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1. While John was playing the piano, his sister............her homework.

A) does B) was doing C) has done
2. We'll wait for her until she..........
A) returns B) will return C) will have returned
3. since lunch, and they are still playing.
A) are playing B) are being playing C) have been playing
4. Don't worry, the water we are drinking....................
A) has been boiled B) boils C) being boiled
5. Not one of the students....................
A) invited B) has invited C) has been invited
6. The champion had high hopes.......................the medal.
A) win B) to winning C) of winning
7. be a popular singer.
A) is said B) says C) said
8. He is used to...........................on a computer, but I am not.
A) working B) worked C) work
9. I finally managed to get the engine.................., and we continued our trip.
A) start B) starts C) started

10. I enjoy....................these things for you.

A) doing B) to have done C) in doing
11. She can't make
A) do B) to do C) doing
12. The boy wasn' lift the package by himself.
A) so strong B) strong enough C) enough strong
13. It was...................interesting book that I read it several times.
A) so B) such C) such an
14. Could you give her....................milk, please?
A) few B) a little C) a few
15. We were sure that hardly.................would agree with us.
A) nobody B) anybody C) someone
16. I'm sure John will succeed if he tries..................
A) hardly B) hardest C) harder

17. Do you know...................sweater it is?

A) whose B) which C) whom
18. She sings very well,.................?
A) can't she B) doesn't she C) isn't she
19. Can you multiply 27...................30?

A) with B) by C) and
20. Why did you let him go without.........................coat?
A) a B) the C) /
21. She chose Kevin's painting, not..................
A) Times B) Tim's C) Tims'
22. How you have?
A) sisters-in-law B) sister-in-laws C) sisters-in-laws
23. You always sit in that same seat,..........................?
A) dont you B) do you C) are you
24. She repaired the computer by.........................
A) her B) she C) herself
25. He is the pilot..........................flies for JAT.
A) which B) whose C) who
26. There...................somebody else in this room.
A) is B) are C) were
27. How much money the cash box?
A) their B) there C) it
28. The boys divided the pizza among...............
A) they B) them C) their
29. The hen laid................egg.

A) the B) / C) an
30. People speak French in.....................Canada, too.
A) a B) the C) /
31. This smells great, but it................funny.
A) tastes B) tasted C) is tasting
32. I wish they................strong enough to help us.
A) are B) were C) was
33. If Rose were at this concert, it..................more fun.
A) will be B) would be C) would have been
34. She.................for Greece next week.
A) left B) would leave C) will leave
35. The show................when we arrived.
A) begin B) had already begun C) has begun
36. Mike...............poor work recently.
A) did B) does C) has done
37. I wondered if she...................him.
A) invites B) would invite C) will invite
38. We used New York.
A) live B) living C) lived
39. The bus by now.

A) been B) have been C) has been

40. Howard denied............the book.
A) to lose B) lost C) losing
41. Would you like to go...........a ride.
A) with B) on C) for
42. They were here, but they've gone back to............apartment.
A) theirs B) his C) their
43. There isn' in the house.
A) none B) some C) any
44. I could have done better if I...........more time.
A) had had B) have had C) had
45. He............move the piano in.
A) helped ourselves B) helped us C) helped in to
46. The assassination attempt..........millions, because the speech was on television.
A) was seen by B) to be able to C) was saw by
47. Real wealth is.............avoid doing what one would rather not.
A) being able as to B) to be able to C) /
48. Despite her broken leg, Alana can walk..............get around.
A) good enough to B) well enough to C) fine enough to
49. When we get our tickets, marked "first class".

A) it will B) they will C) it is to

50. ................of us are staying at home.
A) Some B) A little C) Less
51. The thief was caught just as he.............into the car.
A) has got B) was got C) was getting
52. Whenever she saw Bill, he...........the same book.
A) was writing B) writes C) has written
53. ..............when you came home?
A) Had it still snowed B) Did it still snow C) Was it still snowing
54. I told him I.............from his parents.
A) haven't heard B) wasn't heard C) hadn't heard
55. The young man...........for hours when the fishermen found him.
A) has been swimming B) had been swimming C) had to be swimming
56. I..............very late when I was in London.
A) have got up B) get up C) used to get up
57. He ought............for his fine performance.
A) to be congratulating B) to be congratulated C) be congratulated
58. A surgeon ................. on Jims knee last night.
A) operated B) was operated C) operates
59. They've been marred...............ten years.

A) ago B) since C) for

60. I shan't go out until it............raining.
A) stops B) will stop C) will have stopped
61. She looks after the boy as if he..............her own little brother.
A) is B) were C) was
62. The girls couldn't help..................
A) crying B) to cry C) cry
63. He hasn't got any sisters. John hasn't got any............
A) either B) neither C) too
64. Everybody took part...........the play.
A) at B) on C) in
65. ................John come to the party if Sue invited him?
A) Will B) Did C) Would
66. They don't eat.
A) no more B) anything more C) nothing more
67. The situation is so bad that we can do................about it.
A) little B) few C) a little
68. Don't pay any attention to him.............he says.
A) why B) whatever C) how.
69. .............Welsh live in a mountainous country.

A) A B) - C) The
70. John can lie in............sun for hours.
A) the B) a C)
71. Every time we..........Mary, she says something nice to my wife.
A) saw B) are seeing C) see
72. She doesn't feel so well. She.............down all afternoon.
A) has laid B) has been lying C) has lied
73. She couldn't do it all by herself,............she?
A) can B) was C) could
74. John looked at the TV set and asked..............fixed.
A) whether it had been B) was it C) whether it has been
75. Sunglasses must..............when the sun is so bright.
A) to be worn B) be worn C) be wearing
76. They expected the game...............before ten o'clock.
A) finish B) to be finished C) be finished
77. If................the bus, we'd have taken the train.
A) we'd missed B) we'd miss C) we miss
78. He wants me to have noon.
A) done B) to do C) being done
79. Could you give me.............sugar, please?

A) few B) a little C) a few

80. Does Peter have............different subjects at school as we do?
A) so little B) as much C) as many
81. When shall we see each other again? Any time you wish. I am on holiday and I'll fit.......your
A) in with B) down with C) in for
82. He behaved.............he had been drinking.
A) so that B) for C) as if

83. Her room always smells.............perfume.

A) of B) on C) in

84. The windows need painting, and so...............

A) of B) on C) in

85. Five years ago at this time of year India.

A) have lived B) was living C) have been living

86. They decided to leave early, ...........was better for everybody.

A) what B) that C) which

87. What did you do when the fire broke...........?

A) away B) off C) out

88. She found the the wrong address.

A) had been sent B) had to sent C) had sent

89. Unfortunately, we.............Jim since last year.

A) haven't seen B) didn't see C) weren't seen
90. Everything is closed and locked. on holiday.
A) outgoing to B) have to C) must
91. When she goes shopping, she usually...........the most expensive things.
A) chooses B) is choosing C) is chosen
92. He turned on the TV set, the moment I............the room.
A) had left B) have left C) leave
93. I hope you were my lecture.
A) boring B) bored C) been bored
94. If I were you........... some money, not waste it.
A) I'll save B) I'd save C) I saved
95. Theres a very good thriller on TV tonight. I hope we'll get see it.
A) enough early B) so early C) early enough
96. It's surprising how much she..............her mother.
A) is resembling B) is resembled C) resembles
97. London several times in 1995.
A) has been B) went C) was going
98. He must............the prize. He deserves it.

A) be given B) to be given C) be giving

99. I wish on our excursion last week.
A) could join B) has joined C) could have joined
100. When we saw John, he..........planting some flowers.
A) will be B) has been C) was
101. The students wanted to know how much more time........before the examination
A) there was B) was there C) was it

102. The old woman enjoyed...........that evening.

A) hers B) herself C) she herself

103. ...........when you come home?

A) has it still rained B) did it still rain C) was it still raining

104. As soon as the sun..........out, Peter and Mary can go to the park.
A) comes B) will be coming C) will come

105. I asked Ann how long ago..........left Paris.

A) had she B) she has C) she had

106. All of them insisted............staying for dinner.

A) should he B) that he should C) on his

107. ...........them next week or do you have some other plans?

A) are you meeting B) have you met C) have they met

108. The cut down trees.
A) use B) was used C) has used

109. I'll come to the party, come too.

A) since B) unless C) provided

110. Im sure Mr Brown doesn't think very..........of her work.

A) high B) highly C) highest

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