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Social media has prompted huge changes in the way people access
and share information, which has resulted in new challenges, lessons
and opportunities for businesses and organizations all over the world.
Consumer opinion, once confined to word of mouth and the call
center, is now more readily expressed to wider audiences and is more
influential for brands than it ever has been in the past.
In this White Paper, they look at their brand, Aramex, and how it has
utilized social media to become one of the most recognizable brands
online in the Arab world, engaging with thousands of customers on a
monthly basis. Aramex is a global logistics and transportation solutions
provider that serves businesses and individuals under its brand and its
Shop and Ship subsidiary.

1.1 Identify the various purposes of ARAMEX as a type of


ARAMEX is categorized under a corporation. The purpose that ARAMEX

serves as a corporation is mainly the amount of opportunities that it gives.
As an international company ARAMEX is based in more than 60 countries.
Having 353 offices around the world creates sustainability where even if one
of the offices isnt doing that great the other offices will make up for it. In
addition, it provides many work opportunities for many people. ARAMEX is a
company provides a unique opportunity where it is one of the few companies
in the world that are able to do deliveries worldwide with only a click of a

1.2 Describe the extent to which ARAMEX meets the

objectives of different stakeholders.

Normally stakeholders are split into two, Market stakeholders and Nonmarket stakeholders. Market stake holders are involved with the economical
side of the company and their purpose serves providing the society with the
goods and services that the company provides. Non- Market stakeholders
can affect the actions of the economic firm but are not directly engaged in
the economic exchange. In order for a worldwide company like ARAMEX to
reach the level it is in ARAMEX must have an interactive relationship. Having
an interactive relationship is when ARAMEX has an ongoing open relationship
with the stakeholders of mutual respect, openness and trust. According to
ARAMEX they always have operational meetings, station meetings, functional
meetings and regional meetings. In addition, they have team brainstorming
sessions, individual performance appraisal, internal surveys, employee social
events, management retreats, annual leader conferences, online
communications and last but not least internal collaboration tools. All those
engagement processes with the stakeholders build a very strong relationship
with them and form a better company.

1.2. a. What conclusion can we reach regarding

stakeholders? Justify your answer. (d1)

Stakeholders play a very important role in the company. They help take very
important decisions on the companys behalf. Stakeholders are cherished in
ARAMEX where ARAMEX considers them one of the top priorities in the
company and it is shown by all the engagement processes in ARAMEX.

1.3 Explain the responsibilities of ARAMEX and

strategies employed to meet them.

Delivering the customers needs to the place they want undamaged and on
time. To ensure the customers satisfaction they have custom clearance

where ARAMEX offers fast and effective custom clearance. And a wide range
of non-standard import and export clearance and handling services. Also,
they have insurance coverage where on top of the standard liability, ARAMEX
offers its customers insurance against all risks of physical loss or damage by
any external cause.

1.3.a. Identify and apply strategies to find appropriate

judgement. (M1)

ARAMEX uses various strategies in order for them to reach an appropriate

judgement. The first strategy and one of the most important ones is the
competition on cost. In order for a business to stay in the market they must
have competitive prices and ARAMEX carefully designed the company in
order to have offices all around the world which can cut down the cost a lot
in many cases. Another important factor is the quality of the service
provided to each individual. ARAMEX is one of the few companies that wants
the complete satisfaction of its customers demands. In conclusion, ARAMEX
is a company that focuses on the customers needs rather than the
companys own need.

2.1 Explain how economic systems attempt to allocate

resources effectively.

The economic systems include market economy, command

economy and mixed economy. Market economy is the
economy that entirely relies on the market to allocate goods
and resources to determine prices. Command economy is an
economy which is by all means centrally controlled by the
government. Mixed economy is a combination of the market
economy and the command economy. Allocating the

resources effectively means accepting new ideas and new

technologies. Acceptance and change in new companies are
the key to allocating the resources effectively. There are
many companies that wouldve been way above the ladder
now but they were hindered by the progress and
development of their countries but when to open markets
and open economies they had a very big boost within the

2.2 Assess the impact of fiscal and monetary policy on

ARAMEX and its activities.

The fiscal and monetary policy plays a very important role within the
company. In ARAMEXs case the fiscal and monetary policy play a positive
role where it develops and helps improve the companys advancements and
progresses. Since ARAMEX is United Arab Emirate provides the laws that
governs ARAMEX business through providing the company law, stable
currency exchange, protecting fair competition, preserving the rights of the
company, available cash flow and acceptable exchange rates, because most
of ARAMEX operation are cross borders to cover many countries with
different currencies. The fiscal and monetary policies have to do with all the
financial issues that the company go through and if applied wrong ARAMEX
wouldnt be in the place it is in now a days. Employees are empowered and expected to
deliver solutions, not give excuses or hide behind policies.

2.3 Evaluate the impact of competition policy and

regulatory mechanisms on the activities of ARAMEX.

Competition policy and regulatory mechanisms all depend on the

strategy of how to compete effectively in the market. The core of any
business is the 3 things. First, the competition of flexibility, Second,
competition of speed and last but not least the competition of costs. In my
opinion those are the three things that stand out in stock market and
expansion services. Regulatory mechanism by the government also have the
positive impact on the successful implementation of these policies in the
daily activities.

2.3.a Provide evidence of effective research/ identify

your sources of information (m2)

3.1 Explain how market structures determine the pricing

and output decisions of ARAMEX.

For ARAMEX company, it operates in monopolistic competition, since

there are many service provider that have the ability to provide the logistic
services, Aramex company has some control over price, high degree of
information, and it is noticed that barriers to entry are relatively low.
This market is a big risk to enter to because it needs continuous
research and improvement. Despite that fact for someone to a open a
business like this isnt much of a big deal but maintaining the business and
expanding is.

The type of market structure imposes on the companys top

management making the decisions that will be in accordance with the
market movement and demand and supply.

3.2 Illustrate the way in which market forces shape

ARAMEX responses.

The market forces plays a very important role in ARAMEXs responses.

Market forces include the political, economical, technological, environmental,
and legal forces. The political forces and the governmental interferences are
important. Depending on which country it is in it might affect the company
negatively or positively. If ARAMEX encounters rigid regulations and
procedures by the government this will negatively affect its operations and
its outputs. Next, the economical growth also has an impact where the
improvement and development of the education system can reinforce the
positive outcome in the company. Technology, the advanced technology and
information systems the modem communication means have the role to play
in fascinating Aramex services cross boarders. The legal factor is also
consider as a market force because the presence of laws that protect the
companys right are very important in shaping Aramex responses. The
market forces can affect a company in a positive or negative matter it just
depends to which direction the market forces is heading.

3.3 Judge how the business and cultural environments

shape the behavior of ARAMEX.
Culture is a set of norms, values, believes & attitude in addition to the
standards employed and adopted by the business in response to the

environment. Each culture has different values, beliefs and norms. Each
company responds differently to those cultural propagandas. Many people
have examined the economic growth and the importance of companies using
ideas from different countries and cultures. Economy these days is
dependant on trust and basically without the economical trust the
economical activities would be reduced in an unbelievable way. Employee
attitudes and culture toward exerting the due efforts will have the impact on
the success of any business, and in turn on shaping the business responses
to the cultural environment.

3.3.a Use different methods of presentation, using specific business

terminologies (M3)

1- Direct marketings main goal is to send a message directly to

2- 2-Trade Show Marketing Companies that want to reach a large number
of potential customers can participate in public or private trade
shows, And Newspaper, TV.
3- Internet marketing is any marketing strategy that takes place online.
Also referred to as online marketing, it encompasses a variety of marketing
forms like video advertisements.

4.1 Discuss the significance of international trade to


The exchange of goods, services and capital across the borders of different countries is known as
international trade. This type of trade is important as it promotes and encourages the growth,
movement and purchase of different goods and services from one country to another. This
means that what one country does not have it can purchase from another country. International

trade has economic, political and social importance for the countries engage in it and it has been
on the rise in the recent years.

4.2 Analyze the impact of global factors on ARAMEX.

There a lot of global factors that might affect ARAMEX in a positive and
negative way. If any civil war is any country the business in that country
might be cut down. In addition, if any new companies open in any countries
they might need to get some stuff from the outside through ARAMEX which
gives the company more work opportunities.

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