"You think it's that easy for me? You think I just parrot my sentiments just to get a fuck from you?
Hmm, Ellie?" his body was agonizingly close, the weight of it and his anger crushed Ellie. "I love you."
he mockingly whispered against Ellie's cheek. "Come on sweetheart spread them for me," he shoved his
leg in between Ellie's own, no longer coaxing, no longer for her pleasure. "I love you." Ellie struggled,
but Nicholas kept her where she was as he yanked and tore the buttons on the short-sleeved shirt she
wore, exposing her to his roving gaze.
"You prick." Ellie panted out, aroused and angered all at the same time.
"Ah, but you love my prick, Ellie. Youve proven that more times than I can count. You want it don't
you, baby?" he made quick work of the jeans she wore, tugging them down her legs with ease.
"Are you going to moan and tell me how hard you want it, Ellie? I love how vocal you get." He
touched her and she inhaled sharply, his large warm hand gliding between her quivering thighs gradually
ascending. "Think you can keep quiet? You think you can stop yourself from screaming my name? he
asked harshly against her cheek.
If you get too loud, I'll gag you with your panties. It's always been a fantasy of mine, but of course
that's what the one who loves you just for a good fuck would do. Isn't it?" Nicholas spun her around then,
he was still clothed and she was helplessly naked. The feel of his clothed body upon her naked flesh
appallingly sensual. He was rock hard, his erection pressed snug between her cheeks. And involuntarily
Ellie pushed back against him.
He chuckled, his breath warm at her nape. "My cock, your cunt, perfect fucking fit." He laughed when
she shuddered in his arms. "Where's your self-righteous anger now, babe?" he taunted, unzipping the front
of his pants.
"I may not know the meaning of love, Ellie, but I know the feelings I have for you are stronger than
anything I have ever known. I can't seem to function unless I have you around me. Being around you has
made me more human than all the passable fucks I've had in my life. So don't ever, ever think to demean
my feelings for you. Because you can't even began to fathom how deep they run." He entered her then, one
rough jerk of his hips and he was sheathed within Ellie's consuming heat.
Like a stallion mounting his docile mare, Nicholas bent Ellie over and fucked her with enough force

that stars danced in her vision. It was a tantric movement of two bodies moving simultaneously and yet
Nicholas had all control. He wielded his power with the awesome strength of a man who knew the
entirety of his lover's body. He knew where and when to rotate his hips to have Ellie groaning, he knew
where and when to draw the spear of his tongue over her nape and down her spine to have Ellie pushing
further back against him.
Nicholas knew how fast or slow he needed to thrust in order to have Ellie's head snap back, her body
arching like a well contented feline. His fingers dove through the tawny curls, tugging her up to meet his
body. Back to chest, Nicholas cupped Ellie's chin and swallowed her moans, not faltering over the sweet
rhythm they had going.
It wasn't gentle. The moment Ellie believed Nicholas slowed down, his thrusts picked up a maddening
pace, hard and fast and she bit down on her lips to prevent herself screaming out loud. It was animalistic
rutting that differed on so many levels from all the other times they had made love. This was sexy, hot and
sweaty, pleasure and pain all rolled into one. It was the kind of sex porn stars could only dream about
having. It was the kind of sex that had your toes curling, your face flushed from exertion, and the strong
urge to bite and be bitten. It was kinky, and it gave Ellie the biggest orgasm of her life.
Nicholas caught her limp body, realizing that she'd fainted, he carried her to the bed. He dropped a
kiss on Ellie's sweat matted head and made quick work of his shirt and slacks to join her. He spooned her
to him, tight and snug against his own sweaty body and held her like life depended on it. And it did, he
thought sadly as sleep came quick to claim him. Truly sleeping for the first time in weeks.

Chapter Fifteen
Ronnie always had the habit of rising with the sun and Gabe's attempt to break her of the habit had yet
to work. With the first rays of sunlight breaching the horizon, Ronnie slid out of bed taking care not to
wake a snoring Gabe. Shrugging into her robe, she made her way out of the bedroom she now shared with
Doing what she did every time she spent the night, which had been quite frequent as of late, Ronnie
snuck into Sophie's room to check on her. She was all things sweet and sound asleep, Ronnie had
expected no less. Unable to resist temptation, she stooped low and kissed her cheek before turning away,
heading to Ellie's room.
The young mother and her daughter had managed to wedge themselves in Ronnie's heart when she
wasn't looking and now she couldn't help but love them with the same unrelenting intensity she felt for
their guardian. With a smile, Ronnie entered Ellie's room, glad that it wasn't locked.
The first thing Ronnie noticed was the distinct smell of sex in the room and her gaze instantly flew to
the bed. And it was probably a good thing Gabe wasn't awake yet, otherwise he would've gotten an eyeful
of both his goddaughter and her very naked, semi-aroused boyfriend, who had a possessive arm slung
across Ellie's abdomen.
"Ooh..." there really wasn't anything else to be said.
They really were quiet striking together, a painter's dream come to life. Caramel mocha, contrasted
against pale gold skin in a tangle of limbs. Their faces peaceful and infinitely soft in slumber looked
contentedsatiated. Ronnie's cheeks flamed, knowing exactly the activity that could bring about such
blissful expressions.
She glanced further up the bed and gasped as she was met sleepy, hooded dark grey eyes. Nicholas
pressed a finger to his lips and mouthed. "Get out." Before turning the whole of his attention back to a
sleeping Ellie.
Completely stunned and not in a right state of mind to object, Ronnie dazedly exited Ellie's room and
made her way back to Gabe's room. Knowing if the raven haired man saw what she just did, he would
probably bring down the house around them. Ronnie wanted to prevent that from happening. But she and
Nicholas would certainly be having a few words before the day was out, of that Ronnie was sure.

Barely nineteen years old and already Nicholas felt as though he'd lived multiple lifetimes in a span of
several months. The entirety of said life was a compilation of fuck ups and regrets that were now coming
back to bite him in the ass. Karma as they said was a bitch and she was having a glorified bitch-fest on his
behalf. Or maybe his ill-gotten luck stemmed from the curse of being born from a man whose
Machiavellian ideals he feared were slowly rubbing off on him.
Either way Nicholas knew life had become quite complicated and all around ridiculous as of late and
with each passing second he feared the inevitability of drowning in a cesspool of his own cynicism. A
cynicism that began far too early in life and was now spreading through his being like a cancer destroying
whatever good remained. He no longer knew how to stop it and did he have the knowledge, Nicholas
knew he would've chucked it out the window and said fuck it'.
Asphyxiating in this mire was something he was enjoying immensely. He was having far too much fun
wallowing in anger and self-pity to want to come back up for air. He looked around him as he brought the
shot glass to his lips. Scantily clad women grinded and gyrated to the fuck me' song emitting from the
bone thumping subwoofers surrounding the club. Like aficionados of some ancient Greek deity
participating in orgy, they danced inhibitions away in a flurry of pheromone induced binge. They were the
same people, the same type of boarding school/ ivy leaguers who were frequenters of this underground
Nicholas knew many. He had fucked many. Bred from money and infused with the innate knowledge
that money and familial ties could get you anywhere in life, these people used that simple fact to their
advantage and did whatever the hell they wanted. Mommy and Daddy would no doubt handle the
repercussions. Right now Nicholas felt more at home here with them, than around a certain biracial girl he
was determined to binge out of his system. Here, among the pretentiously rich he could be exactly what he
had fought so hard against becoming.
Nicholas Grayson. Scion to the master of iniquity and degradation. It was a title he would one day
bear. Why not start sashaying the honor now? Dad would no doubt be proud.
Here, Nicky, the pussy ass bitch he had turned into was locked somewhere far, far away in a dark
room, no doubt pining after his lover. In his place was the doppelganger Nicholas Grayson, son to
Charles Grayson, flagrant asshole and CEO of vise. Vise. Nicholas had several. Drinking....drinking was
something he excelled at. Bourbon, scotch, rum, Hennessey, vodka---excellent educators who never failed
in teaching him lifelong lessons.
His favorite one? When mixing vodkas and hard liquor, never, ever do so while under the influence of
recreational drugs. The results could really fuck you up. Like now for example, Nicholas knew he was
more than likely fucked up when he saw someone who looked suspiciously like the lover he was
miserably failing in forgetting, heading his way. Leather clad hips swaying in that way that only a woman
could make look undoubtedly sexy.
The resemblance was uncanny. The hair was the same, tawny curls framed her face in that 'just
thoroughly fucked' look that Nicholas always prided himself on putting there. The facial structure was the
same, oval face, short nose, and cupid arrow shaped lips. Same stature, rounded shoulders, dancer arms,
with curves in all the right places that had Nicholas's cock straining at half-mast in his jeans.
She drew closer and came to a hesitant stop before him. Through a veil of thick sable lashes, she
coyly looked at Nicholas.
The eyes were not the same. Nicholas couldn't decide whether it was disappointment or relief he felt.

"Wanna dance?" Beneath the fast-paced show of flamboyant laser lights and Nicholas's inebriated
mind, Ellie's look-alike painted an alluring picture with her blue contact eyes.
"No," He tossed back the shot, jumped off the seat and grabbed her wrist. "I wanna fuck." Vise number
two? Sex. In piss scented bathrooms, against the darkened corners of the club or in the backseat of his car.
A blow job here, a hard fuck there, it didn't much matter so as long as he got off and Nicholas always got
off. Fuck it if his partner did or didn't.
Nicholas was hell-bent on destroying whatever happiness he had remaining. His relationship with
Ellie was something he was forcing down the drain. He knew this and he didn't care---tried not to care.
He took the look alike in the back alley. Nothing was too good for Ellie's doppelganger. Her mouth
wasn't as impressive as Ellie's however. Her cunt wasn't the same either and instead of the tight
compression of heat his dick had anticipated, Nicholas was sorely disappointed to find that he was
fucking a pussy that felt as though an ocean liner had cruised through it.
Sickness gripped him then and he managed to pull out just in time to empty his stomach near the rusty
trash cans a few feet away from where they had rutted moments ago. The fetid stench of waste brought on
a second bout of chunk infested bile that had his eyes watering.
"Shit, you okay?"
"Fuck off." He brusquely shrugged off the hand that settled on his shoulder as another wave of nausea
overtook him. As though trying to purge his core of everything Nicholas was feeling, his stomach
clenched, fluttered and lurched as he continued to spew out his guts.
Ah, what a great way to cap off his night, Nicholas thought despairingly, straightening to full height an
eternity later. He brought the back of his hand to his lips and wiped as he clinically assessed the nervous
Ellie look-alike with the wrong eyes.
Beneath the harsh orangey yellow tint of the streetlight, Nicholas was able to make out the carefully
hidden blemishes that would've went a long way in fooling many---had managed to fool him for a bit. But
no matter how much eyeliner and makeup smeared on that face, nothing could hide the awful stench of a
two dollar whore. This woman reeked of it and suddenly Nicholas couldn't help the humorless mirth that
bubbled deep in his chest. The laugh was on the brink of maniacal, it was a harsh laughter that hurt far
more than it pleased.
"Tell my father I appreciate the sentiments, but maybe next time I suggest he sends a whore who hasn't
been fucked by the entire city. The effect would've been far more damaging." Feeling incredibly disgusted
with himself and life itself, Nicholas did not permit the floundering strumpet a word in edgewise as he
walked away. Suddenly the need for a scalding shower and a warm bed seemed incredibly appealing.

A hangover greeted Nicholas the following morning, a norm in the last few weeks of his nightly
excursion. He groaned as he rolled out of bed, nature summoned and so he headed to the bathroom.
Bladder emptied, Nicholas showered, brushed his teeth and patted downstairs in search of Aspirin and a
cold glass of OJ. A morning ritual he was beginning to despise. There were many things in his life
Nicholas was beginning to despise he was at the top of that list.
Ah well, at least he was getting closer in becoming his father. Scary as it was, Nicholas was tired of
fighting destiny. Who was he to fight something so innate?
He'd fought being like his father for years and what exactly had that gotten him? Self-loathing?
Misery? An incredibly fucked up life? Ding. Ding. Ding. As the saying went if you can't beat them..."
Entering the kitchen, Nicholas stopped short at sight of his uncle and mother seated around the kitchen
island, their hushed conversation coming to a halt as Terran became aware of his presence. It was strange
seeing his uncle in the cabin. Sure the man owned it, but Terran had never bothered to visit since Nicholas
began to inhabit it. When he was in need of him, Terran would always call him to the manor. Nicholas
figured it had something to do with his deceased aunt and the memories that undoubtedly came with being
in the cabin.
Terran nodded subtly in greeting as Nicholas made his way to the sub-zero fridge, feeling his mother's
gaze at his back the entire time. Nicholas knew the tension in the room made his mother uncomfortable
and he took a sick sort of pleasure from that knowledge as he poured himself a glass of orange juice.
Grabbing the bottle of Aspirin from the countertop, he downed four white pills before chasing it down
with the juice.
Setting the glass back down, Nicholas observed his mother from the corner of his eye. She looked as
she always did, all but a little tired around the eyes. Nicholas could understand her fatigue, he was feeling
rather peaked himself.
"Good morning, Nicholas," She addressed softly. " How are you feeling?"
Silence was her answer as Nicholas continued to stare. He hadn't seen her since the funeral, and all
her attempts in consoling him were either ignored or rebuffed. He didn't need anything from her.
His daughter---Nicholas jammed his fingers through his shaggy mane.
'Fuck,' he inwardly cursed. He had been doing well too. And now, thanks to his mother, thoughts of
Isabella pushed to the forefront of his mind and not too far behind Ellie Holbrook clamored for attention.
He scowled and aimed it at his mother.
Sonya tried not to flinch as her husband's gaze embodied itself through the stone grey eyes of her son.
Those eyes were as hypnotizing as a cobra's stare and just as deadly. Hatred for her husband couldn't
have been more profound as it was now. Because of him---it was all because of him.
"Say hello to your mother, Nicholas."
"Hello mother." His smile was not quite in reaching his eyes. "'I'm as well as to be expected given that
I've lost my child. And you, how is Jean-Paul treating you these days? Or is it Paolo, now?" His question
was meant to be insulting and Sonya believed he had all rights, but it nevertheless still pained her to be
spoken to in such a way.
"I'm sorry about"
"Not as sorry as I am mother," he tipped the glass to his lips, took a small sip before continuing.
"Please spare me the sentiments."
Sonya looked away then, eyes suddenly dampening, unable to take Nicholas's cold gaze any longer.

"Your father's mask does not become you, Nicholas." Terran reproached with a scowl.
Nicholas settled his glass down. "Yes I am aware of that, but fear not uncle I am in works of refining
"Your father is a monster, Nicholas, do not think for a moment that he is the sort of person you want to
emulate." The caution in Terran's voice was lost on Nicholas.
"Be that as it may, Terran he is a powerful monster whose empire I will inherit in less than four years.
His power is something I have found myself coveting these past weeks." He said this as if discussing the
weather, although the significance of those words had Terran scrutinizing his young charge. "That sort of
power can move mountains." And I will have that power, the unsaid words hung in the air.
"I've never known you to be so jaded."
Nicholas shrugged noncommittally. "It's a newly acquired skill."
"That sort of power corrupts." Sonya said quietly.
Nicholas turned a deprecating smile to his mother. "I am no virgin to corruption mother. I've lived the
entirety of my life in it. What can a little more do? It isn't as if I had anyone to teach me better." The last
statement did as expected and Sonya noticeably flinched.
"Don't turn into your father, Nicholas. As Terran said, he is a monster who deserves to be locked
away from proper society. He has done many things, many horrible sordid things that will make you--"She brought a hand to her mouth to keep the tears at bay.
"Your father's perversion has possibly given us a way to destroy him." Terran said gravely, a firm
believer in directness. His nephew was no longer a child who needed to be nurtured and coddled, if he
was old enough to sire a child of his own, than Terran believed him old enough to take part in the grave
discussion that would sentence his father to life behind bars.
After his meeting with Lancaster Teegs, a longtime friend of Terran's and a highly respected judge,
Terran knew the probability of finally seeking vengeance and justice for all the wrongs Charles had
committed, was extremely high. They had stockpiled a variety of evidence that were so damning Terran
knew that even the attorneys Charles kept on short diamond studded leashes could not get the bastard out
of this. And if the evidence weren't enough the testimonies of past victims and witnesses would be their
trump card.
Interest suddenly peeked Nicholas permitted Terran to elaborate. He listened as his uncle recounted
the events that had led to his mother now taking refuge in the manor. They showed him the condemning
evidence as Sonya quietly spoke her piece. Hands helpless held before her, she told her son of years of
oppression she had had to live under Charles's unrelenting thumb. She told him of the stipulations she had
to adhere to in order to keep them both safe.
"---I was scared, Nicholas. I have been a prisoner of my fear for so long now. I do not wish to live in
fear of your father any longer."
So this was what it felt like to be cast in a state of complete numbness, Nicholas silently thought as he
looked down at the pictures in his hand, the little few Terran had kept from the police in order to show
him. He knew he should have felt something. Maybe shock? Or even a little sympathy for the woman who
had given him birth? She had after all gone through earth's version of hell just so he could escape Charles
tyranny. That had to garner some form of sympathy, right?
Wrong. He was numb. There wasn't anything there. Nicholas felt absolutely nothing---except for
maybe the sick sense of joy in knowing that what was once his father's would soon be his. He could
practically taste the power that would come from being the sole owner of an empire.
Nicholas took one last look at the image in his hands before carelessly tossing the pictures on the
island top.

Ellies Nicky would've stated to the police that Charles had never molested him. Ellie's Nicky
would've felt sympathy for his mother and what she'd gone through. Ellie's Nicky would've put family and
love first and worked his tail off to try and rectify whatever wrong his father had wrought. But the sad
truth was Ellie's Nicky was a soft-hearted bitch ass punk who'd died the very same day his daughter died.
The Nicholas that remained now was the Nicholas he wanted to be. This Nicholas was a Grayson
through and through. His father's son. The joyful fruit of Charles loins. This Nicholas certainly had no
qualms about fucking his old man over. This Nicholas would not pretend to empathize with his mother.
This Nicholas had a vendetta.
Where Ellie's Nicky had failed, this bastardized version of him would succeed. His enemies would
become his best friends and his loved ones would be wisely pushed away. He was going to wage war, the
casualties would be devastating.
"I will testify against my father."
Both Sonya and Terran had identical expression of shock painted across their faces. "Oh God,
Nicholas please tell me he didnt"
"Yes." It was a simple answer that did not bear contemplation.
Terran vacated the chair he had been seated on and immediately stood before his nephew. He reached
out and grabbed Nicholas's arm, the hold bruising. "Why?" Terran shook him, his face remained stoic but
the desperation in his voice was evident. "Why didn't you tell me?"
This Nicholas had enough testicular fortitude to look his uncle dead in the eye and tell cold hard truth
without feeling an ounce of remorse.
War was never bias.
"It isn't something you tell." A noise escaped his mother's lips that sounded suspiciously like a
whimper, but Nicholas ignored her. She was of no consequence at the moment.
Dawning crossed Terran's face instantly as he read the hidden agenda behind Nicholas gaze, behind
those cold grey eyes. As if burned, Terran released Nicholas's arm and took a step back. This man
standing before him was Charles's progeny in every way that counted.
Nicholas held up his hand. "You have my respect and thanks for all that you have done for me. But
now I will ask that you stand aside and not get in my way."
Terran frowned. "This isn't a necessary."
"Of course it is. My father's reign is at an end and mine will begin after my time at Eton." He hadn't
meant to allow that little information to slip until after the trial, but what the hell? Might as well let them
know now.
"Eton?" Sonya softly questioned, eyes rimmed red.
"Yes, a higher education is necessary if I am to take over Charles's company."
"You don't have to do this, Nicholas. Don't you understand?" Sonya stood and came to stand near
Terran. "You can finally be free. You can live your life as you want. I know how much you love that
"Ellie was an indulgence I allowed myself and now that she has served her purpose she is no longer
necessary." That took far too much of an effort to say.
Nicholas brought a hand to his naked chest and rubbed, and it hurt more than it should have, which
meant that Ellie's Nicky was still alive and kicking, but not for long.
"This isn't a matter up for discussion. I've already made up my mind in this, support me or not that is
your choice. I know that I will be attending Eton in the fall."
"Nicholas!" Terran stopped Nicholas halfway up the cedar stairway. His back to his uncle, fist tightly

clenched at his sides, Nicholas waited for Terran to speak. "Turn and face me when I speak to you."
The old man was trying his patience, Nicholas silently thought as he spun around.
"You do not want to walk your father's path. Do not think yourself so embittered that you will not
regret your actions. You are allowing your grief and anger to blind you. Grieve and wallow in sadness if
you must and then move on."
"Do not, uncle, stand there and lecture me on grief and anger. You do not know of my grief!"
"Selfish imbecile! I do not know grief? Did I not lose a wife? Is your grief all-consuming that you do
not allow others to feel remorse as well Nicholas!"
Nicholas's fists clenched further, his fingernails digging half-moons in his palms. "As I said before,
Terran, you have my appreciation for all that you have done for me and my mother, but I sincerely suggest
you stay the hell out of my way from this day onward. Interfere in my plans and I will not be held
accountable for my actions." He spun around and took the stairs two at a time, disappearing into the
master bedroom, leaving the very first of his casualties.
Terran had to wonder exactly when this drastic transformation had taken place? Had the effects slowly
taken place during the untimely death of Nicholas's child? Was that the straw that had finally broken the
camel's back?
The differences in behavior from the Nicholas of months ago, to the callous fiend who'd stood in front
of him moments ago was drastic. Terran was still reeling from the differences. This Nicholas had the
potential of being very dangerous.

Time wasn't wasted and in a matter of only a few days, Nicholas had given his own version of his
father's depravity, adding as much detail as possible some lies, some not. Anything to see that Charles
never saw the light of day. An unspoken truce was forged between mother, son and uncle as they worked
around the same story. Telling the attorneys Terran had hired everything they needed to know.
A few days after his daughter's death, Nicholas's ancestral home was raided on a rapidly attained
warrant and his father was apprehended and detained. He exited the police headquarters with a malignant
smile on his lips, hands insouciantly shoved in the pockets of his slacks. He entered the stretch limo that
awaited him. Ready and armed to bring about the end of yet another casualty. This was the biggest battle
he would ever fight. Ellie was a weakness he needed to rid himself of and quickly.

Chapter Sixteen
"My father is no longer a concern." Nicholas said quietly.
Theyd gathered in kitchen after Ronnie had failed in keeping Gabe distracted long enough to give
Ellie and Nicholas some privacy. Gabe had barged in Ellie's room minutes after Ronnie left, gun cocked
and threatening to once again shoot off Nicholas's dick if he didn't immediately unhand his goddaughter.
Nicholas had done as bidden, but only at a smooth languid pace that had managed to further piss Gabe off.
Ellie had awoken, with cheeks stained pink as she realized her entire family was in her bedroom,
starring at parts of her that should have never been out in the first place. Apologizing profusely to an unamused Gabe, Ellie had promised Nicholas would never come to her room again. Gabe hadn't bought the
lie for one second, however he'd been placated enough to leave when Ronnie had asked him to, but not
without a clothed Nicholas walking in front him.
It was one thing to know that your kid messed around and another thing completely to see evidence of
it. Gabe was still coming down from his shock. He was still trying to get the image out of his mind even
as he'd listened to Nicholas them of his whereabouts these last few days.
Once or twice he'd aimed his gun in Nicholas direction more than happy to shoot him for his stupidity,
but Ronnie's hand on his arm stopped him each time. He chanced a look at Ellie and frowned in concern.
She hadn't said a word since Nicholas begun to speak, her facial features remaining placid, while Sophie
fussed. Making every attempt to go to a reserved Nicholas.
"So is Gabe's restaurant safe now? Will the bank"
"No. my uncle has seen to everything. Rest assured that Splendor is safe. Like I said, my father was
only using it as a way to get me to heel."
Ronnie nodded and the silence from earlier returned and with it the tension that permeated off both
Nicholas and Ellie.
"Nicky!" Sophie clawed at the bands of Ellie's arms wrapped around her abdomen, desperate to get
away. "I go Nicky! Uhh...Mama!" She screeched, arms floundering in her attempt to reach the man who
could do no wrong in her eyes. "Nicky!" her arms stretched and her eyes watered.
"I go Nicky! Now! Now!" Despite everything Nicholas kept his distance, not once meeting Sophie's
"Sophie enough!" Ellie's scream caused an instant hush to fall over the room.
Sophie stared with wide eyes at her mother, bottom lip trembling. Mother and daughter looked at each
other; Ellie hooked a finger beneath Sophie's chin before she spoke. "You know better than to act like a
brat, Sophie. You're a big girl right?" At Sophie hesitant nod Ellie continued. "Big girls don't act like
little brats. Now you're going to stop crying and go with Gabe so that he can clean you up and then we can
go for ice cream. Okay?"
The promise of a treat could erase the fact that she'd yelled from Sophie's mind, but Gabe knew that
Ellie would not soon forget it. She'd never raised her voice in anger at Sophie, to do so now was a
testament to how the situation and Nicholas's tale was affecting her. Gabe itched for his gun.
He scooped Sophie up instead. "Come on squirt; let's get you ready for some ice cream." He hoisted
her on his shoulders as they quickly walked out of the room, Ronnie not far behind them. She closed the
living room doors, allowing Ellie and Nicholas some privacy.
"Just tell me one thing." At Nicholas's imperceptible nod Ellie went on. "Did everything we share
mean anything to you?"

Nicholas shrugged, figuring he would need an Oscar after this performance. "I don't think theres great
meaning in sex." Yup, a fucking Oscar to spit shine and put on a fucking pedestal.
Im not stupid, Nicky. I know what youre doing and Im not falling for it. She reached for him.
Breaking up with me probably makes sense in that warped mind of yours, but Im telling you that youre
wrong. You arent protecting me. If anything, youre hurting us both. Her hands cupping his face Ellie
unflinchingly met his diamond hard stare. Let me in, Nicky. I know youre hurting. Please let me in. for
an ephemeral moment she caught a glimpse of his love for her and as he lowered his head Ellie gently
smiled, thinking everything would be alright.
He kissed her, slow, sweet and achingly sensual and Ellie thought she would combust from the fire he
so effortlessly lit at her core. At the mercy of his tongue, she readily gave of herself, pouring every ounce
of love she had for him in the kiss. And just when she believed she would melt at his feet, he released her
and drew back.
"Its over." He spoke the words so gently that it took her a moment to realize what hed just said.
Its over, Ellie. Were done.
"Oh Ellie, don't beg. Don't get me wrong, it was fun while it lasted. But honestly babe, this thing
between you and me has become a little boring." Nicholas forced himself to chuckle.
Nicholasdont. she ached, her heart lurching painfully in her chest. Dont do this. She looked at
him, hoping, praying she could get through the wall hed already erected. But hed closed himself off, his
grey eyes no longer held the glimmer of love and adoration shed once seen there.
Thanks for last night." He raised a finger to Ellie's cheek with a leer. "Speaks wonders for my ego
that I was able to make you faint like that. And what made it sweeter was how you naively believed every
fucking word I said. Very gullible of you, Elle."
He reached for her and she smacked his hand away. "Dont..."
"I'd really like it if we could still be friends." He mocked.
"Fuck you." She said quietly stepping away from him.
Nicholas laughed the sound chilling. "Been there, done that."
"Get Out!" she was trembling, her emotions coalescing to form a quake that rattled her very bones.
Born to undoubtedly be a sadist, Nicholas couldn't help the parting shot. "Take consolation in the fact
that you were the best of them, Ellie."
"GET OUT!" Her open hand slap nearly broke Nicholass jaw and he applauded her. He would've
done far worse had he been in her place. "GET THE HELL OUT!"
Ellie's Nicky cried along with his sobbing lover as he stepped out of the house that hed come to
consider a home for what was the last time. The door slammed behind him with finality.
The Grayson heir rejoiced.
Ellie's Nicky continued to weep.
Ellie didn't attempt to run to the bathroom as she fell to her knees and retched. Tears streaming down
her fevered cheeks, she held her stomach and hacked what little food she'd eaten earlier that morning.
This was how Gabe and Ronnie found her when they reentered the living room.
Gabe was immediately at her side, heedless of the mess on the carpet, he cradled her close.
"Its Ok, Ellie. It's going to be ok."
"He's gone." She said brokenly, voice muffled in Gabe's shirt. "It's over, Gabe. He's gone"Gabe
looked helplessly at Ronnie when Ellie slackened in her arms.
Ronnie immediately jumped into action. "Bring her over to the couch Gabe and just stay with her. I'll

be right back." While Gabe did as instructed, carrying Ellie to couch, Ronnie returned seconds later with
a wet towel in one hand and a glass of water in the other. She set the glass on the coffee table and knelt by
the couch, folding the towel lengthwise, Ronnie draped it across Ellie's forehead.
"She'll be ok, Gabe." Ronnie said into the ensuing silence attempting to alley Gabe's fears as well as
her own. "She's just a little overheated." Although she appeared calm, concern knotted tight in Ronnie's
She bit her lip to keep her suspicions at bay. Gabe's sudden string of curses had Ronnie's immediate
attention and warily she watched as he paced the length of the living room. When he stopped abruptly and
headed out the living room Ronnie frowned and asked. "Where are you going?"
Murder shown on his rugged face. "I'm going to hunt that son-of-bitch down and string him up by the
Crass as it may have been Ronnie felt it appropriate for how they were both feeling at the moment. But
going after the little weasel wasn't going to benefit anyone and one of them had to be the voice of reason.
Ronnie resigned herself to the role.
"Ellie needs us both right now, Gabe. You going to jail for torturing that asshole isn't going to help
matters." She said pointedly, returning her attention to Ellie.
"Fuck," Gabe sighed as he swiped a hand over his face. "That goddamn asshole...I should've stopped
it before it went too far. I should've been able to spare her this pain."
Ronnie sighed sadly. "I don't think you would've been able to. All we can do now is be here for her.
You said she's suicidal"
"Yeah, before, in the past." He couldn't bear to sit down, so he remained standing. "Shit Ronnie, he
was happy. They were happy for Christ sakes! What the hell happened?"
"I don't know, go get Sophie, I think she might be scared."
"Right. I'll be back. JustI'll be back." He left than, but not before one last look back, his troubled
expression hitting Ronnie right in the chest.
"Damn you, Nicholas." Ronnie softly cursed. Looking at Ellie, Ronnie tenderly petted back her damp
hair with a doleful sigh. They had been happy and Ronnie had thought that they'd marry some day and
become a family. Nicholas, Ellie, Sophie and the child Ronnie was sure Ellie was carrying.
If Ellie's symptoms these past few weeks hadn't been proof enough, Ronnie's dreams had confirmed it
three nights ago. It was a gift that she'd inherited from her mother and her mother before her and so on and
so forth. Her mom had called it the sight' and since she'd foreseen aunt Portia's death ten years ago,
Ronnie had never doubted it.
Poor Ellie, she was carrying Nicholas's child. And wasn't that just the coup de grace in this love
Empathizing with the girl she'd come to consider as her own daughter, Ronnie brushed a kiss across
her forehead, praying with everything in her that Ellie came out of this situation unscathed. The poor girl
had suffered enough.
"Gabe's going to have a cow." Ronnie murmured to herself as she continued to caress Ellie's curls.

Heartbreak and tears did not allow her to seek solace in slumber. Memories, vivid and unrelenting did
not permit Ellie's heart to settle in her chest. The urgency that had been building in her marrow since she'd
gone to bed hours earlier drove her to act now without thought. Thinking, she feared, would only inhibit
her actions. Minding her pride, what little she had left, would only have her to turning the car around and
take refuge beneath the comforts of her duvet. Logic had to be abandoned if she was to accomplish what
she had in mind. Putting foot to gas pedal, the car accelerated breaking the reasonable speed limit. Ellie
ignored the speedometer.
She was a woman on a mission. Sparing a glance at the neon gauges, Ellie became mindful of the time
and drove just a little faster. There was no way the bastard was going to leave without hearing what she
had to say. No fucking way in hell! She'd listened to Nicholas's bullshit two days ago and had reacted as
any normal human being would've, had they been placed in such a situation.
Devastation and shock had fogged her brain to the point where she'd been incapable of forming a
coherent thought that day. Poor Gabe and Ronnie had feared she'd spiral deeper into the abyss of
depression that they'd kept vigilance. When Ellie had finally awoken, it hadn't been the lethargic gloom of
someone who'd been dumped. No, Ellie had woken with fury in her veins, desperate to give that jerk a
piece of her mind.
Through a torrent of tears, Ellie had fumed noisily in her bedroom. She'd cursed Nicholas, calling him
possibly every horrible epithet that came to mind. She'd vented for hours, a fury the likes of which Ronnie
and Gabe had never seen and when it was all over, Ellie had collapsed on her bed, drained. In those
precious moments when the anger ebbed and sorrow ensued, she'd wondered why? What had caused such
a drastic change in a guy who professed his undying love for her? The questions were numerous but the
answers remained elusive. Just like Nicholas.
Ellie wanted answers. If Nicholas was so determined to walk away from them then Ellie wanted to
know why. He owed her that much.
Shifting the car in park, Ellie reined in her emotions before killing the engine. Not giving herself a
moment to think, she slipped out the car, closing the door behind her. The memories they'd shared in this
cabin were numerous, far too many to count, all equally precious to her.
Nicholas had fabricated a kidnapping for her, had defied his father to see her, he'd nearly killed his
best friend for her. Someone didn't just do things like that if they didn't love you. Nicholas cared about
her, Ellie needed to believe that. She also needed to believe that it couldn't be that easy for him to just
walk away from her.
With a drawn out sigh and a silent prayer to God for strength and courage, Ellie braced herself and
rang the doorbell. She was hoping he was home and if he wasn't---well, Ellie could exercise patience.
She counted her Mississippi's before pressing the bell again. It wasn't exactly late; eleven thirty P.M was
play hour for Nicholas. His insomnia didn't allow him sleep until maybe wee hours of morning. Ellie
knew this only because she'd stayed up with him during those sleepless nights talking about nothing and
"Yes?" she had light brown eyes, bee-stung dahlia red lips, wavy blond hair that fell to her perfectly
rounded milky shoulders and boobs. The white sheet wrapped around her chest and pooling on the floor
did very little in hiding her ample endowments from Ellie's gaze. Ellie knew her.
"Ellie right?" Oh yeah. Ellie knew the bitch alright.
It took Ellie the length of exactly thirty rapid Mississippi's before she was reasonably calm enough to

speak. "What the fuck are you doing here?" well, maybe she should've counted to fifty, because Ellie was
suddenly far removed from calm. She was calm's ugly twice removed cousin, 'I'm-about-to-tear-you-limbfrom-limb-if- you- don't- tell- me-what-the-fuck-you're-doing-half-naked- in-my-boyfriend's-home.'
Smug as any Queen Bitch ought to be at getting the upper hand on her nemesis, Evey's smugness could
not be contained as she smiled at Ellie. "Nicky, invited me over. He called me to wish him off with a nice
celebration dinner." She squawked indignantly when Ellie walked past her.
"Well I'm uninviting you, get your shit and get the hell out." There was only so much she could take!
And this was just too damn much!
"I don't think Nicky's ready for me to leave. We were having so much fun before you came." Rubbing
the salt further in the gaping wound was something Evey excelled at.
"What the hell is going on here?" And so the Devil arrived wearing nothing but a pair of the blue
flannel pajama bottom Ellie had bought him. His hair had a tousled quality to it that only implied one
thing. The implication of that look made Ellie ill. He slid into the room as languid as a serpent and
assessed them both as a Sheik would the bickering women of his harem.
"Tell her to leave, Nicholas." Ellie quietly demanded with a composure she did not feel.
Nicholas spared a glance her way and not for the first time, he admired her strength to rein in her
anger. But then again this wasn't new to him. That strength, atop countless other reasons was why he'd
fallen in love with her in first place. But that love was gone now, at least, thats what he told himself.
"Not this old song and dance again, Ellie. We've done this already. In fact last I remembered I told you
we were over." His voice had a bored quality to it that further incensed Ellie.
"Be that as it may, you and I still have a few things to discuss and if you ever had any sort of respect
for me and the relationship you're so determined to destroy, please get rid of her." She walked away then
because the emotions were becoming far too much to handle and Ellie would rather die than give that
smug bitch the satisfaction of seeing her cry.
Nicholas watched her progress the entire time until she disappeared into the living room, than he
turned to Evey and said. "You have ten minutes to get your things and leave."
"But, Nicky"
Lasers seared a hole in her flesh. Youre down to nine, Eves."
"You'll only end up hurting her in the end." Words that echoed his own thoughts so perfectly.
Nicholas humorlessly grinned. "Yeah, but she'll always be stupid enough to come back." He rubbed a
hand over his face, releasing the bone-weary sigh he had been holding in. He needed a strong drink,
because that was probably the only thing that could numb the pain lodged in his chest.
Evey sighed, feeling strangely sorry for him. "Call me if you need me."
She left Nicholas with the realization that he would always need to call on people like her to make
him forget how good it was with Ellie.
But he couldn't want Ellie. He wanted space. Nicholas needed the escape or else the turbulent force
raging inside his core would eventually destroy them both.
It had always been a battle within him. Become Charles's heir or remain his own man? He had lived
the life of a pathless miscreant, living only for the daily joys of thwarting his father and ignoring his
mother. Believing that happiness was within the destruction of his own soul. He'd been content to fuck,
drink and party his way through life without needing anyone. Love and happiness was never meant for
someone like him. He'd come to terms with that long ago. But then Nicholas met Ellie and everything
changed. His perspective on life took a complete one eighty.
Suddenly, he found he could truly laugh. He could relax without having to worry about anything or
anyone. He could find the simplest of joys from bringing a smile to one person's face. Nicholas found

himself holding a conversation without it being a battle of cunningness. He found new meaning in things.
Found that he could be both friend and lover. Ellie saw the little good in him that Nicholas himself failed
to see. Ellie made him want to see that good. Be that good for her.
She gave him things. Unknowingly gave him hope in family. In Ellie Nicholas found love. An emotion
that had eluded him all his life, now presented to him by a fiery, incredibly beautiful girl whose spirit was
to be envied. They'd lived through trials and tribulations and their happiness had been in reach. Nicholas
hadn't believed in happily-ever-afters but with Ellie, hed been ready to forge one. But then life
intervened, just as it always did, pissing on his parade. His daughter's death happened and everything
went to shit.
Isabella's death was the catalyst to his current turbulent mental state. He hadn't been able to protect
her. He'd failed her. Just as his parents failed him. Just as he was doomed to fail Ellie and Sophie. There
was a weakness within himself that he couldn't abide. And because of that weakness his daughter had
died. He was just as responsible for killing her. The pain was fathomless. The guilt ran marrow deep.
Failure was a bitter pill to swallow and it would always be the case if he remained with Ellie.
Because despite how many times a leopard changed its spots, no matter how many times he believed he
could be the one thing Ellie needed, Nicholas knew that he'd always end up hurting her. Failing her. It was
what he did. It was what a Grayson did. Isabella's death had slammed that fact home.
Cut out the cancer before it destroyed everything. Nicholas was resolute in removing himself from
Ellie's life, even if he had to take a scalpel to do so. Before he left for Eton Ellie would be a sweet
memory locked tightly away and cautioned to open only on rainy days.
Slipping the Grayson mask into place was becoming increasingly painless as each day went on. Pretty
soon, he wouldn't even need to remind himself to put it on and try to act the emotionless fucktard.
"Now," he entered the room with ease, immediately heading for the bar. "To what do I owe the
pleasure of your visit?"
"Are you demented?"
The bitterness of the drink remained on his tongue for a brief second, before it burned a blaze down
his throat. "That remains to be determined."
"God!" Her eyes were red, but the tears had long ago dried out. "Cut the crap, already. Justjust stop
it, and speak to me like a normal person! I want to speak to Nicholas, not to Charles's spawn."
"They're one and the same. He said dimly.
"No. Right now, I'm speaking to Charles's clone, I want my Nicholas. I want to speak to the man I feel
in love with."
"Don't be obtuse, Ellie, they're the same fucking person. Now tell me what the fuck you want or get the
hell out of my home."
"Why are you doing this?" She was suddenly tired of all the games. "Why are you hurting me like this?
The Nicholas I know would never willingly hurt me."
"Maybe you don't know him all that well then." He didn't feel drunk, Nicholas silently mused as he
stared at the disappearing drink in the snifter.
Ellie stepped away from the couch she'd been standing behind and walked to where Nicholas stood. "I
know you well enough to know that you'd never hurt me."
Nicholas abandoned his post at the bar and advanced on her. Ellie held her ground, craning her neck to
meet his cool stare. "You. You. You. It's always about you, isn't it?"
"It's about us, Nicky. Let me help you talk to me." She made to bring her hand to Nicholas's chest,
but he grabbed her wrist instead just before it made contact.
"I don't want your help. I don't want to talk to you." Nicholas's words were hushed venom, whispered

so close to Ellie's face that the stench of alcohol perfumed the air between them. "I'm sick and tired of
seeing your face. I'm counting the days until I leave so I won't ever have to look at you again." Releasing
her wrist with disgusted shove, Nicholas stepped back.
"I may not know the meaning of love, but I know the feelings I have for you are stronger than anything
I have ever known. I go to bed and wake every morning with you on my mind. I can't seem to function
unless I have you around me. You said those words to me, Nicky, remember?" The tears were silent
when they came. "We've been through so much together, and through each obstacle, I gritted my teeth and
trudged through because I knew I had your love there to get me through it. You've been my guiding light,
always there when I needed you most. Please, I'm begging you, if any part of you has ever loved me at all,
Nicky, please let me help you. Let me be there for you." She invaded Nicholas's space, took his hand
within her own and tenderly brought them to her lips. Kissing each knuckle, love and fear shining in her
beautiful eyes.
It would've been so easy then, take the amnesty that was being offered and run with it. But Nicholas's
inner demons refused him absolution. They wanted penance and demanded his and Ellie's love on a silver
"Okay," he gave her a deprecating smile, crowding her suddenly, pulling her flush against his body. "I
knew you've always been good for one thing." He cupped Ellie's ass and laughed when she immediately
struggled out of his reach. "What's wrong, Ellie I thought you wanted to help me. My dick is in
excruciating pain, I was just taking what you were offering."
"Telltell me that you don't love me and I'll walk out of your life for good."
And there was the grand opportunity! Nicholas could see that Ellie meant what she'd just said. This
was his big chance.
"I've fallen completely and utterly out of love with you Ellie Holbrook. You mean nothing to me
nowyoure just another faceless name in a sea of hundreds." Nicholas made absolutely sure that their
gazes locked and in his own, there remained nothing but cool enmity. He wanted Ellie's hope shattered.
Their love decimated.
His words cut marrow deep. There would be no tourniquet thick enough to staunch the flow of blood
leaking from Ellie's heart. She blinked rapidly, putting a hand to her chest to stop the pain that felt like a
living thing within her. "When you go through the rest of your life, Nicky, I want you to remember this
moment exactly as it is now. I want you to remember the words you've just said and I want you to
remember that this is the moment you've lost a lover and friend." And gained a child.
How devastating would it have been to add in those words?
Ellie brushed her tears away, closing the door behind her. Nicholas owed her nothing. Being pregnant
with his child was not something Ellie would've used for vengeance or even for entrapment. He wanted to
leave? Fine then, the world was his stadium, let him play his games.
Ellie wanted nothing more to do with him. From this day forward, her hands were washed clean of
Nicholas Grayson.
If ever the questions of its father arose, Ellie would share with her child all that Nicholas was. A man
who was as stupidly foolish as he was eternally magnificent.


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