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Transcript for Power 3 Empowerment Meditation Program

We have provided you with the transcripts for the audio in this program as it
can compliment the learning process by being able to read along with the audio
or read it separately for deeper comprehension. We all learn differently, so we
wanted to provide this for you to give you the best opportunity to assimilate
this information.

Hello, my name is JoAnn Chambers and I want
to welcome you to an amazing journey; One that
you can engage with for the rest of your life.
Hopefully by now you have already read our
Introductory book called The Secret Key to the
Secret of Manifesting All your Dreams and Desires using our Quantum Sonic Empowerment
Technology and you have been listening to the initial sound file. If not, be sure to request a copy
of these. Many of the terms and concepts used in this presentation are explained more fully in
this book.
OK, so this is your first step into a vast realm of knowledge and wisdom which is available to
anyone at anytime. We are surrounded by this wide spectrum field of information at all times,
which we call the Universal Energy Field. This field is filled with frequency packets of data that
you are fully capable of connecting with by learning how to direct your intent. We are going to
teach you how to raise your Light Quotient and how to tap into this Universal Energy Field
consciously so that you can start manifesting all your dreams and desires in alignment with
your unfolding journey.
It is important that you know that you are the one in control at all times of what information
it is you want to know about or what resources you want to connect with. You will learn how to
begin engaging with this vast field of awareness in this beginners package, which we call the
Power 3. We will walk you through the process each step of the way so that you will become
fully comfortable with the tools and techniques you need to master in order to fully live your life
every day from a place of purposes and in alignment with the greater good for all of humanity at
this time. Your work will become play as you fully engage in a life filled with synchronicities and
magical connections each and every day.
Before you begin this journey, we want you to be fully aware that this is an evolutionary process.
This means that simply by connecting even at this stage, the energy field around you and within
you is already starting to increase in vibration. As you raise your vibration, you naturally
increase your Light Quotient. The way in which one raises their vibration or your light quotient
is by lifting all thoughts, beliefs, actions and deeds to a more positive, altruistic reflection.


What most would call coming from a state of unconditional Love, acceptance and forgiveness.
In this state of consciousness you are connected to your Higher Self Matrix and you are open to
all possibilities, free from judgment of others and able to hold consistent thoughts of a positive
nature. You also believe that anything you desire is now possible to attain. The secret key to the
Secret of Manifestation is your ability to hold this state of consciousness for longer and longer
periods of time, thereby letting go of the negativity that tends to creep in causing doubts and
fears to arise. As soon as these thoughts come into your field, what happens is that you begin to
resonate more with your lower self matrix and you drop your Light Quotient and you lose your
connection to the manifestation threads of energy you were trying to connect to. In simple terms,
you have lost your powerful connection to Source Vibration or to the God Force. When you are
fully connected at all times to Source Vibration and you know this within every fiber of your
being, you are never alone, never in fear and always in alignment with your Higher Path and
Our multidimensional soundscapes will not only help you to maintain a continual connection
to Source Vibration, but it will also increase your Light Quotient consistently day by day. This
can be subtle at times and at other times very powerful as it is important that you learn to
ride the incoming waves of energy and fully integrate it into your current life scenarios so that
your life remains balanced. It is important to integrate and assimilate these higher frequency
packets of information which are initially perceived as sonic transmissions within the musical
soundscapes. Once you assimilate them, you can then put the new knowledge you have gained
into practical and tangible results in your life; this is what is called Grounding. All this
happens gradually without you noticing sometimes how fast you are actually accelerating your
evolutionary consciousness. When you look back over a 3 month period of time however, you
will be amazed at how much you have grown and the accomplishments you have made towards
manifesting your dreams and desires.
You might be thinking about now, Really, this is too good to be true. Well first of all, Im not
saying you are going to understand this all right away. This is the nature of an evolutionary
concept -- you start with some studies and some experiences and then at some point it all comes
together and you will totally understand it on a level of awareness beyond so called normal
thinking. This is direct knowledge, a download of frequency based information that bypasses
your logical linear mind. It is a process of Osmosis, which is a gradual unconscious assimilation
of information. We are going to do our best to move you along as quickly as we can so that you
are realizing the benefits of this program very soon, with a goal of keeping your current life
around you in balance while you are simultaneously accelerating. Your DNA is already coded to
fully understand all that we are presenting to you here. The musical soundscapes will help you
to remember who you are. The music and your sincere intent will awaken these dormant codes,
so that beyond all the teachings and the words we are offering you, you will GET IT. We promise
you that within 30 days you will be able to see the potentials and benefits or you can have your
money back - no questions asked. We know that if it is time for you to be ready for this level of
teaching, you will experience a shift within 30 days and most likely less.
OK, so There is one catch if you want to call it that - this work does require that you operate
your life from a place of high integrity in all your interactions. Engaging at this level of


consciousness works very quickly with the laws of karma in that you will reap what you sow. If
you are operating at a lower vibration in your dealings with others and the world around you,
you will not be able to sustain the connection fully to Source Vibration and again, you will drop
your Light Quotient. You will attract to you experiences that will match the lower self vibration,
which will allow you to see clearly how you brought that into your field so that you can learn
from it and move on. You will however gain the awareness of how this is occurring more quickly
which means you will be able to move through negative scenarios and situations more rapidly
until you get to the place where you no longer need to attract them into your life in order to
evolve and grow your Light.
Our musical soundscapes are filled with multidimensional-holographic frequency packets,
which we call MFPs. These are direct transmissions from Source Vibration that we have learned
how to connect with through our own deep inner work with these soundscapes. We have spent
many years refining our skills to be able to offer this to you in its pure form at this time. We can
assure you that we have personally walked this journey from all angles of the spectrum and we
have placed these teachings in the music for you to access when you are ready.
This Power 3 starting package is your doorway into this vast world of unlimited potentials for
your life. Whether you want to create better relationships, expand your career path to one in
alignment with your inner Joy or you want to make more money and truly live an abundant
lifestyle; you can connect with these potentials by working with the soundscapes regularly. And
the totally fun part is you dont have to change anything in your life to get started. You can
listen to this music while going about all your regular daily activities, like working, studying,
playing, running, making love, yoga and even sleeping. The music will continually infuse you
and your environment with these higher dimensional frequencies to assist you in raising your
Light Quotient each day. This truly is Active Empowerment Meditation in motion.
We also promise you that this music is never boring and will continue to feed you on an
entertainment level even after listening for many years. The reason this is possible is because
of the multidimensional and holographic grid in which the sound is placed within the listening
field. We are not giving you monotonous tones or sending sounds in linear patterns back and
forth across your brain, nor are we using some synced up patterns underneath the music or
subliminals of any kind. The sounds within this music literally evolves right along with you
because as you open up a new place of awareness within your consciousness, as you awaken
dormant DNA codes, you can access new sonic pathways within the music. Your neural system
opens up new receptors to receive more data streams of a higher vibration, so that you actually
can hear the music differently. We have been personally listening to these transmissions for
over 25 years and have not reached a level of boredom yet, yes truly, and honestly it amazes
us as well. Tens of Thousands can also speak to this and you can explore our testimonials to
see what they have shared. These soundscapes truly are the next generation of brain mind
consciousness raising music available. We have entered a new era on the planet, it is time to put
our highest visions and plans into tangible actions, actively participating in the Grand Redesign
of Planet Earth. Every system that we all depend on to make our lives easier and more joy-filled
is being upgraded, so it only makes sense that it is time for you to upgrade your being. Start to
utilize more than 10% of your brain and 3% of your DNA - start to actualize your super human


abilities. This Power 3 intro will help you get a jump start on what you need in your life to step
up in to action and live the life you always dreamed your could have.
So lets get started on your first listening session. Ideally you will want to spend several days to
a week with each of these segments - first Clearing, then Alignment and then Focus. By focusing
on just one a week, it will help you to fully integrate each phase of this work before moving on. I
know many of you like to jump ahead and get it all now, but trust me, it is really a good idea to
take a week with each segment of this program for optimal integration and assimilation. Enjoy
your Journeys.
Welcome to the first journey in the Power 3 series -- This segment is called Clearing. As you
start this piece you will be working to clear your energy field of anything that is not important
for your higher path and purpose at this time. This will continually change, so be willing to
let things shift and take new forms as they need to. By accumulating energy that is based in
negativity or has a toxic charge to it, you will lower your overall energy field dramatically. This
has a great affect on your ability to continually connect to your higher dreams and visions,
because you will be raising and lowering your Light Quotient often, which makes it hard for you
to establish the consistent resonance you need to the things you are trying to manifest. So your
first goal is to learn how to quickly shift your energy field from one of a lower vibration to one
that maintains a consistent level of higher vibrations within you and around you, maintaining
that continual connection to your higher self matrix. We will start by taking a little time to look
more deeply at your current life.
Grab a pen and paper and sit in a comfortable position. Take several deep breaths to relax
the body and begin to focus on this process. Think about your current life and who around you
tends to bring your energy levels down, also make a note of who lifts your energy up. Put this
recording on pause for now to create your list.
Now I want you to make a list of the situations in your life that drain your energy - this can be
anything from your home or work environment to places that you normally spend time at such
as centers, sports complexes, clubs, groups, gatherings, etc. Then also make a list of the places
in your life where you feel positive and high energy when you are there. Again put this on pause
while you make this list. Take your time with these lists as they are important that you have
both of them very clearly in your mind before we proceed.
Now lets put these lists away for a while, we will come back to them in our guided journey, so
keep them fresh in your mind. Periodically you can review these lists and update them as u do
this exercise.



Close your eyes, and get comfortable. Start off by focusing only on your in breath and out breath
- breathe in through your nose and out through your nose. Take a breath deep into the lower
abdomen to the middle abdomen and then the upper chest. When you exhale release the upper
chest to the middle abdomen and then to the lower abdomen. Think about filling and emptying
a glass of water. Try to make the inhalation and exhalation even by starting with a count of 6 inhale 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, pause a moment and then exhale 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, pause - inhale, exhale.
Start to notice the music playing in the background now. As you breath in and out start to
imagine that the sounds are riding along the waves of your breath. As you now breathe in the
air, sense that you are also breathing the sounds into your body....Become aware that the music
becomes a form of energetic sustenance to the body -- just as your breath feeds your lungs with
oxygen, the music feeds your cells with light on a vibrational level. Notice that as you relax your
physical body more with each breath that you are also simultaneously becoming more aware of
the cells in your body vibrating, pulsating and modulating to the sounds in the music.
As you continue to focus on your breathing notice that you can easily start to turn off the outside
world, taking your awareness deeper inside with each breath. Follow the breath inside your
body with your consciousness as it fills up your lungs and lifts your chest. This is a process of
setting intention. Then focus awareness on the muscles in your body that are expanding and
contracting with your breath. Simply notice how your diaphragm lifts up and your rib cage
begins to expand on the inhalation. Then notice how they contract when you exhale. As you take
an inhalation, say to yourself, I am breathing in lightness, peacefulness and calmness. As you
exhale, say to yourself I am letting go of all my worries and concerns, releasing all stress from
my body. All the blocks and resistances that I have are just melting away and dissolving.
Now imagine that you are sitting in your own private movie theater. You are sitting in a
comfortable chair with a large movie screen in front of you. Right now the screen is black. You
are the director for the movies and scenes that are shown on this screen - you have complete
control of the visual content that is to be viewed. Begin by drawing a white line down the center
of the screen. Start this journey by now recalling the work you did on your lists - your negative
and positive events. On the left side of the screen I want you to project the images of all the
people, places and situations that hold a negative energy charge for you. Simply notice how they
show up as you do this. Some will take center stage and others will float in the background.
Some may try to move towards the center of the screen and some may be hiding. Just observe
this as it happens, try not to push, force or judge what happens at this point. Allow your lower
self matrix to express itself fully in this space. As you watch these scenes unfold remember to
focus back on your breath, continuing to breath deeply and rhythmically while also sensing and
feeling the musical soundtrack supporting the scenes on your movie screen.
Now on the right side of the screen I want you to bring forth all the images of the people, places
and situations that you feel are a positive influence in your life. Again simply noticing how they
show up and who or what is first and what takes dominance on your screen. Connect with your


higher self matrix and observe the different thoughts and feelings that arise. Remember your
breathing and flowing along with the music to assist in the unfolding story on the screen.
Take a moment now and clearly look at both sides of this movie screen. Take in several deep
breaths affirming that you are fully aware of all the different aspects of the scenes that are
being played out on your screen. Notice colors, textures, smells, flavors, tastes, sounds, feelings
and emotions that may arise from either side of the screen as you sit back and observe your
lifes situations in front of you. If you have any strong emotions start to arise, just remember the
breath and as you exhale tell yourself to let go, relax and simply observe.
Imagine now that you have a control panel in front of you. You can design this control panel in
any way in which you would like. It can be analog or digital or holographic, it is your design. You
will have controls to allow you to change the brightness of the images, shrink or expand images,
move and erase images. Additional controls will evolve for you as you need them. Remember this
is your personal design so be creative.
Lets start by turning down the brightness on both sides of the screen now and slightly shrinking
them a bit. Now focus your attention on the center point of the screen where we drew the line
down the middle. Erase that line now and start to bring forth a ball of light from the center of
the screen.
Consciously be aware that you are connecting and engaging with the Universal Energy Field
and directing the energy with your intention to form this ball of Light. Continuing to hold
some of your focus on your breathing pattern and also remaining aware of the music playing
in the background. This is very relaxed work you are doing here and you want to continue to
remain relaxed and in an observer state. Continue to enlarge the ball of light in the center of
the screen and also begin to turn up the intensity of this ball of Light. You can colorize or stylize
this ball of light now with your control panel. You can add colors if you want or brighten the
white light even more. Make the ball of Light as big as you want and then just take some time
to be still and breathe in the brilliance of this ball of light that you have created. Notice that
the pulsations of this ball of light seem to connect right along with the sounds in the music and
that you can also feel these pulsations in your physical body. Begin to blend and merge all these
feelings and awareness now with your breath and your awareness of the music. The more you
breath this ball of light energy into your being, the more you will increase your Light Quotient.
If your ball of light is not already filling your movie screen then allow it to do this now. Be aware
that the elements that you placed on the left and right side of the screen are still there, however
they are now being blocked from your vision by the brilliant ball of Light.
Imagine now that you are putting on your 3D glasses and your movie screen has now taken on
more of a holographic perspective in that you can see around and through objects depending on
how you decide to look at it. You can stop, start, pause and play motion inside this visioning
window anytime you want. Notice that all the elements from your lists on the left and right
side of the screen are still there and you can even freeze frame them and walk around them
as you like to observe and interact as you choose. You may also notice they are shifting and


changing all the time, taking new positions and moving into alignment or interacting with other
elements too. As you move around this image cloud, pay attention to notice where the ball of
Light you created is impacting each of your elements. Are there aspects that are taking in the
light energy and others that are resistant to connecting with it. Use your controls to move the
Light to all areas of your screen that need additional Light. Do this until you feel that the ball of
Light energy is fully encompassing both sides of your screen and all the elements present. Once
you feel this is so, simply observe this large ball of light energy you have created. Using your
controls again, bring the left side elements of your screen to the center, placing it behind the
center of the ball of Light. Now bring the elements of your right side to the center of the screen
placing it in front of the left side elements and directly behind the ball of Light.
Now lets once again turn up the intensity level of the ball of Light so that it transforms
everything behind it. There is a lever on your control panel that is labeled Intensity starting at
the number 1 and going up to 10. Place your fingers on that level and gradually start to run up
the intensity of the Light - 1 2 3 4 5 feel the energy waves of the brightness starting to penetrate
more deeply into your physical body, breath it in deeply, take the musical patterns and sounds
in with each breath, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 - sense the quality of the vibrational energy that is pulsing all
around you and inside of you. Feel the peaceful nature of this energy and yet also become aware
of the immense power within it. Be aware that you are now connected to Source Vibration on all
levels of your being.
Continue to breath in, let go and completely relax into this space of awareness. Shift your
attention totally over to the music now and allow it to carry you into higher states of inner
When the music stops playing, just be still and dont move, feel yourself in the silence and be
aware of the pulsations around you. After a few minutes of silence I will guide you to awaken
gradually and then to ground the energy.
After the music ends.....
Keep your eyes closed and just continue to become aware of what you sense and feel within and
around you. Be still.
Now lets start to bring this expanded awareness back into your physical form by now breathing
in deeply with the intention of taking in the breath to enliven the body and energize it with
the Universal Energy Field. As you breath in, take all the breath to the center of the chest and
then on the exhale send the breath down the legs to the bottoms of the feet and then into the
earth. Feel the density of your physical form starting to connect to the earth. Send it down
into the various layers of the earth as far as you can and start to feel the pulsing energy of
gravity. Breath into the heart center and exhale down to the earth again. Feel this expansive
energy start to come back into the physical body, bringing your full presence back into the room
while still being aware that you are expanded. Affirm to your self that you are breathing in the
Universal Energy Field to energize your body, increasing your Light Quotient with each breath
and connecting to Source Vibration.


Now lets start by gradually opening your eyes - just a very slightly so that you can just see
what is below you. You want to do this very slowly so that you can maintain some level of the
expansive energy as you bring yourself back into the 3D world around you. Continue to sit still
for a little while with your eyes open all the way now, looking around at your environment.
Take a few minutes to fully feel your body and your connections to the earth grid and then Get
up slowly and walk around, still maintaining some awareness of this inner peace for as long as
you can. Feel your feet touching the ground and as you do you can further send your energetic
connection down into the earth grid. It is important to learn how to be grounded in your physical
presence while still holding a very expanded state of awareness. We will continue to work with
you on this technique as you move along in exploring these soundscapes.
Now that you have initiated the process of clearing away the heaviness and density you carry
throughout the many different interactions in your life, you can now begin to align yourself more
fully with your higher path and purpose.
By learning how to maintain a continual connection to your higher self matrix you will have
more direct access to your divine Soul purpose, you will find that no matter what situations
are occurring in the world around you whether they directly impact your life or not, that you
can rise above the current dramas and interactions that are taking place and align yourself
with your connection to Source Vibration by engaging consciously with the Universal Energy
Field. Remember this is the process of directing your intentions. As you learn how to maintain
this connection consistently, you will find that your life shifts into a state of flow where you
move from event to event in your life without the dramatic ups and downs that have occurred
previously. This alone will help you to accelerate on your journey towards achieving the goals
and desires you have set forth for your life. Learning the difference between being in alignment
and out of alignment is the main state of awareness we want you to learn with this journey.
Understanding this difference and consciously choosing to be in balance and alignment with
your Higher Self Matrix will always help you to see clearly the events that are occurring around
you. It will clarify the reasons why you are participating in them and how you can ultimately
move through them more quickly and get on to the next step of your unfolding journey.
Lets begin by recalling your experiences with our previous journey for clearing your bioenergetic matrix - focusing on your breath, breathing in deeply and exhaling deeply through
your nose - affirming that you are breathing in lightness and peace and calmness and as you
exhale you are letting go of tension, negativity and concerns or worries that are currently
happening in your life. (inhale - exhale 3 times) Turn your awareness in to your inner space,
releasing and letting go our your connection to the outer world
Start to connect your awareness back to the music and listening to the patterns, rhythms and
modulations that are in the musical soundscape. Feel the vibrations, sense the higher energy


now starting to fill your Bio-energetic matrix. See yourself now in your private movie viewing
room with your control panel in front of you. Bring forth the image of the ball of light in the
center of the screen and begin to connect with its presence.
Now start to turn up the light intensity 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 , 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 - stepping now into the middle
of this holographic image of this ball of light, sense and feel and see the light all around you and
penetrating into the physical body all the way to the cellular levels of your being. Affirm that
you are connecting with your DNA at this level of your awareness as you are simultaneously
aware that you are raising your Light Quotient. Be aware that your DNA contains the main
programming for all functions of your physical and etheric bodies and that as you connect with
it consciously you can learn to direct the flows of information that travel within this level of
reality. As you set your intentions towards positive thoughts and desires, your DNA works
to bring these manifestations into your greater field of Light. Take a moment to sense and
see these threads of energy just extending out into the Universal Energy Field linking and
connecting to your intentions.
As you see, sense and feel yourself standing in the center of this ball of light energy, take a
moment to connect more fully to the music that is swirling around you and enveloping you. We
will now start to increase your Light Quotient further by connecting the music to the many
different aspects of your Bio-energetic matrix.
Become acutely aware of the sounds entering your ears and filling your head. Sense it moving
around inside starting to bring both sides of your hemispheres together, the right creative side
with the left intellectual analytical side. Let the vibrations in the music help you to relax all
your facial muscles. Start to feel the sounds within the music dancing on the outer layers of your
skin and gradually seeping down into the muscles, tendons and ligaments. Sense the vibrations
in each of your joints as the musical patterns start to vibrate in your ankles, your knees, your
hips, your shoulders, your elbows, your wrists, your neck and all the way down your spine. As
you breathe in the sound, feel these vibrations penetrating in to your organs and tissues. As you
take in your next breath, take the sounds into your lungs. On the next breath, feel the music
moving into your heart and connect the pulsing of your heartbeat to the musical pulses. Start to
feel very deeply that the music is establishing resonance with the entire upper part of your body.
On your next several breaths feel yourself drinking in the music down the throat to the stomach,
to the liver, gall bladder, pancreas, spleen, kidneys and bladder and into the small and large
intestines. Touching into your male or female organs. Then let the sounds drift down into the
legs and feet. Fully immerse yourself in the sounds as they arise following the ebbs and flows of
patterns and modulations and rhythms within the music. Give yourself over to the sounds and
let go. Now on the next several breaths take in more Light and as you exhale, direct the Light to
fill your entire Bio-energetic matrix - with each exhalation sense and feel this Light extending
3-5 feet beyond your physical body. Feel this expanded ball of light connecting with the room
that you are in as you sense your greater connections to the Universal Energy Field.
Now while maintaining some of your awareness on steadily increasing your Light Quotient
along with the music, we will now focus back to the energy ball of light. While simultaneously
allowing yourself to be immersed in this expanded ball of light fully aware of your connection


to the Universal Energy Field, we are going to take an aspect of this light energy and begin to
shrink it into a narrower, more focused field of energy. Focus your awareness on the light being
just about 6 beyond the physical body in all directions - top, bottom, front, back and sides.
Now with a deep inhalation, breathe in this light energy to fill the body and then with a
more forceful exhalation send the energy down into the earth grid while still maintaining
the awareness that your being is fully surrounded by this light energy. See and sense this
energy going down into the earth over 100 feet deep or more. You can start to feel a little of the
gravitational energy present in the earth which keeps you grounded. This energy also provides
you with great strength and power which you can access when needed. Do several more breaths
with this focus in mind - just imagining your body of light now with the bottom below your feet
extended deep down in to the earth.
Continue to maintain this awareness while you breath in the next inhalation, and then as you
exhale a little forcefully extend the Light beam out the top of your head extending it up into the
sky above about 100 feet or more. Use your exhalation to continue sending this energy up and
out into the space above. This energy can make you feel a little light headed, but when combined
with the grounding energy of sending the light into earth, they will create an inner state of
alignment for you that is very powerful and solid. Bringing together the higher spiritual aspects
of your being with the grounded energy from the earth will provide you with continual states of
balance, always in alignment with your higher path and purpose.
Becoming aware that you are fully present in your physical body, and you are connected to your
expanded energy body of Light, and you are also connected deep into the earth grid and up
into the sky above - all of these states of awareness can coexist in higher and higher states of
Now direct your breath to take an inhalation from the energy of the earth and the sky into your
physical form. Sense the power, strength and inner knowingness you are starting to cultivate in
your being as you do this. From this place of awareness you are in alignment with your higher
path and purpose, connected with your Higher self matrix, connected to the Universal Energy
Field and to Source Vibration. Continue to breath deeper and deeper into this state of being. As
you move about your day, continue to remember your connection to your own physical presence
and your spiritual presence which extends deep into the earth and high up in the sky. As you
need to ground your energy you can focus more on the earth connection and as you need to bring
forth ideas, knowledge and guidance, you can connect to the energy extending out into the sky
above. Use your focused breathing awareness to remind yourself of this if you find that you
are getting distracted and thrown off center because of lifes many events. Pull yourself back
in quickly using your breath and intention. Create an affirmation that brings you back to this
awareness very quickly like i am clear and focused, balanced and in alignment with my higher
path and purpose
As you look now at your movie screen in front of you, see a bright star of energy - illuminated,
well lit and well defined. A strong bottom and top point with balanced side points reaching out.
Be aware of the oneness you feel with this image and the energy it represents. As you continue


to be aware of your connections to all these realms of awareness, gradually start to shift your
energy into the music and let it guide you along a journey.
After the music ends....
Feel into your inner presence. Notice how you feel now. Be still and be aware. Gradually start
to open your eyes and take in the energy around you. Take you time moving back into your
physical body by standing up and moving around.
Ground your energy to the earth grid by focusing on inhaling your breath up from the earth and
into your body. Walk around with awareness of your expanded state and your groundedness.
It is often difficult to focus when you have many different things going on in your life that need
your attention. By learning how to manage your energy field, you can gain control over your
thoughts and thinking patterns. Gradually you will be able to focus more deeply and work
more efficiently on your lifes tasks. This will enable you to get more done, more quickly and to
have more free time in which you can use your imagination to create new ideas and visioning
the plans to bring them to fruition. This will create greater balance in the expressions of your
creative energy and with your productive energy.
Once again, lets sit down in your theater and call forth your ball of energy in the center of the
screen. Do your clearing work to lift the light on any situations that are currently taking place
in your energy field of awareness.
Focus back on the breath, relaxing the body deeply and preparing yourself for a journey.
Using your control panel, place the negative or challenging events in the back of the screen,
place your higher, more positive ones in front of that and then place your ball of expanding light
energy in front of that. Now lets us create a spin button on the control panel and let all this
energy gyrate and swirl into a beautiful mandala filled with colors and textures and magical
patterns. Letting all the various nuances of your current life blend, merge and integrate into a
beautiful work of art. Observe the transformations talking place as you allow it to unfold. Now
start to turn up the intensity knob on your control panel on the ball of light and let it all dissolve
into one image. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Step inside this ball of light now and using your breath
to send a beam of light down into the earth grid several hundred feet. Feel your connections
intensify as you make your connection to the power of the earth grid. On your next breath, send
the energy up into the sky several hundred feet and feel yourself connecting to the higher more
spiritual aspects of self.


See, sense and feel yourself as a bright, shining star in the Universe. Now as you are standing
in the middle of this energy start to manage the size and shape of the field of light around you.
You are now in control of the flow and direction this energy moves. As you are preparing to
focus your energy you want to condense this field of light down gradually to fill the mid-line of
your body. This would be the area of your head down to the bottom of your spine. Condense this
powerful energy to this central column, so that it is about 4 in diameter. As this energy moves
into this space you will start to feel it spinning and gyrating, just allow this to occur as it is
going to be a little odd to you at first, but in time you will find it to support your energy in a very
refined way. You are now bringing in all the vibrational resources you want to create the output
you will need to utilize and manifest at this time. From this place you can focus on your projects
and work flow and feel the waves of energy supporting you throughout the creation process. If
you need to regroup, you can always extend your energy up and down several times to recharge
your batteries. As you bring it back in to the central column, you will have additional sustenance
to focus back into your work.
It is this type of pumping action that will help you maintain consistent alignment and focus
to accomplish your tasks, whether they be creative endeavors or whether you need sharp
mental concentration. Both can be fully supported by learning how to bring this energy into a
streamlined form. While you are working you can take quick breaks to close your eyes, extend
your energy star up and down and then back to central column. Practice doing that now with the
music in the background supporting you to maintain this connection.
Lets practice this now by gradually opening your eyes - now with eyes fully open I want you to
contract and expand your energy field - notice how this feels now with your eyes open
Now close your eyes and once again contract and expand your energy field and again simply
notice these effects on your awareness
Practice this often so that you can get to a place where you are fully aware and conscious
whether your eyes are open or closed - this is a major key to the Active Empowerment
Meditation process - this will enable you to now go about the various activities in your life and
expand and contract your energy field as you need depending on what it is your are engaged
Take your time to explore this as much as you want before you complete this journey. We will
leave you with the music so you can practice.
Bring your awareness to your breath and take several deep inhalations and exhalations with
the intention to relax and calm the body. Call forth your ball of light energy and let it encompass
all aspects of your life at this time. Ask that it clear away any of the negative energies that
may be around you and call forth the energy of your higher self matrix. Breath that energy into
your body through the skin to the muscles, to the bones, to the tissues and organs, all the way


down to the cellular levels of your being. Connecting these intentions to your DNA and encoding
your bio-energetic matrix the with these intentions. Align yourself with your higher purpose
by extending a beam of light energy deep into the earth and high up in to the sky above. Inhale
this energy from above and below into your body, filling your entire being, increasing your
light quotient and feeling your connections to the Universal Energy Field and then ultimately
to Source Vibration. Draw in your Light energy with the next breath to focus on your central
column from your head to the bottom of your spine, letting this energy spiral and spin within
you, generating life force energy. Then on the out breath, send the energy out into the Universal
Energy Field with your intentions and desires that you working on manifesting at this time.
Continue to do this breath several more times and complete this with grounding your energy
deeply to the earth grid, gently moving yourself back out into your life and connecting with
your manifestations. Remain aware and focused on all things that come in to your field and
follow the synchronicities as they appear. Use your discernment to align yourself fully with the
opportuntiies as they present themselves to you. Say to yourself: I am Clear, I am Aligned and
in Balance with my higher path and purpose. I am focused to manifest my dreams and desires.


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