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Block1 - Knowledge Representation

and Search
Chapter 0:
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence.
Concepts, fields and applications.

Intelligent Systems. ETSInf, Universitat Politcnica de Valncia, 2014-2015

Block 1, Chapter 0: Introduction to AI, pp. 1

Concept of agent/intelligent system

Artificial Intelligence line


high-level reasoning







low-level reasoning

AI job:
Implement the agent program
Correspondence between perceptions
and actions
Emulation/Simulation of an intelligent

Intelligent Systems. ETSInf, Universitat Politcnica de Valncia, 2014-2015



actions upon
the environment

sensoring the

Pattern Recognition line

Block 1, Chapter 0: Introduction to AI, pp. 2

Artificial Intelligence
What is intelligence? (A psychological problem)
Capacity to learn relationships among facts, solve a problem by approaching
to a previous problem.
- games (chess, draughts,...)
- theorem-proving
- common-sense reasoning
- perception (vision and speech)
- language understanding
- problem-solving which needs expertise
- learning
- communication and cooperation

Intelligent Systems. ETSInf, Universitat Politcnica de Valncia, 2014-2015

Block 1, Chapter 0: Introduction to AI, pp. 3

What is Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial Intelligence is the study of how to design intelligent systems, that is systems
which exhibit or emulate characteristics usually associated to human intelligent
behaviour (Handbook81).
The study of how to make computers be able to do what the human mind is able to do


Hypothesis about the physical symbols system (Newell and Simon, 1976)
Systems of physical symbols provide the necessary means to
achieve intelligent actions
It is possible to create programs to emulate the intelligent activities
performed by the human being
Intelligent Systems. ETSInf, Universitat Politcnica de Valncia, 2014-2015

Block 1, Chapter 0: Introduction to AI, pp. 4

What is Artificial Intelligence?

AI is concerned with intelligent behaviour in artifacts
(Nilsson, 1998)
Design a machine able to
emulate or simulate human

Solutions to

Understand the human processing

Simulation: abstract model of human intelligence
Emulation: exact reproduction of behaviour of human intelligence

Intelligent Systems. ETSInf, Universitat Politcnica de Valncia, 2014-2015

Block 1, Chapter 0: Introduction to AI, pp. 5

More definitions of Artificial Intelligence

The study of how to make computers do things at which, at the moment,
people are better (Nilsson)
Techniques to design computational process which emulate human
The study of the computation that make it possible to perceive, reason and
act (Winston).
The art of creating machines that perform functions that require
intelligence when performed by people (Kurzweil).
The field of computer science which investigated symbolic processes, nonalgorithmic reasoning and symbolic knowledge representation (Buchanan).
AI is everything which has not been done so far (Tesler).
AI is everything that computers still cannot do (Hofstadter).
AI is much of A and very little of I (Rich).

Intelligent Systems. ETSInf, Universitat Politcnica de Valncia, 2014-2015

Block 1, Chapter 0: Introduction to AI, pp. 6

Approaches to Artificial Intelligence


Thinking humanly

Thinking rationally
The laws of thought

The cognitive model

Logic, formal reasoning

Acting humanly

Acting rationally

Turing test

The rational agent


(empirical science)

Intelligent Systems. ETSInf, Universitat Politcnica de Valncia, 2014-2015

(mathematics and

Block 1, Chapter 0: Introduction to AI, pp. 7

Approaches to Artificial Intelligence

Symbolic AI:
Symbols as the basic representation (classic AI).
Cognitive approach: based on rational theories
Knowledge + symbols

Sub-symbolic AI:
Signal Processing (Pattern recognition)
Connectionist approach: Neural networks

Intelligent Systems. ETSInf, Universitat Politcnica de Valncia, 2014-2015

Block 1, Chapter 0: Introduction to AI, pp. 8

History, evolution, state-of-the-art

Greek/Jewish tradition. Fables. Wishes.
Symbolic logic (R. Lull, Leibnitz).
XX century (mathematical-logic theorems, computation, )
Computing age. Scientific works, management, symbolic processing
Gestation and euphoria (1950-1964):
Heuristic search (General Problem Solver).
Formal starting: Darmouth conference (1956).
Languages: IPL, LISP.
Large official projects
Disappointment. APLAC report: Limited processing capabilities. Search.

Intelligent Systems. ETSInf, Universitat Politcnica de Valncia, 2014-2015

Block 1, Chapter 0: Introduction to AI, pp. 9

History, evolution, state-of-the-art

Analysis and dose of reality (1965-1980):
Solution: combinatorial + heuristic + domain restriction
Logic formalisms: (Resolution inference rule, 1964)
Knowledge-based systems (KBS) prototypes (Dendral, 1965)
PROLOG (1975).
Expansion (80s-90s):
Fifth generation languages and machines (1981-91).
Evolution in different areas
Hardware evolution (symbolic processing).
Official projects (Esprit, Eureka).
Knowledge engineering, Learning, Neural networks, Pattern recognition,
Second generation KBS, Reasoning models (fuzzy, qualitative, ...),
Advanced architectures, Distributed AI, Real-time AI
Collaborative Reasoning, Multi-agent systems .

Intelligent Systems. ETSInf, Universitat Politcnica de Valncia, 2014-2015

Block 1, Chapter 0: Introduction to AI, pp. 10

Intelligent systems for industry

Speech Recognition
Case-based Reasoning
Natural Language Processing
Multi-agent Systems
Decision Support Systems
Intelligent Systems. ETSInf, Universitat Politcnica de Valncia, 2014-2015

Block 1, Chapter 0: Introduction to AI, pp. 11

Intelligent systems for industry

Intelligent Systems. ETSInf, Universitat Politcnica de Valncia, 2014-2015

Case-based Reasoning

Natural Language

Decision Support

Recommender Systems
(social networks)

Data Mining


Fuzzy reasoning

Block 1, Chapter 0: Introduction to AI, pp. 12

Intelligent systems for industry

Intelligent Systems. ETSInf, Universitat Politcnica de Valncia, 2014-2015

Data Mining
Game theory
Multiagent systems

Block 1, Chapter 0: Introduction to AI, pp. 13

Intelligent systems for industry

Pattern Recognition
Vision Systems
Artificial Intelligence in real-time

Manufacturing systems
(intelligent control, supply
chains, activities planning,
etc. )

Intelligent Systems. ETSInf, Universitat Politcnica de Valncia, 2014-2015

Block 1, Chapter 0: Introduction to AI, pp. 14

Intelligent systems for industry

Vision and Environment Recognition

Intelligent Systems. ETSInf, Universitat Politcnica de Valncia, 2014-2015

Block 1, Chapter 0: Introduction to AI, pp. 15

Intelligent systems for industry

Intelligent Systems for Management

Decision Support Systems
Optimization, Resource allocation
Planning and Scheduling

Intelligent Systems. ETSInf, Universitat Politcnica de Valncia, 2014-2015

Block 1, Chapter 0: Introduction to AI, pp. 16

Intelligent systems for industry

Decision support systems,
Knowledge retrieval,
Data Mining,
Image recognition,

Intelligent Systems. ETSInf, Universitat Politcnica de Valncia, 2014-2015

Block 1, Chapter 0: Introduction to AI, pp. 17

Intelligent systems for industry


Intelligent Systems. ETSInf, Universitat Politcnica de Valncia, 2014-2015

Block 1, Chapter 0: Introduction to AI, pp. 18

Fields and applications

Natural language processing.
Text understanding: syntax and semantics. Translation.
Intelligent information retrieval
Retrieval of information non-explicitly represented, Deductive data bases.
Inference processes. Common sense. Natural interface.
Knowledge-based systems: Expert Systems.
Knowledge engineering: acquisition, representation, implementation and validation.
Knowledge representation. Reasoning methods. Explanation, justification, learning, etc.
Perception. Locomotive and manipulative capabilities. Reasoning: planning. Learning.
Multi-agent systems
Distribution, Communication, Cooperation, Game Theory.
Combinatory problems and planning
NP problems: domain restrictions, heuristics. Planning, Scheduling.
Optimization, Decision Support Systems.
Vision and speech. Pattern recognition. Learning.
Intelligent Systems. ETSInf, Universitat Politcnica de Valncia, 2014-2015

Block 1, Chapter 0: Introduction to AI, pp. 19

Philosophical and practical questions

Key question: Can machines think?
Permanent debate: supporters and detractors
Turing test (1950).
Turing thought the right question is not can machines think? but can machines
pass an intelligent test? Turing test
He predicted a probability of 30% that a computer would pass the test for 5
minutes by year 2000
Contrapositionn: Searle test.
More key questions:
Can machines be self-conscious?
Can machines be wrong?
Is the brain a Turing machine?

Intelligent Systems. ETSInf, Universitat Politcnica de Valncia, 2014-2015

Block 1, Chapter 0: Introduction to AI, pp. 20

Some popular examples:

Deep Blue wins a chess game against Kasparov (1997)
Intelligent filtering to avoid SPAM (Mozilla)
Intelligent search (lexical) on the web
(Google, Lexicon, Scirus , MedSurfer, MetaCrawler), etc...

and challenges

Intelligent Systems. ETSInf, Universitat Politcnica de Valncia, 2014-2015

Block 1, Chapter 0: Introduction to AI, pp. 21

Intelligent Systems. ETSInf, Universitat Politcnica de Valncia, 2014-2015

Block 1, Chapter 0: Introduction to AI, pp. 22

Bibliography, resources
Basic bibliography:

S. Russell, P. Norvig. Inteligencia Artificial . Un enfoque moderno. Prentice Hall. 2004

Complementary bibliography:
Rich E., Knight K. Inteligencia Artificial. McGraw-Hill, 1994.
Nilsson, N. J. Inteligencia Artificial. Una nueva sntesis", McGraw Hill, 2001
R.O. Duda, D.G.Stork, P.I.Hart. Pattern Classification. Wiley, 2001.
S. Theodoridis, K. Koutroumbas. Pattern Recognition. Elsevier, 2009.
Varios autores. Inteligencia Artificial. Tcnicas, mtodos y aplicaciones. McGraw Hill, 2008.
A. R. Webb, K. D. Copsey. Statistical Pattern Recognition. Wiley, 3 ed., 2011.
Can Computers Think?:

Asociacin Espaola de Inteligencia Artificial:

AI in the news:

Artificial Intelligence Resources:

Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach:

Intelligent Systems. ETSInf, Universitat Politcnica de Valncia, 2014-2015

Block 1, Chapter 0: Introduction to AI, pp. 23

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