Jabung Weekly Rpt. Mar. 16 Mar. 22, 2014

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PetroChina International Jabung Ltd.

Weekly Report
Date: March 23, 2014
(Period: March 16 ~ March 22, 2014)
To : General Manager Jakarta

From : Field Manager Geragai



N. Geragai
NE Betara
N. Betara
SW Betara
W. Betara
S. Betara


Gas Delivery to TGI /

Gas Delivery to PT. TJP




























PV-3440 Production Separator
PV-3410 2nd Stage Separator
PV-3420 Test Separator
PV-3430 HP Separator












Total Producing Oil Wells:


96 Wells
10 Wells
6 Wells
19 Wells
24 Wells
4 Wells
6 Wells
7 Wells
9 Wells
10 Wells
- Well
1 Well

Total Producing Gas Wells: 67 Wells

6 Wells
5 Wells
14 Wells
38 Wells
4 Wells


North Jabung Operations (Gemah, NB, Ripah, Marmo and NEB)

Back on line Gemah-8 intermetten flow to system.
Back on line Gemah-30,32 intermetten flow to system.
Shut in NEB-28 due to no flow.
Monitor Gemah instrument crew disconected Instrumentation at I pump NEB-21,and SRP NB6,10.
Monitor BGP electric disconect electric system at I pump NEB-21.
Monitor BGP mechanic dismantle I pump at I pump NEB-21.
Monitor Fab shop Install facilities at marmo-1 for square tank,container,gas boot,manifold
complete for 4flow line and separator still inprogress.
Monitor fab shop install facilities at NEB-76 pad for gas boot,square tank,for 4 flow line
manifold still inprogress.
Monitor Gemah instrument repair control panel at Ripah TJPP due to power supley trip.
Ripah-15 SRP well shut down due to gas engine problem.
Flowing Ripah-10 SRP wells from cassing annulus to system


West Jabung Operations (SWB/WB/SB/Panen)

Continue BOL WB-D2 well (SRP) for 24 hrs every 2 days, on an intermittent production pattern
(1 day on and 1 day off).
On March 16, 2014 BOL WB-D1 intermittent flow well directly to gas boot SITHP: 450 psi.
On March 16, 2014 Assist Drilling Construction install 2-7/8" tubing pipe for temporary flare line
of well test at SB-D10D (SS) to conduct well test SB-D7 & SB-D10D.
On March 16, 2014 Install WH accessories of SB-D1D (SS) and SB-D12D (SS) wells for
temporary hook up test separator at well site for collect samples and specification gas review.
On March 16, 2014 Assist SWB Compressor Mechanic conduct weekly running WB 195-PK100/102 AG/LG Compressor at WB PPF.
On March 16 - 19, 2014 Cooperation with Pipe Line Maint and relate Dept to repair wrapping
exposed 12" WB underground pipe lines to SWB#9 pad at 50 meters after Saragi bridge or 200
meters after SB#3 intersection towards NEB#9 pad. completed
On March 17, 2014 Hook up gas test separator V-140 on SB#3 HP manifold for SB-D1D (SS)
well test and collect sample for specification gas review.
On March 18, 2014 suck out waste water by Vacuum Truck in the SWB sludge pond and water
contaminated with oil total Qty. 80 Bbls at SWB and WB PPF Water Treatment and hauling to
Geragai seven ponds.
On March 18, 2014 at 13.30 - 20.30 hrs Shut down 185-CP-101 VRU Compressor SWB PPF due
to PLC module problem and temporary replace with WB VRU Compressor.
On March 18, 2014 Disconnect and borrow WB-D9 tree top adapter completed with flange to be
temporary install at SB-D1 well for pull out BPV and PX plug & prong.
On March 18, 2014 install well head accessories SB-D12D (SS) well for temporary hook up gas
test separator V-140 at well site for collect samples and specification gas review.


On March 18, 2014 Accompany Mr. President Petrochina Intl. Ltd. conduct field visit at WB PPF
and SWB PPF.
On March 19, 2014 Install well head accessories SB-D10D (SS), SB-D7D (SS) and WB-2 wells.
On March 19 - 22, 2014 conducted Sampling Gas/Oil/Water and Pararmeters on SB-D1D,SBD10 & SBD-7 by using gas test separator V-140 as per Jakarta Engineering requested.
On March 18-22, 2014 Assist ALN (Artha Lintas Nusa) re-set up BPV of SB-D1D, SBD-10 &
SBD- 7 well ( Completed )
On March 19, 2014 At 15:45 hrs Pigging 6'' oil shipping line ( pig no.1) from SWB PPF to
NEB#9 pad ( receiver SWB ) after pumping 55 glns of chemical PI 7018 shipping line press
shown 325 psi.
On March 19, 2014 Move and set up oil test Separator V-114 from NEB-78 to Panen Utara#1 for
preparation replacement rental Separator MPM-V-001 with new PCI separator V-800.
On March 20, 2014 Install temporary 3/8'' tubing line from SB-D15 well to SB-D10 well and
inject press into tubing string SB-D10 well for equalize press between bottom hole and tubing
string to pull out PX plug & Prong. ( packing press 1500 psi )
On March 20, 2014 Prepare connection oil test Separator V-114 at Panen Utara#1 pad for
preparation replacement rental Separator MPM-V-001 with new PCI separator V-800
On March 20, 2014 Dismantle temporary jumper line from SB-D1D to SB-D1 well after
completed specification non asso gas review.
On March 21, 2014 At 07.00 hrs Found SWB-2 well no flow WHP drop to zero psi and at 11.15
hrs unload to flare pit with open choke also no flow and then at 17.00 hrs shut in the well by
close wing valve.
On March 19- 22, 2014 Assist Enecal Wire line to pull out and Reset the PX Plug and Prong at
X Landing Nipple at 4353 MD of SB-D1D, SB-D10D,SB-D7(SS) wells.
On March 21, 2014 at 09.00 - 11.00 hrs Switch 185-PK-100 AG Comp to 185-PK-102 LG Comp
to replace 2 ea broken V-belt fan of cooler. At 16.00 - 16.45 hrs Shut down 185-PK-100 AG
Compressor SWB PPF due to VS-105 cooler High vibration. Total down time 0.75 hrs.
On March 21, 2014 assist ALN (artha lintas nusa) pull out BPV on WB-2 well. completed
On March 21 - 22, 2014 Continue set up oil test Separator V-114 at Panen Utara#1 pad for
preparation replacement rental Separator MPM-V-001 with new PCI separator V-800.
On March 22, 2014 at 10.00 hrs 6" OAP pig No. 1 was arrived at NEB#9 Pad (SWB Receiver)
good and clean condition duration time 66.25 hrs.
On March 22, 2014 Assist ALN (artha lintas nusa) pull out BPV on SB-D7 & WB-5 well and reset up BPV of SB-D10D well ( completed)
On March 22, 2014 install temporary tubing from SWB-5 well to SWB-2 well and at 09.30 hrs
inject press into tubing string SWB-2 well until 500 psi. at 13.15 hrs unload to flare pit and then
at 14.00 hrs switch to test tank 100 bbls with choke 30/64P normal WHP at 40 psi.
On March 22, 2014 At 08.30 hrs Unload SWB-19 intermittent flow directly to flare pit at
SWB#15 pad SITHP 725 psi and then at 08.45 hrs switch to system group separator 185-V-200 at
SWB PPF with choke 36/64"A WHP normal at 350 psi.
On March 22, 2014 Continue set up oil test Separator V-114 at Panen Utara#1 pad for preparation
replacement rental Separator MPM-V-001 with new PCI separator V-800.
On March 22, 2014 At 08:30 hrs Switch Panen Utara-1 well flow directly to oil test separator V114 and release press and lowering level in the separator MPM-V-001.
On March 22, 2014 Dismantle rental separator MPM-V-001 at Panut#1 pad and move to
Marmo#1 pad.

South Jabung Operations (NG/MK & Oil Movement)

Monitor build up pressure potential S/I well :
o NG-08:0 Psi, NG-10: 460 Psi, NG-29D : 890 Psi, NG-30:1120 Psi, NG-30D: 640 Psi, NG33 : 0 Psi, NG-35: 1300 Psi, NG-37: 730 Psi, NG-38D: 490 Psi, NG-41:1240 Psi, NG-41D:
1220 Psi
o MK-04 : 415 Psi, MK-5: 1360 Psi, MK-06: 1120 Psi, MK-11: 0 Psi, MK-12 TWD: 530 Psi,
MK-31D: 900 Psi.


Monitor Recycle crude oil sample at top, middle and bottom of all crude oil tank (continue).
Adjust chemical rate due to significant higher and lower rate than recommended by Lab of NG &
MK area by production field crews.
Clean-up strainers of Gemah Pig Receiver, Recycle Pumps, water & oil outlet 2 nd Stage Separator
at CPS by Prod Field Crew
Monitor vacuum truck T-475 for unload waste water from Tiung Utara-01 drilling well to 7 pond
CPS area.
Clean-up Crude Oil Tank T-8410 and repair level indicator varec by Instrument Team.(completed)
o Unloading sludge from crude oil tank T-8410 to sludge pond by vacuum truck T-188 and T209 total = 3 load.
o Purging crude oil tank T-8410 after clean up (completed) and clean up trash around crude oil
tank T-8410 at CPS.
o Lowering liquid of cement boxes by vacuum truck and unload to sludge pond CPS.
At 17th March 2014 24.00 hrs Found NG-40 well no flow and gas lift no flow. At 18 th March
2014, 07.00 hrs Back on line NG-40 well flow directly to system SIHP = 800 psi.
Deliver 3 ea ex-square tanks chemical as requested By HSE-Environment to support activity at
Hand over square tank that empty from contamination oil spill, broken condition to HSE
environment, for sending to Jakarta by dump truck PT. Wastec.
36 ea were delivered on 17th Mar 2014 and 14 ea were taken on 21st Mar 2014.
Support visit from SKK-Migas Team (Sub Dinas Penghapusan Aset) to conduct physical check
ex-chemical tank at KM-06 yard for pra-FUPP process.
Lowering liquid ex-chemical all square tank total = 134 ea = 15 bbls and unload from
Production yard KM-6 to sludge pond CPS by vacuum truck T-188.
Refill up chemical at South Jabung area, as follow :
o EB-8132 at Pig receiver, Prod. manifold and NG wells and test sep MK-5 Total : 5 drums
o WT-1048 at inlet Tank T-121, Total : 2 drums
o KI-5331 at outlet tank T-126 at CPS Total : 2 drums
o SI-475 at outlet 1st Stage Separator and outlet T-126 at CPS Total : 4 drums
o Methanol at NG-14,22 & 34 and MK-16 wells Total : 7 drums
o Grand Total: 20 drums
Monitor JM transfer condensate to Condensate Storage Tank T-101 at CPS.
Monitor Jambi Merang contractor (PT.BSP) performing site preparation new condensate tank
Monitor MD 12 & MD 14 Pressure & Density meter.
Monitor free water content at COT FSO Federal I.
Condensate lifting to MT. Success Challenger XXXVII.
Switching transfer flow crude oil and condensate from CPS to FSO Federal I

Well testing & Production Jabung Monitoring

Monitoring regular Geragai well test by separator PV 3420 at NG (6, 7, 14, 15, 23, 34D, 39D,
Monitoring regular Makmur well test by test separator PV-1150 at MK (16, 18, 24)
The performance production regular well test North, West, Jabung wells:
o Gemah by separator V. 600 (GE-9, 37).
o Gemah by separator V.130 (GE-16, 5).
o Gemah by separator V.1000 (GE 35).
o Gemah by separator V.2000 (GE-11, 18).
o Gemah by separator V.1120 (GE-44).
o Gemah by separator V.500 (GE-49).
o North Betara by separator V.120 (NB-4).
o North Betara by separator V-100 (NB-15).
o North East Betara by separator V.300 (NEB-05, 11).


o North East Betara by separator V.116 (18, 25).

o North East Betara by separator V.600 (NEB-29, 39, 57).
o West Betara Development By separator ABS V.2000 (WBD- 08,)
o SB and SBD by separator MPM V.1000 & V 300 ( SB-01 and SBD-13,14,)
o WB 6 Pad by Separator MPM-V-200 ( SBD-16D )
o SBD- 5 pad by separator Dwipa 02 ( SBD-5).
o Ripah-PPF by separator V-1160 (5,8,9,10, 21,)
o South West Betara by TEST separator 184 - V.100 ( SWB- 8,21,)
o South Betara 3 Pad by separator V-600 ( SB-3,SBD-8,SBD-13 and SBD-13D ).
o South Betara 1 pad by separator V-700 prepare for new well (Pipe line inprogress).
Monitor Performance regular well test of south, north, west, Ripah well.
Perform PBU Survey with multi rate test NEB-52 by oil test separator V-114.
Move and set up oil test separator V-114 from NEB-8 pad to NEB-5 pad and test NEB-5 well.
Continue monitor BGP fab shop crew set up Marmo-1 facilities at Marmo-1 pad.
Continue monitor BGP fab shop crew set up NEB-78 facilities at NEB-76 pad.
Move and set up gas test separator V-140 from GE-1 pad to NEB-9 pad (Repair 3/4" nipple of oil
bridle broken by BGP fabshop).
Move and set up gas test separator V-140 from NEB-9 pad to SB-3 pad.
Conduct well tests SBD-1 well, sampling Program by Gas test sept. V-140
Move oil test separator V-114 from NEB-5 pad to Panen utara -1 pad for replace separator MPMV-001 and than separator at panen utara-1(MPM-V-001) move and setup to Marmo-1 facilities.
Move gas test separator V-140 from SB-3 pad to SB-D10 well for sampling program and continue
test the well: 6 hrs.
March 21,03,2014 Move and setup New separator V-800 from Geragai Instrument shop to Panen
utara-1 facilities.
Move Gas test separator V-140 frm SBD-10 to SBD-7 well for Gas sampling Program and
continue test the well, 6 hrs
Status Rig # 02, Drilling stand by at GE-12 (Rig base camp).
Status Rig # 3 Drilling stand by at NEB-91 at NEB-76 pad.
Status Rig # 11 Completion Stand by at Tiung Utara-1 pad.
Status Rig # 12 Completion # Stand by at BGP rig base camp.

Movement (Crude Oil, Condensate)

Condensate lifting to MT. Success Challenger XXXVII # 130
Propane lifting to MT. NS CHALLENGER
Butane lifting to MT. NS CHALLENGER

36,087 Bbls
17,000.330 MT
10,000.290 MT


PMT, PetroStar & Federal Accumulative Figure

Total Crude Oil Tanker handled
1,793 Tankers (Crude oil)
Total Crude oil lifted
77,868,678 Bbls (Export &
Total Condensate Tanker handled
129 Tankers (Condensate)
Total Condensate lifted
26,041,965 Bbls (Export & Domestic)
Total LPG Tanker handled
= 165 Tankers (LPG) no more LPG lifting
Total LPG lifted
264,581.778 MT no more LPG
Total Propane lifted
= 2,468,872.657 MT
Total Butane lifted
= 1,597,371.263 MT


Production Engineering


NG-33 (S/I Well) Performed SBHP Survey from lower zone (4520- 4534 MD; G.43 ). Keep it
on S/I while monitoring its SITHP.
SB-D1D (Gas Well) Performed slickline program to open interval 6034 6044 MD; UTAF
for taking liquid and gas sample as request from Jakarta Process Eng. from this zone and put it
back on closed position afterwards.
SB-D10D (Gas Well not produced yet) Perform slickline program to open interval 4850' 4860' MD; IGUF for taking liquid and gas sample as request by Jakarta Process Eng. from this
zone and put it back on closed position afterwards.
NG-40 (GL Well) Found the well no flow on March 16, 2014, put it on S/I for building up its
pressure and then BOL on March 18, 2014 after unloading the heavy liquid to flare.
NEB-28 (Oil Well) Found the well no flow on March 18, 2014, keep it on S/I while monitoring
its SITHP.

Monitoring SRP wells:

SRP producing (3 wells) :
o Pumping with normal operation: WBD-2 & 5, Ripah-15.


SRP shut-in (21 wells) :

o GE- 30, 32, NB-3, 6, 7, 10, 9, Ripah-3, 7, 9, 10, 14, 16, 17, 21, 23 and WP-1, 4, 7.
o NEB-21: The pump stuck while trying to BOL for intermittent production pattern (propose
for W/O-gas).
o NEB-51: Shut down pump, 100% Water.

South Jabung area activities
Collected glycol sample from inlet/outlet of hypo-concentrator of Hamilton plant to
determine of water content in Glycol after process application into Hamilton plant at NGF
plant area.
Collected and analyzed condensate JM Condensate sample from Upstream at metering
Talisman before loading for API, SG, RVP, BS & W analysis.
Collected NGF Sales gas metering, Inlet Gas Hamilton and outlet gas JT plant samples for
composition analysis (weekly report).
Collected condensate sample from Jambi Merang shipping line for Hg content analysis.
Analysis water sample from HEO Dept for analysis standard clean water requested.
Analyzed water sample total 8 points from HSE Department as Monthly report.
Collected & analyzed completed report properties for lifting tanker MT NS
ChallengerLifting No. : LPG/FSO-JB/208-03-14 based on Loading advice LPG JBG March
2014 Ptm 208.
Collected & analyzed (inlet/outlet propane & butane treaters) gas composition for Hg content
and Total Sulfur analysis.
Deposit/waxy Identification from Marmo well with several visual and type material content
determine analyzed of depost sample.
Analyzed water sample from GE-34 pipe line for corrosion impacted identified.
Analyzed Shell Thermia B Lube Oil sample for Heat Transfer of Hot oil with total 4 drums
for measuring the Kinematic Viscosity analysis parameter

North Jabung area activities

Collected Liquid sample from bottom de-ethanizer, bottom condensate stripper and NGL to
NGF in the morning for composition analysis.
Continued analysis water content from inlet propane dryer and outlet propane dryer from
NGF area
Analyzed amine sample for water content, foaming and solvent strength analysis.
Collected and analyzed gas sample from Ripah Tanjung Jabung Power Plant Metering due to
Prod Enginering requested as Weekly report.

Collected and analyzed gas composition from SWB PPF as usualy job on weekly gas analisis
Collected and analyzed sample from GE 59, and NEB-05 wells during well test program
by Prod. Deprt.
Collected and analyzed liquid and gas sample from SB D1 well during well test program by
Prod. Depart.
Analyzed condensate sample from Jambi Merang for Mercury content analysis
Collected and analyzed gas sample from LP Slug Catcher, GE and NEB GRF for composition
as per requested Operation Deprt.
Analyzed Propane and Butane sample from MTPetrostar for water content parameter fill
certificate of quality product.

Offshore area activities

Monitoring Ullage / sounding from Tanks of 2PSC, 3C, and 4PSC at MT FEDERAL 1.
Collect and analyzed liquid sample from MD#12 due to change over from condensate - crude
oil for BS % W.
Lifting MT Andhika Arsanti for domestic sales of crude oil.
Lifting MT. Success Challenger XXXVII ETA at our Terminal on March 19, 2013. PM, to
analyzed final loading by Certificate of Quality product.

QC Mechanical & Piping Construction Activities
Material inspection for construction activities at logistic warehouse (Routine)
Inspection and monitoring commissioning/SWB Water Treatment Facilities (In Progress, for
Monitoring on Operation)
Inspection and monitoring CPS Water Treatment & Injection Upgrade (Waiting material)
Inspection and monitoring NEB PPF Upgrade (Waiting material instrument & pipe for
Inspection and monitoring installation WWTF CPS (Handover to HSE/minor punch list
follow up in progress)
Inspection and monitoring 6 oil P/L NEB#9 to NEB#10 (In Progress)
Monitoring and support recertification PSV. 2013 (On Hold, waiting witness popping test by
Inspection and monitoring installation NEB # 78 (In Progress)
Inspection and monitoring installation Marmo # 1 (In Progress)
Inspection and monitoring installation Panen Utara # 1 purpose to replace man rental
separator (In Progress)
Inspection and monitoring installation flowline gas non asso SB # 1 & SB 3 (In Progress)
Inspection and monitoring modification line Gemah # 42 & 49 purpose to connecting outlet
header to inlet gasboot due to utilise separator V-500 for NEB # 78 (In Progress)

QC Civil Activities
Inspection and monitoring Construct SWB PPF Permanent camp (In Progress)
Inspection and monitoring IT Office and Storage Building at BGP (In Progress)
Development asphalt road services from Plabi Junction toward Blok D intersection
(follow up site punch list and maintenance time)
Inspection and monitoring construct services of Drilling Building at Logistic Lagan Staging
(In Progress)
Monitoring construction services of fuel station at Betara Yard (In Progress)
Inspection and monitoring construct of living quarter at Betara Camp
(Open site punch list)
Monitoring, maintenance, patching and levelling the asphalt road from outer portal toward
Lagan Staging ( In Progress )

Monitoring fill up and fence construction at Geragai Base Camp (On Hold)
Inspection erosion at underground pipeline Parit Garuda 2 (Completed)

Civil Engineering
Design open drain & pump system of oil waste at NGF, NGL & CPS (In Progress)
Feasibility study Gas Compressor shelter for Over Head Crane (MOC) (In Progress)
Feasibility study of structure NEB#54 Bridge (In Progress)
Review design drawing & estimate meeting training room & document building (In Progress)
Prepare volume & estimate cost comparison for document Category IV (In Progress)
Design and drawing layout separator at Panen Utara#1 (In Progress)
Review oil trap at Panen Utara#1 (In Progress)
Design and drawing foundation for separator at Panen Utara # 1 (In Progress)
Design and drawing platform for skid manifold at NEB # 8 (In Progress)

QC Electrical and Instrument Activities

Monitoring electrical installation at SWB permanent camp, waiting install switch, receptacle,
IT and Telkom line in door AC and etc (On Hold)
Monitoring electrical installation at NG Water Treatment Up Grade (On Hold, Preparation
Prepare material and monitoring for NEB PPF Up Grade (In Progress, need to change floter
of Level Gauge due to different density between floter and actual liquid. Action by
Facilities Jkt)
Monitoring punch list at BGP living quarter at Betara Joint inspection have done,
commissioning have been conducted, any punch list will be closed (In Progress)
Prepare engineering Betara Field Engineering new building office for New Transformer,
cabling and communication (In Progress)
Monitoring instrument installation separator 100-V-800 (Completed)
Design for Lightning Protection Betara Explosive Bunker (In progress, CRS Preparation)
Review Design Engineering & Preparing SAT RTU Package by PT. Triguna (In progress)
Monitoring NG & Lagan Staging Power Upgrade (In progress)
Preparing SAT Ripah Metering by PT. CS (Completed)
Prepare Engineering document and material for Well Hook-up NEB #78 Well
Prepare Engineering document and material for Well Hook-up Gemah #59 Well (Completed)
Prepare Engineering document and material for Well Hook-up NEB #52 Well (Completed)
Design for Lightning Protection New Betara Fuel Station (In Progress, CRS Preparation)
Design for Lightning Protection Lagan Staging (In Progress, CRS Preparation)
Design for Lightning Protection Lagan Logistic (In Progress, CRS Preparation)
Jabung Master Calibrator Certification (In Progress, Second Delivery)
Monitoring SWB WTI Improvement (In Progress)
Review design Gemah 1st Stage Separator,
o Change direction of Senior Orifice (In Preparation)
o Check & recalculate all control valves sizing (In Progress)
o Prepare for Change all pneumatic system to electronic system (In Preparation)
Monitoring Gemah 2nd Stage Separator (In Progress, Root cause problem preparation)
Gemah PPF Upgrade new storage tank purchase (In Progress, bidding process)
Monitoring NG CPS 2nd Stage Separator (Completed FEED from CTR)

QC Corrosion Pipeline & Asset Integrity

Wall thickness Corrosion Monitoring flow line NEB Area (In Progress)

Management of Change

Review and update status MOC from 2006-2013 (In Progress)

MOC coordination with related department for approval (In Progress)


CPS/Hamilton Plant/SWB/ WB Gas Compressors
Major Overhaul Refrigerant Gas Compressor K-560. Continued
Check And Replace Motor Of Debutaniser Condenser F1 Due To Noise #710-EM-105F1
Unit CP-5100 Manual shutdown to reset BV's from JT system to Hamilton to back online
Hamilton plant as per Request by NGL Operator
K-550 Down due to high-high Suction pressure and low-low Engine oil pressure indication in panel
and recalibration fuel ratio, Engine timing and replace some compressor cylinder valves leaking.
Unit CP-5200 Down to Solve Problem on 2nd Stage Suction Scrubber HH Level
and fix first and third stage Discharge pressure PSV's popping
Replaced engine cylinder head #4 due to leak and repaired cylinder head #5 RB water jumper due
to leak
Major Overhaul Unit CP-5300 Compressor by PT. GOLTENS


NGF/NGL/JT Plant/Lagan
Check And Replace Motor Of Debutaniser Condenser F1 Due To Noise #710-EM-105F1
Install 2 Ea Electric Exhaust Fan Completed With Installation Accessories
Repair Control Valve Of Media Filter F-7700 #PCV-7704
Replace Vibration Switch Of Reda Pump Pp-7655 #VSH-7655
Install Tubing Connection For Sampling Emision Of Garbage Dump
Overhaul Steam Cleaner Karcher #PM-CL-011
Take Runtime Hours Saturday #700-ESS-100
Update Antivirus Of ESS System Cabinet #700-ESS-100
Calibrate JT Plant Product Flow Meter FQI-002 & Input New Factor Equal With Factor At
Hamilton Plant FQI-1190#FQI-002
Re-Configured Data Trending For Each Devices Of JT-Plant Due Not Shown #EWS
Create Screen Display Of Total Sum Between FQI-100 & FQI-200 #EWS
Inspect Control Valve On Discharge Glycol At NGL#TCV-590
Recalibrate Pressure Switch Gauge Of First Suction#K-550


FPU /FSO/Petrostar Federal /Makmur/BSA /Asam Pipih/Simbur Naik

Checked electric capstan whinces BD-13 at Federal Jetty
Assisted Fab. Shop crew to provided power supply for welding transformer at Federal jetty.
Assisted operation & logistic crew to transfer fuel from Petro Star to FPU fuel storage as much
12206, 04 Liters.
Weekly PM service and running test fire water pumps 925-P-116A/B and test running jockey
Performed housekeeping around FPU complex by collecting rubbish and unused materials and
send to Onshore via CB. Ina Sela.
Take run time hours of equipments every Saturday morning and send to NGF/Betara planner.
PM Service oil boom and skimmer pump at SV. Ina Tuni
Assisted operation crew during switch over instrument air compressor from unit 925-PK-101A to
925-PK-101B as per PM schedule.
Assisted operation crew during switch over Diesel engine generator from unit 925-DEG-101A to
925-DEG-101B as per PM schedule.
Assisted Fab.shop crew to checked welding transformer due to lose connection at Federal jetty.
Performed 175 Hrs PM service instrument air compressor unit 925-PK-101A
Checked and replaced engine capstan winces MD-11 at Federal Jetty

Lifting material 2 ea Drum Lube Oil and 1 ea electric motor ex-changer from CW Ina Sela to
FPU sub cellar deck.
Assisted operation crew during switch over the operation of hypo-chlorinator blower including
cleaned up blower wire mesh, strainer and area.
Quarterly back up trigger log HMI turbine unit 920-GTC-101A.
Assisted mooring crew during MT. NS Challenger berthing at FPU jetty
Assisted operation crew during switch over C3 booster pump unit 920-P-101B to 920-P-101A as
per PM schedule.
Weekly PM Service C3 booster pump unit 920-P-101B
Control Valve Quarterly PM 920-LV-111/FV-107,925-PV-207
Assisted operation crew Starting Gas Turbine Comp. A due to inlet manifold petro Star close.
Checked and test Running oil boom and skimmer pump at SV. Ina Tuni due to malfunction.
Quarterly PM Service maintenance loop Flame detector unit ML-920-FD (920-FD-001,002,
Assisted mooring crew during MT. Success Challenger XXXVII berthing at Federal jetty
Assisted operator crane during lifting materials from Cellar deck to Onshore via CB. Ina Sela.
Weekly PM Pedestal crane unit 925-Y-001
Check and repair DEG unit 925-DEG-101B due to found water cooler mixed with lube oil in
Checked and replaced pressure differential switch 925-DPS-117 on GTC-101B due to frequently
stuck prior start up
Check And Repair Pressure Switch Of Portable Air Compressor #CP-2421


BGP/Betara Fields
Install MRU package at BGP. Performing party contractor PT. Mega Pratama Unggul
Assist MRU contractor to pull power and instrument cables.
Inspect Multi Media Filter 695-PK-107 bottom screen due to high DP.
Check and repaire valve at multi media filter 695-KV-234/244/235/245 suspect passing
Replace CCP HMI of sales gas compressor is hang intermittently 650-K-101C
Replace flow meter GC analyzer of 655-AT-126
Install Radar LT's (4ea) for Gas Filter Coalescer
In Progress Check Alarm IOP Minus (for reading Amp for Inlet Compressor B)
CO2 Analyzer Monthly calibration 610-AT-100
Check and calibrate level transmitter at NGL Bullet 670-LT-100/101 due to discrepancy reading


NEB/Gemah/Ripah/Sabar/SWB Fields
Install Transmitters for NEB-68/72/77 and connect to new RTU to upgrade and communicate to
BGP CCR as well as SD system
Install the instrumentation required to Marmo-1
Commissioning NEB and Gemah FFG Model 300
Replace existing separator with New Separator V-800 at Panen Utara-1
Replace CCP HMI of NEB GRF is hang intermitenly 145-K-102
Check and repair of 151-RTU-118 at NB#5 due to indication SDV closed but actual in field is
Set Big Joe PCV-130-FGCU at SWB due to output pressure unstable (set 124 Psi, complete)
Repaired 1/2" nipple for instrument gas supply line due to leaking and repaired PIC, LIC of
water,LIC due to plugging by crude oil of oil of test separator V-114 at NEB #05
Change input parameter of gas contain on Flocom of new Metering Ripah at Ripah Power Plant
after get new parameter from analzy in Gas Chromatograph


Geragai Base Camp

Emergency Generator - Weekly test run and system checks.
Routine Water Plant activities.


Repair Bainmery At Kitchen Geragai Base Camp

Disconnect And Reconnect Partisi Admin Personalia
Weekly PM Service NG WTP Filtration #Unit-701
Weekly PM Service WTP Filtration #Unit701
Weekly PM Service Water Threatment #Unit-701


BGP Base Camp

Emergency Generator - Weekly test run and system checks.
Routine Water Plant activities.
Test Power up PCW generator to BGP busbar
Simulated PCW generator to power up BCC Camp


IT & Communication
Routinely Performed Maintaining Hardware and Software of all Computers and
Communications at Jabung Field, BGP, FPU and Jambi
Settings configure email exchange for FM Jabung, Contract Admin, Admin Supt., Field Cost
Control, Admin Personel, Jabung Clinic, Field Accounting, Formality Jabung, Formality Supv.
Jabung, and Logistic Supt.
Solved email problem of Buyer Jabung, FM Jabung, Field Accounting, HSE Supt., Jabung Clinic
Solved JDE Problem of computer Land condemnation, Training Jabung and Camp Maintenance.
Serviced Printer HP LaserJet 4250 of Crewchange Geragai room
Installed sound system for aerobic gymnastic at Civil Const, Geragai Base Camp and BGP
Installed internet protocol of printer HP LaserJet M551 at CPS Production
Solved Network and Communication of CPS Mechanic Shop
Relocate radio mobile of CPS Production field crew
Repair the TGI Jabung station direct line phone at BGP CCR
Replaced the broken Hub switch of BGP Maintenance clerk room Check and repair radio mobile
unit S-209
Check and repair radio base at SB#3 Station
Remove and install Printer & Scanner from Compressor Specialist office to Comp. Supv office
Assist to relocate computer unit belong to HSE Document control at HSE Geragai Office


Pipeline Maintenance
Continue coordinate with Production West/North area to perform pigging program 6 Crude
Oil line from SWB to NEB #09 PAD. (Continue periodic schedule, Last pigging on March 05
- 08, 2014).
Continue coordinate with Production North/South area to perform cleaning pigging program
of 6 Crude Oil line from NEB stn to Gemah stn and Gemah stn to CPS. (Continue periodic
schedule, Last pigging on January 28 - 29, 2014.)
Continue monitoring grass cutting program by local people of all pipeline ROW at Jabung
(Status Continue)
Continue coordinate with QA/QC to Pipeline Corrosion Monitoring and assessment of all
pipelines and well pad gathering line. (Status In progress / Continue)
Continue coordinate with Maintenance Electric and Mechanical to monitoring PM services
and re-fueling Generator for Pipeline Cathodic protection system at Simbur Naik. (Status
Continue Monitoring)
Monitoring consumption rate of corrosion inhibitor injection of 12 pipeline LP mode from
Gemah jump over line at BGP. (Status Continue monitoring)
Monitoring Contractor progress of contract PCJ-1938-CA Construction services of export
pipeline bridge Lagan River. (Status In Progress 79%)
Joint Inspection with Security to ensure there are no illegal hot tapping issued on pipelines.
(Status Continue)



Prepare crew, equipments and tools for Emergency response of Pipeline Maintenance
Problems (Leakage, Illegal Hot tap, etc.). (Status Continue)
Monitoring progress install brazing piling New Export Pipeline Bridge, Lagan River. (Status
Continue monitoring)
Repair damage external coating Pipeline KP 8+500 WB to NEB#9 (In Progress)
Continue coordination with Field Engineering and Production Department proposed for
replace leaking flow line Gemah#34 (In Progress Engineering study)


Drilling Construction/Survey
Commence and continue to prepare location NEB- 21 off NEB- 4 pad ~ 31,70 % completed
Commence and continue to prepare location NEB- 18 off NEB- 9 pad ~ 2,40 % completed
Continue & regularly to support activities of HPS Rig # 11 at Tiung Utara -1 (Standby), HPS Rig
# 2 at Gemah # 12 (Standby), HPS Rig # 3 at NEB # 91 (Standby).


Fabrication Shop and Pipeline

Continue to fabricate and install 6"Pipeline from NEB#9 to NEB station include Pig Launcher
and Receiver ~ 34.5 % completed (Rev %)
Commence and continue to install flowline and temporary facility for NEB- 78 ~ 22.6 %
completed (Rev %)
Commence and continue to disconnect square tank and gs boot at SB- 3 pad and install at Mamo1 pad location ~ 26.15 % completed (Rev %)


Civil Construction
Continue to construct services of IT shop building at BGP (PCJ-1879-CA) ~ 24.5 % completed
Continue to construct Services of Fuel Station at Betara Yard ( PCJ-1932-CA ) ~ 60 % completed
Continued to construct services of drilling building at Logistic Lagan Staging (PCJ-1914-CA) ~
84 % completed
Continued to construct transformer shelter at CPS, Geragai Base Camp and Lagan Staging ~ 48
% completed
Continued to repair cellar box at NEB - 01, 04, 21, 28, 29, 30, 38, 39, 40, 65 wells and NB - 02,
13, 14 wells ~ 75 % completed (No Progress waiting info requestor)


HEO & Facilities

Fill up and install fencing at additional Land North Geragai Camp ~ 50.97% completed
Continue to maintenance, Patching & Levelling the asphalt road from outer Portal Security
towards Lagan Staging ~ 22.75 % completed
Routine to repair road, Canal, Ditch, Bridge & well Pad Jabung Block


5.1 Safety and Environment Section
Betara Gas Plant, Betara, Gemah & Well-sites Activities ( N. E. Betara, N. Betara, Gemah,
Ripah, S. W. Betara & Panen)
HSE Personnel supervised, advised, supported, assisted and stand by for any critical job
activities of other Department, Contractors such as Fabrication Shop, Civil Construction,
BGP Operations, Production, HEO & Construction, Logistic, Laboratory, IT, Laboratory,
Maintenance, Maint. Gas Compressor, Field Engineering, QA/QC, Surveyor, JOB PertaminaJambi Merang, PT. Enecal, PT. CBE, CV. LMA, PT. SAS, PT. PWS, PT. Meindo, PT. ETI
and PT. NPC on March 15-21, 2014
Followed up Corporate HSE Audit 2013 Findings & Recommendations for BGP area on
March 15-21, 2014


Followed up Surveillance Audit of ISO 14001 & OHSAS 18001 findings on March 15-21,
Conducted monthly HSE equipment inspection for March period
Conducted fire hose hydro test beside BGP HSE Office on March 15, 2014
Prepared for presentation and accompany for VIP site visit from Beijing on March 17-18,
Followed up recommendation report for unit S-101 accident at BGP on March 20, 2014

Geragai Field (NGF, JT Plant, CPS & Well sites Activities)

HSE Personnel supervised, advised, supported, assisted and stand by for any critical job
activities of other Department, Contractors such as Fabrication Shop, Civil Construction,
NGF Operations, Production, HEO & Construction, Logistic, Laboratory, IT, Laboratory,
Maintenance, Maint. Gas Compressor, Field Engineering, QA/QC, JOB Pertamina-Jambi
Merang, PT. AKA, CV. Empat Bersaudara, CV. Multi Guna, CV. RJM, PT. Sertco Quaity, PT.
GBU, PT. PAD and PT. BSP on March 15-21, 2014
Conducted monthly safety equipment inspection for March period
Followed up Corporate HSE Audit 2013 findings & recommendations for Geragai area on
March 15-21, 2014
Followed up Surveillance Audit of ISO 14001 & OHSAS 18001 on March 15-21, 2014
Attended several meeting as follow:
o Kick of Meeting for PCJ-2170-CA (Construction Public Health Services at Pandan
Makmur Village) at HEO & Facilities Meeting Room on March 17, 2014
o Pre-bid meeting to inform and discuss about CSMS with tender participants for tender no.
D261/ PR #7231/ QR #18983 Overhead Crane on March 18, 2014
o Closing Date & Bid Opening for Tender No.: D261/RO#12940/QR#19329 (SAFETY
BOOTS) at Jambi Office on March 19, 2014
Conduct several join inspection as follow:
o Fuel Diesel Truck inspection under JOB Pertamina Talisman at NGF PCI on March 18,
o Crawler Crane 45 ton join inspection for PT. BSP (JOB PTJM Contractor) at site office
PT. BSP on March 18, 2014
Assisted SKKMigas to conduct physical check FUPP for several assets at Logistic KM #6
Yard on March 20, 2014

FPU / Off-shore Activities

Collecting data for HSE Passport requirement at Offshore Facilities on March 15-21, 2014
Monitored PT. SBS project during water jetting/blasting, repainting and scaffolding
dismantle/erection on the bridge of jetty at LPG Marine terminal
Performed several HSE Inspection as follow HSE Equipment Inspection at FPU area for
March Period
Continued to follow up Corporate HSE Audit 2013 findings & recommendations for FPU
area on March 15-21, 2014
Conducted safety inspection as follow:
o Safety Inspection prior propane & butane lifting belongs to MT. Challenge at LPG
Marine terminal on March 15-21, 2014
o Safety Inspection for motor tanker belongs to MT. Success Challenger at Oil Marine
Terminal on March 20, 2014
Conducted fire water pump and jockey pump running and test at FPU on March 21, 2014
Weather/Rainfall Record


*The AWOS at BGP & Geragai HSE are under reparation and waiting material.

Record of Accidents
Motor Vehicle Accident
On March 18, 2014 around 01.45 PM, light vehicle unit S-101 (BH 9601 TA) went from
Geragai to BGP. When going through JL 220, the car wanted to pass a logging trailer. The
road condition is slippery after rained in the accident location. The driver cannot control the
car, then he hit dike of WKS Industry forest. The front bumper in the left side, radiator, and
front windshield are broken. The driver and the passenger do not get any injury in the
Direct Cause:
Unsafe act or condition (the road was slippery after rain)
Using defective equipment
Indirect Cause:
Lack of knowledge / skills
Lack of spare part in SNP Storage
Recommendations (to prevent repeated or similar occurrence)
Conduct safety meeting (safe driving) with all drivers belong to PT. SNP
Give the warning letter to the driver
Accident Statistic
Total days without a lost time accident up to March 21, 2014 at 18.00 as below:
Operations/Production & Services: 2.412 days equal to 38.057.473 man hours since last LTA
occurred on August 13th 2007
Exploration & Drilling Support: 828 days equal to 3.543.053 man hours since last LTA
occurred on December 14th 2011
BGP (BGP Plant, Gemah GRF & NEB GRF): 3.230 days since May 19th 2005

Security Section
Escorted diesel fuel for support Drilling heavy equipment activity at East Suko # 1 Kumpeh Ilir
location on March 15, 2014
Escorted heavy equipment under drilling construction (Dozer, S/A Excavator, Motor grader,
Campactor) from East Suko # 1 location at Kumpeh Ilir Ma. Jambi to Betara area on March, 15
thru 18, 2014
Conduct coordination with Police from Intelkam Polda Jambi conduct to escort VIP from PCI
Management Jakarta on March 16, 2014
Escorted VIP from PCI Management during field visit to Jabung Field on March 17 thru 18, 2014
Accompanied Sr. Security Supv. Jakarta to Polres West Tanjab regarding illegal crude oil finding
case at Pematang Lumut Village Kec. Betara Kab. Tanjab Barat
Attended meeting budget with HSSE Superintendent at BGP Admin building on March 19, 2014
Escorted Separator test from NEB # 5 location to Panen Utara # 1 location on March 19, 2014
Joint with fireman to put down a fire disaster at Mendahara Ilir village (Block A) as per requested
by head of forestry dept. West Tanjab on March 19, 2014 until know
Escorted fuel diesel for support operational Generator at Simbur Naik Cathodic on March 20, 2014


Health Section
Provide health care services to employees who work in the field via Petrostar, Federal, Geragai,
BGP and SWB Clinic
Conducted the medical passport program at BGP and Geragai Clinic
Conducted Aerobic program at Geragai (every Friday) & BGP (every Wednesday)
Process medical administration (Medical cost reimbursement, Guarantee letter of hospitalization
Outpatient, Invoice from Hospital, expense report & Petty cash)



Continued printing and distributed medical card to all PCJL employees

Evaluated the MCU result 10 Persons for Pre-Employment & 3 Persons For Annual Employee
Monitoring the use of medical card to all corporate hospital in Jambi.
Conducted routine medical weekly inspection:
o Weekly hygiene Inspection at BGP, Petrostar & Geragai Camp
o Weekly activities of Friday Clinic Inspection at BGP, Petrostar & Geragai clinic
o Weekly inspection ambulance medical inventory at Geragai, BGP And SWB Clinic
Processed Doctor & clinic permit in West Tanjung Jabung Health Department
Conducted several monitoring as follow:
o Noise Monitoring at Gemah Station generator and prepare the report on March 15, 2014
o Mercury Monitoring during backwash at WWTF and prepare the report on March 18-19,

General Admin & Personnel
Delivering manpower report to Disnaker Sarolangun
Daily regular activities (reviewing expense reports, annual leaves, medical reimbursements,
timesheets, etc).
Manpower as of March 22, 2014:
Permanent Staff
145 persons
81 persons
N.S. Permanent
65 persons
49 persons
Staff D/C
47 persons
26 persons
N.S. D/C
105 persons
70 persons
Total =
362 persons
226 persons
Third Party:
PT. SUPRACO (Non Staff) =
650 persons
471 persons
PT. SBS (Non Staff)
475 persons
374 persons
PT. SBS (Staff)
92 persons
65 persons
Total =
1.217 persons
910 persons
Permanent Staff
1 persons
1 persons
Staff Direct Contract
8 persons
3 persons
Total =
9 persons
4 persons
Grand total



1.140 persons


Training Development
Training & Certification Program
o Arranging inhouse training of Amdal and Gantry Crane for HSE and Logistic personnel
Recruitment & Selection
o Compiling application letters
Practical Training Students Assistance;
o Dery OktoraPerdana and Yudi Trikon Fajar of Polytechnic Padang
o Kusuma Wardani and Dewi Puspitasari of Akamigas Palembang
o Farah Saufika Normaysti & Fouri Noviyanti Rayani of UPN Veteran Yogyakarta


Contract Admin
Prepared CRS & Scope of Services for CRS & Scope of Services for Door-to-Door Air Freight
Transportation Services (Logistic).
Prepared Request Re-Tender for PCJ-2062-CA (Const. Services of 2 units Junior Labor Camp at
North Geragai)
Prepared Commencement Date Notification for PCJ-2044-CA (Retrofit & Upgrade and Gas
Detector System Services at NGL Plant)


Prepared Work Authorization for Defoamer Chemical Field Test Services (Production/ F.
Prepared Work Authorization for Emulsion Breaker Chemical Field Test Services (Production/ F.
Prepared Work Authorization for Repair & Services Production LED Display Board (Maintenance/
Prepared Work Authorization for Capacity Building for Government Staff of Expansion Village
Prepared Work Authorization for Local Cutting Grass Services at Kampung Singkep Village
(Pipeline Maintenance)..
Prepared Bid Quotation Request for Special Coating (Lamination) to Build up Pipe Well of 4, 6&
8 Oil Pipeline Corroded (Pipeline Maintenance).
Prepared Bid Quotation Request for Birds Repelling Program Services at BGP Plant (BGP Ops)
Prepared Bid Quotation Request for Amdal Level 1 In-House Training Services (Training
Prepared Quotation Request for Services of Verification for Medicine Pharmacy Purchased by
Pharmacist (HSSE/ Clinic)
To Prepare Work Authorization(s) for Local Cutting Grass Services at Kuala Simbur Village,
Sungai Toman Village, Mencolok Village and Pandan Jaya Village (Pipeline Maintenance).
To Prepare Work Authorization(s) for Jerome 431X Mercury Vapour Analyzer Annual Calibration
Services and Hydrotest & Maintenance Portable Fire Extinguisher Services (HSSE).
To Prepare Work Authorization for one (1) unit 25 KVA Diesel Generator Rental Services (HEO/
To Prepare Work Authorization for Designing Clean Water & Sanitation Program Services for Local
People at East & West Tanjung Jabung Regency (Comdev).
To prepare Work Authorization for MIGAS Certification Services of 2 units Gantry Crane (F.
Engineering/ QC)
To prepare Work Authorization for 18 units GPS Tracking System Rental Services (IT Comm.)
To prepare Work Authorization(s) for Disnakertrans Recertification Services of Lifting Equipment
at Jabung Facilities and Disnakertrans Recertification Services of Boiler & Manlifts (F.
Engineering/ QC)
To Prepare Work Authorization for Door to Door Air Freight Transportation Services
(Administration / Personnel)
To prepare Work Authorizations for the Publish of Advertisement & Advertorial Services
(Community Development).

Jambi Office
Daily incoming and outgoing Crew change handling
o PetroChina Employee
47 Persons
o 3rd Party/Service Company/others :
08 Persons
o SKKMigas / Migas / Government :
00 Persons


o PetroChina Employee
o 3rd party/Service Company/others :
o SKKMigas /Migas / Government :

55 Persons
41 Persons
03 Persons
00 Persons
44 Persons


Land Condemnation
1. Mendahara River: Payment for land condemnation has been done. The completion of the
process is still waiting for signature from Camat Mendahara Ulu.
Expense report was sent to Accounting Section on November 14, 2013(Done)


2. NEB Basement # 1: Prepare requirement documents for land certification, included for particular
land separation process regarding one of the land owners was only condemned half of the land.
3. Land Acquisition Program (LAP) for NEB # 83,84,85, NEB # 87, NEB # 88,90, Gemah # 54,
Pipeline Marmo # 2 to Marmo # 1:
LAP had been discussed in the meeting with SKK Migas Jakarta. On January 28, 2014.
On February 21, 2014, we received LAP MoM (by email) which had been signed.
Land Acquisition Plan (Rencana Pengadaan Tanah-RPT) was sent to Legal Jakarta (cq.
Ahmad Balya) on February 24, 2014.
Statement letter was sent to Legal Jakarta (cq. Ahmad Balya) on March 4, 2014.
We are waiting follow up from Legal Jakarta to SKK Migas for getting location
determination from Governor.
Land Acquisition Plan (RPT) and request letter for location determination (NEB # 83,84,85,
NEB # 87, NEB # 88, 90, Gemah # 54) which will be issued by Jambi Governor were sent to
SKK Migas, on March 11, 2014.
The request letter for Power of Attorney (Pipeline Marmo # 2 to Marmo # 1) was sent to
SKK Migas, on March 11, 2014.
4. Land Acquisition Program (LAP) for Gemah # 79 and Gemah # 80:
On January 28, 2014, LAP Gemah # 79 and Gemah # 80 have been discussed with SKK
Migas Jakarta.
MoM LAP has not been signed since the AFE for this LAP has not been approved by SKK
We are waiting for the AFE to be approved by SKK Migas.
5. Land condemnation Claim o.b.o. Pak Mujiono:
On February 21, 2014, we met Pak Surahman (Pak Mujionos brother) who involved and has
good understanding on the PCJLs activity since the early step. We explained that we will not
pay to Mujionos claim for land condemnation compensation.
We propose to meet and explain to Mujiono to explain the result of the meeting on February
21, 2014.
On March 5, 2014, we met Mujiono and explained that PetroChina International Jabung Ltd.
could not give any land compensation because there is no legal justification of the claimed
Mujiono still wants PetroChina International Jabung Ltd. to pay the claimed land.
6. Data Digitalization
All land condemnation documentations will be digitalized and stored in companys server.
We have finished around 91 locations (Continue)
7. Land Acquisition Program (LAP) for Pipeline ROW from NEB Basement #1 to NEB #76
On February 18, 2014, location survey was conducted by a team consist of Surveyor,
Formality and Land condemn Jabung.
LAP is signed, waiting for the latest location map from Surveyor. Ready to be sent to Legal
Jakarta (cq Ahmad Balya).
On March 6, 2014, Head village of Terjun Gajah came to PetroChina International Jabung,
Ltd. and gave price quotation letter from land owners. The land price is IDR 50.000,-/M 2 and
palm trees price is IDR 2.500.000,-/tree.
We will meet the head village of Terjun Gajah to inform that the lump sum price is the same
as NEB Basement #1 which was IDR 50.000,7.2

Ripah #6 civil case settlement, Forestry Legal submitted Contra Memory Cassation of Ripah #6
Civil Case at Tanjung Jabung District Court on February 19, 2013. Waiting for Cassation Verdict
from Supreme Court.
Ripah #6 administrative case settlement. Lawsuit proposed to BPN East Tanjab Administrative
Court of Jambi on Land Rights Certificate No. 262, 263 and 264 obo Karyadi, SH., Cassation
Memory was submitted on January 24, 2014, at Jambi Administrative Court. Waiting for
Cassation Verdict from Supreme Court.
East Geragai #1, Perdiem for Polda Jambi investigator has been distributed by February 21, 2014



amount IDR 9.000.000,-.

ROW NEB #4 Ahmad Acil, Appeal memory already submitted on November 27, 2013. Received
contra memory appeal from Acils advocate on January 21, 2014. Waiting for Cassation Verdict
from Supreme Court.
Gerbang #1, Meeting with Pak Hanif (Head of Formality Department) SKK Migas was conducted
on February 17, 2014. Handled by Legal Jakarta.
Borrow Pit Simpang Kiri, On March 3, 2014, Pak Arifin, Legal (Marcel), Pak Arfan went to
Polda Jambi for Medical Check Up and Suspects fingerprints record. On March 4, 2014, Legal
(Marcel & Balya), Pak Arifin, Pak Arfan, Pak Ir, Pak Faisal (Pak Arifins son), Dishut Jambi
Investigator and Korwas Polda went to High Prosecutor of Jambi to conducted phase 2 of P21,
afterward team went to Prosecutor of Muara Sabak to handover the suspect but occurs little
conflict because the suspect must be arrested. Second phase of P21 pending temporarly until after
there an agreement the suspect wont be arrested and informed by Pak Arfan and Pak Ir who
handled this case. On March 21, 2014, second phase of P-21 was conducted.
NEB #3 Local People Complain, Sekda Tanjung Jabung Barat sent letter No. 500/180/AEk/2014
which advised PetroChina International Jabung Ltd. to settle local people complained with dialog
so that everyone is satisfy with the solution. On March 5, 2014, Local peoples authorized came
to PetroChina International Jabung, Ltd. and asked about the follow up of local peoples
complain. PetroChina International Jabung, Ltd. said that we will request to Local Government of
Tanjung Jabung Barat to be mediator for this complain. We have made letter to Regent of Tanjung
Jabung Barat cq Regional Secretary of Tanjung Jabung Barat and problem chronology as the
attachment. On March 17, 2014, we sent the letter to Regent of Tanjung Jabung Barat cq.
Regional Secretary of Tanjung Jabung Barat.
On March 18, 2014, Fajar and Land Condemn team went to Pak Fredy Almanzos office (notary).
We went there to ask the table of taxes that PCJL should pay for the process of certification so
that it could be processed. He also said that next week on March 28/29, 2014, BPN and Pak Fredy
will come to conduct land measuring at CPS and Geragai camp. We said that he should inform us
two days before measuring because we need to make coordination with other sections for the

DAS Bram Hitam rehabilitation: FPM will prepare technical design of rehabilitation
activity. Handled by: FPM & Yoddie Efrinaldo.
Seismic 3D Kajen, Tiung Bejo, NG Rukam (Forestry Area) :
On February 18-19, 2014, Physical check was conducted by team from Forestry Departmen
of East Tanjung Jabung, Muaro Jambi, Jambi Province, and BPKH. This Physical check is
conducted to get technical consideration from BPKH Pangkal Pinang, Forestry Department of
Jambi Province and Governor Recommendation. We are still waiting technical consideration
from BPKH Pangkalpinang. The estimation time is next week.
Supervise Timber Cruising Ripah #3 and Gemah #25:
Supervision of Timber Cruising Ripah # 3 and Gemah # 25 were conducted on October 30,
2013 by a team from Forestry Department of Jambi Province, BP2HP, Forestry Dept East
Tanjung Jabung, and PT. WKS District 2. SPP PSDH-DR was received from Forestry
Department of East Tanjung Jabung on January 21, 2014. SPP PSDH-DR was transferred by
Geragai Accounting to Forestry account on January 24, 2014. Forestry Permit Matter
Department will prepare ARS of Loan Use Permit to Forestry Ministry.
Reclamation of Siantang #1 location
On March 10-15, 2014, Physical check was conducted by team from Forestry Dept. of Jambi
Province, ESDM, Biphut, BP2HP, BPDAS, BPKH Pangkalpinang and Forestry Dept. of West
Tanjung Jabung. Official physical check report have been received on March 16, 2014, with
value of reclamation result is success. We got 88 which is good and acceptable reclamation
results. The value of reclamation will be conveyed to Dirjen Planologi of Forestry ministry as
the basis for consideration prior to the handover to Forestry Ministry.
Non Forestry


SWB #15 for HO Permit: SKRD is still being processed in Accounting.

Permits for 10 locations in West Tanjung Jabung (NEB #54, NEB #3, NEB Gas Injection
#A, NB #5, NEB #28, NEB # 4, NEB # 9, NB #1, Ripah #20, Ripah #2 ):
o The technical considerations for 5 locations (NEB # 54, NEB # 3, NEB Gas # A,
NEB #28, and NB #5) were completed on December 12, 2013.
o Waiting for obtaining Locations Permit from Bupati cq. Integrated Permit Service Office
(Kantor Pelayanan Perizinan Tepadu-KPPT) of West Tanjung Jabung Regency.
o The Location Permit for 3 (three) locations (NEB # 4, NEB # 9, NB #1) were
completed on February 28 (NEB #9) and March 4, 2014 (NEB #4 and NB #1).
o The HO Permit for 3 (three) locations (NEB # 4, NEB # 9, NB #1) were completed on
March 13, 2014. KPPTs invoice for administration, survey and coordination meeting
cost was received on March 19, 2014. We are preparing cash advance to pay KPPTs
o Ripah #2, Ripah #20 for HO Permit: SKRD is still being processed in Accounting.
KPPTs invoice for administration, survey and coordination meeting cost was received on
March 19, 2014. We are preparing cash advance to pay KPPTs invoice.
Permits for 6 locations in West Tanjung Jabung which consist of Ruku #1, Gerbang #1,
Senyerang #1, Lumbung #1, Merta #1, Gangsal #1 are being processed by Integrated Permit
Service Office (Kantor Pelayanan Perizinan Tepadu-KPPT).
Ripah # 12
Technical Consideration BPN has been accepted. We are waiting for the process of Region
Retribution Provision Letter (Surat Ketetapan Retribusi Daerah-SKRD) in accounting.


Tiung # 3
Technical Consideration from ESDM is still waiting for Environment Permit from BLHD.
East Tanjung Jabung Location Permit for 8 (eight) locations:
All related/required step and documents have already settled. We are waiting for permit
location released by Bupati of East Tanjung Jabung. Since the beginning, Permit applications
for 10 locations are handled by Third Party (contractor).
Makmur #4 and Makmur #12 Location Permit Extension: We have received ARS from
SKK Migas regarding the Permit extension for Makmur #4 and Makmur #12. Need to check
with Integrated Permit Service Office (Kantor Pelayanan Perizinan Tepadu-KPPT) and BPN
regarding the existing Technical Consideration (Pertimbangan Teknis) and its correlation with
the permit expiration.

Communication and Development

Construction of 2 Ways and Median Road Services from Pematang Lumut and Access Road
to BGP Contract PCJ-1846-C: Still waiting for Tanjung Jabung Barat Government to clear land
acquisition of local community, relocation of the existing electrical pole on the road, who will be
affected the development of 2 ways in Pematang Lumut village.
Construct generator house and road access at Pemping Island Infrastructure. Charitable
PPO-JB-016-2012. work progress is 90% completed.
Samisake (Satu Milyar Rupiah Satu Kecamatan) Program at East Tanjab, West Tanjab &
Muaro Jambi. MoU with Department of Public Work Service (PU): Public Work Service
(PU) has completed the job. We received their report in soft copy.
Construction Electrical Network Installation at Rantau karya Village CRS IOM
No.116/FCA-GovRel/XI/12: BSD is preparing tender process.
Training Centre Development for Women Organization at West Tanjab Regency
Reconciliation Program Contract PCJ-1966-CA: The last training was conducted on March
15th, 2014.
Services for Development of program profile in Booklet and Video Contract PCJ-2039-CA
PT. Kreasi 5 Perdana: The contractor is finalizing video, booklet and leaflet.
Advertising services with: PT. Wahana Semesta Jambi Jambi Ekspress; PT. Wahana Radar
Tanjab; PT. Jambi Independent Press; PT. Berita Metro Jambi Digital; PT. Jambi Posmetro; (They


have sent the last invoice ); PT. Jambi Media Grafika Tribun Jambi; PT. Perum Antara Jambi;
CV. Fokus Media; CV. Info Jambi.
Advertising & CSR Video Presentation Service of PetroChina International Jabung Ltd.:
CV Nakha Creative is conducting this program since January 20, 2014. Invoice Process.
Study on Social Risks, Communication, and Media in PetroChina Operation Area: Lingkar
Survey Indonesia (LSI) has sent the final report to PCJL.
Building Constructive Engagement through Serial Workshop: completely conducted. We are
still reviewing booklets as output of the workshops.
Sponsorships Program 2013. We sponsored:
o Office materials for villages around PCJL Operation Area;
o Materials Building for SMA Aradal Haq Pematang Lumut Village, Betara sub-district, West
Tanjab Regency; We will replace this charitable to WA due to technical issue ((This kind of
sponsorship support (in form of construction) must be with WA)).
o Materials for Persadaan Keluarga Karo Arih Ersada (PKKAE) East Tanjab Regency;
o Support Sains Magazine for Elementary School in Operation Area;
o Support Alexandra Asmasoebrata in 2013 Formula Racing Championship.
Sponsorship Program 2014. We sponsored:
o New Year Celebration in Tanjung Jabung Timur Regency;
o Support Baiturrahman Mosque regarding Maulid Nabi;
o Support Geragai sub-district regarding Bupati of East TanJab's visit;
o Support Actvity for Anniversary of Immigration Office;
o Support Theatre Art in Revolt (AIR) Jambi Indonesia Monolog Performance;
o Materials (costume) for Local Government of East Tanjab (Sekda) regarding Bulan K3 East
Tanjab Regency; Events of Regency;
o Sponsorship for Event of Regency. Still waiting for managements approvals.
o Support Activity for General Lecture by SKK Migas. Still routing for approval process in
o Support Activity for BBGRM XI and HKG-PKK 42nd Jambi Province 2014
o Support Activity for O2SN and FLS2N SMPN for Geragai sub district East Tanjung Jabung
o Support Activity for O2SN and FLS2N SDN for Geragai sub district East Tanjung Jabung
o Support Activity for Musabaqah Tilawatir Quran (MTQ) ke-II Pematang Buluh village
Betara sub district
o Support Activity for Gebyar Anak Se-Kabupaten West Tanjung Jabung Barat for PAUD and
o Support Activity for Musabaqah Tilawatir Quran (MTQ) ke-II Mandala Jaya village Betara
sub district
Farmers Empowerment through Livestock Cooperatives has been completed.
Promoting Entrepreneurship among villagers PetroChina Operation area Contract PCJ
2097 CA: We will conduct kick off meeting in March 2014.
Enhancing Agriculture Productivity through Group Based Mechanization Contract PCJ 2081
CA. The service provider is currently implementing the program in the phase of training and
field school.
Revitalization of Integrated Services (Posyandu) Contract PCJ 2080 CA. We conducted
kick off meeting on February 17, 2014. Contractor is conducting field assessment.
Promoting Ecological Awareness Among High School Students and Their Families in
PetroChina Operation Area: Contract PCJ 2098 CA. We are waiting for LOI agreement
from Business Support Dept.
Provision of Access to financial services for small business holders in PetroChina Operation
Area Contract PCJ 2101 CA. After the contract reviewed by BSD, we need to revise SOW
and Estimation Cost;
Asphalt Road Simpang IV to Mendahara Ilir 15 KM length Contract PCJ 2110 CA.
Bidding process.


Construct Steel Bridge at Blok C, Geragai PCJ 2108 CA. Re-Tender process because after
negotiation, all the proposal & price were 10% higher than Company's EE. Already technical
revision by construction, Re pre-bid in BSD Jakarta.
Construction of Teacher House of SD 65 Sungai Beras, Mendahara Ulu WA 03875/ Const/
JB/ 2013 and Construction of Teacher House of SD 122, Sungai Beras, Mendahara Ulu WA
03876/ Const/ JB/ 2013. Those programs are completed.
Bridge Construction for Teluk Nilau: The bridge construction was relocated to Parit #2 Bridge,
Pulau Pinang, Kuala Betara. We are coordinating with Public Works Service (PU). HEO will
revise this program budget.
Bridge Construction for Teluk Nilau 2. The bridge construction was relocated to Parit #2
Bridge in Senyerang Village. We are coordinating with Public Works Service (PU), West Tanjung
Jabung. HEO will revise this program budget.
Technical of Agricultural/ Organic Farm Training for Selected Farmers in Operation Area.
We are waiting for work schedule from CV. Filantropi. First training was conducted in March 19 th
20th, 2014.
Socialization and Education to The Dangers of Drug Abuse Among the Young Generation.
The first socialization was conducted on February 27, 2014 at SMK 1 East Tanjung Jabung. 2 nd
socialization was conducted on March 1, 2014 at SMA 1 Kuala Tungkal, West Tanjung Jabung
and 3rd socialization was conducted on March 3rd, 2014 at SMK 1 Jambi.
Designing of Clean Water and Sanitation Program at West Tanjung Jabung Regency and East
Tanjung Jabung Regency. Contract admin sent Request for Quotation (RFQ) letter to Yayasan
Dian Desa on February 16, 2014. On February 25-26, 2014 Mr. Rivani & Mr. Feri Irawan
conducted a meeting in Yogyakarta with. Mr. Anton Soedjarwo from Dian Desa and facilitated by
Mr. Banu Subagyo.
Construction of Basic Obstetric Neonatal Emergency Service (Pelayanan Obstetri Neonatal
Emergency Dasar-PONED) Puskesmas Sukorejo. PCJ-2256-CA. Prebid Meeting was conducted
on March 12, 2014
Construction of Laboratory IPA at SMP 2 Betara. PCJ-2261-CA. Prebid Meeting was
conducted on March 12, 2014
Construction of Laboratory IPA at SMP 4 Teluk Kulbi. PCJ-2257-CA. Prebid Meeting was
conducted on March 12, 2014
Construction Integrated Service Post (POSYANDU) at Serdang Jaya. Implementation
Program is in progress.
Construction of Ministrant Public Health Center (Pustu) Pandan Makmur PCJ 2170 CA.
The winner is CV. Serumpun Nibung. Current status is waiting for LOI.
Capacity building for government staff in eight new development villages around
PetroChina Operational Area WARS Ref.No.001/Gov&Rel/WA/I/14. We are waiting for
program implementation.
Ref.No.002/Gov&Rel/WA/I/14. We are still revising estimation cost and scope of services due to
some advices from FM. The first event was conducted on March 11th, 2014.
Construct Public Health (Pustu) at Kuala Baru Seberang Kota. CRS routing approval
Construct Public Health (Pustu) at Lagan Tengah village. CRS routing approval
Construct 3 ea Class room SDN 188 at Kampung Baru, P.Lumut. CRS routing approval
Construct Polindes at Lagan Tengah village. CRS routing approval
Construct Mosque at Pematang Lumut. WARS routing approval.
Construct electrical network installation at Sepakat Indah Village of East Tanjung Jabung
Regency. CRS routing approval.
Development of Livestock Center in PetroChina Operation Area. CRS routing approval.
Increasing Access to Higher Education through Scholarship Program in PetroChina
Operation Area. CRS routing approval
Increasing Access to Higher Education through Scholarship Program in PetroChina
Operation Area. CRS routing approval.
Development of Community Center in PetroChina Operation Area. CRS routing approval.


Capacity Development for Teacher and School Management and Provision of Learning
Equipment in PetroChinas Operation Area. CRS routing approval.
Posyandu Revitalization of PetroChinas Operation Area. CRS routing approval.
Services for Capacity Development of PetroChinas Stakeholder on Participatory
Development. CRS routing approval.


Highlights and major accomplishment
LCT. Bahari Jaya Lestari is sailing from Lagan staging area to Pertamina-Palembang to load
HSD fuel (Ref. March 2014 nomination for the 1st shipment).
Petty Cash process with total amount is Rp. 20,946,000.00.
Mr. Robby Hutomo, Mr. Sunardi and Mr. Kasmad Waris attended training for Explosive
handling procedure with Ditjen Migas on 18 thru 22 March, 2014 in Bali.
Mr. Frans R. Muntuuntu attended Permohonan Perpanjangan Izin Pembelian dan
Penggunaan Bahan Peledak meeting with SKK MIGAS in Palembang on 19 March 2014.
Mr. Affan Mailana and Mr. Hadi Abadi from Material Jakarta and Mr. Rully Eka from SKK
MIGAS visitted Jabung for Pre-WOP Material Physical Check at KM-06 on 20 March 2014.
The final meeting is held on 21 March 2014 in Jambi, Mr. Ferry Matita and Mr. Arif
Supriadi attended the meeting.
Transferring material of Rock bit (2 Ea) from PetroChina Jabung (PCJL) to PetroChina
Bermuda (PCLD) on 20 March 2014 and covered by ARS No. 01/TM-PCLD/2014.


Upcoming Meeting and Event

Scheduling for 10 persons of Logistic Department Training Gantry Crane Operator
Refreshment and Certification on March 2014 at Geragai and BGP. Pending due to waiting
approval from management Jakarta based on information from training and Personnel
Section Jabung.
Stock Optimization Program meeting will be held on 26 March 2014 at BGP Rec Hall and
attended by Material Jakarta and all Jabung Department.
Mr. Uju Junaedi will attend Cross Culture Training to Beijing on 03 - 12 April 2014.
Mr. Dana A. Yoewana, Mr. Julfri Porang, and Mr. Yoyok Susmiadi will attend training for
Explosive handling procedure with Ditjen Migas on 15 thru 19 April, 2014 in Bandung.


New Issues and concern

Minor Construction of Fuel Station Betara at BGP Laydown Yard (AFE 261-121108) under
contract PCJ-1932-CA is still 60 % in progress.
Minor Drilling Building Services and Drilling Shelter Services (AFE 261-121101) under
contract PCJ-1914-CA is still 84 % in progress.
All user realization to utilize surplus and dead stock materials.
Request of Contract Agreement for Door To Door Road Transportation Services is still
processing of tender spec by BSD.
Request of Contract Agreement for Gases Supply (PCJ-2112-CA) already LOI and contract
still circulated for further approval of Management Jakarta.


Additional Information
Safety Meeting held regularly every Monday morning between Logistic, HSE, and
Contractor in Logistic Area to campaign OHSAS 8001 & ISO 14001 and promote Gemba
Coordination meeting of incoming stock material plan between Stock Control, Lagan
Warehouse, and BGP Warehouse is held every week.


Next week forecast:


Crude Oil: MT. Andhika Arsanti, ALD Mar. 23 24, 2014 cargo = 65,000 BBLS
Condensate: No Lifting
LPG: No Lifting


10.1 BGP Operation
General Major Activities of Previous Week
MRU work Civil I/P and Pre-Fab area.
Hot Oil Filters C/O
MMF B opened and inspected. Extremely Dirty. Restock on order.
MMF A inspection conducted March 23, 2014. Results same as MMF B.
NEB GRF trip on Second stage LZT went to open loop 145-XA-128
Switch GTG C offline due to oil temperature RTD waiting on parts. GTG C BOL March 21.
BGP continues to run at or above design rates but at these rates have issues with liquids
Plant Inlet Gas is regulated by Design of Amine Contractor and Moleseive capacities.
S/D planning/preparation on going to perform maintenance tasks so BGP can maintain rates.
HP Slug Catcher Plenty filter cleaned
Electric Fire Pump coupling failure. Repairs in progress.
BGP Permanent Camp Evacuation Horn and Lights function test conducted, repairs required.
Still waiting for contract to repair NEB LP-Comp.
NEB GRF Tripped March 16 on Second stage LZT went to open loop 145-XA-128
NEB GRF HMI failing regularly, E/I replaced March 19th.
Pretreatment and Inlet Facilities
Liquid processing to Condensate Stripper during heat of day curtailed.
CO2 Removal & Gas Treatment
Operations Routine and steady.
Charcoal filter in service from March 17 to March 18
NGL Recovery & Shipping
Operation routine and steady.
Absorber Bottoms Pump-A is an emergency spare in event B pump failed. Temporary MOC
is in place for Primary Seal Leak. Since May 20 th, 2013 BGP Ops. unable to isolate pump due
to passing suction valve
Sales Gas Compression and Metering
Operations routine and steady.
SGC C HMI failing .WO to Procure new ASAP.
Power Generation WHRUs
GTG A/C online..
Weekly DEG no Load Run tests completed.
GTGs C offline to fix oil temperature RTD and no parts.
GTG A Generator inlet filters C/O

Field trials for new membrane element chemical cleaner ongoing.
Fire Water Pump run tests completed.


Produced water disposal

Hot Oil Filters C/O

MMF A/B opened and inspected. Extremely Dirty. Restock Media on order.

Flame arrestor on Produced Water Disposal Tank 660-T-102 requires replacement no stock.
WO issued to install jumper line to allow Produced Water Disposal Tank 660-T-102 to be
bypassed if required. Spool Fabrication is started.
Awaiting Cost estimate to repair Disposal Water Tank 660-T-102 and Slop Tank-T-101 after
opened for inspection



BGP Operations still very understaffed, require additional staff as per proposed RPTK
Submitted one ER March 19th after interviews.
BGP Ops organization now has 12 vacancies likely two more operators will resign within
the coming week. FM approved replacement Will work with Jabung personnel to solicit
Interviews for potential candidates will conduct March 17 thand 18th
Engineering students on site from 19-21 for work experience training.
Testing for TP to DC conversion based on the 6 of 8 spaces available on BGP OPS RTPK on
March 16
Revised RTPK progress is ongoing.
JSO cards submitted for the week.
Safety meeting on PTW
Evacuation Tone for BGP Permanent Camp Function test March 22, 2014. Repairs required.
BGP Electric Fire Pump had coupling failure, Incident Report conducted, WO to fix.

Upcoming Planned Activities:

Production Optimization next meeting in July 2014
Jabung S/D planned October 6 to 19. Ongoing planning.
TCM/OCM April 23,2014-Plant Data sent to Brijesh MARCH 18
CNODC safety Inspection schedules for April.

Equipment Unavailability
Condensate Stripper bottoms liquids chromatograph 605AT-182. Failed SAT in July 2013
no forward progress.
Absorber Bottoms Pump-A.is an emergency spare in event B pump failed. Temporary MOC
is in place for Primary Seal Leak. Since May 20 th, 2013 BGP Ops. Unable to isolate pump
due to passing suction valve.
NEB-LP Comp. Out since Sept 22 waiting contract approval to repair.
Re-injection B HMI DFR no spares.


195 out of 200 emergency spare membrane (CO2 removal) elements received.
No stock for replacement 10-micron amine mechanical filters elements.
Purchasing locally available RO membrane cleaner through Petty Cash.
New Amine Plate exchanger LOI signed March, 22 weeks for delivery so will make S/D
Moleseive Bed Media onsite Sept.

10.2 NGF and FPU Operation

NGF Plant


PM Service Instrument air comp 795-K-101B.

Replaced regulator of C3 dryer 770-KV-265.
Switch over fuel gas from residue to sales gas pipe line due Refrigerant comp K-550 failure.
Re-installed system sensor alarm of FALCP.
PM Service C3 regeneration dryer pumps 710-P-103B and Hot oil circulation pump 795-P102C.
Inspect and repaired EWS-PC.
Continued construction for Jambi Merang Tank Project at NGL area by PT BSP.

Hamilton / JT Plant
PM Service glycol booster pump 455-P-127B and Hot oil circulation pump 455-P-132A.
Both Hot oil circulation pumps P-670/680 fail due leaking thorough on gasket of the casing.
Refrigerant compressor K-550 frequently trip due suffering problem on turbo charger which
carrying load.
Make up 3 drums thermia B on Hamilton plant hot oil tank.
Refrigerant comp K-550 manual emergency stop due to problem on lube oil cooling which
lead jacket water cooler contamination with lube oil.
Rerouted feed gas to JT plant due Hamilton plant problem with Refrigerant comp K-550.
Continue Activity Overhaul Refrigerant Compressor K-560.
PM Service Instrument air compressor unit 925-PK-101A.
PM Service 250 hrs on Diesel engine generator unit 925-DEG-101A.
Complete off loading to MT NS CHALENGER C3 loaded 17,000.330 MT and C4
10,000.290 MT.
Turn down Gas turbine compressor 920-GTC-101B due to inlet manifold Petrostar close.
Change over Diesel engine generator 925-DEG-101B to A due to found leak onOil cooler
which lead cooling water mix with lube oil.
Replaced pressure differential switch 925-DPS-117 on GTC -101B due frequently stuck at
gas pressurization sequence.
Continued rig down scaffolding at MD#3 and rig up scaffolding, water jetting, and painting at
bridge MD#2-FPU by SBS contractor.

Operational Issue
NGF Instrument Air system design could lead to further unnecessary CPS shutdowns. NGF
ESD on 4 June was caused by low instrument air header pressure CPS continued production
as instrument air supply was quickly re-established following NGF ESD. Jambi Merang Tank
Project to provide additional Instr Air Compressor at NGF.
FPU HVAC identified as additional non-classified electrical equipment that must be
addressed in case of vapor release from Petrostar or Export Tanker. JKT Eng site visit
conducted 18 June 2009. Follow up required with Jakarta Engineering.
Propane Condenser Unit A (top unit) changed out with replacement Titanium unit during May
2011 Shutdown. Performance is limiting FPU capacity. Bottom unit put back into service to
increase condensing capacity. Bottom unit has developed shell leak (seawater). Manufacturer
inspection June 2013. Temporary leak repair carried out on 2 Oct 2013. Very slight seawater
leak detected at repair site.
DCS interface with JT and Hamilton PLC control systems. JT and Hamilton Plant can now be
monitored from NGF CCR, however it may not be possible to adequately control from NGF
CCR, especially during startup cycles, due to slow data transfer rates. Instrument Maint Dept
co-coordinating with Wifgas to obtain quotation for Hamilton control system PLC HMI to be
located in NGF CCR. Instrument Maint Dept has upgraded DCS HMI memory to allow for
Hamilton Plant Trending in NGF CCR.


Hamilton Plant Glycol System issues. Need plan for cleaning out re-boiler and possible
replacement of reboiler packing. Replacement Pall rings on site. Waiting on confirmation of
approval for next planned Shutdown, probably Oct 2014.
Hamilton Plant Hot Oil Heater H-690 high point vent leak. Empty drums located on site for
draining of heater during repair work. Procedure and JSA being developed. Materials being
sourced. Continue monitoring leak.

Other Issue
Outstanding engineering information and documentation related to new equipment installed on
Petrostar during dry-docking. Outstanding SOW issues after Petrostar returned to terminal.
Seawater Cooling Piping to Generators developed leaks due to premature corrosion, requiring
unplanned shutdown on 5 Sept. This piping replaced during dry docking in 2010. Concerns
on Export Manifold Propane piping corrosion. Petrostar requested to provide additional
inspection/engineering information for PCI review. Further information requested from Ops
Support Dept related to Piping Specs in Charter Agreement.
Manpower, losing trained staff and problems being able to replace them. Operator Training
Program updated and started again. Fourth Module training material issued to FPU and NGF
Operators. Fourth Module testing program begun. Mentoring commitment from experienced
personnel to be increased. Revised Org Chart/Proposed RPTK submitted on 15 Jan 2014.
Expect several TP to be converted to DC.
Lack of progress on MOCs. Review and further follow up required.
As Built documents not really as built in many cases.
High wear rate on pigs particularly in the 6 inch butane pipeline. Need to expedite intelligent
pigging program to identify cause
Lack of progress from Petrostar to re-cover and re-instate dropped anchor chain No. 5 since
remooring in August 2010. Failed attempt to locate chain in Nov. 2011. Need plan going
forward, or expert risk assessment on current mooring condition.
JT Plant was re-started 4 Feb to allow for Refrig Compressors to be overhauled one at a time.
NGF and FPU JSO&C Program being monitored to maintain and encourage participation by all
Operations Crew.
Jambi Merang now working on site requires additional monitoring and control of work from
NGF Supervisors.
Continue monitoring and some adjustment at Dehydration system of Glycol Reconcentrator.

Liang Hailong


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