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Emmanuel Bethel Church

The Messenger

February 2015

In Case You Were Wondering...

- Pastor Wood
1 Corinthians 13:47 (ESV) 4 Love
is patient and kind; love does not
envy or boast; it is not arrogant 5 or
rude. It does not insist on its own
way; it is not irritable or resentful;
6 it does not rejoice at wrongdoing,
but rejoices with the truth. 7 Love
bears all things, believes all things,
hopes all things, endures all things.
Love is a fascinating concept.
We so much enjoy it when we are
the recipients of love and we make it
so difficult when we give it. We
enjoy when others are patient with
our weaknesses and failures. We
luxuriate in their kindness and
generosity. The challenge comes

when we are called to love others.

The monster of essential selfishness
rises up to thwart our efforts. Our
selfishness is easily overcome when
the beloved reciprocates. But what
about the ones who are hard to love?
Listen to Jesus, Luke 6:3236 (ESV)
32 If you love those who love you,
what benefit is that to you? For even
sinners love those who love them.
33 And if you do good to those who
do good to you, what benefit is that
to you? For even sinners do the
same. 34 And if you lend to those
from whom you expect to receive,
what credit is that to you? Even
sinners lend to sinners, to get back
the same amount. 2

Sundays9:00am Sunday School
10:30am Worship

Looking Ahead - In February

February 6th-Wear Red for
Womens Heart Health Day

Tuesdays2:00pm Exercise Class

February 8th at 12:30

Jillian Taylor Birthday

Wednesdays6:00pm Family Dinner

7:00pm Bible Study
8:15pm Choir

February 12th, 7pm

ROBHIA networking

Thursdays1:00pm Bible Study

2:45pm Exercise Class

February 18th Ash Wednesday

February 21st at 5pm
Chili / Baking Cookoff
February 22nd 1st Sunday of Lent

Emmanuel Bethel Church

4000 Normandy Road
Royal Oak, Michigan 48073
Phone: 248-549-5452
Sunday School 9:00am
Worship 10:30am

Inside this issue:

In Case...


In Case...(cont.) 2
Health Ministry 3
Christian Ed.
Bible Reading


Parish Record


Warming Center 6

In Case You Were Wondering continued

35 But

love your enemies, and do good, and lend,

expecting nothing in return, and your reward will be
great, and you will be sons of the Most High, for he
is kind to the ungrateful and the evil. 36 Be merciful,
even as your Father is merciful.

How do we love our brothers? First by

crucifying our selfishness, pride and indifference and
being intentionally kindly disposed toward others.
That kindness is revealed and experienced in
patience. Patience involves waiting and also not
presuming, not ascribing unknown motives, and not
comparing. When the Holy Spirit crucifies my pride,
my natural (worldly, fleshly,) instincts of envy,
boasting, arrogance and rudeness are destroyed. It is
not about me becomes reality for me.

Love is basic generosity; the giving of myself

to bless (benefit) another. The impediment to
generosity is selfishness. Our default state as humans
is selfishness. To hold on to is human - to give is

Real (Godly) love is amazingly kind. It is

always true. It is willing to bear with the weaknesses,
failures, and idiosyncrasies of others. It believes truth
and what is best and kind and generous. It is
gracious. It is hopeful. It is persistent. It is

Love is rooted in the action of God toward us.

1 John 4:19 (ESV) 19 We love because he first loved
us. Consider how generous God is toward you.
When you were an enemy, antagonist, and ungrateful
rebel toward God, He humbled himself and became
obedient even unto death. Jesus died for me when I
was His enemy. Romans 5:8 (ESV) 8 but God shows
his love for us in that while we were still sinners,
Christ died for us.

You will never love God without loving others,

but you will never love others until you love God.
They go together, and you will never love either until
you get right with Jesus. Getting right with Jesus
means, 23 And he said to all, If anyone would come
after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross
daily and follow me. Luke 9:23 (ESV)

Allow me to jump shift, I want to come back to

our application of Gods love. Immediately after 1
John 4:19 we find, 20 If anyone says, I love God,
and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does
not love his brother whom he has seen cannot love
G o d w h o m h e h a s n o t s e e n . 21 A n d t h i s
commandment we have from him: whoever loves God
must also love his brother. When we typically think
of hate we envision massive rage, or white hot anger.
The actual origin of hate lies in apathy. Simple
coldness, lack of concern, indifference, and
carelessness are the seeds from which white hot
anger grows. We can paraphrase 1 John 4:20 by
saying If anyone says, I love God, and doesn't
care about his brother or is cold toward his
brother and achieve the same result. The result is
that we are liars. If we love God we must love our
brothers also.

Get right with Jesus by praying, asking Him to

lead you, repenting and confessing your sin, and then
obeying Him with daily fellowship. When Christ is
in you He gives the ability to love others. He frees
you from the tyranny of essential selfishness and
gives you generosity of gigantic proportions. You
rejoice in the truth, bear all things, believe all things,
hope all things, endure all things.
Loving God, loving others and making
disciples of Jesus are the marks of faithful Kingdom

Health Ministry
Heart Health

When a cardiac arrest occurs, immediate medical

action is needed to reverse the irregular heart beating.

Two terms, heart attack and cardiac arrest, are often

associated with heart problems. They are two different

Calling 911 is the first number to call if you suspect

you or someone you know may be having a heart
attack or cardiac arrest. The sooner medical attention
arrives and the person arrives at the hospital, the
quicker proper medical treatment is started. Driving
yourself or someone else to the hospital who has chest
pain often delays treatment for up to an hour, if 911 is
not called.

Heart attack occurs when the blood flow to the heart is

blocked. When an artery to an area of the heart is
blocked for any length of time and not receiving
oxygen rich blood, the cells in the affected area begin
to die. It becomes important to determine what area of
the heart is being deprived of oxygen and open the
affected artery quickly.

If an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) is

available, use it after 911 is called. The AED will
provide a shock to the heart if it is not beating

The most common indication of a heart attack is

severe discomfort in the chest or other areas of the
upper body, shortness of breath, cold sweats and/or
nausea/vomiting. Some of these symptoms may be
mildly present days or weeks before severe symptoms
occur. Damage to the heart may be occurring with the
milder symptoms, since the heart does not stop beating
during a heart attack.

Since most women do not believe heart disease will

affect them, are you taking good care of the women in
your life to be sure they are heart healthy?

Women experiencing a heart attack may not have the

same symptoms as men. They may have shortness of
breath, nausea/vomiting and back or jaw pain.

Reminders: Wear Red on Friday, February 6, 2015 to

show your support for Women's Heart Health.

Cardiac arrest occurs when an electrical malfunction in The AED for Emmanuel Bethel Church is located just
inside the coat area by the men's restroom on the first
the heart causes irregular heartbeats. Since the
level of the church.
pumping action is disrupted, the oxygen rich blood is
unable to reach the brain, lungs and other organs
"Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the
needed to sustain life.
wellspring of life."
Proverbs 4:23
Betty Mitchell RN BSN
Parish Nurse

Christian Education
Whats new on Sunday Morning?
We are looking for 2 volunteers every Sunday, at
least one female, to be with the younger elementary
class during this Activity Hour. You will be needed
at 9:30 am to 10:15 am and have plenty of time to get
to worship and hear the sermon.

Sunday mornings now have two new classes for

adults. Carl Taylor and Kurt Yurich are leading a
class in Creation and Pastor Wood has a membership/
confirmation class.
The upper elementary children meet downstairs for
their regular class but the younger elementary class
now has an ACTIVITY HOUR. The little girls have
30 minutes of structured or free play in the gym, or
puzzles and games in the classroom. These young
girls will join us in worship at 10:30 and then be
dismissed after offering and before the sermon for
their Sunday School class.

Please talk to Sue Scales if you are interested in

helping during this Activity Hour. If you are already
in a Sunday School class during this time, maybe you
would be able to volunteer a week or more. If you are
available during 9:30 10:15 am, please do take this
to pray and see if this is an opportunity for you to

Daily Bible Readings

Through the Bible in a Year Reading Plan
Feb 1 Ex 2728,
Feb 2 Ex 2930,
Feb 3 Ex 3133,
Feb 4 Ex 3436,
Feb 5 Ex 3738,
Feb 6 Ex 3940,
Feb 7 Lev 13,
Feb 8 Lev 46,
Feb 9 Lev 79,
Feb 10 Lev 1012,
Feb 11 Lev 13,
Feb 12 Lev 14,
Feb 13 Lev 1517,
Feb 14 Lev 1819,

Matt 21:2346
Matt 22:122
Matt 22:2346
Matt 23:122
Matt 23:2339
Matt 24:122
Matt 24:2351
Matt 25:130
Matt 25:3146
Matt 26:119
Matt 26:2054
Matt 26:5575
Matt 27:131
Matt 27:3266

Feb 15 Lev 2021,

Feb 16 Lev 2223,
Feb 17 Lev 2425,
Feb 18 Lev 2627,
Feb 19 Num 12,
Feb 20 Num 34,
Feb 21 Num 56,
Feb 22 Num 7,
Feb 23 Num 810,
Feb 24 Num 1113,
Feb 25 Num 1415,
Feb 26 Num 1617,
Feb 27 Num 1820,
Feb 28 Num 2123,

Matt 28:120
Mark 1:122
Mark 1:2345
Mark 2
Mark 3:121
Mark 3:2235
Mark 4:120
Mark 4:2141
Mark 5:120
Mark 5:2143
Mark 6:132
Mark 6:3356
Mark 7:113
Mark 7:148:10

Mission of the Month

During the month of February your mission donations will be given to the work of
The Salvation Army.
The Salvation Army assists countless needy families and individuals across the United States. Whether its a
donation to help clothe the poor, feed the hungry or shelter the homeless, The Salvation Army and the
people they serve appreciate every gift given.
During the past year, nationally, The Salvation Army served 64,039,211 meals to hungry men, women and children
provided 10,292,835 nights of lodging to homeless people
offered holiday assistance to 4,246,340 individuals
provided basic social services to 16,511,716 people
sent 180,585 disadvantaged boys and girls to summer camp
prodived disaster assistance of 955,440 families and individuals
Source: The Salvation Army National Annual Report, 2010

Emmanuel Bethels donation is sent to the Metro Detroit Area Salvation Army which has served our

Parish Record
February Birthdays

Jane Thompson
Julian Pickering
Danielle Willcock
Jillian Taylor
Chaz Muraszewski
David Pickering
Robert Kirby
Ann Kimball
Lisa Yurich
Lynne DeBell


Brooke DeBell
Douglas Light
Ed Kondrat
Ilona Cruger
Sara Wilbur
Mert Buchanan

11 Dennis & Pauline Pickering
19 Darrell & Alicia Jeffreys

Warming Center Wrap-up

I would like to sincerely thank everyone for your
prayers, financial and material gifts and help with
the Warming Center. This year we set an Emmanuel
Bethel record with a night of 100 guests and a night
of 99 guests and a couple of nights of 70 to 80
guests. We had more 20 to 25 women which is
triple what we typically house. The large number of
guests was in part due to a week long closing of the
Macomb warming shelter due to their inability to
find a church to volunteer to take the last week in
December. We don't have an explanation for the
large number of women. Not only did we have a
large number of guests on a given night we also had
about 200 different people use our Warming Center.

again God provided. There were very necessary

"behind the scenes" helpers who washed pillow
cases, bathrooms, bought milk and orange juice,
came in and made breakfast, etc. With that many
people we went through a lot of gloves, socks,
underwear and toiletries.
We continue to enjoy tremendous help from Oasis of
Hope who supplies volunteers, overnight volunteers
and necessary supplies. We also thank God's House
of Prayer for a well received dinner. We are also
thankful for Body of Believers who took an entire
night which was a huge help. We continue to look
for ways to improve our service and are working on
an orientation notebook. If you have any
suggestions see Lisa McIntosh or Sue Scales.

Due to large numbers, cold and wet weather we

faced significant challenges and God provided. We
had to work hard to find enough food, blankets,
places to put a mat and overnight volunteers but

Lisa McIntosh
Deacon of Missions

Chili and Baking Cook-off

Come join in the fun, and bring a friend or
two. Mark your calendars for the Third
Annual Cook Off and Second Annual Bake
Off which will be held on Saturday,
February 21 from 5:00-7:30 PM.
Remember, you can submit entries for each
category, or you can just come and be a taste
tester; whatever you decide to do, it will be
fun and your stomach will thank you.

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